#i pulled 70 and my primogems finished
jesuis-snips · 2 years
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otomelavenderhaze · 4 years
Hii Fa! If I could I would pay for the boosts too haha things would be less difficult. What you did there was some nice thinking! And it's even better if you don't regret it.
I'm sure there are going to be so many great four-stars, at least one of them is going to suit me better. Yeah, I'm gonna save for a little while, maybe two weeks more? But, I'm gonna try for sure in this banner, just gotta wait a bit more!
Was Diona good for your team dynamic? If you really liked her, she'll come back... In a year or so....
Oh, so there's this too, this 47-50... The things they don't tell you in the official statements. Wow your sister, it's like getting the perfect grade without studying, admittedly she tries hard, so she has my respect too.
Tho I don't think there's anything wrong in just having fun without doing everything, it's a game and that's what it's for! - I say, while being lazy and not wanting to walk miles in game to find chests. I really mean it, pushing yourself too hard is just not worth it. I only finished one game 100%, and after I hardly worked for months for it, I was leisurely driving my flower car, when the game crashed and never worked again haha
I wonder what these things even are... I see people talking about potions and special foods and I am just ignoring it for now, a die hard gamer routine is something I'll never achieve
So pulling on different banners has a difference in the character's skills? Did I misunderstand it? So the 4 stars are better than the 5 stars that have no proper buildings... hm hm lol this game has a way to make me confused, but it's fine
I'm almost there, I'm in Lvl 15. But 60 primogems after every course, I'll speed up! Funny story, I decided that i wanted to unlock the Liyue area, but I wasn't aware it was Liyue, so I walked up to the statue of the geo archon and resonated with it and unlocked the map! After that I pretended nothing happened, and ignored its existence to avoid spoiling the main plot.
I don't remember well, but yes he was really good, while he was alive I had a lot of fun!
Is your Keqing building going well? She must be really fast if she's quicker than the traveler, since to me they're really swift!
What is this resing system? The blue moons used to collect the prizes? Must suck to play through a lot of things that require them at once, if that's what you mean.
I always do maths for games that I care for and I try to make the smart move about money - besides I never mind waiting in Genshin, I’m cool with collecting it every day and doing my tasks. 
It’s more like... Diona is a cat little baby and I love cats xD besides my only healer is Barbara and Bennett xD which don’t leave me much space to try different things. However, Diona is added to the banner, like I said, all 4 stars in banners will be added to the standard banner, so she’s not lost for me!! 
Besides support ice characters does great combos reactions, some element reactions cause more damage and normally it has to do with fire and ice. 
My sister told me actually that she got it reaching 70 pulls actually D: but yeah, actually the rarest is 45-50 pulls. But yeah, those of 70 and that less one are for single pulls made strategically and you could end up getting one 5 stars or not!! There’s tons of videos about rating and they can explain it better to you than me xD
Yeah, I know right? My sister loves grinding, when she downloaded the game she got so addicted and she wanted to clean everything fast, because this is just how she likes playing games. I’m hella more laid down even if I do grind too. 
ALSO, besides what you said and that I totally agree on, Genshin is the type of game that you should take your time really, precisely because it is not finished yet. 
Don’t worry about potions and food in the start, the game will teach you everything about it and you will get used to it too eventually. 
No, you understood wrong. Or I probably explained it wrong... lemme see... hm... Mihojo is getting better and better at creating 5 stars, they’re learning with the community what kind of characters can balance out the game and which wouldn’t, so there are no characters in the standard banner that can change battle styles in the middle of combat like Childe can OR there’s no character that can strike a meteor with their ult and stop enemies like Zhongli does, those characters got created after that feedback and they’re more “dynamic” than the ones created at first for the game. 
Don’t get me wrong, Diluc is an amazing dps, Qiqi is an amazing healer and Keqing is good at being a dps as well, the 5-star from the standard banners are good ones, but none of them can be as good as the new ones because the new ones are evolving with the game’s mechanics, so there’s a possibility of those characters become outdated in front such better ones. That’s what I meant. 
BUT in long term is easier getting 4 stars, so let’s say that while Diluc is great and all, if you have a Xinyan with 6 constellations, she will be better than a dry (with no constellations) Diluc in theory. Because she will be having a boost from those that will make her stronger. The thing is, the number of 4 stars will increase and it’s going to be harder getting duplicates of them xD 
Ah, I’m pretty sure I did the same with Liyue LOL and you’re indeed almost there!! It worthed, it’s going to be a lot more than 400 primals in that event and you can do the courses any day, they just unlock one everyday, if you play through them all you can get them all in the same day... you just have to not miss the last day or leave it all for one day....... 
I was farming for Keqing and her sword today, I had to stop exactly because of the resin system xD because I ran out of chances to keep collecting things, so I will have to wait and wait and wait kkkkkkkk I can’t really explain everything about the resin’s issues... because I just understand that it takes way too long to accumulate and stops the player from farming enough. 
I recommend you watch a video about it tho, I really don’t think I know how to explain that one to it’s fullest, the issue is better explained from the players that have a real routine in the game and are focused on farming - I’m that type that goofy around xD
AHH, I will keep your ask about Horizon in my inbox for future reference. Yeah, I figured that I shouldn’t fall in love with any side character and not romanticize them, I got that feeling from the beginning. Thank you for the tips, pay pal!! 
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decembermoonskz · 3 years
halow izzy, how've u been? :3
exam week just recently finished and we're finally having our christmas break ! today was the last day for the allotment of the christmas socials and ngl, it was kinda boring LOL didn't really expected much since in our country, face-to-face classes hasn't been opened to all schools. yeah, it sucks so much HSHJAJSJHDSAF our country is late to the trends 😩 but fortunately, we did hear rumours of going back in january. i hope it's true xd
btw, i'm glad that your birthday celebration went well ! regarding the birthday ask you posted (question 14: a fic you didn't expect to write), i remember reading #5308A8 and was absolutely shocked by the ending. kinda my fault too LOL that time, i was binge-reading your works so it went out my mind to go through the warnings. i thought that it was all fluffy by how concerned reader was with chan's well-being then i saw the words "bleeding" :"> i think you'd be great at writing angst, honestly 🤩
so i got albedo for some reason :"> HSFHDFASJHFDHFHFDA i did one last 10 pull (it was a yolo moment because i had exactly 1600 primogems left) an hour before the banner's time ran out and got him unexpectedly at pity 40. wuuuut ?? dude, i was so shocked and immediately built him. also, congrats for getting albedo, gorou, eula and itto ! probably would skip itto and just save up primos because i'm betting my life for xiao's rerun. aaaa but itto's playstyle is so cool, i want him. beggars can't be choosers 😭 also had fun testing out my new gorou even if he's only at level 1. stil haven't have the materials needed because i still haven't ventured out in inazuma that much :"> i'll be spending my majority of my break playing though. are your new characters already maxed? 👀 and omg, i haven't read g&s but saw it being part 1 ?? and it's 17k ?? ily.
lastly, have you watched mama? i watched the whole show LMAO really enjoyed it especially stray kids' performance like omg have you seen it ?? theirs were probably the most extravagant, no cap. me and my friends were screaming in chat the whole time SJDFJFDKJ disappointed by the supposed "collab" of the 4th gens since it seemed like it was done with social distancing 😭 i expected them to be in one stage, not solo you know :"> loved the performance of the other groups too. the only reason why i stayed is because nct's performance was on the ending side ~.~ i waited until i got to watch all my stans <33
hope you have a great christmas !! will definitely send an ask once i find the time to read g&s. stay safe and happy !
- 🤡
hi there! I’m fine just finishing up my final project today. and oooh yeah make sure to stay safe >.< honestly I’m glad classes are online. I don’t wanna go out rn hakshsksjsj with many people not really trying to stay safe or be considerate of others I try to not go out much personally.
ah thanks I’m honestly just too soft to write angst and if I do I wanna make a happy ending sequel or smth if possible. I really don’t like tragic ends they hurt too bad 😂💦
Oooh congrats on getting bedo he’s so great! also yeah itto is already maxed out 😂😂 gorou is currently at level 70 and albedo is maxed and eula is at level 50/60 rn just on the quest now to get itto’s weapon. I got a skyward harp tho which is good for me bc I wanna use it on childe later on
I hope you enjoy g&s and yeah I didn’t watch the entirety of mama but I watched skz and ateez and ugh they were so good. oh I did watch the bloom of music stages (if that’s what they’re called hhhh) and honestly I actually liked the way it was done. the individual styles and themes for each really showed well and honesty being a design student really makes me appreciate composition and organizing a lot more so it really made me appreciate how they decided to organize the whole thing eheh. honestly I’m glad they’re still social distancing I was honestly a nervous wreck when I saw ppl at the award show what with rising cases in korea I hope every stayed safe >.<
I’ll look forward to your next ask and have good holidays yourself bub!!! always nice to hear from ya ^^
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