#i really flipped through four different wips to find a good snippet to post
aidanchaser · 11 months
🌝 🖊 💖
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
This is a toughie! If I have an idea for a character I usually just take it and run. I have very little self-control. I will say I haven't really done any Juleka/Rose or Marc/Nathaniel stories and I wouldn't mind exploring those pairings more. Just some normal high school queer kids would be fun to write. I'm currently reading some high school YA so maybe I'll write something more that vibe!
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
“You said you talked to your mother last night?” he asked, voice careful. But Félix knew the question Adrien was truly asking and he hated both how close Adrien was to the truth and yet how far he still was. “She didn’t do this.” “You’d tell me if she did?” “Do you really think she would?” “No… but… when she and my father get angry, they… they aren’t always themselves.” Félix tasted the question on his tongue and he found no resistance. Tentatively, he asked, “Has your father ever struck you before?” “No, never. But—” Adrien swallowed. “But sometimes I think he wants to, until he sees my mother in my face.” I don’t know if that would stop him, considering you and I have the same face, Félix thought, but if it was his own courtesy or Gabriel’s command that held his tongue, he couldn’t say. “For better or worse, he does want you to be happy,” Félix finally said, knowing it was as close to the full truth as he was allowed to get. “I suppose that’s something,” Adrien murmured.
💖What do you like most about your own writing?
I really like finding the large and epic in the mundane. I like taking a small thing, like two characters having a conversation while doing dishes, but there's the underlying question of absolving wrongs or something like that. Or for example, the snippet I posted (I went through 3 different wip selections before settling on this one) which is just Adrien and Felix talking about the bruises on their cheeks, but indirectly talking about the emotional wounds that run deeper. And I think I'm pretty good at that kind of stuff!
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adamsvanrhijn · 3 years
it’s time for... the great big post of Things Smithensy Published This Year, 2020 / quarantimes edition!
under a cut this year for the first time!
ordinarily this post is called “etc etc Things Smithensy Wrote This Year etc etc”.  it’s different this year because i wrote a significant amount more than i published (formerly, this would have been to the tune of a few thousand, this year it’s about 200 thousand) and also published some things that were entirely or partially written in 2019.
total # of works published on AO3: 46 total # of chapters (including one shots) "": 143 total # words "": 350,179
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[for comparison, in the previous five years, 2015-2019, i published 243,892 words. 🧠🪱] [that’s the worm emoji, if you’re on a platform that doesn’t support it.]
most prolific months of the year by word count: 
May: 47,643
August: 41,241
March: 40,112
other interesting things:
1 work was first posted in 2019 and continued to update through 2020. (it is one of three 2019 WIPs, the other two of which did not update at all this year! whoops!)
14 works first posted in 2020 remain incomplete
7 works contained sexual content
5 works contained content that would get me canceled in other fandoms!
summary of my 2020 music taste:
6 works are titled with Carly Rae Jepsen song lyrics
5 works are titled with Joanna Newsom song lyrics
5 works are titled with Vienna Teng song lyrics
2 works are titled with Aly & AJ song lyrics
Without further ado !
but level, in time Thomas and Richard ten years after the conclusion of you will not take my heart, alive. Rated M, 1.2k words. [WIP]
and eager besides Thomas dresses the Duke for dinner. Rated T, 1.2k words. During canon.
like foals, unsteady on their feet Two blokes, having a chat, not trying to fit in for once. Rated T,  11.1k words. During canon.
"You can draw the line wherever you like, Mr Ellis. Richard. Doesn't change the fact that I went off with a strange man from a pub, now, does it – "
"Who among us hasn't?" 
Thomas made a sound rather like he was choking. It seemed inappropriate to smile; Richard did anyway. Just a small one; he couldn't help himself. Thomas had a way of cutting through his curtains, letting the sunshine in.
"So," Thomas said after a moment. He coughed. "You really are…"
And hadn't he thought he'd made that perfectly clear.
"No, Mr Barrow," he said, "I touched your mouth back there owing to our shared inclination toward domestic service."
(went with you up to) the place you grew up in A summer day in the Ellis back garden. Rated T, 1.6k words. Post-canon.
want you in my room The last night of the Royal visit, and the morning after. Rated T, 3.7k words. During canon.
all my wooing done Not all firsts have seconds. Rated T, 1.1k words. During canon.
and speak each other in passing Four times Thomas Barrow didn't meet Richard Ellis. Rated T, 1.3k words During canon.
"William," Thomas calls back, "we don't have all day."
He's gotten distracted watching one of several tearful departures happening on the platform. People do love to get in the way for that sort of thing, like no one else's time or space matters because they've got feelings. 
"...Mum, come on, now, it won't be so long – "
"They never do let you away from that place – "
It's a young man about their age and a woman who is evidently his mother.
No one ought to behave like that in public.
3 additional chapters of a fic we'll get to later comprised the bulk of the ~40k words from this month; but no unique works were last published/updated in March! 
far away, the thudding of the guns Thomas, during and after the Front. Unrated, 20k words. [WIP, first chapter published Dec 8, 2019]
strange how I fit into you (there's a distance erased with the greatest of ease) It takes more than love to run a household. Rated M, 10.8k words. Post-canon.
"How did this get here?" Thomas asks, holding up one of Richard's shirts. It's soft; the pinstripes are faded and have been for ages now. There is an unidentifiable blotch on the sleeve up by the shoulder that wasn't there a few weeks ago when he last washed it.
Richard sets his head on his shoulder. His cheek scratches. Tomorrow morning he'll shave and Thomas will pretend to be relieved. "I don't know," he says lightly. "Must've been at work."
"It's not tailor's chalk," Thomas retorts.
"Maybe on the bus."
"You had your jacket off on the bus, did you?"
"Had it off some place," says Richard, nuzzling his neck. He holds him a little tighter, moves one hand up to his chest and the other lower than it needs to be. "Maybe here… I get distracted, don't I, Mr Barrow."
"Yes, you do," says Thomas, snippy, if reluctantly so. "And now you're distracting me, so get."
persistence A look at the shared history of Phyllis Baxter and Thomas Barrow. Rated T, 11k. [WIP, first chapter published Jan 3]
you and me will get on just fine Snippets from the Royal Visit. Rated T, 11.4k words. [WIP]
one more night with you The Crawleys open up Grantham House for the last time, and Thomas has someone to see. Unrated, 6.6k words. Post-canon. [WIP]
good love Five times Thomas danced with a woman, and one time he didn't. Rated T, 2.5k words. Pre, during, post canon. 
He can't stop thinking about the last time he danced with somebody.
He hopes he's okay.
and I've been feeling weak without it (only want a real, real love) The danger always was that they wouldn't work in close quarters, but they do. Rated M, 14.6k words. Post-canon.
better things to do The night out in York goes differently. Unrated, 3.1k words. AU, canon divergence. [WIP]
From behind him comes the thrum of chatter and the sound of jazz music, upbeat and swinging, the sort he'd expect to hear at any place from the Palais to the Jubilee Hall but not necessarily in his own corner. Not necessarily for working people, as it happens, either, the other aspect notwithstanding. Dancing. There must be dancing. When was the last time he danced with anybody?
better late than the never we've been told before Richard fetches Thomas from Downton. Rated T, 4.8k words. Post-canon.
and those who sow trouble reap it A love triangle, except it's a many-angled shape. Rated T, 10.1k words. Pre, during canon. [WIP]
tiny little bows Thomas is tired of waiting. Richard is, too. Rated T, 2.6k words. During canon.
"Don't tell me they don't have those in London."
It is sweet, Thomas can admit, or at least it is as far as cats go. Just sat on the wall with its tail swishing, nuzzling his hand.
"Well, they don't have this one in London," says Mr Ellis. He looks up at Thomas and grins in a fashion that makes his heart flip over, then turns back to the cat. It's purring. Thomas can't blame it; he would be, too.
bring you back to where I know you (I just want you to let you let me hold you) Thomas and Richard find something they'd been missing. Rated X, 6k words. Post-canon.
only a steel man can be a lover They don't talk about the sadness. Rated T, 900 words. Post-canon.
it takes my breath away (what you do so naturally) Thomas chooses his own path. Then he veers off and finds a better one. Rated M, 5.4k words. During canon.
...linens airing out in windows and back gardens, children with clothing either hemmed just before their wrists and ankles or full of tucks and patches… Must not be a school day, but then you never know, do you?
The men are working, he suspects, only to find a game of football in the park just round the corner.
Home used to look like this.
He wonders if it still would, now.
to guide your eye Richard tries something old; Thomas tries something new. Unrated, 11.3k words. Post-canon.
writing in the margins Richard isn't sure of Mr Barrow just yet, but he hopes he will be soon. Rated T, 2.4k words. During canon.
...As it happens the resident butler and I seem to be getting on like a house on fire, but don't make anything of it just yet... 
tend and mind Flu season. Thomas makes for a good nurse. Rated G, 485 words. Post-canon.
forever and please don't go A storm rolls in. Richard gets stuck at Downton. Rated T, 500 words. Post-canon.
count up all the chances Handsome young footmen loving people they shouldn't. Unrated, 2.8k words. Spanning and post canon. [WIP]
let's not give the game away Thomas struggles with a finer detail of valeting. Rated T, 600 words. Pre-canon.
take my eyes to borrow A chance encounter changes everything. It also changes very little. Rated M, 18.8k words. Pre and spanning canon, AU.
"You got into a spot of trouble with your commanding officer?"
"I may have done."
It was spoken like it ought to have been a joke, but Ellis wasn't smiling anymore. "Queer, isn't it, being in service," he murmured. He really was talkative. "The bonds you form… things aren't so clear-cut out here as they were before, are they?"
Had he told him he was in service, before?
"How do you mean?"
"I think you know, Corporal," he said.
"I don't," Thomas told him.
But he knew enough in the moment to know that he was lying.
the things I shut Daisy comes to a conclusion. Rated T, 1.8k words. Post-canon.
a love that won't sit still After the Royal Visit, Thomas and Richard correspond. Rated T, 18.5k words. Post-canon. [WIP]
hope keeps us standing Downton Abbey is not like other great houses, and its butler is not like other butlers. Unrated, 17.2k words. During canon. [WIP]
you follow what you feel inside (it's intuitive; you don't have to try) Times are changing at Downton, and Thomas has a decision to make. Rated M, 1.9k words. During canon, AU. [WIP]
a love that won't sit still The Royal visit ends; Thomas and Richard correspond. Rated T, 18.5k words. [WIP, first chapter Feb 2.]
of someone else's flowers Richard makes an important introduction. Rated T, 2.6k. Post-canon. [WIP]
all my casualties of love Thomas tells Richard about his past lovers. Rated T, 5.5k words. During canon.
nothing like a fresh abrasion (to win your love) Richard takes care of Thomas. Rated M, 15.3k words, extensive content warnings. Post-canon.
Fittingly, a breeze passes through from outside, occupying the moment of silence. Autumn air—it makes them both shiver. Earlier in the morning Richard had opened up the windows to get some light in, some fresh air. Most nights they keep the curtains drawn and with good reason, but they don't always get opened back up again.
It's the little things. He's going to endeavour to make them a priority in future.
Drapes tied back, window propped, shutters open. Sunshine.
He wonders if he ought to be concerned about heights.
LES MISÉRABLES: what of the rhythm and meter A literary exchange in the backroom of the Café Musain. Rated T, 1k words. Canon era. [Written in 2019.]
LES MISÉRABLES: the fall of a royal head Jean Prouvaire attempts to bring revolutionary praxis into the bedroom. Rated T, 1.7k words. Canon era. [Written in 2019.]
a web that you have wove There's something unusual about the Royal Household entourage… and Mr Ellis in particular. Rated T, 14k words. During canon, AU.
when to my soul, the body would say Thomas and Richard stay at a pub in the middle of nowhere; intimacy ensues. Rated X, 83k words. [WIP, first chapter published Jan 5 2020. This is the March fic.]
this sudden burst of sunlight Thomas & Richard's first time in the A Love That Won't Sit Still universe. Rated X, 5k words.
waken us from sleeping On his way to France Matthew comes across someone he knows. Rated M, 6.9k words. During/between canon. [WIP]
warm blood (underneath my skin) Vampire Richard drinks Thomas's blood. Rated X, 1.6k words. [WIP]
the most sacred of life's keepsakes Thomas & Sybil fall in love and get married. Rated T, 2.1k words. AU, canon divergence.
today, a difference Thomas & Sybil have a baby. Rated T, 7.7k words. AU, canon divergence.
never die for long Thomas has a letter; Sybil has ideas. Rated T, 5.3k words. AU, canon divergence.
kindling Telephone calls between Thomas and Richard on Christmas day, over the years. Rated T, 5.1k words. Post-canon.
They've got a sparkling tree and a roaring fire and full bellies and a very comfortable sofa and, best of all, each other, in a place that's their own. Both of their own, and unlike years past, neither of them are plucking hours out of thin air and hopping on milk trains to make the day work. There's nowhere to set off for in the morning, no other place they're meant to be, no other people to serve. They were together the day before and they'll be together the day after.
How very nice it is, that.
It was a very long time in coming.
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h3trappedcollection · 4 years
Author Interview Part V
The talented and all-round fabulous @weilongfu joined us today for another part of the Author Interview. 
Stories written for the Collection:
The Day of Singularity
Four meetings with Officer Meng (But one with Shao Fei) 
How did you come into the Trapped fandom?
I came into the Trapped fandom the way I’ve gotten into many of my fandoms. By everyone around me screaming about it. People like @andwebegin, @ctl-yuejie, and @florbexter were pretty instrumental in getting me aware that it was going to happen. Especially after having taken their word about HIStory2: CTL, I was more than willing to check out Trapped. Especially after I found out more about the potential plot. 
My usual philosophy after that is to at least watch the first few episodes. If I’m not hooked by anything, then I give it up. Trapped kept me hooked for good! I fell in love with everyone in the show and the rest is… history? 
Who’s your favourite character?
I love a lot of characters in the show for different reasons. I love Zhao Zi for his honesty and genuine desire to do good. I like the mystery and mischief of Jack. I admire Tang Yi’s deep feelings and emotions. And I greatly enjoyed Shao Fei’s straightforwardness and ability to commit. If I had to pick one, I’d go with Zhao Zi because we both love food, potentially like dangerous boys, and we both want the world to be a better place.
What’s your favourite trope?
I honestly have been enjoying a lot of the AU fics that are in the fandom. Like the original Trapped setting is great, but pushing the boys into college or further back? It’s been an amazing thing to read and I’ve enjoyed it immensely. As to whether I’ll write it? Eh… Someone did ask if I’d ever write a proposed fic about College Freshman!Jack dating HS Senior!Zhao Zi so…
What do you like about writing for Trapped?
The best part about writing for Trapped has actually been the fandom. Everyone is so supportive and nice. It’s a real pleasure to see the responses I get which are also always very friendly. 
Aside from that? Trapped has such varied and interesting characters. It’s very easy to find the right knob to twist or switch to flip that can make a large variety of fics happen. 
Care to elaborate about your writing process?
My writing process is a mess!
I don’t usually outline because then I over-outline. A lot of my fics were spawned from just coming up with a good title! And that’s in every fandom I write for. 
But once I get going, things usually just flow. I’ll go back and read it once or twice to make sure I haven’t truly fucked something up, but once I’m done, I’m usually done for good and I post it before I second guess myself. Truly, I treat writing fics like how I take exams. Just get it done and hand it in before you delete/erase something that actually worked!
Sometimes it’s not that easy, and I have struggled with a few fics just because I’ve managed to overthink myself or I get hung up on an idea, but I have yet to find a better or more comfortable way for me to write. 
Your favourite Trapped fic by another author?
Oooo…. Well I have to give a shout out to @decadentdeerpolice and @the-wintry-mizzenmast for their lovely fics during the last exchange. I absolutely loved how they filed the prompt for me. 
I’m also a big fan of Skuld’s The Divine Art of the Househusband series. It’s definitely a twist on what Jack’s life as a househusband would be like and it’s always fun to see a new update!
I also liked @sarah-yyy ‘s fics fortune and amuse bouche. 
The next set of fics I’m actually eagerly awaiting updates on is Flor’s Breaking the Firewall series. The espionage and manoeuvring that’s happened in just the first parts is already super fun.
What do you want to write but never had the nerve to?
Hmm… I’m not sure? There aren’t a lot of ideas that I’ve never really had the nerve to put down on paper, if only to get them to stop bothering me. There are a few that never really made it to paper though. Like my Fantasy!AU where all the boys are different positions and have different abilities. 
I wanted to write Jack as a member of the Assassin’s Guild. Zhao Zi would be part of the guard and mostly be seen as a scribe, except when he pulls the robes off and gives most thieves a run for their money in his trap deactivating, lock picking, and ward/seal breaking. Shao Fei would, of course, be a paladin as he believes in the law and doing what’s right. Tang Yi would so be a weapons master type character, as once he was adopted by the ‘noble’ Tang Guo Dong, he was trained in many styles to defend himself. 
The idea fell apart after that because I had no idea what they’d do afterwards. Plus they’re missing a ranged caster and committed healer in the party and everyone who has played D&D knows that’s a mistake waiting to cause a total party kill. (I mean you could argue Hong Ye would totally make a great sorceress and Dao Yi would be the cleric cleaning up her messes, but let’s not get this any bigger.)
If you want, please share a snippet of your current Trapped WIP!
It wasn’t very often that Zhao Zi wondered what was the first link in the chain of decisions that lead him to slightly less than desirable outcomes. Not because Zhao Zi lacked insight or critical thinking, he was a police officer after all. It was often because Zhao Zi was usually pretty good at pulling himself out of a pinch.
A smile and innocent disposition were very good for many things. When those failed, being flexible in many ways helped some more.
(The third option was that he was legally allowed to carry a gun, even if no one wanted Zhao Zi to carry a gun.)
But as Zhao Zi lifted a large, homemade sausage to his lips while Jack eyed him expectantly, Zhao Zi contemplated if his grandmother would approve of what he was about to do to a perfectly decent piece of food and what had brought him to this new point in his life in the first place.
Zhao Zi had been through practice interrogations before, but none of them had prepared him for someone like Jack. And despite Jack’s initial countenance, there was something about his smile, how easily he showed his teeth. It should have been predatory and dangerous. But in the curve of Jack’s eyes, Zhao Zi knew he wasn’t in any danger.
Of course, Zhao Zi knew plenty about Jack. Working with Shao Fei for so long, Zhao Zi knew plenty about Tang Yi’s most recent right hand man. Jack was a known mercenary, but he’d somehow managed to keep his nose just clean enough, just on the gray side of legal. All evidence was circumstantial. Even the International Crimes Division was often stuck dancing around Tang Yi’s lawyers when they were aiming for whatever secrets were hiding in Jack’s mind.
So it was Jack’s smile and eyes that allowed Zhao Zi to sell Shao Fei out in exchange for food. He did not expect the food to taste as good as it would. Nor did he expect that he might enjoy Jack pulling him close as Zhi De knocked over his bowl of noodles.
Zhao Zi decided to be open-minded. Jack was certainly interesting and fun. No harm in getting to know someone, right?
Jack knew he was smitten the moment Zhao Zi sold out his friend for food.
Good survival instincts. Good taste. Cute face too.
Jack was also hardly the kind of guy who just let things happen to him. But Zhao Zi was a new quantity. He’d have to slowly edge his way in, find out just how Zhao Zi might handle another man pursuing him.
So when Zhao Zi said, “Don’t you need to try it?”
Jack knew this was his chance to appeal to the clear foodie Zhao Zi was. “I don’t need to. I know I’m a good cook.”
“Huh? I meant Ah Fei’s number!”
“Too subtle,” Jack thought.
But Jack got to hold Zhao Zi close and a promise to see him again anyway.
“That could be like a date, right?” Jack thought as he rushed to collect Tang Yi from the hospital.
Thank you so much @weilongfu for the Interview
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