#i only wanna eat salad orange chicken and green beans
Ed is so real for only eating buttered toast and gravy every other food is gross and hard to eat and makes me sad
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annakie · 3 years
A Lot of Words about a Thing
This is a “I’m writing this out so next time someone asks I can just point them to this (or copy/paste) instead of having to type it again” thing.
I’ve been doing Hello Fresh for the last two or three months and I thought I’d talk about the ups and downs of it and if I’m going to keep doing it.  This is not an endorsement (which will be clear when you get to the overall middling scoring), but I will put a link at the bottom so we can both get a deal if you want to try it.
So anyway, I had been thinking about doing a meal kit for a long time but pulled the trigger on it back in... like Mid-January, I guess? 
the tl;dr of it all is that I like it and I’ll probably keep doing it for awhile, but it’s not for everyone, and is expensive for what it is, especially if you already know how to cook.
Before I started, I made myself sit down and write out a quick list of what I wanted to get out of trying a meal kit experience, so I’ll rate how successful or not each one of those things is.
First of all, I want to also say, I can already cook.  I’m a pretty good cook.  I can follow a recipe and improvise successfully when necessary usually.  One reason why a lot of people do a meal kit is because they need to learn how to cook and that definitely wasn’t me.
Also, they offer a variety of number and portions on meals to try.  I get three meals a week, with two portions a meal, which means I cook Hello Fresh for dinner one night, and usually the next night have the leftovers.  Friday night is usually “Yay You Made It To The Weekend, You Get To Order Takeout” night.  You can order for several more meals a week, and for up to four portions in each meal, if you want.
So on to the reasons why I decided to try HF, with a grading of how I feel about each one after trying.
Reason One: Try Something New
I was super excited at the beginning of the pandemic now working from home full time, because this was a great chance to really start trying some new recipes.  I had fallen into a pretty bad rut for awhile of some of the same frozen type meals or just making super easy things for dinner and sandwiches for lunch pre-pandemic.  Even though my commute was stupid easy I often felt too wiped at the end of the day to make like, real meals.  So when the pandemic hit and I was Home All The Time, for the first couple of months I was buying interesting ingredients (what I could get my hands on at the time) and really digging into making new and interesting things.  Even baking my own bread and bought some new kitchen gadgets like a pressure cooker to expand my repertoire. 
By like... the end of summer... well the good news was that I was still cooking and hadn’t fallen back to a packaged-food routine most of the time (though still some frozen pizzas or bags of pre-made Asian or Italian food you cook on the stovetop mostly for lunch) but also I had more or less found The Ten Things I Make (like Spaghetti, a great chicken and rice dish that is so good and makes about 6 meals worth of leftovers) and I was real tired of like, recipe hunting.  The most work I was then doing was finding new pressure cooker recipes and tbh almost all of what I was making was Chicken In Some Kind of Sauce Over Rice.  I was burned out.
So Hello Fresh... has been great for that.  I have only made the same thing a couple of times and those were only because i loved them so much the first time I wanted that thing again.  For the most part, I have tried just a ton of new things, including some ingredients I’ve never worked with before or really thought I wouldn’t like!  And I did!  I feel like I am often trying something I have never made before.
Reason 1.5: Variety
OK this is hand-in-hand with Something New but also slightly different.
Try Something New would be rated like a 4.5 out of 5 stars.... but some stars are taken away though, because a lot of their recipes are very similar.  For a protein, there’s like, chicken breasts, hamburger meat, pork chops, chicken sausage and pork sausage.  Occasionally steak.  Basically every meal will start with one of those things.... oh and I guess there’s like some fish choices, but I hate fish.  There’s also vegetarian options, which I have only occasionally gotten.  So within the variety, there’s a lot of similarities.
Also there are a lot of same ingredients in their recipes.  I have grated a lot of lemons and limes.  I have chopped up a lot of carrots, green onions, and potatoes (so many potatoes.)  I have consumed more sour cream than I ever have.  I have started looking for ways to add even a little more variety to the things that are often-repeats that they give you.  
But part of that is my fault -- I am mostly selecting items that I know I will like, or can modify to how I like.  There are a lot of veggie and fish-based choices I could pick up most weeks which I avoid. 
And almost everything I’ve ever made... I’d make again.  I save all the recipe cards so that someday when I don’t wanna do HF anymore, I will have all them all handy to make later.  The HF Subreddit also has a lot of resources like how to do their custom spice mixes, very handy.   There’s been maybe 3 things I’ve made which I’d say were Just Okay, but nothing I’d say that was bad.   And some of the ideas in this paragraph I talk about more, further down.
But also on the topic of “Variety” -- since every meal I make has two portions (occasionally I will stretch something to three) -- points are given back because I’m not “Making a huge pot of spaghetti that I eat for five meals in a row.”  So that’s good, even if it means more cooking overall.
So honestly, on Something New overall, I’ll give this like a 3.5 out of 5 stars, correcting up to 4 stars on a curve, since I strike entire categories of their offerings based on my own tastes.  They offer a pretty good variety of meals to select, and part of the problem here is my fault for hating All Seafood and not being thrilled with the vegetarian options (I also don’t feel like I’m getting my money’s worth without a protein) so there are a lot of meals re-using similar ingredients.   It slides back down to a 3.5 though when you factor in Reasons 3 & 4 below.
Reason Two: Kill Analysis Paralysis
A thing I found increasingly happening by the end of last year was analysis paralysis.  Especially as I started a new job where I’m much, much busier (but happier) in October.  I would find myself staring at the fact that I’d have to make the decision on What To Make For Dinner and dreading it more and more.  It wasn’t really the cooking I hated, but the deciding what to cook, which got me into the lack of variety rut.  More often than I’d like to admit I’d just make a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese or like... just... toast... for dinner because the decision-making part of my brain was tired... or out of spoons as the kids say these days.
This is maybe my favorite part of Hello Fresh overall.  Once every week or two I log onto HF, pick what I’m going to eat like... 5 or 6 weeks in the future, which I can do at a time when I have that decision-making energy, and forget about it.  Every Monday a box shows up on my doorstep, I see what nice things I picked out for myself several weeks ago, and the most I have to decide is which order I will make those things in.
So when it’s a “Make Dinner” day, I don’t have that “shit, I have to make a decision” feeling.  I already know because I pre-planned it back when I wasn’t at the end of a long workday.  It’s one of those small, dumb things that really really helps me mentally in an almost inexplicable way.  And I can feel better about myself because I didn’t eat something dumb for dinner.  And I still allow myself to make easy things for lunch, like a small frozen pizza, a sandwich and some chips, or hey, Kraft Dinner.  And sometimes I do make a big pot of Spaghetti or something that I love and will just have that for lunch every day for a week, and so I don’t have to feel like I’m always cooking.
And on Eat HF Leftovers For Dinner nights, that’s even better, because I have a tasty meal and it just had to get reheated in the microwave or stovetop.  Some meals are easy to half-prepare ahead of time on day one, and just do the last steps on leftover night the next night to have fresher dinner easily.
 Just 5 out of 5 stars here.  This is my favorite part.
Reason Three: Eat More Vegetables.
Uh, yeah, I’m terrible about eating veggies on my own.  The best I can do usually is buy a bag of mixed greens and try to have a side salad with dinner, or buy bags of frozen foods and hope they come with veggies I’d eat. 
So the good thing here, is that when HF sends me vegetables to make, if it’s a veggie I like, I’ll probably make it.
The big problem, though, is that there’s no substitutions.  And I’m still not gonna eat brussell sprouts or, broccoli, or mushrooms. I was a sport and tried making them (except the mushrooms) the first time I got recipes that used them as sides.  And nope... still cant.
But hey, I have done a lot better at eating more fresh green beans, and onions, and carrots, and peppers.  Though sometimes I just snack on the bell pepper instead of cooking it. Still, I call it a win.
I really, really wish I could trade out the side-dish vegetables I know I won’t eat for like, a small side salad, an apple, or hey, even just... carrots!  But nope, no substitutions. =\  I’d score this way better if we could do so.
Still, I’m doing better here, and overall, more vegetables are being eaten.  So, 3 out of 5 stars.
Reason Four: Waste Less Food
The amount of fruit and vegetables I’ve ordered and thrown away over the last year make me cringe.  I would order things with every intention of eating them and then just... not.  Oh yeah I need two lemons, an orange and two limes in case I make ____ recipe!  I need a new bag of baby carrots to snack on and make a side dish and cut into a salad! 
And then I maybe... maybe use half of that before it goes bad.
Probably less.  Because of the Analysis Paralysis and not trying new things.  You run into that problem where you don’t have the ingredients on hand to make a new thing so you can’t make a new thing... but then you buy them but forgot (crucial thing) so the thing still doesn’t get made.  Or you just... don’t plan when you’re gonna make the thing and by the time I’d be like “Oh yeah I should make something with those vegetables” they’d have already turned.
SO... I felt shitty throwing away so much produce, and loaves of bread, and other perishable food that got maybe half-eaten.  So much, for so long.  Yeah, I know I could do better with my meal planning, but it’s been one of those things I always vow to do, and then did not do that thing.
Doing HF has really made me re-evaluate what I buy as groceries, and I have cut way down on ordering unnecessary produce and perishables like bread.  Because I don’t really have to worry about dinner and am allowing myself to do easy lunches that don’t require real “cooking.”  So, overall I am definitely buying and tossing less food.
Also just as another quick note -- what also tends to get tossed out of my HF boxes is a “spicy ingredient”  But in some ways, this works in HF’s favor.  I don’t really like spicy foods.  A small amount of spice is OK but I’d rather just do without it in most things, sorry I’m that white girl.  Most “Spicy” HF meals get spicy by a spice blend, a packet of sriracha / hot sauce, or a jalapeno which they want you to cut up and include.  So whenever I see something that looks good but listed as “spicy”, I can check the ingredient list first and see what makes it spicy, If I think the thing still sounds good without the spicy part, I can order it.  So yeah, I’ll toss spicy ingredients, but that is 100% my choice and it makes things better because it gives me more variety to order those meals and still make it to my own taste.
Oh, and occasionally, the produce is just bad when you get it or not long after.  I haven’t had this problem often, mostly with ginger and garlic.  I do evaluate which meal has the most perishables when I get my box on Mondays and make those first.  Apparently you can call customer service if this happens for a small credit, but I just use pre-diced garlic or powdered ginger when this has happened to me.
So, this would be a 4.5 out of 5 except for... as discussed above... I end up tossing out HF vegetables on occasion I know I hate and won’t eat, and they won’t let me make substitutions. 
But also... cooking for myself... when I make a big batch of something that lasts 4 - 6 portions... more often than I’d like to admit, the last portion or two would never get eaten.  Sometimes I’d TELL myself I’d eat them in a week or so and freeze them only to throw it all away months later.
So let’s call this a 4 out of 5.  Overall, significantly less food waste with HF.
Reason Five: Save Time
I thought that doing HF would mean less prep-work and less time in the kitchen, especially with their easy-to-follow recipes and pre-measured ingredients.
So in that way, yes, time is saved, and it so again takes that mental load off in a lot of ways of not having to make all those pesky decisions.  The materials you’re working with and what you need to do are all Right There for you.  It’s really, nice.
As a side note, like I said I’m a good cook, and I haven’t had any problems following along anything I’ve made, but there were a few things I think are more of a moderate skill level and could be a little challenging for newcomers.  But then, I see people on the HF subreddit all the time saying they learned to cook with no skill and they find the recipes easy so... we’re good there.
However, Saving Time loses points for two big reasons:
First, I’m only making two portions of each meal.  Which, ok... this is my decision.  I could order four portions per meal.  But then... hey that’s taking big points away on the “variety” front. 
The Vegetable Chopping / prep work on a lot of the recipes often takes 10 - 20 minutes, depending on the number of fruits and veggies.  So yay for meeting Goal #3 (more veggies) even if it is balanced out by Goal #5.
And unfortunately, most meals end up taking up more dishes than I’d like to clean up (usually at least a pan and baking sheet, sometimes also a pot.  Plus knife, cutting board, tongs, stirring spoon, maybe a zester, etc.)  So no time is saved on cleanup, either.
Mostly where time is saved is having to pick out recipes and making sure you have/buy all the ingredients.  Not much is saved in the actual cooking.
I do, however, enjoy the time I spent cooking and the knowledge that I’m gonna make something good, so we’ll give it a bit back, there.
As a time saver, I’d give HF a 2.5 out of 5 stars.
Reason Six: Save Money
Y’all, Hello Fresh is expensive.  Honestly the #1 reason I re-evaluate whether I want to keep going with it every few weeks is the cost.  Even though I can afford it.
For basically six meals a week, I’m paying $63 for the food, plus $9 for the shipping.
Which means I’m paying $12 a meal.  For food I make myself.
Not cheap.  A luxury.
Where I don’t feel quite so bad about it is the fact that... for the most part, I am wasting a lot less food.  Except, as mentioned, when I can’t swap out vegetables I hate for something I’d actually eat.
So that makes it irk me even more when I am throwing out vegetables I really hate, because they’re expensive vegetables.
Also that price tag is motivation to make and eat every meal.
Overall, my grocery bills have gone down... honestly pretty significantly.  Because I’m not overbuying food!  Now, they haven’t gone down enough to even out the cost for Hello Fresh... I’m still probably spending about 50% more overall for each dinner now than I was before.
This isn’t a cost savings.  It’s an expense, but one I can afford.  And part of writing out this post is to remind myself to decide when the experience is no longer worth the expense.
1 out of 5 stars.
Reason Seven: Eat Better
I would like to challenge myself to define “Better” because that’s all I wrote down when I made the list.
Healthier?  Eeeehhhhhh.... maybe?  But not much.
Hello Fresh does offer lighter choices, and sometimes I pick those because they look good and are filled with things I will eat!
But I’m just as likely to pick the most calor-ific things on the menu.
HF also adds a lot of Sour Cream to their recipes, and encourage you to salt and butter your food liberally.  I try to cut down on some of this where I think it’s too much.  But sometimes there’s not much to cut out and still have the meal you ordered.
But also I’m not eating any worse calorie-wise than I was before, probably.  And overall I’m eating a lot more “real food” instead of “packaged food” and fast food than I was.... especially pre-pandemic.  And again, I AM eating a lot more vegetables, so.... that’s... better?
If I define better as Tastier, yeah, I’m doing pretty good in that regard, haha. 
So Better as in healthier: 2.5 of 5 stars.
Better as in tastier: 4 out of 5 stars.
Overall Scoring & Tips
Okay, overall that comes out to a 3.18 out of 5, which I’d round up to a 3.5... which is a pretty good score for how I feel about HF overall.  My current plan is to keep doing it until I go back to working in the office again, and re-evaluate.  For now, it works for me.
IF YOU WANT TO TRY IT, this is my referral link, you’ll get $70 off over a month’s worth of meals (so like, $20 or something off 3 boxes and $10 off the last one, something like that. 
I also have four “Free box” codes to give out, PM me if you want one of those.  I don’t think those are compatible with the $70 off link, but it might be a box of completely free food for you?  I don’t know how it works, but this may be the better deal?  PM me.
If you decide to go for it, here’s a few tips:
Every week or two, go in and choose your meals, don’t let HF choose for you unless you really don’t care.
Read the ingredient list and make sure there’s not too much stuff you don’t like coming in a meal.
The extras are pretty expensive and not really worth it.
Plan on each meal taking about 45 minutes to cook from start to finish including chopping vegetables.  Another 10 - 20 with cleanup depending if you have to handwash dishes or not.
Look for ways to make the meal healthier, especially if it encourages you to add more butter and salt near the end.  You probably do NOT need to do so.
Buy a decent pepper.  I love McCormick’s Peppercorn Medley pepper grinder.  Also sea salt grinder is my personal salt preference.
Add some of your own seasonings.  I buy a jar of pre-diced garlic (yes yes I know the criticisms of the stuff but it’s easy) and throw in a half tablespoon or so of that into a lot of recipes.  Also there are a lot of potatoes that they want you to just cook with olive oil, salt and pepper.  Throw some garlic or onion salt on them, or some Lawry’s Seasoning Salt or steak salt of your choice for some variety.
Your basic 2 quart pot, 8 - 12″ frying pan and cookie sheet, plus a cutting board, decent veggie knife, and typical kitchen utensil set are all you need.  However, a decent meat thermometer and a zester that collects the zest as you go are both highly recommended. 
A sieve and very small rice cooker have also been a lifesaver for making good rice that doesn’t get overcooked.
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A/N: So I saw a post from @wakandascrystal that said “hear me out,  (Y/N) got 4 older brothers who won’t hesitate to end a nigga life if they try anything with their baby sister..but The short yellow off the shoulder dress (Y/N) got on at the neighborhood cookout got Erik ready to risk it all.” LIGHT BULB. Don't worry. I got her permission and she wanted to be tagged so here it is. There are also links in this piece so watch for bold and italicized font. 
A/A/N: So, this is still a reader and Erik one shot but you will go by the nickname “Sweets” and “Baby Girl”...oh and your last name is Moore.
WARNING: Contains drug use, swearing, sexual puns, angst, and fluff
SONG RECOMMENDATION: Nite and Day by Al B. Sure!
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  It was a hot July day where the neighbor was holding its 50th Annual Block Party. There was old school music playing loudly, children in swimwear running around with water toys, mothers bringing tons a food down to the eating area and men playing games like dominos, spades, and poker. The smoke of the grills filling the air making people even more hungry. At one home, a young man stood on the porch in a crisp white tee, tan cargos and white running shoes with a chain with a ring, another with a gold ankh and a matching watch on his wrist. He dreads were tossed to the left and he had a Budweiser in his right hand. He was with his long term friend Ron who looked like Odell Beckham with no tattoos and short hair. 
    “It’s good to have you back, E. Real talk. You been gone for too long” Ron said as he rolled a blunt and began to smoke. Erik sipped his beer and said “yeah, decided to visit my real family. My Aunt is like my moms now, T is like that annoying ass big brother that think he know everything and princess was showing me some sneakers she making for me. They coo.” What he didn’t mention was the scars he had for ever kill were removed and how he was dead for like a week and brought back to life by his genius cousin and also that he had royal blood in his veins.
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 Erik saw a group of four men walking to a house across the way; the Moore Brothers. From left to right, there was Darnell, Andre, Mitchell, and Junior. “Welp, there goes the Nigga Turtles”, Erik said before Ron laughed. “Yeah, they keep getting bigger to keep niggas away from Baby Girl.” Speaking of, a white Nissan Altima pulled up passed the orange sign that cut off the street and parked; that’s when Erik saw her as if they were in slow motion. Her skin was a bronze glow that glittered in the sun. Her 4c curls resembled a cloud that framed her round, babyface with big roasted chestnut eyes that can hold heat in them. She finally walked from the driver side to show her figure. Her off the shoulder yellow dress hugged her thick body oh so well. Her curves screamed ‘look at me’. Her breasts were sitting at attention and her behind was like a chocolate peach. She showed off her legs in a pair of wedges and her golden chain read ‘Sweets’. The back of her right shoulder was home to an adorable baby jaguar tattoo. 
   “There’s our Baby Girl”, Darnell said getting her families attention. She opened up her arms to her mother and father with a smile receiving hugs then her brothers waited for their turn. Erik watched as he placed his hands in his pockets and when he saw them walking in their home, Baby Girl, walking behind, he whistled. She looked around and finally saw Erik. He nodded at her with a smirk and she waved small with a wink before walking in. “Cuh, you must got a death wish or somethin’. You know damn well them negroes do not play ‘bout their sister.” Erik turned to his friend with a chuckle. “Ron, aint no one scared of them muthafuckas, dawg. You talking to a man who has killed at least 2,351 people around the world. I’m a Navy Vet, they should be scared of me.”
   “E, they don’t care about that shit. To them, you still Lean Bean to them,” Ron said as he smoked. Erik cringed at how he used to look and said: “Why you gotta bring up old shit for, huh?” He turned back to the street to see Nat and Baby Girl walking down the street with trays of food. Erik smiled and walked down catching up to him as Ron followed. “How y’all ladies doing”, E asked making her smile. “We good. How about you? Long-time, no see, E”, she said with her brow raised. “Eh, I’ve been good but who told you to get thick on me, looking a cute fine apple”, he said with a smirk. “Good one, E. But I can say the same about you”; they smiled at each other.
   He looked behind to see that the brothers were nowhere in sight. Erik got closer and she said “getting a little close there. You don’t wanna get in trouble by my brothers, do you?” He chuckled and said, “I ain’t worried about them.” When he was about to wrap his arm around her neck, he felt a palm on his chest and they looked to see it was the Moore Brothers and Sweets rolled her eyes. “Well, well, well. If it ain’t Lean Bean all grown up. What you tryna do”, Darnell asked as he signaled Mitchell to remove his hand. “Guys, we were just talking and besides, I’m not a baby anymore. I can handle myself”, Y/N said making everyone look at her. Erik held her hands up with a chuckle and said “y’all heard her. She can handle herself.” Darnell’s eyes cut to him then he said to Andre “get the food” and signaled Junior to flung her over his shoulder. Darnell said “that was strike two. First was whistling at her. We watching you, Lean. Bean”. They walked into the crowd but Sweets and Erik’s eyes were still on each other. Ron looked to Erik who stood with a look in his eyes like he wasn’t about to give up. Erik started walking and said  “that gives me one more strike. I love a good ol’ challenge.”
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“Fuck. This is like high school all over again”, Ron said following him. Erik saw Baby Girl being put down, fixing her dress, poking each brother in her chest and taking the food from them walking away; the brothers walked the other way. “I need you to cover me. I’m going in”, Erik said to Ron. He saw her in the food area, dropping off the food and stood by her. “You okay, Sweets”, he asked and she looked up to him. “My bad. I’m good. I just wished they would stop babying me. I’m gonna be thirty soon for God sake.” Erik nodded, started to caress her arm and said “I get it. You the only the girl and you the baby. You gotta put yo foot down, Baby Girl, if you want them to respect you. I mean you are a grown-ass woman after all.” 
   She looked up at his face and grinned as he did the same. They noticed how the music was turned down so she took his hand into hers and made their way onto the curb with everyone else. The neighborhood got into a huge oval and the leader of the block with her family stood in the middle; she had a headset microphone. “Good afternoon, neighborhood. I just wanted to thank everyone who has come out and brought out many dishes to this affair. I have a few announcements to make beforehand though. I would like to congratulate the new addition to the Smith Family. Jeremiah Richard Smith was born at seven pounds and 8 ounces.” Everyone cheered and Erik leaned into Y/N’s ear and said “that’ll be ours one day”; she grinned. The leader continued with “and also congratulations to the neighborhood’s favorite baby girl, Y/N “Sweets” Moore for her grand opening last week of her own bakery called ‘Baby Girl’s Sweets’ located in the Crenshaw Mall. We are very proud of you”. Everyone applauds and the smile on her face lit Erik’s whole world. 
  “And finally, we would like to welcome back Mr. Erik Stevens for his safe trip back home from being in the Navy and from his home country of Wakanda.” Everyone cheered and laughed as he took a cheesy bow. “Now, everyone please bow your heads and join hands as we go into prayer.” Everyone did so but before Erik did, he looked across the way to see the Moore Brothers with joined hands and death stared across the way. It reminded him of the US Movie and he could have sworn he heard the horror version of ‘I Got Five on It’ somewhere. Y/N looked up to him and caressed his beard, saying “E, it’s ok. Look down”; he did what he was told after she kissed his cheek.
“Lord Jesus, our brother, be with us today. Bless our happy gathering, and bless this meal that we share. Protect us all, and help us to grow in your love. Lord Jesus, we praise your holy name forever. In Jesus Name, Amen.” Everyone started to make their plates and Y/N with Erik made theirs the same; grilled chicken, mac n cheese, greens, potato salad, and cornbread with cups of her Koolaid. Erik asked, “so, how the bakery doing?” She sipped her drink after she ate a chunk of mac n cheese. “It’s actually really good. My folks have been spreading the word getting me noticed. Even ABC 7 came down. You should come and try some of my cake.” Erik looked at her as she ate again and said “why try some? I want the whole thing.” She looked at him and scooted closer to him. “Be careful. You may get a sweet tooth.” He took her soft hand and kissed it. “Girl, I’ve had a sweet tooth for years now”, he said smoothly and she blushed with her cute nose wrinkled. Nat and Ron came to the table with plates and drinks were dead silent.
  “How the food, y’all”, Darnel asked with a smile and cup in his hand, sipping. “Good”, Nat and Ron said but Baby Girl and Erik only looked at one another until Junior and Andre pulled her seat far away and place their seats between them. “Yeah, Ms. Richards did the damn thing with the mac and cheese,” said Mitchell as he pulled up a seat next to their sister and began eating his plate. “Boy, if you don’t stop smacking in my ear, Ima hurt you”, she said ith her brow raised that made E smile. As the group ate, Erik and she would steal looks at one another. As Junior and she talked, Erik sipped from his cup, noticing Darnell looking at him. Nigga staring too damn hard but I got something for all of them, he thought to himself, leaning back into his chair with a smirk.
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  “So, Baby Girl, when can I try that cake of yours?” Everyone at the table looked at him and she answered “anytime you would like. But, I should warn you. It will be the best cake you have ever had and ever will”, she said. “I would love to have some right now if you don’t mind”, he said and with that, she stood, looking at him with a grin of her own. “Coming. Right. Up.” She looked at Nat and they made their way to the dessert table. Erik watched her with a grin and his head slightly tilted. “Strike Three”, Andre said and Darnell added, “you think you slick, huh nigga? Tryna fuck with our baby girl like we ain’t here. That's aight. Let’s go.” The brothers stood and Ron looked at E. “Cuh, you a dead man. Real talk.” 
  “Man, shut yo ass up,” E said looking into his friend’s soul. After dessert, the group sat and talked for a little but there was no sign of the brothers anywhere. Erik and Sweets talked and laughed until the announcer said “aight, calling all men. It is time for the basketball game and Andre & Darnell volunteered to be captains. They will call their other four members one by one. Winners get a $50 Visa gift card.” They all applaud and Andre started to read off names. “Aight, so I choose Junior Moore, Toni M. Montell, Chad Jordan, and Ronald D. Duke.” Erik, Y/N, and Nat looked at Ron who stood slowly walking towards his team confused. Darnell said “on my team. I chose Mitchell Moore, Wolf Thomas, Erik ‘Lean Bean’ Stevens and Daniel Bryant.” Baby Girl looked at Erik and shrugged as he stood making his way. 
  Two hoops were across from one another a couple yards away and the guys were preparing themselves. Y/N stood in front since she was tad short and Erik slid his shirt off, making her lips part. He looked at her and walked over to her with shirt in hand. “Hold this for me, yeah”, he winked and kissed her head. The game was going and it was tied 20 - 20. Darnell’s team actually got along, like if they were family. They cracked jokes and played fought on the sidelines like nothing happened...or was it? There were two minutes left in the game and the opposite team missed the shot but Erik took the rebound. He ran down court being guarded by Mitchell. He looked over at Baby Girl with a smirk and right when he was about to shoot it, Mitchell hit him with a hard elbow to the nose resulting him to fall hard to the ground: he still made the shot. 
  Mitchell, Junior, Darnell and Andre ran to Erik as the others watched and aimed to attack him. Darnell hit him with a left hook, Erik did the same and Baby Girl screamed “stop it! Leave him alone.” She slipped out her mother’s hands and stood in front of the flying hands which stopped. “Y/N ‘SWEETS’ MOORE, GETCHO LIL ASS OUT THE WAY, NOW. HE AIN’T NO GOOD. WE PROTECTING YOU”, said Darnell but she said “NO! I CARE ABOUT HIM TOO MUCH AND HERE Y’ALL ARE! THE FUCK Y’ALL JUMPING HIM FOR! Y’ALL ACTING LIKE A GROUP OF PUSSY ASS NIGGAS! What y’all couldn’t do one on one or something? He did nothing to y’all but y’all being such fucking idiots that you think you’re protecting me but you’re actually hurting me!” The brothers looked at her and as Darnell reached his hand out, she pushed aside and smacked him with the black side of her right hand. He covered his jaw as his mother pulled them out the street. “Team Andre is disqualified. Team Darnel is the winners.” The crowd went away from the drama and back to the party. 
   Y/N stood in front of him with nose dripping blood and his head held up. “E, I’m so sorry. I-I don’t know what to do to make this better.” He snatched his shirt out of her hand and held it to his nose. “Don’t bother. Ima just catch you later”, he walked off and heard muffled crying behind. He wanted to stop and hold her but his feet wouldn’t let him. He was in Ron’s house, lying on the couch with an ice pack to his face and eyes closed. “She tried to help, E”, Ron said and Erik said “I know, Ron. But the Moores are right. I ain’t good for her. I wasn’t back then and I’m damn sure not now.” 
“E, she don’t give a fuck so why should you? I mean Sweets smacked the dog shit outta her brother and told them off. She didn’t deserve what you did,” Ron said and Erik sat up looking at Ron as he sat in his armchair. “You right. I guess I’ll go apologize since my nose stopped bleeding.” Erik went into the bathroom to see his nose slightly swollen and had a scar on it. He grabbed a band-aid to place on top and took a few aspirins, he put on a black shirt and walked out the door to the dance floor. The sky had gotten dark and the street lights were on. “Hey, Stevens. Wait up”, Darnell said but Erik kept walking. The Moores rand and stood in front of him making him stop. “What the fuck y’all want? Y’all tryna try and jump me again,” he asked and Darnel sighed. 
   “We sorry, man. I mean, we can be a bit protective but what you expect? We got a baby sister and this shit hard. She ain’t little anymore and we just don’t want her to get hurt”, Mitchell said. “Yeah, we just tryna make sure she good but I guess she can make her own decisions”, added Junior. Andre had his arms folded and said: “Y/N is literally our world and we just don’t want to see her cry.”
“But we made her cry because we tried to kick ya ass. We hate seeing her cry and all. We apologize and if it means anything, we think you cool. The laughing we did earlier was real. You a cool ass nigga, Lean Bean. No hard feelings”, Darnel said and reached his hand out. Erik looked at them all and took his hand into his shaking it. “If y’all don’t mind, Ima go to apologize to my girl”, he said walking to Y/N who back was turned. He tapped her shoulder and she looked up to him. “E, I’m really, really sorry. I didn-”, she said before his thumb grazed her bottom lip. “I’m sorry. I mean. I shouldn’t have been mad at you. Sweets, I love you a lot. I’ve always had.” His lips touched hers in a peck then eventually, as “Nite and Day” by Al B. Sure played through the air, the kiss got needy and intimate with fireworks popping in the background.
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   It was late July when Erik walked into a huge bakery in jeans, a black tee and matching sneakers Shuri gifted him. He went to the counter to the cashier who had a big smile. “Hi, sir. How can I help you today?” Erik nodded and said, “yeah, lemme get a slice of the famous Sweetie double chocolate cake, a whole Lean Bean pie and lemme get a cute four-year-old Hershey Kiss.” With that, he heard a pair of little feet running to him. He felt a pull at his jeans and a cute little girl with her curly hair pulled into a pineapple style. She wore a pair of jeans with a cute chef jacket and a mini pink apron. “Hi, daddy”, she said smiling up at him. He picked her up and said “hey, baby girl. Where my kisses”, he asked and she kissed all over his face. “That’s more like it. Now, who told you that you can look cute pineapple today?”
  “Her mommy did”, a voice from behind the counter said. It was Y/N in a similar outfit and hair as their daughter, Mariah. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly making Mariah giggle. “Are y’all on break now,” he asked Mariah and she nodded hard and fast making them laugh. He sat her down in his lap as Y/N stood at the counter with her cashier. Mariah pulled down his bottom lip and he said “uh, baby girl. What you doing?”
“Momma told me about the stowy of when y’all fell in love and I’m making suwe youw teeth awe okay.” He looked at his daughter confused until she asked “daddy, do you still have a sweet tooth?” He chuckled and looked at his wife. “I will always have a sweet tooth, baby girl.” Sweets looked at them as he looked up at her and they winked at each other with a smile.
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dixongrimestrash · 7 years
Missing You
Imagine ever since your group arrived in Alexandria you have been non-stop working and haven’t had any time to spend with your boyfriend Daryl. ~~~~~~~~~~
It was an early morning and you had no idea why you were awake. Daryl was asleep beside you and you smiled knowing he was getting a much needed rest.
You had a lot to do today, first you had a shift at the guard post then Olivia had asked your help with inventory.
You got out of bed and changed into some jeans and a plain white shirt. You slipped your boots on and pulled your hair into a pony tail.
“Y/N?” Daryl mumbled facing you.
“Sorry babe, I’ve got to go.” You said sadly going over and kissing his cheek.
Daryl was still half asleep so you covered him up some more then went to do your first job of the day.
Standing guard was uneventful to say the least. Only a few walkers made their way close to the gates but you shot them down easily.
Now you were helping Olivia take inventory on the food supply here in Alexandria. “Okay so only three cans of green beans, a can of chicken noodle soup and some deer meat my lovely boyfriend brought back are the only things that were brought in this week?” You asked writing everything down on a notepad.
“Yeah, Deanna hasn’t sent out anyone on runs after the incident with Glenn and Aiden. We are a little short this week but still in good shape for the next two months.” Olivia explained organizing the soups on the top shelf.
You didn’t notice the extra presence in the room until you heard someone clear their throat.
You turned around and saw Daryl standing up against the wall with his hands in his pockets.
“Hey.” You smiled at him.
“Can I talk to ya for a sec?” Daryl asked biting on his bottom lip, a nervous habit I’ve noticed he has.
You looked to Olivia and she nodded sweetly at me. You handed her the pen and notepad and took Daryl’s hand leading him out onto the porch.
“You not goin on a run with Glenn and Tara today?” Daryl asked.
“No not since the altercation with Aiden. Deanna hasn’t let anyone go scavenging, that’s why we are low on the food supply this week.”
Daryl nodded and looked down the street, “You wanna like go somewhere or-”
The door opened behind us and Olivia had a box full of fresh vegetables. “Sorry to interrupt, but Y/N I need your help.”
“Sure no problem, I’ll be right there.” You smiled to her and she went back inside leaving you and Daryl alone again.
“Daryl I would love to spend time with you but I’m just really busy right now.”
Daryl nodded and started to walk down the porch steps. You grabbed his hand and pulled him toward you kissing his cheek. “I’ll see you later okay?”
Daryl gave you a side smile nodding. He walked away and you went back inside to help Olivia.
As the day went on you hadn’t seen Daryl at all. After helping Olivia you watched Judith for a while then went back to the guard post.
Night came and you were exhausted. You trudged into your house hoping to see your boyfriend.
“Daryl? You home?” You called. Daryl was no where to be seen. You felt bad about earlier today. Was he that mad he just left?
Too tired to think you just walked up to your room and laid on your bed drifting off to sleep.
The next morning you felt the other side of the bed empty. Did Daryl not come home at all last night?
You got up and walked into the kitchen poring a glass of orange juice. You heard a familiar rumble of a motorcycle and smiled putting your glass into the sink.
You walked outside and saw Daryl fixing up his motorcycle. You went up behind him wrapping your arms around his waist. “Hey stranger.”
Daryl looked back at you then shut his motorcycle off. “Thought you were gonna sleep all day.” He turned around and you let go of him.
“I almost did. I was super tired.”
“Got home last night and yer ass was takin up the whole bed. Slept on the couch cause of it.” Daryl smirked at you.
You rolled your eyes, “well let me make it up to you. I can make some amazing pancakes, then we can eat together. Feels like I haven’t seen you in ages.”
Daryl cupped the side of your face, “sounds good to me.” You smiled and leaned in to plant a kiss on his lips when you heard Aaron calling his name.
Daryl groaned and lowered his head turning around. “M’ busy.”
“Sorry, just wanted to tell you we need to get going. I mapped out the area pretty well.” Aaron said offering Daryl the map.
“Oh are you guys going on a run?” I asked looking between the two.
“Actually I gave Daryl the job of helping me recruit other groups for Alexandria, just like I did for yours.”
You were a little surprised. Daryl hadn’t told you anything about this, but you were very happy for him.
“I was gonna tell ya. Last night actually but you were already asleep.”
“No it’s fine. I’m happy for you.” You smiled giving Daryl a playful punch.
“I’ll be by the car. See you later Y/N.” Aaron waved walking away.
“I might be gone for a few days.” Daryl said quietly. “I don’t wanna bail on ya b-”
“No Daryl it’s fine. Really I understand.” You reassured him. “Stay safe alright?”
He nodded and kissed your cheek. Daryl got on his motorcycle and drove up behind Aaron and they both drove out the gates and down the road.
“Miss you already.” You muttered walking back inside.
A few days have passed and Daryl still wasn’t back. You didn’t like to be all alone in your house, so you were eating dinner with Maggie, Glenn, Tara and Eugene.
“No Eugene that’s too much salt!” Tara yelled to Eugene slapping his hand away.
You laughed and looked out the window, a habit you’ve gotten from waiting on Daryl. You didn’t even notice Maggie sit down next to you.
“Y/N, he will come home.” She smiled placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I know. Just wish it was sooner then later.” You signed and Maggie gave you a side hug. “Come on, dinner is ready.”
Glenn handed you a plate and you filled it with the homemade pasta Maggie and Eugene had made. Everyone got their food and sat down, we all bowed our heads while Maggie said a little prayer.
You took a bite of your pasta and threw your head back. “That is amazing.” You hummed.
“I knew with the amount of salt I applied, it would give it that monumental taste.” Eugene said monotone taking a bite of his salad.
Everyone laughed and continued to eat our dinner. We all had some mini conversations and even learned Eugene is a chef in the making.
Tara helped you with the dishes and shortly after Glenn and Maggie had left. The front door opened and in walked Daryl, who was very sweaty and covered in some dirt.
“Daryl!” You squealed dropping a plate in the water making the soap splash on Tara.
“Don’t worry Y/N. I got this.” She said sarcastically and smiling toward us, finishing up the dishes.
You ran to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. Some water and soap got on him but neither of you cared.
“I missed you.” You smiled. Daryl dropped his crossbow and embraced you in his arms.
“Well that’s our que. Come on Eugene, see you two later.” Tara smiled dragging Eugene out the door.
Once they were gone Daryl picked you up and carried you over to the kitchen island sitting you down. His hands were on your thighs and you had your arms wrapped around his neck.
“It’s good to finally spend time with you.” You said moving some hair out of his eyes. Daryl is such a big softie when it comes to being around you. He always gets lost in your eyes or is watching you talk. Daryl loved your lips and he would always stare at them making you nervous.
Daryl leaned in kissing your lips softly. Your mouths moved in sync, his tongue grazing your bottom lip slowly.
You smiled and pulled him closer to you. His hand moved to the small of your back and the other one tracing circles on your exposed skin from where your tank top had ridden up.
The two of you pulled away panting. “That’s a hell of a welcome home.” Daryl smirked moving his hands slowly toward the bottom of your shirt.
You stopped him and playfully pushed him back, getting off the counter. “You need a shower Daryl.”
Daryl groaned, “don’t do this to me.”
You giggled walking away from him. “Not my fault you came home all sweaty! I missed you though, glad your home babe!”
You ran upstairs and laid on your bed. Daryl came in shortly and frowned at you. “I’m gonna get ya back for that one.”
You laughed and helped your boyfriend get the shower ready. “Okay I’ll be o-”
Before you could finish Daryl picked you up carried you into the shower with him, fully clothed.
“Ugh Daryl! Our clothes are all wet now!” You yelled only making Daryl smile wider.
He kissed your cheek and laid his head on your shoulder, “it’s good to be home.” He mumbled.
Daryl was right, it was great to be home, our home.
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healthbolt-blog · 6 years
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How To Cook Asparagus Healthy
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Healthy lifestyle expert caryn
Healthy cooked breakfast ideas cooking
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Free lifestyle! snacking. summer. oven
Pheasant can be challenging to cook, with a tendency to dry out and cook fast. Preparing the pheasant for this recipe by simmering the meat in … and debone the meat and cut it into cubes. 2. Wash as…
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The 67 Most Delish Things To Do With Asparagus. It’s official: We’re straight-up stalking asparagus. Once you see these easy recipes, you’ll know why.
Healthy Ways To Cook Broccoli And Cauliflower 35 best cauliflower recipes. Easy ways to cook cauliflower; cauliflower cheese, cauliflower steak recipes, roasted cauliflower, cauliflower curry, cauliflower pizza … roast it or blast it in a microwave for a quick and healthy alternative to carbohydrates. … Chargrilled broccoli and cauliflower with harissa. Ultimate kebab side dish, just … (WTNH) – It’s the new year and News 8 and healthy lifestyle expert caryn Sullivan are teaming up to help you make simple chan… As we slowly ease ourselves into healthy … to make this seemingly simple meal at home, and it’s never quite the same. The b… How To Cook Healthy Eggs Breakfast In some boutique fitness circles, choosing to take a "double," aka two back-to-back workout classes in one day, is something to aspire to. It sounds Healthy Way To Cook Yams Kettle Cooked Chips Healthy Healthy people infected with Salmonella experience fever … Jalapeño Flavored Lay’s Kettle Cooked potato chips Jalapeño Flavored Miss Vickie’s Kettle Cooked potato chips All of the following multipac… 25 Healthy Chips to Snack on Guilt-Free. … If you like the extra crunch of kettle-cooked chips, these are a smart pick. They’re organic and only have 1g of saturated fat per serving. healthy cooked breakfast ideas cooking healthy chicken breast Cooking Style BBQ & Grilling Quick & Easy … Healthy Chicken breast recipes boneless, skinless, and tasty! These baked, grilled, and even pan-fried recipes are loved by home cooks everywhere. … Chunks of boneless chicken breast simmer with sweet potatoes, garbanzo beans, tomatoes, and North African-inspired spices for this hearty stew. Which Oil Is Most Healthy For Cooking Dec 06, 2018  · Safflower oil also has a high content of Vitamin E, which may consider very healthy. Most experts recommend using peanut oil for high temperature cooking, canola oil or olive oil for medium temperature cooking, and a variety of polyunsaturated oils for baked goods. A Healthy Oil for Cooking Coconut oil was demonized in the past because it is high in saturated fat. But new studies actually suggest that it has several health benefits, and… Other proven benefits of flaxseed oil include lowering cholesterol, boosting digestive health … One of the most attractive … The countertop appliance uses convection heat, super-hot air, and a little bit of oil to give foods a taste and texture that’ … Packed with protein, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids, halibut is one of the healthiest fish you can eat … juicy tomatoes … Olive oil Nutrition and cooking experts agree that one of the most versatile and healthy oils to cook with and eat is olive oil, as long as it’s extra virgin. “You want an oil that is not refined and … One should not be casual or laid back while making this decision, as most of the common health issues are linked to the use of cooking oil. For instance, talking to the Guardian, a leading British New… Healthy Home Cooking For Kids Co-founder of DEZ in Nolita, chef Eden Grinshpan, shared some of her Healthy Cooking Shopping List Cheap and Healthy Recipes. Stress Relief. Bodyweight Workouts. … The Ultimate Healthy Grocery List When You’re Cooking for One. … Grocery Shopping Healthy Living Tips Eat. Is Cooking With Wine Healthy Why am I just now hearing about natural wines? The natural wine craze is an extension of the healthy lifestyle movement, the winemakers said. “The broad public desire to know where their food comes fr… Cooking with wine can enhance flavor and cut down on the amount of fat needed (in some recipes, you can substitute wine for all or part of the specified quantity of oil). However, because you lose between 60 and 95 percent of the alcohol content of wine used in cooking, few – if any – of the direct alcohol-related health benefits remain. The diet focuses on healthy fats, vegetables, fruits … Many of those who follow the Mediterranean Diet will include a glass … Cooking Style BBQ & Grilling … It looks both pretty and impressive, and the orange flavor is more subtle than you’d expect. This is a healthy and elegant meal (not to mention delicious) when served with a leafy salad, brown rice, and asparagus. … Pork tenderloin simmers in onion soup and red wine that’s flavored with garlic and soy sauce … Healthy Cooking Class Singapore SINGAPORE – A health drive open to everyone who works on Orchard Road … are offering free health screenings, exercise sessions, cooking classes and wellness workshops for a year to create a healthie… Healthy Way To Cook Yams Kettle Cooked Chips Healthy Healthy people infected with Salmonella experience fever … Jalapeño Flavored Lay’s Kettle Cooked potato chips Jalapeño Flavored Miss Vickie’s Kettle Cooked potato chips All of the following multipac… 25 Healthy Chips to Snack on Guilt-Free. … If you like the extra crunch of kettle-cooked chips, these are a smart pick. They’re organic and only have 1g of saturated fat per serving. Healthy Cooked Breakfast ideas cooking healthy chicken breast Cooking Style BBQ & Grilling Quick & Easy … Healthy Chicken Breast Recipes Boneless, skinless, and tasty! These baked, grilled, and even pan-fried recipes are loved by home cooks everywhere. … Chunks of boneless chicken breast simmer with sweet potatoes, garbanzo beans, tomatoes, and North African-inspired spices for this hearty stew. Which Oil Is Most Healthy For Cooking Dec 06, 2018  · Safflower oil also has a high content of Vitamin E, which may consider very healthy. Most experts recommend using peanut oil for high temperature cooking, canola oil or olive oil for medium temperature cooking, and a variety of polyunsaturated oils for baked goods. A Healthy Oil for Cooking Coconut oil was demonized in the past because it is high in saturated fat. But new studies actually suggest that it has several health benefits, and… Other proven benefits of flaxseed oil include lowering cholesterol, boosting digestive health … One of the most attractive … The countertop appliance uses convection heat, super-hot air, and a little bit of oil to give foods a taste and Healthy Cooking Classes Bay Area One of the most rewarding cooking classes that chef and … 6 p.m. at the UC Cooperative Extension. The class, which started Feb. 19, runs for six weeks. The class is paid for by Fresh Approach, the B… The gardens also give students an opportunity to learn about agriculture in what UC Berkeley’s Haas Institute calls an area t… COOS COUNTY — When you’re homeless, cooking healthy meals isn’t always … out the kinks in the program before bringing the classes back next year. “We applied for a hospital grant through Bay Area Ho… If you like to cook and you live in the Green Bay area, you might have heard of him. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to have a name like Ace Champion. Champion, who lives in De Pere, is an independent cook… Cooking Class Deals: 50 to 90% off deals in Cooking Classes near you. Get daily deals and local insights near you today! Five-Course Italian Cooking Class for One or Two at Luigi’s Italian Eatery (Up to 69% Off). Six-Hour Barbecue-Grilling and Smoking Class for One or Two at Seattle BBQ and Grilling School (Up to 50% Off). Healthy Cooking Shopping List Cheap and healthy recipes. stress relief. bodyweight workouts. … The Ultimate Healthy Grocery List When You’re Cooking for One. … Grocery Shopping Healthy Living Tips Eat. Is Cooking With Wine Healthy Why am I just now hearing about natural wines? The natural wine craze is an extension of the healthy lifestyle movement, the winemakers said. “The broad public desire to know where their food comes fr… Cooking with wine can enhance flavor and cut down on the amount of fat needed (in some recipes, you can substitute wine for all or part of the specified quantity of oil). However, because you lose between 60 and 95 percent of the alcohol content of wine used in cooking, few – if any – of the direct alcohol-related health benefits remain. The diet focuses on healthy fats, vegetables, fruits … Many of those who follow the Mediterranean Diet will include a glass … Cooking Style BBQ & Grilling … It looks both pretty and impressive, and the orange flavor is more subtle than you’d expect. This is a healthy and elegant meal (not to mention delicious) when served with a leafy salad, brown rice, and asparagus. … Pork tenderloin simmers in onion soup and red wine that’s flavored with garlic and soy sauce … Healthy Cooking Class Singapore SINGAPORE – A health drive open to everyone who works on Orchard Road … are offering free health screenings, exercise sessions, cooking classes and wellness workshops for a year to create a healthie… Healthy Way To Cook Yams Kettle Cooked Chips Healthy Healthy people infected with Salmonella experience fever … Jalapeño Flavored Lay’s Kettle Cooked potato chips Jalapeño Flavored Miss Vickie’s Kettle Cooked potato chips All of the following multipac… 25 Healthy Chips to Snack on Guilt-Free. … If you like the extra crunch of kettle-cooked chips, these are
As we continue adulting and pretending to know what we’re doing, one thing we know for sure is that we have to make sure we get our veggies. At the end of the day, all we wanna do is curl up with a yu…
Ask your waiter if they can make this tweak for you in the kitchen … which she says will keep the carb count low. “The aspa…
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Preheat your oven to 400F. Cook your buckwheat and lentils according to their packages’ directions and set aside when done. Meanwhile, snap off the woody stems of your asparagus and toss them in a square baking dish with 1 minced clove of garlic, 1 tbsp olive oil, and salt.
Non Cook Healthy Recipes The Ultimate Healthy No Bake Snacks, bars and bites to keep you satisfied and made healthy- NO butter, oil, sugar or white flours and options for those following a vegan, paleo, gluten free and sugar free lifestyle! snacking. summer. oven. Full disclosure: Some of these recipes literally require no cooking (and almost no work), but a few call for a quick zap in the microwave, the use of leftovers (like rotisserie chicken), or freezing. With just a bit of work before bed, you can have a fast but decadent breakfast in the morning. These overnight oats "cook" while you sleep. Toast almonds and chop figs the night before, so that when you rise, you can just stir in the fruit, nuts, honey and ricotta … Looking for easy recipes to make with your kids that don’t require any cooking? Look no further – we’ve plenty of kid friendly no-cook recipes to choose from! Find no-cook cakes, healthy snacks and more … Healthy Cooking Classes Bay Area One of the most rewarding cooking classes that chef and … 6 p.m. at the UC Cooperative Extension. The class, which started Feb. 19, runs for six weeks. The class is paid for by Fresh Approach, the B… The gardens also give students an opportunity to learn about agriculture in what UC Berkeley’s Haas Institute calls an area t… COOS COUNTY — When you’re homeless, cooking healthy meals isn’t always … out the kinks in the program before bringing the classes back next year. “We applied for a hospital grant through Bay Area Ho… If you like to cook and you live in the Green Bay area, you might have heard of him. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to have a name like Ace Champion. Champion, who lives in De Pere, is an independent cook… Cooking Class Deals: 50 to 90% off deals in Cooking Classes near you. Get daily deals and local insights near you today! Five-Course Italian Cooking Class for One or Two at Luigi’s Italian Eatery (Up to 69% Off). Six-Hour Barbecue-Grilling and Smoking Class for One or Two at Seattle BBQ and Grilling School (Up to 50% Off). Healthy Cooking Shopping List Cheap and healthy recipes. stress relief. bodyweight workouts. … The Ultimate Healthy Grocery List When You’re Cooking for One. … Grocery Shopping Healthy Living Tips Eat. Is Cooking With Wine Healthy Why am I just now hearing about natural wines? The natural wine craze is an extension of the healthy lifestyle movement, the winemakers said. “The broad public desire to know where their food comes fr… Cooking with wine can enhance flavor and cut down on the amount of fat needed (in some recipes, you can substitute wine for all or part of the specified quantity of oil). However, because you lose between 60 and 95 percent of the alcohol content of wine used in cooking, few – if any – of the direct alcohol-related health benefits remain. The diet focuses on healthy fats, vegetables, fruits … Many
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