#i really want mommy!elsa
tarotwithavi · 10 months
Some nicknames your future spouse may call you by
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
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Guess who's back with another Post 😈😈
Pile 1
"Sweetheart" , "Sweety Pie" , "Lovely", "Honey" "Dazzle" "Charm" "Cupcake" "Blossom" "Starlight" "Queen bee" "Enchantress" "Darling" "Angel" "Princess" "Love" "Beautiful" "Sunshine" "Gorgeous" "Treasure" "Sparkle" "Adore", "pearl" ,"Serenity" "Gem" "my wife", "Butterfly" "Cuddlebug" "Precious", "Moonbeam", "Wonder" "Beloved"
These are some of the nicknames that I was able to pick up on. I also see that they won't be a particular nickname for you because we will call you by every nickname they can imagine. I am getting really romantic energy from your future spouse. They seem to be deeply in love with you. I also see that your relationship with them is going to be really stable and there won't be any room for second guessing and misunderstanding.
Pile 2
"goofball" , "mine" , "my tornado" , "ocean" , "Thunderstorm" , "Ride or die" , "the love of my life" , "daymaker" , "cuddlemaster" , "baby momma" , "sugar" , "luvbug" , "Not fast but always furious" , "my chatterbox" , "my destiny" , "Dinosour" , "Pikachu" , "Yoda" , "nugget", "mommy shark" , "Aphrodite" , "sleeping beauty" , "Elsa" ( because you may have cold hands?)
I see that the majority of you guys may be short? Or you'll be much shorter than them. I also see that your relationship maybe a bit more chaotic but in a funny way. I'm talking about the pranks and fun times you guys will have with your future spouse. You guys may like to pull each other's leg and be weird together. I'm also getting the message that they may be someone you never thought you would want to date? Like someone really unexpected. They may not be your ideal type but this relationship is really spontaneous and fun.
Pile 3
"Brainiac" , "babe" , "Smarty Pants", "Genius" , "8th Wonder of the world" , "Beauty", "Einsteinette" , "Cookie" , "Princess" "Savvy" , "star" , "Night Owl" , "Cutie patootie" , "Mensa Marvel", "Spark" , "Sweetcheeks" , "Belle", "Sage" , "IQ Angel" , "Bright Eyes" , "Darling" , "Astute Angel" , "Treasure" ,"Soulmate" , "my moon" , "my sanctuary" , "my universe", "loli" , "chiku?" , "bunny"
Your future spouse will respect you a lot and your relationship is really mature. I see them literally worshiping the ground you walk on. They will put you on a pedestal. "Respect" , "maturity" and "understanding" are the words that describe your relationship. I also see that you may already know who this person is going to be because I see that you're really intuitive yourself or you may have a dream or two about them. But whenever you meet them you're going to know that this is your future spouse.
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angelicsoka · 5 months
TWO WORLDS, j. drysdale
part one <3
word count | 0.8k
pairings | jamie drysdale x single mother!hughes!reader
summary | jamie finally meets the reader’s daughter, isla, and he has just the right thing to prove him worthy of her trust
warnings | not proofread. one use of “y/n”. lowercase intended. this is a work of fiction, i am by no means saying this is how they act in real life.
a/n | here’s part two to blind date! i cant wait to write more of jamie and isla, because they are literally so cute!!!
being a single mother and dating was never something you thought would work well together. well, that was until you met jamie drysdale. he had accepted from the first date that your daughter, isla, always came first. he had also accepted that it would take time for him to finally be introduced to isla, and he fully understood. he anticipated the day he would meet the little girl who your entire world revolved around. after about a month and a half of dating, you had finally decided it was time for your love to meet your baby girl.
jamie anxiously paced his shared apartment with trevor, mumbling to himself as he did so. trevor watched him from the couch, a small smile working its way onto his face. “jamie, dude, relax.” jamie glared at trevor before settling down on the couch beside him.
“z, what if she doesn’t like me?” jamie finally voiced his worries, trevor starting to laugh until he realized jamie was serious. “i really like y/n, and i really don’t want to mess this up.”
“isla will love you! i mean she adores me.” trevor tried to ease jamie’s nerves, but it didn’t do much. “look, if there is anyway to isla’s heart it’s frozen. the kid’s obsessed with it, i mean she literally had a frozen themed birthday party! if you want her to like you, you gotta listen to her talk about it. and trust me, she will talk about it.” jamie listened intently, a plan forming in his head.
a buzzing noise rang through your apartment as you rushed to the door to let jamie in. as he made his way up, you ran around, attempting to clean up the mess isla had decide to make just as jamie had text that he was on his way. “isla! dinner’s almost ready.” jamie knocked on your door, a smile creeping onto his face at the frazzled look on your face.
“hey, baby.” you smiled, kissing him lightly. “sorry for the mess. she found out you were coming over and got very excited.” jamie laughed as you let him in the apartment, taking the pizzas from his hands. “she just couldn't find the perfect dress to wear.” jamie looked around the homey apartment, toys scattered about. he walked further in, hands nervously tugging at the straps of his bag, taking in the comfort that was your apartment; he already felt at home.
“momma?” a voice spoke from down the hallway, a toddler appearing moments later. she had her thumb in her mouth, clearly nervous as she waddled toward you.
“hey, baby doll, there's someone i want you to meet.” you picked her up, walking over to jamie. “jamie meet my daughter, isla. isla, baby, this is mommy’s friend jamie!” jamie smiled kindly at the toddler, who buried her face in your neck as she smiled softly. “can you say hi, isla?”
“hi…” she spoke quietly, almost inaudible, taking a quick glance at jamie. 
“hi, isla, your momma’s told me a lot about you.” isla giggled softly at that, a smile building its way up to her face. “in fact, she told me about your favorite thing in the whole world: frozen.” jamie pulled his bag from off his shoulder, digging around until he found what he was looking for. he pulled out a two-pack doll set, which held elsa and anna, isla’s eyes widening when she saw it. she began to wiggle to get out of your arms, excitement in her eyes. “so, i got you this.” you put isla down, who made her way over to jamie, excited but still slightly cautious. 
you looked at jamie, shocked by his action. you knew he was nervous and wanted to impress her, but you hadn’t expected him to buy a thirty dollar toy for the first time he was going to be meeting her. “isla, love, what do you say?”
“thanks, ‘aime!” you smiled at your daughter as she hugged jamie’s legs, too quick for jamie to reciprocate. she took the toy, giving him a toothy smile before waddling off. 
“baby, why don’t we play with that after we eat, okay?” this seemed to frustrate isla, but she set the toy down nonetheless, taking the hand you offered. “you want to cheese or pepperoni?” 
“cheese.” she said, accepting the plate that held her slice of pizza on it.
“we’ll eat on the couch tonight, okay? we can watch a movie too.”
“frozen!” you laughed, looking to jamie who had been watching the two of you with love and awe. he snapped out of it, absentmindedly agreeing. “‘ome on, we gotta watch together!” isla grabbed jamie’s hand, pulling him to the couch. he looked back, a huge smile on his lips. 
you proceeded to grab pizza for both you and jamie, walking to join them on the couch. you set the plates down, grabbing your phone to take a picture of the sight in front of you: jamie was cutting isla’s pizza into smaller pieces as she rambled on and on about something. 
you smiled as he looked up, giving his pretty smile. in that moment, everything was perfect. 
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sucrealacreme · 2 months
Supe Busters - Soldier Boy x female reader
Chapter one
Summary : Vought has many secrets, project W is one of them. What happens when said project turns against them? 
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You dealt with supes on the daily. I mean, it was truly your only job. Vought called you a villain, a criminal, Atomeris they called you. A supe who has been brainwashed all of her childhood by both her parents and an anti-supe cult. 
They made up fake stories about you. Built a whole new you. You weren’t the kind nurse anymore, no, you were this evil witch who should be burned at the stake according to them.
 Each time they called you evil, criminal, an animal, you wanted to cry. You just wanted to help people by bringing justice to those who felt superior to the law. Those who could hurt people without consequences.
Your very first supe was Icy BABY. An ice controlling woman who caused multiple deaths by making huge and shampooing spickes of ice everywhere. Vought said it was to stop a robber, or a murderer, you couldn’t remember what they came up with. 
But you knew why she truly did that. She just thought it was fun. Simple as that. The cunt thought it was funny to see inferior beings die so easily. So you did what you had to. 
During one night, you and your team of other fucked up supes tracked her down and beat her up down before you did what you do best.
Months ago, you got your hands on compound V. You studied it days and nights to be able to control it. The blue liquid was a weirdo really. It had so many different molecules it took you almost two months to finally crack it's nature. And with it's formula now printed in your brain, you could now separate it from blood. So to put it simply; you could unsupe supes.
And that's exactly what you did to the Elsa wannabe. It was truly a sight for sore eyes to see her try to attack us with her now weak force and speed. 
That night wasn’t just to serve justice. No. It was to prove a point, to warn Vought that from now on, their toys weren’t as invicible as they once were.
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“Fucking cunt I can tell ya” said the black haired man to Hughie. “Yeah well Soldier Boy did scared the living shit out of him. Can't blame him for running away right?” Butcher looked at him like he grew a second head. The other man started to feel anxious under his hard stare and could feel himself starting to sweat.”The only thing I did was telling him what I would do to him if he wouldn't give us their damn locations” “Oi for fuck's sake. You threatened him to punch a hole where his dick was and to use it like a fleshlight”
“And I meant it” said the tall, green-eyed man before leaving the room to smoke a good ol’ joint.
“We lost our only suspect linked to this shit hole and we have yet to find any like places where those people could be hiding and the both of you are fighting for shit” Hughie was now not only anxieuse but angry at the situation. I mean, they’ve been looking for weeks for those people and the one guy who could have helped them get a connection left in the middle of the night. “He’s gonna act right from now on I can tell you that much.”
“Oh yeah? How do you fucking know Butcher?” said Hughie “It’s either that or he's going back to being the sleeping beauty
waiting for his bloody prince. I'll contain him from now on, like a god damn mommy birdy” Butcher said with his signature smirk
“Your words not mine” said Hughie, pointing at him while leaving the room.
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“There was an explosion today at Times Square Ashley. It allegedly happened when two unidentified people attacked our New-York mayor out of nowhere. Many are injured and even worse, there have been fourteen deaths. Now, some say it was a terrorist attack, others some sort of uprising super abled villains. What do you have to say to those people?”
“Well Cameron, we are scared to announce it was in fact some sort of twisted version of supes who caused  those deaths and injuries. Now, if supes were included as part of the US military, those tragic events wouldn’t have been. You see, the American government made an atrocious decision three years ago. He decided that supes were just entertainment, and not valuable defense assets. So now we are facing situations like this. Where criminals think they can do whatever they want and not risking anything because well, no ones gonna stop them they’re super abled!”
“That’s tragic Ashley. Now, what can us patriots do to change this situation?”
“Thank you for asking Cameron. Well, you can join the “Supes are our best defence” protest this friday at 2 pm in front of the White House. For our watchers outside of Washington, Vought is ready to give away plane tickets at a low rate price for those who wanna join. We thank you for your support.”
“Thank you Ashley for this strong speech.”
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“Alright who did this.” Said Florence, a woman part of your team who could control airwaves like light and sound and all of that.
“I don't think it was any of us Flo, why would we attack the mayor? It's against our own values” Orleta, fastes woman in the world, said with an anxious laugh.
“Oh you think it's all a fucking joke now uh don't ya Orleta? You know, you might be physically fast but mentally you're fucking sl-”
“Alright, alright let's all calm down,  I'm sure if someone here did this they had a reason. Now, whoever did this please come forward and explain to us the reasons behind such violent actions” said the group leader, Evangeline. Evangeline was kinda like homelander, minus the maniac part. She wasn't as strong nor as fast as him but she could still fly, laser people and all that. A magnificent woman. She was like a patient leader to all of you. Evangeline used to be a preschool teacher before this whole mess. None of you really know much about her except that. Magnificient, but mysterious.
“As anyone thought that maybe it’s Vought who’s trying to make us look bad once again? I mean they do it all the time and we did in fact get a rise in popularity with the whole Silver man mess…” you said, unsure of your theory. You weren’t sure of it but it would make more sense then one of you to kill innocents. Something you straight up fight agaisnt.
“Yeah I agree now that would be way more plausible then one of us doing it. I mean we kill supes, not civilians” that was Florence. She was your best friend. Together, the both of you could take down 5 supes at the same time. You were one of the deadly duos in the team.
“Yeah exactly, that’s their job not ours,” said Oletra now relieved that everyone calmed down.
“Alright then. It’s settled. It was once again Vought. Like usually.” Evangeline then left the room her heels clicking on her way out.
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“We found something,” said Annie entering the living room of her appartment with Hughie.
“Oh thank God cause we lost the guy”
“What guy?”
“You know the with like metal powers and all?” Said Hughie with a nervous smile
“You lost the fucking silver man?” she said, in disbelief that under three hours The Boys could lose such a valuable asset.
“Yeah but you know now we have a new track, yayyyy” the man tried to loosen the tension
“Yeah ok anyway. We think the team, oh what's their name again”
“Yeah them, me and Kimiko found one of their guys entering some weird facility. When we entered there was only a locked door. We didn't try to force it open or anything we were only two. They're probably like thousands there.”
“Oh that’s good, that's really good Annie. Butcher's gonna want to Kiss you” said Hughie while laughing and kissing his girlfriend. They finally found something and this time it couldn’t escape.
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A/N : So that was it for part 1, hope yall liked it 😊
A/N 2 : So this is the second version. If you saw something else, it's normal I changed à few things 😊
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themushroomgoesyeet · 9 months
For the first installment of this series, let's start with something easy!
Arcana characters as Disney princesses/princes
Julian - Flynn Rider/Eugene
These two are so similar istg
Dashing, dramatic, swashbuckling rogues with dry humor and a secret, insecure soft side?
The only difference between them is one is ginger with an eye patch and the other isn't
Honestly Eugene would probably be a good pick for a voice hc tbh
Oh hey they're both orphans with big brother vibes too look at that
Asra - Elsa
White hair? Check. Water-related magic? Check. orphans? Check. Unconditional fashion style that doesn't really match everyone else but still looks drop-dead gorgeous regardless? Check
Both of them also have familial abandonment issues and feel the need to isolate themselves from the people they love instead of confronting the problem smh
I will admit their romantic interests are a bit different, with Asra being bisexual and Elsa either being a lesbian or aro/ace at best
Both of them have also been described to have seductive singing voices 👀
Nadia - Princess Jasmine
We👏stan👏 headstrong 👏 independent 👏 middle eastern- inspired👏queens👏here👏
Ngl Jasmine is one of my favorite Disney princesses & she & Nadia would definitely hit it off
Both feel stuck in their respective lives while also wanting to rule, and try to take action for themselves whenever they can
Also both of them would look absolutely stunning in an outfit swap
Muriel - Hercules
Honey you mean HUNK-ules
I know Hercules isn't technically a Disney prince but he fits Muriel too well
Big and strong but shy and genuine at heart? Hell yeah
Their reactions to fame are a little bit different but they are the same when it comes to falling in love; both are so gentle and genuinely caring, and can't stop gushing about their partner
Also amazing idols for how men are supposed to treat women - a.k.a with respect
Both have a heathy amount of respect for their partners modesty (even when said partner is trying to seduce them on purpose), as well as their partners autonomy to make their own decisions
Not to mention they both have estranged families that they didn't know about, and a supportive animal companion
Portia - Rapunzel
I know some of you might be thinking "why not Merida? They look so alike with their frizzy mop of ginger hair!" Well, dear chat, let me explain
While they may look similar, Portia and Merida do not act similar. Merida is rebellious, headstrong, and airheaded, fighting her loved ones on everything and doing what she wants regardless of the consequences until said consequences come back to bite her in the butt. Portia on the other hand, while also headstrong, is spunky, kind, and takes others feelings and opinions into account instead of doing the first daring thing that comes into her head
Which brings me to Rapunzel. Admittedly, Rapunzel is a lot more sheltered and inexperienced about the world than Portia was but they are still kindred spirits. Curious, spunky, headstrong, kind, compassionate, and unafraid to fight for themselves.
They're ready to take on the world even if they don't know enough about it
Both also have evil and manipulative family members (ik Mother Gothel isn't Rapunzel's family; she was still the one who raised Rapunzel & Rapunzel considered her family long enough for it to count in this situation)
Both also meet love interests who guide them through the part of the world that's unknown to them, be it magic for Portia or the world as a whole for Rapunzel
Lucio - Merida
remember all those traits I listed for Merida? Yeah Lucio fits those
Merida and Lucio may be hella good warriors, but boy are they stupid sometimes
Both also have mommy issues™
Both are also wildly inexperienced with magic and should really be more cautious about it
Both just go "oopsies" and expect everything to be fine because of their status when it's never fine
Can you tell yet that these two bother me lol
Both were brought up in a Scottish-sounding culture and you can't change my mind
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clarkes-and-god · 5 months
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"What are you guys gonna draw? I went shopping with my mommy and she got me new shoes so I'm gonna draw the shoes! They light up when I run fast and they have Elsa on."
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"That's so cool! I went to my aunty and uncle's house for my cousin's birthday party, he's 6 now and his cake looked like a car! He got a racecar set too, I think he likes cars. What did you do, Mandy?"
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"I looked after Neveah and Travis! My mommy was at work and my big brother went to his friend's house so I got to do it all by myself like a big kid! Normally Tyson makes us mac and cheese or something for lunch but he said I'm too little and I might burn myself so I made sandwiches for me and Neveah instead. I gave Travis his bottle too!"
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"You can stay home all by yourself? Sometimes my mommy and daddy go out, but then my babysitter-"
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"Sofia, Nia, you girls start drawing your pictures, ok? Mandy, you come over here for a minute."
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"Am I in trouble, Ms Fisher? I'm really sorry, I promise I won't do it again."
"You're really not in trouble, sweetheart. I just want to hear more about what you did this weekend. Can you tell me what you just told Sofia and Nia?"
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"Oh, I looked after my little brother and sister! Mommy was at work and Daddy was busy so I was helping! Normally my brother looks after them, but he went to Jaxon's house so I was a big girl and did it by myself. I made cereal for me and Neveah when we woke up, and I gave Travis his bottle. Neveah wanted to watch TV but we're not allowed to do that when Daddy's home 'cuz it's too noisy and he was in his bedroom. So we played with the dolls instead, and then I had to change Travis because he had a stinky butt! And then it was lunch so I made ham sandwiches, they were yummy. Daddy left when we were eating lunch, I think he was going to the store. So then we watched TV until he came back, and then Mommy came home from work. I was so helpful, when Daddy got back he said I was a good girl!"
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"Thank you so much for telling me, Mandy. Do you want to tell me anything else about home?"
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"Did I say something wrong, Ms Fisher? You look sad, I didn't wanna make you sad!"
"You didn't say anything wrong, sweetheart. You were really brave for telling me that, ok? You can go back to your drawing now if you don't have anything else say about it,
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cceanvvaves · 1 year
growing up; p.jh
(moved to isanggayfrog) warning: none
Jihyo and Y/N have been inseparable the moment they met. The latter arriving in Jihyo's town at the raw age of 4, it was no question as to how the two became so close easily, being the same age, give or take a few months. 
Two girls stood behind their fathers, small hands clutching the men's legs. The slightly shorter of the two stared with wide, curious eyes, wanting to make a new friend but too timid to approach first. Instead, she sent a shy smile, to which Y/n responded with a small one of her own. "Sorry about my daughter," Y/n's father laughed. "I assure you, she's very talkative at home. She's still young, so moving's probably different for her, though I hope she's too young to miss the old house much." Mr. Park looked at her amusedly, pushing Jihyo out from behind. "Go on, say hi."
"'M bored," complained Y/n, lazily scribbling a messy 'bear' on her paper. She glanced over at Jihyo's drawing, eyes widening impressed at the much neater flowers. "Look," said Jihyo excitedly, "this one is me" - she pointed at a stick figure in a triangular dress - "and this is you!" she tapped another 'girl' with wiggly lines for hair. The doodles could only be told apart by the dresses' colors, one pink and the other purple. She wrote a barely legible note that said 'Y/n n Jihyo 4evr' with a crossed out 'Jiho' and inverted r. "Really?" Y/n asked brightly, understanding the seemingly alien handwriting. Jihyo nodded. "You agree, right?" "Of course!"
"Dad?" Jihyo called up to her father. At 8 years of age, she proved to be a very curious and observant child. "Why do you kiss mommy?" Mr. Park looked into the innocent eyes of his daughter and chuckled. "Because I love her, very, very much." Equipped with this information, she skipped happily to her best friend, pulling her along to the privacy of the bedroom, away from parents' prying eyes. Jihyo suddenly became nervous, which didn't go unnoticed by Y/n.
"What's wrong?" the (still) slightly taller asked, taking her friend's left hand in her own, since the right was hidden behind her back. Slowly, the young Park produced a small, square box, topped with a purple bow. "I asked mommy to let me get it for you," she explained, head bowed. Y/n took it carefully into her hands, slowly lifting the lid and gasping at its contents. A beautiful key pendant shone back at her, its golden glow reflecting in her eyes.
"It's... beautiful," she breathed. "I- thank you- I can't- how can I-" She was cut off by a chaste kiss to the lips, given by none other than Jihyo, oblivious to society's views. "Dad said people kiss when they love each other," she mumbled. "And I love you," she finished matter-of-factly, with a bright smile, which Y/n returned after recovering from the surprise. "I love you, too!"
"Did you have fun with Jihyo today?" asked Y/n's mother during dinner. At the mention of her best friend's name, the 8 year old's eyes brightened. "Yes! She gave me a gift. I love her," she finished confidently, scooping some rice into her mouth. Her father frowned. "You love her?" Y/n nodded, "I love her! Like you love mama." Shaking their heads, the parents thought she was too young to know the different kinds of love, so they let it pass, taking it to mean that Y/n loved Jihyo as a sister.
A duo of 12 year old girls cuddled by the window, limbs tangled in the covers and staring at the same book. Both of them looked quite untidy, which wasn't really unusual since it was very early in the morning. Y/n and Jihyo had had a sleepover, presently reading Cinderella's story together. "You know, I always wanted to be a princess," Jihyo stated, turning a page. Y/n snorted. "You're already like Cinderella, you somehow manage to lose your shoes and I have to tie your shoelaces." The shorter scowled before retorting, "Well, you're like Elsa, so cold."
"I am not cold. You're like Belle! If books were people, you'd probably marry one." "Then I'll be Belle and you'll be Ariel, you're as clumsy as her, anyway," Jihyo decided. "Nah, I'll be your prince charming," Y/n teased. "Are you implying that I am the beauty and you are the beast?" Y/n feigned a look of hurt. "Rude! And I thought my future girlfriend was a lovely lady." Jihyo blushed.
But all the oblivious talk about love and being girlfriends, all the 'dates' and sneaked hugs ceased as they grew older. People started to raise eyebrows when they were a bit too close; it was no longer cooed at like it was when they were 'young and clueless'. With this, the best friends drifted apart, more focused on getting good grades, hanging out with other friend groups and living their youthful life. Their relationship only worsened when Y/n didn't lose her 'childhood feelings'. Jihyo, on the other hand, had gotten herself a boyfriend, no longer having enough time for all her friendships. It was probably because of this they had a fight.
Both sat around a glass bottle among friends, together in a mutual friend's house. The small group was in the middle of a Truth or Dare game. The last player, Nayeon, who'd just danced to the Macarena for 5 minutes, spun the bottle. It landed on Jihyo, who was asked by a mischievous Nayeon after picking Truth, "Was Daniel your first kiss?" Jihyo glanced at Y/n, who either didn't care or wasn't paying attention. "Yes," she said. Y/n stood abruptly and stalked off without a word, leaving the remaining girls confused.
"Why are you avoiding me?" Jihyo cornered Y/n at the girl's bathroom. "Why do you care?" she shot back, already having a bad day and not wishing to deal with anything at the moment. "What? Because I'm worried about you, idiot! Your grades dropped when you're usually a perfectionist, you seem to leave every time I enter the room, and you're always grumpy!" Y/n glared, rising up to her full height, trying to intimidate the shorter. "Why don't you hang out with your boyfriend instead, huh? I bet he keeps you busy." Jihyo gasped, offended. Pushing Y/n harshly by the shoulder, she said in a higher voice, "What are you implying, huh?! What's your problem?"
"You! You're my problem! Just because we're older, you left me! Sure, I understand you have limited time, you have to juggle it between studies and socializing, but every time I try to hang out with you, you have to decline for your other friends or boyfriend! Is seeing them everyday not enough? Do you even miss me?" she ranted, pushing her way out and slamming the door, leaving Jihyo bewildered.
"Jihyo's here to see you, dear!" Y/n's mother called from downstairs. "I'm busy!" she yelled back, but it was a complete lie. She was simply lying down on her bed and sobbing inside. "You shouldn't lie to my face like that," her visitor said with her arms crossed. Peeking at her from under her arm, Y/n scoffed. "Leave me alone." "That's not nice," Jihyo patted the covers smooth. "Do you remember what we used to do here? You said you'd be my prince charming." She smiled at the memory. "Well, you've found your true prince charming," the taller turned away. "No, actually. We broke up a few days ago. I suppose you didn't know because you've been avoiding me," Jihyo added shrewdly. "Why?"
"'Cause we agreed that we didn't like each other anymore."
"Okay," said Y/n, dropping her head back on the soft pillows and willing herself to fall asleep. But she was interrupted by Jihyo. "Do you remember what happened here when we were eight?"
A flash of memory went through her mind. Of course she remembers, it was the happiest day of her life. No, every moment with Jihyo was the happiest. Her hand subconsciously moved to wrap around the key necklace. The action was noticed by the giver.
"You still have it."
Silence.. and then-
"Can I kiss you?"
Y/n shot up in surprise, looking incredulously at her friend. "Sorry?"
"You heard me," Jihyo whispered, scooting closer. Y/n thought for a moment. Jihyo broke up with her boyfriend, so she wasn't ruining a relationship.. "Okay."
Jihyo pressed her lips on Y/n's quite roughly, not as gentle as it was when they were 8. Hands roamed each other's bodies, the atmosphere getting hotter by the second and both girls losing the ability to breathe-
Before it escalated further, Y/n pushed her away. "Was that enough for you?" she mumbled with swollen lips, stretching her collar in desperation to cool down.
"It only ever felt right with you. Will you be my girlfriend?"
Y/n grinned. "I'll be your prince charming."
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celestiarambles · 4 months
You'll be Safe Here
trigger warning: suicide, overdose, hospitalization, psychiatric hospitals, mental disorders
hi so i know y'all are tired of me trying to defend angela... but here's another fic defending her once again xD
this is kind of like a part 2 of you can't catch me now in lars' pov and this was kind of requested by @dinamo123xpq, i had planned to write this a long time ago but i got busy and now here it is!
also whenever i listen to the filipino song you'll be safe here (the lyrics are in english) it also kind of reminds me of lars and angela (i'll reblog it with the spotify link later haha)
so yeah i hope you'll endure my yapping about this for at least a little longer HAHA
Summary: Lars wasn’t supposed to care about Angela anymore. Once the Bureau was over, his plan was to settle their divorce papers and stay in Australia with his daughters for good…
Until he gets an important call.
Also cross-posted on Ao3: You'll be Safe Here - celestiamirasol - Criminal Case (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
It has been a week ever since the Bureau had officially dismantled SOMBRA for good. They only had to process paperworks and forensic evidence for every law enforcement agency in the world, and everything would be over. 
Their purpose would be over.
”What are you planning to do after this, bro?” Jack asked his best friend. “I honestly don’t know, the Bureau’s been my whole life…”
Lars knew exactly what he was going to do. Local forensic laboratories in Australia were offering positions to him after they had heard of his work in the Bureau, but he wasn’t interested. Once he settled his divorce papers, he was going to find a simpler job, start anew with his daughters.
His daughters deserved a peaceful life, one without chaos or violence. One without betrayal. He wanted to close this chapter of his life so bad.
”Daddy, you’re still not coming back to Australia with us?” April innocently asked as he brought the triplets to the airport. Their nanny followed suit.
”I’m really sorry girls, but I’ll just settle something in the Bureau, and then I’ll stay with you for good.”
“Can we see mommy?” June shyly asked.
”June, mommy had already left us!” May’s response had broken Lars’ heart. He didn’t want to hear his kids ever say that, but it was for the best. So that they could all move on.
”Girls, I know this is hard for all of us…” Lars knelt down to meet their gaze, trying to hold back tears. “…but you might never see your mom again. It’s for your own safety. I’m sorry.”
”But daddy, Elsa also hurt Anna and almost froze the entire kingdom, and yet they forgive each other because they love each other!” June pleaded, referencing Frozen. “Do you… do you not love mommy anymore?”
“Our flight number is being called, girls.” The nanny took them. “We should go.”
Lars stood up, processing June’s question. “Take care, girls.”
Did he not love Angela anymore? Maybe. He had already accepted that she would never be the woman she once was. Thinking about her hurt him too much. He almost committed suicide because of her betrayal one time. He didn’t want to even make their marriage work for the girls, for it’ll just hurt them in the long run.
Love wasn’t supposed to hurt, it was supposed to be steady. Safe.
However when he returned back to the Bureau’s New York headquarters, why did his heart beat fast when a random number called him?
”Hello, are you Lars Douglas?”
“Yes, who’s speaking?”
“Hi this is from the NYC Health and Hospitals, you are listed as the emergency contact of Angela Douglas. We are calling to inform you that she has suffered from an overdose on benzodiazepine…”
He wasn’t supposed to care about her anymore. They were over. SOMBRA was over.
But why did he immediately run to the hospital so fast once he got the call?
He wished that this was some kind of sick joke, that it was all some kind of nightmare, but it was not. The broken pieces that he had struggled to fix for the past few months had crumbled all over again once the doctors told him that Angela had fallen into a coma due to her attempt, and they didn’t know if she would ever wake up.
Oh god, the girls. How can he explain this to his daughters? He last told them that they might never see her again… 
A sob bubbled up his throat as he entered the hospital room and found Angela unconscious and hooked to various monitors. He hated how he still held her hand, crying, mourning for her and the woman she once was. He wanted to be mad, yell at her for trying to leave him, to leave them like this…
But he looked around the dreary place. He was all alone. He was the one listed as her emergency contact. Minutes turned into hours, hours turned into the morning… nobody else came for her. Her parents were dead. Her SOMBRA comrades either were in jail, in therapy, or dead. The Bureau hates her for trying to kill them and for denouncing Dupont. He was the only one that came for her, and even he had plans to leave her too.
She had no one left. 
Thinking about it, it would be a truly somber end to one’s existence. What she did was wrong and he hated her for it. But once upon a time, he believed that she had a good heart, and it was one of the reasons why he fell in love with her. However, fate had been cruel to her and took away her parents from her at such a young age, causing her to fall into SOMBRA’s clutches.
If Lars had to choose, he would rather have her live a life with her parents instead of her meeting him.  Maybe then the world wouldn’t have tainted her perspective so bitterly. 
Once he got back to the Bureau, he immediately threw away the divorce papers and canceled the meeting with his lawyer. The more he thought about it, the more that he felt his every step to Marina’s office become heavier.
He recalled the time she first got arrested and when he confronted her for answers. She told him her parents died when she was eight. Even if she had told him that she had chosen this, that she chose to be loyal to SOMBRA… He wanted to be naive. Deep inside, he felt that she secretly didn’t want this. She was a recruit, just like the other kids that suffered at the hands of SOMBRA. She was also a victim of the harsh cycle of violence they perpetuated.
He hated how this had to happen in order for him to realize all of this.
“You want me to petition the court to release all the SOMBRA recruits and instead subject them to a stay at a psychiatric hospital, including Angela?” Marina clarified to the scientist, baffled. “I can probably understand the others, but she almost killed Jonah, she almost killed us, Lars… do you really want that?”
“I don’t believe she wanted to do that either…” Lars sighed.
”Maybe you’re just feeling this way because she had attempted. It’s valid to feel this way, but it’s not your fault. That was her choice to make -“
“I know it’s not my fault! It’s SOMBRA’s fault!” He didn’t mean to snap at Marina. He didn’t know why he was still defending her, but she deserved to have someone in her corner for once. Like how she did for him all this time. “She told me SOMBRA took her in when she was eight… Did you know that?! We’ve seen how it affected children like Sanjay and Mei many times! Why would she be any different?!”
”But -“ Marina looked at Lars like he was crazy. “I-I’ll… think about it, okay?”
He left Marina’s office, dejected. He knew her betrayal was hard on everyone, but sometimes it felt like he was the only one that cared. It was like everyone accepted that Angela was a horrible person and they couldn’t change that. 
Soon, weeks turned into a month, and finally they had finished all of the documents and forensic evidence to take down SOMBRA. The Bureau was over. However the more that time passed by, the less likely was the chance for Angela to wake up again.
All of them were celebrating, but Lars wasn’t in the mood to. While a part of him held onto the hope that maybe she was still alive, he couldn’t stop thinking about their last exchange. The harsh words he had last imparted to her, how he had told her that he never wanted to see her ever again…
They had a vow. ‘Til death do us part. But why did their parting words to each other stung more than death itself?
”Hey.” Carmen approached him along with Marina, holding a champagne glass. “I heard about what happened to Angela… I’m sorry.”
“Carmen and I were just talking about it, and… you’re right.” Marina met his gaze. “All of the recruits deserve a second shot at life. Including Angela.”
That night, he and the two women visited her once again. Even if forgiveness was still hard, they all vowed to give her a second chance at life. She deserved to live again.
Maybe he was just holding on to the idea of her. But deep down, he wanted to try to make that idea possible, even for a little.
Even though he promised to the triplets that he was going to go back home, he had to stay in New York for a little while longer, helping Marina with the petition. He didn’t want to leave Angela alone. He stayed with Jack for a while, even though the latter was opposed to his decision, thinking that she got what she deserved. But to him, it was not what she deserved. 
He visited her everyday, constantly leaving white, yellow, and blue tulips in her hospital room. He knew how much she loved tulips. It represented hope, rebirth, and life. He wanted to give life to her dreary hospital room. He wanted to wish all the best for her.
Jack tried to get him to move on. He tried convincing Lars to try dating apps, that there was more to life outside Angela. There was a point where he almost gave in, that maybe after all this time there was a chance that she didn’t love him anymore. But Lars didn’t feel like falling in love again if it wasn’t with her. 
However, he couldn’t stay forever. He had a promise to the triplets. But before he went back to Australia, he had to do something. 
Ever since her attempt, Lars had hired a private investigator to investigate her life in SOMBRA. He wanted to do everything he could to make sure Angela could go back to her normal life eventually. But according to the investigator, nothing in her life was ever normal.
Being more used to hot climates, he wasn’t used to the chilly breeze that greeted him in South Korea. He held a piece of paper in his hand, traipsing along the steps of Busan Correctional Facility.’
After some time, he sat inside a booth. In front of him was a woman, who was supposedly his in-law. Angela’s ‘mother’ who was part of SOMBRA. He knew he had to confront them at some point in his life.
”Oh, so you’re that guy that Angela decided to marry…”. Her lips pursed into an annoyed frown. “See, I knew that she made the wrong choice. At least with us, her future was secure. She was supposed to join a multi-million pharmaceutical company under us once she graduated, but no, she chose you. Ever since you came into her life, she has become a failure.”
“But you’re also forgetting that while we were married, she had become a renowned scientist with a Nobel Prize. And she did it all with her own talent and effort. Without you.” He didn’t like how her own supposed ‘mother’ put her down like that.
”Oh, but she lost it anyway because she became sloppy with the Bureau, no? I’ve been telling her father that he should’ve just killed her the moment she said she was going to marry you. She was never going to survive.”
”No, fuck you!” Lars wasn’t one to curse, but he couldn’t take it anymore. “It was because of you she became like this! If you didn’t force her to do things she didn’t want to do, then maybe she wouldn’t be in a coma right now! You didn’t care about her, you just wanted her for your own selfish gain!”
He spat out a bunch of other expletives at the woman. The guards had to pull him out because of his outburst. He sat outside the steps and cried.
 She told him that she disobeyed SOMBRA one time, and that one time was to marry him.
She fought for him. She fought to keep their family safe, away from the clutches of SOMBRA. From getting him out of that chimney when they first met, to saving him from his near death experience by finding the cure to the plague… All this time, she was fighting for him.
This time, he wanted to be the one to fight for her. 
While he had to go back to Australia for the triplets, he was overcome with joy when Marina called to tell him that the petition had passed. Angela could finally heal.
Eventually, he told the triplets the whole story about their mother’s situation. He had only explained bits of it to them during video calls. Now that he was finally with them, he was able to sit them down and tell them everything. 
“Is mommy going to die?” April asked, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
”I don’t know, girls… it’s been a year, and I’ll be honest….”  He didn’t want to say it, but a part of him had to accept it so it won’t hurt much once it happened. “…her chances of waking up are slim.”
“I want to see her, daddy!” June cried. “I want to see mommy!”
“She already left us, June!” May was angry, but a part of her was hurt as well. “It’s… it’s been a long time…”
”Hey, girls, it’s alright to feel what you’re feeling right now. But no matter what happens to your mother, just know that she’s there, watching over all of us every step of the way, like a guardian angel.”
 He hugged his daughters as they all cried together. They had various shades of anger, hurt, and confusion written on their faces, but they still mourned.
Thankfully, things got better.
3 years later, Lars had gotten the news that Angela had finally woke up. He immediately requested for her transfer to a psychiatric hospital nearby in Australia so that he could visit her.
He also sought help, both for him and the triplets. The past few years had all taken a heavy toll on their mental health, and he wanted to make sure that they were all going to be okay. 
Once he had heard that Angela had finally been transferred, he wanted to see her, but the hospital didn’t allow him to. So as a coping mechanism, his therapist suggested for him to send letters for her to read. And so he did, even writing her various prose and random lyrics whenever he thought about her. He even put in random drawings and letters that the triplets made. Some were corny, some were profound, but he wanted to show her that she was loved.
A year later, he was finally allowed to visit her. Her therapist thought that this would be best for her healing. Their reunion was filled with a lot of tears, but deep in his heart he had forgiven her for everything. He accepted her for all that she was, the good and the bad.
“Hey.” He greeted her with a smile as she got discharged from the psychiatric hospital after 7 years, holding a bouquet of yellow tulips. “This is for you.”
“Y-you didn’t have to…” Angela blushed as she accepted the bouquet.
“No, I wanted to.” He pulled her closer as they walked over to their car. This time, he wasn’t going to let her go.
The first few minutes of the ride back home were silent, not until Angela spoke up. “Lars…”
”I truly am sorry for everything… and thank you for staying with me.” She looked away as she felt her eyes sting with tears.
Lars didn’t say anything until they had encountered a stoplight. His eyes may still be on the road, but his free hand crept to hers as he held it. “You don’t have to say sorry or thank you anymore. Just know that I’ll be here for you no matter what.”
Because as people change, love grows into a steady space, ready to withstand whatever the world throws at it. 
No matter what happens, love will always be steady. It will always be safe.
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sirianasims · 11 months
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At the lab, the rocket project has been abandoned. There are certain physical limits to the speed of a rocket, and Cora is investigating other options.
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“Hey, honey, it’s me. Yeah, I need to stay late. Yes, again. I know, I’m sorry… I promise it’ll be the last time this week. Love you too. Kiss the boys goodnight for me.”
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Several of Cora’s colleagues have joined her new project. They all want to help, not just because they care about Cora, but because it’ll be a huge technological breakthrough if they succeed.
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Cora is working like a maniac, staying late at least every other day. Her colleagues are getting a little worried about her.
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“Payton and I are leaving now, Cora. You’re the last one left.”
“Thanks, Elsa. Have a good night.”
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“You too. Remember to go home, Cora.”
“I will.”
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“Just… not yet. I need to finish this.”
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At home, poor Zane falls asleep on the couch while waiting for Cora to come home. Caring for both of their sons and a dog while trying to become partner at the law firm is exhausting. And he needs the sleep, because tomorrow is a big day.
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Grandma Morgan and grandpa Wolfgang are the first to arrive for Eric’s birthday, followed shortly by aunt Isabelle and her husband Conor.
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Isabelle is pregnant with their second child. Their first son, Caiphus, was born less than a year after Cora and Zane’s wedding. Luckily, Conor’s parents has agreed to babysit him for the day.
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“Anyway, Caiphus got such a unique name that I’m not sure we can do it again. Conor likes the name Jordon, but I’m not sure it’s really special enough for my taste.”
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Morgan is extremely proud of her son and his little family. But then again, Zane was always the more responsible of her children.
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Isabelle is happy for her brother, if slightly jealous of his obvious happiness. Her marriage with Conor is fine, but she might have preferred someone a bit more… exciting, if he hadn’t gotten her pregnant shortly after Cora and Zane’s wedding.
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Wolfgang, of course, is mostly preoccupied with complaining about the dog.
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Brie and Shawn has also left their kids, Jaxen and Alyson, at home. They claim it’s just for the convenience, but Zane suspects that they’re a bit worried about the dog.
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“Happy birthday, Eric! Can you blow out the candles? Okay, let mommy help.”
beginning / previous / next
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tyrelbauer · 3 months
"she's a blabbermouth."
dad!kirby dach
kirby and camryn are outside playing with chalk in the driveway.
"are you sad that when i'm big i won't live here no more?" camryn asks, coloring in the drawing she made. 
kirby looks up in surprise. "what do you mean?"
"like when i'm big and go to a different house."
kirby puts down his chalk and sits back on his heels. "with who?"
"same thing mommy has."
 "what's that?"
she takes a long pause before saying, "a boyfriend."
kirby crosses his arms over his chest. "what!? who said you could have one of those?"
camryn giggles at his reaction. "when i'm big, dada." 
"no," kirby says, shaking his head. 
"i'm gonna." she insists.
"uncle colton and i will beat him up." 
"no!" camryn giggles. "what about when i'm forty?"
"sure, forty sounds good." kirby laughs. "do you want to go get icecream?"
her eyes light up. "yes!"
kirby stands up and offers her a hand. "do you want to walk or take the car?"
kirby lets go of her hand, picking her up and putting her on his shoulders.
he walks down the driveway and starts the walk to the ice cream parlor.
"dada, will you sing the baby shark song?"
kirby groans. "you know that's my least favorite one!"
camryn pouts. "pleaseeee?"
"fine." kirby gives in. "but you have to sing it with me."
they sing baby shark over and over and over again until they reach the ice cream parlor.
he takes camryn off of his shoulders and they walk inside. 
"what flavor do you want, cam?" kirby asks, crouching down so he can hear her over all the talking.
"hm... chocolate!" 
kirby nods and stands back up. 
he gets her ice cream and they sit at a table outside while she eats.
"can we go to the park?" camryn asks, looking up at him with ice cream all over her face.
he laughs and grabs a napkin. "how about we go tomorrow while momma's at work?" 
"but i want to go now."
"i know, but it's getting late. and momma will kill me if i keep you out past your bedtime." kirby says, wiping the ice cream off her face
"pleaseeeee?" camryn whines.
kirby sighs. he knows he shouldn't give in, but he can't help it.
"okay, but we don't tell momma and we only stay for thirty minutes." he holds his pinky out and she locks hers with his. 
it's been a couple days since the trip to the ice cream parlor and the park. 
kirby is sitting on the couch watching tv when y/n walks in with a freshly bathed camryn on her hip. 
"care to explain why she just told me you guys stayed out past her bedtime the other day to go to the park?" y/n asks, trying to act pissed off but ends up smiling.
"camryn elizabeth! you pinky promised me!"
camryn giggles, hiding her face in y/n's shoulder.
"i didn't think she would tell on me." he rubs the back of his neck.
y/n rolls her eyes playfully and sets camryn down. "of course she would. she's a blabbermouth."
kirby gets up and walks over to y/n. "i was weak, okay? she gave me her puppy dog eyes and i couldn't say no." he explains, wrapping his arms around her waist.
y/n laughs and rests her head on his chest. "you're such a pushover. she's got you wrapped around her little finger."
camryn pulls on kirby's shirt, causing him to look down at her. 
"momma's pregnant."
kirby's eyes widen and he looks between y/n and camryn. "wait, what? really??"
y/n nods, smiling. "yeah, i found out this morning."
"oh my god." he pulls y/n into a hug and immediately pulls back to pick camryn up so she is included.
camryn throws her arms around both of them and squeezes tightly.
"are you excited to be a big sister?" y/n asks.
"yes!" she says excitedly. "is it a girl?"
"we don't know yet, sweetie. we have to wait a little longer before we find out." y/n tells her. "you really can't tell anyone though. this has to stay a secret between you, dada and i."
"i promise."
"do you have any name ideas?" kirby asks
"hmmm..." she thinks about it for a second. "how about... elsa?"
kirby laughs. "like from frozen?"
"yep!" camryn says, nodding her head.
"what if the baby is a boy?" y/n asks, amused by her choice of names.
"oh! kristoff!"
kirby and y/n both laugh. 
"i think we'll have to come up with some other options just in case." y/n says.
"yeah. we've got plenty of time for that," kirby replies, ruffling camryn's hair.
"hey!" she frowns and attempts to fix her hair back to how it was.
kirby glances at the clock. "speaking of time, we should probably get the princess to bed."
"can you read me a story?" camryn asks, leaning her head on kirby's shoulder.
"yeah, a shorter one though." kirby tells her, following y/n upstairs.
he puts her down and grabs a book from the bookshelf before the three of them somehow manage to fit into her toddler bed. 
kirby and y/n take turns reading the book and by the time they finish it camryn is asleep. 
they quietly leave her room and walk across the hall to their own.
"i still can't believe it." kirby says to y/n, pulling her into another hug. "how are you feeling?"
"tired, but excited. i'm just hoping that the morning sickness won't be as bad as it was with her."
he nods. "hopefully not, but i'll be there. for morning sickness or craving weird food combinations in the middle of the night. i'm here no matter what."
y/n smiles. "i know you will be. i love you."
"i love you too." he says, kissing the top of her head.
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So I’m again on my Once Upon A Time rewatch and I just finished watching season 4, and y’all, this season is sooooo chaotic. And so freaking funny.
Introducing Frozen but no one in Storybrooke knows anything about Frozen
Elsa almosts kills Emma in the ice castle and instantly feels bad about it
trying to find the author of a magical storybook
“I knew there was a good reason why you kept me locked in there for all those years, waiting for the time you needed me most.”
Regina puts Sydney back in the mirror
Anna meets Charming who has long hair
“I’m not bossy, I’m the queen.”
Basically any time Kristoff and Elsa are on screen together
The Snow Queen and Elsa coexisting AND ARE RELATED
Sooo many moments that are references to the original Frozen movie scattered throughout the Arendelle plot making it feel like one big inside joke that we are let it on
“You’re the mayor now.” “I am?”
The stunned silence at Mary Margaret finally losing it
“Can I have ice cream, Mommy? REGINA let me get ice cream.”
Will Scarlet. Just. Will Scarlet.
“You seem like a decent sheriff. I trust you’re not the sort to shoot a man in the back.” “What…?” *starts running*
“TWO sheriffs?? That’s just bloody unfair.”
Belle frantically calling Emma because a drunk man passed out in her library and she has absolutely no context and is definitely freaked out by it
“I may be a thief, but I’m not a liar. Let me show you.” *immediately starts trying to break in* *fails to break in* *EMMA BREAKS IN INSTEAD* “Neal taught me a few things.”
The character arc of Hook’s left hand
Emma finding her parents waiting eagerly for her to return home + Mary Margaret who wants to hear EVERYTHING about Emma’s first date vs David who thinks that some details are okay to be left out
Mary Margaret finding Will Scarlet and thinking that David set it all up and Will being So Confused
“I’m the sheriff’s wife.” “You’re married to the blonde?” “No that’s my daughter. I’m married to the other one.” “What now?”
“So…the sheriff’s wife can pardon me?” “I’m also the mayor-” “He did it.”
“I’m an idiot.” “Finally, something we can agree on.”
“Regina, I was hoping we could talk.” “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m about to storm an evil ice cream truck.”
“It’s bad enough that I’m stuck with you and Captain Guyliner making eyes at each other.” “We don’t make eyes.” “Ready love? 😃”
“Have I ever told you the story of how I met Marian?” “Only about 3 dozen times.” *starts recounting the story* “3 dozen and one.” *tell the story together*
“My whole life I have stuck to my code of honor.” “So why are you here…?” “Today is not one of those days.”
Mary Margaret telling Regina to button her shirt before she goes to check on Henry
“Wow you royals REALLY go through exhausting lengths to ignore your issues.”
Frozen Hans in the closet
“I think it’ll be easier to break into the library now since I’m not drunk and taking punches!” *Robin opens door with ease* *points to sign* “Open till ten.” “Well that’s generous.”
“Guess what! You’re my oldest friend!” *rips Hook’s heart out*
“Now it’s Elsa trying to find her sister that’s screwing us all!!” “…Coming from you that’s terrifying.”
“Kristoff!” “David!” “You cut your hair!” “So did you!”
Ingrid convincing Emma to stay in the foster home instead of running away by encouraging her to terrorize a kid with rubber spiders
…The spell of Shattered Sight, and all Snow and Charming do is roast each other
“I AM NOT HAPPY!! 😡😡😡”
“Sealed in My Own Vault?! UGH!!” *looks at outfit* “what the hell am I wearing??” -> the evil queen is back!!
“Emma, you’re prickly, but I don’t hate you.” “…I’m prickly??”
I’m sorry but Regina just has THE most comical face when she realizes Emma is coming, and any time she’s acting like the evil queen in this episode, all of it is just over the top and such a caricature and comical and I can’t take it
Poor Anna trying to make everyone feel love
*sing song-ish voice* “Snow White is a murderer. I killed the evil queen’s mother. And I said I was sorry when I wasn’t.” …Snow??? What???
“YOU said you could keep a secret!!” “I! Was!! TEN!!!!!!!”
Basically all of Snow’s and Regina’s sword fight
Plus David watching uselessly (except for when he teams up with Snow briefly to disarm Regina)
Henry making Hook trip on marbles when he enters the mayor’s office
Will wants another go at Hook, charges, misses, Hook knocks him into the wall, Will crumbles
Anna: *hits Kristoff over the head* *reads note* “*gasp* Kristoff! Do you have any idea what this is?! *pause* Oh, right, I knocked you out. *moves closer* wake up! We have to take this to Elsa. *kisses him* I love you! You’re amazing! …You’re unconscious. *gets up* I’ll be right back, okay? Stay there! I mean I know you’ll stay here but I’ll be back anyway!!”
Ingrid sacrificing herself and the music going on in the background at that point OH MY GOSH
*very confused* “…what am I wearing?”
Regina, David, and Mary Margaret laughing, like,, authentically laughing, like so much that it almost looks to me like they’re Lana and Josh and Ginnifer just having fun, and they’re all falling over laughing too, and it’s almost a blooper reel
“I’m sorry I tried to kill you.” “With a cross bow! You tried to kill me with a crossbow!”
“The door to Arendelle must be around here. It’s just a matter of finding it.” *magic broomstick finds it instantly* *silence* “…there it is.”
Maleficent, Ursula, and Cruella DeVil’s first entrance like wowie that is cool and ahhhh they look so good
They just. Released Chernabog. From the hat. Freaking Chernabog was just. In the hat.
Regina and Emma’s phone call with Ursula and Cruella
*Chernabog turns to Maleficent* “I knew it.”
“I hope you choke on my bones.” THAT IS SUCH A RAW LINE WHAT THE HECK ASFJJJGJDS
“The Chernabog was looking for the heart with the greatest potential for darkness…but it was not looking for Regina. It was after Emma Swan.” AHHHH CHILLSSSSSS
“If you say a word about this to anyone, especially Emma, you won’t have to worry about Regina. I’ll rip out your hearts myself.” …SNOW??? WHAT??? DUDE??? HUH???
Snow finding out she and Maleficent will both be mothers and she’s straight up like “nah, I don’t wanna work with you. I won’t darken myself by associating with you.” And Maleficient is like “you…wouldn’t want to make a better world for our children…just because you don’t like me??”
Regina crushing the glass after taking the shot as if it was a heart, like. What. Regina how did that prove you are villain it just proves you have a strong grip (you’re lucky you were wearing gloves or else your hand would be pretty messed up)
“First one to save us loses.”
Basically Regina is trying to join a gang
“I said we needed to meet covertly! You brought the whole Charming Softball Team and their pirate mascot??”
*Regina without warning possesses Mary Margaret to communicate where she is and what she’s doing*
Robin Hood stealing a horse in New York
Actually right before that as the camera is panning into the scene you can hear someone shout “I’m walkin’ here! I’M WALKIN’ ‘ERE!”
…I don’t even wanna get into the Zelena is Marian plot because that’s a really icky part of the plot
Ariel: *sees Hook* *immediately slaps him*
The Apprentice putting Isaac in the book without warning
Pinocchio being turned back into August
August being wood and then being a person again but then his nose grows
“We have a lot of questions.” “I bet you do.” *brings down curtain ONTO A WOUNDED MAN and runs away*
It looks like Cruella is going to get a heartbreaking traumatic backstory to show why she is how she is…but really she’s just a bad person
Emma and Regina go on a road trip
The wolf making them crash, giving everyone watching déjà vu to season one (including Emma)
“You know me from the diner, right? Smile and hold my hand and walk around the block for a little bit and you get free burgers for a week.”
*teen Emma is depressed on the bench waiting for a bus* Lily: “heyyyyy 😁😁”
The Apprentice thinking it’s just Okay to sit next to a teen girl and address her by a name she didn’t tell you. Like. My guy. I know YOU mean no harm but you REALLY gotta think about what it looks like to HER
Lily’s conspiracy board
Lily steals Emma’s bug -> Emma grabs a wrench, smashes a car window, and steals a car
Regina looking freaked out when Emma starts talking like she herself would
Regina holding on for dear life when Emma is angrily chasing Lily
*spreads arms out* “go on. Kill me. Put me out of my misery. Put an end to this.”
“There have been many authors, from the first cave painter […] to a man named Walt.” *1966* “Our last author…he passed away recently.”
Rumplestiltskin almost dying (again) (you know, just his seasonal near death experience even though he’s immortal)
Seeing Isaac write “Once upon a time…”
Henry standing up to Isaac
Rumplestiltskin the light one.
“This does not come with a price!” THAT FREAKING BROKE ME
Charming saying “I will always find you” but it sounds Wrong
The dwarves do in fact whistle…but it is Unsettling
Regina is the outlaw with a bow and arrow instead of Snow White…and she’s aiming at Henry
“My name is Henry. I’m your son.”
Regina and Robin’s meet cute that is just like the first time they met and AHHHHH I LOVE IT
Zelena is Robin’s … fiancée
Episode 22 ending with Emma locked in the tower
Henry breaking into the castle using a Star Wars reference
“Why isn’t it rum?” “Rum? I’m allergic to that stuff.” “Of course you are.”
Hook is jealous of himself AGAIN
“Now you’re down to six. Would you like to make it five?”
Regina and Emma meeting again
“What does your heart say? I know what my heart says. But what if his doesn’t say the same thing?” “Isn’t that a risk you’re willing to take?”
Emma confronting her parents with such a brilliant speech and amazing expression…but if you watch in the background you see Hook holding the sword above his head, pointy end going being him, gritting his teeth, bouncing forward and backward, trying to look brave but actually just looks like a scared doofus (in the most endearing way)
Hook sacrifices himself for Emma
They all go to crash a wedding
Henry becoming the author
Hook scaring Emma because he’s not where they left him
Henry breaks the Author’s pen
Rumplestiltskin isn’t doing so hot
Belle storms into the shop yelling at Rumple but is immediately concerned when he falls to the ground
The Darkness overtaking the Apprentice
Regina is about to be taken by the darkness
Emma becomes the Dark One.
I’m pretty sure I’m missing a few things too.
Anyways, like said, this season is chaotic as HECK.
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potionsprefect · 2 years
Hey Alice! I have an idea for a Val fic and I think you're the one to do this! DO NOT feel obligated, it's only if it inspires you.
Valentine's Day is coming up and Luke and Lily enlist Aunt Sienna's help to make homemade chocolates to surprise their Mom and Dad. (Maybe while she's babysitting so they can go out for a romantic date?) :)
ONLY if you want! 💘
Hi Elsa! This is such a cute idea! I hope you like what I’ve come up with
Special Surprise
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: Luke and Lily enlist Aunt Sienna for a very special mission
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
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“Come in Sienna! You have no idea how excited they are.” Victoria laughed as Sienna walked through the front door.
“I’m excited too! I love spending time with them.” Sienna smiled.
“Luke, Lily look who’s here!”
The twins came running into the hallway. “Aunt Sienna!” They grinned.
Sienna bent down and wrapped her arms around the twins.
“Are you both excited to spend the day with me?”
“Yeah!” Luke and Lily smiled.
“Thanks for this Sienna. We really appreciate it.” Ethan said as he put his coat on.
“No worries! You deserve a nice day out.”
“Be good for Aunt Sienna. We’ll be back later.” Victoria pressed a kiss to each of the twins’ heads.
“We will!”
With one final wave, Ethan and Victoria headed out the door. Sienna turned to the twins. “What would you like to do today?”
Luke and Lily took Sienna’s hands and dragged her into the kitchen. “We want to make Mommy and Daddy something!”
“You do?” Sienna smiled.
“Yeah!” Luke said, he pulled out a notebook, scribbles on the pages. “We learnt about Valentines Day in school and we want to make Mommy and Daddy some chocolates!”
“I see. And do you know how to make them?” Sienna laughed.
Luke and Lily shared a look. “No. But we thought you could help us!” Lily said as Luke nodded.
Sienna laughed. “I think that’s a great idea! Can I make some for Uncle Dylan too?”
“Yes! And Liam!” Lily said.
“Yes! This recipe that I have will come in great handy in the future! He’s going to be so jealous that we made chocolate today. I’ll have to take some back home with me.” Sienna smiled.
She went searching in the Ramsey’s cupboards and found all the correct ingredients that were needed. Sienna got out a bowl and the twins’ stools so they could reach the counter.
“Is it easy to make?” Luke asked.
“Nothing is too difficult for me.” Sienna winked. “But I will need some taster chefs.” She raised an eyebrow.
Luke and Lily immediately raised a hand which made Sienna laugh. “Once we’ve made the chocolate you can taste it. Then we can see if it’s good enough to go in the fridge.”
Luke and Lily grinned. Sienna was a whizz in the kitchen, moving fluently as she made the chocolate mixture.
“Is it ready?” Lily asked.
Sienna smiled. “It is. Would you like to taste it?”
Luke immediately stuck a finger into the chocolate. “It tastes yummy!”
Lily did the same “Mommy and Daddy are going to love it! And Uncle Dylan and Liam!”
“They are! They need to go in the fridge so they can set but they’ll be ready to eat soon.”
“How soon?”
“About four to six hours.” Sienna smiled.
“But that’s so long!” Lily huffed.
Sienna laughed. “Well Aunt Sienna has lots of plans for the two of you. But first you need to wash your hands. Whoever finishes first gets to choose the DVD.”
Luke and Lily raced up the stairs, their footsteps echoing throughout the house.
Sienna finished up the rest of the chocolate and put them in the fridge. This afternoon was a success and she couldn’t wait for the twins to present the chocolates to Ethan and Victoria.
Luke ran down the stairs first, Lily quickly behind him.
“I won!” Luke grinned.
“Not fair.” Lily crossed her arms.
“Well done Luke. What DVD would you like?”
“The Lion King!”
“That was my choice!” Lily crossed her arms.
“You can choose the next one!” Sienna winked.
Lily seemed to like that idea as she climbed onto the sofa. Sienna put the DVD in the player and sat between the twins.
She loved spending time with Luke and Lily and loved that they were around the same age as her own son Liam. Seeing their interactions made Sienna think about having another child, she knew Liam would love having a little brother or sister and Dylan as well would love to have a second.
It was a conversation that she would have when she got home.
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Ethan and Victoria left the seafront and headed back to the car, hand in hand and sharing smiles along the way.
“Todays been great.” Ethan said as they got to the car.
“It has. It’s been so long since the two of us have been out.” Victoria smiled, wrapping her arms around Ethan.
“I know. I’m sorry. We should try and fit at least once a month in.” Ethan sighed.
Victoria ran a gentle hand across his cheek. “None of that. We both know how busy we are. We are doing our best. That’s all that matters.” She smiled.
“I know. We should plan ahead. Starting now.”
“It’s a deal. We’re nearing the end of our date. Back home to our twins.”
Ethan chuckled. “The dates not over yet. We’re forgetting one thing.” He leaned in closer.
“I like your thinking.” Victoria smiled. She closed the space between them, attaching her lips to his. Their tongues danced amongst each other, a fire brewing between them before Victoria reluctantly pulled away. “Wanna finish this later when the twins are in bed?”
Ethan pressed one last kiss to Victoria’s lips before pulling away. “You’ve got yourself a deal Mrs Ramsey.”
Ethan and Victoria headed back to Weston, ready to see their twins.
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“Anyone home?” Victoria called out as she and Ethan stepped through the front door of their home.
“Mommy, Daddy!” Luke and Lily sprinted into the hallway, wrapping their arms as best as possible around Ethan and Victoria.
“Have you had a fun day with Aunt Sienna?” Ethan asked.
“Yeah! We’ve got a surprise for you.” Lily said as her and Luke dragged them into the kitchen.
“How was your day?” Sienna asked.
“It was great, thanks for looking after them.” Victoria replied.
“No problem. But I believe they have a surprise for you.” Sienna laughed.
Luke and Lily grabbed the chocolates from the counter and handed them to Victoria and Ethan.
“Did you make these?” Ethan asked.
“Yeah! With Aunt Sienna!” Luke said.
“They were excellent sous chef’s.” Sienna laughed.
“Well they look amazing. And I bet they’re going to taste great too.” Victoria smiled as he gave the twins a hug.
“I should head home. Enjoy your chocolates.” Sienna grabbed her bag.
Victoria saw her off the premises and went to sit in the living room with her family.
“The moment of truth.” Ethan said, holding up a chocolate.
Victoria ate one, the rich texture on her tongue made her smile. “They taste great!”
“Yay!” Luke and Lily grinned.
“Maybe you two can be chefs when you’re older.” Ethan smiled, pulling the twins into his arms.
“But we want to be doctors like you and Mommy Daddy!” Luke said.
“You can be anything you want to be. As long as you work hard.” Victoria said.
Whatever the twins did, Ethan and Victoria would be proud of them. They were so lucky to have them and they couldn’t wait for more special treats in the future.
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I previously mentioned Dylan before, he and Sienna have a son called Liam and later on a daughter called Emily
I guess this can also be submitted for @choicesficwriterscreations Valentine’s Day event
Tagging in reblog
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nannymcpee · 2 years
New follower, couple of questions I'd like to ask
What are your thoughts on Rearz Princess diapers?
How did you meet your baby boy, what advice would you give to a baby girl also looking for a loving mommy?
Do you think it's weird that people such as myself want a motherly, loving girlfriend/wife?
What's your favourite form of physical affection? (mines, lap pillows, hugs and hand holding)
Who's your favourite Disney princess? (if you have one, mines Belle)
Hi honey 👋 nice to meet you and thank you for following me 🥰
1) I’ve never used any of the Rearz nappies so I can only comment on what they look like. The princess ones are super cute but I personally am not a fan of all over print. Plain white nappies just pull on my heart strings… no idea why, I just find them completely and utterly adorable 🥰
2) I met my little poppet on tumblr. We chatted for a while and got to know each other as friends with no expectations. We agreed to meet up as friends (with little benefits 🤭) and see how it went. By the time we’d met for a second time it was clear we felt more than friendship. It’s still early days for us but I absolutely adore him and love every moment I get to spend with him 🥰🥰
As for advice sweetheart, I recommend you chat to people and get to know them. Find someone you feel a connection with and see how it goes.
I worry a lot for littles searching for care givers as they often jump straight into asking someone to be a mummy/daddy without even knowing who they are talking to. This leaves them vulnerable to being taken advantage of and getting hurt. So please, please, please darling be careful in your search.
3) I don’t think it’s weird at all for someone to crave nurturing and mothering. After all that’s what I’m attracted to and I’m so thankful that there are people like you in this world 🥰🥰🥰
4) that’s a hard one!!! I love all forms or physical affection, giving and receiving. I guess what I do the most is probably hair ruffling and cuddling 🤔
5) ok so I think I relate to Snow White the most but Elsa is just awesome!!!!
Thank you for your questions sweetie, I’ve really enjoyed answering them 🥰🥰
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OGAE Second Chance Contest 2023 (My Top)
inspired by @residentraccoon's post and this one video yt keeps recommending me even tho I haven't enjoyed the lame karaoke party they also happened to host the contest at that much
1 OLLIE - Venom (Estonia) - best song that hasn't been sent to Eurovision this year imo 2 Ulrikke - Honestly (Norway) - they should've went with this one if they really wanted a safe choice for the win 3 Jann - Gladiator (Poland) 4 RODAN - Introvert Party Club (Czechia) - very biased about this one; I mean, come on, it's the ultimate introvert party anthem 5 Vicco - Nochentera (Spain) 6 Lazza - CENERE (Italy) - I'm still surprised they haven't sent Il bene nel male instead giving how obsessed the fandom was with it 7 Filip Baloš - Novi plan drugi san (Serbia) 8 Ruta Mur - So Low (Lithuania) 9 Chérine - Ça M’Ennuie Pas (Belgium) 10 Elsa Lila - Evita (Albania) 11 Marcus & Martinus - Air (Sweden) - overrated tbh, Six Feet Under is so much better 12 Andreea D Folclor Orchestra - Perinița mea (Romania) - typical Romanian wedding song and I happen to hate weddings but this grew on me way more than I want to admit lol; genuinely wondering if they would've flopped just as hard as D.G.T. or it would've been the most unexpected dark horse of the year, had it been sent to Eurovision instead 13 KUUMAA - Ylivoimainen (Finland) 14 Jerry Heil - When God Shut The Door (Ukraine) 15 Will Church - Hold On (Germany) 16 Ryan Hilli - In The Silence (Malta) 17 CONNOLLY - Midnight Summer Night (Ireland) - still weirded out by the moves she made in the middle of the performance; no seriously, was she feeling good or 18 Harmonija disonance - Nevera (Lei, lei) (Croatia) 19 SunStroke Project - Yummy Mommy (Moldova) - I like the beat and that's kinda it; very disappointing compared to their other entries and tbh Du-mă would've been a much better entry 20 Edmundo Inácio - A Festa (Portugal) 21 24.Avenija - You Said (Latvia) 22 Langi Seli og Skuggarnir - OK (Iceland) 23 EYJAA - I Was Gonna Marry Him (Denmark) - not a fan of the lyrics in the least, just wait for the guy to come back or go with him lmaooo; they should've sent Freedom instead imo
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
30 - A Positive Family Day
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Part 31
Country Rancher
Tags @whateverthecostner @rosie-posie08 @kaycejdutton @kayceduttonn @kcloveswrestling @the-morning-star-falls @kaymudd @hcwthewestwaswcn @hcllfireandhclywater
Sitting up in the bed I stretched my arms and legs out seeing the sun was starting to rise above the mountains. Grabbing my hat from the hook in the kitchen I sat it on my head stepping out onto the front porch. The ranch seemed less like normal with half of our people gone with the cattle. I don’t think I’ve ever been here when it was like this. “It’s quiet this morning. I didn’t think you would be up this early.”
Sighing I turned on my boots seeing my husband sitting on the porch swing sipping a cup of coffee. “It is. I just thought - I guess you can’t shake something once you do it long enough. So what will we do today Mr. Dutton?”
"I think we should just spend time with the kids today. Since we've always busy every time they are with us. So we could do a movie day, fair or whatever they want." He suggested running his fingers through my hair after I sat down on the swing beside him laying my head on his chest.
Lifting my head up from his embrace I nodded, kissing him slowly. "That's a great idea, Kayc." He leans down kissing me back until we heard the sound of four sets of feet coming down the staircase.
"Well it's time for breakfast huh. Pancakes?" He suggested tugging me back to the house seeing the kids running around the kitchen table until Kayce wissiled making them all sit down.
Bree and Tate were having a tickle fight until they saw us watching them. "Why are you and dad here, normally you're out working early?" The eldest son of the family asked curiously.
"Did mommy and daddy get in trouble?" Elsa asked sitting beside her twin.
Shaking my head I opened the fridge, finding most of the stuff to make pancakes really quick for them. I could have woken Gator up but I also knew how to cook some stuff on my own too. So it's best to let him sleep. "No sweet girl, we didn't get in trouble. Everyone else just had to take a little trip so your daddy and I stayed to watch our beautiful children."
A few minutes later I slide three different types of pancake plates on the table. Two chocolate and one strawberry. Sliding in the chair beside Kayce we each took one chocolate leaving the rest for the boys and Bree. Elsa loved strawberries more than anything. Shoving a bite in my mouth I nodded in my husband's direction giving him the go ahead. "Kids, you're mom and I were thinking about going to the fair today. Since the boys in the bunkhouse will be resting for a day being up late last night helping the others ride off. What do y'all think?"
Dallas spit out some of his food cheering alongside his older brother. “The fair. Let’s go!”
“That sounds fun, mom. I’ll go tell Carter that I can’t go for our morning ride.” Bree pushed her chair back grabbing her coat with her long hair getting thrown around. Since John had become governor I had to have the period conversation with our daughter since she had started on her thirteenth birthday before her grandfather became governor.
“She’s spending too much time with him for my taste.” Kayce mumbled, giving me an annoyed look.
September 10th
“Mom!” Shooting awake in the bed I heard my eldest daughter call out to me from her bedroom tossing the covers aside. I did my best to not wake Kayce since he had been up really late last night.
Peaking my head through her door I saw her sitting on the ground with a red spot stained in her bed crying. “Oh baby. I’ve got you.” Wrapping my arms around her she threw her arms around me where I helped her into the bathroom sitting on the toilet.
Quickly moving back into her bedroom I yanked the sheets off seeing it thankfully didn’t go through so I threw them in the hamper dealing with it later. Entering the bathroom I moved her hair from her face seeing her eyes were puffy from crying. “Ssssh sweet girl. I’m gonna ask you a simple question and I want to answer it with how much you know. Do you know what this means?”
“That I can have a….a baby now.” Bree sniffed, clutching her hands into fists in her lap. “I didn’t think it would come yet. I thought it wouldn’t be a mess…what do I do mom?”
Tucking hair behind her ear I pulled her into a hug sucking in a breath knowing this wasn’t going to be easy for her. She grabs my shirt until I break the hug holding her shoulders gently staring at my first child. “Bree, listen to me. I don’t want you to think that this makes you weaker or that you have to change because it doesn’t. From this day forward you can be a lot tougher than most men and that is a gift. Being able to have a baby is a choice. You can still be a rancher my little cowgirl.”
“Thank you, mom…do I still get a birthday cake?” I snorted out a laugh at her question nodding my head yes to her.
Kayce parked the truck as I helped the kids inside the fair gates. Elsa tugged my arm seeing a Mary-go-round with ponies yanking me in the direction of it. “Ponies. Ponies!” I let her drag me over to them and the others followed after us.
“Up we go.” Kayce picked her up sitting her on one of the horses paying the worker for a round.
Tate and Dallas stood in front of us where I put my hands on my hips raising a brow to the boys. “What do you need from us, my boys?”
“Can me and Bree have money to take Dallas around?” Tate asked, moving his tan cowboy hat up looking us in the eye.
Kayce sighed, handing him some money hollering to them as they ran off towards the bumper carts with Bree and Dallas trying to quickly finish eating a funnel cake. “Be careful. Don’t make yourselves sick!” Intertwining my hand with his left Elsa was giggling on the metal horse that she could ride by herself compared to having to be held by one of us on a real one at home. “Anymore I feel like all we are is a bank and a driver.”
“Hey don’t worry. They are king being kids. That’s what is important.” I replied turning around and we started watching our youngest again. Unknown to us that Bree had run into the bathroom throwing up more than just the cake she had eaten feeling sick before she ever got onto a ride.
A few hours we drove the kids back to the ranch. Tate headed upstairs opening the door for us. I was carrying a sleeping Elsa and Kayce had Dallas. Bree was strangling behind us so she was the one to close the front door. Laying the twins down in the bed Tate and Kayce went to sit in front of the fireplace enjoying the dinner Gator had made for the bunkhouse. Slowly walking out to the barn I could hear crying inside the doorway so I peaked my head in. “Bree. Carter, what is going on?”
“Oh geez fuck. Mrs. Dutton…” Carter cursed, spinning around on his boots fears written all over his face. “I didn’t mean for this to happen we just - we didn’t it would happen the first time.”
Entering the barn I held my hands up not wanting to see him start crying or something. Bree avoided my gaze nervously playing with her hair that she had done since she was six years old. “Bree, look at me. Please tell me what the hell he is talking about?”
My daughter finally met my gaze, muttering the words I never expected to hear from her mouth, causing me to see my own life flash before my eyes. “I’m…pregnant.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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tojikai · 2 years
Drama, Pregnancy, Cheating, Trauma, and Mommy Issues. OH HOW I MISSED THIS STORY.
(I'm apologizing now because for each chapter I'm genuinely just going to send a long ask of my thoughts and reactions that I had while reading. Beware.)
Chapter: IX
The mommy issues and trauma really shone through during this chapter. Hate how I could relate. It truly sucks having a parent who's a good person but a bad parent. Y/N love please get therapy. If not for yourself at least for your baby. You deserve to have some peace of mind. Especially after everything she's gone through.
He’d only choose you if she wasn’t one of the choices. MA'AM. You can't keep throwing sentences in here like this. You keep breaking my heart. That just hurt 🥹
Imma need Rie to shut up and not start stuff. So glad she kept her mouth quiet when talking to our mother. But she genuinely needs to realize that the person at fault is not y/n. It's Hoetoru's. He was the one in a relationship. He cheated when he was in a relationship with Y/N idk why you thought he'd be loyal with you but whatever.
When I tell you I cheered when she said you're not my boyfriend. GET HIM GIRL.
I've never liked Suguru but I like your version of him. He makes me feel things and I quite frankly don't appreciate it 😭. I just keep thinking about those tattoos. Especially when he rolled his sleeves up at the bar. IT'S NOT FAIR.
Not Hoejo saying you locked him out like he lives there or something. My guy go home, she don't want you. Be like Elsa and let it go.
Please tell me that this is the beginning of a budding romance between y/n and Suguru because honey that would be a plot twist. She never gets back together with Hoetoru, her baby has 3 parents who are all present in their life and everyone gets therapy. I feel like that's not gonna happen though. I'm going to be sad by the end of this series aren't I? Sigh.
Why does he need to know about y'all's business? Y'all are two grown adults who did a bit of the Devil's Tango. It happens. Hoejo don't gotta know what y'all be doing on the down low. You're still gonna tell him aren't you Geto? Please don't.
I need Gojo to stop acting like a boyfriend and start acting like a father. All you need to do it take care of Y/N and the health of the baby. All this other mess is extra. We don't need extra. We need you to be a responsible adult for just one day. I know it's hard for you hun but at least pretend or something.
I JUST KNOW HE ISN'T TALKING. I had to sit away from my phone after Hoetoru got mad at Geto. He really said I know I'm not her boyfriend but.... That's when he should've stopped talking but no he just had to keep going. 🤦🏽‍♀️ You mad? Aw poor thing. Could've all been avoided if you just drove her home and let it be.
Maybe it's just me. But I don't see anything wrong with what y/n did with Suguru. Maybe it's just my fury toward Gojo distorting my values but honestly I'm not seeing how this is a betrayal. But whatever, if y'all feel guilty i can't do anything about that. But I promise you that this betrayal is nowhere near as bad as what Gojo did. But to each his own. Y'all are better than I'll ever be.
Previous sentence cancelled Geto got to punch him too. Oh nononono please I can't, don't make me cry. I loved her first. *Sobs loudly* Suguru is a true friend and even if he doesn't get y/n I hope he gets some closure.
I think it's interesting how Gojo and Geto are like 2 sides of the same coin. Both are willing to go through heaven and hell for this woman to be happy. However, Gojo is selfish while Geto is more selfless. Gojo keeps trying to force something despite the discomfort and pain that he's causing y/n. When Geto was just willing to let his feelings go because he knew it'd make things easier in y/n. I'm sure there's some people out there who'd love having a partner like Gojo who's willing to fight. But sometimes the best course of action is letting go. Especially if it's for the happiness of the person that you love.
He poured his heart out to you and you still... I don't have the energy to be mad at you anymore. I'm just done.
Oh that ending. Way to keep us on our toes.
I think the main reason why I love this story so much is the way you write makes me so emotionally attached to these characters. If only Gojo didn't cheat. If only Geto didn't give up on his feelings towards y/n. If only Gojo didn't drive Rie home that day. If only. If only. If only. It breaks my heart knowing all the possible outcomes and how this story's ending is most likely going to be bittersweet. But I can definitely tell how much you love what you're doing and how hard you've worked on this. This takes a lot of skill, time, and energy. So thank you. I'm gonna cry so hard when I get to this epilogue.
wow omgg i really enjoyed reading this !! it's nice to read a new perspective about what yn and geto did. gojo's character didn't want to be angry abt it, really. he's just so hurt and he also thinks that he doesn't have the right to be hurt bc of what he did. it's like all actions that he can take can be valid yet also invalid at the same time. it opened up the situation between them and yn before all of it. AND i like how you compared gojo and geto's love for yn !! it's nice to know that someone would fight with their whole heart and never give you up but it's also great to know that someone would rather hurt and let you go if it means your happiness🥺anyways thank you soooo much for your support, that means A LOT to me <33 i hope you're doing well ~!!
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iambellarose1816 · 2 years
Halloween edition
"Alright, is everyone ready for trick or treating?" Elsa asked as she walked down the stairs. "Yes mommy!" Screamed her twins, a 5 year old boy and girl. She smiled and kissed their cheeks. "You kiddos look so cute." She said. "Daddy dressed us up." Her daughter, Audrey said.
Elsa locked eyes onto her dashing husband who was smirking at her from the couch. "And don't you look cute." Elsa said as she sat down next to her husband and wrapped her arms around his neck. He chuckled. "Why thank you, honey. You looking really hot in that outfit." He replied.
Hans wore a pair of black jeans with a brown furry sweater and had wolf ears on his head. He was going as a werewolf, while Elsa had a black dress which reached her mid thigh and a red cape, she also had fake fangs to create the whole vampire look. Her son was dressed up as a robot and her daughter was dressed up as a fairy. "Mommy looks pretty." Her son, Adrian said happily as he came to hug his mother. Elsa kissed his head and smiled at him.
After trick or treating
"That was so fun! Can we do it again?" Audrey asked excitedly. Hans and Elsa laughed a little. "Sure, maybe next year." Hans said. "Can you tell us a ghost story?" Adrian asked. Elsa's eyes widened. "You are only 5 and you want a ghost story." Elsa said. "I have a better idea, why don't we just watch a scary movie." Hans suggested.
Elsa hit his arm and he shrieked in pain. The kids jumped up and down in excitement. "It's your problem if the kids get nightmares." Elsa said as she walked up the stairs. "Don't worry, daddy will be here to protect you guys." He whispered to them. They giggled and ran off to the living room.
"So, we are going to watch The Conjuring." Hans said as he sat between his kids.
10 minutes into the movie he could feel his kids shaking with fear. He kissed their heads and told them that everything was fine.
2 hours after everyone went to bed
Hans and Elsa were sound asleep when the door creaked open. Elsa sensed that someone had entered the room so she quickly woke up and looked into the darkness.
"Audrey, Adrian, what happened, my babies?" Elsa asked as she looked at their scares faces. She tried to move but Hans tightened his grip on Elsa's waist. "Go back to sleep, babe." Hans said groggily.
Elsa rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the ribs. "The hell, Elsa!" He screamed and jumped up. He saw his kids on the side of his bed and he frowned. "Fix this." Elsa demanded with a stern look on her face. Hans sighed and called his kids onto the bed.
"We are scared, daddy." Audrey sobbed. Elsa looked at him with anger. "You better take care of this. I told you they shouldn't watch scary movies at such a young age, but you didn't listen." Elsa said. "Sorry baby, it won't happen again." He apologized. Elsa hummed and went back to sleep.
"Come on, I am here to keep you safe." And with that he made his kids comfortable between him and Elsa and they swiftly fell asleep.
I kinda tried on this one
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