#i really have thought abt making research masterposts for a while
orthodoxxing · 2 months
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this person is a confirmed scammer btw, who remakes a lot but look out for this profile picture bc they reuse it a lot
also look out for:
scammer claiming the money will be used to evacuate multiple people from gaza but the fundraiser goal is way too small, like hundreds or a couple thousand dollars
paypal instead of gfm does not immediately mean scam but it makes the blog suspicious because paypal hasn't been working in gaza for a while now. the paypal money pool fundraisers also hide the location of the organiser
scams about diabetic palestinians that often specify humalog - this is the same scammer again and again
scams that link to (often paypal) fundraisers organised by people with kenyan names or names popular in countries bordering kenya - again this is the same scammer again and again
if you want to publish an ask / donate, you can reverse image search their pictures & also copy their asks and search them into tumblr, because scammers tend to use other people's texts or reuse them from their own deactivated scam blogs
just because a blog claims to be vetted doesn't mean they are - especially when they don't mention any blog or the blog they mention is tagged but not hyperlinked (it means either the vetter has them blocked or they have the vetter blocked). please check, a lot of the vetting masterposts are easily searchable / spreadsheets
i don't want to talk about scams to discourage people from donating, but a lot of people have been mass reporting any ask they get & i think that's way way more harmful, which is why it's way better to know the signs of scams so you can automatically eliminate them before spending effort to check if the rest are real. scammers are not the unstoppable boogeyman, they're often fairly easy to spot, which is why there is really no excuse to blanket-accuse all palestinian tumblr accounts of being scammers. anyways i'm not an expert on scams or anything, this is just like half an hour's worth of research on my part, but i'm going to be using these takeaways in the future to vet my own asks so i thought it might be useful. people like @neechees @kyra45 and @anonthescambuster are doing the actual valuable work of teaching everyone all these things & putting together lists of confirmed scammers. u can also go to their blogs to search up any url u think might be a scam, or to just learn more abt scam busting
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daydadahlias · 3 years
2 for Red Light, 3 for S14 and 10 for RR? Is this too many?? You can pick whichever you want! (You know I want all of the answers for every fic but I’m trying to hold back)
From Writer Asks <3 Never too much, Katt, haha. You know how big my ego is!! I love talking about me for as long as someone lets me.
2.  Which scene was your favorite to write in Red Light?
Answered here. <3
3.  Which part of Scene 14 was hardest to write?
Okay, so you would think that it would be the actual performance, right? Because that’s, like, the most climactic event of the entire story. But that was the easiest scene for me to write in the fic, because it was one of the first ones I wrote. I have to say the scene from this fic that took me the longest—and gave me the most grief—was the confrontation on the stage in ch. 10. The one where they both finally realize what fucking idiots they’ve been. And the reason for that is I could never quite settle on how I wanted Ashton to perceive the whole situation. I went back and forth on his perspective a lot. Like, did he also think they were just fucking? Did he think they were really together? Did he love Luke but think Luke wanted a FWB situation with him? Did he think this was a further extension of acting? And then I sort of settled on the “he thought they were together until Luke broke it off, because he’s not worth loving” because that made the most sense for his character. It also just provided a very nice angsty avenue for his character. It was a hard scene to get right. I didn’t want to make it too melodramatic but, they’re both actors so I wanted it to be big, you know? And it was hard to find that healthy middle ground between those two things. Overall, I think it’s one of the best scenes I’ve ever written. Love that scene. But boy howdy did I work on it for weeks. I edited that thing to death. Oh, and on that same note, Ashton’s monologue went through a lot of drafts as well. It used to be a lot longer. I hand wrote the first draft during my English class and then typed up a couple other versions of it. I’m still not super happy with it, if i’m honest. But I’m not unhappy. It is what it is. Really just, chapter 10 as a whole was a struggle. I also say all this like I didn’t write that stupid fucking first chapter 3 times in full. I literally wrote 3 different versions of that motherfucker, all of which were a good 5-7k. It was hell. I could not, for the life of me, get that shit right. I mean, I started writing this fic in like January... and it took me months to get right. It was agony. 
10. What are some facts readers may not know about Risky Risque?
Katt, you know literally everything about this fic. Oh, God. I’m trying to think of… anything that I could share about this that I haven’t already. We know Ashton’s demi. We know I wrote this fic when I was 17 during my Advanced Acting class in the hallway. Let me go scrounge around in my notes app real fast and see if there’s any teasers or anything. Also, I’ll go skim the fic to see if anything jumps out at me. I mean, I can tell you I really fucking hated this fic when I posted it. Like, a lot. I don’t know, it just felt so pointless when I wrote it? Like it had no true poignancy and didn’t really say anything about anything. Which was why I ended it with “this is not my best.” So funny now, considering how well that fic has done. I had the title before I ever had the fic, there’s a fact! I have a list of possible titles in my notes app and “Risky Risque” is one of the first ones on there. I’ve been dying to use it for so long. Because, y’know, alliteration. It’s so visually and sonically pleasing. I wrote this fic, honestly, around the title. I write all my fics in EB Garamond but I wrote this one in Times New Roman. I cut no scenes from it lol. RR was just… what you see is what you get. She was really straight forward. I’ve always been so fascinated by the sex work industry, especially with a facet like this where you don’t have to touch anyone. It’s just vocal cues. I read a lot of super, super interesting articles about phone sex before writing this. If you actually want to read them, lmao, I’m sure I could search around and find them. Super interesting stuff !! I really need to start providing links for the research I do for fics. Like make a masterpost for each fic of all the articles I read. Because I read shit!! One of my favorite parts of writing is research. Not that you asked, lol. Katt, I’m so sorry, I can literally think of nothing about this fic you don’t already know. 
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poptropicashitposts · 4 years
I'm gonna make one big mystery of the map hc masterpost because there is SO much to talk abt
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the ages for mya, jorge and oliver have been left kinda vague but it's pretty easy to take a guess at what their ages would be
i'd say say mya is 12, and both jorge and oliver are 11
octavian on the other hand is probably in his mid thirties, judging by his life experience and partially his appearance
octavian greatly prefers hand to hand combat, as it's what he's most skilled in
he was a v polite, tender person while working as one of poptropica's protectors. like the kind of guy who'd go an outing with the kids of a village and have fun w them for an afternoon to distract them from the horrors of whatever's going on around them.
it was only after Paulla passed away that he turned violent, and decided he'd do whatever it took to get her back.
octavian is an ISTP
mya is an INTJ
oliver is an ISFJ
jorge is an ESFJ
I know this is poptropica we're talking about, but I really liked the way that all three kids had a pretty obvious heritage
like how mya is chinese, evident by the etymology of her surname; Wong. (I guess that doesn't really make it a hc if it's canon hnnnshdgd)
spefically, I hc Jorge as mexican and oliver as caucasian.
I haven't really thought too heavily about octavian's heritage before, as he has no given surname in the series but his complexion gives away that he may be from a latin country.
oliver ADORES the outdoors (heh). like this kid absolutely loves being outside and in nature. it's part of the reason why he wasn't totally upset when the events of mystery of the map, well, happened.
jorge on the hand is the total opposite. he prefers to spend his time indoors watching TV or using the twenty minutes of computer access he's allowed daily.
mya is a mix of both, you'll often find her studying or doing research indoors about outdoor topics.
also I refuse to believe jorge's name is pronounced "hor-hey" and there is not one soul out there that can say otherwise.
octavian is so unbelievably complex like... I could do a full thesis on his character study alone. @/poptropica I would do ANYTHING to have an in-depth view at octavian's life before he joined the protectors.
this one is a bit of a dark hc but I've always had the thought that paulla was pregnant when she passed during the eruption of mt. vesuvius. she wasn't particularly far along-, but enough that octavian was aware and was incredibly excited to finally have a family of his own.
this was also a motivational factor to why octavian was so determined to rewrite time itself just to see her again.
and even perhaps to why he was so bitter towards the kids; because they represented something he could never have of his own. something that slipped through his fingers all because of spencer's determination to preserve history.
so at the end of the series,,, they all kind of taught each other a lesson abt life... and how valuable it is to each of them,,,
I can't put my finger on to how or why, but I swear there has to be a link between the portal at the end of motm and the one that salerno goes through in lunar colony.
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phanlight · 4 years
Imagine Living Like A King Someday
prompt: Southview Boarding School isn’t a castle and Phil Lester isn’t royalty, but he has everything. His father owns the school, he’s popular, has the best room, gets all the best treatment – there are very few things that aren’t handed to him on a platter. Dan is a cleaner/Phil’s personal maid there, and he isn’t as lucky. Everyone seems to take an aversion to the outsider, including Phil (at first).
theres something so funny to me abt having written all of this over a matter of months and then picking it up 4 entire years later like nothing happened
still thinking of the enormous steaming mess past left future me to clear up in terms of plot but i think we're finally there THANKS 2016 SHELLEY
Twenty-Three (fINALLY)
By far the best thing about this job, Dan decides, is the Thursday afternoons. They allow for a lull in the week, a window wherein Phil is enveloped in a research project and Noah equally as swallowed up in rehearsals. December being only a breath away had made for a sudden increase in workload for both of them; it seems leaving the holiday season for an actual holiday is far too big an ask for the education system. Dan feels sorry for them. He remembers his burning resentment toward academic responsibilities; how much he’d loathed being made to study while the sky loses its light. He’d taken pity on the pair of them and stocked up on various study supplies – all edible and a few drinkable, much to their delight. He’d left them with all the Kit-Kats, Doritos and Jaffa Cakes they’d possibly be able to cram into a four-hour session. He’s becoming something of a mother figure, he giggles when he tells Lawrence.
There’s something about conversations with someone as wise as the head caretaker, the nicest boss he’s ever had, that jolts everything back into perspective again. Sometimes, when anxiety gnaws and every breath feels uneasy, the only thing that helps is a few words of wisdom. Of true compassion. And as caring and as gentle as Phil is, sometimes it’s worth listening to someone over triple his age; with triple his life experience.
And way over triple his collection of mugs. They stand in rows in a cabinet next to the desk, a glass door keeping them on proud display (there’s no way he doesn’t polish that regularly). He can’t count the teas they’ve had together, but he’s never had the same mug twice. It makes the overall experience just that little bit more enjoyable; a guaranteed smile no matter how bleak the day.
“Wallace, or Gromit?” is the first thing Lawrence says when Dan creaks open the door.
He frowns. Bit of an odd way to say hello, but he’s had weirder.
“If you had to pick?”
Dan chuckles, his frown melting away. Months of this place has made him warmly familiar with Lawrence’s eccentricities and quick-fire questions upon entering. The only one who works here with a personality, Phil often calls him, before quickly adding Below fifty, of course.
“Gromit,” he says decidedly. “He’s cute.”
“Gromit it is,” he whips around, presenting Dan with a steaming ceramic version of the dog, his left ear protruding into a handle.
“How did I not see that coming?” Dan chuckles, taking the mug and nearly burning his fingertips. “Thanks,” he sips a little too quickly. “Let me guess; you have a Wallace one too?”
“A-ha!” Lawrence spins around again holding with an identically sized mug, the other character still grinning despite having a head full of boiling hot liquid.
“You never cease to amaze me,” Dan grins, shaking his head in disbelief. He plops himself down on Lawrence’s enormous armchair, shifting a jacket off of the seat. Despite his repeated insistence that he really doesn’t mind and the stool looks really comfy, actually; Lawrence insists he takes his chair every single time he comes over.
‘It’s just lovely to have a chat with you, kid,’ he’d say. ‘I don’t get many visitors.’
The whole thing swamps Dan’s small frame, the upholstery devouring most of him, but the comfort is unbeatable. He could fall asleep here.
“Look at his nose! His- look at that! Hey- you’re missing it!”
Dan’s eyes dart around the room. “Wait- what?”
“The mug!” he urges.
Dan frowns, peering at the steaming Wallace. His grin looks like the taste of Brie.
“It’s-…” he squints. “Big?”
“Not mine you daft thing- yours!” he points.
“Mine?” Dan looks down. Gromit stares forward, his black button now a cherry red. “Oh!”
“Clever, that, ain’t it?” Lawrence enthuses, his eyes shimmering. “Must be a heat detector! I don’t know how they do it, these things,” he beams. “It’s like they’re finding something new every day.”
Dan’s heart glows. It would come as no surprise if he’d been waiting all week to show him that.
“I’ll keep an eye out for it next time,” Dan smiles, looking down. “I used to have a Pac-Man mug that did a similar thing, actually.”
“Pac-Man, eh?” Lawrence says as if it’s the eleventh Grand Theft Auto. “What used to happen? Did he do his little routine?”
“Not quite,” Dan giggles, assuming his ‘little routine’ constituted flying around a maze uncontrollably. “The ghosts just appeared. Nothing moved, though.”
“That’ll be the next step, I tell you,” Lawrence says. “Goodness knows what they’ll be able to do even one year from now. Come next Christmas you’ll be buying me a mug that can sing.”
Dan’s grin doesn’t stop. How someone so many times his age can still bear such child-like enthusiasm for the small things really is something treasurable. The gem of Southview, he decides as he takes another sip and studies the bottle opener collection beside him. Lawrence makes this job bearable. Worthwhile.
He doesn’t tell him such mugs actually exist; doesn’t let on the Cherusker stein is a particular favourite of his. The cabinet full of them was in fact possibly the only tolerable aspect of the May Fair experience; – he’d forever spend lounge duty dusting them, lifting every one and smiling as gentle lullabies spilled out until barked at to ‘stop wasting time’. He makes a mental note to make another addition to his Christmas shopping list. He’s certain Lawrence is aware of their existence, but he’s sure he wouldn’t be expecting to unwrap one only three weeks from now. Seeing those eyes crinkle with joy under years of laughter lines is a gift in itself.
He only realizes he’s smiling when Lawrence matches his grin.
“You’re at a funny age,” he sighs, clinking the spoon against the china. He places it on an Abbey Road coaster. “That’s what my mother used to say,” he pauses, forehead lined with thought. “Mind you, she’s been saying that at every age I’ve been,” there’s a silence. “Even now.”
Dan grins, imagining a woman twenty-odd years older but about a metre shorter. It warms his heart to hear she’s still with him, with them. Here.
“What does that say, eh?” he continues. “There’s never an age you’re going to look back and everything around you will have fallen into place. Never a moment you’ll dust off your hands and think ‘well, that was easy’. Because that isn’t life.”
The final sentence resounds all around the hemisphere of his consciousness. What absolute truth there is to be found in that.
This is precisely what he loves about his conversations with Lawrence. It isn’t just the tea. Not even the comfort both physical and emotional alike; the guarantee that whatever he confesses to doing won’t go any further than the office walls. It isn’t even the advice- which he’d go so far as to admit is more beneficial than Phil’s, at certain times (there’s just something about hearing it from someone who’s double their combined age).
It’s the lack of judgement. The listening ear. The only person he can truly guarantee is without a single trace of bias or underlying ulterior motive. The ‘I’ve experienced, lived, truly knocked down but bounced back every time’ tone that resonates through every pebble of advice, each wise word he gifts away.
And he feels safe, talking to him. He feels comfortable. It’s everything every single past job wasn’t, and even now, when Dan drags a scalding sip to his lips and listens to Lawrence’s stories, his pellets of wisdom and anecdote after anecdote involving life in the Sixties, he realizes he’s truly safe here. Happy, almost.
“How old is she? Your mother?” The question escapes his lips before he can exercise any control over what he’s asking. Shit, he hopes that wasn’t too personal. Not a lot of things are off-limits when it comes to conversations with Lawrence, but boundaries are still unclear.
Lawrence remains unfazed, his expression still thoughtfully soft.
“She’ll be ninety-eight this June.”
“Eighty-eight?” Dan frowns. He must have heard that wrong.
Lawrence points a finger to the ceiling. “Up ten.”
His jaw drops.
“Yep,” Lawrence contradicts with a warm head nod. “She’s lived through a lot, has our Maggie.”
“I can imagine,” Dan breathes, leaning against the desk. His respective lifespan has already thrown enough in his direction. He can’t imagine what four times that would be.
“Lived through two world wars, bless her,” he sighs, his eyes studying the windowsill. “Lord alone knows what the woman must have witnessed,” his eyes flicker to Dan. “Then bringing up three kids on top of that,” he shakes his head, slurping the steam. “I don’t know how she does it. Still going strong, mind. She’s an angel.”
“Truly,” Dan sighs, his gaze leaning further and further out of the window. A crow comes to a soaring descent onto one of the branches, leaving a flutter of yellow leaves in its wake. If he narrows his eyes he can make out the very outline of a nest somewhere further in. “You’re lucky to have her,” he says before his thoughts can catch up.
Lawrence huffs out a chuckle. “You sound almost as old as I do, kid,” he hesitates. “Though you’re right. I am. I love her.” There’s a silence. “And I make sure I tell her every single day.”
Something tightens in the back of Dan’s throat. He blinks a couple of times, sipping carefully. “That’s lovely,” he mumbles into the mug, masking the crack he knew was going to appear in his voice.
“It’s important to say it as often as you can, you know,” he says, tearing open a box of Leibniz and giving Dan the first pick. They’re orange – his favourite. Last week’s rant over the white chocolate ones had clearly been taken on board. “However you say it. In whichever respect you mean it. You have to tell them how much they mean to you. You have to tell them you love them.”
A crumb goes down the wrong way.
“Careful, kid,” Lawrence gives him a firm thump on the back. Dan erupts into coughs, pausing to choke on his own breath a handful of times.
“You okay?”
It’s an amusing question given he’s a shade of scarlet and can only gasp in response, but he nods anyway, reaching for the tea.
All good, he mouths.
A couple of scalding sips later his lungs finally begin to recalibrate.
“Fuck-…” he huffs out a sigh. “I don’t know where that came from- I-…” he chokes again. “You’re right, though, about the-” another cough interrupts him.
“You’re meant to eat it, not inhale it,” Lawrence chuckles. “You donut. Here-“ he pulls out a drawer, scrabbling through loose sheets of kitchen roll and various CDs (without cases, much to Dan’s anxiety) before thrusting a half-opened packet of Soothers into his hand. “Finish them off, kid.”
“Oh, Lawrence,” Dan’s heart all but melts. “Thank you.”
He only takes one, but Lawrence insists he keeps them.
“Just in case you inhale your dinner tonight,” he chuckles, before adding, “Don’t you go choking on that, for God’s sake.”
“The irony of choking on a Soother,” Dan giggles. his speech a little indistinct. They’re a little on the sticky side but they still taste good. The peach ones have always been his favourite.
“Remember what I said,” he reminds him as Dan chews.
“Thank you,” he says again.
“Not at all, pet,” he smiles. “They need eating up.”
Dan chuckles. “I meant for the-…” he trails off when he spots the gleam in the older man’s eye. He doesn’t even need to finish his sentence to know he knows.
“It’s my pleasure. As long as I can be useful for something,” he raises his chipped mug to his lips as if it’s a champagne glass. “Always remember to give your energy to the right things. And the right people.”
Dan smiles, twining a loose thread around his pinkie. Another pellet of wisdom to come back to when he feels his mind darkening.
“I never used to be much good at that,” he admits. “The right people were always the wrong.”
“Ah, but never forget how far you’ve come,” Lawrence says. “You’re telling me things you wouldn’t have even been able to even think about months ago.”
Dan looks up. “Seriously?” Shit, he hadn’t even noticed.
“Would I be joking?” Lawrence simply says, furrowing a large silver eyebrow. Dan looks down at his tea, sipping carefully. It’s reached a perfect temperature, the liquid hugging his lips. “You tend not to be able to see your own progress, but others can. Others do,” he insists, grey eyes promising.
Dan feels like he’s going to cry.
“Thank you,” he breathes, disguising his mouth with the mug again.
“You don’t need to thank me, kid,” he chuckles.
“It’s unbelievably hard not to,” Dan admits, chuckling too. His eyes threaten tears but he can’t stop grinning.
“If anything, I should be thanking you,” he says.
Dan stares at him.
“Me? What for?”
“Oh, kid,” Lawrence sighs, his eyes glittering. “You have no idea how much I appreciate you. We’ve had some real characters in and out of here, I’m telling you – between you and me, and don’t even let this get to Phil, but-…” he shakes his head, his eyes following another crow headed in the same direction. He’s probably watching the same tree; Dan briefly thinks before he continues. “Some were okay,” he says almost as if to convince himself if anyone. “Mary, she was lovely. But some,” he closes his eyes, shaking his head. “Look- I really shouldn’t be telling you this- Lord alone knows how unprofessional it is to be-“
“I wouldn’t worry,” Dan interjects, immediately apologizing for interrupting. “Workplaces harbor all manner of dark secrets. I’m sure a little venting about a couple of difficult colleagues doesn’t even come close.”
Lawrence chuckles, dusting biscuit crumbs off of the desk. “That I can’t argue with, kid,” he continues wiping, as if to process his next thought. “I’m not one to speak ill of people- of anyone, but-…’ he shakes his head. ‘You have no idea how much easier a time you give me, kid. It’s a joy to have you here,” he lowers his voice. “Some of them didn’t even turn up.”
Dan feels his face burn a little. Something warm floods through his veins. Shit, he’s never been told anything like that before. Never anything even remotely close. There’s also something particularly wholesome about Lawrence giving a recount of lousy employees like it’s a business-shattering affair, all hushed tones and closed doors.
“It’s great to be here,” he says quickly, his heart thumping. “It really is. It-…” he stops himself, interrupted by the abundance of possible phrases. Saved me, is the only one that adheres.
“I know,” Lawrence says before he can even open his mouth. He reaches forward and gives his knee a quick pat, and Dan wonders how such a small motion can harbour such reassurance. He doesn’t even need to finish his sentences he’s this understanding. “You’re a delight of an employee, I hope you realize,” he grins. “Everything you do is so appreciated here, kid. I ought to tell you that more often,” he pauses.  “Sometimes the advice we give is advice we need to take ourselves, eh?
“And vice-versa,” Dan smiles, before hesitating. “Maybe I ought to express myself more.”
“Oh, you already do, kid,” Lawrence says. “We know.”
Dan’s grinning at his tea when he catches the end of his sentence.
“Especially Phil, did you say?”
“Oh, tell me about it. He can’t speak too highly of you, can our Phil. He can’t stop talking about you altogether, mind. ‘The Dan Button’, we call it.”
This conversation isn’t doing Dan’s sensitive blush reflex any favours whatsoever, but he’s past caring. He’s something of an open book to Lawrence anyway.
He stares at the row of vintage Cadbury mugs lining the top shelf of the cabinet (the 1970s Caramel edition is his favourite – there’s just something about the golden writing) as he continues. He wonders if he has a Phil Button. Does he talk about him a lot? Fuck, he hasn’t even thought about it. Usually there’s so much to say; whether it be an anecdote from the passing day or a conversation they’d had or something they’d watched or witnessed or read. It’s difficult to keep track of his own train of thought whenever anyone mentions him. The topic usually leads itself, his own mouth merely a guide. He’ll have to ask Noah if it’s getting excessive.
His eyes stay with the branch. The two crows huddle around the nest-like cluster. By the time this conversation is over the tree will probably be completely leaf-less, he notices as more fall.
“I don’t have a Phil Button, do I?” he says before he can stop himself. Fuck. He just couldn’t resist.
Lawrence only smiles. An eyebrow thinks about twitching upward.
Dan smirks at the silence. Okay. Enough said.
“You kids,” he sighs, swallowing the remains of his tea. “Look out for each other, won’t you? Remember what I said. Tell people how much they mean to you. They aren’t mind-readers.”
Dan smiles, and promises.
Lawrence grins. “I’m glad you ended up here. Doctor Lester is particularly fond of you, y’know.”
Dan stares at him. Surely not. He’s never even seen the man talk, let alone crack anything close to a smile. Any communication between the two had always been by proxy – usually through Lawrence but Phil a lot of the time too. It’s eerily easy to forget they’re even related at all, let alone father and son.
“Oh yes,” he continues, reading his expression. “I shan’t embarrass you with the details, but he says it’s simply a delight to have you on board.”
Dan stares out of the window. Another crow had joined whom he had presumed to be the mother (how can you even tell with birds like that?), both fluttering close to their respective nest. More leaves fall with every judder.
“Well, that-…” he giggles, already feeling his face flush again. He’s going to have to invest in some makeup at this point. “That means a lot. To say the very least, I guess,” he widens his eyes, staring into space. “Wow. God, that’s-…” disbelief silences him. He shakes his head. “That’s the first time like-…” his eyes flicker wider. “Ever.”
“Yeah,” Lawrence remains tactfully quiet. Any allusions toward past jobs are always met with nothing other than gentle sympathy – never questions, never any further comments. Dan can’t thank him enough for that – the past is to be referred to, not relived. If its only reflective purpose is to one day be used as a comparison, something highlighting the incline of quality of life thereafter, then so be it. “You’re appreciated here, kid. By all of us,” he leans forward. “Between you and me, I think he can see how happy you’re making Phil. Y’didn’t hear that from me though, alright?” he nudges his foot with his own and throws him a quick wink.
Dan goes from pink to peony. He makes sure to chew his biscuit properly this time, dunking it in the remains of the tea. Another choking fit at his point would probably send him head-first into the recovery position. He doesn’t reckon being carried out of Mr. Headforth’s office on a stretcher would be his finest hour. Not when he’s finally made it onto the good side of the school, of the staff and communities therein; unusually tight-knit for such a vast population.
He looks up. He smiles.
“No, I didn’t.”
Lawrence’s eyes flicker down to his cheeks. He doesn’t need to say anything.
And I make sure I tell her every single day.
It resides with him for the rest of the afternoon, the phrase burning itself into his consciousness like a tattoo behind the eyes. He can’t let it go, not when he’s studying that pineapple streak the sunset left behind, Phil a breezy nuzzle to the cheek. Not when they’re pacing through the corridors somewhere in the evening, somewhere between the fall of the sun and the rise of the moon. Not even when their hair becomes a confusion of two shades and every breath is shared.
However you say it. In whichever respect you mean it.
He wonders how Lawrence tells her; his mother. When. Where. Does it depend on the day? The hour? Circumstance? He knows there are more than eight letters involved in the action, more than three words to its weight. Does the meaning bleed through his everyday phrases? When he asks her about her day? Whether she’s eaten?
He gulps, his heart thudding.
“Have you had lunch?” was how he’d greeted Phil this noon. “I have loads of pasta in the fridge. I made too much again.”
He stares at the ceiling.
“Text me when you get there,” was how he’d said goodbye this evening. It had started as a joke between the three of them – the campus, although spanning acre-upon-acre of land is still nothing but a speck when compared to the rest of the outside world – but had quickly become something of a tradition (to the extent Dan would often find himself receiving ‘i’m ok <3’ texts from someone in the next room as him).
“Take care,” is how he punctuates most ending conversations with the other boy in hindsight. Still eight letters. A different combination of such, albeit, but a mirrored meaning.
Oh god. He’s fucked.
You’re at a funny age, grey eyes remind him.
Every cell in his body agrees with that, and apparently it’s something they’ll have to get used to. It looks like that’ll never stop, not even after ninety-eight trips around the Sun.
Remember what I said.
Dan does.
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