#i really wanted a hug from alex but idk how he feels about that but mans doesn't like physical contact so i didnt attempt
hornedavies · 6 months
they arw genuinely some of the sweetest most adorable men around i love them so so dearly
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veren-cos · 5 months
Asking out the Bachelors (SDV)
x disabled!reader
You presented him with a bouquet. But before he could speak, you interupt. "Now before you say anything!" He looks at you confused. "I want you to know before you make any big decisions that I am disabled. I get around fine enough, I mean, I can handle my farm and all. But some days it's rough. And I won't be able to. I might not have the energy for anything. I really- Really -like you, but I don't want to be hurt down the line because you can't deal with this." You put your heart on the line and awaited his response.
All Bachelor's below the cut
• Gives you a big ol' hug
• Probably cries a little because he is so happy that you asked him out
• Hopes you don't notice
• You definitely do, but don't say anything because-how cute is he!
• The two of you just stay there for a second, because it's not like you can really move when you are trapped in a hug
• "Dear, having a disability is no big thing. So you need a little extra support sometimes. I am your man!"
• Literally will go to the ends of the Earth to help you when things are acting up
• When you go into more detail about it, he knows a lot already! (Duh he is a doctor)
• But he will do a lot more research about the specifics once you leave.
• He stays in that hug for a really long time before realizing that he never actually accepted your bouquet and becomes a bit of a flustered mess
• You think he is adorable
• As much as he likes to think he is sooooo cool, he is so happy that he just gives you a double thumbs up and a dopey grin
• He says, "Farmer you don't know how happy this makes me!"
• Invites you into his house to talk about things more, and plucks around his guitar while doing so.
• He doesn't know crap about disabilities, besides adhd and a few more common ones.
• But he is willing to learn!
• The two of you actually have a really long heartfelt conversation about it.
• Lots of hugs.
• Like he cannot get over the fact that you are dating now.
• Maybe a makeout session if the mood feels right?
• Kinda just stares at you for an uncomfortable amount of time
• You have no idea what he is thinking, and frankly neither does he.
• His brain is frying at the fact that you like him back.
• And then he is also panicking at the fact that you think he won't like you because of something you can't change!
• Grabs your hands once he snaps out of it, startles both of you
• "Yes!" He somewhat shouts, "yes! Yoba, I swear. I care for you and nothing about you will change that."
• Proceeds to just hold your hands and blush because OHMYGOSHMYCRUSHLIKESMEANDIJUSTTOLDTHEMILIKETHEMAND-
• Later when you talk about your disability more, he recognizes the name from late night internet browsing, and will do whatever he can for you when things get bad.
• Like Sam, there is a lot of communication about how he can help because he isn't well informed
• Literally picks you up???
• Idk he is weird (it's okay we still love him)
• Like holds you bridal style and gives you a big smooch on your cheek
• He doesn't care you have a disability
• Will do his best to learn how to help!!!
• Absolutely will take care of your farm and animals if need be
• When he sets you down he gives you an actual kiss
• Shows up at your farm the next day after talking to Harvey
• He wanted to learn a bit more about helping people with disabilities, now having two important people in his life that have them! (You and George)
• The two of you talk about everything
• Overall he'd be really good about it once he got going
If he was sober at the moment
• "We all have our problems, and yours is nothing."
• "I'm shocked you want to go out with me, but remember, this was your idea!"
• Aka, he tried to act all tough but when you look at his face, he is just a softy
• He has a slight blush on his face
• He is so happy you trusted him enough to tell him your personal business
• Won't be perfect by any means at helping when things get hard, but he tries
If he was drunk at the moment
• "I'm not dealing with that."
• And then he walks away.
• Regrets it so much when he sobers up but the damage was done
• If you felt that he deserved another chance it wouldn't be for a long time
• If you get together later, every time things flare up he just feels so guilty.
(Apologies in advance for possibly being out of character. He is the one I know the least about-)
• Similar to Alex ngl (kinda?)
• He smiles at you, places his hand at the nape of your neck, and then gives you a kiss on the cheek
• Let's his head rest on your forehead for a few moments before accepting your bouquet
• Gives you a gentle kiss
• Will learn all of the things to know about your disability
• Makes sure you check in with Harvey about it whenever things get bad
• Will make you soup :) he knows it won't 'fix' anything, but he doesn't know when else to do when people aren't feeling good
• It's cute
• Will gives you cuddles after he accepts the bouquet, and makes sure to talk to you about what you need.
• He tells you, "nothing can change the way I feel about you. You are the light of my life." (Or some fancy poetry that idk how to write)
This is the first thing I've written that I've posted, so please lmk if I made a typo or something!!! And let me know if you want me to elaborate on any prompt. Or give me a prompt! I will be posting more, I just have to edit them.
Also I mostly write x reader, which I am down to make weirdly specific. Mostly fluff or hurt/comfort, but I am down for almost anything so if you have any fic you want written, lmk!!! I might not get to it for a while because, life, but we'll see! Hope you had fun reading, sorry for the long outro-
(Thank you to my friend for proofreading if you see this)
(Edited Alex's, thanks for pointing out George is disabled!)
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thenewausten · 6 months
imagine making Alex sit down so you can do his skin care because you felt like it (i feel like it’d be cute)
(fluff or nsfw but idk how you could imply nsfw for this lmao)
Thanks for the request!
Doing skin care with Quackity <3
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You were bored all day, so after a few TikToks you decided to do your skin care, but you didn't want to do it alone, so you run a little to your boyfriend's office. "Babyyyy." You call him as soon as you open the door. "Hi, mi vida." He was watching a video about edition, you pause the video and make him look at you. "I'm so bored, 'Lex." You lean in to watch his face. "And I was wondering... Why not do a skin care with my lovely, handsome, gentle, hot, smart and perfect boyfriend, uhh?" He laughs a little. "Amor, I don't think I need it, and I'm busy right now, so..." He stops talking when he sees your sad grimace, a really sad one, with puppy eyes and a little pout. "Fine, amor. Just let me finish this video, okay?" You nod with a smile on your face, sitting on your boyfriend's lap. "Gonna wait for you right here, baby." He giggles and kisses your left cheek, hugging your waist from behind as you start to play the video for him again.
After a few minutes, the video is over, so you get up from Alex's lap. "Let's goo." He nods, following your animated figure to the bathroom. "I'm already regretting it." He whispers and you smile to him. "No, you're not." You point to the sanitary. "Sit." You say and he obeys. "First, I'm taking this." You say about his beanie, taking it off. "Now, I'll clean your skin." You grab a very cute hair bow and puts on your boyfriend, taking his hair away from his face. "Jesus, Alex, you're so handsome." You whisper as you get to look at all his face, without the hair covering a good part of it. "Thank you, amor." He smiles to you and you start to clean his skin with cotton and a micellar water.
"Now, cucumber mask!!!" You say and he sighs. "Baby, do I need to put it on my face?" He asks you and you nod. "Yes! Please, 'Lexie." He nods and you lean in to kiss his nose, opening the mask with a big smile on your face. You start to put the mask on his face. Alex watches your concentrated face with a little smile. "You won't put it on your face? I'm the only one suffering today?!" He asks you and you giggle. "I'll, but I'll finish yours first." You say, finally finishing to put on the mask on his face.
"Can I do it?" Alex asks as he sees you starting to clean your skin. "Sure." You smile to him and he gets up, making you sit on the sanitary. His fingers so delicate as he touches your face with the cotton, you watch him with attention as he opens the cucumber mask. "You're so beautiful." He whispers when he leans in to put the mask on your face, looking to your eyes. "Thank you, baby." You give the boy a peck on his lips and he starts to put the mask on your face.
You and Alex wait for it to dry so you can take it off, you help him as he suffers. "It 'fuckin hurts." He complains and you laugh. "It doesn't, baby." You say and he sighs. "You're not going to put this on my face again, amor." He says and you smile. "Let's see it."
After you both take it off, you decide to finish your skin care by just moisturising yours and Alex's skin. "Next time I won't put the mask on you." You say, kissing his lips. "Next time????" You roll your eyes for his drama. "Yeah, you won't escape that easily." You say and he nods. "It's okay, I liked doing skin care with you, amor." You smile to him, kissing all his face. "I'm so happy you liked it, baby." You whisper and the boy holds your waist. "I love you, princess."
"I love you, 'Lex." You kiss his lips again. "Let's watch a movie?" He asks and you nod. "Sure!"
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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stardewrotsession · 10 months
Note: Midterms came and life got in the way, but now I’m back and hopefully for good! Yes, I still also have finals, but I’m slowly getting back into my Stardew phase so hopefully I stay. Anyways, enjoy!
How the Bachelors are when you’re sick:
- God he would not know what to do
- The first time you get sick, I feel like he’d internally panic and get everything from Pierre’s store to help you feel better
- After awhile he’ll understand what exactly to get you when you’re sick.
- Medicine, your favorite snacks, favorite movies, all of them
- He’d put it in a little basket too, sweet boy
- Bonus, he would not care at all about hugging and kissing while you’re sick. In fact he’d probably whine if you don’t kiss him
- In the end he would get more sick than you were
- he’d have a little more direction than Sam would
- He’d try to give you some medicine to help you recover, and he’d definitely get you some movies you two could watch together to pass the time
- He’d be more hesitant to cuddle though
- Physical touch has never been his strong suit in the first place
- Either way he’ll still show how much he cares, asking occasionally if you need anything or if you want him to get anything for you
- he’s a doctor, he’s gonna immediately take care of you
- I feel like he gets a little too overprotective when it comes to your health
- I mean he’s already worried sick whenever you go on your adventures in the mines. But going sick? Not on his watch
- Unfortunately he would not even let you get out of the bed, let alone do any chores on the farm
- But its doctor’s orders right?
- Sometimes he’ll get overly technical with you about your meds, but he always means well
- If you were really sick he’d make sure to call off of work or have Maru take over for the day while he’s caring for you
- So at first he’d ask advice from his grandma.
- As much as he’d love to help, sometimes he doesn’t really know what to do to make you feel better besides medicine.
- Even with medicine he’d sometimes mix it up and get confused
- Once his grandma’s over, he’d suddenly switch from clueless to being his grandma’s helper for you
- If she’s baking you cookies? He’s getting all the ingredients and helping her mix
- Whenever she’s not over and she calls you to make sure you’re okay, Alex would be there to immediately
- Alex would also definitely help out on the farm. Moving things around, making sure the crops are watered and the animals are fed
- He doesn’t know much, but he knows you shouldn’t be doing any farm work
- And helping around the farm and carrying heavy stuff? That he knows he can do.
- Sometimes whenever he comes in from a long day out on the farm, you can see a small satisfied smile on his face
- When he feels like he’s done something to help you out, he can’t help but smile
- “Have a beer.”
- He backs off after you glare at him
- “Okay okay! Not funny, here I have some anti nausea meds if you need some.”
- He’d (begrudgingly) cuddle and hold you throughout the days that you’re sick
- He’d also run out and get some things for you if you asked, but I’m not sure if he’d go out of his way to get everything
- If you had a specific favorite or comfort food, he would pick it up though
- Okay, imagine him reading you stories and books while you’re resting in bed.
- He’d go out of his way to get all of your favorite books and basically put on a whole play for you while reading them
- So cute
- I think he’s also be into herbal medicines from the beach or the ocean.
- Idk like seaweed soup? Something like that
- But if you didn’t like that, he would still do his best to cheer you up.
- He took on piano for a reason right? Might as well give you a small show, and from the comfort of your bed!
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afterhourwriting · 8 months
[Inclusitivity - fem body mentioned once unless you’re a guy, or some random stick bug, with some massive honkers]
All my posts will be in alphabetical order, so you’ll find Simon at the bottom.
Call of Duty characters favorite part of your body
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Alejandro Vargas - Your eyes
Alejandro loves the way you look at him when he calls your name. That innocent, glimmering look in your eyes does something for him to stop and forget what he wanted to say.
Your gaze is literally a weapon.
The minute you look up at him with those big, puppy dog eyes of yours; he gives in and buys you or agrees to whatever you want.
It’s almost scary how much control one person can have over a man like Alejandro.
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Alex Keller - Your arms
Being wrapped in your warm embrace is like a warm blanket for Alex. It reminds him of home, wherever home is for him at this point.
He likes the fact that when he gets to see you at the end of the day, he can just fall right into your arms and go to sleep. It takes him back to all those times he’d huddle up to his mother during storms.
The way you wrap your arms around Alex makes his knees jello. Being hugged is one of his most favorite things in the world, and being hugged by YOU? Sign him the hell up! Even better!
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John Price - Thighs, ass, tummy; especially if your thick
I feel like John would be more of an ass man than a boob guy.
Like boobs are great and all, but show that man a nice ass? MMM. What’s that person's number? For business related reasons.
He’s also particularly fond of your thighs and your stomach. He loves to lay his head between your legs and just rest there after a long day trying hard to convince Soap that ACTUALLY EATING SOAP is not a good idea.
Your tummy is just a plus one. If you’ve got a bit of a stomach; he ain’t getting up for the rest of the day. Comfy thighs and stomachs are his weakness when it comes to getting comfy and sleeping
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Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish - booba, if he HAD to choose
Soap is a simple man with simple needs, and while he loves every part of your body, if he had to choose one…
It’s your boobs.
Like I said, he’s a simple man! There’s not much else to say. He just wants to come home and lay his face in between a pair of some nice badonkers after being shot at 57 thousand times at work.
What else can I say? Boobies. It’s a funny word idk.
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Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick - Your hands
Kyle enjoys the feeling of your hands massaging his shoulders whenever you too are relaxing on the couch, watching a movie or some horrible reality TV show. (If it has nothing to do with Nicki Minaj or the Kardashians, he doesn’t give a damn. Unless it’s really juicy.)
His only problem with this is if your hands are cold.
You come at him with freezing cold hands and toes, asking him to warm you up, you’ll have better luck asking the AC Unit. Kyle is doing everything to stay away from you until you’re warm enough to be touched or you stop trying to torment him with your freezing fingers.
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König - He has to choose?
Oh! Favorite body part? That’s easy. Uhm… definitely your eyes. No, your lips. No! Your hands? Your legs. Your ass. Your chest. Ugh!
It’s hard for him to pick something since he likes everything.
Ass or boobs? Why not both?
Do you prefer your partner having thick thighs or skinny thighs? Who cares?
Oral or- maybe that’s a bit too far. You get it.
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Mace (because my boy needs to be in these things more) - Ass, neck
Mace is quite the man. Like John, he’s more about dat ass than anything. But he does enjoy other things too.
For example, your neck.
“What? You said Call of Duty, not fucking Twilight. Cowboy, you lied to me, how could you?”
Hear me out.
He likes the fact that he can leave marks for everyone to see. Mace is all about making sure people know you’re HIS. And your neck is just the place for it! You play it off as a burn but when more and more hickies started showing up, paired with bites; people stopped falling for the burn act.
Mace also likes how his hand can just cover your throat completely. When he holds you like that, he feels like he has complete control over you. It’s almost pathetically adorable hearing the soft gasps that come out of your mouth when he squeezes your neck.
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NICKI MINAJ?!???!!?!
No, I’m kidding.
Would’ve been funny though.
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley - Your hands and your stomach, and everything!
“FINALLY,” I hear all you Simon lovers behind the screen. “FINALLY!” “FINALLY!” you sound a bit silly.
Like König, he also has trouble deciding, since you’re really the first person to show him genuine love in a long time.
But he also has an answer.
He enjoys the way your hands slither across his body everytime you pass him. (Like you would a wall in Elementary school because the wall texture tickled your fingertips. Just me? Okay…)
And the way your stomach is just so comfortable to lay his head on, PLUS you’re hands running through his short hair?? Whoo boy!
Be prepared to be stuck all night in the same pose, because Simon is NOT getting up. He is staying there and getting some much needed rest. If he could, he’d sleep on you forever.
A/N: I really wish I could’ve written more for Gaz and Alex :/ Oh well, I’m too lazy to do it now.
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aleksa-sims · 5 months
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RL Story
CW: Divorce, addiction
It was a Friday, October 13th to be exact. Daniel and I are getting a divorce today. After weeks, he finally signed the divorce papers. I was devastated. It was so hard for me to take this step. But I had to finish it, for my Baby and also for myself, to finally forget Daniel. We met near the city hall, where we had an appointment with a divorce-case officer and judge.
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Once there, I saw Daniel coming towards me. I honestly didn’t want to divorce him. I loved him, still, so much. 😥But... that's just the way life is. 😞... He looked at me... I wanted to hug him but instead I just said sadly, hi. Daniel seemed absent for a moment, staring at my belly. 🩵👶
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He had this... empty look. Not sad or angry, rather.... emotionless.
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With my eyes lowered, I just stood there. I struggled to hold back my tears. Exactly a year ago we moved together. I was so happy with him and now this. 😞
Me: I'm so sorry. I never wanted this! And I still don’t want it. I wish we could just go home together.
Daniel: Same, but...let's not get into that now. Relax and think about your Baby.
Me: What?
Daniel: It's gonna be okay. Trust me.... C'mon, let’s get this over with.
Me: Yea,,...whatever you say. 😞
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Um.... well! Daniel and I didn’t get divorced today. The judge asked us why we wanted to divorce? D.'s & my statements left some question marks with the judge, I think? We have to wait six months, before we get divorced.... Daniel said that my jealousy (Tina, Irma...) & insecurity were the biggest probs for him in our relationship.😠... However, the real reason for postponing our divorce was bcs Daniel inherited Dominick’s plot & house. (division of property) Although I refused any claim to Daniel’s property!!
Me: Did you really, seriously mean what you said to them?
Daniel: I answered all questions honestly.
Me: Why didn’t you just give the real reason for our divorce? You took off!!! I didn't know where you were!! And my Baby isn't yours. This fact is the reason for our divorce! You can't handle that I'm pregnant. Or that we are both addicts, which would have been a good reason why we can’t stay together! 🤦‍♀️
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Daniel: The juge asked me WHY, I left! You got it?.... You and my borther, your secrets drove me crazy. That fucking shit about Tina. I was overwhelmed with my shit, our drugs you and your delusions. I kept trying to make you happy! I only loved you and I only wanted you. But you just didn’t believe me. Be honest, it wasn’t my fault, just yours!! You don’t know what you want! And you can’t make decisions! But I’m not like N.! I don’t want to tell you what to do or how to live your life. You are responsible for yourself! Finally get it, or just stay with your soccer player and let him control you.
Me: What kind of shit are you talking?? Nico doesn’t do any of this to me.
Daniel: I talked to him! He said, you won’t be the same after he’s done with you. He told me this to my face!! And btw, I can’t stand Alex calling you Lexi!! 😠
Me: You must have misunderstood N. He isn't like that! He was just upset, bcs I confessed what I wanted from you the other day. Besides, you’re jealous too!!! Anyway.... I-.. I just can’t stand it around you anymore. And I’m sorry I was so jealous. I loved you so much. I wanted to do anything for you. I was terrified to lose you. I’m sorry. Sorry I was such a freak to you. But I didn’t do anything wrong with your brother, D.!! There was NOTHING between Alex and me!! IDK how many times I’ve had to say this damn sentence. Finally get it!....
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Me: It hurts so much and it just doesn’t stop.... I don’t want to love you anymore. I wish you’d never married me. 😢
Daniel: Damn, I-... I'm sorry. I still struggle with that... stress disorder. Either I feel nothing-... or I boil with rage.🤦‍♂️
Me: It's ok.. I'm leaving.... See you in 6 moths. And.. stay off drugs, just... take care, Daniel. 😢
Daniel: Wait!
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Me: I gotta go. Sorry. Bye!.... 😭
Daniel: I-...... love you.
I just wanted to get away from there. Far away from.... him.💔 Not really, but.... agh, you know what I mean. And I’ll see Daniel again sooner than I thought. Right after delivery. It was about that annoying name change. D. and I were officially still married, but I didn't want to give my Son his surname. D. is not his Dad, but N. Such a mess!!
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mmufanatic · 4 months
i don’t know a lot about dr who but your ideas for a mmu/who crossover sound fascinating!! please feel free to ramble more about your ideas im so curious…
Hello! It's really nice that someone is interested (also more doctor who and mmu fans, yay!). I've only watched up to Series 10, so all the crossover/ headcanons (idk what you would call it) will be from those episodes (none after series 9).
I love the idea of Alexander being Rose in Dalek in Series 1 because of how much empathy he has and I headcanon him to have hyperempathy (he would've hugged that dalek without a second thought) and I can imagine in New World (series 2) George being absolutely FURIOUS when Lady Cassandra takes Alexander's body and going super protective like 'I'm getting Alex back in one piece, thank you very much! Not so much as a cold!' Also, I headcanon Alexander to be scared of cats, so he would not get on well with the cat nuns.
Also, in The Empty Child( series 1) I think it would be really funny if it was George who was rescued by Jack Harkness because I think he would absolutely DIE (the rest of the episode would just be Daisy teasing him, Hazel like 'aw that's cute' and Alexander trying to get them together while George is mortified).
I also like to imagine maybe Zosia and Anna can communicate with the TARDIS in case of emergencies or possibly working for UNIT (maybe Bertie and Harold too. I can imagine Bertie and Harold working with them). Uncle Felix would be head of UNIT ofc, with Aunt Lucy unofficially in charge.
Also, I think that Daleks in Manhattan would've been greatly improved if a tiny Alexander had just appeared and Daisy had been like 'The daleks I can cope with- THAT however...' I think that Hazel and Beanie would've just melted at a baby Alex (well for the time in Daleks in Manhattan he would've been 9 or 10 I think but a 6 year old Alex defeating daleks would be so cute! Or George as Amy in The Eleventh Hour would be really funny because he would possibly be more furious than her when Daisy/ Alexander/Hazel /Lavinia turns up like 10 years later. The possibility of a baby Junior Pinkertons in one episode would be so cute! (And Daisy's reaction would be very funny).
I think that the thought of George being River Song would be interesting too (out of all the MMU characters he seems like the most likely to write on the most ancient cliffs in the universe because someone wasn't answering their phone). Or George or Daisy as missy/ master with Alexander or Hazel as the doctor would be very funny.
I can really imagine George as Clara (like in Asylum of the Daleks:
Daisy: How dare they! I'm much cleverer than him, why don't they want my brain?
Hazel: Do you want to be converted into a dalek?!
Daisy: that's not the point)
Also I can imagine Alexander trying to keep some random little alien creature they found on a planet as a pet and then it gets very big and possibly blood thirsty which becomes a whole other episode (think the red dwarf episode when it transpires that the evil, giant squid in the water tank was there because Cat brought it on board when it was a baby).
(Alexander: but it was so cute!
George looking at the engine which has a big bite out of it and just general carnage in the console room: For fucks sake Alex!)
George would be over the moon at a TARDIS wardrobe with all the different clothes from all the different times in it. Also, George would want to go back in time to try and solve unsolved mysteries (Hazel would not be that keen after a near escape from Jack the Ripper).
I also love the idea of the TARDIS just knowing that they are neurodivergent and putting weighted blankets and fidget toys where they'll find them (it would be interesting if some of them were from the 1930s and only found out that they were in a modern era).
I would also imagine that if they came across an alternative universe where there were different versions of themselves that would be funny (imagine 2 Alexanders and 2 Hazels desperately trying to keep 2 Georges and 2 Daisys in check).
Thanks for the ask :)
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cuthechicane · 1 year
i have had brain worms abt that text post u made yesterday abt like are lando and george so scathing with each other bc they know exactly where to aim that will sting the other or if it's bc they view each other as like, the "rivals" of their generation/rookie class and gOD it's taking me back to lando's discussions of how much he admired alex and wanted to be like him as a child, like there seemed to be almost this hero admiration when you listen to lando talk about how much he looked up to alex when he was younger whereas with george like. it has always been competition and rivalry, ofc with a dose of respect and seemingly genuine care for each other too. like as often as he jokes about sochi with lando, george gave a few different interviews not long after that abt how he reached out to lando just to make sure he was doing alright mentally and we all saw the little idek i call it half dude-bro hugs lando gave george after singapore and the way when they have been on pole or whatever they're always like "my money is on george/lando" like idk despite most of f1blr convinced they legitimately hate each other and want to punch each other in the throat, i think they rlly do care about each other. deep down. would take a lot to admit it to each other. but ya.
it's like sibling relationships. except lando always had that admiration/"i want to be like you" attitude with alex who was like. older and seemingly one step ahead and not really like competition until lando flew through the junior categories and suddenly caught up to him. whereas george was just. always the rival. it was always them pitted against each other. who would win f2. who will become a GP winner. who will be future champion. who will end up with more accomplishments.
idk idk sorry for the brainrot i have so many thoughts abt the 2019 rookies i just want to see them all do well and succeed and accomplish everything they dreamed of gjskgksk
i forgot to add lando's childhood hero worship of alex into the mix as well but yeah you're completely on point. there's this element of idk...adoration? he has for alex that he doesn't really have for george. also i feel like they're both "softer" with alex in a way first & foremost because of the type of person alex is; but also because of what he's been through ("alex has probably had it hardest"); whilst george/lando have no such qualms with each other. but even then they still have moments of softness between them (post singapore 2023 & post sochi 2021 as you said, but i think also post brazil 2022) and like. underneath it all they are still friends.
the point with lando flying through the junior categories is also so...*screams internally*. especially when you think of the way he still hangs out all the time with friends from his karting (& f4 & f3) days; i feel like lando has this thing where he refuses to leave anyone behind because he's actually Very Aware of how — maybe not "easy" but "smooth sailing" — he's had it virtue of him being both very privileged & very very talented. like up till now doors have opened for him everywhere he goes but he knows this isn't the case for 99% of people, not even george & alex who are literally™ in f1 right now and have seat security for the foreseeable future. so underneath it all i feel he does treasure them immensely because of their shared years together and the years they will share in the future & because they Know What It's Like. It's probably the same with george and alex as well.
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Hi hi hi so im like all keyed up and like have the biggest smile on my face rn and thats jus cause i read in the reflection and OH MY GODD i forgot how could it was (is) but yeah so like i read it frm the first chapter again and lemme tell you i fell in love all over again . I really forgot how good this was . Okay so lemme tell you about my favourite parts (or like things that i absolutely loved and want to like pick your brain (with your permission obviously) because how can someone come up with something that good) so 1. The fact like Charles always runs and like barrels into Carlos and hugs him everytime (everytime is a stretch but he's done it a couple times so ) like that is just so sweet to me and it brings me so much joy. Right also idk if im making up things but that scene in ch 1. where they all talking about the leclerc brothers and Sebastian blushes and something lewis says am i reading too much there ? Oh and i love how you like told the background of the leclerc family like it was all so seamless. And the part where they say monte carlo is their city that was so tender like my heart was hurting. Oh oh also the part where lando kisses carlos and i had to like pause for a minute and i was like honestly worried what was gonna happen next like the anticipation was bad i was so nervous and charles playing the piano for carlos when carlos is like semi panicking is so so tender and sweet and everything nice like i was swooning oh and like my favourite part was finding out the marc you were talking about in brazil was MARC MARQUEZ like i thought about it but wasnt sure but when you mentioned alex i was like yayyy like yess im starved for marc crumbs but yeah and seb just being overall such a good character and i live how you incorporate the red bull seb because yes at his core his always redbulls like thats him and the part where you were like marc dragged alex with him is such a good line or like thinking because yeah redbull is cruel and and lorenzo was such a suprise character like he was so kind and you jus made me fall in love with him the whole scene with carlos and him was jus chefs kiss and this whole part "No, I’m not okay. I’m a failure, and a coward, and I am wasting my life..." just broke my heart in pieces like it was so raw and this part also "So Carlos raced in his new Ferrari and learned everything he could from Sebastian..." is so good because of how if you put it next to how he felt in the start its so different and it kinda shows how carlos changed like the parallels are insane like mind blowing insane i think that was one of my favourite things . And lets not forget the whole elevator scene that was just like nerves i was so excited to see what happens next and all the reactions like they were all so spot on and the fact that charles might have been the first person (outside his family i guess) that stood up for him is something so personal to me . This story is good good that like im not sure how to tell you like i dont even know if i have enough words and last but like my most most favourite thing when they finally kiss i wanted to like scream like yess and you ended it on such a good note. And im like so sorry that you feeling the way you are i think i wish i could just give you a hug (with permission again) and i hope you feel alright soon.♡♡♡ PS. Im so sorry if this is like stupidly long but i just wanted to like tell you everything and if this sounds like rambling and if doesnt make sense i am also sorry it is like 3 in the morning. But yeah :) :) :)
ive read this like 7 times since i woke up, thank you SO MUCH FOR THIS! dont apologize for it being too long, there is no such thing as too long when it comes to feedback on my writing, it just makes me sooooo happy!! and of course you can pick my brain about things, permission granted i LOVE talking about my writing and i love when people like it!!! :DDD
okay so yes, they are just generally very touchy with each other and i tried to show it. also charles is a flirt and he likes being manhandled so he used every chance to have carlos manhandle him :)) and yes, i know i had sth about seb and lewis in this verse somewhere, but i have no idea what or where. we'll see how things develop, because i know seb will be a big part of it in general with being carlos' teammate and charles'.. whatever he is. friend. mentor. something :D
lando kissing carlos was the first thing i wrote for this chapter, and that was back in october or so. i remember asking misa about whether my carlos' reaction to it was right because i wasnt sure about my carlos characterisation. and YES. i got into motogp, and by that i mean i got into marc (i wish vice versa was also happening) and then i couldnt resist at least mentioning him :D bcs it fit so well with the whole red bull thing :D
yes im so glad you noticed! i tried to show carlos' progress as a person throught he fic, in his racing but also in how he looked at himself and the world around him! and yeah, charles standing up to sr wasnt supposed to happen now, bcs my notes for the next chapter were atually "charels&sr, charles isnt impressed", but it just fit narratively, and im a big fan of letting the story tell itself.
i am accepting all the hugs and thank you so so fucking much for this, i was grinning the whole time i read it, every time, it means the world! <333 im feeling a bit better now, so thank you for asking! <3 i hope oyu have a wonderful day, you made mine!
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alexisnotstraight · 23 days
a more personal rant than usual :/
if you would feel uncomfortable by knowing really personal stuff about me, dont read this :)
this is a little bit long and im sure has a lot of grammatical errors and shit like that, but i really dont have anyone to rant. also im sorry but this is gonna be maybe really depressing, not my usual happy, exclamation marks user :( sorry
tw for sh and suicidal thoughts
today i was going to go sleep at 12 pm as usual. i went to say goodnight to my mom and brother, i was so tired more mentally than physically tbh. i just said "this has been the worst couple of months of my whole life", my mom asked why and i told her that i didn't know, that i just felt really miserable. she went to the bathroom without really reacting to what i said. my brother stayed and sat beside me, i was already crying.
these last couple of months have been awful, i dont think i have ever felt so miserable in my entire life. i go to sleep wishing i was dead, i wake up in the middle of the night wishing i was dead, i then waste 13 hours consuming media to numb my brain from self destructive thoughts.
it got kinda better within a couple of days, still hating myself but more quietly this time, i have been struggling with self harm for the last couple of months, i did it every day for a while, then i got clean for a month, then i relapsed, then i got clean again, then i relapsed, then i got clean again, every time i spent less and less time clean. so i finally decided i wanted to leave it for good, no how hard it will be, i wanted to get clean.
before going to sleep today i started to unfortunately think again, my head realized that so i just thought to myself "oh, youre getting suicidal again, alex". thats when i realized how fucked up i am. no one should ever think "youre getting suicidal AGAIN", so when my brother sat in front of me i just started crying.
i never cry in front of him, i dont like to cry in front of people in general. if he sees me crying its because i saw some bad sad movie, nothing too personal. we dont talk a lot neither, if we talk its about business or some meaningless talk about cats or dr pepper. last time i hugged him it was early 2018, we're coworkers and we act like it.
i said i felt really miserable, he said that we all feel like that nowadays, i said ive been feeling like this since june. he was nice, he didn't make me feel stupid for having feelings or completely ignore me when i show some kind of negative emotion like my mom does. he is nice, i love him, i hope he knows that. he then took me to the store so i could go outside and have direct sunlight in me for the first time in weeks, i saw a goat.
i hope everything gets better, i really do. i want to get old, maybe be that weid uncle that has weird stories and knows way too much celebrity drama. maybe have kids at some point, idk this world is too fucked, im pretty sure i will die alone. well my kom told me that i will never die alone because i will never die. i still dont know how to feel about that. i want to have a life, be able to at least make it to 20.
i feels awful right now tho, i went to sleep every day wanting to be happy again. i dont wanna be happy anymore, i just wanna be okay.
the girl that used to be my best friend and i haven't talked since January 1st :/
we talked every day for 2 years but i always felt that the friendship was one sided, so the first day of 2024 i decided i will not be the first one to always reach out. she never texted me again. i really liked her, she was the only person i had to talk to. i came out as pansexual to her and since then things sstarted feeling weird, she didn't answer texts and was kinda cold when she did. when i was going through grief and just trying to deal with the really recent loss of someone i loved, she wasn't there. she explicitly told me she will be there if i needed anything, then proceeded to ignore all of my texts, i was crying every day non stop but after she didn't answer i thought that it maybe was because my sadness made her uncomfortable, so i just tried to be happier and fake to be my usual self for her, because i wanted to be happy, i didn't care if i was dying inside, as long as she didn't keave me everything will be okay. last night i realized shes actually bisexual, so if she started acting all weird on me it wasn't because of my sexuality, it was for me just being me i guess. i dont know how to feel about that. she was literally the only friend i had, i would've really liked having someone to talk to in these months.
grief hasn't been so bad lately, almost 10 months without him. it still feels like shit, i wish i could hear his voice again. i miss hearing him sing that stupid love song i hated so much. i tried looking for a video of him, see if someone had posted something after he died. nothing. i haven't heard his voice in 9 months, every day im going a little bit more insane. i dreamed about him a couple of days ago, i told him goodbye, i hugged him and kissed his cheek, he told me everything will be okay. i want to believe him so bad.
i hope everything gets better, i have been clean for a couple of days now, i dont know how many, i dont like keeping count it just makes me want to relapse more than i already want to. ive been trying to drink more water, i haven't been eating that much, i mostly eat once at day. i still somehow managed to gain weight, a pair of pant that i didn't want to wear last month because they were too big for me and always feel now fit me like a glove. i dont know how to feel about that neither.
anyways, I'll try to be happy. i know once i come out my mom wont accept me. im broke and not old enough to move out, so im trying to save money to move when i finally get the change. i know thats when i will be happier. so now im just trying to enjoy the time i have left with my mom.
i hope everything gets better, i really do
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diazpatcher · 11 months
a little Vent, TW mentions of drugs, alcohol and Selfharm
I don't want to tell him that I thonk it was a mistake cause we've been.thinkinf.about this for 3 weeks now and talking about everything and it would jjst feel like i took my time breaking his heart which I didn't mean to I just really wanted to be sure but now I feel like a total ass and like I ruined any chance at being friends anymore and I just really wanna get shitfaced drunk or high couldn't give less shots as long as i dont actually have to feel these things anymore it's like, how hard can.it be to know if ur im love w someone
maybe it's cause I haven't been in love for a while but that's not it either i had feelings for someone and it ended the same way, we talked it through and didn't do shit and it changed us and i don't want that to happen again maybe i should've told him from the get go, no i don't but I thought I had feelings for him but I don't. and I feel so horrible now. because he cares so sos so much about me and for me and it just feels like I'm betraying him and our honesty we have built but if i tell him he'll be hearybrkone and I kept telling.him it's not gonna be easy and that i am Sick and that my illness will get in the way and maybe this is just my depression and the secual traumas but i don't I can't be in a relationship i need to heal the one w myself first and idk how to tell him thag and i also feel lime i can't talk to anyone about it w /o sounds ridiculous bc what kind of immature do you have to be to now know if u lime someone or love them and i jhst feel so horrible and i really wanna relapse bc last tome I didn't car Re what happened to me while i was actively hurting myself and I was w alex back then and I had no issues w anything but mow it just feels like being touched alone is a fucking violation of me but i love being touched i love hugs and holding hands and being close but ever since that happened (he confessed to me) everytiem he touches me it just feels like I'm betraying him and myself and i know i should just tell hom because we are that honest w each other but at the same time I don't ecen know if i have feelings for him and if i can't tell how tf am i usspoes to let him know what's going on and he said he'd be willing to wait but that's unfair so i told him that we xan give it a try but it feels wrong like I committed a mortal sin or smt just because I don't know and he shouldn't waste time on me not because I'm.not great but because I can't give him wgat he wants and I hate that so much i should be able to know but i don't and it makes me feel like shit and he can tell and is concerned and I think i already am dependent on him and I don't want my emotions to be attached or dependent on someone else and i hate myself for always doing it and I ruin every relationship or friendship w it because part of me wants people to take care of me and the other part is ashamed for wanting that and i also don't know who I am anymore and it just feels meaningless everything i do I started smoking and drinking more often but nit in a alcoholic way and It just makes me feel less and empty and the only reason i started smoking was because i wanted to be close to a boy and I can't even cry anymore because i feel I don't have a reason to cry and I just want to hurt myself and bleed but that's not me anymore im clean for like 530 days ors smt and it feels like if I relapse now, I won't be able yo stop again and I domt want to be burden on other people just because i have issues w myself and its unfair but I don't know how to fix it.
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ghostiex0 · 2 years
Ooo Hiya!!!<333
I slid back into your request because i love ur writing obviously and well bc..
May i request Kapkans s/o confessing to him that they think that his comrades (The rest of the spetznas) are hit and they'd like to start smth with them too?? NSFW if possible?
(Idk why i just love the idea of the spetsnaz sharing a s/o)
I totally forgot about this ask so I’m sorry it’s so late!! I made it kinda lengthy and rushed some parts for plot. No gender specifics so I tried to keep reader GN (vague on anatomy as well) Warnings: N/SFW content below! Minors DNI Unprotected fivesome. Mostly focused on reader. Messy attempts of Russian
At the start, you were sure it was normal. Your gorgeous lover had gorgeous friends, it made sense you wouldn’t be able to help yourself be at least a little imaginative. You also harbored much more guilt over it at the start. But now, six months into dating Maxim, you had gaslit yourself into the fact that their was nothing truly there. That fantasizing about them was completely normal, it was just a fantasy wasn’t it? It was just… a natural reaction you presumed.
It was common for all of the men to hang out outside of their work. Drinks, working out, hunts, anything really was a great excuse for them to banter about with one another. Today you were supposed to be heading up to the lodge. It was basically a tradition at this point and you were more than happy to agree, but maybe you should have thought about this a little more. You didn’t know how much longer you would be able to keep your mouth shut about these feelings, or your legs for that matter.
“лисичка,” Maxims voice interrupted your thoughts, his footsteps walking towards you to pull you close. From this distance, you could hear the subtle beats of his heart, thumping in a rhythm that’s become so known to you. “have you been able to finish up the rest of your packing?” Thats right, packing. Jesus, you were getting so sidetracked thinking about all of that again.. about all of them again.
“Is something bothering you?” Shit. Maxim must have caught wind that something was up. Who were you kidding? Of course he did. He always knows that stuff. “No, no, it’s nothing really,” you lied through your teeth, “Just thinking about what we’re going to do at the lodge.” So, not a full lie.
He gave a small grin, “Glad you’re excited.” Moving to the other side of the bed, he looked over the suitcase you were finishing up stuffing, “Do you want any help?”
“No it’s fine honey, thank you.” As he walked past you to leave the room he was sure to plant a gentle kiss on your cheek, leaving you with a smile. You were definitely lucky.
As noon arrived, you could see all four of the men through your bedroom window, getting all of the luggage into the vehicle. You didn’t know exactly what time they had arrived, but it was recently. Your heart practically leapt out of your chest when Shuhrat looked up, making direct eye contact with you. You were so stupid, it would have been so easy to play that off as normal. Give him a small wave and then walk away, instead you acted like you were guilty. Slinking away and shutting the curtains. Whatever, you weren’t guilty of anything. What would he say? It’s not illegal to stare.
With an annoyed sigh, you left the bedroom finally, down to the house entrance, grabbing your coat off the rack, slipping it around your shoulders, and walked out.
“Ah! принцесса finally come to join us?” Alexsandrs voice was instantly recognizable, “seems so, hah.” He grinned at your response, moving to bring you in for a hearty hug. Your cheeks flushed, you knew they did. It made you swallow as quietly as possible.
“Good, because we should be heading out in a minute.” Timur spoke up, lifting an arm to pull the trunk down with a clink. Alex let you go to turn towards his Shuhrat and Timur who were closer to the car, leaving you to go to talk over things you only assumed would be frugal such as seating placements.
At 16:00 pm you all had finally arrived. The car ride was fun, but got stuffy after longer than 3 hours, thank god these men had to have patience in their line of work. Getting out felt like the stretch of a lifetime, a bit of crackling and some groans. Unpacking would be quite the trip in itself. You didn’t think you had brought a lot, but there were five of you. It made sense it would add up quickly.
The lodge was still struggling to warm up, some warm air every now and then stopping you from shivering. You were situated on the top floor, no where near the fire, so you supposed that was your fault. You kinda blamed Maxim for insisting that natural heat was the best way and Timur backing him up with how it made the place feel more magical than artificial heat. You weren’t feeling very magical right now that’s for sure.
If anything, you were getting overwhelmed. The car ride got stuffy sure, but underneath it you might have been making yourself feel that way. Recently, second guessing everything was the norm and overthinking about your lovers friends was constant. This was the guilt again wasn’t it?
Booms of laughter and mens voices rising made you settle with the lot of items already out, gently closing the door with your exit. “Знаешь, я бы с удовольствием заставил-“ “быть осторожным..” More laughter and chatter ensued. Whatever they were talking about, they seemed to be plenty entertained.
“Come to join us?” Once again, caught watching by Shuhrat. At least he didn’t seem bothered. The men surrounded the downstairs table. A sleek modern look on some old wood Maxim had cut down a year back. By sleek modern you meant it had been sanded and sealed of course… that’s really all.
“About time, you’ve been hogging yourself!” Alexsandr gave a laugh at his own tease. “Come sit.” He gave the couch a small pat, a seat right between him and Maxim. Your partner nodded in return, showing silent support.
Shooting Alex a small smile, you made yourself comfortable in between them. This was perfectly normal, but when you faced Shuhrat and Timur again, there was a certain glimmer in their eyes, like they were communicating with the two you sat between about something. But just as quickly as you saw it, it was gone.
Night crawled up quickly. Board games and fun might of had something to do with it, though you believed most of the credit had to go to the booze. They had brought some strong stuff, you knew to limit yourself and that you did. Just enough to make you feel lighter and not out of your mind. Apparently, it made you jumpy as well. You felt it almost immediately, Alexsandr’s big hand clasp down your thigh. A pure reaction, you jumped. Straight off the couch. There was only a second of silence, yet it felt like 5 minutes. All of their eyes just staring at you, a type of wonder you couldn’t possibly describe lay in them.
“Ahaha! Sorry- I just um- … I’ll be right back.”
You had thought about all their hands on you before. Maybe that’s exactly why your reaction was as dramatic as it was. It was like you had been caught. Like they knew you had been fantasizing about how their hands would feel. You needed a drink. Not alcohol this time either. Just a fresh glass of water, hopefully calm you down. The sound of the water running was enough to have you taking a deep breath, the water washing down your throat was even better.
“лисичка, what was that?” You hadn’t even heard him approach. Yet there Max was, standing only a few feet away from you, concern and confusion written all over his face. “I..” God you didn’t even know. How would you be able to say anything without sounding crazy about what happened? “I’m really attracted to your friends!” That sounds bad! Explain yourself! “- Then he touched me and I just panicked-! This is sounding bad, I’m so sorry”
Laughter. That’s right. You spilled your guts about liking his friends and he laughed. You were stunned. You stared at your lover in awe as he slowly regained himself, the laughter simmering into a low chuckle before he made eye contact with you again. “Huh?”
“Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Why didn’t you tell me? Did you think I would be mad?”
Silence fell over the kitchen as you looked for any sarcasm in what he was saying. There was none. Maxim was being genuine about all of this. “You’re not mad?”
“Why would I be mad?”
“Uhm, maybe because I just admitted I would fuck your friends..?”
“You would? Then why are we still just playing board games?”
You were speechless. Your mind was completely boggled, at everything! You knew they were all very close, but what guy would be okay with this sort of thing? His friends fucking his partner?
“I wouldn’t make you do something you don’t want too, but they like you.” Reassurance. That was something. You didn’t really need reassurance right now about if they all liked you or not, just about the seriousness of the situation. “I guess I’m a little shocked, aren’t you worried about ruining your friendship with them?”
“нет, I don’t think anything could ruin it.” Maxim was being fully open and honest with you about this, you could see, despite him being a rather protective partner, he genuinely didn’t seem that bothered with this. It made you wonder if this was the first time this idea had been thrown on the table.
“If everyone is up for it..” It felt embarrassing to say out loud. You couldn’t help but feel like at least a bit of a whore. Wanting four guys all to yourself. Jeez, how would this even go?
“Why don’t we head back to everyone?” the weight of his arm on your waist was a gravitation out of your thoughts. Your tongue felt heavy, so you gave a simple nod to his question, letting him guide you back to the living room.
When you entered the living room, all eyes snapped towards you, their gazes felt more raw and intense than they ever had before. Did they overhear what you both were talking about in the kitchen? You hadn’t been that loud…
“Я говорил с ней об обмене.” Their eyes left you and stared hard at Maxim instead. “в самом деле?” “да.” “So, are we all on the same page then?” The switch to English was seamless, almost a little too so. What did he mean ‘on the same page’? There was no shock on any of their faces, just patience as they had directed themselves back towards you.
“I think so…” you took a glance at Maxim, looking for any sign of discomfort, but their was none from him. Taking a deep breath you gave a little laugh. “Be honest, did you all already know?” Any anxiety that was resting in the air, disappeared as smiles showed and you could hear some chuckles.
“Well, we were hoping, is a better way to put it.”
You felt their answer was good enough, you didn’t really want to embarrass yourself anymore and decided to shrug it off. Something in your had warmed up to this quickly. No one was being awkward about it. It felt normal. Was this an agreement you all were a thing now?
“Why don’t we celebrate a bit?” Alexsandr spoke up, “I think everyone would benefit from a little bit of fun, help us all get more comfortable?”
“Ever the opportunist huh?” Timur quipped back at the older man, “but as long as everyone else is ready, I’m in.” Shuhrat nodded in agreement, “Maxim?”
Maxim didn’t hesitate to give his nod of approval as well.
Maxim now stepped up, taking the opportunity and easily shifting you up into his lap, his hands rested at your side, a stabilizing grip, but loose enough for you to shake him off if you needed. It felt comfortable and safe, even as your head spun with the thoughts of what was going to happen with these four men looking down on you.
Before you knew it, they all had at least one hand on your body. Respectful places, yet it was enough to let all your days or yearning for them to finally show through. Slightly sinking down on your lovers lap, causing one of their hands to slide a little further up your thigh. You couldn’t really tell who.
Maxim leaned as far back as the couch would allow, his hips rising up to push against your ass that now rested his lap. You were made acutely aware of the slow hardening pressed against you through his pants. On your left side, Timur made himself known, his lips gently pressing against your shoulder, giving you the chance to shrug him off if you wanted. You didn’t. You couldn’t. Not with the tension and light touches from all of them that’s made you feel so delirious already. His lips danced along your neck, going from as soft as a feather, to causing you to take shape breaths of air in an attempt to stop your racing heart. You could only imagine the marks his attacks were going to leave.
“Do you mind?” The whisper from Shuhrat, positioned on your right, made you tense. You caught yourself in time to make sure you wouldn’t moan out loud. You still felt a bit of embarrassment burning on your cheeks, worsening when you realized his hands were positioned to slip off your top. Were you really going to have sex with your lover and his friends all at once? Yeah. You were.
Giving him a nod of approval, he shot a glance at Timur who gave your neck a break as your shirt was lifted up and over your head. Your bare chest on pure display for them. Rough and calloused hands rubbed over your hips, Maxim slyly rubbing his erection against you. You don’t know how, but you had failed to notice the older man get down on his knees in front of you until you felt his fingers hook onto your bottoms, swiftly pulling them down. So quickly, you had become fully bare for the men surrounding you. You could feel the need for more bubbling inside you.
Alexsandr’s scarred hands rubbed against the soft skin of your thighs, blue eyes watching your every move. You felt like you couldn’t look away from them. You could feel the pulsing between your legs, wondering if he could in the spasms of your leg muscles.
“Strip.” The order came out of your mouth like a whine. It caught them off guard almost as much as you. There was a tense silence, their eyes darting from you, to one another. “I- Please…?” Finally, the silence broke as Alexsandr gave a hearty laugh, Timur joining him but at a quieter volume.
“Вы слышали её,” Maxim piped up from behind you, you could hear the soft rustle of his clothing being slipped off. “делайте то, что она сказала.” The others seemed to take to what he said, a hum or a nod of approval as they all chose their easiest clothing articles to discard of. It wasn’t the first time you had seen this much of their skin, but it was the first time you were close enough to feel the burning warmth of it.
Your legs were pulled up and forwards due to Alexsandr. Maxim’s hands on your sides having saved you from loosing your balance. Another silent exchange seemed to happen between the four men. A part of you might have felt a little hurt at your exclusion, but there were much more prevalent things happening. Alexsandr moved his body back, giving Shuhrat access to in between your legs. The Uzbek naturally took his place, hands smoothing over your legs to slowly spread them open. All of them practically fucking you with their eyes for forever now had made any embarrassment nonexistent. Shuhrat’s chest slowly rise and fell with impeccably steady breaths. You couldn’t help but stare at his erection, prodding against the fabric of his baggy pants. Your hips started to slowly roll against Maxims, shallow breaths starting to sound like whines the more desperate you became. You could see through the fabric Shuhrat’s cock twitch. His grip on your legs tightened in preparation as he closed to gap between you two. Shuffling down his pants just enough to let him slip into you as he rocked his hips forward into yours. A whimper left your lips, leaning fully backwards onto your lover, Maxim, in defeat. The ache between your legs finally getting some release.
With the graze of a hand over your bare chest, you became aware of Timur’s presence, sat on the couch next to Maxim. The only thing stopping him from being fully nude were a pair of underwear that, like Shuhrat’s pants, did their best to keep the hardened cock he had secure within them. You couldn’t stop yourself before your palm rubbed against his crotch, causing him to let out a gorgeous groan. “Take them off..” you were able to breathe out, Timur listened, pulling down his last coverings and sucking in a breath when your hand trailed along him, eventually wrapping around his cock and slowly moving up and down, abusing the precum dribbling from his tip for lube.
Alexsandr sat calmly on the chair to the upper right of you, his blue eyes locked onto yours, causing a shiver to run through your body. Something about it was so intense and intimate despite the fact he had touched you the least out of any of them. He always had such a presence anyway. You couldn’t help but want him so bad. Especially since he was the one you haven’t been able to get any of yet.
Your eyes were ripped away from Alexsandr when the speed and strength of Shuhrat’s thrusting increased tenfold, a huffy groan coming from him as you felt your whole body rock with the next thrust. Your eyes naturally feel closed with hushed moans of pleasure coming from you. Your body felt like it was on fire. The rocking that Shuhrat’s thrusting caused made Maxim give a groan of his own, his cock being repeatedly rubbed up against. The mismatched choir of pleasure noises they all produced was music to your ears, urging you to dive deeper in. You did, snapping your hips up to meet Shuhrat’s as his cock sunk deeper inside you, hitting the place that made your eyes roll back. Your free hand gripped onto Maxims tousled pants that hung far below his waist, a meek attempt to ground yourself.
The tension in your core finally snapped, relief crashing onto your now sweaty skin as you came. Shuhrat gave a loud groan at that, leaning his head back slightly as his thrusts stuttered in their pace before he slipped out, leaving you feeling empty. You could feel small bits of Maxim’s cum drip down your back, Maxim’s rugged breathing on your neck as he came down from his high as well. You felt a pressure on your numb hand, Timur gently moving it away from his crotch. You wanted to know if he came as well, but felt so tired and dazed that it was hard to really do anything but lay where you were weakly.
Your eyes fluttered open, the first thing you noticed was the darkness, only a small light illuminated barely half of the room. He was sitting above you, a fond smile on his face, a little intimidating with how wrecked you were. You didn’t know how you got here, but you were in the room you had originally unpacked in when you first arrived, hence the bed having an abundance of blankets already. Did he carry you all the way up here? You felt kinda bad, “Rest, дорогая.” it was as if he read your mind. “we have plenty of time to talk tomorrow.” He gave a gentle pat on your thigh if reassurance, leaning back on the pillows he stacked up against the wooden headboard of the bed to rest, himself.
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quackisinnit · 4 years
Quackity x Reader
Request: Can i get a clingy quackity bf while streaming and everyone is teasing him about it and he keeps blushing really hard?? Thank you😁 idk like kisses and stuff nothing too extreme ( also can u add the reader calling him nicknames in spanish which makes him blush a lot ) i use she/they pronouns btw!
Pronouns: She/They
Note: i used google to translate this stuff so sorry if some words arent right xkzhks. if there's anything that translated wrong or the meaning is different, please tell me. i need to think of better titles too lol
Warnings: mild swearig lol
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Alex was streaming while you were sitting right next to him, out of frame. Now, your relationship was known to the public so if you were seen, they wouldn't mind.
These past few days Alex has been burned out. All the videos he had to edit, all the emails he had to answer, and so much more.
This lead to him being clingy and in need of touch from his partner. He gets a bit stressed? Cuddles. He's tired? Cuddles. If he felt any unpleasant feelings, he would immeadiatley go to you.
Alex was streaming Jackbox with Karl, Sapnap, Dream, George, and Tommy. It was going pretty well.
All of a sudden Alex felt touch starved. He wanted to just get up and cuddle with you, or even just a simple kiss or hug would satisfy him.
As he was about to get up, he looked over to his other moniter and realized that he was still streaming. He couldn't tell his fans and friends that something came up and he'll be back in a few minutes. It seemed selfish of him to take a break for a few minutes just because he wanted some affection.
So he frowned a bit and slightly pouted realizing this.
But you knew him well. You knew that if he was felling down or in a bad mood, he'd be pouty and frowny.
Lightly tapping him on his knee, he looks at you direction. "Are you okay babe? You seem tense" you whisper so that they wouldn't notice your presence. He blushes slighty to the nickname. He mutes his mic and says, "I'm alright, just wanting some cuddles or hugs." he laughs at how absurd it sounded.
To him, he thought he was being annoying and clingy. But to you, he was just in need of affection.
"Oh" you blink for a few seconds and stare at him. "Well, can hug you baby? Right now?" you ask hesitantly, not wanting him to be uncomfortable. Alex was stunned and shy once more at the nickname you used. He thinks about for a few seconds before nodding and stretching his arms out for a hug.
You sit on his lap and wrap your hands around his neck. Alex brings you into a tight hug while burying his face in the crook of your neck. You feel him melt into your touch and relax.
You soon pull away and grab his face with both of your hands. Starting from his forehead, you sprinkle him with kisses all the way down to his mouth. During this, Alex rolled his chair out of the frame to avoid getting banned from twitch, fearing that he was breaking the terms of service. All the fans could see now were both of you legs.
You pull away from the kiss look into his eyes lovingly. He leaned in for another one, but before he could, he felt his ears ring with a familiar british boy, screaming and laughing into the mic. "Big Q! Are you alright? I pulled up the stream and all I see are legs! Sheild my poor innocent eyes." Everyone laughs and agrees with him, pulling up the stream as well.
Alex laughed along and looked at his chat, they were spamming '#Y/NHUGS' 'Y/NCUDDLES' and lots of 'simp'
"Guys I'm not a simp! I fucking a swear!" no one believed him. Sapnap speaks up, "It's trending on twitter."
Alex goes back into the frame, with you still sitting on his lap. He pulls up twitter while you look at the chat. You looks directly at the camera and start waving. You mouth the words, "Hello everyone!" you smile and see the chat fill up with 'HELLO' and 'POG'
You look back at the moniter and see the trending hastag,
Variety streamer Quackity ,is attcked with cuddles by his partner, Y/n and fans are quick to notice.
2,007 Tweets
"I mean, no shit. I literally hugged you while you were streaming." you retaliated. Alex let out a laugh before kissing your forehead and going back to playing Jackbox again.
☆ Taglist ☆
@fivxss @book-of-anarchy @speedymaximoff @glitter-night
Masterlist, Rules, Taglist, Anons
Reblogs are appreciated<3
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auramindedd · 4 years
I Like You - SMAU*
Part 10
CorpseHusband x FemReader - Y/N
warnings: cussing
notes: uhhh,, idk where to take this series, but ima just go w the flow igs 😭 also,, i completely give up on adding the small details like the likes, comments, replies, and the times on tweets so i’m super sorry if it bothers you lmao
it’s also pretty long,, mostly writing rather than the smau, butttt i really like this one 🥺
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“When’s Rae gonna be home?” Corpse asks, playing with his hands.
“She’ll be home tonight, I just don’t know at what time. Why?”
“Uh... I- I just... I don’t know? I’m kind of nervous?”
“Corpse, Rae is your friend. But if you don’t feel comfortable, I can get a hotel room for you not too far away from here?” You suggest, 100% willing to pay for a hotel room for him if he wouldn’t feel comfortable being here with Rae here.
“I wanna stay here- with you... If that’s okay with you, of course.” There’s a slight blush on his face, it makes you smile a bit.
“Yes, I want you to stay here, too. You can take my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” You grab his plate, stacking his on top of yours, taking them to the sink.
“No, no. I can be on the couch tonight, I don’t sleep anyway.”
“Corpse, I’m not gonna have you sleep on that uncomfortable ass couch. Come on, we’ll figure something out. Wanna watch a movie?” He nods his head. You grab his hand, or more so his fingers, leading him to your room.
You turn the lights off, turning your fairy lights on instead. You tell Corpse to get comfortable, fluffing pillows for him, letting him lay back.
You know Corpse would be a bit anxious and nervous, not something you’d ever blame him for. You’re surprised you’re not being awkward or nervous. You’ve been trying your best to keep Corpse comfortable here, making sure he isn’t getting too nervous.
“Can we watch High School Musical? I have the stupid ass songs stuck in my head, childish me is coming...” You ask, not wanting to torture him with such a movie. Well, it’s not a bad movie, but you’d understand if anyone’d want to shoot themselves in the head while watching.
“Of course, baby.” You can’t help the butterflies that erupt in your stomach from the nickname. You sit closer to the TV, wanting Corpse to be comfortable rather than you.
Suddenly, you feel a hand around your waist. Corpse pulls you to him, letting you lay next to him. He looks at you, smiling. You smile back.
“Corpse, can I ask you a question?” He hums, indicating for you to go on. “That one time, you didn’t answer me for two days... You told me it had been because I was too ‘pretty.’ I didn’t believe you, and I still don’t. Why didn’t you answer me, like for real?” You don’t ask this in a bad way either, you’re just genuinely curious.
“I- uh... I’m going to be 100% honest, Y/N, but I don’t wanna scare you away.” He says cautiously, hesitating to go on.
“Corpse, you could never. I’m too attached already.” He chuckles, letting out a sigh.
“I like you. Like, like like you... I liked you before even seeing your face, but after, wow.” Silence. Deafening silence. But honestly, you can hear your fucking smile. You don’t think you’ve ever smiled so hard in your life. “Y/N, baby, say something, please.”
“Corpse,” You look up at him, probably scaring him with your smile. “I like you, too. Like, like like you.” He chuckles, but it’s more of a chuckle of relief. If that’s a thing?
He pulls you close to him, letting your head rest on his chest. You listen to his heartbeat, his breathing, trying to match yours with his. You slowly drift off, your eyelids getting too heavy to keep open.
You wake up in Corpse’s arms. He’s gently stroking your side, looking down at you with a small smile.
“Good morning,” His voice is raspier and deeper than it already is. You didn’t know that was possible.
“Good morning,” You say, yawning softly. You bury your face deeper into his chest, snuggling closer to him.
“So fucking cute.” He mumbles, softly chuckling.
After a while of just laying there in Corpse’s arms, you decide to check social media and your messages. Already, Twitter is going crazy, assuming quickly that you and Corpse are dating. It’s not anything you didn’t expect, but it’d be nice if people didn’t jump to conclusions.
You decide to tweet a good morning, feeling good about today. And sadly, very unfortunately, you decide to text back the group chat - something you’ve been dreading to do.
Corpse is there, reading the messages, but you don’t mind.
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You kind of, accidentally, and very stupidly put yourself out, but it’s all good, nobody said anything besides Brooke. You all have a drunk Among Us lobby to get to.
After getting ready, Corpse getting his laptop and mic ready in another room, you join the Discord call. Corpse joins quickly after. Surprisingly, nobody says anything about you two being in the same apartment while greeting each other. You don’t doubt that someone will say something soon.
“Let’s all take a drink - to Corpse and Y/N holding hands!” Alex exclaims, clinking his glass on his mic. The rest cheer, pretending to clink their glasses as well. You sigh and laugh a bit, but nonetheless, you’re gulping down a glass of champagne.
“Alex,” You say, catching his attention.
“Fuck you!”
“Hey, hey, hey. No fucking.” Karl says, and you can hear him slap his hand to his mouth after realizing what he just said. The lobby bursts into fits of laughter, but the one you’re trying to listen for, Corpse’s. It’s silent on his end.
“Karl, how much have you had to drink?” Dream asks, slurring his words. Didn’t this game just start?
“I had like 3 beers?”
“You fucking lightweight.” You tease. “Dream, you’ve been drinking too...”
“Yeah, we might’ve pregamed an Among Us game.” He admits shamefully.
“Didn’t expect less from you two,” Rae says, adding a disappointing tone to her voice for effect. She starts the game, despite the sad protests from Karl and Dream.
You pout, wanting so badly to be Imposter. You’re a good liar to say the least, and people easily fall for your sweet, innocent voice. It’s funny, pathetic even, which is why you want at least one good Imposter round.
“Whaddup, baby,” Corpse greets you in Nav. Dream follows behind him, Karl coming in shortly after.
“Hey, my beautiful alcoholics!” You greet cheerfully, earning groans from them both. Oh, how fun it’s going to be teasing them.
“At least she called us beautiful.” Karl says, walking out of Nav with Dream, leaving you and Corpse alone again. You get back to doing your task, connecting the ship with the dotted lines and whatnot.
“Am I beautiful?” You can hear the pout in his voice, it’s cute.
“Gorgeous, stunning even.” You say before walking out of Nav, smiling to yourself.
This round is pretty uneventful, along with the next few. But after about five rounds, you’re all incredibly drunk after playing some drinking games.
“No balls,” Rae dares. You’re Imposter this round, and Rae’s made you her personal hitman. She’s telling you to kill Karl, but he’s innocently doing his tasks.
“I have three actually.” You defend yourself, not making any sense at all.
“Three what?” Sykkuno comes in.
“Three balls,” Rae answers.
“Okayyy then...” Sykkuno drawls, leaving you two alone. Corpse comes along, the second Imposter. Oh, how convenient.
“Hey, Corpseee,” You greet, making it so fucking obvious.
“Oh my God!” Rae exclaims. You sigh, facepalming yourself. “Corpse kill Karl, Y/N kill Sykkuno.”
“Woah, since when did we become your hitmen?” Corpse backs his astronaut up.
“I’m not killing Syk!” You whisper-yell.
“Okay, then you kill Karl and Corpse can kill Sykkuno.” You can hear her shrugging as if it’s no big deal, but literally, Karl and Sykkuno are the sweetest people to you.
“No, I’m not doing it, Rae...” Corpse still hasn’t said anything. He’s watching you and Rae go back and forth, whisper-yelling even though anyone would be able to hear you.
“I’ll call you two out.”
“You’d never,”
“The emergency meeting button is looking real sexy right now.” Ugh, fuck the stupid smirk you can just hear in her voice.
“Fine, we’ll do it.” Corpse says. He goes and kills Sykkuno. You hesitate killing Karl, but he already watched Corpse kill Sykkuno so, unfortunately, you have to.
You and Corpse run away, leaving Rae to report the bodies.
After you and Corpse vouching for each other the whole round, nobody putting sus on you two because well, you sound so innocent and sweet even while being shitface drunk, you two win, earning groans from everyone in the lobby except from Rae.
“To be fucking fair, Rae had me and Corpse be her hitmen sooo, you can blame her if you died.” The lobby starts yelling playfully at Rae.
After finally finishing streaming, Corpse comes into your room, plopping down onto your bed.
“Gosh, I’m gonna have the worst fucking hangover tomorrow.” He murmurs into your pillow, hugging it close to him. You jump onto the bed, sitting next to him, playing with his hair. He doesn’t mind, or you don’t think he does.
“It was fun,” You say, smiling to yourself. You love spending time with your friends. You can’t imagine how much fun it’d be if all of you got together in real life.
“It was,” Corpse yawns, looking up at you, smiling as you keep playing with his hair. He gets up, settling himself into your bed again, pulling you into him, letting you rest your head on his chest. You wrap an arm around him, snuggling yourself closer to him.
“We should probably eat something... And get ourselves some water.” You say, knowing that tomorrow’s hangover is going to be a bitch.
“I don’t wanna let go of you.” Corpse whines. You try getting up, but he almost throws a fucking tantrum. Quickly, you get out of his arms, running out of your room, giggling like a fucking maniac.
“Y/N! Please!” He shouts softly, trying not to wake Rae. He runs after you, following you into the kitchen. You run to the other side of the counter. He goes left, you go right - vice versa.
“Corpse, we need food and water.” You say, trying to grab pans out of the cupboards while he’s trying to get you. You can’t help yourself from giggling. Rae will kill you if you two wake her up.
“I wanna hold you,” Corpse pouts. Gosh, he’s going to be the death of you.
“In a sec, I can make us something real quick.” Drunk Corpse obviously equals Clingy Corpse.
“Fine,” He sighs dramatically, sitting on a stool. You grab pans from underneath the cupboards, pulling out some bread and cheese. Grilled cheese is easiest and it’ll take the least amount of time.
As you’re plopping bread into the toaster, Corpse snakes his arms around your waist, snuggling his face into your neck. There’s the slightest stubble, making you giggle.
“Corpse, I can’t cook with you on me.”
“Yes you can, I’ll help.” So stubborn...
You take the bread out of the toaster before it gets too toasted, putting it on the buttered pan.
It was a mission to finish the food to say the least. Corpse demands you eat in your room that way he can hold you. You put on The Promised Neverland, watching the TV as Corpse watches you. But honestly, you don’t mind.
You two fall asleep in each other’s arms again. And you don’t think you’d ever be able to fall asleep without being in his arms again.
Taglist - comment or message me to be added.
Sorry for not updating, I have to go through a bunch of posts. I’ll update in the next post.
* if you’re name is in bold, i couldn’t tag you. *
@letsloveimagines @liljennyx3 @youretheonlyonewhomakesme @blackheartemojivibes @lo-manburg @walkingonchairs @strawberrydonkey @tayloryorkscurls @bluepancakemix @prettylittlealiengirl @yeetmymood @victoria-a567 @loraleiix @moonlightsimp @jades-bullshit @teenloves @greenie-of-shield @fanworrior @thefvckvp @bigdaddysatan @mirahg @rosy-feels @arossebyanyothername @kitsamii @lollipop0605 @happyyyandcrazyyy @maraudingmarauder @stickystrawberrysyrup @majasophieanna @ilovejjmaybank @starstruckllamapuppy @owl-llie @thurstyforholland @thatsouthernblondewiththeass @in-fucking-deed @a-dot-dev @rjsmochii @boiled-onionrings @neenieweenie @vvenusblue @bellomi-clarke @smiithys @londonskies @16marie @leah-0207 @officiallyunofficialperson @wineandionysus @fanficlover99
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peachhcs · 4 years
Love Languages
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Pairings Luke Patterson x reader
Summary Luke asks the reader what love languages are. 
Warnings none but fluff :)
Word Count 1.8k (short I know but I'm working on it)
I haven’t really written on Tumblr before so don’t judge too harshly because there’s some insanely talented people on here who might judge hahaha. (hopefully not though) I don't know what the boy’s love languages are so I kind of just assumed based off of what we saw but I did see somewhere that someone said Luke’s was touch so I just went with it. 
Gif is not mine so credit to the owner! I don’t know if anyone has done this idea before but I kind of like it because it popped into my head last night. Anyways, enjoy!! :) p.s. I sort of left this on a cliff hanger but idk if i’m going to continue it or not hahaha
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You were seated peacefully on the couch as you worked away on your laptop while listening to Julie and the guys practice a few songs for this weekend’s upcoming gig. You always loved listening to them practice, they sounded like absolute angels and you would never get tired of listening to them. However, Luke thought you should be doing your homework somewhere else because he didn’t want them to be distracting to you but truthfully, you really didn’t mind. If you were being honest, it actually helped you focus and the music didn’t let your brain wander. 
You glanced up at the group after realizing they had stopped playing. Julie met your eyes with a warm smile, already reading your mind,
“We’re just taking a break. I got to catch up on some homework.” Julie explained to her best friend. You nodded in response, smiling slightly as she went back to work. The boys were talking amongst themselves over by the piano, using hushed voices so whatever they were talking about you or Julie couldn’t hear. 
By some weird magical notion, you were able to see the boys even when they weren’t playing like Julie could. They haven’t been able to figure out why yet, though. Why you could see the guys but their other best friend, Flynn, couldn’t. Or why Luke’s parents couldn’t see him either but you still could. It was all just one big mystery they were all still unravelling. They had a theory that it had something to do with their unfinished business and the connections they all shared with one another, but that was yet to be explored with you and the boys. Julie and the boys sort of figured out how they were connected, but they hadn’t gotten that far with you yet. 
Julie made an attempt one time to suggest that maybe it was because you were so close with Luke ever since you guys met, the connection just helped you see all of them, but you chose to deny that theory. Especially when Julie threw the word feelings into the mix. Julie knew all too well about your “little”crush on the lead guitarist. There was no doubt that she caught on to it right away when the pair first met and hit off right away. From there, she proceeded to question you about it once they went back to her room. Of course you denied, denied, denied, but after awhile you finally gave in and agreed to your best friend’s observation. Julie saw all the looks that you two exchanged and she knew very well about the boys talking about you here and there. It was just a matter of time until one of you finally broke and admitted your stupid feelings for one another.
“Hey..Y/n?” The cautious voice made you glance up from your computer, first looking at Julie thinking it was her who called your name but then turning your head to the boys who were glancing at you with quizzical looks. 
“Yeah?” You ask glancing at Luke since he was the one who spoke up. You watch as the boys exchange a glance with one another and you push your eyebrow up in confusion. You meet eyes with Julie for a moment who was now looking between the boys and you just as confused as you were. 
“We have a question.” 
“Well, Luke does, but we’re curious too.” Alex cut in before you could respond. You chuckle slightly at their visible nervousness about what they wanted to ask. 
“Okay, shoot.” You gave them your full attention, pushing your computer screen down and a small smile sat content on your lips. Julie also gave them her full attention too, because she was equally as curious as to what they could possibly be asking you.
“What..what does love languages mean? We heard you and Julie talking about it yesterday..” Luke’s asks softly. Oh. That was what they were asking..Your face goes a little red at the thought of them hearing your conversation yesterday since it started out as band schedule and then led into your crush per usual. You glanced to Julie for help who only shook her head with a quick shrug.
“They asked you, not me. Take it away, sister.” Julie laughed and your face went even redder. It wasn’t an inappropriate question or anything, you just didn’t really know how to describe it. Or because it meant talking about feelings and relationships which was something you didn't really want to get into with them, especially Luke. 
“Uhh.. well.. I guess it’s a certain way somebody likes to express their love for someone. There’s different types of love languages like um, touch, words, gifts, spending time with that person, and doing nice things I guess..” You trail off slightly while scratching the back of your head, feeling a little flustered. 
“What do you think my love language is?” Alex asks excitedly, not really to you but just to anyone who would answer him. 
“I see yours being affirming words or something like spending time with them. You always love it when someone compliments you and reassures you if you’re having too much anxiety about something.” Julie cuts in with a smile and Alex points to her to say she was correct. Julie chuckles and you do too. 
“Reggie, yours would definitely be gifts or like spending time with people. You always like to hang around Ray and stuff.” You say glancing at Reggie who smiles warmly at your statement. 
“What about me?” You met eyes with Luke who was softly looking at you. You avoided Julie’s burning gaze into your head and Alex and Reggie’s small smirks as they waited for you to answer. You flushed again, looking to Julie for help who only shrugged. They both knew you knew the answer, that was what you guys had been talking about yesterday. 
“I’m..I’m not really sure..” You lied and you hated the small hint of disappointment in Luke’s eyes. You quickly looked away and started to reopen your laptop.
“Hey, I’m hungry, I’m gonna grab some snacks. Y/n do you wanna come with?” Julie asks making an escape for you to avoid the now awkward tension in the room.
“Yeah. Yeah.” You were quickly nodding your head and jumping up from your laptop. You didn’t even wait for Julie as you made a beeline for the garage doors and pushed them open, hurrying up the pathway to Julie’s house. 
Julie exchanged a knowing glance with the boys, reading Alex and Reggie’s glances before following after you saying you’d be back in a minute. You were pacing around on the patio when Julie finally got to you. She raised her eyebrows slightly trying to read your thoughts. 
“Y/n, why did you lie? That could have been the perfect opportunity to tell him how you feel.” Julie says and you shoot her a small glare. 
“Julie, he doesn’t like me like that. I just didn't want to embarrass myself but I guess I embarrassed myself even more by saying nothing.” You admit, slowing your pacing to look Julie in the eye. She lets out a small laugh.
“I don’t think you embarrassed yourself. You were just flustered which is understandable, but I say go for it. You never know what can happen. The Y/n I know doesn’t back down from a challenge either.” Julie puts a comforting arm on your shoulder and you were thankful for it. You squeeze her hand in response.
“Thanks. I don’t know, I guess I’ve just never felt this way about someone before..” You trail off and Julie squeezes your shoulder even tighter,
“Look, I get it, it’s scary, but you can do it. Think of this as me encouraging you to talk to him like you did for me and Nick. Just go for it. Have some confidence.” Julie winked at you and you chuckle at her actions. 
“There’s the Y/n I know. Now come on, we still need to get snacks. I gotta make my lie somewhat believable.” Julie nudged your side before making her way inside as you followed after he with a laugh. 
The two of you walk back into the garage a few moments later where the boys met your glances. Luke was now moved onto your spot on the couch while Alex and Reggie hung around by the piano still. You rolled your eyes that Luke took your spot but at least he was gracious enough to move your computer. You walked over to him where he smirked as you made an attempt to move him out of the way. 
“Get out of my spot.” You tease trying to move Luke out of the way again but he didn’t budge and instead kept holding that smirk on his lips. You rolled your eyes so you instead took a seat beside him and grabbed your laptop from the coffee table. 
“I’ll move if you tell me what you think my love language is.” Luke says and you quickly met his eyes. You glanced at Alex, Reggie, and Julie for a moment where they only shrugged. You huffed under her breath knowing you had no way out of this now. 
“I don’t know.” You say simply trying to get off of the topic but Luke kept pushing. He leaned in closer towards you and you could feel his breath on your neck. 
“I think you do..” Luke says and you meet his gaze again. You purse your lips together before glancing back at your computer for a moment. 
“Touch.” You say plainly and simply. You refused to meet Luke’s eyes as you furthered your answer, “I always noticing you touching Alex or Reggie in one way or another. Whether it’s something small or a hug or just a reason to touch them. It’s sweet.” You finish a small smile on your lips as you opened the tab you had been working on previously. A comfortable silence filled the room and you felt pretty content with your answer. It wasn't as bad or as embarrassing as you thought it would be. Luke was silent beside you and you were afraid to look at him so you just kept her gaze on your computer. 
You didn’t actually know if you could touch the boys, you just assumed you couldn’t because Julie was the only one with the real special powers. You had just been randomly gifted parts of them somehow. You all just walked around each other because the guys found it slightly weird to just walk through people they knew. Luke stared at you beside him and he wanted to at least try. If anything, his hand would just fall through like it did with everyone, so slowly and carefully, Luke reached out to turn your chin so you would look at him. The guys raised his eyebrow at his movements and then, he touched you. 
You felt his hand under your chin and you both did a double take. Luke quickly pulled his hand away in surprise that you actually felt that. The two of you exchanged a wondering and surprised glance. 
“We just touched..” 
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
i cannot stop thinking about tma hell's kitchen au
(@f0xesand0wls thank you for enabling me)
- elias is the head chef, and peter and gertrude are his sous chefs. there are 20 total chefs in the competition: red team: jon, tim, georgie, daisy, naomi, agnes, gerry, jordan, helen/michael, oliver blue team: martin, sasha, melanie, basira, mike, jude, julia, jared, jane, manuela
- the black jackets are jon, martin, tim, sasha, georgie, and melanie, and the finalists are jon and martin. the winner is probably martin, but it doesn't really matter, because the actual plot of this is a jonmartin rivals-to-friends-to-lovers slowburn
- annabelle is the one who puts all of the film and audio together at the end. jmart watch the show once it's put on television and go 'what the fuck i didn't say any of that' because that's how reality tv is babey
- martin is one of those chefs who does poorly at the beginning but gets better and ends up in the final two. even though he's not on the same team as jon, jon is like 'this guy sucks' and maybe martin messes something up for jon early on and jon decides he does not like martin.
- jon is so nervous that he's going to screw up and get sent home early (he doesn't have formal culinary training and feels deeply underqualified) so he's very stiff and overly professional at the beginning. he relaxes over time as he becomes more confident in his own cooking and as he does well at challenges and dinner services.
- somewhere around chapter/episode 5, martin tells jon that he doesn't have any formal culinary training and that he said he did in order to get into the restaurant job he had prior to coming on the show. he's been cooking for his mother since he was ten though, and jon surprises himself by saying that that's a lot more impressive than studying technique in france or something. that's the catalyst of their transition from rivals into friends
- somewhere around episode 8, jude (who got switched to the red team a few episodes prior) gets eliminated, but on the dinner service before she does, there's an incident in the kitchen and jon's hand gets burnt pretty badly (not so badly that he has to go home, and he fights through the rest of dinner service because of course he does). he insists he doesn't have to go to the hospital for it, and elias reluctantly agrees and has the medic look at it. in the dorms later, martin helps jon unwrap it and put more burn cream on it and change the bandages and... yeah <3
- daisy and jon do not get along at first, and daisy actually tries to sabotage jon early in the season/fic. jon nearly gets eliminated because of it and he is not happy. then, a good few episodes later, the red team wins a challenge and they go on some sort of outdoorsy award and something happens and jon saves daisy from getting seriously injured. they're on better terms after that.
- when jon, tim, sasha, martin, melanie, and georgie get black jackets, elias (like every actual season of hell's kitchen) brings their family members/friends in for them to see. jon gets his grandmother, tim his brother, sasha her mother, georgie her best friend alex, and melanie some of her ghosthunt uk (the restaurant) friends. the only person martin has is his mother, and they tell him that she was too sick to come, but he can't shake the feeling that she just didn't want to. she didn't even agree to make him a video. it's a very awkward affair, and after the challenge (which tim wins) jon stands by martin while they're... idk, peeling 200 pounds of potatoes or something and they talk about it and they talk about a lot of their personal lives. for most of the competition, they're very aware that they're on camera at all times, but jon decides that being there for martin is more important than worrying about that.
- jon wins the next black jacket challenge and, when asked who he wants to invite on the reward, invites martin. they get to go wine tasting in a beautiful vinyard together and then they get some time to sit in the vinyard and just relax. martin probably realized he had a crush on jon around... episode/chapter 8? pretty soon after his admission that he doesn't have formal training. this episode is when jon realizes that he has a crush on martin, and the wine tasting suddenly seems very romantic and he gets very flustered. martin just thinks he's getting nervous since they're getting closer to the end of the competition.
- it's martin and jon in the finals. martin has tim, melanie, basira, and agnes on his bridage and jon has sasha, georgie, daisy, and gerry. in the middle of the entrees, something goes very wrong in martin's kitchen (not because of martin, because agnes burns like... ten racks of lamb or something ridiculous like that) and it looks like martin might not even be able to finish and he's freaking out just a little bit, so jon does something incredibly stupid and tells sasha to take charge of the kitchen for a moment and goes over into the other kitchen and pulls martin aside and takes martin's hands in his and is like 'it's okay, you're okay, everything's going to be okay. you're extremely talented and an amazing chef and an amazing person and i love you and this is not your fault and you're going to go back out there and get things back on track.'
jon goes back to his kitchen, elias yelling at him the whole way, and martin kicks agnes out and gets his kitchen back under control and they have no other issues that night. and martin's brain completely skips over the 'i love you' until the end of service, when the adrenaline wears off and they start to clear down and jon gives him this smile and suddenly martin remembers and he's like 'oh fuck'
but jon doesn't say anything about it so martin assumes he hadn't meant to say it, because of course he didn't, because they're competing for a job and $250,000 and he probably just heard jon wrong or something. jon probably said 'i love your cooking' and martin's just being stupid and letting his crush get away from him. so they both go back and sit in the dorms and wait for elias to call them up to his office. meanwhile, jon also remembers that he accidentally let i love you slip and he's having a bit of a crisis about it because on the one hand he meant it, but on the other hand he should not have said it then and martin hasn't said anything, so maybe he didn't even hear.
still, martin needs to thank jon. so he's eventually like 'thank you for what you did back there. i don't think i would have made it through service without what you said.' then, after a moment, because it is a competition: 'why did you help me? you could have let me drown and you'd have a secure win'
and jon just shrugs and says, 'because you needed help, and i... i care about you. i didn't want to see you fail. you are a good chef, martin, and i... i know you deserve this job just as much as me. you can go work at elias's restaurant and i can go back to mine and... and that'll be okay, if that's what happens'
and martin realizes suddenly that jon lives across the country from him normally and he doesn't know if he'll be able to see jon after this (chefs are busy people, after all, not a lot of time for family and such) and before he can really think about it he's like 'i wouldn't be okay with that' and then when jon just looks at him he clarifies, 'i... i don't want to just go back to living in [washington?], working all day and coming home to an empty apartment, and you'll go back to [new york?] and i... will i even see you again? because it's been so nice, being here, being with you, and i want to see you again, jon. every day.' he hesitates a moment, then decides fuck it, if i'm wrong, at least i'll only be embarrassed for a little while longer and says, 'what you said during service. did you mean it?'
and jon, tentatively, is like, 'that you're a good chef? yes, martin, i meant it, of course i did' and martin's like 'no, the... the other thing you said. right in the middle of it all. i- i don't know if i heard you right, and i just... i need to know if you meant it'
and it would be easy for jon to say no, to pretend like he didn't. but instead, he sits next to martin on the couch and takes martin's hand in his and nods and says, 'i... i've meant it for quite some time, i think' and he smiles at martin, a little bit shy, and martin's overwhelmed with affection and he reaches for jon's face, leans forward, and--
and the phone rings. unfortunately. because elias made a decision
- martin's door opens and jon's doesn't. jon thinks he should feel crushed, and he does feel disappointed, but mostly he's just so, so happy for martin. martin is stunned, and tim and sasha and georgie and melanie and basira and daisy are waiting for him below to congratulate him. martin's stuck in a round of thank yous when he turns and sees jon, who's run down the stairs to join the celebration and is looking at martin with those same eyes he would get when he was determined to win a challenge or finish a dish that needed two more minutes in one minute. and then jon just hugs martin, so tightly martin can barely breathe, and he mumbles into martin's neck, 'i would very much like to kiss you, but i very much do not want our first kiss to be on national television' and martin laughs and hugs jon tightly in return and mumbles back, 'i love you too, jon. just in case it wasn't obvious' and even though jon just lost, he's never been happier
- (they watch the show when it comes out together half a year later, in the little bit of free time they have around running their own respective restaurants, and they spend the whole time picking it apart
jon: okay i did not say that, where did they even get that from??
martin: god do i really look like that from behind...
jon: oh christ. martin, i- i think they thought i wanted to have sex with you. ugh, they've put on weird romantic music. red lighting. i hate this. i clearly did not--no, martin, don't give me that look, you know what i mean.
martin: wow, this makes us look like terrible chefs
and, at the end:
jon: christ, of course they were recording us in the dorms after the last service. this is a cooking competition, not a romance.
martin: eh, it was a bit of a romance.
jon: hush, i'm trying to watch. they're about to announce the winner. i don't have much hope for this chef martin; after all, he did burn that risotto back in episode 2--
martin, trying not to laugh while he glares at jon: oh my god jon let it go)
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