#i remember posting about my initial aot watch on here and i did NOT like eren i thought he was whiney and annoying (he is <3)
hella1975 · 4 days
i cannot stand the aot fandom this is not a new take at all they are universally intolerable but oh my dayssss u are FORBIDDEN from making ANY take about the show it's actually insane to watch. 'aot is perfect' no show is perfect. 'tell me you didnt get the show 😂🫵' people have different opinions/interpretations about things. 'eren is a good guy they could never make me hate him' i think there's actually 4 seasons and two movies explicitely using him as a tool to show that no one is 'good' or 'evil' they are only trying to survive. hello. the fandom r all so far up aot's ass that they actually discredit its writing in the process and it would be laughable if it wasn't so frustrating
#bc aot IS insanely well written but no one talks about it???#like all they do is SAY how well written it is but no one is brave enough to give examples or meta bc SOMEONE will jump on it#declaring they've misinterpreted the Single Correct Way of watching the show and are dumb and a hater for saying such a thing#i remember posting about my initial aot watch on here and i did NOT like eren i thought he was whiney and annoying (he is <3)#and i thought aot was overhyped but ive since finished it at long last and omg. it is so fucking good#one of those shows that you need to watch ALL of it to truly get what's going on#and the conclusion of eren's character i am genuinely so obsessed with ill probs make a separate post just about him#bc i have really 180'd on eren and i can see now he IS well written. but not for any reason i can see anyone else talking about???#people are just banging on about he was right and justified and a saviour and tragic etc etc and while those things are important#and should be considered that also like. was not the point imo#the irony and tragedy of eren jaeger was that after all the 'i am special simply bc i was born into this world'#concluded with the revelation that actually he was not special. the rumbling happened because a normal boy got a hold of a great power#and he mishandled it. he was immature. he acted his age. he was just some teenage boy and he responded in kind#there was selfishness and silly whims and a quick temper. he was never this godlike figure he gets painted as#and i ADORE THAT TAKE. THAT IS SUCH AN ICE COLD CONCLUSION. EREN WAS NEVER SPECIAL - THAT'S THE POINT#and like countless times through history one selfish person with their hands on an insane amount of power and a conviction#that they are doing the right thing goes on to lead to a continuation of the cycle of war#like the end credits with the tree is genuinely HAUNTING. it never ended. eren KNEW the rumbling would be unnsuccessful#and would leave enough of their enemies alive that they'd eventually retaliate HE KNEW THAT and did it anyway#why? bc he just /wanted/ it. desperately and immaturely. and so the war turned over for another generation and another and#LIKE THAT IS SUCH A POIGNANT HAUNTING TAKE. I FR STARED AT THE BLACK SCREEN ONCE I FINISHED IT FOR 5 MINS IN HORRIFIED SILENCE#yes it's not his sole motivation but ultimately the crux of his character boils down to the fact he's just some kid#to the point even when he's explaining it to armin at the very end they SHOW HIM AS A KID. THAT IS THE REAL EREN#THAT ANGRY SCRAPPY CHILD WHO THOUGHT HE COULD BEAT THE WORLD INTO SUBMISSION#NOT A HERO NOT A GOD NOT A DEVIL - JUST A KID GIVEN A POWER HE NEVER SHOULD HAVE GOT HIS HANDS ON#but if u say all that some chucklefuck tells u to kys and that u just Didnt Get The Masterpiece Of Attack On Titan#but do u know what? maybe people disagree w me! maybe this is just my interpretation! guess who's NOT gonna have a hissy fit about it?#fandom is about DISCUSSION and i have never seen a fandom as fucking allergic to it than the aot fandom#like omdddddddddd have a day off man isayama isnt gonna suck you off#aot
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levisgirll · 3 years
𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐚𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛 𝐰/𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
Hello everyone!
This is a special collab post brought to you by ‘cookiefics’ and ‘levisgirll’ and we decided to work together and write up a post which is y/n pranking their aot boyfriends!
Check out cookiefics for Eren and Reiner 
Check out ‘levisgirll’ for Levi and Jean. (Here!)
Synopsis: Y/N decided to prank the boys in attack on titan by saying they don’t want to ‘sleep with them tonight’. Some will get annoyed, sad, might tease you back or try to get your attention! And to make it up, Y/N ends the prank by saying the 3 words they long wanted to hear! So pick or check out which character you like the most and enjoy <3 We promise this will be good that is filled with love, fluff, entertainment and a little bit angst.
text: I feel honored to work and make a collab post with cookiefics, this was extremely fun to do and working with her was one of the best decisions I made! This is my first collab post and I am happy to say that I am glad and proud how this turned out! Important point please support and check out my friend’s cookiefics post for Eren and Reiner, you won’t regret it😩💖 (her work is amazing- and I admire her writings and ideas a lot so check her account please :,)✨)
‘Okay I’m gonna do it! No more backing away.’ Y/N thought as they took a deep breath while turning the door knob to enter the bedroom. They are gonna do the prank on Levi tonight.
Y/N entered the bedroom, and the first sight they see is Levi, their boyfriend, sitting on the chair while his legs were crossed and sipping his tea.
He would always wait for his partner before going to bed, he never once went to bed without first Y/N going to bed. He was that loyal and such a gentleman, and also because he is deeply in love with you.
He can’t even relax or lay on bed if you are not by his side! You are his everything, and he will not and never have a goodnight rest without you being by his side because you matter to him a lot.
Oh how you feel bad doing this prank on Levi, your great boyfriend...but you had to, you wanted to see how he would react!
“Love...I was waiting for you.” He sounded so glad, and happy once you entered inside. But, he realized you were a bit late and the next thing shocked him.
You just walked past him with a stolid manner, and did not even reply to him as you went straight to the bathroom. You took your toothbrush and started to brush your teeth.
Levi picked that up QUICKLY and would try to figure out what is wrong with Y/N, while still sipping his tea but now he has uncrossed his leg (cause this sudden act from his partner made him worry). Watching Y/N, observing them in his own sherlock style.
“Hey...Something wrong?” Levi would say as he laid his shoulder against the bathroom door which was open.
When you finished brushing your teeth, you were washing your hands and coldly said “No.”
He lowkey starts to get nervous and then he would probably start to think he is the problem why his lover is acting like this. He will think and be like ‘The hell? They don't love me? What am I to them….?’. He clearly starts to doubt himself and overthink. You gave him no sort of clue what was going on!
When you left the bathroom and went into the bedroom, you started to change into your nightwear, still giving Levi your back. 
Levi is quick and smart to catch on things, especially if the vibe is not the same. ‘Fuck did I actually mess this up’ He tries to initiate the conversation by asking you “Hey Love, did you drink the tea I made for you?”
“Hm, Oh yea.” Y/N said, still with her stolid manner and then proceeded to brush their hair. ‘What?!...Something is definitely wrong, this is the second time I'm saying love to them and they haven't once said love back.’ Now he is getting concerned and he started to come closer towards you, he is conflicted also to hug you or not. (you noticed that and that broke your heart-)
“Y/N, Something is wrong...was the tea bad!?” Levi said out loud in his unease tone. 
He turned around and went to his drawer to get the tea box to check if there was anything that was mentioned that could be bad.
He was ready to sue this tea company, ‘I want to end this company’s whole career...how dare they.’
“No Levi….it was not the tea.” You said all worried, ‘What tea is he even talking about?! And why does he look ready to murder someone’ You thought as you looked at him, but also trying to hold your laughter.
He gave out a sigh, relieved it was not the case. Now, he can sleep with you right? He went to change into his sleeping outfit and he was all thrilled to hold his Y/N and sleep with them. It was indeed his favorite time of the day.
But...Y/N wasn't moving towards the bed? And they begin to say “Hey Um...I wanna sleep alone tonight. So, could you leave?”
Levi had a sinking feeling in his stomach, his eyes widened ‘What..?’
He turned around to look at you all confused and...hurt by what you said. “No.” He said after 3 minutes of silence, he was trying to process what the hell was even going on. (poor man-)
“No? Okay, I’ll leave and go sleep in the other guest room we have.” But, before you could even go near the door to leave.
Levi would block the door by standing in front of it, not allowing his lover to leave. “If..” He started to look at you and raised his eyebrows, being all serious. Then, he said in a serious tone. “You go there, I swear to you I will kick the door down and break it.”
You had to hold back your laughter, and tried to control yourself because you know for a fact your man will do that and it would be a lie if he is not clingy. Cause, he is.
“Why! Tell me.” He looked at your eyes, searching for any sign of answer on your facial expression. One hand cupping your side cheek and the other hand rested on your shoulder as he gently stroked it. 
“If it is about the tea, I will try my best to drink those damn bubble teas, frappuccino or whatever they are that you like so much with you!” He gave you a look, that was determined and he was ready to go out and get one even if it was midnight just to prove it to you.
He is actually kind of shocked and he would stand there waiting for your response. But inside, he is sad and hurt about this all cause he is blaming himself this is happening because of him!
“L-Love!! It's a joke, a prank okay?” You couldn't hold yourself and you finally said it was a joke, you just missed not saying love to your boyfriend and you wanted to hug him again and express your love towards him cause you know he was hurt!
Levi would get irritated and annoyed, and let you go. He heads towards the bed. After, he would say. “Again, with your fucking pranks hm? No one is laughing here.” He is clearly pissed at how he fell for this but also, lowkey glad it was not none of the things he was thinking about.
Y/N surprises their boyfriend and would finally say it to make it up for Levi. “Hey...Um” Y/N stood there, all shy while looking down and holding their arms. Levi turned around to look at them, “What? Again another prank? Because that won't wor-”. You ran towards him and brought your arms around his neck while hugging him tightly “Ugh No, I love you!” While you said that, you kept your face on his shoulder and he felt your face burning up.
After you finally say those three words, he goes all soft and starts to even get butterflies. It was the first time he heard you say that out loud, because he knew you are usually shy.
He would think about it again the whole night and that makes him forget you even pranked him.
He hugs you even tighter tonight and kisses their neck quite a lot, he was showing you some of his rare affection and love.
Levi would later say “so you still like sleeping with me...hm? You didn’t say anything about that.”
He wants to make sure his s/o loves and cherishes him, and also he started to show more love tonight to you. 
To start the prank with Jean, you decided to give him the silent treatment, and that upsets him to unknown levels for you. He was a really soft boy and small things like this really overwhelmed him!
“Babe...Do you want something?” Jean tried, he really did. To get any sort of reaction from you, he softly rubbed both of your shoulders as he was behind you. He was about to kiss your neck when you said. “Jean...I want to sleep alone tonight, maybe you should go and sleep on the couch because-” You were about to continue when he made you turn around quickly and held both of your arms.
“First of all, who is Jean? I don’t know any Jean! I’m babe for you, remember?” He was highly strung, and tried to pretend he did not hear you say his first name. This guy would always crave and was eager to hear you call him by his pet name. It really boosted his ego up and he loved it the way you always say it. He was deeply in love with his Y/N.
You couldn't bring yourself to laugh yet, because it was kind of cute to see Jean like this and it made you want to tease him even more! “Okay but I wanna sleep alone tonight, Jean.”
‘Wait, wait, Wait! My girl is upset! Shit, what the heck did I do? STUPID JEAN’ He would think while putting his hand on his forehead, trying to think while having an existential crisis on the couch in their huge bedroom. Then he jolted up and said, “Maybe...is it because I ate the ice cream that you left for yourself??!”
‘Um, what the fuck is with this man? And what ice cream is he even talking about!’ Y/N would think as they had a confused look. They couldn't even focus on the prank anymore and were wondering which ice cream it was.
You then turned around, grabbed a pillow and was about to leave the room but Jean was hugging and holding your waist from behind, not letting them leave and he would yell out saying. “No! I won’t let you leave babe! Will you forgive me if I buy more ice cream RIGHT NOW?” Your man was more than ready to go out with his pajamas and his slippers to get you all the ice creams from the nearest corner shop.
He really was willing to do and try literally anything to get you not upset with him and sleep with him tonight, he can’t go on the night without you!
Since Jean is really upset about this prank, y/n had to make it up for him and break off the prank.
“Calm down! It’s a prank babe.” You said giggling, and rubbing his biceps (he really likes that).
He let out such a long sigh and was relieved to hear that, like this guy kept thanking the world it wasn’t because of the ice cream. “Damn it, you scared me there!! Babe, please you will end up giving me a heart attack with these pranks.” He said with such a calm tone and hugged you.
“But you know...I can’t sleep without you.” Y/n said in a soft tone and went near Jean as they put their head against his chest. “You know I love you anyways...”
There was silence, he pushed your shoulders to look at your face that was red right now. “Wait...did I hear that right.” Jean just stood there, and was taken aback by what you just said. You were a blushing mess right now, and looked away. “Nothing Babe!! Let’s go to sleep now, okay?”. You tried to hurry back to your shared bed but he held onto you from behind again.
“Say it again...you made me suffer now with your stupid prank, so you’re going to repeat it! I heard it!” He was holding you so tightly and Jean was not going to let you go until you say it again.
Y/N gets all red and shy, while Jean is just too excited and takes this to his advantage. When you said it again after he was persuading you, he grabbed your hips and picked you up and you both were on your shared bed and he kept tickling you. Love and laughter filled the room and that melted Jean. He loved seeing you laugh, smile and being happy, it meant the world to him.
He showed you and gave you so much love that night you both did not sleep that evening.
We hope you ALL enjoy and love it <3 and if you do please leave a like, reblog or you could let us know what you think about it in the comments or asks🥺💕
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ryuichirou · 3 years
Can you make your top 10 aot characters that have a good development? Like Eren and Reiner are considered to be the best characters as 'characters' themselves
Anon… dear Anon, you’ve been waiting for like a month I think, I’m so sorry. I took this ask waaay too seriously lol, but yeah, I can’t postpone it for any longer…
I know you asked for top 10, and this is a numbered list, but I wouldn’t call it a proper ranking, so the place doesn’t really matter all that much. Otherwise this list would’ve taken even longer, I’m very serious about lists, it seems lol
Before I start I want to mention (just in case): I feel like “character development” isn’t always about becoming better at something. Sometimes you can become “worse”; sometimes you can get “better” and then fall back to your old ways. It’s just how the character changes, and the trajectory of that change can be very different for different characters.
1. Eren. I can talk about Eren for hours and hours, and I have talked about him a lot, so I’ll try to be quick this time.
Eren’s journey is very interesting and enjoyable to read. He’s such an unusual main character. So aggressive at first, unlikable to some (not to us lol we adored him since day one), loud and stubborn. But it’s super cool to watch this hurricane of a person, especially as he gets calmer, starts controlling his emotions little by little, learns more stuff and understands the situation around him better.
I think I’ll talk about how perspective and knowing a bigger picture change the way character acts a lot in this post, but Eren is an ultimate example of this. He got every single thing: past, present, future, drilled in his head at one fucking moment. He didn’t get a bigger picture, he got the biggest 5d picture with special effects. And he had no one to share that with: he had to deal with it himself, knowing that he himself is the reason for everything that’s happening. It makes my head hurt to even think about that lol It’s cool and unnerving to watch Eren, who’s used to be such a fireball of a character, to just get… quiet and apathetic. We don’t know what he’s thinking about, we don’t know what’s going on anymore, even though his emotions were always the most obvious thing about him. It’s almost scary.
And the interesting thing about it is that nothing really changed about his feelings, at least I think so. Ultimately, the only thing he wanted is for his friends to be happy and live long lives, and who knows, maybe he saw that the “freedom” he was initially seeking for himself doesn’t really exist. This is up to debate and definitely not for this post though lol
2. Reiner. Ohh Reiner. He was one of the characters who wasn’t all that interesting to me personally at first, but as he got more and more complex and emotional, I fell in love with him more and more. This isn’t a numbered list, but he is definitely one of the best written characters. And what’s cool about him is that we see the reason for him being the way he is throughout the story: why he wanted to become a hero, why his mental state got so bad, why he was conflicted, why he got so depressed and why he was able to take responsibility for his actions. I love it when the story breaks its characters, and Reiner is certainly one of the most broken ones. His lower point (when he almost killed himself + cried and asked Eren to kill him) was very beautiful and painful to read, because we know why he feels that way and we know how smug and brave he was at the very beginning of the show/manga. And we know that it was all a lie, which makes everything even tastier.
And as much as I love broken characters, I’m kind of glad Reiner found strength to continue fighting and to take responsibility for his actions (to some degree, at least). Not only he saw a bigger picture, he actually learned how to live with it. I’m so happy they discussed the Marco incident with Jean, and that after Annie told that it was her who took his gear, Reiner stood up and said that Annie was following his orders. He also apologized to Annie for everything he did to her and Bert.
Basically, Reiner went from wanting to be a hero to acting like a hero, then to being an actual hero to Marley and feeling like shit anyways, then to just being a human being, something like that. And that scene with his mom hugging him and being happy for him being alive is actually a very sweet and satisfying moment. Especially considering how much Reiner wanted to die lol
3. Zeke. I’ve talked about it in one of the replies about ch137, but I love how Zeke went from “I shouldn’t have been born” to “maybe small moments of happiness make everything worth it” at the very end of his life (what a cruel irony to realise that just before you die). Not only the character develops and changes, our view of him changes as well: I think Zeke was universally hated when he first appeared, but then he became more fun (dude’s too charismatic), and then he became sympathetic and vulnerable. All of this was always inside Zeke, but it was hidden since Zeke is a lying snake. See, Zeke is smart, but he’s super sure that his views are the only valid ones and that his idea of freeing Eldians is the only solution. His views are surprisingly black and white: I suffered, Eren suffered and our dad is bad. And no one challenged his beliefs until they walk through Grisha’s memories with Eren in ch120-121, and then he realized that Eren didn’t suffer at all and their dad is actually just a person who really regretted being a horrible father to his first son. I love that he got some closure with Grisha because he held that grudge for his entire life.
4. Grisha. He has a rollercoaster ride of a development lol: at first he was an innocent boy, then he became an angry boy, and then he kind of calmed his anger down for some time? But after learning what actually happened to Faye, his emotional wounds got open and all that rage blinded him again. And then, after being outed by Zeke, he lost everything, but had a harsh realization that by being driven by his anger only, he completely forgot not to be a shitty dad. He basically had a second chance in life, with a much better perspective about what’s going on, but now he has his younger son’s ghost haunting him and telling him to do thing he never thought he’d do. At different points of the story Grisha feels both like a mastermind behind things and like a pawn who doesn’t have a choice even if he just wants to live a peaceful and happy life with his wife and kids. The irony of him killing a bunch innocent kids when this whole story started because he got his little sister killed? Delicious. Oh, and I really love the fact that he realised that he screwed up as dad and apologized to Zeke. He loved his kids a lot: Zeke, Eren and Mikasa too (he called her his daughter after all).
5. Erwin. Way more interesting than people give him credit for. He’s mostly adored for being a badass, but he also has his own flaws that he had to deal with. He’s like a moth that’s drawn to the light, but right after burning himself and dying he kind of did “the right thing” that he had to do as a commander. Now, for me it isn’t really about Erwin ending up doing “the right thing” to be honest: we would probably adored him is he ditched everyone and ran to the basement because his selfish desires ended up being more important to him. But that scene where he confessed to Levi that he really wanted to find that basement and just told him everything about his capricious and selfish childish desires, talked about how he lied to everyone including Levi basically just to prove his dad’s point… it was beautiful, because it was basically “I have to do it, haven’t I? But I really don’t want to”. His character development is interesting in a sense that at first he was getting gradually more and more psychotic about his dream, doing crazy things even when he knows it might not be the best choice possible (like him risking his life instead of staying behind), but at the very end he stopped to think and… well we know the rest lol
6.  Armin. I remember people saying that Armin is just a narrator-like character who is here to explain thing (I probably thought so too at first), but this is so unfair. It’s easy to make someone like Armin into this trope, and to leave him being a very one-dimensional dreamer who’s smart but naive. And Armin is so much more than that. Throughout the story he has a lot of “I should have been the one who died” moments, and I love that this is such a prominent issue for him, but he still got over it somehow. Armin was kind of lost at the beginning, but found his role. And wow, he had to go through it again after he was chosen instead of Erwin, because the burden on his shoulders just got 100 kg heavier lol He also got less naïve and more cunning with time and got much better at emotional manipulation, I think. While preferring a dialogue over violence, Armin still isn’t pure, and he acknowledges that constantly, especially after his first kill, and things got even worse since that point, which definitely changed him. But his violence-loathing (kind of…) core is still there.
Armin ended up playing a much bigger role in the story than I thought he would be, I really love it. He has his moments of weakness, but he still pushes forward and takes responsibility and does his best. Oh and let’s pretend that the Annie thing never happened, it doesn’t contribute anything to his character anyway.
7.  Jean. I think Jean is the first character who starts showing character growth, and I believe his development is the reason he was Isayama’s favourite for some time. Tbh, I don’t find Jean annoying even at the very beginning: yeah he’s selfish, but he’s self-aware about it, he’s a realist. And he’s still a realist, but his conscience wouldn’t let him just have an easy life while everyone else’s suffering. I always feel like Jean is a spoiled mamaboy, so it’s great to see him showing that he can put others before himself. He also had an inner conflict similar to Armin’s: is it right to kill innocent people if you have to? Is it ok to kill not-so-innocent people because they’re against you? I really like this theme in SnK just in general.
8.  Gabi. It’s no secret that I adore Gabi lol, and I think her character development is great. She was in her element when we first met her: she was confident, she was doing her best and succeeding, she knew the world around her so well, and then Eren took everything from her. People like to hate Gabi for killing Sasha and for being aggressive on Paradis, but I think it’s great that she didn’t have an overnight change of heart. It’s great that Isayama showed us her shock and her raw emotions, it’s more than natural for a child with her upbringing, even if it’s messed up. But I love it when stories take characters that are great at what they do, and they take them out of their element, to show them at their worst: lost, angry, broken and confused. I love that she understood everything herself and not because Falco told her “hey they’re people too” that one time. She had to go through this hell to figure everything out, and I think it’s great.
9.  Historia. Historia was one of the least interesting characters for me (and for a lot of people, Yams included) at the beginning, and tbh I think it’s brilliant: we never saw anything in her; she was just a waifu material who’s nice to others. It felt fake and boring, well, because it was indeed fake and boring, and to this day I cannot believe that that was the entire point. I love how Ymir made Historia realise that she needs to think for herself, but what’s interesting about all that is that after Ymir left, she almost came back to her old habits. Which is also a development, and a very interesting one. The end of S2 was a high point for her (when she told Ymir that she isn’t scared of anything when they’re together), and then there was a very low point (when Ymir left), and then a high point again (when she remembered Ymir and Frieda and decided to act upon her own desires). She’s one of my faves now because of all that… It’s sad she didn’t have a bigger role post-timeskip, but I still appreciate her story for what it is.
10.  Oh god this is so hard to pick one and this post is already so long… can I just give you a bunch of quick honorable mentions?
Annie (who was a loner that couldn’t really trust anyone but ended up showing her vulnerable and emotional side), Hange (started out enthusiastic and eager to learn more only to meet more pain and disappointment, crumbling under the pressure, but ultimately remembering her amusement with titans), Levi (granted it’s very subtle, but him going through Kenny’s death, Erwin’s death and his promise to him, realization that he’s been killing people all this time and other stuff fascinating and huge leaving a mark on him), Ymir (who got hurt and decided not to trust anyone anymore and to act selfishly, but ended up sacrificing herself anyway lol)…. God, these short description sucks, they can’t describe them properly. Also there are so much of them that I think have good development, and I’m 100% missing someone… but I think I’m done for now. Katsu I’m sorry for making you read all this.
That you for this ask, Anon <3 and sorry again for being so late
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
Bunny’s 200 follower event
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request: Hey, congratulations on 200 followers, you truly deserve them :) ! Matchup for aot please? I'm bi, a preference towards girls irl but men in anime and fiction. I'm Intp, 5w6, true neutral. I like drawing, swimming, video games, sleeping. I have some weird "hobbies" like sitting in front of my washing machine when it's done and smelling all the clean clothes, taking photos of every single cat I see, sitting alone in my rooftop and listening to music late at night. I also have a lot of scented stuff laying around because I'm a sucker for nice clean smells. I consider myself smart, Im not social and I don't like crowds. Although I might seem cold or uninterested at first, I'm kind, trusting and understanding to those I open up to. I can be pretty lazy, however I always finish important stuff and never leave my room dirty. I'm 5"8, with an athletic and slightly curvy body type. I want an understanding and loyal partner. Preferably introverted, or at least someone that doesn't mind having more casual dates at home. I'm the "bottom" in a relationship so I would also look for someone who is more of a "top". I've found myself attracted to multiple ISTPs, but also other INTPs. I wouldn't want a loud, super extroverted or hot headed partner. (ex.bakugo, connie) I'm not very good at expressing emotions so I would prefer someone that can be patient with me and won't move things too fast. Sorry this is long, and thank you for doing this :>❤️
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a/n: hi luv! Thanks for sending in the first request! And please don’t apologize for the length at all! I hope you enjoy! This is also not canonverse! I write these in mind with modern!au if that makes sense :)
Warnings: nsfw-ish themes but generally sfw
Reading your request, you have been matched with...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Reiner Braun
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Ok first things first with you and Reiner: naps naps naps
This man is big, warm, definitely smells like fresh laundry, and definitely likes to cuddle. So the fact you like to sleep? Yeah napping is becoming his favorite pastime with you
Definitely a big spoon type of guy but would also love it with your face buried in his chest, you can also smell how good he smells this way!
Tell him he smells good and he ~will get flustered idc
Ok but this man would send photos of cats to you
He’d be on a run and see a cat and immediately whip out his phone to send you a Snapchat, that’s like the only time he uses it at this point LMAO
Reiner would be such an understanding partner and LOVE stay at home dates
He’s definitely a bit of a homebody so getting to have cute little dates where you guys cook some stupid fancy dinner together are a must
He’s on the quieter side like you in public but definitely takes charge in the relationship with initiating things
The type to order for you in public and remember your order exactly but still looks at you after every time like, “that’s what you wanted, right?”
Please kiss his cheek and reassure him it’s correct it’ll make his year
The top in the relationship for sure, but also very soft with you
So even though he’s taking charge, he’ll always be asking for reassurance you’re alright and checking in with you constantly
He wouldn’t admit it but he would want you to draw him LMAO
Like he’d also just be so obsessed with watching you draw
Is he staring at you or the drawing? I don’t know if you catch him staring at you he will think about it for a week and get red every time it crosses his mind
I don’t see him as a big video game player but he would definitely watch you play them and just be so 👁👄👁 and ask SO many questions that I feel Iike would just make it even more confusing for him LMAO
Reiner is the king of understanding and patience
He will go as slow as you need and listen and do his best to support you as best he can
Late night cuddle convos are his fav bye ✋🏼
Your vibe reminds me of...
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Another suitable match for you would be...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Armin Arlert
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This man is another VERY understanding and supportive person
Now before anyone says anything this man is not a bottom and definitely takes charge in a relationship idc
Service top service top service top anyways moving on
He loves taking care of people and that includes you
He’s very attentive and good at knowing when your social battery is running low and is taking you home and scooping you into his arms so fast
Another big spoon type of guy
He loves having his face buried in the back of your neck with your back against his chest and his arms wrapped around you
Something about feeling you that close and secure to him just hits different for him
Candle lover omg
He’s a chronic bath and body works gift card holder it’s almost a problem LMAO
Sometimes he goes to the store and if he see’s a candle he think you might like he will buy it and bring it home like :) here, smell :) and just be holding it out at your face like :) you like it?
Ok idk why but he definitely likes to cup your face
Like you’ll be on the couch chillin and he’ll get up and stretch to go to the kitchen or something and see you and just 🥺🤲🏼
“You’re so cute 🥺🤲🏼” and it’s like, grandma aggressive
Like he’s squishing your cheeks and moving your head around and talking so loud and then leaves a stupid big kiss on your forehead and then walks off after like what he did was completely justified and normal
Ok so being with Armin does come with eren LMAO
Eren would want to play video games with you ~so bad
Cause you’re his besties partner!! He wants to make you feel like you’re apart of the group!
Armin absolutely loves if you beat him if that’s an element in the game
He finds it 1. Hilarious and 2. Hot LMAO
You can’t tell me he’d be kinda 🙂😏😳🙂 if you beat Eren
He doesn’t know if it’s his pride or what but something about it...
Ok obviously he loves swimming with you like, c’mon
He doesn’t care where, recreational pool? Check ✅ Beach? Check ✅ lake? Check ✅
This man just loves doing things with you and he loves swimming so :)
He will lather you in sunscreen at the beach whether you think you need it or not
You couldn’t say anything to him about it
He’d just be putting the sunscreen in his hands and then give you a ~look
He’d just raise his eyebrows and purse his lips and look so DONE just-
“(y/n), give me your arm.”
Loves rubbing your arms while you cuddle idc
He’s very caring and patient with you and his favorite way to show he cares is through his devotion and affection 💓
Your vibe reminds me of...
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eek! Here’s the first post in my event! I really hope you liked it! Please let me know your thoughts!
Requests are still open until February 26th 8:00 pm PST
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dotzines · 5 years
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Artist spotlight: Lizz!
✿ Twitter ✿
Header source: [X]  
Introduce yourself Hi, I'm Lizz and spend 99.9% of my free time drawing because it's something I hold dear to my heart. I'm into a variety of series, including but not limited to IDOLiSH7, AoT/SNK (anime-only), Xenoblade, and Fire Emblem. Most of my drawings are centered around these series~ When did you start drawing? Are you a digital or traditional artist? I started drawing when I was four, but I didn't take drawing as a regular hobby until June 2017. I initially started with traditional art with colored pencils, but now a majority of my full illustrations are done digitally. Do you use any traditional mediums? If so, which are your favorites? While I don't do much traditional art due to focusing on digital, I do enjoy traditional art! Most of my traditional art pieces are kept to sketches and brainstorming, but sometimes I like to ink them. If I'm feeling in a mood for traditional, I like to play around with watercolors and acrylics!
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image source: [X]   Why do you prefer traditional over digital? (or viceversa) I prefer digital drawings because of the cleanliness of the art and how easy it is to clean up drawings! While digital art does get its flack for its "shortcuts" *cough* ctrl + z and transform tools, I found that digital art has helped me explore more ambitious compositions both lighting and pose-wise. In traditional art, there aren't as many colors to play around with, and I've had times where I wanted to draw full body pieces but I either ran out of space or it was hard to draw the small details. I enjoy digital for the large canvas sizes, how easy it is to draw smaller details, and the options available for coloring! Traditional art is still valid, but I'm more accustomed to the workflow in digital pieces. What do you think is the most challenging part about being a traditional/digital artist? At first, when I was starting out digital art, I had to get used to the disconnect between looking at the screen and the tablet. However, I feel that the biggest challenge with digital for me personally is not letting perfectionism take hold. While digital has several tools to help correct and edit changes as needed, it's very easy to get absorbed in it and not actually get anything done. Sometimes letting go of perfectionism is the hardest part. What inspires your pieces? The fandoms that I partake in provide the ideas, and my friends and fellow artists inspire me to keep going. I love logging into Twitter and Discord and seeing the art that my friends post and watching their journey. My pieces take inspiration from the series and the artists that I enjoy.
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image source: [X]   Explain your "everyday" drawing process Once I've found an idea I would like to draw, I like to sketch! Sketching is always the toughest part for me since there's still some things I don't quite understand about anatomy, but once I've got the sketch done, I'll probably finish the piece if it's something I'd like to continue and go through the process of line art, base colors, shading, background, and secondary lighting. I try my best to keep the number of WIPs I have ongoing to a minimum in order to ensure productivity! Do you have an artist you admire (or more than one)?
I have a few friends who make really nice art: https://twitter.com/ShiroHunter - Beautiful colors !!! Their pieces are so vibrant and it's honestly so inspiring to me and I just love looking at their art in general. https://twitter.com/CakeCaptorLily - I love her dedication to sketching her favorite character and she's showed me how powerful doodles can be when getting better at drawing at a particular subject~ https://twitter.com/stardastarly - I love her colors!! The shading and lighting of each piece is always something I look forward to seeing and the textures created by the shading is... so good. https://twitter.com/crimzonlogic - A traditional artist who specializes in watercolor! I love the composition and just.. everything about Crimzonlogic's art. Please support all four artists I listed above, they're all super skilled and work hard!But in general, any art that I retweet/like is inspiring to me and has some quality that I would like to strive for, whether if it's the composition, the coloring, or their style! Is there an artwork you are most proud of? Why? It's been a month since I've drawn Tenn in his Heavenly Visitor outfit, but I still like the piece overall. While the details were quite a challenge to overcome, I'm glad I paid attention to the small details! I love getting small details to look good, even if it's a minor touch in the grand scheme of things. I also tried new coloring techniques here, and I'm super happy with how clean and simple it is.If you want to support the piece on Twitter, here it is! https://twitter.com/LizzIkanaka/status/1113501420303437825
Do you listen to music (or tv shows/films/anything else) when drawing? Yes! I've been listening to the Attack on Titan soundtrack, TRIGGER's songs (they're a unit in IDOLiSH7!), and vocaloid songs a lot~
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image source: [X]   What makes art interesting for you? Honestly, knowing that "I made this" is a feeling I will never get tired of. With every piece, I feel like I've learned or refined a skill and knowing that I'm able to bring ideas into reality is what makes art interesting to me. What do you do when art block strikes? When I experience art block, it's usually because I can't execute the idea in the way I intended, rather than being at a blank for ideas. I usually like to restudy the fundamentals and practice the things that give me difficulty in order to combat art block! What’s the most valuable art advice you’ve ever received?
Hmm, it's not necessarily pertaining to "making" art, but to take breaks and take care of yourself! Don't push yourself while drawing. I think it's important to remember that in order to draw, being healthy and being able to handle it is key. After all, if you push yourself too hard and don't stretch or don't take breaks, you might not be able to draw anymore!
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0tivez · 2 years
Hello!!! Im so sorry for replying so late, I've been feeling odd-is (?). Things irl seemed to pile up out of nowhere and I had a shitton of tasks to finish that appeared out of nowhere lmfao. I also spoil a bit here bc yes so if anyone read this, it has spoilers :p
ANYWAY, Nanami's was so bittersweet imo. It does fit him, it was very peaceful at least (or as peaceful death can be ig), and im glad he healed his inner child by not cursing Yuuji with his death. I like that their deaths have impact ono the story and development of the characters instead of just shock value or just bc people have to die, ya know?? I've been getting so much get/stsg art on my dash and it hurts my feelings :,) The urge to tag you in every stsg post I come across bc it reminds me of you <3 I think your blog kinda introduced me to the ship?? I don't usually ship characters but I think they're really neat still!
I was Nanami biased at first and then I kinda just push away his death and then I remember bc off I do and I also feel bad bc I forget. To be fair, I don't know if I forget as a coping mechanism or if im actually drifting away from my initial obsession lmfao
Adidas? im dying. I didn't know that but now I do. and Gojo is huge? like every part of his body is apparently humougously big and I can't bc I picture him to be 5'4 or smth. 5'6 max. I live for people finding this kind of facts of the characters. Fills me up with joy, I think its sweet.
YES I TOTALLY GET YOU. I don't like the fact that Eren dies but Levi lives. It hurts to see Eren grow from a 15 (I think he was 15?) year old filled with hope and this goal to save everyone and optimism to his current self...I think it hurts the most bc I grew up with him bc I started watching when I was like 12 I think?? and now im 18 :,) And Levi never being able to find peace is gonna hunt me until the day I die lmfao
It seems like every author likes to torture their most popular character (is Levi the most popular still?? I think so but im not sure).
I LOVE READING "PREQUELS" BEFORE THE ACTUAL THING BC IT HITS DIFFERENT. And now we get season 2 in 2023 and im so excited!!!! I don't know how much of the manga they're gonna be able to animate but I really wanna see Nanami's death for some reason. I just wanna see it in a different medium, even though if its gonna make me cry
ANNOYING MC. all my friends hate Tokyo revengers, specially the animation, I swear. They rage. Still, I don't know much about Tokyorev except that the op is fucking amazing and I love it. I Also like the art style of the manga though I haven't read it; I've seen a few panels tho.
I think with aot openings they keep getting better and better as well. The one that sounds like and European anthem makes me happy and the Shinzo wo sasageyo nostalgia. I ALSO LISTENED TO THE ENVANGELION OP AND ITS AMAZING. I was watching a compilation of different performances by Yuzuru Hanyu on tiktok after the olympics (to heal my heart) and Apparently he skated to that song once and now Its gonna play at my funeral bc its really wow.
I'm so glad you get where I was coming from as well TT I was on a constant state of anxiety a few days ago and I couldn't help but overthink every little thing I did lmfao.
Did Fujimoto actually write a soft melon bread author's note after killing someone?? Lmfao I love that. Reminds me of AO3 author's notes in way. I think im gonna read chainsawman bc of this. I need to fix my schedule to make space for reading it tho. I finished my first manga on Monday I think?? It was a short manga of 5 chapters and it was sweet I think?? The name was kamisama ga uso wo tsuku or God's lie in english! It was very bittersweet as well.
Hope you've been having a good weekend and have a good day/night!
- 🥳 anon
(answer under the cut for the length)
ahh it's okay! hope you're feeling better now :)
nanami's death ripped my heart. no lie. his death might even be the saddest. the man just wanted to live a peaceful life, y'know? i also got to thinking the other day and i think an underrated/sad death was mimiko and nanako's. they died while trying to revive the person they called their father basically, and one o fthem had to watch her twin die brutally. sukuna's rampage was wild but come on, this was probably one of the top 3 brutal shit he did. killing two teen girls without hesitation
finally my satosugu propaganda is succeeding. i myself am not a shipper, but i have come to terms with my interest in satosugu (and some more). i used to think it was cringy (shipping) but my friend said who's gonna say anything and i was like holy shit yeah!!!! as long as you don't go around harassing people, it's good. tho with stsg, it seems that non shippers harass shippers more lol
gojo is MASSIVE. he's already 6'3. i just want to know geto's and toji's canonic heights, the ones we know are all fanon
i think levi would agree. he cared about eren so much and to watch him die like that, kinda similar to how erwin died, must have traumatized him a lot. to even say "we have to kill eren" is so fucking saddening. same with sasha's death. both hanji and levi looked awful, they were basically parent figures to them. and don't even get me started on hanji.... she's my favorite character always, for eternity. huh. maybe i just really like semi serious/childish entp's.
know what i want to see with nanami? that scene where the luck dude kicks nanami's body and feels like he's kicking a wall 😫 and geto's shower scene 👀
i'm extremely excited for season 2 i can not even tell you. i have been waiting for this for so long..... i will go feral. LMAOO the way one of my biggest motivations to keep going is to see jjk's ending animated 0////0 that's between us
i HATE tokyo revengers' animation. it's so...... inconsistent? i checked its studio and apparently they also animated berserk 2016 so.......
i've heard that the manga is better tho descending in quality. i really like the character designs, especially sanzu's. i should really continue reading it but i want to reread jjk and csm first and then finish demon slayer lol
yeah he did lol he just really likes melon bread. he always talks about it on his twitter. i just think both gege and fujimoto are neat, would love to see them interact sometimes. i think gege congratulated fujimoto for csm getting serialized. ALSO fujimoto's art style is too good, he also drew nobara. it should come up when you write his name and nobara lol
aah you would love fujimoto's one shot look back! it's not too long but the art style is incredible as always and the story is too fucking beautiful. i think it won the harvey award this year?? it was either that or csm (i checked it it was csm) but still, you should check it out! you would love csm too, it's my favorite manga of all time. i'll try to check god's lie too, heard pretty great things about it
also once you feel comfortable for it, you have to tag me on those fanarts or else 🔫
good day/night babe
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