#i prefer to navigate to new cities without a carriage but i gave up
akirameta84 · 2 years
i am never attempting to walk to solitude again i swear i was going in circles for half an irl hour why is this road so confusing
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Blood For Gold Part 2
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well. head’s up- smut ahead. With the ‘mistaken person’ trope. Enjoy. @kriskukko​
Blood For Gold 
Part 2
Once the Count and Countess Morrigan finally left, you went up to your personal quarters to find three huge chests, one was chalk full of new jewelry, you expected it to be paste, but it was real, every last bit of it, but all of it from the moura stables and in the current style here in England. You also found over a dozen bolts of expensive and luxurious fabrics, also from the moura stables along with new shoes, soaps, perfumes, hair conditioners and lotions and a host of beauty treatments along with all kinds of makeup and other trinkets and treasures, then you noticed a few new books in the trunks and took them out and flipped through them to find a message written down on a small note between the pages, from a friend of yours who still lived at the stables. 
“My dearest Audra, 
I am writing you, hoping that this letter finally finds you as others have always returned to me without you getting a chance to read them, to let you know that the Morrigans have enlisted the stables to help them get you remarried as quickly as possible, and the stench of their desperation is rank. Beware of who they introduce to you, for I fear they will be worse than Edward ever was. I know you have been in mourning, and can only have visitors there, but if at all possible, make friends with your brethren in the feather. 
There is a few clubs in London, The Gold Finch, The Midnight Peacock, and The Green Barn, only mouras or moura descendants will be admitted into these establishments. Give your name and what estate you stayed at while at the stables as your password and they should let you in. Explain your situation to them, and they may be of some help and at least they might warn you of bad suitors and help steer you clear of other dangerous people. Now that you have finally been granted your freedom, I would hate to see you lose it over anyone who is not worthy and who can not make you happy. You deserve everything you want Audra. Do not settle. Embrace your choice to choose wisely for yourself. 
Your friend always, 
If she had been right there with you, you would have embraced her and cried tears of happiness and relief as you wondered how many other mouras were here. 
You agreed to go out with Agnes on Wednesday, that left tonight and tomorrow. Even though you were tired, you didn’t have much time to waste.
“Malcom, I need my carriage, again, I need to go to The Gold Finch.” You implored as you took the note and quickly turned on your heel and grabbed your purse and quickly went down the stairs. 
“Where?” Malcolm asked as he got his coat back on. 
“There are moura clubs here in London, let’s pray they’re still open on a Monday night- The Gold Finch- The Midnight Peacock and The Green Barn, I must go to at least one of these places tonight.” You insisted. 
“Of course, right away Countess.” He readily agreed. 
The Gold Finch was the closest and surrounded by other various shops but when you walked in, it was clearly some kind of tea shop. 
“How can I help you miss?” The kind gentleman asked behind the counter. 
“Hello, my name is Countess Audravienne Saharrazat Morrigan from the Kalina Estate of Dorierra, I was told by a friend still there that I would be able to find brethren of the feather here.” You carefully told him before he went and got a big book from underneath the counter and began flipping pages to find what you were referencing. 
“Which Quarter is Kalina in?” He asked. 
“It used to be the Sultanate Quarter, but now it’s considered to be in the Hanging Garden Quarter.” You answered as he got to the right section. 
“Ah, yes, Kalina. Do you have any marks?” He asked. 
“Yes.” You answered as you unbuttoned your coat to reveal your chest so he could see the marks on your skin, which looked like many gold peacock feathers gracing your skin, and even turned around so he could see them on the back of your neck where the intricate pattern of your moura collar on the back of your neck along with the gold peacock feathers gracing your shoulders which made him smile because your “wings” covered you from shoulders to legs and wrapped around all of you. 
“Welcome Miss Saharrazat, you’ll do better going by your stable name than your English name at all the moura clubs. From now on, your password will be your house name- Kalina. Right this way.” He urged as he flipped open the gate on the counter so you could pass through and then led to one of two doors behind the counter, one would lead to the shop’s back room and the other led to a staircase and once you ascended it, you were met with a huge room full of other mouras, not all of them had the golden hair or the gold eyes, but they all had at least one gold feather on their skin and the moura collar around their necks or at least the moura mark on the back of their neck with bright, eager, happy smiles to see someone new, as they all gasped excitedly at seeing you and especially once you took off your coat and gave it to the little coat room and your moura marks became visible, then they happily cheered and you were practically ambushed by hugs from everyone as you couldn’t help but start crying at finally receiving the warm welcome you had been craving since you got here, all of them eager to know how you got here and what had happened and word about if the stables had changed much and it was better than coming home before you explained your situation and they brought you to the only elder moura there that night- Yalin who sat at her own table with her own preferred older group of friends. 
“I need your help. The Count and Countess Morrigan wish to push me off and marry me off to someone as soon as possible, and I am going dress shopping on Wednesday with the Countess. I have had peace in my mourning, and now they are going to steal it away because they think me a leech.” You worried to Mother Yalin who was like a kind grandmother to all. 
“What do you need?” Yalin asked thoughtfully.  
“I need to know how to really navigate this place, at least socially, I need to know who to stay away from, who will mean me harm, who will abuse me, or take me for my “dowry” and then leave me devastated. I have played this game once before and lost. If I am to marry I want it on my terms. I want to marry for love this time or not at all. And I can not find it if annoying gnats and flies are buzzing around me like I’m rotting fruit or meat. I need guidance and friends who I can trust. And the Morrigans are the last ones I trust.” You divulged. 
“Does breed matter to you?” Yalin asked thoughtfully. 
“You mean nobleman or commoner?” You asked. 
“No, I mean human, moura, orc, troll, tiefling, ifrit…” She began to list off. 
“I suppose not.” You shook your head no. 
“What about their means?” She asked. 
“I have some saved, the Morrigan’s are giving me a dowry of 50 thousand pounds, but preferably I would like to marry someone who is wise with money, not stingy but discrete but still a little generous, at least towards me, careful, thoughtful, respectful, kind and honest if at all possible.” You specified. 
“So some fortune to keep you comfortable but not destitute.” She realized. 
“Yes.” You confirmed. 
“And because you are a Countess now, the Morrigans will not let you go to a commoner, for fear of tarnishing ‘the family honor’, right?” She ventured. 
“Probably.” You nodded. 
“But because you are a widow, you can not enter the royal family.” She noted. 
“Thank the heavens of which we used to reside.” You murmured which got her to laugh. 
“How long do you have?” She asked. 
“A fortnight, two weeks, my first “reintroduction” into society will be the Friday after at a ball at Havenfield.” You answered. 
“Oh, that’s my sister’s estate, I will also be there, and I can help guide you there then as well, and at least it’s not this Friday. Tell you what, there are four places for moura here in the city. You’ve found Gold Finch, Gold Finch is for chatting and cards over tea. Midnight Peacock is for dancing and The Green Barn- well that’s for business, any kind of business you want to partake in, invest in, even some gambling.” She revealed. 
“And what’s the fourth?” You asked. 
“Red Velvet Rope- it is the house of sin for a moura, and where anyone can find a moura to rut with, not all moura are in high society. They have the best casino, and the most handsome, talented and eager men who can ring your bell seven ways from Sunday or even women and everything in between who can do that too. But my advice to you, only go there for the gambling or the sex, nothing more. Otherwise you could face ruination.” She sagely advised. 
“Of course.” You nodded in understanding. 
“Give me about a week to compile a list for you of suitable partners for you, this weekend, go to the Midnight Peacock and dance till your feet are sore, go to the Velvet Rope, get all the kinks out of your pipes, and then go to The Green Barn and find a way to make what you’ve managed to save away work for you better than any man, in that order.” She advised. 
“And what would you like in return?” You asked. 
“A bar of that Dorierra soap and whatever else you can spare. The soaps that they make here are so harsh on my skin. Almost makes me not want to bathe.” She advised. 
“Is there a way to get the recipe and bring it to one of the soap makers here?” You asked. 
“No, the soap is probably a trade secret solely for the moura stables and most of these companies are about mass product, not quality of their product. I think the soap is more costly to make than it would probably be worth to anyone else not in the moura stable. It’s been decades since I set foot in Dorierra, and I long to have a piece of it again.” She said. 
“Give me your address and I’ll deliver it to you myself tomorrow.” You offered her before she gave you her address. 
“Oh, by the way, I shared a ride on the train with two perfectly agreeable gentlemen today, Duke Demsey Voyambi of orcish decent and Count Javyn Jabire, who was troll, what can you tell me about them?” You asked her curiously. 
“I don’t know them well personally, they do a lot of industrial business, I do know that much, but I can find out about them.” Yalin offered. 
“Thank you.” You thanked her before you sat down at one of the tables and played all the card games that were popular in the stables and making many new and fast friends. 
However you didn’t exactly follow Yalin’s word of advice, to hear that The Red Velvet Rope existed had you aching to be touched lovingly and reverently, if not passionately so the very next day after you dropped off what you could to Yalin, you went to the Red Velvet Rope the very next afternoon, because if you were going to suffer through a day of dress shopping with Agnes, you were going to at least do so in as pleasant a mood as possible. 
“How can I help you miss?” The Ladies entrance Abbess - Annie, asked you as you came in. 
“I need every kink in my pipes cleaned out and I want to get railed so hard I have a hard time walking after.” You said which got her to laugh. 
“How long has it been lass?” She asked. 
“Far too long,” You answered honestly. 
“Aye, you’ll be needing Draft then, drink this cup of tea, it will ward off pregnancy, you take a cup before and a cup after and it’ll do the trick and then go to room 17, here’s your mask to protect your privacy too Lass.” She told you as she handed you a gold silk mask which you readily put on before she opened up the velvet rope that covered the entry way to the stairs then ascended the stairs giddily after you drank the tea, familiar with it because you drank it regularly when you were married to Edward and the last thing you wanted was a child to tie you to that family. 
“Wait, did she say16 or 17?” You asked yourself once you reached the hallway as you noticed someone going into fifteen and another going into 18 at the same time while 17 was still in use, very loudly too. 
“Sixteen it is.” You decided as you went into the room and found it clean and ready and quickly got undressed and even put on your own gold lace stockings, instead of your usual white ones and decided to lay seductively on the bed and wait for “Draft” whoever he was. 
Meanwhile Demsey hadn’t been able to get Countess Morrigan off of his mind. Every time he closed his eyes her gold eyes were always behind his eyelids, her delightful giggle in his ears and her smile swooning his heart. He was growing so frustrated, he wanted to bury himself to the hilt in her and had been so ridiculously attracted to her when he met her again. He had asked around and found that there was a moura brothel in London, surely if he could use one, he could get rid of these distracting and frankly improper thoughts about Countess Morrigan. 
It was barely after lunch time and Demsey found himself across the street from the place and walked into the gentlemen’s side of the building which faced one street while the women’s entrance was on the other.  
“What can I do you for?” The Abbess- Maria asked since there were two counters, one for the gambling hall which sprawled out before him and the other next to the stairs, roped off by thick red velvet ropes. 
“I’d like a rut with a moura please.” He confessed. 
“Male or female or something in between?” She asked as she looked at her book. 
“Female.” He specified. 
“Well, I have Bess, Audrey, and Lilly.” She listed off. 
“Audrey,” He decided, because Countess Morrigan’s name had been Audravienne and that was close enough for him. 
“Good choice, that’ll be five pounds, then Sir.” She stated before he readily handed it over and she handed him a gold silk mask to tie around his face so he would not be recognized by anyone else using the place. 
“Room 16, she’ll be in there shortly.” She offered before he nodded and ascended the stairs after she unhooked the rope from it’s place to let him through before he ascended the rest of the stairs before he found a long hallway with red silk wallpaper and red carpeted floors before he walked down the hallway and the right room and all the air crashed from his lungs to see a very sexy moura splayed out on the bed seductively. 
“Well you are built like a draft.” You purred as you sat up and started to stalk down the bed, your gold eyes practically glowing as all of your gold moura marks started to pulse in anticipation as Demsey dropped everything onto the floor as his pupils dilated as wide as they could as he took the sight of you in while his cock was stiffening in his pants while he slowly walked over to you, afraid that if he breathed wrong, you would vanish. 
“So many clothes,” You remarked as you stood on your knees at the foot of the bed and were still chest height with him and reached out to grab them before he realized what he had been in there for as he readily tried to strip out of all of his clothes all at once as you cackled and helped him, remembering how Edward seemed to wear more layers of clothes than you usually did and the second his chest was bare to you- you greedily attached your mouth to one of his pert nipples and began to suck on it while expertly taking off his trousers to get at your prize which caused him to moan. 
Draft was the perfect name for him because he was practically hung like a draft horse too as you had to use both hands to stroke him. 
“Oh Audrey.” He murmured as his hands reached around you and started stroking your petal soft skin and watching the golden feathers on your skin continue to pulse and glow, it was hypnotizing. 
“It’s Audra, Draft.” You corrected in a purr as you noticed his cock practically shot a load of precum all over your hands as he seemed to become putty before you. 
“Call me Demsey then.” He answered which got you to giggle, oh you were going to pretend he was the good Duke now. 
“Perfect, now plough me so hard I won’t be able to walk straight Demsey.” You ordered huskily and that was all the instruction you needed to give him before he practically grabbed your face and kissed you deeply, passionately, like he was pouring his soul into it as he pinned you to the bed and entered you rather roughly, which you needed as your legs had already fell open as wide as they could to accommodate him and he was so large, you finally didn’t feel underwhelmed at the sensation, if anything you were almost overstuffed, but not painfully so before he worked up an earnest rhythm that had your moura marks alight in an equal rhythm with his movements as he feasted on your neck and chest and kissed you like a man starved as you finally felt all the lust you had been lacking in your life breathe into a zealous fire that burned oh so brightly and your heart and soul were being consumed by it.  
In almost record time he was hurtling both of you towards orgasm and Demsey was enthralled to see your moura marks practically constantly pulsing with your pleasure and when your whole body seemed to stiffen as all the marks lit up like soft sunshine as you keened, moaned and whimpered his name as your fingernails dug into the meat of his back and shoulders that indicated that you came which fed his ego and your inward fluttering spurned his own orgasm before he slammed himself into you as far as he could go and finally unloaded himself into you and you were grateful he had done it with good speed before he collapsed fully on you as you both took a moment to bask in the afterglow. 
“Thank you Audra,” Demsey thanked you gratefully, feeling, for now- sated and relieved. 
“Thank you Demsey.” You returned before you kissed him sweetly as the two of you happily helped each other get redressed before you went your separate ways out of the room, Dempsey going one way while you went the other, both of you happily and contentedly sighing as you practically pranced down the steps. 
“And?” Annie asked as she handed you a cup of tea once she let you through the velvet ropes. 
“Draft lives up to his name, built and hung like a draft horse, I’m doing good just walking down the stairs.” You sighed dreamily as you took the cup of tea offered and drank it down before you handed back your mask then left a very generous tip for “Draft” and left to go back home, you hadn’t left the place two minutes before Draft came down the stairs himself, his hooves clattering on the stairs since he was a moura minotaur before Annie handed him his tip from you. 
“Very well done Draft.” She cooed. 
“Thank you, do I have another lady waiting on me?” Draft asked. 
“Nope, you’re clear for now, just make sure the room is ready for the next client whenever they do come.” She answered. 
“Will do.” He said as he went back up the stairs at the same time Audrey was coming down to collect her next client as the maids were busy cleaning up room 16 after just finishing the others next to it. 
“Well done Audrey.” Maria grinned as she handed Audrey her own very generous tip from Demsey. 
“Thank you.” She grinned and put her tip into her coin purse before she got her next client from the casino part of the place.  
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