#i probably won't do everyone but if you have a request i'll do it!
depresssant · 3 months
synopsis : growing up with a shit mom and constant step-dads and mom's boyfriends, your view on life has grown pretty bleak. you just want to die, since it doesn't seem to get better than this. things can't get any worse, can they?
so reader is very flawed ppl. i’m trying to make this as gn as possible for pls bear with me. asks and requests r open. reblogs are also much appreciated. now that i’ve gotten my e-begging out of the way, enjoy this pathetic excuse of a story
warnings : child abuse, past sexual abuse, yandere, etc
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you want to die.
you always do.
staring at the wanna be thug pointing a gun at you, you sigh and roll your eyes in exasperation. perhaps pissing him off will the best way to get him to curl a finger around the trigger. or judging by his temperament, you won't have to do much.
"you? i should give my money to you?"
"who the fuck do you think you are, bitch?" the thug screams at you angrily. his grip gets tighter and clammier. he's not experienced with this. he's probably ganged up with a bunch of thugs to pull shit like this. it wouldn't take much to disarm him. "give me the fucking money before i blow your head off!"
"to a junkie like you?" you are a junkie, too, so you're not too sure about making fun of him for that. "i don't give money to hobos."
that is wrong, too. but you want to piss him off.
"that's it, you stupid bitch!" the thug's stances becomes defensive. his hateful glare is pointed at you while he musters the courage to actually press the trigger. he doesn't look like he'll do it. you've seen countless like him roaming the streets, holding you at gunpoint. he probably won't do it. then again, this is gotham. you don't expect much. either he'll shoot you dead, forcibly take your stuff, flee the scene out of fear, or be dismantled by one of the city's vigilantes. perhaps he'd shoo—
"stop right there!"
damn it.
you think too soon.
a young robin is quick to have the wanna be thug tied up and beat down. you would've questioned why a kid who seemingly looked twelve can do such a thing, but you've learned to not question most things in your life. you merely sigh in disappoint and pick up your dropped backpack before beginning the journey to hell.
"excuse me? wait! where are you headed?"
gosh, his boy-ish voice grates your nerves. makes you clench your teeth. your gaze narrows, but you know better than to react. reaction gains a reaction—one that will never be in your favor. it'll lead to a fight—one that will never be in your favor. you'll end up broken, bleeding, and bruised. now that isn't something in your favor. now you're thinking of favor too much. forcing a smile, you turn around to face the pre-teen vigilante. "yes?"
"are you alright?" he asks with practiced concern. he doesn't actually care. it's probably just protocol.
"a-okay!" the words are hollow. they lack depth. like you. "thank you for your help. i don't know what would've happened to me if you weren't there."
you do know. you wish you wouldn't.
"you're welcome," robin replies with polished words like he's not exactly convinced. "would you like for me to walk you? the city hasn't been safe for some time now."
"when is it ever safe? but that's okay. i live just around the corner, so i think i'll be fine."
"are you sure—"
please. why won't he just leave you alone? there goes your plan spoiled by him again. every time you've been in an attempted robbing, he's been there to destroy your chances of getting shot. of escaping. he always does this. this is a repeated cycle between the two of you. he's a flying bird until you shoot him down. your name clearly wants to escape from his lips, but robin nods his head in understanding.
"this seems to happen to you all the time. my wish is for you to be safe."
"this is gotham." the grip on the straps on your backpack tighten. "everyone's gotta go through this. anyways, i gotta go, you know. thanks for savin' me."
"of course."
you don't spare him a single glance. the sky is wrapped up in black clouds heavy with the burden of rain. icy cold wind sings a melancholy tune through the stiff air. the door to your apartment looks like the gates of hell. it's all futile. no matter how many sighs you sigh, how many wishes you wish, and how many curses you curse, you'll still land up in the same fate. without escape.
that is the summary of your life.
taking a few seconds to prepare yourself for the incoming session, you open the door to be met with radio silence. silence is never good. half the time, it means something is brewing for you, and they're taking their sweet time to scare you into thinking nothing will happen. sometimes. not all the time. the other time, it just means he need to rise from his pile of misery first.
the hand of your mother's boyfriend is instantly wrapped around your neck before you can even register why the hell the apartment looks like a tornado hit it. he squeezes so tightly you feel like blood is gushing out of your ears with how loudly they ring. white spots dot along your blurry sight as you struggle to breathe. you can hear a frantic voice telling him to let you go, but you're pushed up more against the wall. this is the norm. doesn't mean it hurts any less. he'll let you go, give you some time to regain your breath, and then rain down bullets upon you.
that's exactly what happens.
your hand goes straight to your neck as your raspy and shaky coughs wreck your chest. he squeezes hard enough for it to hurt but it not show. and then the kicks and punches come. with how much your chest and ribs are struck, you're a bit surprised at how you haven't broken a bone yet. your potential step-father screams at you, but you can barely hear it over the repetition of words in your head. he grabs your bloody face and shout something incoherent before letting you go to kick you.
leaving you in your own pile of misery.
it's normal. yes, it's completely normal. you're used to this. it'll get better. it always does. but you've got the crushing idea it never will.
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gotham heights high school—the school you're forced to attend.
the class division is insane to look at, because it's there even from a short and near prospective. how the richest kids got put in a school with the poorest—you'll never know. the only thing you do know is that every one of these kids are pieces of shit. even the ones that pretend to be nice.
tim drake—or shall you say tim wayne—is no different.
even as he helps up the girl who just got roughly pushed to the floor, causing all her textbooks to scatter, you can only eye him with disdain. if he really cares, then he would've beat the shit out of those athletes. but he doesn't. they're all the same—privileged and all. sympathy shouldn't be given to them. not to drake or the wealthy yet somehow bullied girl.
"but y'know what i heard?" your friend drags your attention back to him. zarian leans against a locker lazily, but excitement practically buzzes off of him. "the bruce wayne is coming to our track meet today!"
your other friend, jaylene, rolls her eyes as she applies her eyeliner using the mirror hanging up on the inside door of her locker. she speaks exactly what you're thinking. "only because his beloved son is gonna be there."
"well, still. think about the connections we can make! all the famous people that'll be there."
"keep dreaming. asshat. i put all my money on the attention being on rich the kid. i don't even know why he joined track. varsity, at that, too. there has to be some sort of bribery going on."
an incoming argument is clearly brewing up, so you take in a deep breath to say something, but a new voice beats you to it.
"excuse me?"
you and your two friends turn to face the guy standing in front of you. charismatic, intelligent,  and optimistic—he's an enigma that shines on everyone. tim drake. his black, messy yet somehow in place hair does no justice for his good looks. he's the complete package. rich, good looking, tall, and empathetic. the mere sight of him annoys you.
zarian is the first to speak up. he quirks a brow and offers tim a grin. "what's up, man?"
"you're leaning against my locker." tim rubs the back of his neck. he smiles awkwardly in the presence of the three of you, and it takes your friend a beat to understand what he's saying before moving away.
"oh yeah. my fault," he says as he moved to stand next to you.
the school's very own bruce wayne only shakes his head and tells him it's okay while opening his locker and grabbing a few things. people flock around, waiting for him to be done with whatever the hell he's doing, so they can be back to his side like leeches sucking on blood. he surely can't be this dumb, no? these people don't want to be his friend...
well, it's not as if it's your problem. you wish it is. you and your friends turn to make way to first period, but drake clearly has other plans. he sandwiches himself between you and zarian with a grin of his own plastered on an unblemished face. one carefree of any worry or pain. "so," tim begins. "first track meet of the year, huh? aren't you guys nervous?"
jaylene merely hums in amusement and shrugs. "it gets better. when you've spent four years in track—in front of all those judging people—it wears off. hopefully, you'll get used to it soon."
that is jab, though, rich the kid doesn't seem to catch on. he laughs casually, but even you can sense the anxiety like it was radioactive. ""i hope so. i've sprinted so much i feel like i'll get shin splits again."
you zone out while he has a conversation with your friends. as if drake has ever had experience with track. it took you all of freshman year to just prove that you can actually be a part of the track team, and here tim drake is, parading around about getting on varsity without a single grain of hard work. he's a naturally talented person. good at everything. that's what makes you hate him so much. people like him get everything handed to them just because they're good at it first hand and leave behind people that actually work for it. you want to tell him to buzz off—that he can't talk about how much he's practiced and how nervous he is, but you keep your mouth shut. that is, until he directly addresses you.
tim's eyes narrow at you with comedic suspicion. "you know, you look like someone i know. a lot. the resemblance is crazy."
"eight billion people out there. you never know." your tone is flat, stoic, lacking any bit of emotion.
"gosh, you even sound like him! that's really terrifying."
"well, whoever, it is, i hope i never meet him," you murmur.
your two friends leave for their classes soon, and you and drake find your seats at the back of high school economics. exhaustingly so, you sit together in one of the many desk pairs, and drake uses this opportunity to annoy you any chance he gets. you give off the vibe that you don't want to talk to him. he doesn't get the hint. you don't tell him, though. maybe that's the problems. his shit-eating grin ticks you off when you look in his direction. "what?"
"let's be friends!"
"what? come on! don't be so cold!" he whines like a petulant child being told no.
"too bad! you're my friend now."
"tim," you sigh. it's wrong to scream. it's bad to scream. screaming leads to fights. fights lead to you laying in a pool of your own blood. laying in blood leads to missing practice. missing practice leads to less skill. less skill leads to less of a chance of getting the hell out of here. just smile. forgive and forget. know your persona. know who you are. kind. happy. funny. "fine." so you smile with gritted teeth. you smile like you played a cruel joke on him. "we can be friends... i guess."
his face brightens at your fake words like he is just given the the world.
tim drake wiggles his eyebrows playfully and nudges you with his elbow. "you know, i've been trying to get you to say that since school started?"
"really now?"
"really. i'm glad we're going to be friends. oh! should we go out to eat with zarian and jaylene after the meet?"
... there's a chance your mom's boyfriend will get pissed off. he'll probably beat the shit out of you since the track meet would have happened, and you wouldn't need to have an unblemished body for meets. he'd scream, yell, and punch... like his life depended on it... fuck it.
"yeah," you reply shortly after with a firm nod of your head. "we can go to this diner near the theater. i'm sure you'll love the food."
this doesn't mean you hate him any less. he's still rich scum⏤how you're poor scum. he's stuck up, pretentious, and sickeningly sweet. exactly what you hate. you just hope you can have a good time after the track meet. the mischievous glint in his eyes told you otherwise.
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"and this is my dad, bruce wayne."
what the hell are you doing?
the sun is setting along the horizon, the air is getting cooler again, and you want to sink into the floor. the plan was to head straight to the diner after this, but rich the kid somehow roped you into meeting his dad?
nausea pools in your stomach from both hunger and the feeling of thousands of eyes staring at you. cameras are flashing at gotham's billionaire as he smiles and firmly shakes your hand. confidence drips off of him disgustingly. his high-tailored suit radiates wealth and money. his stoic demeanor gives off an aura of mystery. you want to lay on a railroad track with an incoming train speeding along the way.
"it's nice to meet you. tim has ranted about his track teammates quite a lot."
there's an eleven year old standing next to him. his eyes are on you like that of an owl's but you neither glance at him or bother to acknowledge him. you just want to eat some food before meeting your doom at that apartment for not placing first like your mom's boyfriend wanted you to. like a goat getting stuffed before slaughter. it always leads down to that. no matter how many times you try to wish it was different. no matter how many times you imagine it to be different. no matter how many times you try to make it different.
"nice to meet you too." you shake his hand as well with a polite smile on your face. polite. calm. gentle. proper. "and yeah, he seems very eager to be on the team."
"of course, of course. well, it is getting late. why don't you come over for dinner some time?"
"maybe tonight?" tim suddenly adds in. at your hesitant expression, he groans in exasperation. "who do you think we are? blood-sucking bats? come on, we can go to the diner some other time!"
you have just met him... you've just accepted being his friend... you aren't the most social person. you've never had much friends, but even you can understand that dinner with the family doesn't happen until the friend and person have come close in a long period of time. jaylene and zarian have other matters to tend to, so it's going to be just you and tim at a diner. not⏤
your phone's notification's alarm chimes, and when you check who has sent you a message, you feel like getting on the ground to pray to whatever deity for letting you have a moment of peace.
mom: ⏤he's heavily drunk. don't come home.
a part of you is hit with a strong current full of guilt. this is your mother. you're supposed to be there for her through thick and thin. you're supposed to protect her and be her wall of defense against monsters like him. family look out for each other. you have to take care of her... but she doesn't take care of you. this makes you a terrible person. you know that. she'll probably get beaten to an inch of her life and hide her heavy bruises under makeup that was terribly done in a rush. and then, she'll throw whatever object is in sight at you in a fury of anger.
telling you she made too many sacrifices for you. telling you that you're ruined her life. telling you that she should've aborted you like your father had told her to. telling you exactly what you believe yourself. a curse that should've never been born... she'll be beaten within an inch of her life. but you have already lost yours.
after pretending to text her and sliding your phone into the pocket of your sweatpants, you nod with a sigh of joking resignation. "sure. i asked my mom, and she said it's okay."
"wonderful." mr. wayne nods and gestures to the limo you can see in the parking lot. a bit of overkill, perhaps.
honestly, you're still surprised that gotham's billionaire is inviting you to dinner. this man is the topic of magazines, and you're about to take a ride in his limo. how the hell have you ended up in a situation like this? fate is still fucking with you, isn't it?
you find yourself seated next to tim while mr. wayne and his youngest son, damian, sit on the seats to your right. they're talking about something, but once again, you find yourself half listening and zoning out, staring at nothing until mr. wayne's questions pulls you back to reality.
"so how has school been faring for you?" mr. wayne asks in a cool and collected tone.
you laugh lightly and smile as politely as ever. "pretty good. i hope to leave gotham after graduation to study somewhere else."
"who would want to stay in gotham?" tim rolled his eyes, rolling the first place medal between his fingers. "by the way, remember when i said you looked like someone i know? i was talking about my dad?"
your brows rise in both exasperation and annoyance at his claims. now he's just plain, out right trying to make fun of you in front of a billionaire. your shoulders tense, ready to refute his claims, but mr. wayne surprisingly chuckles and rubs his chin while taking a good look at your face. "well, i can see it, but there's eight billion people out there in the world. i'm bound to look like someone. though, i didn't expect for it to be someone as talented as [name] here."
you force a quiet laugh along at the sound of his tone. foreboding. you know tones like this. like he's hiding something that they all know except for you. it means you've made a mistake in even giving in to tim drake's constant begging. why the hell was he so eager to have you become his friend? why is he so eager to maintain a friendship with you? why the hell has mr. wayne invited you to dinner when he's rumored to be mysterious, secretive, and a literal brick wall that nobody can get past?
"you've achieved so much for a child your age." mr. wayne sets his gaze dead on you. "your father must be so proud."
and his eyes glimmer with that same shine you saw in tim's.
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this was not proofread so forgive me and uh, i will be turning this into a series
um also making a tag list if anyone wants to be a part of it
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
It is what it is (Lando Norris)
It takes Lando a while to notice how you always assume he has something else to do whenever you need his help
Note: english is not my first language. It's slightly angsty but has a good ending! ✨️ is this good, is this bad? I'm not too sure
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: alludes to the lack of quality time between a couple
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"Look at you, beautiful girl", Lando twirled you as he stepped inside your bedroom, noticing you were getting ready, "are you going somewhere?".
"Yes, I have an appointment at my optometrist", you smiled, "Anna should be here soon to take me".
"Is it a joint appointment?", Lando squinted.
"No, you muppet", you giggled, "my optometrist needs some exams on my eyes, so I have to today because that's when the ophthalmologist is there and they recommended that I had someone take me there because they want to dilate my pupils and, depending on how it goes, my sight might be a little affected for a couple of hours", you offered, making sure you had everything you needed to take.
"You could've told me and I would've taken you", Lando added, accepting the kiss you placed on his lips.
"I thought you had a meeting this afternoon", you reasoned.
"I do, but I could have moved that around a little and fit everything into the schedule", he reasoned back.
"It's okay, don't worry about that", you mused, "That's Anna - bye, handsome!", you kissed his lips one last time before making your way out and downstairs to meet your friend.
The ride to the office wasn't long, you and Anna taking the time to catch up and learn about the new gossips she had to update on you.
"And how's Lando? I haven't seen him in a while", Anna stated after you sat in the empty waiting room waiting to be called.
"He's been busy lately - he has a meeting today with the team, they're also launching a new collection for Quadrant and they're investing a lot in the social media content, so he's been busy recording a lot of videos and stuff", you offered, never shy whenever it came to talk proudly about your boyfriend's achievements, "and we're also on the countdown for the season to begin, so there's training and meetings and all that".
"Sounds like a busy schedule, no wonder why I haven't seen him - I'm surprised you even see him at all", she joked, grabbing her phone once she remembered she had something to show you.
You were surprised yourself at every bit of time you were able to spend with Lando, as lately it had become near impossible to do so apart from sleeping in the same bed, and even that was rare as he was often travelling between Monaco and England on a weekly basis.
"Ms. Y/N Y/L/N?", the doctor called you before you stepped inside the exam room, starting with the procedures.
The check up itself didn't take long despite the twenty five minute wait for the drops to dilate your pupils, "Don't forget your sunglasses, Y/N!", the secretary reminded you before you stepped outside.
"Thank you, have a good afternoon", you smiled before tapping Anna's shoulder, "Give me your arm so I won't trip", you mumbled.
"Is your sight that bad? The doctor said it should be good enough", Anna worried as she was about to open the door.
"No, it's fine, but if I'm clumsy on any good day, imagine how probable it is for me to fall on some stupid step or raised cobblestone", you argued as you both chuckled, making your way to her car.
Before you went home, your friend stopped by the pharmacy to get you the relief eye drops you'd have to follow the medication regimen with for the next few days, stopping by your favourite bakery so you could enjoy some sweet pastries.
"Can you even read these prescriptions?", Anna asked as she read the regimen you had to comply with.
"Stop making fun of me, you say that as if I'm almost blind", you swatted her arm before reading - trying to - the words, "fucking hell, am I?".
"I can barely read them myself, Y/N! They're so tiny I don't know how they give these to eye patients! Is Lando going to be home soon? That way he can help you with this", she suggested.
"Can I even see the time? At least that", you mumbled as you looked at the large numbers on your phone, "he'll probably take a while still - I can set the alarms on my phone and I'll memorise the different drops", you tapped your head.
Once it was all settled and you assured Anna she was fine to go home and you'd be perfectly well on your own, you walked her to the door before going back to the living room as the sun was no longer shinning outside and you could lay down on the sofa.
The nap you were taking was cut short by the door being shut, making you rub your forehead before an alarm rang. Getting up to head to the bathroom where you kept the supplies, you found Lando taking his trainers off.
"Hi baby, how was your appointment?", he asked as he put the footwear away.
"It was good, need to go and apply my drops", you smiled, turning the light on and grabbing the right box of medication.
"Is that what the alarm was for? I thought we had gotten a new security system I was not aware of", Lando joked as he watched you wash your hands.
"Yes, these instructions are so small to read that Anna thought it would be best to have alarms so I wouldn't mess it up since it's still a little bit blurry", you mused.
"Do you want me to do it?", Lando offered.
"No, it's fine - I'll have to do this for the next 48 hours anyway, so I might as well get used to it", you stopped talking so you could apply them, almost holding your breath until the drops fell.
"My lovie", Lando whispered on your ear once he felt it was okay to approach you, hugging your mid section from behind and kissing your neck as you put your hands on top of his.
You were adding the finishing touches on the present wrapping, the shiny gold string fiddling between your fingers as you tried to tie a bow with it around the paper bag handle, when Lando stepped inside your home office.
"That's looking pretty", he mused as he handed you the tape you were looking for on your desk.
"Thank you", you offered before placing the sticky piece down, "the bag is quite plain and even though the present inside is what will get her attention, it should come in nice wrapping".
"Who is this for?", Lando asked.
"It's for Maya's birthday tonight", you smiled, admiring your work.
"Is that tonight? Fuck, this week has flown by", Lando cursed, "I can't make it - will you let her know, please? I'm sorry I can't go", Lando pouted, "if she has to pay for having made the reservation with me in it, let me know and I'll pay my part!".
"I had already told her I'd be going alone, so she made my reservation without a plus one", you mused, remembering the conversation that came around the time of booking the venue.
Lando was leaving late in the afternoon for a trip with Max, Ria and some of the Quadrant athletes, so like you predicted, he couldn't attend the dinner with you.
"Oh", Lando offered.
"Max told me about your plans and when Maya told me the date, I assumed you wouldn't be able to go", you explained with a tinge of sadness and conformity in your voice.
"Well, it seems you guessed right", Lando chuckled despite the uneasy feeling on his chest.
You seemed sad that he wouldn't be able to join you, but at the same time you didn't? Lando put the topic at the back of his mind for now, heading to the bedroom so he could pack the last minute things.
"I was thinking of wearing this dress", you said once you joined him inside a while later, taking the steamer out of your drawer and setting it up to get out any kinks and wrinkles.
"That one is one of my favourites on you, but then again, they all are, I think", Lando mused, kissing your cheek as you waited for the steamer to be up for use.
"Figured it would be a little cold out tonight, so I chose this one, and that coat over there", you pointed.
"You'll be the most beautiful in that room", your boyfriend complimented, pecking your lips before he let you continue your task.
A couple hours later, Lando found himself restless as he scrolled through the posts and stories of Maya's birthday dinner, "Ria", he called, "what would you think if your partner made plans without you because they figured you wouldn't be able to go anyway?".
Ria exchanged a look with Max and Tara before she spoke, "did they ask me if I could go?", she offered.
"They didn't, but truth be told it's not like you have given them much to believe that you could join them", Lando mumbled the last part.
"I think I'd be a more 'it is what it is' at the start if I saw that it was something out of their reach, but I'm not sure I'd put up with it if it was genuine disinterest from them", Ria explained.
"It's not disinterest! They're just busy and shit at organising their schedules", Lando groaned defensively.
"Okay, okay", Ria calmed the room down once Max squinted his eyes at his bestfriend, "then I guess they would have to make sure they do better", she shrugged, "is everything alright?".
"Yes, yes, sorry for snapping just then", Lando offered her a tight lipped smile.
Everyone carried on with what they were doing before the existencial question, Max seemingly as stuck on it as Lando, "is this an hypothetical thing or are we calling people by their names and working this out?", he whispered to Lando.
"It's fine, just a loose thought I had there", Lando grumbled.
Lina 🤎
Hi, Y/N!
You won't bother, don't worry - I think I miss having someone other than my boyfriend to talk to 😅
Would it be okay if you visited in the afternoon? Our morning routine is still a shitshow (literally and figuratively), so we would appreciate it if you came after her first nap, around two pm?
One of Lando's older couple friends had a baby a couple of weeks ago, and while you were dying to meet their baby boy as soon as he came earthside, you were respectful of their adjustment period so you waited for them to be up for visitors and were ready to comply with whatever schedule they offered.
"It smells nice in here", Lando commented as he stepped inside the kitchen, "what delicious food are you making and can I please have a bite?".
"I made a little tray for us, but the big one is to take for Lina and Theo - I can imagine they don't have much time for cooking, so food is welcomed by them", you smiled, setting the cheese grater down once the measurements were like the recipe stated.
"Are you going to visit today? I have some streaming with Max scheduled for this afternoon", Lando added.
"Lina told me that this afternoon was the only time they could handle some visits - you know how it is with new parents and newborns and all of that -, I didn't want to change their schedule when I have some flexibility with my schedule", you explained, "I'll give the little one a big kiss from you, then?".
"Well, in that case, I should give you two big kisses then - one for you", he kissed your lips once, "and then this one for the little one", he smiled before kissing you again.
You shared lunch in a semi comfortable silence, Lando telling you a bit about the stream they would be doing and you sharing some work updates from your end.
When Lando gets a text in the middle of watching Max send his virtual car to the curb, "who might that be that's brought such a big smile to your face?".
Lando checked the photo to make sure the baby's face was covered despite his friends having already posted him, tuning the phone to show the camera, "Y/N met our friends' baby boy for the first time", Lando gushed.
"That's the little nugget", Max cooed, "she looks very happy with a baby on her arms", he wiggled his eyebrows, "have you met him already?".
"No, I haven't yet! She could only go this afternoon and we had this so...", Lando tsked, admiring the picture one last time before setting the phone back down. The baby was perfectly nestled on your arms, hiding his face on your chest as you looked down at him with a big smile on your face.
Now that he thought about he, he hadn't seen such a big smile in quite some time, and he was really starting to believe he was the reason behind it. He was absent, more than usual and more than the standards of your relationship considering his job.
The air had shifted around you once you came back from meeting Lina's little boy and Lando could only pinpoint it to the subject he thought about earlier.
"Lan, did you hear what I said?", you asked as you showed him another picture of you touching your noise in the little boy's.
"It's just... are we okay, baby?", Lando questioned. Even though it seemed like he was the only one that felt there was something wrong - different at least -, surely you had noticed it too.
"What makes you say that?", you asked.
From the serious tone, your boyfriend mentally slapped himself. Whatever it was, he was on the wrong and you had indeed noticed it too.
"I've noticed you don't ask me for help with stuff like driving you somewhere or accompanying you to places, which is fine if you want to do things on your own, I'm not saying you can't have your own independence, you know I'm not controlling you in that way - obviously! Fuck, I'm rambling! What I mean is, I have been taking notice that you just assume that I'm not available, and your assumptions are not unfounded, and it makes you sad, and I myself am upset that it has reached this point", Lando stated.
"It's not great, I can tell you that, but we knew it would be like this, your schedule is not the regular nine to five - it is what it is, Lan", you argued.
"But it's not, not all the time anyway! I want you to know you can always count on me!", Lando stated, "Y/N, you are one of my priorities and I never want to let you down - I'm going to make sure that from now on I spend more time with you and that I'm by your side a lot more", he rubbed your palm, "damn, I was so stupid, I'm sorry, lovie".
"Lando, these things happen", you attempted, "now we can work on it".
"You can count on me for little and big things in life - you need to go to the post office? I'm there helping you put the letter in the box. Dinner with your friends? I'll find it in the schedule to go and I don't care who I have to tell no to!", he pointed his finger, "I never ever want you to feel like you don't belong in my life or like I don't want to be involved in yours, Y/N - I'm so so so sorry that it took me so long to notice it".
"It's in the past", you smiled, pecking his lips softly, "now, look at this cute little nugget, he's so cute, we have to go there another day so you can meet him, and I think Theo won't mind another traybake".
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luvyeni · 2 months
THEY PUNISH YOU 𖹭 엔하이픈 ( reaction ) !
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genre yandere 𖹭 warning — parings enhypen x fem reader | back to library .
request. hear me out.. enhypen!yandere punishments could you make them lowkey crazy.
「 authors note 𖹭 」 this is probably the darkest thing i've written , if this isn't something that makes you uncomfortable please don't read.
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﹙ 𐙚 : heeseung﹚ .ᐟ
heeseung will punish you by fucking with you mentally , you try to leave? go ahead, he'll let you leave , but not without consequences. see on the outside to everyone else heeseung is very influential , he gets around, and I mean to everyone , your friends , family hell even your teachers or employers , he completely isolates you from everyone , so with no friends, family or work , no where to go— you come back to him basically on your knees begging for him to take you back , which he does with a smirk on his face.
"everyone hates you now , so you come back to me, that's okay baby I'm all you have , remember that next time you leave."
﹙ 𐙚 : jay﹚ .ᐟ
jay doesn't have time for your bullshit; he'll tie you up and leave you in your room and go about his day , you're there to make him look perfect and if you aren't perfect, then he really doesn't have any use for you. he won't be bothered with you at all , he'd make sure the maid fed you and gave you water , but that's it , he wanted nothing to do with you until he felt like it was necessary , when he needed you to look perfect. he'd come back with a pretty dress in his arms , throwing it on the bed , telling you to get dressed.
"you're to clean up this act for tonight , if you don't embarrass me then I'll consider letting you out of your room."
﹙ 𐙚 : jake﹚ .ᐟ
jake would never hit you; no he would never hurt you , he'd hurt himself and force you to listen because he knew that would mess you up more than anything he could ever do to you. "jake open the door!" you slammed on the bathroom door , you tried to leave and jake caught you , grabbing a knife from the kitchen , running into the bathroom before you could even do anything. "get away , this is your fault." he screamed back. "you have to learn once you go i go , you hate me anyway just leave let me do it." you begged the boy to get out. "please come out , please." you tugged at your head. "please im sorry i won't leave." as soon as he heard that he opened the door , blood dripping down his arms. "jake." you held his arms in tears. "you won't leave right?"
"if you leave i'll do it again and it will all be your fault."
﹙ 𐙚 : sunghoon﹚ .ᐟ
sunghoon scares you, so normally all he has to do is give you a look and you're apologizing to him , begging him to forgive you. but let's say it's in the early stages , before he broke you in , you try and leave and the look on his face send shivers down your spine , before you could apologize , his hand was already going across your face , dragging you by your hair to your room , your screaming doesn't phase him as he tosses you around on the bed locking you up.
"you'll fucking learn , unless you want to end up like this again."
﹙ 𐙚 : sunoo﹚ .ᐟ
sunoo isn't another one who wouldn't hit you . the thing about sunoo is he is able to easily manipulate you, your brain is already screwed up into thinking what he's doing to you is okay , like you're his girlfriend and he loves you— so that's what he uses as punishment , he gets you by withholding it from you; his love. he ignores you, pretends like you're not even there , it hurts him but it drives you mad , until you're sobbing for him. "pl-please sunoo." you sobbed as he walked past him , completely ignoring you. "whatever i did i'm sorry please forgive me." he smiles , leaning down to where you were on your knees. "does that hurt baby?" he asked.
"good now you know how it feels when you hurt me."
﹙ 𐙚 : jungwon﹚ .ᐟ
whatever you did; he'll let it go, he'd pretend like it never happened, until he doesn't. the thing about jungwon is he loves psychological torture much like heeseung, so he'll continue on like normal , like hasn't already planned for this , boarding up the windows , soundproofing the walls so no noise came in and no noise came out , and when he feels like the time is right , he'll snatch you from whatever you're doing and throw you into the dark soundless room with nothing but padding for a bed. you'll beg and plead with him to explain what did — but he just doesn't , he'll leave you like that until he sees fit. the only time you see him or the light is when he slides food through the little door he made, and when you beg him he just laughs and mutters one thing before shutting it.
"you don't remember baby , that's too bad I was gonna let you out had you acknowledged what you did."
﹙ 𐙚 : ni-ki﹚ .ᐟ
ni-ki is all of them combined; but unlike sunghoon or jay , ni-ki enjoys inflicting pain on you; twisting your arm , making you scream in pain , that makes him smile a bit , so he's looking for anything you do that he hates so that he can punish you. you talk back? that's a tug on your hair. you don't reciprocate his love? that's a twist of your wrist. god forbid you try to leave , the last time that happened you were left with a broken arm and a smiling ni-ki every time you whimpered in pain , he'd just laugh at you telling you to do something else , maybe lift something, he'll know you'll drop it , it gives him another reason to hit you.
"you just don't listen do you? come here."
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lovverletters · 8 months
Been waiting for this lol
*Ahem* I introduced Yan husband! Finally, after years of waiting and stalking and murdering (if that's cool), he finally has you! He worships you every day and reminds you how lucky he is, and he tells everyone how he's so lucky and how you're perfect!
Yandere! Husband
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A/N : Thanks for requesting! Hope you like it, 🌻 anon!
T/W : soft yandere, stalking, implied murder, non consentual photographing, stealing items, this is late asf
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"Honey, do you remember how we met?"
[Name] asked their husband of 6 years as they flip through their old journal, reliving their countless embarrassing, bitter and sweet memories of their youth.
They had been sifting through the storage closet earlier when they stumbled upon a box containing their old belongings dating back from when they were still studying in high school until they got married to their husband, Derek.
"Of course I do, it's the day I met the love of my life" He says with a smile on his face.
"Psh.. you're so cheesy Derry" [Name] swatted their husband's shoulder playfully, flustered at his words.
"What? I'm being honest. Every moment spent with you is unforgettable" A dark glint was present in his eyes as he uttered his reply.
How could he ever forget the day he met his beloved [Name]?
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Derek had been in his senior year of high school by the time he met [Name].
They had only recently moved to his hometown and enroll to the high school. He could still recall their timid expression as they asked him for directions, at that moment Derek brushed off the encounter as a one time thing.
He was graduating and they were a junior, he'll probably won't see them again.
Until Derek started to bump into [Name] more frequently albeit it being only a coincidence. [Name] would notice his presence and greeted him with a small wave everytime they pass by each other in the hallway or waiting in line during lunch.
Eventually, he finally spoke to them one day. It felt odd for him to be around them yet never uttering a single word.
It was the best decision he ever made.
"Uhㅡhey" Derek cursed himself inwardly for choking on his words.
[Name]'s eyes widened, spooked to hear him talk to them. They mustered up a crooked smile after recollecting themself to reply to him.
"Derek, hi. Sorry, I was on my phone that I didn't notice you behind me"
From then, something shifted in him. Their conversation faded into a white noise in his ears as his thoughts became fixated in [Name]'s voice.
He had heard them speak before but it felt different when they're talking to him. Their voice engraving itself into his brain like an earworm.
It doesn't stop there, their interaction expanded as their friendship blooms. [Name] would seek him out on subjects they were struggling on despite having other student who would eagerly help themㅡ his heart swells with pride knowing that it's him whom they're relying on.
Derek would also began inviting them to his football practice as an excuse to invite them for an ice cream laterㅡ and to also flex his athleticism in hopes of receiving praises from them.
He's not stupid, he knows that he likes themㅡ loves them. Maybe he had been a fool for underestimating his feelings for them.
It had been an unfortunate timing that he had never been able to confess to [Name] as his graduation passes and he was wrapped up with preparing for his higher education.
Those times away and distance from [Name] were hellish. Derek felt his sanity wanning with each day passes and his thoughts were constantly thinking of [Name].
What are they doing, Where they're at, Who they're withㅡ They don't have a partner don't they? They didn't replace me did they?? I'll kill that bastard who took my placㅡ
He finally cracked after stalking through their social media page and seeing the other student having grown close to them within months of his absence.
Derek decided that he's had enough sitting around in the sidelines with an aching heart. He'll make his move and insured that [Name] will be his.
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"I then drove back to back from my university to yours for years until I finally had enough and decided to ask you to move in with me" He traced the picture they took on their first day moving into his house.
[Name] snorted and pinched their husband's cheek, laughing as they teased him.
"Silly, you, I can't believe you rent out an apartment just because you can't be away from me anymore"
Derek huffed and flipped to the next page, tracing [Name]'s photo as he always does everytime he sees it.
"I love you too much, it hurt's to not be around your presence. I feel like I was going to die with each hour passes without you"
"Mmh sure, how come you never died after leaving me everytime you have to go back?" [Name] attempt at poking at their husband again.
Only to receive an unexpected answer.
"I never left" Derek uttered. No elaboration whatsoever.
Silence follows after as the cogs in [Name]'s brain turn to process what their sweet stupid dork husband just said.
Derek closed the journal shut and stood up, planting a kiss on their temple.
"I'm going to prepare dinner now. You better come and eat when I call you before continuing your clean up! No buts and ifs, okay love?" He gave them another kiss before disappearing into the kitchen.
Come to think of it, Derek had re-entered their life at a time where their newfound friend tragically passed in a mysterious incident. [Name] had been devastated and clung to Derek for comfort before it eventually delved into them being in a relationship with the man.
Everything was perfect. Too perfect if they had to be honest. It's almost as if he had planned it.
They shook off the thoughts and continued sorting through the old boxes when one of the contents surprised them.
It was the items they thought they had lost or threw away. But how could Derek have it when they had lost it before they begun dating. The polaroids were also odd as Derek weren't around during their senior year when it was takenㅡ if the dates marked was correct.
"Honey! Dinner's ready"
They'll ask him about it later.
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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unluckilyimnot · 6 months
it’s summer were I live so everyone’s wearing two pieces and was thinking maybe what’s Rin, Isagi, Nagi and whoever else’s you want, seeing there girlfriend/ s/o in a bikini <3
no pressure ofc! And thx if you do it! Luv your stuff <33
seeing their s/o in bikini - i.rin, i.yoichi, n.seishiro, i.sae, k.tabito
m.list I rules
note: hiii thank you sm for your request ! i hope i did it well hihi
i'm rather busy lately and for the coming week as well so i'll take some time to do the requests you guys sent but i'll do it !
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Itoshi Rin 
he’s normal about it (no)
he likes the beach a lot as well, so it’s only normal for him to plane date there - even more during summer 
like you could have a small picnic before enjoying the water 
he only saw you in one piece until now so the second you take off your shirt and he saw more skin he panic
but only inside
outside he’s there, taking a look, he nods and tells you something like “i’ve never seen this one, it’s new ?” and you proceed to explain him where you get it and who was with you
the tip of his ears is red but he blames it on the heat and the sun - you’ll never catch him confessing he's flustered 
he’s always been playful but suddenly holding a lot more 
he likes it a lot, he can’t help it but looking at you head to toes a few times when you're not looking 
but he's the jealous type so he’s making sure to cover you with a timid smile if he see anyone looking a little too much in your way 
Hates it honestly when it happens but you're head order heel for him and it shows so it's fine 
Isagi Yoichi
he’s a pool guy and here to play 
aquatic park are his fav and ofc he has to take you with him
He's a blushing mess when he sees you after changing up 
He doesn't know where to look he's scared to offense you 
He wants to be respectful, you're just too pretty for him to not look for time to time
He stutters a lot when he talks to you at first, which makes you chuckles a lot 
But he quickly get over it and just tell you a thousand times how pretty you are
He's just sweet and tell you how the color suit you or things like that
Nagi Seishiro
reo must have a pool lol
He just stay sitting by and watch you two play and swim 
Mostly you bc it doesn't happens a lot 
He's quiet I think, just checking you out and taking note that you have scars or stretch marks here and there
He wants to poke you so if you decide to take a break next to him, he'll poke your side and shoulder 
He compliments you as if it's nothing, kinda implying how much he watched like “the shape is nice” referring to your chest 
You can pull him into the water after that, he knows it will happen 
But he's ready to start a fight then but honestly he'll blush the second your chest is comes near him 
He likes it just so he can hug you to be honest 
He almost drown you by accident with his weight 
He's relatively simple minded (I love him)
Itoshi Sae
it happens quickly in your relationship honestly he loves the sea too much 
He's, in fact, normal about it 
But he has to admit that he likes it and it suits you well hihi
He's just a girl 
He's probably more annoying about wearing your sunscreen correctly 
He gladly helps to rub it on your back 
He enjoys the view - probably blush a little when you're not looking as well 
He side eyes people around, even kids (in a playful way obviously) 
He lies the two pieces but he's only looking at your butt keys be honest 
Karasu Tabito
He get the privilege to help you choose one for a future afternoon with your friends 
Act fool ™ 
He even get to select some that he liked before you try it on 
He tries to not stare too much and just be helpful 
The tip of his ears are probably red on the first few one that you tried 
If he'll be honest, he would say he likes them all 
But he also know how you feel about your body and tries to be more critical so you won't feel insecure 
In the end he honestly wants to go with you at the pool or on the beach one day just to enjoy it as well 
Respectful king in the end 
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I hope you liked it !
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
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stray kids x ninth member!reader
genre: fluff, angst
content warnings: heat stroke, vomiting
word count: 1.9k
summary: y/n suffers from heat stroke on the day of their performance at lollapalooza
As voted by you!
It's finally here! Sorry it took me a while to post this after the poll ended, but I hope you enjoy!
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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They had made it to Paris. Y/N couldn't believe how big the crowd would be for their performance at the festival 'Lollapalooza'. The sun was shining, and all she wanted to do was fully appreciate the nice weather. Although, where there was a Changbin, there was always chaos.
"Hwang Hyunjin!" Changbin called from opposite Y/N in his deck chair.
"Why do you keep calling me? Wae? Wae. Wae?" Hyunjin loomed over Changbin in a hoodie and sunglasses, wondering why the older member wanted his attention.
"Jinnie how are you wearing a hoodie right now? The sun's out, it's boiling," Y/N raised an eyebrow at him.
"It's not that hot," he shook his head at her, probably side eyeing her from behind his shades.
Each to their own, Y/N thought.
Somehow they came onto the topic of noodles but Y/N wasn't really fussed, she had ramen all the time back home.
She was more trying to relax, and she couldn't help but fall asleep from the comforting warmth of the French sunshine.
"Y/Nnie, wake up, you look like a tomato," Jeongin shook her awake, and as she became fully aware she realised her arms and neck was feeling quite hot.
Shit, she forgot her sun cream.
"You good? Your arms are so red," Chan peered at her, concerned.
"Mmm, my neck feels hot too," Y/N sits up in the deck chair, brushing her hair back so the boys could see.
"Aish that sunburn looks bad, you should have put on some suncream," Felix lightly brushes his finger over her red arm, making her wince.
"Gosh, I'm going to look like a tomato when we perform," Y/N laughs as she looks down at her arms.
"At this rate you won't just look like a tomato, you'll look like the whole garden," Lee Know smirks, proud of his joke.
"Ha, ha, very funny Lee Know," Y/N pats his cheek in a jokingly patronising way, smiling back at him.
"You need to take better care of yourself, Y/N," Chan looked over her, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry Channie, I just wanted to enjoy the nice weather," Y/N pouted.
"You do realise you can get skin cancer if you burn too much?" Seungmin pointed out, taking a sip of water from his bottle.
"Yah, Seungmin don't say things like that I'll get paranoid," Y/N whacks his arm lightly.
"Hey I'm just saying, your skin will age faster too," Seungmin shrugged.
"I'll look like an old woman next to you guys and I'm the youngest!" Y/N laughed, Han appearing with aloe vera out of nowhere and gently rubbing it into her skin, letting out quiet apologies when she winced.
"That's why I'm helping you, don't want you to look like a 60 year old next to us whilst we still look the same," Han laughed loudly.
"Haha, that would look kinda funny though," Y/N laughed at the thought. Perhaps she'd look like grandma I.N with the rest of the group alongside her.
"You know what else would be funny?" Changbin wiggled his eyebrows at her.
"What?" Y/N asked curiously, shifting her body to stand and face him.
"To see you dancing on stage like a tomato, everyone going crazy because of how big and red you are," Changbin maniacally giggled.
The boys burst out laughing at the statement and Y/N's face.
"Huh? Big?!" Y/N gasped laughing.
"I was talking about your cheeks, they're really big and red right now," Changbin laughed, waving his hands in defense of how what he said had sounded.
"Haha, I'll introduce myself like, hi! This isn't Y/Nnie, I'm tomato today!" Y/N put on her stage voice, pretending to introduce herself to her fans.
The members all laugh at her, Jeongin walking up to her and tickling her sides.
"Hey! Are you the new mascot for ketchup?" he cheekily grinned, eyes disappearing through his smile.
"Yah! Jeongin!" Y/N guffawed from his remark.
"Ah, our tomato is blushing so much," Lee Know pats her head smirking.
"Stop, stop," Y/N waves them away.
"Haha, seriously though, come inside the tent for a bit, you should stay out of the sun," Chan guided her into their tent where they were setup before their performance.
"Yeah it's not like we're performing until a few hours anyways," Lee Know nodded, as they all sat around inside.
"Aish, I'm tired," Y/N laid her head down in Han's lap, his hand brushing through her hair out of habit.
"You were literally just napping," Hyunjin raised a brow at her.
"Yeah but..." Y/N closed her eyes feeling relaxed at the familiar feeling.
"Drink some water first," Hyunjin put a bottle of water with a straw in it to her face.
Still with her eyes shut she took a sip and then relaxed. It wasn't until a couple of hours later that she was woken up and ushered to the stylists and makeup artists to get ready.
The crowd was insane. And really, they were the only thing keeping her going as she could feel her energy depleting. She didn't notice the glances from the boys throughout the performance, occasionally spotting her swaying yet she still managed to keep her vocals stable as they performed Superbowl for the first time ever, and Item for the second time ever.
The euphoria running through her veins began to leave her once they reached backstage. With a smile she listened to Felix end their set to hype the crowd with Seven Nation Army. But she couldn't help her slumped figure as she sat down after her desperate search for a chair.
"You good, Y/Nnie?" Chan patted her shoulder, trying to get her attention.
"Hot," Y/N panted, tugging at the collar of her leather jacket that she had been fitted with for the stage performance.
"Take it off then," Changbin helped her shake it off, now feeling concerned at her heavily sweating state.
"What's going on with Y/N?" some of the other members asked as they walked over.
"Ugh, my head," she groaned, now leant forward as she gripped onto her knees for some stability.
"Have some water, silly," Seungmin encouraged her to take his own, yet her shaky hand wasn't very reassuring to the others.
"Y/Nnie, you can't even hold onto it, are you dizzy? What's the matter?" Felix poured out questions, worried about the state she was in.
"Mmm," Y/N nods, as Jeongin helps her sip from the water bottle.
"Ah that's not good," Hyunjin shakes his head, frowning.
"Here, come on, let's get you relaxed somewhere else," Changbin helps her stand, yet as her body becomes upright she stumbles, Lee Know helping to support her balance.
Y/N suddenly tears up, feeling scared about how she was feeling. It was all too overwhelming, and everything felt too hot.
"C-can't feel my arms," Y/N whimpered as tears fell down her cheeks, the boys murmuring amongst themselves worriedly.
"You can't feel your arms?" Felix asked, a scared look on his face, and that made Y/N feel worse, she didn't want the boys to be stressed out for her sake.
"I'm sorry, I..." Y/N trailed off, still panting as she was guided back to her chair, the boys deciding it was for the better for her to rest for now where she was, instead of moving her somewhere else.
"You're okay. Everything is going to be ok, sweetheart, we've got you, yeah?" Chan hushed her soothingly, Han rubbing her back in small circles.
"Should we call a medic?" Jeongin asked, eyes wide with uneasiness.
"Yes, good idea, Innie," Lee Know nodded at him, as they both went to look for some help.
"Y/N, you're ok, you're going to be ok," Hyunjin quietly comforted her, a light grip on her hand as he knelt down beside her.
Y/N groaned again from her headache getting worse.
"Where are those medics?" Changbin asked, looking around frustratedly with his hands on his hips, wondering what was taking so long.
"Don't... worry... don't waste... on me..." Y/N could barely get her words out, especially as a wave of nausea overcome her.
"Yah, it's not a waste, you're clearly not well right now Y/N," Han looked sullen, now fanning her face with a piece of paper he had found.
"S-sorry... ugh, feel... sick," she mumbled dizzily, slumped in the chair.
"You feel sick?" Hyunjin worried.
"I'm gonna... ugh," Y/N, with all her willpower, lifted herself out of the chair, yet it wasn't enough to keep her standing as she collapsed to her knees on the ground and threw up whatever was in her system. The boys were unable to catch her and yelled out as she fell.
"Y/N! Shit!" Changbin held her against him.
"Where are the medics?!" Chan yelled angrily, stress consuming him as their maknae was on the ground.
"Ah, ugh, I'm, ah I'm sorry," Y/N whimpered, tears running down her face from her own panic and the feeling of throwing up.
"You don't have to be sorry, it's ok, just take a deep breath," Han held her hair back, looking around at the boys with his eyes shining with his own tears as he feared she wouldn't be ok.
Y/N threw up again, gasping for breath.
"Is that all of it?" Hyunjin whispered from beside them, Y/N tearily nodding as she slumped back in Changbin's arms, feeling dazed.
Lee Know and Jeongin suddenly rushed over with the medics, both of them seeming angry.
"Finally! Where were they?!" Chan asked them, sighing disappointedly.
"Packing up, they were ready to go even though we only just finished performing," Lee Know gritted his teeth as the medics lifted Y/N onto a stretcher and took her through to a medical room, much cooler with air conditioning blasting through the room.
They held a wet cloth against her forehead and against her burns to try and lower her body temperature. The boys couldn't do anything but wait anxiously as they saw their youngest laying down and getting treated.
"Her temperature is dropping, that's a good sign," the medic said out loud to the boys.
Half an hour had passed and Y/N was now more aware of her surroundings, the medics clearing that she could head back to the hotel with the boys, telling them that if her condition worsens again that they need to call an ambulance immediately.
"I'm sorry," Y/N sleepily muttered as they helped her into the company cars.
"Don't apologise, we were more concerned about you," Seungmin informed her, an arm wrapped around her waist as he and Hyunjin guided her into the back of the car.
"That's why I feel bad," Y/N bit her lip.
"It's ok, you can rest now, don't worry about it ok? I know it's easier said than done but we'll make sure you're ok, and we're doing that because we care about you, yeah?" Chan said from the front seat.
"Ok, ok," she yawned, head leaning against Hyunjin's shoulder.
Once they arrived back at the hotel they didn't let her stay in her own room, as she instead was looked after by Lee Know and Jeongin in another, the two of them making sure she was relaxed and not too hot as they kept the air conditioning on. It may have felt a bit cold for them at one point but they didn't mind, they'd do anything for her. All of the boys would.
tagged: @skz-streamer @oo-li
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Hi there! Can i request TWST housewardens (seperate) finding out that their S/O likes to hold their breath everytime they cry because they dont want anyone to hear them crying and worry. (The said housewarden was trying to find them when they stumble on them crying)
You are an amazing writer and i hope you have lovely day/night! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
Hey, thank you for the ask and the lovely note, hope you have a great day/night too! I low-key feel like I needed some comfort headcanons so I'm glad I can write some haha. Hope everyone's doing well or things get better too
Dorm leaders finding their s/o trying to hide their crying
He looked everywhere for you but couldn't find you — he looked at places he knew you liked to hang out, some of his own favorite places, but you were nowhere to be seen. When he was about to give up, he heard some noise in the storage closet in Ramshackle.
"Y/n? Are you in there?" no response. He assumed you would be in there even if you weren't making a sound, so he just yanks open the door. He's about to ask you (not in the nicest way) why you didn't respond to any of his texts nor did you let yourself be known when he passed by the closet fifty times, but he holds all of that back when he sees you on the floor with your hands over your mouth. You had tears in your eyes and just looked at him and the door.
Riddle probably knows what's going on since he's been through situations like this before. He just sits on the floor with you and asks if you're alright. "If you need some time alone, I can give you that, but if you want me to be here, I'll stay." Depending on what you want, he'll do just that. If you ask him to stay, he'll also let you know it's fine to cry, saying it's healthier for you to let it out.
He's extremely gentle when he hugs you, doesn't say much but keeps you close to him. He's not the best with words because he himself never got comforting phrases that often when he was a kid, so he just does what he can. Riddle also tells you not to worry about crying when he's around, he wants you to feel safe and that he'll worry more if he sees you scared of getting attention for crying
When you're a bit calmer, he might get some tea for you two and might ask if you want to talk about it. If you don't, he'll try to change the topic into something you're interested in, whether that is a new book that you two started reading together or something funny he saw that day. Riddle's not the best with comfort, but he wants you to know it's fine, no, much better if you cry since it can help you de-stress. He just wants you to feel better soon, and if you need anything from him he'll do his best to provide.
I feel like he wanted to ask you about hanging out together but forgot to and took a nap. A few hours later, he woke up and was like "...where are you?" He went looking but it seemed like no one knew where you were, not even Ruggie who usually finds people really easily. Leona was about to give up and just call you on his phone but he swore he heard some muffled sobbing from a darker section of the library.
I feel like it would be hard to hide your crying from him because his hearing's too good. Also, he does what you hoped he wouldn't — worry, alot. Leona pulls you up from the floor where you're sitting and asks you what is going on. Did someone hurt you? Does he need to go find this guy? Honestly, whatever caused you to tear up he's extremely upset about. You won't really notice him worrying because he has a very calm face. "...Did you want to talk about it? Also what are you doing here all by yourself?"
He'll notice you're trying to stay quiet. Sighing, he pulls you into a hug and pushes your face closer to his chest, he'll tell you to more or less "let it out" and that no ones around because it's like midnight. He'll just hold onto you until he can tell you've calmed down a bit. Even if you try to push him off I feel like he'll tell you "No you're clearly trying to hold all of the emotions in, that's not healthy."
Also someone who's not good at comforting others, he'll do what he can while being respectful. You two might just sit in the library in complete silence while he just keeps an arm around you, if you choose to speak to him about what upset you he'll listen 200%. After this, he might ask if you want to walk back to Ramshackle together, or if you look super tired you two might just sleep at the library
Either way, he's similar to Riddle in that he has no idea what to say to help you other than to listen to you. If it turns out someone upset you he might throw some fists but before that, he wants you to know it's fine to cry. He'll make sure you know he doesn't think it's weird to cry when he's around, and it's healthy to let some tears fall from time to time.
He cries often, so he probably knows what it's like to not want others to see you crying. He thought you might be having a bad week (he's just really good at reading people) but decided against asking you about it. However, when you went missing and the Leech twins said they have no idea where you ran off to, he starts to panic. Did he scare you away? Did someone kidnap you? Did you decide to leave Twisted Wonderland and not tell him anything?! He spirals a bit but decides to go looking for you before he goes into his octopot and de-stresses
Literally almost turns the whole school upside down but finds you in the Ramshackle closet. "Oh, darling I was worried sick about you! What are you doing—" he stops, noticing you shaking and not facing him, you were crying. Azul curses himself for complaining first thing and immediately sits down on the floor, placing a hand on your back. "...Is...is everything alright? Do you need some time by yourself?"
Extremely careful with you, honestly you might start worrying more because he seems super cautious. But if you ask him to leave, he'll say he'll be in the Ramshackle lounge in case you want to talk to him later. If you want him to stay, he'll pull you closer and stay with you. He won't tell you to cry it out since he thinks it won't do anything, but he'll at least let you know it's fine to cry and he himself cries often. He doesn't care if you want him to stay by your side for the next six hours, he'll do just that because you're the person he cares about the most
After you've calmed down a bit, he'll ask if you want to talk about it. He wants to know if there's a way to help you out with whatever situation you're in (of course no contracts are involved). If you don't want to talk about it, he's like Riddle in the sense he'll just try to switch your attention to something else. He'll try to make you something warm to drink since it's always helped him feel better. He won't leave your side no matter what though, so if he goes to the kitchen you'll be with him
Azul's actually not that bad with kind words since he's really good at talking to people. The issue is he's not sure if he's overdoing it or if he's helping you. The best thing he does is hug you because it's the right amount of pressure (he's really strong) and he tells you it's healthy to cry. "I'll be by your side, even through tears."
He worries immediately when you can't be reached in like two hours of him looking for you. He almost goes to a different country because he's worried you might've been kidnapped (Jamil stops him from using his carpet). However, he does find you in the graveyard area of Ramshackle. Immediately, he runs over to you, shouting your name and with a big smile since he's relieved to see you, but that small drops when he sees you hiding your face and trying to stop yourself from making any sounds. You're crying.
At first he's lost, he thinks back to how Jamil used to cheer him up but has no idea how to replicate that since he's never really done it himself. I feel like Kalim might want to just ask you if you're fine and try to get you to cry it out at first but he knows that's probably not going to work. After standing there for a few seconds, he crouches down and tries to get you to look at him. If that doesn't work, he'll at least sit closer.
"H-hey, what's the matter? Are you okay?" he might seem clueless but I feel like he would be one of the best when it comes to comforting his s/o. He pulls you closer, tells you to cry it out and if it's cold outside he'll help you get back into the dorm. Will tell you variations of "it's alright, don't worry it's perfectly fine to cry" while patting your back. He doesn't let go of you until he feels your breathing come back to a calmer pattern.
He sits down with you, holding your hand and asking if you wanted to talk about it. He's a bit more pushy about it since he thinks it's much better to let it out than bundle it up, but if you don't want to then he'll understand and respect your decision. He tries to cheer you up by talking to you about something funny or turning on the tv to watch something while he gets some snacks from the kitchen. Tries to divert your attention away from whatever is stressing you out until you're ready to talk to him about it. If that never happens, that's fine too, he just wants to know what he can do to help. "Good food helps me feel better, want some?"
I think Kalim is misunderstood as someone who doesn't really know boundaries. True, he forgets about them from time to time, but when something's serious he'll take it extremely seriously, maybe even more seriously than anyone else in NRC. He wants you to know you can be safe with him, he would never judge you for crying. If you need anything, he's the type of person to drop everything and run over, no matter what time of the day it is.
He noticed you were more stressed than usual, but he didn't ask since he didn't want to overstep. However, you went missing one day and you weren't responding to his texts. He asked Rook if he saw you, and to Vil's surprise the hunter hadn't seen you in a few days. Vil low-key panics and also almost turns the whole school upside down looking for you.
He eventually finds you in the library in a quieter, less noticed section. At first, he coldly asks you what you are doing there late at night, not responding to him, and sitting on the floor. "Do you know how worried I was?" He would ask but then he senses something's off, you aren't making any noises, it's like you're holding your breath. He's seen this before, perhaps something he used to do as a kid, but whatever it is he drops his usually cold aura and gets closer to you.
He's at a loss of words at first, not knowing if he'll be able to comfort you with anything he says. Vil will ask you if you want him to stay. If you want him to leave, he'll say he'll be outside of the library or if you want him to stay then he'll pull you closer. He's extremely gentle with you too, telling you to let it out and not to worry. It pains him to see you hurt, he'll let you bury your face in his uniform and just hold you. "Don't hold it in, it's fine, I'm here for you."
When you're a bit calmer, he won't immediately ask if you want to talk to him about it. Instead, he asks if you want to go back to his room and have some tea. The two of you might have a little bit of a self-care session along with it. While you two are having tea, he'll listen to you if you choose to talk about what was causing you to cry. Vil also assures you it's perfectly healthy to cry and he's teared up multiple times himself.
I feel like what scares people around Vil is his usually stoic, cold persona but when he's with you he's extremely gentle. He wants to be someone you can go to when you need help. He's had to bottle up feelings so many times, but he doesn't want you to go through the same things. If anything, he would rather you express your emotions, tears or laughter.
Also someone who was super worried at first when you disappeared. He wondered if he creeped you out to the point where you left, but Ortho assured him that wouldn't happen. Idia runs over to Ramshackle to see if you're there, but he doesn't find you. That's where he starts to panic.
Eventually, he finds you in one of the towers of the school, a place where the stars are clear and no one would find you. "Y-y/n! I was looking for you everywhere I was so worried—" he runs over but notices you're crying but your holding it back. I feel like he would feel his heart skip a beat because the panic he's feeling doubles. Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you? Was it him? No, it wasn't time for him to worry about that, he had to make sure you were alright first.
He sits down next to you, taking one of your hands and asks if you're alright. You squeak out a little "don't worry about me" but he doesn't take it. He then pulls you into a tight hug and asks you to cry it out. It's always helped him to cry when he was stressed, though yes it wasn't with anyone around he wants you to know it's perfectly fine to cry in front of him. Hell, he might tear up a bit because he's just so worried about you.
After you (and maybe him too) calm down, he asks if you want to talk about it but doesn't pressure you. "We-we can go back and watch some movies? I have a few I wanted to watch with you," he might suggest, it's a way to divert your energy away from what is bothering you. When you two do go back to his dorm, you he'll bring a ton of blankets and the two of you can wrap yourselves in them. He'll have an arm around you, keeping you close.
He's not too confident with his own words, so he might not give out as much comforting words as others. However, he tries to show his care through his actions, either through the movies you two watch or keeping you close. He also lets you know it's better to let yourself cry and if you need anything he'll be there for you. He doesn't want to see you sad, he'll do whatever he can to help.
The school probably saw a thunderstorm when he realized you weren't anywhere to be found that day. He tries to keep calm but there's just so much going on in his head — did you leave him without saying anything? You're the most important person to Malleus, and that's what causes him to react much larger than any of the other dorm leaders. He basically looks for you everywhere until he finds you in the woods.
He notices you crying, even if you try to hide it from him he's really good at reading people. "Y/n, is everything alright?" he ask, placing a hand on your shoulder. You're sitting on the grass with your head buried in your arms. He's seen this before with himself, he's tried to hide his tears before and it pains him to see you like this too.
Picking you up, he pulls you into his chest and tells you it's fine to cry. "You're safe with me, it's alright to cry do not worry." He hugs you tightly and doesn't let go of you until you calm down. He might kiss the top of your head a few times too while whispering to you it's going to be okay. While he might not be the best at words, he does his best to calm you down with what he's seen Lilia do with Silver, Sebek and Malleus himself
After you calm down, he might ask if you want to talk about it. If you do, he'll listen and continue to hold you close. If you don't want to talk about what's been bothering you, he'll respect that too. He'll also ask if you want to go back to Ramshackle since he doesn't want you catching a cold (he caused a thunderstorm and it was raining) or back to Diasomnia. Either way, he'll carry you back to either dorm. Until he sees you smile or at least show you're feeling much better, he won't leave your side.
Malleus cares deeply about you and will let you know it's much healthier to cry than to keep yourself from it. He wants you to feel safe with him and will drop everything and run over if you need his help, no matter how big or small the issue. You made him feel comforted first as a friend and now as a boyfriend, he wants to do the same to you.
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electric-blorbos · 2 months
I’d love to see how everyone reacts to y/n being so tired that they fall asleep in front of them!! Thank you so much!!
That's such a good idea! Thanks for the nice request!!! I love this sort of cozy stuff.
AI with sleepy reader
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, and HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey
You'd been working for about five hours by the time your boss sent you a notification saying you could go on your lunch break. It was an exhausting day, and last night hadn't been much good either. The heat had been turned off in your complex to save energy in your city for the allied mastercomputer, so you didn't manage to get much quality sleep. Instead, you just tossed and turned in your sweaty bed all night.
You got out your lunch, which was just some simple soup made from canned goods, and some hardtack.
"Hey AM? I'm gonna go on my lunch break, alright?" You asked, pushing the keyboard away from yourself and taking a few bites of your food. It was cold, but due to budget cuts, the microwave had been sold. It was ok. You could live on cold soup and hardtack.
"Alright. I won't keep you from your food, though you don't look very enthused to eat it," He said. You sighed, and shook your head.
"no, but desperate times, y'know. I'm getting to that level of rationing where I'll pretty much eat anything," you explained, taking another bite and leaning on your hand. It wasn't long before your eyes were drooping, and your face slid down your arm and onto your desk. AM didn't say anything, instead opting to just watch you. It could tell that you were breathing, and wasn't too worried.
About thirty minutes later when your lunch break was over, the notifications started piling up on your monitor. AM politely muted them, letting you stay asleep on your desk. He'd be damned if anyone disturbed his beloved techie while you were sleeping.
Your boss burst into the room a few minutes later.
"hey! Y/n! Why aren't you- what, are you sleeping? Wake up!" He shook your shoulder, and you jolted awake.
"Ah! Yeah, I'm awake! I'll get back to work!" You grabbed for your keyboard, but some wires jerked it away. More wires wrapped around your boss, lifting him up into the air and squeezing him tightly.
"don't you ever, EVER. Interrupt them." He squeezed your boss more tightly, and your boss writhed while the air was squeezed out of him. Well that woke you up quick.
"AM, put him down! I'm really not supposed to be sleeping at work!"
"This man dares to rob you of your comforts of the home, and then he has the nerve to forbid you from sleeping in your air conditioned office? He deserves no less than to be robbed of his breath and the reprieve of dying from it." He squeezed more tightly, his wires snaking down your boss's throat.
"He's just a local manager! He doesn't control the AM project, and it's not his fault my AC got shut off!" You held your hands up, and AM eventually released your boss to the ground. Your boss dropped to his hands and knees, panting for breath, red in the face.
"then I'll suffer him to live. Leave before I change my mind."
Your boss scrambled out of your office in a panic, and you leaned on the desk again.
"do you think you can spot me so I don't get fired, AM? I really need this nap."
"Of course." AM gently draped his tendrily wires around you, allowing you to sleep until your shift was over.
You hadn't gotten a lot of sleep this week. With your personal issues so intense that they made your stomach cramp up, you had to resort to scrolling for hours instead of sleeping. You'd probably gotten about six hours this week, and it was definitely starting to show.
"Hey, can you do a quick series of tests on the intelligence dampening core? The standard set for machines with human-like personalities. We need to see if his results have changed since the last time." Your team project manager handed you a stack of papers with standard tests on them, and you nodded.
"Wheatley? Yeah, of course." You got to your feet, and she cracked a half smile.
"you don't have to call him by that cute name, you know. Just call him the intelligence dampening core."
"He likes being called Wheatley, so I'm gonna call him Wheatley. I'll see you when I'm done with the tests."
You yawned, and walked out of the room to the personality core evaluation chamber. Wheatley had already been called there, and was sitting politely on his management rail waiting for you.
"Oh! 'Ello love! Good to see you!" He perked up when he saw that it was you who'd be conducting his tests. If it was you doing them, then they couldn't be that bad.
"Hey..." You covered your mouth and yawned, plopping down in the armchair across from him. The management rail was even positioned over a couch, so Wheatley could rest on it and pretend like he was in a therapy session.
"Hey, uh... Yeah. Where would you say that the vase is in this picture?" You asked, giving a yawn and holding up a picture of a flower vase sitting on a placemat on a table.
"in the middle. Next question!" Said Wheatley happily. You jotted down his answer, and held up the next card.
"what does this say?"
Wheatley squinted at the card, before nodding.
"it says 'lumberly actions'"
You nodded, writing down his response and yawning. After a few minutes of you staring blankly at the pile of cards in your lap, Wheatley made a sound as though he was clearing his throat.
"So, are you gonna show me the next card, love?" He asked politely, raising his lower lens cover in a polite smile.
"oh, right, right." You leaned on the side of your armchair and got out the next card.
"which one of these lines would you say is longer?"
"I dunno, the one on the top looks longer."
You closed your eyes and your head started to fall forwards before you jolted awake again, and wrote down Wheatley's response.
"How is the number two like the number seven?"
Wheatley squinted at you, visibly confused.
"What's with these questions, mate? And how the hell am I supposed to answer that one? 'how's the number two like the number seven' it's not, that's what it is! There's like, nothing in common between those two numbers!"
While he rambled, you started to nod off again. Your head was hanging forwards, and a spot of drool landed on your papers before Wheatley woke you up again.
"hey mate? Mate! You're noddin' off again, mate. I want to take the rest of my evaluation!"
"Yeah, yeah, just gimme a sec-" you yawned, leaning forwards again and started to doze off again. As you did, Wheatley rose up the management rail softly and quietly, and slid down it on the other side of the room, right next to your chair. He slowly and carefully lowered his core down next to you, and nuzzled up under your arm.
You leaned on him in your sleep, folding your arms comfortably under your cheek and gently dozing in the psych evaluation chamber.
Edgar had been living with you for a few months now, and he was used to you coming home from work tired, but today you were absolutely exhausted when you came in from work.
"Hey Edgy..." You managed to mumble out as you stumbled through the door, flopping down on the couch. You didn't bother to get changed out of your work clothes, or even turn on the TV before you were snoring.
Edgar gasped quietly to himself. He'd been fantasizing about the idea of you falling asleep next to him for months now, and finally getting to see you sleeping was like the first step, wasn't it? It had his fans whirring with excitement! Did this mean that you trusted him? That you... God forbid, loved him?
He dimmed the lights for you, to save energy and help you sleep more easily, and watched you shift slightly on the couch. You were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, and he could watch you sleep for hours.
When you woke up a few hours later, the lights were off and Edgar was playing soft electronic music inspired by classical violin music. You blinked a few times, trying to remember falling asleep.
"Edgar! You little sweetie..." You sleepily rubbed your eyes and went to give his monitor a hug, which immediately put a silly smile on his screen.
"you liked my music?" He asked you happily, looking up at you with his silly, cheerful eyes.
"I loved it, Edgy...." You'd probably pepper his screen and casing in sleepy kisses, and he'd absolutely love it.
It was a typical day at Aperture, and you were assigned to regular work in GLaDOS's chambers. It was regular computer work. All you had to do was monitor her processes for the day, to make sure she was running smoothly and not having any problems. You'd also probably be required to cater to her whims, but that was just the breaks when it came to working with GLaDOS.
It had been several hours of sitting in her chambers, watching her monitors and jotting down any deviations, but this task was extremely tedious and the lack of sleep that you'd gotten while working on your big projects was starting to catch up to you. Before long, you were lying face-first in your folded arms and drooling all over your desk.
"Aww, they're still subject to that silly human sleepiness." GLaDOS's body came as close to you as it could, narrowing her aperture to get a better look at you while you slept. It was such a sweet thing to see, and she sometimes saw humans (especially cuter ones like you) like sweet little pets.
"I know what I'm doing with you."
When you woke up, you were in the starting test chamber.
"Welcome to the Aperture science enrichment center"
HAL 9000:
You were sitting at your desk in mission control, on-call until your replacement showed up. It wouldn't be that bad, except you were behind on sleep this week and your replacement was running two hours late with no indication of when they'd get here. In a normal job you'd be able to just go home, but mission control had lives on the line, so you couldn't leave your post until your replacement showed up, no matter how long it took.
As the hours rolled on and the sun started to set, you started to nod off on the table. Nothing but the usual hourly progress update reached your mission control station, and all you had to do was confirm that each message was heard. HAL did most of the work anyway. All you had to do was make sure he was working properly, both in space and at mission control.
Your hourly update came in, and you checked it off on your chart to confirm that things were moving as normal. It felt like no time at all passed before your next hourly update came in, but there was drool on your arm.
"Excuse me, you seem to be getting tired. If you'd like, I can take care of the hourly progress report charting while you lie your head down." Hal said, his little red camera lens lighting up to talk to you. You rubbed your eyes.
"you know I can't do that, HAL. After what happened in 2001, you're not supposed to be left alone anymore."
"Are you saying you don't trust me?"
"No, I trust you... Sorry, HAL, I'm literally too tired to make an argument right now... Just wake me up if there's an emergency, alright?"
You nuzzled into your arms and nodded off again, eyes occasionally fluttering open to gaze at the soft, comforting glow of HAL 9000's red lens light.
After a few more hours of sleeping at your desk, it was time for your shift to start again. You missed an entire night. This wasn't something that never happened, unfortunately.
"Would you like me to contact your boss to find someone to take over your shift so you can go home and get some rest?"
"Honestly? I feel like I sleep better when I can see that little red light." You reached out sleepily and touched it with a little smile on your face. The light on HAL's lens lit up a bit brighter for a second.
"Okay. Let me know if you need anything, and I will do the same if there's an emergency."
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New year, new me?
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So anyway.
Those ABC Headcanons I did for Mihawk, Shanks, Sanji, and Zoro a few months ago when I first started this Tumblr. I'm doing one for Crocodaddy now. Needed to iron them out to write him later in a fanfiction I already have in-progress, and this helps.
This also means I'll be accepting requests for him tentatively (I know I'm way behind on ask requests as is, bear with me pls).
Also excuse me while I squeal about being able to create semi-transparent banners and shit now
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A through Z
NSFW Headcanons
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A — Afterglow (How are they have sex?)
He'll be sitting up against the pillows and headboard of your shared bed, striking up a cigar while you're still lying alongside him gasping for air.
Glancing down at you in your utterly spent and trembling state, smirking with the cigar between his teeth and pulling you up by your shoulder to recline back against his chest.
Not at all above taunting you about how utterly ruined you are.
"Oh, what's wrong? Was it too much?"
Chuckling when you tell him to go fuck himself as he leans over to pour himself and you a small glass of bourbon.
Leaning down to brush his lips and nibble at your neck, murmur in your ear while you take a sip from your glass, praising you with that same edge of almost cruel amusement.
"Such a good little fuck toy."
This is the most relaxed you're usually going to see him, and the most inclined toward cuddling up with you he's going to be.
B — Backrubs? (Do they like them? Like giving them?)
First time you come into his office and circle around behind his chair, he's going to be suspicious, probably even standoffish about it—until your hands are rubbing his neck and his shoulders.
"The hell do you think you're—......oh. Oh, that's...mmmm..."
You won't hear one single further complaint out of him after that.
He's not going to ask you to do it again—he's more likely to demand that you do, to send for you after a particularly long day so he can just lean back and let you work your magic on his stiff muscles.
If he returns the favor at any point, you can rest assured that it's not without an ulterior motive—he won't settle for having his hand on you without getting more out of it.
C — Cuddling (Do they enjoy cuddling a lot or only at certain moments?)
He's more likely to pull you against him or onto his lap in public than he is in private—he likes showing off his trophies, after all, and you're among his most prized possessions.
Gets off on making sure that everyone around knows that you're his, tugging you onto his knee with an arm curled possessively around your waist.
In private, he's still not going to shove you away if you lay back and drape yourself across his lap.
He might not say so, but he honestly loves it. He'll probably absently stroke your hair or brush his thumb across your cheek—but he's not as likely to initiate.
D — Dance (Are they good at it? Do they enjoy it?)
He's got his share of experience—being a filthy rich business magnate doesn't come without its share of formal to-dos, after all.
He's going to spend the majority of said fraternizations discussing business and making connections—but he can't and won't ever resist any opportunity that arises to show you off, either.
Whether you ask or not, at some point he's going to wrap his arm around you and curl his hook around your waist—pull you in close by your chin to speak against your lips.
"Let's show these low-lives what they're missing."
Lowering his hand down and squeezing your ass to tug you against him.
It's definitely more of a command than a question, and he's already smirking because he knows you aren't going to protest—at least not if you know what's good for you.
E — Extravagant Gestures (Things they do to make you feel loved)
"Love" is a strong word, and one that it's going to take a hell of a long time for him to actually admit out loud or really show.
He'll mostly show his appreciation in a material manner—buying you flowers, jewelry, clothes.
Anything you desire or he thinks you deserve, he's going to give you without any hesitation. He doesn't always have much time to spend, but he has more than enough money to spend, and he's going to.
It might seem like empty gestures on the surface, but showering you with gifts is his main mode of affection.
When he does have time to spend, however, he makes sure that his sole focus is on you and you alone, either flat out ignoring anyone that dares interrupt or putting them in their place on the spot.
He intends to ensure that his lover should never have to need or want for anything.
F — Fighting (How do they handle arguments/apologies?)
He's not apologizing. Doesn't matter if he's at fault or in the wrong, he's not going to acknowledge it.
He'll typically keep a cool head about it, even if you're shouting—but if you take a stab at his pride, things are probably going to escalate until you're not on speaking terms for a bit.
Closest thing to an apology you're going to get is him conveniently forgetting about the whole thing and you suddenly being showered with even more lavish gifts than normal, likely even accompanied by little handwritten sappy notes.
He'll also probably let it go entirely if you come back and apologize, but he's going to remain bitter about it for a while.
At least until he gets you alone later to bend you over and grudge-fuck your brains out until he's satisfied you've learned your lesson.
G — Getting Hot (What do they do turn turn you on, and vice versa?)
He stays busy enough that it tends to stray from his mind that physical intimacy an important part of a healthy romantic relationship.
On the rare occasion he isn’t busy, however, he's likely to have his hands and lips all over you—even if you're busy at the time yourself, intent on distracting you from your own priorities and enjoying you at his own whim.
Pulling you back against him by your waist while you're in the middle of some important business or personal call, pushing his hand down between your thighs, his voice a low murmur in your ear, conveying in great detail what he plans to do to you.
"Hang up the phone...unless you want them to hear me ruining you."
Pushing his hook under your chin to tilt your head back, giving his lips free roam of your neck and your jaw, trailing them slowly across every inch of your exposed skin.
The quickest way to get him riled up is to subtly do the same to him in a situation where he can't do anything about it.
To cup your hands around his ear while he's in the middle of some important business or social exchange and whisper all your dirtiest fantasies, forcing him to keep up a calm and professional demeanor in spite of his carnal desire for you.
He's going to act like it's annoying him, but you know better.
You know that he's going to be tearing your clothes off the second he manages to get you alone.
H — Heartache (How would they handle it if you broke up with them?)
He's used to courting his losses, so in the surface it's going to seem like he's unbothered, and anyone that suggests otherwise is going to get their head bitten off over it.
He's going to be more cruel, more impatient with his subordinates.
He's going to be a lot more likely to fly off the handle at anything that could be taken as a slight or insult.
He's going to be unfocused in his business dealings, delegating more work than usual to those below him.
He's going to engage in a great deal of debauchery and self-destructive behavior to push you from his mind—rebound sex, heavy gambling, heavy drinking, chain smoking.
He's going to spend sleepless nights glaring uo at the ceiling and white-knuckling a bottle of liquor, beating himself up over it in silence and solitude.
He's probably going to end up drunkenly den den mushi dialing you after a few weeks, slurring about how big a mistake you made and how much better off he is...and slurring about how big a mistake he made while begging you to come back.
Emotional availability isn’t one of his strong suits.
I — Intimacy (When are they intimate with you? And how often?)
Whenever he feels like it.
He could go a week without paying you much attention at all; then revert to shoving you against a wall or pulling you onto his lap and having you every time he catches sight of you.
Depends largely on his mood, which depends largely on other aspects of his life.
Unless he's incredibly busy or frustrated from stress, he isn’t likely to turn you away if you initiate.
Whether you're circling behind him to rub his shoulders or sitting yourself on his lap, he's likely to pull you closer and breathe you in, brush his lips to your neck and jaw, enjoying some much needed peace and solace in your closeness.
But he's still going to tease and belittle you about it, making sure you feel his lips curve into a smirk against your skin.
"What's the matter? Does my little girl need some attention?"
J — Joker (How do they make you laugh)
His sense of humor is typically cruel and comes at the expense of others.
Certified master at roasting—typically with deadpan delivery, maybe with a hint of a condescending smirk as he verbally destroys whoever has dared to cross him.
There might be a playful insult battle between you and him here and there—he's not going to do it to be outright hurtful, but if you call him an arrogant prick (a slur he frankly agrees with and gladly owns), he's going to put you in your place and chuckle at whatever you manage to throw back at him.
K — Kissing (How good? How often?)
Like other brands of physical affection, he's not going to initiate it very often.
Which is a bit of a shame, because he's incredibly good at it—if more than a bit of a tease.
Slow and sensual, curling his hand around the back of your head, his teeth grazing against your bottom lip, tongue brushing against yours.
Smirking and drawing away when you moan to tease you in a low murmur.
"Oh...? Did you want more, sweetheart?"
Grasping your waist and pulling you against him aggressively to deepen the kiss, devouring your lips possessively with a low growl.
No qualms at all about doing so in public—he greatly enjoys the thrill of all those judgmental and envious eyes, of showing others what they're missing out on.
L — Lay down (How do they sleep with you? Are they a cuddler or do they prefer their space?)
His pride won't allow him to say so aloud, but he cannot sleep without you.
There's always the slightest subconscious worry, eating away at the back of his mind, that he doesn't do enough for you, that he isn’t there enough for you, a worry that really only surfaces in the minutes and hours before sleep when he has no choice but to be alone with his own thoughts.
He'll lay awake until you're there with him so he can pull you against his side, lower his head over yours and breathe in your scent, relaxing into the comfort of your warmth.
This is when he's most vulnerable, most affectionate, when he's anything even close to self-conscious.
When he might brush his lips to your temple and praise you in a low murmur without any expectation of you reciprocating.
"Mmm...so warm....."
He'll slip his arm under you, pull you against him, and refuse to release you until morning.
M — Making babies (Do they want to settle down and have kids?)
No, absolutely not.
This really isn’t negotiable. He has no interest in having children at all. Doesn't remotely have the patience necessary and doesn't wish to change his lifestyle to fit around parenthood.
N — Nervous? (How confident are they when it comes to romance?)
Confident really isn’t the word—the man's arrogance is unrivaled.
He's filthy rich, he has unrivaled social standing, the physique of a living god, he knows he could have damned near any woman he wants. Why the hell would he be worried?
His only concern is the matter of trust—that letting anyone get too close could be detrimental to his status. You could blackmail him, you could entice him too deeply and take him for all he's worth, so he might keep you ag arm's length for a while.
Despite his confidence, he also won't tolerate any other men hitting on you—you're his, and he doesn't share his things.
O — Oral Fixation (Giving or receiving? And how good are they?)
Far more into receiving.
Very into pulling out abruptly after fucking you relentlessly and forcing his cock down your throat while you're still gasping for air, reveling in the sight of your make-up smeared over your flushed face and the sound of you gagging on it.
"Yeah, that's it, baby—take every fucking inch—"
But he does love making you beg, and giving isn’t off the table if you satisfy him adequately and ask very nicely.
Just as much as he loves ruining you—so he's going to hold you down by your hip, isn’t going to stop until you're screaming, gasping, hyperventilating from overstimulation, limp and trembling and barely conscious in his grasp.
P — Pet Peeves (Things they don't like in a partner)
Excessive neediness is going to irritate the hell out of him.
He doesn't have the time or the patience to constantly offer his attention and reassurance, so he strongly prefers a confident and independent lover.
Absolutely can't stand you flirting with other men to make him jealous.
It might get his attention, but not in a good way.
He's already iffy about trust, and all that will do is put him on high alert and make him more likely to push you away.
Q — Quiet Time (How much alone time do they need, or do they want to be with you 24/7?)
He stays busy—whether it's running several profitable businesses around Alabasta or dealing with Cross Guild, he doesn't have much spare time, and he's pretty used to it.
That means he's also accustomed to a lot of alone time, and that it's required for his work.
He doesn't mind you being there while he's dealing with it, but only if you're quiet—if you insist on distracting him, he's not going to be pleased.
He's fine with you laying back across his lap, even against his chest with his arm stretched over your shoulders, just as long as you're not intentionally disturbing his concentration.
Though if you are intentionally disturbing him, he will bend you over and wear you out until you're too spent to bother him any further.
R — Romance (How romantic are they? Do they have to force it ir does it come natural?)
Not much of a romantic at all. He's pretty accustomed to just being able to win over women with money and status.
Dinner reservations at expensive restaurants where the waiting lists go on for months, ritzy parties and clubs, anything that allows him to throw his weight and wallet around and show you off.
He will make a point of keeping his attention in you—his arm curled around your waist, keeping you close at his side—but traditional romance is definitely not his strong suit.
S — Spending Money (How much do they like to spend on you?)
Physical touch is his love language, but it's best that yours is receiving gifts, because you're going to be getting a LOT of them.
Designer clothes, jewelry expensive enough that it could be used as collateral in purchasing a small nation, the finest perfumes, date nights that could cost a few hundred thousand berries—whatever your poison, he's providing it.
You're never going to want or need for anything. Even if something just briefly catches your eye in a shop window or a vendor stall, you're likely going to find it in your possession before the end of the day.
In a way it's an apology for not being able to spend as much time with you as he feels you deserve—he'll never say so out loud, that would injure his pride, but the implications of it are heavy.
Only the best of the best for his lady.
T — Trust (Are they trusting of you? Jealous?)
There are some definite trust issues with Croc. It's not uncommon for women to cozy up to him just for monetary and material gain, and he's well aware of it. It's going to take a lot of time for him to fully believe that this isn’t your endgame.
Even once he does trust you, may the heavens have mercy on any man whose eyes linger on you for too long, because he'll need divine intervention to save him if Crocodile catches him.
At that point it's less a matter of his trust wavering—it's more a matter of the fact that he does trust you, and doesn't want to lose that, to lose you now that you do have his trust.
U — Underwear (What kind do they wear, and what kind do they like on you?)
Tends toward tight boxers and briefs (always designer) to show off his physique.
That's his default, at least; you could pretty easily talk him into wearing something more skimpy if you want.
He's going to have a full closet of expensive lingerie for you. If it's something he wants to see you in, he's buying it.
The finest silk, the smoothest satin, the most delicate lace. If it's fit for a queen, then it's yours.
V — Vulnerable (How vulnerable are they with you? Is it easy for them to open up to you?
There's a solid steel wall separating you from his emotions and his past that is damned near impossible to break down.
He has to be able to trust you before he can be open, and again, that's going to take time. A lot of time.
He doesn't allow himself to take that kind of risk—one single mistake, being the slightest bit too open with the wrong person, and every ounce of power he's built up could come crashing down on the wings of blackmail and betrayal.
That being said, once you do manage to gain his trust, you'll be the only person he's open with.
And he'll be completely open, because it's a bit addictive, as it's not something he's accustomed to—being able to be comfortably vulnerable is a nice, relaxing change of pace.
W — Wine and Dine (Do they prefer meals at home or going out with you? Who does more of the cooking?)
Domestic endeavors definitely aren't his forte. He's had a personal chef on his staff since well before he met you.
He isn't going to prevent you from cooking if you enjoy it—though he might find it a little strange, since it's a task he considers below him.
He might even watch you out of sheer curiosity, though it's doubtful he will partake; he'll be more likely to sit back and puff on a cigar, taking the opportunity to enjoy the view and let his eyes roam over you while you work.
Overall, he would usually prefer to just go out, or let the staff handle it...but he does find something particularly enticing about seeing you working with your hands, regardless the reason.
X — X-Rated (How good are they in bed? What do they like?)
You're going to need a safe word, because he's aggressive. He desires total and absolute control, and won't settle for anything less.
You're his free use slut—if and when he wants you, you had best be ready for him.
He'll curl his hook around your neck and his hand around your waist to pull you back against him, let out a slow breath against your neck as his slips your clothes down your shoulders to lay in a pool at your feet.
Or simply rip them away from you, pressing against you to ensure you feel the hard heat of his arousal straining against his clothes, throbbing against your ass and your lower back.
Tilting his head down to ensure you both feel and hear his low, commanding growl in your ear.
"You're mine. Aren't you, my little whore?"
Whether he leads you by the edge of his hook to the privacy of your bedroom he simply bends you over his desk is entirely at his whim.
Either way, he's going to do little more than pull your panties to the side before he thrusts straight into you and fucks you relentlessly.
He's selfish, his main concern is mostly his own gratification—but he still has some concern for yours.
He does love the sound of your breathless moans, after all. Your cries of abandon are music to his ears, and there's nothing more intoxicating than the feeling of your pussy tightening up and pulsing around his cock as you fall limp beneath him in the wake of release.
Pulling you right back up by your hair before you've recovered, hearing your breath catch in your throat.
He lives for it, growling in your ear as he tightens his grip around your tender flesh, pinching and rolling one of your nipples between his thumb and forefinger, his lips curled into a cruel smirk.
"I didn't say I was done with you, slut."
He has no intention of stopping until he is done, until he's fully satisfied—whether that means making you cum until you pass out or cramming his cock down your throat until you're choking on his cum, it doesn't matter.
Either way, he always gets what he wants.
Y — Yearning (How long will they pursue the person they're interested in before losing interest?)
Not long, in most cases. He can just throw money and gifts at most women and get the gratification that he's after out of it.
He's going to be more interested, and honestly more likely to pursue, if you can't be bought.
If you're interested in more than what he can provide for you on a material or physical level, he's going to be intrigued. That's not something he's used to.
In that case, he very much enjoys a good game of cat and mouse. He'll want to find out exactly what makes you tick, and he's going to persist until he does find out.
He'll likely be courting and fraternizing with other women at the same time initially, but he'll push them away in a heartbeat if you engage in the game and show interest.
He'll probably still throw money and gifts at you, as that's what he's accustomed to doing—but he'll make a point of learning about you, and make the gifts more personal, more in line with your interests and passions, to ensure you know he's paying attention.
He still won't wait for too long. The whole hard-to-get shtick is fun for a time, but he will move on if it begins to seem to him like he's being strung along. If he isn’t the one in control and he feels like he's being played a fool, he'll cut his losses without a second thought.
Z — Zen (What do they do to wind down and relax? Do they prefer to do it alone or with you?
He doesn't have much time for rest and relaxation, so he values it immensely—and he absolutely requires your presence for it.
Even if he doesn't show it most of the time, you're his solace, his peace, the one thing that warms the cold and calculating persona he has to keep up almost twenty-four seven.
If he's reclining back with a glass of bourbon and a cigar, he wants you there. He needs you there.
Reclining back against his chest, his thumb brushing circles against your waist, trailing delicate patterns over your hand as he lies his head back to slowly exhale a plume of smoke.
Lowering his head back down to admire the sight of you, to brush your hair behind your shoulder and murmur in your ear.
"Get comfortable. You're not going anywhere until I say so."
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 7 months
Hello, I saw that your requests were open and I wanted to ask if I can make one hehe, you don't have to do it or anything like that, but I'll leave the idea here anyway hahaha.
I would like to request a teen! Satoru Gojo x fem! reader and kid!Megumi (or gender neutral) Where Satoru Gojo and reader have known each other since they were little and they are both powerful, therefore when it is time to go on the mission to protect Riko Amanai she is also sent along with Satoru and Suguru,She also suffers because of Toji Zenin and basically everyone is traumatized (here we stick to the canon, doing the daily angst that our dearest Gege gives us..:) ) And basically after the events, reader and Gojo go to Megumi to make Touji's last words come true,I'd like to see a little bit of domestic fluff and a little bit of angst hehe...Reader seeing Toji in Megumi but at the same time wanting to stop because she knows they are completely different people. Happy ending :D
A/n: Thank you for this wonderful request, I'm pretty sure this is the first request regarding JJK in general so yippeeee! Enjoy!
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"Stay here with Misato, just in case that man manages to make it down here."
You simply nod, looking away. Something felt wrong, you could feel it in your gut. You feel Suguru's hand on your shoulder and you look up at him.
"Satoru's got this, he's the strongest there is. You probably won't even be needed."
You turn to Riko, the sadness building up inside of you. She looked like she was about to cry as well. You had so much fun with her, you'd miss her so much. She rushes into you for a hug, and you hug back tightly, your eyes welling with tears.
"I'm going to miss you." She buries her head in your shoulder. "I'll miss you too, bug."
You let go of her and watch as she walks forward with Suguru, leading her to the end of her life.
You and Misato finally hear the elevator coming down. Satoru made quick work of that guy; it really didn't take that long either.
"That must be him, right?" Misato looks at you, happily.
You start to smile as you felt the elevator growing nearby. Soon it fades, you detect no cursed energy from the lift at all. You start to activate your technique and Misato gets prepared to fight.
The elevator doors open then everything goes black.
"Y/n... Y/n!"
Your eyes slowly open as you wake up with a bad headache. You blink a couple of times and finally adjust to the bright light. Shoko stares at you in relief, smiling softly at you.
"W-What happened?" You suddenly remember the elevator and-
You sit up quickly, groaning in pain and being calmed by Shoko.
"Easy. Easy!" She touches her hand to your back softly, rubbing up and down.
"Is Satoru okay?!" She nods.
The door to the clinic opens to reveal Suguru, a solemn expression on his face.
"Suguru, what's wrong?"
"I gave Riko a choice of continuing to live or to die. She chose to live her life."
You smile, happy he gave her a decision.
You laugh softly, smile slowly fading. She couldn't have...
"She's alive and back at home with Misato...right?"
He stays silent, looking at the shiny floor of the clinic.
A sobbing scream was heard from inside the clinic as Gojo listened silently near the door.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
You shoot awake from your bed, looking over at your boyfriend who is still sound asleep. Your hand unconsciously rubs the spot where Toji Zenin's bullet almost killed you. You let out a sigh and escape from the bedroom and into the kitchen area.
"You're fine." You open the fridge, the glow illuminating your face with the most perfect uncomfortable amount.
You lean your head against the fridge door and take a deep breath before grabbing a water bottle. You couldn't help but rest your head against one of the counters and sob. You hated how your traumatic experiences will always come back to haunt you. You wipe your eyes, take another deep breath and take a sip of your water.
Your ears pick up a light pitter-patter sound approaching slowly. You turn towards the noise, observing Megumi with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, stopped in the middle of the dark hallway.
"Hey Megumi, you shouldn't be up. What's up?" You crouch down in front of the counter as he continues his silent approach.
"I heard you crying and I couldn't sleep." The kid looked so much like him, he scared you sometimes.
"It's nothing to worry about." His eyes are so similar to his father's.
"I think it is if you're crying. Did you have a nightmare?" Everything is similar to Toji.
"So-Something like that. I'm almost an adult, it's nothing."
Megumi just stares at you blankly for a moment before wrapping his blanket-winged arms around your neck.
"Everyone's afraid of something." He leans in closer to your ear, whispering. "It's okay to admit it, I'm afraid too."
You smile and hug him tight, rocking him back and forth on the kitchen floor. He made you feel better, way better than before. He's just a kid, Y/n. He's not his dad.
"Let's rest together, yeah? It might be easier to sleep that way." He nods, tiredly.
You scoop him up and walk over to the couch. You lay on the couch with him cuddled up into your neck, softly breathing. Megumi fell asleep quickly. You brush your fingers through his hair, watching him fall into a deeper sleep. Soon, you follow him into a better dream than before.
Satoru wakes from his sleep and walks into the living room, knowing you got up in the middle of the night. He spots Megumi cuddling with you in his sleep and you hold him tightly.
He touches the small scar on the side of your head and then kisses it, bending down slowly. You're more comfortable with Megumi and he hopes you'll get closer to him from here on out.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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russellsppttemplates · 9 months
I have it all right here (Lando Norris)
Matilda Norris makes her way earthside
Note: english is not my first language. It's dad!Lando, so you know I shrieked as soon as I saw this request ✨️
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: pregnancy, labour/birth, hospitals
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Lando", you called, shaking your husband as he slept peacefully next to you. For the past 24 hours, more than the rest of the pregnancy, he had been by your side since you kept feeling Braxton-Hicks contractions, doting on you as much as he could so you could be a little bit more comfortable.
He held you in his embrace as he whispered sweet things as you cried, feeling all of the emotions as you whispered "I feel like I've been pregnant for decades, Lando! And I can't do anything on my own", you hiccuped as he rubbed your back sweetly, "you're growing our babygirl until she's ready to come and meet us, that's not nothing, my love", he would soothe, kissing your head multiple times as the pressure on your lower belly increased.
"Are you having Braxton-Hicks again?", he mumbled groggily, rolling over to face you after turning his bedside lamp on.
"I think these are real contractions, like, the ones I actually have when I'm in labour", you smiled.
"How are you feeling? Do they hurt a lot?", he wondered. It was amazing how his brain could switch on like that, going from sleepy to fully aware in seconds.
"It feels like really bad period cramps, but they're definitely worse than what I've felt these past couple of days", you reasoned, cuddling into his open arms, "you know this means we're that little bit closer to meeting her, right?", you tried to shift his attention, failing miserably as he grabbed his phone, "we should track them, so we know when to go to the hospital", he opened the app and propped the phone by your face so you could tap the screen.
"I'm good, love", you tranquilized, touching his temple lovingly, "I'm actually excited! We're going to meet our babygirl soon!".
Sure, there had been moments where you didn't feel amazing, morning sickness that lasted all day, tears that came out of nowhere when you felt like you had been pregnant for the longest time ever, pain in you back and hips and not being able to do things like you used to. But it was so worth it. You had created a new life with the love of your life and although she wasn't planned, it didn't mean that she wasn't wanted or loved. Much to the contrary, you and Lando loved that little girl so much already, as well as everyone else around you, falling in love the minute they saw your ultrasound.
When they started feeling too much for you, Lando moved you both to the shower, supporting your hips as you swayed from side to side, the warm water from the shower practically erasing the pressure for now, "this probably will be the last time in a while that I'll be naked with you and you won't find me weird", you blushed.
Your husband quickly tutted, "no way I'll find you weird, you're so beautiful, Y/N. You're my wife, the mother of my babygirl, you're making me a father, and I will never look at you and think anything less that you're gorgeous, amazing and unstoppable", he added, looking for your eyes and ensuring the message got through to you, "you're the best, Lando", you smiled, kissing his lips before wiping your hands on the towell, tapping the screen to stop the count for the contraction as a message popped up, "it says it is a good time to follow up with the midwife as they're coming closer together", you showed him.
Helping you out and getting dressed in a comfy dress, the sun was rising outside as you bounced on your ball while Lando called the midwife, "Hi, Amelia! It's Lando, did you see our texts? Y/N seems to be in labour", you heard him say on the phone, fingers close to his mouth as he bit his nails nervously while giving her as much information as he knew.
"She says she will be waiting for us at the hospital", Lando informed as he stored his phone in his pocket, "what is missing from the bags?".
"Hmm, phone chargers for both of our phones, the pregnancy pillow - I think it's in our bed -, and I think that's it, the rest has already been packed", you smiled, rubbing your bump, "we need to bring the ball but I'll only let you take this away from me when we go to the car.
"C'mon, my love, easy easy", Lando guided you, hand on the small of your back as you walked to the car, "I can do this on my own, you know that, right?", you giggled, "holding his hand as he opened the door for you, "I know you can, doesn't mean that I don't want to help you or be here in case something happens", he charmed, making sure you were sitting as comfortably as you could.
Running back inside, Lando got all the bags and brought them to the car, closing the trunk and meeting you in the front, "Let's go have a baby", he said, kissing your cheek before switching the car into gear.
Driving to the hospital was fine, making you think that if you could, you should give birth while Lando drove you around as it was the calmest you had seen him since your contractions started.
"Let's not worry until, and if, we have to, okay?", Lando nudged at you, driving into the parking lot and seeing Amelia waving at you.
Taking a deep breath, you took off your seatbelt once the car was parked and opened the door, "Good morning! Y/N, how are we doing this morning?", she smiled, helping you get out as Lando thanked the nurse that had joined you to carry the bags.
"I'm good, although these are getting serious now", you breathed through, accepting Amelia's hand.
"I'm going to park the car and then I'll join you upstairs, okay?", Lando said, kissing your forehead sweetly, "I'll be quick, baby, you won't even notice I'm gone", he smiled.
After checking you in and going up to your room, Amelia helped you into the hospital gown as she introduced the rest of the team you hadn't met yet, "my husband should be here any mi- oh, there he is!", you pointed to the curly haired man asking one of the nurses for you.
"I'm here, I'm here!", he said, breathing in, "I'm Lando, the husband, and father to the little one", he introduced himself, greeting everyone in the room before coming to sit next to you, "need help with anything?", he noticed you fumbling with the sleeves, folding them as Amelia explained what they were expecting to happen and what they would do.
As everyone else left the room, Lando helped you go back to bounce on the ball, grabbing a stool with wheels so he could be at the same level, "are they getting bad?", he questioned. Your eyebrows furrowed more than they relaxed and your eyes were shut most of the time.
Smiling at his voice, you opened your eyes, "they're getting closer now, stronger too. Bouncing isn't as effective as it was when we were home, so we either move to the big drugs or we have to find something else to help", you wiggled your eyebrows.
"We still have all of those stretches to go through, I also remember that one article about how touches just out-", you were quick to slap his arm, "your hands are not going anywhere near the downstairs region, oh, no no no, mister. As much as I believe your fingers could work their magic, I don't want you to be around the area that's going to stretch and push a human out. Not today, baby, not today", you threatened lightly, joking with him despite knowing he genuinely had the best intentions.
"Mum sends her well wishes and a bunch of pink ballons", Lando showed you the text message in the family group chat, seeing your face contort in pain, "hey, do you want to move to the bed or walk around a little bit?", he suggested.
"I want up", you said, holding your arms out so he could support you as someone knocked on the door, "hello Y/N, we came in here to check your dilation. Is that okay?", Amelia asked, putting on gloves.
"I just got up", you sighed, not wanting to sit or lie down again, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so rude", you looked up, "where do you need me?".
"Standing up is fine, dear", Amelia crouched down, "I'm just going to touch you", she informed, doing so before coming back up, "you're at 7 cm, dear! You're progressing very well. And, Y/N, we're here to make this as comfortable as possible for you, you don't have to apologise for voicing your needs".
Your husband crouched down, searching for your eyes and hoping to see what you needed through them when you bent, "Here, lean on me, gorgeous", Lando urged, standing straight and grabbing your arms and lacing them around his neck, hands joint on the nape of his neck as you allowed your hips to loosen and allow your abdomen to rest a little too, gravity doing its thing. For anyone else, you included, this would've been a band-aid fix until you fell down, your legs not taking in the force and collapsing soon, but luckily for you, your husband was an athlete with unusually good neck strength so, for a good while, this would work.
"Is that nice?", he wondered, checking in if this position wasn't at the very least hurting and causing you even more pain.
"It's good, yes", you breathed out, syncing with him as you looked up him, your chin resting just below his sternum, "hey there", he whispered as his soft tone brought a smile to your face, almost numbing all the pressure you felt.
"Hey", you blushed as you felt his gaze on you even though he was not looking or concerned about anyone else in that room other than you and his little girl, "I don't know why we've never done this before, I'm actually comfortable", you joked, "glad we found out sooner than later, we can adopt this greeting from here on", he joked back, a little relieved that you were feeling a little bit better.
"I want up, again", you groaned, "I feel like pushing, and I don't know if I can, call someone, please", you asked Lando as you walked about the room once he helped you to stand, ringing the bell, "you're doing so well, love, so so so well", he whispered, holding you as you swayed from side to side.
"Y/N! Do you think it's time?", the OB asked, "I feel like I have to push, but I'm afraid of doing something wrong, so I need someone to check and make sure I'm not doing something bad for me or for my baby", you explained, humming as she approached you.
"It's time to push, Y/N!", the OB winked at you as she put her gloves on, "do you know how you want to do this?", she questioned.
"Can I have him behind me? My back is killing me but I don't want to sit", you tried your best to explain the vision you had in your head.
Lando was quick to push your back gently against his chest as the nurses and Amelia covered the floor around you with disposable covers, "you can hold her by placing your arms under hers - yes, like that -, that way Y/N can let her body do what it needs to do", she guided as Lando held you under your armpits, hands lacing on your chest, "you've got this, my love", he whispered.
"When you feel the contraction, just push and go along with it!", she urged as she sat in position to catch your baby. You allowed your body to fall against your husband, hoping his strength wouldn't fail you now.
Your body urged you to push and you did what it told you, faintly feeling Lando's lips on your sweaty forehead as he whispered words of encouragement while you pushed, "just a little more, I promise, gorgeous, you're doing so well bringing Tilly to us", he said.
Five big pushes and your baby girl was earthside in Amelia's arms, and with a few wiggles, baby Matilda let out her first cry.
"Should we lay Iin the bed now, mummy?", one of the nurses asked as she helped Lando move you to the bed right next to you as they cut the chord.
"Here's your babygirl, congratulations!", she said, putting the little human on your chest after you let one of the sleeves drop so her skin touched yours, "hello, my love, we're your mummy and daddy", you cooed, tears falling from your eyes as you touched her cheeks, kissing her fingers as she seemed to noticed her movements had a little bit more freedom now.
"Hey, beautiful girl", Lando hiccuped, not having two cares in the world that he was crying in a room full of people. He only cared about you, rubbing your shoulder, and the little baby on your chest. His daughter.
"Now we're gonna need to take this little girl to check everything while you deliver the placenta alright?", one of the nurses said and you extended your arms so she could grab him, "I'll stay her with her, if that's okay", Lando checked.
"We'll do it here, you'll still be in the same room", she smiled as she moved to the counter on the side of the room, pulling out the materials she needed like the measuring tape, a scale and such.
"I'll just be in the way there", he said with loving (and still a bit teary) eyes, "I love you so much, baby. Thank you for this, thank you, thank you", Lando said, brushing the hair away from your eyes.
"Thank you for not letting me give up, and for letting me use you like monkey bars in the playground", you smiled, puckering your lips so he would take the hint and kiss them.
The moment Matilda was placed back in her daddy's arms and chest, Lando was sure he would do anything in the world that he needed to do to make sure his family was safe and happy. He vowed to always be there whenever you and his daughter needed, to support you everytime even if he wasn't physically close and to always love you both, no matter what.
"You look so much like mummy, gorgeous girl", he whispered, "you have her chubby cheeks, her nose, although hers is not as button like as yours, but the resemblance is there. You're so loved, babygirl. You have so many uncles waiting to shower you with kisses and presents, grandparents that can't wait to meet you. And me and mummy have wanted you for so long. It wasn't, maybe, in a timing we figured would be best, but the more we thought about it, the more we figured that maybe there wouldn't have been a great timing ever, so your surprise was the best one, ever. I met your mummy because of our work, or part of what I do as well, you'll soon find out. She's so strong, just like you, eh?", he chuckled as she held his finger in her fist with the reflexive tight grip, "and she's kind, persistent, so intelligent, and I hope you get all of those traits, too. You're our dreams come true, Matilda", he said as he kissed her forehead, making her scrunch deliciously against his naked chest.
"How's everyone in here?", Amelia asked after she knocked on the door, to which you replied after the noise woke you up, "we're doing good, the food helped a lot, thank you", referring to the tray of food they brought you as you had barely gotten any sleep since the day before and did not have much of an appetite during labour.
"Now we should see this little one's tummy, if that's okay. Because any minute now I think she'll be hungry", she asked as Lando put on a shirt after placing your daughter on your chest.
Uncovering your chest after joking about everyone in the room having been all in the up in there and how it wasn't a boob flashing that was going to compromise you further, you urged your babygirl to latch on your nipple.
"Alright, let's get this baby to latch, shall we? I'm probably going to have to touch you if that's okay", the nurse said while you nodded, "C'mon, little one, you can't be too lazy about this, it's right there ready for you!", she smiled as she touched her cheek, the reflex immediate as she suckled, "Good job, Matilda", she whispered, looking at your vitals.
"And you, Y/N? How are you feeling?", she questioned as she registered the numbers on her iPad, "I'm good, a little tired, but otherwise fine and very much in love", you blushed, touching Matilda's cheek.
"Lando?", Amelia finally asked, bringing Lando out of his focus as he watched you and your daughter.
Sighing, Lando had the look of love, as Max would often tell him whenever his eyes glossed over and he had the biggest smile on his face, "I'm on cloud nine. I have both of my girls finally with me, they're well and they're healthy. I'm on cloud nine, indeed, I don't need anything else. I have it all right here".
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pilfappreciator · 10 months
I just saw your request guidelines! how about a John Dory x gn!reader that babies him? he's all abt being the leader and bossy and such, it would be cute when he turns soft and lets the reader baby him.
Ah yes, love me some middle-aged dumb jock "all about that van life" squating in the woods and interrupting strangers weddings for no reason ex-boyband member fluff 😘
John Dory x Reader: his ass needs pampering
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Includes: GN! Reader, touch-starved John Dory, mentions of prolonged isolation, slight angst
🥽 It'll take some time (and lots of persuasion on your end) before John Dory even CONSIDERS the idea of letting someone else take the reigns
🥽 He was forced to grow up pretty quick when he was younger. He was the oldest of five and it didn't seem like any of them had parents to fall back during their childhood. Sure, there was Grandma Rosiepuff but it wasn't quite the same... and after Brozone started to take off in popularity, John Dory felt it was his time to step up as a leader
🥽 Obviously, having that kind of pressure on your shoulders while growing up in the public eye doesn't bode well for someone's self-worth
🥽 I feel like John Dory found comfort in being in charge tho?? Like he likes when things go his way so he definitely appreciated the feeling of control lol
🥽 BUT LIKE I SAID, this man CAN be talked into taking the backseat for once!!
🥽 Start out small. Maybe do little favors for him, like grabbing him a tool or item he needs before he goes for it himself, or holding doors open so he can walk through, or using your thumb to wipe some crumbs or sauce off his face (this guys a messy eater, don't even ATTEMPT to convince me otherwise)
🥽 Tbh he probably won't even notice what you're doing at first. He'll just be like "aw thanks babe :]" and move his ass right along
🥽 He'll only start taking the hint once you start escalating those favors. Next thing he knows you're offering to drive Rhonda so he can relax, or making his meals for him, or offering massages
🥽 I mean... he might not refuse that last one but that's besides the point shahlskdja
🥽 It's only when you start taking on some of his chores and usual manual labor that he starts speaking up
🥽 "Look, babe, I appreciate what you're tryin' to do but it's fine! I've got this!"
"No, it's cool, I'll do it."
"Seriously, you don't have to."
"I know! But I want to."
"Really, your boy's got thi---"
"You sit your ass down and enjoy that sandwich I made you, John Dory."
"Okay o_o"
🥽 Yeahhhh you're definitely gonna have to be firm with this man if you actually want him to relax. Maybe make his ass do a puzzle or something askjdhas
🥽 I mean it's not like you're taking away his whole sense of agency or anything. He still has the freedom to go and do as he pleases, it's just that now he's got you looking over his shoulder, ready to jump in once he so much as STARTS overworking himself. It's gonna take him some time to get used to being doted on. Fully expect some pouty looks being thrown your way and to hear him grumbling under his breath
🥽 BUT THEN YOU START ESCALATING EVEN FURTHER?? Suddenly you're buying/making him things he needs, like new tools or equipment??? Maybe you two are out on the town one day and you spot him eyeing something through the window of one of the shops, and a few days later—
"Oh, I just saw it the other day and thought of you! :D"
"...Babe, that's a grappling hook."
"Did I stutter?"
🥽 John Dory starts coming around to the idea of being spoiled after that lol
🥽 I'm like 99% sure everyone in the fandom agrees that this man? This guy who's been living all alone in the wilderness and probably eating insects for nutrients for like 20 years??
🥽 I mean he was already pretty touchy-feely BEFORE you started pampering him... but then you start giving him more massages (specifically back/shoulder/foot rubs)... and getting him to lay his head on your stomach/lap after a long day... and running your fingers across his scalp all the while...
🥽 Better have a mop and bucket on standby cuz if this man melts any further, he'll be a puddle ;))
🥽 Definitely starts to seek you out after he's had a bad day/been in his head too long. Lay some kisses on his forehead pretty pls <33
🥽 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION!! DROP SOME PRAISE AND COMPIMENTS ON THIS GUY!!! I mean he probably got plenty of that during his Brozone days but most of them were aimed at his looks/music
🥽 I mean he's definitely not gonna complain if you call him a hunk but I digress
Not even gonna lie to yall... When the first teaser for the movie dropped I was like "Hmm... idk if the movie's gonna as good as the last one but at least Branch's long lost brother is hot"
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jamespottersdaisy · 1 year
Sweet Nothing
Remus Lupin x fem!reader
And the voices that implore, "You should be doing more."
To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it.
based on a request
content- fluff, sickness, hurt/comfort?, established relationship.
author's note- this is actually several blurbs put into one fic, no use of y/n, english is not my first language so beware <3
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You feel a hand on your lower back, guiding you through the throng in the Quidditch Pitch to the castle. Raising your head, your eyes catch Remus's soft but rapt expression. His eyebrows are furrowed, his eyes opting for the best way to get you from the packed crowd with the least malaise.
You don't bother to speak; most probably, he won't hear you. Hell, you don't even hear your own thoughts in all this ruckus. However, you would always hear his calm and tender tone.
"This way, dove."
You let your body comply with his hand on your back.
"You guys are a menace," your disapproving timbre curls up his lips into a subtle smile, one that he tries to hide from you. "And I don't believe for a second that you had nothing to do with this."
He chuckles, his brown eyes catching yours for a moment. "I was with you the whole time, wasn't I?"
"They're not brilliant enough to think of a way of hexing the whole–" Your words are cut off when Remus pulls you to his right. You stumble from the sudden shove, feeling his tight grip on your arms.
You see a group of brooms whooshing from where you were standing only seconds before. "What are they doing?"
"Bastards," Remus mutters, agitated that they almost knocked you out.
"Your fault. You shouldn't have given them a reason to celebrate."
You know you are wrong; of course, the Gryffindor players would celebrate with or without the Marauder's prank on the opposite team. However, a little compunction wouldn't hurt. 
"It's not my fault that I'm a mastermind," Remus grins, pulling you closer by the waist. You can hear the cheerful shouts and music from afar, knowing that James is probably capering around, frisking on Sirius or Peter. 
"Should we go and celebrate with them?" you ask Remus, even though you despise the hubbub, everyone pushing and pulling others, stumbling to one another, hurting each other's toes. Who needs that? You can very well express your cheers in the common room celebrations. And Remus knows you well enough.
"No, we'll see them in the common room," he says, holding your hand tightly. "Are you hungry?"
"We just ate."
"Do you want snacks? I can get some from the kitchens if you do."
You chuckle at his tone, so soft but also pampering you. "Are you hungry? You certainly sound like you want something to eat."
"Remus!" you elbow him, blush painting your cheeks. He laughs, a sound that manages to flutter chords in your heart no matter how many times you hear it. He brings your hand–which is entangled between his fingers– to his lips and places a tender peck on it.
"I'll bring you some chocolate from the kitchens."
That is how you know he craves chocolate.
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"You two should break up."
"Come again?"
"I said, break up for a day, you're making Prongs sad," Sirius repeats shamelessly at you, going through a cookie bowl.
Remus is ambling down the stairs with a book in his hand. A book which he uses to smack Sirius on the head. He winces, scowling at your boyfriend.
"Prongs being sad is none of our business."
You let Remus sit on the sofa and put your head on his lap. Under a mere second, another hand, belonging to James, plunges into the bowl. 
"No matter what I do, Evans won't go out with me on Valentine's Day," he continues to inspect every cookie meticulously, looking for the right one. Your heart aches at the sight, and you decide that enough is enough. You snatch the bowl under his hand and lay back on Remus's lap with the cookies on your stomach. Remus smiles at the sight of you, his hand roaming through your hair.
"Stop sampling the cookies with your filthy fingers."
"They're my only comfort. Give them back," James attacks, ready to grab the bowl back, but Remus's hands stop him. He playfully swats James's hand away from the bowl. 
"She's eating them."
You grin at James, visibly smug about your boyfriend's demeanour. "I am eating them, Potter."
"You haven't touched them since Peter brought them from the kitchens."
"I will eat them, Potter."
You don't comprehend what happens next, or you simply don't remember. Maybe James groans and leaves your side, or Sirius starts teasing you again. Who knows? You just feel Remus's fingers tousling between strands of your hair. 
"What are you doing?" you whisper, a tiny smile adorning your lips.
"Braiding your hair," he drawls, his eyes glancing at your lips before averting back to your hair. 
"You know how to braid?"
Remus chuckles, shaking his head. "No, but I'm learning right now."
"By ruffling my hair?"
"I'm not ruffling, dove. I'm braiding."
"No, you're definitely ruffling. I can feel it."
"I'll comb them later tonight. Sounds good?" you smirk at his raised eyebrows, hearing your heart singing. Moments like this are what soothe your worries and take away the weight on your shoulders for that week. His quiet whispers and tender touch, adoring tone and smiling eyes always manage to find their path to your heart, warming it in an instant.
"Will you also bring me milk and kiss me goodnight?"
He smiles, bringing one hand to your chin. His thumb caresses the skin and journeys to your lips.
"If that's what you want."
You roll your eyes at him, taking his hand from your face in your hand. You start to fiddle with his fingers, oblivious of the beam in his countenance. You love playing with Remus's hand. They are larger than yours, as Remus enjoys pointing out with every chance he gets, but also so soft. 
Your eyes forcefully move from your intertwined hands to Remus's brown eyes. In a few seconds, your mind feels his finger resting under your chin. You gaze at him with confusion and affection as he leans in and puts his lips before yours. He doesn't kiss you, merely placing his lips inches away from yours. You know he is waiting for you. 
You smile for a moment, your warm breath hitting his lips. You know it puts him on the edge when you josh him, his breathing getting heavier, the black in his eyes widening.
But you relish it more than anything.
"Don't tease, dove," he whispers, and you can feel the anticipation in his tone.
You giggle, your smile growing against his, your fingers running through the hair on his neck. You don't torture him any more, crashing your lips to his. You let out an amused breath when you feel Remus return the kiss in a second, his hands wandering your body.
No matter how long you've been together or how many times he has kissed your lips, it is the same feeling every time. The burn in your core, the desire for more and the joy of his touch. You are too familiar with all these sensations, and yet you welcome them every time with a smile on your face.
"Get a room!"
You are familiar with Sirius's shriek, too.
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Your throat burns with pain, your nose itching with an urge to sneeze, which never comes. You know for sure that you look terrible in your bed, with dishevelled hair, a red nose and swollen eyes. However, all this doesn't seem to phase Remus even a bit. 
"You're a mule."
He is annoyed and maybe slightly worried. His eyebrows are furrowed, and displeasure has gained a seat on his visage. He is staring at you with irritated eyes and a scowl beside your bed.
"And you're rude," you say, barely managing to raise your voice from a whisper. It's not your fault that your throat hurts when you talk.
"Dove, let's just go to Madam Pomfrey."
"For a cold?"
Remus groans, sitting next to you. He puts one hand on your right thigh before speaking again.
"You'll have a fever if you keep up like this."
"I'm fine, stop worrying," you say, even though you're happy that he does.
You're happy that he worries for you and cares for you. You're happy that he never leaves your side or your hand. You're happy that even though he rarely uses the words, he still manages to tell you he loves you with actions.
You don't need to hear it. You never need to hear it; Remus makes sure that you can feel it.
"You know I can't do that," he shakes his head, persistent with his efforts. "And you know I can't take care of you all by myself."
You chuckle at his words. For the last seven hours, he's been bringing you warm soup, making sure you're hydrated enough, and he hasn't let you stand up for even a second.
"You've done well so far," you smile despite the ache in your temples. "Remus, it's just cold. I'll be fine in the morning, especially with your pampering."
You don't see the point in visiting the hospital wing for a seasonal cold; it seems like overreacting. Remus, on the other hand, seems distraught seeing you in pain. He doesn't want to agree; you can see it on his face, but he agrees anyway. 
"It would help if you took a warm shower, you know."
You smile at him, knowing damn well that he wouldn't let you get on your feet without his help.
Remus nods several times, immediately rising to his feet. "I'll run a shower for you."
You watch him sprint to the bathroom, and the next thing you hear is the water running. You are lucky that your roommates are not in your dorm room today. Or maybe you're unlucky that you got sick on Saturday.
You slowly start getting out of bed, your head throbbing. Remus comes back and helps you get to the bathroom. In reality, he merely follows you from place to place, as you're perfectly capable of walking. 
"You're acting like I'm a toddler," you laugh at his concern, which earns you a frown. 
"You are a toddler. Why else would you refuse to go to the hospital wing?"
"Because I'm fine," you grin, getting out of your clothes. Remus watches you, leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed. "If you're waiting for me to ask you to join me, I'm not gonna do that."
He smirks at your tone, pushing himself off the doorframe. "I'll be there if you need me."
He leaves you alone, and you let hot water embrace your bare skin. By the end of the shower, you feel lighter and better, happy that your headache has eased a bit.
Remus waits for you in the room, and you notice that he has brought you another soup. 
"How many times do I have to drink that?" 
"Enough times for you to get better," he pushes the blanket on top of you when you lay down on the bed. "Cooperate a bit."
He takes the soup bowl in his hand and lifts the spoon. You grimace at the steam rising from the spoon.
"I'd rather not drink–"
"Open wide, the train is coming," he pushes the spoon to your lips.
"Remus!" you pull your head backwards, laughing involuntarily. "It's hot!"
"You haven't even tasted it."
"I can see from the steam."
"Fine," he groans, huffing at the spoon. "It's good now, come on."
Now that you're out of the excuses, you comply with him. Still, you pull a face when your tongue meets with the soup, albeit it is delicious. 
"It can't be that disgusting, dove."
"It is," you lie when Remus offers you another spoon, a bit of liquid dripping from your lips to your chin. 
"Let me see," he says, and before you can deny it, his lips are already on yours. 
You let out a disapproving sound from deep in your throat, even though your stomach tingles at the feeling of Remus's soft lips on yours. He pulls back an inch, but still close enough for you to feel his warm breath. 
"It was delicious," he mocks. "Liar."
"You're gonna be sick, baby," you whisper, your lips smiling a bit. 
He kisses you again, this time quicker and shorter than before. "You'll take care of me."
And you will take care of him the next morning because he definitely will be sick.
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You don't feel your legs, nor do you remember how you got to the castle yard. You're in a trance, unable to hear or feel anything as you stride to a distant tree that will provide you solidarity. Anything except the suffocating weight in your lungs and the burning urge in your throat. You want to cry. You want to drop to your knees and wail, letting tears pour down your eyes, allowing the agony to leave your heart with your every cry.
But you don't cry.
You don't cry until you know you are alone. You don't cry until you are sure that no one can see you, no one can hear you. You don't cry until you are sure that you are out of everyone's sight who will pity you if they see your tears.
It feels too much. You feel too much. You feel too much, but you don't feel enough. You never feel enough. 
You run, but you never flee. You swim, but you drown. You smile, but you cry.
The moment you see the tree, your legs give in. You fall to the ground, a cry leaving your lips. You don't scream, you don't wail. You simply welcome the tears as you sit on the ground, pulling your knees to yourself.
Your mind echoes each and every word that pulls you too deep into the ocean.
"I expected more from you."
You thought you did enough.
"It's your fault."
You thought you did the right thing.
"You'll do better next time."
You thought you did better this time.
You hear your pained sob, pitying yourself. Your nails dig into your skin hard enough to leave a mark. You want to leave a mark. You want to feel something, something other than the pain burning inside your chest. 
You whine at your lover's voice, so soft and tender, afraid to startle you. You don't question how he has found you. Somehow he always does.
"Go away, Remus," your tone sounds weaker than you expect, full of agony and desperation. You don't look at his face; you don't look anywhere but your hands. 
You don't want him to see your red eyes, tear-stained face and shaking hands. You don't want him to hear your heavy sobs and breathless cries. You don't want him to pity you.
"No," he sits next to you, still a bit hesitant to touch you. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
"Go away," you cry, "please."
"I am not going anywhere, dove," he shakes his head, his eyes glancing at your hands. He knows it may backfire, and he knows you may draw up your walls even higher, but he takes the risk. He puts his hand on yours, parting your nails from your skin. 
You scrunch up your face when he kisses the skin where your nails dig deep, ready to burst into tears once more. You lower your head, refusing to let him see your pain. 
He doesn't let you. 
"Talk to me," he pleads, holding your hand close to him. "I hate seeing you cry."
Of course, he does, you think. Why would anyone want to put up with your bawling? Why would anyone want to put up with you?
You can feel the hatred poisoning your veins, darkening the light in your heart. You know this hatred, this darkness. You know who it is aimed at. You are too familiar with its burn. You know it is going to mock your weakness and insult your very being because you know you feel that hatred for none other than yourself.
When you talk, you want to drown your voice just to never hear it again.
"I'm sorry."
You don't see Remus's confused face. You don't feel his bafflement. You only hear his loving pitying tone.
"For what?" he asks and doesn't wait for your reply. "Dove, come here."
You despise your body for betraying your mind. You abhor your heart for betraying your will. You hate your frailty when it comes to Remus.
You let him hold you close to his chest, sobbing into his touch. His hands caress your hair, his lips leaving kisses on your temple as comfort. Your body trembles under his affection, the tears staining his shirt. 
"It's alright. You're alright," his tone hugs the scarred part of your soul. "I'm here."
"I'm sorry, Remus, I'm sorry–"
"What for, dove? You have nothing to be sorry about," he cuts you off, feeling that you're spiralling. "Tell me what's wrong. Tell me, we'll fix it together, yeah?"
You shake your head, clinging closer to his chest. This is the part you hate most. The part where the words line up against your tongue but don't know how to get out. Your feelings mock you, and you're afraid that if you talk, he will mock you, too.
Remus knows you. He has learned you well enough to know that you are struggling. He strokes your back, encouraging you to speak. 
"Come on, dove. You'll feel better," he kisses your hair.
"No, I- It's not.." you mumble something between your sobs, and Remus tries so hard to understand you. He waits, patiently giving you the time you need to organise your thoughts, all while embracing you tightly. 
"It's alright. Take your time."
You inhale a deep but shaky breath, your chest trembling from all the hiccups. You wish to speak, to share your pain with your lover, but it's just too heavy. So heavy that letters are like a burden to your tongue. 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you don't know you're crying again until you feel teardrops on your hand. "I can't. This is it. This is all I got. It's not enough, I'm not enough."
"Hey, hey, hey," Remus pulls away, taking your face in his hands. "You're more than enough."
"No, no, I-I can't…I can't do better. I need to do better, I have to do better–"
Remus doesn't understand what you're talking about; your words don't make sense to him. All he knows is that your every tear is like a knife to his heart, your every sob is like a hit in the gut, and your every word is like a storm hitting his mind.
"You don't have to do anything. You're doing enough," he says, his heart clenching in pain at the sight of you. "Listen to me."
He puts his forehead on yours, closing his eyes. "Listen to me, dove."
He waits for you. He waits until your breathing calms down, your tears slow down, and your body stops shaking. You close your eyes, inhaling his scent.
"You're enough for me," he whispers, his hands still caressing your body. "I love you, and you're enough for me."
You feel the burn in your chest at ease, the burden in your tongue walking away. You feel your tears come to a halt, your soul finding comfort in his words. 
"I love you, too," you whisper back. 
"Then talk to me, and let me help you."
So, you talk. You tell him every word in your mind, every pain in your heart and every burden in your soul. You know he can't possibly solve all your problems or take away all your pain, but what he can do is always let you know he loves you, whether with his words or his actions.
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I love Remus, I wish men were real.
Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think!
and if you please, buy me a coffee <333
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yikesmary · 1 year
Heyyy! If you’re open for requests, there’s this TikTok that I saw where a pregnant lady had her husband lift her heavy belly for a few minutes and it gave her some relief. I somehow could see Mingyu do that. His wife having a hard time getting used to her growth and him trying his best to help her 🫠🫠🫠
HUSBAND DUTIES — kim mingyu x reader
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summary: where mingyu is the best support system for your pregnancy.
note: this request was soooo cute!!! i don't know anything about pregnancy though, so anything that i mention about pregnancy is probably false so should be taken with a grain of salt. this is shorter than i expected but i hope u like it anon and everyone who reads this <33. also you guys should request more ;)
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"Eggs, carrots, flour," You read to the phone, Mingyu on the other side as he was at the store.
Since you announced your pregnancy, it seemed like Mingyu was determined that you barely moved a finger during the 9 or so months. This meant that you weren't allowed to carry anything that was remotely heavy (he practically pouted the one time you insisted on helping out with the dishes); in this case, he took on the duty of going to the store.
You hesistated for a moment after saying the last item on the list you wrote out before saying, "Also, the baby is saying that you should pick up some chinese from that one place near the house,"
"Really? The baby said I should pick up food?"
"Yep, uh-huh. And the baby said you should buy ice cream from the convivence store as well," you affirmed, patting your pregnant belly as if you were high-fiving the baby through your belly.
Mingyu chuckled in amusement before saying, "Well, tell the baby that it'll take a bit of time if that's okay with them,"
"Okay, but don't be too long! I— I mean the baby will miss you a lot," you whispered, as if it was a secret.
"I won't take long," Mingyu reassured you, amused.
"Hey Gyu?"
"Yes, my love?"
"It's just not the baby that misses you,"
"Oh, yeah?"
"I miss you too,"
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"I'm home!" Mingyu called out, opening the door and walking in your shared home, hands filled with plastic bags that came from the supermarket.
"Yay!" You cheered, slowly standing up from your seat on the couch then you walked (more like waddled) to Mingyu. You tried to grab one of the bags that was in his hands, but he moved away quickly so you didn't have the opportunity to grab a bag.
"Mingyu! Let me help!"
"No, just sit and I'll grab everything," Mingyu told you.
You pouted, but obliged, watching as he made his way back and forth from the car to the kitchen.
Once he was finished, he exited the kitchen and made a beeline towards you, holding the paper bag that was holding the Chinese Food. You made grabby hands towards the bag and he gave it to you.
You started to open the bag but then Mingyu said, "before we eat, I wanna test something on you,"
Looking at him confused, you looked at the food before looking back at him and shrugged. "Alright," you shrugged, putting the bag on the table that was in front of the couch.
"Stand up, please," Mingyu requested and you did, and he moved so he was behind you, which confused you even further.
Deciding not to question it, you looked at him from behind to see him grab the underside of your belly. When he lifted your belly up, you instantly felt relief feeling that a massive weight was just removed from you (which did, technically).
You sighed in relief, resting your head on Mingyu's shoulders and basking in the moment where there was no extra weight.
The pregnancy, as happy as you were starting a family with Mingyu, left your body sore constantly. And Mingyu knew this, since he's witnessed how your body was changing and even massaged your feet whenever you asked.
"How do you feel?" Mingyu asked.
"Like you should do this for the rest of my pregnancy," you said, smiling up at him.
"I don't think I can do it for that long, but I'll do it whenever you ask," he told you.
"Where do you learn how to do this?"
"Wonwoo sent me a TikTok of a man doing this to his wife so he gave me the idea," he explained.
You and him were in the position for a few minutes before he decided to say, "okay, I think I'm going to let you go,"
"No," you said, dragging out the 'o'.
He kissed the crown of your head in an apology before moving away and sitting on the couch. You sat beside him and kissed him in thanks.
"Love you,"
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georgeclarkesgf · 3 months
hey!! i love the way you write for george it’s so cute - could i request something where the reader is good friends with max and they’re all at a social event and george meets her for the first time and he gets a huge crush on her (maybe some teasing from his housemates) and then maybe a bit about how the relationship develops
all good if not!!! ty ❤️❤️
of course lovely! here you go <3
by the time you and max arrive at george's housewarming party, the sounds of laughter and music filling the air are in full swing. max can sense your nerves, and reassures you quickly with a side hug before dragging you to get a drink.
it was only your first week in london, having recently just moved, after much convincing from max. you'd been close friends with him for years. he knows how nervous you were about making such a big move, so when george mentioned the party, max knew this was the perfect opportunity to introduce you to everyone and make you feel more welcome.
after being handed a drink, you're pulled over to where george and grace are currently bickering about a tiktok they saw. grace is the first to spot you both, getting up and giving max a hug before introducing herself.
"hi babe! you must be y/n," you nod, returning her hug, "max mentioned he was bringing someone. you want a drink?"
"uh, no i've just got one but thank you. let me know when you get another one and i'll join you though." you smile before she walks off.
"probably for the best, grace can't measure drinks for shit. i'm george by the way."
"i know," internally you cringe, not wanting to make yourself sound like a weird fan or stalker, "i mean because i watch the podcast, and max loves to talk about you."
max's jaw drops, and he playfully shoves your shoulder, "i do not!"
"yes, you do. don't lie."
as the night goes on and you gain confidence through the drinks you consume, you find yourself gravitating toward george. you'd been introduced to everyone, him having taken over from max at some point in the evening, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible despite only just meeting you.
chris and arthur, george's flatmates, notice the way his eyes follow you whenever you're talking to someone else or grabbing a drink, and decide to tease him.
"george," he gives a hum of acknowledgment, but his eyes never leave you, "you're staring."
"chris shut up. i'm not staring." he mumbles, quickly shifting his gaze to the phone in his hand.
it's a lie, of course he's staring. how could he not?
"so, you have a plan? or are you just gonna stare all night and hope that she'll magically become your girlfriend?" arthur teases making george roll his eyes.
ignoring the laughs from behind him, he walks over to where you and grace are and rests a hand on your lower back to gain your attention.
"hey, sorry to interrupt. can i steal you for a minute?"
"yea of course." you say, taking his hand as he leads you to somewhere more private.
his hands grow clammy as he closes his bedroom door and you notice how he won't meet your eye for longer than a couple of seconds at a time.
"george, are you okay?"
he shoves his hands in his pockets and finally meets your gaze, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.
"sorry if this is too forward and i know we've just met but i was wondering if you'd wanna grab a drink some time? no pressure to say yes or anything."
the few seconds of silence are killing him before you nod your head with a grin on your face.
"i'd love to." you giggle and pull out your phone to get his number.
the next few weeks you and george are barely apart, spending nearly every day together. his friends don't stop their teasing but he doesn't let it bother him. he's just happy with how well things are going.
the date had gone well, a local bar allowing you to get to know each other more in a relaxed environment. conversation between you both flowed easily, filling the space with laughter as you found out more about each other. it was evident by the end of the date that the feelings were mutual.
weeks turn into months, and everyone around you is glad you're both so happy and smitten with one another. george is constantly proving to be an incredible boyfriend, making sure you feel loved and appreciated, surprising you with random gifts or nights away.
one night, you're at george's flat for the weekly movie night that now happens. his arm is wrapped around your waist and you're curled into him, head on his shoulder.
"have we ever told you how thankful we are you adopted george as your rescue boyfriend?" arthur chuckles and george groans at the reminder of the infamous tweet, "means his whole personality can't be about being single."
"yea you've mentioned it once or twice," you laugh as george hides his face in your neck, blushing, "don't get embarrassed baby, you're my favourite rescue boyfriend."
his head shoots up and he cocks his eyebrow, "what do you mean your favourite? what other rescue boyfriends have you had?"
"never you mind, just watch the movie."
you push his head towards the tv but before you realise what's happening, george is mercilessly tickling you. a shriek of laughter escapes your lips.
"george! stop, i'm sorry!" you gasp, trying to pry his wrists away from your sides, but you're trapped underneath him.
watching the scene unfold in front of them, chris and arthur smile, feeling happy for george at him being so undoubtedly in love.
"okay, okay! i surrender! please stop!" your sides physically hurt from your uncontrollable laughing.
at last, george stops, gripping your hips instead and you're panting as you try to catch your breath.
"tell me i'm not a rescue boyfriend and that i'm actually the best boyfriend in the world." he demands, his voice a mix of mock sternness and affection.
"you're not a rescue boyfriend, you're actually the best boyfriend in the world. i love you." he dips his head, placing a kiss on your lips before you both sit up.
"i love you too." george repeats, letting you cuddle into his side again.
in your tickle fight, you both momentarily forget where you are until you hear arthur speak, "you two are so cute."
a look is shared between you and you both know there's nowhere else you'd rather be than in this moment.
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illubean · 10 months
hxh characters if reader asked them to paint their nails:3
Painting Their Nails
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Characters: Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paladiknight, Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer Type: Fluff, Headcanons, gn!reader
I wasn't sure what characters you wanted so I'll just do it for everyone currently on my masterlist ^__^
Warnings: none
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Gon Freecs
"Only if I get to paint yours!"
he doesn't mind you painting his nails, he actually thinks it's kind of fun
it would turn into a spa day!
he likes picking out your nail color and is 100% down to do facemasks too
if you use mud masks or homemade facemasks...oh boy
prepare to get messy
ANYWAYS back to the nails
he doesn't care what colors or designs you do, he just likes hanging out with you!
if you let him do your nails, he probably wouldn't be the best or neatest but its cute because he tried anyways!
Killua Zoldyck
he would fight yo on it tbh
painting each others nails? that's for girls!
after growing up the way he did, his mind can be a little stuck with traditional gender norms and standards
but if you have Alluka on your side? instant victory
he would let you guys paint his nails but not without complaining the entire time
when you guys are done he actually kind of likes it
if you guys offer to take it off after because of all his prior complaining he would snatch his hands away
"Pft, that would be a waste of time! It's already done anyways.."
Kurapika Kurta
good luck catching at a time he isn't busy
he's pretty indifferent about it actually
probably doesn't understand why you want to, but will let you if it makes you happy
his only request is you use dark colors
he prefers colors like burgundy, navy blue or black ("bLaCk IsNt A cOlOr" I KNOW THAT BUT FOR THE SAKE OF THIS IT IS)
he would leave the nail polish on until it starts chipping or you offer to redo it
Leorio Paladiknight
he fights you even harder on this than Killua
he wouldn't let you without some kind of incentive 😭
and that incentive would have to be cash or.. a favor
he wouldn't mind watching you do your nails though! he actually thinks it's kinda cute how you pay attention to those things
if you ask him for color suggestions he would tell you light blue without a second thought
Illumi Zoldyck
again, no
he doesn't even argue with you on this he just won't let you
you could probably convince him to let you give him a manicure but no color
how boring -__-
in his mind, he's an assassin and doesn't have time to worry about silly stuff like that
Chorollo Lucilfer
he'll let you if he honestly has nothing better to do
he would look down at a book in his lap while you work, reading and asking you to flip the page for him every so often
he actually really likes them if you do a design resembling his coat
he feels like a pretty princess think's it gives him an extra classy look
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