#i refuse to give Sam a child named Dean jr
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Suptober Day 11: Myth
Dean's always hated hospitals. The smell, the sterile walls, the somber atmosphere, the twisting, scraping dread in his gut. But more than hospitals, he hates the pediatrics wing. He hates the tableaus painted in the hallways. He hates the cartoons playing on the TV. He hates the tiny beds and the blankets with stars and moons on them.
He's standing at the window, staring out at the parking garage when the the doctor comes in. Sam and Jess greet him quietly, but Dean can't bring himself to look. He can tell by the warble in Sam's voice that it's not going to be good news. He can imagine the doctor's face set grimly with a sympathetic twist.
There's a murmured explanation that Dean doesn't try to parse, but he gets snippets. Things like "experimental treatments" and "numbers are still low."
Dean remembers his dad, stark raving mad after their mom died, becoming obsessed with a magical way to fix it. The fix changed day-to-day, depending on how much he'd been drinking. Some days, he was looking for a way to bring her back to life. Others, he wanted revenge on any one of the laundry list of people he blamed for her death: the firefighters, the paramedics, the man who installed their smoke detectors, the electrician who wired the house years before they bought it.
When he turns around and sees little Mary curled up in a mountain of blankets, sounds asleep with dark circles like bruises under her eyes, and half a dozen machines hooked up to her, he understands his old man better than he ever did when he was alive. He'd tear the whole world apart for his niece.
Sam and Jess are looking over the information packets the doctor left, talking about their options and what they could even begin to afford, what their insurance will bother covering.
"I'm gonna go for a drive," he says to the room.
They barely look up when he leaves.
It's late enough in the day that the parking garage is only about half full. The Impala sits alone in one of the corners. In the trunk, there's a box of their dad's things. Stuff Dean can't bear to throw out but doesn't want in his own house, worthless knick knacks and sentimental shit, but most importantly: a journal.
It's the ramblings of a paranoid, possibly schizophrenic man. Dean tried reading it once, right after John died, hoping for some closure. All he found was that his father was sicker than they ever dreamed. He'd imagined a world of demons and monsters to cope with the death of his wife. He'd abandoned his kids over and over again to chase something that would make a deal with him: his life for his wife's.
Dean flips to the last entry. It's from the day John died. It's a rambling whiskey-riddled mess that amounts to blubbering apologies about how he should've been a better father. When Dean first read it, he'd barely skimmed it. Now, he trudges through the lines of slanting writing, looking for any clue.
On the third page, he finds it: a passing mention of a deal he made a two years before. Dean flips back through the pages, skipping over the years until he finds the entry:
It worked. The black eyed bastard couldn't bring her back. He said she was in heaven. I only got two years out of the deal, but he agreed to clean up whoever was responsible.
From there, he reads backwards carefully, looking for what exactly John did. Only a couple pages further, he finds honest-to-god instructions, including an ingredient list, to summon a fucking demon at a crossroads. It says he'll get ten years to live in exchange for whatever he wants. He stands in the parking garage for a long time, looking down at John's clear, blocky writing.
There's a little tin jar that used to sit in John's kitchen. Dean thinks he remembers it even further back, in the kitchen of their family home. It was one of the few things John had salvaged after the fire. When he'd cleared out John's apartment, Dean hadn't even looked in it before throwing it in the box. Now, he pops it open and stares at what's inside: a layer of dirt, a tiny bone, and a singed photo of John.
He feels insane for even considering it. John was sick. Whatever delusion he lived through can't possibly help Dean or Mary.
But if it's not real, then it can't hurt either.
It takes longer than he expected to find a dirt crossroads. He's in the middle of nowhere, and the sun has completely set. It'd be creepy on a good day. Knowing he's trying to summon a demon, though? He's downright spooked.
He replaces John's photo with his driver's license--he doesn't have the patience to go home for a different picture--and digs in the packed dirt with his bare hands. It cakes deep under his fingernails and turns his hands dark. Once he's patted it smooth again, he stands back and waits.
For thirty seconds then a minute then two minutes.
The disappointment is a sucker punch. "So stupid," he mutters to himself.
"Dean Winchester," a gravelly voice says from behind him.
He spins around, heart hammering, to find a man lounging on the hood of the Impala. He's in a suit that doesn't seem to fit quite right, and his tie's crooked and flipped the wrong way. His eyes are piercingly pale. Dean can't tell the color in the moonlight, but he'd guess they're blue, not at all what he expected from a "black-eyed bastard."
But most importantly: he's sprawled on the hood of the Impala.
"Dude, not on my car," he whines.
The man--demon?--laughs. Honest to god, throws his head back and laughs up at the sky. Obligingly, he slides off the car and onto his own two feet. "My apologies."
"Wait," Dean says, finally catching up to what the guy had actually said, "how do you know my name?"
"Your father was quite a character." There's a bite to his words that raises Dean's hackles. "Very demanding, very ungrateful."
"Yeah, well, from where I'm standing, it looks like you shorted him eight years."
"He asked for too much."
"And you were more than happy to deliver."
Any trace of amusement is gone from the demon. He cocks his head and grinds his jaw, and Dean wonders if crossroad demons can kill the people who summon them to make deals.
Finally, the demon asks, "Is this some kind of belated revenge mission? I thought you'd be thanking me, frankly."
"Thanking you for killing my dad?" Dean huffs. Something about the guy presses all his buttons.
"I didn't kill anyone-- Well, that's not true. I didn't kill him. Besides, he wasn't exactly father of the year, now was he?"
Dean doesn't have a response to that, and it's clear the demon knows he's won this round. He smiles faintly then holds out a hand. "I'm Castiel."
Dean's not sure on the protocol with crossroads deals. He doesn't want to accidentally make a deal before he gets to the main event.
Castiel rolls his eyes. "It's just a handshake. Then we can start talking about why you actually summoned me."
Against his better judgement, Dean shakes his hand. It feels like a normal, human hand, which might actually be weirder. He yanks his hand away.
"My niece is sick. Leukemia. And she's getting sicker. Last round of treatments didn't do shit, and I--" He shies away from Castiel's intense, unwavering gaze. "Fix her. That's all I want."
Castiel clicks his tongue. "Simple enough. Ten years for your niece's clean bill of health." He almost sounds disappointed. "Did John mention how we seal deals?"
Dean hesitates, racking his brain. "Uh, no?"
Castiel's eyes flash black, which should knock Dean on his ass. Instead, weirdly, he thinks the look suits him.
"A kiss."
Now that almost lays him out. "Like on the mouth?"
Castiel's eyes flash back to their pale, human version, and he laughs again, this time a low chuckle, like he's hearing an old, familiar joke. "Yes, on the mouth."
"Couldn't just be a handshake," Dean grumbles, but he steps closer anyway. He's had his fair share of awkward, passionless kisses, and none of those ended with Mary getting to have a normal childhood.
Castiel wraps a hand around the nape of Dean's neck and holds him in place. Even though the touch is light, power radiates from it. With barely a thought, Castiel could snap his neck. Hell, he could probably do it without even touching him. (Demon's have psychic powers, right?)
Oh. His eyes are blue. The thought has barely come to him before those eyes flash black again, and he's being kissed. He expected a perfunctory peck. Instead, fire licks against his lips, flares across his skin. His fingers are in Castiel's hair, and his back's pressed against the Impala, and he's not sure when either of those things happened.
Castiel is a firm, hot pressure searing against his front, and Dean wants to pull him even closer. He wants to wrap himself in his warmth and never come back out.
Castiel is the one to pull away first. His hand holds Dean's jaw in place so that he can't chase after him. Dean gets the feeling that it's not the first time Castiel has tried to pull away to speak. His eyes are still black, and Dean's close enough to see himself in the reflection.
"Interesting," Castiel practically pants. He steps back and smooths his suit like it wasn't already a rumpled mess. "I'll be seeing you, Dean."
Between one blink and the next, he's gone. Dean sags against the Impala. I'll be seeing you, Dean. It didn't sound like he meant he'd see him in a decade when he came to collect on his debt. No, Dean had a feeling he'd be visited by Castiel much, much sooner.
"I'm fucked."
#TW sick child#tw cancer#demon cas anyone?#i refuse to give Sam a child named Dean jr#it's still the 11th in my time zone okay?#suptober#suptober24#supernatural#destiel#short ficlet
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Plot Bunny Adoptions
As some of you may know, I have an overabundance of plot bunnies! Plot bunnies are those story ideas I get (usually while writing another story) that stick around in my head. Each time I come up with a new plot bunny, I write it down for later. Which means they multiply quickly...
Unfortunately, my word doc with all these plot bunnies has become overcrowded. I am unable to give all the love and care to these plot bunnies that they deserve, so I would like to offer them to caring writers who would give them a good home!
Don’t worry, I have kept many plot bunnies to myself, but these others always seem to take a back burner, and that doesn’t seem fair! So I am giving them up for adoption!
Below the ‘keep reading’ line are many, many plot bunnies that I am putting up for adoption. But before you adopt, some things to note:
Plot bunnies are available for the following fandoms: Supernatural, Star Wars, and Hobbit
Once you adopt a plot bunny, it is yours. You can change it to an insert reader, OC, ship, anything you like. You can change characters that are the focus or even make it an AU. It is yours, so you can groom it and play with it all you want! :D
Plot bunnies can only be adopted to one home. Once they are adopted, they are no longer available! For this reason, if you want to adopt one of these adorable plot bunnies, you have to send me an ask with the plot bunny number you are interested in! I will respond saying if that plot bunny is yours or if it has been adopted already.
I will not be writing these plot bunnies after they are adopted, so they are completely yours. Any that aren’t adopted will go back to my word doc and hopefully find a forever home with either myself or someone in the future!
You are welcome to adopt more than one plot bunny at a time, if you can give them good homes! ^^
When you start writing the plot bunny, please tag me in it!!! I would love to come visit and say hi every now and then! :D
Adoptions will be open until July 1st.
If you, or someone you know, has been looking for new ideas for stories or a challenge or such, please refer them to this plot bunny adoption. I hope you will consider giving one of these little guys a good home!!! <3 <3 <3
The plot bunnies below are organized by fandom. For ease of browsing, if the original plot bunny idea has a main focal character, that character’s name will be bolded so you can find them quickly.
Plot bunnies will have any random thoughts or details that I came up with at the time. Feel free to use these or use your own. It is completely your decision. ^^ I just copied them directly from my word doc! XD
I hope you will find a bunny that suits you!!!
Supernatural Fandom
· Plot Bunny #2: (Metatron) God decides to bring back some angels that have died, Metatron, Raphael, Uriel, Zacharia, Gabriel, Balthazar, etc, but they have to prove they are worthy, so God decides…there first task is to be a guardian angel to a human, or in this case a hunter. The Winchesters know a hunter, almost like a daughter to Bobby, who usually hunts on her own. She will stop by the bunker every now and then, but then is usually alone, so when Chuck asks for recommendations, she is the first on their list…but that also means that her angel is Metatron. Eager to prove his worth to his father, Metatron sticks by the female hunter like glue, watching her every move, which causes some tension. Have a lot of spats, hilarious moments, awwww moments, and then perhaps feelings evolve?
· Plot Bunny #8: (Lucifer) Lucifer inspired by “Evermore”. He had to convince her to leave for her own protection before the apocalypse.
· Plot Bunny #9: (Gabriel) While making his rounds as the trickster, Gabriel gets in a chat room and meets someone. They become quick friends and continue to chat for months. One day, the girl asks to meet him, but of course, he refuses, even if he really likes her. But then a friend of hers messages him, begging him to come, because she is dying, they say it will happen in the next 24 hours. He shows up and the friend meets him, happy that he came. “You have been the only light in her life for these past months, now she can finally meet the man from the internet that she fell in love with.”
· Plot Bunny #10: (Gabriel) You are a student at the school that Gabriel is a janitor at. You form a relationship with him, you being an acting/singing student. You find out (eventually) what he really is. But at this point, you don’ care, because you have fallen hard for him. One point, you dislocate your arm and he has to take you to the ER. The meds make you loopy, and that is your first kiss with him. “Wow, how messed up did those pills make you?” Gabriel asked. You responded with a smile. “Enough that I have the courage to do this, but not so much that I won’t remember in the morning.” You spend time at his place, eventually move in with him and his dog. You are in acappella group, he goes to watch you compete. But what happens when your “father” Bobby Singer and your “brothers” Dean and Sam come hunting for him?
· Plot Bunny #14: (Castiel) Highschool AU. You are dating the popular senior, Dick Roman, when the Shirleys move into town. You use to be friends with the Winchesters and others, but Dick pushed them out of your life to turn you into the cliché popular girl at school. When they move, you meet Castiel, who quickly develops a huge crush on you, but is really shy. After many failed attempts to get your attention, Dick finds out about his crush and starts to bully Cas badly. When you find out, you turn Dick in and go to check on Cas and his family. It is then you find out what Dick did to push your old friends away. In hopes to get you back, Dick makes a huge romantic declaration of love in the form of a proposal/promise ring in front of the whole school, but when you say no, it turns you into the biggest social outcast. Luckily, you have your friends back, and Castiel is happy to help you through. After a year, you are now best friends with Cas, still unknowing about his feelings towards you.
· Plot Bunny #17: (Dean) You and Dean have been dating for a couple years now, while also hunting along side them. At least until you find out you are pregnant with Dean’s baby. You tell him, and he freaks out and goes drinking. When he gets home, you over hear him telling you that he is going to ‘fix his mistake’. You misunderstand, he really means marry you and settle down, like he has been wanting to. Before you can find this out from Dean himself, you run away. Four years later, Dean is still searching for you, but gets a call from Garth. When he gets there, he finds out that you had a son, John Robert Winchester (JR/JB (John Bobby)). You died when demons came after your son and sent him to Garth. Garth has been trying to help Dean find her, so when this happens, he calls him. Dean has to deal with the grief, while also bringing a little boy into his life. They stay at the bunker and Dean keeps hunting. JR was raised on hunting stories and likes his bed time story to be readings from lore books. He also likes looking at maps for where to go next! OR you go to Bobby’s for some help where he tells you Dean has been searching for you (JR only 2/3). Dean and Sam show up shortly after and chaos ensues?
· Plot Bunny #18: (Dean) Dean and Sam run into Jesse, the boy who is half demon. He takes them to a secluded place where others like him live and train. It is led by a woman, who is very powerful, but also very kind and gracious. When Jesse gets captured by demons, the woman works with Sam and Dean to free him. During that time, Dean and she develop feelings for each other. The night they save Jesse, Dean admits to her that he is in love with her, and wants her to stay with him. She loves him too, but, she leaves. Because she knows the truth of her parentage, and the boys. She leaves a note for Dean, explaining that she loves him, which is why she can’t stay, because if he knew the truth he would hate her, because she is Azazel’s child. At first, Dean and Sam are angry about it, thinking that she tricked them. But when words gets out that the demons have their hands on a powerful half-breed, Sam and Dean are back to the rescue.
Star Wars Fandom
· Plot Bunny #21: (Hux) OC is resistance spy, but saves Hux’s life and they become friends, and almost lovers. When the First Order is under attack by another force, she gets the resistance to bring in help and saves the day. Eventual love
Hobbit Fandom
· Plot Bunny #22: (Kili and Fili) After reclaiming Erebor and the restoration is mostly done, the princes decide to put their skills to work by creating a memorial in the hall of kings for their father. When revealed, Dis is in tears, as is Thorin. “He would be proud of you both.” During, they talk of stories and what they remember about their father. · Plot Bunny #27: (Thorin/Company) You are friends with Thorin, Dwalin, and all. You are a bar maid in Ered Luin, they always bring liveliness to the place, and are very protective of you. · Plot Bunny #35: (Bofur) In Ered Luin, Bofur meets a lass, a very shy one, that he wants to court. But can the loud and cheerful miner court the quiet and shy seamstress? · Plot Bunny #36: (Bofur) Bilbo notices after a while that all the little things Bofur whittles has a design or such that is always similar. Bofur explains that it is his muse, how each piece has that as a dedication to her. She is a dwarf in the Blue Mountains that he fancies. He is hoping that he can prove his worth to her father by being on the quest, and with his share, provide a good life. Jump to later with Bilbo spying Bofur in the market at his stall with a woman, holding her close and smiling. He is happy he finally has his muse. · Plot Bunny #37: (Bagginshield) Bilbo tries to teach Thorin how to garden, and Thorin tries to teach Bilbo blacksmithing. · Plot Bunny #38: (Bagginshield) Upon his return, Bilbo throws a dinner for his family to explain his absence. He assumed Thorin, the Dewarf King, would be fine…but Thorin is in over his head…then add Lobelia to the mix. · Plot Bunny #39: (Bagginshield) AU: Bilbo is a school teacher (younger children) and Fili and Kili are his students. When they get into mischief, the school calls Dis, but since she is busy at work, Bilbo gets to finally meet Uncle Thorin.
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Give a little bit of your heart to me
Summary: Dean wanted a bit of your heart; you gave him it all only to feel it breaking.
Pairing: Mobster!Dean x Reader, Mobster!John x Reader (platonic)
Character: Ellen Harvelle, Ruby, Sam Winchester
Warning: arranged marriage, angst, mentions of divorce, pregnant reader, comforting, remorse, fluff, misunderstandings

‘Give a little bit, give a little bit of your heart to me,’ back then you smiled at Dean’s words, knowing he got forced into this marriage too. Your father and John Winchester wanted to form a strong bond between the two mightiest empires, so you and John’s eldest had to marry.
You had not seen Dean for a lifetime, but you still remembered the funny, cocky, and green-eyed boy with so many freckles you could never count them.
A tiny piece of your heart always beat for him, so it was easy for you to give Dean not only a little bit of your heart but the whole damn beating thing. Now it is a broken mess, a bleeding pulp that will never heal.
“I’ll pack as fast as possible, John,” your voice broken, defeated you place the golden band, and your engagement ring into his hand. “I know it was an arranged marriage, but I thought after five years I know your son.”
“Y/N,” murmuring your name John watches you subconsciously rub your belly. “Do you have to tell me anything, doll?”
“Your son is a lying son of bitch who just left me,” you huff, walking toward the house you shared with Dean.
“I will go and tell my father the arrangement is over, John. You will have to clarify the details as daddy will get mad,” you flinch at the thought of facing your father. “You don’t want to see him mad, John.”
“Doll, wait,” sighing John grasps your wrist. “I know about the baby and can’t let you leave. It’s my grandchild, my heir.” Your stomach tightens looking up at John. “Your life, it never was yours in the first place, Y/N. I’ll give you all you need, but you have to stay and raise your child as a Winchester.”
“I can’t,” voice cracking you blink the tears away. “I should leave before Dean returns.”
You would run away, hide somewhere but honestly, you have got nowhere to go. Not with John Winchester wanting your child and your father insisting on a bond with Dean.
“This is my house, my manor, not Dean’s. You will move into my part of the house and Dean will shut his mouth. When he comes back, I will set him straight,” John slings his arm around your shoulders, not missing the hopelessness in your eyes when you agree to follow him.
“It’s not as if I got anywhere to go, John. At least you will get what you always wanted, an heir for your empire,” you whisper bitterly, missing John’s pained expression when tears roll down your cheeks. “As you said, my life never was mine.”

“You said I can divorce her after five years! I want to be free again, Sir,” Dean yells. “I was the perfect husband and partner. I played my part, now play yours,” his words make your legs wobble and fresh tears run down your cheeks.
Dean lied. This whole time he made you believe he loves you too. Façade. Charade. A foul play, that is what you are to him. He made a deal and now he wants out.
“John, let him out,” your voice meek, thin, and all the fight gone from your eyes you rub your arms nervously. “If he wants out, let him out.”
“See, she doesn’t want to stay married either,” Dean wants to touch your arm to thank you for your words, but you flinch away, jerking your arm out of his grip.
“Don’t touch me,” your voice cracks now but you fight the tears. “You want to be free, be free. Lucky you, Dean. I never had a chance and are stuck here as…,” you run away before you tell Dean about the baby, his baby.
“What’s wrong with her?” John shakes his head at his son’s behavior. “Father, why did Y/N look as if she’s hurt? I thought she didn’t want this marriage.”
“You really are a blind, my son. I suggest you’ll leave her alone and turn your attention toward the girl you want to leave Y/N for,” walking away John leaves his son alone with his thoughts.
“I thought she wanted to divorce too, Sir. Wait, hey, wait up,” Dean jogs after his father grasping for John’s wrist. “Talk to me.”
“I want you to take care of Crowley, Dean. You’ll be out of town for a month or two and can rethink your decision,” John sighs deeply. “If you still want to divorce Y/N I will not stop you. I’ll take care of the mess you left, as always.”

Dean did not say goodbye before he left to deal with Crowley. To be honest, it would have been too hard to see rejection, maybe even triumph in his eyes.
“He’ll be back in a month or two, Y/N. Enough time for him to come to his mind and realize what he’s about to lose,” you nod, what else can you do when the most powerful and dangerous mobster tells you his opinion.
“I will go to my room, goodnight John,” watching you leave John hates he has to force you to stay but with your father insisting on not breaking the bond he’s got no other choice than to protect his heir, the future of his empire.

Three weeks passed without a word from Dean, not that you believed he would at least call to tell you he’s alright. While you lie on the bed in the room John offered to you, the door opens once again.
Over the last weeks, John took care of you, watched over you like a mother hen, not that you would ever dare to call the mobster like that.
“You need to eat something, doll. Ellen made chicken, peas, carrots, and mashed potatoes.”
“I am not hungry, or rather the moment I eat anything I have to run to the bathroom. Breakfast ended up in the toilette, just like the apple I ate,” you do not turn around, not wanting John to stay longer than needed.
“Listen, I know this is a fucked-up situation, but you’ll get up, have a shower, and come to join me in my living room. We can watch one of those movies Dean hates so much,” John sits onto your bed, gently patting your hand. “Mary, she had problems with Dean too. I made her fennel tea.”
You would laugh about John acting like a nurse, but you know he means well, tries to make the best out of a bad situation. “Okay, I’ll be there after a shower.”
“If you need anything else, tell me or Ellen so,” you nod, glancing at John who places your wedding band and engagement ring onto the nightstand. “I am sure, when Dean comes back he’ll apologize, Y/N.”
You nod silently, knowing John is wrong about Dean. Your husband does not give a shit on you, to be honest…

“Better,” while you sip on the fennel tea John insisted to make you nod, faking it did make you feel better. “Just relax and watch, uh-erm,” glancing at the movie John rubs his scruffy chin. “What are we watching?”
“I don’t know,” mumbling the words you look at the huge TV, not following the story at all. “I just zapped around and ended up watching that movie. She looked pretty in her wedding dress, though.”
“Y/N, you need to stop acting as if you are a prisoner or worse. I know you believe I want you to stay because of the baby inside your belly, and I want you to but,” John wraps one arm around your shoulders, letting you rest your head against his shoulder, “I want to keep you safe.”
“Dad would get mad when he gets to know I made Dean leave. He would believe I manipulated our marriage to get out or something similar, John. My family is not used to give comfort. They are all hard, calculated, and power-hungry,” you glance at your belly, slowly rubbing it.
“You’re showing,” John covers your hand, squeezing it tightly. “Just a little but I see the difference.”
“You mean I got fat,” giggling you blink the tears away. “There is no reason for Dean to like me, you know. I guess, he had to imagine someone else to get intimate with me. I am such a fool…”

“Doll, get down here and join us for dinner,” John grumbles when you refuse to come down to eat with Sam, Ruby, Ellen, and John.
“No! Nothing fits any longer, John. I look like a wale!” You yell back. “I will not go downstairs wearing a too-tight dress or crap!”
“Jesus, Y/N. You are three months pregnant, not a wale. Come downstairs or I’ll send Sam to drag you down or Ruby,” Ruby glares at John, pointing her knife at the mobster.
“I am not a threat,” she grunts, watching you slowly pat down the stairs. “There she is! A pretty mama!”
“A wale,” grumbling you walk toward the table in a too-tight shirt and shorts which do not cover your belly. You baby bump peeks out of the shirt and John smirks, holding back a chuckle as you glare at him.
“You look beautiful, doll. Now sit, eat and we can talk about baby names,” John pulls your chair, smirking as you wiggle on the seat to get comfortable.
“How about Dexter,” Ruby smirks watching you narrow your eyes.
“Samuel?” Sam tries and you toss a napkin at the tall mobster who grins at you.
“John Winchester Jr.,” John exclaims, and you groan, hiding your face in the palms of your hands. “J. Jr.,” he tries again, and you shake your head silently.
“John Henry Winchester,” not giving in John tries to convince you but you stay adamant. “It’s a great name for your baby.”
“Not for a girl, John!” You grunt and everyone cheers at the table as you finally told them the gender. “You son of a bitch!” Head snapping upward you purse your lips when John gives you a grin.
“That’s my line, sweetheart,” Dean snickers, waltzing into the room. If it’s possible for him to look even better after three months he does look better. His hair longer, chin scruffy and his eyes sparkling he looks around the room. “What? No welcome back?”
“Welcome back, son. How were the deal, Mexico, and the weather?” John clears his throat when you silently get up to leave the room. “Y/N, you didn’t eat anything. Stay.”
“I lost my appetite, John. I’ll sleep a bit or whatever,” voice trembling you rush out of the room, not caring John calls your name repeatedly.
“Did I just kill the mood,” Dean blinks a few times, glancing at his family. “What did I do?”
“Uh-let’s start with you leaving your wife. You not calling for over three months or the fact you want to divorce her,” Ruby deadpans. “Maybe her current state makes her even more vulnerable.”
“Current state? Is she sick?” Dean gasps, glancing at the untouched food. “Why did she ran upstairs? Our bedroom is opposite.”
“She lives in John’s guest wing as you wanted her to leave, dude,” Sam grits out. “What did you believe would happen? That Y/N would wait for you to kick her out.”
“I just,” sighing Dean drops his bags before he walks toward the stairs. “I got to talk to her. I mean, she’s my wife, right?”
John rolls his eyes, close to saying something he will regret. “Not for much longer. You are back, you still want to divorce her so I can marry her,” John lies, a dirty grin on his lips. “I’d like to have a younger wife.”
“You, what?” Choking on his words Dean balls his hands into fists. “You said I shall think about divorce, not that you would ram your teeth into my wife!”
“Ex-wife, Dean. If you want out of this marriage, I will not stop you but,” John smirks devilish, “someone has to take care of Y/N and her needs.”
“If you touched my wife I’ll castrate you,” Dean threatens, bumping his chest against John’s. “I thought she wants out of the marriage. I never said I will let you touch my girl, you vulture. Go and get a random girl. This one is mine.”
Dean storms off, still cursing when the door slams shut behind him with a loud bang. “I should’ve said something sooner,” John snickers. “I woke the alpha. Imagine what he’ll do hearing she’s having his baby.”
“You’re the devil, John Winchester,” Ellen laughs at Ruby’s words, nodding eagerly. “I like your style, sometimes.”

“Son of a bitch, Y/N! Did he touch you? Did my fath…,” Dean’s eyes widen, his jaw goes slack, and you can see the color drain from his face when you step into the bedroom, showing off your baby bump. “Y/N,…sweetheart?”
“What brought you here, Dean? Do I have to sign the papers,” you sigh, sitting onto the bed, not meeting Dean’s gaze. “I think John prepared everything. We only have to sign the papers and you can go to that girl you want.”
“There is no girl, Y/N,” mumbling the words Dean kneels in front of the bed, not taking his eyes from your swollen belly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He looks up at you, searching your face.
“You wanted out of this marriage. It thought you wouldn’t care or worse,” you huff, grabbing the blanket to cover your body. “Doesn’t matter anymore. I am trapped to stay here. John’s order. You can go and party or whatever you planned to do without me dragging you down.”
“Sweetheart,” his hand trembles when he moves it under the blanket to touch your bump. “My baby is inside your belly. I never thought I’ll be a father one day.”
“Dean, you are free to go and leave this to me,” not wanting to see him pity you, you scramble away, crawling toward the pillow to sleep the hurting off. “Leave me alone and got to that girl.”
“I told you, there is no other girl, Y/N,” Dean sounds angry when he kicks his shoes off, crawling onto the bed to lie next to you. He’s burying his face into your neck, inhaling your scent. “You smell like vanilla and lilac. I’ve missed your scent, your soft skin, your lips on mine.”
“Sure,” you grunt, angrily clenching your fists. “That’s the reason you did not call and gave a shit on me for three months, Dean.”
“Y/N, I was kinda undercover to find out what’s Crowley planning. I could not call my wife or crap. I had to be as invisible as possible,” he’s moving closer to wrap his arms around your waist. “I swear, I wanted freedom for you, nothing else.”
“You wanted my heart, and I gave it to you only to get hurt,” Dean listens to your words, hating he made you feel that way. “I never wanted to hurt you, Y/N. Let me make it right.”
“How? By pretending you love me too,” you huff, turning in his embrace to slap his face. “I am done listening to your lies.”
“Love? You love me,” Dean scoots closer to cup your face, ignoring your angry look. “Fuck me,” his lips press against yours and you must use all your strength to break free.
“What the fuck Dean!”
“My wife loves me,” he smirks, glancing at your belly, “and I knocked her up. Now back to my father touching you.”
“Gosh, John would never touch me, not that this is any of your business, Winchester.” You glare at Dean when he tries to touch your belly.
“I am sorry, Y/N. I promise to be the husband you deserve if you give me the chance to. I know asking for divorce without talking to you was stupid, but I thought you want out,” Dean pecks your lips, rubbing your belly slowly. “I heard you talking to Ruby and wanted to let you go.”
“I don’t understand, Dean. I never said I want out of our marriage. I said I want to get out of this house,” you groan, frustrated.
“I didn’t want to live with your father, brother, and their girlfriends. I wanted a place of our own, Dean.” Dean starts laughing, even throws his head back.
“I guess next time I should listen closely,” he is rubbing your belly, smiling as you cover his hand with yours. “I don’t want out of this marriage, Y/N.”
“Is that a lie again or can I have a little bit of your heart too?” Dean pecks your lips, gently stroking your cheek. “Sweetheart, you can have the whole damn thing…”
Part 2

SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
A/N: If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you.
#Give a little bit of your heart to me#MOBSTER!AU#mobster au#mobsterdean#mobsterjohn#mobster!dean x reader#mobster!dean#mobster!dean x you#mobster!dean winchester x reader#mobster!john winchester#angst#pregnant reader#dean winchester#dean winchester x you#dean winchester fanfic#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester SPN#spn au fanfic#spn au fanfiction
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Demons lie
Summary: Demons lie and sometimes lies have consequences.
Pairing: Demon!Dean x Omega!Reader (flashbacks), Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester
Warnings: angst, language, pining, abandonment, rejected omega, sickness, eating disorder due to sickness, A/B/O, nonconsensual claiming, comforting, fluff
It was like you never knew him, the alpha pressing you against the wall, not caring you whimper at the pain he causes. He whispered dirty things into your ear, but you tried to ignore his intentions.
The demon your friend became tried to terrify you with his words and his hands around your throat.
“You know, Dean never tried anything as he was afraid to get you killed,” the demon purred against your lips, forcing his tongue down your throat.
“D’,” you fought, clawed at his shoulders but his lips and teeth wandered to your neck. He inhaled your scent deeply, smirking when you started to whine against him. “Please, let me go. This isn’t you Dean.”
“Alpha, that’s how you will address me from now on, omega. You’re mine, always belonged to me. Be good,” he purred against your throat, his teeth only inches from your mating gland.
“Dean doesn’t want me, please. He’s with that girl, Cassie. They are a pair, he wants to claim her,” you sniffled silently, feeling his teeth nibble at your neck. “He’s only afraid to get her killed.”
“He’s not afraid, sweetheart,” the demon smirked, lapping at your skin. “Dean wants you, that’s the truth. I think, you need confirmation, something to make you see how much he wants you…”
Moments later Castiel dragged Dean off your body, healed your twisted ankle, not missing the panic in your eyes when Sam entered the room. “Cas, please…don’t…”
The angel nodded, letting you run out of the room to hide in your bedroom, crying silently.
This is how you ended up in Dean’s room, begging him to talk to you…
“Dean, can we talk?“ You can see the guilt in Dean’s eyes when he forces himself to look up as you step inside his room. He’s seated on the floor, glancing at the mark he touched not moments ago. “The demon, he said a few things and…”
“Demons lie, Y/N,” Dean mumbles, not remembering everything he said to you. “Whatever he told you, it was not me. I promise, nothing of it was true.”
“He said you wanted me, not Cassie. That you didn’t claim her as you…” you swallow thickly when Dean shakes his head, looking anywhere but into your eyes. “Demons lie, I get it.”
“Demons lie, sweetheart,” the pet name is a punch to your guts. Moments ago, you believed Dean would finally admit he feels the same and will be there for you like an alpha should. “I’m sorry if he scared you.”
“It’s fine, Dean. I just wanted to talk things out,” the alpha nods, searching for your eyes but this time it’s you who looks away.
“Did he say anything else? Do I need to apologize?” you would like to snort at his words. The demon whispered he loves you and your heart fluttered. How can you tell Dean so if the demon lied?
“Just nonsense about how he hates Sam and my food or crap. Don’t worry, Dean,” you try to keep a straight face, but your eyes would give your lie away. “I will have a rest, sleep a bit.”
“O…okay,” Dean watches you walk out of the room. Your postures changed. When you entered his room, you showed of confidence but now, your shoulders are slumped your head hangs low and he can hear a deep sigh leave your lips when you close the door.
“Y/N it’s two days, did you eat?” Sam calls from outside your room. “You can’t be too tired to eat anything, kiddo.”
“I’m fine, Sam. I ate a sandwich, an apple, and one of those odd energy bars you bought. Stop worrying about me,” your voice cracks when you hide underneath your blanket, but you can’t tell Sam you barely made it out of your bed over the last two days.
“I’ll check on you later, Y/N. You better leave your room for dinner,” you know Sam means well but you can’t find it in you to leave your bed or room.
Something doesn’t feel right, and you wonder if you will ever feel the same again...
“It’s five days now, Dean. I don’t know why she’s not leaving her room,” Sam watches his brother's eyes drift toward the empty chair at the library you used to occupy. “I think she didn’t eat anything lately.”
“Maybe she needs to get over that I attacked her and said stupid things. I don’t remember everything, only pieces of the demon’s words,” Dean mumbles, not daring to tell Sam what you ask him days ago.
“That’s no reason to not eat, Dean. If she doesn’t come out for dinner, I’ll send Castiel in to check on her.”
“Y/N open the door and let me check on you,” Sam rams his shoulder into your door, growling as he failed to pick your lock. “Kiddo, I know something is off but it’s eight days. You only sneak out to use the restrooms and to drink water. I need to know you’re still alive.”
“I’m so tired, Sammy,” your voice sounds weak and miles away whilst you struggle to open your eyes. “I don’t know why. Everything feels so…heavy…”
“Damnit, Y/N,” using all his strength Sam repeatedly rams his body into your door but the lock won’t budge. “Hang on, Y/N. I’ll get something to open that door.”
“What’s wrong, Sam?” Dean watches his brother despair when he hears a low whimper leave your lips. “Shit, let me open that door,” Dean rams his foot against the lock, hearing the door gives in. “Almost there, sweetheart,” another kick, and another hits the door until it finally flings open.
“Y/N, fuck,” Sam’s eyes fill with tears watching you snuggle into your pillow, too weak to lift your head. Food is splattered all over the floor, just like empty water bottles and dirty clothes.
“Sammy, let me,” Dean eyes land on something letting his stomach churn. “I think Y/N need to talk, okay. Can you make her something to eat? A soup would be great or drive to town and buy chicken soup at the dinner.”
“I’ll be right back,” worriedly watching his brother close the door behind him Sam wipes his eyes. “Please help her…”
Dean feels like someone is squeezing his heart when you ignore his presence. Nothing seems to pick your interest, everything is just grey to you since Dean said the demon lied.
“Sweetheart,” Dean whispers, kicking his shoes off. He’s stripping down to his boxers to crawl onto your bed. He’s reaching out for you to wrap his arms around your weakened body. “I’m so sorry.”
“You shouldn’t be here,” voice thin you close your eyes, drifting into sleep again. “The demon lied…” Flashbacks hit Dean when he looks at the mark on your neck.
He’s pressing you against the wall, telling you he will prove to you how much he wants you. His teeth sink into your neck right when Castiel tries to drag him off you. The demon resists sinking his teeth deeper into your flesh to leave a permanent mark.
“I never wanted it to be like this. God, I didn’t feel our bond, Y/N,” Dean mumbles, pressing soft kisses to the mark the demon left. “I think the mark suppresses the bond. I don’t know…”
“He bit me,” your eyes flutter open when Dean gently turns you in his embrace to hold you close to his chest. Your head rests against his heart when you finally open your eyes. “The demon wanted to hurt me.”
“No,” Dean whispers, pecking your hair, “he wanted to have what I desired. The demon, he took what I wanted for so long, Y/N. I was afraid to lose you, so I lied about having Cassie in my life. We only met once a year ago, but it didn’t work out.”
“You lied,” sniffling you try to touch Dean’s face, but your hand slips away. “He didn’t lie?”
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” Sam’s features darken hearing Dean confessing he tried to push you away to keep you safe. “I didn’t remember I bit you that day. I swear if I would’ve known I marked you…”
“I got soup and water, some energy bars too,” whilst you lie on his chest, unmoving Dean holds out his hand.
“Give me one of the bars, I’ll feed her, Sammy. Maybe you can make some tea and I’ll bring her to my room when she’s a bit better,” his younger brother eyes Dean angrily before he hands him one of the energy bars.
“This is your fault, Dean. You and your fucking good intentions…”
“Another one, sweetheart. Come one, baby, you can eat one more spoon of this fantastic chicken soup I made,” you scrunch up your nose, shaking your head. “I don’t want to use my alpha voice young lady.”
You stick your tongue out, refusing to eat the soup Dean made. “It tastes odd,” you whine, pressing your lips into a thin line.”
“He put the medicine inside,” Sam snickers watching his brother fight with you over soup. “You refused to take the pills.”
“This is,” you glare at Dean who uses the moment you open your mouth to shove one last spoon with soup into your mouth.
“There we go, omega,” grinning proudly Dean hands the empty soup bowl to Sam. “Now we are going to check on your temperature and sleep a bit. The doctor said you’ll feel better soon.”
“I hate pills and I’m not a child,” you whine whilst Dean drags the blanket off your body, eying you shamelessly. “This is unnecessary.”
“You are with my child, Y/N, nothing is unnecessary if it comes to Dean jr.,” you narrow your eyes snatching the blanket out of Dean’s hands. “Four years and you are still untamable. The demon should’ve bitten your ass not your neck.”
“You insensitive rude alpha…” you sniffle looking at Sam for help. “Tell him that was rude, Sammy. He can’t say things like that to me…” sobs leave your lips until you start crying.
“Sweetheart, no, don’t cry again,” Dean whines. “Please, don't cry. I didn’t mean it that way. I’m glad I marked you, okay. Look, Impala is kicking his daddy.”
“We are not going to name our son Impala, Dean. I told you so months ago,” poking your finger into Dean’s chest you lick your lips when he gives you a cocky grin. “No, we won’t.”
“Dean jr. it is then,” he smirks now, pecking your lips. “Imagine, you call my name and two Dean’s come running into the kitchen to get a slice of pie,” Dean swoons while you groan.
“I hate you,” Dean hums, resting his head on top of your belly. “I mean it, alpha. You’re so…”
“Back then the demon made me the greatest gift. If not for him I would’ve chickened out until you found a better alpha, now you are all mine, round and grumpy only for me…”
“I still hate you, Winchester but you can stay to rub my back…” Sam watches you fight over names for your pup whilst he leans against the door frame. “Maybe I like you a little.”
“I like you a little too, sweetheart…”
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Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
#Demons lie#dean winchester#demon!dean x reader#former Demon Dean x reader#dean winchester x you#dean winchester fanfic#dean winchester SPN#dean winchester x reader#a/b/o#angst#alpha!dean#alpha!dean winchester#alpha!dean x reader#alpha!dean x omega!reader#alpha!dean x omegareader
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