#i really dont think itll happen but. god i hope she lets me have it. im so stressed ugh :
be-good-to-bugs · 3 months
its nice that my one little sister doesnt suck anymore
#the bin#shes still like. a bit of a bitch bc shes 16 and in school and this shit seems like it sucks but shes like.. actually cool now#shes been helping me mess with the room. she mentioned to my mom that we couldnt get it clean like at all#im hoping maybe i can convince her to let me have the upstairs room bc the basement is gross#i was willing to deal until i saw all the little holes and divets in the walls. my trypophobic ass cant deal with that#i cant live in a room if i cant even look at the walls in it. what am i supposed to do? i cant even cover them all with sheets bc theres an#electric box on one of them. not to mention how difficult itd be to cover them all up completely anyway#i dont think i can convince her but im gonna try. i dont plan to live here that long anyway. and she spends so much time in the living room#out out of the house and everything. i just. hhh. she is acting like theres nothing wrong with the basement at all and its fine#if its fine then why dont YOU live down there? bc i cant breathe in that much dust. and i cant look at walls full of little holes#i feel bad bc im an adukt and so i guess its not her responsibility but also. im only 19. and she said yeah dont worry you will have a place#to move into if you ever need to. but like. idk what to do now at all.#i really dont think itll happen but. god i hope she lets me have it. im so stressed ugh :/#i was hoping i could not be so stressed after moving but ofc that isnt the case. whatever. ill figure something out
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Me with Canon Wu: You let your brother go get your stuff for you and look what happened. You made a 'friend' of a Serpentine and taught her something you shouldn't have and looked what happen ! You filled a young child's mind up with dreams and broke them down and look what happened !! And even now with the Ninja, you don't tell them a single warning before they go into battle and LOOK WHAT'S STILL HAPPENING !! And after all of that, I find myself-!! Me with Your Wu:...still coming back here even though I shouldn't because you really need help with your issues and everyone makes mistakes and your superior- Nah, nah, I'm kidding but in all seriousness, your version is kind of what I want to believe for the character now. I don't hate on the original Wu since you can't beat the original but you also can't beat the fanon ! So with lots of love, enjoy making more content for him !
This has been sitting in my asks because I completely forgot about it- so ill use this as a headcanon dump, thankyou >:) You throw out alot of points here on the segment for canon wu, so let me throw in things ive held onto in hc to all of it PLEASE NOTE MOST IF NOT ALL OF THESE IS HC ALONE/TIMELINE SPECULATION "You let your brother go get your stuff for you and look what happened." This happened AFTER the meet with aspheera I believe, after it happened the two were forbidden to go outside monastery walls without permission, completely isolating them from the outside world in hopes nothing like that would happen again. Wu at this point was incredibly afraid to disobey his father because if their punishment from last time was isolation from a world outside their monastery, what more could happen to them? [it only got worse from there, but we arent talking about that yet.] "You made a 'friend' of a Serpentine and taught her something you shouldn't have and looked what happen !" Wu genuinely just wanted to be friends with someone, being the sons of god the fsm was rather picky on who exactly got to see the two. And he's never made proper connections until now, through out the entirety of their childhood [before teens] im pretty sure all wu knew as companionship was his brother, and when he found someone willing to help them, he didnt want to think about the warnings for the chance that she might actually be good, and that keeping a promise was the way to gain a friend " You filled a young child's mind up with dreams and broke them down and look what happened !! " If were talking about morro here, ANOTHER HC TIME to fuel my delulu state, look- He didnt WANT him to fight garmadon, hear me out here- if you go back to the scene of morro being tested to be the green ninja, the sword of fire ISNT the sword of fire. My hc here is this is the ONE time he's tried to change destiny for the better. It doesnt mean morro was destined, no, this was going to happen either way, but he tried changing destiny because this wasnt morro's fight, and he was afraid of what may need to come if it DID end up being him that was destined. He didnt want that. But when he did do it and got his own student killed [he tried finding him. he tried getting him back, he didnt want to come back.] He gave up. And this is where his mindset solidified, he couldnt change destiny, people will die, and itll be his fault. This was his fathers punishment for him. " And even now with the Ninja, you don't tell them a single warning before they go into battle and LOOK WHAT'S STILL HAPPENING !! " This one is funny to me cause, one, wu doesnt know how to fucking trauma dump I dont think he would even be able to think about it unless someone asks him, its actually the 'it never came up' thing. BUT, he wouldnt want to say much too quickly due to Morro's incident. Hell he didnt even want the ninja to see the green ninja scroll. If he had said too much too quickly, well theyll either turn evil or die..or both-
" .still coming back here even though I shouldn't because you really need help with your issues and everyone makes mistakes and your superior- " Hehe, thank you!!! I hope you enjoy the buncha headcanons i have here for you
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Skybound 7-8

Okay by why is Dareth out of everyone helping Nya, Cole, and Lloyd save Jay
Are Kevin and Dan self inserts-
Lloyd: who are they? Retrieval experts?
Dareth: better! Screenwriters.
I also saw these two random dudes in the jail and they were given lines and everything istg these are self inserts 💀
Also theyre voices sound abnormally normal
Everyone else in the show has a sort of distinctive or exaggerated voice
Not to mention how normal their outfits are. something I would actually wear in real life.
These are just some guys
The plan to recreate the sky pirates airship to blend in is actually a good idea
Lloyd: Ar! Yee.. matey, we be be, becoming pirates!
Dan and kevin:…
Kevin: okaaay thinking on the fly, the green one wont do dialects.
Dan: the mute pirate!
The dialect teacher: (teaching Cole and Nya)
Lloyd: (following their movement and swaying but not saying anything with a smile on his face)
I bet Lloyd loved pirates when he was little
This must be so fun for him :)
The airjitzu master after nadakhan stole him and his temple: This is me and my pupils home! You cant take it!
Nadakhan: And get rid of those peaky ghosts as well 🙄 theyre so last season
The way Nya and Cole are hoping Jays okay 🥺
Jay sounds so pained :(
God I really wish Ninjago had like, a cartoon style like she-ra or spiderverse. Coles helping Jay stand and Jays voice actor is doing such a good job in sounding in pain but this would hurt so much more if we could SEE it.
They apologized to each other 🥹
Clancy (looking away): now here are the rules you need to follow new crewmates!-
Lloyd: (trying his fucking best as the mute pirate to mime to Nya that her mustache is falling)
Nya: 🤨
Lloyd: your mustache…
Clancy: hey! I thought you were mute
Lloyd: its a fucking miracle!
Huh, okay. So not only can the ninja not summon their dragons if they’re fearful, but they cant if they’re too drained or exhausted.
That makes a lot of sense actually
I love when powers come hand in hand with like health and stuff
They all got captured 😐
I hate that Nyas alone with Nadakhan
Jay: Thanks for trying to save me but maybe it would’ve been better if you guys never came…
God Nadakhans so creepy…
Cole: Nya! Dont do it! Itll make Nadakhan all powerful-
Nadakhan: The black one goes first.
ik Coles the black ninja but the poc Cole headcanon has made me double take and go “🤨” to a few lines
If I had a nickel for everytime an ancient item could collect elemental masters powers, id have two nickels, which isnt a lot but its weird it happened twice right?
Lloyd: We have to be wiser for what we wish for!
Coles getting his wishes twisted
Lloyds trying to think this through
And Nyas just wasting wishes💀
Like girl its not that hard to just NOT say ‘wish’
LLOYDS OLD?!?!?! 😭bfjdjfnfjsnt
Its so funny that the youngest became the oldest
Thats also scary though
Imagine the kid you swore to take care of turned 90 in a second
Lloyd: i see beyond the now..! Youll need your wish when its said from the heart
Love when age and wisdom gives you future vision
How does that even work though
An electric and water dragon should be killing both Nya AND jay.
Wait so Cole and Lloyd used all their wishes. How is nadakhan gonna trap them in his sword now?
Clancyyy :(
Nya riding the dragon while Jays sitting behind her is giving me movie Nya and her motorcycle vibes
so its just Nya and Jay now
And the whole police force I guess.
But what were they ever good for.
Oooooo a safe house
Wonder where it is.
Zanes dad’s lighthouse!!!
Jay: No no, let me row the boat, you saved me last time, let me do this for you :)
Awww thats sweet
Jay: Either way, a gentlemen NEVER lets a lady row.
Aaaand you ruined it.
Flintlockes getting reaaal suspicious of Nadakhan…
that was kinda pathetic…
Jay: (venting his heart out about how this is all his fault)
Nya: Jay-
Jay: (continues venting)
Nya: JAY. Shut up. 😀
Jay: I know I know, you dont wanna hear it-
Nya: No- JAY. we’re not alone.
Jay: (cowering behind Nya)
Nya: I thought you were supposed to be protecting me?!?
Jay: I thought you were over that!
Does anyone have any fic recs where Jay and Nya take echo with them????? Bc ik they leave with echo but we never see him again.
Clancy deserves better :(
Its actually kinda sweet how Jay wants to protect Nya
Little robot: (steals echos chess piece)
The seagulls: (trying to alert echo of what little robot just did)
Echo (looks back): Wait… How did you..?
Little robot: 🤷
Echos so cute 😭
I love Jay and Nya 🥺 theyre so sweet and it makes me genuinely like their relationship when they aren’t fighting
Nya fixed up Echo!!!
Nya: Its nothing… its just, both of you seem so convinced you have a future with me.
Nya: what voice do I have in all this? All my life , my identities been defined by someone else. First I was Kais sister, then I was your horrible girlfriend!
Nya: Even when I wanted to be Samurai X sensei told me no…
Nya: I just want the choice to be who I wanna be.
I feel so bad for her.
See THIS is why shes my favorite. I literally love her sm.
Her character is just so dynamic and well written
I really hope the ninjago writers dont tear down her characterization and make her bland in newer seasons
Fuck theyre here.
Nya: Lights, camera, ACTION! (flash-bombs nadakhans crew)
Dogshank: OW! You pulled my hair?!??! WHAT KIND OF WARRIOR PULLS HAIR???
Nya: One that is woefully undersized!!!
Fuck this being about Jay. This is Nyas season.
Jay: Whatever you do! Dont pull that lever!
Doubloon: ? (looks at the lever) 😈 (pulls lever)
Jay (falls through escape trap door): Thanks! :D
Aw echo :(
Nya: (pouring her heart out and confessing she’s always loved him and wants to protect him and for him to go through the travelers portal)
Jay: (goes for a kiss)
Nya: (fucking shoves him in the portal)
Nya. Girl. Ik this was like, an act of love. But if you marry the djinn, hes gonna be all powerful.
Like, its great that you believe Jay can save you later and stop the wedding. But you could have just left. If Jay got captured he’d still be able to make the ‘i wish you were never a djinn’ wish.
Nadakhans so creepy. I hate him and hope he dies.
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Does the time loop involve a concert? It happened so often but no concert. I don't think a concert. And my friend moved and more people moved and its impossible but its possible the time loop didnt involve a concert. My friend is taking me to a concert for my birthday, my favourite band in the entire world. A special day. But I spent time with my friends and I remember the whole thing and the entire time because it happened before. But I remember all my loops only after they happened but I know I would remember my favourite band and meeting them in person because vip tickets. But they wipe my memory somehow and i'm only allowed to remember it while it's happening and I have to remember first and it's okay it's happening again. I promise. There's some hope in me somewhere that I'm not actually dead and dying and I'll be okay and that maybe they'll let me out if I do a good enough job not messing up the time loop and aending the world out of orbit somehow. But I don't remember a concert but I do remember Thomas the tank engine and how they remove their faces if the teain gets decomissioned, which must also be how Cars work, right? How Ship of Thesias are they? I remember them. But I don't remembet a concery which means time is moving but it is still moving and sometimes i wonder if the mold in my windowsil between my windows is the problem and if I move out of somewhere with mold yhen I'll actually be okay and it was all the molda fault. But mold is neat, very fun. I'm allergic to some of it and that's okay, that's my fault becquse it helps other people that are not me. And then i have to ask why i don't remember a concert and why? What's wrong with me i hope ahe doesnt give the ticket away and remembers she was inviting me in the first place i love the band what a nice birthday present ill never be able to pay back how devasting in the end. Its going to be songs from thwir new album i qssume and that means that im probably foi g to know all the words before she doea becase i listen to marianas trench so much and ahe dowan and I hope i get to keep the ticket because I have a little colelction now and i promise i'll take a bunch of pictures to remembet the concert because itll be wonderfuland realy apeciq to me idont remember a concert but i memorised that one video entirely and then i mm memorising anothet one because i watch it so much because i need siunr and it sounds long. I'm playing a pot of bg3 lately and its incredible and special yo me and i any yo kiss that wizard man so much, he seems wonderful and he seems like ged help me throygh peychosis and be sweet to me and i want tat so bqdly because i love him hes my ideal man and im back into dnd interests again and it makes me question what year it is all ovet again and i have to wonder if ive been in the hospital yhis entire time because why? I've nevet been this fucked ip brfore why now? What have I done? Have i forsaken a goddess i idnt intend to follow? I dont really believe in any gods or goddesses specifically but i believe in magic and i hope theres something more or else my dead cousin is just dead and everything stopped and maybe i couldmbe saved him if only unus annus hadnt ended 2 days before because i wouldve known the sadness and dread was because i was paychic and i knew ehat was coming but connected it to the wrong thing. I dont even remember him dying but i remember the water and the engine water how long will it survive? Dad wore a kilt to the funeral and it felt weird becayse that was honouring for a different person and not my cousin. Weird times. I remember pieces of it but not everything and i dont remember much the last year who told her i dont like bar concetts? Why does she think that?
0 notes
aug 4
I woke up kind of late today. by late I mean really late. like noon. but its because I couldn't sleep last night so its not my fault that I woke up late.
I got up and was told that we were heading out for the day so I got on with my day by cleaning up and getting dressed. I did everything but the most important chore/task which is eating breakfast so I actually didn't get to eat until very late this afternoon which sucks but the day nevertheless was really good.
I tried on a bunch of jeans which was fun and I finally found a style I really liked. I didn't buy them because I want to try on some more before I find the right pair. jeans are very specific to me because they cant be too baggy or too skinny nor can they be too fitted on my hips or so loose that they dont hold. so trying them on is very important. I also wear jeans everyday in school so having the perfect pair for walking and moving around but also sitting and also spending at least 8 hours in is important.
I came home and had one of the greatest foods ever. gyros. unfortunately, it was not as flavorful as it used to be. but it was still so good I think I devoured it in 6 minutes.
i'm hopefully getting my new glasses tomorrow. I love zenni because of how affordable and good quality their frames are. and the prescriptions are always perfect so I have no complaints at all. I always get my glasses from them. maybe i'll post the new glasses and let you guys see for yourself.
lastly, i've continued to get really interesting tiktoks. I mentioned them previously on my page but they keep coming in order so if ms.tarot lady posts two parts of a reading I will get both parts on my for you page only a couple videos apart. I know that the algorithm sees what I watch and puts the video there for me to see but I want to believe that it magically appears there anyways. they are starting to make me feel really good about myself and I don't like how that feels because I do not believe in tarot. hearing someone say something so truthful to myself is eerie kind of. She keeps on saying how im becoming more mature and becoming myself and that people will start to see how I truly am. that people will erase the image that they have of me being immature and naive and will understand and respect me finally. I hope to god ms.tarot lady is right. I need so and so to respect me and stop thinking low of me because im not like them. im my own person and they need to see me for who I am. she says that I will no longer be getting pushed around and I will stand my ground and people wont like that which is sad to me because why would the people close to me want to see me so weak. she also says that I will finally speak my truth and that will shock those around me and I honestly hope it does. when the conversation im hoping I will have happens, I hope it rocks the people listening. if it ever happens, I will update you guys first.
ill talk about ms.tarot lady more I think. I think she'll keep coming up and she'll continue to tell me everything I need to hear. and maybe i'll listen. or maybe itll go in one ear and out the other. who knows.
sorry if this is a ramble. I just hope she's right.
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0rionz-belt · 3 years
live blog of the episode tonight
* if he pussies out ill be so mad
* ooooo backstory
* nice cake cutting skills
* oh the teacher's back.
* why is the detective saying this to the teacher. fuck off.
* why is the floor in this school red. its not a childrens hospital
* oh the "we're cool now". he's definitely covering his ass for when he kills her.
* "you can trust me" ive never heard that phrase ONCE where it wasnt bullshit
* shes a runner shes a track star
* Oh the subtle heart beat in the background music. love that shit.
* wait what
* hold on how was he tracking. unless the tracker was in the jacket. does junior have that bitch's jacket???
* this isnt about the show but fuck that dude in the commercial for letting his cat roam outside.
* "i got four hundred likes" i hope you get 400 stab wounds.
* "whats jake gonna do?" hes suspected for 2 murders?
* oh? what is she doing?
* OOOOO A SCYTHE!!! hedge trimmers? whatever the fuck that is????
* okay dont do it here. itll be hard to clean the blood and dispose of the body.
* "i want to apologize" no you fucking dont, dicknips.
* "im sorry i hurt your feelings" "creepy af" I Hate You.
* as someone whos been apologized to a LOT by many people, hers was fucking awful.
* chucky's "nod" and "mhm" made me think of yoda for some reason lmao.
* oh??? and this woman thinks you only need privacy if someone is hiding something??? some fucking detective.
* "wHy ArE yOu HeRe" chucky should stab your eyes out. youre clearly not fucking using them.
* again with dumb advertisments. im not ever going to even consider moving to ohio. ive seen it, its shit. stop suggesting it.
* i hate that entire fucking family except for the little girl. its not her fault her parents and sister are fucking dicks.
* i feel like im supposed to feel happy for lexi during that hug? i feel pure malice but idk about everyone else.
* am i the only one who thinks the camera is unfocused slightly.
* "our daughter is not the bully" Die.
* "communicating with teenagers is a challenge" only if you raise them to hate you.
* "if you tell anyone about this" you better fucking tell everyone
* anyways im going to put on my headphones now because i dont care to hear singing.
* i lied. how dare you ruin that song
* oh theres the knife.
* why am i seeing a ghostbusters commercial. the 2016 version was good, fuck you.
* shitty dance moves
* oh a silent dance party. nice.
* you just KNOW that one person is listening to Rasputin.
* god hurry up and kill this bitch. she's 14 and already knows how to cheat on partners.
* more memories!!!
* is that a view master? nice.
* im sorry but that breaking sound effect is cliche.
* oh i see whats happening.
* ooooo the "charles...run" at the beat drop
* lets hope no one turns around.
* red room...hmm wonder whatll happen in here??? murder perhaps???
* why is your bean bag in the middle of the room. shitty interior design.
* are they really censoring shit? that literally ruined the whole mood.
* also as someone who wears headphones most hours of the day, they absolutely would have heard that shit.
* god, film cameras just dont focus on shit anymore. even the commercials are blurry sometimes.
* oh. this is the first time he had to murder someone, huh.
* "im sorry" stop fucking apologizing, your dad was a dick and so was this bitch.
* "i helped" little shit.
* chucky you gotta get out. youre fucking flammable too.
* oh its over.
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A Fling With A Surprise
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Gif credit @stilinski-ortiz-dolan
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Gif credit @bodybebangin.
Requested by @stellarosedutton. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for the request.
My first Walker and Colby imagine. I hope it's okay.
"Go get grandpa". Your daughter, Amethyst Rose squealed running on her wobbly feet. She had just started walking and she is now on the go all the time.
"Paaaa". She stumbled and fell but got right back up.
"She's like her momma, doesnt cry when she falls". John chuckled as he picked her up. 
"Yeah, I was taught to be strong". You smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Your husband is down at the barn". John said looking away. He wasnt to fond of Walker. No one really was. But you saw something in him that no one else saw.
"I was just heading that way. Amethyst has a doctors appointment". You say before walking to the barn. Your father took Amethyst into the main house to spoil her even more than she is.
"Hey beautiful". Walker spoke before you even got into the barn.
"How do you always do that"? You giggle wrapping your arms around his waist from behind.
"I know your foot work".
"You ready? We gotta be there in thirty minutes".
"Yeah, let me go change my shirt and I'll meet you at the car". He kissed your temple and started to the cowboys bunk.
Going back up to the main house, you saw Colby talking with your father and Rip. Then you heard screaming and giggling coming down the steps of the house. Tate was chasing Amethyst and ran right past Colby.
You might think nothing of it but Amethyst is Colbys. You had a fling with him one night and never spoke about it since but then you got pregnant and just never told anyone that she was his. Then you met Walker when you were six months pregnant, got married four months later and he's been Amethyst dad. Oh I didnt mention that Colby never knew I was pregnant, I hid it from my family until I met Walker.
"Amethyst". You called after her and ran scooping her up. "Thanks for watching her dad.  I'll see you later". You didn't look at Colby as you walked away but his eyes were on Amethyst.
"Y/N, hold up". Colby called after you and now the cat was out of the bag.
"Yeah"? You gulped as he came closer. Amethyst laid her head on your shoulder sleepily.
"I know this might be off but um is she mine"? Colby scratched his chin, just gazing at Amethyst.
"Why didnt you tell me"? Colby asked. He was wasnt upset or angry.
"You didnt speak to me after we hooked up. So I figured you were just ignoring me and staying away".
"It was awkward. Rip found me coming in late and I told him. He knows about us".
"I know. No one else knows. Not even Walker. I'd like to keep it that way. I don't want any riff between the two of you".
"So I'm supposed to let Walker raise my daughter"? Colby scoffed.
"She's my daughter". Walker scared you both. You seriously needed to work on your tracking.
"No, she's mine. I didnt get the chance to be there for her cause I didnt know". Colby protested.
"I'm on the birth certificate. She calls me daddy. I'm not confusing her. So stay away". Walker warned Colby but Colby being Colby and not backing down. Colby threw the first punch and smashed his fist into Walkers jaw.
Walker stumbled but striked back hitting Colby in the nose. You covered your daughters eyes.
John and Rip tried pulling the cowboys apart but they weren't letting each other go.
"Walker stop". You yelled. This was not how it was supposed to go when it happened or if at all.
A gun shot rang through the air. Rip stood there with his gun pointed to the sky. Colby and Walker panting. Their shirts ripped, faces mangled.
"Colby, get out of here now".
"But-". Colby tried to protest but Rip wasnt having it".
"Get him out of here, Y/N". Your father told you and you grabbed Walkers hand pushing him into the car. The doctors appointment would have to wait.
Arriving at your house, you laid Amethyst down and patched up Walker.
"Why didnt you tell me"?
"It wasn't your business. Plus I didnt want to make it worse for you than it already is".
"It is my business. I'm your husband. I'm her father". Walker hissed when you put peroxide on his wound.
"I know. But now I'm thinking I should've told him. Gave him a chance to be a father figure in her life".
"I'm her damn father. No man is going to replace me". Walker hit the table. You jumped, you never seen him this mad. Walker got up and stormed out, slamming the door. Waking Amethyst.
You had to go see Colby. It wasnt right not having him know and now you felt guilty. Heading back to the ranch, giving Walker time to cool down. You went and saw Colby.
"Hey". You stepped threw the door. Rip, Ryan and Colby were talking.
"We're just leaving". Rip spoked, nodding to Ryan.
They came to you and Rip picked up Amethyst. "I'll take this". Rip said with a chuckle. Ryan giggled. They both adored her.
"You okay"? You bit the inside of your cheek.
"You should have told me. I would have been there". Colby sighed.
"I didnt know that. I was young. We both were. But that's no excuse. I should've told you". You walked over to the table and sat down beside him.
"I'm not trying to replace Walker as her father. I just want to be part of her life. She looks like me".
"She does. Has a smaller head then you though". You tease. Colby gasped and nudged your arm.
"I want to be there for her. Like I could babysit when you and Walker need a break. I just want her to know me. I dont have to be her dad. I can be an uncle".
"Yeah. She'd like that". You say with a smile.
"Can I be honest"? Colby looked into your eyes.
"Of course".
"When I saw her coming out of the house. I thought I was in a dream. It wasn't real. Like this little girl looked just like me. I was scared when you said she was mine. I wasnt ready to be a dad. I guess you saved yourself a hassle. Walker stepped up and I'm grateful for that cause he's probably doing a better job than I would have. I'm just not ready to take on that responsibility. I'm a horrible person". Colbys head hung low.
"Colby, you're not a bad person. I'm glad you told me this.  I'm relieved to say the least. She'll be honored to have you as an uncle. We'll just keep this between us six. No one else has to know". Your squeezed his arm.
"Thanks. I'm sorry".
"Nothing to be sorry over. We just deal with the hand we're dealt with. I'm a mom to an amazing little girl. You're going to be an awesome uncle".
"What about Walker? He'll kill me".
"Dont worry about him. I'll take care of that". You say with a smile. "But I need you to put those uncle skills to the test". You said with a smirk.
"Oh god, what have I gotten myself into"? Colby chuckled, shaking his head.
Deciding to leave Amethyst with Colby and the others for a few hours, you headed home. Hopefully by now Walker has cooled off.
Walking into the house, it was quiet. But you heard some rustling in the bedroom.
"Babe"? You called out, coming into the bedroom. Walker was laying on the bed shirtless and his pants unbuckled as if he was going to bed.
"Where's Amethyst"? Walker asked, taking the rolled up toilet paper from his nose.
"She's with her uncles".
"And her new daddy". Walker scoffed. "You here to get your things and move in with him"?
"No, you dipshit. I'm here to tell you that you're the only daddy she will ever know. Colby doesnt want that role. He's uncle Colby. He's thankful that you stepped up and took care of her. Of us". You replied, getting on the bed and sitting up beside him.
"He wouldnt just do that. He's crazy if he did".
"Baby, he got scared when he found out that she was his. He was just putting on a show. He doesnt want to ruin her life. You're daddy and he's uncle Colby. We're fine. Theres only six of us that know and we're all keeping quiet. Amethyst has a great thing going, none of us want to ruin it". You kiss his check quickly.
"Sorry, I got angry. I just didn't want him to step in and take away our bond. I didn't want to lose my family ".
"You're forgiven and you're never going to lose us". You moan, running your hand down Walkers chest, slipping your hand down his pants. "He's promised to babysit when we need a break". You whisper into Walkers ear as you nip at his ear lobe.
"I'm liking uncle Colby". Walked flipped you over on your back, his hands went to your clothed breast, squeezing them and then raking his fingers down your torso.
"Come here". You grabbed Walker by the back of his neck and pulled him to your lips. Walker shimmied out of his jeans and pulled your dress up around your hips.
"I love you so much". He grunted into the kiss as he pushed your panties to the side and thrusted in you.
"Fuck. I love you". You gasp, as he lifts your leg over his shoulder and thrusts in deep. He kissed up and down your leg. Your fingers pinch your hard nipple through your bra.
"Mmm. We should give Amethyst a sibling". Walker said way out of the blue.
"You serious"? You panted, licking your lips.
"Why not"?
"No reason". Your head fell back as the tip of Walkers cock, brushed against your gspot.
"I'm taking that as a yes". He growled, speeding up his pace. He wrapped his arm your neck and kissed you deeply with passion and lust. This little break, you could get use to it.
While Walker and you were deciding on a sibling or not. Amethyst was having the time of her life. Colby was playing tea party with her and making mud pies. He was making mud pies. She was throwing them at her other uncles as they watch.
"She's going to need a bath. A hosing off before she goes home". Lloyd chuckled.
"I'm not sure I'm fit for that. I agreed on watching her. Not putting her in water and trying not to let her drown". Colby said a little scared. The others laughed.
"Just take the water hose and rinse her off. Itll be alright". Ryan suggested.
Colby of course listens to them and starts to wash Amethyst off, well he lays the water hose down and she happily picks it up and starts spraying everyone. Theres laughter and screaming as they got sprayed.
"What's going on here"? Walker came up to the water hose party.
"He did it". Ryan, Lloyd and Jimmy all pointed to Colby who was soaked from head to toe.
"Great job". Walker shaked his head. Colby frowns. "Baby, put down the hose, please". Walker walked slowly up to Amethyst and snatched the hose away.
"I'm sorry. I'm not fit for this". Colby sighed.
"No. You're not. But she's having fun and she's alive. That's all that matters. Y/N and I have a date night every Friday night. You're going to watch Amethyst for us. Just try and not burn down our house". Walker laughed, sticking out his hand.
Colby smiled and shook it. "No promises.  Thanks Walker".
"Sure. Oh and clean this mess up. See y'all tomorrow". Walker picked up his muddy little girl and headed home. This was the life for everyone. Didnt matter how it got this way. It just is and theres no use in fixing something that isn't broke.
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blxetsi · 4 years
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modern sasha braus dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!sasha braus x gn!reader
had to write something for my queen 😌✨
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- she shares her food with you. I Dont Care She Does
- also since this is a modern au i dont think she would have such an obsession with food as she does in the canonverse (if we can even call it an obsession) i still think she would have a big appetite (and she'd be proud of it tf 😏🙏) but i just dont see her always being hungry as the fandom makes her out to be
- really likes to hold hands with you
- i think itd be really cute if she was studying to become a baker ?? maybe taking a culinary course at the university you two attend ?? maybe you somehow met there or through a friend
- i think she'd still be insecure about her accent (ig if this is au is set in america she'd be from the south 😐🤚) and would speak kind of like a robot to people she didn't know that well
- connie and jean ALWAYS bring out her accent tho,, like with them she can really be herself
- i think when you were starting to get to know her she would be speaking very formally, and youd take it like shes being kinda stand offish or like,, just doesnt wanna talk so youre thinking "okay maybe she doesnt wanna be friends 😁👍" and would back off
- now sasha's upset because you are so cool and unique and she just wants to know so much about you but youve been very distant lately ?? like did she do something wrong ??
- she tells connie, jean, marco, and niccolo one night and connie and jean are on the side of "find y/n and demand to know why their behavior has changed" while marco and niccolo are on the side of "respectfully dm y/n and ask why they havent been wanting to see sasha recently"
- sasha goes with the latter of the two and dms you after passing you in the dining hall, you two literally keep glancing at each other, texting while you sit with your respective friend groups
- after everything gets cleared up sasha is immediately inviting you to hang out with her crew, and even getting some of her other friends like eren, mikasa, and ymir and historia to come join too
- if she has all the people shes comfortable with there, itll be less scary talking with her accent !
- You Love It. You Think Its Adorable.
- you guys would definitely have a friends to lovers type relationship
- like friendly hugs turn into slightly longer hugs, and now sasha will constantly ask to sit next to you during movie nights
- loves to rest her head on your lap while she spreads across the couch
- i think you two would have your first kiss in niccolos apartment
- you two were sitting in his kitchen, with sasha munching on the leftover food he made that night for your get together
- his mom had called him so he decided to leave to go to his bedroom to answer it
- and slowly you guys just kind of,,,, leaned in 🙈✨
- it was slow and really romantic, kinda rough with the crumbs that were around sasha's lips but you didn't mind
- niccolo barged in and ruined the moment 😐🤚 good going pal 😁👍
- you two were so shocked that you two tried to leave
- ended up just walking down the road in silence like wtf i thought yall were trying to get away from each other 😭😭😭😭
- sasha ended up staying the night 🤩‼️
- NOT in a sexual way
- but in like a,,,, rue and jules kinda way where jules comes in through the window (but only sasha didnt come in through the window she came in the front door with you) and you two held each other and gave each other smooches for the rest of the night
- sasha woke up late and missed her morning classes 😐🤚 didnt even care and went back to sleep with you
- i think for the most part you get along well with her friend group
- youre definitely closer to connie, jean, niccolo, marco, and historia
- ymir teases you guys a lot and you cant tell if what she says is just jokes (it always is) or if shes completely serious
- eren, mikasa, armin, annie, along with reiner and bertholdt are more of aquantances to you, just because you dont see them as often as you do the others
- she has such a weird relationship with her english professor
- will literally complain how much work he gives his class and then the next day will gush about how great he his bc he gave her a granola bar for her effort in her assignment
- girl pick a script and stick to it 😐🤚
- has a collection of stuffies on her bed. i dont make the rules.
- anytime theres a carnival in town she drags EVERYONE there.
- you all agree to split up into groups so you can all check out what you want, but you always agree to meet up and eat funnel cake together 🥺
- sasha tries to get you to win her new stuffies
- if you cant do it, or just want some for yourself, shes calling connie and niccolo up PLEADING with them to come find you guys,
- then she claims theres been an ACCIDENT and that you two need help
- niccolo is zooming bc he cares abt his besties 😌✨
- connie texts jean and marco to come find you guys too 😭😭😭
- who gets a kick and a lecture for lying courtesy of niccolo ? sasha. but who also gets a bunch of stuffies won for her courtesy of niccolo ? sasha.
- for your anniversary i think she'd want to do something really fun with you
- she'd set up a pillow fort and have a bunch ot string lights and stuff, have all of her favourite stuffies (which are the ones she thinks of you when she sees) in there too.
- she has chips, she baked little pastries and cookies, and she ordered your favourite takeout
- you guys just watch whatever you want on netflix or whatever and its such a nice night
- it becomes a tradition for you guys, but you two always take turns with setup
- one year sasha did all of the planning, baking and whatnot ? okay now its your turn 😁👍
- you guys even started doing themes now 🤩
- if you guys play board games with your friends youre on sasha's side whether you want to be or not.
- shes also the kind of person that says "i can win fair and square !" but then when bertholdt starts kicking her ass in monopoly her script changes real quick 🙄
- now its "y/n,,, give me some of ur money" and "y/n, buy this property for me" like girl,,,, what happened to playing fair 😍⁉️
- will try and do all of those s/o pranks you see on tiktok
- its hard to get a genuine reaction out of you bc you can TELL SHES RECORDING but she tries anyways
- we love a perservering queen 😌✨
- will call you at random times of the day asking if you guys can see each other
- "y/n ??? are you there ??" "sasha its 2am wtf do you want 😐" "do you wanna ride your bike with me down to the park 🥺"
- also is very observant, knows when youre overworking yourself
- will try and pull you away from what youre working on like "lets go get you something to drink, or maybe we can watch an episode of that show you like before you continue working !"
- if youre persistent that you just HAVE to finish it tonight and cant stop and take a break she'll respect that, until you stay at your laptop for over an hour 😐
- just softly pulls you away like "no lovebug, lets get some sleep okay ?"
- is also very protective of you
- overheard someone making fun of you ?? talking shit ??? her besties better hold her back before she gets suspended 😤‼️
- and since connie and jean absolutely ADORE you, you better believe theyre helping their girl sasha out
- those three are the LEADERS of the "protect y/n club"
- it just becomes niccolo and marco trying to dissolve the situation before it gets physical, and then reiner and armin joining when they walk directly into the chaos
- armin tells you what happened and as much as youre thankful that sasha cares about you so much that she'd defend you like that, you lecture her, jean and connie on not making scenes like that again
- sasha's love language is kind of like,, a mixture of quality time and physical touch
- she just really loves spending time with you, but also very much enjoys being in your arms
- she doesnt shy away from it, and is usually the one to initiate those things
- will hold your hand PROUDLY down hallways or on streets
- always hypes you up too, shes very much so your personal hypeman
- "oh lovebug you look SO GOOD rn oh my god" "sasha pls im in my pyjamas" "and you look like a model baby !"
- sasha is very stubborn however, and if you guys ever fight she is NEVER the one to apologize first, or seek you out to talk about it
- even if shes in the wrong she cant bring herself to admit it, she dug herself into such a deep hole with the stance she took that she doesnt want to take the walk of shame in admitting that she wasnt right
- this can cause a lot of problems in your relationship, but after you explain how much it affects you, shes trying to change
- will always work on her stubborn-ness and pride
- and it actually makes her feel a lot better being able to admit defeat, or being wrong
- she really likes being communicative and honest, especially with you
- i think overall your relationship with sasha is very very fun, filled with good memories, good food, good friends, and most importantly, love.
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no bc i really do love her 😐🤚 lemme marry miss braus rq 😏✨
hope u guys enjoyed !! remember requests are open so if you have anything youd like me to write DONT BE SHY ❤️‼️
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memoriashell · 4 years
seashells and shores ( and something a bit more )
Characters /  Pairing: Fukawa Touko / Naegi Komaru, ensemble class 78; varyingly background / implied ships are sakuraoi / ishimondo / celeschi / naeleogami
crossposted on ao3
Notes: a very late day 3 for @tokomaruweek​. beach prompt! yesterday i was feeling a little burnt out so i decided to not write since i didn’t want to put out something half assed. hopefully this being a bit longer helps make up for it! ( and by a bit, i mean i basically doubled the word count compared to what i’ve done for this week so far lmao rip so much for hoping i’d catch up tonight )
rated t for touko's trauma. and also for junko having her tits out. thanks junko.
anyways tw for like trauma, the general self-depricating / self-concious stuff for toko but also like. her trauma w/ water is brought up since it's. beach? and also drowning doesn't actually happen but it is brought up. and touko mentions claustrophobia in relation to her trauma offhandedly once, and again, just generally feeling insecure.
also it's kinda implied that chihiro and celes are both trans thank you!!!
Summary:  going to the beach isn't exactly an exciting thought for her, given the fact she has no desire getting in the water.
komaru seems dead set on making sure she makes some memories anyways.
Do you want to come to the beach with us? That is the first text of the morning that she receives, courtesy of Makoto Naegi. Touko considers asking who he means by us, gathers that he probably means some assortment of their classmates, and ( while it is very tempting to say yes ) concludes that she can safely say no. And she intends to do exactly that, but she gets a set of texts that stops her from being able to do so.
ur coming with us, right?
you should come with us!
itll be fun!
So Komaru would be there too— their...friendship is odd, all things considered. Not that the knowledge of knowing she’d be there makes the offer any more tempting, but she bites her lip and considers what to say. Not that there’s really much of a question, just keep it blunt and to the point as per usual. No point in sugar coating things.
I’m busy. Maybe next time. She’s not that busy, current manuscript aside. Not that Touko intended on ever not being busy. It’s not her fault that Komaru is too dense to take a hint.
awww :(
if u don’t wanna get in the water, ill make sure they’ll leave you alone. im sure you won’t be the only one that doesnt want to!!
Ah. She might have to ( partially ) retract her statement on Komaru being dense. Had she figured out her reluctance without her even mentioning it, or had that just been a lucky guess? Maybe it was just Makoto’s luck rubbing off on her...
i understand if you don’t want to come
and i’ll leave u alone if u rlly dont wanna come.
but it wont be as much fun without you there :(
Urgh. Yeah, this girl doesn’t understand a thing, does she? She’s probably not even realized the impact her words have on her. Touko grumbles under her breath, but figures she should respond before Komaru sends another text begging trying to convince her.
I’m not going in the water, though.
If this goes horribly wrong, I’m blaming you.
That is a lie. Even if worst comes to worst and Syo feels the need to front for her, she won’t hold it against her. She’s the one who agreed, after all. It’s just one last attempt at offering her an out. To change her mind. Like she should. But Komaru is nothing if not stubborn, so she doesn’t really expect that offer to be taken up on. She starts making a mental checklist of what she probably needs to take with her, doesn’t get very far into that list because Komaru’s response is nearly instantaneous.
yayayayay tnk u touko-chan ily!!!!!! :D
we’ll pick u up k????
ur staying @ the place near the dorms right? see u soon!! ♡♡
Touko grimaces at the butchering of language that is Komaru’s texting ( and ignores her own fluttering heart upon seeing the casual hearts sprinkled in at the end ), and sends back, If you love me, fix your grammar.
The car ride over is mostly uneventful. In that she means she feels like she’s going to have a headache before they even get there and Makoto keeps giving her a sympathetic look. In other words, she’s learned that Komaru and both Asahina siblings should not be left to entertain themselves for the hour-long car ride, but the only silver lining here is that it was only an hour-long ride and hopefully they would be tired out for the ride back.
The highlight of the hour was that even if it’d been a tight squeeze in the backseat, that meant she’d been ( somewhat ) uncomfortably sandwiched between the door and Komaru herself. She’s a little surprised that it doesn’t set off her claustrophobia, but reckons that might just be because it’s too bright to remind her of being locked in a closet. And also because Komaru is generally distracting in close proximity, from the way she’d been halfway sitting on her lap, to the faint scent of what Touko figures to be her shampoo.
She also considers it a victory that she did not dissociate in the midst of that, but probably only because Komaru kept checking on her and apologizing for how close they are: she’d had to bite her tongue several times from saying something harsher than she’d really mean. She doesn't hate Syo, but probably counterintuitive to let them front today: whether they are aware of this, or simply just disinterested in trying to front right now, she is thankful. If nothing else, she would consider this some kind of learning moment. Maybe. Something to draw inspiration from?
Still, once she’s free from the confines of the car, she can actually relax a little— or does for all of two seconds before Komaru has grabbed onto her free hand and started dragging her towards the loud group that she recognizes as her class. Yuta and Aoi had bolted out of the car the moment they’d come to a stop to race to the waters ( she can’t imagine being that athletic and feels tired watching them ). Touko gazes back longingly at the confines of the car and the consideration that she might’ve been able to isolate herself there, but her grip’s pretty tight on her hand. Which is nice, and distracts her from thinking about escaping until it's way too late, and she’s forced to look at the group before her, and—
Slaps a hand over Komaru’s eyes with a groan. “Enoshima, wh-what the fuck, you—” She holds off on the ( derogatory ) word she wants to say, and just scowls at the sight before her. “This isn’t a...a nude beach? Are you t-t-trying to get us in trouble or something?” Granted she’s not technically completely nude, but also more revealing than she should be. Seriously, she would’ve figured that Ishimaru would’ve already told Enoshima off already because what else is he good for ( then again, he is single-handedly the only person who would probably take no real issue with it, or be naively convinced by her that it wasn’t really a problem, so maybe she really shouldn’t be that surprised ).
Enoshima cackles at her. “Don’t be a prude, Fukawa! Or are you jealous? I’m just trying to get a sick tan.” While she’s at it, where the hell is Ikusaba to keep her sister in check? Whatever, that’s not really important, and she refuses to dignify that with a response given that Enoshima probably only wants to get a rise out of her.
Instead, she makes sure to put a decent distance between them before removing her hand from over Komaru’s eyes with a huff. “Urgh, honestly...what on earth m-made her think that was a, a good idea?” She grumbles, glancing around now that she doesn’t have to stare directly at...that.
Actually, now that she looks around, the only seemingly responsible person from their class currently present was Oogami— and honestly, she seems too busy being in love with her girlfriend to count ( if it wasn’t kind of heartwarming, she’d probably be disgusted. Not in a homophobic way, in a general ew PDA sort of way ). As for any else viably responsible: Kirigiri being absent wasn’t a surprise, Fujisaki’s too soft to really keep people in check, Byakuya is...his own entirely separate category, and she would rather die than count Hagakure as responsible in any capacity. And Makoto might be a voice of reason, but she’s pretty sure he’s utterly useless here. Which is probably a horrible sign of things to come, but what else did she expect from anything involving her peers?
“You don’t want to go in the water, right?” Komaru’s voice cuts in through her thoughts, watching her closely before taking her hand to start pulling her along then. “We should set up somewhere to sit, then!”
We? She thinks, but instead attempts to free her hand from her grip and voices, “...Don’t you want to go in th-the water with the rest of them? You don’t have to, uh, to stay with me, you know. I’m not a k-k-kid.”
Her expression looks conflicted. “Well, yeah, of course I do want to! But only for a bit, probably? I mean, it’d be kind of rude to leave you alone since I asked you to come?”
She ignores the way her stomach twists at that, and purses her lips. “Technically s-speaking, Makoto asked first. You aren’t— it’s not rude of you to want...to want to have some fun without me. I know I’m n-n-not fun to stick around.” She knows she wouldn’t want to stick around herself if she had the choice. “It’s not like, like I wasn’t prepared for th-that.”
“Yeah, but— that’s the thing. You shouldn’t be! And I want to spend time with everyone, and that includes you too.” And now she’s sulking. God. Fukawa is about to growl back something she’ll probably regret saying, but is saved from doing so by a much calmer voice interrupting, having overheard their argument.
“Why don’t you go join your brother for a bit? Fukawa-san can join us if she would like to. We have an extra seat.”
Celes looks hot— and she means that in a very literal sense ( mostly ), decked out in one of her usual frilly black dresses. She looks out of place in the hot summer heat. Touko is also not sure where and how she managed to get a table out here ( and tea, apparently, and you know what she’s just not going to question it ), but Fujisaki is already pulling out the extra seat in offering, and she sighs reluctantly. Better this than feeling like she’s holding Komaru back.
“G-G-Go. Or...or I’ll let Syo toss you in the water.” Not really a threat - if anything, Syo would dive bomb into the water with her. Argh, maybe she should’ve just let them front today...
( No, no she shouldn’t have. The only person currently present that Syo would’ve mostly listened to would be Komaru— and maybe Makoto or Fujisaki if they were feeling generous— which is an entirely different set of issues she doesn’t want to linger on. Needless to say, she doesn’t particularly want Syo to cause chaos today )
Touko is saved from having to argue further with her on this because as Komaru opens her mouth to protest, Yuta comes to steal her away, blabbering on about something about a game they should play: and while he’s definitely as oblivious as his sister, she’ll consider that a good thing, just this once. The only words Komaru manages to get in is to ask Toko to keep her bag for her, which she would’ve done anyways, picking it up from where she’d dropped it. She watches them wander off ( and only looks away when Komaru starts discarding the clothes she’d been wearing over her swimsuit ) before trudging over to sit next to Fujisaki, who flashes her a small smile as she types away on her laptop.
“I am surprised you came, Fukawa-san. You do not seem like the type for these activities. You are usually quite disinterested in participating in these kinds of things, in fact. Did something change?” Ugh. This is why Touko hates being around Ludenberg. Because she’s observant, generally only bested by Kirigiri in that regard, and is generally good at picking people apart when it comes to lies and acts and fronts ( though Touko would argue this is from personal experience, and not from being a gambler ). And this fact would have irritated her, quite honestly, if she had not self-sabatoged herself by taking it as an insult, instead.
“I-I-I get it. No one really wants...wants me here. That’s what you meant, right...? You don’t have to r-remind me.” She grits her teeth. If nothing else, when she isn’t busy lying, Touko can appreciate her honesty. The tiny hand that wraps around her wrist stops her from saying anything further, even if it doesn’t take much to wrench her arm out of Fujisaki’s grasp: but she gets the feeling she is only able to do so because she isn’t actually trying to hold on too tightly.
“I’m sure th-that’s not what she meant, Fukawa-san...” Ever quick to play peacekeeper, she supposes. Touko simply grumbles at her and rolls her eyes. “...Especially since not everyone was available today, it’s nice that you were able to join us!”
“Yes, it is a shame. I would have liked for Yamada-kun to have been able to help with my tea, today.” Celes sighs as if disappointed— really? That’s what she’s on about?
Touko does a second look at who is not currently gathered, and denotes, “Is Maizono st-still out on tour...?” She thinks Komaru had mentioned something like that in passing.
“Yes! Maizono-san is on tour, Yamada-kun is at an important convention, Ikusaba-san, she’s...doing some kind of training...? I think Kirigiri-san is supposed to be on the tail end of a rough case, and...” Here Fujisaki pauses to giggle into her hand. “I sh-shouldn’t really laugh at this really, but Ishimaru-kun got sick. Oowada-kun had to force him to rest since he had been trying to work through it and made it worse for himself... or so that’s what I was told.”
Oh, so that’s the reason she hasn’t heard the loudmouths today? She might take back her sentiments on Ishimaru being useless, but he’s on thin fucking ice. Of course the overachiever would get sick during the summer holidays— apparently, she’s not alone in that thought.
“Only Ishimaru-kun would get sick during vacation and still manage to find a reason to not take a break.” Celes rolls her eyes, but Touko gets the feeling she’s amused too.
“So wh-what you’re saying is, uh, is that Oowada’s going to get sick next...right? I guess— we’ll find out if idiots get s-s-sick or not.” Touko quips— which earns a softer laugh from Fujisaki, so that’s pretty good.
Of course, it wouldn’t be like her if she didn’t put her foot in her mouth almost immediately afterwards by asking why they aren’t going in the water: she’s not really surprised because Celes rarely participates in gym ( and coming from Touko that says a lot ), but she was pretty sure Fujisaki wasn’t that self-conscious of herself. Not as much? Not that she really has any place to talk in that regard.
“Well, we already went to the beach at the start of the summer holidays! I’m not really missing out on anything, and it’s probably not my last opportunity to go during this break anyways.” And then, a little more sheepishly. “...Also I’m close to making a breakthrough on this code, I think. I wanted the fresh air, but I don’t really think I can afford to take much of a break right now.”
“She would have stayed on the train if I did not warn her we were approaching our stop, I believe. And not all of us can be like Enoshima. The brazenness of that woman is truly something else.” Touko is not sure if she says that from a place of respect or fear, and honestly she relates. And also doesn’t say any further on the subject because Celes gives her a dirty look.
Her gaze goes back out to their peers— she is pointedly avoiding needing to look at where Enoshima is— and spots Komaru and Yuta splashing around with Aoi and Oogami. Well, it looks like just splashing at least, from where she’s at. And Hagakure, who really just looks like an out-of-place sea cretin with the way his hair floats on the water’s surface, so. There’s that?
( No, she’s not at all envious of the fact that all of them get to have fun because they don’t have crippling fears: the ocean does not instill the same fear of confinement that a cramped bathtub does, but fear— there is still the fear that something will tug her down and her body will simply let herself dragged underneath out of instinct, a fear of something worse if she tries to fight for survival— )
Focus. She can feel the way her breath catches a little, the uneasy way her heart beats and concentrates on calming down. She doesn’t seem to have gotten Syo’s attention yet, nor anyone else’s, thankfully. She’ll just...watch Komaru for now, yeah. It takes a moment to relocate her, head breaching from underneath the water and surfacing like...like one of the sea’s legendary enchantresses. She means that in a wholly respectful way, of course, watching the way she shakes the water from her hair, mouth open in a wide grin while she laughs. Touko doesn’t need to hear her to know that on the sole basis of her appearance— the bright look in her eyes is enough to say she is happily enjoying herself without her.
On that note, hm. Maybe she can use some of that for the basis of her next novel— something about a siren and a lady visiting the sea? Tragic romances are always a hit, aren’t they? Okay maybe a tragic lesbian romance is more self-projection, but that's besides the point. No one has to know its self-projection if people eat it up like anything else that has her name on it.
Or maybe you need to talk to a therapist more often? Syo contributes helpfully, apparently having become more conscious at some point. Maybe her panic hadn’t gone as unnoticed as she thought. Not that they’re wrong, but talking to a therapist isn’t exactly going to help with her gay pining ( unfortunately, she wishes it were that simple ).
Yeah, that’s not something she really wants to linger on, and as if Celes can read her mind, says, “How do you ladies feel about a bet?”
“Pass.” Touko says immediately, because she is arguably far from a smart person, but she is smart enough to know to not take her chances against the ultimate gambler. Celes ignores her.
“You see, I would bet that Komaru—”
“No. We’re leaving h-her out of it.” Toko interrupts, and Fujisaki ( thankfully, like the god sent angel she is, even if she seems too good to be real ) nods her agreement.
“I don’t think Naegi-kun would be really happy if he heard us talking about his little sister like that...” Her reasoning is fair, if nothing else.
“Fine. Do you think Naegi-kun is going to interfere on Togami-kun’s behalf, or help Kuwata-kun?” A painted fingernail points out the trio by the sea. Kuwata seems pretty intent on forcing Togami into the sea, suit and all, much to his disdain. The duo is yelling, probably. On the other hand, Makoto just looks like he doesn’t know whose side he’s supposed to be on here.
In the end, it doesn’t matter because by some luck ( or lack thereof ) Togami manages to trip on a washed up stone and ends up taking the other two boys down with him. The heir doesn’t even look all that mad, really, as Kuwata dunks him back under the water in retaliation: she knows what his angry face is, and that is not it, even if it looks kind of like he’s swallowing a lemon.
Or maybe that’s just her and her sour mood feeling like she’s swallowed several lemons raw because Touko doesn’t know how to make lemonade out of all the citrus life has handed her.
“By the way Fukawa-san, about Komaru—” Celes starts, but is interrupted by Komaru’s sharp yelling, which is followed by the wet feeling of her arms wrapping around her. Touko frowns, pushing her away.
“You’re w-wet.” She states the obvious as she makes a face, not that that seems to stop her. “Are you...you're done going in the water f-f-for now?”
“Mhm! It’s too cold in the water, honestly. You’re nice and warm.” Komaru hums happily, and she grabs a towel from her bag to wrap her up in it before she ends up being the next sick kid. “I was thinking we could maybe spilt a snack...? And then we could make a sandcastle! Asahina-san was telling me about shells she saw earlier that we could use?” Touko bites back a small snort at how childish she sounds.
“Yeah, yeah— let go of me, s-so I can get up...” She agrees, ignoring the curious way Celes’ watches their interactions. She mutters something that passes for a thanks before she leaves ( not that she thinks Fujisaki notices at that point, full enraptured by her laptop screen ).
By snack, Touko realizes that this is more of a way of making sure she eats lunch— Syo had not so accidentally let it slip once that when she gets caught up on things, she has the tendency to skip meals. She bites her tongue on saying that it wasn’t necessary and instead pays for their meal because she can do that, she has the money to spare for that kind of thing: and she knows she doesn’t need to, but sometimes she feels like she needs to make it up to her before Komaru gets sick of their friendship.
And if it comes off like a date, that’s simply just coincidence.
When they return to the shore, Komaru drags her off to an area a little more secluded— she doesn’t really realize this at first, simply accepting her fate to follow along, but notices she can’t really hear anyone else. It helps her relax, feel like she doesn’t need to be so guarded.
( It doesn’t stop Touko from briefly complaining about how sandy she’s going to get because of this, which is annoying. And then immediately shuts up because Komaru offers to let her borrow her clothes, and she has nothing coherent that she can say to that. She eventually manages to spit out a no when it becomes obvious Komaru is waiting for her to say something )
“Well, okay then. You can always let me know if you change your mind.” She says, then, “Oooh, Touko-chan! It looks like there are tide pools over here!”
Komaru leaves her to pick out shells for them to use while she does the dirty work of constructing a sand castle. “So you won’t end up too sandy,” she explains. “And I trust your eyes to pick out nice shells.” She can’t really complain— although she almost makes a scathing comment about the fact that her eyes can't really be trusted when she wears glasses— and just keeps away from the waves for the most part. The water laps at her feet while she lingers around the tide pool, and then returns with the fruits of her search.
It’s...not an awfully constructed sand castle. Well, that’s probably more than a little generous to say. You know, if she was going to compare it to something kids made. As it stands ( or doesn’t, if Touko is being honest ), it’s probably not the most...concretely built and looks like part of the base might fall apart at any moment, but doesn’t say anything as she dumps an assortment of shells at her feet. And then pulls out a towel, so she can sit and watch her work. It feels like there’s another problem with this, but she can’t quite place what it is; it’s probably not important enough to point out.
Going back to the novel idea: maybe it’s not about a siren after all. Maybe it’s about a sea princess instead. A lonely girl drowning in the waters called home, in a lonely castle, and—
“Here you go!” Komaru plops a shell into her hand with no warning and beams at her. “It’s nice and pretty just like you, Touko-chan. So you should keep it!”
She definitely doesn’t almost tear up upon hearing that, swallowing thickly as she bites back a self-deprecating, Are you sure it’s not just ugly like me? Instead, she picks out a small shell from the pile and holds it out to her.
“...H-H-Here. Completely plain and, and average like you.” And cute, but that’s not important. Still, Komaru looks like she’s actually said something of worth as she throws her arms around her neck.
“Thank you! I’ll take good care of it.” She acts like she’s given her a houseplant or something of actual value, and not a shell.
Stiffly— because she still really doesn’t know how to respond in these kinds of moments, despite being friends for a few odd months now— Touko pats her back and mutters, “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“It is!” Komaru pouts at her. “It is to me. Isn’t that enough?”
She opens her mouth to point out that she’d really just been reciprocating a gesture, but the wave crashing over them interrupts the conversation— oh yeah, she thinks absently. That’d been the other problem that she’d noticed when Komaru had started building, but hadn’t thought it was a big enough issue to point out.
Once she processes that yes, that happens, her first thought is how cold she is now, soaked to the bone. Touko represses a shudder and tries to ignore the fact that she will need to shower later because salt water gets itchy. The second thing that occurs to her, in the midst of this, is that now Komaru is wailing into her shoulder.
“I should’ve been more careful, I’m sorry Touko-chan! You’re okay? You aren’t upset, are you? I thought th—” Touko leans forward to cut her off. Her lips taste like salt, and vaguely reminiscent of the sweet snack Komaru had coaxed her into splitting. She wants to bite down on her lip, a nervous habit, and pulls back before she can accidentally manage to bite the other’s lips instead. The implications of that are a lot more than she’s willing to handle right now, and averts her gaze as soon as she leans back, so she does not have to acknowledge her actions.
That doesn’t stop Komaru from throwing her arms around her a little too eagerly, a grunt at the impact of their bodies colliding. “Too m-much.” Touko manages to wheeze out, and before she can start apologizing again, follows with, “I’m not upset. I should probably just...just buy something overpriced from one of th-the nearby shops since our clothes are soaked now...”
She takes this in fairly good stride, jumping to her feet and pulling her up by her hands. “Can I pick out an outfit for you? It’ll be fun!”
Their ideas of fun are very different quite frankly, but considering Komaru won’t overthink her appearance like she does, thus meaning it’ll be more time efficient. And quite frankly, she’s tired, so she just agrees. On the condition they can just go take a nap in the car afterwards.
Touko doesn’t quite agree with Komaru’s fashion choices, but she picks out clothes that cover up everything that needs to be hidden, so she can’t exactly complain. Nor does she complain when they do less napping and more snuggling in the backseat. Which means on the ride back, Komaru ends up falling asleep on her shoulder. She thinks about how pretty she looks in the light of the sunset.
Maybe she can rethink her next novel being a romantic tragedy.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
lion tamer izzy stradlin x reader
a little break from motionless and def leppard lol. i havent written for izzy in a while but he baby so here you go, have something cute. i have two more lepp fics coming out in the next couple days though so enjoy 
she unedited lol sorry if there are mistakes
song: caffeine cold by fall out boy
Edit cause I forgot to add:
Tag list: @cynic-spirit
"come on iz, youre last."
i sighed, grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the backseat of my car. i swung his arm over my shoulder and tried to distribute the weight but it wasnt really working. he was basically dead at this point, stumbling around as i walked us to the door. we had all gone out to celebrate the new album release and they had all drank a little too much. i of course was left as the designated driver per usual since i didnt really drink, nor did i usually mind. tonight however was a task, like herding kittens, each member getting side tracked at something new as i tried desperately to get them into their houses or hotel rooms and into their beds. Izzy of course was last, letting me stay with him while i was in town for the release party and start of the press tour.
"youre really good at this."
izzy complimented, a long string of words pouring out of his mouth as i unlocked the door and shoved his keys back in his jacket pocket.
"thanks iz, someones got to be or else you would be on the floor more often."
just as i was closing the door he moved forward without me and tripped, dropping straight to the ground. i sighed as he rolled over and laughed.
"like that."
i pointed out. he kept laughing as he sat up, taking the hand i offered to him. instead of getting up though he just pulled me down with him, me dropping to my knees with a loud thud. he giggled some more at the exasperated look on my face.
"now youre on the floor too."
he laughed out, poking his finger at me. i rolled my eyes and stood back up, walking around him, pushing my arms under his and lifting him to his feet.
he said a little stunned that i had just dead lifted him off the floor.
"have you been working out?"
he questioned as i turned him and put his arm around my shoulders again.
"yeah, its called moving five drunk toddlers around."
he sent me a sleepy smile as we finally made it down the hall.
"that sounds like a lot of work."
he said matter of factly, dropping the bottle i didnt know he had onto the soft carpet of his bedroom floor.
"you have no idea."
i grumbled as i leaned into him and pushed him to the bed with my shoulder, watching him roll onto his side and his hand drop to his stomach.
"oop, nope, hold on."
he said standing quickly and dropping in front of the trash can by his nightstand. i looked to the ceiling as he threw up, cringing at it. i looked back down when he inhaled deeply and he was already on his way back to standing.
"okay sir, time to brush your teeth now."
he whined as i helped usher him to the bathroom.
"do i have to?"
he protsested as i squirted the toothpaste onto the brush and wet it, handing it to him.
"yes, if you dont i will."
he dropped his shoulder and stuck the brush in his mouth, moving it around and leaning in to look at himself in the mirror. as he pushed it around his gums he grinned widely at himself, the bubbles around his mouth making him look like a clown. i shook my head at him.
"dont forget your tongue."
i reminded and he turned to me to stick it out, closing his eyes and brushing down it.
"thank you."
i said, crossing my arms over my chest and he bent down and spit into the sink, holding his head under the faucet so he could rinse his mouth out. when he stood back up he sent me another sleepy smile, dropping the toothbrush onto the counter.
"now what?"
he asked like a giddy child. i placed my hand firmly at his back and pushed him back out into the room.
"now you go to bed."
i said a little hopeful. he pouted at me in return.
"aww but y/n i dont want to go to bed. the night is still young and so are we."
he said, plopping down on the side of the mattress.
"we'll still be young in the morning when you get up. in a pain and possibly hungover but young none the less."
he frowned at me as i moved to take the denim jacket off his arms.
"do i get to take your clothes off?"
he asked, wiggling his eye brows at me.
"no, now take your shirt off, i dont even want to know what it is you have down the front of you."
he looked down at it confused before shrugging and doing as told.
"anything else you want me to remove?"
he said reaching out for my hand and holding it, looking up at me intently.
"shoes, off."
i demanded and he smiled widely at me, kicking them off.
"pants too?"
he said seductively. i rolled my eyes.
"only if you dont want to wear jeans to bed but you had better have underwear of some kind on this time izzy stradlin or i swear to god."
he laughed before standing up and undoing his pants, and there it was, of course he wasnt wearing any. i groaned and turned around.
"oh come on y/n its not like you havent seen it before, you practically lived here for three months."
i shook my head and went to his dresser.
"i know that izzy but that doesnt mean you have to just have it out all the time."
i shook my head and grabbed him some underwear and pajama bottoms, tossing them his way. i didnt want to look but it was kind of hard to miss, he was standing fully nude now in the middle of his bedroom, hands on his hips in fully glory.
"get dressed."
i demanded, making him laugh again before doing as told. i crossed my arms over my chest as he fumbled around to get dressed, plopping back down onto the bed when he was done.
i asked a little annoyed, walking to him and trying to tuck him in. getting him under the covers was more of a task than i thought it would be.
"wanna join?"
he asked, raising a brow and smirking at me.
"no thank you, i have my own bed in this house."
he grabbed my hand and pulled me forward. i caught myself before i could fall into him and was face to face now. he smelled like vodka and mint.
"please? itll help me sleep better knowing youre here."
he said, pouting. i sighed.
"fine, but im only doing this to make sure you dont vomit in your sleep and kill yourself."
he smiled widely before scooting over and letting me in, me kicking my shoes off first and readjusting the dress i had on. before i knew what was happening he was snuggled into my side, face pushing into my neck and arm around my waist. my eyes got wide as he got comfortable.
he hummed in response.
"what are you doing?"
he just shushed me. a minute later he was snoring softly and i was left there in the dimly lit room defeated.
when i woke up i could smell something burning, making me jolt upright. izzy wasnt in the bed next to me like he was last night and it was only ten thirty. i found that odd given that we didnt even go to bed till almost four. i stood quickly, flattening my dress down and making my way down the hall to the kitchen. i stood in the doorway dumbfounded at the sight in front of me. there was izzy, smoking a cigarette and cooking breakfast. bacon and pancakes by the smell of it.
"morning sunshine."
he said fairly chipper, taking a sip from his mug. i raised a brow, pushing my bra strap back up onto my shoulder.
i said confused. i stood and watched him flip the pancakes.
"you just gonna stand there all morning or are you gonna come eat?"
he half laughed at me, looking up with light eyes.
"uh yeah, sure."
i said slowly, trudging to him and taking the plate he offered up.
he asked, picking up the second mug that was on the counter. i took it without think and went to the bar. as soon as i took a sip i cringe.
"what the hell is this izzy?!"
i asked setting the plate down.
"orange juice and vodka."
he said matter of factly and i just sighed in defeat. no wonder he was so happy. that asshole still had alcohol in his system and was just adding more.
"you are gonna feel like shit later."
i noted, walking to the sink and pouring it down the drain. he sent me a wicked smile and cheersed me before taking a drink.
"i promise its nothing but coffee for me after this."
i sent him a disapproving look.
"sure it is."
he finished stacking pancakes onto his plate and joined me at the counter, sitting in the bar stool beside me.
"so, how did you sleep?"
he asked, resting his leg against mine comfortably.
i said shrugging. he sent me a weird.
"you were in bed with me and just slept fine?"
i laughed at him and shook my head, pouring syrup on top of my food.
"well it wasnt exactly fun. you were so drunk it was a task to even get you into pajamas, much like last time you werent wearing anything under your jeans which i dont appreciate."
i said sternly and he smiled to himself, nodding like he'd accomplished something.
"yeah i forgot about that."
he said proudly. i rolled my eyes, taking a bite.
"well youre wearing some now and thats what really matters."
i said and he laughed.
"no im not."
i looked up at him with wide eyes.
"when i got up to pee earlier i realized i was wearing them and took them off, fuck that."
i sighed deeply but didnt respond. i just shook my head and kept eating.
"do you like it?"
he asked and i raised a brow.
"breakfast i mean."
i nodded.
"yes its very good."
he smiled widely at me.
"great cause its my apology for last night."
i looked at him confused.
"i know im a handful when drunk, hell i know we all are. you always take care us though, so i guess its a thank you too."
i smiled at him.
"thanks izzy."
he leaned over and nudged me with his elbow.
"dont mention it."
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 6
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -5.2k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: its long because i had a lot to write, oops! also i tried to put as many requests for this chapter as I got. i suggest you dont look at them before reading the chapter or itll spoil it majorly to you! here are the requests!
the first one is the main request. and the others are the requests i got when i asked for requests for this specific chapter! :)
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Chapter 6 : Her chapter
I pulled on my skirt when i got out of the car, feeling slightly uncomfortable and regretting wearing it. I was mostly a pants person and even just wearing jeans was annoying me sometimes. I knew all the girls present would look incredible, though, and I didn't want to feel ugly around them. I bent down to look at my face in the mirror of the car and sighed before turning back to my boyfriend who had a small smile creeping on his lips as he stared at me.
"How do I look?" I asked, raising my eyebrows with concern.
He didn't answer yet, he just just walked up to me, taking his hands out of his pockets and wrapping his arms around my waist. I felt his fingertips brush on my spine and my lips curled slightly.
"So good i'm actually thinking about ditching them and driving back home to fuck you into the mattress." he whispered with a smirk, looking down at me as I tilted my chin up. "One word from you and I jump back in the car."
I giggled a bit stupidly and was about to answer when we both heard the door open and I saw Heidi in the frame with Niall slightly behind. She waved at us and I was suddenly very happy of my choice of clothing. Dylan remained close to me and sent her a smile, a chin movement and a small wave before turning back to look into my eyes.
"Well, there goes our plan." he joked in a low tone, raising his eyebrows at me and making me laugh. "I guess we're gonna have to rain check on sexy time."
He chuckled and his arms slipped off my waist but he grabbed one of my hands with his and pulled me in the door's direction. I stopped him and he turned around with a questioning look before I tilted my head and frowned.
"When we get back home, perhaps?"
His facial expression changed and he moved back closer to me, squeezing my fingers in his.
"I'm sorry babe, I really have to sleep early today remember? I work tomorrow morning, I have to wake up at 4:30."
I bit my bottom lip and nodded but the truth was, I had completely forgotten. I let my eyes roam on his face and held my breath, trying not to sigh. I was not sure if it was a good or a bad thing that I was going to be away from Dylan soon. He was leaving to film a movie and the truth was, we hadn't been away from each other much in the past few months. In fact, we spent most of our time together.
"Are you guys coming?" we both heard Heidi's voice but my boyfriend didn't look away from me.
"I can see you're disappointed. I'm sorry babe, really."
"No, it's okay." I answered with a smile, tilting my head and shaking it slightly. "Don't be sorry, I know you work hard, I knew it was part of the game when we started dating."
His lips curled in a fond smile and he sent me a wink right before we heard Louis' melodic voice from afar. I had asked him to text me when he'd arrive so Dylan and I wouldn't be the first ones there. I didn't want us to interact only with Heidi and Niall or I knew it would have been awkward.
"Hey you two! You can eat each other's face later! Or like, stare deeply and passionately in each other's eyes or whatever! But right now we're all waiting for you!" he screamed, making me chuckle. "Liv! I bought your fave wine too, come on!"
I rolled my eyes but smiled and Dylan laughed slightly before pulling me with him. We walked inside and said hi to everyone but it's only when I felt Niall's arm around my waist that my smile faltered. I tried to tell myself I wouldn't let anything he does affect me but it was practically impossible. It was only his fingertips brushing on the small of my back and I wanted to run away.
"Hey Olivia, thanks so much for coming." he said in a low tone as I felt him press his cheek against mine.
I moved slightly and his stubble scratched my skin, making my heart skip a beat, but I tried not to show it.
"Someone needs to shave!" I joked with a laugh.
He was well-aware that I loved his stubble and would never want him to shave it, but that was part of the little banter we had together and he laughed, raising his eyebrows before bending down again close to me and rubbing his cheek against mine. I pulled away with a grown but started laughing again.
"Ouch!" I let out a bit louder before chuckling. "I hate when you do that!"
"Yea?" he asked, amused, before doing it again. "I thought you loved my stubble!"
He stared in my eyes with a smirk and he was closer than he should be but I didn't move away. By the way he was looking at me, I knew what he was thinking about and he was right : I've always enjoyed to feel his stubble on my inner thighs as he ate me out. I've always loved feeling it scrape my skin as I pressed my thighs around his face while he tongue fucked me. That thought made my pussy throb and I held my breath until someone talked.
"Here!" Louis let out, putting a glass of wine between us and taking me out of my thoughts. "Drink."
I thanked him and tried not to look at Niall again as I followed them to the kitchen. I frowned when I saw the bottle of wine on the counter, noticing the bottle stopper next to it.
"Louis! You said you bought my fave wine but it's literally my own bottle from home!" I exclaimed, turning to look at him and raising my eyebrows.
"Oh shit, did I say 'bought'? I meant 'brought'"
My face changed into an annoyed and unamused expression and he sent me a cute smile, making me roll my eyes as my lips curled slightly.
"It was started, too. You don't bring an already open bottle to hosts." I kept arguing. "You're a bad guest."
"Heyyy, I bought this one and two more, i'm an incredible guest!"
A bunch of us laughed and after chatting for a while, we ended up sitting at the main table. I sat next to Dylan and held my breath when I saw Niall walk closer. He was about to sit on the other side of me when Heidi talked.
"No no, babe! We're sitting here!"
His face changed but he just glanced at me and sent his girlfriend a smile before walking to the other side of the table and sitting right in front of me and next to her. I didn't know if I felt relieved or sad but he kept looking at me and I couldn't help but send him a smile. I noticed Heidi move closer to him and put my attention on her.
"Thank you so much for being here, all of you!" she said, holding her glass up. "We're always all so busy but it's nice to spend time altogether when we can!"
We all clinked our glasses together and I grimaced at Louis who stuck his tongue out at me. I was happy he was there, I felt like I wouldn't be able to stay sane if he was not.
"Oh my god, Olivia and Dylan, you guys are getting married right? I read that somewhere!"
Niall glanced at her and I noticed he rolled his eyes slightly without saying anything. I didn't know if it was because Heidi talked about it or because of the wedding specifically.
"Mmhm, yes." Dylan said, taking a sip of wine. "We are."
"In september I bet." Niall quickly let out. "The 9th I'm guessing."
Everyone remained quiet but he kept staring at me. I remembered us talking about getting married but we had never talked about a date. It did something to me that he knew, and he knew me so well. He knew me better than anyone in the world. He knew me better than myself.
"Well, yes." Dylan finally confessed, slightly uneasy. "I mean, don't tell anyone, we haven't announced it yet, we want to be sure before."
I saw Heidi's eyes open wider in shock when Dylan admitted that Niall had guessed right. I could only imagine what went on in her head and I suddenly felt bad for her. I knew she was not the jealous type but when she moved closer to Niall to ask for a kiss, I could swear she had glanced at me at the same time.
"Sorry mate." Niall said, taking a long sip of the wine after raising his eyebrows. "That's when her grandparents got married. Lucky guess."
The discussion drifted but I kept looking at Niall who sent me a fond smile. I held my breath when I felt one of his feet over mine and my lips parted slightly. I was not wearing socks but I felt the fabric of his brush against the top of my foot. My eyes fluttered at the contact. Just knowing he was touching me made me feel a certain way. It was not sexual, it was just my body suddenly coming alive in a way no one else could make me feel. It took me a few seconds but I finally pulled my foot away but gently, sending him an other small smile.
I helped Heidi clearing the table while the others went to the living room but I noticed Niall glancing at us, probably scared of what would happen. I was not going to make a scene though, and I was pretty sure she wouldn't either, at least I hoped so.
"I know there used to be something special between you and Niall." she let out when we were almost done, without looking at me. "But it's gone now."
I held my breath and licked my lips, not really sure what I should answer to that. It seemed like a fact to her but as she said it, it made me realize it was not true. There was still something special between Niall and I, and there probably always would be. That's why it would be so hard for us to only be friends. Could we even do it?
I turned around and left her alone in the kitchen only to walk to the bathroom. I leaned my hands on the counter after locking the door and closed my eyes, my head slightly down. I tried to breath in and out deeply but I could feel my heart beating hard in my chest and I couldn't seem to slow it down.
I had expected something meaner from Heidi. I knew the kind of person she was, and I knew what she was looking for but somehow, she had agreed to this dinner and I didn't know why. It was not new that she didn't like me and I would have thought she wanted me as far as possible from her boyfriend.
The problem was, I didn't want to be far from Niall and she probably felt it, just like I felt how insecure she was, which was not her type at all. She didn't use to see me like competition, what happened that made her change her mind about me?
I also felt how Dylan tensed when Niall guessed the date of our wedding. It was not so much that he knew that, no, it was more about the whole history Niall and I had together that no one could even begin to understand. He knew it, but the fact that he was now witnessing it made it seem more real. He was not jealous but it would be normal if he felt uncomfortable. I couldn't blame him.
I breathed in deeply, staring at my reflection in the mirror and trying to make something of this mess in my head but nothing seemed to work. Everyone's feelings were at stake and we were all a bit stressed. I also knew that with a few too many drinks, it could become very ugly.
I shook my head slightly and left the bathroom to join the others, hearing them laugh from afar. I sat on the couch next to Dylan and smiled at Louis and Eleanor, sitting together on the floor, almost cuddling. Julie and Liam were practically doing the same on the other couch and I felt Dylan's hand reach for mine and grab my fingers. Everyone was getting a bit tipsy and they were all recalling memories from tour and after. I tried to keep quiet but for some reasons, a lot of anecdotes included me.
"Oh remember that time we all went skiing and Olivia wouldn't stop falling!" Louis pointed out with a chuckle. "Niall had to literally hold her hands and guide her. It was pathetic, she was getting bypassed by a bunch of five year old’s!"
"Louis, I hate you." I just groaned low.
"Or when we ended up playing hide and seek in a hotel." he added, ignoring my comment. "Everyone was found except for these two fuckers! Apparently, they were hiding together in a fucking janitor closet! We never found out what went on during those two hours!"
I grabbed a cushion and threw it at Louis but it only made him laugh. I remembered that time. I remembered my body pressed against Niall's for hours as we chatted together in whispers. I remember feeling his lips in my hair and his hand on my thigh to stop me from moving whenever we heard a noise. Nothing had happened, but it was still a good memory. One that brought a rush to my brain and made me smile.
I noticed Heidi from the corner of my eyes, standing next to the couch and listening to Louis' stories. She looked a bit stressed and I bit my bottom lip in hope that Louis would just stop it. Her face twisted into a smile and she just sat directly on Niall's lap, making me squirm a bit on my seat. He seemed surprised and I knew he was not a fan of public display of affection but he just glanced around the room a few times without saying anything. She bent down and when their lips met, I had to close my eyes and look away. I felt Dylan squeeze my fingers with his and turned my head to him, focusing my attention on him. He smiled at me and I was not sure which emotions I could see in his face. Sadness, perhaps?
"So Dylan, the car you're driving in that show? Does it work?"
I tried to push the thought of Heidi sitting on my ex boyfriend away and smiled at Louis as I noticed Dylan's lips curl too.
"Don't start him!" I quickly said, opening my eyes wide. "He literally asked to keep that jeep! It's in his garage!"
"It's old and a bit dangerous to drive but I still do from time to time. I even let Liv drive it once or twice."
"Fucking amazing car, can't deny." I admitted with a laugh.
"We also saw your latest movie." Eleanor added. "Loved it."
"It was honestly very good." Julie agreed, leaning on her boyfriend and nodding. "Although I believe a beard doesn't really suit you."
Dylan chuckled, bringing his hand to his nape in an embarrassed way. He was not the type to be shy, but being praised like that always made him a bit uncomfortable. I personally thought it was extremely endearing but I didn't mention it, at least not this time. I tried not to react when I noticed Niall get up and leave from the corner of my eyes but I couldn't seem to follow the conversation anymore. Dylan was charismatic and everyone was always listening to him when he talked. He had this way to charm people that I didn't have and clearly never would. I was not jealous, I was fascinated.
I would guess on 10 minutes. That was probably the time it took me to get up and leave the room too. It seemed longer but I knew it was probably just in my head. I walked slowly in the hall, my heart beating fast, and followed the sound of guitar coming from afar, ending up in front of a closed door. I bit my bottom lip but it only took me a second to press my ear against it to hear better.
"I try and try to forget you, but." He stopped and I didn't hear anything until he started playing again. "Try and try to erase you, but you won't disappear."
Without thinking, I pressed my palm on the door but was surprised when I realized it was not completely closed. I ended up tripping inside and letting out a curse word as I almost fell. I knew he was staring at me but when I looked up in his eyes, I noticed a small and amused smile playing on his lips.
"Sorry." I let out after finding my balance again, glancing down and pressing my lips together.
"You were totally eavesdropping." he pointed out, his lips curling.
"I was... totally eavesdropping."
He chuckled and made a quick head movement, telling me to get closer. I hesitated a few seconds but walked to him slowly as he looked up. He was sitting on his bed and it was a bit weird to be in the room, alone with him, while both our significant others were in the living room. We used to be like that though, right? We slept in the same bed even when we were taken a few years ago, when our friendship was at its peak. Why did it feel so wrong now?
He patted the bed next to him and I licked my lips, holding my breath before shrugging a shoulder.
"Uhm, does Heidi live here?"
He frowned but didn't lose his smile.
"No, why?"
I didn't answer his question but simply nodded and after a few seconds, I sat next to him, trying not to touch him. I didn't want to sit in a bed that was hers, too, it would have been too weird to me, but knowing it was his bed made me feel better about it, even if I knew she slept there too sometimes.
Niall ran his fingers on the strings and my eyes dropped to his hand. He used to do that all the time. Just join me on the couch and start playing randomly. I didn't know if he noticed but I always ended up just turning the volume down to listen to him without being too obvious about it. Sometimes, he barely noticed me at all and it was alright. I always thought it made him even more handsome than he already was. When I looked up, I noticed he was looking at me and I smiled, feeling my heart jump slightly in my chest. After all this time, he still had this effect on me and I had no idea how it was possible.
"So, what were you playing?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Wanna play it for me?"
He chuckled a bit, obviously uncomfortable, and scratched the back of his head, glancing away before looking down at his fingers.
"New song, it's not finished, can't play it."
I felt something twist in my chest at the thought and I swallowed jealousy inside me. He was with Heidi and she already got a whole album written for her. It was a bit hurtful to think she was going to get a second one.
"You must really love her." I said low to make sure my voice wouldn't break.
"What do you mean?"
I looked up at him and let my eyes roam on his face. I wanted to stop thinking about him all the time and feel nervous around him but even more than that, I wanted to stop all the feelings exploding inside me every time he was near. We were done. He had a girlfriend and I was getting married, there was no point in dwelling on the past, right? I brought my hand up but hesitated and finally pressed my palm gently on his cheek. I wanted to ask him if he really loved me. I wanted to know if being with me for almost a year even had an impact in his life, I wanted to know if it mattered, If i mattered. Or at least, if I used to matter.
"You kissed me the other night."
I felt his hand over mine, on his face, but took it back slowly as my lips parted. How could he know that? He was asleep, right?
"N-No, I mean..."
"I thought you never lied."
I closed my mouth and breathed in before licking my lips, still staring at him. i had to assume my actions and I swallowed hard.
"I did, I kissed you. I thought you were sleeping." I admitted in a low tone. "I'm sorry, Niall, I shouldn't have."
He chuckled a bit awkwardly and shook his head, putting his guitar away and passing his hand in his hair. "Hey, I kept reminding you of when we fucked and I think I remember caressing your leg so, I can't blame you for a small peck on the lips."
"You were drunk, I was not." I pointed out.
"Not an excuse." he quickly replied. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
"You didn't."
We stared at each other for so long and all I could hear was the sound of my heart beating against my rib cage and threatening to escape. I felt myself tear up but swallowed the lump in my throat and I could swear I saw him glance at my lips.
"You said you missed me too."
"I'm surprised you understood since I said it in french." I chuckled slightly, smiling at him.
"I remember a few things, I just can't pronounce them."
This time, I chuckled more until I realized how close we were from each other. Did he move closer or was I the one who did? Why did I feel so attracted to him, like my heart, body, soul and mind were connected to his?
"I'm gonna kiss you, okay?"
His voice was soft and low but I didn't answer and he moved even closer, so slowly that it seemed to take an hour. I felt his breath on my mouth and held mine before bringing both my hands on his face to stop him gently. He stopped and his eyes opened as my thumbs brushed on his cheeks. I moved my head lightly, feeling my parted lips brush up and down against his, so slowly it was like torture to me.
I shook my head and pulled away, turning on my seat and closing my eyes. It was so close and I felt my heart skip a beat when I realized we had almost kissed but the worst was, I really wanted it. I wanted it so fucking bad and I was getting mad at myself. I was also mad at him for doing this to me and I swallowed hard again.
"I can't Niall, and you can't either."
He didn't insist and I finally just got up as he did the same. I was about to get out of his room when I came face to face with Heidi. I tried to play it cool but her eyes got bigger as they moved from me to Niall and then back to me.
"What the fuck?"
I didn't know what to say and just walked past her to get back in the living room. I grabbed my glass and swallowed all of it as Heidi stormed back to the room. Everyone stopped talking and looked at her but she was staring at me, ready to jump at me.
"What the hell were you doing with my boyfriend in my room?"
I wanted to mention it was not her room but I thought it would only make things worse and I just sighed and raise my eyebrows.
"We were just talking."
"Just talking?" she repeated with a rude chuckle. "Oh yea I know how 'talking' goes alright!" she added, doing the quotation marks with her fingers.
I felt Dylan getting up behind me and he placed his hand softly on my lower back.
"Hey, relax." he let out, bringing his other hand in front of me. "They're friends, they've always been friends, you should know that by now."
"Are you a fucking idiot?" Heidi added louder, frowning at him.
I turned to Dylan's who's face suddenly changed into an annoyed one. It was a side of him I hadn't seen before and it was crazy to think Heidi, out of all people, could bring it out.
"It's not the first time you ask me that."
Niall suddenly placed himself between his girlfriend and us but facing her. He put his hands on her shoulders and she closed her eyes.
"Babe, please, relax okay? Come on, how many drinks did you have?"
"I'm fine!" she let out slightly lower than the tone she had used on us.
"Just come with me okay?"
It took a few seconds but they disappeared in the hall and I licked my lips before turning to my boyfriend. Louis was standing up next to me too and when he placed his hand on my shoulder, I turned my head and met his eyes.
"Are you okay, love?"
His voice was sweet and gentle and I sent him a small smile before nodding lightly. Did it show that I was extremely jealous knowing that she was going to sleep in his room, next to him? I shook my head, trying to push away the thought and also my feelings. It was ridiculous, of course she was going to sleep in his bed tonight, where else?
"Okay, well, I think it's time to go now." Julie proposed as Liam stood behind her.
We all said goodbye and hugged as Niall walked back in.
"Sorry guys, so sorry it has to end up like this."
I felt bad for him, knowing that he likes things calm and fun but at the same time, I felt guilty. I could try and blame Heidi all I wanted for the drama, it was partially my fault and Niall's if it ended up like this. I also couldn't stop thinking that if we had kissed, she would have caught us.
"Don't worry, it's all cool." my boyfriend said, extending his hand to my ex boyfriend. The sight was a bit weird but I didn't mention it. "Thanks for inviting us, we're gonna have to return the favor soon."
"Of course, my pleasure, thanks for coming." Niall replied, shaking his hand and sending him a smile.
I glanced a few times as I walked to Dylan's car just to look at Niall standing in the door frame, and I sighed before opening the door and getting in. We drove off and I leaned my head against the window with my eyes closed. I still couldn't make sense of this mess and even if I wasn't drunk, I knew the alcohol and tiredness would stop me from unraveling it all. We parked in front of my house and I felt a pain in my chest when I remembered that Dylan wouldn't stay. I turned to him and tilted my head.
"You really can't stay?" I asked in a soft tone, making him smile sadly at me.
"No, I'm sorry. Tomorrow?"
I nodded slowly and licked my lips.
"What did you mean when you said it wasn't the first time she asked you if you were stupid?"
He shook his head and chuckled, looking down.
"Let's just say Heidi has tried to date me a few years back. Or at least to sleep with me."
The shock was so big I felt my lips part. I probably looked like a fish out of water and it made him chuckle. He brought his hand on my chin and gently moved it up to close my mouth.
"You... you never told me."
"Just like you never told me how intense it was between you and Niall." he pointed out, raising his eyebrows. "I mean, maybe you did but I didn't think it was that bad, I don't know."
He paused and I held my breath as he looked down at his fingers. He grabbed my hand and looked up in my eyes and I suddenly felt so guilty I was close to throw up. I loved this man, I really did. Could he tell that I had almost kissed my ex boyfriend not even half an hour before?
"You know what sexual tension is, right?"
I frowned, scared of his words, but still nodded. I didn't want him to tell me there was sexual tension between Niall and I. I didn't want to know what we looked like from the outside. I didn't want to have this kind of conversation about my ex boyfriend, if only because I was not even sure of how I felt or what I wanted. Still, I waited as my boyfriend sighed and intertwined his fingers with mine.
"Between you and Niall, there's romantic tension. It's dripping everywhere. It's... scary, Olivia. It really is." he explained, surprising me. "So yea, Heidi's little tantrum was annoying, but I can see where she's coming from. She felt it, too. We all do."
My eyes roamed on his face as my whole body seemed to throb. His words made me anxious and at the same time, I didn't want him to keep all of this inside. I wanted to tell him that it meant nothing to me, that all he could feel was the dusts of an old love, the vestige of the story of two lovers who didn't work out... but I didn't know if it was the truth. I didn't know anything anymore.
I bent closer and pressed my lips against his. He let me and I deepened the kiss, letting my hand slide on his chest gently.
"I love you. Please, stay tonight." I begged him in a low tone.
"You hate when I leave in the morning." he whispered, his lips still against mine.
"I can make an exception."
It took him a few seconds to answer. I felt his fingers playing with mine and his lips brush against mine gently. I wanted him to agree, I needed him to agree.
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seongwhy · 5 years
ateez reaction the their crush making the first move
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hongjoongie !!! would be so happy !!! that you felt that way about him !!!!
he didnt make a move bc he didnt wanna make u uncomfy :(( so he disregarded his feelings for u
unknowingly to him, u like him back !!!
but since this lucky man didnt get the hint (and with all the touching and attempted flirting you're surprised he didnt)
you decided you had to make the first move
but being all nervous and shi ,, you gotta plan it out
just like hongjoong u dont wanna make him uncomfy !! yall the same mfs
so what u planned to do was grab some takeout and bring it to hongjoong when hes producing an chat him up an shit
and once u get to his place and have him all alone your heart starts racing
and so does his !!
and you're eating and laughing and has showing you a beat he just made
and you put your hand on his leg and hes like big eyes blushing and his mouth drops a lil
and you're like 'this is rlly good hongjoongie' bITHX HES CRYIGN
and you lean in and kiss him on the corner of his mouth and hes just
'o-oh thank you' he says
and u smile at him and ask him to show you more
he takes a second to recover but blushes even more
and ur ready to kiss him til he stops blushing
so u do
but he doesnt
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seonghwa tries his best ok
he just really likes you
so he ends up stuttering and tripping and literally falling for you
like oh one time he was trying to bring you water and he got too excited and was running and some of the water from the full glass fell on the floor and he just slid right on that shit
thank god you had your back turned talking to yunho bc holy shit he didnt know what hed do if u saw that
but the rest of the boys will never let him live that down
'hyung, remember when u fell trying to get water fo-' 'shut up wooyoung'
but seonghwa is just a shy lil boy around you fam
and it's not like you didnt notice bc hed be rlly chill rlly calm and funny when he doesnt know you're around
and then he sees you and hes all 'o-oh hi I'm going to go w-wash the dishes' he cleans when hes stressed
and when u ask the boys what's up w him they're like '..... are u dumb'
anyway after that it was just so obvious
youd catch him staring and make eye contact and hed look away so fast
but you didnt miss dem red ass cheeks
and you honestly like the attention he gives you
and when he gains a little confidence around you and makes a joke or does girl group dances or smth
you cant resist him
so one day you go over to the dorm and tell all the boys that they're all gonna have to leave so that u can get seonghwa to yourself
and they reluctantly agree bc 'but I'm tireddddd'
and when seonghwa gets home hes like . where is everyone.
and you're like 'oh them??? they just went to the store to get snacks I'm sure theyll be back soon come watch this show w me'
and hes like ,,, right
and you're just smiling and nodding and patting the seat next to you
so he sits obviously sweating
and you're watching this show and hes watching you
with every laugh nd movement his stomach coils a lil
and after a bit you look at him
and you're looking at each other
and you're eyes are watching his lips and you just say yolo and go for it
hes taken aback at first but leans into it
and you're a rlly good kisser
then you pull back nd hes looking at you with the prettiest smile on the prettiest face you've ever seen
'thank u' he says 'for what?' 'for that'
'just kiss me again dummy'
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puppy!! lil baby boy!!!
ok so like the first part , let's say you two have been besties for a while now
and it's just a mutual attraction and mutual liking ykno
but yunho doesnt want to mess up the friendship you guys have by trying anything
the members are all 'bruh she likes you back' and hes like 'nuh-uh you're lying'
like.... they told u sis
and one day wooyoung tells you like.. listen sis yunho has a crush on you but he refuses to do anything abt it bc hes worried itll ruin your friendship that I wouldnt even call a friendship bc of all the sexual tension but wtvr
and you slap him across the chest for that last part but
wait,,, yunho has a crush on you ?????
'are u sure ???' 'yes, bITCH ARE U BLIND'
blind w love babyyyyyyyy
this is groundbreaking news bc what the heck your longtime crush and bff likes you back !!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
so one day bc you guys are honestly just so comfy around each other and you've been holding back for so long theres no reason to delay this any longer
you walk up to his room where the door is closed and knock on it (u guys have a special knock)
and he opens and you latch onto him and kiss him
tangling your hand in his hair and clutching the shirt hes wearing
and he immediately kisses you back
no hesitation
but then
'guys. I'm still in here. like im happy for u but god just do a quick room check next time will ya' san says walking out of the room shaking his head
you both blush and turn to look at each other
yall laugh then shrug your shoulders and yunho says 'are u sure abt this? I dont want to wreck what we have'
'I'm more excited about what we're gonna have baby' you say, and he smiles, nods and leans in to kiss you again hehehehehe
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ok dis man loves his chocolate
and you know that so .. you decide to make him sum desserts!! a whole bunch
bc you LIKE HIM
and u want him to LIKE YOU
and the best way to get yeosang to fall for u is by giving him chocolate right
but what you didnt know is that he already likes you (shocker!!!)
so you bake up some brownies and cookies and cupcakes and idek other chocolate tings
and bring them all over to the dorm for him to try
and hes so excited !! 'chocolate!!! for me !!!!'
'yes !! all for u yeosangie'
he just looks as you in awe and love
and picks up a fork ready to take a bite
he stops tho and looks at you and licks his lips
and you blush but laugh
and he puts the food in his mouth and just dies because its SO GOOD
and hes just mouth open eyes wide 'holy shit'
'what?? you dont like it'
'nonononono I LOVE IT'
and he runs around the kitchen counter and hugs you so tight
'thank you!! this is amazing!!' he says looking directly into your eyes
'youre amazing' you say
'what?' he says 'o-oh nothing nothing I didnt say anything'
',,,, you just called me amazing !!! omg YOU JUST CALLED ME AMA-'
hes cut off by you pressing your mouth against his
he pulls away and says 'what was that for?'
'I had to get you to shut up somehow'
yeosang laughs and leans down towards you but gets cut off again!!!! this time with a 'omg are these cookies??????'
',,, get out mingi'
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bruh yunho looks so funny wtf
sannie is such a happy boy :(
his life goal is making you laugh or smile
he just wants u to be happy!!! and his smile is so contagious!!!
and that's why you fell for him
and now everytime he makes u laugh or smile or smth a lil bit of a blush creeps up your cheeks
san doesnt seem to notice tho but you're ok with that
n e way
yall get along rlly well
hes the reason you're at the dorm every friday night for movie night
and someone chooses a horror movie
its scawwy
and san (tho also scared) sits next to you so he can whisper jokes to u throughout the movie
through hushed giggles and smiles at one another u realize u wanna be in a relationship w this guy
and the next time you're at the dorm, you decided nows the time to make it happen
but when u see san he doesnt seem like himself hes slouched down on the couch cuddling with his stuffed animal staring at the tv screen with nothing playing
when he sees you walk over to him he perks up a lil but not like he usually would
so u sit next to him and ask what's wrong
he fiddles his thumbs and doesnt look at you
so u rub his shoulder and put your other hand on his thigh and ask him again
this time he just looks at you
'I'm sorry' he says
'for what?' 'you're not smiling and it's my fault'
'san!!!! it's ok you dont have to be happy all the time!!!! especially not for me'
his head hangs and he sighs
you lift his head and kiss him slightly
'its ok' you whisper
instead of saying anything back, he leans his forehead to yours
you kiss him again
and again on his lips cheeks forehead nose hands
and by the end of it hes shyly smiling
'there it is!! theres my boy'
he hugs you and for the rest of the day you stay snuggled up on the couch
that day it was up to you make him smile
and you did !!!
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mingo mango
the gif is what he looks like whenever you're near him
hes always whining for you whenever you're not
and when hongjoong sent you a video of mingi doing just that you though it was the funniest thing ever
'I wish y/n was here you're all a bunch of losers' 'you guys suck!!! I miss y/n'
freakin hilarious
this is something u love making fun of him for
liek damn mingi am I that special? I didnt know u liked me that much? u got a crush on me mango?
and u notice that whenever you ask that question, no matter how much of a joke it is, he never gives you an answer
but u dont rlly think about it until you start developing a crush on him
at first it's like,, oh what a baby hes so cute eating the food I made for him
and then it's like wow I wish he would dance on me like dat me too sis
and then u start complaining whenever hes not around 'wheres mingi?? I've been waiting for like an hour' nd 'ykno what would make this even better? mingi'
and everyone is like ok we get it u like mingi
and when mingi catches whiff of this oh boy it's over for you
'so ig it's me that's special now huh?' he tells you one night
'what?' 'u gotta crush on meeeeeee y/n's gotta crush on mingiiii'
and you roll your eyes because . idiot
but then step closer to him and say 'maybe I do'
and that's when his eyes go wide 'wait rlly???' he asks and you can hear the hope in his voice
'all I'm saying is that if you kissed me rn I wouldnt be opposed' is what you say back
and kiss you he does
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ok so wooyoungie and u
have such blatant chemistry
yall are constantly flirting and idk yall just click
but u dont notice it
I mean u see the eyebrow wiggles and sly smiles some of the members give u
but all that does is confuse you
one day when wooyoung is in the washroom yunho says 'so you nd wooyoung huh?'
and you're like ...huh
yunhos like 'u dont like him? all yall do is flirt'
and when he says that a whole wall came down in your head
a wall blocking you from accessing emotions of attraction and love and shit you're emotionally scared sis
and you turn firetruck red
yunho just laughs and says 'I knew it'
wooyoung comes back and asks what's going on
'I'll just leave u two alone' yunho says chuckling
you glare at him as he leaves youre gonna get him back for that
but wooyoung doesnt sense anything and swings his arm around your shoulders pulling you into him
and he asks what you wanna do for the night
but you're quiet and distracted with these new feelings you've just found out you have
wooyoung asks if you're okay
and you look up at him but suddenly cant look at him in his eyes. his really pretty eyes
so you turn around and go to grab your stuff bc you 'forgot abt that... thing' you have to do
wooyoung, confused watches you scurry across the room
'uh.. ok.. I'll see you tomorrow?'
'yeah yeah see you' you say not looking at him
you just need to figure your feelings out and then you can see him again
so back home you're racking your brain tryna figure out if theres anything you can do to stop yourself from falling in love w wooyoung
and speak of the devil, u get a call from wooyoung
u contemplate not picking up but decide that wooyoung is still your best friend
'hello?' 'y/n!!! are you ok?? you left really suddenly earlier' 'yeah wooyoung I'm fine dw'
'are you sure? we dont want the prettiest person alive to feel sad now do we?'
you open your mouth to say something back but nothing comes out
you feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you ask 'are you still free?'
'uh for u? always'
blushing even harder now you say 'I'm coming over' and end the call
once you get there you're knocking on the door frantically
wooyoung opens up with a 'jeez y/n what's the ru-'
you basically jump on him and kiss him hard
you latch your hands onto his shirt nd he wraps his hands around your waist
when you pull away for air, wooyoungs looking at you with a smile on his puffy red lips
you smile back and say 'that was the rush'
wooyoung smiles harder and pulls you back into him
'took you long enough'
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jongho cant believe u two have met
you're one of his favourite new idols
and you met at a show
and you told him how amazing ateez's performance was
blushing, he tells you how much he likes your music
you ask him if hes hungry to which he says yes bc 1) hes always hungry and 2) he cant say no to u ever
so u buy him one of those sandwiches w the jam and the coleslaw or wtvr you know what I'm talking about
and you sit to talk and eat for a while before you have to leave
you ask for his number and tell him you'll call him sometime
and you do
all the time
at first hes shy and boyish which makes you laugh
but after a while he gets comfy and will brag and sing to you and joke
you guys catch each other up on everything
he tells you all about the boys and the boys all about you
and you realise how good a listener this guy is nd how handsome!! and cute
and so at the next show you see him at you walk up to him
and with your heart doing flips and take his hand and tell him to walk around with you
he does and you lead him to a less busy hallway where you just look at him and say 'I like you'
jonghos like... wait. huh. what. wait i- and hes blushing so much even his ears turn red
'me? you like me? bc I like you too and if you're joking or something I would be really sad and I've told the members that I like you and they made fun of me so this would be great of u did like me but if you dont and this is a joke id be really upset' and hes rambling and not looking you in the eye
so you lean in and kiss him
'it's not a joke' you say
'its,, not a joke? are you sure?' 'I'm sure'
'you're sure' 'are you going to keep repeating everything I say? or are u gonna kiss me again?'
jongho, blushing even harder now, chooses the second option
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Oh I see!! I'll make note of that, then! So I can wish you good luck for school <3 you'll be in a new grade when you start, right? and AAAAH thank you!! We will have online classes off and on, but when we actually go to school (physically) we will have exams right off the bat (ugh).
oh wow the coincidence is so cool!! Yes, the more food the better, tho some are coastal states so they have mostly seafood ._.
it really is, and you have to be very thorough with it or you might make a mistake :( I'm glad!! You should do what you enjoy, and freelancing is definitely much easier and less stressful xx
omigosh bae aaah you're so cute. No one is going to think you're uncool, don't worry. And I'm sure they'll get it in the first time you teach, you seem to be a very gentle person and I think that's one of the main characteristics of being a teacher. Tho yes I can understand getting frustrated after the second time. I'm actually the least patient person I know, so I relate to what you've said a lot skhdskks. I guess it's an ENTP thing 😔
I'd low-key just be a koala bear or something :> I know right!!
Icouldn't find it, ugshshshhhhh :(((
Awww. Okay, playful hitting is cute. I don't do it at all, but my friends do, whenever I flirt with them 😭😭 I think they're just flustered 😼
Oh God yes. I hate my braces but I'm glad they're coming out soon. And then I'll be able to eat anything I want. What is one food you don't think you'll be able to live without, btw? (BESIDES CHEESE, SIR).
oh Turkish delights are WONDERFUL. I've also only tried it once. Your school seems to have such wonderful food! And wow I just googled maklube, and it looks so good?? Rice and meat are low-key the perfect combo 😭😭💖 (and the name is so cute?? It means upside down, right?)
oooh omg I'd totally read an article like that. Make sure you add "catboy supremacy" at the end 😹😹😹
yessss I love She-Ra! They're all actually remakes from old TV shows my parents watched when they were younger, and now Netflix remakes them with amazing graphics!! I also love Voltron (it's actually my favourite), and I was really into it before my anime phase as well xD I hope you're able to watch them sometime! What were you into, before anime?
And oh, love! How was your day? Mine was okay. I woke up really early and studied (and kinda burnt myself out) so I slept for an hour after studying for five. And then I had another meeting, and I watched an episode of money heist xD this may be off topic, but my Leo club is collaborating with three others from different schools and we're doing a project together! It's kinda like a tutor thingy, and there's 8 tutors who'll have 1 and a half hour slots to teach their specific subjects. I'm a tutor too, and my subject's English, so I'm really excited. I hope I'll be able to teach well, so lol, fingers crossed xD
I love you btw!! Like so so so very much. You make me smile. Let me be cheesy here, BUT THANKS FOR BEING MY SNOWMATE 😼☃️
Hello!! Not really, this is just a small break, hehe. I'm in the last grade actually, and I'll be out of school in 25th of May~ Awhh that sucks😭 They have no chill, huh? Couldve at least given a revision day or something
Ouch😔 it's always the small things that ruin it all😭
Yeah, you're right!!! Though I'm afraid I might not make enough money for a living 💔 I'll try my best though!! Cant live without failing eh?
Ahh I really hope so~ still kind of worried. Because, you know, people are different? And I dont really wanna make them think bad of me XD I wonder if theres tutoring on how to teach someone. Thatd be useful
Koalas are so cute though🥺🥺 just like you😭
Nanwndnnwnd💔😩 dont worry, I'm sure itll float up when you least expect it hehe
Heheh, I also flirt with my friends and I remember one time one of them just headbutted me😩😭😭😭😭
Hmm~ I dont even know, probably noodles. Extra spicy instant noodles<3 or homemade noodles. Any noodle is a fine noodle😭 I love them a lot, not as much as Kuro though. He's literally that vine where a guy cries over spilled spaghetti.
Yes yes yes!!!! We absolutely adore those, and if we dont have one during teatime some people just refuse to come along xD they're still forced to lmao,,, I really hope you can try them again soon!! I'm not really sure about the translation, I dont think it has one hehe, all I know is that they taste good 😝
I really feel like making a clickbait thumbnail for a video about that. I'll show you when I do😋
Ahhh I really need to catch up on old fandoms hehe~ before anime i was really into Steven Universe... and video games, like Undertale, FNaF, Sally Face, Fran Bow... all that 2015 stuff xD I also enjoyed watching gameplay videos, because as a broke baby child I couldn't afford a game or a PC. I also liked Camp Camp, hehe
Mine was pretty good!!! Yesterday nothing much happened, I went to eat out and watched some guys dance on the street. It was fun, hehe~
Huhh??? Noo you really should've rested:(( Well, I'm glad you had a nap though!! You deserve it<3
That sounds so cool!!! I really hope the meeting went well, how'd it go? Was it hard?
Our class also made a project, where we post in a group anonymously about something that we had learned. It sounds really nice, I'm not really gonna post anything but I'm looking forward to whatever my classmates come up with xD
I love you too!! Your messages always make me so happy🥺 Its really an honor to be your snowmate💞💕💞💕💞
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Before This Dance Is Through V
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Chapter: 5/16
Rating: M (Smut Warning)
Summary: Ringo's being going through a dry spell for the last year or so and when he regretfully tells his best friend John, he insists on taking them to an all-male strip club for some "fun". Ringo isn't sure whether it's the alcohol, his desperation or a mixture of the two but he thinks he might be falling in love with a stripper.
Tags: AU - Strippers, Modern Setting, Smut, Slow Burn
Pairings: George Harrison/Ringo Starr, John Lennon/Paul McCartney
AO3 link here / Fic masterlist here
Despite what John had suggested, Ringo didn't go back to The Helter Skelter the following week; he'd considered it when John sent him yet another late night text but ultimately decided it wasn't the best idea. Spike had been playing on his mind daily and Ringo wasn't sure he was prepared to face him again. Instead he focused on his drumming and searched for a few more students to teach, which were fairly easy to find. Usually Ringo enjoyed his time off, he understood he was lucky that he didn't have to work a 9-5 job just to get by, but recently he wanted his fill his time up as much as possible, to distract himself.
One of his new students seemed incredibly interested in him, they'd spent an hour just chatting in his living room before they'd even moved over to the drum kit. Ringo wasn't too fussed, he was getting paid by the hour so wasting time was beneficial to him but he didn't want to give the guy the wrong impression. He was a little bit older and attractive enough but Ringo simply wasn't interested.
"Why didn't you just go for it?" John had asked him when they next met up.
"I dunno..." Ringo mumbled, but a part of him knew very well.
He'd given the guy another lesson since then and it became clear that the guy's interest in him wasn't going away any time soon. Ringo felt bad about the whole thing, wasn't he just doing exactly what Spike was doing to him? He tried to act as professional as possible the second time around in attempt to get the guy to back off, considering he hadn't heard from him since he was hoping it had worked. What was wrong with him? Was he really going to make himself suffer like this all because of one guy? And not just any guy, a stripper who had shown absolutely no interest in him at all. It was ridiculous, he kept telling himself, but no matter how much he tried to convince himself that he had to get over Spike, he would still think about him every day without fail. Trying to distract himself with clients had been working somewhat, but it had been difficult, especially when his best friend was John Lennon.
       youre gonna love me
The text came through when Ringo was sat in a café getting some lunch. He'd finished with one of his younger students, a sweet girl who's parents had tried to convince her to try a more 'ladylike' instrument but she had promised only to give up the drums if she was awful; much to her delight, and Ringo's for being able to prove the stereotypical parents wrong, she was pretty good. Seeing her always put Ringo in a good mood, the parents mostly stayed away partly due to the noise but mostly due to disappointment, which meant they could joke around together. Ringo could tell she admired him and he welcomed it gladly, one of the best things about teaching was inspiring others, at least for him it was.
        do i not already?
        well yes         but youre gonna love me EVEN more
        what have you done
        well i happened to stop by the club last night
        oh god what did you do
        wow is that how little you trust me
        can you blame me
        suppose not         ANYWAY i got talking to paulie
        surprise surprise
        do you want the good news or not???
        fine fine sorry
        AS I WAS SAYING i was talking to paulie         and he told me that your special little someone has an onlyfans account
        first of all fuck you for calling him that         second of all wtf is onlyfans
        oh sorry i didnt realise you werent living in the 21st century
        ......         care to grace me with your knowledge?
        basically its a website where you can post exclusive stuff for ONLY FANS to see         its not a porn site or anything but its basically where people sell their nudes         MEANING spike has an account so you can totally see loads of raunchy filthy perverted pics of him
        but i have to pay?
        well weve all gotta make a living
        i can basically see him naked for free
        but this way you wont get all freaked out and embarrassed         well you will but nobody will know at least         so do you want the link or not???
Ringo paused for a few moments, he was gripping his phone tightly in both of his hands as he unblinkingly looked at John's words. If his mind was going to decide to make him suffer by enabling his intense interest in Spike, he may as well get something out of it.
        where are your manners richard??
        can i please have the link to the strippers nude photos please john please
        alright calm down         let me know if its worth while i might have a look
        idk if im even gonna look at it         paying for porn is a little dated
        treat yourself ringo         id offer to pay but im broke
        if youre broke why were you at the strip club last night?
        well SOMEONE had to go
        they really didnt
        im supporting my local economy
        i dont think thats how that works
        sure it is         anyway here you go
Ringo stared at the link for a while, his eyes even began to blur, he didn't want to risk opening it in public even though he knew there was little chance of anyone seeing. He finished his lunch in a hurry and headed home quickly, only when he was in the privacy of his bedroom did he dare open it. First he had to make an account, when he saw the screen loading up asking for an email address and password he just turned his screen off and put the phone down. This was far too much effort for something he shouldn't really have been doing in the first place. But it only took a few minutes for him to pick the phone back up and begin signing up, he used an old email as it felt less seedy that way and he didn't want to risk his name cropping up anywhere for Spike to see. Now he could load up the link properly and take a proper look at Spike's profile.
Just looking at the small profile picture was enough to startle Ringo a little, the dark eyes looking into the camera with that unreadable glimmer behind them. He was shirtless in the picture, Ringo wondered why that didn't catch his attention first, with the frame cutting off just before it showed anything too explicit. The header was a photo taken from the club, showing him in tight, leather pants and tassels on his nipples which matched the whip he held in his hand. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. He'd spent so much time and effort trying not to think about this man, attempting to keep him out of his mind as much as possible. Ringo knew that if he went through with this all that progress would be lost, he'd be giving in to whatever strange obsession he'd developed for Spike, one that no doubt wasn't going to lead to anything good.
Ringo kept staring at the screen as though it was going to tell him what he should do. Spike's profile had no description, which wasn't very surprising, and it dashed any hope Ringo had of discovering something new about him. Right before he was about to put his phone down again, it vibrated.
        howd the wank go??
        john i dont care how long weve been friends asking how my wank was will always be weird
        youre right sorry         so how did it go???
        if you must know         i havent had a wank         i havent even paid for entry
        now whos the one being inappropriate??
        ha ha
        why havent you???
        feels weird
        oh i see         youll consume a bunch of unethical porn for free but god forbid you actually give sex workers any actual money
        you are the last person who can lecture me about unethical porn
        hey now watch yourself         ringo if you dont get a subscription I WILL
        go ahead
        and ill tell you every day what sexy sexy pictures hes posting         ill tell you EVERY SINGLE TIME i have a wank over them
        every time? i dont think youve got enough data for that
        im not joking
        neither am i         you wank A LOT
        ringooooo just buy it i swear to god         if its not worth it or you regret it or whatever ill give you the money back
        on top of the money you already owe me?
        have you always been such a capitalist
        youre not doing a very good job of convincing me
        fine         spikes cock         now are you convinced???
        naked pictures of spike whenever and wherever you want them all for the low low price of 10 quid a month         convinced??
        fine fine         if itll shut you up
        im starting to think thats code for 'i really wanna do this but im too embarrassed to admit it'
        i hate you
        now that DEFINITELY code for 'john youre right'         anyway theres no time to be telling me how right i am all the time youve got dick pics to look at         even i wont stand in the way of a good wank         so dont bother replying to me until youve paid for that subscription young man
        im older than you
Ringo let out a sigh and rested his head against the bedroom wall from where he was laying on the bed. He opened up the link again and his thumb hovered over the subscription button, why couldn't he just do it? The money wasn't an issue, it could've cost half as much or be double the price and he'd still be debating it all the same. Somehow it felt like an invasion of privacy, after all Spike hadn't told Ringo about it himself, but then again that didn't necessarily mean he didn't want Ringo to see it. After all it was like John said: everyone has to make a living somehow. Sometimes Ringo wished he could turn off that part of his brain that was so empathetic, so concerned about how everyone felt and what they were thinking. He knew that he wanted this, so why wasn't he allowing himself to have it? Ringo could see that he was being ridiculous, as he was with almost anything involving Spike, and after lying there for a while pondering and debating he decided to flip a coin. Heads would mean he got the subscription, tails that he didn't. He watched the coin spinning through the air after he flicked it upwards, then snatched it and slammed it down onto his forearm before slowly moving his hand away: it was tails. What a relief. Ringo chuckled to himself for being so foolish, settling down into his bed; it was still only around midday but he didn't have anywhere he needed to be.
So why didn't he feel relieved in the slightest?
This whole thing was getting tiring, the constant debate between what he believed he should do and what he wanted to do, and it seemed like it wasn't going to be ending anytime soon. Apparently he was in this for the long run, whatever that meant, but if he was going to turn down relatively attractive guys practically throwing themselves at him, he may as well go all the way. While he was putting in his credit card information, he stopped to think around three of four times, but once he'd finished and the images became accessible to him, his brain was barely able to conjure up a coherent sentence.
"Jesus..." Ringo breathed out as his eyes flicked across the plethora of pictures loading up on his screen.
There was a lot of them, and a lot of Spike was on display. Most of them were pictures taken at the club, either from a professional photographer in the audience or photos he'd taken himself in the mirrors backstage - Ringo could even see glimpses of Paul in the background of some of them. The ones that caught Ringo's eyes the most were those that seemed to be taken in his house, these also happened to be the ones in which Spike tended to be fully naked. It was very different experience to see him like this: a static image that he'd intentionally taken of himself and posted for so many people to see, an image that couldn't look back at Ringo and make him feel that strange mixture of excitement and shame. He began scrolling down the feed which only revealed more and more enticing photos. Ringo began to feel himself hardening, he suspected it had been happening for a while now but he'd been far too distracted to notice. He felt like a teenager discovering porn for the first time, it was difficult to remind himself that this wasn't anything new. Seeing Spike naked shouldn't have excited him so much, and yet it did.
One picture in particular drew Ringo's attention: Spike was stood in front of a bathroom mirror with a loose black tie lying against his bare chest, one hand was holding a phone and the other gripping his cock. He had dark eye make up on and his hair was messy. Ringo wasn't sure exactly what it was about this photo that was so enticing but he couldn't take his eyes off it. The prominence of his collarbones, the faint curls of his dark hair, how his slim fingers wrapped around himself. Slowly Ringo slid his own hand under the waistband of his boxers as he stared at the picture. At first he hesitated, his fingers stopped right above the base. It's not like this would've been the first time he'd touched himself while thinking about Spike, it would've been far from the last he imagined, but this was different. It was more concrete, more of an admission. Nothing felt quite as real when it's only being imagined, the haziness of lust fuzzing up the mind as it so often did, but now with a very real photo of Spike in front of him - which he'd paid to see - the feeling was far more tangible, far harder to ignore.
He'd come this far, he told himself as his hand sunk lower until his fingers were running along the length of his semi-hard cock, he may as well go all the way. To begin with Ringo stayed looking at this single picture as he slowly pumped himself, but as his lust began to grow he perused through more and more pictures: Spike kneeling naked in front of a mirror with a loose cigarette hanging from his lips, lying in the bath with bubbles only just about covering his nakedness, spread out on the bed with a gag in his mouth, handcuffs forcing his slim arms behind his back with his cock throbbing. None of this was anything Ringo hadn't seen before, like most people in this day and age he'd searched through the darker corners of the internet - sometimes willingly, sometimes John was to blame - but to see Spike in such a way was like an entirely new rush. Each picture drove Ringo further and further on, at times he almost dropped his phone with how sloppy his movements were becoming. Who took these photos? Ringo figured it was best not to think about it, the possibility that Spike had a boyfriend who took all these pictures of him would've been the quickest way to kill his erection.
Ringo began moaning and cursing wantonly as he got closer and closer to his orgasm, he had to stop flicking through the pictures because he could hardly concentrate on what his other hand was doing, so he settled on a final one to help him finish; it wasn't particularly strategic but he was definitely grateful that he selected the one that he did. In it Spike was looking directly into the camera, allowing Ringo to gaze longingly into the rich brown of his eyes and how his dark lashes curled beautifully around them. He was shirtless with nothing but a necklace on, the same necklace that Ringo had seen him wearing in the record store and Ringo couldn't help feeling a sense of satisfaction that he'd seen it with his own eyes, as though it meant something. Deep down he knew that it didn't but his inebriated mind was latching onto it. The nudity in the photo was hardly interesting Ringo by this point, although it would be wrong to say that he completely ignored the flatness of his stomach or the faint shadows of his ribs beneath his pale skin, it was the personal aspect which truly affected him.
This wasn't just lust. Lust Ringo could understand, he could compartmentalise it and give into it without much shame or a second thought. If this was just lust, he would've bought the subscription without a care and touched himself looking at the nakedness of Spike's body as though it meant nothing more than a way to get off. Yet here he was on the brink of orgasm looking into another man's eyes, eyes that felt like they were looking straight back at him as though they were sharing this moment together. It wasn't hard to imagine Spike's hand in place of his own, those deep eyes watching Ringo come undone piece by piece. Ringo's hip began to stutter, his leg twitching a little as he had to drop the phone down onto his lap as his head fell back against his pillow as his orgasm approached. It wasn't the image of Spike's naked body that filled Ringo's mind as he came, it wasn't his arse or his cock or even his chest, it was his face, his voice, it was him.
Ringo lay breathless on his bed for a while, the clarity that arrived as his orgasm subsided wasn't welcome in the slightest and he was reluctant to pick his phone back up to see Spike's eyes looking at him once again. There was no use in feeling ashamed about it, no point in trying to deny it any longer: his feelings for Spike were more than a mere passing fancy, that was clear. Exactly what he was meant to do about these feelings was far from clear but that wasn't something Ringo could figure out right now with cum on his stomach and the daylight seeping through his bedroom curtains.
When he'd picked up his phone he'd closed all the apps immediately, doing his best not to catch a glimpse of what he'd been so eagerly looking at before. Just as he was about to step into the shower to clean himself off, his phone buzzed; he almost couldn't hear it over the music he was blasting out. It alerted him for a moment as though it was going to be a message from Spike stating he knew exactly what Ringo had just done - it wouldn't have really surprised him had that been the case, Spike's face almost always looked like he knew something that nobody else did - but fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, it was John.
        sooo how did the wank go
         who knows          but on a totally unrelated note im about to get into the shower
         well before you do that i have even more good news 
         can it not wait?
         NO because you might cum just at the thought of it and then youd be wasting a good shower
         well arent you considerate          and unnecessarily graphic
         thats me          anyway im taking you to the club next tuesday whether you like it or not
         im still waiting for the good news
         well if youd let me FINISH          next week theyre doing a special event and we just have to go          youll never guess what it is
         what is it?
         you just said ill never guess
         youre no fun
         WHAT IS IT
         alright alright keep your hair on          its a crossdressing event          high heels make up probably a few wigs all that good stuff
         im still waiting for the good news
         OH COME ON youre telling me you dont want to see spike in heels and fishnets with some lovely lipstick on
Ringo gulped. It wasn't a difficult image to conjure up his mind, considering he'd been staring at photos of Spike for the past twenty minutes and it excited him to say the least. He did want to see that, very much indeed.
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macklives · 5 years
homestuck recap
i hated this so fucking much bc my 2 am bitch-ass didnt want to read a recap thats probably longer than any slowburn out there
anyways here it is
also, uhhH sorry im using this as a end of session discussion bc that shit gets explained in her as well. and im not writing up more recaps of a recap so this is where im done for the day. (by done for the day i mean last nights session, im still doing a liveblog soon. i just wrote this yesterday)
also that this is long
you dont have to read it, theres nothing of importance
ive been coping with humor to get me through it
have fun with what i suffered through:
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why was “beta” the only thing unhighlighted?
like did i miss a page???
OH its the beta version of HS thats why
damn its like 5 pages and thats it
well youll all be happy to know im clicking every single one of these links again bc i like looking back like ahh i remember that. good times. also in case i forgot some shit existed.
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do you think andrew had fun writing this? or was he like “fuck”
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thats a lot of fucking package talk. good thing im not confused as of now and remember it pretty clearly. of else, this early on in the recap, id be screwed.
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god remember when i did an analysis on each item and what it did
i feel as if i have the technology engrained inside my head right now
cruxite, alchemeter, all that jazz
flashbacks are starting up already
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yeah, that was the good part in homestuck where i knew 100% that i probably would continue on this liveblog in its entirety, ngl
that one explosion scene. bc it kept me going.
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i just realized how the intermission spades probably fucking foreshadowed the whole jack revolts thing and gains the ring, which was also technically JOHNS fault considering he slashed up the doll in the first place
my god, i guess thats the only good aspect of the recap. looking back at things and realizing the missing pieces.
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oh that makes sense for the whole “this prototyping had no effect on the enemies, since he was already in the medium” i didnt actually think about that
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little did rose know where that would get her right now
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oh yeah
there’s still the whole entire lab terminal thing and how mom basically knows the place exists. i guess we’re still venturing onto that and itll come up later when we find out how mom knows SO MUCH about the game.
still think shes some weird spy or secret agent
i kinda love her ngl
anyways, theres literally no reason for skaia to produce a cloning machine. so technically, they only sent the meteors in, right? so who put the cloning machine in if not mom?
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oh yeah that impact was nerve wrecking asf
and still at this point in the comic i called dave fuckboy red
huh, how times change
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i hated reading that whole paragraph ngl, the frustration just kicked me in the boobs again
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yeah nobody else got tornadoes, huh?
OH that makes also much more sense
bc she did prototyped them before she entered the medium.
i gotcha
man one of my favorite edits i made, rose hitting that meteor with a bat
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are you
telling me
the exiles structures they arrived on were in the form of the items the kids used to enter the medium?
of course it was 413 years ago. that was never explained. simply vague “many years in the future....” but i expected no less from this
man serenity is the most wholesome character in hs no doubt
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damn thought andy here was really gonna spoil us jade’s planet
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okay cool, im glad i now have the layout to the whole “their stations went to the coordinates of the home button” shindig
man i honestly dont know what else to say besides “yeah cool recap” when i already pretty much know what went down? ofc im looking into each link and shit and adding in things when i see fit, but otherwise its just me going “ah good times” yknow
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the whole meteor thing kinda makes sense now?
we’re still missing a few pieces of info but we’re getting there, folks
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oh yeah that reveal
god jade and dave have it in the shits for parents huh
bro isnt the best and jade has a fucking dog
who lowkey
is doing better than bro
who knew a fucking dog is a better guardian than bro lmfao
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dreambot = terminator. im telling you.
sorry im still on that idea and it will never leave unless i have the actual proof in front of me that its not going to become a thing. meaning, ive finished hs and theres still no terminator dreambot or either andrew himself gives me a canon letter with “the robot is not arnold, mackenzie, pls just let it be”
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why is the entire game session highlighted
i swear to god if this is like to a second recap or smth of the whole game session i may fucking CRY
okay thank god its just a design of the skaia layout
which is honestly cool
idk why its blurry tho but i can at least see the layout now. which is honestly how i pictured it anyways.
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yeah, john did make a huge impact in his friends’ life and i find that so fucking touching
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yep. got that. everything loops around. cool.
especially when the trolls come in. god we havent even gotten to that recap portion yet, we havent even gotten to the INTERMISSION
pls can this be the halfway point to the recap
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so they were exiled after the whole jack: ascend thing, right? considering theyre way in the future. man no fucking wonder.
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speaking of jack
man that whole dad and jack interaction was gold, ngl
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and wow, andrew’s really giving us the best female content huh. andrew is the true god of equality and diversity.
also hey, i didnt realize that wow. so PM tricked the queen in showing the parking ticket to be able to take the present from jack. she’s a smart cookie, that one..
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she and PM basically snitched on jack and it was the best thing that has happened to me so far
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oh yeah okay
but why did AR panic over bec? bc thats something we havent learned yet, right?
exile town, the only town which should exist. facts. i dont make the rules.
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i love PM being queen. like.. thats canon now. shes an actual queen.
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yeah that was a fun game and the consorts were cute
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fuck yeah the dick head
hate them even more now that i know john was killed because of them
anyways, i wonder what dick move dave’s denizen did? maybe thats why its filled with lava bc the denizen was like “fuck it. make the land red. kill them all”
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so i still dont know what they mean but i can gather it has something to do with the game giving them abilities. considering dave is the “knight of time” and he can go back in time. whack.
which means john can either control someones breathing or simply wind. and rose is... like that one girl in the winx club who does the sun shit. bc whenever i think of light powers, i think of stella.
and jade is space. witch of space.
i have no idea what that means ngl
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okay finally
we’re at the trolls
maybe this recap will end soon
i remember when i thought they were internet bullies
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someone asked if i basically knew the trolls were on a different veil than the kids, so not presently with them, and i know lol. i was making a joke before btw. jsyk. dont think im incompetent to forget these things when sometimes i choose to forget it so i can add in a joke
it be like that, i annoy many
then again, pls dont assume im trying to say im not incompetent bc im also a fucking dumbass and DO forget shit and i have no excuse
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imagine being so bored on the meteor, your last resort is speaking to aliens
ngl me if i was ever trapped on a meteor and could potentially do that
nah ik its bc its their only hope at helping with their session or whatever tf CG said to john. but there was BOUND to be a conference meeting between them like “okay guys. humans. that needs to be sorted out” and you just hear CG screaming in the background
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i cant wait to meet them honestly bc im growing on all 4 of the ones we’ve seen already. and on top of that, i know what they look like and i know theyre not THAT bad, just a little on the crayy zee side sometimes
but theyre trying
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i didnt expect that. but maybe the signs were there and i was just willingly choosing to ignore it or smth bc “haha couldnt be, right”
flashbacks to how i thought the trolls were humans
anyways, i guess he got his revenge on the kids version of “snowman” ie the black queen. but really
he did not have to do that. he could have cut off the finger and fled. but he decided “nah, lets implode her” so the loml is dead and all i got was a catchy song
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i knew they were different types of “bullies” but now i just have to replace bullies with uhh
trolling strategies
anyways, this is cute. i love how they’ve come to be friends through mutual frustration. good part in the comic.
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i wonder why it explodes
more importantly
terminator time?
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this was my favourite sequences of dialogues in the whole entirety of homestuck. that is to say the back and forth thing that the kids went through to become a sort of wingman for the other.
absolutely gold.
all except AT’s rap.
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GC was the only smart one with the linear shit
anyways fuck he still has to kill the denizen now but apparently its hard to beat for a sleeping dick head so
that will be fun for the future
john will probably need to kill A LOT of imps to get there
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yeah rose is a badass bc she slayed that thing with needles of all things
OH and the white queen was the cursive
damn did AR ever do the whole guide process to a kid yet? maybe he will with dave, idk
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i fucking SEE
thats why he said DNA
to use it and replace all the life forms in the ocean
fucking neat wow
man that sounded sarcastic but im genuinely impressed bc all i got was bullshit as i read jaspersprites log
so thats the secret. it was “meow” bc that somehow translates to the genetic code she needs then. and that code apparently took fucking years to write as well. sick. whack. oh man.
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derse is very pretty, ngl
and wow shit
“dave had already been awake in his tower all along without realizing it” how tf does someone just
do that, awake in both places at once
i didnt even fucking realize that fact as i read that pesterlog wow
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ah yes, around the time things got confusing
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okay so the capsule makes sense bc at first i didnt know it was a fucking time capsule so i got confused as to how it just apparated the game lmfao
the more you know i guess *twinkle*
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i find that a neat concept tho
like the whole whatever you prototype affects the imps and shit
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yeah so that whole “he had no advice” basically impacted his future
no shit dave wanted to reset things bc he probably thought he caused some sort of bad butterfly effect and killed his best friend
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fuck calsprite thats all im gonna say
i read that first sentence and i think i got an aneurysm
and then everything else just made me sad again
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i mean good thing he fucking did amirite?
we got pain at first but now we got cool shit like idk
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damn idk how that works
will rose have like two minds now? or will this be some steven universe fusion shit?
“and understood their meaning” course well i fucking didnt so could you pls elaborate, rose?
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okay but then what the fuck did he use that was inside the fucking box
bc i thought he used his knife?
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im only every going to refer him as that now, thank you andrew
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alright okay..
god that was a lot
i dont know what will happen once i click on those links but i am going to see that for myself bc i refuse to add ANYTHING ELSE
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sauveteen · 6 years
Need You | s.m
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just.... angst (no this isn’t a series i just wanted to use a name kay) check the tags for a trigger warning PLEASE!
Teresa’s always been half a step behind on everything. Whether it was puberty and growing boobs overnight, finding a boyfriend, having her first kiss and eventually her first time, she was always the ‘It’ll happen, don’t worry’, or the ‘I’m sure you’ll find someone’ kind of a gal. Now, as she climbs up the stairs to her dorm, keys spinning around her fingers, whistling the tune to a country song, she realises that she’s half a step behind on life, too. She dressed up and she put on makeup and she did her hair and came back without anyone by her side and that isn’t fair, is it? Teresa, of all people, deserves someone walking her home. She deserves someone waking up next to her and not hating her for drooling all over their pillow. She deserves to come home to a funny, and if God’s gracious enough, cute guy.
She shakes her head, laughs a little at the joke her life’s become, and steps onto the landing of her floor. And then she stops in her steps, does a double take, and stares. (She might have gawked a little too, if she’s being honest.) When she said she that she deserved to come home to a cute, funny guy, she didn't mean Shawn. Well. Shawn’s funny, at times, and he's admittedly cute, too, but he looks like he's several steps behind on everything, more than she is, and that kind of upsets Teresa a little. She stands there a moment, watching his hunched figure, his blotched face and and his tear stained cheeks and the curls he'd obviously been running his hands through and thinks Fuck, I’m going to cry.
He hasn't noticed her yet, she assumes. He's staring at a wall and his eyes have this absent look in them and her heart’s beating against his chest because someone's hurt him. Someone's hurt him so, so, so terribly bad and for some godforsaken reason he's at her door and she's going to have to look at his face and pretend like she's okay. She isn't. She can't see people hurt, and if he's here then he either expects her to console him or talk to him or listen to him and. And Teresa's terrible at every single one of those things. She's good at whistling through her nose and blowing bubblegum bubbles and aligning frames just right without having to use a leveller but God is she terrible at all things emotional.
It's Shawn, though, and she considers him a friend. He has to consider her one too, if he's unabashedly upset and on her doorstep, so she silently closes the distance between the two. Takes her heels off at the stairs, and tiptoes her way over to her room. Shawn blinks, then, and looks up at her. And then his face twists, and sure, he might be the one crying, but she's the one whose heart twists into itself.
“I'm drunk,” Shawn admits, wobbly chin making her head hurt. He mumbles a little, reaching out to tug at the bottom of her dress. Teresa kneels in front of him, placing her heels on the floor, and pretends like she knows what she's doing. She doesn't. She doesn't even know why Shawn's here, of all places, since he has other, better friends and they barely know each other, but there's little she can do about it. She's The Chosen One tonight. She never knew a reference from her favourite book could leave such a bad taste in her mouth.
“Yeah, Tess.” Tess. He's never called her that before, has he? Has he ever called her anything apart from Acosta or dumbass? She doesn’t think so. “I'm so drunk.”
“Did you get lost?” She doesn't know what to do with her hands. Should she reach for his face, should she hold his hand, should she play with the strings of his hoodie? She doesn't know. Fuck. When Shawn reaches towards her, though, fingers brushing along her knuckles, she turns her palm upwards and interlaces their fingers. Good. He's doing most of the work.
“No.” He says, and then sniffs. Her lips pull down in a frown, and she decides that she's going to be here a while, so Teresa folds her legs under herself, and she listens to him talk. “I— I didn't get lost. I. Tess—” His voice breaks, and his head drops. Softly, as if ashamed, he mutters, “I need you.”
Teresa isn't going to lie. If there's one thing that life's taught her, it's to always be honest to herself. And to be honest, she's a little confused. A lot confused, actually. Sure, she considers them friends, and sure, he bought her coffee once, but that's it. That's all it ever was, all that it ever was supposed to be. A friend from class who she occasionally swapped notes with and asked for pens. But he's here now, and she can tell he's trying to push his tears back in, and he says he needs her. He doesn't know her, and he probably only knew where her dorm was because he stole her binder and had to return it, but he needs her right now. And she has to be there for him, no matter how confused she is or how rough the carpet feels under her bare legs. She squeezes his hand, though, because she feels like that's a good start. Her words fail her, and she finds the fact that she writes as a passion a little ironic at the moment, but he squeezes her hand back and that's all the assurance she needs.
“Do you—” Teresa clears her throat, unsurely brushing the back of his hand with her thumb. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
Well fuck, then. What next?
“Shawn,” Teresa places two fingers under his chin because that's how it is in the movies, and she tips his head up to look at him better. “You need to tell me what's wrong.”
“I— I can’t.” He sniffles, and then he chuckles, and she'd be confused if his previous claim hadn't hit her again. He's hurt, sure, but he's drunk. “She made me promise.”
“Who's she?”
“My girlfriend.” Shawn says this, and then his eyes widen a little. He sucks a breath in, leans away from her, and takes his bottom lip between his teeth. Giggles emptily. “I meant my ex. I think. I don't know.”
“Did she—” Teresa doesn't know how she's supposed to ask something like this. She tips her head forward, finding his other hand and folding their hands together on his lap, and continues solemnly, “Did she hurt you, Shawn? Are you hurt?”
“I can't say. M’not allowed to. She said that. I'm not allowed to tell you, Tess.”
“You're crying.”
“Yes. Was. M’not crying anymore, see?” Just as he claims that, a tear rolls down his cheek, and Teresa gingerly thumbs it away. She hopes that the Gods that are pulling the strings at this very moment are enjoying the show, because really, she isn't. She's so close to tears that one might mistake her for the victim. “Won’t cry over her.” A sob rakes through his body. Shawn lurches forward, heaving as if he needs to throw up, and tightens his hold on Teresa. His head finds purchase on her shoulder, warm breath fanning against her skin. Unsurely, she reaches for the back of his head, pulling him into herself. If she couldn't feel his tears on her skin or his laboured breath against her shoulders then maybe, maybe she would've joked about the awkwardness of it all, but she can't. Not right now. Right now, Shawn needs her.
“Wanna play a game, Shawn?” Shawn shakes his head, curls brushing along the tops of her shoulders, but she persists. When she thinks comfort, she thinks two things: her mom’s cream cheese sandwich and her stupid, stupid game.
“What's your name, Shawn?”
“You're so stupid,” He mutters. His lips brush against her skin and she jolts a little, but he speaks again. “I was so stupid.”
“Hi, Shawn, I'm Teresa. Who's your favourite singer?”
Shawn doesn't reply. She scratches the back of his head, resisting the urge to instinctively kiss his temple, and guesses for him, “John Mayer? Me too. Love the guy. Dad material. What's your favourite book?”
Shawn doesn't answer, and she doesn't expect him to, but his breathing evens out after a while. She expects him to let go, but he holds onto her like he expects her to continue, like her mom's makeshift questionnaire isn't a stupid shenanigan she made up for her stubborn daughter but something that actually makes him feel better. Teresa humours him, rubbing a hand up and down his back, and asks, “Why are you here, Shawn?”
His face is resting on her shoulder now, not against it, so when he whispers she hears it clear as day. “My friends can't know.”
“Know what?”
“Why we broke up. If. If we broke up, then why. She cares too much, what people think.” Teresa’s about to ask him why his friends can't know, but he speaks again, and she swallows her words and wishes she would've choked on them. “She cares about everything. And everyone. She— she pretends to care about charities. Doesn't even like puppies.”
Teresa’s lips pull down in a frown. “That's not very nice, Shawn.”
“Yeah,” he exhales heavily through his nose, pulling away, and decidedly wipes at his face. Teresa wants to tell him it's futile because the waterworks are still wild and he's still crying, but. But she doesn't. “I'm sorry. She's… allowed to fall out of love.”
“Mhmm,” she rubs a hand down his arm, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. She wishes she knew what happened. She wishes she could hug him better, and maybe whip him up a cream cheese sandwich, but it isn't Teresa that Shawn needs. It's an outlet, a dumping ground. And all things considered, Teresa’s weirdly okay with being a dumping ground if it helps someone heal.
“I just— Tess.” He chokes back a sob, running a hand through his hair, fruitlessly tugging at the roots. His face is flushed, and when he moves the neckline of his tee to hunt for a necklace, she sees that so is the rest of him. He's hurting so bad that he looks sick, and so Teresa isn’t surprised when her lip quivers a bit. It's like he's struggling to form a sentence, and when he does, he mumbles it. Like he's admitting it to her, but he wishes he didn't have to. “I… I wish she'd cared about me.”
Teresa’s always been a little overdramatic, but when she says that her heart literally breaks into two at how shattered he sounds, she isn't exaggerating. All soul, all vigour leaves him then, and he defeatedly falls against the wall. Fixes her with an empty stare. “I deserved it.”
“Oh, Shawn,” Teresa whispers, finding herself between his parted legs, hands gently cupping his face. She wipes his tears away, trying ignore how hot his skin feels under hers. She hopes to God he isn't running a fever, and shuffles closer, “Don't say that.”
“It's what she said. I deserved it.”
Teresa’s lost. She doesn't know this girlfriend, and even if she did, how does one respond to that? Who says that, though? Who says that when you've just broken up? Right, she realises not long after, Shawn doesn't even know if he's broken up or not.
His lips part, and Shawn draws in a laboured breath. He's looking at her face, but he isn't there. She can't reach him, even though he's physically in her hands. This entire ordeal has done fucked him up, Teresa concludes. “Do you think.” He blinks, struggling to keep his eyes open. “That she ever loved me?”
He deserves honesty. After what he’s been through and what she knows he’ll continue going through, she owes him that. “I don’t know, Shawn.” She whispers, eyebrows scrunching together, “I wish I did. I so badly wish I did. But listen to me, okay? Whatever happened, you didn’t deserve it, okay? Nobody deserves anything that hits them this hard.” Shawn’s head dips, like he’s trying to deflect. Like he doesn’t believe her. “No, no, Shawn. Listen to me.” She brings his face back up, and she realises that maybe, maybe she was shit at consoling people because she never cared about them. It was always sympathy, never empathy. She realises that now because as she sits there, trying to get him to listen, Teresa feels herself physically coming apart, too. Shawn didn’t deserve this, and he should know that.
“Hi, Shawn, can you hear me? Check check.” She jokingly taps his ear, and he leans into her touch. “Listen to me. I don’t care what she said, alright? I don’t care. You’re my friend and you don’t owe me jackshit yet you’ve always, always been the nicest guy around. You’ve walked me to the building when I was too scared of the dark, you’ve brought extra pens to class because you know I always forget mine, you finished my essay because I fell asleep on my desk after a rough day. Normal guys don’t do that. They don’t do shit if there isn’t something there for them, and yet you always have. You deserve nothing but happiness. Shawn. Do you believe me?” She sniffs, willing herself to continue. “You only deserve love.”
“No.” He tips his head back on the wall, letting his eyes flutter shut. “No, m’nothing but a pretty face. No personality. I get pushed around. What guy lets themself get pushed around? Just a pretty face, nothing else.”
“I.. I got punched, once.” He looks her in the eye this time, and Teresa falls back on the floor, bringing her knees up to her chest. Dumping ground, she reminds herself. She needs to let him vent. “And I— I could’ve hit him back. She said that. She said I could’ve hit him back, and I should have. But I didn’t want to. That guy, he… he looked terrible. He’d had a rough day, I could tell. I didn’t want to add to it?”
“That makes you a good guy, not a pushover.”
“No. Real guys don’t take fists to the face and walk away. Only pretty, pushover guys do.”
“That isn’t you talking. It’s her.”
“But she’s right, isn’t it? This wouldn’t have happened if I was a man. She wouldn’t have gone to him and—”
Teresa’s eyes widen, somewhat in realisation, but more so in pain. He’s been cheated on. She isn’t sure, and she’ll probably never be, but it all makes sense now. Why he kept saying he deserved it. Why he couldn’t tell his friends. Why he looks like he’d dressed up for a date, but is outside of her dorm, crying. It all makes a little too much sense, and she finds herself struggling to breathe as she watches him gulp painfully.
“Shawn, buddy, why are you here? Where’s Oliver?”
Shawn’s best friend. Shawn’s supposed to be crying with him, not her. Where is he?
“He—I, we..” And when Shawn scrunches his nose, squeezing his eyes shut to press his tears in, Teresa knows. She knows, and she fucking hates it. “We’re— not… talking. Anymore.”
“Oh my God,” The words fall out of her lips in muted whispers, but she knows Shawn hears. He knows that she knows too, now, and he thought it might come as a relief. It’s all easier if she knows. He doesn’t have to lie, he’s tired of lying, he’s tired of having to pretend like he’s okay. But he sees the switch in her demeanour. He sees her eyes go from empathetic to pitiful, and he knows he’s blown it. He doesn’t what he was expecting any way. For her to hug him better? To make him the cream cheese sandwich she once told him about? He’s so stupid. He’s so stupid and he knows he won’t ever stop blaming himself for what happened, but when Teresa reaches over to pull him into his arms, he lets her. He allows himself to breathe her in and hold her close because he isn’t sure when he’ll have this again. Shawn doesn’t know if he’ll find the warmth that Teresa emanates, the warmth that she used to emanate, without stupidly breaking his own heart again. He doesn’t know, for now, all he knows is that he was unworthy of her. Unworthy of her love, and that he deserved it.
He cries into Teresa’s shoulder, and when he’s all out, he’s so sure he hears her crying too.
im not tagging people because this shit is pretty useless lmao iefmv 
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