#i plan to celebrate by getting wizard high and ordering myself a nice dinner ❤️
lesbeet · 1 year
officially done w my second year of teaching!! we only had 3 class periods today bc of finals and one of them was my prep period, and i gave my sophomores an essay instead of a final but that was due last week, meaning we had nothing to do today. so i figured out how to hook up my switch to the smartboard and we played mario kart and just hung out lmao.
i had several kids write me really sweet notes and two also told me (independent of one another) that they learned more from me this year than any other english class they've taken, which was really really nice to hear.
i'm so happy to be done but i'm also really grateful that i'm going back there next year, meaning i don't need to worry about interviewing or even just like. starting at yet another new school where i don't know anything or anyone. i got to leave stuff in my classroom knowing i'd be back, one class i'll be teaching next year is the same as one from this year so i won't have to start EVERYTHING from scratch for once, so it's just kind of like a preemptive relief. also my sister and i leave for greece and italy in a couple weeks so i'm obviously excited for that, and in the meantime i get to spend some time w my cat before i abandon him for 2 weeks lmao
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