#i really hope a piece of info gets revealed n everything falls to place like dominos
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gamer-paramnesia · 1 year ago
what the fuck is up with this islanddddd BRO
remember that qsmp website that was like an email exchange or something about a failed music section of an amusement park(?) thing?? n everyone was theorizing that the island was a failed/repurposed amusement park???
now we have an evil cucurucho nether bear thing?? and purgatory? and eyes???? and mysterious code circles that have yet to be explained?? and the black concrete communications?? WHAT?
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(Hold up!!! Before you read this, at the bottom I've left links to the first 4 parts. Go read them first, so youve got all the back story.)
((This is a long fanfic and will consist of multiple parts.)
True to your word, you sent him the address later that day.
You agreed to meet up in the afternoon, telling him the meeting up time to meet.
Stolas had suggested a dinner date, but you had turned that down for some reason, telling him you had a better idea.
You had actually asked him on a date.
So happy was he, the rest of the day seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, the owl caught in a blissful haze.
Eventually it was dinner time, where the prince found himself eating alone, again.
He hadn't eaten with his family since, well you know.
He chose something simple.
Grabbing the plate of last night's roast, he popped them into the microwave.
As he waited for his meal to heat, he quickly scrolled through his phone.
He was checking your voxtigram again, enjoying the collection of photos of you.
As he looked through he found the picture of you and Blitzø, the sight sending a pang of regret through his chest.
It was strange to think, just a day ago, he'd been head over heels for the Imp. Totally infatuated with him, and now... now he knew the truth.
Blitzø saw him as a meal ticket,nothing more.
He was just way to get to the living realm. What an idiot he'd been, a few kind words, a bit of sex there and he was totally under Blitzøs spell. He felt like an idiot.
His eyes shifted to you, and such warmth bloomed through his chest.
But you. You were genuine. You didn't want money or power, you wanted to make him happy.
You wanted to actually spend time with him, he wasn't just a meal ticket to you, he was someone worthy of love an attention.
He knew you weren't in love with him, not yet, but you would be, he'd show you just how worthy he was of your love.
His thoughts were interrupted by his dinner finished heating up.
He ate in silence, Stolas spending the whole time staring at the pictures of you.
After dinner he went for a shower, the hot water cascading down his body, the heat reminding him of the warmth you brought him just a day ago.
His thought slid to his time with you, fantasising about how intimate, how delicate and seductive you'd been.
The complete opposite of Blitzø.
His thighs ground together, his breath picking up as he slid a hand between his thighs.
He imagined you, holding him close, treating him like that delicate work of art, bringing him pleasure he didn't know existed.
Pleasure racked his body, his breathing hitched. And before he knew it, a mind shattering orgasm wracked his body.
After recovering from his little self pleasuring, he cleaned himself up and got out of the shower.
Walking into his room, he fell on his bed, feeling quiet satisfied. Curling up in bed, he fantasied about what the next day could hold for him.
He had a dreamless sleep that night waking up later than he had the morning prior, finding himself again, well rested.
Getting up, he went about his usual morning routine, all the way until he chose his outfit.
You had said something about wine, so did that mean it was more of a fine dining establishment. But you had said a pizza place right? So was it more of a casual, family restaurant.
He spent nearly half an hour thinking it over before he just decided to text you.
Stolas: Is there a dress code for tonight? I'm just picking out my outfit and don't want to come over dressed, I want something that to wow! you.
(Y/N): Hehehe, not really. Pick something casual and probably bring a coat as well, It gets kinda chilly out there at night.
(Y/N): We'll only be staying at the restaurant to eat, then I've got something planned for afterwards elsewhere.
Stolas: Is that so? And what have you got planned, something exciting I hope.
(Y/N): Nu uh, no hints. You'll just have to wait till tonight.
Stolas: Not even a little hint? 🥺🥺🥺
(Y/N): Nope, but I can promise it'll at least be the most romantic thing an Imp has ever done for you.
That kinda stung, bringing many unwanted memories to the forefront of his mind. You quickly texted again,
(Y/N): Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything like that. I just, doubt an Imp like me could match the typical royal date.
Stolas: it's alright, I understand what you meant.
(Y/N): But I can promise it'll be the most romantic thing someone's done with you on a budget.
Stolas actually laughed at that, falling onto his bed like a teenager. The two of you exchanged a little more info, before he finally picked an outfit.
He chose a fairly simple outfit; A stylish pair of jeans, a simple red and black T-shirt with a rather attractive heart pattern across it and then it was one of his favourite leather jackets with a beautiful fur collar
He left the manor grounds just as the sun began to set, the city night-life around the manor already beginning to pick up.
It was a fairly short drive, most people knowing to stay out of the way of a royal limousines.
Finding the street and location you'd described, he had the limo park in front of a rather unassuming building, not really looking any different from the hundred other boarded up buildings on the block.
Getting out, he stood there for a few minutes before he heard you call out. 'Hey good lookin, looking for a good time?' Turning around, he found you approaching.
You carried a simple wicker basket, wearing a humble, yet fitting attire,
You wore a stylish black T-shirt that seemed to just cling to all the right places, your jeans were faded, but not enough to warrant throwing out. And a pair of simple black shoes.
When you got closer, the demon piped up, 'If you were planning a picnic, the basket kind of gives it away.' He told you playfully.
You released a laugh, shaking your head. 'Nah, all that's already set up. I just don't wanna carry everything from here to there by hand.' You told him simply.
'Ooooh' he cood, 'and what is it your getting here, hmm?' He asked, playfully gesturing to the building.
'Oh you know, this and that, you'll be surprised how much they serve here.' You told him just as playful.
Stolas stood up before looking around, 'Speaking of what they serve here', I can't help but wonder where "here" is, this doesn't exactly look like a restaurant.' He told you, gesturing to the rather dull wall of buildings before you.
You just chuckled, looking up at the prince before telling him, 'Dont judge a book by its cover, dear prince of mine' you told him playfully.
You hadn't realised it, but when you called him yours, it sent a wave of euphoria through the owl that he simply couldn't describe.
His mind was addled, the owl clutched himself as he watched you speak, to caught up in this feeling to catch what you said.
He was snapped from his stupor, when he found you were looking up at him, seemingly expecting a response.
The owl panicked, snapping to attention and blurting out, 'Of course, words to live by,' before he just stood there, smiling like an idiot.
You stared at him for several moments, the awkwardness so palpable you could practically see it in the air.
After another moment, Stolas shook his head, 'S-sorry, uh, what was that last thing?' He asked, trying to salvage the situation.
You chuckled, shaking your head, 'nothin, let's go shall we?' You asked him, stepping forward.
He followed close behind, following you into a nearby alleyway.
He followed in silence, but as your path grew longer he decided to ask where you were going. Only for you to suddenly stop and turn towards a large metal shudder.
Looking up at him, you did a little knock on the shudder, before just standing there.
A few minutes pass by before Stolas whispered, 'what are we waiting for?'
You laughed at that, before telling him, 'He always takes a minute to get here... any second now.'
A few seconds go by, just as Stolas was gonna pipe up again, the shudder suddenly shot up, revealing an middle aged Imp carrying a shotgun.
The Imp stared at him for a few moments before looking down and spotting you, 'Oh (Y/n)! Didnt expect you so early.' He told you, lowering the shotgun, 'who's the string bean?' He asked bluntly.
You just laughed as Stolas became indignant, looking himself up and down before asking himself if he really look like a string bean?
''This is my...' you hesitated for a moment, the owl held his breath, waiting for you to finish the sentence
'... my date' you finished, 'this is my date "Prince" Stolas.' You told him firmly, enough pride in your voice to make Stolas flush.
The Imp looked him up and down, 'A prince huh? Damn (Y/n), really pickin up your game' The older Imp gave you a rather lecherous grin.
You scoffed, stepping forward and asking 'Can we come in or are we just gonna stand around talking all night?'
The elder Imp just huffed before stepping out of the way.
The two of you walked into a somewhat narrow stairwell, the prince having to crouch walk to squeeze in there.
'Sorry 'bout the tight fit there your highness, we usually only get Imps down here, it'll be more roomy downstairs.' The old Imp spoke up as they made there way down the stairs.
Stolas chose not to reply, choosing instead to just take it in stride.
It was another minute of walking down the cramped stairwell when they suddenly entered a much larger chamber, the owl able to stand up.
Once he'd stretched his back, Stolas got a good look around, and found himself transfixed by the splendour of the place.
Honestly the place could probably give most of the restaurants he'd been too a run for there money.
It was a large hall, clearly some old structure with black bricks making up most of the walls.
A number of quaint little lanterns hung from the roof giving the whole chamber a pleasantly dim atmosphere.
A series of tables filled the centre of the chamber, each one decked in a cloth, with its very own candle lit center piece.
The architecture created smaller arches along the walls, many of them gave way to small booths where other Imps were enjoying there meal. While others were filled in by wine wracks, each one filled with a variety of bottles.
'My it's... it's...' before Stolas could finish, you cut in, 'yeah... I know, it's not exactly the rits, but for an Imp run business, it's pretty sophisticated.' You seemed disappointed, likely having interpreting his stunned silence as disappointment.
Stolas quickly cleared that up, telling you 'it's beautiful, I've never seen a place like it.' He told you honestly.
Looking down he found you positively beaming.
Reaching out, you grabbed his hand. You dragged him along like an excited child, taking him to what was obviously the front desk.
Placing the wicker basket on top the counter, you binged the bell.
A moment passed before a shorter and clearly much older Imp walked out. Upon seeing you there face lit up, 'Oh (Y/N), so good to see you.' They said cheerfully, pulling out a medium leather bound book from under the counter, they looked up and said, 'Lets see. Ah! Here you are. One table. A high ceiling and a strong bottle, correct?' They asked pleasantly.
You just nodded, them quickly putting the book away and began leading you away.
He found himself led into another chamber, this one much smaller but still just as pleasant.
In this one, a quaint little chandelier, giving the room a pleasant warm glow.
The older Imp quickly left, promising to bring menu's upon his return.
You led him in 'Beautiful place, isn't it?' You asked, seeming a hundred miles away.
'It is' He agreed, never taking his eyes off of you.
It took a few moments, but eventually you locked eyes, a smile growing across your lips.
After a moment, you seemed to snap back to reality, quickly walking over and pulling out one of the chairs, 'Your highness' you told him, an almost seductive tone to your voice.
'Such a gentleman' he spoke playfully, taking his seat.
Pushing him in, you walked around and took your seat.
Sitting down, you leaned forward, the two of you sitting in silence for a moment, neither of you sure what to say.
Eventually you spoke up, 'Can... can I ask you something?' You asked hesitantly.
Stolas, seeing the mood shift, leaned forward, responding with 'of course you can... what is it?'
You took a moment, placing your mouth behind your balled fist, 'I just... I just want to know... What is this?' You asked somberly.
That took him off guard, 'I, uh... I thought this was a date,' he tried to lighten the mood.
You did smile at that, but it was short lived, the sombre look returning.
'No... I mean like, you and me. What is this?' You asked him.
Stolas found himself at a loss.
What were you?
This was a date, wasn't it? So that would make you a potential couple? But he was already married... so, what the hell did that make you?
He sat there for longer than he'd like without an answer, before he felt he just had to say something. 'I don't... I don't know.' He told you honestly.
'I mean, this is a date? And I uh...' He didn't know were to go.
Out of options, he decided to do something that hadn't gone the best for him lately, but with you he felt it would be his best course to take.
He was gonna go with his gut.
'I want there to be something.' He told you, 'You make me feel like... like I deserve to be loved. Like I can be loved... Something I haven't felt in quiet a while.'
'I haven't felt like I really deserve anything in... Hell.... Decades?' He was tearing up now, his voice thick with emotion, 'I don't know if I deserve love, (Y/N).'
'I only ever seem to end up hurting the people I care about.' Tears formed in his eyes, the owl gripped his head, 'Lately I feel like a curse. Like I can only bring pain and misery to those around me... and after what I've done, I can't help but feel I deserve it.'
He looked up at you, a little smile across his face, 'But you... you make me feel like... like someone cares about me... Like someone cares about what I want. And you don't want anything from me... your not just using me as a means to an end... You care about me.' He was shaking now, a gentle tear sliding down his cheek.
He sat there for a moment, on the brink of tears, just as he felt you grab his hand.
Looking down he found you gently grasping his hand. You slowly inspected it, gently running your fingers along the long slender digits.
'You know...' you began, unease in your voice. 'I had no idea what I was doing, that first time.'
'I wanted to cheer you up, make you smile.' You let out a little chuckle, 'And as cliché as it might sound, I could tell you just wanted someone to love you, to make you feel something.' you smiled up at him.
'I knew you needed some kind of affection and I... I couldn't just let you sit there, drowning in despair. So I did it, I gave you the love you needed' You told him, your voice getting a little unbalanced.
You looked up at him, your throat tightening and voice becoming shaky, 'And if after that first time together... I after what we did... you had said you wanted to just pretend like nothing happened. I would have accepted it. I could have accepted that.' You told him firmly.
'Theres so much misery around me, so many suffering for no real reason. So if I could make you happy, even for just a moment. I'd be happy.' A smile spreading across your face.
'I don't know what's gonna happen next.' You told him. 'And I don't know what's gonna happen next.'
Your voice grew firmer, as did your resolve. 'But I wanna get closer to you and you wanna get closer to me. So how's about we just... see where this goes?' You asked him.
Stolas was a little shocked, 'You... you'd really do that, just give it a shot, to be with me?' He asked incredulously.
You just nodded your head, a little smile across your face, 'I... I wanna be with you Stolas, if that's alright with you?' You asked almost playfully.
Stolas couldn't help but laugh, vigorously nodding his head, 'Yes, Yes, a thousand times Yes.' He told you getting to his feet.
His emense height allowing him to lean over the table, locking you into a passionate kiss.
The Owl couldn't help it, he pressed into the kiss, so much so he was scared he might hurt your lips.
But he just couldn't help it, he was feeling such passion right now, all he could think to do was get as close to you as possible.
Hey Hey. Doing some old stories now. I've got so many requests I think I'll just relax a little, do them at my own pace.
This is the 5th part of my series Here's the link to my other chapters
so check that out. I'm gonna be doing some more of my own original works lately, but feel free to leave a request, just don't expect me to get to it any time soon. Any way, hope you enjoyed the story. Bye Bye.
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thotsforvillainrights · 4 years ago
hii!! how’re you doing?? i hope you’re doing well, if it’s not too much trouble, can i please request a smut scenario for which setsuno falls in love with a pro hero who’s been undercover in the shie hassaikai who also loves him back but knows how risky it is and confides in him telling him that they’re a hero and from there, things eventually escalate to doing the do in the base without trying to get caught?? sorry if it’s too specific, if it’s too confusing or if you need me to clarify anything then that’s fine!! ❤️
(Honestly if someone were to take this and turn it into a full on fanfic, I’d read the chapters like crazy)
-Toya Setsuno smut-
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Risky- full of the possibility of danger, failure, or loss
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Neither of you knew what you were doing but you both knew this had to be love. However, you got to this point from the wrong end of things. You were a pro and should’ve known better, but how could you let him go now? Going undercover to track the Hassaikai’s behaviors, being placed on his team, and getting to know everything about him first? It certainly didn’t help keeping you focused on work. Setsuno had went from being your first target, to your coworker, to your friend, to somewhat of a love interest but let’s be honest, you were partners now. For him, well he’d long since realized you were a spy by the way you interacted with him within the first 2 weeks of joining the yakuza. He was trained to root out any traitors (well him and Nemoto of course). He was going to sell you out until he had felt himself falling for you. This was a shocker on his end considering he figured his walls built around his heart were strong. The walls weren’t strong enough to withstand your laugh or your smile, or even the way you scoffed in annoyance sometimes at his awful jokes. When you finally revealed to him that you were a hero, he went ahead and fessed up that he already knew. From that point you figured you’d either leave and lie about any info you got on the Hassaikai, or he’d leave and sell out his own friends. None of that was going to happen so you were both stuck contemplating leaving together and starting a new life.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are. I could get pretty lost in those (e/c) orbs of yours, y’know?” You rolled your eyes at his compliment and continued to work. “What trashy movie did you get that line from.” You teased while organizing some files. “Toya shouldn’t you be off on a mission today with Tabe and Hojo anyway?” You turned to watch him smirk and blush a bit. “Yeah well...” he paused to lock the door and slowly approached your desk. “I kinda stuck around for you. Do you think you could pay me back with a kiss?” He leaned down to your chair height and smiled sweetly. “If all you wanted was a kiss, why’d you lock the door?” You teased him as you leaned across the desk to meet his lips. When pulling away and mumbled quietly ‘privacy sake��.
“Privacy sake huh? I’ve known you long enough now and I can tell you’ve never been this bold with me before. If there’s something else you want then you should say it.” You smirked before standing up and moving to meet him on the other end of the desk. He smiled, stood up, and handed you a piece of paper from his pocket. “Go on, read it.” You tilted your head in confusion and unfolded the paper to begin reading. When finished, you gasped and looked at him. He was smiling widely with teary eyes by now. “I put in my 2 weeks notice a few days ago and I’ve been waiting to tell you. Maybe you should wait a while until after I leave before you put yours in. That way it won’t look fishy to the boss. Y/N, I really don’t know what kinda magic spell you put on me, but I’ll do anything to be by your side from now on...even if that means leaving all this behind.” Before he could say anything else, you pulled him into a pretty passionate kiss. A kiss that would warrant the door being locked right now. Just because his group was gone on a mission it doesn’t mean the other groups weren’t here. “Maybe a outta take this back to the apartment.” He tried to speak between breaths. “With 4 hours left before we can clock out? You try justifying leaving work this early.” You replied as you began buttoning down his shirt and loosening his tie. “Y/N you make a mess out of me.” He proceeded to take your clothes off as well. “Me make a mess out of you? You’re the one that pranced in her and started it first. You teased him a bit more. He smirked and gripped your shoulders to lead you until your backside hit the desk, forcing you to lean backward and lay atop your unfinished paper work. For someone a skinny as him, his strength wasn’t too bad!
“Condom???” He nodded at you and reached into his back pocket. “How long have you had that on you today? Did you plan this, Toya?” You loved teasing him because it was cute watching try to keep his composure when his face was extremely pink. “Hush, would you?” He mumbled as he started opening the small packet. 
Once all that was taken care of, he settled himself between your legs, gripping each leg and folding your knees into you as comfortably as he could without hurting you. He looked up at you and waited for consent to keep going. Once you nodded your head at him and gave him that caring smile, he slowly entered tip first. Inch by agonizingly slow inch, he pushed himself into you. He wasn’t even thrusting yet, but he already felt like he was nearly out of breath from the pleasure. Trying to keep someone as vocal as himself from moaning out or whining was a difficult task, but he somehow managed for now. “Y/N I’m...why are you so tight?” He whispered in disbelief. “Please oh my God Y/N, tell me I can move now. I’m begging you~” He begged silently with watery eyes. “Yes Toya~” That was all it took for him to pull all the way out slowly before slamming back into you once. He leaned down to bite at your neck and keep from moaning out. It wasn’t just difficult on is end either...You were also struggling with being quiet so you two wouldn’t be caught. His cock had a way with making you sing the most delicious of moans, so you needed to take your own precautions by biting the inside of your cheek in desperation to keep quiet. 
For a while he continued to pull out all the way and keep slamming back into you at once because the pace was preventing him just barely from whining, but eventually he couldn’t handle it any longer and neither could you. He finally stayed in, thrusting at a moderately fast pace and listening to the sound of skin slapping against skin in the dim office. Little moans, whispered, and whining bouncing off the walls as he brought the two of you closer and closer to each respective orgasm. “Y/N, pleeeeaaase~” You could tell he was close by the way he began to beg for release as if you were controlling the pace. “Please, please, please, ple-fuck pleeease I’m~” He quickly leaned back down to bite harshly at your neck before filling you nearly to the brim with his seed. Meanwhile you’d taken to biting his shoulder with the same harshness. 
Once everything had calmed down and the two of you caught your breath, he removed himself and started tidying up the sex mess you two created. You decided to do the same, and scurried to gather the papers that fell off the desk during your activities. “C’mon look...”You playfully glared at him as you pointed to the bite mark on your neck. “Ah that’ll fill out. It’s just a little indent. Besides, you did the same to me too y’know.” He pointed at his shoulder. “Uh yeah, but you can cover your mark with clothes. I can’t wear a scarf right now. It’s burning up down here!” He laughed at you and moved to place a loving kiss on your forehead. “I’m sure you’ll figure something out, hero.” He teased you, but there was nothing but love in those eyes making you even more eager to see what the future would hold for you two.
Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber
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mercy-burning · 4 years ago
I Felt A Burning (Songbird Chapter 3)
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: As it turns out, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Reader finds herself missing Spencer while he’s away, so the two of them find unique ways to spend time with one another. Rating: 18+ Warnings: Smut (penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, male and female masturbation, squirting), Language Word Count: 6.3k
SERIES MASTERLIST SERIES PLAYLIST (new songs added with the release of each new chapter)
NOTE: Sorry this is a little late.. This series is giving me a rough time at the moment, so I’ll probably need a little time to work out some of the kinks (pun intended?) but I’m still very excited to share the rest with you, because I do think it’s going to end up being one of my favorite things I’ve ever written!
So, this month I’m going to take some time to work on requests for my 1k celebration (More info on that here if you want to check it out and send in some requests), and once they’re all complete, I’ll come back to Songbird! It’s not technically on hold, but chapter updates will probably stay pretty spread out while I try to make each one the best they can be 🥰
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
"I've never seen him this attached to his phone, it's almost like he's a whole different person."
I don't think JJ realized I could hear her, and she probably thought I wasn't paying attention. To be fair, I wasn't paying that much attention. But I had to be cautious; As much as I loved texting with Y/N, I knew what my friends would do if they found out the nature of our conversations. Or that I was texting a woman outside of a professional setting... Or that I was texting a woman at all.
"I wonder who could have him that caught up," I heard Emily say.
Deciding to take matters into my own hands, I spoke up, keeping my eyes locked on my screen. "Her name is Sudoku. It's something to do to pass the time."
"Oh, so he is alive," Emily quipped, and everyone laughed. I even let out a little smile. "Why invest money in a smartphone when you don't even like the technology? I mean, you can buy puzzle books for like a dollar a piece, anyway..."
The first time Y/N texted me a... rather scandalous photo of herself, I'd ended up having to wait until I got home, transferring and downloading the file to my computer there because I couldn't get it on my phone. And then she called me and said that if we were going to do this properly I needed to be able to see the photos while I was away, otherwise there wouldn't be a point.
And the funny thing was, I didn't hesitate to purchase a smartphone immediately after we hung up.
I have to say, it was really handy. Sure, it was still taking some getting used to. And I much preferred my old phone, but getting to experience these rather adventurous text exchanges with her made it all worth it.
"Endless puzzles on the free app is much cheaper than buying a new book every few days. It's not bad," I finally said.
Just as Derek mentioned something about Penelope finally 'bringing me to the dark side', my phone buzzed in my hand and my heart buzzed in my chest.
The rest of the team talked amongst themselves, leaving me to 'my game' and I was glad to have a cover.
But when I opened the message and saw the photo Y/N sent me, I felt like the most obvious person in the world. Surely there was no way that no one else didn't know what I was looking at, right? Because I felt my face get hot, and something equally warm stirred in my lower stomach.
Shifting my bag over my lap just in case, I swallowed and examined the photo further.
The camera framed her body from the top of her mouth to her chest. She was completely bare, her bottom lip formed in a pout and saliva leaking out and down her chin. My eyes followed the trail down to her exposed breasts, where a round, red lollipop was covering her right nipple. I could barely see her piercing from behind it.
My phone buzzed again with another photo attachment, this time revealing a different angle. The lollipop was positioned right above her clit, just barely touching it, and looked like she was dripping wet. Immediately I wondered whether or not she'd touched herself with the lollipop, and if so, had she tasted herself on the candy? What did it taste like? Would she be willing to let me try when I landed and could finally see her again?
My phone buzzed a third time, and it almost scared me. This time it was just a text: I hope you appreciated those. It was far less sexy to take them than you'd probably think. Definitely more sticky, too. Gonna take a shower. Might send you some more, if you can handle it. —Stranger
I tried not to smile too hard, fully aware of my friends on the other side of the jet, and texted back as discreetly as I could: I always appreciate the effort. As for what I can handle, you'll come to find I'm full of surprises.
It didn't take long for a response to show up: Well, I'll just have to test that out when you come back to me, won't I, Doc?
My breath caught, and I don't think I'd ever wished for the plane to land faster than I did at that moment. I thought about asking when we were expected home, but figuring that might be a little more suspicious, I thought better of it and decided to wait it out.
I messaged her back: Text you when we land, and then pulled up the Sudoku puzzle app to keep myself busy until I could see her in person.
Maybe it was a little ridiculous dressing up for someone when they were just going to take it off of you almost immediately after walking through the door, but for one thing, I needed to wear something while I waited for him to get here.
And for another, it made me feel sexy, and in the end that's all I needed to know.
I wore a matching white lace bra and underwear set with high stockings. It was simple, but as I'd learned over the past month, Spencer really liked white on me. So I knew this was a good option, even if ultimately he didn't care what I wore (or didn't wear). To leave it a little surprise, I threw on a robe and read on the couch until he would text me.
But even as my book was open in my lap, my eyes didn't scan the pages. Instead I stared off into space, thinking about what a month it had been.
A whole month, and everything was going great. Not that I expected it to be awful or anything, but over time, even though Spencer and I had strictly been sleeping together without any strings, every time he was gone I felt like something was missing.
It confused the hell out of me.
And not because he wasn't worth missing—that actually wasn't the case. It was the fact that I was the one missing him at all that confused me. I mean, it was obvious from the beginning of our sexual relationship that I was willing to break a few rules of mine just to be around him, but... Feeling these things so soon? Missing his presence when he wasn't near me?
It was all so unfamiliar and completely different from any relationship I'd been in before, and a large part of me wanted to stop it all together. But really, I knew that was ridiculous, because nothing was wrong. He always respected my wishes, he made me feel good, and he was always kind and reassuring. He even bought a brand new fucking phone just so we could sext while he was away. It was obvious that he would have done a lot for me, and for the sake of keeping our arrangement steady... And from the little I did know about him, he seemed like the type of person who would be totally understanding about any issue I had, whether it was of a sexual nature or not.
Simply put, he was perfect.
So why did I not want to let him in? Why was it so fucking hard for me to believe that I could actually date him like a normal person and be okay?
Maybe I just needed to take things slow. I could do that, right?
Yeah. I totally could.
When he got here, the first matter of business, of course, would be to have sex with him. Because he'd been away for almost a week now, and the whole time we texted back and forth about all the things we wished we could do to each other. And his job was stressful, so whenever he came back he liked to relieve some of that stress, which I was more than willing to give him. No matter my conflicted feelings, our arrangement was so solid that I had no doubts about what would happen the second he walked through my door.
And then, when it was all over, he would leave. He always did, even if I sometimes asked him to stay until I fell asleep. But maybe tonight I could tell him to stay and fall asleep with me instead. That would be a good first step, right? I could explain how he must be exhausted from work and travelling, so he should just rest and I would be willing to let him sleep in bed beside me.
Yeah. That was a good plan.
Except, what would I do in the morning, then? Would everything be awkward? Would he get up before me and leave before I even woke up? And if that was the case, would he leave another note? Maybe he would still be asleep when I woke up, and then I could make him breakfast or something. Mayb—
My phone went off beside me, snapping me out of my excessive thinking. Thank God...
I read the text with a smile forming as soon as I saw his name at the top of the screen: Be at your place in 20 minutes.
After sending back a winking-face emoji, I set my phone on the table and put the book next to it. And then I took a deep breath and reminded myself to take it easy. Everything was going to be just fine.
Everything was going to be just fine.
I must have repeated it to myself over and over until he actually showed up, because it felt like only a minute had passed before a knock sounded at the door.
"It's me!" Spencer called out, and my heart raced.
Even as I strode over to the door, I couldn't seem to slow the fast pace of my heartbeat. And when I opened the door to see him with a brighter-than-the-sun smile, I thought it might completely burst out of my chest.
"Hey, Stranger," I whispered, stepping aside to let him in. As soon as the door closed, he leaned in to kiss my cheek, and I couldn't resist. I grabbed his face and pulled his lips to mine, kissing him deeply and with as much care as I could convey. He dropped his bag and melted into me completely, wrapping his arms around my lower back and pulling me closer to him. In turn I melted into him, sighing into his mouth.
I couldn't tell you how long we stayed like that, standing at the front door and making out like he'd just come back from war. It felt like it could have been forever, but however long it was, I couldn't have cared any more or less. It was perfect.
His hands slid down my back and splayed over the curve of my ass, making me laugh against his mouth. I felt him smile before he pulled away just a little, just enough to keep our noses touching.
"I missed you," he said simply, though with those three words alone it felt like it was complex and enduring enough to chip away at the walls I put up.
And strangely I didn't mind. When he was here, touching me, smiling at me, speaking to me, I felt... serene. It was like the stillest water you could imagine—no ripples, no waves... Just clear water, so still it was like a horizontal mirror.
"Missed you more," I drawled out, running my hands through his hair and rubbing my nose against his. "I even wore something special."
"You did?" he mused, running his hands back over my back and then around to the front of the robe I'd put on over my lingerie. He probably already noticed the stockings, unless he was just as blindsided as I'd been by the fact that we were finally together again that he didn't actually notice. But either way, his whole body went still when he pulled my robe away and took me in. I anchored myself to him by holding his hands, studying his face as it looked me up and down and grew stronger with desperation with every passing second.
"You like it?" I finally asked.
The mood almost completely shifted when he met my eyes. I could have sworn they grew darker.
"I like you," he breathed, right before he reached forward, grabbing my face with both his hands, and kissing me again. This time it was primal, every nerve in my body going numb at the way he practically consumed me. It was all hands and tongue and teeth and warmth.
I clutched onto his shirt, pulling his body closer to mine as I was desperate to be connected to him on every physical level. A gravelly moan slipped my mouth when he reached behind my head and lightly tugged at the roots of my hair, to which he tugged a little harder. I returned the favor, using my other hand to mirror the hair pulling he was performing on me, and he groaned almost as intensely as I did.
I didn't even know we were at the kitchen table until I was sitting on it, my legs instinctively wrapping around Spencer's waist and my arms doing the same to his neck. His tongue slipped into my mouth with ease, just like it had a million times before. And it was just as intoxicating.
He moved his hand to my back, sliding around the clasp of the bra before he paused and pulled away, studying my face. I wasn't sure what he was thinking, but with the way his hands slid over my body like they were merely exploring, I had a feeling it was going to work out in my favor.
"You got all dressed up just for me, I'd feel bad to make you take it off," he mused, finally letting his eyes roam the length of my body.
"Whatever are we going to do about that," I mused right back, biting my lip when he met my eyes again.
His lips twitched into a smirk for a brief second before he moved his hands to unbuckle his pants. "I guess you'll just have to keep them on while I fuck her right here on the table."
I couldn't help the excited whimper that came out of my mouth as I leaned back on my hands and waited for him to get situated. My hand drifted to my panties, sliding them aside and dipping my middle finger through my pussy. "Did you like the pictures I sent you?"
I knew his answer was yes, but I wanted to get him more excited, and it seemed to do the trick—I could have sworn I saw his hands move faster, finally pushing his pants down as he took a step closer to me.
"Y/N, I have an eidetic memory, which basically means that I remember everything I see. Those pictures? They've been burned into my brain since I saw them, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about how badly I wanted to be with you again."
Each and every word fell heavy with this burning desire that set my whole body aflame. Added to the way he looked at me with the same intensity, it was practically the perfect formula for my destruction. And the fact that he could just vividly remember everything I sent him? Every picture, every time he saw me in the flesh—desperate for him... God, it was all so fucking exciting. And that was putting it lightly, because no words could ever have been beautiful or poetic enough to describe the way this man made me feel.
It all must have been written all over my features, because Spencer stared down at me and hummed amusedly His hands reached out to spread my legs by my knees, his touch sending shivers all throughout my body.
I reached out to grip his dick, slowly stroking it as I bit my lip and blinked up at him. "You have no idea how much I missed you this week," I got out, barely above a whisper.
"Oh, I think I do," he answered, right before he stepped forward and slid my panties aside. We both moved together then, me leaning forward to meet him as he brought his hips forward and ran his dick slowly along the opening of my pussy. He slapped it gently over my clit a few times, making me whimper out again which in turn made him smile a little. "How bad do you want it, pretty girl?"
"I want it bad," I answered simply, my voice low and on the verge of begging.
He seemed happy with that answer, a low hum coming from his throat in approval as he ran the tip of his dick through me again. And when he pushed it in just slightly, I wiggled under him in anticipation."
"Eager, are we?" he mused, stilling and bringing his thumb to gently circle my clit.
I threw my head back with an exasperated sigh that I only slightly truly meant in earnest. "Hell yeah, I'm eager. You promised to fuck me on the table, so when are you gonna deliver?"
Without another word, he slammed forward into me, and I gasped out, already falling apart at the burning I felt throughout my whole body.
"You're gonna regret being impatient, you know," Spencer grumbled, though the way I knew I had him practically wrapped around my finger told me that his threat was nothing more than a string of words that would fray and unravel into nothing once I got a tug on it.
And tug on it I did. Because he may have been the one currently obliterating me on my kitchen table, but the second I started talking, I knew he'd be just as ruined—maybe even a little more, though at the very least it would be an even playing field.
So I clenched around him as he continued fucking me at a brutal pace, spreading my legs wider and moaning out maybe a little too dramatically. "Oh, you've missed this tight little cunt, haven't you, baby boy?"
His arms wrapped around my legs and he scooted me closer, giving him a deeper angle inside me as a strangled moan rolled past his lips and his eyes almost rolled back. "Fuck, Y/N, I..."
As the words struggled to come out, I laughed, puffing my chest out and tilting my head to the side. "That's right... That's fuckin' right..."
It really didn't take long for either of us to reach orgasm, between our banter and the sheer force at which he drove into me while I clenched around him every so often, matching his rhythm perfectly despite how staggered everything was becoming with every passing second.
"Fuck, Spence, that's it," I breathed, reaching a hand out to graze his stomach with my fingertips. "I'm gonna cum..."
"Me, t— shit..."
Feeling him spill over inside me as I came around him reminded me just how much I missed having him with me, because no matter how good I made myself feel with a vibrator while he was away, nothing ever compared to that feeling; How full he made me feel, how tingly I felt when he moaned out my name, how warm his hands were as they gripped my skin to keep himself steady as he just fucking gave it all to me until there was nothing left... It was all so intense that I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to recover.
Which was why, even after he pulled out of me, I laid back on the table completely, letting my legs dangle off. My eyes closed as I tried to catch my breath and eventually I let out a breathy laugh.
"Fuck, man, maybe we should spend time apart more often, because that was..."
The weight of what I'd said didn't even really hit me until his phone started to ring, and I remembered my plan, that spending time apart was actually what I didn't want and I was supposed to tell him to stay...
I sat up and watched as he grabbed his phone from the pocket of his pants, which were on the floor. He pulled them up with him as he stood up again, murmuring a quick 'sorry' to me before taking the call.
I could see his ants were struggling to stay up, so I reached out and grabbed him by the belt loop, pulling him to me and buttoning his pants up for him as he spoke.
"Yeah, Hotch?" he said, smiling down at me because of what I was doing. I smiled right back with a wink, fixing up and straightening out his pants before I saw his smile falter.
A ball of disappointment started to roll in the pit of my stomach as I heard Spencer say, "Oh..." rather sadly. If I had to take a guess, he was probably being called into work again so soon, and once again I would be left alone.
"O—Okay, I'll be right in," he said, confirming my suspicions. Once he said goodbye, He put his phone back in his pocket and smiled at me apologetically. "Sorry I have to leave so soon, I was hoping to spend at least a little more time together before I left."
And I was kind of hoping I'd ask you to stay... "Oh, it's okay... I guess... absence makes the heart grow fonder?"
We both laughed a little, though it was clear the mood was still a bit dismal. So to lighten it I sat up a bit straighter and smirked, spreading my legs a little and feeling his cum slowly drip out. "Well, why don't you take a picture or two? Something to remember me by?"
I could tell he appreciated the playfulness I put forth, but he didn't take his phone out. "That's the thing about having an eidetic memory, I won't need a picture. Anytime I want, I can just remember you like this. Plus, I won't risk anyone else seeing anything."
I scoffed with a smile. "Please... I would hope you aren't looking at the pictures I send you in a room full of your colleagues."
"I don't. But I do work with a bunch of profilers, all of whom would just love to tease me until the end of time if they ever discovered what I was doing with you in my free time."
I was going to say something, but he cut me off, stepping forward and bringing his hand down to brush against the inside of my thigh. "But, if it'll make you feel better... I can give you something to remember me by..."
"What's that?" I breathed out, looking up at him as his hand travelled to my pussy.
He dipped his middle finger inside of me and felt around, leaning forward until his lips were barely brushing mine. My whole body seemed like it was going to crumble down at any given second, when he spoke quietly. "A taste."
"Of... what?"
He brought his finger out of me and brought it to my lips, and I took it in without even thinking. I groaned around him as he spoke again, his gaze unwavering and downright life-ruining. "Us. This is what we taste like together... A perfect harmony. Don't you think?"
I wanted to tell him that he wouldn't know because he hadn't actually tasted it himself, but the whole thing was so fucking hot that I didn't even bother arguing. I just sat there, whining around his finger as he all but stared into my soul.
His finger slipped out of my mouth and ran along my chin as he tilted it up. "I want you to clean yourself up just like that. You can send me a picture when you're done so I can see, yeah?"
"And... What if I don't?"
Spencer smiled knowingly, taking one more swipe of his finger through me before bringing it to his own lips, sucking it clean like anyone would have with food, and stepping back from me completely. "You will."
He left, and I could have sworn I felt my soul leave my body.
I'm not sure where that came from, exactly. But Y/N had brought out this other side of me that was almost jarring as much as it was sexy. She was everything seductive and enticing that the world had to offer, and it fueled me in a way I couldn't explain. In fact, I was almost positive she wouldn't send any pictures, because what the hell kind of request was that? I certainly never would have thought of it before, but she gave me all these filthy thoughts and ideas that I never would have been able to dream up otherwise.
Which, precisely, is why I was second-guessing everything. I focused on what work we had to do, of course, but once we were settled in on the jet and on our way to the next city, I brought out my phone to text her.
But I wasn't sure what I would say. I'd have to find a way to apologize, of course, in case my request had been too weird, and that I definitely should have asked her if she was okay with me telling her what to do like that. I knew about dominant and submissive dynamics in sex of course, but that's not the type of relationship we had. And, to be completely honest, if anyone was going to be the dominant role in that dynamic, it most definitely would have been her. While I could be confident and somewhat in control when we had sex, and while sometimes she took on a rather submissive approach to our sessions and I found myself deeply turned on by that, I was not confident in my dominant side. I never could take full control like that, and with some of the things I've seen and experienced from Y/N, that role was definitely better suited for her than me.
But in the end it all came down to us trying new things. Or... rather, me trying new things. I figured she was way more experienced than me from the beginning, and that still remained true, though by the reaction I've had from her a few times, especially after tonight, it seemed I'd shaken her up a bit.
Whether that was a good thing or not would be dependent on how this conversation went.
I turned on my phone to see that I had three photos and one video attachment. My heartbeat picked up immediately, and I quickly shut it off to compose myself, already having a feeling of what might be there.
About a minute later, I got up to use the bathroom while everyone was catching up on some sleep. This was a bit of a longer flight than we were used to, so it kind of worked in my favor. But just to be safe, I snuck in the earbuds that came with the phone as well.
Once the door was shut, I leaned back against it and plugged in the earbuds, simultaneously trying to navigate through the phone to get to my messages. And once I was situated, I put the earbuds in and looked at the pictures first.
The first one could only be described as a 'before' photo, showcasing her pussy exactly how I left it, and that alone was enough to start a stirring in stomach. I examined the picture intently, feeling myself grow harder in my pants, and I knew this was dangerous. But somehow that made it all the more exciting. It was a good thing I decided to stay in the bathroom.
The second photo showed Y/N's middle and pointer fingers spreading herself wide, everything exposed and glistening. I looked at that one longer, but the third one took me out and made me slump my head against the door with a soft groan. She was pouting slightly, her bottom lip dripping with what was obviously the cum I'd left her with. I didn't even want to watch the video, because I knew once I did I'd be a goner. I didn't even know exactly what it would be, but it didn't matter, because no matter what Y/N did she would tear down every defense I had. Everything I thought I knew, my ability to think straight, all of it would be gone with one word—Hell, one look.
I managed to take a deep breath before opening the video and adjusting the volume. And knowing it was probably going to do some damage to me, I stood in front of the toilet, making sure the door was locked before taking my dick out of my pants and slowly starting to stroke it.
Through the screen, I saw that Y/N had repositioned the camera so that I had a full-body view of her on her kitchen table. I wasn't sure how she was able to keep her phone propped up or where it was, but as she started to move, I didn't really care one way or the other.
"I've already sent you some pictures, which I hope you looked at first, but I figured this would be... better proof," she was saying, her legs spreading wide so I had a perfect view of everything. She brought her hand down to circle her clit a few times, and the longer she went on, the louder and more obscene the sounds were.
"Fuck," I breathed as quietly as I could, taking everything in as my hand worked my dick a little faster. I could have watched her do just that forever.
But she went the next step, plunging two fingers inside herself and pumping them in and out slowly. Every once in a while she removed her hand and cleaned off her fingers, looking into the camera and burning a hole straight through me as she moaned.
"You're right," she said, scooping up more of our mess and spreading it around. "We do taste perfect. I think I'm gonna savor it for a while... Take my time."
Her fingers were torturously slow, and even though she taunted, I knew it was killing her, because it was written all over her face—her whole body, really. As her face contorted and her body seemed to shake, I wanted to tell her through the phone that she could go faster, that she didn't have to make it this hard, but I couldn't. All I could do was watch, and listen as she fingered herself and all of it was burning me up from the inside out.
By the time two minutes had passed, it looked like my cum was gone, but she was still going, determined to bring herself to release another time. Her fingers moved fast and hard, the glorious wet sounds combining symphonically with her moans and whimpers. As I could see her getting close, it was like I was there with her, feeling myself get there as well. I knew it wouldn't be long now, though I wished we could have done this forever. And if I was being honest with myself, I was probably going to do this more than once as long as we were still seeing each other.
What happened next surprised me, because... well, simply put, I wasn't expecting it. And I don't think she was either, because the pure blissful shock that plastered over her features as she tensed and squirted almost sent me into cardiac arrest.
I came then, trying desperately to keep quiet as I took in the image of Y/N coming undone right with me.
I was catching my breath when she sighed out with a smile and a laugh. She looked exhausted, but completely blissful and serene all the same as she spoke. "Fuck, I didn't expect that... But next time it happens, I want you here with me. Got it, Stranger?"
Although she couldn't hear me, I responded with a light, yet truly sincere, "Yes, Ma'am."
The studio had been empty for hours, and nothing ever made me happier. Truthfully, it was always my favorite part of the work day, when I went in early, when the sun was still below the horizon and almost everyone was still asleep. That was when I felt most creative, and after about two hours of messing around on the piano and acoustic guitar, I was still going strong.
Maybe I had Spencer to blame for that. For a week now he'd been gone, extremely busy with work, and I didn't get to see him in person, but we sent texts and pictures and videos all the time. Just last night we even video-chatted for a good three hours before he inevitably had to return to his job. And while I missed him, if anything I think the distance was good. Because while we spent time communicating, I was also able to focus on work and myself, and I didn't constantly have to worry about things moving too fast. Things couldn't move fast if there wasn't any physical contact, right?
I mean, sure, At this point I was practically craving his touch and his presence, but I knew that once we did get to see each other again, it would be practically electric. There was so much we'd talked about over the phone that we would probably have enough to keep us busy until he got called away again. And then the cycle would repeat.
But maybe that was wishful thinking. I liked this system, even if we hadn't really been at it for long. All I knew, though, was that it was currently working, and I was feeling incredible about my life in its current state.
I wished it could have stayed that way forever.
By the time Jules walked in, I'd written about two songs and was currently working on a third. The studio was littered with sticky-notes and notebook paper from all the ideas I had, and she shrugged off her thin jacket with a laugh. "How many songs has it been today?"
I set the guitar down and went to pick up some of the notes, organizing them haphazardly. "Two. Working on a third."
"Damn, Y/N, you've been on a roll this week. Hell, all month. So... Who's the inspiration?"
Shoving some of the notes into a folder, I raised an eyebrow. "What?"
Jules sat down at the large coffee table in the middle of the room and spread out, shaking her head slightly to the side to removed the auburn bangs from her eyes. "I'm a musician, too, Y/N, I know when inspiration strikes, and I especially know when it's because of a certain someone. So... Who are they?"
I hesitated saying anything, but Jules was right, and there was no way I'd be able to convince her nothing in particular was happening. So, I tried to keep it as vague as possible. "Oh, uh, this guy I met at a bar at open mic night."
She whistled as I took a seat across from her. "Damn... The sex must be pretty good if you're cranking out songs like an industrial machine."
I felt heat rise to my cheeks, but I nodded all the same. "Well, you'd be right. It's, uh... it's going pretty well."
"I'll say, you're practically glowing. Good for you, babe."
I could tell she wanted to say more, ask tons of questions (more specifically, when's the wedding?), but she knew me enough to refrain. She knew how I did with relationships, and she knew just how private I was. On multiple occasions she'd ask me why I was a musician if I didn't like sharing my personal life with people, but I'd always retorted with a simple truth: You didn't have to show anything to anyone if you didn't want to. There were thousands of different things to write about, and the beauty of storytelling was that you could create whatever you wanted, no matter how true it was to you.
As the day went on, and more of the writers for our friend's new album came in to work, I was pulled out of the 'relationship' headspace and plunged into work.
Honestly, I was relieved. Not because I didn't like thinking about Spencer, but the exact opposite.
That feeling wasn't something I was used to, and I wanted it to go away. At least while I was working, so I could focus on one thing at a time. I didn't let people in, and I didn't want to let them in if I could help it, and I certainly didn't like when things moved too fast, which they always seemed to do. And this time was no different, only now I think it was me who was starting to feel things too early.
It was searing. It was slowly starting to consume me, burning me from the inside out, and I didn't know what to do.
So I did the only think I did know how to do, and that was ignore it, replacing it with music, the one true comfort I'd ever known. I drowned myself in the cool ocean of work, merely hoping it would be enough to quell the frantic, petrifying, and rapidly growing wildfire that would surely be my downfall. And for a while it seemed like it was working.
And yet, somehow, by the time I left the studio, there was a dull ache in my chest that left me confused and scared.
Suddenly I was glad for that night we'd been interrupted before I asked him to stay, and that I never got the chance to follow through. I don't know what I would have done then. Because if that feeling, when he inevitably agreed and stayed the night, was anything like how I was feeling now, then it probably would have been a lot worse.
All the same, I came to the realization that no matter what I did or didn't do, he would always be there, taking up some amount of space in my being that refused to let go.
Whether I liked or not.
“I knew it when you looked my way That I’d be begging you to stay. I couldn’t say it to myself.
I felt a burning in the way I held on when you pulled away. I couldn’t say it to myself.
—Maggie Rogers, Say It
SERIES TAGLIST: @meowiemari @secretsilockaway​
Tags not working: @bluesunrise02 @teenwolfgirl90 
95 notes · View notes
chan-yolo · 4 years ago
Benevolence - Part 11
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You were on the run. The were chasing you down and you needed to live. You would do anything to stay alive. But does anything include falling in love? Getting captured by EXO gave you a new survival plan, but will that all go out the window when you meet someone who’s life means more to you than your own? 
A/N - look at me updating this close together! I’m not really sure how I feel about this one, it’s kind of a filler chapter. 
Pairing: Byun Baekhyun / Reader
Genre: Mafia AU, Fluff, Angst
Warning: none really
Word Count: 2884
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | 
 Reaching your room, you swung open your door, sliding down the wall next to it, your cries finally coming through. What you didn’t know was that as soon as you had left, Baekhyun had followed. Rushing through the door, he took you into his arms, keeping you close to him, as your cries could be heard throughout the house.
“it’s going to be okay y/n, I’m so proud of you, your so brave.” Baekhyun comforted you, staying beside you as you let out everything you had been keeping inside.
 You wasn’t sure how long you had sat like that. With Baekhyun shushing you, his voice soft and reassuring, calming you down from the panic attack you had just had. The darkness outside made you think that darkness outside made you think that you must’ve been sitting there for a while, the moon casting a light into your bedroom. With a hoarse voice you let outa small ‘thank you’, not knowing what else to say to him.
“You didn’t have to tell us all of that you know.”
“I know, but you deserved to know.” You sniffled looking up at the man holding you.
“Hyunsuk, what he did toy you…” you moved out of his grip, rubbing your eyes that were sire from the excessive crying.
“I don’t want to talk about it, not anymore.” A silence went between you, neither of you quite knowing where to lead the conversation. After a minute of silence, Baekhyun rose to his feet, disappearing into the bathroom. You watched where his form had left, shortly after his disappearance, you heard the water running. When Baekhyun retuned, he gave you a smile, patting you on the head.
“Go take a bath, I’ll be back in a sec.”
   Sitting in the steaming bath, you watched your skin turn pink from the heat. Flashbacks to your bother entered your mind. All the memories you shared with each other, looking after each other. He was the only family you had. You still couldn’t forgive yourself for what happened. His death was on your hands, and nothing would make that go away.
You felt the tears fall down your cheeks before you could stop them. Dunking yourself under the water, you rose back up, slicking your hair back, rubbing your running nose.
A light knock at the door took you out of the daze you were in. Baekhyun’s head peeked around, his smile making your insides warm up.
“I made tea.” The simple act made you smile. ”Can I come in?” you gave him a small nod, watching him slowly come into the room. Two big steaming mugs of tea in his hands. Handing you one mug, Baekhyun took a seat at the foot of the bathtub opposite you, sipping his own drink.
“I’m sorry for everything.” He began, making you look up at him over your mug. “Not just for hat he did to you, but for what your parents did.”
“What’s done is done.” You shrugged, looking into the colourful bathwater, the holographic reflection of the bubbles taking your attention.
“Tell me about your brother?” Baekhyun got comfortable in his spot, looking at you expectantly. Leaning over to put your mug on the floor next to you, you rested your arms on the edge of the tub, resting your head stop them, looking at the man in front of you.
“He was six years younger than me, 16 when my parents sold him to Hyunsuk. He was into gaming and all this different tech. you would’ve liked him.” the both of you shared a smile with each other.
“He was going to school, studying well. He was my best friend you know? We were one in the same.” Looking off into the corner of the room, you felt that same wave of sadness from earlier hit you. “I really thought I could save him, that if I could at least take his place, he could carry on. I don’t even know what happened to him.” Baekhyun moved opposite you, so quickly you didn’t even notice until his face was in front of yours. The palm of his hand came to rest on your cheek, his eyes searching your own.
“What was his name?”
“Kihyun.” Baekhyun nodded.
“I promise you we will find out what happened to him. when Hyunsuk is finished we will do that for you.” You smiled at him, believing that he would do that for you. “You finish up, I’ll go find a movie for us to watch.” Taking the mugs, he left a lingering kiss on your forehead, before leaving the room. In that one moment. You wondered if it was possible for you to find someone as great as Baekhyun.
 The next morning you walked in the kitchen, met by sympathetic stares from eight men.
“Oh come on man.” You let out exasperated, moving away from them all.
“Y/N, are you sure everything is okay?” Yixing asked you, worry clear in his voice.
“I am. It’s over now, and you guys don’t get to feel sorry for me. That’s the last thing I want.” You looked at them all in disgust.
“You heard what she said.” Suho inputted dismissively, turning the page of his paper. Nodding in thanks, you turned towards the cabinet behind you. Extending your arm to reach for a glass, you were stopped by a hand grabbing one for you, placing it in front of you on the worktop. Turning around, you were greeted with the cheeky face of Baekhyun.
“Good morning.” He smiled at you.
“Morning.” Staring at each other, you shared some sort of conversation that only you two could understand. One that entailed warmth, thankfulness. Though it was soon broken by the clearing of Suho’s throat.
“Well I suggest you get something to eat, we have a meeting in 20 minutes.” Moving away from each other, you went to the opposite end of the counter, following the leader’s instructions.
Sat around an oval mahogany table, you all looked over the graphs in front of you. Each with their own red marks pinpointing a possible location Hyunsuk could be in.
“First things first, we need to find him. we’ve managed to get the floorplans of each of the properties he owns. Y/n, did you stay at any of these?” Suho asks, pushing a clearer copy towards you.  Nodding, you pointed to the ones that were familiar to you.
“The holiday house in Busan, the main house in Seoul, and the apartment in Hongdae. Sometimes he would pick a few of us out to travel with him.” You explained. You saw Baekhyun’s disgusted expression, his hand that laid on the table had clenched into a fist. Without any thought, you held his hand in your own, trying to calm him down.
“He spends most of his time here in Seoul, though he could be in Hongdae. Depends on business.” You clarify.
“So where do we go first?” Chen questions Junmyeon.
“Nowhere, not yet. Baekhyun we need you to get us everything about the two min houses. Who goes in and out. Chanyeol will help you. Minseok, Yixing and I will work on getting in. Y/N, you, Chen, Kai and Sehun will go talk to Taemin.”
“Suho, I don’t think she should go…” Baekhyun’s voice was cautious.
“She’s part of the team now, which means she goes out with us. If she agrees.” Junmyeon directed his stare towards you.
“She does.” Looking over to Baekhyun, you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll be fine, promise.”
“I want a full report of what you find before the night’s out.” And with that you were dismissed.
Standing in your room, opposite the full-length mirror, you admired the effort you had put into dressing up for going to this club. The dress you had been given was an emerald green mini dress with a slight split in the thigh. Smoothing it down your curves, you nodded appreciatively at the fit. A knock at the door drew the attention away from yourself.
“Come in.” Baekhyun stopped in his tracks, taking in seeing you in a dress for the first time.
“Sehun told me I couldn’t wear jeans and then threw this dress in my face. But it doesn’t look too bad right?” You winked at him playfully.
“Urm, yeah, it’s… yeah.” You laughed at his nervousness, choosing not to make fun of him this time.
“what’s that?” you pointed to the black box in his hand.
“Oh, this is for you.” Walking over to you, he opened the box, revealing a small necklace. Gesturing for you to turn around to face the mirror again, he clasped the piece of jewellery around your neck before laying his head on your shoulder.
“This necklace is kind of like a panic button, if anything happens to you just press it and it will tell me where you are.” Looking from the necklace to him, you whispered your thanks, hearts warming at the worry and care he has for you.
“You should thank Chanyeol, he made it.” A small kiss was left on your cheek in gratitude. Shortly another knock was heard, but this time it was Chen. Looking at you both, he raised an eyebrow before speaking.
“ready?” You nod at him.
“I’ll be out in a second.” After he had left, you turned to Baekhyun, leaving a kiss on his cheek.
“Be careful.”
Sliding into the back of Sehun’s sleek black Range Rover, you buckled yourself in smoothing your dress down in hopes you didn’t reveal too much trying to hop in the vehicle.
“So, where are we off to lads?”
“Diamond.” Kai’s voice was uninterested, scrolling through notifications on his phone, his silk shirt hanging low, showing his collar bones.
“Ahh, the strip club.” Nodding, you look out the window remembering the night Baekhyun had come back from that same club.
“We go in, we find Taemin, we get the info and we go home. There’s no time for anything else tonight. Is that clear?” Chen clarified. All of you nodding in agreement. Sehun parked around the side of the club, the line for the entry heaving. Minseok must do good business here, you think to yourself. Stepping out of the vehicle, Kai ushered you between himself and Sehun.
“Y/n stay close to us.” Entry wasn’t a problem, but you hadn’t been into a club in god knows how long, and you’d never been into an actual strip club. Everything was dark and smoky but at the same time there were so many colours everywhere. Each hint of silver or gold being hit by the lights and catching your eye. You were led straight to a private booth, away from all the rowdy businessmen in the front. Drinks were handed to you immediately by a waitress who seemed to go as quickly s she came.
“Okay, Kia, Sehun and I will go and find Taemin. Y/n just stay here, wait for us to come back, don’t wander an don’t speak to anyone.” Chen orders before the three of them walk off. Alone, you look out to the dance floor below you. You observed the people around you, the kind of people Hyunsuk would entertain, sipping the champagne you had been given, you looked at the women on stage. They were gorgeous, enticing, mesmerising. You held respect for these powerful women in stage. All too soon your gaze was pulled towards a different corner of the room. The feeling of someone looking at you prickled the hairs at the back of your neck. As your eyes met the person who was staring so intently at you, you found just the person you were looking for.
Taemin was seat at the bar, his stance casual. He looked as if he fit in here, though he always did. His shirt was an intricate paisley print, flecks of silver woven into the silk. It matched his silver hair. Without thinking you placed the champagne down and started off towards him. sliding onto the stool next to him, you gave him a once over before finally talking to him.
“What does a lady have to do to get a drink?”
“Which lady is asking?” he looked you up and down. Rolling your eyes at his answer you turned to face the bar.
“Long time no see.”
“So you’re with EXO now?” Taemin signalled for the bartender, ordering two drinks.
“”Looks that way doesn’t it.” You glanced towards him, looking him over once again. “You still the snitch we all know and love?” taking a sip of your drink, you continued to study the bar.
“Not anymore.” Turning to look at Taemin, your eyes met his as he was fully facing you. “Shortly after you left I gave it up. Y/N, the things he did, they got worse. I couldn’t be there anymore. So like you, I left.”
“So why isn’t he out here trying to catch you then?”
“You know what Hyunsuk is like, he’s all pride, and you hurt it. there’s nothing more dangerous than a powerful man with a damaged pride.” Taemin sipped on his drink, looking at you with what seemed like a hint of sympathy.
“They’re going to get him you know?” You moved closer to the man, trying to make his eyeline meet yours. “And if you help us we can make sure we never have to see him again.”
“And have a target on my back? I don’t think so.” Taemin tried to speak to you in a hushed voice, now conscious of the people around him.
“They can protect you Taemin.”
“How can you guarantee that?” For the first time in a long time, you saw how scared he was. It took you back to when you had first been moved to that house, how scared you all were.
“I promise I can. I’ve never broken a promise have I? So, will you help us?” Before he could give you an answer, Kai, Sehun and Chen appeared by your side, all looking quite annoyed.
“What did we tell you? Why are you so incapable of following instructions?” You roll your eyes at Kai’s bratty attitude, watching as Taemin rose to meet the other men’s height. “And you are?” Kai turned his attitude towards him.
“Taemin, Y/N says you need my help.”
Suho’s first impression of Taemin was underwhelming to say the least. It didn’t help that you weren’t actually supposed to bring him back. The leader, taking off his glasses, looked at Taemin and then disapprovingly and the four of you stood behind him.
“Taemin I assume.”
“At your service” Taemin gave an exaggerated bow.
“In other circumstances you would have never made it this far. But I have been informed you’re willing to help us.”
“I’m not doing this for you or your gang, I’m doing this for Y/N and everyone else lost to that man. As long as I’m not sold out at the end.”
“I see. Kai will you take him to one of our room and have someone stationed outside.” You looked at Suho in confusion, and concern. Not fully understanding the hostility.
“He’s not a criminal Suho!”
“We don’t know him; therefore we can’t be so liberal. This will be continued tomorrow.” Waving you off, he placed his glasses back on completely ignoring you. You watched as Taemin was led down the corridor, leaving you stood there alone. Huffing, you went in your own direction. Heading towards the room where you figured the only reasonable person was. Reaching the computer room, you knocked on the door, peeking your head around the door, reminiscent of Baekhyun the night previous.
“Your boss is insanely irritating; you know that right?” you pouted at him, closing the door.
“What did he do now?” Baekhyun took off his headphones, arm extending for your hand. Interlocking your fingers, you lightly swung your hands.
“Treating Taemin like he’s a criminal.”
“Can you blame him for being cautious? We don’t know him.”
“You didn’t know me when you brought me here.” You countered.
 “That’s true.” He pulled you onto his lap. “But it felt like I always had.”
“Ever the romantic.” You smiled at him, your foreheads touching.
“Were the guys good to you?” He started to play with the strands of your hair, his other hand gripping your thigh.
“They left me in a booth by myself.” Pouting at Baekhyun, you wound your arms around his neck, pulling yourself closer.
“And I bet you left it.” The cheeky smiled made your own grow. Nodding proudly you both started to laugh. “You will never learn.” Moving closer to you, his lips grazed your own, your noses rubbing together.
“Well they’re not my boss.” You nipped at his bottom lip. Lifting you onto his desk, you let out a laugh as he stood in between his legs.
“What are we going to do with you?” his lips covered your own, his cheekiness and fondness engulfing you. Each kiss had you reeling, a shot of happiness being vaulted around your body with each touch. With his hand on your thigh, his lips on your own and your hand in his hair, there wasn’t anything that could bring you down.
Or so you thought.
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wingsofkpop · 5 years ago
Hiraeth - I.VII: Shattered Memories
pairing(s): Hybrid!Im Jaebeom x Reader, Witch!Mark Tuan x Reader, Werewolf!Jackson Wang x Reader, Vampire!Park Jinyoung x Reader, Supernatural!Got7 x Reader
genre: Supernatural!AU, Dark Magic!AU, Angst, Fluff, light Smut
warnings: Mature language, mentions of death and murder, mentions of trauma, brief depictions of sexual content, nudity, mentions of alcohol, some satanic themes, etc.
word count: 6,9k
synopsis: How far are you willing to go to find out the truth about Moon Dye Bay?…
chapter directory
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Your eyes desperately survey the dim room, searching for a way to escape from this strange man who magically appeared in your bedroom. There’s no possibility of reaching the door without alerting him to your motives, nor is the window even an option since your apartment is almost nine stories up. You’ll need to come up with a different plan… Even if it means fighting your way out. 
“Look, I know it’s hard to believe—” 
You glare incredulously at the stranger, curling further into your bed to create more distance between your forms while hissing, “Jackson Wang died years ago, so unless you have some logical explanation or something, then I’m going to kindly ask you to get out of my fucking apartment before I call the police!” 
“I do have a logical explanation!” The man insists as you take another glance at your surroundings. If you play your cards right, you might be able to grab the tea mug off your nightstand, throw it at the stranger, and while he’s distracted, make a break for the door. If anything, the noise will hopefully wake up Sana… 
You snap out of your thoughts when you notice the man beginning to approach your safe perch. Deciding now is better than never, you lurch forward to grab the cup and heave it toward the stranger with all your might. However, the object merely soars straight through the man’s head and shatters against the opposite wall with a loud crash. He continues to stare at you as if nothing even happened. 
A choked breath slips past your lips. “What… the fuck…” 
“I tried to tell you.” The man raises his hands, as if to promise pacifism, and literally slides one arm inside the closed door of your closet, “I am Jackson Wang, and I am dead… but you’re still somehow able to see my spirit.” 
“So you’re… a ghost?” 
He nods. 
You narrow your eyes, still suspicious. “If you’re Jackson, then how did you die?” 
“I was killed.” 
“By who?” 
Jackson tilts his head, “Mark never told you…?” 
Your shoulders slightly loosen at the mention of your witch best friend, but you still remain on your toes in case you have to grab and weaponize your lamp. “How do you know about Mark and I?” 
“Because I’ve been watching you guys.” Jackson’s eyes widen. “Shit—that sounded really creepy. Think of it like… a guardian angel? Kind of?” 
He waves his hands as if expelling the idea before moving on, “If you’re a supernatural being, and you die, your spirit doesn’t really cross over like a mortal would. You’re kind of just… stuck in this place of limbo called the Other Side.” 
“But how are you able to be here? And how can I see you?”
“Spirits can attach themselves to people or objects, and use their energy to stay in the land of the living.” Jackson shrugs, “As for how you can see me, I have no clue. I’m honestly just as surprised as you are.” 
You bite your lip, trying to configure whether he’s telling the truth. If only you had asked Mark to describe Jackson back in the cave, then maybe you could have matched up his appearance. But all you have to go off of is this ghost’s words… which for the most part, seem genuine. And he hasn’t tried to hurt you��big props.  
“Okay. Let’s just say I believe you for now,” You start before quickly raising a stern finger to point your companion, “but I have tons of questions. For starters, why the hell are you in my room?” 
“I don’t really know.” Jackson grimaces, rubbing the back of his neck. “It sounds really weird, but it was like I was drawn to you…”
“Drawn to me? You mean like a magnetic pull or something?” 
He nods. “Exactly. But I really don’t know why. Maybe it has to do with how you can see me.” 
Feeling hot, you shove the heavy blankets from your body and embrace the newfound cold air against your bare skin. An exhausted, baffled sigh escapes as you bury your face in your palms, hoping to calm the throbbing in your head. Your thoughts are too wild though, and you end up meeting Jackson’s gaze in a matter of seconds. 
“So am I supposed to play Ghost Whisperer and help you cross over…?” 
“I don’t think so.” You fight off the urge to flinch as Jackson collapses onto the end of your bed with a deep huff, “But whatever it is, it’s really nice to have someone to talk to…”
“Are you alone? Like can you talk to other ghosts?” 
“I can, but it doesn’t happen very often. A lot of people on the Other Side can be pretty… intense.” 
To your dismay, your heart yearns for him. You grew up on your own after all, so you can understand what it feels like to be lonely.
“You never answered my question from before.” You say after a brief moment of silence, “...Who killed you?” 
Jackson’s eyes are dark as he thinks over your question, almost hesitating to give you the answer. While he’s debating with himself, you take the time to study his features. Now that he’s sitting entirely in the light and you’re able to see everything. 
You’re not surprised you mistook him as a human, because there’s literally no physical detail that reveals his ghastly nature. Unlike the ghost stories you’ve known, his skin is dark like honey and not transparent, while his lips are slightly chapped and hued the palest of pinks. His hair is a mocha-type brown with a couple sun-kissed caramel highlights, complimenting the sharpness of his handsome features. 
In summary, he looked no less human than another man. Although probably a bit more on the attractive side. 
“It’s honestly a long and complicated story.” Jackson says after a while, yanking your attention away from his well-defined jawline. Even so, you still continue to stare as he leans back to lay on your mattress, staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression. “I should really tell you everything from the beginning.” 
“It’s not like I’m going anywhere at…” You peer at the clock above your closet, “3 AM. We’ve got plenty of time to talk.” 
He shakes his head, “It’s not that easy. I can’t stay on this plane for too long, or else some of the witches on the Other Side will pull me back.” 
“How long do you have?” 
“Honestly… seconds.” The ghost forces himself back to a sitting position in order to better face you, “We’re technically not supposed to cross into the plane of the living. I’ve been caught a couple times before, so the witches have been keeping a close eye on me.” 
You furrow your brows. “Why don’t the witches want you over here?” 
“Because they’re afraid of upsetting the balance of nature. You’ve talked to Mark a little about that, right?” 
“He mentioned it once or twice.” You watch as Jackson rises from your bed and begins to head back to the corner in which you first saw him. He catches your gaze when he turns back around, offering forth a small smile. 
“Sorry for scaring you, by the way.” He chuckles. 
You shrug, your own lips upturning slightly. “It’s not everyday you talk to a ghost.” 
Jackson nods at your response before glancing toward the mounted clock. It’s subtle, but you manage to catch the slight flash of worry that overtakes his bright irises. When he turns his attention back to you, however, the concern is gone. 
“I don’t know when I’ll be able to return, but in the meantime, I want you to go talk to my pack.” Unlike beforehand, Jackson’s tone is scarily serious. Though it still contains remnants of his unusual gentleness. “They’ll tell you the basics you need to know to start. And, (Y/N)?” 
Jackson’s eyes soften. “I don’t want Mark to know anything about this, okay? You’ll understand better when you hear the story.” 
“Of course.” You thumb at a loose thread along the seam of your pillowcase before shaking your head toward the ghost, “Before you go, can you at least tell me who killed you?” 
“Like I told you, it’s complicated…” He sighs, “But if you have to know, the Prime Two had a hand in my death… specifically Jaebeom.” 
You don’t know what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn’t the name of the ancient hybrid. Still, it surprises you, and it doesn’t. Given the tension all between Mark, the pack, and Jinyoung and Jaebeom, it actually kind of makes sense. But what about the conflict that Changbin hinted at? Or Jaebeom’s bitterness with Mark? What has everyone been keeping from you?
So many puzzles pieces, yet no clue how to fit them together. 
“I have to go now, but I’ll come to you as soon as I can.” Jackson’s urge brings you back to reality. “Just do what I said and get as much info as you can, okay?” 
You nod. “I’m on it. See you soon, I guess?” 
Jackson smiles again. “See you soon, (Y/N).” 
You open your mouth to say something further, but in the literal blink of an eye, Jackson is gone. Just vanished into thin air. If you didn’t know any better, you swear you hallucinated the entire conversation… but after all you’ve witnessed in Moon Dye Bay, you do unfortunately know better. 
With a groan, you fall back into your pillows, although the exhaustion from before is long gone. You doubt you’ll be able to fall asleep anytime soon, so you rise from your bed and set out to clean up the broken pieces of the mug you threw at Jackson only minutes before. 
Guess having tea before bed comes in handy sometimes. 
 ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
Steam wafts through the tiled bathroom, gathering in a blanket of fog along the glass walls of the shower. Jaebeom releases a sigh of relief as the hot water beats against his bare back and shoulders, massaging the tension from his muscles and soaking the rest of his naked body. To gain better access to the stream, he leans forward and presses his hands against the fogged glass for support. Less he wants to slip and fall. 
Jaebeom peers down to watch the water spill down the drain, tinted red from the blood decorating his skin—Jinyoung’s blood, to be more specific. His mind immediately rushes back to the memory of his brother calling out for help in such agony and pain. He wanted to ignore it. He tried not to care. But then Jinyoung called out his name… what else was he supposed to do? 
Jinyoung deserved a lesson for getting involved in witch business again, but Jaebeom couldn’t just sit back and let him suffer through the hallucinations of their hell of a childhood. He curses himself for giving into such weakness and angrily scrubs away the patch of dried blood on his forearm. 
Maybe if you hadn’t looked at him with those bright, horrified eyes of yours after he left the room… then maybe his inhumanity could have won the battle over his sanity. 
Jaebeom continues to clean himself as his thoughts wander like the steam of the shower. Jinyoung’s fever broke earlier, so he should sleep much more soundly for the next few hours or so. His body will need time to heal, more so because of his stupid, anti-human diet. Maybe Jaebeom will be able to finally convince the pretentious prick to hunt with him after all these years. Or at the very least, drink from a blood bag. 
A faint noise that sounds vaguely like footsteps awakens Jaebeom from his shower-thought reverie. He squints through the shower door, trying to see past the curtain of steam. The bathroom is vacant save for the blurred image of his own reflection. Even so, something still proceeds to urk at Jaebeom’s senses, like an itch he can’t scratch. 
There’s someone here. 
It only takes milliseconds for Jaebeom to corner the figure that sneakily crept inside the shower with him and press them against the tiled wall. A little, feminine giggle emerges from the intruder as the hybrid cages them between his arms and broad chest. His nerves immediately calm at the devious face that stares back at him, instead earning a loud sigh of annoyance. 
“You’re lucky I didn’t rip your fucking head off.” 
“Mhm. I know how… rough you like to be.” 
Jaebeom provides the female an unamused expression. “What are you doing here, Tzuyu?” 
“Come on. I know you’re happy to see me.” Tzuyu flashes Jaebeom a radiant smile that resembles one of a temptress. Because of their position underneath the showerhead, her dark brown hair is already soaked. He also quickly realizes that she is just as naked as him. “I can’t just drop by and see my most favorite person in the world?” 
“You and I both know that’s a lie.” 
Tzuyu smirks. “That you’re my favorite person in the world, or that you’re happy to see me?” 
“What do you think?” He begins to pull away from the female vampire, but she stops him with a tight arm around his neck. Before he can blink, Tzuyu’s lips are pressed firmly against his own. Her sweet taste invades his brain like a parasite, and he can’t help but melt into the kiss, hungrily pushing his tongue past the seam of her mouth to find more of her delicacy. 
When she pulls back, Jaebeom almost growls. He lowers his hands to tightly grasp her waist before pressing her even further into the wall with his own body. In an effort to make up for the loss, he busies himself by sucking and nibbling along the canvas of her throat. His pride swells when she moans at a particular nip. 
“A little eager, aren’t we?” Tzuyu mocks, deviously brushing her knee against Jaebeom’s gradually swelling manhood. His body thrums at the brief contact, quickening his abuse against the patch where her jaw meets her neck. 
“You’re the one who interrupted my shower, remember?” He abandons her throat to trail a hand up to her breast, roughly pinching at her taut nipple and smirking at the low groan that bubbles in her chest. “If anyone’s desperate here, it’s you.” 
“Touche.” The vampire arches her back more into Jaebeom’s alluring touch. The hybrid welcomes the newfound access, dipping his head down to take one of her buds past his lips. Tzuyu releases a faint whimper before burying her fingers in his wet locks. When she harshly tugs against his scalp, Jaebeom responds with a warning growl. 
He detaches from her nipple and chuckles darkly, “We also know that you are the one that likes it rough.” 
“Maybe I do.” Tzuyu’s smile is dangerous. “So what’s the big, bad hybrid gonna do with a helpless damsel like me?” 
Jaebeom relishes the squeal of surprise that flies from her lips as he lifts her body in the air, tying her legs around his waist with a smirk. “I can think of a couple things…” 
Just as soon as the words are spoken, the muffled ring of the doorbell distracts Jaebeom from his lustful rendezvous. He releases a frustrated groan, carefully lowers Tzuyu back to the floor, then shuts off the water. The vampire follows him as he exits the shower, watching intensely as he towels off and slips into a loose pair of sweatpants. 
“Stay here.” Jaebeom says before taking off, quickly making his way through his bedroom, downstairs until he reaches the front door. Shaking out his still rather wet hair, he opens the door, prepared to tear apart whoever interrupted his moment. 
However, all his anger vanishes into thin air at the visitor on his doorstep.
His eyes widen to saucers. “(Y/N)?” 
“Jaebeom.” The animosity along your features falters when you notice his bare chest. You clear your throat before locking your gaze with his own. “How’s Jinyoung?” 
Jaebeom’s mood deflates. You’re here for Jinyoung. Not him. 
“The worst is over.” He replies truthfully, “He should be back to full health in the next few hours or so.” 
“I’m sure he could have been better a lot sooner, but whatever, right?” Jaebeom decides not to drop the fact that he actually did heal Jinyoung. Besides, even if he wanted to, your voice would have beaten him to it, “Anyway, I’m here because I need to know what happened to J…” Confusion invades his veins when your voice suddenly cuts out. He notices your gaze on something over his shoulder, internally cursing himself for already knowing what it is. 
“Who’s this pretty, little thing?” Tzuyu sidles up beside Jaebeom, eyeing your speechless form from head to toe. Her hand slithers to lazily rest on his tricep, but the hybrid can spot a symbolism of claim anywhere. And judging by the strange look in your eyes, so can you. 
“I thought I told you to stay upstairs.” 
“And miss meeting your human pet? How could I ever?” 
Jaebeom shoots the vampire a warning look. Tzuyu innocently bats her eyes. 
“I was actually just leaving.” You say, tearing Jaebeom’s attention away from his devious companion. He wants to say something further, maybe ask you to stay a little longer, but you’re already tugging your bag further over your shoulder and backing away from the door. “Tell Jinyoung that I hope he feels better, ‘kay?” 
Jaebeom shakes his head. “Sure, but (Y/N)—” 
You’re already walking away before he has the chance to finish his sentence. Jaebeom watches your form until it disappears inside a car, and even then, he watches the car until it drives past the entrance gate of the estate and out of sight. A strange, empty feeling remains in his chest, as well as the beginnings of annoyance and rage. 
Tzuyu leans forward to litter light pecks across his bare shoulder. “Should we… get back to where we left off?” 
Jaebeom slams the front door shut with a pound before pushing past the vampire without so much as a response. Tzuyu’s sigh follows him as he makes his way into the living room where he heads straight for the liquor table. He begins to pour himself a drink while Tzuyu situates herself against the doorway. Even with his back to her, he can feel her piercing gaze staring into his soul. 
“She seemed nice… (Y/N), was it?” 
Jaebeom downs his first glass of bourbon before shaking his head, “Drop it, Tzuyu.” 
“So I’m not allowed to learn about your other girlfriends? Though I have to say, I’m surprised you’d ever go for a human.” 
“It’s not like that.” He answers, glaring at the pouting vampire from over his shoulder. “She’s a friend of Jinyoung. We’ve only met like twice.”
Tzuyu smiles. This time it doesn’t spark arousal through Jaebeom’s body. It strikes fear. 
“I saw the way you looked at her, Beomie… I wasn’t lying when I said she’s a pretty thing.” 
Her tone of voice sends warning bells through his chest. 
Jaebeom hisses darkly, “Stay the fuck away from her, Tzuyu. I mean it.” 
“I would never lay on hand on your fragile human, Beom.” Something about the way her eyes gleam leaves an uneasy feeling stirring through his chest. That, and the way she looks down to check her nails with a sinister smirk. “Though I’m sure it would be so easy to cut out that sweet tongue of her—” 
“Just kidding.” The vampire leaps from her perch against the doorway to steal the drink from Jaebeom’s hand. He watches her warily as she skips toward the window, staring out on the estate courtyards as she sips at the alcohol. Though her back is turned, Jaebeom can practically feel the cogs turning inside her head. 
He only hopes she keeps true to her words. For your sake. 
 ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
The purr of the car engine blends with the hum of your cell phone receiver. With each ring that passes, the trees outside the window grow more and more abundant while the hope within your heart only becomes less and less. You sigh when the familiar monotone message clicks across the line. For a moment, you debate on whether or not to leave yet another voicemail… It’s not like she’s answered the dozens you’ve already recorded before.��
The little hope that remains outweighs your logic. “Hey. It’s (Y/N) again. I don’t know if you’re not getting my messages or just ignoring me, but… I’m really worried about you, Jihyo.” You bite your lip, readjusting your grip on the steering wheel before steering the vehicle onto another branching, dirt road. 
“Sana was really shaken up last night and things are just kind of screwed up right now—for fucksake, Ji, please just pick up your goddamn phone and call me!” You end the call with a lot more force than necessary, tossing your phone into your open bag resting on the passenger’s seat. In order to calm the frustration bubbling through your veins, you focus your attention on the winding road ahead. 
After somehow managing to acquire the location of the werewolf pack’s hangout from Bambam, Sana agreed to lend you her car. She needs some time to cope, especially with Momo and Mina’s “sudden disappearance”, so she’s taking the next couple of days away from work at Moon Dye Bay’s local cafe. 
You thought it would be wise not to drop the real bomb about her high school friends when she was already wrecked over Jihyo’s walk-out, and while you hate lying… what choice do you have? If you tell Sana the truth, then you’d have to also tell her how and why Momo and Mina died. And with that, you’d have to tell her about the bay’s secret society of witches, werewolves, vampires, etc. 
Disgust filters through your body as you’re reminded of your less than awkward visit at the Project Estate. The fact that Jaebeom is able to fuck one out of probably very many of his pretty call-girls while his best friend endures the worst of all sicknesses right down the hall just rubs you all the wrong ways. Maybe that whole speech about his humanity from Jinyoung was one big hoax to get you to feel sorry for him, but you refuse to do so. 
You also refuse to linger on how that woman you saw with Jaebeom was one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen… and how it settles an uncomfortable pit in the depths of your gut. 
At the sight of the cabin, you push all thoughts from mind and maneuver the car to pull up in front of the large residence. It surprises you how abandoned and poorly-taken care of the outside of the cabin is, considering Bam said that everyone in the pack basically lives here. Then again, if one of your closest friends and packmate was killed out of the blue, you wouldn’t care much about appearances either. 
After cutting out the engine and grabbing your bag, you exit the vehicle. Bird songs and the buzzing of mosquitoes welcome you as you make your way up to the front door. You almost trip over a loose board on the cabin’s wraparound deck, but you manage to catch yourself before you slam nose first into the wooden ground. Just as you’re about to lift your hand and rap your knuckles against the door, a familiar voice seizes your attention: 
“(Y/N)? Is that you?” Dahyun emerges from around the side of the cabin, carrying a homemade, woven basket full of wet laundry. With a hand on her hip and a raise of her eyebrow, she continues, “You’re the last person I expected to see today… Did Mark send you?” 
“No, no.” You shake your head, “I was actually hoping to talk to Chan, or maybe Yugyeom about something?” 
Dahyun offers a sympathetic smile. “Sorry, hun. Everyone’s out today except me and some of the youngsters.” She pauses to support the basket against her hip. “Is there anything I can help you with? If you’d like, we can talk while I take care of these clothes?” 
“That would be great actually.” You agree, returning Dahyun’s bright smile with a weak grin of your own. The werewolf nods and gestures for you to follow her with her free hand, which you do so without any complaint. 
Once you turn the corner, your jaw almost drops at the sight of the backyard. Unlike the front of the cabin, which looks so unkempt and depressing, the back is the total opposite. It almost reminds you of a mini oasis, with the tiny pond full of flowered lily pads and the bushes of vivid, flourishing roses. Twinkling fairy lights hang from branches of trees, and you can only imagine how pretty it would appear at night. 
You and Dahyun pass a couple of other strangers playing Uno at one of the few picnic tables stationed around the massive yard. One of them, a young dirty-blonde teen, looks up as you walk by and offers a kind smile, which you can’t resist to return. 
Dahyun hums, “That’s Felix. Chan’s little brother.” 
“Really? I didn’t know he had a brother.” 
You take a seat on a mossy tree stump, watching as Dahyun sets down her basket and begins to hang the wet laundry along an already prepared clothesline. After staring for a few moments, you climb back to your feet and move to help the werewolf. 
She grants you a grateful smile and shrugs, “Most don’t. Felix hasn’t triggered his gene yet.” 
“His gene?” You repeat, pinning a large, black T-shirt onto the line. 
“Oh right. You probably don’t know much about wolves yet.” Dahyun peels open a moist towel and continues, “Basically, we’re born with this gene that has to be ‘triggered’ in order for us to activate our werewolf abilities.” 
“So the whole werewolf bite or scratch thing is a myth?” 
“One hundred percent bullshit.” She laughs. 
You chuckle as well, before inquiring further, “How do you trigger it?” 
Dahyun’s laughter immediately cuts out. Thinking you said something wrong, you open your mouth to reconcile, but the wolf beats you to it. Her tone nowhere near as light-hearted as before: 
“You have to… kill someone.” 
Your stomach twists, butterflies of revulsion fluttering all the way up to your chest. You notice how Dahyun no longer tries to meet your eyes, instead fully investing her attention in wringing out the dripping wet mass of fabric before pinning the corners to the line. 
“It’s usually an accident for most of us though.” She shrugs with a faraway expression, “Sometimes we just lose control of our emotions and things get out of hand… then somebody ends up dead, and you turn the next full moon. Whether you meant to or not.”  
You reach over to place a comforting hand on her elbow. “I’m so sorry… That sounds horrible.” 
“It’s just the world we live in.” Dahyun seems to snap out of her traumatized state and throws a slightly awkward smile in your direction, “Anyway, once your gene is triggered, you turn into a wolf every full moon for the rest of your life.” 
“Do you have control when you turn?” 
“Not exactly. Our werewolf form is like a totally different part of us.” 
You nod in understanding. At her guidance, you begin to take down the clothes that had dried beforehand while she finishes hanging the last of the remaining laundry. Once the last garment is pinned to the clothesline, the werewolf takes a seat in the grass and moves to begin folding the dry batch. You do the same. 
“Now with all that aside, what was it that you wanted to talk about?” 
“Oh. Right.” You bite your lip, trying to come up with the best way to bring up a dead Jackson without striking a personal chord. After a moment of silence, Dahyun must notice your apprehension, as she drops the socks in her hands and leans forward to lightly pat at your calf with a patient smile. 
Her kind facial expression alone is enough to evoke a slight wave of bravery from your soul: 
“Well, I was wondering about… Jackson Wang.” You say carefully, keeping your eyes on Dahyun’s gradually faltering smile. 
The werewolf leans back from you with a heavy sigh before releasing a soft chuckle, “It’s been a while since I’ve heard that name. Though I’m a little surprised… I thought Mark would have told you all about Jackson by now.” 
You shake your head. 
“Jackson was our first Alpha, before Chan took over. All of this actually belonged to his family—” She pauses to gesture to the cabin. “—but after his parents found out he triggered his curse, they gave it to him so he could have somewhere to get away. Eventually it became a sanctuary for the werewolves of Moon Dye Bay.” 
“Mark told me Jackson was his best friend…” 
Dahyun nods. “Ever since high school. Mark helped Jackson when he turned the first time, and Jackson was there for Mark when his mother died.” 
Your heart warms at the thought of Mark having such a close, supportive relationship with someone. However, that same feeling falters when you remember Jackson’s mysterious, tragic death. 
“So how did he die?” You ask quietly, peering over Dahyun’s shoulder to check the state of the other inhabitants in the backyard. Felix and his other friends are still engaged in their rather intense card game and are paying no mind to you nor Dahyun. The information lessens your anxiety, though only slightly. 
You return your focus to your companion when she tosses a wrinkled shirt back inside the basket with a bitter glare. “The Primes killed him.” 
“But why?” Dahyun turns at your inquiry. “There had to have been a reason? Right?” 
“When the Primes first came back to town, about four years ago, Mark and Jackson came up with a plan to try to kill their ancient asses once and for all.” 
“How? They’re invincible?” 
“Mark was going to gather enough power to break the immortality curse that makes them untouchable.” She answers, “Once Mark took out their safeguard, Jackson would drive a stake through each of their hearts.” 
You frown. “I’m guessing that didn’t go as planned?” 
“Mark couldn’t get the magic in time, but Jackson was never one to back down from a fight.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Dahyun rolls her eyes. “Jackson was one of the best people I will ever know, but his ambition always went to that big-ass head of his. That night, he was going to kill the Prime Two or he was going to die trying…” 
“So you’re saying it was… his fault he died?” 
“Yes and no.” She hums with a shrug. “Like I said, Jackson was always that ride or die kind of person. He was passionate and driven, but he was also reckless and stubborn.”  
You furrow your brow before leaning back on your palms. Puzzle pieces are slowly starting to fit together, especially concerning Mark and why he blames himself for Jackson’s death, but what doesn’t make sense is why Jackson died in the first place? If Jaebeom and Jinyoung couldn’t be killed then, and still can’t be killed now, what threat is a brash, pig-headed werewolf?... And why would Jackson be so driven to kill the Primes that he’d give up his own life doing so? 
Before you can spill your concerns to the waiting werewolf, the buzz of your phone seizes your attention. You retract the device from your bag to check the text message, finding a thread of new messages from Sana, one of which asking when you’re going to return to the apartment. You shoot her a quick answer with a promise to also pick up some dinner before you turn back to Dahyun. 
“I should probably get going. I have a couple errands to run before the sun goes down.” 
She rises to her feet in synchronization with you. “Of course. I hope I helped at least a little.” 
“You helped so much, Dahyun. Really. Thank you.” 
“I’m glad.” The werewolf smiles. “It was really nice to see and talk to you, (Y/N). If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to come visit me again.” 
“I appreciate that more than you could know.” You lean in to give Dahyun a quick, easy hug before walking with her back toward the front of the cabin. In the midst of approaching Sana’s car, your mind shifts back to another important, yet crazy thought that occurred to you while in conversation with Jackson last night. Without thinking about the consequences, you pause and ask Dahyun one final question: 
“Is it… possible to bring someone back from the dead?” 
Judging by her tense shoulders and bewildered expression, your abrupt inquiry takes Dahyun by surprise. She merely stares at you with saucer-like eyes and parted lips for a moment, until she seems to regain her composure. 
Even then, her words are muddled and full of confusion. “I-I mean, I don’t know anything about witchcraft myself, b-but I think so?” She narrows her eyes. “...Why?” 
“Just wondering.” You play off her curiosity by pulling your keys from your bag and opening the driver’s door. With a weak smile and a nod, you bid the werewolf farewell. “Thanks again. I’ll see you around.” 
You don’t wait for Dahyun’s response, too worried that she might somehow pick up on the plan slowly building inside your head. Without a second to spare, you switch on the engine, put the vehicle in proper gear and back out of the cabin’s driveway. Dahyun watches from the deck, and though you’re distant from one another, you can feel the intensity of her stare as you maneuver back onto the dirt, forest roads. 
Once you’re a decent distance from the cabin, you find your cell phone, pull up a specific contact and balance the device on your shoulder. The line picks up after two rings, and you don’t wait for the usual chime of a greeting. Not when you’re so deep into everything now. 
“Bam, I need everything you have on necromancy.” You say into the phone, squeezing the leather cover of the steering wheel in a mixture of anticipation and excitement. “And I also need you to promise not to say a word about this to anyone… Not even Yugyeom.” 
 ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
Changbin is fuming. Absolutely fuming. 
It feels like his entire body is made of electricity, coursing through his veins and boiling his blood red-hot. He can’t control the trembling of his hands. Not even when he stuffs them inside the pocket of his hoodie. The urge to break something is strong, but Changbin doesn’t want to break just anything… No—he wants to break someone. Hurt someone. 
There was once a time he would have never thought these words. Then again, that was before the Primes came to town, and before Jackson was murdered. Everything changed after that. Everyone changed. When the pretentious, youngest asshole of a bloodsucker showed up to reveal that Jackson’s body couldn’t even be handed over, no one put up a fight. No one stood up for their Alpha. Life just went on, as if nothing had changed. 
A hiss sounds through Changbin’s gritted teeth as he thinks back to his most recent argument with Chan and Yugyeom. Neither of them even cared when he told them that Dahyun was the one who came at him first. They didn’t listen… but why would they? Changbin is just the runt with the anger issues, right? Why would anything he have to say matter? Why should they give a damn about his perspective… about his pain?
No one understands how much Changbin misses Jackson, nor do they understand how much anger it brings him that his legacy still goes unavenged. For fucksake, no one is brave enough to say his goddamn name aloud anymore. And even when he’s mentioned, everyone pretends as if there isn’t one giant ass elephant in the room. It makes him sick. Furious. 
Changbin is suddenly awoken from his racing thoughts when his shoulder slams into the body of another walking pedestrian. He reels around and regards the hooded stranger with a deep growl, “Watch where you’re fucking going, asshole! Unless you want me to break your fucking arm!” 
“That won’t be necessary.” Changbin watches, unamused, as the stranger removes his jacket hood. His face is familiar, he realizes. Changbin feels his anger grow tenfold. 
He pulls back his own tattered hood with another growl, “You better have a good fucking reason to be lurking in our territory, witch.” 
“I came to talk to you.” The witch remains unphased by the wolf’s aggression, even when the latter stalks closer and closer to his lean form. “I think you’ll like what I have to say.” 
“Oh yeah?” Although the male is slightly taller than him, Changbin doesn’t hesitate to get up in his face. “And what makes you think that?” 
The witch doesn’t pull away, but merely shrugs. “Because we both want the same thing… Revenge.” 
Changbin’s ears perk at that single word. His ferocity falters, prompting him to create distance between his and his companion’s bodies. After tucking his hands back inside his pockets, he doesn’t say a word, but nods for the former to continue. 
The witch smirks.
“What would you say if there was a possibility to destroy the Prime Two?”  
“I’d say you’re crazy.” The wolf bites his lips, “...but I’d also say I’m the slightest bit interested.” 
“And if I told you there was also a possibility of hurting Mark Tuan in the process?” 
This time, a mirroring smirk pulls along Changbin’s lips. 
“I’d say I’m in.” 
 ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
“Are you sure I don’t need to come over there?” 
Youngjae rolls his eyes at Mark’s concerned tone, adjusting the phone on his shoulder to better his grip on the thick grimoire in his hands. “No, hyung. Jisung and Lia left hours ago, so it’s just me.” 
“I can help you out.” 
“I really don’t think I need your help for a plant revival spell.” He glances toward the array of wilting flowers and herbs, before releasing a chuckle into the phone. “Seriously, hyung. Take the time to rest… You had a long day yesterday.” 
He can almost see Mark shaking his head over the line. “Trust me, I’m very well-rested. I slept close to sixteen hours last night.” 
“Then sleep another sixteen. Satan knows you need it.” 
Youngjae sets the grimoire down on the countertop beside a yellowing, potted basil. He lays his hand over the ancient book, feeling the electric rush of magic entering his body through his palm. Once he gathers a satisfactory amount, he removes his hand and instead points toward the dying plant. 
“I just… hate not being productive, you know?”
Youngjae watches the leaves of the basil gradually lighten and shift from rotted to fresh, finally answering when the plant stands tall, proud and very, very green: 
“You need to give yourself time, Mark-hyung. That’s the most productive thing you can do right now.” 
“I… I guess you’re right.” Mark sighs, and even through the phone, Youngjae can pinpoint his friend’s exhaustion. He hums in response and turns to revive a drooping sunflower, making note to move the plant to a perch where it can reach the sunlight. 
“By the way, have you heard from (Y/N)?” 
“No. Not since last night.” Youngjae answers. 
“I texted her this morning and this afternoon, but she hasn’t texted me back.” The siphoner doesn’t respond, focusing on ripening the cherries of the sick miniature fruit tree. “Jihyo apparently left town last night… You don’t think that’s something to be concerned about, right?” 
Youngjae shakes his head. “She was probably spooked by an ex-boyfriend or something. And I’m sure (Y/N) is busy at the university. You know how hard she works.” 
“Yeah, I know. I just wish she would at least text me back.” 
“She probably needs time to process too, hyung.” He reasons with the head witch, glancing toward the front of the mausoleum when the knock sounds from the door. “I gotta go, but I’ll let you know if I hear anything.” 
Mark hums in agreement. “Thanks, Youngjae.” 
“Mhm. Get some more sleep.” Knowing Mark would retaliate with his command, Youngjae hangs up the phone before he can respond. The siphoner mumbles a quick illusion spell to hide any evidence of witchcraft to the mortal eye, then heads toward the front door, unsure of who would be visiting the mausoleum this late in the evening.
Who Youngjae certainly doesn’t expect to see behind the door is you, standing outside with a large mass of books cradled within your arms. 
Youngjae’s eyes widen when he notices one of the titles of the books, as well as the flames of determination burning inside your eyes. He parts his lips to inquire further, but you beat him to it… and your words nearly knock all the air from his lungs: 
“I need your help to bring Jackson Wang back from the dead.” 
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mysticmylifeisamess-enger · 6 years ago
As Regular As Clockwork
Pairing: Jumin/Reader
Word count: 3,365
Summary: Jumin is a man of many talents. Though saying no to you wasn't one of them.
A/N: So here was an art trade for someone since they mentioned on twitter wanting a fic of MC teasing Jumin with the cameras in his penthouse bc there’s plenty for Seven but not enough for him and my horny ass jumped at the opportunity because who am I if not a slut for Jumin Han
It should also be worth mentioning that this would be a good example of what you’d be receiving if you commission me ^^ here’s the info on that
Not safe for kiddos below the cut
When it came to work, Jumin was much like a clock. Precise in every action and gesture, punctual to any meeting he attended, and methodical, as if his every movement was timed. He’s often compared to a robot, but not even a robot, no matter how advanced it is, could be as meticulous as him.
He was also predictable to those that would observe closely. Anyone that sat down and watched long enough would pick up on just how he worked. Though there were very few people in his life who took the time to truly understand this pattern; a less than handful amount that truly understood the way he worked in, and even out, the office.
You, on the other hand, not only took the time to observe, but to even put to memory these patterns. He welcomed you into every aspect of his life and you took this as an opportunity to get know him beyond the things even he wouldn’t notice. At any given moment of the day, you could tell anyone what Jumin must be doing with almost perfect accuracy. Though the moments that always intrigued you were the ones where his attention was turned somewhere else.
From your observations, he’d look over the documents on his desk, mark down any revisions, place it in the outbox on the corner of his desk, and repeat the process for a few hours. At exactly 2:32 pm, in the midst of his work and 13 minutes short of his scheduled daily meeting, his eyes would glance over the monitor on his desk— open to the CCTV in his penthouse— and smile to himself to see the white coat of his beloved pet before he continued onto his pile.
It made you wonder just how he looked at the screen when you weren’t around and instead on the other side of it. Did his gaze linger just a bit longer? Was his smile just a bit wider at the thought of seeing his loving partner? Or would he even look at all, considering the original intent of this camera was to watch after Elizabeth? But what you really wanted to know was whether you could use it to break that precious, commendable concentration of his.
His greatest gift, what truly made him the heir extraordinaire that he is, was how steady his focus could be. It was a little shaken up at your arrival, but he was able to manage after a while, finding you to be the new center of his focal point. You always admired this about him, a trait that he fully used to learn everything about you in no time, especially when it only seemed to heighten once you two became intimate.
But to find a weak spot, a vulnerability in his everyday flow that you could easily pervade proved to be your hardest task as a spouse yet. Weeks on end and you had yet to see an opportunity.
Until one morning. One morning that you woke up to find his grasp on you just a bit tighter than usual. His every word as you two had breakfast together had an underlying need to it. And the usual goodbye kiss you sent him out the door with seemed much more covetous, tugging at your bottom lip as he pulled away and leaving you weak in the knees at his departure.
‘Bingo,’ you thought to yourself, biting back the devious smile that threatened to spread.
The end of his pen tapped against the desk incessantly, fidgeting with it between his fingers every once in a while before they signed away at a document and repeating the process. It was unlike him to be so restless, as if his hands couldn’t stay still and needed to find some sort of occupancy to them.
His usual three-piece suit felt much more restricting than usual, shifting uncomfortably in his seat every so often. His hand constantly found its way to the tie around his neck, loosening it just a bit every time. It made him wonder whether they were dry-cleaned correctly or if he had hit some sudden growth spurt at 28.
Every sound behind the closed doors of his office seemed much louder than they actually were, testing at his patience at every little tick. In particular, the wall clock that hung above the door sounded as if it was right in his ear, ticking continuously with no end in sight.
And in all these subtle nuances, you happened to sit on the forefront of his mind. With every thought, every scenario his imagination would drift into, and every bit of semblance he’d fixate on, his restlessness would only get worse.
It started innocently, wishing he could have convinced you to come along for the day. Your presence sitting patiently on his office couch, getting up occasionally to plop on his lap and give him a quick kiss. Your fingers carding through his locks as they always did. Lips moving from his to the corner of his mouth, pressing along his cheek slowly until it was just under his jawline. Lingering for a second until your tongue darted out to press a wet kiss on his neck, shifting to straddle him between your legs.
The pen in his hand snapped in half, bringing him out of his thoughts. Luckily, it was a simple bik pen— plastic and disposable compared to the others that sat on his desk. A frustrated sigh passed his lips, throwing the pen away as he noticed the time on the clock. 2:31 pm, 14 minutes before his scheduled group meeting and right on time to glancing at the CCTV for a quick revival in energy.
Sure enough, he saw his lovely cat perched on the cat-tree and sleeping soundly, smiling softly at the sight. His eyes then went to scanning the rest of the room for your presence only to see nothing, demeanor falling just a bit at that. He had hoped to see you, to sate this need of his with simply knowing that you were home and waiting for him.
Just as he was about to close it, he saw you walk into sight. Slow, precise steps as you walked through the space, silk robe lazily draped over your figure and coming off your shoulder. Intrigued, he continued to eye you as you sat yourself on the living room couch, getting comfortable right within view. Your hands went to the tie around your waist, undoing it to reveal the lingerie you had on underneath— a lacy two piece he carefully chose for you— and he felt his breathing hitch at the sight.
He pondered whether he should be spying on you like this, but his eyes just couldn’t seem to tear from the screen; absolutely enamored by every curve and dip of your skin he could see. Before he could even think to close out, your legs spread apart in plain sight of the lens and your eyes flicked between the phone on your side and up to meet his own.
Your hand slid between your thighs and rubbed tight circles over your panties, the other hand coming up to your chest and pinching the pert bud over your lacy fabric. You were clearly moaning, head thrown back in pleasure. He could only imagine the sounds you were making, his hand moving down to palm over his pants at the growing erection.
His other hand moved to the phone on his desk, quickly dialing your number and pressing it to his ear. Leaning back in his seat, he could see your phone light up and the small smile on your features as you went to pick it up.
“Hi honey,” your voice answered on the other side, punctuating your words with a breathy moan. He could see the sly grin on your face deepen as your hands still clearly rubbed over your panties, biting your lip before you continued, “Weird of you to call in the middle of work, what’s going on?”
He knew your teasing tone all too well, smirking to himself at your faux innocence. It was endearing to see you act so ingenue when your actions were so contradictory. Though he decided to play along, wondering just how long you could keep up this front.
“I thought I’d check up on my dearest,” his voice low and sultry “Make sure that you’re behaving.”
“Well,” you paused, emphasizing the silence with a drawn out gasp as he watched your fingers drag over your sensitive nub, “I can assure you that I’m being very good.”
“Is that so?” he asked, though you could hear the upturn of his lip, “And what exactly are you doing?”
“Thinking about you.”
At that, he couldn’t fight the low, breathy chuckle that reverberated in his chest, his hand moving from his clothed shaft to the buckle on his belt. Just as he tugged on it, a knock at the door startled him up straight, coughing between a ‘yes?’ to hide his previous tone. To hear how flustered he was only encouraged you to moan against his ear throughout.
He quickly composed himself, putting on a poker face as the door opened slightly only for Jaehee to pop her head in. The only evidence of his previous actions was a flushed face that only grew deeper to hear your lewd sounds on the other side.
“Mr. Han, I apologize for interrupting, but you have a meeting in 10 minutes.”
“Assistant Kang,” he started, steely gaze moving between the monitor and door, “I’m taking care of an urgent matter at the moment. If I’m not out in time, apologize on my behalf and assure them that I’ll be there soon.”
From his peripheral, he could see you stripping the layer you had, baring yourself to the camera as you continued your ministrations. His cheeks deepened in color at this dirty little secret and he was thankful that only he could see.
“Alright, I will, just please don’t keep them waiting long,” she said simply before closing the door behind her.
“Yeah Mr. Han, don’t keep them waiting,” you teased, drawing out your words and eliciting a low groan from him.
“Then you’re going to have to do exactly as I say,” his voice as commanding as it was deep, hand moving to undo his belt in one fluid motion.
“Oh,” you mused, “And who said you could take the lead on this?”
He let out another small laugh, amused at this change in character.
“Am I supposed to ask for permission?” his words sturdy in their silent demand, but hitching as his member met the cool air. You couldn’t see it, but you could imagine the smug smile on his face.
“Well no, but I thought it’d be nice to have the upper hand for once,” he could see the pouty expression on your lips and he couldn’t resist, not when you looked so enticing.
“Alright,” he finally said, “Whatever it is you desire of me, I will gladly do it.”
“Good,” you said just above a whisper, watching as your expression shifted to a sly smile, “Take a picture for me.”
“A picture? Of what exactly?” he questioned, obviously baiting for a specific response.
“Well I don’t think it’s fair that you can see all of me so clearly,” you continued, emphasizing your words with a drag of your fingers over your thigh, “Shouldn’t I get a peak too?”
“If that’s truly what you want,” his grin deepening, “Then your wish is my command.”
To see your simper smile and body writhe slightly at his words made him bold. He found it all too entertaining, not only that you were able to get him to do something so lewd and so out of his character, but that he would hand the world over to you on a silver platter if he could and that this was what you wanted. You wanted to see him, to have an intimate reminder of just what you do to him. And he was more than happy to indulge you.
He moved the phone against his ear to navigate to his camera, pointing it towards his view. One hand holding the base of his shaft while the other snapped a picture and sent it your way. The tinge of embarrassment would have taken over had he not heard your impressed gasp, seeing you smile as you gazed at your phone.
The picture itself wasn’t entirely steady in true Jumin fashion, but you could see every little detail that practically made you water at the mouth. The precum glistening and dripping from his tip, plump and reddened head you knew had to be sensitive to the touch, and every ridge and vein taut and outlined perfectly. Though the most impressive had to be his length— long, thick, and sturdy as it stood fully erect. Your digits truly couldn’t compare, thrusting them into yourself as you imagined his cock in its place.
“I’ll assume you’re pleased with the photo,” he said watching you closely, though you could pick up the hint of smugness in his tone. To see you trying to find purchase, uttering his name between gasps, he felt a bit of pride swell in his chest. The hand around his base gripped and slowly stroked, letting out a low moan to let you know exactly what he was doing.
“Very,” you teased back, “You have a lot to be proud of, Mr. Director.”
“Really?” he purred, thumb circling his tip and spreading his precum, “I could say the same about you.”
“The only thing I’m truly proud of is how hard I’ve made you,” your words practically dripped like honey as he hung on to every syllable, languid strokes timed with your own movements.
“Are you touching yourself right now?” you asked, catching him off guard, but that didn’t stop him. You could hear his labored breathing, the small moans that rippled out at your words, followed by a small, confident chuckle.
“And if I was?”
His words almost seemed like a challenge. A test to see how long you could keep up this act, to see how long it would take until you handed control back over to him as he desired. But that wasn’t something you could easily give up, especially not now and especially not when you practically had him at the palm of your hand.
“Well I just didn’t take you for someone that would do that in your own office,” you offered, a faux shock in your words.
“It just makes me wonder what you would do if I was there. If I just happened to be under that desk right now.”
At your words, his mind quickly went to the vision of you on your knees below his desk. Letting out a low groan, he couldn’t help but imagine your hand taking his place. And to hear your name under his breath had you biting back a wide grin.
“If only I could be right there, between your legs,” your words egging him on to increase his pace, breathy moans accentuating your pauses, “Tasting every bit of your cock, tongue sliding up from base to head until I’m taking it all in, gagging at your every thrust. And lapping up every bit of your cum once you finish.”
His head lulled back at your graphic descriptions, relishing in every little detail with a low groan. You truly had a talent for riling him up like you were and using something as simple as his imagination to drive him wild.
“But what I truly want is to be sprawled on your desk, completely on display for you. Having your way with me the way you always do, my nails raking down your back as you thrust into me over and over,” your eyes closing shut as if you were just imagining it, “Your hands pinning me down in place until I’m begging to touch you again.”
The pumping of his hand increased to a brutal pace, hips jerking up meet it. He tried to suppress his moans, but it was no use, letting them slip much like his restraint.
“And to call out your name, loud enough for the entire office to hear so they know just who is pleasing me so well, who I truly belong to,” you half-whispered, following it with a small laugh to hear just how ready he was to collapse with every gasp he sucked in through gritted teeth.
All the images you painted in his mind had him reeling, thinking of how truly unfair this current situation was. He could only watch as you touched yourself from afar, unable to provide the touch and feel he was longing for. And all while your voice teased him from the opposite end of the line. When agreeing to this, he gave you an inch and you took a mile before he could even realize.
“MC, you’re walking a fine line,” he cautioned, though the broken moans that followed his words had made you dauntless. You knew exactly what he meant by that, but it didn’t stop your almost taunting demeanor.
“And here I thought that you’d do anything I desired,” you pouted, feigning an innocence he could see right through. He knew you had a point, he did hand power over to you, but he didn’t realize just what it would do to him. How incessantly you planned to bait him or how badly he wanted to see you wriggle under his own control.
But he couldn’t quite deny how much he loved it. And all he wanted right now was a release; entirely deprived of your touch but needing just that bit of release.
And there was something incredibly pleasing about hearing just how desperate he was for you. The coveted heir-to-be on the other line—  a successful, educated, and completely composed man who is constantly commended for his strong will and unwavering focus— was a complete moaning mess that found himself aroused with your every word and every action. He was practically subservient to anything you asked of him and you wanted nothing more than to give into just what he wanted, knowing he was so close.
“Come for me,” your words just above a whisper, but firm in their command.
His eyes squeezed shut, feeling the coil in him tighten with every unrelenting stroke. His body jerked forward a bit at the oncoming release, writhing in pleasure as he called your name breathlessly. The internal clock he solely depended on had practically stopped without a care, instead focusing wholly on you.
It didn’t take long for him to unravel, letting out a strangled moan as the warmth in the pit of his stomach burst. His cum spilling and collecting in his hand, body in tremors as he came down from his high and leaving him a disheveled mess. His shallow, ragged breathing the only sound between you two.
Your own movements had slowed down, almost coming to a halt as soon as you noticed that he had reached his breaking point. Looking back up at the monitor, he could see the sly smile form on your face before you broke the silence.
“Look at that, 2:44. Right on time for your meeting, looks like I’ll have to leave you here. Good luck dear, I love you,” you practically chimed, a complete 180 from the previous few minutes. And before he could find the words to respond, you quickly hung up. From the camera, he could see you throw your robe back on, blow a kiss to the camera, and saunter off and out of sight.
He sat at his desk, completely dumbfounded and mouth hanging in confusion. You had practically left him a mess, both physically and mentally, and he loved every second of it. Though it left him completely depraved without truly sating his previous need for you. In fact, it made him much more worked up. And the only thought running through his mind was just how he was going to punish you for this as soon as he gets home.
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elysiumrp · 8 years ago
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Congratulations BRITT! You have been accepted as Tereza Castelo. Please go through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours. If you need more time, make sure you send a message to the main.
Now I hate to be the person that picks favorites, but I have to admit that Tereza was one of my favorite new characters out of this huge batch that we wrote. She was the first one I wrote actually, and I’m not sure that any of the other ones truly lived up to the ideas and inspiration I had when writing her bio. To receive an application so early on for Tereza of all people made my day, and to be able to accept her is even better. I can’t wait to see how Tereza reacts to so many supernaturals that she’s never met coming back into the city, and I also am excited to see how the Resistance and her involvement in it goes down. There is so much that could happen to Tereza and so many different ways that she could rise or fall. I’m sure she’s in for quite the adventure, and I look forward to seeing it unfold. Welcome to Elysium!!
Name: Britt Age: 19 Timezone: CST Preferred Pronouns: She/Her  Previous RP Experience: [RFP] Activity Level: 8/10. I only have one class a day for summer courses and other than that I’m free. Anything Else: N/A
Character Name: Tereza Castelo Why did you choose this character:
I honestly love everything about the character. From her fc to the information you wrote about her. Tereza has gone through so much heartache. From what I gathered she did not grow up in a loving household because who would marry their daughter off so young? She also had to leave her child with a husband she never wanted to marry. Imagine what she must have gone through, unable to see her son despite being alive and him being so close. There is honestly just so much I can get into with self paras or things I could push into threads. After living 700 years, she must have a ton of stories like men she fell in love with, people she’s saved, forming close friendships, being hunted when people found out she was a vamp, etc. And despite everything, she stays so kind. Tereza appreciates life and companionship. I don’t know how anyone can’t love this girl.
Describe your plan for them:
I definitely want to see her take action. I want her to help the Resistance flourish and grow through the rp. I see her as such an important piece of the puzzle. Another thing I want to see is her form connections with not just the ones I see on her bio, but ones out of it as well. Tereza is a kind person, but strong and badass. There are so many things I can see come out of that, because I’m sure people will either be threatened or end up liking her. Tereza is like an onion. She has so many layers and I want to dive into all of them through my writing. I hope if I’m accepted, I can truly show you how much I love this character and how much I want to pay attention to every aspect of her.
Describe your character’s feelings and reactions to the initial reveal of the supernatural world:
Well, before Tereza was changed by a Vampire, she did not know of supernaturals. She lived in naivety due to her parents because in their eyes they saw her as a weak child. It was rare for her to venture too far out of her manor, and the servants who walked around her home were mostly her friends. The moment she found out was when a Vampire saved her after she tried to kill herself. Of course when she woke up after being turned, fear and shock was the first thing she felt. Her senses were stronger than ever and she definitely did not feel human… She felt stronger and more herself than she ever has. As a human she was so weak and followed everyone’s commands. That’s all she did her entire human life, but now she was free. Becoming a vampire was probably one of the best things that could happen to her. It literally saved her life.
Describe your character’s feelings and reactions to the current state of the world, and how it impacts them as an individual:
Tereza has always hated the idea of species hating one another. Becoming a Supernatural to her was one of the best things, and she assumed everyone felt that way. Not until she realized that different species hated or feared each other did she know how divided the world truly was. It hurt her that people could hate another because of who they were. Of course this revelation only made her stronger and more passionate about joining the Resistance. Maybe one day everyone can live in peace, but until then, she would fight for it until a stake was driven right through her heart.
Para Sample:
(suicide tw) 
Tereza could no longer handle the pain within her heart. She could no longer hide the subtle tremble of hands while she brushed her hair, or the sleepless night which left bags beneath her eyes, or never being able to decide anything for herself or her child. The husband which she was forced to marry was not a loving one. He hurt her and used her, treating her as if she were only a pet. What love she did receive was from her son, but even that was very rarely. She use to believe that it was her, that she was the reason for never having any friends or a family to care for her. She believed that something was wrong with her, when really, it was the life she had been given. If only she could have been born to another family would she have been happy.
So with trembling legs, her back hit the wall and she slid down as the heat intensified. Smoke filled her lungs with each inhale and she welcomed death like an old friend- until the image of her son flashed through her vision. The beautiful little boy whom she loved with all her heart. The little boy who would have to grow up without a mother and possibly live the same life as she did. A surge of energy rushed through her and she screamed. Screamed until all she could see was a grey haze of toxic smoke, and the dangerous flickering of fire. Tears ran down her cheeks when she realized it was too late for her. What came after death? Would it really be better than living on the beautiful Earth? The world begin to fade just as a powerful figure took her into their arms and the cool outside surrounded her, but it was far too late. Her heart began to slow just as something sharp bit into the side of her neck.
The next thing she remembered was waking up on a soft bed. Feeling extraordinarily renewed as if she had been reborn. When she sat up, her eyes adjusted to the dark as if it were still daylight. Then a hungry thirst caused her to gasp, holding a small hand to her throat when a slightly familiar male walked in with bags filled with a red liquid that smelled oh so wonderful. “Hola.” He spoke, a kind smile on his lips as he continued to walk closer. Tereza could only look at the bags though, and he noticed. Without anymore time, he placed them on the nightstand beside the bed and walked back out. In a flash, the girl has sunk her fangs into the thin material, letting out a feral growl that she would have noticed if she wasn’t so entranced on the delicious red liquid. Once she had finished, she sat back down in a confused haze, not realizing how much her life was about to change.
Any questions/concerns/things you’d like to change: (siblings to add, pronouns, sexuality you’d like to specify, personality, face claim, history, etc., etc.)
N/A. I love everything.
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