#i really like names that are moreso a mix of concept related to the characters. so i first thought of something like photoproof for hlevteo
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fettery-fetterie · 17 days ago
Seeing some video instead of doing schoolwork and one of the screenshots there was of like. Being a shipping pioneer but having to come up with the name and like. Yeah.
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i-like-eyes · 3 years ago
What about Galacta Knight and Morpho Knight for the duo asks? It feels like every person ever interprets their relationship differently
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(throwing DMK into the mix as well) So I don't have huge feelings on any of the knights interacting but god damn does it make for pretty fanart.
I accidentally wrote a ton about this despite that so under the break it is!
Part of why basically everyone has a different interp is because the characters themselves aren't the most defined in the cast. Galacta, Dark Meta, and Morpho aren't really packing in the personality department. Not to say they are blank slates, you can still infer that MK's evil clone is evil MK and whatnot. There is stuff there, but due to the nature of their appearances a lot of it is left up to the player. Sometimes in the fun way like little tidbits in GK's animations pointing to someone that gets pissed by robot computers who wake them up from is nappy time, hey do what you want with that! And sometimes it's just stuff like The Amazing Mirror didn't have much of a plot line lol. When a character doesn't have much to work with then how people depict them can go in all sorts of different directions.
MK himself I'll stand by as a character that is inconsistent in his appearances because he has been handled by different teams of people that create different takes on the same outline of a character much like with something like Batman. Micheal Keaton's Batman is a different character from Robert Pattison's, but they are still both Batmans. There are certain tropes associated with the character, but any artist can go about how they use those devices differently. Does he wear the mask because his relation to Kirby is an important secret, or is he just an insecure guy? Whatever the reason is, you know it's MK because he has the mask. There are some aspects that will always be there, but no two people will have the exact same interpretation. There are elements that will always be there to make a MK, but is your overall perception like that of his appearance in Adventure, RoMK, the anime, or the modern games? Hell maybe you see MK as the Moretsu manga does. Yeah the games all technically take place in the same universe, Clash games being an au aside (maybe), but they are all so disconnected from each other in tone and genre that you don't need to connect the dots for a better experience. They are made to be enjoyed independently of each other, unless you are the person Hal keeps adding nostalgia bait for. Even the Dark Matter trilogy isn't officially a trilogy, that's just a fanmade concept to lump the 3 together and they have weird retcons in of themselves (Ado/Adeleine getting a name change and redesign for example). Also it's literally been confirmed recently there is no clear timeline, if Hal wanted to take the series in a completely different seemingly contradictory direction some time in the next 5 years, they would.
ANYWAYS, point of that ramble was there are many ways you could interpret MK, moreso than DDD due to his mysterious nature, and that combines with the other 3 knights not being nearly as defined is why "It feels like every person ever interprets their relationship differently".
I personally am not obsessed with DMK, GK, or Butters as characters. I like DMK because oh look another MK yippee. Galacta Knight has a great design and is interesting in concept so stamp of approval. And Morpho is just the series' Grim Reaper how can I not like that. But I don't think of them much cause what they got isn't enough for me to work with. Even the Meta-Knights I can lift from the anime or other spinoff material. How they interact leaves a lot of interesting implications though.
Morpho and Galacta make for some fun fan content because how would a killing machine respond to the Grim Reaper? I'm not that far in Hades yet, but if I reading it correctly I think Hades himself liked Achillies because he gave him a lot of dead people to work with lol. The fact that Butters can one shot GK and this is framed as him being put to rest is something too. Maybe I'll get to that, just wait for me to fixate on it when I stop writing comic drafts.
MK and GK I think begins and ends at MK wants to fight a strong dude he sees as the last obstacle to proving his strength, and GK sees him as just another guy to kill. But I do love their relationship is a meta-textual sense. Adventure screwed with the audience's expectations by playing with tropes that were popular in platformer games at the time. DDD in Dreamland was a typical Bowser figure and looks like that in Adventure up until it's revealed he was actually helping and the real boss is a much scarier wizard. MK is the edgier rival to Kirby but played much sillier than other titles. Honestly given when Adventure was released, I wonder if MK took inspiration from Mega Man 3's Protoman. (Note to self, make separate post on that) Meta Knight is supposed to be Kirby but cooler and edgier in design because he's his rival. When MK becomes playable years later, now the rival character is the player character in need of his own rival. Galacta Knight is opposite to MK in aesthetic with the pink and white palette and angel wings, but as his role is that of a boss fight that's why he's decked out in armor. Fuck it's so good. And MK isn't *that* edgy in appearance because Kirby is so sweet looking, so if the kinda edgy guy got an evil clone then the clone would play the edge straight, hence DMK. These characters all got some pretty clear connections to each other. Morpho does replace Galacta Knight, so you could say that's why he look's like GK because they serve the same purpose, but while I get it I don't think the connection is as strong. I still like Morpho's design at least.
"Oh I don't have much to say this will be quick" whoops
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xander-frost · 6 years ago
Well, at this point today I’ve worked on a ton of different things revolving around my various Writing Projects. And yet I don’t feel like I’ve necessarily addressed much. This isn’t Frost Storm Blogz worthy, and this is beyond just a Twitter feed, so here goes. So what’s been happening? Well it comes as no surprised that my original 2019 plans have been uprooted. After all, for the first half plus of the year I was focusing on Ravenlight #1- Embers of the Past. Writing, editing, reviewing, beta-reader hunting, researching, querying, etc. So while I DID start around March I quickly realized that simply trying to juggle Ravenlight and my other projects was impossible. PLUS I still was not happy with what I was doing for 2019. Off the top of my head I think my original plan was a bunch of fanfics and a few original projects? Light Against Dark was still called Nightwalkers, I think Sins of Fate wasn’t officially named and was going to just be a sequel to Project Dreamscapers, or completely replaced... and gosh, I don’t think I even had a plan for what is now the Stardust Chronicles. I had a Starwars Fanfic planned and a project that would serve better as an animation.
My direction was crap at the time due to all of the Ravenlight focus. Well, I’m glad that I waited. I next planned to start up around August again (with a backlog of chapters) but nope. I only RECENTLY got the last of my plans together and I’m only now conjuring content.
At the same time, I’m STILL awaiting some Query feedback which could throw a wrench into my plans. So I think it would be fair to say my Mid-September Plans for 2019 MIGHT not happen. That’s unfortunate but I want a backlog of content. Plus I’m at a point where, having some form of profit off of my writing, would be nice so there aren’t even guarantees that I’ll be posting freely to Wattpad and Penana unless I can push my Patreon Proper. 2019 is up in the air yet.
What could get in the way of 2019?
Lack of chapters, trying to figure out a PROPER way to monetize my stuff (too bad there isn’t a youtube for writers), looking out for my main project that I want to get traditionally published (as sort of my career backbone) and then editing that whenever it comes back, improper marketing of my content where idk where to post it, things like that.
But how is everything doing?
Honestly, I’d say pretty good. Why don’t we run through everything? I’ll start at the top and run my way down.
Sins of Fate: A project that is a follow up to Project Dreamscapers in essence. It fits into the NEW Celestial Fictional Universe, taking place in the afterlife & the inbetweens that fit into the mortal world. It dives as Heaven & Hell, Elysium & the Underworld, occurrences in the Mortal World, and much more. It is easily my 2nd favourite project, yet at the same time my most difficult to market project.
Considering it focuses on 10 Main Characters and a ton of other primary characters, and looks to integrate a ton of various components, yeah, not easy to explain.
I won’t go into great detail about the characters but let me just say that the direction it is taking is inspired by Bleach, Soul Eater, and Ravenlight all mixing together. I wanted a dynamic cast that I could interchange at will, be it that I just want a few or all of them in a single chapter. Plenty of characters to play off of with a great cast to back them up.
My goal with Sins of Fate- Character Relations.
And let me just say, it has a lot to come to it compared to the original (which was Naruto meets Ravenlight kinda, which sucked) and I can’t wait to share it.
Light Against Dark: A project that is on its second Volume. Not much to really say that hasn’t been said before as I haven’t really changed much with this one. You have the Darkling, you have the oppressive Church, survival is a thing, etc. It’s somewhat all in the new description and I really haven’t opted to change much because I think it works out.
My goal with Light Against Dark- Plot Development.
The Stardust Chronicles: The newest one I’ve messed with that has taken forever to figure out. After the changes with another project I’m going to get into next and Sins of Fate, I zapped a lot of the reason out of this one. On top of having a Starwars fanfic, this being a truly original concept seemed unlikely.
So what happened?
I kept some of the RPG elements, went for a moreso Metroidvania style, added in my own space concepts that Ravenlight won’t see for several novels (probably), scrapped my SW fanfic and took its components, and went from there.
Now we have a project with a vast world (or set of worlds) to explore. Plus, I can try warming up to the tech that Ravenlight will see. Isn’t that fun!?
It took forever to get this one going because I always was either boarderline or scrapping it but finally I have a concept I’m happy with to keep it present.
My goal with Stardust Chronicles: World Building.
Runaways in Time: I talked about this one briefly but it is where the Celestial Fictional Universe ends. A fanfic about the Runaway Guys that is self-explanatory in its description. What I will put forward first is that this is mostly about TRG interactions. Some of the solo aspects of the 20+ characters will be brought in though for some of the people I know next to nothing about (which is probably half) I will just have to see what I can do.
All I can say is that I’m going to have fun being a nerd with this one. Video Games, Film, Animation, etc. I’m going to nerd it up big time and take extremes of the TRG cast we’ve all come to know and love. Will the characters be 100% accurate? Not likely but I’ll do what I can.
So what else is there to say on that note? Frost Storm Blogz is keeping on keeping on where I do updates and then blog about a subject of my choice. I obviously scrapped my Starwars fanfics (for now), I obviously am not planning to do anything else for projects... oh except for one thing.
In the future I MIGHT do some side stories that lead up to the first novel, and then once that’s been out for awhile keep on & do post Novel 1 content. Sort of fill in gaps, expand stories, that sort of thing.
I’m not planning to do this until I hear back from an Agent, reason being they might ask me to change this or that. And to be honest, so long as it isn’t a major change, I’ll likely do it.
So future side-projects for Ravenlight will be done whenever I get to that.
So that somewhat summarizes my projects I’ve got planning and when I might start posting, what’s been going on, etc. Other delays might be me moving out, a job popping up sometime finally, my DnD group management, character designs, other RL stuff, etc. Again, too lengthy for a Twitter thread, too projecty exclusive for Frost Storm Blogz, totally Tumblr worthy to summarize.
And with that, thanks for reading.
Until next time~
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