#i really really love his gameplay its like insane how fucking fun he is to mess with
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tillman · 2 years ago
what's it like playing venom?
oh SO FUN!! i really really love the kind of calculated slower setup gameplay he has where you really have to kinda internalize a lot of different mechanics. getting good at realizing where the balls will go and getting them to their intended location at the right speed and spin is so fucking fun even if im kinda bad at it. hes really unique theres truly nothing like running the ball gambit on someone in the corner . he has the really meaty complicated shit i look for in a character but his gameplan overall is pretty simple so its all about fun optimization and doing really impressive tricks. a fucking blast!!
+ dark angel is the best super in any video game getting 50 meter and just deciding someone is in the corner is so fucking funny every single time to the point i spam it even without like a hit to make sure itll actually hit the person.
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months ago
would you be okay pitching ghost trick to someone who doesn’t rly know anything about it? i’ve heard of it before and that it’s good but idk why, and i don’t really get a lot out of advertisements or game descriptions
you know the toby-typical campiness in how he writes his characters in UTDR? over the top, extremely iconic, clearly working from preestablished tropes but doing his own special spin on them? put toby fox on acid and you've got shu takumi's writing style.
ghost trick isn't "just" good. ghost trick is the type of good that invents a whole new categorization for itself. ghost trick invented a situation to put little fictional bitches in that is so good, the most popular works in the tag are people from other fandoms being like "oh shit, let me put MY fictional bitches through in this situation as well"
it is one of the most hooking, satisfyingly delivered mysteries I've ever seen in a videogame. there is not a single second of the game that feels unutilised, everything pushes you forward in the mystery, and still it never feels choking. the way it handles tension and delivers its information is phenomenal. if this were a normal recommendation i would start talking about the gameplay and how fun and good it feels to play and how genuinely clever it is but you're not here for that, are you, so let me tell you the real selling point: every single character in this game is fucking insane. not a single one of them is normal. it's a noir. it's a parody. it's an animator's wet dream. my friend is playing the game on stream and they said his fiancée can tell when we're streaming because she can hear him doing his pathetic man voice on call.
listen to me. you will fall in love with sissel. i played One Shot earlier this year. i thought i was never going to find a game with a protagonist that crawled into my heart as much as niko. i was wrong. jesus christ i was wrong. you need to understand, this is a puzzle game. once you know the answers that's it for the gameplay. the replay value is extremely low. I have replayed it 5 times in three weeks just to make the wrong choices and watch what sissel says and quips about it. he's my guy. i need to hold his face in my hands. you will see his fuckass red suit, you will see his fuckass banana hair, you willl see his goofy little smile and his dirk strider ass sunglasses and you will whimper like a DOG because you miss him so much. i am missing him right now as we speak. fuck.
play ghost trick.
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remthegremlin · 3 months ago
sorry im still insane about wlsmp but like so many of the life series “traditions” were broken this season and i think thats just so interesting.
the canary curse is officially broken, no more excuses no more “oh well its been passed on- oh its this doesnt actually count or” yeah no none of that- jimmy is a beast and he did so well he deserves credit for his skills 😤 he got 12th out of 18 so try and canary curse that my boy is a rockstar 😤
most of the fanon interpretation of watcher!grian is him hiding it which was kinda supported by the fact that grian being the admin of the past life series didnt really matter bc he kinda was on everyone’s level- but wild life? he was IN CONTROL. he activated the wild cards he called the end of the sessions he KNEW THINGS other people didnt and oh man thats fucking tasty its refreshing! grian was such a character this season- he fully leaned into the admin position (and for us we see it as him leaning in to the watcher aspect) and people were commenting on it? they knew he knew things when previously it just wasnt mentioned by anyone. im insane about this i love watcher!grian that fully accepts who he is and uses his powers for chaos and fun
the TEAMS- the teams this season were incredibly interesting. we had the bamboozlers who everyone assumed were gonna all go out first bc they were all bad at the game and accident prone and considering the fact that the very gameplay was all out of wack yeah it was kinda expected that the clumsy players would slip up first- but they didnt! they ALL made it to the finale. the four Gs- everyone was making jokes about how they were forcing themselves to stay together and how they were gonna fall apart and it was gonna be so toxic but they were one of the strongest alliances besides gem and joel- and even bigb who betrayed cleo still kinda stayed apart of the team- which speaking of bigb he was AMAZING this season with the creaking bit he had going but also he socialized more and instead of being a total loner he tried being part of the four Gs and yknow what i’ll take it. and the fanart of him skyrocketed this season so bonus points! but yeah the four Gs, destined to fall apart stayed together to the very end and im so happy they beat the divorce allegations. JOEL AND GEM. these two. these two were AMAZING. they truly played to the game- they didnt take things too seriously, they had fun- and most importantly they stayed together. i think what im trying to say here is that the teams this season were just so much fun to watch and it didnt feel like they were held together with tape and glue and i love that. the chemistry was top notch. i just started rambling here but i loved them!! the tuff guys, renwood, and the spanners (???) were phenomenal as well but we already knew those guys have great chemistry with each other. i definitely lost my point here oops.
last thing- wild life was so fun and it feels like the shift in the life series has settled and now everyone is just having fun and i think thats amazing for them. the shift definitely started with secret life- thats where the canary curse was broken, thats where scar won against all odds (the no regen? and scar winning? impossible- but it happened), where grian finally died an honorable death (i say this bc all of his deaths previously he’d been unhappy with- yknow the i dont feel good with scar, dying in a frenzy, dying to a warden, falling to his death- but secret life? he died trying to win a 3v1 and legitimately could have won. if gem hadnt been so high in hearts he definitely could have survived), and grian being the admin was actually relevant bc he knew things others didnt (and that scene where the end portal went off in the court house god that was good food for the watcher!grian fans) where the mechanism of the series was fun and chill and not just about killing, and of course- the tone of the series was fun and wholesome rather than completely hostile like the other 4. secret life was a nice transition to wild life and im so happy that the lifers seem to be having so much fun now.
IN SHORT. i loved wild life! i love how different it is from the other series. and im so glad that the lifers are having fun and leaning in to the insanity of it all. amazing. and this was just supposed to be a little paragraph about the broken traditions but i started rambling. my bad lol.
ALSO JOEL WON! the silliest, wildest man won! isnt that fitting?
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vividviolence · 3 months ago
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Alright after having played the entire campaign & indulged in a bit of the postgame, here's my current rankings for every stage & boss in antonblast! via this tierlist right here
My thoughts on each individual stage will be under the cut, ordered from favorites to least favorites :]
The Levels...
I feel like Pinball Mire and Mad Mall are overall fine levels dragged down by a single really annoying gimmick or two. This is to say that the pinball is the single worst transformation in the game and I found the time limits & trash goblins to be a fuckin' chore.
Bomb Candy Mines and Cinnamon Springs really only have the crime of not being as interesting as later stages. They're largely good & fun to go back to, but I'd easily pick something like Mysterious Glasshouse due to their environments not being as cool to me.
Devilled Gardens is a really fun stage thematically but having to sit through Moonits' dialouge every single time I replay the stage kinda kills a lot of its replay value, & while I think the timer mech is a really really fucking cool setpiece it's pretty boring mechanically.
Boiler City is a really solid introduction to the game! Not much more to say, outside of the bombastic chase sequence at the end it doesn't really seek to blow your balls off too hard- which is good imo. it makes a strong first impression & does what it seeks to do well.
Same can largely be said about Crimson Factory, but it gets to be slightly higher up because it has damn good music and my favorite paul location in the game.
Outside of the grindrail sections The Mysterious Glasshouse is an overall solid stage. It maybe goes on for a bit too long, but each mechanic it introduces is used well enough that I'll give it a pass :]
Slowroast Sewer has some of my favorite mechanics out of any stage. The water, the sewer shark, the rat enemy, all of these are fun to play around & master.
I dunno if I'm in the minority but I fuckin' love replaying Hell Manor. I LOVE when games bring back every previous mechanic and force you to use em in new ways, and Hell Manor exceeds at that with flying colors!
Big Bath. Probably the single most unique stage in the entire game, still insane to me that they had the balls to just actually send you to non-euclidean poolrooms hell. I also love that while it's clear the stage isn't trying too hard to take itself seriously, it also isn't too much of an explicit parody either. The weird fucked up geometry is played pretty straight, and really the only comedic elements are The Duck(s) and the fakeout at the end.
And finally, for my favorite Antonblast level, Concrete Jungle!!!! I love Concrete Jungle so fucking much. The music, the enemies, the gimmicks, the stage concept, all of these come together to make the most solid gameplay experience in the entire game for me. It's the absolute platonic ideal of what an Antonblast stage should be imo...
Shit I still have to talk about the bosses.
Okay fuck I spent so much time talking about each individual stage that I'm just gonna shoot each boss rq. h
Brawlbuster does a fine job as an introductory boss, but outside of that he really doesn't have much going for him. Hey, at least his animations & design are cool! I respect him but do not feel much for him.
Probably unpopular opinion but outside of the third phase I found Ring a Ding boring. Didn't really dig his first phase track & I think the fact that he's literally just a massive bell with eyes is kinda lame for what's meant to be the penultimate boss of the game. Third phase was sick as hell though I'll give him that!
I like maulbuster :] unfortunately the way her fight changes your ui was really really confusing and I had to spend several attempts just figuring out how I was supposed to damage her. there was a short period where I legitimately thought I had to attack the bullets instead of dodge them! It was confusing! Once you get a handle on things the fight's fun & pretty easy though
I don't have much to say about smallbuster other then she's cute & her fight is fun :]
I love Freako Dragon. Big pachinko ball dragon... honestly high contendor for my favorite design in the whole game. Really his fight would be higher if it was just easier to control anton during the second phase, that's like the one thing I don't like about it.
Tallbuster is my favorite of the bossbusters. I should probably swap him and freako but I think he deserves to be in the top 3 :] anyways his weakness is very clearly conveyed, his attacks aren't too too hard to dodge, and really he just lacks any glaring flaws imo. He's like THE antonblast boss to me.
I'm not fucking talking about every phase of satan but it's a really damn good ending to the game. first phase busts your balls appropriately well & the following phases are all compoundingly intense, but not really in an overbearing way. it's good boss yes yes
Jewel Ghoul fucking rules. 10/10 design, 10/10 theme, 10/10 attack patterns, he's very deserving of the placement of best antonblast boss to me.
Anyways wow that's all. I don't have a way to end this. I'm tired. lol
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junetoosoon · 10 months ago
It's 3am and I can't escape the thoughts about Stirling so let's do this (SPOILERS FOR PORTAL: REVOLUTION):
(My sleepy ass can't figure out how to make the "read more," thing appear here so apologies for the potentially unavoidable block of text for anyone not reading)
First and foremost, I adore Stirling so much. He's so fun and silly, the writing for all of his dialogue is so good and William Neal delivers them perfectly. Especially when Stirling stops pretending to be an announcer and speaks more naturally.
I think partly because of how much I loved him I feel mixed on where his character goes towards the end. I think his betrayal happened way too fast to feel right. It's barely a few chambers before that he's genuinely thanking us for the help we've given him, yet the next time we meet him he's decided we're going to betray him?
Using Portal 2 as a comparison point, Wheatley's betrayal also happened quite suddenly, but there was at least reason for that. He got put into GLaDOS' body which fucked up his mental state and made him insanely powerful, the perfect combo for a power trip. Plus Wheatley as a character is clearly insecure. He constantly tries to look smarter than he is, so it makes sense that when he trips on power, he lashes out due to those feelings.
All of those things make it work. Yet with Stirling there's nothing like that. The impression I get of Stirling is just a guy who wants to do his job and clean the facility, and he needs your help to do that. He's dedicated to that job and Aperture over everything else, but he does still come to bond with you over the course of the game. I could see his dedication being a really good way to write in his betrayal, but it isn't, at least not well. He just seemingly decides we're working against him and that's that.
In spite of this though I did love the ending. The dialogue between him and Emilia was so funny, I could've listened to so much more of them. Hell, more of them talking could've helped build up to the betrayal before it happened. I definitely didn't grow as attached to Emilia as I did Stirling, I think partly again because the ending felt quite fast. We don't get much time with her before we're picking her over Stirling and he's evil.
I saw a comment somewhere of someone suggesting we pick between Stirling or Emilia towards the end and I would've loved that. During the game itself I was wishing for that sort of option. I was fully down to help Stirling restore GLaDOS and then be escorted out the facility. Obviously lore wise GLaDOS wouldn't actually be woken up, but I would've picked at least trying to help him any day of the week.
In conclusion: Portal Revolution is an amazing mod, the visuals are great, the gameplay is great, the puzzles are amazing, the voice acting is really good, the dialogue is super funny, and most of the writing in general is really good. It's unfortunately just the ending that feels rushed, which is a shame considering how good it is before that.
Anyway if anyone actually read that mini essay, thank you!! I'd love to hear your thoughts on the game and its characters.
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hexaliamapreviews · 3 months ago
Celeste Map Reviews #10
SPECIAL REVIEW: BEYOND SPECIAL! JOURNEYS OF A BYGONE WANDERER FROM SSC3!!!! ||THIS MAP IS PEAK FICTION, THE BEST THING I'VE EVER PLAYED IN THIS GAME, NO DOUBT! …ok, deep breaths, let's start from the top. The presentation in this map is immaculate. The cutscenes are perfectly paced, the locations and setpieces all do their part and everything enhances the experience. The concept of actually flying the rocket to the different planets is already a banger, and its executed really well too, with the actual rocket scenes and the rocket minigames. Each custscene uses music and camera controls to maximise impact, I was fucking hooked in and I never let go. Anyways, let's look at things from the start. The first cutscene lays out the start of the amazing story, with Maddy and Theo about to go on an epic space mission. I'll get more into how insanely peak cinema this story is, but for now we board the rocket and get to play the first minigame, it's not too hard since its the first but I love how fluid the controls are, I wouldn't mind an avoidance map using controls like that in the future…. SO we land on Halcyon and oh man this deco is already this fire? Spooooky did such an amazing job on the deco here it all looks so awesome. After splitting ways with Theo we get to jump into the first proper gameplay of this map and AUGH, WOW. FONDA COOKED TO THE MAX WITH THIS HOLY SHIT. The gameplay is dream block focused, with a good chunk being dream swap blocks. Madeline is loosting and going up all over the place in that kind of extremely flowy smooth satisfying gameplay that fonda just does so well. It's like clockwork on omega-impact supersteroids. Each room is just so flowy and so fun it's an absolute treat. Part way through Maddy calls Theo and for some reason this planet is like completely deserted. Theo found some junkass rocket parts which may be from the failed mission of 50 years ago. Well anyway we have to move on and after more banger gameplay, Maddy finds a note that is quite intriguing but she can't make full understanding of it yet. There's a cool berry room and then it's time to catch up with theo and leave for the next planet. Another rocket minigame follows where the second (and final :weheline~1: ) berry of the map is found, where we have to take some riskier paths to nab all the seeds, This is a great idea for a berry in the rocket-game and my only real "criticism" of this map is that there could've been more berries dotted throughout that took the map's wacky gimmicks to the max. But making maps this good takes a boatload of effort so its understandable that there weren't more. Anyway we land in Valhalla ( :pausefrogelineatthephone: ) to continue our mission. This planet is sooooo good-looking, love the blues and the pinks, very vibrant compared to the gloomier Halcyon. The gameplay here has also somehow gotten even better?? The button activated block-thingies are introduced, and there's a chain of short and sweet rooms that each do unique things. I LOVE just running through sections like these, it just feels great and helps keep the map moving and enjoyable, Ultras are starting to be used here too, and there are even setup casoosts in here as well? It's just SO FUCKING GOOD! Before long we actually find someone! Salem…. I've got a few words about him to give later… For now he's a bit suspicious knowing we're from Earth somehow, but he invites us to get drinks and…. || (1/3)
||Once we get to the Lavender Bar, we meet Victor as well who seems cool though Salem keeps cutting him off… He wants us to help him by bringing him and Victor to a new planet via our rocket. This seems all sorts of sketchy but we follow them anyway. This brings us to one of the best parts of the map, the cosmic highway! This section has some of the best flow gameplay yet, I cannot get over how fun this map is to play, it's just so PERFECTLY FUCKING PEAK!!! Partway through, we get to chat with Victor on his own and yeah, he is pretty cool! It does seem like Salem is a bit on the pretentious side and Victor doesn't really get to do much on his own, but we reassure him that we've got his back. Once Maddy catches up with Salem and Victor (and Theo is just behind), Salem seems a lot less friendly and really puts on the pressure to make Maddy go along with his plan. Madeline does eventually give in, against Theo's wishes but they continue on and do in-fact let Salem and Victor join them for the trip to the new planet. It's here that we get to see a bit of a backstory for Salem, yet again visiting the grave of Asher, someone he must've been really close too. The story of this map really is immaculate; the foreshadowing and the communication of information to the player is done really well that keeps the mystery soooo engaging. After another rocketship minigame (which is funny cuz the characters' dialogue clutters the screen and makes it harder), we land on the final planet! ACHERO- whuh??? oh come on! ok sure let's forget about that game for now and talk about ACHERON!!! Here we are, where Salem wants to take revenge against the people who stole his rocket, and Madeline seemingly keeps giving in to his demands (like to get the key). The gameplay here has new additions: dream hypers! and feathers! and dissapearing dream blocks too! Of course fonda the master chef cooked up more peak fiction gameplay so no surprise there at this point. Once we open the way, Madeline and Theo reconcile and decide to try and finish their mission without running into Salem. This plan kinda falls apart tho after someone called Vander gets shot. We try to continue but do eventually run into Salem who has now gone completely antagonsitic and his hate of humans becomes very clear to see. There's still a bit of a mystery but before we know more he pulls a laser gun on Madeline and she almost gets killed, escaping due to blockfall separating. What a tense set of cutscenes those were, I have barely ever been engaged with a map's story like this one. It's so, so, so, so well written (we're not even at the best part yet lmao). Things get crazy from here with laser shooters going at Maddy as she tries to escape. Even more creative gameplay follows and then the final room… It's quite long but it's so damn satisfying to beat as well, and the visual of flying into the rocket heading into the final rocket minigame which is super tense as many lasers shoot at us. But after dodging everything it's finally all over…BUT NOT FOR LONG as Salem shoots us out of the sky and we crash land! Thankfully Maddy and Theo aren't hurt, but Salem is almost completely insane now, very much wanting us dead, and finally filling the rest of the mystery. The rocket of 50 years ago crashed into Halcyon, not before hitting an asteroid and sending it on path to hit the planet. Not everyone could escape in time, and Asher and seemingly a good few others had to be left behind eventually die… And Salem has had it out for humans since then. The emotional side of this story is beautifully presented and as if I wasn't hooked enough before this point, this cutscene is even better! I'll also mention how GREAT the character designs are! Salem's facial expressions are PERFECT! THEY'RE SO EXPRESSIVELY GOOD!! GRAAAAH I can't get over how polished this map is for fuck's sake! Anyway, Victor steps in before Salem can kill us and tries to convince Salem to step down and… ||(2/3)
tries to convince him that it's about time to move on from this tragedy, about how it's what Asher would have wanted. But it doesn't work, and Salem...shoots Victor, killing him. That...was unexpected. The tension of the scene is beautifully portrayed through the music and the slow zoom in, and of course that moment was well built up because we got to get a feel for Victor's character beforehand, his death saddens me. Thankfully before we're next, Maddy manages to give Salem the note from Halcyon - probably wirtten by Asher based on what we now know - and he realises the gravity of everything he's done. Realising that Asher had never given up on his wish - to be friends with humans - Salem finally lets up and points us to Vander's rocket which we can use to return home, with his fate being up in the air. We take the rocket and finally fly home. WHAT. A STORY. I haven't really done the best recap here, but judging by how much there was, there is so much damn depth and cool moments throughout this whole thing, and it meshes with the gameplay loop so perfectly. This map is just as much its story as it is its gameplay. A map with an amazing story would be great, a map with excellent gameplay would be great, but this map goes and has both! This story is the best I've experienced in any celeste map, I was invested. There's also a post-credits type scene where Salem visits the graves of Asher (a new one) and Victor, which leaves a good conclusion for his character. So yeah, that's the end of the map. PEAK Gameplay, PEAK Deco, PEAK PEAK PEAK PEAK PEAK Story and I haven't said much of the music yet...it's all PEAK. Very fitting from start to end. Surely I've gone through everything now. This is the best celeste map ever made, yes it might even be better than Thunder Temple from sc2020. Play it. Even if you only download ssc3 for this one map, it will be worth it. Play it. Just fucking play it. It. is. Peak. PEAK. CINEMA. PEAK CINEMA!!!!! Overall, ACHERON LIKE FROM GEOMETRY DASH???!?!?!??!?!?!!!?!??!?!?!?! 15/10 (3/3)
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lafortis · 6 months ago
what were the most memorable elden ring moments for you?
tough call but obviously malenia resting her nuts on my chin for international womens day (and intl womens day pt 2, and pt 3, and etc. ...) was up there, as was spending 6 on stream hours killing the fuckign horse. astel starborn ranks up there as just an insanely unique boss design, it visually really stuck with me. original radahn boss fight was sick design, that was really enjoyable and stuck for sure. the sense of discovery regarding nokron was goated in general, first going down the well and realizing how much farther down it goes than you expected, then second when the meteor opens up a fuckin hole in liurnia and you just keep going down it, both absolutely stuck.
lemme think. patches finally just giving up the game and sending me straight to fucking hell (i.e. telling you to go to the iron virgin in raya lucaria and then it sends you to the pits of volcano manor, which like, might as well be actual biblical hell) made me laugh uncontrollably iirc. like that's always been the vibe but this time he just up and does it. just tricks you into going straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. just boom, seventh circle. see ya nerd. fucking hilarious.
honestly i mean it's a really fuckin memorable game imo. pretty much every demigod i can vividly remember, except maybe morgott, he's got a sick visual design for his real fight but he's a little undercut by having already fought him kind of, but everyone else i can call moments from to mind. maybe rennala gets second bottom slot on memorability, she was relatively standard fair, but visually the second half goes hard as fuck so that's fair game. fire giant goes crazy, maliketh goes crazy, mohg is maybe after rennala in terms of memorability but honestly NIHIL NIHIL NIHIL still sticks. then maybe godrick, who gets a bonus for being your first, then the ones i've mentioned, with marigon/radika being somewhere in between because you don't get any character but FUCK does the visual design go soooo hard.
there's probably more that i'm forgetting, it can't be understated how much i love elden ring. i'd struggle to argue that any game ever made is consummately better, more engaging, more lush and rich, or just more fucking fun than elden ring. like no glazing it might be the Best Game Ever.
oh also i didn't mention anything from the DLC because a. it hasn't been out for 2 years so i haven't measured its memorability as thoroughly b. it hasn't been out for 2 years yet so spoilers, but rest assured there's plenty in there. rellana is maybe my favourite non-demigod boss they've ever done, st trina and her whole thing is just so deeply fromsoft i love it so much, messmer fucks heavy and the phase change cutscene will stick with me for a long logn time, midra's shtick and cutscene and shit fuck so so so heavy, exploring the new areas was exactly what i needed out of an elden ring dlc it's so fucking DENSE, and then finally, of course, [REDACTED], Consort of [REDACTED] is stupid and can go fuck himself and is also so fucking cool it's unreal. the unique death status from the hug? absolutely incredible lore wise and gameplay wise. made me giggle fr. there's some overtuning in there tho, but tbf all it did was make me actually use all the tools at my disposal (which is completely fair enough, i can't just keep dodgeroll charged R2ing forever, sometimes there's gotta be some other other bullshit in there lol).
anyway thank you for letting me relive the greatest game on earth in my head real quick before work <3
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rhythmmortis · 1 year ago
imstill thinking. i want to know so much. Which is ur favorite trio. Ur favorite kh game. Favorite kh world. Whats ur favorite kh headcanon. Thoughts on axel
fave trio: this one is hard but im gonna have to go with wayfinder trio because aqua and terra my beloveds....... the autism duo........ (and also ventus is there and he's cool but i am more focused on aqua and terra because i have so many fucking thoughts about them. where did they come from. how long have they been training and how much do they know about keyblades and history since they were presumably studying. what specifically made them be chosen. i am so excited for their future in the series because AOUGHHH). since i think the series might be headed towards a shift in the 'light good darkness bad' mindset where light might serve as a slightly antagonistic role (what with the whole keykids fighting over light and whatever the fuck is up with MoM, also i think it would just be cool), i think aqua and terra and ven are kinda the perfect trio to explore that with. there's also them ACTUALLY dealing with the aftermath of bbs (since we never really got that!! and i wanna see how their dynamic actually is, how do they deal with the fallout of those events like terra killing eraqus, aqua not trusting ven, ven still technically being pure of heart?) and how aqua is gonna handle basically being the successor the eraqus (especially since aqua BECOMING a master and not terra was part of why shit fell apart. theres drama to be had (even though in bbs xehanort does call terra 'master terra', its just to trick him into trusting him more yes BUT xehanort is still a master. to our knowledge all it takes to name a master is another master seeing them pass some sort of arbitrary test and saying they are. yes xehanort is evil but he is still a master. making terra technically one too. and i wonder how he would feel about that title still, as its everything he wanted but thats how he got it)). i have so many thoughts on them all but it's very chaotic and disorganised so i will move on fkhfdkjh
fave kh game: bbs i love you so so so so much my beloved wonderful game!!! ive talked about this a bit before but bbs is very accessible for me to play since you can choose your own moves and commands so you have a good degree of customisation with how you play, you can choose if your finishers have QTEs (since my hands are kinda shit, i cant really do QTEs or input heavy things, so being able to choose if i want to or not is amazing), command board is actually quite fun and a fun way to level up commands without having to go into combat so you can take a break but still enjoy it, i enjoy the movement options and how varied they are between characters, and its easy to move between commands on the command deck (im looking at you ddd. why do i have to use the goddamn D-PAD). aside from actual gameplay, while the story is a bit clunky at times and theres DEFINITELY room for improvement, i still find it quite endearing and theres some REALLY fucking good moments in there i still think about so often. the fact that terra's final fight is a fight we as the player know he cant win but he fights regardless. and then sprouts a stupid little cape like its from a tissue dispenser for the sake of continuity. terra's voice genuinely cracking slightly when he's crying after he kills eraqus. aqua calling vanitas a freak. the extra chapters in the bbs novel that add so much depth to vanitas and ventus (which isnt in the game but its still so good regardless). the entirety of the secret chapter in aquas route. the vanitas remnant fight (you find what's left of this sad kid, beat him up, and steal his keyblade). good fucking game
fave kh world: for some goddamn reason this is also bbs worlds. what the fuck is wrong with me. it's either land of departure (which we literally know basically NOTHING about and i am so curious about it) or the realm of darkness SPECIFICALLY in the secret chapter.
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(^one of many insane ramblings i sent to my friend after playing bbs again and again) when you first start the secret chapter, you're put in a place right after that scene on the bridge thing in the realm of darkness where aqua gets surrounded by the darksides. if you turn around, you can still see it slightly but you physically cannot go back. you can never go back. and being able to see it gives me this really weird feeling like im being watched or followed, and who's to say that she isn't!! the darkness is always lurking!! after that message i also mentioned that while enemies can drop potions and stuff, its never a guarantee and you are constantly fighting for even the smallest chance of surviving, if that can even be called surviving. your most valuable item that you have (if you have any left) are the ice creams that can trigger command style changes. disney world, the place you get them, is one of the brightest, happiest worlds, and once youre in the realm of darkness, you cannot get any more. you're essentially trading fleeting memories of a happier time as a desperate attempt to stay afloat (you can tell im a kh fan because im essentially thinking about A SECOND TRAGIC ICE CREAM). its a futile and tragic experience which, while 0.2 also has the realm of darkness, the secret episode has such a specific feeling to it i cannot stop thinking about
fave kh headcanon: this one is actually pretty hard because there's so many and i have been losing my mind over other things recently BUT. theres so many headcanons about physical appearance that i love (brown eyes for ALL please put those blue things away, freckles for sora, namine, terra, and a few others, XEMNAS WITH CURLY/WAVY HAIR which is from one panel in the days manga where he's just slightly distorted by water but like. its a good fucking idea, giving characters their normal skin tone back. im looking at you ssbu sora v kh1 sora. they took my boy's melanin (which isnt really a headcanon and more of a genuine anger at the whitewashing), scar headcanons for kairi and sora from where they died, etc). current favourite headcanon is either: aqua using more strategic fighting styles (with teleporation being a BIG part of her bbs moveset, like her unique teleport dodge, her ultimate finisher being teleport spike, and a unique command style being ghost drive) and that either playing into either her feeling detached from everything like a ghost (ghost drive) after being stuck in the realm of darkness for a decade or since these moves leave after images, maybe her developing a fear of isolation (or HERSELF especially given mirror aqua in 0.2), kairi also training with terra because i want her to fight like a fucking TANK instead of being more magic focused. i want her to kill (and if we get a rikai teamup, i think mage riku and tank kairi is such a fun idea), OR the current headcanon/connection of xion to the cavern of rememberance (i talked about it in the tags in this post), but i know theres so many ive had over the years that i genuinely cannot think of right now fkhfdkjh
thoughts on axel: the organisation's assassain. they chose HIM to be the babysitter. and then those kids said 'i could make him feel emotions after a decade of feeling detached from everything' and they did!! they gave him a heart!! but i LOVE thinking about axel during com and i think its the closest we'll probably see of his actual job as an assassain. he AIR FRIED A MAN (and i think in the manga he used his chakrams to physically attack instead). he 'betrayed' larxene and marluxia so easily. he wasn't afraid to go through namine to fight marluxia (that scene where marluxia uses her as a human shield, you can actually visibly see namine shaking in fear and rewatching some com scenes to get gif footage REALLY made me remember that its literally just Kingdom Hearts: Namine's No Good Very Bad Day) but he had NO hesitation. he ordered repliku to STRANGLE zexion. needless to say, this is all treated very casually for him that it makes me think what he mustve done during his time in the organisation to get the status as an assassain. he treats murder as an 'icky job', but on the flipside, when we see him actually care about something, it's just that same drive and motivation but used for his own personal goals (tracking down xion, following roxas in the kh2 prologue which is terrifying without context), but MAN. seeing him from a detached perspective without context is like 'holy shit this guy is scary' and then you play days or read the manga and anything else with him and you realise he's so sillies. wonderful guy 10/10
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chibigaia-art · 2 years ago
ough (day 2 - 4, tho I haven’t finished the fourth day yet)
-get this guy out of my front yard rn
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- I love that there is no further elaboration, he’s just an idiot. that’s it. artemy is fucking fuming and rubin is an idiot
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- top 10 lines that made me turn on the lights in the room
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- I was dying of hunger when I said this
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-wonder bull :]
- I clap my hands and go ‘woohoo’ whenever they mention the ‘eart good, sky evil’ thing and also whenever they talk about the town as if its alive
- the dialogue options in this game make me positively insane because they all really feel like something artemy could say to ppl, but in a way that sometimes just shows further how conflicted he is on certain topics, ESPECIALLY when it’s about his place in the town and how he sees the Kin’s methods of healing, so I was positively delighted when I saw this line during the theatre play
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because yeah!!! I can keep picking the options to tell everyone that I’m part of the Kin and I trust the traditions, but I will always know what Artemy thinks and how leaving the town made him doubt all that stuff. Dialogue in this game is my reward for the pain I’m suffering
- lines from videogames that make you project on fictional characters
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- day 3 was extreme torment for me, my previous mistakes are biting me in the ass AND now that the sand pest hit I am in a panic and keep thinking I should’ve used my time better. I could’ve probably done better!!! But I have to keep going
- house of the dead killed me on the spot, my anxiety didnt mix well with it. 10/10 with what they were going for!
-found her sitting with the kids, that was cute
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- I hope he’s calling him a little bitch
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- this exchange
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- big bird :)
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- fucking destroyed me when I walked back in the house and saw the vision death puts there to taunt you. had to put the game on pause
- then I had to reload a save because I realized I was abt to die of hunger, and since I was infected & I could’ve probably avoided some mistakes,,, I’m just gonna try it again tmrw
I am NOT having fun but also. I am constantly thinking about this game. BUT ALSO I actively choose to stop playing it, I don’t try to stretch my gameplay for more than a couple hours (or even less) because I always reach a point where I get overwhelmed and need to pull back and think. definitely not having fun but also too engaged to stop
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the-queenoftrash · 2 years ago
Alright I’m gonna try something
Milly’s Raincode Playthrough Post
New to Tumblr so idk this will work but I’m gonna try to keep editing/updating this post as I play through Raincode with my thoughts and stuff. Full spoilers for the game but I’ll mark stuff as I go along. If this works out I’ll do it for other media i experience too! Feel free to check back occasionally as I update this post.
So I think that barrier means now you have to actively click through to read so I should be able to start typing spoils now.
Chapter 0 -
This one’ll be a bit different since I already completed it by the time of typing this but I enjoyed this chapter! It’s been a while since I’ve played danganronpa or watched akudama drive so I forgot how,, unhinged Kodaka was. I also didn’t really follow the marketing material so I thought we were legitimately being introduced to the main cast LOL. Melami’s design was really cute… Yuma and Shinigami’s relationship reminds me of Ryuki and Tama’s from AINI, so that’s to say I enjoyed them.
When first broke into the infirmary I felt like there was some fuckery going on cause the body burned too quickly but I thought that was just a suspense of disbelief moment… I was expecting a simple first case so I was actually tricked. The cart switch was kinda a weird plot point but I didn’t feel cheated tbh.
I enjoyed the gameplay of the labyrinth but it felt a little lonely compared to the class trials. Not gonna hold this against the game yet though cause I know later on other character’s will join you.
Game’ll be fun if it keeps this up!
Prologue -
Now I’m gonna be kinda writing down my thoughts as I go along.
Escaping Kaiji Tang is impossible holy shit
Why do they make him play all the hot characters
I remember Kodaka saying somewhere once he liked writing delinquents/outcasts because they were more interesting, so it’s interesting to see even in a detective game he tried to make that the case
Hm, so there’s gotta be something about the rain. They’re bringing it up so it’s not just an aesthetic thing. Probably some mind control virus or some shit..
Love the city’s aesthetic
Non-binary,,,,, so real
I recognize this girls VA… I know what you are���…. But who… OH ITS HARU THATS WHY
Luke from Streets??? Damn how did the dub department have this much budget LOL
Yakou,, babygirl,, don’t give up all hope, I am here…
Fubuki is so real tbh I don’t remember anything
Yuma’s gonna unlock an insane forte in the final act isn’t he
Also this music is going crazy btw super chill
The ultimate secret… the 16th detective… lying hidden somewhere in this rain..
Interesting that this game seems to directly follow up Damganronpa V3’s themes of truth vs lies
The end of this game is gonna dumb as hell I can’t wait. Great global mystery? Fuck that’s gonna be so stupid I can’t wait.
Alright that’s the prologue done. Like the characters so far but I’m interested in how the chapters are gonna be set up since this set up doesn’t feel like it fits a ton of individual murders? Idk. We’ll see I guess.
Chapter 1 -
Hm so something to do with voodoo dolls… off the bat I’m guessing whoever the killer is, is associated with Amaterasu and will try to pin the killings on some religious fate or something
Weird that they’re just staying in a hotel when what is basically the government obviously wants them dead LOL
Yakou just let him cook you don’t see the vision of his dish
What if number one is dead and that’s what shinigami knows about him!!!
Cloaked figure that’s the same height as Yuma (short baby man) hm not suspicious at all definitely no time travel twin weirdness happening
Vivia is such an odd little man I like him
Hm the book he’s reading feels like it’s gonna parallel either one of the chapters or the whole game hm… someone who was already dead, making someone come back day by day to do the same thing… number one is dead theory is going WILD
Nail man sounds like a really stupid super hero/villain that flopped after a single issue. Couldn’t stack up to Big Wheel from spider man
These load times are ROUGH man
I love that they made the gremlin mascot character that Monokuma was into our ally this time
The peace keepers definitely planted the hammer on the guy they arrested or something
Oh the save icon is halara I wonder who our partner is gonna be
Damn Halara you can’t just extort a kid like that
Shinigami even if you can’t create money just go like!! Steal it idk girl!!
Surprised the peacekeepers even keep track of the cases
Only the info in the report can be sent to the media so they aren’t just playing dumb, they do know more. Does the nail man work for them?
Danganronpa ⁉️
This killer is extra. You strangle them and then do a big mystery box with nails? Ok bro.
Yuma the culprit literally had a rope how do you think he got down
Alright that’s the first investigation I guess. Is there gonna be more victims or something or is this all we have to work with?
They weren’t walking through the wall they had a fucking rope!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was !! A fucking rope!!!
Seth bring do quiet he needs a megaphone is just like me fr
We’re gonna enter the mystery labyrinth right as the execution starts aren’t we? Is that gonna be a running theme of only using it at the last minute?
Kodaka please make Halara an enby like I heard pre launch instead of a gender reveal plot twist please I wanna like this game I’m begging you kodaka please please I do not trust you
Ah so are these priests our culprit list? Well before taking to them I’m gonna call out the big one.
The nun is way too sus to be the culprit. Saying you’re with the peace keepers? Nuh uh.
Alright so it’s definitely the Servernt or Worshipper I think. I’m leaning towards Servant.
Does Halara’s forte have to do with the intel they gathered and hope they were waiting?
Oh nvm they just told us LOL
That’s a convenient forte lmao
Hm specifying that only a thin person could get through the vent ok so that leaves out the servant since the game was literally making jokes about him being fat
Yknow, respect to the killer for valuing aesthetics lol
Glad they kept the pink blood
Hm so our partner just forgets about the case when they come into the labyrinth? I guess that makes sense since the others are more skilled than us
Halara is so nonchalant lmao
BUSH SETH!!! No wonder he shows up at a tower
Yuma not understanding the concept of ropes is stupid bro!!! I get it but!!!
That nun looking super sussy idk they wouldn’t make it that obvious but
This mansion got me stumped
Nah that throw definitely took the killer a few times 💀💀💀
Hm maybe the third locked room was a copycat cause Halara calls it amateurish and it doesn’t bring us any closers…
Bluffing? That’s how you get false confessions too Halara
Hm phantom Seth is still alive though, there’s more here
It’s obviously not the kid but I’m trying anyway
Hm maybe it was the servant since we were most clearly thrown off his trail before. If that doesn’t work than I guess the nun.
Oh by having info it meant the worshipper oopsie
Shinigami you can just possess bodies LOL at least make the confession convincing
Hellsmile is a hell of a last name. Heh. Hell.
I wonder what the point of saving us from Seth is, not like that helps them in any way
Awwwww that’s so cute
Well I guess that’s Chapter 1! I’m liking the game so far but I hope cases get a bit more personal. Danganronpa made things super personal by making the cases about characters you’ve spent hours learning about and ace attorney lets you meet the chapters cast for a while before any dramatics. Raincode hasn’t really offered that in this chapter (it kinda did in ch0 by introducing a fake cast).
Anyway onto ch2!
Chapter 2 -
This Desuhiko dude is kinda annoying ngl
Oh he’s gonna be a murderer in a future chapter isnt he? There’s no way they don’t use his power for the mystery and just have it during investigation
Yakou you are never getting that food
Secret research? Oh god this is gonna get wacky at the end
Shinigami when she sees a teen who doesn’t have boobs touching the floor (ugly)
“The peacekeepers were eager to take the body” and “secret research” oh fuck no Nuh uh no way
I am going to kill desuhiko i think
Stab burn murder kill stabby stab explode rip tear
I’m not prepared to have 50% of this chapter’s cast be completely annoying
Yuma just like me no way
First impressions is the honor student is the killer
Oh I just realized we’re gonna have to kill a high schooler oh
Yuma so skilled his fem voice doesn’t even have to exist‼️
I’m gonna be real I’m not absorbing any of this play
Oh girl’s fucking dead ok
Could Kurumi be the killer somehow????
Well I was excited to have a connection to the chapter’s mystery as a partner but if she’s being arrested there goes that idea
Everyone thinks Yoshiko did it so it can’t be her
Martina?? Imposter????? Like??? Among!??? Us???
That’s a lot of mystery phantoms goddamn
I have genuinely no clue who the culprit may be
atp I think all these girls are just haters and did it together
Ok yeah
Oh so they did it as revenge…
Shinigami you don’t *have* to do them like that yknow
The homunculus is gonna be made of the corpses isn’t it fuck off Nuh uh no way girl I am not sleeping if I see that thing
Oh is Kurumi gonna be a reoccurring character now?
Vivia sus as hell he’s definitely got his own death god or something
So Yomi believes in his justice it’s just his justice is fucked up that makes more sense
Martina get the FUCK out of there
And that’s chapter 2! The game is just getting better and better so far, really enjoying it.
Chapter 3 -
Masked man?? Mother 3?? Real?.
So, Makoto is definitely clone Yuma or something crazy like that
I hope he’s not evil I like this fucked up little rat
Yeahhhhh Yuma and Makoto are related I’m just that good a detective
Local kid(?) gets kidnapped twice in a row, wins record
Given the posters I’m assuming these are some sort of rebels
Oh please tell me they didn’t actually kill the agency before a Fubuki chapter……
Whatever this chapter’s case is, one of these people is the killer. I’m saying the old man.
Idk why we have to run this guy seems fine even if his comrades are way too trigger happy
Making the enemies of a game about murders and a death god supposedly “immortal” is interesting
Ohh what if a culprit is immortal and we can’t destroy their labyrinth because of it
FUBUKI!!!!!!!!!! <3 she’s,,,, just like me,,, fr,,
I love kindhearted dummys. Galo, Milly, Fubuki, Kronk. My beloveds.
blow up ameterasu buildings not schools!!! Or make sure no civilians are around!!!!
What is the point of this being a game this serves no one
Girl can TIME TRAVEL???? Huhhhh????
Shachi’s gonna be dead when we get to roof won’t he
My guess is this was a coordinated effort by everyone else since they thought he was holding them back
I did not understand that 2nd bomb puzzle but I got it so ok
The resistance wasn’t blowing up random civilians instead of peacekeepers we won (unless this old guy’s completely bullshitting)
I wish you could use forte’s in the labyrinth I feel like it’d make for a lot of unique scenarios
Girl who jumped on a moving vehicle earlier: “I’m bad at jumping”
If this was a suicide who would die at the end of the dungeon? Would he come back to life?
I’m not even gonna lie all of this for a bank robbery is kinda fucking stupid very solid case of chapter 3 syndrome let’s fucking goo
At least Fubuki carried
Sooooo we did all of that for nothing this truly is a case 3 syndrome moment
Shinigami recognizes Vivia he definitely used to be her master…. But isn’t she with us until death…. Wait is he a homunculus?
What was he cooking
Nah I do NOT trust this submarine
I’m gonna let Vivia cook here
Alright that’s chapter 3. I was so with this chapter right up until the end where it kinda fell apart. Oh well. Gotta have case 3 syndrome or it wouldn’t be a true danganronpa successor. Anyway, I’m assuming we learn about Vivia next… hope I’m right about him being a homunculus
Chapter 4-
Kurumi wouldn’t an area Amaterasu not want you to go to be an opportune place for secrets
Corpse disposal… to be made into experiments…
Makoto is so funny he’s just here he’s just a smelly little rat man
I feel like Makoto is gonna be the murder victim here with him hyping up how Yuma is gonna die in the lab but obviously that won’t happen
The intruder is probably Vivia isn’t it
Is Vivia one of the hitmen hired to stop the WDO?
That short peacekeeper is desuhiko isn’t it
I’m about to hire a hitman for the hitman fuck you Fink
Shinigami is having us remember all these forte’s and the chapter is about an “insider” god it’s one of the detectives isn’t it
Rip vivia is a homunculus theory
This mystery labyrinth is fucking with my head I got no idea what’s going on
Oh wait if the doctor was escaping then he just faked his death, got caught by Yakou, killed him, and then fucked off. That’s why the hooded man had a lab coat. I think I solved it on the “motive” side route I’m just that good.
He would need a body double though I guess….
I like how twisty this mystery labyrinth is getting
So if the culprit is dead.. then yakou…
Hey why is the blood on Yakou’s design red when it’s supposed to be pink? At least I think? That’s supposed to be blood??
Oh shit there’s more?
I hate how solving the mystery labyrinth basically does nothing for us and we’re always just bailed out anyway. I guess that’s the point? Knowing the truth is enough? But in the past we’ve lied about why they died.
Is my memory failing or Martina more pale…. Homunculus……….
Why would they hide a man that important in an HQ
Well that’s chapter 4! Really really good chapter. Kept me wondering and I was kinda thrown off by Fink looking like the Dr lol. This was for sure the best mystery labyrinth as well, super twisty and confusing and the death matches were way more intense. Cant wait to solve this mystery in…
Chapter 5 -
Alright now we get into the monster corpse homunculus stuff
I knew we’d probably get a homunculus of dead characters but I didn’t expect straight up zombies of them
What the FUCK
I’m trying to figure out who this announcer is. It doesn’t sound like number one but…
Man this is fucked up
The void century? Nah the blank century mystery.
What is the “Unified Government” needing military force for, they’re unified 💀
Oh it’s makoto… maybe he can see shinigami cause hes us
Is the escaped homunculus Makoto/us
Yup the meatbuns are…
Wow it’s weird seeing the city in full sunlight lol
I fully expect makoto to fake being frozen in time
Damn this is a pretty labyrinth
Oh my fucking god
So was the old number one just a figurehead?
This ending is kinda peak
Gonna keep going through the epilogue like this
I like seeing the kanai culture after this
What how are they alive??? Are they homunculus?
Makoto what the fuck what was the point of that
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gaypleasantview · 2 years ago
A, F, I, L , P, V and Y (lmao so many but i'm curious)
A: Favorite CC creator
Honestly its so hard to say bc i love so many 😭 naturally im a fan of creators that create or used to create something essential and super cool like platasp, jacky93sims, moni lisa sims, skittlessims, leto mills, linacheries, pooklet and azaya, mrs mquve, riekus13, rockethorse, applewatersugar, pforest, kestrelteens, vidcunds, sammy sundog, and probably a whole bunch of other creators that i forgot... if i had to pick someone i have a special love for it would be leaf-storm because im such a huge fan of their cc 😭 and naturally i got to mention you and dirk as my beloveds that im always so excited to see new stuff from 🙏🙏
F: Gameplay with or without cheats
Well im a legacy challenge kid, thats where i came from and thats i will forever be, and those require you to abstain from cheats so i got used to making money myself and its super fun, as a kid i would always abuse rosebud and motherlode and honestly when it comes to the first one its probably justified bc playing ts1 with cheap furniture is hell 😃 but with the other games its not the same! i gotta say i started building more recently so the basic building cheats are as necessary as ever but also i think i love testingcheats so much im just gonna have this mod tattooed on me literally bc its so scary and gives you too much power but the fun of it cant be described. i used to abuse it as a kid as well
I: Your Bella Goth theories
Honestly im a bit tired of all the bella business but i accept any theories, i havent decided on one myself but i lean towards thinking bella is in strangetown but is strangetown bella The bella? idk. i also dont like that bella from psp said she married for money and i dont believe her bc her and mortimer are the only true love in the universe it feels sometimes
L: Have your sims ever cheated?
As a kid i made Chester Gieke successful and he was my favorite sim, i also grew up with a lot of christian guilt but it looks like i played chester before that happened bc once i opened his save after a few years i was completely shocked betrayed and upset when i saw that he fucked four women two of which were his robots? i love that i had fun with it as a 8 or 9 yo bc later in life i cared for sims too much to make them cheat 😭 i do wanna play as a romance sim sometime bc i never truly experienced that but i still feel bad when my sims are sad so we'll see
P: Pose or play your sims?
I may not be super good at it but i loovvee posing sims with animations, everything else mostly just looks too basic to me bc once youve seen a pose a few times youre gonna recognize it everywhere and its not as fun anymore. but i still like them regardless! i just think im mostly better off using parts posers, animations or just literal gameplay so that people wont be annoyed with my pictures (honestly tho who cares. its my game) but in general gameplay is my favorite, even though ive always been a big fan of screenshotting, esp in ts3
V: How did you start playing the sims?
When i was about 5 yo we moved into a new place and we got a computer and my sister heard from her classmates about the sims, of course we had to go to our insanely-popular-at-the-time book market that had many many ill*gal game cds lol it was really hard to get a real copy back home bc ts2 wasnt localized in my language and ts1 wasnt even published in any nearby countries at all i think so people had to localize it themselves. we found a stand that had every ts1 expansion on display and we couldnt pick between makin magic and superstar i think. but superstar had xtina on the cover so of course we picked it, turned out it was superstar and literally everything that came before it (that is everything ts1 had except making magic). so that was my first sims game and i kind of dedicated my life to my love for it ever since. i dont remember how we started playing ts2 but i remember my first time playing it
Y: Favorite career
Paranormal probably 😭 bc i loved resurrecting sims. and idk maybe culinary and science? i love ghost hunters in ts3 🙏
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bi-mirandalawson · 4 months ago
okay so i just finished veilguard
endgame spoilers
okay i KNEW that bitch was dead. i KNEW 'take care of the team for me' was something a dead man would say. i also love that solas ??? blood magicked us into forgetting it ?????? absolutely insane.
sucks that harding died. but like. i dont know for sure but i think the alternative was davrin dying ? and like. no offense to harding but that would have really sucked if davrin died ?? narratively it would have been worse than harding dying.
davrin's whole everything already feels like it was so overshadowed by the griffon stuff. especially at the end !!!!! his end card didn't even mention him and what he's doing, it was about the griffon choice that HE DIDNT EVEN MAKE.
and THAT fucking sucked. it felt like. with each of the companions, there was a path you were guiding/pushing them on. ESPECIALLY with davrin ! i didn't mind how closely his personal stuff was tied in with the griffons, bc it was reflections of the same thing. a warrior deciding if that's all he will ever be. and i was very consistent in how i reacted to all of his conversations and quests and stuff. but then at the end its like. none of it made any difference bc he just turned the choice over to me. and That was the final deciding factor. i don't like that !!
also. allow me to be petty for a moment. i didn't feel anything when harding died. i dont think i even felt anything when varric was revealed dead. idk if it is about the actual game and writing or if something is different with Me. (i am medicated now lmao)
but a lot of the time i was playing da:v i was like. this wants so badly to be mass effect. specifically 2 and/or 3. but it isn't. nobody's death got me like mordin's did.
but here's the other thing: idk if rook will live in my head like the warden or hawke or inquisitor. i loved making rook in the cc. i am excited to get back into the cc and see what else i can do. but i am not rotating him in my mind like i have done for others. i'm not trying to connect him to my worldstate or other ocs. i'm not even concerned with his post-game life.
oh my god and speaking of the inquisitor. that was NOT my fucking inquisitor. mellona was a fucking bitch who hated solas and would not have sympathy towards him in any way. and would Not be trying to get my rook to just Talk to him. i hated every moment she showed up actually. i dont think it was necessary and i dont think it added anything. it would probably be different with a solasmancing inq ??? i'll load romelos in next time and see.
did i enjoy it ? yes. if nothing else, the combat was fun. the only annoying parts of the gameplay were the fucking crystals. and how INCREDIBLY EASY it is to fall to your death. dear god i fell off the edge so many times.
last thought: even though i said i want to get into the cc, i dont want to dive back in to the game immediately. which is probably the most damning thing i've said about it. knowing me and knowing how many games i have finished and then Immediately started again bc i didn't want to leave yet.
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gwendolynalbrecht · 5 months ago
Just a stupid rant about a stupid conflict that I cant believe is even a thing
I just need to vent my frustration somewhere so I dont boil over, I will probably delete this later. But right now Im feeling like Im going insane. So Hoyoverse... Hoyoverse games like Honkai Star Rail... I like these games. ZZZ is my favorite so far. High energy, fun and charming characters. I happily ingore the fanservice because its that much fun. But HSR has the best gameplay. Just... I like these games. Super unfortunately I have a very stupid way of engaging with media I adore/am passionate about: I love to rip it apart. I vent and seethe and nitpick and nag and disect it without any mercy. I have strong opinions and I like to vent them out and unfortunately Im not a ladylike princess Im a loud mouthed Enby. So Im rather harsh sometimes. But if I dont like or feel passion about something I wont be nearly as expressive. Shit I genuinly hate? Cant give you more than two sentences about it. And everyone who knows this SHOULD know that. Lately Hoyoverse made a bunch of decisions and writing choices I dont like. So duh I will complain about it. My (maybe former) best friend is also huge into Hoyoverse games but apperently he is more of the bootlicker variety because good lord is he sensitive to any negativity towards these chinese gambling games. To the point I have to fake positivity and lie through my teeth whenever we talk about it or having to slap down harsh boundaries to keep it all comfey for him. He feels comfortable trash talking my favorites but his are saints, untouchable holy people Istg. Contex - its HSR related: So with the knowledge that I am absolutely tamer than I would be with someone less... fragile... we talked about the next patch and because I cant be arsed: I fucking HATE Sunday. So naturally no news about him are worth shit to me personally. My opinion. I dont shame his fans or anything. And Tingyun? Yeah I dont have an opinion about her beyond: Great more recycled stuff. So no fucks given. I realized that I was being pretty passive and unresponsive in our conversation because of this and I just wanted to take the time to explain why. I just explained my more negative attitude atm (narrative issues also played into it etc. just a bit of patch dissatisfaction no big deal I swear to god) And he sends me this paragraph about how I should stop playing? Why because my expectations are in the basement? Duh its characters I dont like? He wouldnt be hyped about an Adventurine rerun either. How its "for my own good" and "its helping no one if I keep playing" like bro who the fuck shat in your brain? I was really unresponsive after that crap, all my effort of asskissing this game and his precious bird freak and its still not nice enough huh? Im sick of playing pretent for his ass and get told to fuck off basically at just the mildest of pushback. He got mad when I only gave short replies after and fucked off and now his bitch ass is ignoring me over what? Stupid fucking chinese slotmachines!? I tried to reconsile and explained that no I wont stop playing and that Im just weird about how I enjoy things but I have been ghosted for several days now. Im sure he will claim he was busy but I cant bring myself to buy that shit.
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familyabolisher · 2 years ago
☕️ + pentiment
under the cut for spoilers!
LOVED it, finished it last night and found it incredibly affecting. would definitely recommend. some of my favourite things:
how the game played around with the RPG convention of the player character being wholly under the player's control and there being a gradient of "good" to "bad" endings; no matter what happens, you won't be able to stop anyone from dying, you (probably) won't be able to collect all the evidence in time, you won't know for sure that you've blamed the guilty party, and you won't be able to stop andreas running into the fire. the minutiae of how the story plays out in a particular run will change according to player choice but the skeleton is always the same, which i appreciated. there's a real sense that the story will happen in some iteration or another almost with or without you as a player, which i found disorienting in its contravening the expected, paradigmatic nature of a game of that sort; it was great.
it's easy! i have horrible hand-eye coordination and most video games have a v steep learning curve for me as a result. i appreciated just like, walking around, being nudged in the right direction, the only other gameplay mechanic being the occasional minigame. i had a lot of fun. i appreciate how that could be boring for some but for me it's perfect.
when i got to the end of act 2, i was a little disappointed that you were able to convince caspar to leave even if you 'failed' the skill check by being kind to him, because i thought it would be insanely compelling if you could either stop him from leaving and get him hurt or killed in the riot by being kind or get this child to safety by being a fucking asshole. cue the noise of Sicko's Delight i made when i encountered andreas in act 3 and found out how he survived. really great storytelling and delayed gratification.
it struck such a good balance between barefaced morbidity - you see the mangled corpses of baron rothvogel and otto, you see the execution of the person you blame in act 1, you see animals get killed on-screen - and sentiment. it does such a good job at conveying loss; august, caspar, bertholdt left tangible traces of grief in the narrative (i am very difficult to move and i found the couple of sequences with august upsetting!!) that allowed the piece to carry itself along on a v strong emotional momentum.
it's visually BEAUTIFUL. the use of fonts to convey information about the characters' lives and backgrounds and the way the fonts will change on the reveal of new information; the labyrinth, andreas' dreams; the changing styles depending on the characters' ages + background; the animation; the clocks; everything! i was enamoured.
& for posterity, some things i didn't like or thought could be improved:
the minigames were very sparing! i think there could've been more; there were numerous points where i thought the scene could've been added to with a bit more user input, eg. magdalene climbing down into the salt mine. i appreciated how easy the game was but it could've been a bit more involved at times!
the way sebhat was written was very shallow and irritatingly aware of his position in the narrative; like, i got the sense that the developers were worried about people pointing out that everyone in their game was white so wrote an ethiopian character in for the sake of offsetting that potentiality. which could've been great, if he had had more presence in the narrative than just delivering a 'the world is vast and diverse' message to the kids via storytelling. it's a fun moment and the art style used with him is very cool, but i think it's a shame there wasn't more depth to his character.
maybe it's because we only had her for one act rather than two, but magdalene didn't seem to have as much depth or individuality to her as andreas did! playing as andreas, i really got the sense that i was playing as a character; i was making some decisions, but andreas' life and personality and limitations were predetermined. magdalene of course also had limitations, but she felt a lot more ... like she could be the way the player wanted to imagine her to be, rather than being a distinct character that the player was given control of. & it was in part the way andreas was andreas and not a Guy The Player Could Make Up that made the sense of the story being somewhat out of the player's control compel me. things like andreas' dreams really fleshed out his character and strengthened the tension between his internal agency & the agency of the player, and i wish i'd gotten the same sense of such a tension playing as magdalene.
i DID find the ending a little rushed and flimsy lol but i don't mind that much, tbh, i had fun.
anyway: really good game!
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nighttimepixels · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
you are so valid and I totally see why everyone I've ever mentioned it to loves the hell out of it
aksdjlsdfj I meannnn if you want to hear my rambling about it then hell yeah
Okay, gonna put this below the cut to save everyone else XD also- since I'm not leaving this Mass Effect obsession anytime soon, if you're not interested in seeing occasional posts about it, please feel free to block the tag "night plays ME"~
(mild spoilers ahead??)
((also for real I mean it when I say this is rambling as hell lol, apologies and no stress if absolute no one reads all this))
OKAY SO Mass Effect 1-
Stars help me, I was honestly hooked right from the start?? Like even in Legendary Edition (the combined trilogy just re-released in one "can play it on one system + minor improvements", for anyone who doesn't know) where it's smoothed out, of course it's obvious that ME1 is a decade old... but the foundation for these relationships are all there and gods I love them already.
Like - Kaiden right off the top is a delightful good fightin lad, what the hell. I've heard that he's viewed as 'bland' by a good portion of the fan community but I dunno, he's a delight and even more complex by the time 2 rolls around and you encounter him on Horizon, it was honestly Ashley I was way more meh about - mostly because before you can learn about her family history/etc, she comes off as hella xenophobic and I was immediately offended for my growing space family that she didn't like/trust all the aliens around, pfff.
(she gets redeemed a bit through further actions/evolving thoughts, but I thought in retrospect it was a bummer that they didn't flip the order there, give her a chance to be liked before the complicating factor of being so rude about aliens >:c that then she could grow from... ah well. Apparently she has a good arc but uh, let's just say I chose Kaiden at the "key junction" in the latter part of the game so I won't be seeing anymore of Ashley uh... anytime soon, haha.)
Garrus??? Is??????? The ABSOLUTE best???????????
I liked him from the start, I'm always a bit of a sucker for a rogue-detective "the system won't bring this bastard to justice, so I've got to" type and all their moral shadiness XD But he just gets better, honestly, and where I'm at in ME2 (right before the Reaper IFF mission, as of typing this, with everyone's loyalty!) I am only digging myself deeper into this hole-
-*wheezing* okay anyways -
Wrex is AMAZING I love fightin' middle-aged krogan bastard, gods. Liara is great too, I'm a sucker for a wlw relationship (playing fem!Shepard, so) - buuuut I'll admit she's a bit more one-note in ME1. Last week while I was still on ME1 I remember hearing (while trying to dodge spoilers) that her arc is really good, though. I think they leaned a little hard on the 'innocent but sexy' sterteotype on her (so despite the yikes aspect of a few of the things I've learned in ME2, lol, I actually really like the complexity that's been added to her character.)
Saved Liara first, so by the time I got to Noveria and had the standoff with Benezia there was the chance to have emotions over Liara having to face her TwT and of course, I made the questionable but quality decision to free Queen Rachni heheh. no ragrets
More than a blow-by-blow of my choices though I totally wanna take the chance to say that even in the mild jankiness of ME1 (goddammit, the Mako.... please..... please just go up this impossible cliff I just want to resource hunt-) the way that the lore, both obvious/key to main plot and the lesser/filler/background/world-building kinds... I just love it. It incorporates it well, you can go ham in the codex learning more, or just dive into the basics - it's clearly a complex galaxy (and they do an even better job in 2 of fleshing it out further), and it never really felt overwhelming. It was pretty natural figuring it all out-!
Plus the interesting implications of resource hunting amongst the sapient races, and the little side missions you better bet I did every one of- there's so much rich depth in the story if you do 'em!! (And that lead with that Keeper side mission...? Looking back, damn, clever foreshadowing-!!!)
And oh my gods, Ilios??? hell yeah. I loved that mission so much, especially having Garrus & Kaiden with me when talking to the hologram/computer, and more than anything, that last sprint in the Mako trying to get to the jump before it closed-???
yeet the boi-
Also mannn I love a good setpiece, and having to go up the side of the elevator, space-side?? such a cool setup!!
Plus it felt good having been Paragon enough (as simple as the good v bad vibe system is, I don't hate it, lol) to avoid one of the Saren fights, ngl. And the er, "second fight" with Sovereign-Saren.... hell yeah
... I'll admit I had to double check my choice re whether to save the Council. I did in the end, but I swear, sometimes the way they phrase things I'm like ".... okay but Garrus is right, defeating Sovereign is more important than these few leaders??????" woops. Listen, priorities, is all I'm saying..... ( ̄ヮ ̄|||)ゞ
'Course later they emphasize (in ME2) that there were 10,000 people on that same ship and I was like well I wouldn't have second guessed if I'd known that, I mean c'mon-
Also I did indeed romance Liara in this one, so I got that scene ;Dc But,,,, I also knew by the end that I was totally gonna romance Garrus in 2 since he's an option then finally,,,,, lemme tell you the guilt as I waffled over whether to romance Liara bc of it. hahaha.
Aaaaand Mass Effect 2-
So I'm only up to right before the Reaper IFF Mission, so I don't know the ending, etc etc lol. That said, I've just finished every side mission I've found with the exception of the Shadowbroker Quest and the Arrival Quest (I've heard the latter basically leads into ME3, and the former is best either right before the Omega 4 jump or in postgame).
So from the start - fuck yeah fuck yeah what a high adrenaline start Shepard noooooo but also yes save Joker aH-
The motion comic too hot damn nice job
I loved this setup, seriously - especially forcing Shep into this situation, having to work with/for Cerberus, and the compelling reasoning given behind "why" they do what they do (I especially found it a good point that the Salarians have the Task Force, the Asaris the Commandos, the Turians the- etc... like, true, when you put it like that, having a similar group advancing human interests/solving human interstellar problems is pretty reasonable...). That said, I love too that it really isn't shied away from how Cerberus is nonetheless fucked up - or its at least done fucked up stuff.
Listen, I still think some messed up stuff is gonna be revealed in 2's endgame......... after that Horizon mission and the Collector's ship???? TIM I SEE YOU YOU SHADY MF-
aaanyways lol...
I'm so so glad on a gameplay level they nixed the Mako style exploration. A few Hammerhead missions are fine and a lot more focused than the slippery ass navigation in that glorified ATV, pfff. The probes are a neat way of getting after similar resources - and more importantly, having good levels and some good hubs (the Zakera Wards, Omega, Ilium, etc) is way way more fun than having a more 'sprawling' space that is.... a lot of empty nonsense, lol.
Then there's the fact that we get Joker right off the bat and you can interact with him so much - and him and EDI??? Get out gods I love them. Kasumi is so right when she says they sound like a bickering old married couple lol. I have a terrible feeling that some shit is gonna happen with EDI..... but I don't think she's evil as-is, at least.
Side-eying the hell out of those "access forbidden" parts of her that she doesn't even know.... and the fact that her AI core has a locked door access................... something's gonna happen gdi LEAVE OUR ADOPTED AI ALONE.
(Also Joker pls stop fracturing your thumb on the mute button)
Also please save me there are so many hot aliens in this game,,,,, the xeno/monsterfuckers really comin' through strong in the sequels............... doin' the lord's work........................................
In general, I love how many levels ME stepped up in two with complexity and interwoven narratives!! Like, to the point it'd be almost a drag to replay ME1, even though it was fun going through it (if occasionally a bit tedious with the cookie cutter rando planet science/mine facilities, lol). Like, just from how fun and interesting ME2 is, mostly! more of all the pre-introduced races, plus new ones, plus more filling in of intragalactic politics, and more interesting implications of all these space-faring races mixing....
Also gods WREX and his planet holy shit,,,,, fuckin' hell yeah my man get their shit together and also adopt Grunt yes good-
And Mordin??? My singing semi-evil scientist best friend forced to confront his choices more than he thought he ever would have???? With some of the best ongoing general report chatter of all the companions??
(when I tell you I choked on my coffee when I talked to him after confirming romance choice w/ Garrus and that 'pamphlet' and 'anaphalactic shot if ingesting-' kajsldkfjsldfjk)
Like, fuck, the fact that they actually dive into the mixed morality and horrors of the genophage, and you can confront Mordin on it, for good reason, yet he still stands his ground, until finally some bits of his loyalty mission seem to... affect him, and I'm guessing might set up things for 3 with him? Unsure, but either way, damn, the fact that they start to dig into it...
And Taliiiii my beloved forbidden alien wife TwT her loyalty mission was SO GOOD. I love how varied they all are?? Getting to defend her and discover what she'd unwittingly been a part of-!!
Zaeed is a bastard but tbh I love that he is and that he's unapologetic in him - and Kasumi omg, best thief. A heist?? Gods, yes- I love our couch lounge chats XD
Samara is..... illegally.......... she's an illegally powerful and beautiful and eloquent MILF...........................
(.... listen I'm sapphic as hell and I'm kicking my own ass for picking her up last aksjdlfksjdfl - but her loyalty mission, damn. And seeing how there's this interesting cultural subset, and the struggle with the Asari in that they unquestioningly accept/respect justicars, but also know that the impact outside their culture is a diplomacy nightmare waiting to happen-)
,.,,,,,T,,, Thane,,,,,
I am weak for morally implicated murder dads okay?? And that voice??? His mannerisms?????? How you first see him, and that prayer after assassinating her...???????? And his history/his people's history with the hanar, gods I love how messy it is, it feels so much more real!
Also Jack is a mess and I love her (and want to get her some therapy, omg), and her and Miranda nearly duking it out after you've done both their loyalty missions??? so good and makes a lot of sense-! Honestly I would love more interactions between teammates on the ship, but there's already so much the devs had to balance I can't blame 'em for minimizing, heh. But suffice to say I also love Miranda and Jacob, even if I'm softest for my alien crew XD Hell yeah Jacob, we'll get loud and spill drinks on the citadel indeed TwT
.... I could write a whole essay on how much I love Garrus oTL Perhaps because he and Tali are the throughlines from 1 on your 2 crew, I have some of the strongest feelings about them... but genuinely, he was one of my favorite companions in the first game, and how you find him as Archangel in two? Getting to help him fight his way out after he's gone nearly 48 hours straight fighting off three gangs alone, jfc. His vengeance quest and what can happen there.... That line? fuck me, that line -
It's so much easier to see the world in black and white. Grey? I don't know what to do with gray...
How DARE you come for my heart like this, devs holy shit
(also, some other choice faves so far from the series from him include We can disobey suicidal orders?? and This wasn't in my training manual... [in 1, if you have him with you @ th Thorian fight] and his whole.... pop the heat sink - in his romance ;Dc)
asdasdfksadjfkl like I said I can write an essay on him PFFF suffice to say I'm very looking forward to his romance scene and where things go in 3
But yeah gods I'm just gonna keep rambling if I'm not careful lol. Gods I don't even know what to talk about it's all so good and while I can understand people roasting the obviousness of Paragon V Renegade (v neutral) choices/alignments, I think they do a pretty damn good job in 2 of pushing it further - to the point that there were some times that I accidentally got renegade points and I wasn't that mad, haha. There's so much fun in the interactions that I just have a good time anyways~
I have so many thoughts about TIM (The Illusive Man) and Cerberus.... theories evolving galore............... and like, what the hell!! Omega 4 going to the center of the galaxy is such a cool twist, goddamn - though my heart still breaks at losing Kaiden (his line if you haven't romanced him?? about feeling like he lost a limb when he lost you??? holy shit.... but I also can't blame him for not trusting Cerberus to the point of it affecting his ability to trust Shepard... like fuck Shep go after himmmm) I'm really excited to see where that goes since he comes back in 3, and what the fuck happens with Cerberus bc while I love the fact that obviously there are a lot of people in it for the right reasons, doing good work, there are those that are doing the opposite, and I have a very bad feeling about where TIM will end up landing....
All that said though I need to do the Reaper IFF mission (where I'm lightly spoiled as to getting That Boy, but not how/what happens to make it so - just that it's apparently wise to have all your side missions done before getting him...) and the actual Omega 4 jump. So we'll see what happens and what I think about it from there heheh!
.... major kudos and genuine props if you made it here to the end, I am so sorry for not editing on condensing all this, and appreciate you so much ;w;
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whirlibird · 3 years ago
fgo fate for your fandom ask?
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) - LANCELOT. berserker lancelot in particular. enjoyment of his lore is enhanced by arthuriana fun facts my friend gave me and that i found while diving thru his wikipedia pages. raised by the lady of the lake. a damp, watery mary sue of a man blessed with beauty and martial skills but doesnt know how to cope with interpersonal difficulties at all. perfect knight but his main method of dealing with any problem that cant be solved by Sword is to promptly go insane and then run naked into the woods. an ideal man. emotionally fragile! i want to shatter him like glass! i think fate is the only adaptation of lancelot that really leans into his tendency towards hysteria but unfortunately they kinda waste it. making his insanity because arthur forgave him and therefore he couldnt forgive himself is.....kinda meh? ive got opinions about it. anyway this has gone on long enough. last thing: if theres anything else i wish fgo would do with him, its either 1. galehaut or 2. his susceptibility to being kidnapped by various women
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) - jack. i am wrapping her up in a giant fluffy winter coat as we speak. she is going to wear so many layers that she is practically a sphere.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) - theres so many underused characters with squandered potential in fgo lmao. i cant really think of one right now - i think i'd have to say nezha - theres a lot more they can do with her, i think.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) - moriarty is by no means obscure, and he pops up all the time, but. every time he does i fuckin lose it. also shoutout to chen gong. again not obscure at all considering how busted he is gameplay wise, but i do want him to appear in actual story stuff more often, bc he's fucking hilarious
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) - this is also a major blorbo. shoutout to archer emiya. god's perfect housewife. born to cook forced to kill. this is a twofer, i think, because u cant love archer without also loving shirou (i mean guess you can but :/ whack) emiya theme lets fucking GO. i dont know how to explain why i love him so much without citing like.....the entirety of fsn. he's allowed to cause problems on purpose because he is sad </3
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) - izo. he's so mad all the time. i dont think this quite counts, but im putting in ryouma and oryou as the plinko. i could watch izo being pinged around by them emotionally for hours. just bouncing around like a windows screensaver.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) - archer gilgamesh. considering he already got dunked in the world's evils and just came out even more naked than before i think he'll be fine. he is getting launched into turbohell more for his many, many crimes than being gay, but he is also gay.
honorary mentions: - salieri, who was the reason i started fgo in the first place bc his whole everything is so deranged in such a fun way
- quetzalcoatl. love her so much but why is she white
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