#i received some half-hearted dismissals like. oh cool or oh that's so sad. anyways. and then we went back to talking about them.
buckleydiazmp4 · 9 months
it's tag venting time
#i've had this friendship. of like. 5 years#and well#we used to be really really close#and in hindsight i guees it was because we literally saw each other for 8 hours straight every day of the week#and then that stopped happening#i literally haven't seen this person in about a year and a half i think? maybe more?#despite the fact that we basically live walking distance from each other. which. already says a lot#but then there's also a bigger issue. because hey i get it we're both busy ppl it's okay if qe haven't seen each other in a while#(despite the fact that in this case it is because of a lack of trying -i like to believe not on my part- but ignoring that)#we text sporadically when we have something to let off our chest so it's like this back and forth of voice notes every week or so#but lately its has turned into them sending me groups of 5-minute voice notes at a time because their life is so. so dramatic#and like. hey if this were still like a mutual communication i would enjoy it because i am indeed a good listener#and i like to believe i guve good advice. and i used to give this person good advice like. it was a nice friendship back then#but it became so one-sided as in i received info dumps and vents about the same stuff over and over and the few times i talked about myself#i received some half-hearted dismissals like. oh cool or oh that's so sad. anyways. and then we went back to talking about them.#and it was so frustrating but at first i thought well if they're gonna use me as a venting device so will i despite getting no input like#they became a void to me which i was getting gradually accustomed to it was fine. but then today they asked if i could talk on the phone#i said yes because i wanted to prove my theory. the plan was: i answer#let them talk without offering any input whatsoever. see how long they can just talk and talk and then in the end see if my lack of answer-#-elicited any reaction at all. and unsurprisingly it didn't. i waited for them to finish and then i thought#well at least they might ask me how my day was or something just to confirm i was listening like idk but#i personally would find the quiet unsettling and would ask.but they didn't even do that. asked me if i had homework i said yes. that was it#that was IT!!! i felt so frustrating but at least i was entirely correct and it does hurt to lose a friend but this had been coming#for a long long time. the thing is though i cant just cut this person off#i hate confrontation so all i cant do is keep up this sort of a 'quiet quitting' kind of attitude. pretty easy to do with someone like this#so anyway. that's how you realize a friendship is fake and now i am a bit angry and also sad. but i guess i'll deal with it and move on#if you read all this hi and sorry for the venting. i just had to get it off my chest#vent post
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chierafied · 5 years
Sailing to Sunset (SKW2019d3)
Prompts:  Red Tulip - Fame, Charity, Trust + Flirt
Modern AU. 2,296 words.
Shoutout to all my friends over at Discord. 😉💙
Kagome stepped down from the stage, the applause roaring in her ears as she escaped the glare of the lights.
The host of the evening was thanking her for the wonderful speech and encouraging the audience to donate for the good cause.
Kagome, meanwhile, re-entered the grand hall, nabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and retreated into a quiet corner.
Though she was a very outgoing person, she had spent most of the night talking and smiling with the other guests of this charity fundraiser and could now do with a little break.
To be honest, she felt very much out of her depth anyway. She had never been one for these kinds of fancy parties for the rich and the famous.
That she now was a part of that world felt nothing short of preposterous.
Honestly, she still felt like a little girl playacting – which thankfully, given her choice of career, she excelled at.
It had been ten years ago when a middle school play of all things had kindled her passion for acting. 
But if someone had told a fifteen-year-old Kagome that she would in ten years be one of Japan's up and coming actresses, nicknamed online and on the media as "Tokyo Sweetheart" after the first drama she had starred in... Well, fifteen-year-old Kagome would have had a hard time believing such a lofty claim.
Frankly, twenty-five-year-old Kagome was still struggling to grasp what her life had become.
Funnily enough, at fifteen years old, she had also got her first inside glimpse to the life of the rich and famous.
Their classes had been shuffled for the last year of middle school, and for the first time ever, Kagome had found herself to be in the same class with Inuyasha, the younger son of the Nishizawa family.
They had actually become very good friends so Kagome had visited Inuyasha's house – more like a palace – several times. The Nishizawa family was very wealthy, owning multiple chains of hotels.
Actually, the hotel they were in right now for the charity fundraiser was a Nishizawa hotel.
The thought had barely registered on Kagome's mind when she met the gaze of someone standing across the room from her.
Kagome froze, her champagne glass stopped halfway to her lips.
She hadn't seen him in nine long years and yet the mad butterflies she'd felt every time in the presence of the very first crush she'd ever had were back, as if she was that star-struck fifteen-year-old again.
For a moment, Kagome just stood there, staring at him and contemplating her options.
Then, she downed her champagne, squared her shoulders, and plastered a smile onto her face.
She strode across the room, ignoring her wobbly knees.
She told the stupid butterflies to calm down and tried to channel some of that effortless flirtiness that Satsuki, one of her upcoming roles, seemed to possess.
"Sesshoumaru!" she greeted him warmly as she finally reached him, inclining her head slightly. "It's been too long. You're here representing the Nishizawa, I presume?"
"Miss Higurashi," he intoned in a voice that sent delicious shivers down Kagome's spine. "Our guest of honour tonight."
Kagome's cheeks flushed – although some of that blushing was probably just from standing next to Sesshoumaru.
Damn, Inuyasha's older brother was even hotter than she remembered.
"I wouldn't go so far as that," she said, waving a dismissive hand.
Sesshoumaru's golden gaze pierced her and he raised a single eyebrow.
"You were made a representative of the Hope children's homes, were you not? That’s why you were up there just now, making a speech," Sesshoumaru said, nodding towards the stage.
"Well yes, I was very honoured to be asked to be their spokesperson. It is such a good and important cause."
"Hnn. It does not surprise me that you would devote your efforts to charitable pursuits."
“Well I hope you’re in a charitable mood too, Sesshoumaru, because the donations we receive tonight will shape these children’s lives.”
“Very well put, Miss Higurashi. I can see why they made the offer of the spokesperson’s position to you.”
Kagome grinned. “I can be persuasive, every now and then.”
“Of that, I have no doubt. After all, you managed to befriend my half-brother – and very quickly, too, as I recall.”
Kagome bit her lip, fighting another blush.
He remembered! Actually remembered! 
She hadn’t been sure before, since his behaviour had been just as typically aloof as it had always been. 
“How is Inuyasha doing?”
“Remarkably well. He recently got engaged.”
Kagome gasped. “Oh, that’s wonderful, what great news!”
“Not quite,” Sesshoumaru said wryly. “Because now my father has joined my mother in pestering me about my love life or lack thereof.”
“Oh, I very much doubt there is any lack in that area,” Kagome scoffed.
“How so?” Kagome turned to him, incredulous, and pointedly gave him a once-over from head to toe. “I mean look at you! Any girl would be happy to be on your arm.”
“It is not a matter of not receiving any offers. I just have very discriminating tastes.”
“Of course,” Kagome concurred, deflating more than a little. 
Sure, she hadn’t expected to swipe Sesshoumaru off his feet or anything, but she’d thought now she might at least have some chance. Unlike ten years ago when she’d been the girl who Sesshoumaru probably hadn’t even noticed existed.   
Although perhaps her chances right now weren’t much better; he wasn’t even looking at her. He was staring at the hall and the crowds of people, frowning slightly.
“Everything all right?” Kagome asked after a moment of hesitation.
“Quite. I was just thinking that perhaps it’s time to mingle again. Sadly, you can’t keep to yourself in these type of events.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Kagome agreed.
She had already half-turned away, convinced that Sesshoumaru had been trying to politely imply that he’d like her to leave, when a warm large hand on her bare shoulder stopped her.
Startled, Kagome turned back and saw him regarding her, his face as carefully blank as always.
Then, he offered her his arm.
“Shall we?”
Delighted, confused and giddy at the same time, Kagome set her trembling fingers on Sesshoumaru’s arm and let him lead her away.
Kagome stopped at the end of the pier and stared.
“Woah, that’s a big and fancy boat.”
“A yacht, actually,” a familiar deep voice corrected from behind.
Kagome’s heart leapt to her throat and the butterflies surged right into her stomach with gusto.
She peered over her shoulder and met the cool golden gaze.
“Sesshoumaru! Umm, what are you doing here?”
“I’m here to ensure no harm comes to my property.”
“Your property?” Kagome frowned.
“Yes.” Sesshoumaru nodded and glanced pointedly at the boat.
“Oh wow, that’s yours?”
“Indeed,” Sesshoumaru replied, a rare smile touching his lips.
“Very impressive,” Kagome said. She slanted him a sly look. “Is this where you bring all the ladies?”
“Only the ones who are worthy,” he returned with a straight face. “Although I believe we established back at the charity fundraiser that there are no ladies in my life.”
Kagome gaped at him. Was he actually joking with her? 
He very much sounded like he was joking... But this was the first time Kagome had witnessed any indication of Sesshoumaru having a sense of humour.
The corners of her lips quirked.
"Well, the charity fundraiser was weeks and weeks ago. Your sad and barren love life could have well grown into full bloom by now."
Sesshoumaru chuckled, sending the silly butterflies in Kagome's stomach into a frenzy.
"Unfortunately, it has not."
Kagome's curiosity perked. "Unfortunately, is it? So there is a lady then who has caught your eye?"
Sesshoumaru met her gaze squarely, his golden eyes alight with amusement.
"How mysterious," Kagome replied, trying her best to seem calm and unaffected, even though her nerves were in full jitter and the butterflies were collectively losing their shit.
Having Sesshoumaru's undivided attention all to herself was a heady experience for sure.
Kagome decided to change the topic of conversation back to safer waters.
"So since you're here in person to play the guard dog, I presume this boat is very important to you."
"Yes, I am rather fond of my yacht. I expect you to show her the respect she deserves."
Kagome couldn't quite suppress her snort.
"Then I will. I'm surprised though that you would be willing to lend your boat for the drama shoot in the first place."
Sesshoumaru shrugged his shoulders. "I know your producer, he was one year above me in university. Besides, it's an excellent opportunity to show her off."
Kagome laughed.
"I never took you for a boat enthusiast."
"If you ask nicely, maybe I will take you out on a cruise sometime."
Kagome blushed, but her smile was bright.
"Is that a promise?"
Sesshoumaru's mouth was twisted into a half-smile. "It could be."
"Then I just might have to hold you to it," Kagome quipped, her heart racing in her chest.
Before Sesshoumaru could reply, the moment was broken; the director was calling Kagome to get onto the set so they could start filming.
Kagome flashed Sesshoumaru a bashful grin and hurried towards the boat.
She was probably already slipping into her role as Satsuki, however, since right before getting on the boat she turned back, laughter in her eyes, and called back to Sesshoumaru:
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”
Sesshoumaru’s low laughter followed her as she hopped onto the boat and got to work.
It had taken some manoeuvring, finagling, and a heap of good luck, but finally Sesshoumaru had Kagome right where he wanted her: standing at the bow of his yacht, the wind whipping her hair.
She looked radiant in the white sundress adorned with red tulips, and when she looked up and smiled at him Sesshoumaru’s breath caught in his throat.
The very first time Sesshoumaru had happened to see Kagome on screen he hadn’t recognised her.
It was only afterwards when the media started to pick up on her and her drama’s popularity and her name was broadcasted in headlines that Sesshoumaru finally made the connection to the young girl he vaguely remembered and who had once been Inuyasha’s best friend. 
But although Sesshoumaru didn’t watch much of television nor had he ever been the type to harbour crushes on celebrities, the moment he’d seen Kagome acting in that drama he’d been smitten.
He’d started to obsessively follow every series she was in, no matter how small or big of a role. He may or may not have been collecting articles and photo spreads of Kagome from various magazines. 
He had made sure Kagome would make an appearance at the charity function for Hope children’s homes, conveniently held at one of his family’s hotels. And the gods and goddesses of fortune had smiled on him when, while he had been gathering his courage to go approach the object of his admiration, she had instead come to him.
And the only reason he had lent his precious yacht to be used in the drama production was so he would have an excuse to see Kagome again.
But in the end, it had all paid out, because here they were, alone with the vast beauty of the ocean spreading all around them.
Sesshoumaru walked over to join Kagome at the railing.
When he reached her, he cupped the small of her back with his hand.
Kagome turned to him, a smile ready on her lips.
“You know I didn’t even ask nicely, but you took me out on a cruise anyway,” she said, her beautiful blue eyes alight with laughter. 
“I promised, didn’t I?” he asked, eyebrow raised.
“I guess you did,” Kagome replied, pressing closer to him.
Sesshoumaru’s heart swelled. Nothing had ever felt as right as having Kagome in his arms.
“Do you want to hear something funny,” she murmured while looking out to the sea.
He let his chin drop to rest on the top of her head. “Do tell.”
“I had this huge crush on you when I was fifteen.”
Sesshoumaru’s heart stuttered in his chest.
“Truly? How remarkable. I suppose then I have some things to confess to as well.”
“You have? What things?”
“Well, for one… I am actually the owner of the Hope children’s homes.”
Kagome turned out to stare at him, her eyes wide with astonishment. “Really? Wow. That is amazing. I would have never guessed.”
“Therefore, I was well aware that you would make an appearance at the charity fundraiser and I was most eager to meet you – because my dear Tokyo Sweetheart, I just might be your biggest fan.”
Kagome’s cheeks flushed, the adorable soft pink echoing the glow slowly spreading across the horizon as the sun began its descent.
Unable to resist any longer, Sesshoumaru gave in to his silent urge and did what he’d dreamed of doing for so long: tipping up Kagome’s chin, he bent down and claimed her lips in a slow and deliberate kiss, both lingering and thorough.
“Wow,” Kagome whispered softly when they finally pulled apart. “I might still have a crush on you.”
“That is very good news because I definitely have one on you,” Sesshoumaru returned, smirking.
Kagome smiled and leaned into his embrace.
For a moment they stayed like that, enjoying each other’s presence and the atmosphere around them.
Then, after drinking in the sea and the stretching horizon and the play of warm colours spreading across the sky, Kagome let out a giggle.
“Sesshoumaru, are we literally sailing off to the sunset right now?”
“Well, since we’re on a yacht and not a sailboat, technically…”
“Shut up and kiss me again.”
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fight-me-wyatt · 6 years
Wyatt Oleff ~ Coffee Stains
Request/Prompt: "Hellooo since you are taking request's can you do a fluffy Wyatt x reader imagine?ily💝💝💘🎈" from @nctzenaf on Tumblr. 
Ship: Wyatt Oleff x fem!reader 
Summary: Wyatt accidentally bumps into the reader on the street, spilling coffee all over her. They part ways not expecting to see each other again, until the reader goes to her favourite cafe and gets coffee spilt over her again... by the same handsome stranger. 
Type: fluff... not super fluffy though, sorry x 
Warning: Only warning is swearing 
Word count: 4538 (including A/Ns) I swear these are getting longer and longer. Let me know if you want them shorter! 
Hope you enjoy it. Let me know! Oh, and an update on me doing ships, I've decided to split them up with imagines in between, so no, they aren't closed, but it'll just take a long time to do them all! Hope this is okay!
Gif credit to @beep-beep-reddie
Tumblr media
8:14am. I was already late. 
To make matters worse, I hadn't had my morning coffee yet, so I was tired and ready to snap. 
I walked briskly down the reasonably busy sidewalk. The Autumn air was crisp and sharp, a slight wind blowing against my cool face. I had a loose scarf around my neck to fight off the cold and look stylish while doing it. 
I checked my watch again, only to find that time hadn't unwound for me. I was still late. 
My sister had been out late last night and had woken me up multiple times during the night, calling me every hour. And she wasn't quiet coming back home either. It was 2am when she crashed through the door, waking me from the short doze I had since the last time she disturbed me. I had decided to help her get into bed, so that it was faster and quieter, giving me more time to sleep. That didn't work in with her plans though. It took an hour and a half to get her ready for bed, and another hour to get her to finally fall asleep. Falling back into bed at 4:30am, I was knackered. I was so tired that when my alarm started blaring at 7am, I slept through it. It wasn't until 7:55am when my sister woke me, complaining about the screaming alarm clock and her pounding headache. 
I had jumped out of bed, chucked on clothes, deodorant and shoes, grabbed my purse that contained my work badge, my money and house keys, and rushed out the door. 
I worked at a cute bookstore which i had visited so often that they offered me a job. It was the perfect holiday job while school was out. I started at 8am and worked until closing time at 6pm. I did this Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, although it would vary. 
Except it was a Monday, past 8am, and I wasn't at work. Because I was getting later by the second. 
I looked down at my watch once again, as if this would slow time down. 
All it did was slow me down. Even further. 
Because I wasn't looking where I was going for approximately 7 seconds, I slammed into someone going in the opposite direction. 
I got soaked with hot liquid that had spilt from the other persons takeaway cup. Well, at least I got my coffee. 
I let out a sound of disgust, stumbling backwards. The other person caught me by the arms, preventing my fall. I looked up, about to give them an earful about watching where they were going when I saw who had hit me. 
He looked like he was around my age, tall, and super handsome. His beautiful chocolate brown eyes stared down at me with concern, he had an apologetic smile on, giving him a dimple on his left cheek, and his brown hair was adorably curly. I promptly closed my mouth. 
"I am so so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! Lost in my thoughts. Are you okay?? Did I hurt you? Oh god, I spilt coffee all over you! I am incredibly sorry. Shit, did it burn you?" He searched my face with concern, biting his lip. 
I managed a smile and shook my head. 
"No no, it's fine! I wasn't looking either, checking my watch, I was. I’m okay, are you? Don't worry about the coffee, I hadn't had my morning one anyways! It's mostly on my clothes so it doesn't burn. I would buy you a new one since I'm wearing all of yours, but I'm actually in a rush. I'm late to work, you see..." I talked fast, annoyed that I would have to cut the conversation off short. 
His eyes widened and he went into another round of apologies. 
"Oh, jeez, you're late! I am so sorry! I've made you even later. Don't worry about me, just go! I'm so sorry about this!" 
I shook my head, smiling. 
"Nah, it's okay. It's not your fault, but I really have to be going. Sorry about your coffee!" I waved goodbye and hurried off. 
He nodded and waved goodbye to me. 
"Goodbye! Have a nice day at work! Sorry, again" he called after me. 
After I had arrived at work at 8:28am, explained to my boss why I was late, showing him my coffee soaked clothes as proof, and started shelfing books, I realised I was incredibly fortunate to have been running late, for if I hadn't been, I never would have run into the cute stranger who spilt coffee over me. 
The thought of his eyes and his smile made my day a lot brighter, despite the horrible start. All day, I thought about him and how we would probably never meet again, much to my sadness.
Every time the bell would ring, signalling a customer entering the shop, I looked up hopefully, wondering if, by some miracle, he'd found where I worked and come to see me. Of course, it was never him that walked through the door. It was obsessive and unhealthy, and I knew that, but that didn't stop me from glancing up from the counter when the trill of the bell sounded. 
For some reason, I couldn't get him out of my head. Even after several days had passed with no sign of him, he was still lingering in my mind, and stuck in my heart with a pinch of hope. 
I tried my best to dismiss the thought of his brown curly hair, his sparkling brown eyes, his cute smile.... but no matter what I tried, he remained in my heart and mind, much to my disgust. 
It was now Saturday, and I had managed to push the thought of the cute - coffee spilling - stranger to the back of my mind where it lingered. I had been asked to come in for a few hours today, to cover for another coworker, and I had willingly agreed with nothing better to do. 
My coworker finally showed up for her shift at 2:30pm, freeing me. I decided to head for my favourite cafe, where they made the best coffee (in my opinion), where I could read my book with an afternoon coffee. 
I wrapped my scarf around my neck, shoved my hands in my deep pockets, and started walking into the sharp whistling wind and towards the cafe. 
Today was particularly cold, so I spent no time taking in my surroundings as I usually did. Not even the coldness of the air biting my exposed skin could stop me scanning the bustling crowd of people, all with their own destinations in mind, for that familiar, yet unfamiliar face. I had only seen it once, but I saw it many times after, in my mind. 
I kept my pace up, turning my head to curiously look at the many faces of the city. People watching was one of the great things of living in such a busy city. There were thousands of people, all with different life stories, backgrounds, thoughts and experiences. It fascinated me. You could be walking down the street and see an elderly man in a very formal suit, and a teenage girl with spiky green hair, tattoos and leather clothing could be a few short steps behind him, travelling in the same direction in a weird coincidence. 
I reached the glass door, with the vine, flower and coffee bean logo, and something nagged at me. Why, after the many, many trips to the cafe, had the familiar logo pulled at something in the very far retches of my mind? I shook my head and pushed the door open, instantly greeted by the high pitched ring of the bell above me, the flood of warmth, the chatter of other customers, and the smell of caffeine and sugary sweet pastries baking. I took a deep breath in and sighed happily. 
Letting the door close behind me, I unwrapped my scarf, stuffed it in my bag, and started weaving my way through the people. The cafe was busier than usual, it was a popular place and in the cold weather everyone had gone seeking the warmth of coffee and baked goods. 
I made my way to the back of the long line leading up to the counter. 
I peered past the person in front of me, to see about ten people fidgeting restlessly in front of me. 
Confirming my suspicions of having to wait a while, I dug through my bag and grabbed out my phone. I aimlessly scrolled through tumblr as the line progressively got shorter. The people in front of me slowly broke off as they placed and received their orders, while additional people were always coming to the back of the line.
It was the guy-in-front-of-me's turn, so I quickly stowed my phone away. 
He was dark skinned, with broad shoulders and very toned muscles that he didn't even have to flex to prove their worth. He wore glasses and a simple white shirt and jeans. 
I peered behind me to see an older lady who was of Japanese descent, by the looks of the strokes of the characters printed onto her wrinkled skin. That, and the fact she was carrying a Japanese to English translation book, pointed me in the direction of her ethnicity. 
I smiled at her, embarrassed, realising I was staring. She smiled back kindly. I was about to open my mouth when I was brought back to the task at hand. 
"Next please." Called an ever so slightly irritated voice. 
I turned back to the teenage boy at the counter and smiled sheepishly. 
"Sorry... um, can I please get a chocolate mocha and a Danish pastry please?" 
The boy nodded and wrote everything down before ringing it up on the cash register. 
"That will be $9.50. Your name please? And will you be having it here or to takeaway?" 
I quickly handed him the money, awkwardly putting the change back in my wallet, worried about holding up the queue. 
"Oh, ah, have here, thanks. And my name is Y/N." I spelt it out to him before making my way over to the group of people who were also waiting for their orders. 
"Y/N?" A voice called out, the owner of said voice looking around questioningly. 
I muttered 'excuse me's as I made my way up to the counter. I quickly thanked the girl and grabbed my tray, bee lining for one of the only spare tables I could see. 
I made it there just before a teenage couple. The girls face turned up in disgust, stomping away with her girlfriend trailing behind quietly, pulled along by their entwined hands. I shrugged apologetically and sat. 
I ate my danish first, glad of the soft, warm pastry filling my mouth. 
Lifting the coffee cup up, I tentatively took a sip of the hot liquid, not wanting to burn my mouth. I put it back down, wanting it to cool a bit further. 
Something tugged at the back of my mind again, as I looked at my coffee and the cup it was in. There was something I couldn't put my finger on, and it was starting to really bug me. 
Simply shrugging, I pulled out my current read out of my bag; John Greens latest book. I quickly fell in between the pages, getting lost in the story. 
Tuning out the bustling cafe was easy, despite the constant noise of chatter, coffee cups, plates, and spoons clanking against each other, the bells at the counter and on the door, and the familiar sound of the coffee machine. 
I had gone through several chapters steadily, the outside world blocked out, when there was a commotion that caught my attention. 
I turned and looked just in time to see a women get accidentally shoved into a guy walking past my table. The two hit each other and bounced off; the women into a man who managed to catch her before she fell, and the guy into my table. 
The coffee cup he was carrying slipped from his fingers as he hit the table, and the steaming liquid went through the air, almost in slow motion, and landed everywhere. 
I was soaked from head to toe. 
In coffee. 
Even my book had coffee over it. 
I simply sighed, screwing my face up slightly. Wiping the coffee out of my eyes, I finally got a good look at who had spilt the coffee. 
There, standing rather sheepish, was the cute stranger. The one who had spilt coffee on me in the street. 
I burst out laughing, looking at his mortified face. 
"I'm starting to think I must have done something to anger you, due to the amount of drinks you've dumped over me" I teased, grinning. 
He laughed, relief washing over his face as he realised I wasn't mad. 
"How could you!? Don't act like you don't know." He said clutching a hand to his chest, going along with the act. 
I giggled. Cute, funny, and slightly dorky. How was this boy real? 
"But, I am extremely sorry. I mean it was bad enough spilling it on you once, when you were running late, but again? When you were just enjoying your book," he gestured down to the book and winced, "and I managed to get coffee on it as well... I am so so sorry." He apologised wholeheartedly. 
I smiled and shook my head. 
"Don't worry about it. Any of it. I mean the first time woke me up, which I was glad for, and the second time meant I was able to see you again..." I said the last part shyly, blushing, before rushing on, " and as for the book, it's only a couple of coffee stains. It adds character." I grinned, grabbing a napkin to wipe the rest of the coffee off of my face. 
He smiled softly, rubbing the back of his neck and biting his lip. "I-uh- um, is this seat taken?" He asked shyly. 
I grinned and shook my head, gesturing to it to let him know he could sit. His eyes widened and sparkled, and once again I was transfixed by them. 
He sat down across from me, setting his now empty coffee cup on the table. 
"I'm Wyatt, by the way, Wyatt Oleff." He said grinning, holding out his hand. 
I reached across the table and shook his hand, smiling softly. 
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Wyatt, despite the fact I'm covered in coffee," I teased kindly, "Im Y/N. Y/F/N." I replied. 
He nodded, holding my hand a couple of seconds longer. 
"Y/N. Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl" he murmured softly before blushing madly. 
I blushed and stammered, surprised by his comment. 
"O-oh, uh, th-thank y-you..." 
 He cleared his threat and looked down at his cup, trying to hide his ever growing blush. 
"Uh, I'm just going to go get another coffee, since you're wearing mine" he chuckled awkwardly and rose. 
I nodded, looking down at his empty cup also. As he walked to the counter, and I kept my eyes on the cup, the thing that had been nagging me clicked. 
The shops logo. I had seen it on Wyatt's takeaway cup the first time we meet. He must come here often. 
I smiled, thinking about the chances of us running into each other. And how we both happened to be at the same small cafe at the same time. It seemed as though fate was on my side. 
As I waited for Wyatt to return, I couldn't stop smiling as I thought about him. 
In the time gone by, I managed to clean up most of the spilt coffee, although I still smelt very strongly of coffee. Not that I minded, it was a welcome smell. 
Wyatt returned with a smile on his face. 
We chatted for several hours, getting to know each other. Neither of us had places to be, neither of us wanted to leave. 
We instantly clicked. We had many of the same interests, and we enjoyed each other's company. 
As he talked enthusiastically about Zelda, I rested my head on my hand and smiled. He was gesturing madly, his eyes wide and sparkling as he described it. He grinned while talking quickly, rambling cutely. God, I could feel myself falling for him already. What a fucking idiot. But I couldn't stop myself. 
His noodle curly hair shook as his head fell back and he laughed at his own joke. I giggled uncharacteristicly, smiling and shaking my head. I wasn't laughing because of his joke, I hadn't even heard it because I had gotten distracted by his handsome looks... but I was laughing at how adorable he looked and how focused on the topic he was. 
His eyes settled back onto mine and there was a moment of silence. His eyes searched mine until he realised he was staring and promptly looked down, blushing. 
"So, uh... do you come here often?" He winced at how he sounded, looking up at me with a sheepish grin. 
I chuckled and took a sip of my 4th? 3rd? coffee, nodding. 
"Yeah, I do actually. It's my favourite cafe. Best coffee for miles and miles," I leaned in to say the next part, "even if it's being poured on you" I teased him with a grin. 
He blushed and chuckled, sipping at his own current coffee before setting it down and leaning towards me. 
"Well, maybe, we should do this again. Have coffee and chat here. And although I can't promise I won't spill my coffee on you, I will certainly try not to." He said with a grin, his eyes hopeful and nervous despite his confident demeanour. 
My eyes widened in surprise, not expecting the invitation. I smiled shyly, fiddling with the teaspoon I had been given to stir my coffee. 
"Are you... asking me on a date, Wyatt Oleff? " I asked grinning. 
He looked into my eyes and I was once again mesmerised by their soft beauty. 
"Indeed I am, Y/F/N." he said with that cute smirk of his. 
I nodded slowly, tapping my finger to my chin and screwed up my face, as if I had to think very hard and long about the proposition. 
"Well, in that case, Mr. Oleff, I think that we should do this again, although I might have to wear a rain poncho to save myself from the dangerous risk of coffee stains again." I teased, smiling. 
Inside, my heart was beating 1000 miles a minute and my mind was screaming at me in excitement and disbelief. He nodded and smiled at me triumphantly, and I could see that he was glad of my answer. This made me soar even higher over the moon. 
"And so it's settled, Miss Y/L/N. and that is a fantastic idea, rain ponchos are highly recommended. So, uh, can I get your number?" He said the last part shyly, worried I would decline him and cancel the date-to-be. 
I nodded happily and slid my phone across the table to him, open on a new contact. He grinned and picked up my phone, quickly putting his details in and sending a text to himself so that he'd have my number. 
 After he had passed my phone back to me, I checked to see what he'd put his contact name as. 
'Handsome Coffee Spilling Boy' stared back at me. 
 I burst out laughing and nodded. 
"Good name choice. Very suitable." 
He grinned and winked. I gently plucked his phone out of his hands. 
"Now I get to choose my contact name." 
He nodded and held his hands up in mock surrender, waiting patiently. 
After thinking briefly I typed in: 'Cute Coffee Wearing Girl' And handed his phone back to him. 
I laughed as he read it and nodded. 
"Another very accurate name. I love it." He grinned before turning towards the girl wearing an apron who was standing by our table. 
I hadn't even noticed her, much less the practically empty cafe. 
"I'm so sorry to disturb the two of you, but I'm afraid we are about to close up." She said smiling awkwardly. 
My eyes widened, only just realising the time. 
"Shit. Time flies when you're having fun I guess." I said quietly, sneaking a look at Wyatt as we both collected our things. 
Once we were both out on the street and the shy employee had locked up behind us, we turned to each other, both smiling shyly. 
"Well, uh I better get going... it's my turn to cook dinner for my sister and I still have to buy everything... but I'm really really glad you spilt that coffee on me. I enjoyed talking to you..." I said shyly, looking down at my feet. 
Wyatt nodded, smiling. 
"Yeah, yeah no worries, and to be honest, I'm very glad I managed to spill coffee on you twice, because if I hadn't, I never would've been able to talk to you and ask you out on a date... speaking of, I'll text you tomorrow to see when you're free?" He smiled, almost embarrassed by the confession. 
I nodded quickly, over the moon with happiness. I stood up on my tippy toes, leaned towards him and kissed him softly on the cheek. 
"Can't wait." I whispered before quickly walking down the street to hide my reddening cheeks. 
Wyatt cute, surprised lopside smile stared after me. 
"See yah!" Wyatt called out after a few seconds of shocked silence. 
I glanced behind me to see Wyatt waving at me, still with that cute smirk on his face. 
I grinned and waved to him, almost running into an older man walking in the other direction. 
I apologised profusely, catching the sight of Wyatt laughing out of the corner of my eye. 
I turned and walked in the direction of the supermarket with a large smile on my face and a spring in my step. I got a couple of questioning stares, but I was far from caring. 
My smile only increased when the familiar 'ping!' of my phone alerted me of a text. 
New Text Message From: Handsome Coffee Spilling Boy 
'I'm beginning to think you've got a habit of (literally) running into random guys in the street😉' 
I giggled down at my phone, reading and rereading the text. 
I was so focussed on my phone that I ran into a teenage boy and almost fell on my ass. My eyes widened and I bit back a laugh as he glared at me. 
"Sorry!" I called out to his already retreating back. 
I burst out laughing as I started to reply to Wyatt. 
'I'm beginning to think you're the one making me run into random guys, since you've been the cause of them all! A brilliant example would be the fact that I ran into a guy on the street because I was reading your text😂'
It was only a minute later that he replied. 
'A women with kids just stared at me confused and scared when I started reading your text 😂 You really should look where you're going ya know, even though it's hard not to be distracted by me😉' 
I spun around on the street happily, a small squeal escaping my lips. I must have resembled Hermione Granger at the Yule Ball in 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' the movie, when Victor Krum kissed her hand and leaves. Here I was, talking to the cute guy that I never thought I'd see again, and he was flirting with me. 
'😂 terrorising little kids now are you? Shame you don't have coffee on you to throw at them😏 I swear you're distracting me on purpose at this stage😂' 
I pressed send and bit my lip. I shouldn't have sent that. It was weird and not funny... he'll probably never text me again now... 
My phone buzzed again, disturbing my thoughts.
'Damn it, you caught on! I knew I should've gotten a cup to takeaway before we got kicked out! And of course I'm distracting you on purpose, the only way to get your attention is to distract you or pour coffee on you! 😉'   
I held back an excited scream, reading his message. 
'I'm sure you would've grabbed one if they hadn't ushered us out in ten seconds flat!😂  hmmm hadn't thought of that... have you tried just asking for my attention?' 
I bit my lip before looking up and realising that I was at the supermarket. 
I went around, gathering everything I needed for dinner in a daydream, all the while chatting to Wyatt. 
We continued texting for the rest of the night throughout cooking and eating dinner and I didn't even notice the teasing comments from my sister. 
We were still talking as I climbed into bed, and we continued to talk as my eyes grew heavy. 
I warned him that I may fall asleep at any moment, and a couple of messages later I couldn't keep my eyes open. 
I fell slowly into a pleasant sleep with no dreams that I would remember in the morning. 
It may have been a different story if I had seen the text Wyatt sent me 10 minutes later when he realised I had fallen asleep. 
 My phone lit up and buzzed on my bedside table. In my sleeping state, I stirred, but did not wake, and settled back in again. The bright phone screen illuminating the room announced the text from Wyatt. 
New Text Message From Handsome Coffee Spilling Boy: 
'It seems like despite all that coffee you wear, you've fallen asleep. So you won't see this until the morning, but I just want to say that I really really enjoyed today, and I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tomorrow night? (That way the threat of coffee being poured on you is lowered) I totally understand if you don't want to, but I would love to take you on a proper date. ' 
Ahahahahahahaha I'm terrible at endings. I always rush them sooo much. Also, does this count as fluff? I'm hoping so. Feel free to request more parts of certain imagines I've written, I may get around to them ages after, or I may decide not to continue them, but if you let me know that you want them, I'll definitely consider it!!
  feel free to ask to be on the taglist!
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