#i really wanted to deal with mobius's workaholism
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monicashipslokius · 4 years ago
Soulmates, Actually Pt 4
(read part 1/part 2/part 3)
A sharp, shrill alarm blares before the sun has even risen, rousing Loki from a perfect slumber. Loki groans their disgust, but it’s muffled in the meat of Mobius’s shoulder.
“Easy, sunshine,” Mobius says, and the infernal man is actually trying to move.
Loki grumbles louder. Mobius, chuckling, eases Loki away from him and onto the pillow instead. It’s not the same - too soft and not nearly warm enough. Loki clings tighter around Mobius’s waist in retaliation.
“We talked about this,” Mobius says. “I have to go back to work today.”
Loki huffs in frustration as they let Mobius remove their hold and lower their arms to the bed. The pillow is a poor replacement.
For a moment, Mobius brushes Loki’s hair back away from their face. His fingers linger, feather-light, at the edge of Loki’s cheekbone. Too soon, the touch is gone.
“I’ll be back at six pm sharp.”
Loki rolls onto Mobius’s side of the bed and falls asleep again.
When they awaken, the sun is bright and the sheets are cool. Loki’s stomach rumbles. They groan as they pull themself out of bed and finally face the day.
The long, lonely day.
A week has passed since Thor’s departure - a week of Loki and Mobius redecorating and cuddling and learning each other.
They bought six plants of varying sizes, new drapes the color of the ocean, and a soft bedspread to match. Mobius fixed up the broken bathroom door, and Loki hung a few new art pieces and string lights.
The La-Z-Boy they arranged in front of a small boxy television set became a fast favorite.
“What did I tell you?” Mobius said the first time Loki relaxed deeply into the recliner. “It’s the perfect throne.”
Mobius may not understand color palettes, but the man knows comfort.
“It will do for now,” Loki told him, not wanting to give too much away.
Mobius’s smile never wavered. “Mmhm.”
Now, Loki drags themself to the kitchen to make a sandwich. Ten minutes later, they are perched on the recliner, plate on their lap, watching soap operas on television.
Claudio is surprised to find that his fiance Regina’s twin sister Georgina has been behind all of his misfortune, but the plot twist has Loki rolling their eyes.
“Amateurs.” Loki bites into an apple slice.
The hours tick by. Loki watches the anchor-shaped clock that hangs in the kitchen - much of their new decor has an ocean theme. But the more Loki watches the clock, the slower time seems to pass.
Time flew by with Mobius here. But without him...
After the soap operas, the courtroom shows begin. And then the news programs. Loki walks laps around the apartment while listening to the weather forecast for the third time - partly cloudy with a 30% chance of rain. The cost of gasoline is skyrocketing. The local high school football team might make county finals, whatever that means.
At quarter to six, Loki thanks the cosmos. Finally. Mobius will be home and put an end to this monotony.
Loki cleans up a bit, dusting some crumbs off the arms of the recliner. They place the plates in the sink.
Then, because they don’t want to appear too eager, they grab a book and stretch out on the bed.
Six o’clock comes and goes. Mobius does not arrive.
By seven, Loki is annoyed.
By eight, they are angry.
By ten, they are concerned.
Dubuque seems relatively safe. And Mobius has lived here alone for a long time before Loki.
But Loki has enemies. Many, many enemies. All of whom would be more than happy to get their hands on their soulmate.
Mobius is probably fine.
But what if he’s not?
At eleven, they are examining the photo of his office building that Mobius keeps on the dresser. Mobius had taken them to see it in the past week, though they hadn’t gone inside. It wasn’t too far a walk, if they recall. Loki is certain that they could find it again, even in darkness.
So they change into a black suit and hurry out the door. The Dubuque city streets are barren this time of night. Loki encounters no one on their trek to the office - until they barge through the front door and are stopped by a security guard.
Loki promised Mobius that they would not hurt anyone, so instead they create a projection of themself to distract the guard while they themself head toward the elevators. Following the signs for the data analytics department, they ride the elevator to the fourth floor.
They step off the elevator into a darkened field of cubicles. Each is the same - small desk, computer, and chair. All are empty. But Loki isn’t alone here. They follow a light through the cubicle maze and come to one that is occupied.
Mobius has a foot-high pile of files on his desk. He’s tapping at his computer keyboard with the index finger of each hand and peering at the small monitor.
Mobius jumps, then clutches his chest. He exhales when he sees Loki standing in the opening of his 3ft x 4ft cell. “Give a guy a warning next time.” He smiles. “But it’s good to see you. How’d you get here? Security let you in?”
Loki only frowns at him. “You said you’d be back at six.”
Mobius’s smile loses some of its brightness. “I have to work a little late. Next time we go out, we’ll get you a phone so I can call and let you know -”
“’A little late?’ Mobius, it’s been hours. I thought you were...” They won’t give name to their truest fears. That Mobius had been kidnapped or killed. Or perhaps that he had finally seen the true darkness in Loki and left of his own free will.
Mobius shakes his head. “Come on, Loki. It hasn’t been that long. It’s only...” He glances at his monitor. “Midnight? That can’t be right.”
“I assure you that is accurate.”
Mobius sits back in his squeaking chair, and rubs his hands over his face. “I’m sorry...” He releases a drawn out sigh and his whole body droops. “Boss was cheesed that I bailed on the conference. I have a lot of work to make up.”
The stack of folders towers over Mobius’s slouched shoulders.
“Would it helped if I -”
“You can’t kill him,” Mobius says.
Loki closes their mouth. Tries again. “He needn’t be killed. I could simply... frighten him.”
Mobius shoots Loki a flat look.
“Fine,” Loki says, disappointed. “But what is your intention? To stay here all night?”
Mobius side-eyes the folder mountain. “I’m going to have to.”
Mobius sighs. “Loki -”
“This is a place of employment, Mobius, not a living space.”
“It’s my own fault. I should have come back sooner.” He rubs at the corner of one eye. “Maybe I should have stayed at the conference.”
The words stab Loki between the ribs.
“Magicking away was not my best idea,” Mobius says. “I shouldn’t have run from my responsibilities. I’ll never catch up on this work.”
More stabs, a thousand tiny cuts.
“So you regret everything,” Loki says, fighting hard to keep the hurt from their voice. They are disappointed by their own surprise, their own pain. They had thought Mobius was different. They should have known.
Thor was wrong when he said no one could hold Loki’s interest. It was the other way around. Loki protected themself by leaving before the other could get bored. They should have done that here.
But they thought...
Mobius is supposed to be their perfect match.
“No, hey,” Mobius jumps from his chair. That’s all it takes to put him in Loki’s space. Loki takes a step back. “That’s not what I meant. I don’t regret everything, just some things.”
“You regret coming with me when we escaped.”
“N-no,” he says, but not without hesitation.
“You could have stayed. They weren’t chasing you. You could have told them I brainwashed you and gone on with your day.”
“That’s not what I’m saying.” The bags are heavy under Mobius’s eyes. He’s tired, Loki knows that - but Loki’s tired too. Sitting, waiting, stressing.
The room sparks with tension. Loki’s pain festers under their skin.
And Mobius regrets.
Loki takes a breath, searching for calm. For understanding. For their soulmate. “Come home,” they say, “And we can continue talking in the morning.”
Mobius exhales again, too sharp. He places his hands on his hips and looks at that damned pile of folders again. “I can’t go anywhere.”
“Mobius -”
“This is my life, Loki,” Mobius tells him. “Data analysis is my life. You have to understand that.”
Something dark in Loki’s chest snaps clean in half. “This is your life. This.” They wave a hand around. “This tiny box in a sea of tiny boxes. Where everyone else has left you here in the dark. Where your employer buries you under papers so deep that you cannot find your way out of them. Is all this extra work truly because you left the conference? How often would you work late before I arrived?”
Mobius looks away, and Loki knows they’re right. The answer, too often.
“Are you at least receiving additional benefits for all this extra time spent here?”
Mobius still won’t look at them.
“They are taking advantage of you, of your loyalty, and you are letting them.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mobius snaps, the sharpest he’s ever spoken to Loki.
Loki stands taller. They’re used to anger, to cutting words, to pain - more than they were ever used to kindness.
“I am trying to protect you,” Loki says.
“I don’t need protection from my job.”
For one wild moment, Loki thinks of grabbing those folders and tossing them across the room. They dream of throwing Mobius over their shoulder and saving them from this drab place and its tan carpet and eggshell walls.
Instead, they insist, “No, you do. You owned three photos when I first met you: one of your parents, one of a jetski, and one of this office. Can you not see how depressing that is?”
Mobius face hardens.
“You are meant for better things than this. When was the last time you even rode a jetski? Or had fun of any kind?”
“I’m an adult. I don’t need fun.”
“That is absurd.”
Mobius’s brows draw together. “Listen, not all of us could be born into royalty, and just go around doing whatever we want all the time.”
Born into royalty. A fresh sting, not one Mobius could know would hit so hard. But it does all the same. Loki steps backward from the force of it.
Mobius unhooks his arms. “Loki -”
Loki shakes their head. Mobius watches them, confusion replacing frustration, followed quickly by concern. He lifts his hand, but Loki steps back again, further out of reach.
“It’s fine,” Loki says, lying. “Stay as long as you like.” They bury the pain down deep. It’s familiar, an old, hated friend. “I wouldn’t dare dream of treading on your unhappiness.”
Mobius drops his hand. “I am happy. I am perfectly happy.”
“Good,” Loki says.
“Great,” Mobius says.
They stare hard at each other. Loki refuses to look away first.
When Mobius finally does, turning back to his cubicle and his chair and the stack of folders, disappointment floods through Loki.
They don’t wait to be dismissed, they turn and leave on their own.
Loki does not return to the apartment. Instead, they walk and they walk and they walk. They almost hope to be accosted by vagrants, so as to release some restless energy in a fight, but they see no one. They reach a river and follow it into a forest.
They sit along the riverbank and watch the sunlight crest over the trees.
Maybe they shouldn’t have surrendered the scepter. With the tesseract, they could have traveled anywhere. Now they are limited to the distance of their own two legs. Not that they would know where to go anyway.
The only place they want to be is back at the apartment with Mobius.
It’s evening when they eventually make their way back there. Their stomach growls, and they’re thirsty and tired. With some food and a good night’s rest, perhaps they could leave again with a plan this time. Hire a taxi to an airport and take a plane. Find a city of decadence and lose themself for a few decades.
They don’t expect Mobius to be home. It’s only shortly after seven, far too early for his beloved late nights. Yet as they place the key into the lock and start to turn, they barely have time to remove it before being yanked forward into the apartment and into a crushing embrace.
“Don’t leave me,” Mobius says. His arms are sure around Loki’s waist. His nose is buried in the crook of Loki’s neck and shoulder. His words are muffled by Loki’s forest-dirty suit coat. “I’m not happy. I haven’t been in a long time. Not until you. And not without you.”
Loki sags into his arms, and he holds tighter, keeping Loki upright. Keeping them safe. They close their eyes and let the warmth of Mobius’s body chase away the chill of the Iowa evening air.
“You scared the hell outta me,” Mobius says, voice shaky. “I looked for you everywhere, but I kept checking here. I kept hoping you’d come back. I’m so sorry.” Mobius leans back. He reaches up and cups Loki’s face between his palms. Gently, he rubs his thumbs over Loki’s cheekbones. “I want to be good for you.”
“How could you think you’re not?”
Regret shines in Mobius’s eyes now, more than it ever did during their argument. “I hurt you. I don’t want to ever do that again.”
Loki places their hand over one of Mobius’s on their face. “I hurt you, too, I suspect.”
“No, everything you said was right.” He swallows. “Work’s all I had for so long, and when I was back there, and they started piling it on... Everyone else in that office has always had someone, so before I would take on the extra work myself. It was better than coming home alone. It’s a hard habit to break. Loki, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to do this.” But Loki still wants to hear it. Each of Mobius’s words are a balm over their pain. Mobius keeps going. He doesn’t even stop for breath.
“I lashed out at you, and I only did that because you were right. And I didn’t want to hear it. But then you were gone.”
“I’m here,” Loki says. “I’m here now.”
“I am a lousy soulmate.” Mobius smiles, but it’s too soft, too sad. “After so long alone, I don’t think that I know how to be with somebody. But I want to learn. I want to deserve this, with you.”
“Mobius,” Loki says, and their mending heart threatens to break again. “I am no great prize.”
Mobius starts to laugh. “I’m trying to be serious, Loki.”
“I am too,” Loki says, and whatever Mobius sees on their face stops the laughter. Loki studies the softness in Mobius’s gaze, the adoration, the great care, memorizing as much as they can, in case this is the last time they see it. “I’m a monster.”
Mobius, voice flat and unamused, says, “Be serious.”
“I was not born to royalty. Not like you think,” Loki says and waits. Dread rolls over them in waves, but Mobius does not react more than a slight cant of his head. “I’m not...” It would be easier to show him, but Loki can’t. If they do, Mobius will change all of his sweet words. He won’t stand to share this small apartment with them any longer, and Loki will be back on that riverside. “How you see me is not... how I am.”
Mobius is patient. Mobius waits. Maybe Loki wasn’t wrong about Mobius after all. Maybe Mobius, like them, is imperfect and a little afraid but trying.
Slowly, Loki pulls Mobius’s hands from their face so as not to burn him with the cold of their skin as they lift the glamour that hides their Jotunn form.
They want to look away, to hide from the horror they are sure to see on Mobius’s face, but simultaneously are too desperate to see any and every reaction.
Mobius’s eyes grow wide. His lips part. He blinks a few times.
“Loki,” Mobius says, and Loki braces for fresh heartache. But then he smiles, real and true and bright, a lighthouse in a lifetime of hurt. “Blue like the ocean.” The adoration never dims from his eyes. “You are beautiful.”
Mobius insists he doesn’t care, but Loki only feels comfortable again with their glamour restored.
“Either way,” Mobius says, and sends Loki off to the bathroom to shower and change. “I’ll have dinner ready by the time you’re done.”
When Loki leaves the tiny bathroom in their silk pajamas, they find the small two-person table lit by candlelight. Mobius stands beside it, wearing one of the dark suits Loki picked out for him at the store, with a deep green tie that’s slightly askew.
“What’s all this?” Loki asks.
“I know we’re soulmates, and our fates are destined and everything,” Mobius says, tugging at his collar. A bit of pink dusts his cheeks. “But some things should be done the old fashioned way. I want to win your heart, so I thought...” He clears his throat. “I want to wine and dine you. Properly.”
“Ah.” Loki slides further into the room, heart lighter than it’s been in the past forty-eight hours. All the lingering hurts are mended. And Mobius looks delectable in that suit, just as Loki thought he would. Loki strides right up to him, reaches out, and adjusts his tie. “You are attempting to seduce me.”
Mobius’s cheeks redden. He glances away for the briefest of moments before his eyes return to Loki’s face.
“You are everything a guy could want,” Mobius says. “More than I ever dreamed.”
Loki finishes fixing Mobius’s tie, but leaves their hands flat on Mobius’s chest. Mobius takes one and brings it to his mouth. He places a kiss to Loki’s palm.
Loki shivers, but not from any cold.
“Loki,” Mobius says, giving so much weight to the name - things unspoken, maybe not ready to be said, but are known - so known, and ready to be shown.
Mobius leans, and Loki stays very still, waiting, wanting but so, so afraid.
Mobius stops just out of reach. His breath hot on Loki’s lips, he asks, “Can I kiss you?”
Loki swallows all their fear and whispers, “Please.”
Mobius closes the distance and presses their lips together.
Fireworks ignite in Loki’s chest. Their heart thunders. Their hands itch for more, so they grab Mobius by the shoulders and hold, clinging, ruining the new suit and not caring at all.
Mobius cups Loki’s jawline, guiding them closer, tilting gently, positioning Loki just as he wants them. Loki goes willingly, opening their mouth as Mobius licks his way inside.
They should have done this long ago. They should do this all the time. This should never, ever stop.
Loki moans as Mobius’s fingers comb into their hair. Mobius breaks for air, tilts his head, and comes back for more. Loki holds Mobius so close, they are certain their heart beats straight into Mobius’s chest.
It’s perfect, passion incarnate, and Loki wants so much that they -
Loki’s stomach growls. Loudly.
Mobius smiles against Loki’s lips.
Loki groans as Mobius plants one more soft kiss and pulls away.
“Wining and dining time,” he says with a wink.
Loki is both endeared and annoyed. “I will have more of this.” His stomach grumbles again. “After dinner.”
Loki doesn’t miss the flush of Mobius’s cheeks, even as his easy smile returns. “It would be my absolute pleasure, and I mean that.”
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