#i remember how much you love flowers and made sure to include fabulous gardens for you to explore! <3
peachsukii · 4 months
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𝖽𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 ; 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗉𝗂𝖼 𝗂𝗌𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗌 ↬ 𝗀𝗅𝗈𝗐𝗍𝖺𝗉𝖾 (𝗇𝖾𝗈𝗇 𝗑 𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗈) // @neon-gothicc
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welcome to the hustle and bustle of island life! the perfect mix of relaxation and exploration under the warm sun. 𝖺𝖼𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝗈𝖽𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 ; you'll be staying in your own beachside cabana with access to the local hiking trails down the road from your home. you'll have a private section of beach all to yourselves, as well as passes to all the local attractions. we've included a local favorite in your package - an old-style van to take on scenic drives around our beautiful island! it's fully customized for camping and lounging out of the back. 𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗏𝗂𝗍𝗂𝖾𝗌 ; the island has much to offer in terms of things to see and do! here's a few of our favorites: ★ visit the array of gardens on the coast where all of the native flowers are in full bloom ★ drive to one of the cliffside lookouts to watch the sunset over the ocean ★ explore the hiking trails where you'll find numerous waterfalls and greenery like you've never seen before ★ attend the food markets weekly celebration in town at sunset with sparklers and free samples ★ enjoy a campfire on the beach downtown after sunset ★ take a tour of the local fruit farms and zipline through the fields
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જ 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗒 & 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖿𝗈𝗋 ����𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗋𝖾𝗂'𝗌 𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗅 𝖺𝗀𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗒! ♡
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thank you neon for participating! i hope you & sero enjoy your fabulous trip to the islands 💖
『 reis vacation getaway 』
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What do you think Ethari and Runaan’s house is like? How many rooms? Do they decorate it?
My personal headcanon is that the tree house has rooms that spiral up around inside so the central core of the tree can remain alive and healthy. Kind of like inner pods, with smoothed edges and corners so it feels organic. 
I think that the outer staircase goes up from Ethari’s workshop door to a private residence door around back for actual friends and personal visitors, so they don’t have to hoof it up Ethari’s ladder from the workshop, and I like to think there’s a mirroring staircase inside the tree that spirals around the tree’s central core and provides access to each room in turn. Some rooms it might lead directly to--public rooms like kitchen and library. Other rooms there would be a nice thick door off a small landing in the stairs. 
Considering how high up the “front” door is, I bet the stairs go up and down from that front parlor. The parlor is Runaan’s idea of entertaining guests, but there’s a much less formal family room elsewhere that Ethari rules with a marshmallow fist. That’s where all the games and snacks are.
The best part about living in a tree that’s still alive is that you can change the rooms if you need to. I bet there’s growth spells and such that they can get a hold of when they need to add a room. Like when Rayla came to live with them. I can see Ethari lovingly growing a new podspace for her inside the tree and just going on and on about how he’s gonna add this little round window and a playspace and a toy chest and the bed will grow out of the wall just so, and on and on and on. And Runaan would let him do whatever he wanted with it, and he’d bring him food and drinks so he remembered to eat while he was working, and he’d tell him that everything he did was perfect and Rayla would love it.
Mmhmm, Rayla’s room totally has swirlies all over the walls.
I bet some rooms are really tiny, and others are bigger. But they all have plenty of headspace, because tall elves are tall and no one wants to scrape a horn. Runaan probably has a tiny meditation pod that he can barely fit inside, and it’s perfectly quiet with thick walls and a window toward the full moon. But the master bathroom is enormous because Ethari built a fabulous double shower with swirly mosaic tiling and there’s a whole wall of hair pretties he’s made for his husband and another giant shelf for Runaan’s hair products. Ethari once put some potted melodaisies in there but they’d play “Strut” every time Runaan got out of the shower
I don’t know how cooking works in a tree, but I think there might be some kind of magic hot plate thing to cook/bake/fry on, and it would be surrounded by heat protection runes, too. Because wood is flammable.
I’m sure there’s some kind of training room inside the tree, too. Due to space constraints, I bet it’s mostly vertical. Like, it has a base near the trunk, or maybe even below ground In the... understump? (I once jumped into a hollow stump and landed about three feet underground in a surprisingly large dry space for the tree’s size. If Moonshadows don’t make use of the bottoms of giant trees like that somehow, I’ll be sad.) Anyway. Ground-based training gear at the bottom, and vertical training aids overhead--branches, ropes, obstacles, targets, etc. Maybe there are even lurky spaces where Runaan and Rayla can peek in on other rooms in the house from behind tiny knotholes. Ethari pretends he doesn’t know they’re there.
And Ethari absolutely decorates the house! Runaan probably couldn’t care less one way or the other, except for maybe a nice pretty Moon rune on the wall in pride of place, but it makes Ethari so happy to decorate the whole house that Runaan is pleased by proxy. So yeah, their whole decoation motif is swirlies too. And they’re all sorts. Some are metal decorations. Some are enchanted into the wood as natural swirls. 
Some are painted--maybe Ethari used glow in the dark paint to make lines along the stairwell inside, so Rayla knew which rooms were where, in case she got restless at night and needed to find her way to Runaan and Ethari’s bedroom for reassuring hugs. And then he liked it so much that he just kept repainting that connection when it wore down. 
And some swirlies are other living things, like vines that Ethari has trained into swirlies. With glowing flowers or soft hums when they sense movement. Ooh yes, flowers that light up when you walk into the room, that should be a thing. And a room with a door that’s just a curtain of soft fluffy vines growing from over the doorway. That would be a lovely family room. Secluded feel, but once you’re inside, it’s very warm and cozy, with glowy lights and a circular setup so everyone feels included. Squishy mushroom chairs? Or beanbag type seats made from giant cured puffballs? Ethari is wary of sitting on them himself because Runaan tackled him onto one once and he fell hard and it popped and there were tiny glowy seeds everywhere for weeks.
Because I find the “boring” parts of worldbuilding interesting, I’ve wondered how they get running water in the tree, and I figure they have a rainwater cistern somewhere, and that the tree itself has been carved with tiny swirly waterways, like the rocks in Petra, to lead even the smallest amount of water to the nearest cistern. I don’t know how prevalent tree houses are in the Silvergrove, but it’s the only tree we saw with a door, so I kind of think it’s a bit more off the grid than the other nice white lace-dome houses, for some reason. I can see Runaan as a prepper, okay.
With all the plants and creatures that live in and on the tree house with them, the husbands have to take good care of their tree, so I figure they have a maintenance room somewhere full of brushes and clippers and saws and trowels and such, to keep the tree vibrant and healthy. A little shed in the outside of the tree around back. I get really soft imagining maintenance days where they’re both in gardening gloves, working outside together all domestic, getting smears of dirt across their cheeks, working up an honest sweat, and grinning and talking for hours, just perfectly in tune with what they need to be doing and with each other. Just a couple of soft husbands and their tree house. It really is their castle.
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Thanks for this ask. I always like thinking about this stuff!
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overlord-imagines · 6 years
can I get some headcannonons for demiurge and Ainz's wedding? They're my favorite couple at the moment.
Yes, you may!!! Ahhh! Their relationship is so precious, I’m swooning. I may have gone overboard with this… and demiurge may be a LITTLe out of character……. oops.
They had been dating for a year now, and rumors and questions of when Ainz will finally have a spouse and an heir and becoming so frequent that they even managed to reach the lord of death himself.
It’s gotten so bad that he even heard the other floor guardians muttering about it.
Ainz finally decided enough is enough. With the help of Pandora, he sorted through his massive amounts of the treasury to ‘The Rings of Matrimony’
They were ultra rare event rings that the guild spent some time on collecting, they were only for appearances but being the completionists that were Ainz Ooal Gown… they just couldn’t NOT get them.
And to propose, Ainz took the time to specially craft a gorgeous golden ring. With flawless diamonds as accents and a gorgeous ruby as the main centerpiece.
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(Image is of a Claudine Vintage Engagement ring, found on Diamondere website.)
Ainz, being the complete closet nerd that he is, spends days on end planning the perfect proposal. And if he were being completely honest keeping it hidden from the rest of the guardians had to be the hardest thing he’s ever done in his life.
And he’s done a lot of shit as ruler of Nazarick.
He’s fairly sure Albedo already knows, being the one besides Demiurge who spends so much time with him. He’s also fairly sure that somewhere deep inside of her she’s plotting the demon’s murder… but at the same time, he’s noticed her being oddly quiet about it.
He eventually confronts her about it, due to the looks she gives him from time to time and confesses to helping her lord keep it a secret from Demiurge.
She has to resist every fiber of her being that screams at her to tackle him and claim him right then and there as he praises and thanks her for helping him.
Soon Sebas knows as well, being directed by Ainz to construct a beautiful moonlit dinner for him and his soon to be fiance. The maids arrange the dinner, setting it up in the breathtaking gardens of the 6th floor. Accenting the area with fairy lights, and making sure everything is more than absolutely perfect for the supreme being.
The night it actually happens, Ainz’s passive ability kicks in at least 15 times before he even can gather the nerve to propose. But when he does… oh boy.
Demiurge is shell shocked when his supreme being- the one he devoted his everything to, the one who reigns above all, his creator and his lover- presents himself on one knee.
The demon cannot even react, to seeing his beloved in such a state before Ainz pulls out the beautifully gilded box and opens it revealing the engagement ring Ainz had carefully put so much love into.
“Demiurge, my love…” A slight green aura surrounds him for a brief moment. “Will you do me the great honor, and stay by my side for the rest of my eternal life? To rule Nazarick by my side.
Demiurge’s heart stopped, he couldn’t breathe and when he realized that he had to his breaths came out fast. The poor boy began hyperventilating.
Sooner than Ainz could tell his lover to calm himself, to take it easy, Demiurge has already fallen out of the elegantly cushioned chair to the grassy floor below.
Tears well in his eyes as he clasps the hands of the glorious one before him and lowers himself far lower than Ainz has put himself, the demon’s head almost touching the floor.
“Please… do not lower yourself for a servant such as I.”
“But you are more than just a servant… Demiurge.” Ainz carefully brings Demiurge’s head up to look him in the eyes. “You are the love of my life, so please… will you marry me?”
A series of sobbing ‘yes’s poured from his mouth, kissing Ainz everywhere he could reach. And eagerly donned the ring.
That same night word of the wedding spread like wildfire, unknowing to Ainz, Aura and Mare had been spying from afar. Demiurge simply chose not to comment on it.
The wedding takes place a week later, the preparations took no time at all considering the weight of the event.
Albedo, of course, was in charge of the planning. And with the imput of Ainz she made sure that this wedding would be the grandest event this world had ever known. 
If she couldn’t be head wife to her beloved, she would at least assure her place as the one to birth his heir
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(Image found on Pinterest Just imagine this but with more gold and a lot more extravagant… that’s how extra they went.)
Mare grew all of the floral accessories personally, making sure every single flower and leaf was absolutely flawless. He spent hours on end making sure of this, sometimes even worrying his sister with the amount of effort he put in this.
Aura helped Mare with Demiurge’s bouquet, after growing the flora needed the two presented the beautifully tied piece. He couldn’t be prouder.
The furniture was each handcrafted by the best woodworkers of Nazarick, each chair lined with beautiful white satin silk.
Cocytus arranged their finest warriors to act as decoration for the event as well, each individual soldier was done in priceless gilded armor to appeal to the radiance that is their ruler.
Pandora worked behind the scenes and was actually assistant to Albedo. He handled the finances, and all the supplies needed for this luxorious event. He was also there as emotional support for Ainz, as the poor lich was constantly concerned about the scale of his own wedding. He wasn’t one to show off, but the two guardians were having none of it, only the best for their lord.
Shalltear helped with the attire of both grooms. Being the only one with the expansive wardrobe, the vampire made sure that the wedding attire was both fabulous and fitting for beings such as themselves. She actually designed it all herself, with the best cloth workers of Nazarick bringing her piece to life.
Cocytus was also there as support for Demiurge, being the man who expresses himself with action rather than words he made an excellant listener as Demiurge rambled on and on about everything going on. As well as giving out nuggets of wisdom.
“Supreme beings make no errors of judgement, our Lord has chosen you for a reason. Do not doubt him now, when you have not before.”
On the day of the wedding, the weather was absolutely perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. And not a single cloud in the sky. This was to be expected of course, the maids would not allow such a thing as a cloud ruin such a momentus day.
Ainz asked that Pandora’s Actor be his best man. For Demiurge, he asked that Cocytus be his.
Aura and Mare were the flower children, throwing petals accross the carpet for Demiurge to walk along.
Ainz wore a stunning white tux, gilded in gold and lace with a transparent cape fluttering behind him.
Demiurge wore something similar but his highlighting his own features. His outfit being accented with beautiful diamonds and gold of its own.
The hundreds of seats were filled with the denizans of Nazarick, an unsettling sight to some… but absolutely stunning to Ainz. To see the entirety of his treasure present before him, made him want to cry.
Trust me when I say that if Ainz could cry right now he would be sobbing.
Upon request Sebas is their pastor, he just seems to fit the role perfectly. And it’s an honor to Ainz’s own close friend Lord Touch Me.
I do not exaggerate when I say EVERYONE in nazarick that day cried… Even Sebas. Their vows absolutely shook everyone.
“Demiurge… I never thought, that in all my years of existence, I would ever deserve someone such as yourself. I felt lost, when my precious comrades had left this Nazarick… I feared that the place in my heart that they had left empty would never be filled. But when you’re with me… I feel whole.”
Everyone is surprised to see that Demiurge hasn’t compeltely broken down yet and the devastation that is his tail hasn’t been released yet. Though they could barely see them through their own tears.
Everyone is just so emotional.
“Lord Ainz, never in my lifetime would I ever have thought I would get the honor to wed you. I do not deserve such a radiant and generous being such as yourself. To acquire the intimate love of a supreme being had been unfathomable to me… but to be here today and to see how you could ever love someone as lowly as me- no amount of words could describe how I feel for you. I swear to you, Ainz Ooal Gown, Lord Momonga. I will give you everything this world has to offer, my entire being included, just to ever amount to what you give to me.”
Ainz is so flustered, his husband is too extra for his poor little neet heart to handle.
The party after is certainly something to remember, even though he can’t eat and most of the denizens of Nazarick don’t even need to the maids worked endlessly to produce such a fantastic feast for all of Nazarick to enjoy.
Oh my god when Ainz tells Demiurge of the tradition to throw his bouquet.
Albedo and Shalltear and seething, glaring at each other fighting over who gets to marry Lord Ainz next.
Demiurge accidentally throws it too hard, and from their fighting both miss the bouquet as it flies over their heads and lands in Mare’s arms.
Both of them look murderous, scarily calm as they both ask Mare for the flowers.
“B-But… I wanna m-m-marry Ainz-sama some… some day too….”
Ainz ends up having to teach Aura and Mare about marriage, giving them a quick parent talk.
In the end, it’s still undecided. Mare still not wanting to give it up and Aura not letting him, after all, he caught it fair and square.
The two slow dance, it’s so romantic. Everyone is partnered up with somebody.
Even Cocytus is out there dancing with Entoma. 
To be honest the party is fantastic and is certainly the gossip of Nazarick for the next couple of months.
Ainz couldn’t feel more in love than he does with Demiurge, the two act a whole lot more lovey-dovey.
They keep up their professional appearances still, but when around allies will playfully call each other pet names.
Mostly demiurge, Ainz is just so shy… actually exclusively demiurge. Ainz is too flustered and too introverted for his own good.
“As you request, my love.”
Also Demiurge, to Ainz’s bewilderment, seems to still condone the idea of multiple spouses… Albedo isn’t keeping this fact a secret either.
Please, someone, help Papa Bones.
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measuringlife · 6 years
Measuring Monday: Daddy
Tumblr has been my quiet safe space for 8 years. This has been a place to grieve and be vulnerable. Much of what I compiled below for this week’s Measuring Monday was already written and shared here over the years. Only now am I beginning to share my writing more publicly and I am thankful for the space and community here when I was less brave.
The world lost a great man 11 years ago yesterday. My world especially got a lot dimmer and for sure a lot less funny.
My Dad was awesome. He was born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island in the same town I grew up in. He was the first in his family to attend and graduate college (with an Art degree) and after being a hippie in Southern California for a few wanderlust months he went back for a Masters in Education.
My Dad was an art teacher in a low income, minority school district and he LOVED IT. He spent his ENTIRE 33-year career in the district. After teaching for 20ish years he went on to administration. He was a middle school assistant principal for a number of years and then a high school assistant principal for a number of years. They wanted him to be principal, but he didn’t want to deal with politics.
When I was in first grade my Dad started a Saturday enrichment program for K-12 students, he ran the program for 12 years. Some of my favorite childhood memories were from that program. My Dad also piloted a night school program within the school district so people could get their HS diplomas. My Dad was a pretty big deal in the K-12 Education world. Even after he retired he couldn’t stay away. The last year of his life he was teaching in an education certificate program at a Dallas Community College. My Dad was great at what he did.
We shared a love of many, many things, especially musicals. RENT was one of our favorites and after he died “Seasons of Love” took on a new meaning. I’m measuring those years within my “dash” (it’s a great poem if you are not familiar, look it up) in daylights - in sunsets - in midnights - in cups of coffee - in inches - in miles - in laughter - in strife and more.  Back in January 2010, a friend of mine challenged me to measure my year in cups of coffee, which lead to measuring my miles, my body, my health and the rest is history. I get a lot of joy and satisfaction in measuring my life. It makes life seem a little more permanent and a little less fleeting at times.
The last 3-4 years of his life I pretty much talked to my Dad every day, even multiple times a day. Since he was retired he was available to talk whenever. I generally would call him when I was walking to and from class in grad school. Even if it was just a few minutes we’d have a great chat. I can honestly say we were best friends. There are still times when I wish I had my Dad to call.
Our last day was a fabulous Daddy-Daughter day - we were dorks and really called them that. Little did I know that a week later he would be taken from me. I was living in North Texas at the time, 5 months into my first job out of grad school and I was going through a rocky patch. My Dad lived 2.5 hours away in Dallas and wanted to come up for the day to cheer me up. Plus my he was having gastric bypass surgery that Thursday and I really wanted to see him before then.
Part of the reason I moved to Texas was to be closer to my Dad. My parents got divorced after my freshman year of high school and he stayed local, but once I went to college we never lived in the same state. I was in Connecticut and he was in New York or Florida or Texas. I saw my Dad so much in those 5 months we both lived in Texas it was wonderful, some of our best times. I had a lot of ups and downs with my Dad, but our last few months were so much fun.
That last time we hung out I drove up to Oklahoma so we could go to the casino and play some slot machines. Well on the 20-mile drive to Oklahoma I get pulled over on a Sunday afternoon for doing 77 in a 70. I honestly wasn’t aware of my speed because it was an open road and because my Dad and I were singing along to the Aida soundtrack on the top of our lungs. I was so upset about the ticket, but my Dad comforted me and made me feel better, he always did. After the casino, we came back to my apartment, rearranged furniture, and just hung out.
I didn’t want him to leave. I had a sinking feeling about everything. That was the day he told me he was getting gastric bypass over a lap band. I wasn’t a fan of his decision to have either surgery, particularly not gastric bypass. He was 6'2 and 300-325 pounds MAYBE. He has lost 100 pounds through diet and exercise when I was in high school and he kept it off for 8 years before quickly gaining it back after he retired. I was disappointed that he was resorting to surgery. He had been talking about lap band for 6 months and talked to many doctors, went to consults etc. Then within a week of his surgery, his doctor talks him into gastric bypass.
His surgery was Thursday, a week before Thanksgiving. 3 days later that Sunday morning, November 18, 2017, my phone rings at 6:30am. I knew before I answered the phone that he was dead. He was still in the hospital and he essentially bled out internally. A blood transfusion and proper care could have saved his life. I was 2.5 hours away in North Texas not having been fully informed or able to fully comprehend post-op complications and too naive to realize I needed to come down. No twentysomething really thinks their Dad is going to die. I had just spent the prior Sunday with him and was scheduled to come down to Dallas Tuesday for the night before flying to NY for Thanksgiving.
I was devastated, I still am. My whole entire world forever changed. Everything about that day and the weeks and months that followed, including a failed wrongful death lawsuit due to the Texas good old boys club, was a nightmare. I sometimes wish I could “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” much of it.
He was 58, I was 24, and my sister was not quite 22. None of us were ready for him to be gone forever. My sister and I had already lost him once in 1998 when my parents separated and he moved out. To quote a friend who wrote about her Dad on his one year anniversary “I feel both lucky to have had my dad for so many years and angry that he was taken from me when I and he were too young. If I know anything better today than I did last year, it is exactly how complicated and messy life and death and grief are.”
My story is a complicated one on many levels. It’s a lot to bear, especially around the Holidays. Family drama and a Mother that I have a terrible relationship with makes things extra hard. There is no winning with her ever, my Dad was one of the few who really understood. I miss having him on my team. The sad reality is the 11 years that he’s been gone have also led to the 11 worst years in my relationship with my mom. A relationship that was rocky to begin with due to her alcoholism and emotional abuse.
The complications of life and death and grief were something I wasn’t expecting and it really causes tremendous pain. However, out of tragedy, I was finally able to find the motivation to get healthy and fit. I did the work, no shortcuts, no fad diets, and most importantly no surgery.
To quote a message from another friend years ago, about losing her mom, "Sometimes it takes the death of a loved one to wake us up. I consider that a lasting gift from my parent.” I found such comfort and hope in those words. My Daddy didn’t need that surgery and didn’t need to die. Sadly he did, but I refuse to let my weight control my life. I also couldn’t have his death be in vain. So in 2010, I started running, I took charge of my health. I also started fundraising for Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2) since most people who have lost loved ones find solace in charity work and there wasn’t a community for my loss out there. So I adopted David Cook’s charity of choice since watching American Idol during those dark months that followed helped me get through each week.
And here I am 11 years later and in the best shape of my life thus far. I thank my Dad for that lasting gift no matter how painful it’s been. I only wish he was here to see me now and the wonderful all-around person I am today.
I’ll leave you with this. One quote I remember my Dad telling to me in a time of struggle in my life was, “Plant your own garden instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.” That quote has meant so much to me over the years. YOU only have one life and YOU need to make the most of out of, right now.
Love you Daddy.
RDJ 4/25/49-11/18/07
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rubinahassan · 6 years
Salaam everyone!
It’s officially December and here in South Africa, we’re in Summer!!!
Schools are about to close in the next week or two, and many people have already made their plans as far as travelling goes, both local as well as international travel.
Some of us however, don’t have the luxury of going on holiday, as December turns out to be the busiest of times for many businesses.
As such, we tend to have many ‘staycations’, mainly at home, while our spouses are of to work.
    So to keep from going ‘stir crazy’ at home, I’ve decided to compile some activities all around Gauteng.
1.Get Pampered!
I’ll admit that I love getting pampered. Massages, facials, manicures, pedicures, hair treatments, etc, are something I miss a lot.
Since I’ll be home for the holidays, I have absolutely no reason not to have all the above done. However, there are those times when its month end and after paying all the bills, you don’t quite have much left over for a spa treatment or session, or you just don’t have the time. 
If you’d like to spoil yourself, an option may be to have a mobile spa come to your home and you can have all of the above mentioned things done in your own space.
If not, than perhaps a ‘pamper day’ would be fun. Invite all your besties or nearest and dearest, get everyone to bring their favourite facial masks, nail kits, hair treatments, oils, creams and lotions, and give each other massages, manicures or pedicures while waiting for your face masks to dry. Also make sure to have some healthy snacks like a fruit platter and some refreshing lemon or fruit water/ cucumber water handy ( its great for hydration of the skin!).
2. Gardening
I fondly remember helping my grandfather plant seeds for vegetables and herbs on Sunday mornings when i was a child.
Recently, my husband and I bought some rather pretty pots and some flowers, a tree, and some herbs to begin a potted garden as the place we live in doesn’t really have room for a normal garden as such.
It looks really pretty and I hope to add a few more pots as time goes on, to plant more vegetables, and perhaps some fruit trees.
It’s a great way to spend an afternoon and once things begin growing, you can see and perhaps even eat the results of you’re handwork. 
Did you know that by working with soil and earth in general is both calming and good for you?
3. Sporting Activities
Many of us love doing certain sports. You could be  kicking a ball with the kids or inviting the neighbours to all join in for a game of cricket, or maybe just taking your bestie out for a walk, there are many options open to you.
If you have a love for hiking and history, be sure to check out the Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve for hiking, bird spotting, and even some wildlife sighting such as zebra, red hartebeest and black wildebeest. There is also a heritage ‘farmstead’ site which is quite interesting.
This reserve is open to the public from sunrise to sunset daily and has no entrance fees.
Laser tag and adventure golf are two other fun sport games. There are places around Gauteng as well as around the country, for both of these.
I much prefer Laser tag instead of paintball as it definitely doesn’t hurt, compared to paintball. Check out Swat Laser Tag for more information.
Or if you’d prefer adventure golf, click here.
4.Picnics In The Park
In Gauteng, we may not have been blessed to have an ocean front, but we do have some amazing botanical gardens and some lovely parks, as well as the zoo lake, which is always nice.
As its summer now, it’s a good time grab your sunglasses, sun hat, a picnic blanket and your picnic basket. Make some delicious food and chop up some fruit, add a bottle of frozen pink lemonade and water…. and of course your sunscreen, and off you go.
The Rietvlei Farm and Lifestyle Centre is a lovely place to go to. Based in southern Johannesburg, it’s quite near to places such as Walkerville, Eikenhof, Ridgeway, Mondeor, and Lenasia.
It’s a perfect location for picnics and letting the kids go wild, as they have a petting zoo and Tractor Cart Rides, Pony Rides, Steam Train Rides, and a Mini Zipline. There are lapas and a venue for hire as well as drum braai hire if you do not have your own.
There is an entrance fee as well as a fee for hiring Lapas and they sell tickets for all the rides mentioned above, as well as for the zipline.
5. Have An Amazing Dinner
Ok, so all year you may have been hearing about people raving, on social media especially, about some newly opened restaurants. Why not treat yourself to a fabulous meal that [a] you didn’t have to cook, and [b] you deserve for working hard all year round. Alternatively, include your spouse or best friend if you’re not comfortable with eating alone.
6. Take An Art, Language or Cooking Class
The holidays are a great time to learn something new. Learning how to cook a gourmet four course meal, with dessert or if you’re adventurous, how about learning to cook a different cuisine completely? perhaps Thai, Middle Eastern, Korean or French? Maybe even learn to speak 2nd or 3rd Language?
If classes are unavailable, how about following a recipe from some amazing cooks around the world? Or learning from an online website?
Check Terrapetti, the cookbook out, available on Amazon. They have an amazing collection of recipes from around the world, in one digital copy. Not only does it have recipes, but it has some great stories in it which make for interesting dinner conversation.
7. Be A Tourist In Your Own City
Although we live in a country with a lot of history, how many of us have actually gone out to visit places such as the Carlton Tower, famous for once being Johannesburg’s tallest building in Newtown, the Apartheid Museum, or the Hector Pieterson Museum?
There are some interesting art galleries to visit as well, click here to see Getaway.co.za’s 12 Must-See Art Galleries in Johannesburg.
Or view Vibescout.com’s 21 Museums & Art Galleries in Joburg here.
8. Take A Day Trip
Day trips are always interesting and fun… and sometimes educational too.
The Lesedi Cultural Village in the Cradle of Humankind is quite interesting.
If you’d love to see animals, check out the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve in Krugersdorp.
A personal favourite place to visit is the Magaliesburg. It has some great fruit farms and picnic places. From mountain biking, fly-fishing, hiking, horse riding, and even adventurous canopy tours to luxurious spa’s, there’s something for the whole family. Click here to read more about Magaliesburg.
Hartebeespoort Dam is really popular and there are so many places to visit. It boasts a variety of boat cruises, hot air balloon safaris, and other activities for the adventurous traveler.
My favourite thus far has been visiting ‘French Toast’ to see the ‘Little Eiffel Tower ‘ and ‘Bridge of French Love Locks’. Its like having our own ‘Little Paris’ in Gauteng!
[Please do note that French Toast is NOT a Halaal Certified establishment. Its always a great idea to pack a picnic basket & cooler bag with drinks, as many places do not cater for Muslims.]
French Toast
French Love Locks Board
The Bridge Where French Love Locks are Locked.
The Little Eiffel Tower at French Toast
The Beautiful Painting Displayed On The Wall At French Toast
The ‘I Love You Wall’ Sign
The ‘I Love You’ Wall [I Love You written in many different languages]
Belle Fleur Gift Shop Sign
I hope that these ideas will inspire you to enjoy your ‘Staycation’. Should you have more ideas to add or if you would like to share your favourite ‘Staycation’ idea, please do, by clicking that comment tab now.
Was salaamu alaikum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuh.
Activities For Your December Staycation Salaam everyone! It's officially December and here in South Africa, we’re in Summer!!! Schools are about to close in the next week or two, and many people have already made their plans as far as travelling goes, both local as well as international travel.
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dejaaalm · 6 years
How Time Flies...
I actually wrote this blog about a year ago but it's still worth sharing. I wrote this on 10/12/2017. It's amazing to see how much has changed and transformed over the past year. So, here it goes!
It’s been almost a month since my little family and I moved to our new house. The first few days of transitioning was hectic. Our brand new 3-car garage was filled with boxes everywhere. I didn’t realize how many boxes of junk we owned until we packed and moved. Eventually, we donated about 15 boxes of things to Goodwill. I guess after months of living without all of our stuff, we realized that some things are just not worth holding onto. I thought I had it all under control but I seriously did not have a plan for where things would go. Right from the start, things were randomly placed here and there just to be out of a box. In the past two weeks, we slowly started detailing out where things would go. Moving and organizing is so much work—and it’s exhausting! I told Scott that we are never moving again.
After a couple of days, whenever we were leaving our house to go somewhere, Evan would ask “Mommy, are we going home now?” My little man still thinks that our old house is our house, and that our new house is a temporary place for us. I feel so bad thinking about all of the moving we’ve done this year. Overall though, I’m really glad that both of my kids are so resilient and have adapted quite well to the changes.
After 3 weeks, our furniture finally arrived. I love our new furniture! Aside from our dining table set, this is the first time Scott and I have ever purchased a large quantity of expensive and good quality furniture. We ordered a set for my living room, a large sectional for the family room, and a staircase bunk bed for Evan and Lily Rose. I don’t think we’ll be purchasing any new furniture anytime soon; this stuff was expensive but well worth it.
Our new house is so different from our previous home including the neighborhood. Our bedroom window isn’t right up against the neighbor’s driveway where we can hear people talking casually, and our house isn’t sitting 30 feet away from the street. It’s nice and quiet here and it’s definitely a lot more spacious. Our first night sleeping in our new house was uneasy for me. I was trying to get use to the peace and quietness. At our old house, when night time came, that meant the house will start talking. You can hear the water heater and all sorts of noises going on. Granted, our old house was built in 1900 so it’s quite historic. You can hear the sound waves from Highway 10 and the busy traffic on 5th Street. We were next to the corner house on a busy road. But in our new home, it’s dead quiet. Maybe a little too quiet. So, naturally, discovering new unfamiliar sounds made me jump often.
I do miss my old house though. Mostly my kitchen. I miss chasing my kids around the kitchen island and finding them hiding in the pantry closet. I don’t have a kitchen island or a large pantry closet at the new house. I’m sure once winter is over, I’ll find a new appreciation and love chasing my kids outside in our new large deck and yard. One of my favorite features of our house is that my bedroom is big. I have my own walk-in closet and my bedroom is attached to the bathroom. One of my least favorite features is that the third bedroom is all the way down in the basement (4th level). By the way, my new house is a 4-level split home. My previous house was considered a 2-story house but it’s actually more of a rambler, in my opinion.
One thing that God continues to speak to me about is letting go. I have the hardest time with change and letting go of things. I remember crying in the car on my way “home” (to Scott’s parent’s house) the next day after we’ve already sold our old house. It was strange not exiting at my normal exit and to know that I won’t ever go back to that place and see my purple flowers blossom in the spring, or our beautiful vegetable garden that we put so much effort into building, or the bay window where I used to sit and paint. The power to let go isn’t just a tangible thing but it’s also about being able to mentally let go of my anxieties and worries, letting go of my fears, letting go of the familiar things and welcoming the new things, and letting myself take a break and unwind. At the end of the day, though, I remind myself that I should enjoy my new house—I’ve worked really hard for it and it’s a huge accomplishment. It’s not my dream house but it certainly is my spacious humble house. In with the new and out with the old!
Time to decorate this home and make it look fabulous!
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littlenomo · 5 years
Camping Kings
Firstly let me say; camping really lived up to the hype.
I’m pretty sure it all began with Alex and I inviting ourselves on Jen and Dan’s romantic and secluded camping holiday, but however it happened, Jen, Alex, Naomi and Dan (or J.A.N.D. as we’re sometimes known) set off on a camping adventure to Alencon and Saumur in France. We had planned on visiting one other spot by the beach during the week, but after putting the tent up in the dark on the first night after around 18 hours of travelling, we decided that erecting and dismantling the tent twice in one week would be more than enough. As already mentioned, the journey to France was less than ideal, filled with traffic jams, delays and lots and lots of rain, but I could already tell we were on to a winner with this trip with the hilarious, occasionally boarding on offensive, car games. The French Toast Game was a real brain strainer, and the number plate game always lead to profanity, but I think my favourite was “Three, two, one; it’s not brick!”… not sure what its actual title is, but ask me about it some time.
Anyway, we made it! And the sun came out too.
The first camp site was really well-equipped with a lovely pool (in which I made the best ball-catch of my life – a perfect cleavage shot!), really nice facilities and plenty of activities going on including some sort of astronomy club, boules tournaments (you really had to watch where you were walking in case you interrupted a game!) and roasted pigs on offer. It was also situated in a really picturesque little village called Fresnay-Sur-Sarthe with a gorgeous river running through it and wooden shuttered houses with ivy growing on them. I felt like I was in Beauty and the Beast. We did also visit “the most beautiful village in France”, but we all agreed that Fresnay could give it a run for its money. In the other village we visited a lovely church and a tiny little chapel (with paper men cut outs hanging from the ceiling for some reason) and I absolutely loved the black metal sculptures in the church of the journey of Christ to the cross. While Alex and I were waiting for Dan and Jen to pull the car around, we actually stumbled across the sculptor’s studio, by a very pretty little bridge. We popped in for a nosy and there he was, sitting quietly in the corner with his apron on. I wish I had been able to afford a souvenir to remember his work, or that I at least could remember his name, but as usual my memory is hopeless!
All in all a fabulous first stop, and we loved just enjoying the space on the campsite too - chilling out by the river. It was a bit less relaxing when the boys decided to venture out into the river to sit on a big log and take lots of photos, but boys will be boys.
On route to our second camping spot we had probably our most memorable stop at Chateau Chenonceau. It was literally a fairy-tale castle, inside and out! It had history, grandeur, far-spanning gardens and the building itself arched over a large river on which we took a hot but wonderful boat ride. There was amazing artwork throughout the chateau and in nearly every room there was some form of stunning floral arrangement. As we enjoyed our delicious sorbets on the way out of the grounds, we discovered the flower and vegetable garden (although ‘garden’ doesn’t really do it justice - it was immense!), next to which was the old farmyard. Nestled in the centre of the farmyard was a beautiful old barn yard building where all through the year a handful of florists work on those floral arrangements in the chateau, using the flowers from that incredible garden. Now if you want to talk about dream jobs that’s got to be pretty up there! I’m sat here now in my flat in Manchester thinking about that chateau and it seems like a dream. What a great day.
We were instantly happy with our decision not to go to the beach as we pulled up at camp site number two. The drive to the site, especially at sunset, was breath-taking; following along the Loire river and seemingly leaving civilisation behind. The second site couldn’t have been more different from the first. Just a patch of land really with a showers and sinks building and a tiny little reception come drinks stand which I think only opened 4 hours a day.
We were in wine land, so we mostly made the most of that fact, but we did also enjoy incredible crepes and cheese (Alex and I had a platter of cheeses which were made of only goat’s and sheep’s milk!) and again really enjoyed cooking and chilling at the campsite. On our first full day at Camping Belle Rive we had a really rather brilliant BBQ, if I do say so myself. It had meat and veggie skewers, prawns, corn on the cob, huge chicken thighs and pineapple rings – a BBQ of kings you might say - and all on one disposable BBQ (with a bit of help from the hob). However, it wasn’t all smooth sailing… While putting up the wind breaker for the BBQ Dan managed to smash his hand (repeatedly) with our newly acquired mallet (we’d managed to completely disintegrate the one we brought with us on the rock solid ground on which we set up camp on day one). A small, but alarmingly bulging lump quickly appeared on his hand and I think he’s still suffering with it now! Also, after the BBQ was devoured, Alex decided to try and keep a fire going in the little tray, but Jen had to come to the rescue with the water bottle in the end as the flames started catching on the grass and I think Alex had visions of our tent going up in flames. “There’s a fine line between a hero and a villain”, as it turns out. We did still manage to roast some marshmallows over our gas cooker though to end the night – I’m not usually a fan of “fake” marshmallows but these toasted perfectly!!
We did two wine tasting sessions before I had to leave the group. Both were recommendations of the very lovely lady at the tourist office who I’m pretty sure everyone in the group had a crush on. The first was in a cellar and walking distance from our campsite, and the second in a vineyard. We think that it was because we were English, but at the cellar we were given the little silver tasting dishes and just left to our own devices in a big cave full of 22 different wines!! We were slightly disappointed with the reds, but there was a white that tasted like marshmallows which stands out in my mind. We all gave a score out of ten for each wine and re-tried any we particularly liked, seeing as no one was keeping tabs. We got a pretty interesting little tour on the second tasting, seeing the machines they use to press the grapes and learning that some sparkling wines become sparkling naturally, rather than having anything added. Then we tried some really lovely wines there, I think my favourite was the “friends wine”, named thus because you should drink it socially rather than with a meal. The woman running our tasting then recommended a wine tasting festival that was in Saumur that evening (where we just so happened to be heading!), which was just €5 per head for a wine glass and as much wine as you could manage! We stopped by the festival for a beer before dinner and we could already tell it was going to be a really fun place to spend some time later that night. In the meantime however, we had a stonkingly good tapas meal, with snails, pig’s feet and of course more wine a little further into Saumur. The chef came out to speak to us personally and check we were happy with our food and when we asked him how he managed in such a minute kitchen he said he’d been in since 7am as he had to prepare one dish at a time! The festival was ace and a really really fun way to end my bit of the holiday. They had live music (of which Alex bought a CD), lots and lots of people and even more wine! We had to wait for Jen to sober up enough to drive the car back as we were struggling to figure out taxi’s, so we finished up the night with another crepe and a cocktail simply called ‘Crazy’. It wasn’t great, but it certainly didn’t take away from the day overall. It couldn’t have been better.
Although it was horrible having to leave this wonderful holiday early, especially because I had to go on to something so sad and disconnected from the trip, it’s lovely to think back through what an amazing week it was and try to recapture a bit of the relaxation I felt while we were there. Star gazing, beautiful scenery, sunshine and lots and lots of laughs with brilliant friends; it’s exactly the kind of thing you need every once in a while.
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zillowcondo · 7 years
Four Seasons Nevis Reviewed
I’m fresh off a fabulous trip to the Four Seasons Nevis. Until recently not only did I not know how to pronounce Nevis (by the way it’s Nee-Vis) but I had no idea where it was even located. Geography was never my subject–guess they didn’t teach a class on luxe travel destinations at my high school.  As soon as I learned about the exotic island of Nevis, where luxury abounds and monkeys nearly outnumber the residents, I knew I needed to visit.
I’m not ashamed to admit that when I find out that there is a Four Seasons in a city, I immediately assume that the destination is worthy of a visit. The Four Seasons chooses only the most amazing places to create FS outposts (with maybe a few exceptions that are big business cities–sorry Baltimore). Case and point? The Four Seasons Carmelo! I never would have found this charming town had it not been for my faith in the Four Seasons’ location scouting.
Nevis is really a stunning island and the islanders are so charming and warm I never wanted to leave… I truly enjoyed my stay at this classic Caribbean hotel.
There are many ways to reach the Four Seasons Nevis. Most involve a flight into St. Kitts Airport (SKB) and then a boat ride over to Nevis. There are also some small flights to Nevis like the non-stop flight from Puerto Rico with Tradewind Aviation straight into Nevis’ Vance W. Armory International Airport. Saves you a boat ride and it’s a luxury plane! Next time I’ll have to try this. But for this trip, I was a little worried because sometimes small planes freak me out–St. Barth! So I opted for the non-stop flight from JFK to SKB (there are a couple a week).
Arriving via Boat to FS Nevis
Immediately after customs we were greeted by a Four Seasons employee who directs you to someone who will take your luggage and send you to a van. You then take about a 10-minute drive to the boat marina where you reach the Four Seasons’ private boat. The crew passes out (complimentary) rum punches, Carib beers, waters or fruit punch. We had to wait for about 20 minutes to leave for a few guests but no one was complaining (my guess is that the free drinks had something to do with that!) We then set sail for about 40 minutes to the Four Seasons Nevis. The boat ride itself is lovely, we happen to experience the sunset during ours–added bonus! Sunset cruise? Yes please! I loved this ride and found it very exciting to be headed to such a remote locale.
Check In
Upon arrival, you’re greeted at the the boat pier by friendly staffers who take you directly to your room. You don’t have to deal with your bags, they are taken directly to your room (ours took about 15 minutes—very quick!). On our way to our room we were given a mini-property tour, our guide just pointed out a few things as well as the general direction that the lobby, spa, fitness center and adults-only pool were in. We then signed a few forms in our room and he was on his way.
Welcome Amenity? I would say that they one-upped a welcome cocktail with the complimentary open bar on the boat ride over! Cheers to that!
The Grounds
The grounds are stunning and they are also sprawling. The property is comprised of a total of 350 acres. The property features West Indian plantation-style decor and classic Caribbean architecture. Its covered in lush tropical greenery and tropical flowers. And as of December 20, 2013, the property now has its own organic herb garden (hello house-made herb cocktails)!  There are a total of 179 rooms and 17 suites. Rooms are just steps away from Pinney’s beach. There are also 40 private residence villas that are available for rental as well (if you’re part of the lucky one percenters!). Four Seasons Nevis is also home to 5 pools,10 tennis courts, and an 18-hole golf course designed by Robert Trent Jones II. There is also a 1500 sq. ft. fitness center and one of the most gorgeous spas I’ve ever been to–more on that later.
Fitness Center? If you want to be guilt-free you can work off some of the fabulous calories you ingest in the fitness center. There are plenty of machines and the equipment is all very modern. The room is light, airy and cool–no mildewy smells or anything unpleasant here.
Adults Only Pool? Yes. It was huge too with plenty of seating options, including large round couches for snuggling couples.
The Beach!
The Beach? The Four Seasons Nevis is located on Pinney’s beach, which is on the island’s sheltered west coast (the east coast’s beach is much choppier). There aren’t large waves and the water is pretty warm but it still takes a second to wade in if you’re like me who is always cold. There are plenty of chairs and several beach attendants who constantly walk around offering up cold towels, cold water and taking orders for food and drink. I highly recommend renting a private beach cabana. These cabanas are stocked with mini-fridges, four lounge chairs, a flat-screen TV, a couch and small dining table, board games and an iPod dock. The cabanas are surrounded by shrubs, which give you plenty of privacy from your neighbors. There was also highly attentive service–whenever you wanted to order something you just had to raise a flag and cocktails and a full menu of delicious options were brought to you quickly.
The Lobby
The open-air lobby is beautiful and sophisticated. Since I was here around the holidays I had the pleasure to experience a Caribbean-style Christmas tree. I absolutely love Christmas and this tree was so special, decorated with warm colors, crystals and starfish!  Its high-ceiling and comfy furniture give it a plantation feel. My favorite seating was at the back, which overlooks the water, the terrace and lush gardens. One of my favorite experiences during my stay was checking out the live piano player and sipping champagne at sunset.
Lobby seating around the Xmas Tree!
More Lobby Seating with Property Views
The Rooms
Rooms are set in two-story buildings that feel like cottages. This allows the property to retain a laid-back and undeveloped feel, which is what you want at a resort in the Caribbean–no high rises obviously.
I was in room 228, which is a standard guest room with an ocean view. We had a lovely view of the water–especially around sunset! Rooms in the 200s have this benefit, however, are a bit further away from the adults-only reflection pool. Personally though, I didn’t mind the walk and you can always call for a golf-cart if you prefer.
I love nothing more than waking up, opening my window and being able to see and hear the water. To me this is the ultimate luxury! As much as I wanted to invite the Caribbean breeze in all the time, because rooms all have spacious balconies and sliding doors, there are not screens–so open at your own risk because there are mosquitos (and they happen to adore me). I should also add that I had a chance to check out the rooms with a view of Nevis Peak (these are the Mountain View class of rooms) and thought it was stunning as well. If you’re looking to save a little money, Mountain View rooms are slightly less money. Plus, it may provide a refreshing change if you’re spending your days on the beach to have a view of this unique volcano. Really, you can’t lose though. That said, I would opt for a second floor room since these have more unobstructed views of whatever it is you’re hoping to see. (And also the New Yorker in me is always a little freaked out by ground level rooms with balconies–but I am paranoid so there you go).
Room decor is understated, neutral and distinctly Caribbean (with a little Ralph Lauren flair). It’s definitely not overdone but there were still plenty of charming details. I loved the intricately carved four-poster wooden bed and pops of color like the yellow couch and the throw pillows on the bed. Speaking of the beds, even though this Four Seasons has not yet been updated with the new Four Seasons mattress it was insanely comfortable. No adjusting to a different bed here, the second I climbed in I was fast asleep.
I will say that although the room was beautiful I wasn’t a huge fan of its ivory tiled floor, which I felt dated the room a bit. I also would have enjoyed a more up to date coffee machine–but what can I say–even the best of us need some work done now and again, dahhhhling? That’s what botox is for (or so I hear)!
Closet/Dresser Details? There were actually two huge closets and a large dresser with plenty of storage. There were proper hangers in the closet–not the thief-proof ones. I suspect the clientele at the Four Seasons have better things to do than steal hangers.
Charging Situation? This day and age we all need easy access to charge up our electronics. I loved that by the couch there was a little charging station for easy access and extra plugs (even a USB port).
Turn-Down Service: Yes–maids come automatically and restocked anything you might need. They also made sure to lock the sliding door for your safety.
Bottled Water? Yes complimentary at turn down and you can always call and order more.
Coffee maker? Hamilton Beach. While it was a nice model, these days at a Four Seasons I think that I would expect an espresso machine of some sort or at the very least, a Keurig.
Reading Material in the Room? They had a copy of Four Seasons Magazine, Town and Country and one other I can’t quite remember. These were laid out nicely by the couch. I loved this and don’t think that hotels do this enough.
White Glove Inspection: The white linens were perfectly pristine–I even pulled back the duvet cover a little to see the state of what was going on beneath the surface. I am happy to report that even with close inspection I have nothing to report!
 The Bathroom
The bathroom featured his and her sinks and was well-lit. To the left was a large soaking tub and a standalone shower. The shower had a standard head (not rain shower) and had strong pressure. I also did not experience any water temperature issues. The toilet was in a separte, small water-closet, which I appreciate for added privacy. Also helps move things along in the morning–if your man likes to take his time in there, you can be doing your makeup.
Famous Mirror Pic of TP!
Makeup Mirror? Yes! Mounted at eye-level and it lit up!
Hairdryer? Small, travel-sized hairdryer (not attached to the wall though). This was a little disappointing to me. I expected more from a Four Seasons.
Designer Toiletries? The bathroom featured L’Occitane products (as many Four Seasons do). These aren’t my favorites but that’s just because the shampoo never seems to do much for my long locks.
Towel quality? Amazing, really thick and absorbent. And plenty of ‘em.
Robes? Yes, they were thick terry with the Four Seasons logo. There were also fluffy white slippers! My favorite!
Amenities? Shower cap, individually wrapped Q-tips and cotton pads. There was also after-sun lotion, which I thought was a nice and much needed amenity!
View from Room 228
The Food & Drink
The restaurants at Four Seasons Nevis are definitely some of the finest on the island. They all use locally sourced ingredients like eggplant, papaya, lemongrass, coconut, mangos and coconut.
The resort’s fine dining restaurant is Coral Grill and it serves high quality cuisine with top notch ingredients from all over the world. While the steaks and seafoods here were phenomenal, the Macaroni and cheese here is not to be missed. You can customize your dish by choosing protein and cheese on the spot. The desserts here were also my favorite on the property. The souffles and the cheesecake lollipops were delectable.
Right around the corner is Neve, where the fabulous breakfast buffet is served. Fresh fruit, eggs, pastries, pancakes, waffles, you name it. The highlights here for me were the freshly made nut butters (cashew and almond) and the variety of locally-made hot sauces (my fave was the mango pepper!) that I generously poured all over everything. While it’s tempting to order breakfast in bed, you need to experience this buffet at least once during your stay.
Cabana is the resort’s outdoor and laid-back restaurant. The signature dish here is the spiny lobster risotto. While it was delicious, I must say it was outshined by Mango and Coral Grill.
And speaking of Mango–wow! I absolutely loved it here. Dinner here is exactly the experience you’re looking to have at a luxe Caribbean resort. The building itself is lovely and the food is incredible. Mango is famous for its BBQ ribs. I didn’t think I liked ribs actually until I ate here–turns out, I just hadn’t tried the perfect ribs. Absolutely delicious. A must-have while on the island! I will dream of these until I return!
Mango Bar features over 100 Rums!
Tableside Service at Mango
During the day you can order food from the pools or eat lunch at Cabana restaurant. The food here was spot on no matter what we tried. The chopped salad was delicious and plentiful. The tuna tacos were amazing. But probably our favorite thing was the Mediterranean pizza, which they fired up in their own brick-oven. Thin crust and just the right amount of cheese, sauce and veggies. We actually ate this twice during our stay.
Med Pizza!
Classy Hotel Bar? Few bars anywhere compare to how much I loved the Library bar here. They seamlessly integrated a rich environment with a Caribbean feel!
My Kind of Library!
Specialty Cocktails? The Ginger Angostura was one of my favorites and my husband loved the Mango mojito–and trust us we really tried many of the specialties. My other favorite though was the dirty martini with blue cheese stuffed olives at Coral Restaurant. Also a local favorite is the Ting with a Sting!
The Spa
The Spa at the Four Seasons Nevis is not only one of the best I’ve been to in the Caribbean, but probably even anywhere in the world. Its grounds are simply stunning and I’ll let the photos do the heavy lifting here since words just would never be enough to capture its beauty. The service is super. Not only are the staff extremely professional but they are friendly and very knowledgeable about the treatments and the spa’s philosophy. In addition to the usual treatments like massages, body treatments, salon services and facials, the spa offers Ayurvedic treatments. I also highly recommend getting a Rum and Tonic body treatment! It is absolutely heavenly–and unique to the resort!
Spa Hot Tub
View of Nevis Peak from Spa Reflection Pool
Cold Plunge Pool
Treatment Cabanas at the Spa
The Little Things
Did I feel truly welcome by the staff? Staff made a huge effort to learn guests names and remember them. If I had a server in a restaurant and saw them a few days later on the property they always knew exactly who I was and also remembered everything we told them and made sure to ask about it. I always find this incredible since I have the worst memory in the world.
Wi-Fi? Yes, throughout the property. However, it was a bit spotty in my room because they were having internet issues. Internet is not complimentary, which can be a pro or a con. On one hand you won’t use it the entire time, but if you need to, then it can be a little pricey. However, there are two computers in the main lobby–one in the Library bar and one in the center of the lobby, available for guests to print boarding passes.
Mini-Bar? It’s a Four Seasons so of course it’s stocked with fancy (and pricey) snacks and liquors. They had special tea bags you could purchase for your eyes to depuff. I never got the chance to try them but I thought they were super cool!
Cocktail Quality? I have nothing but positive things to say about every cocktail I experienced while at the property. Especially at Mango where they have 100 different kinds of rum! I recommend trying a Ting with a Sting, Angostura Ginger or the uber impressively muddled Mango Mojito.
Board Games at Sunset
Any other quirky things? There is free laundry available for guest use. Although I never had a chance to try it out it’s a great feature, especially for families (or New Yorkers who don’t have access to their own washing machines!). They also include laundry detergent free of charge.
Flowers: I loved the tropical flowers flourishing around the property.
Special Treats: I am sad to report that there were no special treats at turndown service. However, in the typical Four Seasons style, special treats were passed around at the pool and down by the beach, cold towels, Evian spritzes, frozen fruit kebabs and my personal favorite–lemongrass water!
Good For Families: Absolutely! The hotel is large enough for families and couples alike to enjoy. There is also a kids’ club, playground and even a small game room.
Where do Most Guests Hail From? Most guests are North Americans, many families but also lots of honeymooners. Like I said earlier, the property is so large that there is definitely room for everyone to enjoy the property as they wish. We never experienced any annoying children during our stay 
Service Fee? Yes, check your bill it usually includes a charge for service–however, be sure to ask how much of that goes to the employee. I asked at the spa and only a small percentage of it went to the employee herself. So if you have stellar service you still may want to leave an additional amount.
Room for Improvement
Although non-motorized watersports are complimentary, other recreational activities will cost you a pretty penny (for example, you have to rent tennis courts if you’re not playing with a pro or having a lesson).
Rooms should stock bugspray.
The floors in the standard rooms need to be updated. What can I say, I know I’m nitpicking here but that’s what I’m here for.
The Wow Factor(s):
Dive and Dine!
My most memorable experience was the day we had a private beach cabana. This same day we participated in the hotel’s Dive and Dine program. You can actually scuba dive with the hotel’s specialist and chef and then enjoy a beachside BBQ with the lobsters that you caught yourself! If that’s not the catch of the day, I don’t know what is!
Chef Kai hard at Work. Not a bad office though.
View from our Beach Cabana
Our Spoils from Dive and Dine
Beach Cabana Day!
Interior of Beach Cabana
Also, while standard rooms are nice, the luxury suite is one of the most gorgeous hotel rooms I have ever laid eyes on! Seriously, I was snapping photos for a home I plan to one day decorate–and I plan to try and emulate this exact room–especially the closet! If you’ve got money to spend, this would be well worth it. Stunning!
Luxury Suite
Luxury Suite
I also think that an effort to connect with the local wildlife was very unique. We took a golf-cart one afternoon (you can also go in the early AM) and watched the monkeys playing out on the golf course. You can also take garden tours with the hotel’s botanists or take a moonlit walk to go check out the sea turtles.
The Bottom Line: Would I recommend it? Am I coming Back?
The Four Seasons Nevis laid-back, sleepy atmosphere suits its Caribbean locale perfectly. It’s entirely unstuffy and unpretentious so all guests feel comfortable at all times. I think that the Four Seasons Nevis’ ambience, decor and dining options do a nice job capturing the essence of the island. The staff at Four Seasons Nevis makes the guests feel extremely special and like they have had an authentic island experience.
It’s also worth noting that I had a chance to see rooms at both Golden Rock Plantation (though I did not see the honeymoon suite) and Montpelier, I will tell you that the rooms at the Four Seasons blew them out of the water. Although both of those properties are gorgeous and definitely worth visiting for a meal, the rooms at the Four Seasons are far, FAR more luxe and truly the only place I would have been happy resting my luxury-obsessed self.
I would definitely come back and many of their guests agree. There was more than one occasion when I saw guests arriving and staffers literally running towards them with excitement. The reunion was equally as joyful for the guests. The people and the West Indian hospitality at the Four Seasons Nevis are truly what makes it so memorable.
Basically, this is an amazing escape for luxe-loving couples (and even families) off the beaten path of the usual Caribbean destinations. I loved it! Travelingpanties approved!
Stunning Sunset
Four Seasons Nevis Information
Address: The Four Seasons Resort Nevis, West Indies, P.O. Box 565, Pinney’s Beach, Charlestown, Nevis
Cost: Rooms start at $345 during off-season and about $1200 during high season.
*Disclaimer* As is common in the travel industry, writers are provided with complimentary services for review purposes. Although my visit was part of a press trip–meaning that I did not pay, all opinions herein are my own. You can’t buy the love here, people! Just ask my husband!
Daydreaming of Returning to Nevis Already
 Photos Credit: Katie Goldstein
The post Four Seasons Nevis Reviewed appeared first on Pursuitist.
Four Seasons Nevis Reviewed published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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