#i prolly got so much of this wrong anyway hahahaah
userwasredacted · 3 years
One piece ficlets -- AU Impel Down Guard Roci
AU- Roci was picked up by the marines, but instead of becoming a commander, he was placed in Impel Down instead ----------- The sea stone chains were heavy on his wrists, but that was to be expected. He felt weaker now, after being beaten and unable to move as he was transferred all the way down from Dressrosa to the government cages that is Impel Down. He was given VIP treatment after all, and all the perks that came with being placed in the lowest level. Only the best for the King of Dressrosa. He was just that damn special.
Damn that Law! Damn that 'D'!
After he had built up so much, put his blood sweat and tears into creating his empire... All for it to crumble beneath a slippered foot. The new generation pirates. Monkey D Luffy.
But that was fine.
He had come back from worse. His strings while, limited with the seastone manacles, were still working. The mechanisms that he had implanted in the world were still going strong. Even when he wasn't there, his puppets would still play. So long as he had the blood of the Celestial Dragons, he knew that he would always come out on top. He relaxed in his cell, wondering when the newspaper that he knew Tsuru would give him would come. She was the best in keeping her promises. He could already feel the tugs of change that his downfall would bring. The beasts that he had kept locked up and sated would start to roam again. His broken strings that acted as a cage...
The destruction that would be made as they rampaged unguided... Something that would even rock the 'unshakable' World Government more that Fire-Fist Ace and Gol D Roger. His plans would still come in fruition, better than all the SMILES in the world.... "Fufufufufu....."
It was hilarious! That people could believe that he would ever lose his vision of seeing the world burn. That the puppet master wouldn't have ever thought of counter strategies after counter strategies to ensure that the world would burn. That he would ever be limited. That he could ever BE limited. He broke his limits too many times to ever care for such a paltry thing. That he was anything less was inconceivable. "You're having a good time" His laughter died down and he turned his head trying to see from his position who dared to break him from his thoughts. Unfortunately he was greeted with shadows, the man obviously out of reach. The way they said their 'r's though was distantly familiar...
A sardonic smile on his face he tilted his head up to sneer.
"And why wouldn't I be? This is a very delightful place after all. You're such good hosts to your guests" he drawled
He bright and cheery laugh was his reply. It felt out of place in the drab setting of the prison. For a moment Doflamingo's smile froze as he was somehow reminded of something. He wasn't sure what, but something nostalgic.
His eyes darted around while he took control back of his smile, trying to find the man that seemed so familiar and yet not. It was so familiar he could almost feel it on his bones, that he knew this person. That was was terrifying that he couldn't recognize it.
"Was it Sadie-chan? Yes she does have a sense of humour. I did think that you would like her though. You have similar tastes. And not just in clothes" The voice ended with a soft chuckle. It felt almost welcoming. Not almost. It was.
"I don't appreciate being at the other end of the treatment unfortunately." he replied, taking the energy to shrug his shoulders, not even flinching at the burning pain. "If she wanted to join my crew however, I think she would make a great addition."
"Hmm.... yes.. you could never take being at the other end of a fight.. You'd always yell and pick on someone else after you lost. Then try and eat something to calm down, of course, you big silly. And then you'd make plans to go back and win. But that's what made you stronger. Always stronger..."
Damn that voice! Where was it coming from? If there was any kind of doubt that the owner of the voice knew him, it was wiped away immediately. This person knew him. It was a fact now.
"Do you still like Lobster, I wonder... I heard that you don't eat barbeque now though. Understandable really."
It didn't matter if the person was a stalker or a fan, or someone who was just following orders to try and understand him. This person spoke as if he knew him intimately and he did.
Smile Doffy... you're always more in control when you smile... SMILIES are always in after all... His fingers twitched as he naturally tried to use his powers, but they didn't do anything. He had forgotten about the seastone cuffs in his unease.
"Aha! You were going to use your string fruit weren't you? Silly Doffy.. you cant use that here"
He scowled as bright and airy laugher filled the room. The man was truly testing him. He sounded like a bird. An infuriating, sadistic, beautiful, delicate and nostalgic bird...
"Oh don't scowl like that Doffy" the voice huffed "You should be smiling. You're the Joker aren't you? The wildcard to push the final triumphing hand..?"
"Why don't you show yourself? If you're going to torture me, its better to try and do it with your hands instead with your words" he goaded. He needed to see the person. To put a face to that voice and maybe he would remember... "Torture you!" came a dismayed cry "Oh no, no Doffy, I could never... I could never hurt you.. Well, unless I have to. But I wouldn't want to... That's part of the job that I least like..."
There was a soft sigh and silence reigned for a moment as Doflamingo tried to process what was said. "Well.." the voice piped up "Whatever it is... I'm to be your guard. And I'm glad. That it's me. And you. But I need to go now. i'll see you soon Doffy. Try and have a good rest. I need to talk to Sadie-chan about a few things. Maybe get you a pillow? We'll see how this goes..." "Wait! At least show your face before you just go like that!" He needed to know, it was nagging at him too much, he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it till he knew.
The hauntingly bright and cheerful laughter was all that was replied as he heard the click click click of receding footsteps.
------ POV Change -----
Rocinante couldn't help the bounce in his step as he made his way over to where he knew Sadie-chan would be.
Oh Doffy.. Still the same as ever.. Still as easy to rile up and doubly easy to poke needles through his skin.
He probably didn't recognise him yet. A saddening thought, but not one that was unexpected. He wondered what it would take for him to remember? He'd feed it to him in drips. Small drips that would hardly satisfy the urge of the mystery and yet keep him craving, craving, craving more.
Oh Doffy.. The Puppet Master with a smile. The decadent king of Dressrosa.. The wild card Joker who can change any hand.. and now he was in Roci's.
He finally had his dear and dearly absent bigger brother with him. The bigger brother who chopped off their Father's head. The big brother that left him, crying on the island, where the mobs could easily find him again. Where food was scarce and when he still didn't know how to scavenge. His dearest only brother who was never there and could never take care of him.
"Oh Doffy..." he sighed softly. "Its alright. This time, I'll be the one taking care of you..."
His laughter filled the room corridor, causing Sadie to poke her head out of the chamber she was in.
"Ohhh....? You're in a Mmmmmmm~ Good mood today?" A brilliant smile was flashed her way.
"Of course! Its always a happy day when family is reunited"
Sadie's accompanying laughter filled the air.
"Do remember to Mmmmmm~ Treat him well~"
"Please Sadie-Chan... Like I would do anything other than treat him well. He is my brother after all..."
Teeth flashed in the light, causing the blonde Chief to shiver in excitement.
"He only deserves the best"
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