#i realize my tastes are not everyone's but sometimes ppl wanna know more about audios before they buy them
galacticlamps · 2 years
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jinpanman · 3 years
13 for the voice ask 💕💕
13) I’ll talk about my favorite character
okay look. i’m like 2 months late buT THATS BC LIFE TOOK OVER AND ALSO I NEVER GET THE CHANCE TO BE ALONE TO RECORD MYSELF RAMBLING so instead of stalling forever and ever i guess i’ll just have to write it all instead of talk about it in an audio clip. 
i already knew who i was gonna talk about when hana sent this ask in. i told you i was gonna do it hana.
anyway if you haven’t yet, you should read oh what a world. you’ll go on a journey
there’s just something about a redemption fic that makes me wanna climb a mountain and scream and hana does it so well. we’re immediately introduced to park jimin - a guy who’s fucked up in all aspects of life. and i was immediately a goner for him when the opening scene is of him with the man who was once his best friend sob sob sob. you can see how much they love each other, but you can also see how far away they are from each other 😭 and he proves time and time again throughout this series that he’s trying to be better. and repair all the bridges he’s burned. and like im already tearing up thinking about how lonely he’s been for so long :((((((( like my baby don’t even got frens to ask to be his groomsmen like wtf is up with that 😭😭😭 and his strained relationship with his brother who hana just had to make taetae and just seeing them slowly mending their relationship just has me in TEARS sob sob (“While neither admit it, the other’s presence is mutually appreciated amidst the vulnerability of the moment.” from pt 11 SOB SOB). when jimin realizes how little he knows about his brother’s life, his friends’ lives because he’s been so stuck in his own head and he doens’t know how to fix it but he wants to try. i mean sera said it best, right? he has good intentions sometimes he gets lost along the way. and then he meets oc and he’s so blindsighted by these feelings for her but he doesn’t even fight it and he’s living with rose tinted glasses and i know a lot of ppl think of him as naive for that but i dunno, that just makes him all that more endearing. in a world where everyone’s so weary and worn down by love, he’s willing to make it his pillar. he wants love to be enough in a world where everyone perceives love as either a weakness or just not enough. like it’s just so glaringly obvious when it’s their turn to make their speeches in ch 12. he’s so hurt but he’s still so in love and all he wants is for oc to see how special she is and how worthy of love she is even if it’s not from him SOB SOB SOB and like in pt 8 at the beginning it says “He makes it easy.” and like, isn’t that just everything??? when a partner makes it so easy to fall :”(((( that was his goal from the beginning though, wasn’t it? evenbefore he started to like her he wanted to make the transition as easily as possible. his first step towards making it right with everyone and everything in his life. and as easily as he made it for her, oc also made it so easy for him 😭😭 and not even @ how he’s always listening to her and remembering all these things about her. and then how he was willing to lose it all for her 😭😭 LIKE THAT PART WHERE HE TELLS HER IN ADVANCE that he’s going to kiss her in pt 12 and even though he thinks he’ll never be enough- could never compare to him (i refuse to type out his name no way not in this jimin love letter) he’s okay with it. because he loves her. because he’s finally gotten a taste of what it’s like to love someone- to really love someone and now he knows how much it hurts but he wouldnt trade it for the world (“One look at you, and he forgets all the reasons the two of you shouldn’t be together. All he can think about is how he felt when you ran through the doors of the waiting room—safe, relieved, and maybe even loved. And the feeling is addictive.” from pt 9 OSB SOB) and i know the reuploads aren’t all up yet so i wont spoil the ending but i just love owaw!jimin so so much and his final decision and his devotion to his family. also jimin prefers waffles to pancakes so obviously he’s my favorite.
in so many chapters we get to witness jimin growing up and grappling with his regrets and moving forward not just for oc and his friends and his brother but for himself. especially for himself and its just so beautiful and he deserves the world and he got it and i love that for him. in this ted talk i will
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