#i ran out of tags so πŸ™„ whatever i guess IDK.$!!!
chrisbangs Β· 2 years
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hoshis-tigers-den Β· 3 years
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Pairing - ONEUS Leedo x Male Reader
Genre - Idk
Warnings - Swearing, Mentions of Dying
Synopsis - Your parents leave you to look after your siblings but it's date night. Guess they'll have to tag along πŸ™„
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"Why, Y/n?" Leedo spoke into the phone.
"My parents have an emergency visit with my aunt." You answered.
"Well, tell her to fuck off, it's date night!"
"Geon-Hak....she's dying..."
"Oh...I mean can she hang on a little longer?"
"Hey! Watch your mouth!"
"Sorry. *sigh* I guess it's fine if they come."
"I wasn't asking for permission. I can't leave them alone."
"I know. I guess I'll see you and the kids later."
"Okay, I'll pick you up at 5."
"Mmm k, love you."
"Love you too, baby. Bye."
You hang up the phone and let out a sigh. You felt bad that you had to bring your younger siblings along on your date.
Leedo and you haven't had private time together in a long time as he was busy with promotions and you being caught up in university.
"I was hoping to get laid tonight." You mutter.
"Get what?" Your mother speaking scaring the shit out of you. You clearly weren't quiet enough voicing your thoughts.
"Nothing mum."
"Better be nothing." She gives you a pricing glare. "And you better make sure your siblings are taken care of."
"I will. I promise." You put your hand up as if you were swearing into court.
"Okay, Your father and I will be back in a few days. Don't host any party while we're gone."
"Mom, I don't have friends." You roll your eyes.
"Whatever you say, honey." With that your mom walked out of your room. "And say hi to Geon-Hak for us."
You sit in your bed till you hear the front door slam shut, not wanting to break the news to your siblings about date night.
Letting a frustrated groan as you haul yourself out of the comfort of your bed.
"Where are you kids?" You call out. It takes a second but they appear.
In front of you stands your eleven year old sister, Chungmi and your eight year old brother, Minji.
"Yeah, Y/n?" Chungmin says as she punches your calf.
"Ouch! Why do you have to assault me?"
All she gives is a shrug and you stick you touch at her.
(Does anyone's little sister just punch them? Mine bullied me so hard lol.)
"Today my boyfriend is spending time with us and I need you to be on your best behavior." You sternly tell the little ones.
"Yucky, I bet you're going to be all gross and kissing." Minji makes a kiss face.
"Well, too bad. We're always going to be gross and kissing because I hope to marry him one day." You retaliate back.
"I'd rather stay home!" Minji protested.
"Yeah, me too!" Chungmi agreed.
"I know you'd rather that but mom told me I had to bring you two."
More protests ringed in your ears as the children were on borderline tantrums.
"Calm down. Let's make a deal if you come along, I promise I'll buy you both something."
The deal changed the attitude of the once distrot children. Smiles overtook their faces.
"YEAH! OKAY WE'LL GO!" Minji jumped up and down.
Chungmi started to list off all the things she wanted.
"Hey, I said ONE thing. Now go get ready."
The children immediately ran to the bathrooms to get ready.
You arrive at the ONEUS dorms and park in front. Turning around, you grab to attention of the young children behind you.
"You. Both. Better. Be. Good." Pointing from child to child as you spoke.
They both nod and give you a salute. Hopefully the enticement of a reward will keep them in line.
The three of you wait for Leedo in silence for a few minutes.
You smile as you see him came out of the front entrance. He gave you a quick wave and you give one back.
"Sorry bout the wait." Leedo leans over to give you a quick peck of the cheek. The kids in the backseat let out fake barfing noises.
"It's okay, babe. Kids say hi to Geon-Hak." You says as you look at them through the rearview mirror.
"Hi, Geon-Hak Hyung!" Minji says with a wave.
"Hello, Geon-Hak Oppa. How are you?" Chungmi asks.
"I'm well. Are you guys ready to have fun?" Leedo gives a bright smile as he speaks.
Even though he didn't want them to come, Leedo was going to have fun with them. Plus he had to stay on their good side. They were his boyfriend's siblings.
"How about we get a meal and than catch a movie?"
The company of three agrees in unison with your idea. You pull from your parking space and try to decide where to go.
"Let's get McDonald's." Minji suggests.
"Fine but don't tell mom I took you." You tell him and Leedo let's out a laugh.
He found it was cute your interaction with your younger siblings. Even though the three of you had your bad times, you equally had good. He felt the love you shared.
Your hand feels lonely and needed a companion so you grab Leedo's hand. You gives a little squeeze and bring it to your lips. Once again a echo of disgust comes from the kids.
The lot of you continue to drive for about twenty minutes, conversing about random things. Leedo spoke of his group's upcoming album, you of university, and the kids of everything under the sun.
You reach McDonald's and order through the drive thru deciding to eat in the car. Everyone ordered what they wanted, you and your company sits quietly eating occasionally you break the silence to scold one of the kids for dropping food your sits.
After you had finished, you start the car and make your way to the movie theater. It was hard to find a movie where it wasn't a children's movie and a movie suitable for kids.
You all settled for 'Into The Spiderverse'. Sure you'd seen it a thousand times and so had Leedo but the kids hadn't so you made to sacrifice for them.
As the kids watched intently the movie, you and Leedo let them be and sat a little further. Thank God the theater was nearly empty besides a few kids and their parents as focused on the playing movie.
The two of you talked about your busy schedule, trying to figure out another time where just the two of you could spend time alone.
"I know my siblings weren't a part of the original date but it was kind of fun with them." You spoke quietly not wanting your siblings to hear your admission.
"Yeah, it is. Plus it's nice to spend with them. I realised we've never done it before." Leedo smiled. He was going to treasure the memories.
"Maybe we could do it again. My parents want you to have dinner with us too."
"Sounds good."
"I guess this is practice for when we have kids together." You and Leedo Leedo giggle happily.
"Let's just enjoy what we have now." Leedo whispers as he pulls you into a kiss. The kiss didn't last very long as you heard the children's protests again.
"Gross, we're in public!" Chungmi said with disgust.
"Yucky! Get a room!" Mingi covers his eyes.
You and Leedo blush in embarrassment . You had forgotten you were in the company of such critics.
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