#i really hope this is ok i'm so nervous about posting lol
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heartbeetz · 1 year ago
Ouuughhh rail grindingggg.......
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accio-victuuri · 4 months ago
for some reason this second section of songs are making cpfs go wild 👀
unlike the first set, which i think could have their cpns of their own but was really more of social/life commentary on xz’s side. these next ones, are superior. atleast to me. we don’t have the 3rd set yet so i can still be wrong. and i mean sweets aside, the 3 songs released today are instant favorites. i expect people to make bjyx fanvids with lighthouse as the bgm please do not disappoint me. lol.
what we first noticed was xz posting the qq links to the songs using a photo (p1). in it, you clearly see the hands of the watch point to 10 and 5 which is his bday. it made us remember all those times they showed off their watch with questionable numbers visible ( p3 and p4 because xz is not subtle at all ) . coincidentally, a 10:05 timed watch (p2) was also seen in wyb’s most recent NYE performance.
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shut up you two. please. 😬
the title track of this section — DRIFTING’s concept sounds like it’s someone exploring an unfamiliar environment. which made is think of wyb’s recent show exploring the unknown. the choice of words and imagery he wants to show is also interesting. take note that xz wrote this song.
Lying on an island and waking up
The top of the cliff, tear it off and go with the flow.
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while it’s pretty obvious that this means more than going out in the wilderness in the literal sense when you take the song as a whole — the fact that it fits what wyb has recently done is 😏. can someone please make a video too of ETU with drifting as the background. it would be perfect. thank you. to me, this is xz drawing inspiration from wyb’s experience and combining that to his own “exploration” and drifting in this world.
NOW TIME TO TALK ABOUT THE TRACK LIGHTHOUSE. Personally, it’s my fave and i think it’s the most romantic and bjyx-y of them all. 💕
first of all the imagery of a lighthouse and the sense of it being that only light you see amidst the storm. that no matter what happens, he can look at that. the timing of yibo posing with a light for GRA is making me overthink too. lol. also wyb’s album cover for twenty was a light bulb thing. that kind of symbolism really speaks to them.
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and as for the lyrics lemme just leave this select lines for us to all cry about ok?
For whom to move forward? Even if there are thorns under my feet, I'll stay with you till the end.
Where is the storm now? I go against the wind I'm barefoot and go through the crowd…. An island in the dark, We must also go against the tide.
Run towards the lighthouse in the darkness. Even if it rains heavily, Let's go, let's go, we have to go home. Just live hard like this. I only see the lighthouse
The lighthouse in my heart. It will never go out.
songs can be interpreted in different ways and can go in a totally different direction from what the lyricist intended but i am understanding this in a romantic sense. not the cutesy kind of romance, but the one that has hardships, is not easy, but you know that you have each other. the lighthouse in his heart will never go out. in reality, their life is not easy. but they are stronger together. even if there are thorns under my feet i’ll stay with you till the end.
and oh, talking about the rain and going home. more on the going home part, people are bringing back favorite line among cpfs from an LRLG contribution. supposedly said by yibo.
When I called, I said it was fine, but as I talked, it became like
🟢 : I want to go home. Come and take me home.
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I was kinda nervous for track 8 cause that Bo. LOL. the song is also good but i don’t see much CPN from it. or maybe not yet. lol. i just hope they get to have time where they can have night walks together 🌙
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joyfulzombieeagle · 3 months ago
I have to write my thoughts on Wednesday's game since I have woken up from the high of Azzi's return :
The game was ugly, especially the first quarter mind you they are playing an unranked pretty cupcake team. Rotations are messy; the team needs to practice more for the post and paint. Must figure things out, or it will be ugly in December. They will be ready by March, but I'm not sure by December.
I am not worried about Paige because there will be off-shooting nights. Fans are just expecting her to be perfect every game. She wasn't doing anything wrong, but sometimes, your shots won't fall. It happens to the best, but she contributed to everything else. This is why it is nice we have different offensive options. We don't want the ND game to happen again.
SARH STRONG IS SPECIAL. You know how good you have to be to stand out in a team that has Paige Buckers tbh she could be equal to Paige as FRESHMAN!!!!!! This, with her restricting herself and still being unselfish, as Geno said, is an all-around player, impacting every stat in the game!!! I know she got the 3PT shot, but I would love it if they did more plays for her in the paint. The UConn team will be ok with her, that is for sure.
Ice continues to improve and become more confident, which is why she is in the starting lineup. Also, her FG% is really good. She needs to take more shots and rebound more.
Ash is ash; she is streaky but doing well defensively.
I love KK energy, but I don't see her in the starting lineup over Chen all season.
Chen is great, and she and Paige have great chemistry. She didn't have any turnovers, which is good.
JANA !!!! I wish you all give Ice the grace you give Jana. She is really good at rebounding especially offensive rebounds, but from the first game I saw, she is bad at layups. She just chucks them and hopes they go in, there is no need to rush her shot, but she does. I get why Geno was pissed as fuck. The layup she made was crazy. Who the fuck makes a layup like that? And she doesn't look athletic to me. I hope she proves me wrong.
Morgan is the best of the other freshmen. She makes many rookie mistakes, but you can see her hustle defensively, Allie still doesn't move me, I don't see her getting many minutes this season.
Q is not getting much time either.
For AZZI FUDD, I was so happy even if she didn't score anything. I am happy that the first game jitters were gone I am sure she was nervous as fuck and to me, she looked really really good for the limited time she got. I was most impressed with her defense; she was so aggressive, and she looked strong like the girl who fouled her was decked to the ground lol. Also, I think the team was not used to her playing with them, yet maybe they didn't practice together enough because when she subbed in the 3rd quarter, they passed her the ball once for a shot, and she missed lol. Her shots would fall eventually, and I see her getting in the starting lineup. The team needs her to be 100% the Azzi Fudd in March to win the ring. Let her accumulate, like Geno said, for now.
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lily-fics-11 · 9 months ago
The Girl Next Door: Chapter 8 (Hazel Callahan, Bottoms)
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Fic master post here
Tag list: @avocifera @academiareid @fictionalgap @dynsdiary @sndixz @athenalive @lamoobsessions @eloud12 @whoopsiedaisy460 @kittenchae
(feel free to comment to be added to taglist)
The Girl Next Door
You hadn't been close with your neighbor Hazel for years. But you find her beat up in the locker room after fight club and all of that changes
Chapter 8
Synopsis: After resolving some miscommunication, things heat up with Hazel. Also between Jeff and Mrs. Callahan, and of course the bomb that gets planted under Jeff’s car.
Word count: 4k
CW: Profanities, mentions of cheating, heated making out, mentioning being turned on, one use of the word binge but not in reference to ed, a bomb and explosion
*Not beta read
@reiisstuff asked about seeing things from Hazel’s POV so I tried it out a little bit in this chapter, not sure if it went well or not (writing like this without a name is really hard lol) so let me know what you think :)
Hazel walks you to your front door and gives you a hug. With her arms still wrapped around your waist she pulls the upper part of her body away from yours to take a good look at your face. Her eyes wander over you dreamily until they stop on your lips. As she leans in you close your eyes, only for her to press her soft lips to your cheek. 
You open your eyes, feeling disappointed that Hazel hadn’t just kissed you right on the lips. She sees that on your face and looks terrified. She lets go of you and stumbles backwards.
“I gotta go,” she stammers and she takes off before you can explain yourself. 
Fuck. Fuck! FUCK! You really ruined things, didn’t you.
Pulse racing, you take some deep breaths and run a hand through your hair. Wanting to go after her is being weighed against not wanting to push her to talk before she is ready. You will reach out in an hour or so to see if she is up for it. 
Tears threaten to well up in your eyes. Hazel is hurt, and it’s your fault. Hazel ran away, and she may never come back. You push through the front door to avoid talking to your mom.
You go up to your room and flop down on your bed. You wipe the tears from your eyes and FaceTime Brittany, you know from the snap map that her and Isabelle are together. 
“Heyyyyyy bitch!” Brittany says when she picks up the phone. After she gets a good look at you her face drops. “Oh my god are you like, okay?”
“I thought you had your date with Hazel?” Isabelle asks in a more soothing tone. 
“I did. And it actually was a date. And it went so well. And then she kissed me…” the two of them audibly gasp. “But on the cheek, and she saw that I was disappointed and got upset. But I was only disappointed because I wanted her to actually kiss me.”
Brittany is the first to grill you for more details. “Did you tell her that?”
“No she ran off, I didn’t get the chance to.” 
“Oh noooo,” Brittany groans.
“You gotta talk to her!” Isabelle demands with urgency.
“I don't want to push her to talk if she's not ready.”
“Just, just, just… send her a text!” Brittany stutters before pulling herself together and suggesting that you say you want to talk, whenever it works for her.
You open up your messages with Hazel to type out a text. Before sending it you read it outloud so it can be approved by the council: I wanted to let you know that I had a great time tonight, I would love to talk about it whenever you get the chance.
“That sounds good,” Isabelle promises you.
You press send then throw the phone to the side and your friends question why they can’t see you anymore.
“Sorry guys, I'm just nervous.” You sigh without actually picking up your phone.
“It’s just Hazel,” Brittany tries to reason with you, “you guys have had like, way bigger drama than this before. And figured it out. Everything is going to be ok.”
You aimlessly play with your hair. “I hope you’re right.”
“Hazel isn’t like your ex,” Isabelle’s voice is soft and tender. She is the best at comforting people with her loving demeanor and understanding of emotions. “She’s not going to gaslight and blame you for everything.”
All you can do is echo her words. “Hazel isn’t like that.”
“Let’s keep you distracted while we wait for her to answer,” Brittany suggests. You and your best friends start to debrief about the latest episode of a show that you all watch. In the middle of the conversation your phone buzzes and you scream.
“Oh my god are you ok?” Brittany shouts.
“My phone buzzed,” you answer shyly, a little embarrassed by what may have been a slight overreaction. 
“Is it her?” Isabelle asks without acknowledging that you screamed like you were being stabbed.
You look at the notification and scream again. 
“I’m guessing it was her?” Isabelle chuckles, though she tries to muffle it.
You roll your eyes and get as close to a smile as you can under these circumstances. “How’d you know?” That elicits some giggles. “What do I do?”
“I would probs read it,” Brittany suggests teasingly, “but that’s just me.”
“That’s def better than screaming,” Isabelle nods in agreement.
You read the message out loud: having a bit of a rough night, stuff with my mom. If you still want to drive to the car wash together tomorrow we could talk then?
Brittany promises that her and Isabelle will be over to pick you up as soon as possible. They spend the night keeping you sane.
You wake up an hour before your alarm after falling in and out of sleep all night. 
You are out on your front porch about a half hour early. Hazel comes outside just a few minutes after. Approaching tentatively, she takes a seat next to you, not too close, but also not too far. 
Hazel is the one to break the ice. “I’m really sorry about yesterday.”
“There is nothing to be sorry for,” you promise her.
Her palm meets her forehead and she mumbles “you didn’t want to be kissed.”
“That’s not it.”
“Then what was it?”
“I just wanted…” you bite your lip for a moment, in disbelief that you are really saying this to her, “more.”
“More? What does ‘more’ mean?” Hazel questions with her head tilted to the side like a curious puppy.
You nervously play with your hair. “I wanted you to actually kiss me, on the lips. I shouldn’t have reacted the way that I did, I should have been more respectful of your boundaries.”
Hazel slides closer to you. “Believe me, I wanted to kiss you. I’ve been dying to, barely even able to stop myself any time we make eye contact. But I didn’t know if you wanted me to.”
You giggle as you grab the girl you love by her shirt and pull her close. When her lips finally meet yours, after years of waiting, the kiss exceeds your expectations by miles. You expected sparks, but this is fireworks. Beautiful, brightly colored, and explosive. 
One of Hazel’s hands holds your face, her other arm wrapping around your waist. You keep her close to you, still by her shirt, but also the back of her neck. The two of you get lost in eachother, savoring the taste, binging like it’s your last meal. 
Hazel pulls you onto her lap, your legs straddling her waist. Your lips move together, you breathe at the same pace, your tongues explore each other's mouth. The world has stopped around you until you hear someone call “Hazel?”
The two of you disconnect to see Mrs. Callahan is laughing.
“Finally!” She yells. You and Hazel look at eachother with bulging eyes and red faces from the heat of the moment, along with the embarrassment.
“We were actually just leaving,” Hazel tells her mom, voice strained. She grabs your hand and pulls you to the car, practically running, to avoid having to talk to her mom. 
Hazel’s POV
My… not girlfriend and I arrive at the school parking lot early. We make our predictions about what we think everyone will be doing at the car wash. Isabelle already told everyone that she is going to be selling used panties to any weird old men that show up, she knows as a cheerleader that they love having their cars washed by teenage girls. Then there is PJ, who will be bitching about something while Josie tries to reason with her. Stella will put on her car convention smile.
I am absolutely exhausted, so when everyone trickles in and gets to work I sit down in the middle of the parking lot. My adorably supportive neighbor sits with me. PJ and Josie stand close by, unsurprisingly chatting instead of helping.
The ears of the cute girl sitting next to me perk up when Josie mentions that she is hanging out with Isabelle tonight. Isabelle and Josie in the same sentence is unusual, but I don’t have it in me to pay any attention.
I am so worn out that I groan in frustration. PJ’s head snaps around to look at me. “Hazel, what is wrong? Are you constipated or something?” She is clearly not asking because she is concerned, but because she is annoyed. 
“I’m fucking tired, my mom was up all night fucking the meathead.”
“What meathead?” PJ looks a little intrigued. I think it should be obvious that I’m talking about that one specific dude. He is THE meathead, leader of all the other meat heads. Josie notices PJ paying attention so she does too.
“You know, like, the guy.” No reaction. “He’s like the crybaby,” I look around at the three girls and they are still not getting it. “With balls,” I offer up but get nothing but blank stares in return. “He catches them and he… he throws them.” I’m trying to explain the sport that he and all those other guys with matching outfits and shoulder pads play, but it didn't help. “He’s like…” I pause for a moment to find the right words, “the main guy.” I can see the moment they catch on in their facial expressions.
“J-Jeff?” Josie stutters. “Is your mom hooking up with Jeff?”
“I just thought Jeff might be a safe word,” I admit sheepishly, I never made the connection. 
“Jeff is his name, you idiot!” PJ barks at me. My girlfriend, I mean best friend, almost jumps up at PJ but I put out my arm to stop her. I know she is glaring right now without even looking over, but I don’t like confrontation.
“I just get all the hot people confused, Jesus” I mumble. They all wear the same clothes, how am I supposed to tell them apart? 
We hear a yelp and all four of us look over in its direction to see what happened. Stella is on the ground, but she pops right back up and calls out “I’m good!”
“Looking good Stella!” PJ assures her before looking back and forth between my neighbor and Josie. “Are you gonna tell her?”
“Well she should probably hear it in person,” the beautiful girl next to me murmurs gloomily.
Josie sighs and bites her lip. “I’m going to see her tonight, I can tell her. It might be easier to hear it from someone less involved.”
Everyone nods their heads in defeated agreement. Josie and PJ go back to talking to each other. I lean over, not just because I want to get as close to this girl as I can get, but to say “I swear I was going to tell you about Jeff as soon as I got the chance. I was just distracted this morning.”
“Don’t worry about it Haze,” I’m assured with a sweet smile, “I was distracted too. Even though this will hurt Isabelle she's been through this before, and she might actually leave Jeff this time. And she is so much better off without him. I’m worried about you too. You’re mom fucking around with Jeff… I can’t even imagine how that makes you feel. And the fact that they did it all night and you had to hear it? Fucking disgusting. You are staying with me until everything gets sorted out.”
I look away from her when I tell her that I don't want to be a burden.
She puts her arm around me, and turns my face towards her with her soft hand. That earns a side eye from Josie and PJ. “Hazel, you could never be a burden to me.” I momentarily get lost in her honest eyes before I wrap my arms around her to give her a hug. 
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I admit with tears in my eyes. “I don’t know how I did it all these years.”
“I’m always going to be here. You don’t ever have to be alone again.”
After the car wash we drive home and I quietly go into my house to grab the essentials. Toothbrush, charger, school bag to get work done, that sort of thing. Just enough clothing that I can wear what I need of my own, and steal the rest like the love of my life is actually my girlfriend. 
After arriving next door we had lunch with her mom. With a push from the beautiful girl I finally got to kiss today, I explained everything going on at home. Having always been like a second mom to me it was so nice to have a maternal figure there to listen and reassure me. That really takes my feelings into consideration. 
When we are done eating and debriefing, me and my not girlfriend go upstairs to her room. 
I want her to be my girlfriend, of course. More than anything else, if I'm being honest. But I guess right now she is just my girl. At least I think so.
My girl gets comfortable in bed and I lay down with my head in her lap. She twirls her fingers through my hair and I get lost in her eyes the way I always do, entranced by her smile, basking in her presence. 
When she leans down and kisses me her lips absorb every thought out of my head aside from her. At first she is gentle, but soon enough I’m tasting her tongue. I breathe in her familiar scent and it’s intoxicating. She has flooded all of my senses and it’s a high that undoubtedly, no drug could ever match. 
She pulls away dazed, lips puffy, cheeks adorably pink. I sit up and climb over her to straddle her waist. I lean her back against the pillows and she licks her lips, watching me with starry eyes. 
I take a moment to admire her beauty, like I’m assessing a priceless work of art. 
“What?” She questions with a giggle that is basically a siren song to me..
I lean in and whisper “I just can’t get enough of you,” and she shudders from the feeling of my warm breath on her neck. I shift to hover over her face and she grabs me by the back of my neck to roughly kiss me. Her other hand tangles into my hair. 
We move in sync like our lips were made to be connected. She bites my bottom lip and I moan into her mouth. We start so eager, overcome with desire. It only continues to grow until we are both winded from having been breathing in one another instead of air. 
“I don’t want to move too fast,” I admit, trying not to pant. 
“Me neither, I want to savor every moment.”
I kiss my girl’s forehead and roll over next to her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her as close to me as possible.
We start binge watching a show together and I couldn’t ask for anything more in this moment. 
After dinner with her mom, the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen takes me outside to make s'mores, like we always used to. She knows it’s my favorite so she came up with the idea while trying to figure out ways to cheer me up. More kissing would have worked, but her thinking that much about it melts my heart. 
While we are snuggled up by the fire, the stars light up the sky, and the Crickets are chirping. 
That is until a phone pings, I thought it was mine at first but it wasn’t. Isabelle has texted the council saying “Jeff cheated again. Come to my place tomorrow at noon.”
The replies she receives are full of heart emojis, I loves you’s, and reminders that she is a baddie. 
When the phone gets locked I see a teary eyed reflection on the dark screen. I look over at the prettiest crying I have ever seen. “I just hate seeing her go through this again. She deserves so much better.”
I wipe some of the tears off her face and try to look on the bright side. “Maybe she will be done with him now.”
“I hope so,” she sighs.
As it starts to get late we get ready for bed and watch a sappy rom com. I get comfortable and she lays in my arms, holding me back just as tightly. She nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck. 
My beautiful girl falls asleep halfway through the movie so I kiss her forehead and close my eyes. I don’t fall asleep right away, I just live in this moment that I have been dreaming of for years.
We wake up tangled together and share soft sweet kisses before we realize just how hungry we are. We make pancakes for breakfast and make a huge mess in the kitchen. After cleaning up we part ways, her for Isabelle’s house and me for home. Hesitantly, I open the front door and am very relieved to not hear any suspicious noises.
Your POV
You and Britany spend your Sunday curating the perfect revenge outfit for Isabelle, formulating a battle plan, and hyping her up. 
Isabelle is heated all of Monday morning as she preps herself to confront Jeff. She wants to do it at lunch, so everyone can see. Embarrass him the way he embarrasses her whenever he cheats. 
We have one last check in before Isabelle storms into the cafeteria towards the football table. Anyone or anything in her way gets pushed aside, capturing everyone’s attention. Her high heels clicking on the floor is the only sound to be heard, everyone has gone silent. The whole school watches her on her warpath, in awe. 
You and Brittany stay behind, but Hazel follows along as the eye witness. You can’t really hear what is being said until Jeff points at Hazel and yells “shut up nerd! I fucked your mom!”
Moments later Isabelle pivots back around and struts towards you and the rest of the girls in fight club. “I’m getting revenge,” she announces. “I’m gonna fuck up some football players and I’m buying a gun.”
A few girls throw out more ideas as you all follow Isabelle out of the cafeteria. Hazel, who is trailing behind, suggests “or what about, like… a bomb?”
Everyone stops dead in their tracks, too shocked to speak. Hazel continues oblivious to everyone’s shock. “Like a, like a super small bomb. I mean, they are really easy to make, and I can just… put it under his car, and it can be a distraction.” You're suddenly reminded of a suspiciously bomb-like device you had seen in Hazel’s room.
PJ is the only one able to put enough together words to reply. “Yeah Hazel, let’s do terrorism.” Hazel gives her a small nod of approval. 
The members of the fight club begin to disperse. Hazel puts her arm around your shoulders and asks “would you want to work on a project with me tonight, before the whole revenge thing?”
You start to panic because you have no idea what project she is talking about. “Wait for which class? When is it due? I don’t even remember being assigned a project!” Everything going on with Hazel must really be messing with your brain.
“Oh no, not a school project. Something more…” She pauses to scratch the back of her head and find the right word. “... recreational.”
“Haze, what does that even mean?”
“The bomb…” she says nonchalantly, looking particularly mischievous.
Your wide eyes stare into hers. “You aren’t actually going to make a bomb, are you?”
Hazel flashes an enchanting smile that you can’t resist. “Does Jeff not deserve it?”
“Fuck it, let's make a bomb.”
After school you and Hazel build a fucking bomb. Just in her room, like it's completely normal. You never expected to be in this situation but watching her wielding this power kind of turns you on.
The bomb is rather simple to make, and Hazel already has all the supplies. Questioning that isn't even worth it at this point. You help out by holding wires and passing over tools. She is so hyper fixated, and you are slightly afraid of an explosion, so you don’t talk any more than necessary during the process. 
After sundown the fight club meets up at Annie’s house, she has a van that could (technically) fit everyone. She drives, Brittany calls shotgun, and everyone else crams into the back. You are the last one to get in so you aren’t even sure you will fit. The entire volume is practically occupied.
“Uh…” Josie says looking around for a solution. Her eyes land on your neighbor and she smirks, “you can just sit on Hazel’s lap, right?”
“Oh. Yeah. That’s fine.” You hear a few giggles and whispers, none of which are coming from PJ, who is giving you a death glare out of the corner of her eye. Hazel wraps her arms around your waist to keep you from falling over and rests her chin on her shoulder. All while looking over at PJ, to tell her to fuck off without actually saying it. You can’t tell whether it is you or Hazel that PJ is jealous of. 
The fight club spills out of the van and disperses to start their assigned tasks. You will be assisting Hazel with putting the bomb under Jeff’s car. She slides under like a mechanic and gets to work while you hold a box of tools. You become increasingly more anxious as time passes. Hazel had made it seem like it wouldn’t take too long when explaining the plan, and you can hear her cursing under her breath. You can’t help but imagine getting blown to pieces in front of Jeff’s house, but your undying love for Hazel keeps you by her side. 
“Like fifteen minutes…” Hazel says to herself before you hear a ticking that sounds dangerously like a countdown to an explosion like you hear on tv. Is this thing about to blow? Right now?
You fears are confirmed when Hazel starts yelling “FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!” as she scrambles out from under the car. She grabs your hand and drags you to start running with her. You hear a large boom behind you. You are flooded with the warmth of the heat being radiated  by the blazing fire. Looking back to see the burning car makes you feel like an actress in an action movie. A romantic comedy had always been desired with Hazel, but a little action doesn’t hurt. Anyone but Jeff’s car, that is.
Everyone piles into the van; you end up on Hazel’s lap again (even though you didn’t have to). Everyone cheers as Josie slams on the gas pedal, driving dangerously over the speed limit.
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miffywoo · 3 months ago
Porsche Princess - K.JW
New F1 AU Series Trailer Team Principal!Kim Jungwoo x Driver!Reader
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word count: 360 tw: none content: slow burn drama female reader, 2024 f1 season cast, and more. for my non-f1 mutuals, team principals are basically the executive coaches in the sport, in f1 there are two drivers and 1 team principal per team! for my non-kpop mutuals, he's just cute as fuck lol. pls like, reblog, or comment if you like it! it helps alot :')
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In the high-speed world of Formula 1, barriers are meant to be broken, records shattered, and hearts raced. Y/n L/n, the first female driver in the 21st century, joins the new Porsche Kia Formula 1 Racing Team on the paddock. Where every second on the track writes history by redefining the limits of physics and society. At her side, team principal Jungwoo Kim, the youngest F1 team principal in the sports history. Whos background in leadership and engineering are about to be tested in the crusible of world class racing. 
As Y/n's aggressive driving captivates the world, her dynamic with the enigmatic Jungwoo doesn't just spark rumors; it ignites a slow-burning flame watched eagerly by eyes around the globe. From the paddocks to the glamorous after-parties, every penalty, win, and heart-pounding moment is captured, raising not just their profiles but suspicions and hopes of a romance blooming against the backdrop of the racing world's relentless pressure. 
However, with every podium finish and shared glance, the lines between professional and personal blur. Drive to Survive cameras circle, media speculates, and fans are on the edge of their seats, wondering if Y/n and Jungwoo can navigate their feelings amid the high stakes of Formula 1 racing. Will their relationship crash under the intense spotlight, or will they find love on the victory lap? Can Y/n and Jungwoo handle the pressures of their growing fame and the escalating whispers of their potential affair? 
Join Y/n and Jungwoo as they race through challenges on and off the track, where passion meets precision, and every heart-pounding moment could lead to victory or heartbreak. In the world of F1, nothing is certain except the speed at which the world can change when you dare to risk it all. Dive into this F1 season of firsts, how her title as the Porsche Princess defines on and off the track, see what's won and what is lost.  
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authors note: hi everyone! i go by mimi and I hope you enjoyed this trailer so far. this is my first creative writing piece that i'm sharing so i appreciate any support on this. i've actually been super nervous abt releasing this but i really look forward to sharing this series with you guys. for reference ive been following f1 for quite some time now and i've recently got back into kpop, so i thought there has to be atleast one person out there might like this au (i hope). i might make a taglist just lmk if youre interested, im still navigating how to use tumblr like this so bear with me-- it also just depends if anyone even likes this djfdkfjf so we'll see how this goes ok this is getting long sorry. but i intend to namely use the 2024 season grid (to the best of my abilities lol) and will also include a love triangle with another driver oop if you read this far then you heard it first kdfjdkjfsdlkfj disclaimer: i do not own f1 and drive to survive, this is written under my own inspiration and creative purposes only! all pictures and divers are from tumblr and pinterest oki thank u.
just posted the sneak peak here :3
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pandorasfavorite · 11 months ago
Saw your post abt being idealess and I am trying to brainstorm for you lol
Okay so first thought, hear me out, a bratty sub dominik x reader (smut ofc) or one where he finds out how much the reader likes him speaking Spanish
Or a story where dom and reader are childhood friends and decide to 🍃 together and one of the confesses (fluff)
I've got a few more ideas but idk if you like these so far or not lol
Love you 💕💕💕
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AN: I love you. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to try and use this opportunity to explore Dominik's point of view. (Please don't kill me, I swear if it is not popular I will never do this again). I just whipped this up yo....kinda impressing myself
Dominik's expectations for tonight were much different than yours. He always felt so drawn to you, and that feeling only grew as you both grew up together. Of course, as children Dominik wasn't in love with you; he didn't even really know what that was. But when he started to understand the concept, it took a short time to find out that's exactly how he felt about you.
For the past few years, Dominik felt absolute calm with you, anytime you made a presence he felt contained, relaxed, and most of all trapped. Trapped by your essence, trapped by the look in your eyes, trapped by the wit in your voice, and his favorite trapped by the way you yelled his name each time you saw him.
"DOMINIK!", you screech and sprint into his arms; acting as if you hadn't seen him in years. Dominik would be taken aback by your excitement to see him, eachtime it happened. And his heart would regularly race, so much so that he once had to step away and remind himself that he was not dying. You gave him a grin and pulled him along with you everywhere you went. Dominik had no complaints when it came to following you, he'd go to the ends of the earth if it meant being by your side.
Now that you both are 25 with too much time on your hands, you took it as your personal responsibility to be the red devil on Dominik's shoulder. He sat with you on the dingy couch you had for years now in the center of your small living room. He felt so comfortable in the familiar area, but sitting next to you with his leg pressed to yours was all he could think about. The moment you both sat down, your mischievous grin rose up and you reached into a drawer and pulled out a tin.
Dominik looked at you with suspicion, but he felt settled being beside you, as you felt being beside him. "What you up to Hermosa?", Dominik asked and moved his head into your space to look at your moving hands. He had been calling you Hermosa from the ripe age of 13, he heard it from his dad at first, and it seemed to apply to you perfectly. You open the tin and pull out the preroll, "Dom it's time", you say like it has been a weight on your chest. "Corazón...", he seems unsure. Dominik has never done this before, and he is 100% positive you have never done it either. He was less worried about the action and more worried about how it would make him act around you.
However, you looked at Dominik with pleading eyes; and without any words, you scathed by and convinced Dominik to smoke with you. "Ok", he drops his protective act and reaches for the lighter also in the tin. If he was going to do this, he would be the first to try it, to warn you, also it seemed more polite to light it for you. If Dominik is anything it is polite. He puts the preroll in his mouth and spares you a quick glance, you smile so cute that he is less nervous to do it. He lights up and takes a deep inhale; a really deep inhale. The smoke hits the back of his throat and the mild burn makes him cough it up.
You smack a hand over your mouth, stifling your laughs as Dominik hacks up a lung. After the initial pain of a gut-wrenching cough, the weed hits instantly. Considering he hasn't done it before it was easy for him to get high. The preroll is dangling from his fingers and you look at him with expectation. He jumps in realization and brings the preroll to your lips for you. You inhale much gentler than Dominik, but the thick smoke hits you just the same. Luckily for you, the coughing fit wasn't nearly as bad as Dominiks.
After another few less apprehensive hits, the high really set in. Dominik's eyes went low and glossy with a light hue of red. His goofy smile instantly graced his features and he turned his head to look at you quickly, though in his point of view, it was like slow motion. When Dominik looked at you his breathing came to a stuttering halt, he felt good; but you looked good. Truly perfect and the low eyes and that pretty smile would've brought him to his knees (if he wasn't on the couch). "How do you feel?", you say and somehow manage to lean closer to him as you speak.
Your words knock Dominik out of a haze and he has to inhale a breath before being able to talk to you. He breathes; his eyes staring into yours without care, he looks you over and answers, "I feel as good as you look". His eyes widen as soon as the words slip from his lips, he is about to speak but your giggle cuts him off. Your cheeks are a light tiny of pink and you put a hand on him as you laugh. If you were to look up 'What does a man in love look like?', a picture of Dominik staring at you with his lips parted in astonishment would pop up.
You sit up and your eyes go comically wide, "I want to do something" you declare and you somehow peel yourself from the couch. Of course Dominik got up just as you had. You both stand and look at each other without a clue of what to do and then you mutter a intrusive thought. "Hm?", Dominik asks you to repeat yourself in a small hum. You look up with those big glossy eyes, and his heart rate seems to beat back to life, "Give me a piggyback ride". Didn't have to tell him twice. He crouches down, "Get on then Hermosa".
You climb on his back and you lay your cheek on his shoulder when he stands up completely. "I like when you call me that", you mumbled against his shoulder, your arms barely hanging onto him. Yet you trust Dominik enough to know he would never let you fall. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much and so largely. He swallows and his mouth has gone dry; sure it was probably from the weed; but in his hazy state Dominik was convinced you have begun to affect him more physically than he anticipated. He walked into the kitchen with you slung on his back and his hands under your thighs keep you on him completely. He whispers that he is going to sit you down on the counter. Afterward, he pours a glass of water for you both to share, handing you the cup to get the first drink.
You moan in contempt as the cool liquid slides down your throat and you feel much better now that your mouth also isn't dry. Dominik eyes shoot to your lips at the sound that came from them. But he shook the thoughts from his head; he will not be that guy. You pull Dominik to you by the collar of his shirt (he curses under his breath at the proximity). "I really want some fucking chocolate", you say with wide eyes that are utmost serious. Dominik's eyebrows pull together in seriousness and he raids the cabinets for you. He finds a candy bar in the bottom cabinets and he pops up when he finds it; he smacks his head "ow". He says under his breath.
You jump off the counter and move to crouch down beside of him, your lips plant on his head before he can anticipate it. "There. Feel better?", you ask and snatch the candy bar from him. Dominik's mouth went dry again; this time, he thought he'd fall from the tingles that shot through his body. He nodded and his glazed-over eyes blinked at you twice. He watches you break off pieces of chocolate, he has the intense urge to pull you into his arms and kiss the chocolate off your lips. He thought, "god I'm in love".
Your head whips to him but Dominik doesn't acknowledge it as he slips a piece of chocolate into his mouth, "This is really good". He talked around the chocolate and then he finally looked up to your surprised look. He looked at you, just nearly as confused.
"Wait what?", you put the chocolate down.
"This chocolate is really good", he says again; rubbing the back of his neck.
"No Dominik what did you say before that- you said that you were..you know". His eyes fly the fuck open and his heart has surely fallen to the pit of his stomach. "What did I say?!", this was his worst fear. You waste no time repeating the words that were now inked into your mind, "You said, god, I'm in love". If his heart was in the pit of his stomach, his lungs were probably in the same spot. His breathing stops and his mouth is opening and closing like a fish out of water. Now that you are looking at him, telling you the truth seems so much harder. The way you were staring at him, with a heartbroken look; he couldn't take it. "I'm sorry Corazón, I should've told you sooner", his glazed-over eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips without the intention. "Me?", you asked in utter surprise, he liked you back, after so many years, he was just in love with you as you were with him.
"Who else?", a breathless laugh escaped from my mouth. You gasp at the complete confession, you fall into him heavily; wrapping your arms around him and holding Dominik tight. "Me too", you say into his chest, Dominik heard it and he felt as if he was floating. He pushes you back to see your face but you stay close, "You too?", he asked just to confirm. You nod and tears begin to well in your eyes at the finality and long-awaited desire coming to life. He smiles and breaks into a quick laugh at his luck, he tilts your body down and gives you a long kiss, pulling back to attach to your lips again; over and over again until his lungs recicitate and until his heart gives out.
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anonomouswriter-blr · 1 year ago
Oikawa x Reader: School Festival [a haikyuu one-shot]
Ok y'all, so my friends and I had an all-nighter where we write one-shots. The twist is, we each wrote down on different sticky notes a character, a plotline, and I think the third is a location. We did this a year ago and I forgot all about this, but I recently found it so I'm posting it here lol
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I hope you enjoy.
1145 words
Story under the cut.
Being a foreign exchange student, experiencing life in Japan was a bit of a culture shock: different introductions, different eating customs, different school traditions. One school tradition you noted was that Japan had school festival days. For the past week, your class had been working on an idea and building the vision. Today was the final day where the booths would actually be open to people and you were kind of nervous. Why? Who knows. Maybe it was more excitement than nervousness.
Your class finished assembling the booth reasonably quickly, so you figured you’d find your friend Oikawa to see if his booth needed any help. It wasn’t long before you found his booth and he was waving you down. Oikawa was one of the first people to introduce himself to you. Of course, you now realize he was just trying to scope out the new girl considering his… following, but it ended up being a good friendship; mainly consisting of you helping Iwaizumi call him names and him being a weird flirt even though he’s pretty much a dork.
“Hi, Y/n! Couldn’t stay away for long, eh?” he asked, waving.
“No, actually I’m looking for your pretty friend. Hey, Iwa!” you responded jokingly, to which Oikawa feigned a sad pout. “How’s the booth coming along?”
“We're almost done. Just need to put up the last few banners,” Iwaizumi said.
“You may want to be careful, Y/n. As soon as we open, girls will swarm the area. You might get trampled and die,”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” you said, rolling your eyes. “What are you guys doing anyway?”
“Kissing booth,” Iwaizumi said boredly as the title banner was hung up. You turned your head to Oikawa,
“It’s the perfect concept! There's no girl in the world that wouldn’t want to kiss me! Just think of the revenue,”
“I wouldn’t count on it if it’s gonna be you, Oikawa. How is this even allowed in a school setting?”
“It’s just on the cheek. He does have a big following of girls at this school. It’s not like we can use his brain to help our booth,”
“I guess that makes sense,”
“How mean! Everyone undermines my intelligence,”
“Oh yeah, how did your game go Saturday?”
“It was fine. We won, of course, but it just felt too easy. I need a challenge in my life. You should come to my next game! You can wear one of my jerseys,”
“Hmm, tempting, but I’ll pass. Volleyball isn’t really my thing. Well, if you’re pretty much done, I’m gonna head around to look at the other booths. See ya around!”
“Bye, Y/n~!”
Everything looked amazing and you were having a good amount of fun before someone grabbed your shoulders from behind, making you jump. “Ya ho~!”
“Gah! Oikawa you scared me! Why would you do that?” you exclaimed and punched him in the arm.
“Ow! I can take the abuse from Iwa, but from you, it’s just too much,”
“Sorry. I saw opportunity and couldn’t resist,”
“The abuse I endure for you. Do you wanna go do something together?”
“What about your booth?”
“I’m all kissed out and on break. Girls wear a lot of lip product,” he said while rubbing some gloss and balm off his cheek. “But anyways, let’s go get some food or something. I’m so hungry,”
“I saw a teriyaki booth somewhere. Wanna get some of that? You’re paying,”
“Don’t I always?” The two of you walked the booths, trying different foods and desserts. The games were pretty fun too! It was nice playing games that weren’t rigged. You were clowning on Oikawa a bit at how much he sucked at some of the games compared to you, though you're sure he’d thrown some of your matches together. As your escapade continued, you noticed some girls you passed had their hands pressed to their cheeks while pointing and gazing at Oikawa, undoubtedly gushing over how they kissed each other on the cheek.
“I don’t understand how you can manage all the female attention. I’d get too tired of having to interact that much,”
“It does get bothersome sometimes. I used to love it, but now I think I’d prefer to have only one girl's attention, you know?”
“Ah, the development of a teenage male. From boyhood to maturity. All ready to settle down,” suddenly you gasped dramatically, almost making Oikawa drop the snacks he had bought. “A Ferris wheel! How did they get a Ferris wheel here!?”
“Y/n, I don’t think I’d trust that. It looks a little old,”
“Old shmold! Let’s go on!” Without a moment to protest you were dragging Oikawa by the hand to the big ride. “Woah! I can see the field yard from here!”
“Y/n! Please don’t lean out the side like that. You’re gonna fall!”
“Oh, you mean like this?” you asked and leaned out,”
“Y/n!” he said, reaching for you.
“What? Are you scared” you asked, and started rocking the box. He grabbed you and forced you to sit still beside him, like a mother to her rambunctious child.
“You’ve lost your fun privileges. Sit still until the ride is over,” you couldn’t help but laugh at him. You wondered if rides were a fear of his or if it was just Ferris wheels. Either way, it was fun to be out like this. You guys only ever really interacted at school during classes or studying. “Hey, Y/n. I think you should rethink going to my next game. I think I’d play better if you were there,”
“Why would you need to play better? You already win don’t you?” by this time the wheel had stopped and it was time to get off. You left the ride with a ‘thank you’ to the person running it and continued on.
“It’s less about the winning and more about… Y/n, would you just listen for a sec?” he grabbed your hand and pulled you back nearer to him. You blinked twice, looking down at where his hand didn’t leave yours.
“Kawa?” he started running his thumb over your knuckles nervously, his eyebrows knitting together in conflict.
“I want to see you at my games. I don’t care if I win, I just want to see you wearing my jersey number at my games,”
“What do you…” this wasn’t… was it?
“Earlier, I was wondering if you were gonna show up to the kissing booth at some point today. But now I’m realizing I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Because now it feels more genuine,” he looked up at you, into your eyes, it felt invasive, uncomfortable, but not altogether unwelcomed. “Y/n. Can I kiss you?”
“I…” but the decision was clear to you then. “Yes.”
Sure enough, you were at his next game, the number one displayed proudly on your back.
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philomenacunt · 2 months ago
i cant believe we havent talked abt lautity at all....they're like my thing...... i offer you my insane obscure post burnerphone dynamic for them ↓
i have thoughts abt steph being like. can i ever be satisfied with this normal extremely vanilla life. grace is sweet, and steph likes her, but also the total whiplash from her last long term relationship being this fucked awful thing makes it hard to. relax. girl who has forgotten how to be normal. and grace obviously doesnt know what healthy dating is like so there's the constant overarching what if i'm accidentally overstepping + being super fucked up to this girl who has 0 basis to recognize a toxic relationship. again w the ruined for other people, doesn't even know what functional looks like, doesn't know if she'll ever be capable of it again. thanks, lex!
also worried abt eventually having to explain the scars and the rehab and the lex situation in general. it's like. grace is clearly too nervous to do it early on, but one day she Will ask. and once she knows she'll obviously think it's all gross and scary and leave. steph is sort of trying to ride it out. the 'do nothing and hope it never comes up' approach. but she's worried abt it + feels like the end of their relationship is inevitable because of this secret she's keeping + generally just feels really gross about it all. chat does she know (grace is having a completely separate solo crisis over sadistic thoughts she doesn't understand) (girl who has not so much as imagined the concept of bdsm) (0 idea why she's suddenly attracted to scars) (they are extremely compatible but deeply unaware of it/convinced the other is going to think they're a freak)
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^ both of them lol. ok. sorry. ive written So Much about this it's actually embarassing. apologies if its wildly ooc. im just a little silly abt them hopefully you can see the vision. totally understandable if not. sighhh
can i be so honest with you i wasn't. Super big on lautity before this. i mean i LOVED them in theory & definitely do think grace has feelings for steph in every possible universe, especially in ac dear god, however. i never really thought grace would be able to let go of her puritan ideals & actually let herself love steph. but fuckkkk holy fuck. Okay
the whole. both of them thinking "oh god she can Never find out i'm a freak or else she'll leave me" is soo delicious. also SADIST grace i'm SORRY yes please. hello. fucking dies???????
lex having "ruined" steph & then this sadistic churchgirl with pigtails & clips in her hair comes along like ohkay this is an entirely new LEVEL of fucked up. jesus
i think steph just needs a little bit of order. not peace. just structure, and honesty. and god can grace help her with that.
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partyanimal167 · 2 years ago
Hey i saw your post about wanting to do some law fics and i had an idea how about a law x fem or gn reader that is a excellent sworddswomen and can take out someone even with their sheth still on! ( like kagra from fairy tail the anime) but the catch is that when not fight shes super awkward and shy and flustered with him (because he saved her and she attracted to him and his character)Also could the fic being about their first meeting like asking her to join his crew and after time becoming a thing and going to dressrosa together, it could start with law telling the straw hats how they met
(Sorry i know thats a lot but i’ve had this idea for while now and would really appreciate it you can do it but its too much please let me know i dont want pressure you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
Hi!!! Thank you so much for requesting. I'm super nervous to write about Law, but this is a really nice prompt to use. Plus, I'm so stoked that you referenced Kagura! I love Fairy Tail; that was the first fandom I wrote about when I was younger lol. I'm going to try to incorporate everything you wrote. I hope you enjoy it~
She's Just Shy, ok...- Law x F!Reader
CW: Fluff, canon au, nongraphic action, awkward reader (mood)
In hindsight, Law should have realized he wasn't lucky enough to have a normal person on his crew...but she was special to say the least...not that he would say it.
Law was trying his hardest to not break his mug as he watched you going at it with the Strawhat's swordsman. It was his fault though. He had been too deep into his studies and planning, so after continuously rejecting Zoro for a sparring match, it made sense that he would go after you. You were more of a challenge really. Law flexed that strength of his sword at any hint of danger, but you, oh, you weren't bothered by any threats at all. Few could tell the story of seeing your blade at all. A swordman's that used only her sheath, yeah Zoro would be all over that.
Law nearly jumped out his skin when Luffy appeared hanging upside down from a rail. He grumbled into his mug. "What!"
He only laughed. "Y/n is so cool~ I bet Zoro is happy to have a strong person to fight with." he grinned. Law only grunted. "Hmm, maybe she could join my crew. OI! Zoro! Ask Y/n to-," Luffy groaned after being hit upside his head. "Nami! What was that for?"
The navigator rolled her eyes. "You can't go trying to steal people's crew members. What if someone tried to recruit Zoro?"
Luffy understood her point but still whined. "But she's so strong~ Zoro would like it!"
"She's not a pet!" Law argued back.
Luffy laughed. "Ooo, what about a competition! Y/N, would you join my crew if I beat Toroa at a game?"
You skidded across the floor and smiled at the goofy captain. "Sorry Lu-chan, I can't leave my captain yet." she beamed even as she blocked an attack from Zoro without looking. "I owe him too much." she grinned before turning her attention back to her opponent while Sanji threatened to starve Zoro if he so much as got a cut on your skin.
Luffy pouted. "Boo, I want her..."
"Be nice captain." Robin lightly chided. She turned to the doctor. "I am curious though. How did you two meet, Tra-guy?"
Your ears picked up the question. "Cap-captain, no! Don't tell them!" you nervously stammered and waved your hands.
Zoro raised a brow. "Why not? Couldn't be that bad." he grabbed a towel and tossed it to you. You wiped your face, neck, and bosom. He gulped down some water.
Seeing that your attention was back on him, Law relaxed a little. "It's nothing dramatic." he grumbled. "More embarrassing for me really..." he muttered.
"Huh???" everyone asked. For the doctor to admit that and not hold back was certainly something.
Law reclined back and spread his arms out. "I needed some assistance..."
You were finally able to relax and enjoy the warm weather after spending the morning training. Sitting and meditating was a great way for you to recenter before continuing about your day. You found a nice tree and were wrapping up when a heard some loud commotion nearby.
You opened your eyes to see a group of shady-looking men running away. A few moments later, an anxious looking polar bear was running around searching while tears seemed to be flowing from his eyes. You cocked your head to the side curiously. The polar bear cried out. "Captain is going to kill me!!!"
His uniform seemed to be unique enough from the townspeople, but not quite individualistic. You stood up and stretched. You weren't sure what to do about what you saw and decided to head back to your solitary home in the woods.
You left the busier town and continued walking casually in the woods. You knew this path well seeing as this was your childhood area filled with palm trees and secret waterfalls. You neared the summit of a hill and tensed as you felt an odd, distinct air. You dodged a knife thrown at your head and rested your hand on your sword.
A few of those men from before jumped out of the bushes. "Hehe, seems the rumors were true. What is a woman like you doing with that on your hip?"
"Looks expensive too." another added.
You met their greedy gaze with little interest. So they're robbers. You took a couple steps forward dismissively before they jumped to attack. You quickly reacted and swung your body around to dodge. You shifted on one foot before swinging the other to land in one guy's face. It would have been an easy conflict except more men appeared.
You grumbled before tying up your hair and pulling your sword from your waist.
"You got some moves, missy. But now we really know you don't need that sword. Those work better when they're out of their sheaths." he commented rudely.
You took an offensive stance and dashed to quickly to slice the shocked robbers. It only took a couple slashes or two before each man fell to the ground with serious wounds. You rolled your shoulders before sighing. You just saw them not so long ago, so their stolen goods were probably still on them. You peaked in a couple bushes before pulling out a long sword. It was heavy in your hand. You wondered how hard it would be to find its owner. Oh maybe, that polar bear would know. You continued to admire the blade when you felt the air shift once more. You turned around to see a man bring up a large hammer to swing at you. You tensed to move, but-
An odd light feeling surrounded you for a second before you were in the grasp of a stranger. You looked up confusingly as someone could just hold you with one arm then watched as the man froze. "You're- you're-, you're the Surgeon of Death!" the man only tch-ed at the accusation before rotating his hands and muttered. "Shambles."
You watched in shocked as the various men's body parts were dismembered before shuffling around and mixing with each other. Most of them were still knocked out though and wouldn't realize the uncanny circumstance until they woke up.
The man gently placed you down and you clenched onto the sword while bowing. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I should have totally seen that coming. How embarrassing!" the words blurted from your mouth.
The man's gold eyes looked at you with uncertainty. "Don't mention it..." he paused before reaching his hand out, "my sword, please."
You looked at his hand then clenched tighter on the sword. "Oh, huh, is this your sword?" you laughed awkwardly. "Oh jeez, heh, sorry here-,"
"Captain!!!" a high-pitched voice echoed up the hill before the polar bear from before appeared with tears still flowing.
You brightened! "Oh bear-chan!"
The bear stopped and looked at you. He immediately took a defensive karate pose in front of the man. "Did you take my captain's sword! You- you-, woman! I'll"
"Bepo," the man interjected annoyed. "This woman just defeated these robbers. Show her a little respect." The other immediately dropped his pose before bowing.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Thank you for recovering, Kikuko!"
You scratched your cheek awkwardly and waved your hand. "Ah no problem at all. He saved my life!" you then turned and finally handed back the sword. "Thank you, again." you bowed. You straightened up. "I'm y/n."
The man seemed to relax more with the sword at his side finally. "Trafalgar Law. I'm sorry if we caused you trouble." he looked at his subordinate. "My sword was taken away while he was on watch."
"I'm sorry, Captain."
"Tch, this is why I don't take naps..." Law muttered. "We'll leave now. I don't want to bother you more."
"Wait!" you called out. "I have to repay you! That guy nearly took off your head."
Law shook his head. "If anything, we're even. I saw how you fought; you would have been fine."
Your face warmed at the compliment. "No, I insist!" Law seemed to see your stubbornness despite the flustered appearance.
Law should have known better than to get his hopes up at your seemingly normal appearance. After meeting you a couple times while at your island, you proved to have a formidable reputation that had the Marines constantly trying to recruit you though you continued to reject them. As you two got along, you were amazed by Law and his crew's tales of travels and adventure. You recalled all the commotion that happened when the Worst Generation was at Sabody as well as the Marineford War. You never planned on being a pirate necessarily, but you had your own goals that meant you needed to leave home.
Law didn't know why you were so nervous to speak to him all the time, so he was shocked when you were able to as him to join his crew without a stutter. He wasn't sure what to think. You were strong and smart. And as much as he thought that another mouth to feed would be a bother, he couldn't deny that you would be a good addition. He'd hope that you at least learn to hold a conversation with him without playing with your hands.
"Law!!! You're so mean!" you wailed as you pushed your chest against the back of his head. He immediately blushed and tried to push you off. "I'm so embarrassed!" you clung onto him.
"Oh my god, I don't know why!" Law argued. You continued to fuss and Law shyly babied you in his arms.
The Strawhats were shocked by the softer scene in front of them. "He's surprisingly soft..." Robin noted.
Luffy groaned. "Oh boo, Tra is so lucky. No way she'll join us now." For some reason, he understood now.
*sprinkles in some slight jealousy because we like that here.* Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it @dancingnewcat Please let me know how it is. I'm so happy to finally get a request~
Until next time~
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dani-says-stuff · 2 years ago
Myrtles Plantation
❥ Back to the Control Center
❥ Nate Hardy Masterlist
- note the reader is afraid of dolls in this one - also my love for Amanda spills through... a lot... but I think it adds character, spice, and humor, so I'm leaving it in
Nate Hardy x fem!medium(?)reader
Summary: Based on this request
« could u do a nate x reader (in a relationship) at the haunted plantation?? like she sees something and amanda lets them know it was evil??? »
Thanks to this anon for reminding me this was in my drafts
Thank you for my first request anon!! so so so sorry it took so long!
I hope this is what you were looking for, I kinda went off the deep end with it lol
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: language, hauntings, evil spirits, creepy stuff, inconsistent capitalization, my disregard for run on sentences and “pRopEr gRammAr”, unedited ramble writings bc i just wanted to finally get it published for y’all, maybe incorrect timeline? technically? bc i can’t remember if Nate was in a video with Amanda before this one…
Dialogue Key:
Spirit Box
You and Nate were currently in his car, driving to the plantation for Sam and Colby's video.
Nate was nervous. That much was obvious from the tight, white-knuckled grip he had on the steering wheel. You could practically see the the tense emotions rolling off his skin in waves. You however, were practically buzzing in excitement.
You opened up the camera app on your phone to record a little clip. One you would either post to your instagram story soon, or you'd send it to Colby to put before the video... you hadn't really decided what you were going to say yet.
First, you brought the camera really close to your face, barely anything other than your forehead, eyebrows, and eyes in frame, "Ok so- I don't really know where this clip is going to be shared yet... or if it'll be out at all... but Nate is being boring and having a panic attack and I'm super excited and want to talk to someone about it."
You extended your arm, full face now in view as you smiled widely at the front facing camera, "Guess what!" you yelled, "We're filming with the boys again!" you spoke, flashing the camera to show Nate as he drove, "and that's not even the best part... drumroll please... the love of my freaking life is coming with us!" you squealed.
Nate's eyebrows furrowed, barely sparing a glance in your direction, instead keeping his eyes on the road, "Babe, you already showed me?"
"Oh not you." you scoffed, rolling your eyes, "You're just my boyfriend."
"Mhm..." he hummed, blinking a few times trying to figure what exactly it was he was failing to understand, "Yeah no. I don't get it N/N... pretty sure 'love of my life' and 'boyfriend' are the same thing." 
You tilted your head pondering the thought for a moment, ultimately shaking your head innocently, "Nah, it can't be. There are two very different people that take up those positions." 
"Oh really?"
"Oh yeah." you turned your gaze, meeting the side of his face,"You may be my boyfriend, and I love you so, so, so, very much..."
"But.." you grinned turning to face the camera, "The love of my life is the wonderful and beautiful Amanda~" you sang, moving your phone forward once more blowing kisses at the screen.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!" you yelled, shaking the screen for emphasis.
The brown haired male next to you laughed at your actions, "Babe, be careful, you're going to make 'em all dizzy." 
"True" you shrugged, focusing your phone once more, "anyways, you've probably guessed it by now, but we're doing another investigation tonight!"
You flipped the camera, showing nothing but trees surrounding the vehicle, "We're currently in the middle of nowhere- but that's because this location is a little different than usual."
"Yeah, instead of like a house with like- other neighbors around it and stuff" Nate spoke up, "were going to a plantation, in the middle of just like- trees" he shivered awkwardly, hissing in discomfort, "so if we get in trouble or something there's nothing for miles."
You scoffed, pulling the view back on yourself, "Yeah I guess, but that's fine because nothing is going to go wrong!" you exclaimed happily 
"Mhm, and how do you know that?"
You winked at the camera, patting the area over your chest, "I have a good feeling about it."
"Yeah ok then- remind me how you feel when we actually get there."
You laughed loudly at you boyfriend, finally getting a small crack of a smile across his lips. "Anyway, that's all for right now. See-you-all-when-we-get-there-bye-bye" you rushed, quickly ending the video.
As soon as he could tell you stopped recording, Nate spoke up, "now what was that for?" 
"Updating the public" you shrugged, starting a quick conversation with Colby over text.
Hey~ might've just filmed a little intro clip for you
You're welcome of course
And you better use it
I put a lot of effort into it
Oh really?
Send it over
I'll check it out
About 2 minutes later after your mini vlog went through, he responded 
Oh yeah, thats going in
You're good if I do a little editing over it?
Later, when viewers clicked on the video, they would be greeted to a huge tone shift between the first 2-3 minutes of the video, versus the of it.
First, your little intro, which basically became a fan cam for Amanda. Bright hearts and anime blush- the whole nine yards.
Broken, of course, every once in a while with a freeze framing on your real partner. The video going gray scale, with rain and violin music playing in the background.
Then, hard cut straight to the footage outside the plantation. ━─━────༺✧༻────━─━
Soon, the group of five were all stood before Myrtles plantation, waiting for the tour to begin.
Sam turned to Nate, camera pointed to him, "Are you excited?" 
"Dude- I- just-" your boyfriend sighed dramatically, bringing his hands up to rub at his eyes. You, however, could be seen lurching forward in laughter at his reaction, "It just like everytime you bring me on one of these."
You walked up, placing a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm your breaths, "Yeah, so thats a no." you looked up at him, pouting when he met your gaze, "He's very nervous"
"You look terrified." 
"I can tell by your- genuine face of excitement right now"
Nate forced a sarcastic smile on his face that turned out more of a grimace, "Oh yeah? This face? Right here?"
You struggled to hold back your laughter, "All excitement from him on the way up here"
He turned his head, looking down at you as you were still holding onto his shoulder, "You know, usually you're a bit more cautious about these things."
You shrugged, "But we have Amanda here this time," you gestured to her, "There's finally someone else to help me keep you guys from doing something stupid."
The five of you entered the house, deciding to take a quick look around before the tour guide arrived.
Almost immediately upon entering the door, something caught your attention- and no it wasn't the smell the boys were busy commenting on.
Hung on the wall of the foyer, there was a mirror. You couldn't quite put a finger on it, but you could tell there was something strange about it.
For now, you just assumed it was how dated the mirror looked. Nothing from today looked like that. 
Soon, the boys called you over to the steps, wanting to take a peek upstairs. Sam and Colby had already made their way up with Nate following behind them, leaving you and Amanda  still on the first floor. 
"Hey" you tapped the blondes shoulder, "Just to- uh, to make sure... you feel that too, right?" you asked, looking up the stairwell. 
She hummed, "Yeah, thats probably because of what happened on the 17th step." 
You simply nodded enthusiastically despite having not clue what the significance of that specific step was, "Oh yeah of course. Just making sure I wasn't the only one feeling that sense of impending doom" you joked
Amanda laughed breathily at your phrasing, "Yeah, after events like that, they tend to leave a heavier, darker feel behind." 
You didn't find out till later that night, it wasn't just a slip down the stairs, but a death on the 17th step.
Thanks a lot for leaving that out Sam. 
By the time you made it up the flight of stairs, the group had entered one of the bedrooms. Everyone was inside except for your boyfriend, who stood before the doorframe waiting for you. 
"Hey babe..." he spoke scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, grabbing your hand with the other, "so, just like a heads up, there's like... a shit ton of creepy ass dolls in there." 
Your eyes widened looking up at him, "What?"
"Yeah, like the entire mantle?" he gestured with his hands, "Just- completely covered." 
"I don't wanna go in there" you shook your head quickly, eyes still wide as saucers gripping his hand tighter. 
"Just- just don't look to your right when we walk in?"
You squinted you eyes at him, "...why?"
Nate shrugged, "Oh you know, there might be one that is kinda-sorta positioned to look at you when enter." he spoke nonchalantly as he dragged you through the door. 
You glared up at the brunette, "what?"
"By the way, we have to sleep here tonight-" the both of you heard from further in the room, "So someone is getting the room with the creepy doll staring at you."
You knew your friends- so without even thinking you threw your pointer finger up, touching your nose. 
"Woah, woah, woah" you rushed when the other three looked in your direction with shit eating grins, "No I did it- it was Col-"
"Nope, I'm safe" the black haired man cut you off.
You looked up slowly, glare pointed directly at your shocked boyfriend, who hadn't done it in time. "I'm going to kill you."
You looked over his shoulder, seeing the dolls for the first time. You quickly dropped his hand running over past Amanda and out to the next room, "Nope! I just wont be sleeping with you."
Nate quickly followed, arms extended "Wait babe! No please! Don't leave me alone!" Leaving a laughing Sam and Colby behind, filming the entire thing. 
"Sam" you spoke up once the tour was over, "next time we do one of these things you've got to tell me more than just 'oh were going to a haunted mansion'" you mocked 
"What's up?" he laughed, "What do you mean?"
"Oh you know" you gestured around, speaking with your arms, "yellow fever death child, owner of the house killed on the steps, poison murders, voodoo queen death, ghost mirrors-" you listed propping your hands on your hips, "I could go on and on." 
"It's haunted Y/N, what did you expect?"
"Not this!" you shrieked.
Soon, the five of you began the investigation in Chloe's room, each wearing a set of clip on earrings. Thanks to your wonderful, amazing boyfriend, you and Amanda were wearing the hoops. 
In addition to the earrings, Amanda came with some gifts with the four of you. she gave Colby a crystal to help amplify his empathic skills, and evil eye bracelets for both Nate and Sam. 
"These are just because I felt bad getting something for Colby and not you two." she spoke handing over the bracelets.
The raven haired man gasped, bringing his hands up to his chest, "She has a favorite!"
Nate placed his hands up on his waist, popping out his hip, "Well that's ok." he shot back sassily, dangly earrings swishing by his neck.
The blonde girl however, hummed in agreeance with Colby reaching back into her bag, "Yep, but it's not you." setting off scandalized gasps from the two men and hysteric laughter from sam. Amanda approached you with a small bag usually used for jewelry.
You took it smugly, leaning forward to kiss her on the cheek, "Thank you m'love"
"of course darling" she played along, "I heard you also have some abilities, so I picked out three things to help" she spoke as you opened the bag, pouring the items in your hand, "Ok, so this one is Labradorite" she pointed to the darker, slightly iridescent one, "It is one of the best crystals for enhancing abilities, it extends your awareness, helps you connect with the spiritual world and can be very grounding and helpful for mediums." she moved to the brighter crystal, "This one is Angelite, the same as Colby's-" 
"oh." the mentioned male scoffed playfully, crossing his arms, "I see how it is... I feel very special now." 
"-and the last one," Amanda pointed to a pitch black stone that was attached to a corded necklace, "is Black Tourmaline, which is really good at protecting and shielding you from bad energy. It can basically cleanse you from any unwanted energy that comes your way." 
"Ok!" sam exclaimed, "Now that we've handed out the gifts and the pity gifts" he raised his wrist up to the camera, making the rest of you laugh, Lets get on to the investigation!"
The group decided to move on to the seance room after very little seemed to be happening within Chole's room. 
"I hated this room earlier" Nate shivered next to you, "It just... I don't know, it's just weird."
You nodded as you followed him in, "Yeah? Now imagine feeling heavy when you walk in" 
"Really?" he looked down at you, "What do you mean?"
"It's just like what Amanda said earlier," you shrugged softly, "it's just very heavy in here, it feels tight." 
You let go of Nate's hand, leaving him as he went to look at a painting in the corner, approaching Amanda instead. You stood next to the blonde as she looked up at the mirror that faces the one in the other parlor. 
You shifted you gaze between her and the mirror quickly, "So... whatcha lookin at?"
She gestured you to stand next to her facing the mirror, never once moving her own gaze from the glass, "so look up there," she pointed at a specific area, "and unfocus you eyes- almost like youre trying to look through the mirror" she explained. 
Within a few seconds she could feel you tense beside her, causing the blonde to grin, "you see it?" 
"yeah" you breathed, nodding slowly, "yeah I see it" 
"Yo wait" Nate whipped around, "see what? exactly?" he moved up behind you, placing his head over your shoulder, squinting his eyes to find whatever the two of you seemed to see, "I dont see it"
"I keep seeing things move behind me" Amanda spoke
"I cant see anything specific" you added, "but I can see shapes moving" you explained gesturing up to point in the direction of the areas you spoke of, "like I saw something move like this" you dragged you hand, "and something over there" 
Amanda hummed in affirmation, "yep, where you just pointed, between this wall in the candles, there's someone" she moved her other hand, "and over here, where you saw something move, there was some kids." 
"thats crazy"
"are you feeling anything right now?" Nate questioned, as Colby moved to flip off the lights.
The both of you answered simultaneously, gaving very opposite answers,
and for the first time in what felt like hours, you and Amanda broke your gazes from the mirror turning to each other instead.
"You really dont feel that?"
she shook her head, "no, I'm seeing them. I feel that someone is here, like I have full goosebumps"
"N/N" Nate placed a hand on your shoulder, "what are you feeling?"
You looked back to the mirror, looking for anymore blurs, only to see nothing, "It felt like- happy? I guess? Like you know that feeling of when you'd go to the park when you were younger and you were just like- excited? it felt like that."
Amanda nodded slowly in thought, "well, that could be the kids I saw, they did look pretty happy."
"but now" you spoke up once more, causing the boy's eyebrows to furrow, "now it just feels crowded. I cant pull one emotion from another. Its so weird." 
"the energy in here is insane" Amanda agreed, "I feel like if we did a seance at the seance table- we could get some pretty gnarly stuff"
So, that what the group did. you broke out the spirit box, and immediately you were greeted with several hellos. 
"Is there any sign you could give us of who were talking to?" Sam spoke up, "a name, an occupation?"
Colby looked up with squinted brows, confused at the sound "what did that say"
"it said Kate" you responded from next to Nate, hand on his arm, "im pretty sure it said Kate"
"yeah" Amanda added, "I wrote Kate right before it said that"
"is it true that this room is a portal?"
you stepped back at the question, making Nate look to you in concern "guys I just got really nautious-" 
"oh no-no-no- I don't like that" you rush out, placing yourself on the other side of the doorframe, "i'm definitely not a fan of that"
Sam, Colby, Nate and Amanda continued to speak to the spirit box within the room while you stayed in the hallway. Nate moved from the group and closer to you to make sure you were ok.
"Can you tell us how many spirits are in here with us right now?"
from the doorway, you couldve sworn you saw a flash of green reflect in one of the glass window panes. Green, like the head wrap Chloe was said to wear. 
"do you think.." you trailed off moving closer to your boyfriend, "could Chloe be one of them?" you whispered. 
he stepped out of the room upon seeing your expression. You seemed paler than usually and he could almost see you shaking with wide glassy eyes staring back at him. He wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back to give you some semblance of comfort. 
Nate, his chin resting in your head, repeated your words louder to for the group still inside the room to hear, "Was that Chloe?"
you whimpered, pressing your face into his chest, "nope. tell Amanda to look at the window-"
"-that candle just got so bright at the far end-"
"-yeah that one." you mumbled, "the window by the candles. I saw something green over there."
the brown hared man nodded, raising his voice to cut off the trio 's conversation on the candle's, "Amanda? N/N said to check around that window. She said she saw something green flash overthere earlier." 
"Yo! What?" sam exclaimed excitedly, moving to you both with the camera while Amanda looked by the window pane, "What happened? what did you-"
 he was cut off by Nate shaking his head quickly above you, "not right now" he whispered to the blonde, "later." 
Sam nodded understandly, moving to film Amanda by the window, "You see anything?"
"no, not anymore." she stated, "its all clear, whatever it was must've moved by now."
A few rooms and a short reenactment later, it was time for solo investigations. Well, at least it was solo for Sam and Colby, you, Nate, and Amanda were able to go out on the porch together.
The three of you were given the spot where Chloe's picture was taken, and had decided to take turns doing the Estes Method. Amanda was first up in the rocking chair. 
"I've got some information"
"woah" Nate turned to the camera to you, who was laughing softly from shock.
"We didnt even ask anything yet," you looked into the camera lens, "and were already getting answers? this is crazy"  
Nate hummed, "Yeah this is insane- what type of information do you have?"
"lets go"
"Go where?" you questioned, "where do you want to go?"
after a few minutes you received no response. you shrugged, looking over to Nate, "I don't know, you ask a question" you laughed, "it doesn't like me I guess"
He shrugged at your statement, readying his next question "Chloe, did you put yourself at risk to get the information?"
you squinted at one another, "are you ready to put yourself at risk?"
"for the information?" Nate added on. 
you shook your head with a smile, " I guess she's ready ti talk"
"Chloe was it you that they photographed in this alleyway?"
"You didnt intend to be in the photo?" 
You turned around, looking off the balcony as Amanda shivered, brushing her arms, "something just touched me" 
Nate turned his head, looking your direction as you gazed out onto the dark field, "Babe?" he whispered, "You alright?" 
"yeah" you muttered, scanning the yard, "yeah, I just got that feeling that something was watching me." you shook your head and rolled your shoulders, "it was probably nothing."
Nate nodded slowly, continuing his questioning of Amanda rather than you, glancing at your from the corner of his eye to make sure you were alright. "Chloe, does guilt keep you here?"
"I knew it was wrong"
You and Nate brought Amanda out of the trance to add a trigger object, things for more intense from there. The answers seemed more and more on the nose, and the small inkling you had of being watched quickly increased tenfold.
You soon felt like you spent less time engaged in the investigation, and more time peering over your shoulder.
"it was the family name"
"Woodruff? Did you hear Woodruff?" Nate rushed, "are you trying to tell us about the Woodruff family?"
"It went silent" Amanda exclaimed, "like full complete silence for a full 'Mississippi' and then it started again"
"it was in the house"
"Are you tired" 
"I hope you don't mind" Nate mentioned, gesturing too the plant, "We have oleander in Amanda's hand-"
"I know"
"-was the death an accident or was it an act of revenge?"
"Nate" you whisper, looking out into the yard, "I...I don't think this is a good idea anymore."
his eyebrows furrowed, peering at you while keeping the camera on Amanda, "Why? What's up"
 you sighed, "I just- I think we should stop. something doesn't feel right." you tore your gaze from the dark, looking up to him, "something's wrong-"
"its time to wrap up-"
The blonde spoke removing the blindfold and headphones, "I swear, it said, 'its time to wrap up'"
"See!" you gasped hitting the man's arm, "told you!"
Amanda looked between the two of you, both of your eyes were wide and your posture screamed that you were both worried, "what's going on?" 
Nate set the camera down on the bannister, still filming, as he went to get all the equipment together, "N/N was just talking about how something feels wrong and we should quit." he looked up at the blonde, "she's been feeling weird this whole time"
The two continue talking while you walk further up the porch. The feeling of being watched became stronger and stronger as you surveyed the yard, eventually catching a glimpse of something off to the side. You leaned over the wood and squinted, trying your best to get a better look. 
Soon, you saw it. 
"Guys" you muttered, trying again louder when they didn't respond "Guys!" 
Nate looked up seeing how far down the porch you'd wandered, "N/N? what's going on?" 
you looked at them eyes wide, "There's someone out here." you panicked, "please, please tell me you're almost done because there's someone in the yard and they're getting closer."
Nate straighted his back, looking into the grass too. he didnt see anything at the moment, but you were so far down and it was dar enough that it could simply be that he was too far. He waved his arm gesturing you over to them, "N/N I need you to come down here right now" 
For all he knew, that was some psyco trying to add a new spirit to the home. That spirit, would not be you if he had anything to say about it. 
"oh my god" you yelled, running up beside the two, "its getting closer."
The brown haired man moved to shield the two of you, shoving the equipment you three brought out to you an Amanda, only keeping a flashlight, "Go inside."
"Y/N go inside."
"Wait" Amanda spoke up, peeking around the man's shoulder, "to the left?"
you were shaking at this point, "yeah, It followed me down from that side"
The blonde moved forward, pulling the flashlight from Nate's grip, illuminating the patch to see nothing there, "There?" 
you tilted your head in confusion, "well... yeah? it was-"
Amanda turned off the flashlight and the both of you were greeted with the dark figure once more, this time it was only about 10 feet from the railing. 
"oh my god" you breathed, heart hammering in your chest.
The urgency in your boyfriend began to dissipate, believing that while a spirit following his girlfriend wasnt the best- it was better than her being followed by an actual crazy person.
However the seriousness of the blonde nearly doubled once she caught sight of the glowing red eyes. "You are not allowed to be here." she spoke stern, making you stiffen even further, "you do not have permission to follow us or come any closer."
"Amanda, what is happening?" you spoke, eyes trained on the humanoid figure before you. 
"move back to the door" the blonde spoke softly to you and nate, before strengthening her voice once more, "You do not have the right to follow us into the home, you must stay out here." 
Once the door closed, the blonde watched the figure through the window until it dissolved into the air. 
"you see that stuff all the time?" you stuttered, clinging to Nates arms that wrapped around your waist, "like thats what a ghost is? I've never actually seen something like that before" 
"no." the blonde spoke turning to face you, "that... Y/N, that wasnt a spirit. that was a demon."
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dollieroulette · 2 months ago
An Exciting Development--
The last Mystery Doll purchase of the year! I had been holding off posting about him due to some....somewhat shady practices from the estate company (who I am going to leave anonymous, haha.) A quick explanation! (EDIT: Quick. Lol. Sure, Rose. ok.) I saw this doll lot on an online bidding site-- got excited, figured I'd give it a go. The pictures left a lot to be desired; slightly blurry, no real details other than the box.
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(I see you, Dollfie Dream insert.) So...the original pictures were not great. More under the cut!
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Hm. Great. Still! I am intrigued! So I shot him a message asking for clearer photos-- he gave me his phone number to call or to text for more information (not entirely uncommon for estate sale/resale folks.) and I did so, eager to see if I could puzzle out what I was looking at before jumping all in on bidding. He sent me these pics after I asked:
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The back of a Modoll head.
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A mystery head-- is this the head that goes to the Modoll back? (Spoiler: It is not)
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oh- ok. Maybe this guy is the modoll head? (Spoiler: Again, no.)
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Mm. Oh. Ok. Alright.
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Ok, yeah, see this I'm intrigued by. Alright! I was pleased, I thanked the man and put in a bid! It should be noted here that I've left some photos out-- there was some old con merch included that belonged to a con staff person. I figure I'll spare them the possibility of being doxed, as I'm not sure what led them to getting rid of their project doll and con merch. (Estate auctions, especially this sort of auction, are not always a result of the object owner's death-- in this case, I think that maybe the person who owned this doll sold off their belongings as a lot. They likely are still kickin'. At least I hope they are!) So, from here things got weird. I was in the process of researching (Image searching and the like) when I found that the estate sale company had also listed it...on ebay. For 800 bucks. Lol; ok. New pics led me nowhere really other than to confirm that this was, in fact, the same lot I had just bid on three days prior on an entirely different site. I was a bit anxious but obstinate. Write that on my grave.
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I realized he did this probably because during our conversation I explained why the doll having, y'know, human parts wasn't all that strange? It was just a doll. With anatomy. He seemed to think that it having "male parts" made it..."adult". We both had a laugh about that. Following that I explained why I was interested in the doll-- I knew that he MAY turn around and go "oh I want more for this," but I cannot resist the urge to explain one of my hyperfixations. I guess he missed the bit where I said, "This doll is potentially worth a pretty penny-- however, without seeing it in person I have no way of knowing if it's legit or not, and most people do not want to spend much on a fake doll, which this could very well be." So uhhh...he took the first half of that sentence and tried to list the damn thing at close to the original cost for...the doll on front of the box. Which, uh, this doll is not. Nor is it in the sort of condition that would sell for 800 bucks. Whatever~! Whatever. I won the previous auction for....
Thirty Two American DollARS.
And then anxiously waited for the doll to ship to me. Which, after some trouble (The USPS did not scan the box it was sent to me in ONCE, leaving me AND the sales person very nervous.) it DID ARRIVE. HOWEVER. It arrived while I was out of town-- 14 hours out of town. Further inspection would have to wait...although I did force my buddy Mallory to unbox him to take a pic of his bod for me.
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She made a point to tell me that this process was weird as all hell. "It's fine, it's art." I assured her. "I am deleting these pictures immediately. Also, I'm not putting his clothes back on." She responded. Fair enough. What an interesting fellow, though! Who's bod is this? Also he appeared to be -big sized-, which was exciting. As per usual, I turned to the BJD Discord. They pretty immediately got the bod narrowed down to a LUTS model-- this one, specifically. Rad.
The head though-- no clue. Maybe a DIM Minimee? Possibly a sculpt meant to be a specific jrocker or visual kai artist? We couldn't get it hammered out. It didn't help that the back of his head was uh... bad. It was bad. Whoever owned him previously was very obviously trying to mod him for -some reason- and had scraped off or cut out any sign of company name. Ah well. I'd have to wait till I got home to examine him in person. And GOOD NEWS. I AM HOME. I HAVE EXAMINED HIM IN PERSON. I'm losing light steadily so probably won't post for another day or so with the "Check out all the parts" update, but-- SOON. I can confirm, however, that the body looks to be legitimate. The dress, too, was unopened and very well made-- leading me to believe that it is also a legit dollfie dream outfit. As for the other bits? Not a clue. We have two heads missing the back plates and a set of hands that belong to the dollfie dream on the box. One head is still a mystery and the other seems to be a dollzone head-- slightly bigger than my previous fella, but not by much. :) So there we have it! The last doll of the year. Expect a couple more posts in regards to this massive fella.
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rae-lune · 2 months ago
fanfic author interview game!
thank u for the tag, my tumblr tag game queen @pretentiouswreckingball loved reading urs, am obsessed with u <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
five! perfect time to get tagged in this lol
What's your total AO3 word count?
111,731 :-) (only since june! can u tell i was unemployed this summer lol)
Your top 5 stories by kudos/likes:
In silence, wide-eyed
the magic fabric of our dreaming
Time Was Runnin' Wild (Still Don't Know What I Was Waitin' For)
Scatter My Atoms
The Sound of the Unlocking (she's brand spankin' new!)
Do you respond to comments?
yes!! i love to get comments and always respond like, straight away lol. i have no chill
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
hmm, probably In silence, wide-eyed. that one has a hopeful ending and i wouldn't say it's particularly angsty, but the other completed fics all (to me) have definite happy endings, so!
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
magic fabric of our dreaming, 100%. that one is just wolfstar like, disgustingly in love the entire time and i love it.
Do you write crossovers?
no! don't know that i ever would either
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
no! but i am a baby author, so. maybe my day is yet to come
Do you write smut?
yes, i have! most of my fics are rated mature and i wouldn't really call that smut, but Scatter My Atoms is explicit. and i plan to write more explicit stuff in the future ;)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i am aware of :-)
Have you ever had a fic translated?
no but that would be so cool!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but i am very much not opposed to the idea.......
What's your all-time favorite ship?
wolfstar!!! i love and read other ships but i am a wolfstar slut thru and thru.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Scatter My Atoms. i will finish it, but that date is soooo TBD. it was the first idea i ever had for a fic and it's my baby, but i started publishing it right before i started a new job and got married and life just lifed. i also do not think i had enough experience with writing again after so many years to do the story justice when i first started posting it. i ALSO don't love that i started posting it as soon as i finished chapters instead of writing ahead-- i got heinously stuck and now it's been so long that even though i've sorted through the issue in my head, the thought of opening it back up makes me unbearably nervous lol. but i do still love the story and it will be finished, just probably after i reach a few other goals i have for myself this year!!!
What are your writing strengths?
oh man, idk. i've been told by lovely commenters that i describe emotions really well!!
What are your writing weaknesses?
definitely the planning/organization of a story. i think it's something that's becoming easier as i write more and more, but 95% of the time i think of an idea for a fic i have such a clear understanding/vision of the beginning that either the middle or the end (or both!) get lost. (see above about Scatter My Atoms, lol-- this def happened there.) (woman is faced with consequences of her own impatience! shocking!!) (i am an aries, ok??) i'm working on taking my time to think things all the way through and have already noticed a difference in ease of writing and how happy i am with the end product!
also, i ramble!!!!!!
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
huge fan, language is so sexyyyy and i love when characters are multilingual and have little words or phrases or just start goinggggg in a different language. i mostly read fics on my kindle, so it's really easy to translate as i read. i also have written and will continue to write french into mine!
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
i am currently percolating on an idea for a drarry fic that i'm very excited about! though i'm not sure when i will get around to writing it. idk if i'd ever write another fandom, but if i did it would almost certainly be arcane (jayvik, my messy divorced beloveds).
What's your favorite fic you've written?
i love all my children, but i am especially proud of The Sound of the Unlocking!
no pressure tags: @static-radio-ao3 @veganbutterchicken @itsjaywalkers @severedreamerfox @languagelessonswolfstar + open tag :-)
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freaksstar · 10 months ago
Hi Star!! Just read your enhypen x reader works and I wanted to say that I really love them 💖
If its not too much of a bother, and if you're still taking requests, could you write something about P1Harmony's Keeho confessing to bff reader? Thank you! 😊
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pairing: keeho x fem! reader, bff's to lovers
wc: 4.1k
genre: fluff, angst (if you squint)
guests: jay (enha), niki (enha) danielle (nwjns), chaewon (lesserafim),
warnings: mentions of crying, cussing (light), lmk if I missed anything else.
a/n: tysm for requesting nonnie!! it makes me rlly happy when ppl request lol, and it gets me motivated. i'm so sorry for the extreme delay in posting this tho cuz its exam season and everything and im sick so its been a tough week 😥 i hope you like it tho!! I hope how I wrote it is ok tho because i ended up having too much fun with the idea lol but fun fact!! i wrote this while listening to same scent by oneus lmaoo 😭
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i've lost it.
He's absolutely lost it. He's gone insane. That has to be the case, no? Now here's the thing: him and you go wayyy back. Like, you're childhood friends. And so he loves you - platonically. At least, that's what he thought until today. Is it normal that his heart's palpitating like it's going to explode? It must be normal. It's the adrenaline, he swears. Is that how adrenaline works though?...
Maybe not. Maybe he's gaslighting himself. Not that it's his fault. For some reason, today you look stunning, even if you're dressed down as hell. Maybe it's the way your intently listening to the drafted tracks that are for their next comeback, maybe it's the way you're swiftly taking notes as you bop your head along, hell, maybe it's just the fact that aside from his group members, he's never seen someone care so much. Not that he's complaining of course. The fact that you'd embroidered hoodies for their next comeback, for the entire group, gotten them accepted by their stylists so they could wear them in their mv's and performances might be the reason. It was so random too, when you came into their dorm one day, a pile of clothes in your arms as you proudly dropped them on Keeho's bed.
So random. Arguably weird.
But you cared. You cared about them.
And now, suddenly, he's found himself lost in your eyes as he's pitying all the guys you've dated. Pitying them for loosing such a gem. Must suck to suck, he thinks. It's then that he swears he won't loose you. He won't loose you if his life depends on it, even if he has to gaslight himself into believing he doesn't have feelings for you. Because he'd do anything for you to stay.
You're his and his groups biggest supporter, his rock when the leader duties get to him.
If he lost you, he'd be dead.
"Keeho? You good?"
Oh shoot.
2. delusional
"Yoo, guess who's got the goods?" You'd say with a grin, plopping down bags of snacks on the floor without making a noise.
"Girl, you cannot be saying shit like that in my company building. You're gonna get me cancelled! Gonna have controversies of me smoking weed." He'd reply, trying to keep the amusement out of his voice as he turned the swivel chair to face you. "Why're you here?" he questions after watching you pull out a bag of chips and tossing it to him, automatically going to open it. "Bro, can I not visit my best friend... you thought I had other friends to crash with?"
It's a silly question. Of course you have other friends to crash with.
But you choose him.
Goddamn it, he has to stop reading into everything.
"Nah it's just... whatever, forget it. You got the smarties?" Judging from the way his hand goes to the nap of his neck, you can tell something's up. He only tends to do that when he's nervous or stressed, a small detail you've learned about him after years of hanging out. Would you question it though? No, of course not. It's most likely because of the upcoming comeback they have.
And Keeho? Well damn can he figure out that you've caught on. He's not the best liar, or white lie yapper whatsoever, and so he's seen that face of yours - eyebrows unnoticeably furrowed, tongue poking the inside of your cheek - multiple times. He's quick to distract you from the fact that something's up with him.
"Broo, you good? I asked where the smarties were, lemme smoke 'em like we used to back in high school..." He'd drawl lazily, grabbing the polythene bag and rummaging through it for a few seconds, before pulling out a wrapped pack of smarties. You sigh, an endearing smile making it's way to your face as you watch him crush the pellet-shaped candies. "You're such a weirdo..." you'd mutter, your words tinged with a joking tone. "Don't even, you're literally the same," he hits back, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
"Eh, we were made for each other. You're stuck with me for the rest of you life Yoon Kee-ho, whether you like it or not. We're certified weirdo besties after all!" You exclaim, sitting on his dorm room's bed, the cheesiest smile plastered to your face.
"We were made for each other."
He turns away, grabbing a pair of scissors, though the action is only an excuse to hide his blushing face. The way you had him flustered at such innocent words killed him. Damn was he delusional. Those words didn't have anything but a platonic connotation, and here he was, face flushed as he tried to contain the silly school girl-esque smile threatening to appear on his lips.
"Of course, you dork." He mutters softly, quickly regaining his composure before flicking your forehead, to which you recoil away with a laugh.
If only you had the guts to tell him you meant it all romantically.
3. your #1 supporter
The next time he sees you, you're crying. He'd decided to visit you after a long and busy week, since you'd been unable to visit him, and well, he hadn't expected to see you in such a state. He had to make an effort to keep his jaw from dropping as you slowly opened the door to your apartment.
"Kee... you're here." You mumble softly, as he takes in your disheveled state, not having seen you like this since university acceptance exams. "Hey, hey, girl, what's up?" He's quick to turn soft at your appearance, brushing the hair out of your face and embracing you gently, his tote bag abandoned at his feet. The way it hurt to see you like this was unbearable. It was already unbearable when he saw his bandmates, the only people he cherished aside from you and his family, hurt, but from some reason, it hurt ten-fold when it was you crying.
Your arms slowly make their way around his torso, leaning into his embrace, thankful for the warmth. "So much work." is all you'd murmur into the thick fabric of his hoodie, breathing out slowly. He didn't need much more context to understand what had you so stressed.
"Exams?" he whispered softly, only to be met with a nod. He stands there for a few more moments, gently caressing your hair, his heart speeding at the closeness of your bodies. A proximity he once didn't notice nor have any care for. Now, he actively seeked it. God, he was such a simp.
After a few moments of thoughts, and cursing himself in the back of his mind, he asks another question. "You wanna take a cuddle break 'n then work on preparing again? I can spend the night and help you out, yeah?" Another nod. He silently smiles to himself, resisting the urge to kiss your forehead. You pray that he can't hear the way your heart's pounding in your chest right now, praying that the pink dusting your cheeks is unnoticeable.
"I'm so proud of you and the work you put in darling." He says quietly, running his fingers through the locks of your h/c hair. "You're my rock, I hope you know that. So much stronger than me too, if I had to deal with the preparation you're going through for that test, I'd still fail."
His words earn a small giggle from you, and a remark.
"We're ride or die after all, right?"
Sure as hell that's what the both of you were. He'd be dead if you weren't here.
4. 9.27
Why the hell was he jealous? Not like he was in any position to be jealous. So maybe seeing you talking to Jiung, Theo, Intak, Soul, and Jeongseob more than him for the past week was killing him. Maybe the way you'd all shut up and stop laughing the moment he entered the room hurt. Would he attempt to talk to you about it though? Not yet, not until it ate him away so much that he was forced to confront you, before he perished to the thoughts circling his mind.
You were friends with them too.
Now he just wanted you to himself.
He'd slap himself, realizing just how toxic that was. If he did that, he'd loose you for sure. In his opinion though? You looked even better then you currently did laughing at things he said. With a defeated sigh, he'd unlock the door to the band's dorm, kicking his shoes off before looking around the dark room, confused. Where was everyone? He swore they hadn't gave him any heads up about going anywhere. Pulling out his phone, he'd yell, "Guys?"
Before he could process the ripple of quiet murmurs that spread across the room, the lights were on, and there you were, a cake in your hands, the candles on the cake slowly being illuminated as Soul popped out of no where and lit them.
"Happy birthday to you..."
From his peripheral vision, he could see everyone else popping out from their hiding places, Theo with his hands full of gifts, Intak, Jeongseob, and Jiung struggling with unrolling a banner that Keeho could only barely make out the words of. “What?…” He’d mumble, his phone long forgotten as he subconsciously slipped it back into his pocket. Right, his birthday. Man, he’d been so caught up with practice and all of the preparation for the comeback that it'd completely slipped his mind.
"Keeho!" You'd exclaim, suddenly appearing in front of him, Soul to the side twirling a plastic knife in his hand before handing it to Keeho. The others would take their places next to you and Soul, Theo putting the gifts down slowly and Jiung helping Jeongseob put up the banner, while Intak got out a pack of small plates and forks.
"Uh, y/n? Thank you for doing all this but... I..." The way his face flushed as he stumbled over his words was embarrassing, but he really couldn't do much. He was already on the verge of crying, just from seeing all of you guys arrange something like this for him, and even though he wasn't the type to cry, something just snapped. Might've been the stress, might've been the relief, but as he blew the candles out he couldn't stop the warm tears from dripping down his face. Letting out a soft string of curses, his hand would come to his cheek in an attempt to dry the tears quickly, only to be met with your hand doing the job instead.
"Aw man, we didn't mean to make you cry... y/n bro, did we really just spend this entire week trying to hid his birthday plan from him just to make him cry? Swear my plan would've worked better..." Soul would say as he stood off to the side, taking the cake from your hands and cutting it into slices. He'd giggle as you retorted to his comment with something about how a jump scare wouldn't be any better.
Not that Keeho really caught any of the comments the two of you were making at each other, as the gears in his head were turning. Keeho was smart, y'know? It's just that sometimes it took him a good moment to get things, and so when the pieces clicked, he couldn't help but let out a quiet gasp. So that's why you'd been so secretive with the others all this time. When you'd look back at him after your quick discussion with Soul, you'd be met with glaring eyes, though his smile gave away the unseriousness to his appearance. "You... I swear to god, you alway have me trippin' about something..." Keeho would murmur, chuckling to himself as he trapped you in a hug, before breathing a sigh of relief as you returned the gesture.
"Try that again, and I might actually go insane."
"Huh? What're you on about now Kee..."
You'll know why one day.
5. skeleton flower
It'd been a tough week for you. You were busy with work, studying for your upcoming tests, making more embroidered pieces for P1Harmony due to the stylists requesting you to do so. What could they say? They loved your work, and well, you couldn't refuse being the people-pleaser you were. So with all that on your plate, and multiple deadlines, you'd decided to lock in. Locking in... was an interesting experience. When you locked in you tended to be seriously locked in. Like, locked in your apartment complex locked in. You hadn't stepped foot outside in a good 5 days. Now Keeho knew you got like this - so he tended to give you space during your 'im going to ghost everyone and never leave my apartment' phases, only checking in once you hit the 6 day mark of no contact.
You had reached the 6 day mark.
"Shit-" you'd curse under your breath, stabbing your finger for what felt to be the millionth time with the needle. Your ring finger would quickly find its way to your lips as you sucked the blood off, seething at the prick of pain. Sure, it might not be the most sanitary way to approach the issue, but you were on a time crunch, and it got the job done.
That was until it happened again, and this time your eyes would start dripping with water, the salty tears plopping onto the fabric of the hoodie you were currently embroidering. Ah, so you'd reached your breaking point. It was bound to happen at one point. Yes, you were aware that it wasn't healthy to stack stress and try to do everything all at once, but it was a habit that'd carried from your high school years into your university years - and you were yet to break it. That's why you relied on Keeho to keep you rooted.
Just then, as if he'd heard your thoughts, the doorbell would ring. Having no energy to walk to the door yourself, you'd pick you phone up with quivering hands - left abandoned to the side of you, as you hadn't touched it in days - and pulled his contact up, messaging him "you can come in". He knew your apartment's code afterall.
The faint beeping of the code being punched in would ring in the quiet interior of your apartment, and following it, the creak of the door opening. You could hear Keeho's calm steps, a pause, and then a rustling of a bag, as he made his way to your room. Your back was turned to him, as you were sitting at your desk, and you'd hear a faint whisper, before feeling hands on your shoulders, and a bag being put down.
"my skeleton flower... how're you feeling?"
You hadn't heard that nickname since the two of you had crammed for high school finals.
It'd been a while.
It still made your heart race all the same.
"I... I'm not sure, my rain"
A nickname that hadn't left your lips in quite some time.
You wouldn't notice the way he blushed at the statement.
You'd be met with open arms holding you close, as you sank off your chair to meet him on the carpeted floor. "You've been doing great... I think it's time for you to stop self-isolating again though, don't you agree?" he'd murmur against your ear, tracing shapes on your back as you clung to him, your first human interacting in days. You replied to his statement with a faint hum, tightly hugging him back. The two of you would stay like that for a bit, just silent, unspoken words between the two of you.
I love you.
A silent plea that went unheard.
5+1. firework
From just the sound of your voice, his head would whip back, meeting your grin. The rooftop firework party in honor of P1harmony's comeback had been planned by you a few days ago, and after a bit of convincing the higher-ups, Keeho and Theo, being the group's oldest, had gotten a thumbs up for your plan. The rooftop itself was being decorated by Soul and Jeongseob, streamers being put up here and there as Jiung set up the couch and chairs - Theo following behind with bottles of soju and snacks, laying them out carefully with a stack of paper cups. Intak would be setting up a folding table, carefully placing a boxed cake down on the plastic table cloth as he got utensils and paper plates out. Jay and Niki were at the barbecue, whatever they were cooking leaving a mouth-watering aroma in the air, the sunset in the background perfecting the mood.
"Heyy! We've been setting up, as you can see." He'd say, greeting you with a quick hug, though he wished he could hold you for longer. Looking around, he asked, "Who'd you bring?" You were allowed to bring two other friends after all. "I brought Chaewon and Danielle! Just gotta make sure Danielle doesn't get her hands on the soju tonight." You'd say with a giggle, brushing the hair out of your face.
Your eyes.
Your voice.
At hearing your sweet laughter, a chuckle of his own would leave his lips. "Mmm, I gotta watch Soul tonight, 'cause I think Jeongseob's responsible enough to not sneak any drinks, and Jay has to watch Niki. Guess we're all on babysitting duty then?" He'd remark, watching you laugh as you set your bag down. Turning to him, you'd murmur with a small smile, "I suppose so."
Your smile.
"Alrighty then, I gotta set up the fireworks. You girls help out somewhere then?"
"Can I help you? Chaewon and Danielle went off to help the others."
"Yeah, it that'd be great" He'd mutter, sheepishly pulling out an instruction manual. "Haven't been able to figure this out all day." You meet his statements with loud laughter, and it'd soon infect him.
Your laughter.
Your kindness.
About two hours later with an evening glow illuminate the rooftop, you'd all be huddled up around a fire pit, eating Jay's cooking and exchanging conversations, every now and then a remark or two causing laughter from everyone. The clinking of glasses, the warmth of the fire, the lighting, the talking, all perfect. The perfect memory. You looked perfect too, as always. Before you realized, Keeho would catch himself staring, remembering the little hand-picked bouquet of flowers he'd made for you sitting in the corner. He had to tonight. He wasn't sure if he could live with himself if he didn't tell you.
So when everyone would be in their positions, and Jay would be getting ready to set off the fireworks, he'd grab the bouquet, which you shouldn't be able to see very well due to the dark of the night, and he'd make his way to your side. You looked so excited. How cute.
"Keeho, Keeho, Keeho, you ready? He's gonna set them off any moment now!" you'd exclaim, clutching his hand. He'd reply back with the same amount of enthusiasm, as he tried to not be distracted by how you were holding his hand. A second later, the two of you would hear Soul scream, before yelling, "Hey guys back up! I lit the fucking fuse- shooot!" As you two giggled, you could hear the faint response from Theo, telling Soul something about not cussing, before the bang of the first firework would go off.
Collective shouts of joy would come from where you were all huddled together, joined by the clinking of glasses and laughter, as you and Keeho would laugh along with everyone else. Shoot, he had to do it now, or he'd forget and never have the guts again.
"N/n, c'mon, I gotta tell you something real quick," He'd say to you, catching Intak's smirk as the two of you walked off a few feet from the others. He'd mutter something under his breath, before grabbing the bouquet off the floor as you made your way over, putting your red solo cup down.
"Yeah, what's up?" You'd question, tilting your head slightly as you studied his face. Something felt off. A second of silence would follow, before Keeho would open his mouth slightly, the hesitancy obvious.
"Yeah?" You were now giving him a quizzical stare, stepping closer. "Something wrong?"
He'd exhale, steeling himself for rejection.
"I... I love you. A lot. And... if you're unable to return my feelings, that's completely fine, so please don't feel pressured to say yes. Would you... would you be my girlfriend?"
Done. Now he could regret it forever, but at least he got it out. After a few moments, he'd hesitantly meet your eyes, waiting for a response. Maybe he should clarify.
"Once again, I-"
"I love you too."
"You- you what?"
Had he heard that right?
A quiet giggle would leave your lips as your stepped forward, hands taking his as they intertwined.
"Can I kiss you?"
You had him wrapped around your finger. Of course he would let you kiss him. He'd let you do anything.
In return to your query would be a grin, as he slipped his hands out from yours and to your face. He'd hold your face gently as he pressed his lips to yours, the bouquet long forgotten. It's fine, he could give it to you later.
He had what he loved the most now, after all.
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please don't translate, copy, or steal my work!
ty for reading <3
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 7 months ago
OK OK OK OK OK. wibby thoughts. wibby bisection thoughts. we could just like vivisect him this time. fucking shit like that. have his guts and stuff all over the forest.
as i've said ummm. fucking around with passengers Is gonna come up a bit at some point (doesn't feel like a spoiler to say? i mean. bonesaw is Literally Here) so i won't say much, but bonesaw literally does say in snare 13.9:
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so. yeah!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!! that could fucking happen!!! if the trickster has control over someone like bonesaw who is capable of doing that!! (would he Want to though? there's no like. secret well of planeswalking power in him here. would he just do it for fun????!!!!) and. ough. ok. let this one cook for a while ok there's a part u need to get to in worm that's relevant. i think this could go very hard i like it a LOT but i legally can't talk about it very much!!!!
ALSO. as i just made a post about. he could literally just get trapped in muse's area of effect during this final battle and get. um. well. really anything could happen to him. honestly the pulling him in half clicks really fucking well with this i think because that really does feel like some cartoon nightmare shit.... get yoinked!! & because it's dream logic he could still get put back together just as easily... he could be like. alive and aware the whole time it's happening. u know. wheezing bloody exposed lungs that aren't Working and aren't Doing anything and they should have stopped by now his heart is fallen out it should be stopped but it's still squeezing and his eyes are still moving etc. this would also be like. reminiscent of his trigger event (laying helpless and paralyzed and in immense pain for many hours in the middle of the woods that want to kill him). ik u have second trigger thoughts. shrug!! maybe ashe has a moment of lucidity before the field drops and goes OHHH GOD OH FUCK because wraith is just. strewn across the ground torn apart like a doll that yr dog got to. etc etc etc.
ANYWAY. thats what ive got so far what have u got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👀👀👀👀👀
AHA. YEAH. LITERALLY WIBBY FRIDGE IN THE FOREST. okay okay okay we are cooking we are in the kitchen together just throwing ingredients into the soup. I'm obv not going to comment on the passengers thing until I read some more of worm (btw quick side note the s9 had a cameo in the last interlude I read and I got so ridiculously happy to see them again. extremely nervous about yhem cloning themselves (???????) though. although i kind of hope they are so that it'll give me more ideas about tide. anyway.)
HOWEVER. I DO REALLY REALLY LIKE THE GETTING CAUGHT IN THE BLAST ZONE VIBE but something that hits so hard about that event in canon is just. how. Direct And Personal it seemed. like. he Did That while holding him in the air and telling him to not be afraid bc it'll all be over soon. that's so much. I love the wibby getting caught in the fucked up breaker effect but also i think it should be DIRECTED at him. reasoning behind this i don't know why yet. but I'm sure we can think of something sufficiently harmful.
god dude i didn't even CONSIDER the dream logic of it all. we literally don't even have to kill wibby we can just have him awake and alive and aware of it all. wow! awesome! and dakota can try to push him back together and he would be aware of this and trying to talk to him but his fuckign. everythign is ripped open so he can't exactly talk now can he !!!
I do have SO MANY second trigger thoughts and I do think this is so fucking perfect as a second trigger moment exactly bc of what u said abt laying helpless (ESPECIALLY if we have dakota trying to fix him because. hey he didn't trigger the first time until people came to get him. lol. lmao, even.) and i HAVE actually put a good amount of thought into what his powers would look like after this but i cant tell u until youre done w pd AUGH. also hey having ashe be lucid for a second sucks even more because he'd drop the breaker effect. the only thing that could feasibly put wibby back together in this state is ALSO the breaker effect. so he fucking panics because hey wow i just did this and the only way to fix it or undo it is to . go back to being a horrible little puppet or whatever. do u know what I mean
side note I think wibby needs to have a brutal gross awesome scar from this. i can't talk more about this until you finish 39. smile !!!!!!!!!! what the fuck dude.
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serverusslaype · 6 months ago
(This isn't an ask, I just wanted to remain anonymous.)
Hey, I just wanted to say that your writing is so moving to me and I'm very glad that you're back! The way you write is so captivating and it's like I'm right there in the moment, so big kudos to you :] Honestly, anyone sensible understands that we all need a break sometimes and there aren't really limits when it comes to needing time to get back on the horse. I'm sorry you were struggling for so long, but I can assure you that I, along with a couple other friends, just kept re-reading your beautiful work and anyone who took your hiatus the wrong way can step on a nail. I haven't read the newest chapter yet but I'm definitely nervous about it, considering what happened in Ch. 14 lmao. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to create this AU in the first place, it's truly been an emotional rollercoaster (in the best way) and I hope you're doing well; take all the time you need for the chapters, we'll devour whatever you feed us regardless of how much time passes in between chapters 🤭
hello, :)
this message made me emotional and i don't know why, probably because it was incredibly empathetic and i am but a sensitive, soppy soul, so thank you for taking the time to write this out. <3 i know it's been so long since i've posted (april i think?), i sort of go through phases of like 'YES NEED TO WRITE' and then something like 'ahh fuck, need to write, but don't know what or how to-', and it just like.. suuucks. honestly how do authors pump out whole ass trilogies in such a short period.. but either way i feel like i'm sort of, potentially,, back into a writing mood? testing the waters atm. i don't want to just write something just to get it out, you know what i mean? i want it to actually be... of somewhat good quality, so i try and only write when i want to, mentally?
and no, thank you!!! for even giving my ideas a chance, like i deadass just woke up one day and messily wrote that first chapter because it just slipped into my head and this all sort of got out of control LOL, but in all honesty, i love it, but sure-- there are some things i wish to/want to change but it will just take a verryyy long time and i will for sure lose motivation and just.. end up scrapping the whole thing so i'm forcing myself to not do that. and i'll probably end up wanting to go back to how it first was anyway haha. but again thank you so much for reading and supporting this and me, i appreciate and love you, so much. the internet can be such a daunting and scary place but in the corner of it all, there's you guys <3.
ok before i literally start crying imma head out. <3
(thank you again honestly i was not expecting these kinds of messages when logging back on :') )
i hope you have a fantastic day, anonymous, and everyone else that did read all of this gobbidigook above ^ <3
-mari x
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boxblondiecoops · 2 years ago
You should write something about joe cooper and someone on his team! It would be such a cute idea since I saw your recent post lol 😭
- Saphari ★
Hello Saphari!!!
You're my first ask! I hope your doing amazing! Ok, I'm gonna warn you, my writing is chaotic as shit and probably scrambled as hell. I'm gonna start with bullet points and see where my brain takes us. Let's gooooooo~
It's gender neutral and mostly him having a crush but ya know.
Ok. So based off my obsession memory with how he acts around Jenna.............. He turns into a fucking golden retriever.
Same goes for when he's with you.
Like same big blue eyes, same dopey smile. Constantly jumping up to take care of stuff you need/want. He will even tie your shoes for you without you even so much as asking.
Oh, need some water during a sweltering practice? Here's a cold bottle, just for you. It even has your nicknames first initial on the cap with a lil heart with it. Or maybe your player number.
Need a snack because you forgot to eat before a game or something? Oh, lookie, he has your favorite! Actually, he has about eight of em, just in case you need more than one pick me up.
Listen, you guys have to hang out after the games and before the games and all the time.
If you don't wanna come over, he whines and complains to Remer all the time and every. single. time. Remer rolls his eyes so h a r d.
He curls up on the couch, watching his old game and hugging a pillow WISHING desperately it was you.
He's such a lonely guy, please go hold him. He'll gladly be the lil spoon, big spoon, the fucking fork, he doesn't care. He just needs you to hold him.
So naturally you've come over and hung out (more than once) and played some Nintendo and drank some beer if you like too, but he won't push it. He's just happy you're here.
In the house, he has a designated spot on the couch JUST for you. It's right next to his but no one else can sit there.......... Except maybe the dog. MAYBE.
If your allergic or even nervous of his dog, or even the cat for that matter, he'll move them to a seperate room and keep them in there when you hang out.
Although if your allergic he vacuums like the entire house before you come over, even doing the couch.
During games, he's the most supportive dweeb ever. He cheers, like, the loudest in the dug out if your psych out hits the way you practiced. He bounces around and claps.
If it doesn't, he pats you on the shoulder and tells you it was awesome and you guys can tweak it later.
He loves you in the uniform. He won't say it................ But like he stares at you so much. You're so pretty to him he just can't not look at you. He's smitten.
You are the ONLY person on the team allowed to score with La-Z-Boy. He trusts you so, so much with it.
Now imagine you got distracted, waiting your turn on the bench, your name gets called, saying your next up and he gives his prized ball a gentle throw to you and is just like
"Go kill it!" And he's blushing a little bit and almost giggles when you smile and jog off to the pitch.
He knows you won't pop it or fuck with it. It means the world to him and so do you so seeing you use it makes him blush and lean over the railing and just watch you.
Remer definitely fucking laughs at him tho... But also highly encourage him.
"My bestie is soooo in love!" *wipes fake tear*
If you pop a home run with his ball? He's on cloud fucking nine, jumping up and down.
Oh god, if you score the winning game, he rushes at you and picks you up, spinning you around and smiling up at you like you hung the moon and the stars and he just really fucking loves you.
He is constantly waving to you from the pitch if you aren't on the field. Like the straight arm lil wave
Please, can we talk about his eyes? He has the prettiest fucking blue eyes. He looks at you all the time like you personally crafted his favorite constellations or just handed him a signed baseball bat from Reggie Jackson himself.
Like come on. He's so fucking cute, I can't with him. Look!!! Look at him! ↷
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The tension.
The tension during practice?
Especially if the team isn't there and it's just the two of you???
HOLD ON THE CLICHE ASS "lemme stand behind you and, like, move you in the proper way" CLICHE SHIT PLEASE TELL ME YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
He has game for once!!!!
He stands behind you, hands on your waist, guiding you to stand directly across from the net. He makes sure your holding the ball right (basketballs are hard for me to hold- I have small hands) and even shows you the proper follow through.
And he's fully pressed against your back because I said so and he's so warm and big and everyone talks about how big Remer is but Coop is big too!!!!!
He smiles and gives you pointers on your stance and how to aim and shit- and he's such a sweetheart about it.
Like if you miss he claps and grabs the ball and is like "oh, good try! Let's do it again, but a little bit more like this-" and shows you how to do it and adjusts you to be right.
But he's genuinely so nice about his critiques and is so sweet and is painfully and obliviously so into you and stares at your lips a lot and-
Oh my god hold on
Y'all does he have like a "call me coach" thing???
You call him coach as a tease and he smiles and shakes his head and puts his hands on his hips.
.......... Call him that in front of the team and he gets majorly flustered.
I might need to write some suggestive shit on this topic later. This is like all I got for right now. I'm only thinking dirty shit uh-
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