#i really hate how they changed this in the dub so it was just. kusanagi being pathetic and yusaku making fun of him
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elemental-daddy-neos · 2 years ago
Do you ever just think about him and cry
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Not a ship post
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3w-writer-with-wings · 6 years ago
1, 5, 6, 10, 17, 19, 22, 23, and 34 for the yugioh meme?
1)  Favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! series
This is like asking me which out of my six children should survive while the other five die XD. I love all the series since they all have both pros and cons, and they all have interesting characters and stories, but I guess ARC V will always have a special place in my heart since it got me back in Yugioh fandom (I stopped after 5Ds for a while several years ago). VRAINS is currently my favourite series plotwise since it continues to surprise me and keeps me hyped every single week.
5)  Favourite opening/ending
For the opening, it’s a tie between second and fifth ARC V opening. “Burn” has an incredibly upbeat melody that makes me smile every time I listen to it. “Light of Hope” on the other hand tells a story of how there is despair but smiles will be there to make it go away. I’m rather torn between choosing either of them since they are both really nice endings. As for ending - “Close to You”, 4th ending from 5Ds. I first started watching 5Ds in English dub but once I caught up with it, I was too curious what is going to happen next so I started watching Japanese dub from that point on and that was probably the smartest decision ever. I got to see “Close to You” not only as the first Yugioh Japanese ending but the very first anime ending ever. I loved every single moment of it, of all the characters just chilling around the city, then meeting up, watching the sunrise and then riding D-Wheels with their dragons! It is an ending that is beyond perfect and really emphasises the bonds and friendship between all Signers. 
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6)  Favourite character
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If you had asked me this question before Takeru showed up, I would’ve probably blurted out the names of several characters and say how I love them all, but Takeru is a special case. You see, he is a character that I loved before he even officially appeared XD. I’m following the news, cast lists and summaries, so when Takeru showed up for the first time in an anime magazine (like a month before his official anime appearance), I fell in love with everything about him. Both his human self and avatar had all the right colours and designs that fit his personality well, his backstory was intriguing, I was already looking forward to seeing another Lost Child and out of all possible voices, he got to be voiced by one and only Kaji Yuuki (who is among my Top 3 anime voice actors!). Then he showed up in the new opening and ending and him being friendly and cosy with Yusaku was just plain adorable! I had no idea what his role was going to be but from that point it was clear - Yusaku is getting a new friend! And was his entrance perfect - lightning, fire tornado and then him! 10/10 Burner of Souls! Not only was he righteously hyped up, but he also continues to be amazing and I have a feeling his character will get even more development!    
10)  Favourite Duel Monster
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It’s hard to pick a single monster, but I love every single card in Johan’s deck aka. Crystal/Gem Beast archetype. The designs are simple but so well executed and out of all of them, it’s hard to pick just one. I love their story, the legend and just the fact how much they all care about Johan, trying to reach out to him when Yubel possessed him. A big plus is also the fact how much personality they all have and they are always there to help up Johan.
17)  Have you ever cried over YGO and why?
You should’ve rather ask me when I didn’t lol. But yeah in every spinoff there was a moment that I actually cried. In original series there were two moments, when Yugi duelled Atem in the fourth season, letting him defeat him and then fading away in his arms and the Ceremonial duel when Yugi stumbled on his knees and cried, I cried with him cuz I also didn’t want Atem to go. Then in GX, it was basically whenever Judai would show vulnerability, cuz really, I hated his guts and his goofy overpowered persona. But then when he lost Johan, when he was afraid of Yubel, when he succumbed to the power of Supreme King and the entire season 4 when he was battling with depression - to see someone so cheerful becoming a mere shell of himself was so darn sad. 5Ds started darker but nothing could prepare me for two scenes, Yusei nearly dying, being afraid to duel and then watching his friend die in his arms and then losing another friend for real (Bruno! :’( ). Zexal made me cry a weird mixture of happy and sad tears whenever Yuma and Astral did something. When Astral sacrificed himself for Yuma I don’t know when I cried more - when Yuma watched Astral die or Yuma suffering from major depression for the next few episodes. But that scene when he got reunited with Astral was that more powerful because of it and their relationship is truly the purest of them all. ARC V, spinoff all about smiles was probably one of the saddest series, not just because of many sad moments throughout the whole thing aka. Yuto dying in Yuya’s arms for real, Yugo losing Rin, Yuya losing Yuzu, the fate of other Bracelet Girls and Yu-Boys and the overall ending, but also how inconclusive the ending felt. I kinda get the point was to show the realism of war, how not everyone can get a happy ending but it could still be executed better. Then there’s VRAINS…. *sighs* where do I even start with this….
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VRAINS truly took the plotline seriously and doesn’t seem like it’s going to back down. It is like the writing staff put together a medley of the saddest moments in Yu-Gi-Oh! and were like, “Let’s make it sadder!”. From the fact that mere six-year-old children were tortured so badly, that Ryoken was so messed up by his father, that all Lost Children are still suffering in one way or another, that SOL practically killed a living being and all the drama that it’s going on between Yusaku and Kusanagi right now. Last week’s episode had me nearly tear up and for tomorrow I will most definitely cry. It’s just so painful to see someone so desperate to save their own family, to attack someone they were all set to protect just a few episodes ago… And VRAINS isn’t even over yet. I thought nothing could top Earth’s death scene, but from the looks of it, tomorrow will be getting a dose of the most painful feels.
19)  Least favourite series
It’s a tie between GX and the first series if I had to choose one. GX has a rather monotone first half when there is some stuff going on, but it’s really episodic and easily forgotten. While there were some interesting episodes, the rest was just one giant filler that tried to deliver too much nostalgia from the first series instead of developing on its own. And speaking of the first series - I know the card game wasn’t as developed at the time so tons of duels made absolutely no sense. Then it was only Yugi, Kaiba and Joey having the development and extremely long duels that were starting to feel off and annoying to watch. But overall - I know that was the very first series and the spinoff, so it was obvious it wouldn’t be perfect. What I truly love about Yu-Gi-Oh! is that it’s a franchise that continues to grow with every single spin-off, even if they’re becoming less relevant they are still getting stronger storywise.
22)  Least favourite character
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This little brat is a perfect representation of how to create the most annoying character. Everything about him screams “annoying, useless and awful”. It would be completely fine if he was an episodic villain, but noooo for some reason writing staff was like, “hey let’s make this dude into Yuma’s friend”. I get it, Yuma can make friends easily, but for the love of God, why him?! Yuma has enough friends already, why bring this brat into his group? Tokunosuke has literally no purpose to be here but to cause trouble or be a plot device to bring Yuma trouble. Okay, I was fine with that one time that he got Yuma into trouble and Yuma still forgave him, but why the hell did they have a need to repeat that three more times? I feel the same way about Kotori - she has no basic purpose but to be moral support or act as a damsel in distress.ZEXAL had way too many characters and out of them all, they picked the most useless ones for major roles. 
23)  NOTP
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Canon datastormshipping. I think I made it clear why I dislike it in two posts already, but I guess I could sum it up for the third time. In canon verse they are two unstable people who bring out the worst of each other. They rarely interact, their ideologies are vastly different and they are in a way obsessed with each other in a very unhealthy way. If the two of them dated it would most likely result in a very toxic relationship which would only worsen up their already broken mental states. Again, I greatly dislike this ship in canon verse (in anime up to episode 92) and my opinion could change by the end of VRAINS. I still like the fanfics and fanarts that depict “what if” scenarios where their relationship could work (I’m actually writing one at the moment and I have plans to write one where I focus on their relationship in detail), but canon shipping just feels off and dysfunctional.
34)  If you met Kazuki Takahashi, what would you say to him?
First of all, I would thank him for coming up with those amazing characters and plotlines. I still love the original manga and season 0 the most since it had so much creativity with different games, but I can see it keep getting included more with new summoning methods and unique stories. Then I would most likely present him my idea for the 7th series and its protagonist. From the start of the series, there wasn’t much about card game production or who designs them. We got some info on how Pegasus discovered Millenium Items and the tablet with Egyptian Gods and in GX it showed Hayato working as a card game designer. I would love to see a protagonist who loves games just like Yugi and wishes to create more, so he strives to become the best card game designer. He is not that keen on playing the game since he prefers to make the cards more, but when he creates a particular card(kinda like how Takato created Guilmon in Digimon Tamers) he is pulled into an adventure where he must find other cards that contain powerful Duel Monsters spirits and he has to lock them back into their cards. I would also love to have a protagonist that can talk with spirits again since while Judai had adorable interactions with Winged Kuriboh and Neo Spacians, it was still largely brushed aside and not that much explored. So yeah please make the next protagonist into a card game designer, it will be unique and open to so many interesting plotlines and potentials. 
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darkzorua100 · 6 years ago
Well safe to say, episode 89 didn’t play out the way I hoped it would. Soulburner ended up pulling out the win, to no one surprise, and Windy ends up burning to death. Yeah...have fun with that one dub. Now I stated that if this was going to be the end result, I was not going to be a happy camper because Windy NEEDED this win far more then Soulburner did, for his own credit and for the plot. However, because of one simple detail at the end of this episode, what could have been me just going on the rant has instead now me viewing this episode as what I like to call Pandora’s Box and a time bomb.
Currently we’re going through a bit of a despair at the moment in terms of the writing in my eyes. One of the main reasons why I thought Windy should have won this duel was because currently Team Playmaker has the numbers advantage. We need more causalities from his group to even out the playing field. To have Spectre be the only loss from this group because of Ignis plot armor and Revolver being freaking Revolver would just be stupid in my eyes. Windy also needed this win because they have been building up a Revolver vs Windy rematch. To not have that be delivered after all that talk of revenge from Windy seemed like just a waste. To have him beat someone like Soulburner would not only give him some MAJOR credit as a duelist, but it would also make him a threat if he actually went to challenge Revolver right afterwards.
Then there is Soulburner’s sides of things. He needed to lose this duel because one, he just needs a lose at this point, but the main reason why I wanted him to lose this duel was because what are they going to do with him if he was going to win this duel? Lightning is already short on members. He already lost Haru and now Windy, leaving only himself and Bohman. He even had to bring in Kusanagi to duel Playmaker and Revolver still hasn’t even dueled yet. Keeping Soulburner in the mix just didn’t make sense to me because if Windy won, he would have went to challenge Revolver and lets be real here, he would have lost that rematch and would have been killed there. Blue Maiden is more then likely going to lose to Bohman, leaving only Playmaker and Revolver left to challenge Lightning and Bohman in what I would guess a tag duel. Clearly there is a problem if Soulburner is still around. But like I said, one simple comment and action changed everything and is what I like to call the hope that is remaining inside of Pandora’s Box. Well maybe not hope for the characters in the show but hope for me as a viewer. 
Are we actually going to get a Soulburner vs Revolver rematch?
At the end of this episode, when Windy was being burnt to death, Flame absorbed what was left of Windy’s data. However, before that, Windy made a vow that he won’t let go of his hated, and he was cursing Soulburner and Flame. Now this could have been empty words, as Flame stated that AIs don’t have curses, but I seen and read enough fiction to know what this amount of lingering hated always leads to. Nothing ever good. Windy’s death doesn’t just make the anger disappear. Death only intensifies it and it is going to leave a mark on something. I’m willing to bet that Windy’s data is going to end up having some kind of effect on Flame, a virus that is going to run wild and corrupt his whole system. Now who knows what kind of effect that in turn could have on Soulburner. As seen with Spectre and Earth, the Ignis and their Origin are connected. If one is affected by his virus, the other will probably be as well if only from just the fact that Windy cursed Soulburner as well as Flame. And if Soulburner isn’t affected by their connection, whose to say that Flame won’t corrupt Soulburner’s program himself? Soulburner is just a digital avatar that Takeru’s using afterall. If Windy really wants to break these two of their bond, that’s truly one way he could do it. And if Windy can get into Soulburner’s system, it wouldn’t be like he would be brainwashing him into doing something he doesn’t want to do. I feel like Windy would be attaching himself to Takeru’s own anger and intensifying it. Takeru’s rage has been such as focus point as of late when it comes to his character. He has so much build up anger inside of him that’s just waiting to be taking advantage of and unleashed. 
This is why I can very well see us getting a Soulburner vs Revolver rematch. Takeru hates Ryoken. He blames him for everything that has gone wrong in his life. Even after what Yusaku told him about him being the one to save them from the Hanoi Project, the hated isn’t just going to instantly disappear. Add to the fact that this will be Windy corrupting him. Another being who hates hates Revolver. Windy wanted nothing more but to take revenge on Revolver for almost destroying him but was made to duel Soulburner instead. A part of me is starting to wonder if Lightning deliberately made Windy duel Soulburner, knowing that something like this could end up happening. If the hated alone isn’t going to cause some kind of virus to form inside of Flame, keep in mind that Lightning was the one to heal up Windy after he was almost destroyed by the Hanoi’s virus. Who knows what else he might have put into his data while doing so. Like a Trojan Horse almost. If Windy won, that’s one less threat to worry about and if he lost, Lightning ended up with a stronger pawn to take his place. And like I said, it wouldn’t be like brainwashing him into doing something he doesn’t want to do. Soulburner wants to beat Revolver and Windy would only be pushing that desire to the top of his prioritizes list. In a way, we would be killing two birds with one stone, getting a Soulburner and Windy rematch against Revolver. 
Of course this is all speculation at the time being but I honestly don’t see why else they would be keeping Soulburner around if something like this doesn’t happen. Sure we could end up with a Soulburner vs Blood Shepherd rematch or Soulburner vs Spectre match up, since we know Lightning still has their data somewhere, but I honestly don’t see Soulburner losing to either of those two and I don’t see us getting a Disaster Trio team up against Lightning and/or Bohman as the final battle of the season, regardless of how awesome that could end up being. Lightning needs all the Ignis to complete his master plan, meaning that Flame is going to have to be killed off at some point, meaning Soulburner has to lose, and what better way to have him go out then by losing to Revolver, which is the most realistic lose this guy can end up getting at this point. 
But yeah as for the episode itself, it was okay. Besides that ending foreshadowing a LOT, the duel was just meh. I still hate the fact that Lightning’s group can use Skills during Masters Duels, it is such bullsh*t on so many levels, but the Xyz Summon, which came out of literally nowhere and has no explanation for, was freaking awesome. That animation was incredible. And that was just for a Rank 3! I want to see Soulburner Xyz Summon something with a higher rank now or Pendulum Summon. Oh my god, him Pendulum Summoning with that fire theme of this is going to be glorious if it actually happens. Still think Revolver is going to be the first to Pendulum, maybe during their duel if again it happens.
As for the preview, Blue Maiden vs Bohman. Regardless of Soulburner’s win, I still don’t see Blue Maiden winning this duel. I haven’t heard or seen anything of the cast list yet for this episode so I don’t know what to expect going forward into this duel but hopefully it will be a good one. 
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authoratmidnight · 6 years ago
For the "VRAINS" Ask Meme: Playmaker, Ignis, Talker, Ace, OP, Boy, Girl, Speed Duels, Relationship, Shh, Season, Villain, Character, No Duel, and Voice, please. :)
Playmaker - Do you like Yusaku as the main protaganist, or do you think he’s too stoic/different from the friendship loving predecessors?
Yes! Even though I love the past protagonists and their ‘eat our friendship/bonds’ stuff, I adore Yusaku and I like that he’s different. He’s a breath of fresh air compared to the past protagonists.
Plus it gives us the chance to watch him grow and learn how to make friends and open up. I love that shit (which is probably why I liked Chrono so much in Vanguard G)
Ignis - What team are you with on the debate of the ignis, Team Lightning where it should just be ais left, team Hanoi that want all the ignis gone, or team Playmaker who wants to find a coexistance
Team Playmaker! The Ignis don’t deserve to be exterminated simply because they exist and *could* be a threat, or because a couple of them are assholes. That’s not fair. You don’t damn an entire race/species just because of a few individuals or because they could be dangerous
Talker - Favorite Talker link monster
Hmm...I like Shootingcode Talker. I’m a sucker for things with wings. Also it uses a bow.
Ace - Favourite ace monster of a character
Ughhhhh, it’s a tie between Firewall Xceed Dragon and Cyberse Clock Dragon. Fusion and Xyz!
OP - Favorite opening
Well, we’ve only had 2 OPs and they’re both jams haha. I do like how the most recent one *was* changing as things happened. Wish they kept up with the OP edits tho.
Boy - Favorite male character
Takeru! A good sweet boy whom I adore and want to protect.
Girl - Favorite female character
Ema! I love her. My queen!
Speed Duels - Yea or Nay?
I mean these are basically the kind of duels done in Duel Links, which I am used to so, yea. Plus they avoid us having to have like, really long duels.
Relationship - Favorite relationship, platonic or romantic (specify)
Ohhh man. I just, love Yusaku’s relationships with like, everyone. Yusaku and Ai? Gold. Yusaku and Kusanagi? I love it. Yusaku and Takeru? Too pure and sweet. A good friendship, Takeru is so good for him.
Shh - Unpopular opinion you have
I don’t actually, *hate* Go? I don’t like him, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t hate him or his arc. Not all character arcs are good and positive ones. Sometimes they’re downward spirals where they crash and burn. So I think his is an interesting one cause it’s not one we see all that often. Ryou (from GX) is like, the last time I can think of that YGO had an arc like this, a downward fall from grace that’s more like a crash and burn.
Also I hope he’s not like, dead. He’s not nearly unlikeable enough for me to wish him dead.
Villain - Favorite antagonist
I mean it’s gotta be Revolver/Ryoken.
Character - Favorite character design
All of them? There’s just so many gorgeous designs in this series. I gotta say Ema tho. I love her.
No Duel - Like the episodes that focus on plot and don’t have a duel?
Oh yeah. Heck I like non plot, non duel episodes too. Sometimes you just need a break from all the fights (or at least the serious ones). Plus it’s nice to see the characters just, doing stuff and interacting, esp irl.
Vanguard does this really well imo and YGO needs to take notes and learn to do them. You can in fact advance the plot w/o having to duel.
Voice - Favorite character’s voice
Ugh, I love like all of them. Ryoken has a really nice voice though. But also Yuki Kaji is GOOD and have you heard him SING??? Ai’s is also super fun b/c you can tell the va is having a blast with him.
Dub wise, I actually really like Yusaku’s dub voice.
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