#i promise i read every single comment in my inbox and they make me smile so big
bookinit02 · 2 years
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11 notes · View notes
joshsindigostreak · 8 months
I See Hell in Your Eyes
Chapter Nine
“Your pretty face and electric soul.”
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Vampire!Josh x Vampire!Reader
Authors Note: Good morning, readers! Sorry for putting yall through the wringer in Chapter Eight. It will happen again, but not in this chapter! This one is a lot sweeter. If you haven’t read Chapter Eight yet I highly suggest you do so because this chapter won’t make a lot of sense without it. Also as always my inbox and DMs are always open so if you want to come scream at me after a chapter feel free to do so! Every single one of y'alls comments and thoughts means the world to me and I love hearing what you think. 😘😘😘
Word Count: 7310
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of blood, allusions to violence, SMUT, 18+, minors DNI, blood play, teasing, brat taming if you squint, fang play(?), I think that’s it. :)
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Sixteen hours. That's how long Josh had been asleep. The first two hours, you didn’t even move. You just held him as he slept, gently cleaning up any blood with a towel and running your fingers through his hair. Eventually, you shifted from behind him and got him properly tucked in. But you kept your promise, your eyes never left him for a second. After redressing you laid down next to him on the bed over the duvet. 
You were so focused on him that you didn’t even hear the door open, or notice Dimitri standing next to the bed. 
“How is our dear Joshua?”
Without looking up, you say,, “he’s fine.”
“How long has it been?”
“Sixteen hours.”
Dimitri hummed in response, “how long did it take for you to wake up?”
“Two nights.”
“Typically it's around the same amount of time for a Maker and their new Vampire,” he paused and said, “have you slept at all, darling?”
Ignoring his question you replied, “some people don’t wake up at all…”
“Oh that's very rare, and you know that-”
“Rare, but not impossible.” 
“I knew someone who took six nights to come back, and do you remember that Mary girl who lived with us during the twenties? She took over a week. It all just depends, darling.” 
“How long did you take?”
He looked off in the distance for a moment, “roughly three nights. Woke up in the basement of a church of all places.”
“I was in a carriage,” you said softly, the memories floating back to you, “in the middle of the day, no less. He was inside, sleeping.” For a moment, you were back in that carriage, terrified and unsure of where you were. You had made the mistake of pulling one of the curtains to the side to look out the window, only to be immediately met with searing pain on your hand from the sun. It was hours before your Maker came back to check on you. 
Dimitri shook his head, “Isaac wasn’t the most…thoughtful of Maker’s.”
You sat up on the bed, laughing a little, “that's putting it mildly.” 
“Have you heard from him at all?”
“Not since ‘84, and even that was too much.” 
Dimitri chuckled slightly before turning towards the door, “you should come downstairs, Portia and Magnus are finally back from their holiday. They’d love to see you.”
You shook your head and looked back at Josh, “no, I’m good…I’m staying up here.”
He smiled warmly, “I meant what I said last night, that you must mean a lot to him. Some people beg to be turned for other reasons, power, immortality, staying young forever, but he simply didn’t want to see you hurt. He didn’t even hesitate once he heard the terms. Love like that is rare.” 
The l-word caught you off guard and you sputtered, “I don’t know…I mean…we’ve barely even…it's kind of soon for that.”
“We’re Vampires, darling, since when do we care about time?” You were silent, trying to will the blush away from your skin. Before he left the room, he said, “if you need anything, just call for Phillip. He’ll bring you anything you need.” 
You resisted the urge to make a smartass comment about Phillip, “thank you, Dimitri.”
“Any time, darling,” he said before disappearing down the hall. 
Josh remained still in the bed, having not moved very much at all in the last few hours. You reached over and brushed his curls back again, and you weren’t sure if you were soothing Josh or soothing yourself. 
As the hours passed, you could not fight off sleep any longer, eventually letting it wash over you as you laid beside your lover. It wasn’t a restful sleep, in fact you found yourself waking up every other hour or so. Each time you’d sit up and check the time, noting how long it had been. You were still so full from the draining that you couldn’t even fathom feeding for at least a couple more days. Dimitri had checked in a few more times, sitting beside the bed to keep you company, but you turned down any invitation to come downstairs. You couldn’t risk it. You couldn’t miss him waking up, you were not going to chance Josh waking up frightened and alone. You wouldn’t let history repeat itself. 
Miles away, a now solitary hunter paced around his brother’s apartment. He had not felt ‘right’ in hours. Specifically, sixteen hours and five minutes. His Witch had tried to calm him down several times, but this was something she couldn’t fix. Not with her words, not with her love, and not with her magic.
It was the second night now, and you were dozing next to him. Movement next to you had you snapping your eyes open, and you saw Josh had rolled over on his side, facing you. His eyes were still closed, but his brows were knitted tightly together, and a frown was fixed on his face. 
You reached out, wanting to smooth your hand over his face, but his hand shot out from under the covers and snatched your wrist midair. The reflex was too fast, and his grip was too hard to be…human. Your entire body froze. 
Suddenly his eyes snapped open, his brown eyes staring at you, but not seeing you. You were flipped onto your back as he hovered over you, hand still gripping your wrist next to your head. He was still looking at you as if he didn’t recognize you. That was common after a Vampire wakes up, as the adjustment period was far longer than the movies and books would lead you to believe. 
“Boy Scout…,” you whispered slightly, hoping to jog his memory.
A low rumble came from his chest in response. That was another thing, it often took Vampires a little while to regain the ability to speak. 
Breathing heavily over you, his eyes raked down your form and his other hand reached towards your face. Those soft fingertips of his grazed your cheek, tracing your bone structure, your nose, and down your neck. His hand curled around your neck, his thumb slid across your jaw and landed on your lips, a familiar move he had done many times. 
You remained stock still, letting him explore. His eyes hadn’t met yours again, instead he was staring down at your lips while his thumb rubbed your bottom lip a few times. Taking a chance, you slightly puckered your lips to kiss the pad of his thumb. He blinked several times before finally looking up and into your eyes. There he was. His eyes softened immediately and he opened his mouth to speak but no sound came out. He tried again, but it wasn’t happening for now. 
“It’s ok…you don’t have to talk right now, Josh,” you whispered. 
Instead, he crashed his lips onto yours, and sank his body down to rest fully on top of you. The hand wrapped around your wrist let go and slid up to thread his fingers in yours, which you gladly squeezed back. Now it was your turn to reach up and cup his face, feeling his muscles move as he tilted his head to get a better angle. 
But the sweet moment was cut short by him wrenching away from your face in pain. He sat up and straddled your waist, hands covering his mouth as he groaned into his palms. His fangs. They were trying to come down but he didn’t know how to relax and let it happen. Contrary to how they’re depicted in various forms of media, fangs don’t just instantly ‘click’ down. It's a skill. A skill one has to learn and hone in order to be able to feed properly and efficiently. 
You carefully sat up and gently took his hands away from his face. His eyes looked scared again, and you quickly shushed him and softly spread your thumbs across his upper lip where his gums were. He winced a little at the sensitivity as his hands rested on your forearms. 
“It's your fangs trying to come out for the first time. You have to relax, Josh,” he looked at you skeptically, “they can’t come down until you relax. Breathe through your nose for me? Yeah?” 
He fully sat down on your thighs, and did what he was told and took deep breaths through his nose. His eyes were trained on you the entire time. He could feel his teeth begin to move, his canine teeth especially. It felt like an invisible force was prying them out of his mouth. 
“I know it hurts, it always does the first few times, but soon you won’t even feel it happening, I promise,” your thumbs moved to his cheeks, your right one resting where his dimple normally was. 
He nodded slightly and leaned into your hand, trying to stay relaxed. 
“Watch me, ok?” You opened your mouth, baring your teeth and took a few deep breaths and slowly let down your own fangs. After over 350 years, it was hard to slow down the process, as you could complete the action as fast as blinking at this point, but you tried your best so your hunter-turned-Vampire could see it for himself. He studied the movement as it happened, finally having a proper visual to mentally focus on. 
After a few more deep breaths, his teeth shifted again, this time down, but not all the way. A smile lit up your face as he parted his lips to show you, and you whispered praises to him as he continued breathing. With a slight groan, his teeth descended all the way, and you saw his fangs for the first time. 
You stared in awe. While you met him as a human, seeing fangs in his mouth looked so…natural on him, as if they had always been there. Unexpected tears formed in your eyes, as it really hit you that he was a Vampire now, he was like you, and the two of you were the same. 
“Beautiful…,” you mused while touching one with your thumb, “do you want to see them?”
He nodded, and you looked around to see if there was a mirror. The closest thing you had was your phone, and you quickly snatched it off the nightstand and turned the camera on, flipping it to selfie-mode and handing it to Josh. He turned the phone over in his hands and held it in front of his face. It was definitely strange to see protruding fangs in his mouth, but they didn’t feel out of place. He ran his tongue over them a few times, feeling how sharp they were, how much longer they were from his other teeth, and he turned his head back and forth to see them at different angles. Satisfied, he tossed your phone to the side on the bed before turning back to you and cupping your face once more to collide his lips to yours, this time smiling into the kiss. 
It had been so long since you’ve kissed a fellow Vampire, especially one you lov- had feelings for. Your tongue slid across his teeth, feeling the contours and length of his fangs, and it was your turn to smile against his lips. He laid you back down onto the bed, shifting his legs so that he was between yours. His lips were everywhere, kissing all over your face and playfully scraping the tips against your skin. 
But the urge to drive them into your neck, to fully taste you in a way he couldn’t when he was human, was reaching a boiling point in his system. He was putting more and more pressure against your neck, but not breaking the skin…yet.
You quickly recognized what he was doing, what he wanted, and you pushed him away so that he was back over your face instead. 
“As much…as much as I’d love for you to do that…your first feed has to be with human blood…,” you were almost sad in telling him no, but this was a process that wasn’t fully complete until he tasted human blood for himself. It was what fully sealed a Vampire in their new form of existence, the full stop at the end of a sentence. Sheepishly, he closed his lips over his teeth, feeling like he had done something wrong. You caught the look in his eyes and quickly reassured him, “no no, it's ok, we’ll have plenty of time to do that afterwards, I promise.” You figured Dimitri himself would have a human or two on hand for feeding, as he was never a fan of blood bags. 
As if on cue, the older Vampire in question rapped his knuckles on the door as he opened it.
“Is our dear-,” before he could finish his sentence Josh immediately shifted on the bed and practically shielded you from Dimitri, his instincts taking over briefly. Dimitri held up his hands in truce, “now now, Joshua I’m not going to do anything. It's wonderful to see you awake and back with us.” 
You sat up behind Josh, looking at Dimitri over his shoulder, “you wouldn’t happen to have a human on hand? Please?”
“About that…after we talked earlier I let the Council know about your decision and that you were handling it yourself. They insisted on sending a representative here to make sure it actually happened.” He sighed before continuing, “Judith…is downstairs in the conservatory waiting for you.”
“Right now? He still can’t talk! He needs to have his first feed.” 
“I know, darling, I didn't expect them to send her this quickly,” he rolled his eyes as he said ‘her’, letting you know that Judith was not one of his friends on the Council. “I’ll give you a few minutes, but it’ll be better for everyone if you don’t keep her waiting.” With a sympathetic look, he closed the door behind him, leaving the two of you alone. 
“I’m so sorry, Josh, I didn’t kn-,” he turned and pressed a finger to your lips and shook his head, shushing you and letting you know that he understood. He got off the bed and collected his clothes from earlier that you had folded and placed on the couch. He threw his shirt on as he walked towards the ensuite at the far end of the room. You had already dressed while you had waited for him to wake up, so you sat at the edge of the bed and let him get ready. As he walked to the ensuite, you couldn’t help but notice that his walk was slightly different. His shoulders were straighter, his strides were quieter but more deliberate. You wondered if he himself even noticed the changes yet. From the angle of where you were sitting, you could just barely see himself checking his teeth out in the mirror again. His fangs had retreated back into his gums, and now his top row of teeth looked completely normal. 
His eyes looked at you through the mirror, catching your gaze. He smirked at you, before turning to finish getting dressed. As he exited the ensuite he locked eyes with you again and in an attempt at his new speed, he tried to race over to you. However, stopping was a completely different story, and he ended up tackling you onto the bed. 
Giggling, you reached up and traced his nose with your finger, “don’t worry, you’ll get there, Boy Scout.” You lifted your head to kiss him, and whispered against his lips, “come on, let's get this over with.” 
It wasn’t hard to find the conservatory, all you had to do was follow the classical music being played. Just like the rest of the manor, Dimitri spared no expense in this room either. It was a massive space, with a complete wall of windows that went from the floor all the way into the ceiling, creating a dome-like appearance. It was a perfect view of the stars at night, and a perfectly lethal place for a Vampire to be in after sunrise. He also had so many plants in the room it almost looked like a small forest in the room. Most of the flowering plants had closed their blooms for the night, and the evergreens sat peacefully in their pots. The main source of light in the room were the various lanterns that were strategically placed among the greenery. It created such an intimate atmosphere, especially with the light of the Waning Moon filtering in from the windows above. 
The beauty of the room stopped when you spotted the Council member sitting rather stiffly on the couch towards the middle of the room. Judith, as Dimitri called her, was a Vampire who appeared to be in her late fifties, with blonde hair that was so faded it almost looked gray at certain angles. She had it in a tight ponytail, making her sharp cheekbones the main feature of her face. Her eyes were equally gray, and they narrowed at the sight of Josh. 
“Ah, finally, there they are,” she said in mock enthusiasm. 
“Judith please,” Dimitri said with a sigh while nursing a drink in his hand.
Josh’s hand slid into yours as you made your way to the center of the room. His expression was neutral, but you knew his mind was full of thoughts and words for the snotty Vampire in front of him. 
Judith uncrossed her ankles and stood up, clipboard firmly in the crook of her arm. She gave you a look that let you know to let her look at Josh alone, and you reluctantly let go of his hand and went over to stand next to Dimitri. Her back was to you now, but you were still able to maintain eye contact with Josh.  
“Open your mouth,” she commanded flatly. She wanted to see his fangs. 
Josh looked at you briefly over her shoulder, starting to panic because he had only made his fangs come down once at this point, and was still getting the hang of it. He put his hands behind his back and wrung his wrists, trying to remember what you had told him. 
You kept eye contact with him, and motioned for him to take some deep breaths and to relax. Dimitri nodded along next to you; he wanted Josh to succeed almost as much as you did. 
Josh’s Adams apple bobbed a little before he opened his mouth. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to replicate how he had done it upstairs less than an hour ago. Judith stood there, staring at his teeth with an unimpressed look on her face. But after a few tense minutes, his fangs descended and locked in place. 
Judith made a small “hmph” sound and reached into the pocket of her skirt to fish out a measuring tape. She held the tape next to one of his fangs, and wrote down the measurement on the clipboard. She switched to the other side to get the other’s measurement, before mumbling loud enough for everyone to hear, “it's ok they’ll get longer in time.” 
Josh clamped his mouth shut and gave her a look that was so pointed, you were glad he wasn’t able to actually speak. But the way his eyes glared at her spoke volumes on their own. 
Judith ignored him while she made notes on the clipboard, scribbling away her thoughts and observations. 
“Has he fed yet,” she said without looking up.
“Umm…no, not yet-”
“Excellent. Bring in one of your humans, Dimitris,” she commanded as she finished her notes and looked back up at Josh. 
Dimitri sighed and took a long sip of his drink before motioning to one of his staff to fetch one of his human companions. He always had a steady supply of willing humans who were into being fed on. He had a knack for finding them in the haystack that was humanity. 
Josh looked at you again over Judith’s shoulder, the same panicky look from before had returned on his face. 
You mouthed, it's going to be ok, at him as the door opened and a woman in her mid twenties entered the room. 
Her eyes lit up when she saw Dimitri, “hi Dimitri…,” she gave him a flirty wave with her fingers. 
“Pleasure as always, Rebeckah,” he said with a small smile. She already knew where to go and dutifully went over to the couch and sat down, keeping her eyes on Dimitri the whole time. 
Judith motioned for Josh to join Rebeckah, and made his way over to the couch and sat down. You started to follow him before she barked, “I’d like to witness this alone, actually.” 
Something in you snapped, “the fuck you wi-”
Dimitri quickly stepped in, “what she’s trying to say is, as his Maker, I think it’s more than fair for her to be in the room for his first feed? Since he doesn’t know what he’s doing, she has a right to be here. In fact it would be the responsible thing to do, don’t you agree?”
Judith rolled her eyes, “fine, but she can’t interfere. The Council wants to see how he does on his own.” 
The Council didn’t want to see shit, you thought, they wanted him to fail. They wanted the ‘I told you so.’ 
Dimitri’s large hand landed on your shoulder, giving you a comforting squeeze. 
“Very well,” he said in a clipped tone. 
You looked up at Dimitri, the worry written all over your face. He gave your shoulder another squeeze. 
Tentatively, Josh reached over and took Rebeckah’s wrist in his hand, figuring that would be the best place. He could feel her pulse through her arm, and it made his gums above his fangs throb. He felt is instincts trying to guide him, which was a good sign until-
“Oh not the wrist, it's your first feed after all, I know you really want the neck deep down,” she was practically taunting him at this point, and turned back to the older Vampire and used his own words against him, “don’t you agree, Dimitris?” 
Dimitri’s mouth twisted into a frown, “it is the ideal spot I suppose…”
You were practically vibrating with rage right now, and you wanted to physically rip Judith’s head off her body yourself. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. You were supposed to be right there with him, guiding him through it and making sure he didn’t take too much. 
“Don’t be shy, get closer to her,” Judith said while flicking her wrist at Josh. 
Rebeckah obliged first and scooted close to him, angling her head to expose her neck. The smell of her blood filled his nostrils, and at first he thought he was hallucinating. He knew his senses would be stronger, but actually experiencing it was completely different. 
Judith had her back to you and Dimitri once again, and you used this to your advantage as you looked at Josh over her shoulder. You feigned scratching your neck to show him where to put his hand, which he immediately copied. 
He lowered his face to her neck, the scent of her blood was almost overwhelming to him now and it was still safely in her body. Part of him was running on pure instinct, and getting impatient that he hadn’t sunk his teeth into her yet, whereas the other part of him was having an out of body experience as the reality of the situation hit him. He was really about to drink blood, as a Vampire, for the first time. However, the instinctual side of him won out and he pressed his new fangs against her neck. He could feel her pulse against his teeth, and with the same ‘fuck it’ mentality one has before a shot of tequila, he pierced her flesh and her blood began flowing into his mouth. 
Rebeckah made a small squeak, but she relaxed in his hold and a serene smile spread across her face. 
Josh breathed through his nose and took his first real pull from her, and the sudden burst of flavor nearly had his eyes rolling back. He never expected blood to taste this good, let alone have a flavor profile. He recalled the taste of blood as he remembered it from his youth, that gross metallic flavor that would fill his mouth whenever he’d lose a tooth, or that one time Jake hit him in the mouth while they were fighting and cut his lip open. But now? Now he was getting notes of…lilies? Lavender maybe? It was all so overwhelming he wasn’t sure, he just knew that it was good. He kept pulling and pulling, feeling it run out of his mouth a little and down his chin. 
You on the other hand were watching him like a hawk, and listening to Rebeckah’s heartbeat even closer. It was still steady and normal, but you knew it wouldn’t be that way for much longer. The way Josh was pulling was very deep, but he didn’t understand that yet. If you hadn’t been so stressed about your lack of involvement, you would’ve noted how absolutely gorgeous he looked while feeding. He needed to slow down, if not stop completely. You thought back to your first feed, and it didn’t end well for the human involved because you had zero guidance. Isaac had just let you do what you wanted and cleaned up the mess later. But you didn’t want that for Josh, he didn’t deserve to be traumatized right out of the gate like that. 
He didn’t want this to end, part of him wanted to keep going until he couldn’t anymore. But this low thumping noise in his head got slower, and it was then he realized he had been hearing her heartbeat the entire time. It was slowing down, and he had just enough wherewithal to know he needed to let go. But knowing and doing were two different things. 
You were starting to panic, and you looked at Josh, hoping he’d look up just long enough to make eye contact with you. Judith started scribbling notes again, and you wanted to crack that entire clipboard over her head. You thought about faking a cough, making some sort of noise, but you didn’t want her to send you out of the room for ‘interfering.’ 
Josh wrenched his eyes open, and looked up to find you. He saw your eyes were watery and filled with panic, and he understood why. From your vantage point, you mouthed the words, “you need to let go,” to him, and he wanted to listen, he really did, but it was as if his mouth and his brain weren’t working together. But, he tried anyway, and loosened his grip on Rebeckah’s neck and slowly worked at dislodging his fangs from her neck. He fought the urge that was screaming at him to keep going, to drain her dry like a juice box, but he refused to let that voice win. With more force than he would’ve liked, he pulled his teeth from her neck, and let go of her completely. 
Before he could fully relax, he saw you point at your teeth, and then patted the side of your neck with those same fingers, silently telling him to use his blood to heal the bite. Josh sprung into action, quickly and hastily biting his index finger, breaking the skin and rubbing his own blood amongst her own on her neck along the puncture wounds. Within seconds they began to close and he was able to lean back on the couch, out of breath. 
Judith paused for a second in her scribbling, and looked at her watch on her wrist and wrote down the time. She observed Rebeckah for another minute, who seemed completely fine with the situation and was only slightly miffed she had blood on her dress. 
Dimitri gestured at the staff member standing by the door, “please take Miss Rebeckah to the kitchens to get her something to eat. Have the chef make her whatever she wants.” 
Rebeckah smiled and stood up from the couch, “and what about my dress?”
“I’ll get you a new one, as always,” this made her smile as she made her way out of the room. 
Without a second glance at Josh, Judith turned back to Dimitri and sighed, “I’ll give my observations to the Council but everything seems to be fine.” She looked at Josh over her shoulder, “welcome to your new life, don’t fuck up. We know who your family is, after all.” 
Josh glared at her as she exited the room. Dimitri gave you a nod and left as well, leaving the two of you alone. 
As soon as the door shut you rushed over to Josh, your hands immediately took his, as apologies fell from your mouth, “I’m so fucking sorry I didn’t know that was going to happen, you weren’t supposed to be alone like that-”
“...sw-sweetheart…,” his voice was so faint, but it was there. He was gaining his voice back. Relief flooded through you, you didn’t realize just how much you missed his voice until he spoke again. You couldn’t take it anymore and practically lept into his lap and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his neck. His arms instantly wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. He was so thankful to finally get his hands on you. 
After spending several minutes just lying in his arms and breathing him in, you pulled back and said, “are you ok? How do you feel?”
A dreamy smile spread across his face, “honestly? I feel fucking incredible right now.” His voice was still scratchy, but it was gradually getting stronger.
You smiled back, “yeah? You did so good earlier, I want you to know that. They were setting you up to screw up but you didn’t. It's so difficult to stop like you did the first few times, let alone the first time. I’m so proud of you, Boy Scout.”
His cheeks reddened at the praise, “Ah, I just…I just remembered what you told me about listening for the heartbeat…had to force myself off though.” 
You were beaming at him now, “I’m not saying it's going to be easy, but I just know you’re going to be so good at it in no time. Next time I’ll be right there with you, I promise. I won’t let anyone get in the way of that again.”
His hands slipped under your shirt and rubbed the skin of your back, “I know you wanted to be there, it wasn’t your fault…” 
“But I-”
“I don’t want you to beat yourself up over this, it happened, but all we can do is move forward.”
You knew he was right, but you still felt bad, “I know I just-”
“Next time we can share, yeah?”
That surprised you, and you smirked at him, “Boy Scout…” 
He glanced out the wall of windows, and noticed the dark blue sky was starting to get lighter, “I think…I think we need to go back upstairs…and shut the windows…,” the suggestion dripped from his voice.
“Race you there?”
“You better get started, sweetheart…,” his eyes bore into yours before you took off from the conservatory. The two of you were a pair of giggling blurs rushing up the stairs to the third floor. He caught up to you at the door, and lurched to a halt while pressing you up against the solid wood. You reached behind you to start twisting the doorknob as he snaked an arm around your waist. His eyes looked even darker in the dim lighting of the corridor, but his smile was sweet, a combination that only he could pull off. 
Stumbling into the room, Josh locked the door behind him before reaching down and firmly gripping your thighs and wrapping them around his waist. He carried you backwards to the bed, while you stripped your shirt off and threw it blindly to the side. Your hands instantly returned to his cheeks as he laid you on the bed. He stood up momentarily to throw off his own shirt, before crawling up the bed and getting on top of you. The rest of your clothes were quickly shed, leaving the both of you naked. 
Josh’s mouth devoured yours, sucking on your bottom lip before he slipped his tongue inside and tangled it with your own. You moaned into his mouth, the relief of him being okay and back in your arms spurring you on. He groaned and lifted off your lips slightly, running his tongue along his top teeth. He looked at you, a little annoyed at his own body as his fangs tried to descend again. 
You recognized the look, and you smiled, “don’t fight it, Josh. Let them down, I wanna see them again…” 
He closed his eyes for a few seconds and concentrated. They came down ever so slightly faster this time, but he still winced at the pain. 
Staring at him, you reached up and gently touched one with your finger, “I just can’t get over how beautiful they look on you…” 
His cheeks reddened before he started working his way down your body, kissing every bit of skin he could reach. Every so often he’d drag his fangs across your skin, causing you to arch your back. As he made his way down to your core, he deliberately skipped where you needed him most to pay attention to your thighs. 
You sat up on your elbows and made a noise in protest, which made him chuckle against your skin. One of the few downsides (at least to him) to you being a supernatural creature was that any hickey’s he made would heal within minutes, but he loved littering your skin with them anyway. The way you arched towards him, trying to get him where you needed him only made him tease you further. Every time you thought he was going to put that perfect mouth of his against your core, he’d switch to the other thigh to nip and suck at your skin. 
“If you don’t-”
Before you could finish your sentence your lover latched onto your core, flattening out his tongue and licking a stripe from your entrance to just below your clit. A frustrated noise escaped you, and his eyes met yours with the most mischievous energy behind them. Those pools of molten molasses seemed to darken even more. Tilting his head slightly and curling his lip up to show you his teeth, he drug one of his new fangs over the edges of your lips, up and up, and slowly circled your clit. He put just enough pressure for you to feel the sharp edge against your sensitive flesh, before diving in and sharply sucking your clit into his mouth. You cried out, loud enough to echo around the room, and you couldn’t give a shit if anyone in this fortress of a house could hear you. 
Two of his fingers teased your entrance before plunging in, curling upwards and giving that spot inside you all the attention they could. His pace was quick and brutal, spurred on but the grip you had in in his hair and how you were practically fucking his mouth. He grinded his own need onto the mattress, desperate for some friction of his own. 
It wasn’t long before your first orgasm of the night washed over you, making you shake beneath him while grinding on his face. His fingers worked even harder to ride it out, drawing it out as long as possible for you. But he didn’t give you a chance to fully still. Placing one final kiss to your clit, he crawled up your body to claim your mouth, letting you taste yourself all over him. 
You were far from done when you flipped him over, straddling his hips and grinding against his cock. He threw his head back and made the sexiest whining sound you had heard in a long time. He sat up and gripped your ass, lifting you up to wrap your legs around his waist. 
“Tell me what you want…,” he whispered against your mouth while keeping you hovered just above his cock.
“Josh please-”
“Josh please, what, sweetheart?” 
“I need you, don’t be mean,” your voice was nearly an octave higher than normal, and now it was your turn to sound whiny. 
“...and what do you need?”
Your nails dug into the skin at the base of his neck, not caring if they broke skin a little now, he could handle it. 
“Your cock, Josh, I need your cock.”
His eyebrows raised in the cockiest manner, “oh? This? This cock?” Before you could answer he pulled you down onto him, plunging him deep inside as he bottomed out. His eyes rolled back at finally being inside you, and you used this distraction to tighten your pussy around him as revenge. A strangled noise left his throat, “you are…such…a little brat…” 
You smirked as you started to work yourself on his cock, relishing in every ridge and vein he had to offer you. He kept one arm around your ass, guiding you and gripping you as he leaned back on his other hand. As your pace quickened, you felt your own gums start to itch and move. You let your fangs descend, not wanting or needing to hold back anymore while with your lover. He was kissing your shoulder, and you leaned your head down to graze your teeth against the shell of his ear. 
He lifted his head, and gave you an equally toothy grin, both of you baring your fangs at each other. 
“Boy Scout…,” you started, nearly breathless, “remember earlier when I told you to wait?” He instantly caught on to what you were referring to, when he had almost bit you earlier. His Adam's apple bobbed as he nodded. “If I let you do that…can I bite you too?” 
His cock twitched inside you at the question, “please, please do…”
“Taste me, Josh, show me you know how,” you whispered. 
Another strangled sound escaped him before he lowered his head and pierced your neck with his fangs. It had been…a long time, decades even, since you had had a Vampire taste you. It was such an intimate act, most considered it almost sacred. 
Josh took a long pull off of you, and the first note that hit his tongue was a distinct cherry flavor, tart but sweet, along with a distinct undercurrent of sea salt. He could practically smell the ocean. Flashes and sounds started to flood his mind, swirling around in his mind's eye. They focused, and he saw you, as a teen in Jamestown, scrubbing the floors of the house you used to live in. A second flash, it's the Victorian era, and you’re giggling in bed with another man. You called him Colin before it dissipated. Another flash, it’s twenties and you look sad as you sipped your drink. You were surrounded by people partying, but you weren’t matching the energy. A final flash, this time it's the seventies and you look darling in your bell bottoms and feathered hair. You seemed happier then, laughing with a few girlfriends in a bar. 
The feeling of his fangs in your skin hurtled you toward your second orgasm. Before you could reach your high, you bit down on your lover's flesh. His taste…his taste was the same, but it was so much more vibrant? As if it had been turned up several notches. That orangey citrus flooded your senses, and as the vanilla showed itself to you, flashes started behind your eyes too. A small, scared, seven year old Josh scrambled to stab a rogue Vampire in the leg with a knife from under his bed. Another flash, this time Josh was older, late teens at best, getting lectured by his father about a hunting job gone wrong. The importance of his responsibility as the “oldest” was being drilled into his head. Flash number three, Josh is sitting next to his twin in front of a fire, laughing at some inside joke as he brings his beer to his lips. Who knew Jake Kiszka was capable of smiling? The final flash was him gathering some files on a table, the one on top had your name clearly on the tab. He wasn’t in his apartment, but in a room that looked like an office. 
Your vision went dark as your high overtook you, making you shake and pulse around him. His cock twitched inside you again, and a muffled groan shuddered against your skin letting you know he had reached his own high. Carefully, you each withdrew your teeth and lapped at the fresh blood on your skin as your wounds healed. 
Josh kissed you softly, mixing your blood with his, enjoying the taste. He opened his eyes and smiled at you, feeling more content and happy than he had in days. The stress from the past week had completely evaporated, and in this moment, all he saw, all he cared about, was you. 
His Vampire. 
The adoration for him was written all over your face, and you silently noted the blood smeared all over him. You looked over your shoulder at the ensuite, and could see the edge of a clawfoot tub from the doorway. 
“Lets get cleaned up, Boy Scout…”
His grin widened and he looked over your shoulder, seeing what you were looking at. He also saw the first light of the day start to filter in through the windows. Thankfully the bed was positioned in a way that didn’t put it anywhere near them, but in order to get the ensuite they’d have to cross them. Carefully he kept you in place as he reached for the remote on the nightstand. 
He punched the buttons, and the shades came down. His hand squeezed the flesh of your ass, “only the moon gets a free show, sweetheart…” 
You gave him a quick kiss before crawling off of him and leading him into the bathroom. Soon, the both of you were situated in the hot water, enjoying the extra wide clawfoot tub. 
Josh tried to take the lead in cleaning  up, but you stopped him and took it upon yourself to clean the blood off of his skin. He relaxed into the water as you swept the rag over his skin. Meticulously you cleaned any dry blood out of his beard and mustache, kissing him as you went. It had been a long time since someone had properly taken care of him afterwards. 
It was clear to you that the new-Vampire exhaustion was creeping up on your lover, and you worked a little faster to get him cleaned up so the two of you could return to bed. He would probably have another long sleep again, but not nearly as long as that first one. The process of becoming a Vampire was complete, but it still took time for the body to adjust.
Soon you were back in bed with him, the covers pulled over your exhausted bodies as you wrapped yourselves around each other. His ear was on your chest, and you were softly grazing your nails against his scalp. His eyes were closed, and sleep was well on its way. 
He pressed a soft kiss against your skin before mumbling, “...love you…” 
You stared at him as he completely stilled in your arms, eyes welling up, 
“Love you too, Boy Scout,” but you weren’t sure he heard it. 
To be continued…
Tag List:  @dannyandthekiszkas , @readyforthegarden  , @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine , @wideminded-dreamer , @runwayblues , @wildbluesorbit , @llightmyllovee , @rhythm-of-space , @sacredthefran , @writingcold , @alwaysonthemend , @wetkleenex-gvf , @josh-iamyour-mama , @lightsofthe-living-gvf , @gvfcinema , @sacredthethreadgvf , @losfacedevil , @jakekiszkasbuttsweat , @shutupdevvie , @hearts-hunger , @gretavanfleetposts , @ascendingtostardust , @mackalah , @andromeda-raine-gvf , @jake-kiszkas-smirk , @gracev0609 , @sacredjake , @earthlysorrows , @gvfpal , @myownparadise96 , @itsafullmoon , @gvfmelbourne , @twistedmelodies , @that-witchy-pan , @gold-mines-melting , @texas-bbq-pringles , @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface , @sadiechar , @char289 , @stardustvanfleet ,
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causenessus · 1 month
NESS !!!! HI HI HI ITS SOL (19calicos!!!)
i just finished love notes and oh my god. i literally cant tell you how much i love your work like i need to go run and reread cold kisses AND THEN reread love notes all over again im literally so <3333
you have such a warm and thoughtful and honest way of writing that i totally adore, and i can vividly feel every emotion of each character and of you in my chest in your writing like !!! it’s fucking Crazy !!!! and it definitely does have to do with all the things about yn that resonates me but it also comes from how you are able to bring all those feelings to life in a clear and beautiful way!
you are a talented writer and i genuinely admire you so much. your hard work is evident and your writing just feels so true to yourself and i really look up to the honest quality of your writing :-) pat yourself on the back!!! grab yourself a matcha!!! be proud of your work always!!! and thank you for writing love notes!!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
this ask made me so happy to read i'm literally going to keep it forever <3 it honestly made me feel *so* much more confident in myself. like in my writing and who i am as a person because my personality and mind definitely seeps a lot into my writing if that makes sense 😭😭 and i'm so glad that you could relate to the characters and feel everything so vividly!!! again i cannot tell you how much every single one of your words mean to me thank you for making me so happy and i feel like i could conquer the world rn!!!!! :D
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riality-check · 2 years
Hi hi, for the fanfic writer ask game:🎨💘✨
🎨if someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I would be incredibly honored if anyone made art of my work, and I would especially love to see the stargazing scene from snow, angel? It's a really wholesome scene, and I think it would translate beautifully to visual art.
💘is it easier to write angst or fluff?
Anyone who knows me knows the answer to this question is angst. Angst is so much easier. It's cathartic for me, most of the time, to tap into those emotions and feelings. Arguments especially are very easy to write.
I love writing fluff, but I think most of my fluff is comedy, and most of that comes from my first word-association thoughts.
✨out of the comments you've received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
Oh, this is so hard, it's unfair! How am I supposed to pick just a few when literally every single one makes my day. It sounds cheesy, but it's true, I promise!
I got one on like a sack of bricks that was just, "I can't tell you how lucky I feel to have found your writing." And I think that's the highest compliment I've ever been paid.
I got another one on save a horse, ride an ex-jock that contained both "suffice it to say, i’m subscribed and prepared to read everything you’ve ever written/will write. so so so incredibly good, wow ! you’re so talented and have such a way with words <3" and "IN LOVE WITH THIS UNIVERSE AND YOUR WRITING STYLE. thanks for sharing this one with us and looking forward to reading more of your work in the future <3" which. Just. WOW.
Honorable mentions to everyone who said they related to Eddie in like a sack of bricks, everyone who commented on slay monsters, if needed as it was updating, and all of my regular commenters. Yes, I remember you, yes I smile every time I see your usernames in my inbox.
Ask me more questions, if you'd like!
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
I don't have a fic in mind but I very much mean it for all of them, I love every single fic that you've written. Even the ones that rip my heart out. Every fic always makes me go through a range of emotions and even rereading them I still feel those same emotions. I always fall in love with the characters all over again every time, even if I've read that fic six times before (totally looking at that Clint coffee shop fic). Your writing is beautiful, it feels like there's just the perfect amounts of descriptions and dialogue and the characters always feel so authentic. I always try to express how much I love each fic when I reblog them but sometimes I'm just at such a loss for words after reading it all I can form is gibberish and incoherent screeching. -Curious Curios
i think i must say this to you all the time but i don't know if i can truly express how much hearing this (and all your comments) mean to me. you are the absolute sweetest and i wish you nothing but the best in everything you do because you have made me smile so many times with your responses to my writing that i truly do not know how to thank you enough. i know i already have a request from you in my inbox (i'm working through the last few from thanksgiving i promise!), but if there's ever any story you want written for any reason (and even if my requests are closed/it's for a character i no longer write), please feel free to let me know and i will happily write it for you :)
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professorrw · 3 years
Hello my darling girl, I see the u have u request open so i want to know if u could write something about the life of Tom Riddle x wife reader with his child and how he treats them and maybe how is they child growing up and going to hogwarts from 1 first year to the end of 7 year if that make sense, I love u writing already 🤍🤍🤍
Pairing: female reader x Tom Riddle
Requested: Yes
Warnings: just fluff
A/N: I've made the decision that I won't be doing MHA fanfiction so my requests aren't open for that fandom anymore but they are open for Stranger Things instead! Requests open, taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Tom Riddle, Y/N Riddle, and Charles Riddle. The perfect family. Just like you and Tom, your son Charles was brilliant. At a young age he showed signs of magic and it thrilled both you and your husband. Charles was yours and Tom’s first priority. When Charles turned eleven he was invited to Hogwarts, just like his parents.
You, Tom, and Charles were on the way to King’s Cross Station.
“Are you ready Charles?” you asked.
“Yes mum. I’ve packed my trunks and double checked that everything is in there,” the eleven year old responded. Even at a young age he spoke very maturely, mainly because he was raised with you and Tom talking like that. Nevertheless, he didn’t miss out on his childhood. You and Tom both made sure that he had friends and kids his age to play with. Once Charles was six you three moved to a house closer to other wizards so he could be immersed in that culture.
He was indeed bright and all your neighbors could tell. Everyone expected great things out of him, but you made sure the pressure wasn’t too much for your son. Even if he wasn’t as smart as you or Tom you would still love him and you wanted to make sure he knew.
“You’ve grown so much Charles,” Tom said.
“He has, hasn’t he? I feel as though it was just yesterday when you were a little tot running around.” You smiled at the memory of your son when he was younger. You absolutely loved being a mother and you had no regrets in having a child when you were nineteen. Now that Charles was eleven you and Tom were thirty. Tom no longer had the same mischievous attitude but had grown sharper in wit.
“I’m only eleven you know. Technically I’m still a kid,” Charles piped up from the back seat.
You turned around and patted his knee. “Of course you are darling. But you’ll always be my little tot.”
He groaned, “Mum please stop calling me that.”
You laughed, “Alright fine. I guess you’re too grown up to be my tot.”
Tom drove the rest of the way to King’s Cross Station and you three got out of the car. Charles pushed his cart through the crowds of people all the way to Platform 9 ¾.
You turned to your son, “You need to back up and then run as fast as you can at the wall right here.” You motion to the wall that gets you to the train. Charles already knew about the wall because he had asked you many questions about Hogwarts and your time there.
Your son took multiple steps back and ran at full force with his cart through the wall with you and Tom following suit. You made it through and arrived on the platform. There before you was the crowded area filled with young and old wizards. The whole platform was abuzz with life and excitement. All those young children, new and returning, ready for the new school year.
Charles bit his lip and looked warily around at all the people. He fidgeted with his buggy and tapped his shoe against the ground. You briefly let out a little laugh when you recognized your son’s nervousness, which wasn’t far from your own on the first day.
You crouch down to Charles’ level and put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t be nervous darling. You’re going to love it, I promise.”
Charles let go of his cart and wrapped his arms around your neck. “I love you,” he mumbled into your neck.
You smiled, “I love you too tot.”
Tom stood beside the two of you with a warm smile on his face. He was proud to be Charles’ father and proud to be your husband. Tom loved his son like nothing before. And the way you were with Charles, especially when he was younger, just made him love you even more. His role of father suited him, and you found that Tom really softened up when it came to your child.
You would often find Tom being involved in what Charles wanted to do. He was quick to teach him all about magic and the history of it.
Charles slipped out of your arms and moved on to his dad. Tom hugged his son and placed a kiss on top of his head. As they stood next to each other you noticed how similar Charles and Tom really looked. When he was first born it was hard to tell who he would resemble, but as the years passed it was clear that it would be Tom.
Charles begrudgingly left his father’s embrace and started toward the train. Tom wrapped an arm around your waist as you both watched your son board the Hogwarts Express. You leaned your head against your husband’s shoulder. A few moments later Charles’ head popped up in a window. He waved and you blew him a kiss.
“Don’t forget to write!” you said.
The train whistled and then slowly rolled out of the station. You and all the other parents stood around the platform in silence. Even though you were extremely proud of Charles for getting into Hogwarts it was still sad to see him go. For the next few months you and Tom would be on your own.
Just a few days later you received a letter from Charles. He informed you that he was a Slytherin, which you both expected, and he had made a friend. You read the letter with your hand over your heart. For some reason tears were in your eyes. Charles was a blessing and you knew that you were going to miss him until he returned.
Six years later you found yourself on Platform 9 ¾ once again. Charles was now seventeen and a spitting image of his father. He had surpassed your expectations, being just as smart, if not smarter than you and Tom. He played Quidditch and was the head boy for Slytherin.
You looked at your now grown son who was chatting with his friends across the platform. It seemed like it was just yesterday that you had hugged your jittery son before he left for his first year at Hogwarts.
The train whistled for everyone to board and Charles ran over to you and Tom. He bent down and kissed your cheek, “Bye mum.”
He smiled at Tom and embraced him. “Bye dad.”
Tom rubbed his son’s back and closed his eyes. A single tear rolled down your husband’s cheek but he was quick to wipe it off. You however had caught it. The pair pulled apart and as they shared soft smiles Charles turned around and boarded the train.
Just as you had done every year you blew him a kiss when his head peaked out of the window. After a few minutes the train was gone from view and the chugging of the engine was out of earshot. You laced your fingers with Tom’s and sighed.
“He’s grown up so fast,” you said.
“I know. And he’s turned out so wonderful thanks to you,” Tom replied. He leaned over and kissed the top of your head.
You turned to him, “It’s not all my doing. You’re an amazing father Tom.”
“Thank you darling.”
You and Tom walked back to your car with your hands intertwined and your minds full of memories.
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Pregnancy Series - Part 3
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Telling them 
Hey! So a lot of you have been waiting and I am honestly happy that you guys seem to like my pregnancy series! Please feel free to tell me your opinion with a comment or through a reblog ( I read every single # ) or just send me a message in my inbox! Hope you enjoy! 
Pregnancy Series: Part 1 // Part 2 
You nervously rubbed your hands together as the weekend finally came.
Ever since Jumin married you, he decided to have his birthday parties only with you instead of throwing big parties with people he didn’t even like just because of his status.
But this time you prepared something special for him.
You decided to invite your father-in-law as well as the RFA, even Zen, at your place on the 4th of October to stay until Jumin’s birthday at midnight the 5th october.
For Zen, you even prepared your party room since your beloved cat wasn’t in every room of the big penthouse your husband owned.
And so you prepared everything without your husband’s knowing. To say it clearly, you made someone else prepare it because you were scared of hurting the baby, being overprotective since it took you so long to get pregnant.
Maybe you were too scared, but you knew that Jumin wouldn’t have wanted you to overwork yourself.
The room was decorated in gold and black colors and you also baked a big cake on your own, deciding to hide a long note into the cake, saying that you were pregnant. At the end of the note, a copy of your first picture of the baby was attached, showing Jumin that whatever was happening was real.
You knew that he would be more than happy to see this, to know about the baby you were carrying.
,,Finally ready,’’ you said and sighed, looking at your clock, knowing that at 8 PM everyone would come home to stay into the room before Jumin would come home with Jaehee from the office.
The first guest to arrive was your father in law. To your surprise, he didn’t take his girlfriend along, but since Jumin always had to prepare a second party for his status, your in-law promised you to bring her along the next day. Well, you knew that this wasn’t going to last for a long time, but to make the elder happy, you nodded and smiled, telling him that you were more than happy to be able to get to know her.
Lastly, Seven, Zen, and Yoosung arrived. Zen and Seven were arguing whether or not the red haired boy should kidnap his Elly.
,,I need to go home with you. You can’t take that fur ball with you!’’ he hissed.
You left the men alone for a second before you waited for the final guest - your husband, of course followed by Jaehee who just sent you a message about her arrival.
Jumin was puzzled at first when you invited Jaehee inside and led the way to another part of the penthouse, but since it was you who asked, it was okay, you were his wife after all.
The surprise party, however, made him emotional and you knew that Jumin was touched just by his mimicry and how he stood there, you knew your husband.
,,I have a present for you, but you will only be allowed to have it at midnight!’’ you teased him after he gave you a long, lovely kiss.
Staying awake almost four hours more was hard for you. Since you knew that you were pregnant, you were even sleepier, but for Jumin you could manage to stay awake. You had to.
,,IT’S MIDNIGHT! BRING THE CAKE!’’ Seven screamed in excitement, making you a bit nervous.
Yoosung carried the cake into the room after you kindly asked him to, as you all sang ,,Happy Birthday’’ to him.
,,Thank you, my love,’’ he whispered and kissed you again, ready to blow his candles.
,,Before you cut the cake, Jumin,’’ you said as he stood there with a knife already ,,here’s something you have to pull out. Read it out loud,’’ you said.
You pressed your lips together as you waited for him to pull out the long white note until finally the first words appeared. ,,I…..’’ he said, he smirked, thinking that the note was ,,I love you’’
,,A….M…..P...R...E...G…-’’ he looked at you in shock before he pulled the note even quicker out of the cake, seeing the last picture of an ultrasound.
For the first time, all members of the RFA saw Jumin Han cry real tears by the man they always called ,,cold hearted’’ as he hugged his wife and kissed her with a lot of love, thanking her over and over again.
,,This is the best present ever,’’ he hiccuped and kneeled down to kiss your flat belly.
,,You will surely be a good mother!’’ the chocolate lady praised you as she gave you the white chocolate with the baby sonogram of your baby.
You quickly went back in and prepared a few more things. The chocolate was ready, you thought you would now take a little package and put balloons around the chocolate so that it would float up as soon as Zen would open the box.
Since the chocolate was in a cute packaging too, you put a note on it saying to open it immediately to see the surprise.
You guessed that this would be the perfect Valentine’s Day gift.
Then you also decided to bake a few muffins, not just for Zen, but also because you wanted to slowly get used to the idea of baking cakes for your future child.
That evening, you tried your best to act normal because you were overloading with happiness and excitement.
The next day, you woke up pretty quickly. One of the reasons was because you had the urge to throw up and the other reason was because you wanted to drop the news as soon as possible.
,,Mc, did you get checked up? Like-’’
,,Hyun, it’s just a virus. That’s why I had to cancel our reservation at the hospital,’’ you groaned as you again had to empty your stomach.
,,Of course, baby,’’ he whispered, holding your hair as he kept rubbing your back.
At times like these, he wished you could be like him, healing and getting better quickly.
But he also knew that you were a strong woman and didn’t have any problems.
,,Okay, I’m better,’’ you gasped as you went to wash your mouth. The taste you had in your mouth wasn’t really yummy and so you brushed your teeth before you decided to give him his present.
,,Here, for you,’’ you whispered as you laid back in bed, feeling a bit lightheaded.
Zen’s eyes went soft as he saw the big box, placing it on the floor and sitting next to it to open the present.
Just like you wanted, the balloons flew up, pulling the chokolate up.
Zen quickly grabbed the present and read the note out loud.
,,I’m excited. I never thought that Valentine’s Day could become so special one day,’’ he laughed.
You slowly teared up as you thought about how much better and special this day would become.
Zen opened the chocolate and inspected the picture.
He stayed silent for a second before he looked up at you again.
,,Really?’’ he asked you, whispering as his tears found a way out.
,,Really, Hyun, really.’’
You hurried home after the appointment, thinking about the best way to tell your husband that you were pregnant.
After you decided to take a look at some Pinterest boards, you decided to sew a little baby out of his clothes.
You once saw it in a drama and it was, in your opinion, the cutest idea.
And so, you took an old shirt of his and went down to the city, buying some stuff to fill your baby.
It took you the whole day to sew that baby, to first cut the material, put it together in a little cute baby outfit, and patch it together.
You were really happy back then; your teacher taught you how to sew at the machine and your mother bought you one back then.
Right when Yoosung entered, you just finished the little baby.
You were proud of yourself and were more than happy that you could hide the present before he came home.
,,Hello, my wife,“ he smiled and kissed you, seeing that you were in a better mood than in the morning.
,,You haven't cooked yet? Wanna do it together?“ he asked you, seeing that nothing was prepared.
,,Oh, I need to be honest. I took a good rest today and I forgot that it was already so late,“ you lied.
,,It’s okay! I can also order some sushi or-”
,,No sushi!“ you called, looking away.
,,Can we eat pizza?“ you asked him, trying to hide the fact that you preferred to not eat raw fish.
And so you both did, although Yoosung was kind of puzzled when you didn’t take the wine you both usually drank while eating pizza.
The day went by and the next morning finally arrived. You were happy to wake up just in time to set the table, prepare the breakfast, and put his bag with the baby doll on his seat.
,,Happy eighth anniversary,“ he whispered and kissed you, hugging your body from behind, nuzzling his head in your neck.
,,Eight years already,“ you sighed happily and turned around, ready to give him a deep, lovely kiss on his lips.
Yoosung quickly sat down, giving you his hand over the table as he put some sugar in his coffee.
,,That’s for you,“ he told you, giving you an envelope.
You smiled.
,,The bag in front of you is from me for you,“ you told him, as if someone else could have made him a present.
The both of you decided to open your present at the same time.
And once again, you surprised each other.
,,You want to adopt a child?“ you asked him as he almost screamed ,,YOU’RE PREGNANT?“
You both laughed at the same time. Yoosung quickly got up from his chair, getting on his knees as he kissed your belly with tears in his eyes.
,,I knew it! No sushi, no wine! I knew it!“ he sobbed, stroking the place where his baby was supposed to be.
,,Such a little human being will grow up here. Can you believe it?“ Yoosung asked you.
You were also now sobbing, shaking his head as you stroked his fluffy hair ,,Finally, Yoosung, finally,“
Your girlfriend couldn’t wait to hug you, hold you in her arms and so, as soon as she caught a glimpse of you at the train station, she hugged you, sobbing into your shoulder.
It was cold outside and you luckily came back right in time before the holy days of Christmas.
Jaehee still hugged you when suddenly, something soft and cold touched your nose, making you look up into the sky.
,,The first snow,’’ you whispered, making Jaehee loosen up her hug and look up too.
She chuckled as she knew that you loved the snow.
A few seconds later, the both of you walked hand in hand towards your shop. Jaehee was happy as you seemed to be in a happy mood.
Your fingers felt hot as hers were entangled in yours, stroking the skin of your finger with her thumb.
,,Go and take a warm shower. I will make us some food,’’ she mumbled and quickly left you alone.
And so, while the warm water of your shower hit your body, warming you up and relaxing your muscles, you thought of a way to tell Jaehee that you two finally did it.
Suddenly, you got a very good idea. Lately, you were into sublime stitching and found it hard to find new things to stitch, but now that you had your first ultrasound, you finally had a new challenge to take!
You copied your first ultrasound and sent it to your favorite artist, who was more than happy to make your ultrasound into a pattern with ink.
Just like always, you ironed the picture with the hot iron on your fabric, but this time you didn’t buy the pattern and indeed used your own.
You smiled as you saw how good it worked out. You were really proud of yourself that the first step was already so well done! 
But you couldn’t keep going as Jaehee called you to open the shop with her.
And so the weeks went by. You luckily didn’t have any symptoms that could have ruined the surprise for Jaehee.
You wanted to give it to her as a Christmas present after all.
You kept stitching along the line, slowly and accurately so that everything would look nice and neat.
When you finally finished, you felt yourself becoming emotional. This was now real, this present and this baby was really happening to you and Jaehee, who waited for so long for this.
The last step was to wash the fabric so that the blue ink would disappear, making it look once again much more beautiful.
,,I can’t wait for Christmas,’’ you chuckled to yourself and put the present into a little box.
,,You really didn’t have to,’’ Jaehee whispered the morning of Christmas Eve.
The both of you sat on your couch in front of your Christmas tree.
It was warm and cozy in your living room as you both were wearing the same Christmas hoodies.
You excitedly looked over to Jaehee as she opened the box.
Her fingers followed every stitched line, her lips began to tremble and it seemed as if she couldn’t breathe calmly.
You were getting worried, but soon enough Jaehee looked at you.
,,Is that yours?’’ she asked her, her voice was cracking.
,,Yes. I didn’t have the flu or covid, I’m pregnant,’’ you laughed.
Jaehee hugged you, not too strong, stroking the back of your hair as she enjoyed the warmth of your body.
,,I don’t have such a great present,’’ she laughed and kissed your cheek.
The birthday of the twins was slowly approaching. By now you were eight weeks pregnant.
You still had symptoms and felt sick. Sometimes you couldn’t even cook, making Saeyoung worry for you, but you knew that this was worth it.
You chuckled as you thought about your self made toy you prepared as a present for Saeyoung. It was a toy he had to play first before the news of your pregnancy would be announced.
It took you a while to construct everything.
It was a game where he had to put cards together. To put them together, he had to form different sentences in different languages.
Matching cards would give him a letter and afterwards those letters would give him the sentence ,,You will be soon a daddy!’’ but of course, he had to also form this sentence.
Since it was kind of difficult to perform this all in Hangul, you decided to make it an english game.
For Saeran, you prepared a little teddy bear which would say ,,Hello Uncle’’ but of course, he wasn’t allowed to open his present until Saeyoung played with his present.
The 11th of June quickly approached you guys as you woke up one morning. Luckily, you still didn’t feel sick.
You hugged Saeyoung as you woke him up with a sweet kiss ,,Good morning,’’ you whispered, making him groan, but not open his eyes.
,,Hello, how did you sleep?’’ you asked him when he turned his body to you and hugged you back.
,,Good, but being awake next to you is better,’’ he whimpered and almost fell asleep again.
,,Ya! Your birthday breakfast is waiting for you!’’ you hissed and laughed.
He immediately jumped up, yelling for his brother. ,,SAERAN, YOU ARE TURNING A YEAR OLDER!’’ he laughed, making you shake your head.
But you were happy that Saeyoung finally found his brother. You could just imagine how it must have been for him to miss his second half for all those years.
And even though Saeran didn’t admit it, he probably missed his brother too.
The three of you were sitting around the table as they ate their soup. It was a special soup for their birthday.
,,I will give you your birthday present later when the other’s are here too,’’ you told them both, making your husband especially sad. ,,You always want your present at midnight and now I have to wait?’’ he asked you, whining as you laughed at him.
,,It’s special, that’s why,’’ you told him, making him sulk.
,,My presents are always special,’’ he whined but didn’t say anything anymore as he enjoyed his food.
You were nervous as the RFA came one by one. By now, you guys were always together. You saw yourselves as a family.
,,Okay guys, because of you I couldn’t open my present!’’ he whined and finally unpacked the box. At first he looked a bit… puzzled, which made you chuckle.
You explained to him how to play and even persuaded him to play on his own.
,,Boring that everyone is watching me,’’ he mumbled as Saeran kept patting his present, you told him he wasn’t allowed to open it yet.
,,Is that german? ,,Wir müssen…’’ what?’’ he laughed.
But one by one he did it and finally had the single letters that would give the hidden message.
,,I am pregnant, I don’t even have to think about it, that’s the message, right?’’ he said and immediately looked up at you, already in tears.
By now, Saeran too, unpacked his bear and in a big family embrace, Saeyoung cried into your shoulder.
After you were brought to the maternity ward and they did some more tests, it seemed that it was official that you were pregnant!
Saeran got up as soon as he saw you walking out of the big doors.
,,Is it something serious? It took you so long and no one wanted to say anything,’’ he whined and took your hand between his, massaging your palm as he slowly walked out with you.
,,I just had to wait a long time,’’ you lied and smiled at him, trying to convince him that you just had a mere virus.
And so the days passed again and you worked on a present for Saeran who was a soon to be father.
You put a lot of thought into it and decided that doing something handmade would be much better than just telling him.
That’s why you decided to give him something your baby would get - a handmade baby blanket with his favorite flower patched on it.
You put a lot of hard work into it, using the best material and the most beautiful colors.
And since the gender was still unknown, you decided to go for a light beige color with some red details.
In the end, the blanket looked just too cute and it hit you - you were pregnant.
The day was nothing special when you told Saeran that you would like to go and eat an ice cream with him, something he agreed to immediately.
He took a few hours free and hand in hand with you, he went to buy ice cream for the both of you, enjoying the sun on your skin and the nature around you.
,,What do you have in that bag?’’ he asked you after a while, still licking his ice cream as he pointed at the little bag in your hand.
,,Nothing,’’ you began, ,,just something little I want to give you,’’ you told him, making him excited to know what you would like to give him.
To prevent the blanket from getting dirty, you decided to wait until the both of you were finished with the ice cream, giving you the chance to talk to Saeran a bit more about his day and your day.
,,Okay, now I’m ready,’’ he nodded and looked at the bag. He couldn’t wait to see what you had prepared for him in there.
He opened the bag and pulled out the self made blanket, observing every little detail.
He tilted his head as he looked at the length of it.
,,It’s a bit too little for you, right?’’ you laughed, making him laugh too.
Suddenly, Saeran saw a little note in there.
,,It’s not for you, it’s for your baby, Dad. Congratulations…’’ he whispered and put the note back into the bag, looking at the tiny blanket again.
You knew that he was happy, but probably overwhelmed with this news and so you decided to wait a few moments.
But as soon as the news arrived in his head, Saeran couldn’t prevent himself from hugging and thanking you a thousand times.
,,You...you always make me so happy…!’’ he whined.
,,I will give my best to become a good father,’’ he said with a trembling voice.
,,I won’t become like my parents. I will be a good one and I will protect you and our unborn child,’’ he whispered, his hand on your belly by now.
,,I promise,’’ he nodded.
,,I trust you, Saeran.’’
As soon as Saeyoung heard those words, he began to tear up and hugged you, patting your back. He was just so happy for you and Jihyun as he knew that the both of you had a hard time lately.
,,Let’s get back and prepare something!’’ he said in his mischievous smile and helped you to get into the car.
Of course, to keep it fair, Saeyoung wasn’t allowed to tell anybody. Instead, the both of you planned on how to tell Jihyun who would soon come back home.
,,How about I make a computer print of your future family and he has to paint it in little colors? We will just make it with so many details that he won’t notice from the beginning that it’s a family picture of four!’’ Saeyoung chuckled. You loved the idea and were more than happy to go with it.
You and Saeyoung worked on the details while the rest of the RFA weren’t at your home as they too had their personal lives.
Saeyoung and Saeran, however, stayed with you partly because Saeyoung prepared the surprise with you, but also because they both were worried.
When you finally finished with the layout and Saeyoung helped you to print it out, you wouldn’t be able to tell that this was a picture of a family.
,,I wonder how he will react,’’ you laughed and thanked him for his hard work.
,,Those were the longest six weeks I’ve ever experienced,’’ you whimpered when Jihyun finally arrived at home, Lucy on your hand, also more than happy to see her father.
Hugging the both of you, he nodded in agreement.
,,I also missed the both of you,’’ he said honestly.
Quickly letting him step in, you took his stuff and helped him to unpack before you told him that dinner would be soon ready.
,,I have a little challenge for you,’’ you laughed as you went back to your room to take the picture you prepared for him.
,,Oh, I saw that on Instagram,’’ he nodded, as he remembered the logic of the painting.
,,Yes, but I did this myself,’’ you said proudly, handling it over to him.
He laughed happily ,,I’m excited to work on it, thank you!’’ he laughed.
,,Yes, but there’s a hidden message in it so you need to hurry with it!’’ you told him, not knowing that you encouraged him to work on it the whole night after you fell asleep that night.
In the morning, when you just opened your eyes and saw his black bags below his eyes, paint all over his hands, you knew that he overworked himself.
,,Will we be able to adopt a child?’’ he asked you, his voice was raspy as he asked you, tears in his eyes, excited to know the answer.
You slowly shook his head, making him wonder if his sleepy eyes made him see something he just wanted to see.
But you didn’t want to tease him anymore so you finally told him. ,,I’m pregnant, Jihyun. I wasn’t sick back then, I was just… pregnant! I was having symptomes. We will have a child together soon!’’ you told him, slowly getting up from the bed.
,,I’m so happy,’’ he sighed and kissed your belly.
,,I will never go away for such a long time, I swear,’’ he whispered and then, with his knees on the floor and head on your lap, slowly fell asleep….
You observed Vanderwood, noticing that the mood was being off for a few days.
To be honest, it was happening ever since you told him that you wanted to stop trying to have children for the time being.
Your eyes followed Vanderwood as he walked out and took out a cigarette, sluggishly smoking and looking around.
You began to chew on your lips as you thought back, maybe beginning the topic with ,,Yo’’ wasn’t the best way to start.
But there was no way back now and it didn’t matter anymore since you finally got pregnant.
You hoped that a day later, Vanderwood’s birthday, this silence between the both of you would be over finally as you wanted to surprise him with a self made cake which said, ,,Hello Daddy!’’
Of course, you firmly told him to not look at it, something he would never do since he knew how much you liked to surprise him.
,,Vandy,’’ you called him softly.
,,Don’t call me like that,’’ he groaned, a bit annoyed as he closed the door.
,,Are you angry at me?’’ you asked him, scared for his answer.
Vanderwood turned his body to you.
He didn’t look happy and you just noticed.
,,I’m not angry, I’m just… I have the feeling that you don’t really care about having a family with me while I work my ass of and-’’
,,Woah, what gives you that idea?’’ you asked him, slowly getting off the couch and looking at him.
You didn’t want to fight with him, but his comment… hurt you deeply.
,,Last time, sorry, but you approached the topic totally wrong!’’ he hissed, on his way to the kitchen.
You followed him there. He was partly right, you thought.
,,But, I was just… I didn’t know how to tell you, but this doesn’t mean that I don’t care,’’ you told him, your trembling voice making him look back at you.
,,I know. It still hurts though,’’ he whispered and opened the fridge to take out a cold drink.
,,You know what,’’ you told him, holding onto the door of the fridge and pulling out the cake you made for him which was covered with something so that he couldn’t see what was written on it with the chocolate.
,,What-’’ before Vanderwood could even say anything, you showed him the cake you prepared for him with the note written on it that you were pregnant.
,,It’s true. I was mean and I should have approached you differently, but I was so down, I didn’t think I could get pregnant anytime soon and- just don’t say anymore that I don’t care,’’ you finished your sentence and looked up, your tears were rolling down your cheeks as you were unsure of what to do now.
But Vanderwood knew what he had to do and softly took you in his arms, laying you down in the other room and kissing your neck.
,,You destroyed my surprise,’’ he whispered, giving you a kiss again.
,,Sorry for being selfish. I was mean while you’ve been carrying my baby,’’ he honestly apologized, stroking your flat womb as you sobbed into his shoulder.  
Part 4.1 of my pregnancy series here 
🤰🏻ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴄʏ sᴇʀɪᴇs🤰🏻Masterlist here
16.05.2021// 00:12 MEST
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stylesparker · 3 years
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《》!!600 followers celebration!!《》
considering the fact I literally had like 200 followers a couple weeks ago, I can’t fathom the fact I’ve grown so much, and it’s all because of tasm!peter :) (hence the fact he’s the picture)
so I thought I’d do a little something to celebrate! thank you so much and I love love love every single one of you! every person who has liked and commented has made me smile to no end, so THANK YOU
I’m gonna have this celebration last from Jan 12 to Jan 18! Feel free to fill my inbox with whatever your heart desires and I will do my best to get them all done asap! (no promises I’m a busy girl lol)
now for the fun stuff, ask me any of the emojis below and I’ll whip out something special for ya ;)
🧚🏼‍♀️send me something about yourself (include pronouns & preferred fandom and gender) and I’ll tell you who I think I ship you with and I’ll makeup a meet and greet scenario
🕊send me your fic and I’ll read it and give you a review!
🌞you can ask me anything about myself, I’ll tell you anything you want :)
🍄send in a character of your choice and an au and I’ll write something about the two of you
❤️‍🔥give me three characters and I’ll tell you who is kiss, marry, or kill! don’t be afraid to make it a challenge!
tagging a couple lovely ppl I follow🤍:
@gotkindabored @agnesamarantheastwood @nexusspiders @xoluvx @scandalous-chaos @venomsilk @marvelouspeterparker @samwlscns
*reminder I’m only currently writing for mcu and tasm!peter thank you again and I hope you’ll celebrate with me!
edit - I had it till the 31 but I’m changing it to the 18 bc I’m gonna be busy ;)
29 notes · View notes
soliverse · 3 years
don’t call me - k.dy
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(sequel to call me a fool. you can read this by itself, but some references would make more sense if you read the first part.)
reader x bestfriend!doyoung
genre: so much angst, slight fluff
warnings: none
word count: 3.85k
synopsis: Doyoung missed an important milestone in your life. Now, it’s your turn to miss his calls.
Ghost Of You by 5 Seconds of Summer, part of the Heartbreak Hotel collab by @nct-writers
dedication to:
@hunjins for leaving witty comments during beta reading
@johnyusangel for being my guardian angel during beta and when I was dying over a migraine + Qian Kun
@hxneyy-latte for nursing me back to health lol
taglist: @kunrengui (sorry this took a while 😔), @leolo404 @byeolhyesisi @thesongofdragons
networks: @nctcreations @kdiarynet @kpopscape @kwritersworld @culture-cafe @neowritingsnet @neoswitchnet @czennienet @nct-writers
Every day, your routine starts with staring at your phone for a few hours before getting out of bed. You'd check in all of your messaging apps to see if any of them came from Doyoung. Sadly, there's none of it this morning.
You would drag your mopey ass out of bed and start the day with dread, questioning why he hasn’t replied to your last text. Then, as you brush your teeth, you would check once again to see if you missed anything while you are preoccupied with oral hygiene.
The inbox notifications would still say zero. And then you'd wait… and wait… and wait some more hours, even days before he replies back.
Every time Doyoung refuses to reply to your messages soon, you get this sudden urge to bang your head into a wall, cursing yourself for texting him in the first place. You will then start to question your life choices, why you even texted him in the first place when you knew this is bound to happen. And that you probably sounded too clingy, too cheesy for his liking. Your thoughts filled as to why he refused to reply as soon as he could.
You sighed and placed your phone back into your pocket and proceeded to go on with your day. The academy is about to open and you have practice for your upcoming recital the following day.
You kept your phone around your vicinity even as you practiced. It's a good thing that your vocal mentor isn't here to point out your mistakes, but you're trying to hit every note as clean as you can. A feat that is impossible to do when you're completely distracted by something.
Doyoung: Hey.
That one word is enough to wash all of the worries that you had earlier. You once again attempted to bang your head into the wall, now cursing yourself for changing your emotions so quickly.
You kept your phone back at your table, practicing for a few more minutes before answering the text. This time, you sang with a smile on your lips, the burden of your worries suddenly lifted with a single word.
But that's just how it always is with you and your best friend.
Now, if you can only tell him how you feel.
You bowed at everyone for doing a great job at practice. You happily fished out your phone from your pocket to reply to Doyoung's earlier text.
You: Are you free this Saturday?
You placed your phone down for a moment to fix your stuff, but a ding! interrupted you midway and you just couldn’t help but look at his reply.
Doyoung: Not at all. Need help with something?
Your smile grew wider and you texted the details of your recital for Saturday. You've worked on the piece so hard that you wanted to share your success with him, just like he would share his with you.
The rest of the day went smoothly. It was full of wishful thinking and daydreams. And if it goes well, it might be the day that you tell him about how you really feel about him.
It was the day of the recital and your hands were shaking out of nervousness. Your grip on the mic was getting tighter, if not sweatier, as you heard the crowds forming outside to see you and your classmates perform.
The soundcheck commenced and they started calling all the participants by their name as they came on stage. You heard nothing besides your own heartbeat and your loud thoughts whenever you overthink. But you reassured yourself that you will do a good job.
You had to. Someone was watching and you wanted to make him proud.
Fiddling on your seat, you waited for a few numbers before it was your turn. You nervously walked out the stage, and you were blinded by the lights coming from the back of the theater. It was probably for the good. 
You couldn’t see anyone’s faces.
You couldn’t see his face. 
Because if you could, you would’ve choked on your words and hit the notes wrong once again. Thankfully, the performance went better than you expected. 
As soon as everyone came together for the curtain call, your eyes wandered to see Doyoung among the crowds. You scanned left and right, but there were no signs of him everywhere in the theater.
You consoled yourself with the fact that he probably went to the bathroom, or he was already backstage waiting for you. He couldn’t possibly miss this day, right?
The first thing that you did after coming down the stage was to have a closer look at the seats, just to make sure that he really was there in the crowd. Everyone else had their families with them, their friends, their lovers. 
But there were no signs of Doyoung in the crowd.
You tried hard to smile as everyone who passed by you congratulated you for doing a great job. But once again, you were distracted. Your mind was occupied with thoughts that you never expected to have that day.
Did he really forget about you?
Giving up completely, you made your way back backstage and hid your impending tears to everyone. On your way, you saw Johnny, waving a small bouquet of flowers to get your attention. This sparked a tiny bit of hope in you. If Johnny was around, then Doyoung must have been here somewhere, too.
You ran towards Johnny and gave him the tightest bear hug. You were worried that no one really watched you perform today. Your family lives abroad and they couldn’t make it to watch you, but you promised them that you will send them a video of you singing. You were really counting on Doyoung not only to watch you perform, but to film your performance as well. 
He must have been here somewhere.
“Thank God you came. I thought nobody saw me perform earlier,” you were once again on the verge of crying, but you didn’t have the heart to ask Johnny if Doyoung was indeed with him.
“Doyoung couldn’t make it today. He had to go out with the whole crew of his drama to celebrate their last day together. I came as soon as I heard about your performance.”
You fell quiet, breathing deep to hide your tears and your disappointment. But Johnny knew how you felt, so he pulled you tighter against him, completely encasing you completely on his embrace. “Don’t feel sad. You did so well today.”
Ever since then, you stopped taking calls from Doyoung. He would persistently call and text you every night to say sorry. Any other day, you would’ve been glad to see that finally, he’s the one that’s trying so hard to reach you. Sadly, you’re in no mood to talk to him. 
You thought it would’ve been cruel if you blocked his number from your phone, so you instead tried to text him excuses why you couldn’t talk.
You were tired. You went out with a friend. You just wanted to take some rest.
After hitting send, you tossed your phone in your bed, still feeling upset about him missing such an important day to you. You felt set aside like you’re the last person on his priority list.
That day made you realize that you’re spending way too much energy on someone that doesn’t return the favor. It was an unhealthy behavior that you need to get out of your system as soon as possible, even if that means cutting Doyoung from your life temporarily.
Doyoung was surprised to see you at the front door of the 127 dorm one day. You tried smiling at him as he opened the door to let you in, pretending that you were not upset with him in the previous days.
“Surprised you’re not busy today,” you remarked as you sat down, clearly aiming at Doyoung who was now feeling lost at your coldness towards him.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?”
“Not at all,” you tried your best to avoid his gaze because one look at your face would definitely give everything away. You didn’t want to lie to him, but it was better than saying that you were mad because you had feelings for him.
“Anyways, where’s Johnny? He invited me to watch a movie this afternoon.”
“Didn’t you tell me that you had practice today? That’s why you couldn’t meet me?”
You sneered internally.
“Yeah. Sometimes people say one thing and then they actually mean another thing. You of all people should know.”
You saw Johnny coming out of his room, fully dressed and ready for your movie night together. You waved one last goodbye at Doyoung, who just realized that you were roasting him the whole time.
The passive-aggressiveness went on for a few more occasions. You refused his attempts to talk to you, knowing full well that your cold facade would wear off instantly once you let him. You wanted to talk to him so bad, but your pride was preventing you from making any rash decisions. You couldn’t just go back to living your life as Doyoung’s doormat. But, as per Johnny’s advice, you got to explain to him why you were feeling that way. He at least deserved that much.
That explanation came sooner than you had expected.
You were spending a lot of time with Johnny lately, but only because he treats you like a little sister. He must’ve missed his own sister back at home, so he was making sure to take care of you as much as he could. 
But Doyoung didn’t have to know that.
You had noticed the tension between the two of them whenever you would visit their dormitory. Johnny was just a bit irked at Doyoung because you were hurting, but he understood it from his perspective. He never knew how you felt in the first place, he wouldn’t have known how much he hurt you in the process.
What goes on in Doyoung’s brain though, you have no idea. He usually just stays away from the both of you whenever you’ve come to visit them, maybe throw in a couple of pleasantries before asking you to hang out with him once again. You kept on telling him that you will once you’re not busy with the academy, and then proceeds to forget about it on that same day.
One day, he’s finally had enough and decided to block the door when you were about to leave the dorm room.
"There's nothing to talk about Doyoung."
You tried to step out once again, but he didn't even budge from his place.
"Can you just tell me what I did? I already said sorry about not attending your recital. What else do you want me to do?"
You lowered your head and tried to leave again, determined not to answer his questions. But he's just as stubborn as you are, this time pushing you slightly, just enough to make you step back.
Your fists formed into a ball and your lips pursed in annoyance. Why does he care about you so much now that you're staying away from him?
"Let me leave, Doyoung. Johnny is waiting for me," you said as calmly as you could.
"Is that it? You're replacing me with Johnny? Just because of that one mistake? What kind of friendship is that?" Doyoung's voice went up a few notches, now looking as visibly upset as you are.
"I can't be your friend anymore, Doyoung," silence filled the room as soon as you said that statement. You both stare at each other awkwardly, both of you are still in a state of shock.
"I don't think this is the perfect time to tell you this, but you have to know eventually," grasping the straps of your handbag, you braced yourself for what you were about to say.
"I have feelings for you Doyoung. That's why I was so hurt that you didn't attend the recital," you paused for a bit, biting your lower lip to hold yourself back from tearing up.
"It made me realize that my life, everything about me, revolves around you. I would literally drop everything when you say you need me. And yet, I'm so far away from your priority list that you can't even sit down for a few minutes to watch me perform," you felt a bit of moisture from your cheeks. Tears were already falling from your face without you even realizing it. 
You wiped your tears away with your sleeves and you held yourself back from sobbing to proceed to talk.
"But it's not your fault. I was the one at fault for lending you my time, and I was the one at fault for setting high expectations for someone who just treats me as a friend," you smiled weakly as you walked towards him one last time.
"So for now, I can't be your friend anymore. Not until I sort my feelings out and make things more awkward for us. Give me time for myself, Doyoung. I'll try to be a better friend soon."
You smiled as you lowered your head once again, your shoulders brushing over when you left the room. You didn't try to look back and walked as fast as possible, holding yourself together just before you reached the exit.
You ran out of their apartment building and as soon as you found a place where you can hide, you finally let yourself go. You sat there balling your eyes out and looked around for signs of your best friend. When you realized that he didn't even make an effort to comfort or follow you, your sobs got even louder as you sat down on the pavement to hug your knees.
"Go on... Let it out."
Someone sat down with you and started patting your back to comfort you. You raised your head and cleared the hair strands that stuck to your face to see who it is. It was Johnny.
"I saw everything that happened. I'm happy that you finally told him."
He rubbed your shoulders to calm you down once again, offering you his handkerchief so you could wipe your tears out. Once you finally managed to stop crying, he stood up from his seat and placed his hands on the pockets of his hoodie.
"If you need to cry all day, I'll be here."
Doyoung proved that your presence left a big mark that he never realized before. He thought he was just confused at first, or that he was just getting used to not being able to contact you whenever he could.
Just that evening, he was having a hard time memorizing the new choreography for their comeback. He kept on messing up one of the killing parts and everyone was frustrated that they couldn't move on to the other parts of the choreography. He felt sorry for everyone, so he left practice early to work on it himself without burdening the other members. His first instinct was the grab his phone and listen to your soothing voice, telling him to cheer up and that he will do better tomorrow.
But as soon as he was about to hit the dial button, it pained him to press the back button instead, stuffing the phone into his sweatpants and he wiped the sweat off of him.
He felt very heaviness, even more, when he was changing, basically ripping the door of his locker as he took its contents to rid himself of the uncomfortable feeling of sweat. He was both mad and upset at the same time, almost ripping a part of his shirt when he was about to put it on.
He hasn't felt like this in a very long time and he needed a way to get things off of his chest. But without you to do it, it was practically impossible.
He grabbed his matching hat and jacket, stuffing his dirty clothes on his backpack and he made his way out of the building.
He made sure that no one saw him in that state, especially Haechan, who gave him so much shit when everybody found out about your confession.
"Everyone knew, you dumbass."
He just wished somebody would've told him sooner, but he knew it wasn't their place to tell him about it. He felt stupid for not realizing it sooner.
His heavy footsteps dragged him to the ramen shop that you used to go to together. He stopped coming here when he lost contact with you, and instead of making him feel better, it made him even more upset upon the reminder of how he fucked up. But he needed a way to make himself feel better. Ramen worked back then. Maybe it would work right now.
He made the choice to not sit down at your usual spot, the one closest to the kitchen so you would get your meals as soon as you could. He instead opted for one of the corners. It felt awkward, but he was there to eat, not enjoy the ambiance. He ordered a bowl to himself, something that he wasn't used to seeing on the table. The bowl of ramen looked so empty on the table by itself, and so he ordered a lot of side dishes with a few bottles of soju to comfort himself.
To his surprise, he was served by the same auntie that used to tease you and him before when the two of you used to go to this place. He hoped that she wouldn't recognize and ask for your whereabouts, but he was very unlucky that day.
"Oh. It's been a while since I saw you! How are you?"
Doyoung just bowed to the auntie and told him that he was fine and that he missed eating there for the longest time.
"I'm glad that I finally get to see you! You missed your friend though, she just left earlier."
He was put to a halt. Something about you being mentioned sparked something in him. Although, he wasn't able to pinpoint what that feeling was at that time.
"I think she was showing the place to another friend of yours. The big guy ate a lot, so we're worried for a bit that we’re about to close early for today."
Doyoung felt his heart sink, but he still bowed and thanked the auntie for the meal. 
He stared at the contents of his table for a while, but you would always remind him that the soup tasted better when it's still hot. For some reason though, the bowl of ramen wasn't as tasty as it used to be. He used to finish bowls of that same ramen before, but he couldn't even manage to finish one. He knew better than to waste food though, so he forced himself to eat the rest of it and jumped out of there as soon as he could.
The ramen certainly didn't make him feel better.
It's been weeks and the first thing that Doyoung did after waking up was to open his phone for messages. There were a few of them, most of it coming from the other members, but he wasn't interested in reading in any of them.
Getting out of bed seemed harder than usual. He felt a few pounds heavier, which meant he either gained weight or he just lost the will to get up from his bed.
He tried not to stare at his phone as he brushed his teeth, so he kept them hidden in his pocket and used all of his wills to not check on it every hour.
He noticed that there was a bit of commotion coming from outside. He paid no attention and went back to his usual morning routine, getting ready for a separate schedule that he had that morning. He went to his room to get dressed and pack the things that he may need that day. Once everything was done, he went to the kitchen to tell everyone that he was going, but he was met with something else instead.
The rest of the boys were gathered up around the table, enjoying breakfast that he assumed that you made. You just stood there happily as you served everyone pieces of the omelet that you made. You turned around in his direction and he was met with that smile that he missed so much.
"Doie, would you like some?"
The nickname made him flinch. It was something that you never used on him before, but it was enough to make him look away and step out of the room immediately.
"I'm good. I just came to say goodbye to everyone."
"Oh good!" you said as you gathered your things and stuffed them neatly in your tote bag. "I just came here to drop some food because this guy said that he wasn’t feeling well. Let's go together," you said as you tiptoed your way out of the tight kitchen, messing Johnny's hair before you finally stepped out of the room.
"Let's go?" you asked giddily as you grabbed Doyoung's arm and waved to everybody goodbye. He finally realized what you must've felt when it was the other way around.
The walk towards the bus stop was a quiet one. None of you dared to talk. But he noticed that the spring of your step is back, if not better than before. Meanwhile, he was just walking there awkwardly, not knowing what to say to you because of how he left things the last time that you talked. He wanted to talk to you for the longest time, but he respected your wishes to be alone. Now he was regretting making that decision.
The both of you stood there at the nearest bus stop, the atmosphere is even quieter since it was just the two of you standing there.
"I missed you Doie," you spoke, breaking the silence between you too.
"I was hoping that we can talk right after this. You know, just to clear the air."
He remained quiet in his place, not really knowing how to respond to her.
"Meet me at the ramen place later?"
"Sure," Doyoung almost hit himself for answering so soon. To him, he sounded very eager to eat with you once again.
The bus finally arrived and you stepped inside, making your way into the seat. His stare lingered at you for a while, to see if you would look around like how you always did when he sent you home. You took those same steps, hesitating at the eighth one to see if he still stuck around to look at you.
You hesitantly sat back down in your seat, unsure as to whether he finally looked back at you when you were about to leave.
You never saw him though, because he asked you to sit down and within a split second, he was gone from your view.
Guess you're just gonna have to find out tonight.
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Reluctant Vacation // Charlie Gillespie
Summary: The niece of the infamous Kenny Ortega had its advantages and disadvantages, you received insight on his projects but felt guilty saying no. Kenny seeing the exhaustion pulling you down invites to the set of Julie and the Phantoms where you rediscover your love with the field.
Warning: Swearing and fluff.
 Words 2.2k
A/N: I do take requests. It may take a bit to get to them but I’ll post some.
Please ask to be tagged in my inbox because I can’t promise you will be through commenting on the posts!
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The sigh came from deep in your chest wanting to drop to the floor for an exhaustion induced nap, but an airport wasn’t the best place. Large sunglasses obscured people from seeing the deep bags under your eyes on the way to the film lot. It was coming full circle, the change different from the frantic schedule you had had recently. When Kenny called you hadn’t hesitated in packing and buying a ticket.
“Miss Y/L/N?” The voice pulled you from your thoughts as a man holding a card with your name displayed. He was of Puerto Rican descendent with a young girl beside him with similar features, “I’m Ricardo. This is my daughter Madison.”
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m-“
“Y/N Y/L/N.” Madison supplied with a beaming grin on her face having recognized you from your role as Sabrina in The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina along with movies.
All you could do was send a fragile smile in response after a long sleepless flight to Canada.
Madison’s eyes saddened at the exhaustion you carried, “I can fangirl later. You looked really tired.”
“Kenny saw and asked me to come over the guise of help, but he knows I need a break. He’s lucky I don’t need to be on set for a few weeks.” You replied, covering a yawn as you found yourself at a car, the walk a blur.
Unintentionally you found yourself asleep in the backseat the moment you settled back there for the drive. You had filmed in Vancouver before, so it wasn’t a huge deal, and the Reyes’ duo didn’t have the heart to wake you up.
“We’re here,” Madison whispered with the back-car door opened. Your eyelids fluttering at her voice, giving Madison a closer look at your face.
Walking on set, you saw Kenny giving one of his pep talks before he cut himself off at the sight of you. The actors surrounding him furrowed their brows as the legendary director power walked to a person concealed behind Mads.
“Sweetheart.” Kenny beamed, pulling his niece in for a hug before leaning back to scan her features, “You need a nap.”
“I need to meet your new cast.” You snickered stepping around the man to the three actors he had abandoned to see you. You found amusement in their widening eyes at the sight of the Y/N walking to them.
“Oh, my shit.” Owen gasped freaking out as the actress co-starring in the new Spider-Man trilogy came closer.
Last night Owen, Charlie and Jeremy had hosted a movie night in the rented apartment the first two rented. They had quickly made their way through Captain America: Civil War before watching the following movies with Spider-Man. You had a cameo in Captain America: Civil War before becoming a star in Homecoming and Far From Home.
“We manifested her.” Charlie hissed frantically fixing his set costume growing a blush at the smile you wore. He could feel the hair stylist on standby glaring at his tousled locks.
The girl in question came to a stop before the three guys portraying the phantoms of the show in the second season. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the expressions each one of them had.
“Hello.” You greeted flattered when the tall blonde one turned a blossom pink at the voice of an angel. Charlie and Owen had developed celebrity crushes on you.
In revenge, Tori, a returning choreographer and background character, saw Charlie’s expression along with a familiar girl. After filming season one ended the previous year you had stopped by during the filming process of CAOS to catch up with Kenny. Tori had been there and you two became friends.
“Hey!” Tori grinned, pulling you into a hug, “These three binged your MCU movies last night, and Charlie’s wallpaper is you.”
“This is what you get for telling Booboo about the poster!” Tori called to the Canadian boy jogging out his area. Charlie’s cheek darkened more than Owen’s as your smile grew bigger.
“No worries Ghost. Luke definitely my favourite character and gotta say you should have been on Charmed more than two episodes.” You supplied walking backwards to Kenny once more yearning for a night’s rest after the flight.
“Holy shit.” Charlie choked smacking Jeremy’s arm repeatedly, “She knows me. Oh, oh, OH. She’s seen me-“
 “-Getting it on for a scene.” Jeremy snickered as his friend grew more and more flustered, “That was tame compared to her and Tom going at it.”
Charlie’s face dropped being reminded of the explicit scene you had done with Tom Holland in the movie that came out near the end of 2020. The Devil All the Time was the only film out of the MCU you had done with Tom. You had played the promiscuous daughter of a devout, loyal churchgoer and close friend of the preacher.
“Didn’t they date for a few months?” Owen questioned thinking back to the media mayhem during the virtual press for the film.
Owen was correct with the chemistry between you and Tom it was natural you would do interviews together via shared video chats. Charlie watched every single one that came out with interest. He hadn’t even expected the film to do so dark and explicit, but you had a natural talent.
“English, handsome, actor-“ Charlie started to list off on the English actor with a far more extensive list of credits. Charlie felt like a Canadian child in the city of Los Angeles compared to your leading man.
“-runs a charity with his family.” Jeremy continued raising one eyebrow, “At least he isn’t tall. You’d be fully screwed.”
Charlie shoved his teasing friends away with a smirk of his own as the trio continued on to the film. Charlie put his feelings on the back burner to focus on the storyline and emotions of the scene.
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“Spider-Man Three baby!” The English accent shouted from the phone with only an ocean separating the two actors. Tom hadn’t even greeted you before screaming at the news you both received; despite the scripts from a few weeks prior the sequel had fully been greenlighted
Your head tossed back at the childlike glee on the older adult, clearly displaying the two years really mean he was two years old. After meeting on the set of Civil War along with Harrison, you had become friends. Followed with the following MCU appearances, it had been a surprise to be cast in Devil All the Time.
“Insane.” You started making your way through the set to where Kenny had texted you from. It was closing to the end of your vacation.
In the few weeks, you had reconnected with Tori on her breaks along with becoming good friends with the cast members. Something clicked between you and the core four of the show even if Madison sometimes still got starstruck.
“Did you read the script?” Tom questioned quirking his infamous eyebrow his fans wholly adored. You found it amusing, to be honest, that every character he portrayed had the same eyebrow.
“Not fully. I’m surrounded by people, and unlike you, I prefer not to jeopardize my career with marvel.” You teased glancing up as Charlie and Owen made their way over, “I’ll be flying out in a few days for filming.”
Tom nodded his head, “I got get back. Jacob and Haz are visiting. Remember to film the announcement! Bye Love!”
You gave a thumbs up before Tom ended the facetime glancing up at the duo who each raised their eyebrows. Charlie’s mask nearly breaking at Tom’s goodbye. Charlie could feel the cover of his feelings falling more and more each day.
“Announcement?” Owen questioned, slipping his jacket on over his shoulders having changed from his Alex outfit.
“Nothing.” You waved it off, starting to walk backwards with a smile that Charlie thought made your eyes shine brighter than stars.
The boys followed behind on the walk to the house Jeremy and Carolynn had decided to rent during filming. You had been crashing there as Jeremy didn’t want Carolynn to be alone with his filming schedule. It also gave the perfect place for your plan. Last few nights you had binged the marvel movies again ending with Far From Home.
The living room was decked out by Carolynn with your help from earlier as she was the only know that knew. Everyone settled in the living room with Mr Reyes there as well who had quickly become a father figure to you.
“So, I wanted everyone here for a reason. I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve been reading a script and I have something to open.” You started thanking Jeremy as he brought in the package, he had no clue of the contents, “Now nobody says any spoilers for season two.”
You turned on the camera Paul Becker had supplied with a small smile having already filmed the opening sequence. You sat on the floor in the camera shot, opening the big box to hand out the smaller boxes to your friends. Charlie, Owen, Jeremy, Madison, Savannah, Booboo and every else glanced at the non-descript red box.
“Open them.” You urged grinning as the room went silent except for the tape ripping off the packages.
In each individual box was marvel themed candy, a plushie of Spider-Man along with signed cards from the Avengers actors and the MCU Spider-Man cast. At the very bottom, all it said was to look up at you. Instead of facing them with their looks of shock, you addressed the camera.
“Tom and I are so incredibly happy to announce that Spider-Man 3 is in the beginning process of filming.” You beamed at the camera listening to the intense noise of your friends screaming, “we can’t reveal anything else about the film, but the script is immaculate as usual. You’ll get to see Harper on the screen once more.”
“WHAT!” The collective scream behind you came as you waited a second before ending the video. You’d have to replay it before sending to marvel for the finishing touches with Tom’s version and then you could post it on Instagram.
“Surprise!” You spoke to the group behind you all in states of excitement, “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to tell you guys! I got the script a few days before I came.”
“Holy shit.” Owen spoke, laughing at he shook his head, “You managed to get autographs from fucking Iron Man himself.”
“I got connections.” You snorted meeting the gaze of Charlie, “Nah, Downey’s kids came for a visit, and I kept them company. Downey offered to do anything, and I took the favour.”
The surprise wore off as the group mingled, but Charlie’s eyes stayed pinned to your form as you sent a message to Tom. Locking your phone to noticed his eyes.
“Hey Charlie.” You smiled, sitting on the couch next to him. His expressive eyes showing a silver screen of emotions you couldn’t quite decipher.
The corner of his mouth tilted up in response to the way his name rolled off your tongue, sending his heart stuttering. A cold sweat appearing when you grasped his hand in yours in a confident manner.
“So, you leave soon?” Charlie murmured moving closer to hear you among the chatter of the group. Your lips turned down for a split second as you felt the sadness of leaving.
It was refreshing to be on set without the demands of makeup, costumes, filming and choreography. To see the action and magic but not be part of it was a definite change you had needed desperately. But to leave Charlie hurt.
“My call time is in three days. Need to get ready to bring Harper Osbourne back to the big screen.” You replied, loosening your grip on his hand, “I don’t really want to go back. I’m gonna miss you…and everyone else of course.”
Unaware to the eyes watching in anticipation you and Charlie conversed further on the upcoming months. To the great disappointment of the house began to clear out, Owen for an early call time. Savannah was meeting with her brother, and Mr Reyes was taking Madison home.
It left Jeremy and Carolynn to retire to their bedroom while you stayed on the couch with Charlie for longer. The emotions building from the prior weeks, bubbling to the surface. Hearts thudding in their chest Charlie leaned in glancing at your lips; yours glancing at his.
Who moved first couldn’t be known, but as your lips brushed together just barely you felt grounded and peaceful. If he leaned closer, you wonder what the kiss would make you feel.
“I’d like to kiss you.” Charlie murmured startled at the confidence he had gained, “But before I do. Do you have something with Tom?”
“Other than onscreen chemistry? Absolutely nothing.” You spoke barely louder than a whisper to the boy that had become so much more than some actor.
He was Charlie. The goofy boy that put a smile on anyone’s face with an impromptu concert in the middle of a crowded street. He lived life to the fullest without any regrets. He was passionate about his work, music and the environment.
Those thoughts evaporated when lips met another pair of lips in what might be described as the best kiss ever. No fireworks felt as Wattpad would say, but instead, it was the heady warmth of hot chocolate on a cold day; a warm shower after a long stressful day. It was home and perfect.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @parkeret @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds @kcd15​ @siriuswvrld​ @princessvader15​ @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle​ @joshy-obx​ @lovesanimals​ @oopsiedoopsie23​ @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you​ @jaskiers-sweetkiss​ @lostrandomfangirl​n @must-be-a-weasley-92​ @jatp-holland​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland​ @dasexydevitt13​ @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​ @ssprayberrythings​​ @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @zukoshonourr​ @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch​ 
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herotome · 3 years
Devlog #31
Hi-ho, Wudgey here!
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I promised I'd show off some character profiles if we hit a quarter of our current Ko-Fi goal, and we hit 59% while I was afk.... Sorry about that.
Here's the official profile for Warden designed by Re.Alice. I'll also be posting this on twitter and ko-fi, since tumblr is known to be unkind to image resolution.
Here's the text and synopsis, for screen readers + in case tumblr makes the image too small to read:
Rank 66. He/Him.
Birthday: April 17th (Aries).
Likes: Pretzels, Boxing, Fidget Spinners.
Dislikes: Losing and Loud Noises.
Underneath the chiseled all-star persona and the glimmering smile, Warden is something of an adrenaline junkie. He's warm and energetic at best, but impulsive and easily goaded at worst. With the amount of time he spends fighting crime in the public eye, one begins to wonder if he even has a private life.
Recently, Warden got moved up to a leadership role in his agency. This promotion doesn't sit well with a lot of people... including Warden himself.
Since a lot of people have had the chance to meet him in the demo, I felt fairly comfortable writing the character synopsis (without worrying too much about misrepresenting him or making apparent contradictions).
On the flip side, I'm a little "ennhhh" about writing the synopsis for the other love interests who haven't been officially introduced in-game.... so that will take a back seat a while.
Today's my first real day back in development, and so far I've spent it replying to emails in regards to editing and GUI screens. It'll be great to get the ball rolling on those fronts. I also have some client work I need to wrap up today, but once that's done I should be able to focus back in on writing Herotome's next scenes. (We're gonna be doing a lot of writing).
We've also uploaded some custom music tracks courtesy of our talented composer, Bright Bone! Their channel is very new and they work super hard, so please check them out and leave some nice comments. :)
While these two tracks aren't in the current demo, they should appear in the next installment of the game.
On another note, I desperately need to Marie Kondo my notes at some point... But ahhh. That day will not be today.
IIII alsooo have a fair amount of messages in my inbox that very much deserve my love and attention. I do read every single notification, so I hope nobody thinks they're typing into a void or that I'm intentionally ignoring their message.
Thank you for taking the time to contact me, and please pardon any delays caused by my limited energy. I hope to be a bit more social soon.
I hope you’re all staying safe and keeping warm.
Much love,
❤︎ Play the prologue demo
❤︎ Support my work on Ko-Fi
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
Ever since I got this idea I haven't been able to stop thinking about Dante being a stripper cowboy 😳😳 Maybe smol shy S/O was dragged by her friends into a strip club when she caught the attention the attention of a certain red devil? 👀🌹 I have a mighty need for some Dante erotica, I'm sorry 😅
Howdy Howdy,
Partner, there’s no need to apologize. If anything, I’m sorry this request was sitting in my inbox for more than a week. I was watching as many male stripper movies as I could find to make this accurate. Here’s a fully written work to make up for the wait. 
Part II is in the making, I couldn’t fit all that raunchiness into one chapter. For my male and gender-neutral readers, I’ll do my best to write inclusive installments that make you feel sexy and well-loved by this stripper cowboy. All readers deserve a lap dance.
Can You Touch This?-Cowboy!Stripper! Dante/Reader-(PART I)(AFAB! READER)
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Tags/Warnings: 18+, AFAB! Reader, Stripper!AU, Magic Mike!Au, Erotica, Minors Do Not Try It.
Read It On AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28256070/chapters/69242487
You were never one for large crowds, alcohol, loud music, and nudity. So what a mess you were in, your friends dragging you into a strip club. 
It wasn’t your fault, they promised you were all going for a quiet dinner at your favorite restaurant. No loud noises, no crowds, and especially, you didn’t even know why you had to specify, no naked guys!  That’s what happened at first. You went and blew out your candles on your cake at a nice place, but then things got weird. Your friends had got you thoughtful gifts, except one of them who promised to give it to you after another “surprise.”
They practically herded you to their car, blindfolding and ear-muffing you while giggling. After driving in some unfamiliar directions, you were pulled into a strange building. 
So when you couldn’t hear your own thoughts due to the overbearing bass in the room you were in, you realized you should’ve known better. The blindfold and earmuffs were taken off and you opened your eyes to a neon-lit room with the most hard-cut abs right in your face. 
“A strip club?! W-why would you think I’d want to go to a strip club?” 
“Okay, first of all (Y/N). It’s a male strip club. Second, come on! I know you want to touch some diamond abs!” One of your friends exclaimed as they threw bills at one very tan and very oiled up man named Diego. The box from before landed on your lap, and you unwrapped it to find a giant stack of dollar bills. 
“Now stuff them bills down some hottie’s pants!” 
The orange thong-wearing male with the most defined quads you had ever glanced at winked at your friend and opted to dance on someone else. Clutching your drink, you swallowed thickly as other males who clearly went to the gym every other hour thrust their hips proactively at you. 
Your friends had called ahead and bought the lot of you a table to the stage, much to your chagrin. 
Luckily, your ability to disappear in a room, with your meek personality and small stature, came in handy in these situations. The tall and buff guys your friends screamed over seemed to prefer the company of the more extroverted and thirsty. While other tables farther from the stage had easy contact with the not-themed strippers, you were all confronted with the stage floor dancers. 
“My god, how many themes do these guys dress in?” You squeaked as an entertainer dressed like James Bond (minus the clothes except for the bowtie and gun holster) ground on the stage floor. 
“Not enough! Now make it rain, (Y/N).” Another friend demanded as she took another shot. 
You made a noise as your hand was forcibly placed onto an eight-pack. You quickly threw a wad of bills at the man and ran off to the bar. 
“I gotta go!” You panicked, speed-walking to the bar in your heels. Stomach quivering, you put a few bills down and asked for a stronger drink. Maybe you could pass out on the table and your friends would feel bad and take you home. 
You sighed as you watched your friends have the time of their lives, although they noted your absence. 
“First time?” The bartender asked, sliding your fruity drink to you. You fiddled with the napkin. A woman posed in the corner with the logo “Devil May Cry” to the side of her, all lined in neon pink. 
“Oh!... Yeah, it is.” You mumbled shyly. You blushed at his blue-eyed stare. Luckily, he wore a collared white shirt so you could look at him without bleeding out of your nose. He was very handsome, with rugged features and slight facial hair. His stark white hair shined even in the dim lighting. 
“Ah, could tell. Watched you get dragged in here.” He chuckled. 
“I-I was tricked, first of all!” You exclaimed, tucking some hair behind your ear. 
“It’s alright. Your next rounds on me if you stay a lil longer.” He winked, wiping a glass. A few other people came and went, requesting all sorts of raunchy-titled drinks. Despite that, he leaned on the table where you sat, making idle conversation. 
“I’m Dante.” 
“Nice to meet you, Dante. I’m (Y/N).” You impulsively stuck your hand out to shake and stilled at his strong and warm grip.
He whistled. 
“Nice name for a nice lady. It’s your birthday right?” You nodded. 
“What did you wish for?” 
“Peace and quiet.” He laughed at that, gesturing to your friends who screamed and clapped at a dark-skinned stripper who ripped off his pants. 
“With those friends?” He chuckled. 
“They’re a lot more restrained. This is an exception.” You whined. 
The conversation grew longer. You learned that Dante worked here with his twin brother Vergil. He loved pizza and strawberry ice cream, along with nice motorcycles. A total manly man, if you asked yourself. 
You found a safe space talking to him since you didn’t have to look at nude guys with your back turned. 
You were hoping to talk the night away until a similarly white-haired male with a serious glare rounded the corner. 
Swiping back a few stray hairs, the esteemed brother Vergil knocked the smile off his twin’s face. 
“You fool! Your shift has been over for some time now.” He snapped. Dante rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, this is old douchebag.” You giggled at his comment, quickly stopping when meeting eyes with the frigid twin. 
“Have you been speaking ill of me? I will-”  Dante threw a towel at his brother’s face before leaving the bartending station. By leaving, he jumped over the counter. 
“Hey, (Y/N), nice talking to you. I’ll see you later.” The white-haired man left to the employee’s room. 
“Alright-” You muttered. You’d sit, but Vergil’s cold glare prompted you to leave and rejoin your friends. 
“Where were you? Chatting up the bartender?” 
“Look at you. Being social in a strip club.” They teased. 
After a few more dancers, you couldn’t help but miss the blue-eyed bartender with his quips and casual flirtiness. 
Suddenly, the music and lights went off. The crowd stirred. Your friend grabbed your arm. 
“Oh girl they’re gonna need a mop after this.” 
“Ew!” You cried out. Your friends sang that one horribly sexual song from the radio. Something about parking a truck in a garage and about wet-
A shirtless DJ grabbed the mic. 
“And now, for our next entertainer, we have the Legendary Lady Killer. Hold onto your panties and your wedding rings, you’re all in for the ride of your life.” 
 The lights were turned back on from back to front. On stage, stood a muscular man with a cowboy hat and shawl. His legs were perfectly framed by black leather chaps and boots. You turned as red as his shawl as you could see his formidable bulge from yards across. 
His spurs clinked on the floor as people began to cheer at his physique. Your jaw dropped in shock. 
White hair. 
“Ladies, I got some questions for y’all.” He drawled, lowering his hat. 
“Yes! I’m single!” Someone yelled from the back. He chuckled as others screamed with agreement. 
“That’s nice ma’am. But really, I got three questions.” He made his way down the stage, his shadow covering your table. 
He palmed his chest and abs, showing white chest hairs and slicked down muscles. 
“Can you touch this?” Everyone screamed for yes. He tutted. 
“No, no, no.” He waggled his finger. He spun and exposed his lush tush. He was packing it front and back and you blushed while putting your face in your hands. 
His hands groped his own butt. Even with his giant hands, he still had more ass to spare. 
“Can you touch this?” The screams grew louder. He waggled his finger again, wiggling his butt. 
“No, no, no.” The crowd awed. He turned back around, a cocky grin on his face. 
“Now, ladies.” He pointed to the crowd. 
His palms groped the leather that concealed his huge package. 
“Can you touch this?” Your friend threw a wad of cash at him, hitting him in the nipple. He stood unflinching. 
“No, no, no.” He drew out each word. 
“These are my laws.” Putting his hands on his hips, he rocked left to right, clicking his spurs. 
“But I see a hell of a lot of lawbreakers here tonight.” 
He shifted to walk around the chair placed behind him. He sat on it backward, legs spread to place his groin in the spotlight. 
“And I don’t see a cop in sight.”  He pointed at the DJ. 
“Hit it!” Music blaring, he did his number. And boy, was the DJ right to warn you. Dante practically made sweet love to the chair, flipping his head back. 
Hips circling and then pistoning the air, sweat trailed down his pecs. 
You ended up throwing a few bills, hoping to avoid eye contact. It failed as he slid to his knees to the edge of the stage and crawled off the ledge onto your table. Like a preying tiger, he made his way over to you. 
Thank god you had health insurance, your blood pressure was going off the charts. 
Your friends lost their heads, throwing bills and screaming like banshees. But he wasn’t interested in them. His eyes preyed after your own, baby blues on an absolute beast. 
“Wanna save a horse and ride a cowboy, pretty girl?” He purred as he traced your jaw. Your skin jumped as you internally imploded. This was was too sensual and people were watching, for goodness sake! 
“(Y/N), if you don’t agree I will cancel your Barnes and Noble membership.” Your friend threatened. 
“Come on, spare this outlaw some sugar?” You didn’t have a moment to think. Dante threw his hat on your head and carried you onto the table and to the stage. 
“Oh my god! Oh my god!” You shrieked. 
He ran hot. So hot. Your skin burned at contact with him, pressed up against his chest as he stood you in front of the chair he practically humped. 
“Take a seat, lil lady.” You blushed at his sensual persona, not sure where the kind bartender and the suave cowboy started and ended. 
Obediently, you turned the chair around and sat with your ankles crossed. Dante tutted in disapproval. 
His hands lingered by your legs.
“May I?” He asked. You shook your head slowly, feeling his callused hands on your thighs. He firmly spread your legs and stood over you on the chair. 
As if that wasn’t enough, his arm muscles bulged and twitched as he ripped off his leather chaps. He ripped the chaps. There were no zippers or velcro straps. That was all him! 
Your face a hair’s width from his abs, he gently took your hands and traced his pecs with them. He growled and winked at you. 
Despite the one in a million situation you were in, you shrank at the many peering eyes of the other women and bar patrons. Your anxiety was seen by Dante, who tilted your head up. 
“Hey, it’s alright. Just focus on me. If you’re nervous, just give me a purple nurple or something, alright?” You laughed at his idea of a safe word and nodded. 
“Okay, Dante.” 
And like that, it was like you pulled a trigger. Dante grinded on your form and explored his own peak-conditioned skin with your own hands. 
You gasped as he led your hands down his front to his leather shorts. You couldn’t stop looking with widened eyes at his crotch. You had read erotica before, describing the male member in the throes of passion, yet this was the first time you had really been this close to anything like those erotic novels. 
It was obscene! Why did it seem to get larger? How was he allowed to carry that thing around without a license?! 
“Hey, eyes up here.” He teased as you snapped your head up. 
“O-oh! Sorry.” You whispered. Your blood had rushed to your head and you had grown deaf to your friends’ yells of validation. 
“Grab him by the buns!” One of your friends yelled. Dante turned around to make eye contact with her. 
With a grin, he slid your hands to the back. What he didn’t expect was you to squeeze. 
“Whoa now, kitty.” He purred. You gave a watery smile. 
Suddenly, a water bottle was thrown at his head. With lightning reflexes, he caught it after it bounced off of him. 
“Hey! Stage times’ over, you fucking show pony.” A short-haired woman with mismatching eyes called out. Dante scoffed. 
“Just givin’ a nice lady some lovin’.” He argued. 
“No, get off the stage, Dante.” 
“Five more minutes?” 
“NOW.” He sighed. Getting off of your lap, he kissed your hand that was resting on his thigh. Lord, if you died right now, that’d be fine. 
“Glad to have this dance.” He flirted. 
“Y-you too.” Taking your hand, he took you for another surprise and swept you off your feet. You squeaked as he handed you to another dancer on the ground. The club-goers cheered as dancers arrived, dressed like businessmen with briefcases. 
You were promptly seated, head dizzy from everything that just happened. You watched as he took his leave as if he didn’t just cause you to get feverish from how hot he was. Your friend hugged you. 
“Nice work! You were so lucky!” Another friend plucked the hat off your head. 
“Ah! He left his hat!”  You exclaimed as you took it from her hands. 
“A souvenir.” 
For the rest of the night, you held onto the hat and traced the red stitching. You never saw Dante for the rest of the night, his brother in charge of the bar service. 
Finally, before the last round of dancers, you were tapped on the shoulder. You found yourself staring into much harsher blue eyes. 
One of your friends threw money at him, which he growled at. 
“I am not an entertainer. Well, not right now.” He explained. He handed you a drink with a napkin on the bottom. 
“My buffoon of a brother said to keep the hat. Although, I’m not sure why you would.”
“The drink is on the house. Good evening with you all.” 
 He walked off, and you took your drink. You realized it was the same one you ordered when you got to the bar. 
“Hey girlie, take a look.” A well-manicured nail pointed to the napkin. You saw in red pen an arrow pointed to the folded corner. 
You shakily opened it to reveal a series of numbers and words, along with a card that flitted onto the table. 
Tonight was fun, wanna do it again? The card’s for a private dance, just call and ask for Dante Sparda. No crowds, only you and me. No Lady barking up my tree for appreciating beauty either-DS 
A little heart with an arrow through its center was scrawled in a corner. You picked up the laminated card and saw it was for a free private dance. Your heart beat out of your chest. 
Your friends laughed as you immediately stuck it in your purse, along with the note. The club closed and you were all ushered out. The night was pitch black when you emerged from the debauchery that was the Devil May Cry strip club. 
As your other wasted companions were stuffed into the car, you sat shotgun to the sober and designated driver. 
You were silent the car ride home, laying your head against the window. You thought about that white-haired flirt’s remarks and how gentle he was to you.
Waving and embracing your wonderful friends, you left for your apartment with all your gifts. However, the little slips of paper in your purse weighed the heaviest on your mind. 
High heels in your hand, you climbed up the stairs home. 
After closing the door, you slid down the wall and let out a pleased sigh. 
“Best birthday ever!” You said to no one in particular. 
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
Me Being a Soppy Git As Per ❤️
as 2020 comes to a close, i just wanna say a few words of thanks to everyone who has ever interacted with me and my blog. i’m so so grateful for how far my blog has come and for all the amazing support and feedback i’ve received on my work. i adore each and every one of you, i see you all in my notifs and with every like, comment and reblog, my love grows even more ❤️
in particular, i want to thank a few people who have made this year amazing for me in one way or another. now i’m writing this quickly so i do apologise if i miss anyone out!! and please remember that i adore every single one of you. thank you so so much for everything you’ve done for me! 🥰
(okay so firstly most of these guys are people i talk to/interact with on nearly a daily basis, or people who have really really made this year so wonderful for me!! i can never thank you all enough!!)
@loony-loopy-lupinn soph, you are possibly very literally the sweetest angel i’ve ever had the privilege of speaking to. you’re an absolute ray of sunshine, i adore you so so much, much more than you could ever know. thank you so much for everything, for always being there for me, for talking about literally anything and everything. you’re amazing, i can’t imagine my life without you in it!! ❤️❤️
@wand3ringr0s3 haley, i don’t even know where to begin. i know you only joined tumblr a few months ago but in that time you’ve become such an important person to me. you’re absolutely amazing, i love you more than words can say. thank you for being such a wonderful friend! i don’t know what i did to deserve you but i’m so glad you’re in my life. keep doing what you’re doing. you are, and correct me if i used this word wrong bc i am as far away from a gamer as can be, poggers 🥰❤️
@ickle-ronniekins ericaa, what a queen. you’re literally one of the sweetest, kindest people and i’m so so grateful to be able to call you my friend!! thank you for just always being there and being you, and chatting absolute rubbish with me and talking about our lil weasley twinnies and yet also talking about serious life stuff™️. i love you so so much!! literally an irreplaceable person in my life! also i love that you love impractical jokers like i do, such a revelation to our friendship, it’s so great ❤️
@harrysweasleys alexa you are a goddess, i love you sm. genuinely couldn’t ask for a nicer, lovelier person. you’re always there to support me and talk about anything and everything and i can’t thank you enough!! you’re one of the people i talk to most on here and i can’t believe it’s only been a few months, literally feels like i’ve known you for years!! but anyways, thank you so so much for being you, you’re such a wonderful person and i adore you 🥰❤️
@diary-of-an-onliner thea i literally adore you. you make me laugh so so much and can put a smile on my face within seconds!! i love sharing shoe pics w you, they’re always so so stunning. thank you for being you, you’re amazing, you’re talented, you’re beautiful. idk what more i could want in a friend 🥺❤️
@harrypotter-and-the-onering babe, you are one of the loveliest people i’ve ever spoken to. you’re so incredibly amazing, and i’m so grateful we’ve been able to speak so much over over the last few months!! honestly i could not ask for a better friend, you’re so wonderful, so amazing, thank you so so much for being you ❤️
@pit-and-the-pen kaylah, you’re one of the sweetest people ever!! and you’re so so talented, you blow me away with everything you do. thank you for being so supportive and just such an amazing friend!! keep being you and i hope 2021 is just as fabulous as you are!! ☺️❤️
@princesse-de-ravenclaw juliet, i don’t even have enough words to express how much i adore you. it’s been like what, 4 years?? since i met you and honestly i’m just so grateful to be able to call you a friend!! you’re so talented and so so sweet, i absolutely adore you angel!! 🥰❤️
@izzytheninja you’re so so sweet my love!! thank you so much for talking about anything and everything with me!! i’m so so happy you started up posting writing this year, you are so talented!! i hope your 2021 is as amazing as you are!! ❤️
@girl-next-door-writes thank you so much for talking twins with me!! it’s always amazing to bounce ideas off someone and i love the fic we discussed a few weeks back, i can’t wait to write it!! thank you for being so amazing and so sweet!! ilysm!! ☺️❤️
@acciotwinz where do i begin?? you’ve been such a light in my life this year!! keep on being you, you’re absolutely amazing and i love you so so much!! 🥰❤️
@theweirdsideofstuff babee, you’re one of the sweetest people ever!! you (and your pets!!) always put a smile on my face, thank you so so much for being so amazing!! ☺️❤️
@elf-punk you’re so so amazing, i adore you so much!! thank you for everything you’ve done for me, whether it’s a simple message checking up on me, helping co-create freb or just overall being one of the most supportive people ever!! ❤️
@gryffindors-weasley sophieee!! thank you so so much for all your sweet messages!! i love seeing your asks in my inbox, you’re so so lovely!! i can’t wait to read more of your work and get to know you better in 2021!! keep being your amazing self, i love you so much!! 🥰❤️
@pigwidgexn your comments on my work literally make my day, i honestly can’t stop smiling when i read them!! thank you so so much for being so sweet and for liking and taking the time to read my work!! i love and appreciate everything you’ve done for me!! ❤️
@vogueweasley mere, you’re one of the kindest people i’ve spoken to on here, and always hype me up and i adore you for that!! thank you so much for all your kind words on my fics and for being so absolutely wonderful!! ilysm!! 🥰❤️
@starlightweasley zahra, thank you so much for being so so lovely to me this year!! i’ve loved every single conversation we’ve had, you’re so so sweet, so funny and i adore you sm!! thank you for being you!! i love youu ☺️❤️
@whiz-bangs78 jess, thank you so much for being so sweet and so supportive!! i always love your feedback comments on my fics, thank you for taking the time to read!! you never fail to make me smile when i see you on my dash, keep being your wonderful self!! ❤️
@thisismysketchbook thank you so so much for all your kind words on my fics!! i always look forward to reading your feedback, it just makes me so so happy!! you’re so lovely, and from the times we’ve spoken i know you’re such an amazing person too!! thank you so much for all your support!! 🥰❤️
and she’s not on tumblr anymore but i’m also gonna include the amazing dee (who was @/obsessedwithrandomthings and then @/deehereforabit). dee was (and still is) my go-to person for literally everything. i love her more than anything, can literally talk to her about anything and everything, and no matter where she is i can promise i will always take the time to annoy her 😁😁 i promise ily really dee ❤️
in addition to these guys, i want to thank the following blogs for being so amazing, for leaving feedback on my work, for being so so lovely to talk to, for creating amazing fics and for overall just making this year so amazing for me on here!! (i’m only allowed 50 mentions per post so i apologise that i couldn’t fit everyone on here but please know i very much love and appreciate every single one of you, i hope you have an amazing new year, i can’t thank you enough for everything!!) ❤️❤️
@valwritesx @vivianweasley @iliveiloveiwrite @immobulusmalfoy @kashishwrites @rekrappeter @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @kalimagik @with-love-anu @lenalxvegood @stupxfy @emcchi @heloisedaphnebrightmore @marvelettesassemble @oh-for-merlins-sake @awritingtree @cappsikle @durmstrange @chaoticgirl04 @boxofbadaddiction @manic-creator @thisismynerdyself @badfvith @wandsandwheezes @holdupwhat @fleurho @gcdric @hufflepuff5972 @rosaliepostsstuff @plant-flwrs @thatfuckingliardavidtennant
here’s to 2021 guys!! i hope it brings amazing things for everyone and thank you again for everything!! 🥰❤️❤️
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mrslilyrogers · 4 years
Hi there! I was wondering if you could write a buckyxreader about the reader being plus size and bucky shows her love. After Nat says something nasty about her size. Thank you!!
Bucky Comforting You 
Bucky x Plus size!reader 
Author’s notes: This has been sitting in my inbox for a while now, so I hope you get to read this, anon! For anyone who feels insecure about their weight, always remember; it is your body, love it, take care of it and fuck what anyone else thinks! Be kind to yourselves always. 
Tumblr media
You stared at the brownie in front of you, contemplating. Your eyes in deep consternation, biting your lower lip as you thought to yourself, you really shouldn’t. In fact, you know you shouldn’t. But damn, if it didn’t tempt you, gooey and fresh straight out of the oven. Bucky found a new hobby in baking and while everyone got to enjoy the fruits of his labor, it was a bane to you. 
"Doll, why don’t you just grab a bite? It’s good, I promise.” Bucky chuckled from the other side of the table, already on his third. You watched as he bit into it, his jaw flexing as he chewed. Damn it all, he looked just as delicious as that brownie. You huffed and rolled your eyes. It wasn’t fair. He looked as good as that and is still able to eat whatever he wanted while you, on the other hand, had to watch every single food you put in your mouth. Counting calories, watching out for the nutritional value, making sure you ate as healthy and clean as you could plus, all those additional hours you spend at the gym, only to find out in the end, you’ve only lost a pound or two, sometimes even still gaining more. It was damned unfair. 
“But Nat--” 
“Isn’t here,” he continued for you. “Besides, you eat healthier than her, have you seen how she devours all those chips?” he shuddered remembering Nat’s unhealthy addiction. 
She could because she looked like that. You thought to yourself, never voicing it out loud because he’d never understand, they rarely do. 
“Come on, doll. Don’t torture yourself like this. You’re beautiful.” he said matter-of-factly, his eyes genuine, a soft smile splayed on his lips. 
Your head jerked suddenly at his compliment. You looked him in the eye, confused, trying to find malice when there was clearly none given. 
“Jesus, Nat really did a number on you huh,” He looked disgusted, shaking his head.
“What are you talking about? She’s only helping me,” You replied defensively. Nat was just a tough-love kind of person and she was right. Of course, she was right. How could she not when she looked every inch of what a woman ought to be. 
He let out a breath, running a hand through his hair, before he faced you squarely again. 
“Then, accept that you don’t have to look like Nat to be beautiful or whatever it is society deems as pretty,” he waved his hand at his side in the way guys do when they consider something to be insignificant and continued on, “You already are, okay? Stop beating yourself up. You’re healthy, you take care of yourself as much as the rest of us, what more do you need?” 
At your dumbfounded expression, he felt the need to further prove his point. His voice becoming more impassioned as he spoke, 
“God, I wish you saw yourself the way I see you! You light up any room you enter. You’re kind and funny...and sweet! And your smile? Damn, that smile is the only thing that gets me through the day sometimes. I hate it, absolutely hate it when you let Nat get to you, why do you do that to yourself? You’re smart and beautiful on your own, you shouldn’t have to listen to her. I hate seeing you sad,” he finished, letting out a puff of air at the end of his tirade. 
You were speechless, you had never seen him so expressive. And it was on your behalf. 
He was being defensive for you. 
Because he didn’t see you the way you saw yourself, because he was much kinder to you than you were to yourself, because he actually liked you more than you liked yourself. That realization hit you like a train. How was it possible that you ended up like this? He was right. You did take care of your body just like the rest of them but still, you pushed and pushed and pushed for that ideal that everyone foisted upon you when you really didn’t need to. Did it matter what Nat thought? Her little jabs at the size of your thighs, her comments about your arms? Do those things matter when you know you’re leading your life as healthy as could be? When you know yourself enough to not care about what others thought? 
“Are you taking that last one?” You asked, a coy smile on your lips.
“No,” he replied forcefully, the last vestiges of his anger from earlier still in his voice even though the corners of his mouth twitched into a smile. 
“Good,” you said confidently, grabbing it from the plate and taking a bite. Your eyes widening at how good it was. 
“You know, you’re the only who still hasn’t tried those. For a while there, I was about to take it personally,” 
You laughed through a mouthful. Covering your lips discreetly with your hand, you swallowed it down. 
“Hmm, we can’t have that. Bad for your ego,” You said seriously, playing along with him. 
“Exactly,” he deadpanned, making you laugh some more. When you’ve settled down, you felt lighter than you had for a long while. You knew you still had a long road ahead of you but right now, in this moment, with Bucky watching, a twinkle in his eyes, you were happier. Truly. 
“Thank you, Bucky.” you said earnestly. For everything he said, for making you laugh, for being just him. 
“Anytime, doll,” 
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🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP
She made sure the door was locked a second time.
“I promise you, it’s locked.”
“I know… but if my dad burst the door open, I will never get over the embarrassment.”
The two in the room smiled at each other as they adjusted their wigs. As soon as they put it on, they weren’t themselves anymore, and could do exactly what they wanted…
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
I like how I can just include the things I want. Like, if I want to include a certain line that has absolutely nothing to do with the plot but I wanna include it anyway? I can! Who's gonna stop me? I have complete control. If I want my fic to focus on this one (1) scene I saw and no one else cares about? Yep, it's up to me!
📥What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Right now, I love getting comments on my Violetta rewrite. The ~4 people who always leave comments make my day.
I also, even if I haven't been as active with it, love the comments I get on my glee chatfic(s). I am actually crowned a queen of chatfics thanks to those. People went MAD over them and it was so fun when I updated frequently. Now I only update every other month or so, even if writing chatfics barely takes any time at all, mostly because I don't have much inspiration. But every now and then I still get someone leaving comments, and due to my chatfics often being very long, sometimes they comment on almost every chapter and I go in to see like 20 messages in my inbox without warning.
Also, I always LOVE getting comments on my Quagmire Sixtuplets AU. Nowadays I barely get comments on that, and that's partly because I don't update the fic often, but when I do I usually don't get much besides maybe some likes here on tumblr. However, when I started it, I used to get very long comments of people commenting every single part they read and it was the best.
But really, I love getting comments on every fic I make!
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Breakable Heaven (pt. IV) - p.l. dubois
part I part II part III
Oh my gosh, I seriously can’t believe this little series has come to an end. I’m so so happy with how it’s turned out, and want to thank anyone who’s stuck with Laurel and Pierre-Luc throughout this month. It’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever done, and it’s yours to enjoy now. Please please let me know what you think of this part, what you think about the series - getting anon comments is amazing, my inbox is always open, and I LOVE reading tags. Reblog if you like what I’m putting out, it helps me know that!
Warning: Smut (It’s light, but it’s there, so no one under 18 please!)
Part IV (7.8k)
September 23 (thurs)
Laurel was running through the Toronto airport, her carry-on bag bouncing on the tile behind her as she frantically searched for her gate. Thank God Air Canada domestic flew from the international terminal; her layover was only an hour and ten minutes and even more time had been shaved off by a departure delay in Montréal. She had forgotten that flights from Toronto cleared U.S. Customs in Canada, and if she hadn’t been able to skip the line and slap her American passport on a kiosk reader she would have almost certainly missed her connection. 
No matter how many times Laurel had tried to insist on an economy ticket when she and Pierre were booking flights for her visits, he refused to cave. “They don’t include a checked bag in economy, but they do if you fly business,” he had said, shrugging, with a small smile on his face. “Baggage fees alone would make it pretty much a wash.” Laurel doubted that, and she doubted that she’d need a checked bag for a four-day trip, but her husband had made it clear that he wasn’t budging. 
So needless to say, she was more than a little bit out of breath as she finally arrived at Gate F66, which was conveniently almost as far away from her arrival gate as humanly possible while still being in the same terminal. She handed her boarding pass and passport to the gate agent, smiling apologetically as she hurried down the jetbridge. It was barely past noon, but there was nothing in the world Laurel wanted more than to sleep. Maintaining a full-time schedule at the hospital while also trying to organize a trip to Columbus that lasted more than two days meant she had to switch shifts. Normally, that wouldn’t be an issue; that week, however, the only open slot was the 12-hour overnight shift on Wednesday. Which meant that she’d been awake for some twenty hours straight, but almost all of that had been on her feet at work, or walking from the parking lot to the check-in counter in Montréal, or running through the halls of Pearson Airport in Toronto. She took her seat, half-listened to the safety briefing, and passed out as soon as her head hit the headrest. 
Much to her chagrin, the flight itself was only just over an hour, and she was really only able to get in a generous nap before their descent into Ohio. Sitting in the second row, she exited the plane in record time, flicking her phone off of airplane mode and waiting for a text from Pierre-Luc. At least she didn’t have to go through TSA again. He wrote back in record time, letting her know he’d be in his car at the curb right outside the terminal. She waited at baggage claim, grabbing her forest green suitcase; the same one she had when she’d moved to Toronto for university, fresh-faced and 18 and so, so unaware of what the world had in store for her. If only she could see herself now. Laurel ran her thumb along the side handle for a moment, pulling at a loose thread, before hefting it onto the floor and turning towards the sliding exit doors. 
As promised, Pierre was waiting right outside the door, flashing her a bright smile and throwing the driver’s side door open as soon as he saw her. “Welcome to Columbus, babe!” he exclaimed, wrapping Laurel into a deep hug and kissing her on the cheek. 
She laughed as the trunk popped open, each of them grabbing a suitcase. “It’s a little bit funny, don’t you think? That I’ve lived in the Midwest for almost my whole life and the first time I go to Ohio it’s because I’m living in Canada?”
“Maybe just a little bit,” Pierre said, holding his thumb and pointer finger about an inch apart. “I’m really happy you were able to come, though, Laurel. I got used to having you around.” His face was softer now, looking over at Laurel with an expression that wasn’t quite placable but seemed like it was somehow communicating so much in a single glance. 
“Me too,” Laurel replied. The ride to Pierre’s Columbus apartment took just over ten minutes, and Laurel was in the door, petting the dogs, before the clock struck 3:00. 
Pierre approached her from behind, his hands on her shoulders as he leaned around to kiss her on the cheek. “You want to take a nap?” he asked. “We’ve got that thing with the team at 7, and I know you’re probably running on fumes right now.” 
Laurel nodded, giving him a weary smile, dropping her bag on the floor of the master bedroom with an all-too-satisfying thump. “Nap sounds good.” 
The nap was good, so good, and Laurel woke up at half past 6 feeling like she’d just had the best sleep of her life. She yawned, rubbing her eyes, and looked around the room to see Pierre with his back towards her, buttoning up his shirt. He turned around, catching her eye, and grinned. “You like the view?” he asked, gesturing to his half-naked torso. 
Laurel rolled her eyes, pulling the sheets up to poorly conceal her embarrassment at being caught. “And if I do?”
She heard a loud laugh, peeking her head out from under. “I’d say my wife has every right to appreciate it.” He walked around the bed while fastening the last few buttons, holding his hand out for Laurel to take. “I let you sleep as long as I could, but we’re going to have to get going in fifteen minutes or so. I was told that ‘we’ve waited this long to meet her, the least you could do is get your damn wife to the party in time,’” he said, adding air quotes for emphasis. 
Laurel nodded, tossing back the covers and walking over to her suitcase, intending to rifle through the stacks of clothes to find something for the night’s festivities. Instead, she was greeted by an empty bag. She wheeled around to look at Pierre, who was sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he stared at her suitcase. “I unpacked your stuff,” he said, nodding over towards the spare dresser. “It’s in there. I’m sorry if that seems weird and I won’t do it again if you feel like that was pushing your boundaries, but I know for me when I’m on roadies I like to unpack, even if it’s just one night. Makes it feel more like home.”
Laurel was too overcome with how sweet the gesture was, small as it may have been, to realize that that meant he had touched four days worth of bras and underwear. It shouldn’t have bothered him anyways, and if he hadn’t said anything about it, it clearly hadn’t. So instead, she pulled him into a warm hug, standing on her tiptoes to bury her face in the crook of his neck. “Thank you, P. One less thing I have to do.” 
“You do still have to actually get dressed, though,” he added, giving her sleepwear an appreciative once-over. “Unless you’re planning on wearing that.” 
She let out a giggle. “As much as I love wearing a massive Cloquet High Lumberjacks t-shirt and no pants, somehow I don’t think that’s the move,” she said, ambling over towards the dresser. She found the tops on the first try, pulling out a wine-colored wrap shirt and grabbing the same pair of light-wash jeans she had worn on the plane. Pierre moved to duck out of the room, presumably to give her privacy to change. Laurel made a split-second decision to call after him. “You don’t have to leave.” Pierre stopped in his tracks.
Laurel slipped the shirt on, tying it in the front, and fastened her jeans. Mascara on and booties zippered, and she was good to go. “So what is this thing, anyways?” she asked Pierre as they drove to Foligno’s house. 
Pierre tilted his head. “Little bit of this, little bit of that. Half the typical beginning-of-the-year preseason party, half the wedding reception we never had. They were very insistent on bringing gifts, so be prepared.”
“Will do,” she said, laughing. “And by they, you mean…”
“Some of the guys, but mostly the wives and girlfriends. Their parties are the stuff of legends, so you can imagine how excited everyone was when I told them we never had a proper reception.”
“But they don’t know why we didn’t have a proper party,” Laurel reminded him. 
“About that…” Pierre started, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. 
Laurel froze, her thumb hovering over her phone screen, halfway through composing a text to Kristen. “Pierre,” she swallowed, her voice deadly soft, “did you tell someone?”
It was the Saturday before, and the team had gone out to celebrate the end of the first week of training camp. Sunday was an off day, so Saturday night found all the over-21s — and anyone who could get a good enough fake — at a bar in the city. Pierre had just crossed the line into tipsy, and as his captain was about to find out, tipsy Pierre was an oversharer. It was common enough for families to be a topic of discussion on nights out or in the locker room; that wasn’t the issue. The issue was that, as the old adage goes, drunk words are sober thoughts. And, if he was being honest, Pierre was still harboring some guilt from having to hide the truth of his and Laurel’s marriage from everyone, Nick included. Pierre hated that he couldn’t tell Nick the truth. He was his captain and his friend, and he felt the least he owed to him was not to lie. 
“It’s just so weird being away from Laurel, away from Montréal, for this long,” Pierre sighed. 
“Sure,” Nick said sympathetically, “but you said you’d been friends for a few years, so you’ve had feelings for her for a while, no? It’s obviously not ideal, but you’ve been away from her for longer.” 
Pierre turned towards Nick, some of his beer — his fourth of the night — spilling out of the cup. “Can I tell you a secret?” 
Nick rolled his eyes, thinking he was going to be hearing some dumb high school confession, that he had asked out a senior girl when he was a freshman, or filled his QMJHL captain’s gloves with shaving cream or something. He didn’t expect what he heard next. 
“We got married so she could stay in the country, for her permanent residency. I never met her before June.” 
Nick sucked in a breath. “You’re not fucking with me, are you?” 
“You realize how much trouble you guys could get into if they figure out, right?” he asked. 
Pierre nodded, looking down at his clasped hands nervously. “We both do. But you’re not going to tell anyone, right?” 
“No, of course not,” Nick said. “I trust you, and I know you and Laurel were just doing what you thought was the best and most logical thing given the circumstances.” Pierre let out a somber nod. “But,” he continued, “I feel like this whole...situation just leaves open the opportunity for things to get really messy really quickly.” 
“Messy how?” Pierre asked. 
Nick shifted uncomfortably in his chair, looking at a spot just beyond Pierre’s head. He didn’t want to, not really, but it was his job as Pierre’s captain — more importantly as his friend  — to make him consider every angle. “Someone catching feelings, one of you falling for the other, or God forbid, someone else. There’s already so much at stake in a ‘normal’ marriage, but yours just has added complications.” Pierre felt a twinge in his heart. He didn’t want to admit it, he really didn’t want to admit it, but Nick was right. “Do you love her?” Nick asked softly. 
Pierre sunk back into his chair. “I don’t know. She means a lot to me, more than I ever thought she would, but I don’t know. Plus, I have no clue how she feels about me, and I wouldn’t want to say something like that only to have her pull away.” 
“Did you guys talk about that?” he asked. 
“About what?” Pierre responded. 
“About what would happen if one of you caught feelings. Because I’m assuming it was supposed to, is supposed to, be a strictly platonic thing.” 
Pierre shrugged. “Not really. We didn’t like make a pact or anything, if that’s what you’re asking. We really didn’t talk much about it at all,” he said, finishing his beer. “I mean, obviously we agreed that we wouldn’t be seeing anyone else, dating or hooking up or anything like that. It was just too risky. But no, we never really addressed how we’d deal with it if one of us ended up...falling for each other. I guess it was just supposed to be a ‘we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it’ type of thing.” 
“And have you come to it?” Nick asked. 
“I don’t know.”
Pierre finished the story, hazarding a glance over to Laurel, who was wringing her hands as she looked out the windshield. “I’m not mad at you,” she said finally. “If Nick said he wouldn’t tell, I trust you when you say he won’t. One of us was bound to let it slip eventually.” 
He turned his eyes back towards the road, still feeling a pang of regret. She was almost being too good to him. “We’ll be okay,” he said, saying it just as much to himself as he did to her. 
Laurel gave him a small smile as they pulled into the Foligno’s house, parking on the stone-paved driveway. “We will be.”
Janelle opened the door practically the second after they knocked, greeting Pierre and Laurel with warm hugs. “Laurel, it’s so wonderful to finally meet you,” she said, squeezing her hand. “We know how hard it is to find the time off and make the trip down, and everyone’s excited to see you.” She led them through the entryway to the living room, where Laurel was passed around to some twenty-odd players and their partners, where she introduced herself over and over again as “Pierre’s wife, yes the nurse from Minnesota who none of you knew existed.” 
Dinner was a barbeque outside, Nick, Pierre, and some of the others manning the three grills as Laurel helped set up the drinks table. He held her hand under the table as they ate, his thumb gently rubbing across her thigh every so often in reassurance. “You good?” he murmured in his ear as Laurel sipped a beer, half-listening to some story Korpi was telling about a near-miss incident with a water ski back in Finland during the summer. 
Laurel nodded, squeezing his fingers. “I’m good.”
Plates were cleared, dishes were washed, and everyone was herded into Nick and Janelle’s enormous family room, where a small mountain of wrapped boxes and bags sat in the far corner. “I don’t know if you know this,” Janelle said conspiratorially as Laurel sat down, “but NHLers make more than a little money.” 
She laughed. “So I’ve been told.”
“Which means that, clueless though they may be, you’re going to be getting some very nice presents.” 
And very nice presents they were. A wine club membership, a set of dutch ovens from Seth — “It was my mom’s suggestion”  — Jones, an espresso machine from Boone, a set of matching, personalized dog bowls for Phil, Georgia, and Piper. Laurel honestly wasn’t sure how it was all going to fit in the car, let alone how she was going to manage to stay under the baggage limit on her way back to Canada, but the thought and kindness that went into each gift was what really made it special. 
“From me and the other girls,” Janelle said, passing Laurel a bag. 
“Oh, this is too much,” Laurel said. “You already got the knives and the mixer, I don’t need anything else.”
Cam’s wife, Natalie, shrugged. “Would it help if we made it, didn’t buy it?”
Laurel’s brow furrowed in confusion, her fingers moving to undo the ribbon that tied the handles together, taking out the tissue paper. “Oh!” she gasped quietly as she pulled out a denim jacket, a Blue Jackets logo ironed onto the back, Dubois embroidered where a name bar would be. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“You’re still a part of the family,” Natalie said, smiling. “Even if you’re not here all the time. We want you to feel as included as anyone else.”  
Laurel folded up the jacket carefully, tucking it back in the bag as Josh walked up to Pierre, holding out a small box, clearly wrapped by himself. “Well now I just feel silly.”
Pierre shook his head, smiling at his friend. “Don’t, Josh. I’m sure we’ll love it.” He thumbed open the folds on the wrapping paper, setting it aside before pulling off the top of the box. He fell silent. 
Laurel peeked over, trying to catch a glimpse of the box’s contents. “What is it, P?”
Instead of answering, Pierre just held the box upside-down. Condoms of all colors and sizes rained down onto the hardwood floor as Pierre stared at Josh, clearly trying very hard not to laugh. The side of his mouth twitched. “Interesting choice of gift, you don’t think?” he asked.
Josh shrugged helplessly, his cheeks red. “It’s practical?”
 November 28 (sun)
 Laurel caught every Blue Jackets game she could on the TV, even the ones in early November when Pierre was out for a few games with a mild concussion. She was his wife, but she was also a nurse, and made sure to get daily updates on his condition, restraining herself from FaceTiming him to help limit his amount of daily screen time. But he had been back for a few weeks, making second star of the night with a goal and an assist, so naturally he was pulled away for a few postgame interviews. 
Laurel watched the screen, trying not to get distracted by the sweat drenching his Underarmour. Reporters, the good ones at least, were usually considerate with steering clear of asking personal questions, but sometimes an injury, or the birth of a child, or, as luck would have it, a wedding, begged an answer. “So, Pierre, I think a lot of us were surprised to see you announce on Instagram that you had gotten married this summer. Congratulations, by the way,” the journalist from the Dispatch said. 
“Thanks,” Pierre replied, smiling. 
“And I hope I speak for everyone here when saying that we entirely respect you and your wife’s decision to keep things quiet and announce it in a much more subdued fashion than usual. Players often speak a lot about how integral support from family and friends is, and just how important it is to have that kind of a support system in place.” Pierre could see where the question was going. “Obviously you’ve got the boys down here, but it doesn’t look like your wife Laurel is based in Columbus like you are. Is there a reason for that, and do you think that’s affected your game?” 
Pierre sucked in a breath; it was a fair question, and a reasonable assumption to make, but that didn’t mean he liked answering it any more. But it was almost suspicious how quickly he had an answer. “Uh, yeah, it’s been interesting for us to have to navigate. You’re right, Laurel’s back in Montréal, she spends most of her time at our place in the city. She’s a nurse in the intensive care unit of CHU Saint-Justine, so she does pediatrics there. She loves what she does, and she’s so good at it, and it just wouldn’t be right of me to ever ask or expect her to leave on my account. I know we’ve got a great hospital at Nationwide Children’s, but she loves where she is. We both do. So yeah, it’s rough being away sometimes, but luckily she’s able to move shifts around and make it down twice a month or so when we’re not on the road. But we keep in contact daily, obviously, and I’m able to lean on the guys, especially the other married ones, on how to deal with the stress of being away for so long. But it’s rough. I miss my wife,” Pierre finished. 
Laurel clicked the remote, turning the TV off, her hand scratching behind Piper’s ears, and tried not to replay his words in her mind as she crawled into bed and fell asleep. 
 December 18 (sat)
 Laurel stumbled through the door of Pierre’s Columbus apartment, laughing breathlessly as she tried to lock the deadbolt. “You need some help there, L?” Pierre asked, raising one eyebrow. 
“I’m good,” Laurel said, taking two more tries before it would actually lock. The eggnog from the Christmas party was starting to take its toll; Pierre had agreed to be the pair’s designated driver for the night, so she had had maybe a glass too many. The night had genuinely been so much fun, Laurel had initially been worried at how well she might fit in with the group in a more casual situation. As much as she loved being able to hang out with the team and the other WAGs when she was in Ohio — and she did — she couldn’t help but be nervous that she didn’t have the same level of camaraderie that could help turn a night from good to great. Laurel couldn’t have been happier to be wrong. She was embraced from the moment she walked in the door, a glass of wine pushed into her hand and her Secret Santa gift deposited on the entryway table. 
Laurel used to always roll her eyes at the idea that “time flies when you’re having fun,” but that couldn’t have been more true for the party. It seemed like only minutes had passed, but suddenly it was almost midnight, and the couples with kids had to head home to relieve the babysitters, and Laurel and Pierre were headed home. 
“Let’s get some water in you, no?” Pierre murmured, walking to the kitchen and opening the cupboard. 
“Thanks,” Laurel said softly as she took the glass from him, kicking off her shoes and tucking her feet under her on the couch. 
Pierre perched on the arm, absentmindedly playing with his watch. But while a tipsy Pierre was an oversharer, a tipsy Laurel was always emotional in one fashion or another. “How’d you like the party?”
“It was great,” Laurel said. “I’m not sure why Alexandre thought I’d be into a Blue Jackets scarf, but I guess it’s the thought that counts?” She pulled the offending object out of her bag, running her fingers through the fringe on the edge. “Seeing how amazing so many of those couples are, Janelle and Nick especially, it was awesome…” She trailed off. “But it was hard.”
His brow furrowed. Why would it be hard? “How so?”
“I always thought that, when I got married, it would be once and that was it.” She screwed her eyes shut. “And that’s not to mean I’m not grateful for what you’ve done, it’s so incredible and goes so far beyond just plain kindness. I just thought it would be a forever thing.”
Pierre’s heart dropped. Of course she’d feel like that. If marriage was something she wanted to take that seriously, how could she not feel like she was cheapening its meaning by treating it as nothing more than an arrangement of convenience? It wasn’t even like he felt any differently; hockey was obviously still his first priority most of the time, but he’d always seen himself as someone who wanted to settle down and have a family one day. He guessed that he just hadn’t let himself think about it. “Laurel,” he said quietly, reaching out to her. But she wasn’t done. 
“It’s just,” Laurel sighed, one hand tugging on her hair, tears threatening to escape her eyes, “knowing this is all temporary. Knowing that in a couple of y-years, when I g-get my citizenship and we get d-divorced, this is all going to end,” she said, hiccuping through her words. “I won’t be able to come to your Christmas parties and fly down for games and sit up in the WAG box with my friends and that jacket and a jersey with your name on it. I won’t be able to do any of that any more because it wasn’t real, it wasn’t ever real, and that fucking kills me inside, P.” Laurel sat on the corner of the couch, a spot as precarious as the words tumbling out of her mouth. 
“Why?” Pierre asked, even though if he was honest, he’d stake his career on the belief that he already knew the answer. “Why would it hurt so bad?” His voice was so quiet that if Laurel hadn’t been sitting two feet away, she wouldn’t have heard. 
“Because I’m fucking in love with you,” she whispered. “And that’s the single most terrifying sentence I’ve ever said in my life.” Even though Pierre somehow knew that’s what she was going to say all along, it didn’t stop her words from stealing the breath out of his lungs. Laurel looked up at him through her tears, her eyes beginning to redden. “Say something, please, P.”
Pierre knelt in front of her, his thumb resting gently on her cheek, wiping away her tears. “God, Laur, how could I not be in love with you?” She blinked rapidly at him, trying to process the words that were coming out of his mouth. “I wasn’t lying when I said you were one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met. You’re so caring, not just for me, but for everyone in your life. You’d give a stranger the shirt off of your back. You’re probably the smartest person I know, way smarter than me.” A giggle escaped Laurel’s mouth. “The dedication you show to everything in your life is amazing. At your job, you treat every patient like they were your own sibling or your own child. You make the trip down to Columbus once a month, twice a month. That’s not easy, all the flight time and having to leave Piper and switching shifts around so we can see each other. You’re gorgeous, not just on the outside — though you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen — but the light in your eyes when you talk about a new book you read, or how happy you look when you let me taste a new recipe you’re trying, or how passionate you get when you see something wrong and know there’s something you need to do to change it. So what if we’re doing things a little backwards? First comes marriage, then comes love.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “I fell in love with you awhile ago. I think it just took me a second to realize it.”
 January 26 (wed)
 Laurel thought the distance and space between them would be easier now that she knew how he felt, now that they both knew how they felt. She couldn’t have been more wrong. So the All-Star break, and the Blue Jackets’ bye week, couldn’t have come at a better time. Pierre had made plans for the break a few months earlier, but after everything that happened over Christmas, it didn’t seem right to ditch Laurel for a boy’s trip with Alexandre and Seth. So Hilton Head was traded in for Saint Lucia, and his teammates were traded in for his wife. And he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Laurel was using three of her paid vacation days and Pierre was able to make the schedule work just right to get five nights in the Carribean. “A belated honeymoon, if you will,” he had said, cracking a grin over FaceTime as they booked the flights. The flight from Columbus was much less straightforward than hers from Montréal, but by a chance airline scheduling his first layover was in Toronto. Laurel met him at the gate, hauling her own green suitcase behind her as he flung his arms around her, kissing her with everything he had in him. They may have missed the not-so-subtle fans taking pictures that later circulated around Twitter that may or may not have led to some grade A chirping in the team’s group chat. But Pierre didn’t care. He cared that for a few days, he could forget about the stress of hockey and trying to make a playoff run and all the rumors floating around and just be with his wife. And, Pierre thought as they walked through the airport door into the Carribean sun, there really wasn’t anything else he wanted. 
They hailed a taxi, the twenty minute drive to their resort rushing by in a blur of palm trees and seas so blue Laurel thought she could fall into them just by looking. Pierre jogged into the main office to check them in, coming back with their key cards before the taxi continued on its way, dropping them off in front of their villa. Laurel spun slowly as they got out of the car, smiling up at the sky as Pierre pressed a few bills into the taxi driver’s hand with a nod of thanks. “You okay there?” he asked with a grin. 
“It’s so warm,” Laurel said in wonderment. Even in January, the weather in Saint Lucia hovered in the mid-70s, a far cry from the twenties and teens of a Montréal winter. Laurel was no stranger to the cold — Cloquet had seen temperatures pushing thirty below when Laurel was in high school — but the idea that she could be somewhere and wear shorts while it was snowing in her hometown was a concept so novel she hadn’t quite grasped it yet. 
He nodded, looking at Laurel with a gaze so soft she thought her heart would maybe burst. “We’re in the Caribbean, L. It’s warm all the time.” 
She rolled her eyes, bending over to get her suitcase, but not before Pierre snatched it up himself, holding the key card between two fingers. “Are you going to just stand there, or do you want to check out our honeymoon suite?” Laurel’s words dripped with suggestiveness, her sandal-clad feet dragging their way up the path to the villa with tantalizing languor. 
Even after the six months of their marriage, and even after everything that happened over the holidays, they hadn’t had sex. They’d gotten close a few times, both on her trip in December and in ones since, but never managed to go all the way. First Laurel needed a new birth control prescription — the last thing she would do would be have sex without being extra safe about it — and then she was too tired after a night out, and another time Pierre had scored a hat trick and they had partied way too hard to even think about sex. So needless to say, it had been a while for Laurel since she’d gotten release by any hands other than her own, and even longer for Pierre. And it certainly wasn’t because she didn’t want to. Laurel was well aware that her husband was hot as fuck, and she’d be lying if some of her lonelier nights weren’t filled with thoughts of exactly what she wanted him to do to her. But it felt different than any of her other relationships. Obviously, it felt different, she hadn’t been married to Oliver or Ryan or Carter. And that didn’t mean she wasn’t invested in those, but just that the stakes were so much higher and she had fallen so much harder for Pierre than she ever thought imaginable. She didn’t want to have sex with him until she was sure. Sure that it was going somewhere, sure that it would last, sure that he loved her in the same way that made her heart ache every time he dropped her off at Columbus International Airport. 
By the time they had unpacked, eaten, and gotten a few rum punches in their system, it was well past 7 and the sun had long since set. Laurel peeked out the door onto their balcony, nodding at the private plunge pool. “We’ve got quite the setup here.”
She walked over to the dresser, grabbing a swimsuit out and crossing over to the bathroom, her hand hovering over the knob. “Just something to think about.” Pierre put his swim trunks on in record time. Laurel padded out of the bathroom, the top straps of her bikini dangling, the swell of her breasts peeking above the cups. “Do me up?” she asked. 
Pierre’s fingers brushed the baby hairs at the base of her neck as he tied the straps of her white-hot bikini. “Sure you don’t want to go out to the beach?” 
Their villa came with a stretch of beachfront, and it seemed like such a shame to let it go to waste. Laurel shook her head, a smile playing on the edge of her lips. “We’ve got a couple of days to enjoy the beach. I’d like to stay somewhere a little more...secluded.” She bit her lip as she opened the door to the balcony, dipping her toes in the pool and sighing at the warmth of the water. Laurel looked back at Pierre, one eyebrow raised. “You coming?” Pierre couldn’t follow fast enough. 
They stayed in the water for a while, lazily kissing and staring at the stars and sipping drinks that had lost their potency hours ago, but neither of them really cared much. Sometime during the night, Laurel had made her way onto Pierre’s lap, where she reached over to the balcony, lofting herself out of the pool and wrapping a scarf around her body. “Getting a little cold,” she said, bending down and giving him a soft kisss. She walked into the room, drying herself off; he followed. Laurel threw the towel over a chair in the corner of the room, walking over towards Pierre, stopping when their noses were almost touching.
Laurel’s wrap fell from her shoulders, pooling on the wood floor. Pierre’s hand skated up her arm to rest on her cheek. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. She stood on her tiptoes as her left hand tangled in his hair, her right pressed against the back of his neck. She whimpered into his mouth; it took everything in Pierre’s power to keep the blood from rushing south. The kiss got more frantic, tongue and teeth clashing against each other as he walked her back to the bed. The back of her knees bumped up against the edge. 
Pierre pulled away slightly, letting out a moan as he saw Laurel’s face. Her lips were puffy from kissing, her chest heaving with the force of her breath, and her wild hair had long since been taken out of its ponytail. In other words, Pierre was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Laurel, in that moment, was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. “You sure you want to do this?” Pierre murmured. He wanted to. God, he wanted to. But he’d never do anything without making sure that she was absolutely comfortable. Laurel nodded, biting her lip. “I need to hear you say it, babe,” Pierre said, taking a step forward, their noses almost touching. 
“I want you to ruin me.”
Pierre audibly groaned, capturing her lips in his before throwing her back on the bed, his hand moving to her back to undo the tie of her bikini top as his lips trailed down her neck. He threw the top off to one side, paying exactly zero attention to where it landed, as his hands slid up her waist to cup her breasts, his thumbs ghosting over her sensitive nipples. Laurel’s breath hitched in her throat. “You like that, baby?”
“Mhm,” Laurel whimpered, unable to form a complete sentence. 
He smirked, lowering his mouth to her chest, flicking his tongue over her right nipple as his hand pinched her left. The air was filled with breathless sighs from them both until Pierre’s hands left her breasts. Laurel whined in protest until she felt his fingers toying with her bikini bottoms, his head lifting just enough so that his eyes could meet hers. “This okay?”
It was all Laurel could do to choke out a single word. “Please.”
Pierre pulled them down her legs, kissing down, down to her hips, down to her inner thighs, down to everywhere except for where she needed him. “You need something, Laurel?” Pierre asked, his voice dripping with sex. 
Laurel groaned, not wanting to give in but also knowing that Pierre could stay where he was for hours if it meant teasing her. “Your mouth.” 
“As you wish.” And then his tongue was on her, and in her, and she couldn’t help but let out a moan. And Pierre was loving every second of it. He stayed down there for a while, long enough to finish her twice. 
Laurel pushed on his shoulder, trying to get him to turn on his back so she could return the favor. Pierre shook his head as he shucked his shorts off, pulling her head down to kiss her roughly. “I’m going to cum right here if I don’t get inside you in the next two minutes, babe.” He reached over to the nightstand, grabbing a condom. “Guess I’ll have to thank Josh for these when we get back home.”
She raised one eyebrow, clearly unamused. “If you do that, I can promise you I’ll never put your dick in my mouth. Not now, not ever.”
Pierre held his hands up in surrender, the foil packet shining between two fingers. “Alright, alright. I won’t.” He paused just before bringing the wrapper up to his teeth. “You want this?”
Laurel nodded frantically as he rolled the condom down his length. He looked so hard it was painful. “So bad.” He leaned down to kiss her, propped up on one arm as he pushed into her, hair falling into his face as he closed his eyes. He was too blissed out to be able to focus on anything other than how good she felt around him, how tight and warm and how well she fit, like Laurel Elizabeth Klerken was made for him and him alone. 
“More,” Laurel cried softly, and that was all it took for Pierre to grab one of her legs, throwing it around his hips as he increased his pace, head dropping to her neck as he nipped at her pulse points. It didn’t take long for Pierre to reach his high, Laurel right behind him. He pressed a sweet kiss to her forehead before getting up from the bed, going into the bathroom to tie off the condom and grab a washcloth. He cleaned up between her legs as Laurel lay there, trying to steady her breathing, absolutely spent from the night’s three orgasms. “Why didn’t we do that earlier?” Laurel murmured. 
Pierre laughed, throwing the cloth in the laundry basket and tilting down to press a kiss to the crown of her head. “I don’t know. But it was worth it.”
 February 20 (mon)
 Laurel had learned early on in her relationship with Pierre that she couldn’t put much stock into what was said on Twitter. Or Instagram, or any social media for that matter. So much was speculation: about draft picks, about trade rumors, about Pierre-Luc Dubois’ secret wife, that it just wasn’t useful or healthy for her so spend much time looking around. She still had her accounts, but Instagram was the only one she went on with any regularity nowadays. And she rarely checked her phone during the work day anyways; unless it was an unusually slow day  — which was never a good sign in the medical world — the only time she was even able to spare a glance was during her lunch break or when she’d run to the bathroom. So when her phone buzzed with a text from Pierre as she sat at the nurses’ station, her brow furrowed as she unlocked the screen. 
Are you free right now? I need to call you. 
Laurel bit her lip, nerves threatening to boil over. He knew her schedule, he knew she was at work. What could be so important that it couldn’t wait? Are you okay? Did something happen?
He typed a response as soon as her text showed as delivered.  I’m not hurt, it’s not bad, really, I just need to tell you something and I don’t want to have to do it over text. 
Laurel checked her watch. 11:18. It was early for a lunch break, but as long as she wasn’t needed, she could take her half hour any time between 11 and 1. She caught the eye of her charge nurse. “Claudette? I’m taking my lunch if that’s alright with you.” Claudette nodded, and Laurel quickly made her way to the locker room to grab her leftover pasta, texting Pierre on the way. Headed to the changing room now. Are you going to tell me what this is about?
Her phone rang a minute later, when she had just closed the door. She tapped the green button. “You’re going to have to tell me what’s going on here, P, because I’m kind of freaking out,” Laurel said, laughing nervously. “You don’t tell a girl what to expect, she starts assuming the worst.”
Pierre let out a heavy breath. She could imagine him running a hand through his hair on the other end. “I know, and I’m sorry if I worried you. I just needed to tell you before it breaks.”
“Before what breaks, Pierre?” Laurel’s anxiety was coming to a head. 
“I’m coming home.”
Laurel screwed her eyes shut, even more confused than she was before. “Yeah, Pierre, I know you’re playing here next week. Why would that be news?” 
“When’s the trade deadline, Laurel?”
“Last Monday in February, but I don’t see what that has…” She pulled the phone away from her ear, looking down at the screen, eyes locking on the date. “You got traded?” 
She could imagine him sitting down on the edge of his couch, one hand dangling off the side, Georgia trying to jump up and goad him into giving her a pet or two. “They’re breaking it right before the noon deadline, but you deserved to know before everyone else did. You needed to know.”
Laurel leaned up against her locker, hand over her mouth. “You’re coming to Montréal?” She had seen it mentioned offhand on a few Twitter accounts she followed the handful of times she had logged on in the past week, but nobody thought it would actually happen. Even the concept of trading him seemed so far-fetched with the type of season he was having in Columbus. He was sitting near 30 goals and 40 assists, with one of the best plus-minus scores on the team. It just didn’t make sense. 
“As of twenty minutes ago, I’m officially a Montréal Canadien,” Pierre answered. 
“Oh God,” Laurel said, sympathy lacing her voice. She couldn’t let herself be excited, wouldn’t let herself be excited, until she knew exactly how Pierre felt about it. He had just been uprooted from the team that drafted him, where he’d played for four seasons and made friends and where everyone saw him as the future of the franchise. 
Pierre let out a single laugh. “They let me know what the deal was, apparently Montréal really wanted me. First round pick next year, a second-year defenseman, some prospect from Laval.”
Laurel settled on the bench, tucking the phone under her chin. “Of course they really wanted you, P. You’re an incredible player, you’d be an asset to any team and you’re going to do great things in Montréal.” She paused. “But how are you feeling about the move? I know it’s not what you were expecting. Or what anyone was expecting, really.”
“It’s weird,” Pierre said after a moment. “Obviously yeah, I won’t lie, it’s a shock. But almost every player, even the really good ones, get traded at one point or another. Gretzky was traded to L.A.”
“Are you comparing yourself to Gretzky?” Laurel asked playfully. 
“No,” Pierre chuckled. “But just trying to remind myself that it was almost inevitable. I’m allowed to be sad about it — and I am, it’s going to fucking suck leaving the boys — but I’m not as torn up as I thought I’d be if this ever happened.” He felt more than a little bad about it, but his first thought when his agent called and broke the news wasn’t sadness, it wasn’t despair at having to leave the team he had been brought up in and the men he considered his brothers. It was relief. Relief that he could be closer to his family, relief that he’d be back with Laurel, relief that he was going home. “And hey,” he said, catching Laurel’s attention. “You know what?”
Laurel rolled her eyes. “What?”
“I don’t even have to marry someone to move.”
Pierre’s flight got in late Tuesday night, just after Laurel’s shift at the hospital had ended. He had said he wouldn’t mind taking an Uber home so she didn’t have to rush over and stress about traffic, but Laurel didn’t care. She wanted to be at the airport to pick up her husband, even if it meant she’d still be in her scrubs doing it. 
She saw him exiting the sliding doors of the international terminal before she even turned the corner, practically slamming her car into park as soon as she hit the curb. Pierre dropped his bags when her car door opened, paying no attention to the thump of the suitcases as they hit the ground or the wandering eyes of passersby. Airports hadn’t always been his favorite place. They meant leaving the people he loved, going away from what was warm and familiar and safe. They usually meant uncertainty. But that had changed, Pierre thought, as his wife jumped into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist as their lips met. Airports might just have become one of his favorite places. He pulled back from the kiss, their foreheads just barely touching. “Hi,” he said. 
Laurel smiled, the kind of smile that lit up rooms and made crying babies giggle and that Pierre was pretty sure was his favorite thing he’d ever seen in the world. “Welcome home.”
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