#i recently was able to meet with someone i haven't seen in half a decade. someone i really liked. someone i was really similar to.
when did i become so hollow
the daydreams took root in my soul
safety guaranteed
indulgence abundant
reality forsaken
i work in customer service
our best barista
all smiles
no heart
i study at an online university
an exemplary overachiever
i used to be unmistakeably human
vibrantly playful
imperfectly troublesome
daringly liberated
now there is only a glittering shell
so pretty
so faceted
so polished
so empty
i try to make conversation
but the only sounds i can make
are nervous laughter
and irrelevant anecdotes
and awkward acknowledgements
and then i regret every word
because i've filled the empty air
with even more nothingness
again and again and again
grief without tragedy
fear without danger
words without meaning
unable to confront discomfort
struggling to maintain tangibility
failing to express myself
because my mind no longer thinks about feelings
and my heart doesn't think at all
and my soul has withered to dust
overwhelmed by light and noise
agitated and restless
i shut everything out
and try to find myself in the silence
but i've already spent too long
wasting away
alone in my room
where dreams go to die
and vacant distractions reign supreme
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boywivlove · 5 years
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| Lutz | 02
Chapters | 01
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader | Jimin x Reader
Genre: Figure skating AU | Slight angst | Fluff
Summary : After your last performance at the Junior world championships leaves you with a broken leg, your longtime boyfriend and team mate Jung Hoseok decides to partner with someone else and sign with a new agency  for the next competition, leaving you behind with the remains of a severed relationship. 2 years go by and your leg has long since healed, but a nasty blow to your confidence has put you off the idea of return to the competition circuit after being left behind. But when a chance meeting with an old friend catches you by surprise, you find yourself with a new partner. And after working hard you end right back where everything went wrong. But this time your going to show just far you’ve come.
Warnings : Mentions of broken bones and injury | some strong language | Future Smut
Authors Note: Heres chapter 2 of Lutz, Im happy to finally be posting more chapters Ive been neglecting my writing for a while haha, anyway enjoy and lemme know what you think!!! - Billie xoxo
It was a chilly Friday afternoon when you were back on the rink, surrounded by a dozen of youngsters trying hard to keep their balance you couldn't help but think back to the scene when Bambi tries to take his first steps, it made you smile to see the concentration on their little flushed faces. The class had soon ended and you said goodbye to each of the kids as they left with their parents and you soon headed to the cafe where you now sat. You had ordered your usual, large mint hot chocolate, extra whipped cream and a chocolate brownie. You sat in your usual space, checking your emails and going over your notes for Mondays class and who needed more help in certain areas, even though they were young children, they were all very enthusiastic about the class and it made you smile that you were helping them get better at something they all love. You admit you hadn't felt this happy in a while, truth be told, you had been going through a rough patch since Hobi left, everything you did in your daily life had been marked with memories of him, even your apartment was riddled belongings he had left behind that you just haven't had the energy to get rid of. But recently, you had been able to occupy your mind with distractions. 
Deciding to pick up some groceries on your way home you got up ready to leave when you stood up and turned to the exit, when your body collided with another, your now slightly hot drink also colliding with whoever you had knocked into. 
`Oh my god!! Im so sorry!!`  you grabbed your napkins, trying to soak up your drink from his now very stained turtle neck. `no no Im sorry I had my head in my phone, I should really look where Im going`
`no its my fault, god, your shirt is so stained,,, Im so sorry, `
`no really i-,,, wait, Y/N? Y/L/N ? Is that you?` You stopped dabbing his wet shirt then, and you finally looked at the face of the man you unintentionally baptised in hot chocolate, His honey blonde hair, his bright eyes, you couldn't believe your eyes.
`oh my- Jimin? Park Jimin is that really you!?oh my god its been-`
`too long, at least six years I think? fancy seeing you here`
`haha, I know its been so long, oh god what a reunion eh? Im so sorry about your shirt, 
`hahah, Still as grateful as ever Y/N, glad to see you haven't changed`
Jimin, not seeming to care about his not damp attire, scooped you in a hug, his arms swallowing you as you happily embraced your old friend back, god it had been so long since you two had seen each other, he still looked as much of a cherub as ever, his hair was still bouncy and parted in the middle, his eyes has the tiniest laugh lines around them, his round glasses framed them nicely and his jaw was slightly more defined. But even though half a decade had passed, he still looked like the same Jimin you knew.
`Your not leaving now are you, Id love to stay and catch up with you, I never expected to run into you of all people here,`
`I actually have some errands to run before the supermarket closes, but if your free tomorrow Id love to meet for a coffee, my treat considering your wearing mine`
`Oh sure, shall we meet at the copper bean? say lunch time? `
`sure, Id like that, Im sorry to dash off so suddenly-`
`dont worry about it, tomorrow at lunch, here let me give you my number so we can keep in touch!`
You handed him your phone, and as he keyed in the digits, you couldn't help but feel like tomorrow was going to be a fun day.
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