#i realise i'm being pessimistic here but i'm losing hope in this season with each lesson they release. and we're only 5 in
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there's a moment in lesson 45 of nightbringer where mc falls off a thing (again?? is this foreshadowing?? i'm going to rule-of-three this and wait to see if it happens again) and satan tries and fails to grab their hand to catch them, but now i'm imagining the same thing happening with satan and ik except he does succeed, but it's her right hand and the prosthetic just POP comes straight off
#nightbringer spoilers#ik is fine but satan is mildly traumatised#misc thoughts#obey me satan#couldn't sleep so i decided on a whim to do the lesson#i really wasn't planning to for a while after 44 and tbh that was the right decision#it feels like they just completely dumbed beel down?? and i can't tell if they're trying to telegraph that Something Is Wrong#or if they just totally forgot how to write him. which has been happening to him consistently since like s3#we did get more confirmation that simeon's going through smth... but this feels like it's shaping up to be another og s4#where the entire main-plot-that-should-probably-be-focused-on-simeon is just happening in the background while mc does side quests#and then they're gonna spring the twist on us right at the end or immediately before the climax without proper foreshadowing/building it up#i realise i'm being pessimistic here but i'm losing hope in this season with each lesson they release. and we're only 5 in#i'd be delighted to be proven wrong though
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Maxence Danet-Fauvel's interview for EntourageS with Kevin Elarbi part 2/2
Last line was by Kevin: : So now we'll talk about the series you picked. First we're going to talk about an amazing serie, and OCS serie called Westworld and the a scene without visual effects but I think you'd like with Anthony Hawkins, a philosophical scene from the first season
The scene is about a character telling a story about a dog chasing after a cat. This is a story about freedom
K: Yes so a great serie. Season 1 and 2 available on OCS, and waiting season 3 coming in January 2020 and I'd love to see the cast on EntourageS. How did you discovered Westworld, what do you like about that serie and who are you favourite characters?
M: So I discovered Westworld the day after a party
K: Unusual!
M: Haha yes! Because I didn't had OCS and...
K: Not good!
M: I know! I know haha!
K: OCS that we kiss (again, we say "we kiss" in France when we mean we salute)
M: OCS that we kiss obviously. So I discovered OCS at a friend's called Chloé and she's the one who discovered the serie, she probably already watched a couple of episodes and we decided to watch from the beginning and we watched all of it. And what was the second question?
K: What do you like about this serie and the characters that you liked the most
M: Ah first I'm a big fan of Anthony Hawkins, a really big fan. I think he's an excellent example of acting, we see everything in his eyes, he's an actor that you can see he knows his text and a rich subtext. You can see in this scene that everything is crazy, every monologue scene you feel that he worked them for hours, weeks or even months. Because when you watch them you can feel everything he says like he really lived them. He's really a phenomenal actor… Fucj I'm losing myself so I forget the questions
K: Haha no it was what you liked about this series and characters that you liked
M: Haha so I answered the last one before. But what I love about this serie is the thematic. Dystopia, I love it. I'm a big fan of Philip K. Dick, Globalia, all his books I spend hours reading them when I was a teenager. I loved it! And I think it's subjects that seems fat but not that far, and it's something that can happen if the worst happens, and I find it really cool
K: Not really that far
M: Yeah not really that far when you watch the news nowadays but it's crazy! But I was a little bit spoiled
K: Who did this?
M: My best bud
K: Ah that's not cool, that's why Westworld it's important to watch it the day the episode is out
M: But for me it was just the context that I've been spoiled. We discover it very fast but he told me "Wow watch that serie it's awesome because…" I won't say because I've been told and I didn't liked it but it's also what made me wanna start it
K: Yeah we discover it fast, it's in the pilot if I remember well
M: Yeah it's not a big spoil and it's also what made me wanna start it. That dude also did it with Lost, he told me about the… about the small cage
K: Be careful about what you'll say
M: Haha yeah so he told me about the small cage, so he explained me just this thing and it's what made me wanna start it too, and I binge watched it in 3 weeks
K: (talking to the listener) So I you advise you to start Westworld, binge watch the first 2 seasons before season 3 in January. I hope I would be able to talk about with the cast, it's in negotiation right now. So we're going to talk about another serie, a serie that I love. I chose a scene from season 1, a symbolic scene from True Detective. If you like this serie, there's a book coming up this week wrote by a certain Kevin Elarbi about the discussions with all the cast. It wasn't with Matthew McConaughey that I spoke with it was Stephen Dorff. We're going to watch a scene with Matthew McConaughey and you'll react about True Detective, also on OCS
The scene is 2 detectives in a car talking about the crime scene they just saw, religion and pessimism.
K: Yes so Matthew McConaughey in True Detective. The season one is a wonderful season, the second one is more weak and that's why they took some time to come back with an amazing season 3. So in my book I talk about this conversation with Stephen Dorff who is a GREAT actor. Have you seen season 3?
M: Nope
K: You have to see it. It's really amazing
M: I haven't seen the second either
K: You just saw the first one? It's the best one. So tell us what you liked about the first
M: What I liked about the first one… hm… Yeah I was going to talk about actors again but that's my passion
K: And that's why you're here
M: Yeah because Matthew McConaughey is incredible, he amazes me everytime! Even with a scene like that he kills me because there a lot of things were I found myself in True Detective. I know it doesn't seem like it but I also am a pessimist person. Without the shell of this character but I kinda have the same thoughts about our society haha
K: It's not being pessimistic but realistic
M: Yes, yeah that's what he says. So that and what I really liked in this serie is that I found it amazing because there's so many clichés! I mean the two cops not liking each other, the cheating stories, you could think "It's all the crime serie clichés, I won't watch it" but it works so well, it works because the actors are incredible, the directing is crazy and the plot is catchy. I mean I started True Detective and I binge watched it in one night
K: Oh yeah the 10 episodes?
M: 8
K: 8 episodes yes, 8×55
M: I think I started around 4 and I went to bed only when I finished it
K: We're going to watch another scene from one of the series you picked. We have to be fast because we're short on time, the control room reprimand me
M: Oh no!
K: But I would love that you react to some series, a few quick words. So we already talked about Westworld and True Detective. Earlier I said in the introduction that Skam made me think a lot with your love scene about Euphoria
M: That's such an amazing compliment
K: Euphoria that I a GREAT queer serie, but not only. A serie that we discovered last summer and got huge and we're thankful about that. A few words about Euphoria and what do you like about this serie?
M: So I discovered Euphoria a Wednesday morning at one of my young coach and friend called Titouan Gautier. You know him?
K: Yes
M: Really? That's awesome! Titouan Gautier is an amazing human being and I went to a party spend the night at his place. And in the morning he asked me if I watched Euphoria and he told me "I watched everything yesterday but I don't mind watching it again today" and I was like "Are you sure?" and same I watched it all
K: Oh you saw all the episodes on the same day? You're lucky!
M: Yes all in one day, I had a lot of luck because I missed the information the time that every episode went out so I watched all of them in a day
K: Zendaya is incredible
M: Pff wow!
K: And the prologue scene, the bad trip ones. It's for me one of the best prologue we had in a serie for a long time
M: Yes, and after playing a bipolar character in Skam France, I can say that the actress and the realisation of the scene are amazing. But the scene were she has a phase were she's a detective is mind blowing, really really mind blowing
K: So lucky for you that you haven't seen this serie before playing a bipolar character because you would've been inspired
M: Totally!
K: But it didn't scared you to watch knowing you would play Eliott after again?
M: I didn't knew she was bipolar (side note: max u dumb it's in the first episode in the first five minutes haha)
K: But when you realised, you didn't thought "Oh no I don't wanna see that yet"? You wanted to watch it again
M: I wanted to watch it again because I thought her interpretation was 1000 times better than mine. It's crazy
K: But it's two interpretations very different
M: Yes that's true but I thought she was very impressive in these scene, and I forgot the name of the other actress that I also found really, for a first role really… What was her name again?
K: … I forgot it too...
M: Anyway I found her excellent too, and I think it was her first shooting, and honestly I was blown away, really talented
K: Okay so we're going to be fast because I would love to play a scene from Peaky Blinders because I can't leave you without talking about it. But I bother me because… Nevermind. How I met your mother, I chose a scene from Barney but again, we don't have enough time. Himym is a serie that is still a bestseller, with Barney's books in bookstores. A few words about this serie, favourite characters.
M: This serie I watched it I was with a girl called Élise and...
K: We kiss Élise!
M: We kiss Élise yes! And we were chilling watching this serie, we weren't doing anything, and well we did season 1 to 9, and again, and again, and again… And I think I watched it in total more than 15 times, every seasons. We also went to a point where we were like "Season 3 episode 17". We knew everything, everything, from the beginning to the end of the episode! And How I met your mother is my good mood serie, hungover day, depressed phase, the beginning of the winter… You watch Himym and it's better than a chimney fire
K: I feel that you watch a lot of serie when you're hungover or depressed, I totally understand! I hear in my earpiece that Zendaya's partner in Euphoria is Hunter Schafer and with that...
M: Yes Hunter Schafer putain!
K: With that theme of a trans person that isn't mentioned, and thank Euphoria for that. That's why it's such a good serie, it's because it isn't something they talk about, it is, but it's not...
M: Yes that's awesome. Like Skam, it's not a big deal and it's so good
K: Voilà! You understand now why I made a link!
M: Yes yes I understand!
K: Be careful, now I know you'll be mad to have just a few minutes to talk about it and I understand
M: Oh God you're going to talk about Tree of life
K: No (he's showing the logo of the show Betaseries) you know what comes from this logo? From Breaking bad, we can't not talk about it. Obviously an important serie from these last few years. A few words about Breaking bad?
M: hm...
K: How did you discovered it?
M: No no no! It's the same haha, again putain
K: So what did you liked about that serie?
M: No I'm saying bullshit, I was my ancient roommate called Julie George that I kiss a lot because I miss her, she's in New York
K: So series with you are something that you share
M: Yes i discover a lot with people, because I'm almost never alone and i see a lot my friends, like all the time. Breaking bad is something people have to watch because the scenes are AMAZING. I make it very quick. But, once again I'm going to talk about actors because that's something that kills me. The duo from Breaking bad is the quintessence of my acting method. It's really… They're phenomenal. I learned a lot, I'm talking about acting techniques, about illustrations, it's something I learned at the Actors Factory, about… yeah I'm not going to talk about it forever about the method. But it's really a serie with excellent actors, they're complete, they're really actors with a good method… Anyway the serie is magnificent. That's a cliffhanger, it's the magic formula
K: I agree. We're going to play another scene, a 15 seconds scene, it's not a lot but I want you to see it so you can talk about it easily because really wanna talk about it before the podcast ends. It's Peaky Blinders. But before I'm going to respond to what you just said, that the Actors Factory looks like Group Theater, I'm thinking about Marlon Brando, Lee Strasberg, and it's not theater, and I think it's really close and that you're the new generation, and I say it with all the love I have for Group Theater
M: I believe it and I hope so
K: I believe it. So a scene from Peaky Blinders
In the scene, Thomas Shelby is talking to Danny about the man he killed. Telling him that the brothers of the man are ready to kill him
K: It was so fast sorry! So Peaky Blinders, I know it's the first time you see it in French (of all the scene showed, this one is the only one that has been translated in French) I'm sorry
M: Yeah, yeah please watch series in the original language
M: Yes because it kills the actor's work if you watch it with another voice
K: It kills the actor's work and we agree that it takes 50%, no it takes 85% of the charm
M: And when a GREAT actor plays even if you take out the sound you can understand what they say, so watch in the original language
K: I agree watch it in the original language stop with the french! So Peaky Blinders a few words about this aerie, how did you discovered it, why… no we're going to do something else for this serie. Why should people watch it? Especially young people that follow you
M: Fuck, this time I would've said...
K: Then do both!
M: Why should you people watch it? Because first it talks about a historical period that's a little forgotten, between the two wars, we hear a lot about the 30 years post war (the second), but it's nice to see what happened for the middle class in Birmingham, it's so interesting. Also the directing is crazy
K: And the lights
M: What? Oh yes the lights! No, everything! It's really mind blowing, every scene, the slow motion, wow that's crazy! The actors once again, the two brothers Cillian Murphy (funny, he pronounces it Sillian) and, fuck I'm bad at actors names
K: Yeah and me too
M: Anyway, you see in Breaking Bad
K: Peaky Blinders
M: Haha yes Peaky Blinders sorry, it's really a serie I would've love to play in
K: Ah! Which character?
M: Well the character of… Is that a joke I wat had an episode yesterday? Well the one played by Cillian Murphy!
K: But you know this kind of serie can come in France, Arte (a Franco-German TV channel) love producing that kind of fiction, that doesn't cost that much if there's not a lot of extra. It would be nice
M: Yes, and I went for a casting with them on Monday, and they forgot me!
K: Well it was Monday...
M: It was a Monday morning, so I came there, I open the door and say Hello, and there was nobody! So I come back there next Monday
K: Oh you couldn't okay!
M: No they didn't came! So next Monday and it's for something from the old time like that! But Cillian Murphy's character is completely crazy. But this man is a Greek God he's so beautiful I'm so jealous. And everything, the costumes, the decor, the gang with… anyway
K: There's an excellent bar called The Shelby...
M: Tommy Shelby yes! That was his name!
K: … I should give you some adress. Remember that alcohol should be taken with moderation
M: Haha
K: Thank you Maxence for being with us for the first episode of EntourageS, you have to come back
M: Oh yeah that's true I'm the first!
K: Yeah you're the godfather! So you have to come back because we didn't talked about Breaking Bad a lot I wanted to show a scene, How I met your mother either
M: And we didn't talked about cinema putain!
K: We didn't talked about cinema but it's about series even if I would love talking about cinema
M: Okay
K: But you really have to come back because you told me there was shooting in the beginning of the year
M: Yes there's shooting until April
K: So it means a little promo at the end of the season 2020?
M: What promo? Skam?
K: There's Skam and the other series
M: Skam for sure but the other series I don't know if there will be a promo
K: Promise you'll come back for Skam?
M: Promise I'll come back for Skam, for everything, I'm so good here!
K: Well I'm glad, thank you Maxence it's a gift having you has a godfather! So I bring back that you're currently shooting Skam France, you also said there was other projects but that's for the beginning of the year so we'll see later. Go follow Maxence on social networks, he shares about his cinema and series tastes. It's more interesting than following some influencers haha
M: Haha thank you
K: Go follow Maxence it's important. He loves classic cinema we can see it and it's amazing. You also love good series so that's cool I think there would be a lot of young people who would watch them
M: Cool
K: Yeah now probably 100 young people would wanna watch Peaky Blinders and that's great! I'm saying a 100 but I hope it's more. 1k will watch Peaky Blinders, another 1k Breaking Bad and another 1k How I met your mother. And for the one who haven't seen Skam and afraid that it would be a teenager serie, you saw the scene it's with complete actors, a great team, go for it! It's a serie that will be important for the LGBTQI+ community and is becoming a cult, 4 seasons in 2 years that's amazing! Even I watched this serie maybe with preconceptions and I was blown by the technique, the team and the actors so watch it! Skam will impress you as much as Euphoria will
M: Woaw I'm emotional
K: I really think it!
M: That's nice!

#skam france#skam universe#skam season 3#lucas et eliott#eliott demaury#skam eliott#maxence danet fauvel#maxencefvl
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