#i read about all the crossover possibilities with 911 and was like oh is that even possible let me check where it's set
the titular rookie in the show the rookie is not lucy chen???!!?!??
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lostcol · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @eusuntgratie 😘
How many works do you have on ao3? 24
What's your total ao3 word count? 195,342
What fandoms do you write for? primarily men's hockey rpf and queer as folk, but I've also written for teen wolf, 911, and cmbyn.
Top five fics by kudos: Catalepsis (britin, qaf) Sick Day (buddie, 911) Open Your Fucking Eyes, Justin (britin, qaf) A Knight in Shining... Clubwear? (britin, qaf) The Great Poxing of 2013 (sterek, teen wolf) okay this is making me sad for my hockey fic 🥲
Do you respond to comments? always! but I don't get many, comparatively, and i produce like two one-shots a year, so it's not hard 😂
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably Confrontation (britin, qaf). It's a short, dialogue-only fic of an argument, and there's no resolution.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? oof I don't know, I tend to write happy endings, so there's a lot of choose from. I have a couple tknp fics that are about them getting together, which always makes for a happy ending, but I'll go with Wildflour (tknp, men's hockey rpf) because it ends mid-hookup, and that's always fun.
Do you get hate on fics? not yet 🙏
Do you write smut? yes! it's not my strong suit and it always takes me forfuckingever to write, but it's in there.
Craziest crossover: I haven't done any. Although a friend and I have (briefly) discussed the possibility of a tknp/firefly crossover, which I think would be amazing if I could wrap my head around the scope of it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? nope, but that would be so cool.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? nope. writing is a very *very* casual hobby for me, and I know that it would stress me out to feel like I constantly had to keep with a deadline and/or that i was letting my co-author down.
All time favorite ship? christ, sophie's choice much? Even though it's not the fandom I'm currently writing and reading the most right now, I've got to say britin from qaf. They're so formative for me, and I always come back to them. They're like, the foundational sunshine/grump ship in my world. With tknp a close close second. Currently I'm mostly reading firstprince.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i'm not really a wip person, I only have the brainpower to have one fic in my head at a time, so i tend to write, finish, post before i start something else (no matter how long it takes goddammit). but I do have some slightly more fleshed out qaf ideas that I may or may not come back to... but since most of them are pretty similar (something bad happens to justin, brian helps him out), I definitely won't write them all. I also have some ideas for fandoms i'll probably never write for again, but then again, never say never.
What are your writing strengths? dialogue. I like writing it probably more than any other part of my fics, and I feel like I'm good at it. Humor, which surprised me when I started writing because I started in the qaf fandom and almost all of my fics there skewed angsty, but I love adding humor in when the situation calls for it and I feel like I can be funny? I hope? 😂
What are your writing weaknesses? oh smut for sure. it takes me FOREVER to write it because I just... I don't know, get bored? I think I just find writing action sequences difficult generally, and what is smut if not action. Also world-building, which is why I tend to stick to very canon or canon-adjacent writing.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? sure, if it fits the character and situation. I haven't had reason to do it, but I could throw some basic Spanish in or like, single words in other languages, but I'd hate not getting it right so that would hold me back. I do find it annoying as a reader when there's a lot of foreign language dialogue in an english language fic and there's no translation.
First fandom you wrote in? first ever was technically buffy back when I was 14, but that was me writing it with the intent to change the names and pass it off as original fiction for my freshman english class. And I got an A! The first straight-up fic I wrote was for one tree hill. First fandom i was *involved* in and wrote for was qaf.
Favorite fic you've written? oh god why. I can narrow it down to two IF I MUST. First, Catalepsis (britin, qaf), it's my only true multi-chapter fic and at 82k it's my longest fic by like 70k. It took me literal years to finish, I'm super proud of it, and even though it's long I've had multiple comments about people rereading, which is always amazing. And The Great Poxing of 2013 (sterek, teen wolf). I just love it, it's funny and sweet and flirty and the only teen wolf fic I've written. It wasn't planned, I had a flash of inspiration and banged it out in two nights in front of the tv.
tagging @bigassbowlingballhead @madsworld15 @winderlylandchime and anybody else who wants to do it! (sorry if you guys already did it and I missed it, this week's been crazy) 💚
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snarkythewoecrow · 1 year
hi there what are your favorite ships in different fandoms and how did you found out about them and why did you fell for this ships
Okay, so let me think…
Going back to my Twilight days, even though I’d love to forget, I have to say that I’ve always been into Jasper with anyone—mainly because he’s got some issues, and between his struggles with control and his empathic abilities, writing him was always so fun. And weirdly, my favorite pairing for him actually was a crossover. I liked him with Harry Potter, female or male Harry, both were great.
In Torchwood, I shipped Ianto and Jack because they were perfect together, and you can’t convince me otherwise. Though… my favorite ship might actually be Owen/Ianto, as I love the combination and the potential for enemies to lovers. Owen is just so crass and abrasive but such a softy underneath. Also, he is a doctor, so great for hurt/comfort tropes. And Ianto paired with him, with the way he could sass and annoy Owen, but also, damn, Ianto was hurting in so many ways, and both Owen and Ianto had experienced such loss, losing people they loved. So yeah, I loved bringing them together. 
Sherlock, I think I always shipped John and Sherlock, as they were just so great together, though I could be particular with how they were written. I have exactly one fic for that fandom, but I did love it. 
Harry Potter, oh what a fandom and so many mixed feelings. Let’s see, generally, I think I ship Hermione and Sirius or Hermione and Remus the most? Though that said, speaking crossover fics? I tend to like a lot of things, usually ones that are mixes of MCU and HP, especially soulmate fics. I have written a Sam Wilson/Harry Potter that I actually adore.
Sandman is very easy, I love Dream/Hob, and I have no reasons other than they offer so many possible takes, though I have yet to write them. And I am pretty drawn to The Corinthian/Dream/Hob, too, so yeah, that’s something I’m pretty into also.
Then we have the MCU, and that is pretty much fair game, though Brock Rumlow and Jack Rollins are two of my favs, especially when it’s softer than you expect. I love Brock/Darcy with a passion. So good and worth reading some if you haven’t. I have written one for them already. Then I think Steve/Bucky/Tony is my other standby favorite, as that ship doesn’t make me choose. Oh, and Steve/Clint is undervalued, and more people need to get into that—though I enjoy the more comic take of Clint with Steve, where Clint is a hot mess of a dumpster fire. 
Oh, and Supernatural, I actually gasp never liked Destiel! Sorry, it never clicked for me. Instead, I ended up shipping Sam with Lucifer, idk. Apparently, my brain is dysfunctional, and I didn’t really care who Dean was with.
And for The Old Guard, which I have written one ficlet for, I will say that I love Joe and Nicky with my whole damned heart. Like, damn those two for being such romantic saps. Like how could anyone listen to Joe wax poetic about Nicky for 2 minutes straight before kissing him like he didn’t need air and not love them? 
And then, finally, we get to 911, which all canon ships I adore. How can you not? This damn show owns my heart. But Buck/Eddie are definitely the ring leaders, rulers, the ones holding fucking court over all the other pairings right now. Like those two idiots with their single brain cell bouncing around between them, like shit, how can you not them? Buck is a mess, and Eddie is his fucking person, his home, his safe place to rest and hide from the world. And I think Buck is, in some ways, the purpose and the compass that Eddie needs to stay moving forward and not get lost in the storm.
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sashi-ya · 2 years
Hi Sashi!!!! I've finally worked up the courage to request for your event haha
If it's no trouble, could I possibly request an nsfw with Kisuke x a female reader with the 'finding shelter' prompt in a Modern AU please?
If not, that is perfectly okay! Thank you, have a wonderful day/night🖤
Hii baby! of course! I give it a twist to the prompt so I hope you don't mind me experimenting with something a bit dif! Please enjoy and sorry about how this turned out to be long as f 😂 thank u for requesting! 🌙
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ㅤ 🌛 One Piece x Bleach Crossover Event : Under The Moon 🌜
NSFW ~ Urahara Kisuke x F! Reader ~ Seeking Shelter
tw: Ok, sorry to spoil the story but this is important to be adress; the city suffers an earthquake and several aftershocks after the initial one. Everybody is alright. I know this is a sensitive topic, I was born in one the most sismic places in europe so I kinda experienced this situations a lot of times. So please if this is triggering for you, do not read. if you ask yourself why I wrote 119 instead of 911 it is because 911 in Japan is 119
tw 2: NSFW. Shameless sex with the owner shop after he comforted you. Vag, oral, fingering. Modern AU.
wc: 5.6K (Posted also in AO3 so it's easier to read)
Like this event? chek the masterlist for more
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It’s been a long time since I have loved. I moved looking for adventures to the other side of the world.
You came unexpectedly like an earthquake, shaking my life…
You protected me from the danger. While I thought the walls were crashing around me, the ones that really did were my heart’s...
The new shop that had opened no more than a month ago seemed -as always- lonely. You wondered why there weren’t many clients and thought maybe it was about the store to be newly open. In any case you never had the need to visit them until that same night.
The last hours of a stressful day were encountering you tired but always with a smile on your face. You took a look at the shop right across the street before opening your door and then entered to be received by your cat, Momo. He was meowing out loud, more than normally, taking you by surprise.
“What’s going on, baby? Are you hungry?” you asked him as you walked inside to discover his plate had no food left. “Oh, you ate a lot, huh?”. You walked up to the cabinet where your kitty cat has its stuff to realize he had run out of food. “Ah shit, I completely forgot, Momo!”.
You were already thinking about opening a tuna can from yours to feed him, after all it was your fault and he deserved a treat occasionally, until you remembered that thankfully, like a saving star, the new store in front of your apartment was still open when no other was. “Momo, I will buy your food in a second! Let’s go” you chimed, grabbing your keys, and waiting for him to follow you. He was trained to accompany you, and it was not a big deal since you only had to cross the street. Your cat meowed sadly, hating probably on that store. He loves tuna over the rest of things and that place took the opportunity out of him, but he was still up for the small adventure of meeting a new store.
You retouched your lipstick. That day you felt adventurous and chose a bold red colour for them. “Life is pretty boring”, you thought. “Maybe a little colour would spice things up”
The air felt heavy, it wasn’t hot, but it wasn’t cold either. Above you the moon shined peacefully, and some of your neighbours’ cars were already parked outside. You look at each side of the street before crossing and right before entering the store, a classic Japanese one, you put Momo over your shoulder. “Just in case they have a dog, you know?” you told him, to which he responded purring his head against your temple.
“Hello? Is it still open?” you entered bowing, respectfully due to the late hours. There was nobody around, and it didn’t seem weird for you at first, cause normally the owners are usually in their houses at the back doing stuff when their stores aren’t busy. You took a look around, everything was in its place, and you even found your favourite candy, “Chappy the Bunny gummies”. You giggled and told Momo if he wanted some.
“Meow ~” a black cat greeted you first, jumping gracefully from behind to the counter, causing Momo to stiffen up over your shoulder. You thought it was weird, because Momo was in fact a pretty sociable pet, but maybe he just got scared. “Hi, kitty! What’s your name? Are you the manager here?” you joked, patting its tiny head.
“Hi! Welcome!” a man’s voice caught you by surprise. You looked towards him, a big smile and golden locks sprouting from under a green and white striped bucket hat. You weren’t able to see his eyes completely, something that made you a little nervous. “Yoruichi is my manager, yes. I’m Urahara Kisuke! Nice to meet you! What were you looking for?” he chimed, so charmfully that despite the fact it was the first time you met this man you felt as if you had known him from another reality.
“Hi, I’m (Name). I was wondering if you had some cat food. Any brand would do. This kitty ate it all and we ran out of it” you told him, earning a bump on your head by Momo who apparently wasn’t gonna eat “any” brand. “Hi, Kitty. You ate it all, huh? I don’t sell cat food, but my manager here would spare some for him, right Yoruichi-san?”.
You felt terrible, you wouldn’t like to take food from other animals. “Oh, it’s ok! I can give him a tuna can until tomorrow, it’s ok!” you instantly told him. Momo meowed happily but the black cat came closer to Urahara, grazing his body against him in a beautiful way, showing conformity to his request. “See? Yourichi-san is ok with it!!”
Momo fixed his feline gaze on his counterpart, and you could swear he was spitting insults at the black cat, but as long as he didn’t dare to move from your side, Youruichi was safe from any possible attack related to the tuna situation.
“Here” Kisuke handed you a little bag with the cat food. “Thank you, sir, how much is it?” you asked, reaching for the little purse hanging from the keys. He tilted his head to the side, “how… much? It’s a gift from us! Though, I have a special request in return” he said, pointing at you with a hand fan and then blowing his golden locks slightly off his face.
You couldn’t resist the urge to take a subtle peek under his hat to see his eyes. You were able to see one of his steel grey eyes and despite him looking friendly and funny you could swear deep inside his iris there was a hint of mystery… and perhaps roughness and madness, you know, like the mad hatter.
You swallowed; his vibe was at best confusing. Or maybe it was just your imagination… “Please, tell me your request” you proceed to speak, curious and a little scared. What does this man could ask in return for a little bag of cat food after all?
“I’d like you to tell me which food does your little kitty eat, that way I can sell it to you every time you need it” he chimed gracefully, earning a sigh of relief from you. “Sure, sir Urahara-san” you mumbled, petting Momo in the head.
The ambience suddenly felt heavy for some seconds, it wasn’t exactly hot, but you could sense something slightly oppressive in the air around you. He did the same and your eyes met for a brief second. None of you spoke, but both clearly understood there was something weird going on. Momo and Yoruichi suddenly jumped off their places into the floor of the shop.
“Momo?!” you asked, because even if the heavy atmosphere was gone by then it wasn’t usual that Momo would act so weird all of a sudden. You thought he was going to pick a fight with Urahara’s cat, but it wasn’t the case. Both of them looked and meowed at the both of you and ran to the back of the store.
Urahara walked after the cats, telling you to follow him. The felines -now friends- ran to hide under some boxes of who knows what at the storage. “Momo?! What’s going on? Get out! You are messing up Urahara-san's inventory!” you scolded your pet, feeling ashamed. First you took food from his cat and now your cat is creating a ruckus in the back of that man’s store.
But Kisuke laughed, he seemed really carefree about the situation, but deep inside his eyes were scanning the place just to find the disturbance that could have been causing the cats to suddenly run away and seek shelter. And in fact, the kitties were right… a huge danger was coming closer to you. Animals are known to sense vibrations that for humans go unnoticed and you soon understood that they were absolutely right in hiding…
The earthquake early warning alarm went off right 20 seconds before the first shake occurred under your feet. Kisuke’s phone and the store radio rang announcing strong tremors to be felt near your zone and how you must be prepared for it. You widen your eyes, looking outside a little window at your apartment sure you shouldn’t go back there even if all your stuff would become dust.
At first, the ground shaked almost imperceptibly, but a few seconds later the whole place began to move from side to side. The earth was trembling, and that was definitely the earthquake hitting your area. You lose balance, but the man wearing a green haori and a bucket hat saved you from falling. “Careful, (Name)-chan” he said, smiling beautifully as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Careful, follow me…” he sweetly and calmly told you, and stumbling you both walked together to some stairs that would take you to a little basement. He held you up in his arms and put you inside the little door that would lead to there, and then he entered. “Youruichi-san, Momo-kun ❤ ~?” He called the cats, who flashed their green and yellow eyes showing him they won’t be moving from where they were. “Very well, stay there then!” he said and much to your desperation he closed the little door over your heads.
You protested. “Momo!! Why? Why is he outside?!!”
“Calm down Miss, they are cats! They will be safer than us! I even left the bag of food open so they will be fine! Don’t worry!” He told you, placing his hands over your shoulder to calm you down even though the ground beneath your feet was shaking, intensely and never endlessly. Some cans fell from stands that were covering the walls of the basement and you noticed there was also a bed and some blankets there.
Yet, your eyes were blurred by tears that were flooding your lids. You were scared. It was your first earthquake since you have moved to Japan, and you have never experienced something like that. But you, nevertheless, felt safe. Safe in the arms of a store manager that you had just met. “Sir… is this?” you asked, trembling, grabbing the sides of his green haori. “An earthquake, (Name)-chan. Don’t panic, we will be safe here. I do use this place as a shelter for stuff like this” he informed you with the softest tone, bringing you closer to his chest. You couldn’t help but feel comfort in those arms, as if for some reason you knew that man from past lives.
You suddenly heard loud crashes, sounds you would attribute to structures falling, walls crashing down or who knows what. But you were safe, and aside from the initial panic nothing has hurt you, nor him. Urahara quickly took his phone to check on the security cameras from the place and outside as soon as the initial trembling had passed. Smoke all around didn’t let him see clearly, but he did see that Yoruichi and Momo were sitting outside the store looking perplexed at what was happening to the building.
“The kitties are alright, see? told you!” he said, smiling and showing you the screen. Screen that soon turned black as the electrical power and perhaps the CCTV cameras were damaged from the debris. You breathed alleviate. Nothing mattered the most than Momo and of course his new friend, Yoruichi. The buildings could crumble but as long as you had your only companion in this lonely life, you were happy.
But now, there was another problem… The basement door was completely stuck, and it was almost impossible to open. “We are stuck here, Urahara-san!” you screamed in horror. “Don’t fear, let me try… probably something heavy fell over it, but we will manage to opeeeeen…. thee- fucki- door” he finished, pushing the door up with no success.
“Well, yes. We are stuck. How unfortunate…” he mumbled, trying to keep his cool not to scare you. You sat over the little cot that was taking over half of the space of the basement. Basement that in fact saved your life, probably.
He sat crossing his legs on the ground facing you. Kisuke didn’t speak for a few minutes, and you could see him think about something intensely. You, that really needed to know what to do next, regretted the moment you got out of the house without your phone because “it’s just a second, we cross the street and we come back”.
But you won’t come back, at least for a couple of hours… or even more. You were unaware of the damages outside and how busy the emergency systems must be by now. Plus, you were safe, who knew how many people might need help before you. And that was stated by Kisuke soon after he realized he had been in silence for a long time now.
“So, my phone shows we are still at risk of aftershocks. I can quite access any website, Wi-Fi and power is gone. The phone service too. Do you have your phone to check if you have a signal?” he asked, making you feel like an idiot because you didn’t have any phone with you.
You blinked and took your hands to your temples. “I- I didn’t bring my phone with me… I’m a fucking idiot”. Urahara tilted his head, “an idiot you say? Why? is not that you could predict an earthquake after all”.
You couldn’t understand why and how that man could be so calm and had always the right words to tell, but you were grateful to be in this situation with someone like him… though the mystery behind his eyes was still haunting you, after all he was just a stranger to you.
“Thanks, Urahara-san. You have saved me with your quick reactions, I will be in debt for this forever” you admit, because it was true. You had frozen the very moment the alarms went off. You weren’t in the slightest used to that type of emergencies, not at least where you were from. “You are welcome, darling. Would you like some tea?” he offered you, as he stood up and brushed his wrinkly clothes off imaginary crumbles.
“Tea?” you asked, where the hell would he be getting tea in a basement? “Uhum, plain green or peach flavoured? I bet you like peaches, your cat is called Momo!”. The blonde man reached for one of the boxes scattered on the floor and took two bottles of iced -well not that cold- tea.
You couldn’t help but giggle. That man had everything ready for this? Was he some kind of psychic? “I love peaches, indeed” you said, stretching your arm to grab the bottle he was passing to you. He gifted you a sweet smile, and the shadow from his bucket hat made his eyes look dark… dark, intense, sexy. But somehow… dangerous.
“It’s just a shadow” you shook your head, easing the warning signals your mind wouldn’t stop emitting.
During the following half an hour he asked about when you had moved to Japan and what you were doing there. You gave him brief information about your life that he took it with a smiling countenance. He also told you that he had left his old work to become a freelance researcher and had to open the store to sustain his investigations. Though, he never told you what those “investigations” were based on. He also told you he wasn’t living alone there. His friend and his two kids were fortunately out of the country during those days. “They took a trip to Hawaii; can you believe it? And me, here, vibrating with the ground” he joked, as careless as possible.
The time passed and even if you were expecting his phone to warn you about new tremors, it didn’t. And because it didn’t work, the next aftershock took you by total surprise. It was even stronger than the initial earthquake and you felt dizzy and scared once again.
“God damn, this is a never-ending shit, isn’t it?” he said, holding you in his arms. And you couldn’t say no, you just felt safer around his embrace for the endless two minutes the trembling lasted. This time even the emergency lights flickered, and you could hear how stuff fell over the door of the basement making it more impossible to lift than before.
You stayed kneeling on the ground with him hugging you despite the aftershock had stopped. He didn’t have a problem keeping the hug, but the moment he attempted to loosen the grip you tighten your arms around his waist. “I’m sorry Sir, but… can I stay like this a little longer?”. He nodded and pushed you closer once again.
You don’t know how many more minutes you stayed like this, but you enjoyed every single moment of it. A subtle manly scent filled your senses as your cheek was pressed against his chest. The green kimono, loosen and wrinkly opened opportunely allowing you to take a subtle look from his prominent collar bones to his belly. And it’s not that you would think of sex during an earthquake, but you would lie if you said you weren’t enjoying the view.
And Kisuke knew, and he wasn’t mad in the slightest, because he wanted you as much as you did want him. But the reality of what was going on hit you soon and it wasn’t time to think about this like a plot for a porno. He cleared his throat as you two parted away. You fixed your eyes on the ground and numbed knees, your cheeks were burning, and you could swear you were blushing like in those anime you watch.
“I’m gonna try to call 119, ok?” he said, tucking a tuft of loose hair behind your ear. “Y-yes…” you mumbled, softly grazing the same place his thumb caressed a second before. But he didn’t have any luck. The lines had collapsed, and his phone informed he had less than 15% of battery. “Shit…” he protested, pressing his hat against his head and face.
And then, the emergency lights started blinking and beeping sounding nonstop.
He didn’t let his annoyance get to him and forced his good mood to return quickly after he remembered you were there next to him. “Listen it’s almost 2 am, the lights turn off automatically at 2:10 to save energy so it's gonna be dark in here until 6 am. What about getting some sleep?” he told you, pointing to the cot behind you.
You sat on the cot and untied your shoelaces quickly before the lights went off, feeling terrible as you were going to use the only bed available. “Urahara-san, take this” you said, giving him the little pillow and covers to him. “You shouldn’t sleep on the floor in your own place, but at least use this”.
You frowned, you weren’t annoyed, but it took you by surprise. “Uh… there? the two of us?” you asked, stuttering.
“No, silly. You. I will sleep on the floor, don’t worry” he laughed, and you wanted to bury your head inside the centre of the earth.
“Thank you, (Name)-chan. But call me Kisuke, please. We are going to be stuck in here for a long time, might as well get comfortable with my name” he told you, fixing the futon on the floor, right next to the cot. “I hope you don’t mind me sleeping closer to you, it’s just that the racks there are prone to falling and I don’t want to wake up with a huge bump on my head” he giggled, resting his back on the floor.
You smiled subtly, taking a look at his fine, handsome features and the messy beard on his chin. He had taken off his hat finally, and despite the flickering lights you were able to see his facade perfectly. “No problem Urahara-san…I mean, Kisuke! Please, wake me up if you need something from me” you told him, soon realizing the weight of those words, covering your mouth as the lights finally turned off.
You couldn’t sleep for at least half an hour more. “I should connect my tongue to my brain… those words sounded so badly” you thought, until the exhaustion of the terrible situation hit your body and your eyelids finally closed. You drifted into a reverie land, something similar to heaven. A strange society where people would wear black kimonos and swords. Kisuke was there too, funny enough he was “a captain” in that society. Dreams are said to be a place of wonders but that simply amazed you by the number of details your mind had created.
Soon that society started trembling, and you realized it wasn’t your dreams but the real world. This time even harder than before, the cot legs closed, and you fell into the floor hitting your back against it. You opened your eyes, scared as hell and almost shouting, but loving arms wrapped around you in a supportive embrace.
“Kisuke…” you whispered, nuzzling into what you think was the crook of his neck, because the lights were still off. “Don’t worry it’s just another tremor. Are you ok? Are you hurt?” he asked, with his chin over the crown of your head and his hand going up and down your back while the trembling motions would still go on and on.
You sniffled. “I’m ok. I got sc-scared” you mumbled, containing tears, because you were frankly fed up with that torture. “I’m glad you are safe, (Name)” he sighed, placing a peck on your head.
You widened your eyes, because he had just kissed you… and you weren’t mad, you wanted it so bad… you really wanted it. “Don’t cry, ok? It will be over in a couple of hours, I’m sure. Please try to relax” he said, brushing your hair back as he felt his neck damped with your salty tears.
Would it be that bad if you dared to kiss his neck? just a kiss, a peck, just placing your lips over his skin. Would it really be that bad, that indecent to do so during a moment like this? with a man you just knew but that had saved your life?
And you did, despite any moral rules.
Your lips barely grazed his skin. And you could feel him stiffen up. But he didn’t push you away. And then again, another peck, this time with clear intentions of kissing him. Another one came after the second one, this time subtly touching his skin with the tip of your tongue, leaving a wet spot.
Kisuke sighed, realizing a building up tension inside his own soul. He was burning already, and you turned the fire on with just a simple action. “(Name)-san?... are you-?” he asked, pushing you a little off himself, faces only illuminated by a little standby red light from the emergency lights.
You couldn’t pronounce any words, but you could surely express your intentions with actions. You crawled up to face him. Lips close, oh so close. Both could feel the warmth of your breaths on them. “Should I kiss you now, (Name)?” he asked, despite knowing the answer already. “Uhum…”.
Your lips met, sealing in a kiss that went from simply grazing mouths to passionate tongue dancing. He softly grunted as you made out, striping a moan from you when his hands went straight to squeeze your hips. Your bodies pressed, eliminating any opening in between them. Close, so close. Hard and wet, both sexes were. Throbbing, needy, stress to be released choosing sex to do so during such adverse situation. The world seemed to be caving in around you, but you were safe in the arms of a man you just met, but you felt your souls were already connected from before.
Kisuke slowly but surely guided you to be on top of him, pure darkness, everything you felt was based on the rest of your senses. Your hand rested on his chest. He felt warm on your palms and the tips of your fingers. Tips that traced a path from his jaw to his belly, slowly, delicately, teasing him… You humped slowly over his growing hardness, you felt him harder each second it passed, and your panties became wet as his tip would caress just the right point.
“Benihime” he moaned, pulling you from your arms to meet his mouth, needy oh so needy. “Benihime, my crimson princess… those red lips” he whined before attacking your mouth once again. You moved your hips back and forth, this time harder, ripping from his throat a guttural grunt. And he couldn’t take it any longer. He grabbed your wrists and in a quick, violent motion you were then pinned against the floor.
Kisuke lifted your shirt, he was so desperate for you he didn’t even bother to take it all off. He just wanted to bury himself in between your breasts. And he did, kissing, nuzzling, even licking each and every patch of skin around your lingerie. He passed his arms under you, searching for the clasp of your bra to free you from the clothing jail.
Once you were completely exposed to him, even if the subtle led light of the emergency lights were the only source of illumination he didn’t care and he didn’t need to see to enjoy your hard sensitive nipples. He sucked, he licked, he even nibbled on them. “Why is it that you are so delicious, princess? your skin smells and tastes so good” he said in between sucking and taking gasps of air to continue with the sweet torturing stimulation.
You passed your fingers through his hair, brushing his bangs off his face, unable to see but eager to feel his features. Only one of his eyes under the shadow influence of the darkness was visible for you, the red glare of the standby light would reflect on his steel irises turning him into something similar to a demon. A demon that couldn’t stop devouring you.
Kisuke’s hands squeezed your breasts once he decided it was time to occupy his mouth in other parts of your anatomy. He let a trail of kisses from your chest down your belly, pulling your pants off with just his teeth. “Now, let me… let me take you to heaven” he mumbled, breathing closely to your wet core.
You squirmed and bit your own forearm to muffle a loud moan wanting to escape your lips. “I wanna hear you sing for me, princess… don’t cover your mouth” he ordered as the first finger penetrated your entrance. He pumped it up and down several times to get it wet enough for you to taste it yourself. “Taste yourself, aren’t you delicious?” he said, taking his finger to your mouth and making you suck it all.
He shivered, the way you suck the whole finger made him want to stick his dick inside your mouth and fuck it until he couldn’t take it anymore. But he resisted the urge to do so, because that moment was just for you, and he wanted to have a full course meal with your core.
His tongue attacked your spread labia, his fingers held you open. He went up and down, circles around your clit, sucking and slurping your increasing honeys without spilling a single drop of them. You arched your back; sure this was the first time a man was matching the pleasure your own fingers only knew how to give.
Urahara pressed your belly down, as his tongue was joined by a beckoning motion of his fingers inside you. You couldn’t help but moan louder, pulling from his ashy blonde hair as climax would soon hit your body. “Come for me, (Name)-san” he encouraged you right at the verge of exploding. And you did, to a body completely surrendered to him, trembling, repeating his name…
You realized the releasing pressure of your orgasm damped the whole place around you and even his forearm. And he was satisfied, but not completely. It was time for him to have a reward, and you didn’t hesitate in pulling him closer.
“Princess, you are eager for more, don’t you?” he asked, while you, drunk on passion, untied the kimono that was barely covering his body. “I want more, Kisuke. I want more from you” you pleaded, sitting on the floor, and kissing his hip bones as he remained kneeling near you.
“And I’ll be pleased to give it to you” he chimed, pushing you back to the floor. You spread your legs, erroneously thinking he was going to fuck you in a classic missionary position. Oh but, Urahara Kisuke is anything but classic and so it shows. “Turn around, my dear (Name)-san” he ordered, helping you with his hands around your hips.
You waited for further instructions with your belly against a wet patch of your own last orgasm. He pulled your hips up but pressed your head against the floor. “Just ass up, you will like this”. Of course, you did, you wanted him to fuck you in any possible way.
You felt him place behind you, his left leg on the side of your hip, the other with his knee on the ground. He dragged his thumb up and down, from your entrance to the perineum and from there to your rear. “I’m kinda trying to decide where to fuck you first” he told you, passing his palm from the small of your back up your spine. You shivered. His soft, lustful voice could have been enough to drag you to hell and heaven.
Next step was using the throbbing, dripping tip of his dick to graze your entrances as he lubricated them mixing his own squirt with yours. Up and down, sometimes sloppily barely entering. You moved your ass against him, wagging your hips as if you were some kind of kitty cat. You needed him to already be inside you. “You want me? huh? princess?” he asked as he aligned himself with your entrance.
“Yes, Urahara-san… I want you”
“Then fuck me, go ahead” he said, inviting you to move. Order you didn’t even need to hear because you instantly pressed yourself against him. As you did, you felt your walls being stretched with him filling you up so good. You remained for a couple of seconds still, allowing your core to satisfy its need of being full by his hard shaft.
He couldn’t resist himself being still for a single moment more and so he started moving in and out of you. “Ugh, so tight” he grunted with his teeth clenched. You, at this moment, could only allow him to destroy your insides, mind blank, only focused on pleasure. He went on and on and on, making your legs tremble and hips weak.
“Getting tired, huh?” he asked and quickly with a hand around your belly he pulled you up and sat back with you still attached to him. You ended up sitting backwards on him, feeling him penetrating you even deeper than before. His teeth carved marks on your shoulder and back as his hips would move up and down, in and out of you and sometimes around.
Your body humped at his hammering motion, your breasts being squeezed by his hands, his tongue licking the trails of sweat on your back, your nails carved on his inner thighs at each side of yours.
Kisuke and you lasted long until the lights turned on again, showing each other's lustful tinted faces as who knows what number of orgasms were hitting you. “Good girl, sing for me one last time” he moaned, with his lips pressed on your cheek while his hand turned your face to the side to see you better.
“Yes… K-Kisuke… I-” you moaned, only able to pronounce such incoherencies because your body was bursting once again. You clenched around him, once, twice, milking his dick with your own core walls. He let himself go when he was sure you finished, bathing your insides with a so needy warm release. “Princess…” he sighed; forehead pressed against your shoulder. Bodies covered in sweat as the little basement was nothing but fresh.
Reality soon hits you both, but you didn’t care, and remained there attached to the other for a good amount of time. None of you dared to speak, until he helped you stand up to trembling, spasming legs.
“Well, this was certainly unexpected” he said, scratching his nape. “It certainly was, Urahara-san” you mumbled, smiling shyly. “I know we are still trapped here, but… would you join me a little longer in “bed”?” he said, extending his arm towards you. You took it with no hesitation and snuggled next to him. What could go wrong? either way nobody knew you were still down there… Your eyelids and his felt heavier and heavier until both fell asleep in cuddling.
“Are you alright, miss? Sir?!!” “Meow, meow” “Are they naked? What the fuck?”
You sloppily opened your eyes watching people dressed in orange reflective vests take a look through the door of the basement. Momo and Yourichi were already next to you licking your face. “The hell…?” you mumbled. Kisuke pressed his body against yours grumbling because of the noises that were disturbing his sleep.
“Ah… just five more minutes Tessai…”
“It’s not Tessai, Urahara-san… it’s the firefighters”
Turns out that Momo and Yoruichi were intelligent enough to bring rescuers to the shop. The place wasn’t that damaged, and the door was just stuck because a huge rack had fallen over it and not a million debris as you thought.
“Huh, so it was just the rack? Oh, I knew, but still couldn’t opened it”
“But Sir, you had another exit on the other side, see? Behind that rack there” a firefighter pointed out the same rack he told you could fall during your sleep.
“Shut the hell up…” he grunted at him, while you widened your eyes and gawked at the realization of you didn’t wanting to see the door there, just in front of your eyes…
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Saving People
Part One:
Criminal Minds x Winchester!reader Crossover fanfic
(If you recognize the names or plot points, I don’t own it! This is going to be a 3 part fanfic. Second one will be entitled Hunting Things (you can figure out what the third one will be called). Hope you enjoy and Happy Halloween!)
(Minimal proof reading)
3 hours. That's how long you'd been here. Tracy, the girl next to you, had been there for 5 hours. The girl next to her, Samantha, for 7 hours. Alex had been there for 9. The girl before you got there, she had been for there for 11. Then he killed her and you replaced her just an hour later.
Only mistake he made, was thinking you were clueless.
The sound of whimpering and dragging feet interrupted your train of thought. You watched as the man dragged a new girl into the barn, tied her up, looked at the clock upon the wall, a clock that you had been using to keep track of the time. And he left. You had two more hours before he killed Alex next.
You had to move. Fast. Faster.
You watched the man as he walked out. Studying him. Learning everything you could every time you saw him. Cause you’d be damned if you didn’t get these girls out of here alive.
"He's going to be a white man, mid thirties. He works a blue color job. Seasonal. Possibly farm or construction. Physical labor is what he was raised in. It's kept him physically fit and tan. He's socially adept enough to lure young women into a sense of familiarity. He's strong enough to move them quickly. He's ritualistic. Every few hours someone goes missing, and he drains their blood with quick efficiency. The only problem is parents aren't going to report right away. After all, there's no way something like this could happen to their child."
The precinct was quiet as SSA Arron Hotchner gave out the profile to the room of officers. The young Dr. Spencer Reid cut in next.
"Statistically, Unsubs kill their victims 36 hours after kidnapping their victims. This Unsub however has killed far sooner than that. Out of the three bodies discovered, only one has been identified. Our third of seven missing persons, Emily Jacobs was discovered 5 hours ago, time of death put it at 11 hours after her capture. Knowing this estimated timeline paired with these new missing girls, has allowed us to identify the first two missing girls. Jessica Loresta and Margaret Howard. Reported kidnappings were just across the state border, which is why they were missed as part of these first deaths. Based off this pattern, however, we believe there is only an hour max before our Unsub leaves a new body. More than likely—"
"Sorry to interrupt," all eyes moved from the FBI agents at the front of the room to the one who had just entered from the doorway. Media Liason Jennifer Jareau stands at the back of the room, face solemn in fact. "We just got a 911 call about another missing girl."
The room was silent with tension, anticipation, anxiety. "Tell us everything you know."
"Katy. My names Katy."
You smiled at her, or tried to. There was only so much joy you could form in this situation.
"Ok Katy, I've asked everyone this so far, how did he tie you up?"
"How are your hands bound.  Are they crossed, side by side? How thick does the rope feel? Is it a rope at all?"
"Uh- I'm. They're side by side. My - my thumbs are touching. The rope feels thick. It, it hurts."
"I know. I know. But that's good. That's good."
"What do you even think your gonna accomplish, Huh?"
"Alex, shut up! At least she's doing something!"
"Oh come off it Samantha. Out of all of us I've been here the longest. Which means I'm next. What does she think she's going to accomplish that we didn't?"
"I'm gonna get us out of here." All eye turned to you as you stood up, rope in hand, free from the pole you had been tied to for the last 3 hours. Now you just needed to get to a car with these women without getting caught.
"I'm confused here. Based off these timelines, he's somehow capable of kidnapping a girl every couple hours. But there was a four hour gap between Tracy Hale and Kathrine McDonnell. What parent doesn't report a missing kid?" The BAU team sat around the conference table, looking back through the case file, as SSA Derek Morgan presents the hole in the profile.
"A kid who doesn't have any parents around to report their disappearance." All eyes shoot over to SSA Emily Prentiss as she speaks up.
"What makes you think that?"
"I mean think about it. All of these girls had at least one parents, friend, or sibling to report their absence with lack of contact. But when I was growing up, and I slipped my guard detail, who would've have been able to report my absence?"
"So you think she's the kid of rich parents who don't pay attention enough to notice she's gone?" Asks Hotch.
"Or a kid with no parents to notice." Cuts in Morgan.
"So you think he has five girls right now? Just one who hasn't been reported?"
"I mean, think about it Dave," Emily stands up to look at the board again. "Everything's been so ritualistic, and repetitive. The first three deaths have all been 2 hours apart. They were estimated missing at about 2 hours each. Why would he suddenly break the pattern?"
"Cause he didn't. Alright. So he has another girl. How do we figure out who it is?"
"Well, if she was kidnapped almost four hours ago, that would have been at 2pm. She should have been in school. Same with Samantha, at 12pm."
"Yeah but 12pm is when most schools have a lunch hour. If someone was allowed to leave campus for lunch, like Samantha and her fellow seniors, that makes them easy to grab. Whoever he took either had a really late lunch period, or skipped class."
Hotch looked between Prentiss, Reid, and Morgan, before opening his cell and dialing up the one and only Penelope Garcia.
"You have contacted the home of unfettered genius. Your goddess is here to listen."
"Penelope, we need you to coordinate a list of teenage girls who attend senior classes at all of the local high schools. She'll have been marked absent anywhere from this morning till just around 2pm."
"Alright, can do boss."
"Do you think you can get that list now baby girl?"
"Oh you know I'm working on it. Each girl attended the same three high schools. The first two from Melbourne Prep, the next four from Jones Academy, and Katy from Camelton High. Uuuuh, reports show 47 total absentees today across all schools. 15 from Camelton though. Of those 15, four were girls in the senior class. 3 are accounted for on a college tour together scheduled six months ago. But," more clicking could be heard as she worked away.
"Oh my god."
"What did you find Garcia?" Hotch's voice was stern, as he knew a reaction like that from his Technical Analyst never meant anything good.
"She's new but she's smart. Arrived at Camelton six weeks ago, had to be tested in, no previous school records. She's only 15, but she's in the senior class, and every AP class possible."
"We need a name Garcia."
"That's where the oh my god came from sir. Her name is Y/N. Y/N Winchester."
"How did you know how to do that?" Alex's voice held a large amount of disbelief. But within reason, as just 30 minutes ago, she was an hour away from murder. Now, this 15 year old girl just freed them from their own burials.
"My brothers," you peaked through the rear view mirror at Alex, a more sincere smile on your lips now. "They taught me to always be prepared for the worst."
"Like survivalists?"piped in Tracy from the back seat.
"Sorta. It's the best way to describe it it guess. They've just seen a lot of bad shit in life. They taught me to overcome it."
The rest of the ride was quiet as the girls made their way back to police station. But your mind was far from silent. All you could go over in your head was the FBI protocols you had memorized years ago to be sure to cover your bothers' asses.
And right now, you were 97% sure that you'd be walking into a police precent filled with official FBI agents attempting to solve at least 5 child abductions.
And your last name was Winchester.
Right now if someone looked up the word "fucked" in the dictionary, you were sure it would have a picture of your face.
Son of a Bitch.
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Wip tag game
Tagged by @imsupposedtobewritting for this wip tag game…. And first how dare you! (Affectionate)  Yes I am shamed by the length of this list! I am adding a few bonus gifs just to break up the text blocks a bit. 
Pro tip: If you want me to work on something listed below my muse really does respond to feedback/comments/gifs/meta posts/stimulation.  Make of that what you will. 
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana (911/H5O/SWAT, Buddie, McDanno, platonic Deacon/Hondo).  I’ve got a chapter title for the next one—SNAFU—and the following one after that—FUBAR.  That pretty much sums up a lot of things there. i’ve been working very non-linearly here and have a lot of the plot figured out as well as which beats to hit… now just the execution of said plan.  Mostly the muse has been chewing on the penultimate chapter and final chapter a lot more than what is currently going on. I’ll make the muse behave eventually but it’s getting a break on this one since I updated just a little bit ago.  (Don’t look at me like that Danno!)
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A New Version of Foreplay, Chapter two/final chapter (911, Buddie) I really just have the smut to write and the muse hasn’t been playing ball here. It’ll happen eventually but just probably not this week.  We know where we’re going here and all—Just need the Buck and Eddie part of my muse to cooperate. 
Death Rebirth and the Jackal (Mass Effect Andromeda, The Mummy (1999 movie trilogy) with heavy influences from Moon Knight, American Gods and Egyptian history/mythology, MReyder).  I’ve got this vaguely on the every month posting schedule rotation so expect a chapter a month—possibly more often depending on how much writing time I get (fall is getting overscheduled right into February so don’t hold your breath).  
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To Follow (Mass Effect all media types, MReyder, MShenko—sequel/alternative perspective of one-shot Seguir, Pre-Andromeda meeting/relationship). The muse has been chewing on the plot for this like a week old newspaper.  The paper has gotten beyond soggy and I’m going to be cleaning up plot points for a bit but I’m starting to get a really clear picture of how to work things.  Probably getting a new chapter in the next six weeks or so. Just need to get in the really angsty headspace first and have it not be stolen by Eddie Diaz. 
Reinventing Scott (Mass Effect Andromeda, MReyder) ah my what-if-Cora-really-was-pissed-about-not-being-pathfinder fic and we took a left turn at Eos that ended up with Scott and Reyes running into each other much earlier. It was kinda on the back burner but i’ve been mulling over a few plot points the last two weeks so also prolly getting something in the next month or so but not on the official update rotation—yet. 
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me (Wheel of Time, Cauthor). Is officially on the try-to-update monthly rotation.  I want to finish this before the second season starts airing.  If you’ve been reading and have watched the first season you know this is going to all end in tragedy and blow up in Rand’s and Mat’s face. Might possibly be the most painfully angst ridden thing I’ve written.  I hope the show runners give me a reason to write a sequel of them pining angrily at each other from afar in the second season. Sorry Rand—there’s going to be a lot of whump in both Mat’s and your immediate future. 
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To Catch A Fallen Star (Teen Wolf and Stardust Mashup, Sterek and others) I seem to have caught a fusion/mashup vibe with Jackal and it continues here.  Prologue is posted and I’m planning on monthly-ish updates. Have a pretty good roadmap worked out so it’s just a matter of having time and energy to stay on top of.  I mean Stiles is Tristan and Derek’s Yvaine.  What could go wrong?  Oh yeah and Peter is totally Septimus while Scott is going to be Bernard. 
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Cousin Harvey (Moon Knight and Suits Crossover, Marvey, it’s complicated for Marc and Steven but it’s not sexual) Nothing yeeted yet as this is going to be a one-shot I s2g. I mean what are Marc and Steven doing in Nebraska? Harvey’s got the bail money. This is going to possibly be totally crack-y (What am I saying? It’s totally crack).
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The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss (Mayans MC, Miguel/EZ, Angel/Adelita, Angel/Coco, Sentinel/Guide AU).  I had this on the back burner because it’s long and when I do work on it it’s never usually on the NEXT chapter but on other things but my mood at work slid into Miguel’s headspace so now it’s gotten it’s running shoes back on.  Roughly planning every-other-month to monthly updates until done as these chapters tend to be closer to FFO updates rather than 3-5k. I just can’t leave Sentinel/Guide AUs alone and Danny Pino and JD Pardo are just too damned pretty of men. Also KJ IS NOT DYING HERE!  fwiw this is completely AU of the tv series (off the reservation so to speak) so if you want to read just pull up the wiki entries and you’ll be good to go. Don’t look so pleased with yourself Miguel *grumbles*
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Firefighter Derek Series (linked one-shots, Teen Wolf, eventual Sterek). I’ve gotten a bit written on Papa Stillinski’s POV one shot so most likely will get this done sometime this fall.  Also have a pretty clear view of Connie the Librarian’s one shot which will be on the shorter side.  Expect these to randomly get yeeted if the muse gets in the mood. The Stiles and more of Derek’s POV ones the muse is doing a good impression of the witches from Macbeth with (double, double toill and trouble and all). 
Pieces that are currently simmering on the back burner—meaning that I’m not considering them abandoned and do tweak/write a bit/plot about them.  They’ll get done EVENTUALLY. I never put something out that I don’t plan on finishing even if it’s six or seven years later….again feed the muse people.  A few of these got started for MReyder week and I hate to think that sort of deadline is what it might take to make me shove something out the door chapter-wise. 
Mredyer stuff:
An Andromeda Tale (goes back and forth between actively worked on and back-burnered)
Andromeda 5-0
If I See You In My Dreams
The Marks We Leave On One Another (Gets worked on whenever the pissy part of my Reyes muse is in control.  Requires rage to work on)
What Happens in Vegas… one-shot.  Accidental Marriage. Modern AU.  It’s… um half-done?  give me another Mredyer week @radio-chatter and @quietborderline 
Untitled Westworld Fic—what if Reyes was a Host?  And um… yeah. Scott is TRAUMATIZED okay? Yes I have maybe 20k written…. 
Untitled MReyder firefighter AU.  Well Scott’s a firefighter.  Reyes is an undercover police officer. Things get interesting. Random scenes outlined/written.  Yes it’s partly smut that’s written damnit
Mreyder medical AU for @radio-chatter  you’ll get this eventually.  I’ve got too many thoughts but they’re completely disorganized. Mostly Scott and Reyes need to sync their on call schedule so they can actually get some sleep. 
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? ah the holiday fic that I swear I’m going to finish every December and yet still haven’t quite finished it two years later.  maybe this year is the year…..it’s… half-done?
Recurrence.  Every time I re-read my favorite book of all time Dark Matter by Blake Crouch I work on this.  Eventually will get done.  I just can’t leave the idea to die. So it gets worked on once a year and gets about ten pages added which are never the actual NEXT chapter. 
Mafia AU.  I have this very clear picture of Scott sitting in a hospital waiting room, hasn’t slept in days, drinking terrible coffee at 3AM and trying not to notice how Reyes’ blood is still visible under his fingernails despite how much he’s scrubbed them. Reyes’ uncle shows up and it’s like being doused in an icy river how much he realizes he doesn’t know about Reyes’ life. Non-linear narrative. Scott is maybe a firefighter in this too or maybe he’s a cop—something public service. Reyes makes a decision to protect Scott which means he has to give up everything—but he’ll do it if it keeps Scott safe. 
911 stuff
Buddie Rear Window—more idea than fully formed.  Might be a spooky season fic might not.  Depends on how hard this plot idea sticks around.  Currently not actively being written. Buck is Jimmy Stewart. Eddie is Grace Kelly. Carla is totally Buck’s housekeeper. Athena is a very much not impressed Detective. 
Sentinel Guide follow up one shots.  Got ideas but not actively being worked on.  May randomly get one shots yeeted out on this if the muse bites hard enough. 
Might revisit the werewolf fic for a sequel for spooky season.  Might just be more sexytimes one-shot. 
Deacon/Hondo side story/sequel to FFO.  When this finally get’s written it’s going to be a tear jerker and deal with non-canon death of Deacon’s wife and the resulting fallout—grief, healing, love etc. This has been hanging around my brain for the better part of a year so it’ll eventually get written but not until FFO is done.  Will be completely AU from the SWAT series at that point. 
Edit: i totally forgot Bradley the Damned!!!  Um yeah. It’s my Generation Kill Bradnate time bending immortal fic.  Yeah.  On the back burner because it tend to write it during spooky season.  Prolly getting an update in the next two months?  
Tagging the usual crowd with no pressure as always. @quietborderline @radio-chatter​ @tkwritesdumbassassins​ @elisela​ @outtoshatter​ @redhoodiskra​ @missanniewhimsy​ and anyone else who wants to play along. 
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bright-molina · 3 years
Emergency Contact
synopsis: Sometimes it takes an accident and the revelation that Buck is Luke's emergency contact to really bring the Buckley-Mercer (et al) Family to the same page.
fandoms: Julie and the Phantoms x 911
relationships/characters: Buckley!reader (gender neutral), Alex Mercer, Evan Buckley, Luke Patterson, Athena Grant, Maddie Buckley (all relationships are familial/platonic)
word count: 2503
warnings: mentions of minor injuries (and I mean minor, sprained ankle, minor concussion is all)
a/n: @biqherosix surprise! Catch me pushing the Buckley-Mercer family agenda cause I can. For anyone wondering, we're running with the idea that they're cousins. I honestly have no idea where this came from, I wrote it at like midnight yesterday. And it only figures that the first thing I post in forever is a crossover that is mostly self-indulgent but I promise I'm trying to get the hang of things again.
For those of y'all that haven't seen 911 but still wanna read: one, I appreciate you so much oh my gosh, two, I highly recommend it and three, all you really need to know for this one is that Buck is a firefighter with the 118, Athena Grant is a police officer, and Maddie is Buck's older sister and a 911 dispatcher. If I missed anything and you wanna know feel more than free to ask!
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The absolute last thing you expected was your phone ringing well past midnight.
“Don’t answer it.”
Alex’s voice sounded from beside you, muffled by the pile of blankets he was buried under. You rolled your eyes and reached for your phone only to have him snatch it out of your grip and stuff it under the blankets alongside him.
“Give it back!”
“No,” Alex crossed his arms tighter, ignoring the second ring completely. “It’s probably Buck checking to see if we’ve gone to sleep yet, if you answer he’ll know we’re still up.”
“Like Buck would voluntarily be up right now. He’s fifteen hours into a twenty four hour shift,” You leaned back against the couch, knowing there was no tearing the phone away from Alex. “Will you at least check who it is to make sure it’s not Maddie?”
Alex groaned, loud and exaggerated, before sticking his head underneath his blankets to check your phone. You were just barely able to hear his panicked ‘uh oh’ before he put on his best fake tired voice and answered, “Hello?”
“Alexander Mercer, what are you doing awake at this hour?”
“I wasn’t awake.”
“Sure you weren’t. Give the phone to y/n.”
He was handing you the phone in a flash and you could see his wide eyes in the dim blue light coming from the living room tv. “It’s Athena.”
“Thanks, I heard. And I told you so,” You smacked him with your pillow when he stuck his tongue out and he quickly ducked back under the blankets. Whether he was hiding from you or Athena was up for debate. “Hi Athena.”
“Y/N,” Uh oh was right. You recognized the tone in her voice immediately. Exasperated and tired with a little bit of worry laced through. “You wouldn’t be able to get ahold of Buck would you?”
“I could,” You sat up straighter and Alex peeked out from under the blankets again, craning his neck to listen in on the conversation. “Is something wrong? Can’t you call Captain Nash?”
“I could,” Athena echoed your words back to you and you heard muffled shouting in the back. “But Captain Nash isn’t Luke’s emergency contact.”
“His what!”
“It’s not a big deal!” Luke’s voice. It was him who had been shouting. “I’m fine!”
“The cast you’re wearing says different,” There was a click on the other end of the line and Alex tripped over the discarded blankets and pillows as he rushed to look for the car keys. “We couldn’t reach him and Maddie was his second emergency contact but May said she went home early today.”
“Yeah, uh, she -” You put on your shoes as fast as possible and reached for the nearest sweater, one you were sure wasn’t yours. “Jee’s teething so she - she’s probably busy with her. What happened? Luke -”
“Is fine. You just focus on getting to the station and bringing Buck to Med cause he’s gotta fill out some papers. I’ll stay here with him until you do.”
“Okay. Okay we’ll be there soon.”
“Y/N put me on speaker,” Athena must’ve been able to hear the panic in your voice. She knew both you and Alex well enough to know every emotion that was running through you both at that moment. “I want both of you to listen to me. Luke is okay. A little scratched up. Maybe a bruised ego. But he’s just fine, I promise you.”
If there was anybody you trusted it was Athena Grant. So you and Alex shared a look, thanked her, and sprinted out of the apartment wondering what on earth Luke had gotten himself into.
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“What do you mean you don’t know!”
“Athena didn’t tell us anything!” You shouted right back at Buck despite knowing it probably wasn’t the best idea given the time or the circumstances. Alex was a few feet away, talking quietly to Chimney to have him relay a message to Maddie. She’d be less angry if the news came from him.
“I thought he went back home,” Buck shook his head before jogging down the stairs and you followed him. He all but charged to the locker room and started shoving all his things in the duffel he always carted with him from the apartment to the station and back. “I thought he was okay.”
It wasn’t until then, until you caught a glimpse of his reflection in the little mirror in his locker surrounded by pictures, that you realized something. Evan Buckley, the firefighter, your brother who always seemed so fearless, was scared.
Buck’s mind was racing at a million miles an hour. He kept going through every piece of information he could from the last two days. Luke had promised him. Sworn he was going back home to his parents. He should’ve known better. They were too much alike and he should’ve known better.
He supposed the worrying came with the territory. The anxiety and panic and not knowing were all things he didn’t like but things he would bear if it meant making sure one of his own was okay.
He had always been protective. You were the youngest Buckley and he took it upon himself to make sure you had a better life than him and Maddie had had. Alex was family and he didn’t hesitate to give him a home when he needed one, metaphorically and literally.
And somewhere along the way the Buckley-Mercer family had grown without him realizing it. Alex had brought his band, his friends, over for dinner once and from that moment on they became a fixture in his life.
Bobby, who was surprised the first time Maddie grinned and hugged him, telling him how proud she was of him. Reggie, who was the first to accept a place in their makeshift home, needing the support and love they offered more than anything. And Luke, who was stubborn and wore his heart on his sleeve and fit right in with them.
And Buck couldn’t believe he had let them down. He couldn’t believe that he tried so hard to let Luke know he was there for him and he had failed. If he had just paid a little more attention then -
“I know what you’re thinking,” Your voice cut off his thoughts and he paused for a moment before continuing.
“No you don’t.”
“You’re blaming yourself. It’s what you always do,” You watched as he pocketed his phone and zipped up the bag. “It’s what you did when I thought I could jump off the swing and ended up with a broken arm even though you couldn’t have stopped me. It’s what you did when Alex had that really bad allergic reaction even though none of us knew he was allergic in the place. It’s what you’re doing now.”
Buck slammed the locker shut without meaning to and silently wondered how you seemed to know everything about him when he seemed to know nothing about any of you, not really. He wasn’t like you or Maddie or Alex and that had never been more clear.
“I’m not blaming myself. I just -” He sighed and walked out of the locker room, past you and Alex, and around to the drivers side of the car. He didn’t get in yet. Instead he glanced between the two of you. “I’m not Maddie. I don’t know how to tell what you guys are thinking. I don’t know how to do the things she does. I can’t help how she does. But - but maybe if I could then -”
“You’re right,” You cut him off, already knowing where he was going. “You’re not Maddie. But we don’t need another Maddie, we need Buck.”
“Y/N’s right,” Alex leaned against the top of the car and gave an easy shrug. “Maddie does family dinners every week and helps us with homework and keeps superhero bandaids around for when Reg and Bobby come back from the skate park with scrapes all over them. But you host game nights and come to every one of our practices when you’re not here and tell really bad jokes when you know we need to hear them.”
“They aren’t bad -”
“Yeah they are,” Both you and Alex answered in sync, successfully pulling the faintest laugh from Buck.
“You’re Buck,” You repeated and finally opened the door of the car. “And when Luke left home he came to you. Athena said you’re his emergency contact because he trusts you more than anyone else. We all do.”
It took less than a couple seconds for Buck to nod and get in the car, the two of you following his lead. Moments later he was speeding away from the 118 and in the direction of the hospital, determined to be where he was needed.
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“You’re an idiot, Luke Patterson.”
“Wow thanks,” Luke rolled his eyes from where he sat on the couch, an action that earned him a scolding from you, and kept picking at the fabric of the pillow he was holding to him.
It was nearing mid morning and you had all gotten back to Buck’s apartment only a short while ago. The combined insistence and intimidation coming from both Buck and Athena meant the doctors had no choice but to run as many tests as necessary until they were positive Luke was fine.
Your eyes scanned his face again, a habit you’d picked up from Maddie, in an attempt to assess the damage once more to be sure nothing had gone wrong in the last ten minutes.
A butterfly bandage on his forehead above his left eye. Some scrapes on his arms from the fall. The brace around his right ankle propped up on the coffee table and some pillows. A tear in his favorite flannel that you were already patching up.
“What were you thinking?” You sighed and dropped your hands, turning in your spot beside him to look at him and read all the expressions flashing across his face. “You got hit by a car, Luke.”
“I did not!” He flinched when Alex, fast asleep across the other couch, shifted a little at the noise. Buck did the same thing upstairs in the loft, though he recognized the sound of talking and opted to listen in. “I swerved out of the way. The bike lost control and I hit the pavement but I’m fine.”
“The mild concussion and sprained ankle beg to differ,” You stared again. Luke refused to meet your eyes, refused to look anywhere around the apartment that wasn’t the pillow on his lap. He’d been doing the same thing since Buck had nearly busted down the door of the room he’d been sitting in at the hospital. “What were you thinking?”
“I don’t know,” Luke finally sighed, knowing you wouldn’t let it go any time soon. “I just - I did go home. At first. And i-it was okay until my mom started doing that -that thing she does. The voice, talking down, asking when I was gonna start getting serious, telling me I should do better. I tried but she wouldn’t stop saying all of it so I -” His shoulders sank and his head hung low and you moved closer. “I left.”
“So why didn’t you come back here?” You reached out, hand on his arm in an attempt to get him to hear you. To listen to you. To talk to you. “What made you think you couldn’t?”
It took a few moments but when Luke finally looked up his eyes were watering and he looked unsure. He looked scared and he was never scared. “I didn’t want to disappoint anyone else.”
“I don’t know if you know this,” You gave a sigh and leaned against the back of the couch on one arm. “But we are, historically, a pretty messed up family.”
You successfully pulled a laugh from Luke and a muffled ‘shut up’ from Alex only made the two of you laugh more. But when the laughter faded away you were left with the ghost of those doubts. Present and needing closure. To be acknowledged and reassured.
“There is nothing you could do that would disappoint Maddie and Buck, believe me,” You gave him a faint, sad smile and for a second he wondered what memories were the source of it. “And you never have to be scared. We’re your family and we’re here for you. Me and Alex and Buck and Maddie. Athena who stayed with you until we got there and after. Chimney who’s breaking the news to Maddie to save us all. Albert. May. Bobby. Reggie. You have all of us. I hate to break it to you but you’re a part of our weird little family and we aren’t going anywhere any time soon. So please, please never feel like you have to hide from us. You’re home here, Luke.”
And he believed every word. For a moment he wondered why he ever doubted it in the first place. It was evident in the way he had a designated spot at the dining table at Maddie’s place. In the way his clothes took up a good amount of space in one of the dressers upstairs. In the pair of house keys that hung on a chain around his neck. Reggie and Bobby were also given a pair long ago.
“Does one of you want to explain to me what the hell happened!” The sound of the door being thrown open startled all of you. Alex sat up quickly and Buck came barreling down the stairs to meet Maddie at the door.
Bobby and Reggie came in after her, holding piles of various items she’d insisted on bringing with. They were followed moments later by Albert carrying bags filled with takeout and then Chimney with Jee-Yun in her car seat.
It was dead silent for a moment as Maddie looked between her siblings, her cousin, and the boy she considered one of her own. They were all her family and that was that.
Finally the silence was broken by Luke leaning over in your direction and quietly asking, “Hey, does home have a place I can hide from Maddie until she’s less mad?”
“Oh, Luke,” You offered him a smile he recognized as a slightly sympathetic yet playful one. “There is nowhere you can hide where Maddie’s anger, love, and aggressive post-injury nurturing won’t reach. Good luck.”
She sat in your spot the moment you stood up and was immediately making sure Luke was okay. Her eyes scanned each injury just as yours had and when she finally let him take a breath he looked around.
All of this, the chaos that was unpacking the various takeout boxes. Setting up a little station on the kitchen island with various medical supplies. Chasing Jee-Yun around as she crawled and wobbled all around the place. Music playing softly in the background as everyone smiled and talked and felt relieved that he was okay.
This was home. Luke was sure of it.
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queerdiaz · 3 years
Hello!!! I'm sorry you're not feeling good ❤❤❤
1. If you were to write a 911 episode, what would happen in it?
2. What's something you really want to do but haven't gotten to yet?
3. Is there any buddie fics you'd like to see as a movie? (Ofc same actors and everything)
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Hugs and love 🤗❤
Thank you so much Joey this means a lot ❤
1. Oh gosh there's like SO much I would love to write. Okay so tbh there are two different episodes I would want to write. One would be a crossover ep that somehow had almost all the mains from both shows. I personally LOVED the crossover from last season and excited to see how they do Athena next Lone Star, but I would just love to have even more characters interact and the ones that already had see that continue. I have a lot of ideas that I personally would just love to write it.
The other one I would love to write is obviously the Buddie Getting Together episode. I mean we all write plenty in fics, but to actually write the episode?? Amazing! If I were to write that episode I would also have Bathena and Madney and Henren all have mini side stories that parallel and help put to light the Buddie™️ of it all. There are so many ways and possibilities I would want it to go (definitely haven't thought about it a million gazillion times. nope.) but just to be able to get to write it??? I'm dying just dream about it 😭
Ohhh I would also LOVE to write a bottle episode or a musical episode. I also have a lot of thoughts™️ and Ideas™️ about these too.
2. Literally so much I don't even know where to begin 🤣. bc of my chronic stuff (both physical and mental illnesses) I haven't really been able to do much in life as an adult. So there's so much I really can't pinpoint just one thing right sorry!
3. Oohhh gosh what an amazing question!! There are SOOO MANY! I want to at least mention a few but alas my brain is mush aksjhs. But the first one that comes to my mind is the awesome fic Breathe by @kitkatpancakestack. It's so good and sooo sweet but also has a lot of emotion with Eddie dealing with his PTSD and past drama (and also Buck's past trauma too.) And it has the perfect backdrop of the beach with Buck teaching Christopher how to serve (the 118 fam is still there too). I love it so much and it literally has everything that fits a great romance movie! It honestly felt like one in the best way and I can see it be so easily translated into that. Also, seeing everyone by the beach all the time??? Sign me tf up! It was also such a comfort read for me, so it would such a great comfort film too (which I desperately need rn astkjf)!
Thank you so much for these wonderful questions hon! They really helped a lot!! ❤❤❤
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help distract me :)
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detectivereyes · 4 years
hi and welcome to jamie overanalyzes 911 lone star s2 trailer. this post is long and everything is under the cut bc of that and also bc i know there’s a lot of people out there who are trying not to see anything (which i wish i was you, that’s incredible) anyway if you’re like me and are losing your mind trying to make sense of it all... read below the cut
first just looking at the some screen grabs from trailer that i think are important to pull out
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→ this has already been discussed but i’m pretty sure between this clip and the one where you can see the front side of the figures, that it’s owen and tim standing there (owen has the helmet on that says “captain”, tim has “paramedic” on his jacket)... this is important later
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→ oh hey gwen
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→ “one of our own died today” and it’s not owen, nancy, paul, or marjan... and my prediction that the figure that is comforting nancy is tommy... 
okay there’s not much to really dissect there.. i mean i could probably go shot by shot and give my takes but tumblr is already annoyed at how many pics i’ve uploaded and what people really want to talk about is that last note...
so which one of their own died today???
well we know for sure it’s not owen (they’re not killing off rob lowe lmao), nancy, paul, or marjan (unless the second two screenshots are just supposed to throw us off but this is confusing enough already so let’s just assume they are crying over whoever died)
we can also assume that it’s not tk bc of how much ronen posts, or carlos or grace since they aren’t firefighters. 
my initial thought is that it’s tim rosewater: mostly bc of the teaser trailer (see screenshot above) but at the time i really thought they weren’t actually going to kill anyone off. i also noticed mark elias was still posting. but now i’m not so sure. the main reason behind this reasoning is that nancy is shown crying, and she’s tim’s paramedic partner. of course everyone is going to be upset if someone from their house dies so nancy would be upset over anyone. however, she is shown in this trailer and considering she’s not a main cast member, i think that’s pretty significant. additionally, tim is also not a main cast member so he’s more likely to be killed off than any of the cast members who are. it sucks and i liked tim a lot so i hate this option but i’m going like 90% sure it’s him. but in order to explore other options, let’s dive a little deeper into other possibilities, shall we?
someone else mentioned that it could be michelle. i don’t really think it would be since they made it pretty clear that liv tyler couldn’t film due to travel restrictions. i also think fox would want to promote that liv is returning for one or so episode(s) if that was the case... then again other shows have successfully kept guest appearances secret so who knows really? it would make sense so i wouldn’t entirely discount it. it would make sense that nancy would be upset, and it’s a way for michelle to exit the show. but i hate that bc then the door is closed for liv to ever return to the show. overall i don’t really see this happening (mostly bc of covid and the logistics of getting liv to film...) but then again, i feel like it’s important to keep this in mind
besides tim, the character that makes the most sense would be mateo. i hate this option but this is where we’re at unfortunately. showing marjan upset? he’s also not shown as much in the trailer.. however i think you can see him for a split second at one point during a wildfire scene. if i remember correct, the wildfire episode is occurring around 2x04 (???) and the lava thing whatever you want to call it, is happening at the end of 2x01, into 2x02. so if that’s the case, and assuming that whoever dies is killed during the lava thing (yeah i just keep calling it lava thing..) then i think mateo is safe. please let me be right.
two other options that it could be but i find unlikely are judd and buttercup. judd isn’t shown in the trailer except for briefly during the lava thing (??? i could be wrong tho) but i also don’t think killing him off would make sense bc he’s connected to grace and also like he lost his entire team?? they spent so much time building his story during the first season that i honestly can’t see them killing him off so early in the second. and with buttercup... they can’t kill the dog. it makes sense but also it’s mean and i think it’s more implied that whoever died was killed on a call. i could be wrong here and maybe the lone star writers really do hate us but also i just won’t accept that.
finally, and one that i think is probable, the person who dies isn’t someone we know. all owen says is “we lost one of our own today.” of course one of our own could imply literally someone from the 126. but also it could just imply a fellow firefighter, since it is considered a brotherhood. maybe it was someone they teamed up with from another house and got close with? maybe it was a friend of judd’s? i mean hell maybe it was a floater they brought in for tk while he was on medical leave? we really don’t know but i think it’s important to keep this option in mind as well and not get to ahead of ourselves.
i love that we’re going to look back on this next month and be like wow it was so obvious?? we really thought that it could have been ___?? but for now i’m going to be losing my mind over here if anyone wants to join me. my official guess is going to be tim but i would love to hear what anyone else thinks!! my ask box and dms are open. 
edit, re the eddie/ryan theory: there’s some valid points but overall i don’t think this one makes sense mostly bc this death is happening on 911 lone star... if 911 was going to kill off one of their main cast members, they would do it on their own show. not in a spin off crossover episode... if only bc there are plenty of casual viewers out there that only watch 911 and would have no idea that eddie died. no matter how upset the network is with everything that happened with ryan, they can’t kill him off on a show that isn’t his, it just doesn’t make sense.
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