#i really dont feel like writing about the aruba trip
atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Sixty
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut.
Shorter part than usual...
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
Harry thought he was gonna go bananas. Your extra heavy period had passed, and you started your new pack of pills, but you still had refrained from doing anything remotely sexual. Other than a few kisses here and there. You two had been intimate basically since your third date, Harry didn’t know what to do with himself. You wouldn’t even blow him, and you certainly hadn’t let him touch you. The scare you had was barely worth being scared over, but the whole thing had still made you feel uneasy.
He couldn’t remember the last time he actually had to relieve himself, but he just couldn’t hold out anymore. It wasn’t nearly as satisfying as he had hoped it would be. But how could it be satisfying when all he wanted was you. He was starting to get anxious because once April hit his weekends were going to be really busy. No more just lazing around in bed. He didn’t want this no sex thing to continue.
“Babe?” He asks you as you come out of the shower Saturday morning.
“Can we talk for a second?” You look at him. He was sitting up in bed, twiddling his thumbs. You walk over and sit on the edge of the bed where he was.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Sort of awkward to talk about, but...we haven’t had sex in a while.” Your face flushes. You really hadn’t noticed how long it had been. Ten days maybe? Almost two weeks? “Is everythin’ okay?”
“I’m sorry, I hadn’t noticed how long it had been.” His face falls. “That sounded worse than I meant it to. I just wanted to hop onto my new pack of pills before we did anything.”
“And you have.”
“Yeah, I’ve just barely finished the first week so we need to be careful.”
“So let’s be careful.”
“I think we should use condoms for a while…just as an extra precaution.”
“Um…okay, we could do that.”
“I think it would make me feel better.” You put your hand over his. “I’m sorry.”
“S’okay…just…you haven’t even let me touch you, and you haven’t touched me.”
“I haven’t wanted to.” You say bluntly, but your eyes gloss over at the same time, so he sees your agony. “I know I’m being stupid…”
“You’re not.” He moves his hand to cup your cheek. “Just don’t like you pullin’ away from me like this.”
“I’m not.” You lean into his touch and kiss his palm. “I’ve not gone anywhere, my doll.” He smiles at his favorite pet name.
“I really like it when you call me that.”
“Your doll.”
“You do?”
“Mhm, don’t know why, but I like it a lot. You don’t do it a lot though, only sometimes.”
“Want me to say it more?”
“Mhm.” He smiles big as you crawl into his lap, straddling him. “Where’d you come up with it?” Your cheeks heat with embarrassment and you hide your face in the crook of his neck.
“My Nannie used to call my Papa that.” He wraps his arms around you and rubs your back.
“Ah. And what would he call her.”
“Hun mostly, or lovey, he’s called her lovey a lot. She’d call him dolly sometimes too.”
“And he’d call you baby right?”
“Mhm.” You smile against his neck. Then you burst out laughing.
“Well, he was Papa right?” You lift your head to look at him. “So one day when I was visiting them I heard her ask him a question and she said, ‘would you like that, poo?’” You start laughing harder. “And he just nodded yes.”
“They sound really cute.”
“They were, they were very cute.” You tuck your head back where it was. “I’m not quite in the mood at the moment, but maybe later tonight, yeah?”
“I’ll be here.” He kisses the top of your head. He was happy just to have the cuddle.
“Babe?!” Harry yelled from up in the loft.
“Yeah?!” You said, coming from the kitchen.
“Can yeh come up here a minute?”
You make your way up the spiral staircase and cross your arms over your chest.
“What’s up? I’m in the middle of making dinner?”
“Just wanted you to see my weekend schedule for the next few months, and it’s just gonna get busier. Sometimes I’m able to double book weddings if one’s the mornin’ and the other is in the evenin’.” You squint at the calendar on the screen. “Do you want me to print it for you so you have it?”
“Sure.” You shrug. “Whatever.” You smile. You move to make your way down the stairs, but he grabs your wrist.
“Don’t you, um, don’t you care that I’m going to not be around a lot?”
“Of course I do, but it’s out my control isn’t it? And it’s not like I can crash every wedding you go to. I’ll find ways to fill my time. I’ll still have homework and other things to do. I’ll probably just hang out with the girls more.”
“You could come to some of the shoots, you could be like my assistant.” You scoff.
“Oh honey, you and I are both too much of a perfectionist to work together, and you know it.” He chuckles.
“You’re right.” He pulls you closer to him.
“I’m making dinner, let me go finish it up.” He lets go of you reluctantly. He prints the calendar for you and comes down the stairs to join you in the kitchen.
“Whatcha make, smells good.”
“Just some stirfry, nothing special.” You put some into two bowls for the both of you. “There’s some tofu in there too.”
“Thanks babe.”
You both sit down to eat. You get a call from Rachel.
“Hey!” You say cheerily.
“Hey, are you busy tonight, know it’s last minute.”
“Um…” You look at Harry. “We’re just sort of having a night in, why?”
“Sarah and I were thinking of going out and having some fun. The boys can come too, I could invite Mariah. We’re just bored ya know?”
“Ooo, yeah, maybe we could go to Tucci’s? Haven’t been there since the fall.”
“Great idea! Wanna meet up around nine?”
“Works for me!” You hang up the phone and look at Harry.
“I really don’t feel like goin’ out drinkin’ tonight…” He says.
“Then stay home.” You shrug as you take another bite of food. “I mean, you don’t have to drink. I may not even drink. It would jut be fun to go hang out with our friends.”
“So if I did stay home, you wouldn’t care?”
“Harry.” You sigh. “What is with you today?”
“Excuse me?”
“You keep trying to pick a fight with me.”
“No I don’t.”
“Yes, you do. You keep asking me if I care or not, of course I care. I’m not going to force you to go out if you don’t want to, but I’m also not going to stay in if I don’t want to.” You get up and clean your plate. “Come, don’t come, it’s up to you.”
“See, that’s what makes me think you don’t care.”
You were about to groan heavily, maybe even yell at him, but you were starting to recognize his behavior. He was being needy. You hadn’t really loved on him, and you did sort of tell him that tonight you would. Your sex drive had disappeared because of all the hormone change, maybe going out could fix that.
“I’m sorry.” You say calmly. “I’d really like it if you came out with everyone tonight. You’re so much fun, and it wouldn’t be any fun without you.”
“Alright…I guess I could go.” You smile big for him.
Later on you both get ready. You opt for a pair of jeans and black, quarter length sleeve crop top. You decide to leave your hair down and straight for a change. Harry sticks with his black jeans and a white t-shirt. His pearls looked sort of miss-matched, but he always wore them no matter what, just as you wore the rose ring on the chain he had gotten you.
“Yeah, are we just meetin’ ‘em there?”
“Mhm, well, Niall is ordering an uber for the four of us, and then we’re going to meet Rach and Mariah there.”
“Cool.” He looks you up and down. “Cute.” You wrap your arms around him.
“You look pretty sexy yourself.” You wink and let him go.
You meet up with Niall and Sarah across the street and climb in the uber. Niall volunteered to sit in the front knowing that Harry would want to stay seated next to you. You sat in the middle, and Harry kept his arm around you, pulling you as close as possible to him. Sarah took your picture because she thought the two of you just looked so cute.
“Your hair’s starting to get long Harry.” Sarah says.
“Yeah, I’m ‘bout due for a haircut I suppose.” You run your hand through it.
“Maybe just a trim.” You giggle, and he kisses the top of youe head as you lean into him.
You all greet Rachel and Mariah who are holding hands when you see them. You all find a high-top to stand at so you can decide on what you all want to drink.
“Might just have a seltzer with lime, what do you want?” Before you can answer, Sarah cuts in.
“Tequila shots, that’s what we’re doing tonight.” Your face lights up. “I’ll get plenty of limes for everyone, and salt.”  She drags Niall up to the bar to help her.
“Guess that’s what I’m having.” You chuckle. “I can get us a pitcher of water if you want babe?”
“I can go-“
“S’okay, I got it.” He watches you walk up to the bar.
“Not drinking tonight, H?” Mariah asks him.
“Nah, not really in the mood.”
“Is everything okay?” Rachel asks.
“Yeah, just don’t feel like gettin’ crazy is all.” He smiles at her reassuringly. He looks back over at you. You were giggling while talking with the bartender. He hands you a pitcher of water and some plastic cups, and you come back over. “What was so funny?”
“What?” You set everything down on the table.
“The bartender made you laugh.”
You suck your teeth and pour yourself a cup of water. Niall and Sarah come back with the shots. You hand the water to Harry. You, Sarah, and Rachel all lick your hands for the salt, take the shot, and sink your teeth into the limes. Harry, Niall, and Mariah all stood there stunned. They had all seen you do it before, but it always amazed them.
“Mm.” You say taking the lime out of your mouth, and wipes the juice from your chin with the back of your hand. “That taste never gets old.”
“Okay, let’s hit the dance floor.” Sarah says.
Rachel looks at Mariah.
“I’m gonna hang with the boys for a bit, I’ll meet you out there.”
“Okay.” She smiles and walks over to the dance floor with you and Sarah.
“She needed this ya know.” Niall says to Harry. “She’s been in a funk at work the last couple of weeks.”
“Yeah, in a funk at home too.” He sighs, sipping on his water.
“Trouble in paradise, H?” Mariah asks, tipping her head back to take her shot.
“No…she’s just been uneasy. We had a little slip up a couple weeks ago, nothing major.”
“Define slip up?” Niall looks at him deeply concerned.
“Nothin’ like what you’re thinkin’. She…missed one of her pills. Obviously she’s fine now, but she was worked up about it.”
“That’s so scary!” Mariah says. “What did you guys do?”
“She had me take her to the drug store so she could get a Plan B, and that was that. Got her period, and then she started a new pack of pills.”
“How’d she forget to take it? You know Sarah gets a shot every few months so she doesn’t have to worry about it.”
“It was the day after your party, we were both hungover, we slept in late…and then we…ya know.” He takes another sip of water. “If we hadn’t then it probably would’ve been fine.”
“Even still…” Mariah says. “You guys definitely did the right thing.”
“We haven’t since then.” Niall’s jaw drops.
“You two haven’t fucked in two weeks?” There was complete and udder shock on his face.
“Shut up.” Harry nudges him.
“Sorry, just really surprisin’ t’hear.”
“Have you talked with her about it?” Mariah asks.
“Yeah we did this mornin’… says we need to start usin’ condoms more just in case.” He groans.
“Just be happy you still get to have sex, dude.” Mariah says putting her hand on his shoulder with a smile.
“You know, you have no idea how good and easy you have it. You don’t have to worry about getting’ pregnant, or gettin’ anyone else pregnant. You can just fuck all yeh want and it’ll be fine.”
“You’re exactly right.” She looks back at the three of you dancing. “Think it’s time I get over there.”
She joins the three of you and you all cheer.
“Don’t tell her I told you.” Harry says to Niall. “Some things just need to stay between us lads.”
“I gotcha, no worries.” Niall takes his shot. “C’mon, take your shot.” Harry nods and takes his. They both join the group.
You smile at Harry and take your hands in his to dance with him. You thought he looked really good tonight. You loved when you could actually see his tattoos peak through his clothes. A slower song comes on and you all pair up accordingly. You wrap your arms around his neck, and his hands rest on your hips.
“Are you glad you came out? Because I’m glad you did.”
“Yeah, I am.” He leans down to kiss your nose.
The six of you have a great time, but all nights must come to an end at some point. You all say goodnight to Mariah and Rachel as you climb into your shared uber. You had a large SUV this time. You and Harry sit in the way back. Niall had his arm around Sarah, and they chatted quickly. Harry practically had you in his lap. Your neck was craned while he planted open mouthed kisses on you. Just as he bites into you, you whimper and Niall and Sarah turn to look at you both.
“Could you two wait the ten fuckin’ minutes the car ride is gonna take until you start in with all that.” Harry lets go of your neck with a popping noise. Sarah’s mouth falls open and mouths oh my god when she looks at you.
“Actually, it’s a twenty minute ride. Ask him to turn up the music if you don’t wanna hear.”
“Harry, he’s right, we should-“
He practically tackles you, pinning your back to the seat. He had so much pent up energy from being deprived, and he couldn’t stand it anymore. It only take his a second to get his tongue into your mouth and you shut up immediately, wrapping your arms around him.
“Jesus Christ.” Niall sighs. “Mate, mind turnin’ the music up?” The driver does as asked.
Every once in a while they hear a giggle or two from one of you while you continue to have an aggressive makeout in the back of the uber. You felt sort of silly with your friends around, but you couldn’t find a way to care with the way Harry was kissing you, practically bruising your lips. He moved his mouth back to your neck, and essentially attacked you.
“Oi! We’re here.” Niall says. Harry helps you sit up, you looked fucked out and you hadn’t even fucked yet.
The four of you get out of the car, you wrap your arms around him and kiss on his neck while the four of you stand on the sidewalk. Harry’s arms are wrapped right around you.  
“So…I guess hanging out for a bit is out now…” Sarah says.
“Sorry guys, ngh, not tonight. Another time though. Have a good night.” Harry says. “I know I’m about to.” He says under his breath as he pulls you across the street.
“Holy shit.” Sarah says to Niall as they head up to his apartment. “He’s like an animal.”
“That was nothin’.” He says as they get inside.
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve literally been in a car with him, a group of us, while he’s fucked someone in the backseat.”
“Did you hear the popping sound when he let go of her neck? How does that not hurt?”
“People like what they like babe.”
“I know, but Jesus.” She giggles. “I’ve never known Y/N to be so okay with PDA like that.”
“Yeah I figured she’d tell him to quit it.” He shrugs.
Harry gets you upstairs to your apartment, your lips had barely left his skin the entire time. You wanted it just as bad as him, he riled you up in the car pretty good. Once you’re inside you’re pinned up against a wall, and you’re sucking his bottom lip into your mouth. He groans as he presses himself against you. He was rock hard.
“Alright.” He breathes, and picks you up, carrying you to the bedroom.
You tug at the hem of his shirt and practically rip it off him. You unbutton and unzip his jeans and yank them down his legs. You push him back onto the bed, and kneel in front of him. He was breathing heavily, and he hissed when he felt your hand on his cock. You both moan when you wrap your lips around his tip. You suckle on it, then run the tip of your tongue along his slit. You lap up all the precome that had been leaking from him.
“Fuck.” He says, hands flying to your hair as he bucks his hips up. “Take your clothes off, please. Need you now.”
You stand up and take your shirt off, throwing it at him. He chuckles as you slide your pants down your legs, taking your panties with them. He sits up and you stand between his legs. His hands go right for your ass cheeks and his mouth wraps around one of your nipples. You head falls back as twists the piercing with his teeth. His hands slide down slightly to grip the backs of your thighs.
“Want you to sit on my face, will yeh do that?” He asks looking up at you. You nod your head yes.
Harry gets farther back on the bed so his head was resting on his pillow. You didn’t sit on his face often, but when you’d do it, it always felt incredible. You straddle his face, and slowly lower yourself onto him. You grip the head board when you feel his tongue on you. It swirls all around your folds as his hands hands knead the globes of your ass. He suckles on your clit and you let out a moan. You rock your hips back and forth on his face, needed that extra friction. The stubble on his chin felt like heaven.
“Fuck, Harry.” It was music to his hears, and even better that he was hearing his favorite song for the first time in two weeks.
He flicks his tongue faster on you, and before you know it you’re absolutely screaming from your overdue release. You move off of him while trying to catch your breath. He wipes his face with the back of his hand and smile at you. He moves to pull you down to him, but you inch back.
“Babe, do we-“
“You want this cunt, you put the condom on.” His mouth falls open. It was a word you rarely said, if it all, so he knew you meant business.
He gets up and goes into the bathroom as you lay down and wait for him. He comes back with three condoms in his hand, and places two on your bedside table.
“A little presumptuous don’t you think?” You ask propping yourself up on your elbows.
“If you think you’re getting off easy tonight, you’re fuckin’ crazy.” He tears the condom open and slides it on his dick. “Now, open those legs, I have some work to do.” You giggle as he gets on top of you.
You were glistening for him, and he couldn’t wait to get inside. You groan softly when you feel him push the tip in, and he slowly pushes the rest of the way in with gritted teeth. He couldn’t feel you fully of course, and he hated it. He hated this stupid fucking condom, but it was your call and he had to respect that. He looks down at your and your head was rolled back in your pillow. He smirks as he start to rock his hips back and forth.
“Harry.” You moan as his hands find their way to your breasts.
“Want me to fuck yeh over and over, angel?”
“Yes, please.”
He fucked you into the mattress, there was no doubt about that. He ended up using four condoms instead of three. Once in a while he’d take a break and just finger you. He fucked you with him on top, he fucked you with you on top, he fucked you on both of your sides. He got you up to seven orgasms. Not quite the ten or even eleven that he was striving for, but he knew he’d get there eventually. You admitted that you were feeling raw and it was time for him to come one last time, so he did.
Once you had gone to the bathroom, barely able to walk, you crawl into bed with him. You lay your head on his chest, and his arm goes around you.
“Please, don’t ever make me suffer like that again.” He says, playing with your hair.
“I’m sorry baby, I didn’t realize you were in such agony.”
“It was awful. I wanted you everyday. I know not everything is about sex, but…”
“I didn’t mean to make you feel unwanted.” You look up at him. “I just…between being scared and the way my hormones were all out of wack, I just didn’t have the drive, I’m sorry.”
“S’okay.” He kisses you tenderly on the lips.
“Never stopped loving you though.” He smiles and kisses you again.
“I should hope the fuck not.” You giggle and settle back down on his chest.
“Think we scarred the two of them for life, Niall and Sarah?”
“Nah, wasn’t Niall’s first time seein’ me like that in a car with someone.”
“Maybe just Sarah then. She’s never really seen me like that in public.”
“Was fun makin’ out in the car.”
“Yeah, it was.” You feel your eyes get droopy.
“Love you, angel.”
“Love you too, my doll.”
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