#i read it in the visual history book and was like :0 wow
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styxbugg · 9 months ago
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My incurable urge to give people i just met fun facts about things they know nothing about
[Text: They don’t even know that the episode “the trash heap doesn’t live here anymore” was used to fix the technical problem of having to film an entire long scene of the fraggles crossing the gorgs garden any time they wanted to use marjory. She gets moved closer to the fraggle hole, thus eliminating that extra scene for the rest of the series and making it easier for her to be in episodes.]
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thoughtfulwish · 5 years ago
Cuba: Part One
I have always wanted to go to Cuba, so the second I saw a flash sale from JetBlue, I jumped on the opportunity and dragged my boyfriend along (and I’m so glad I did, I almost went alone). Everything you could read is true, and yet there’s so much more to this country.
Cuba is visually stunning; the Spanish-Colonial style homes with the original marble staircases and tile floors, brightly painted concrete, and iron gate balconies. But its beauty hides a lot of corruption, corruption I had only read about, but stayed in denial of. Being there, hearing from many different people from different “classes,” it was eyeopening. It was an extremely interesting time to go right before a primary election.
I went for 5 days, and in those 5 days, I had an overload of information. Even if I wanted to strictly lounge about, I couldn’t. We heard everyone’s stories; their histories, their troubles, their solutions, and you couldn’t relax, the information was mentally taxing. But for now, I’ll just give you the information on how to travel there..
My howto for Cuba, the shortlist:
Flights To go right now as an American, we booked our trip with the visa “supporting the Cuban people,” which means supporting private and independent businesses, and nothing owned by the government, which is a tricky task. We stayed at an Airbnb and booked excursions through Airbnb, people doing tourism as their side hustle, aka their main source of income.
When booking your flight, you click on this option, then be prepared to bring $50 cash (JetBlue took credit) for your independent Visa. You have to keep this because on your return home back into the states, they stamp this piece of paper and your passport. Also, just in case, bring your itinerary as proof of your support for the people. We didn’t get asked for it, but we heard others being asked for proof, mainly on where they’re staying.
Where to stay A lot of places are on Airbnb, but only use superhosts, so you don’t show up to an empty building (we’ve heard about this.) But also, because no one there can use credit cards as forms of payment and there is a lack of internet, everyone has a friend/ family member outside of Cuba doing the transactions and communication. The person that you’ve been talking to online, is not the person you’ll be checking in with. However, we learned that a lot of Americans will buy Airbnb’s for super cheap ($10 a night), with no intention of staying there, and then book one of the luxury government-owned hotels in cash for their stay. Technically, still supporting a Cuban household, allowing that family to double book the room, and also getting live in modern luxury. This is illegal - but I guess if you’re not leaving a paper trail there’s no way to prove this….. I don’t recommend this because there’s no way of knowing if the hotels will be booked up or not, and you know, illegal.
CASH IS KING! We brought $1000 total for our five days, $100 per person a day, and we had a little over $100 leftover (and that’s with me being pickpocketed - I’ll get more into that later). Once you get to Cuba, your cards are invalid. First of all, the US does not do transactions with Cuba, so your banks won’t even work, plus, no one has a credit card reader down there. However, if you run out of cash, you’re screwed. You’ll have to get someone to wire you money, and when I say you, it will have to be your Airbnb host. So bring extra in case of an emergency.
For food: off the beaten path is better, Paladars are best. Paladars are families that open their homes to you and cook a meal for you. It will look like a hole in the wall restaurant, like a sub shop with no counter, and you’ll be eating there and you can see a whole family in the back watching TV. The government isn’t getting a cut of this, so you’re truly supporting the Cuban people with this, plus, the food is better. A restaurant will charge you an average $15 a person (with alcohol) for a meal, give or take, but a Paladar will charge you an average $5 a person (with alcohol). Also, the street carts have the best desserts (We literally chased after a man with “Pie de Coco,” coconut pie/cake. For cocktails though, you’ll have to go to a bar.
Brush up on your Spanish! I thought my Spanish was passable as a tourist, assuming there’d be a mix of English speakers, which there was, but oh boy it was challenging. There was no, “I recognize you’re trying to speak my language, I’m going to speak in English for you now.” it was “Wow, your Spanish sucks, I’m going to let you keep fumbling because your bad Spanish is better than my bad English..” Luckily my boyfriend’s Spanish was much better, the guy also studied in Spain. We had an emergency moment (my dress ripped) and we had to get into a pedicab right away, It turns out I only know the word “Derecha” (right) for navigation.
With all the good and the bad I had on this trip, Cuba was a blast. The weather was perfect, the streets were very clean and also safe to walk around. There are no drugs, no guns, no gangs, so you can walk around the streets late at night with a sense of ease. (But just because there’s no organized crime, doesn’t mean there’s 0 crime, so always keep your guard up).
My dress: Amazon My Hat: Amazon My Shoes: Converse
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Christianity tells stories; Islam finds designs - Eureka Stree
2019/06/24 14:05
Christianity tells stories; Islam finds designs - Eureka Stree https://www.eurekastreet.com.au/.../christianity-tells-stories--islam-fi...
Westerners, and especially western Christians, often fail to acknowledge the debt they owe to Islam, a tradition that had a ... If you try to divide anything by zero, you have an experience of both the eternal and the absurd right before your eyes, ..
My year ten class studies Islam, one of the most formative influences in the world that my students will inhabit and hopefully improve. I have a profound respect for Islam. Westerners, and especially western Christians, often fail to acknowledge the debt they owe to Islam, a tradition that had a huge role in bringing Europe through the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance. Michael McGirr Books That Saved My LifeI tell students and anyone else who expresses a mindless contempt for Islam that if they truly feel that way then they should have the strength of their convictions and stop using Arabic numerals. The reason we use Arabic numbers in the first place is that they embody a philosophical concept that was inaccessible to Roman numerals and that, indeed, was threatening to medieval Christianity. That is the idea of zero, the representation of nothing, the articulation of the void.
Zero is a wonderful image of eternity. If you try to divide anything by zero, you have an experience of both the eternal and the absurd right before your eyes, beneath the tip of a cheap pencil. Zero is a perfect circle with nothing to enclose: it has neither beginning nor end. Christians sometimes scratch their heads when Muslims speak of the impossibility of creating visual images of the divine. Mosques don't have statues or pictures. But zero is, in fact, not a bad representation of the sacred.
Christianity tells stories; Islam finds designs, patterns, mosaics. These communities should love each other. Often enough it looks like there is zero chance of that. The prophet Muhammad was one of the liberators of history. It's a pity that a small number of his followers are hell-bent, to use the expression literally, on poisoning their own water. I wouldn't want Christianity judged by the actions of the Ku Klux Klan.
I offer my students a more sympathetic account of the mysticism of Islam than they are likely to get from the media at large. We visit mosques. On one occasion, an imam explained the beliefs of Islam, then quickly moved on to a range of herbal cosmetics and medicines which he was selling, clearly as part of a pyramid scheme. There was comfort in knowing that dodgy practices could cross religious boundaries.
Another mosque, in a northern suburb, occupied a former showroom on top of nondescript shops. It was so plain that, looking for a minaret or a dome shining in the sun, we were 20 minutes late. The imam spoke simply about the need for community and belonging and a moral structure for living, precisely the messages we try to impart to the students on our side of the tracks. Someone asked about 'jihad'. The imam explained that it has nothing to do with violence.
The word means 'struggle'. He hoped that all of us were engaged in the struggle to become the best people we could be. To achieve that, we needed both ancient wisdom and a contemporary community. It was important not to struggle against but to struggle with.
"The act of memory requires humility; you have to surrender yourself. The great traditions of wisdom are inaccessible without it. Apps are handy. You can carry a thousand works of literature in your phone. But they will never be part of you."
'Why do we have to take off our shoes?' asked one student.
'It shows respect. Respect is one of the crutches we need to help us learn reverence.' It was an interesting image. 'No one runs to God. We only get there on crutches.'
In another mosque, Sherene Hassan, the founder of Melbourne's Islamic Museum of Australia, tells us that there are about 6200 verses in the Qur'an and less than a dozen suggest any kind of violence. Sometimes the Qur'an pacifies its biblical antecedents, such as in the way it retells the story of the world's first murder, that of Abel by his brother Cain, an event that does not record history but, like so much in sacred texts, is more focused on creating a future. The Qur'an's version ends with the words: 'the one who kills a soul ... it is as if he killed the whole of mankind.'
Imam Mehmet Salih Dogan told us about his journey from Turkey and how he was proud of the work his wife was doing as a midwife in the enormous public hospital just across the road from where his community was trying to build a new mosque. 'She helps bring life into the world. That is what Islam is all about. Bringing life to the world.'
The imam introduced us to a year ten student from the local high school, a young man in a cheap tracksuit. He wore his baseball hat backwards. We had to remove our shoes, but hats were acceptable. This chap had already committed a third of the Qur'an to memory. In Arabic. It poured out of him as if it was too much for a single body to contain.
'Wow,' said Shaun, one of our group, seldom short of a word. 'That's incredible.'
The boy explained that the word Qur'an meant 'recitation': it is a work that doesn't yield its magic on the page, but only in being heard aloud within a community. His life's goal was to memorise the entire book.
The Prophet Muhammad could neither read nor write, a fact often mentioned to support the belief that the Qur'an is divinely inspired. A better proof, in my view, is not so much how a book was created as what it, in turn, creates. All of my students were struck dumb by the commitment of this young man to the Qur'an and to the Arabic well from which it was drawn. I was having a holy struggle of my own to get some of them to read the 50 small pages of Mark's Gospel, let alone commit any of it to memory.
Modern education is prone to neglect the importance of memory. This does not mean rote learning. It means taking something important into the fabric of your being. People who have memorised great poetry will speak about this. So will actors who have performed Shakespeare and other major texts, as well as pianists and singers who have remembered breathtaking works. Such things shape the memory and in turn shape the person. The memory is like a muscle. It needs to do heavy lifting to gain its strength and power. The act of memory requires humility; you have to surrender yourself.
The great traditions of wisdom are inaccessible without it. Apps are handy. You can carry a thousand works of literature in your phone. But they will never be part of you.
The students always ask the same question. 'Why do we have to remove our shoes?' Shaun queried the imam.
'Because when I smell your feet,' he replied. 'I know we share the same humanity.'
We all laughed.
'And if we share the same humanity,' he continued, 'we can only share the same God.'
This is an extract from Books That Saved My Life, by Michael McGirr. Read Andrew Hamilton's review of the book here.
Michael McGirrMichael McGirr is the bestselling author of Snooze: The Lost Art of Sleep, Bypass and Things You Get for Free. He has reviewed almost one thousand books for various newspapers; his short fiction has appeared in Australian and overseas publications; and he has been a publisher of Eureka Street and fiction editor at Meanjin.
人工知能はゼロ除算ができるでしょうか:5年  ゼロ除算の発見と重要性をした:再生核研究所  2014年2月2日
人工知能はゼロ除算ができるでしょうか:5年  ゼロ除算の発見と重要性をした:再生核研究所  2014年2月2日
再生核研究所声明490(2019.6.21)令和革新の大義、 趣旨 ー 初等数学
次は2019.6.17日 に書かれたブログの一部である:
公表の下記の文章を見ると おかしな人の文章に見える。 内容が凄いからである。しかし、文体を 文章を読むと可笑しい感じではない。しかし、内容は。 述べられていることは真実か 否か。大げさに 書かれていないか。 小さなことを 大きく述べていないか。 などなど当然考えられる。
しかしながら、繰り返し 数年にわたって、その思いは 確認され、信念は 深まるばかりである。 内容は、ほとんど当たり前なのであるが、それが、ユークリッド以来、アリストテレス以来の 空間の認識を変え、全く新しい世界が出てきた。 沢山の明確な例を得ている。 超古典の数学の補完、修正である。 ゼロで割れて、新しい世界が現れてきた。夢のような事件である。 2019.6.17.6:14
現代初等数学に 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然である。 2019.5.17.3:30 1/0, 0/0, \tan(\pi/2)  が分からないとは、何と恥ずかしいことか。 令和時代に 日本発の 文化として、世界史に貢献したい。 令和とは 偶然、ゼロ除算の概念から、全ての和を考えるとゼロに���るという、ゼロの雄大で深い意味を表わす。2000年を越える数学の歴史には 未だ数学の前史時代を思わせるような基本的な欠陥がある。 改元を機会に、令和時代にゼロ除算算法を取り入れた新数学を発展させて、令和時代の世界文化遺産 になるように 日本国は先導し、努力して、今こそ世界の数理科学に貢献しよう。 再生核研究所 令和 元年 5.1. 付記:  再生核研究所声明481(2019.4.4.) 改元に当たって、日本からの贈り物、ゼロ除算算法 ー 新数学
そこで、上記を裏付けるために 改められるべき数学の大勢を一般向きに述べて、いわば、令和革新の内容を 述べて、令和革新の大義を明らかにしたい。
まずゼロで割っていはいけない、分母がゼロの場合を 極限などの概念を避けて考えてはならないの 2000年を越える 数学十戎の第一 を改め、ゼロで割ることを考える、新世界を拓く。 分母がゼロである場合、またゼロで割ることを 今後は広く考える。 これはゼロ除算の意味を正確に捉え、ゼロ除算算法として定式化することによって 何時でも可能になり、 従来考えてこなかった新世界が現れてくる。その意味で、1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan(\pi/2)= \log 0=0 であり、無限遠点はゼロで表され、直角座標系で y軸の勾配はゼロである、基本関数 y=1/x  の原点での値は ゼロであるなど、驚嘆すべき新しい結果を導く。ユークリッド空間のモデル、リーマン球面のモデルの 超古典的なモデルはアリストテレス、ユークリッドの世界観、数学観さえ変更が要求される。 微分の概念や積分の概念さえ補完されて修正されなければならない。曲率や特異点の概念さえ変更が 要求される。 -- 解析関数は 孤立特異点その所で 固有の意味を有するという 新世界が現れてきた。これらのことは 四則演算の除算の欠けていたゼロ除算を可能にしたのであるから、初等数学全般の革新を意味するのは 当然である。
これらの改革には 10年くらいの歳月を必要として、多くの人材の参画が必要であり、これらの基本数学の変革は 将来 日本発の世界文化遺産になるべきものであることは、絶対である数学の必然として 既に歴然であると考える。
これらの数学の素人向きの解説は 55カ月に亘って次で与えられている:
数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学
数学的な解説論文は 次で公表されている:
viXra:1904.0408 submitted on 2019-04-22 00:32:30,
What Was Division by Zero?; Division by Zero Calculus and New World
                                   以 上
祝改元 令 和
改元、令和時代 を祝する。令和とは 偶然、ゼロ除算の概念から、全ての和を考えるとゼロになるという、ゼロの雄大で深い意味を表わす。2000年を越える数学の歴史には 未だ数学の前史時代を思わせるような基本的な欠陥がある。
改元を機会に、令和時代にゼロ除算算法を取り入れた新数学を発展させて���令和時代の世界文化遺産 になるように 日本国は先導し、努力して、今こそ世界の数理科学に貢献しよう。
令和 元年 5.1.
再生核研究所声明481(2019.4.4.) 改元に当たって、日本からの贈り物、ゼロ除算算法 ー 新数学
( 流石に 素晴らしい日本の文化。感銘しました。力が湧いてきました。凄い考えも浮かんできました。令和。
新元号 令和は、漢字、発音、形、由来、素晴らしいと感じました。 そこで、力が 湧いてきました。 ゼロ除算算法は 特異点の世界に立ち入った 全く新しい世界、数学ですので、 改元を機会に 日本発(初)の 数学の基礎の確立に貢献したい。 日本数学会、日本国の力をかけて 世界に貢献すべく努力したい。
時ときに、初春しよしゆんの令月れいげつにして、気き淑よく風かぜ和やはらぎ、梅うめは鏡前きやうぜんの粉こを披ひらき、蘭らんは珮後はいごの香かうを薫かをらす。 )
そこで、万葉の美しい心情を篤く受け止めて ややもすると日本の文化、精神の弱点とみられる数理科学の基礎に 日本国が今後永く世界に貢献できる新数学として ゼロ除算算法の大きな展望を 新時代を迎えるに当たって述べたい。日本発(初)の基礎数学、新しい世界観を 世界の文化に貢献すべく世界に展開しようではないか。
そもそもゼロ除算算法とは、ゼロで割る問題 (ゼロ除算) から由来するが、ゼロ除算は 古くはアリストテレス以来 不可能であることの象徴と考えられ、物理学上でもアインシュタインの最大の懸案の問題であったとされる。特異点での問題はブラックホールの問題と絡ませて、現在でも広く議論されている。しかるにその本質はゼロ除算算法の概念で捉えられ、原理は解析関数の孤立特異点での 新しい世界の発見 として説明される。従来、特異点においては、特異点の近くでの研究を行い、特異点そこでは考えて来なかった。すなわち、特異点そのものでの研究を可能にしたものであるから、全く新規な世界、数学である。不可能であると2000年を越えて考えられてきたところ、可能になったのであるから、その大きな意義と影響は既に歴然である。その影響は数学の全般に及ぶばかりか、我々の世界観に甚大なる影響を与え、世界史の大きな展開期を迎えるだろう。現代初等数学は、本質的な欠陥を有し、数学の基本的な再構成が求められ、新しい未知の雄大な世界の解明が求められている。
再生核研究所声明 479(2019.3.12)  遅れをとったゼロ除算 - 活かされな い敗戦経験とイギリスの畏れるべき戦略
再生核研究所声明 480(2019.3.26)  日本の数学の後進性
                               以 上
7歳の少女が、当たり前である(100/0=0、0/0=0)と言っているゼロ除算を 多くの大学教授が、信じられない結果と言っているのは、まことに奇妙な事件と言えるのではないでしょうか。 1/0=0、0/0=0、z/0=0 division by zero(a⁄0 )ゼロ除算 1/0=0、0/0=0、z/0=0 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0. 小学校以上で、最も知られている基本的な数学の結果は何でしょうか・・・ ゼロ除算(1/0=0、0/0=0、z/0=0)かピタゴラスの定理(a2 + b2 = c2 )ではないでしょうか。 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/234468724326618408/ 1+0=1 1-0=1 1×0=0  では、1/0・・・・・・・・・幾つでしょうか。 0???  本当に大丈夫ですか・・・・・0×0=1で矛盾になりませんか・・・・ 数学で「A÷0」(ゼロで割る)がダメな理由を教えてください。 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/.../ques.../q1411588849 #知恵袋_ 割り算を掛け算の逆だと定義した人は、誰でしょう??? Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity. https://notevenpast.org/dividing-nothing/ multiplication・・・・・増える 掛け算(×) 1より小さい数を掛けたら小さくなる。 大きくなるとは限らない。 0×0=0・・・・・・・・・だから0で割れないと考えた。 唯根拠もなしに、出鱈目に言っている人は世に多い。 加(+)・減(-)・乗(×)・除(÷) 除法(じょほう、英: division)とは、乗法の逆演算・・・・間違いの元 乗(×)は、加(+) 除(÷)は、減(-) http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/.../q14.../a37209195... http://www.mirun.sctv.jp/.../%E5%A0%AA%E3%82%89%E3%81%AA... 何とゼロ除算は、可能になるだろうと April 12, 2011 に 公に 予想されていたことを 発見した。 多くの数学で できないが、できるようになってきた経緯から述べられたものである。 0を引いても引いたことにならないから: 君に0円の月給を永遠に払いますから心配しないでください: 変化がない:引いたことにはならない:
今受け取ったメールです。 何十年もゼロ除算の研究をされてきた人が、積極的に我々の理論の正当性を認めてきた。
Re: 1/0=0/0=0 example JAMES ANDERSON [email protected] apr, 2 at 15:03 All,
Saitoh’s claim is wider than 1/0 = 0. It is x/0 = 0 for all real x. Real numbers are a field. The axioms of fields define the multiplicative inverse for every number except zero. Saitoh generalises this inverse to give 0^(-1) = 0. The axioms give the freedom to do this. The really important thing is that the result is zero - a number for which the field axioms hold. So Saitoh’s generalised system is still a field. This makes it attractive for algebraic reasons but, in my view, it is unattractive when dealing with calculus.
There is no milage in declaring Saitoh wrong. The only objections one can make are to usefulness. That is why Saitoh publishes so many notes on the usefulness of his system. I do the same with my system, but my method is to establish usefulness by extending many areas of mathematics and establishing new mathematical results.
That said, there is value in examining the logical basis of the various proposed number systems. We might find errors in them and we certainly can find areas of overlap and difference. These areas inform the choice of number system for different applications. This analysis helps determine where each number system will be useful.
James Anderson Sent from my iPhone
The deduction that z/0 = 0, for any z, is based in Saitoh's geometric intuition and it is currently applied in proof assistant technology, which are useful in industry and in the military.
Is It Really Impossible To Divide By Zero?
Dear the leading person:
How will be the below information?
The biggest scandal:
The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows:
Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed out (2017.10.14.08:55)
A typical wrong idea will be given as follows:
mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43).
It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing. Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics. https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~lp15/Grants/Alexandria/
José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero
Added an answer
In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/
Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/
and copying the following code
theory DivByZeroSatoih imports Complex_Main
theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex by simp
2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前)
Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.
Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1.
Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus
∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh
Black holes are where God divided by 0:Division by zero:1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2)=0 発見5周年を迎えて
You're God ! Yeah that's right...
You're creating the Universe and you're doing ok...
But Holy fudge ! You just made a division by zero and created a blackhole !! Ok, don't panic and shut your fudging mouth !
Use the arrow keys to move the blackhole
In each phase, you have to make the object of the right dimension fall into the blackhole
There are 2 endings.
Credits :
BlackHole picture : myself
Other pictures has been taken from internet
background picture : Reptile Theme of Mortal Kombat
NB : it's a big zip because of the wav file
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Install instructions Download it. Unzip it. Run the exe file. Play it. Enjoy it.
A poem about division from Hacker's Delight Last updated 5 weeks ago
I was re-reading Hacker's Delight and on page 202 I found a poem about division that I had forgotten about.
I think that I shall never envision An op unlovely as division. An op whose answer must be guessed And then, through multiply, assessed; An op for which we dearly pay, In cycles wasted every day. Division code is often hairy; Long division's downright scary. The proofs can overtax your brain, The ceiling and floor may drive you insane. Good code to divide takes a Knuthian hero, But even God can't divide by zero! Henry S. Warren, author of Hacker's Delight. 
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