#i read some eu stuff back in the day but want to read more
bobbybutterfly · 4 months
Well. These are not exactly plushies but…
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Tada! I can’t believe I actually managed to “finish” them in time. We’re leaving for England on Monday so it was a race to have them somewhat finished. I made Bamsaegi first. Originally the plan was to make these “dolls” completely out of cotton, loads of glue, some pipe cleaners and sting. It did not go as planned. First up instead of cotton I ended up buying wool because I figured it’s close enough.
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It was just SOOO MESSY and wouldn’t keep its shape no matter what. My mom saw it wasn’t working and asked me why I didn’t get proper cotton from the drug store. I only went looking in arts and crafts because I thought what they would have in the drug store would be pressed into round shapes. You know. Those things you use to remove your make up. The next day mom took me to the drug store and turns out they had exactly what I wanted.
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Finally. I could get properly started. Except no! It was a horrible material to work with! The cotton constantly kept sticking to my paintbrush I used to apply the glue. Additionally the cotton kept picking up all kinds of dirt. At times turning black. Would not recommend. I don’t know how the YouTuber I watched made it look so easy.
I was at the end of my patience. If I want to make 3D stuff I would have to go and use DUN DUN DUN polymer clay. Or regular clay. JUST NO. I hate the feeling of clay stuck to my hands. Autism? What are you doing here?! I had to figure something else out. I didn’t feel like learning to sow. So. This thing with cotton and glue reminds me of something else. Papier Mache!
I actually used to think that this cotton mess would be better. I thought that papier mache takes an enormous amount of paper. Probably because the one time I did it prior to this project was in art school as a kid with a neurotic teacher. So. Where was I going to find the paper I would need?
There’s this saying in Slovakia that we’re one hundred years behind monkeys (joke about evolution meaning we’re behind the rest of the world). I didn’t even need to leave the house to get what I needed. The mail box was full to brim with catalogs. Plus there were recently the EU elections. Which meant a large news paper looking thing with all the parties written out on it. Perfect!
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So that’s how Bamsaegi came to be. I first made a skeleton out of pipe cleaners. Covered that with crumpled paper. I found it kind of ironic that I’m making a character from a communist propaganda cartoon out of a bunch of advertisements. Additionally papier mache would be something you couldn’t do in North Korea. From the book I read paper there is rare and kept a close eye on. For obvious reasons of course. If I would ever have a serious gallery exhibition of these dolls/sculptures I think I would expand on that.
As you can see I ended up covering him in cotton. I wanted the texture and also it smoothed out the bumps. This was before I learned that if you want it smooth you got to cover it in a bunch of small pieces of paper. I first covered the base with glue. Then took a thin bunch of cotton. To smooth it out and to make it stick better I would run the paint brush across it in the direction of the fibbers. Lastly I painted it with watered down acrylic colours after it dried. I was surprised at how painting it went so smooth. Very satisfying.
I decided to first do a more show accurate character. I thought the stylised proportions would be easier. Obviously he’s not perfect. With the colours and the off proportions he’s looking very retro. Like the 70s and 80s communist era toys I saw in an antique shop. I like to think that if they made official toys back then they would look like this.
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Onto Geumseagi. He started off as a Disney Prince Eric from Little Mermaid doll by Mattel. So the size of your average Ken. I sadly don’t have the original doll photo. He cost 14 euros (technically 13,99). I thought I would cut him out of the papier mache and use him as base for other dolls. He’s still buried in Geumseagi today. I didn’t want to risk cutting him out of there. And I like the added weight. Those stupid boots were a terror so I don’t think I would want to deal with them when making a new project.
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So the head. Originally I wanted to mould it out of clay. But once I realized that I wouldn’t be cutting him off the doll I decided to use the original one. The clay one would be too heavy and hard to keep on the neck. As you can see I chopped off his nose, chin and let’s say gave him a rather brutal hair cut. Knowing what I know now I would have cut off even more of the hair. From my drawings I know big foreheads on squirrels do not look good.
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And there we have it. Geumseagi in my style. In 3D. There are 2 tiny spots on the legs where the original doll pokes throught. The pants were rushed not gonna lie. I like that it’s a bit wrinkly. It reminds me of my paintings with the different thicknesses of paint. Making something 3D that looks like my paintings is something I wanted to achieve for a while. I’m glad I don’t have to learn how to use Blender. Unfortunately it does mean I can’t use the dry brush technique because it emphasises those crevices. For shading I then have to go manually where I want it. Like under the chin and around the pockets.
I’m excited to see what ya’ll will think. Sad that I discovered this just when I’m leaving. Grandma probably won’t want ripped up news paper and glue all over her kitchen.
PS. I’m adding his tail when I return. Too much work.
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tricitymonsters · 2 months
A long rambling post about US Healthcare
Alright so waiting didn't really help me parse out what I want to say but a big pillar of our online community passed away suddenly because of what amounts- frankly- to the gross negligence and cruelty of the US healthcare system.
For those of you who don't know Furaffinity is essentially THE cornerstone of the centralized furry and monsterlover community and the site was, for a long time, run by a guy named Dragoneer LARGELY by himself. This website hosted community ads, moderated its own content, and maintained a welcoming and corporation-free space for artists and other creatives to do their thing. My involvement in furaffinity has been pretty low key but I firmly believe that monsterfuckers and furries are only spitting distance apart at best so I feel a strong camaraderie and sense of kinship with them. As for how Dragoneer ran Furaffinity, what I can tell you personally is that FA was one of only TWO websites that will allow me to advertise TCM and when I emailed to get ads set up and configured, Dragoneer answered those emails personally.
Dragoneer had chronic issues that were difficult to diagnose for a while and reading his twitter/journal posts paints a really depressing, heartbreaking story of frustration, misdirection, and the banality of pure evil. Dragoneer was denied care he deserved because of the bureaucratic void that is our healthcare system here in America. He was charged tens of thousands of dollars for inconclusive tests, ordered to wait at home with minimal or no treatment, and this culminated in his rapid decline and sudden death last night.
Our healthcare system is traumatic and one incident, one accident, one sickness can financially ruin any of us permanently.
It's awful. One of the reasons this is difficult for me to talk about is because my dad died suddenly and horrifically to Covid in late 2020 because our for-profit hospitals refused to prepare for a pandemic while our executive administration pretended nothing was wrong. My dad died two weeks before vaccines began rolling out and when my mom and I had to make the choice to end his care we were only allowed to see him for 2 minutes at a time, separately. My husband was denied entry altogether because he wasn't "immediate" family.
Personally, I have chronic health issues that regularly get ignored. I have a mandatory medication (of several) that has no generic and costs over 300$ for a 30-day supply and my pharmacy (I'm not allowed to change) sometimes runs out and I gap for weeks at a time, sending my brain function into the toilet.
If you're American please help by keeping healthcare reform a primary voting issue in both Federal and State/Local elections. We need officials who see what this is doing to us, not more 1%ers who will never have to worry about what to do with a $25k hospital bill (one of Dragoneer's latest) or even a $250k one (my dad's bill for daring to die in ICU). I know it's a rough ask but for the financially stable, consider legal recourse for rights violations (some lawyers work pro bono for health stuff, the point is to always explore avenues to push back). We can't go on like this.
If you're not American, please help us by raising awareness in your own areas. Most of us look to more socialized countries like Canada and the EU for examples of how to improve our current system and of course, we know things aren't perfect but it's an embarrassment and a tragedy that Americans can't access the quality of care our system should VERY MUCH be able to provide.
This was really long-winded but it hurts a lot to know that there are so many cases like Dragoneer, like my dad. People with serious or even chronic issues can't get the smallest scrap of compassion in this system that reduces us to inconvenient numbers that our for-profit system can squeeze pocket change out of while murdering us.
I'll post links if a fundraiser goes up for Dragoneer's family to help cover the funds but until then, thanks for reading my long and winding thoughts. It's very hard to tame the emotion with this particular issue.
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denial-permanente · 2 years
First of all, I want to thank you and Tom for the interesting real life chastity blog.
Different than many other blogs that are based on men’s chastity fantasies. This doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying them 😊.
We are a couple in our mid 50’s and this year we are happily married for 35 years. We are young at mind and fully enjoy life as it is supposed to be.
Since my childhood I have affection for bondage and other kinky stuff in contrary of my wife.
However, she knows my kinks and all those years she does efforts to understand this and she helps me out to fore fill my needs.
In the mid 90’s we watched on national a TV show regarding special fetish and taboos. There was an interview with Mr Walter Goethals of Carrara design experimenting with male chastity devices.
At that moment I also knew that chastity was something for me.
With internet more information on male chastity became available. When the CB6000 came out I purchased one and started to experiment with It. Sometimes I was locked for 3 weeks. However, the plastic case in 2 longitude parts gave me painful issues.
To make a longs story short, over several years we ordered several chastity cages and finally I have this cheap metal case from Alibaba that works fine, together with an anti-pull-out ring.
Our sex life is/was always good and I liked to experiment with new techniques to please my wife. Already since more than 30 years I don’t cum if my wife doesn’t cum first.
Since my wife likes penetration and likes to give me HJ and BJ, it was not always easy for her when I was locked. Sometimes she taught I didn’t like her or that I wasn’t happy with her performances. So we talked many times on the subject and the last 4 years she locked me for 2-3 weeks with some long term intervals. But as you mention in your blog, once you tried chastity, it stays in the mind and you want to go back being locked.
Since last year both our children are out house, and so we have more time for us.
Last January my wife had the NY party at work and I was alone at home. So I put myself in strict self-bondage with a sensory deprivation hood, chastity cage eo.
I texted my wife in advance not to be scared when she came home during the night. This was not the first time I did that, but she is always afraid that an accident would happen.
That night she came home relaxed, reacted positive and again understood my needs. We made love and she came from orally, and I didn’t cum😊.
From that night I’m locked up day and night.
However, she decided to unlock me twice to make love. I stayed unlocked during the night what result in a good night sleep (*).
My wife holds the key, and the spare key is in a sealed envelope in case of emergency.
Now since last week I found your Tumblr blog and I love it. Both the point of view from you both. I couldn’t agree more.
Furthermore, it helped me to introduce my wife to keep me locked longer then before and if she agrees permanently.
Since my wife doesn’t really like to go on Tumblr, I copy-paste your Q&A in a word document so my wife could read about your lifestyle as a chastity couple and the advantage of it if we/she implemented in our marriage.
It is now 27 days that I’m locked and, I hope that it is the first 27 days of a permanent chastity, fully managed by my wife.
In the meantime, I ordered a Vixskin and harness together with a t° regulated water heater. 😊
If my wife can enjoy the Vixskin we can go for the Vixskin-X, but this is not yet available in the EU. If I order it from the US with tax and import duty this become +/- 500$
This all said I have a question for you both, but particularly for Tom.
During the day I have no issues wearing the cage, but during the night it is sometimes terrible when I get an erection, which is normal. This always result in stretching the skin below my cage ring and makes me wake up several times during the night.
Before I go to sleep, I always use anti chafe cream to allow movement for the skin in the cage, but still.
When I wake up, I can concentrate to make him soft again.
The problem is that I don’t have a good night sleep with negative results during daytime.
Any idea how I can get over this issue?
Tank you and keep up the good work.
Wow, there is a lot to comment on here. 😅
First I am glad that you and your wife really talk about this. Too many times we get questions or messages from men who just push this on their wives and the wife has no idea what to do with all of this. But it seems that you and your wife talk about this.
I hope that you talked to her about using the Vixskin before you ordered it. I am pretty sure there are stores over there where you can get it cheaper than ordering from the US. I'll let my husband answer the rest of this. 🔐
Tom here. My wife is correct; lovehoney.co.uk sells Vixskin products (and other nice items. I've been there and am happy to give a shout out).
Unfortunately, the only thing that will help you adapt to wearing the cage is to keep wearing the cage. It may take a couple of months wearing it overnight to allow your body to get used to those erections in the middle of the night.
Make sure that you use good lube around the cuff ring to keep your skin from "burning" (it's really stretching). Also, I do not know what cage you have, but one that is smaller inside, that is, a more narrow diameter, will prevent your penis from expanding. That will help.
Note that I am not recommending those nub cages. You may have to try several different designs to find one that is comfortable for you.
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Why does a man seek to destroy the world?
(i think the first time i was listening to this i was makind dinner and i was just. losing. my. shit. Obviously)
(teasing) Anyways, don’t tell me the phonebox down there doesn’t appeal to your retro aesthetic.
can we talk about how Jon REMEMBERED a small thing Martin said ONCE while he still kinda hated him?
MARTIN: I mean, they’ve finished all the interviews? Apparently they’re calling it a “terror attack.” ARCHIVIST: Doesn’t surprise me. (heh) Appropriate, in a way.
..... (imagine the news tho if it got out that legit paranormal stuff was happening)
ARCHIVIST: Let me know if you see any good cows MARTIN: Obviously I’m going to tell you if I see any good cows.
isnt it funny how nothing after this moment ever happened :'))) (i swear EVERY TIME i see cows i go "omg good cows / is that a tma reference??"
Hello Jon. Apologies for the deception, but I wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself.
[The Archivist makes a pained couple of sounds out-of-statement-character, as if he’s trying to tear himself away from the statement and physically cannot.] [When he picks the statement back up, the words sound like they’re being torn from his lips.]
CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW FANTASTIC JONNYS VOICE ACTING IS HERE???? he even sounds like Elias...... help
Why does a man seek to destroy the world?
because you're a stupid bitch man jonah, hope this helps <3
It’s a simple enough answer: for immortality and power. Uninspired, perhaps...
"why is it always immortality, why does no one ever want anything more interesting?" (jonah magnus is a basic bitch)
All this talk about the freedom of being evil and destroying the world... i mean i guess but you could also.... not do this?! have you considered the joy of making the world a tiny bit better. he's a coward.
I am to be a king of a ruined world, and I shall never die.
WAIT HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT?? i thought that was one of that fanon quotes
Jonah / Elias' backstory is so interesting and i wanna punch him i HATE that his plan worked. i'm 100% convinced tho that the web was always pulling some strings, Jonah is giving himself waaaay too much credit
Gertrude would HATE knowing that she contributed to him figuring out his ritual...
How is Martin, by the way? He looks well. You will keep an eye on him when all this is over, won’t you? He’s earned that.
ELIAS I WILL STAB YOU WITH MY NEEDLE!!! (i know we say Elias is gay AND homophobic but he said gay rights here)
i gotta saw the summoning, for lack of a better word, is a absolute BANGER; it's so powerful
MARTIN (frantic) Wake up. Wake up. Wait, John, John, John, WAKE UP! [He slaps the Archivist; the Archivist immediately shudders awake with a disoriented yell.]
No. No, it’s everywhere. They’re all here now. (voice shaking – but in awe?) I can feel all of it.
wouldn't it be funny tho if the apocalypse was just contained to the UK? if they hadn't left the EU it would be the EU too but the fears respect their decisions.
Look at the sky, Martin. Look at the sky. It’s looking back.
this quote HAUNTS me TO THIS DAY!!!!
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nevoadecaipora · 10 months
Hiiii tagged by @xielianss (thank you darling! <3)
list 13 songs you’ve been listening to lately
Francesca by Hozier this song took me completely when i first heard it, i love the lyrics and the emotions Hozier puts in every verse. i keep singing it non-stop
Enamorado Tuyo by El Cuarteto De Nos that i've first heard in a sasunaru edit tiktok. i have no regrets since i always discover great songs by sns AMVs and they always manage to pull real human emotions from me when i'm feeling disconnected
Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones there's something about this song that sounds so crispy and good to me but like texture wise?? idk how to explain it but it sounds so so good to me
Maar Daala from the movie Devdas so Devdas is one of my favorite movies ever, is so dramatic and the visuals are beautiful, but this song in specific is the reason why i went after the movie to watch and it was super worthy, and this song is so good and the scene is amazing. seriously Devdas is a gorgeous movie and the songs are great, but this one is *chef's kiss*
...IN HEAVEN... by BUCK-TICK i just love the vibe of the song, and BUCK-TICK in general. as jade said, their vocalist passed away, sadly, but the great songs remain with his beautiful voice. since it came out i've also been liten to Mugen Loop a lot too since it came out
Identity by Sakanaction this song is soooo good. Sakanaction in general is a band that i've discovered a few years back and i love their songs and videos, but mostly i loooooove the baseline.
When I'm Alone by Twisted Nerve got addicted to this song since i first heard it in my friend's ig story. really good and idk i really like this texture of old recordings it adds yo the song.
Senhor cidadão by Tom Zé this song is a bit tripy and in general feels like a post-modern play written by liberal theater students and the lyrics are soooo fucking powerful and it never stops com making me feel punched in the chest when they get to "eu quero saber com quantos quilos de medo se faz uma tradição" (i want to know with how many kilos of fear a traditions is made) and after that is just non stop raw feelings
O Mundo É Um Moinho by Cartola i love the guitar of this song it's beautiful, but in genera this song is heartbreakingly beautiful and sad even if it makes me optimistic. i wish i could talk more about it but it's something that you have to listen and read the lyrics and you'll feel
What's Up by 4 Non Blondes i was singing the He-Man meme version of the song one day and then i stopped to pay attention to the lyrics and i thought "oh shit i'm going through this exact same thing right now what the fuck?" so this is the song i'm listening to lately to go through the very difficult days at work
Holy by King Princess i needed to chose a name for one of my fishes and this song was playing and i really liked the melody then i got really addicted to in and listened to it non-stop for four days straight
Baby sung by Gal Costa i love this song so much and i love every single version i've listened to so far, but to me this one is THE ABSOLUTE BEST because the strings and Gal's voice is angelical. and again, old recordings have a specific texture and this one i feel like im in a huge theater as the only person in public listening to them perform. in general is feels very dream like, an absolute fave. and i'm cheating a little bit because i'm always listening to this song not just lately, lmao, but it deserves to be mentioned
Tá Escrito by Grupo Revelação listen, samba and pagode in general are not music genres i'm really into, i have nothing against it, it's just not something that i listen. but one specific hard day i was taking the bus home in a bad mental health day and this song came randomly and saved my day. it's very optimistic and hyper, and now every time i'm needing some hope in my life i listen to it.
So, now that I see it, a lot of them are stuff that i've been listening since teenage years, but i always go back and forth when it comes to songs/artists/genres. this was so much fun!!!
thank you again jade for tagging me!
ill tag: @jcamilov06, @soda-limonada; @happyholand; @adimelo; @zapatism and @corrupted-willy. Feel free to do it if you want, I thought it was really fun!
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danielfeketewrites · 11 months
Not Normal About Doctor Who
Back in June, I went to a fae-themed picnic with my girlfriend and my girlfriend's girlfriend (not an official title, they're not dating (or are they?)) and my girlfriend's girlfriend confessed that next month she's not going to be normal about Good Omens. She just knew it. I guess a large portion of tumblr can relate.
I replied that I am definitely going to be less and less normal about Doctor Who when we get closer to November.
Well, I was right. It's like a full moon is for a werewolf. For the past month, there hasn't been a single hour when I haven't thought about Doctor Who for at least a little bit. Maybe when I'm asleep. Maybe. Sometimes, I'm just lying in my bed, thinking about Doctor Who for hours and hours.
I've started reading two Doctor Who books. The first is an eighth Doctor book called Alien Bodies by Lawrence Miles. The second is an anthology - The Target Storybook.
I've also been writing my own short story for a small Czech fanfic competition. I picked a more recent Doctor rather than a classic one, which is quite unusual for me. (It's a Thasmin story set in the Land of Fiction. Yeah.)
I've been scrollig through the eyespider website (check it out if you haven't already), spotting stories that I would place elsewhere. Thinking about making my own version. Again. I once tried to make my own version as a Czech translation of the original website, but now I actually want to do it as a way to track which Doctor Who stories from the EU I've experienced. Also, fixing the placements that I disagree with. That's a big reason as well.
Also scrolling through Altered Vistas again. And TARDIS Wiki, but that one's obvious. Although I do recommend checking out the old classics like Fire, Grass, and, of course, the best one.
I've obviously rewatched some stuff. Outside of The Mind Robber and Shada, I'm watching series four with my mum and my girlfriend in preparation for the 60th anniversary trilogy, because they haven't seen the episodes with Donna before.
I've also been listening to some Big Finish. Mainly Once and Future, but I'm also thinking about listening to 10th Doctor and Donna boxsets, as well as the Companion Chronicles stuff featuring Sara Kingdom.
Probably gonna read more comics very soon, it seems inevitable. Maybe that digital scan of Abslom Daak - The Dalek Killer that somehow appeared on my external harddrive? Some 13th Doctor comics too. I desperately need to find more stories with her that I actually like.
I can name every Doctor Who TV story in order. But the other day, I caught myself trying to also remember every writer to all of the stories in the 60s Who. I'm gonna have to memorise that one properly, I still have some gaps. The Space Museum was written by Glyn Jones.
I've been thinking about sharing my top 10 favourite stories for each Doctor here, on tumblr. And yes, those top 10s are gonna include EU stories. Some of them will have more EU stories than TV stories. I will obviously have to update them next year. Could be my new November tradition!
Oh, and I'm also writing a Doctor Who fanzine for a Czech Doctor Who by-fans-for-fans convention. I am also one of the organisers of said convention.
So yeah. I'm not normal about Doctor Who right now. And The Star Beast hasn't even aired yet! Meep meep!
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art by Dave Gibbons
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catboyolli · 2 years
oh my god the US tour really was something else!! I had completely forgotten the whole roommate drama thing 😳 and the fact that Olli and Allu were the last ones awake drinking mountain dew and talking about technology!! 🥺 I bet they shared secret kisses and maybe sometimes even fell asleep cuddling on the sofa?? 🥺
maybe some night Aleksi falls asleep before Olli and Olli barely awake confesses his love to sleeping Aleksi but in reality Aleksi just pretended to be asleep because he didn’t want to go to his own bunk to sleep alone??
i have very fond memories of the US tour because (for once) everything happened around my timezone! 🥳i am not from the US but it was exciting to get some content while i was awake 👉👈
and yes yes yes! we all know olli is a big sleepyhead and a cuddly boy so they definitely cuddled to sleep in the sofa sometimes (and yes, maybe they shared some kisses, yknow you gotta kiss your homies goodnight.......)
i love the idea of a late night love confession so much because omg it makes perfect sense!!! olli is too shy to confess his feelings, so he waits until late and spills everything out when he thinks aleksi is asleep, but now aleksi has to decide what to do with that information because maybe olli didn't mean it? or it was just a joke? 🥺💗💕💖💘
fun fact that does not leave my head: their US tour bus was smaller than their EU one and it didn't have a separate "lounge room" (sadly I only remember that the one from the electric callboy tour did, don't know about the one from their headline tour) so I am 99.9% sure that they did spent many many nights awake until late, having discussions about technology like the big nerds they are....... quite close to the bunk beds, actually
so picture this stupid scenario with me under the read more because i don't wanna be annoying with an extra long post 😊
olli and aleksi, alone and awake at 2 AM discussing tech stuff like whether or not a custom built desktop pc is better than a macbook, their bandmates and/or tour managers sleeping trying to sleep less than 2 meters away from them and wondering:
what the actual fuck are they talking about
why the fuck are they awake so late? (options: they are still high on adrenaline from the shows, aleksi is a night owl, oli spent the e n t i r e day napping in the couch, all of the above, none of the above)
will setting them up with each other make them finally shut the fuck up?
is the tech discussion some sort of courtship ritual that everyone else is not nerdy enough to understand, and will it stop once they are together?
so niko and joonas try adding a bit of jealousy and drama to make them finally ✨realize their feelings✨, but it kinda doesn't work because both aleksi and olli are way too deep in denial ("we're just friends", "we have mutual interests", "we stay up late just talking and working on songs and merch stuff", "our relationship is purely professional")
well, it works a little, because "what if he likes me too?" is now a recurrent though in those empty head of theirs, and the nights have been way more quiet since then. The weird silence that settles when they run out of things to talk about (because they are too busy overthinking about their interactions with each other and if what they said or did could be interpreted as someting else) is way worse than the tech talk, though
maybe the whole thing gets solved during that tour, they confess their feelings and spend the rest of the nights kissing and cuddling and whispering sweet nothings to each other (which on some nights makes the rest of the band want so desperately to get the tech talk back, but they are really happy for them); and when they both get sick it doesn't matter as long as they can take care of each other 💖
or maybe it doesn't get solved and they pine after each other for the rest of eternity, but somehow they still get sick at the same time and blame it on the mountain dew because of course it has to be that, what else could it be? (no one believes them)
the partial solution from mr CEO for their next tour? upgrade to a bus with a separate lounge room, but they better not start fucking in there or else he will straight up ban the room from being used (he just wants the quiet space for himself)
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ronwestbreeze · 2 years
Hi!! I watched Avatar : The Way of Water, it made me remember when I watched the first Avatar. The feeling of nostalgia came over me, memories of the first movie came back, I was so enchanted by the beauty of Pandora and its inhabitants (I still consider it the most beautiful movie because of that), I don't know why at the time I was a child, but I only watched the movie twice, but I'm watching the second movie now, something warmed up inside me and made me look for the movie's fandon, this made me reach your tumblr (I know, sorry for taking too long) I just want to to say that I loved your Avatar writing and I'm loving the story "To You, Worlds Away" and I just finished reading "Shallow End" which I loved too!!
About Shallow End:
I loved the reader's interaction with Jake and Neytiri's children.
My heart hurt when Aawpok died. I know it wasn't the focus of the story, but I missed more interaction between the reader and her son Aawpok (from what I see you finished this story, but if you accept requests, I would like a bonus, it can be short, da reader and her son, just the two of them and of course with an appearance by Jake, that would warm my heart a lot!! but of course, only if you want to).
I was very emotional when the reader was giving birth to Tua, all the interaction that the family was giving was so beautiful and healthy!!
And finally, I can't say anything, the kids stealing the baby to spend time with her made me laugh, the family getting along, once again EVERYTHING SO BEAUTIFUL AND HEALTHY!! hearts floating
About To You, Worlds Away :
I don't know if I read it wrong or something escaped me in the text (English is not my language, and I'm sorry if I hear something wrong in my writing) but I didn't understand exactly what the project that the reader is doing, I don't know if you already revealed or I couldn't read it right…
I was very tense with the interaction between the reader and Quaritch
Loving Grace and reader's mother-daughter relationship (at least from my point of view)
Loving all the reader and Jake interaction, I'm loving this because I miss fanarts, fanfics and gifs of human Jake Sully (I think his human version needs more love!!)
Oh God! There was a romance between reader and Tsu'Tey in the past!! I just felt it and loved it!
My jealous Jake!!
Reader and Jake are blind, but Grace sees everything including their souls! - Ansioso para o leitor usar seu avatar e a reação de Jake!! ( Eu me pergunto se ele ficará mais apaixonado por ela quando a vir assim !! ) AAAAAAAAAAAH MEU CORAÇÃO NÃO PODE TOMAR, eu preciso tanto dessa cena!!
Just waiting for the next chapter!! and again sorry for any typos or lack of connection between sentences and words, and sorry for the text and the drama!!
Just my reaction to both stories:
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can I just say wow cuz this is one of the best asks I’ve woken up to this morning 🥹🥹. I’m so glad you love my little shallow series! also don’t worry I’m writing some more stuff for them, I haven’t stopped! Also yes, writing about Aawpok’s death instead of Neteyam broke my heart 💔.
Now as for TYWA, the project has not been revealed yet on purpose so no you haven’t missed anything!! also yes tsu’tey and reader’s relationship is so fun to write! i can’t reveal too much but just know their relationship is deeper in a different way. maybe jake has no reason to be jealous 🤷🏾‍♀️ who knows hehe
but other than that I’m so glad your enjoying my works and the writing in the avatar fandom so far! this ask was so nice to read and I hope u have a pleasant rest of your day!!
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boundlss · 1 year
minagawa kanami? :o!
their general personality
kanami... oh, boy, i don't even know where to begin. she's very high-spirited and fun loving, but in a very aggressive go-getter way. having a good time is a competition and she's winning. she comes off as airheaded but reads people and connects with them emotionally very easily, and she has a sort of natural magnetism that makes people want to follow her around places.
their hobbies
gaming and cooking! kanami is a hardcore mmorpg gamer (specifically playing elder tale, but she plays other stuff sometimes) and despite cutting back on elder tale playtime when she had a kid with her husband, she's very much still attached to the hobby and has recently picked it back up. as for cooking, she does it strictly for fun, and even selected the chef subclass for her new elder tale character on the EU servers because of it.
things they like
oh boy. adventure and discovery, games, making friends, winning... things like that. kanami is also generally open to doing most things even if they're a little boring; that's just the kind of person she is.
things they dislike
there's not a lot kanami doesn't like. she's not a huge fan of being told what to do, or vegetables, or when people constantly put themselves down, but that's kind of standard stuff. she's not really a very deep person in terms of dislikes though.
some things people do that annoy them
in line with the previous answer, kanami hates it when people are constantly wallowing in their own self pity instead of at least trying to accept that they have people around them to support them. she also doesn't like open-mouth chewers with a particular vitriol.
how easily they form friendships
pretty easily. you've known kanami for a day and were generally either nice or cooperative? congratulations, here's your honorary invite to Kanami and her Merry Friends.
how easily they get crushes
technically the answer is "very easily", but she only gets crushes on specific kinds of people. they have to be kind of devoted to a cause and very adamant about their pursuits. basically, the kind of person who has their shit together is the sort of person kanami really falls for instantly.
the kind of person they get along with the best
people who are able to set things down and go with the flow! kanami's a spontaneous person whose wants change like the wind. she has a harder time meshing with people whose plans are super rigid, though she secretly admires those people.
the kind of person they get along with the worst
people who absolutely can't handle change or spontaneous plans. it's a big reason why her and her fellow party member indicus could never really get along all that well.
whether or not they could get along with your muse(s)
kanami is easy to get along with in general, so overall the answer is yes. she'd get along best with the collector, emu, tsukasa, and miria, though i'm only picking out of the muses i know so there could be more.
ask meme! / accepting.
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astralartefact · 11 months
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FFXIV Dawntrail FanFest EU Predictions Bad idea for a Green Mage to gamble against a Corsair
Jobs Okay, so listen. Let's talk about Yoshi-P's T-shirt again. Some of the leading theories seem to be, in no particular order:
a) Green Mage, because Green (& Krile's Letter in 6.5) b) Pictomancer, because Turtle Names (& because it would be cool) c) It's just that the Melee Job shares Ninja gear (& Yoshi-P thinks we're stupid)
And I could see all of these being true but I'm here to bet on something else. Or rather, I bet on the exact same thing:
What if they are all true? What if the Pictomancer-inspired Green Mage IS the Ninja Class? What if the WoL's class we see in the trailer is actually the Mage class? Think about it. He even wears a robe...
Joking aside I actually do think that would be a great idea. (and with great idea I mean I would receive all the good nin glams for my pictomancer/green mage) It would give us a real melee mage! It would be an easy way to shake up the formula even just a little bit and it would also make for a nice Fanfest Surprise (everybody is expecting that the WoL's job is revealed, but actually...)
Also I just want to see my girl Krile in the trailer q_q Please don't let me wait until January... q_q
I will debunk myself, of course that's not actually going to happen, that would be far too cool and we can't have that, not if it goes against lore. They will make up some problem and pretend as if they didn't create it themselves, something like "But NIN gear doesn't have Magic attributes" (you could just write a stat conversion trait for that, i think drk(?) even had something like that back in the day) or "something something Mage Visual Identity" (and everybody hates that everytime you bring it up, read the room yoshi-p, and also the "corsair" wears a robe too and now what)
also i just don't want corsair okay i think "pirate" as a concept for a whole job is boring af, at most it's going to be a reverse rdm bc yoshi-p is certainly not going to base it on gambler like they did in 11 (bc rng is evil)
Alliance Raid I mean we're all expecting Sakaguchi to do the Alliance Raid and I agree, very likely, especially given Yoshi-P's hint ("It's more Final Fantasy than ever") and also 24-mans are more interesting to write for guest writers since the story sections are less fragmented. What is it going to be about though, I could see it being any of the games he made...
A FFX raid series would fit the tropical theme and we don't have that much 10 content anyways, but aesthetically maybe that's a little too close to the rest of the expansion... Then again 10 is big enough, I'm sure they could make it work just fine.
From Yoshi-P's hint I could also see a FF1 raid happening, but I'm not sure that 1 even has enough stuff left that would warrant an alliance quest line... like even just imagining him doing a Matsuno and just copy/pasting Cornelia somewhere, where would they put it? Into one of the Shards? Which other places would we go to and which enemies would we fight that haven't been namedropped somewhere else already? It would likely have to come with a lot of new stuff - but maybe he would love to do that? An official Sakaguchi FF1 revisit?
I'm also feeling FF6 on the wind tbh. Maybe it's just because I'm playing a lot of FF6 music on Theatrhythm though. Sigmascape is so far back at this point that I could see them returning to give 6 a bit of the FFXIV interpretation treatment, especially since Omega basically just copy/pasted the boss designs. Also Valigarmanda is FF6 right?
Then again I could also see him just creating something new too, just write a new story and create new bosses fitting the world... Like what if they just made the Golden City (whatever it turns out to be) the raids? I could see that happening...
Aaaaah, I don't know. I can't decide and I don't know Sakaguchis work good enough to make any attempt at calling it. I'll put down "He's going to make Fantasian FF canon" and my wager is "The community is going to take this as a reason to talk shit about Y:DA again".
8-man-raid I'm putting down "FF13 references" for "pleeeeeease, we don't have nearly enough hamauzu ost in this game q_q". I certainly don't think they'll do it, but let me dream okay? I just feel like with how out there some of the FF13 stuff is they could interpret it in really interesting ways... I don't even know what they would reference, Orphan maybe? Even though Orphan as a name would probably have been a better fit for when we had Sin Eaters - omg maybe they could have rogue sin eaters in Tural... "Orphan" would be perfect for that...
i'm looking at the orphan concept art right now and damn, that's what the Twelve should have become. it makes the final battle stage of Thaleia look like discount final orphan... man i hate Eulogia more every passing second
Except for a few minor one-off bosses, I don't think we've had anything FF13 related since... the FF13 collab? And that was back in ARR... (Okay, we probably had a bunch of them that I just don't recognize - but nothing near the scale of FF8/Eden or FF4/The Void)
They could of course finally do a fully original 8-man-raid not based on an existing name - maybe the Golden City (or whatever it turns out to actually be)? What if the MSQ just discovers it and then in the raids we actually explore it?
Just don't do Matsuno stuff again, we had him enough now, he's at least 60% of this game already and you keep adding stuff that's just a reference to a thing he did. We know you love him Yoshi-P, but there are fifteen other games and then some if we count all the spin-offs.
Final Random Notes Hrothgar Ladies are basically confirmed thanks to 6.5, but I don't think they will reveal them until Japan. (If they do announce them, they might have another surprise announcement in store for JP)
I want one of the new areas to contain one of those salt flats that becomes a mirror when it fills with rainwater. (I just really love salt flats, I can't get enough of them. The Lochs are underrated!!!)
I don't think we'll get the second trial - and honestly I have absolutely no idea what it could be except Maduin bc FF6 - and iirc the trial series won't be revealed until the live letters right before they happen (we didn't even know Barbariccia until patch day)
I think when we get Void Arc 2: Zero and Durante and Unukalhai and Cyella and Ryne and Gaia's big adventure it's going to be as a new Bozja/Eureka-like (I think that's absolutely the only type of content you could reasonably require the Shb Role Quests for, but I think then they have an excuse to make it a little bit harder because nobody is going to accidentally stumble into it) - But for Dawntrail I predict they're going to set the Bozja-like thing they already announced (if i didn't dream it up) on the dark side of the Moon (and I would love some covert Bravely Second Ba'al references Undead Chicken Bride!!!)
Anyways, that's it! Have a nice FanFest!!!! Me and my Matsuri-Namazu will have Sushi at 11am to celebrate!!!
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ijustcantfigureout · 2 years
!!! got tagged by @ijustthinkevilunoisneat, thank you!
I tag whoever is in the mood of doing this and you have to answer those 15 questions:
Nickname: Nim, Nimmy, Bu (pronounced "Boo") and Biscuit (the air dry clay, not the food).
Sign: Capricorn but most of the other things is in aquarius. i'll be honest and say i don't really know what it means.
Height: 1,56 m or 1,58, can't remember now.
Last thing I googled: ao3
Song stuck in my head: paper moon (the one from the op from soul eater)
Number of followers: nah, not gonna tell, but not many, thankfully
Amount of sleep: hm. 3 hours.
Dream job: like, for real real, with feet in reality, public server in the area of the bachelor i'm working to get/screenwriter/studio editor; slightly floating is animator/illustrator; and unreal, flying out of the atmosphere is professional musician/comic artist.
Wearing: stars pattern t-shirt, black denim cuffed jogger pants, denim jacket with big flowers embroided in the back and black sport boots.
Movies/Books that can summarize me: idk this questions are always weird to me because i usually relate to characters not whole narratives that, usually, have a bunch of characters, you know? but if i had to choose... this makes more sense if you had asked songs, would still be difficult but less so. i want to say the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy bu-- ok after saving it as a draft and Reflecting, it goes something like:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy (Books)
Stardust (Movie)
Little Brother (Book)
Hot Fuzz
Inside Llewyn Davis
Whiplash (don't worry about it)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Book)
Favourite Song: blindblindblind by silver mt. zion, guyamas sonora AND gulag orkestar orkestar by beirut, terrible love AND rylan by the national, esú by baco exu do blues, danse macabre - camille saint-saës, from here to utopia (song for the desperate) by ramshackle glory, sailor waltz by josh garrels, romeo by thiago pethit and helio flanders, lavínia by guido, pills and good advice by left at london, i can change by ezra furman, se tiver que ser na bala vai by vanguart, big bad wolf by shakey graves, hoje eu vou sair by maglore, the horror and the wild (live) by the amazing devil, separate and ever deadly by the last shadow puppets, progress by idles, luther by de staat, fire walker by black rebel motorcycle club, wolf like me by tv on the radio, and etc. (sorry i didn't realize i had put those many until i opened it on the pc. i was going to put some more tbh but whatever)
Around the World in 80 Days (Book)
Treasure Planet
Favourite instrument: to listen, violin. to play, bass.
Aesthetic: nerdy librarian who is also a goth/punk wannabe
Favourite Authors: why do you make such hard questions, ugh. guimarães rosa, cory doctorow, álvaro de campos (heteronym of fernando pessoa), siken (don't bully me), anne carson, jorge luis borges, douglas adams, clarice lispector, jules verne. i really should read more.
Random Fun Fact: hmmmmm, like about me or the world? me: i can do this thing with my thumbs that make them look dislocated. the world: can't think of anything now. there's grafitti in impossible places and i love it. really cool stuff. does it count?
OK ending transmission c:
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bluesky88diary · 2 years
Such a uncertain feeling. Do you think I've done mistake to cross border as a refugee? I'm not in illegal state or like an outlaw for you to know. Committed administrative offence against Ukrainian laws, however here in EU no charges against me. Right now I'm only waiting for cancelation of international protection of refugees state here in Poland and good to go wherever I want. What do you mean by words 'as if nothing happened'? My invitation doesn't matter for you anymore? Or this way you cannot accept it? If we date now it can be like a spot on your reputation? Is it really so? Or maybe you are about my silence in regard of last events you participated in? Or it's not related to me at all? Maybe this way you miss me? Very uncertain feeling for me. But I will tell you about my vision and thoughts. I very hope to see you this Christmass. In worst case scenario why not go live in USA together then? Nobody will judge us there. If it happen I won't see you, then more likely I will fly in USA to my father and work there for some time, untill I will be able to provide for myself education and for my living in Korea, keep fighting for your heart and love. Perhaps till then I will finish writing a book, which might be a wonderful story to read. One way or another I trust God, who knows what's the best for us and I'm sure this step wasn't mistake. I move on by faith and I'm sure something wonderful is waiting for us ahead if we trust divine providence. To know what is hidden in gift box you have to open it first, right? Otherwise how could you know what's inside...
Many things is happening, but you decide how to value them. From one side I can be a hero for you, from another side merely a spark, a moment of memory. For me I wish you will always be my beloved woman, the one I break through hight barriers and longing to be together. Maybe for you these are sweet words, for me they are sky of my heart, the part of my being.
Howbeit you don't know the way your attention is pleasant for me, because I don't react in proper way to make you know in return. Those kisses and heart gestures you send are very heart warming and precious for me. But beside of all care and love we share if we are not together this feeling leaves trails of sadness inside heart, so I miss you. Yes, every blooming petal of your charming personality the way you are today touches heart very gently.. and then most of all every day I think only about one.. will I see you soon or I will see you soon for sure! I wish so much. I know you too. Thus I tell you, there is no bad things behind me to be afraid or ashamed of them. Please let your heart be calm and comforted. I love you, my stellar angel 승연.
Then you can ask, 'Are you busy? Where you've gone? I lack of your attention' Yes, I was a little busy, solving tasks the fast as possible for nothing hold me back, like repack messed up stuff, buy new clothes and shoes (don't wan't to stand before you in messed up traveler appearance), knowing better a new friend (male) I've met here (nice guy btw. I'm usually surounded by nice people), writting a letter and seaching for a christmass post card for it, talking with my parents and watching hours of records with you I coudn't see before (so I have to say something about each, everything takes time to happen). Alot of things is happening and I understand you miss me as well so much. Then I assume and wonder about the day when we could come back home with confidance and joy we miss no one anymore, when everything fits its place nicely and cozy. Do you wander about the same? I do. Let's welcome these cozy days together soon.
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woahpip · 5 years
reading a chapter of Ambush of Corellia at work and Leia’s lightsaber from Luke is “ruby red.” that’s fucking cool!!! i also looked it up and apparently there’s debate on lightsaber color equating goodness or whatever, and i feel that. just think that’s a neat detail to have.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
"How long are going to pretend?"
"...It's your fault!"
"For Better And For Worse..."
Tagging as requested: @gallantys @kyattodaemon @lovebugb @jiminslajibolala @eveningstar1516 @mandalor-jetii @nutmeg3dash7 @delusional-angel @crystalmystery @thedum1 @literally-ya-mom @chiaraowo @eu-4-riah @yaboihack @ovarysnake23 @fandumshippr @harujkookie @nowhearmeoutiswearitaintthatbad @bunna-does-stuff @your-local-fangirl1 @shinouzen @missrebustes @kadythethief @lemonandlime22 @olenoname @eckya @hungrynessforfics @heard-you-had-the-plague @fabulouslyflamboyant5
I've tried to tag everyone who asked, if I missed out please let me know. I'm so sorry I'm too scatterbrained to keep up sometimes you know hehe :')
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A month had passed since any of the brothers had seen you. And the angels and the wizard seemed too busy to answer questions about you.
"Is MC sick? They don't usually miss classes like this. I recently read some books on human sickness and I have some potions to help-" Satan caught up to Solomon in the library.
"They're fine. We're taking notes and we all study together at home. Diavolo has been notified." Solomon replied stiffly. He placed a book on the check out counter. Satan recognised it.
"That... that's MC's comfort book isn't it? I've seen them reading it when they're upset. Please Solomon, what's wrong with them? I'm sure I can help." Satan was begging at this point.
"Then stay away and stop asking about them." Solomon snapped walking out with the book.
Diavolo and Barbatos were being equally stand offish. It had been three days since Lucifer had received any paperwork to do. He wasn't even called to the castle anymore. And when he did try to go there himself, Barbatos sent him away.
"Young Master isn't in his right state of mind to converse unless it's regarding absolutely necessary business."
"Has MC come by at all?" Lucifer ventured.
Barbatos's face turned grim. "Hardly. Young Master doesn't like how often the castle stays silent now."
So he paced around the room, empty bottles of Demonus spilling over in secret corners. He heard his brothers shouting in the corridor again. He slumped onto his chair, his palm pressed against his forehead.
He had forgotten what the house was like before you arrived. He wanted his peace back. He wanted you back.
Beel often visited the fridge during the times you used to guard it. He'd fall to his knees, the absence of your form stopping him was too much.
"I'm sorry, MC... I'm sorry, I failed you..." Beel whispered in tired whispers. Asmo's words hit him deeper than he thought.
You were the only person who needed saving. Somehow how he made the wrong choice. Again.
Belphie tossed and turned. He could no longer sleep in the same room with his twin. Funny how after years of yearning to be back in this room, he no longer wanted it. Just because you left.
He was often found fast asleep leaning on the attic door. He recalled you falling asleep right there some nights, and that memory is the only thing that brought him peace.
"Luke, psst, Luke! Here boy!" Mammon grabbed and cornered Luke in a desolate classroom at RAD. Levi and Asmo shut the door, locking the four of them inside.
"What the hell are you demons planning?! Let me out!" Luke stepped back in fear. There was a crazed look in all of their eyes and Luke hadn't been in their presence without Simeon.
"We- we don't mean any harm! We just have a request please Luke!" Levi's fingers and eyes twitched unaturally. "Just take us to MC, won't you?"
Luke's wings flared like his temper. "Absolutely not! None of you are allowed near MC! They don't want to see you!"
Asmo's fingers snaked in Luke's hair. "You should just tell us honestly Luke, we would prefer not to... force you. But that might set off MC even more. Ugh, it's ridiculous how they would rather stay with a pipsqueak like you instead of us!"
Luke pried off Asmo's hands and managed to bang on the door hard enough before Levi and Mammon pulled him away again.
"Okay okay how about this. You can't take us to MC, but it's no problem if MC comes here willingly, don't ya agree?" Mammon sneered. "You just gotta sit here quietly and wait till MC comes to get ya!"
Levi didn't like this sound of this. "This feels like kidnapping! Mammon, was this really part of the plan?! I don't think MC will-"
The door Levi locked broke open with a loud BANG.
"Come on, Luke, let's go home." Your voice was like lemonade on a sunny day to them. They watched wide eyed as you stood there with your arms open for the little angel.
"MC, run! They've gotten crazier than before!" Luke rushed headfirst into your open arms.
"M-MC! You're really here!" "Oh my darling, MC it's been too long!" Levi and Asmo were already inching closer, when Mammon yanked them back and rushed forward instead.
"I knew it, human. I knew ya would come for the little mutt." Mammon's voice was unstable and giddy as he reached to embrace you.
"Stay back, demon." The cold command fell from your lips and down he went on his knees. Mammmon looked up horrified. Your eyes looked like someone had scooped away all the light from it.
"Luke, honey, Simeon is waiting by the staircase for you. Why don't you go to him? I'll be there soon." You reassured the angel and watched him leave.
"As for you three, how fucking dare you to use a child to get to me?! What the fuck were you expecting?!" You shook your head, your fists trembling with rage, by your sides.
"On second thought, I should have let Simeon deal with you instead."
"But you didn't, MC." Asmo perked up. "You came yourself, didn't you? Just like always?"
"You still care, MC! We know you do!" Levi chimed in too, "You're my best friend still I know!'
"Stay back down, you worms." The two of then kneeled in seconds. "Pretending everything is fine never works out. I learnt it the hard way."
"Wait no MC, we aren't-"
"MC, Luke wants to leave with you. Are you done?" Simeon's voice was marked by overwhelming rage. The only reason he didn't act out was you and Luke.
They watched in silent agony as Simeon put his arm around you, glancing back at them slightly. Things were changing rapidly. The brothers needed to keep up.
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syn0vial · 4 years
do you by any chance have any more boba facts? 🥺🥺 i love it if you would grace me with your vast boba knowledge 🥰
i’d be happy to oblige, friend! here are some more miscellaneous boba deets, courtesy of the EU/legends 😊
though there are varying portrayals by different authors re: boba’s take on collateral damage, one of my favorites comes from one of the earliest boba fett stories. in it, boba is hunting han solo (of course) some time after the events of the original trilogy, but during the mission, things go awry and a civilian character is mortally wounded by a blaster bolt meant for han. boba, who in this timeline has never killed the wrong target before, proceeds to let han solo run away so he can check on the woman and, once he realizes that she’s too far gone to save, he administers something to ease her passing and kneels by her side, holding her hand until she passes away. it’s a surprisingly tender scene and goes to show that, as ruthless as he is, boba just isn’t willing to let someone die a slow, painful, lonely death for his fuck-up.
speaking of han, as boba gets older, he becomes deeply embarrassed by his “rivalry” with solo as a young man and will insist to anyone who brings it up that it wasn’t a thing and that han just tells everyone they’re “nemeses” for the Drama Of It All
this is infinitely more hilarious if you’ve read early EU work in which boba’s rivalry with han consisted mostly of boba obsessively hunting him while han is like “GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKING WEIRDO” 
speaking of things boba finds embarrassing once he’s older, at one point, he’s trying to verify the legit-ness of someone claiming to be telemetric (able to read memories off of objects), so he gives the man a necklace belonging to another bounty hunter he was romantically involved in as a teenager. boba is very skeptical and not expecting much, until the man starts reciting pick-up lines boba used at the wise old age of 16 
cue boba just about dying inside
like, his thoughts are literally just, “OH GOD, IT’S ALL TOO STUPID FOR HIM TO BE MAKING UP ON THE SPOT, HE FUCKING KNOWS”
honestly, they’re less pick-up lines and more just. a very sincere list of reasons he likes this other bounty hunter.
love that apparently boba’s idea of flirting as a teenager was just frantically chucking heartfelt positive statements at someone in no particular order
to his credit, it did work 😂
the lowest amount boba has ever killed someone for is three credits. this happens bc boba is trying to save the son of a clone, connor, from his creditors, initially by offering to pay his debt of half a million credits for him. when the creditor rejects boba’s offer and insists that he’d rather kill connor, connor fishes into his pockets, produces three credits, and goes, “HEY, FETT, I’LL GIVE YOU THREE CREDITS IF YOU KILL THIS ASSHOLE FOR ME” and boba’s like, “u kno what, fuck it” and does just that.
boba in the aftermath of fucking up all the shit, standing next to connor in a room full of dead bodies, including one rancor: “you owe me three credits :/”
okay, now for some cultural stuff, starting with mando’a!
though boba in the mandalorian seems at least able to read mando’a script, in the EU, he doesn’t start to learn mando’a until he’s much older
naturally, some of the first words he picks up are curse words LMAO
man is a stoic, battle-hardened bounty hunter and he still learns languages like a fucking fourth grader 
aside from cusses, two words he has particular reactions to are aruetii and ba’buir
aruetii means “outsider” or “non-mandalorian” and boba feels weird and self-conscious using it bc, uh... that... probably includes him in the eyes of most mandalorians, huh?
ba’buir means “grandfather.” in the EU, he does indeed have a granddaughter who calls him this and he becomes quietly attached to the it as a term of address—to the point where, when his granddaughter refers to her grandmother as “ba’buir” as well, boba has a moment of “hey wait, that’s my word >:(”... before remembering that the word can be used for both. GENDERLESS NOUNS, BAY-BEE
boba has... mostly negative feelings about the mandalorian view of the afterlife or the manda. basically, it’s a collective consciousness of every mandalorian who has ever died. non-mandalorians don’t go there bc according to traditional mandalorian belief, non-mandalorians don’t have souls
it’s quite telling that the normally not-very-expressive boba winces when the topic of the manda is brought up. and then when he’s asked what his problem is, he has a whole list of questions/objections to the manda as a concept. what if a mandalorian doesn’t want to go to the manda? do you have to spend eternity having your consciousness mixed with real monsters like tor vizsla and montross (mandalorians associated with death watch responsible for orphaning/betraying boba’s father)? what if you have non-mandalorian family members? are they allowed to come? and if an exception is made for them, why not the rest of the galaxy?
it’s interesting, bc clearly this isn’t a subject boba doesn’t know or care about; he’s obviously thought about it a lot to have all this to say about it. honestly, i wouldn’t be surprised if he put so much thought into it bc it may very well have been the afterlife jango believed in.
also, to end on a lighter note, boba is hilariously bad at all the like... leadership parts of being mand’alor.
there’s one scene where beviin drags him to a town hall meeting and all the other mandalorians are arguing over whether they should involve themselves in the new republic’s conflicts or not and boba’s like, “wow, this is really interesting. let me just quietly listen to all these different points being raised and think about—wait, why is everyone looking at me—oh. oh shit, they’re expecting me to actually say something.”
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ask-the-eu6 · 3 years
I didnt know Europe has a capital for well, Europe.
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Context and additional info under the cut!
The Netherlands is quoting Wikipedia to educate y’all and so will I! (No comments about Wikipedia being unacademic, I will glare in your general direction!)
So yeah the distinction between “ the EU/ Europe (politically)” and “Europe (geographically)” is quite huge. It’s the difference between 27 countries and 48-52 countries respectively depending on the definition used. Being from Western-Europe, part of both, I shall admit I am probably biased when I say the distinction between the two is only really important for the part of Europe that isn’t in the EU (sorry, you guys can complain to me on anon if you want)
ANYWAY, The reason Brussels is “the capital” is mostly symbolic but it’s not really based on a real choice and rather just the idea of: “yeah a lot of EU stuff happens there so it’s the main EU hub, ergo the capital.”
On why we also include Strasbourg and Luxembourg it is because of this passage on the Wikipedia page of Strasbourg:
Strasbourg is considered the legislative and democratic capital of the European Union, while Brussels is considered the executive and administrative capital and Luxembourg the judiciary and financial capital.
There are indeed multiple hubs where “A lot off EU stuff is happening” which seems to be the main criteria to designate a capital. Indeed Strasbourg hosts the council of Europe, which is older than the EU, the Eu parliament partially and also some other important European institutions.
The joke Ludwig makes (Because it is a joke lol, Ludwig is not a nationalist no worries, just you know... “German humour” *sigh*) is that Strasbourg switched between France and what could be considered Germany nowadays, 5 or more times in a very short timespan. being a blend of German and French cultures, with French citizens that speak German and Alsacien, it could be considered a symbol for European unity. (More info about Strasbourg: X)
So Strasbourg being capital isn’t completely unwarranted. Funnily enough you can not find this passage on the Wikipedia page of Brussels Which totally ties back to the diss that Belgium makes in a way. 
Regarding that... The diss comes from Belgian mun’s own experience in Strasbourg where everywhere on the ground was written “Strasbourg Capitale D’Europe” which is something you don’t really see in Brussels because no one needs to convince anyone that it’s the capital as it is so obvious!
Back in the early days of the EU, when it was still the European Coal and Steel community (ECSC); when there wasn’t as much documentation and bureaucracy as nowadays, they had the idea of a rotating capital. A capital that would switch between the 6 initial members. As the union grew, a fixed capital needed to be found and that’s where there were some disagreements between the countries. as you can read:
The decision [to appoint a city for the institutions] was put off due to the varied national positions preventing a unanimous decision. Luxembourg fought to keep the ECSC or have compensation; France fought for Strasbourg; Italy, initially backing Paris, fought for any Italian city to thwart Luxembourg and Strasbourg. Meanwhile, the Parliament passed a series of resolutions complaining about the whole situation of spreading itself across three cities, though unable to do anything about it
As to why Brussels became the capital...  
There is the famous claim that the only reason Brussels became the capital was because Belgium starts with a B which is the first letter of the alfabet and thus Belgium’s capital was the first in line to host the EU institutions back in those days where there was still an agreement that it would switch between the 6 capitals. (Source X)
So when it was Belgium’s turn they build all the infrastructure required, so that it would seem illogical and a waste of time and money to still switch to another capital instead of just remaining in Brussels. In this way Belgium basically forced their hand. (Belgium being a manipulative girlboss., basically). 
Although it was likely going to be chosen anyway as a panel of experts of the ECSC stated it was the perfect city for it because: 
“ a large, active metropolis, without a congested centre or poor quality of housing; good communications with other member states' capitals, including to major commercial and maritime markets; vast internal transport links; an important international business centre; plentiful housing for European civil servants; and an open economy. Furthermore, it was located on the border between the two major European civilizations, the Latin world (French Walloon) and the Germanic world (Dutch Flemish), and was at the centre of the first post-war integration experiment: the Benelux. As a capital of a small country, it also could not claim to use the presence of institutions to exert pressure on other member states, it being more of a neutral territory between the major European powers.“
EDIT: The joke Romano makes at Luxembourg’s expense is that appart from Luxembourg city, with a population of  114 000, and 160 000 during work days from cross border workers, there isn’t really another city. The second one is Esch-sûr-Alzette with a population of 30 000. 
So yeah, hope you learned something! :)
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