#i remember when we were known by reddit as the crazy ugly spinster feminist hag website
sage-nebula · 7 months
Going to be honest: I've been getting increasingly bothered by the whole "girlfailure" trend in fandom lately because I feel it goes hand-in-hand with the teehee cutesy "girl math" and "girl dinner" and "I can't do hard stuff I'm just a girl" bullshit that's been cropping up all over, just disguised in a fandom context. And even if someone wanted to be like, no, it's just because we're tired of seeing badass female characters—
Why aren't you tired of seeing badass male characters? Yeah, I see people cooing over poor widdle meow meows, but never people deriding male heroes the way they deride "girlbosses" or saying they want "boyfailures" to the same extent
Do you not realize that we had decades upon decades of media where female characters were not allowed to accomplish anything of note aside from kissing the hero and building a home? And sometimes (often) it was really the hero kissing her, and she just needed to look happy about it
It wasn't really until the 80s or 90s that we started to get our Token Girl among the Cast of Boys, and even then the girl could never outshine the boys, she was just there to Be a Girl and often Look Pretty, but the boys always had to be the REAL heroes, she was just one of the secondary characters
In the 2000s we got more Girl Power stuff but even then . . . 2003 Teen Titans could give Beast Boy two focus seasons but Starfire couldn't even get one ffs
Point being, we've worked fucking hard to get here and it's still not perfect, and I understand wanting more well rounded female characters, I want them too, but the answer is NOT to fucking backslide into "girls who fail at and can't do anything teehee :3" because that will just give credence to the misognyist assholes who already pitch fits every time a woman appears on screen in a superhero movie to do something other than be a sexy lamp.
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