#i only started digital art a few months ago
bluebelledmoon · 4 months
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ocarina of time zelda hiiiiiiii 😳😳
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knifegremliin · 3 months
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vampire catboygirl :3
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apencilandpen · 9 months
The last couple of months I've been watching a whole lot of Drawfee. It's super fun and funny, the hosts are great and they're especially good artists. I've been feeling like I'm pulling at the leash of my art as of late, trying to like, grow and develop but not really knowing how or where to start, or being scared to do bad art. I want to push my ideas BEYOND the realm of fanart, and that's hard, bc that requires more actual practice and stretching ideas conceptually than what I usually do. I've generally been feeling really bad about my art, feeling like I can't draw or what i wanted to draw was stupid or lame or "out of my league." And none of that has been helped by the time of year, other elements in my life that I'm frustrated by, and the general everything of the world. It's been really hard to even pick up my pen and doodle, even badly.
But a few weeks ago I watched the Drawclass hosted by Jacob Drawfee on how to practice when you're not good at keeping a schedule or routine. And not only is he a really good teacher, all of the points he made clicked in my head. The schedule worked. I'd been wanting to get better at interiors, and I have. And more importantly, picking up a pen and opening my sketchbook doesn't feel as bad anymore.
The past few days I've been watching Nathan Drawfee's Drawclass grab-bag, and this part stood out to me:
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He was talking about how a lot of the times when you're starting out, or somewhere in the middle of the beginning of your art journey, all you wanna do is accurately draw a guy. And that's what I've been doing for lime 2 years. All I wanted to do was accurately draw my guys. Then I wanted to do more composition-y representations of my guys. Then I wanted them to have more mood. And now I want to move beyond doing all that and accurately drawing my guys and into telling stories. Maybe inspired by music or my guys or concepts or characters or shows or movies or from my own roster of OCs that have gone untouched for too long. I wanna do series and big illustrations and backgrounds and lighting and characters. I wanna look at more real life professional illustration work and pick it apart. I wanna read and get more art books. I still don't wanna monetize my hobby, but I feel like my art has just been plateauing for a really long time and it's finally hit a growth point. And Drawfee has made it fun to think about that. It's a lot less scary when its fun.
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ttshihiro · 3 months
pspspps.. totally not golden groovy woops
ANYWAYS HII!! heard u were open for requests. may i request tammy + qiu with and an artist reader :00
requests of my favorite fandoms are my catnip good gof woa who could this be‽‽ my reqs and my ask box are like always open btw >◡<
extra note/s: I refer to step 1 Qiu as he/him. Uhhh take this as platonic or romantic, I'll add an indicator for romance (𐙚) ^^
more under the cut > o
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✧ At 10 years old, QIU's fascinated. How he discovers your interest and skill in arts varies but his reaction doesn't. He's impressed! Whether digital or traditional, Qiu would love to participate especially if you asked him yourself.
For this reason, he carries an extra pen and even those colored ones just in case you get bored or if you're suddenly struck by creativity when you two are playing :3
✧ The first time you show him one of your doodles you made during class, he's compelled to do the same whether or not you actually give him it. And ever since, you two've been exchanging these sketches during class. It's the cutest scene to walk into.
You're into drawing sceneries? Trust that he starts telling you and Tamarack about more "special things" in the forest and/or the town.
Like the sky? There's this clearing a lot further into the forest at your backyards. Stargaze, watch the clouds and the sunset together?
✧ It's also necessary for me to mention that unlike his notes, lazily pressed against eachother and constantly on the run, anything you give him goes to a safe space probably in between a books pages, under the the matress of his bed or inside a drawer/container.
"They broke into my backyard accidentally, 'cause they were on a crazy investigation about a paper airplane. Plus, they got here a day ago and they're already looking out for me. Normally, I'm the one doing that."
"Besides, they're pretty. And they make me pretty. Look! Look how they drew me!"
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✧ As for 10-year-old TAMARACK, she's curious. The things you draw, are they based on actual places? Actual people? Oh, you draw based on your imagination? Elaborate.
✧ At some point in the prologue, she says "All the forests in the world are different, and some places don't even have forests. I can show you good spots to find things since you're newer to this forest than me."
And I can't not think of her running up to you to give you all of what she gathered for you to draw like omfg
With all those leaves and tiny branches sticking out of her hair and sweater, she smiles brightly with her hands filled with her treasures. AUGH SHE MAKES ME SO SICK I LOVE HER
✧ Like Qiu, she has her own safe spot designated for only your drawings if you've given her any.
She shows off all of them. Especially if you've drawn her?? It'll be the only thing she talks about during literally any time for the rest of the month and the few months after.
"Out of all the friends I have here, you're the best one. We came to the same exact neighborhood, almost at the same time, and are he same age. You have fun outside and I do too."
"I think you're pretty. How you draw me is pretty! I've never met a kid who was just like me. That's important. That's serious."
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✧ Now, 14-year-old QIU's pretty much no different. They're even more impressed when they see just how much you've improved. Nonetheless, they treasure your old drawings just as much as they do they new.
They take the liberty of providing you with both a pen and paper to draw on when you're together, in case you don't bring your sketchbook (if you own one).
On those days where you two just sit in silence in their hideout, their gaze drifts to your side quietly a few times to watch your progress. After a while, they settle with sitting right next to you and watching the stroke of your pen against the paper as the scene forms with each hatch.
✧ As a teen, they've actually been a tad bit farther off the town when they feel like taking a ride on their bike. They've seen many sights and burn the route into their brain for them to tell you about. They'd even be happy as to bring you there themselves.
✧ If you ask them to be your muse, good god you'd need to tell them what to do.
It's almost a funny sight. Qiu, the kid who knew what to do their whole life asks you, "Should I pose? Where do I look? Ah- what's my good side?"
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𐙚 They can feel their breath hitch under your scrutiny. Suddenly, they're concious of every single thing about them. Where do their eyes go? Should they move their hands? Is their hair in the way?
They avert their gaze flusteredly, their head ever so slightly moving to the side when they do so.
And good god do their hands clutch the fabric of their pants when you tell them to look at you properly.
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✧ Same goes for TAMARACK at 14. She's as intrugued as ever to hear about your work. She admires (you)r style from then till now and has learned to appreciate the time gone into things as simple as this, whether or not you've made it with her in mind. BUT GOD IF YOU TELL HER IT IS, it's always sitting on her desk and she thinks constantly about what you've done for her.
✧ And while she doesn't exactly bring you a pen, she's more than glad to hand you hers when you need it.
✧ Unlike before, she'd now be at your side when you two hung out at her backyard. She'd be sitting across from you, practicing the cello. The hum of her instrument accompanied by the sound of nature and the scratch of your pen against paper gives her a sense of calmness.
This may also be when she realizes she's been your muse! Her fingers trace over where your pen has been and boy appreciate isn't even enough for her to describe how she felt. It was definitely happy, but that wasn't the word either.
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𐙚 Her heart pounds alarmingly as she admires your work. It's almost concerning to you that she sits silently with a blank expression as she held your sketchbook in her hands.
But that concern washes off you as soon as a warm smile curls the corners of her lips, tender adoration displayed all over her face.
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“What part of ‘I want you, and only you’ do you not understand?”
Fem!Reader Words: 1742
AN: Is it a sequel to the last fic or a request from @isekyaaa? It's both! I hope I've done the prompt justice for you
Y/N’s classroom was silent as she shuffled papers around trying to clean up what was now a shared classroom. To say it was her classroom wasn’t a good way to describe the room. It was a room that she had been thrown into over a month ago on the other side of the campus. The classroom was cramped, lights would flicker in and out, and the heat would never kick in. It felt as if the university just wanted her to quit. Had her rightful complaints of poor treatment got her into this? Or maybe it was the fact she wasn't afraid to critique their golden boy? 
At least she had already completed her final class of the day and with no meetings, all that was left to do was to go home. Hopefully, the next teacher here will be satisfied with her cleaning. With the knock on the door, she assumed that was who had shown up.
“I’ll be just a minute. I’m almost done in here.” Y/N placed the last of the papers within her bag, eyes not even making contact with the door frame. “I just have to clean the whiteboard.”
There was a man’s sigh followed by footsteps and a binder landing in front of her on the desk where she sat. It was a plain purple that felt way too familiar. Looking up at its owner she shouldn’t have been surprised. “What do you want Ratio?” Her question came off in a mix of annoyance, tiredness, and ready for a fight.
“Open it.”
“Your hands work.”
“Will you just open the binder?” A question that sounded more like a demand
She rolled her eyes before doing what she had been asked. There was no sense in fighting every little thing. Looking at the paper on top, it was just a simple list of grades over time. There were two sections highlighted about a month apart from each other with a noticeable improvement. It was small but clear to see. “It's a start at least. Is this all you have to show me?”
He flipped to the next page. It was the start of a thesis for what he must have been currently working on. The page was covered in red ink of his handwriting over the text he had printed out. It had been a bit odd to see knowing how much he had preferred to work in digital. He had on plenty of occasions spoken a snide comment to her about how he did not need to leave to grab a notebook and that he had access to everything he needed at all times. There were too many times when he had given her a side eye even on just running out of ink.
“You do know I’m in an entirely different field of study than anything you’ve done? I’m not sure if you really want me to read this over. It may be best to find someone else.” She closed the binder, rejecting his request before getting up to clean the whiteboard behind her. “I teach art history. I’m doing a fashion history course at the moment!” She emphasized as began to wipe down the whiteboard, clearing it of a few things that had been required for her students to take note of. 
“You are able to not hold back on giving critiques which is a skill in itself.” One that others at the university he found were lacking. “I do not require someone who has a similar knowledge as me. It’s harder to understand where my writing doesn’t make sense when someone has an easier time following along with the subject matter.”
Y/N dropped the cloth in her hands, turning around. “That is not the compliment you think it is!”
“And it wasn't an insult either!” He pinched his nose in an attempt to remain calm. “It's a rough draft. There are still things I would like to add but I want you to read through it first.”
She leaned against the clean side of the whiteboard that was behind her. “It would be better to find someone else to read through it. What part of that do you not understand?”
“What part of ‘I want you, and only you’ do you not understand?” He had said it louder than he had meant to, emotions taking over for a brief moment. Perhaps the same emotions that had derailed his train of logic led him to even ask her for this favor.
“The part where you are the one who is saying it. I’m bound to say something that will start a debate and derail your work. Or better yet I help you only end up teaching in a closet next.”
“You act as if I am the one who put you in here.”
“I do not.”
“Yes, you do. You even yelled at me over this a month ago.”
“I wasn't yelling.” 
He had crossed his arms giving her a side eye.
“You are misremembering. I was annoyed yes but yelling no.” 
“If you can remember that you can remember your own actions then. You waltzed in and blamed me for the actions of people higher up than me.”
“I,” she sighed remembering back on it more, “I did do that didn’t I? To be fair, your lack of teaching skills left me in a room where I feel like I'm going to turn into an ice cube. How are you even standing in here without shivering?” Y/N asked as she looked over the more revealing aspects of his attire. 
He shook his head at the lack of an apology. “They do keep most of the servers within this building. That's still no excuse for why this room is so cold.”
“Every time I ask about it I'm told either the heat is out or that it's on low. I was told it was going to be fixed but I’m pretty sure that was a lie now. Most of my students started bringing blankets to class with them. They are just recording the lecture instead of taking notes and I can tell they aren’t going back to listen to it cause the grades are just dropping now.” Y/N complained with defeat just washing over her. 
“Have you made it known that these changes are affecting your class?” He asked the obvious as if she couldn’t think of it herself.
“They will make changes off of things you say because the complaints come from you. Your name carries weight. No matter how correct I am, because I even dare to point out a flaw of yours I am to be ignored and tossed aside so as to not ruin what your name brings to this place.” Her eyes drifted to the floor. “I’m clearly being punished. If I speak about what is going on anymore who knows what I may lose next? The arts remain to be disrespected even when used to teach about the history of different worlds. I must face the fact that I am not wanted.” It hurt a bit to admit it allowed. This had been a dream job of hers and it felt horrible to see it ripped from her over a lack of general respect from those above her.
“I want you.” He repeated once more with softness and desperation leaking into his voice. “As annoying as your critiques can be, listening to them has forced me to take a look at myself and bring improvement. Trying to improve myself without the input of another only works for so long. I’ve seemed to have forgotten that.” Perhaps he had grown too similar to some of those who worked here in that aspect. The distance between them was breaking as he moved closer into her space. 
Her laughter filled the small space between the two of them. One that was genuine, not filled with their usual sarcasm and jabs back and forth. “Are you hiding a literature degree there? I've never heard anyone beg for a critique like this before.” She teased.
“It’s not begging. I am just asking what I know you are capable of. You would have given your thoughts without me asking, wouldn’t it be better to invite those thoughts instead?” 
“I suppose it would but I'm not quite sure about it still. My critiques of you haven't ended well for me. What's to say this time would be different?”
“I believe I have met your requirements to discuss what is considered life-changing once more.” The grades rising just by points didn’t meet what she had asked of him and yet it was enough to take his advances seriously. 
“I wasn’t sure you would follow through on what I asked of you. Have you found a definition or have you found a different example?” She looked up at him, it took everything to not lose herself in how he was staring at her. His eyes tethered to her lips watching every movement. Part of her wished he would go through with the example she had put a stop to last time.
“It would seem that day in the library was example enough for me. The memory won’t quiet in my mind.”
“Perchance have you put that brain of yours to work figuring out what would quiet it?”
“It is less a matter for my brain to solve.”
“But you have found a solution?” Her eyes kept darting between his normally cold eyes and his lips which appeared so inviting. Maybe if she had paid more attention last time she would have noticed that before.
“I have.”
“I must ask, do you want me for a critique or do you want me?”
“If it’s both?”
“Then I would implore you to show me what you considered life-changing that day. It may persuade me to say yes.”
It was only a matter of mere seconds before Y/N found herself kissing the man she had been blaming for some of her issues with this university. However, she mostly laid the blame for those issues starting with his teaching style, but it was hard to focus on his flaws when he was being so loving at the moment.
Was it loving or more an act of desperation? Something that she would decide later as for now it was quite enjoyable being pinned against a whiteboard making out with a man she could have sworn was just a thorn in her side.
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elumish · 3 months
My Experience With Digital-First Royalty-Only Publishing (Part 2)
Disclaimer: just my experience, may not reflect other people's
Part 1 (What is this sort of publishing; how did I get published; what does the submission, contract, and editing process look like)
Book Release:
My [redacted] book came out in April 2024. It is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the publisher's own website, where it is listed for a couple dollars less than on Amazon/B&N. It's available both digitally (in multiple different file formats) and for print (paperback).
I can't speak for whether this is standard across these sorts of publishers, but it probably isn't unusual. This does mean that the book can't be available on Kindle Unlimited, given how Kindle Unlimited's requirements work.
The timing for this sort of publishing is extremely fast compared to traditional or even small-press print publishing. I signed the contract in late August 2023 and sent in the final draft to my editor in late October 2023, and the book was released in late April 2024.
Book cover:
For designing my book cover, they pointed me towards where they pull stock images from and asked me to describe the sort of cover I would want, including possible stock images. They also asked for physical characteristics of my characters, which is when I realized that I had no clue what my characters look like.
The stock image website included AI art, as well as regular non-AI stock images. I specifically requested no AI art, including no AI-generated stock images. As far as I am aware, they respected that request.
Once they created one, they sent me a mock-up and asked about minor changes (typography, etc., from what I remember). I didn't have any changes. Overall, my cover looks like what I described to them, and I'm really happy with it.
My marketing experience with my publisher has been decidedly underwhelming. They seem to have started to revamp their marketing process right around when my book came out, so my book didn't receive/hasn't received a huge amount of marketing support from them.
What they gave me marketing-wise: a few marketing images for pre-release/post-release, including Twitter and FB header images, etc.; general marketing guidance for what I could/should be doing; a couple of mentions on their publisher Instagram post-release and a mention in their weekly newsletter
What they didn't give me marketing-wise: connection to reviewers, including sending an ARC or providing a list of reviewers that might be good to work with; marketing materials for sites like TikTok or Instragram; a meaningful amount of airtime/mention on their accounts; a large following of their own
Overall, the marketing is what is probably most like self-publishing--a huge amount of it is on me (and I am terrible at it). It will be interesting to see what their revamp brings, but they are starting from a minimal following and not a lot of previous activity on their accounts, and so they also need to build their reach to make their marketing on their accounts more effective.
I get paid on a monthly basis through PayPal. I also receive a royalty statement that lists days, amount/type sold, etc. so I can reconcile with what they have paid me. From what I have seen this royalty statement is pretty standard.
So far, they've been prompt and haven't had issues with payments.
However, because of (among other things) their general lack of marketing, my royalty statements have been fairly low. So far (and, granted, the book came out less than 2 months ago) I have made very little money on this.
My Path Forward:
I've thought a lot about whether I will continue to do this sort of publishing. I am currently querying my "main" books, and I don't plan to publish them through this sort of publishing, even if the publisher would likely accept them.
My contract stipulates that my publisher has right of first refusal for the rest of the books in this series. I am currently writing book two, and I plan to also write a third, as I had initially discussed with them. Beyond that, I'm not sure. I don't mind working with them as a company, but I don't know if they have the processes in place for me to make money publishing with them.
One thing I will likely do is explore other romance publishers that accept unagented submissions. They have a much lower barrier of entry and they are often willing to accept books that trad publishers might not want to spend money/reputational risk on.
As such, I would likely submit to these publishers stories that I don't think traditional publishers/agents would likely to be willing to publish, including more niche subgenres and less standard lengths that are easier to publish digitally.
Why do I redact the name of my book?
Honestly because I'm a coward and because people are weird about romance, especially certain subgenres of romance. I also plan to use this account for my main agented publishing, if I ever reach that point, and I don't necessarily want those two pen names associated.
Any other questions about this sort of publishing?
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reallyhardydraws · 9 months
i hope any of you reading this will forgive the essay. i started posting to this art blog ten years ago in 2013 when i was just at the very end of high school, uploading short animations i'd made for one of my final projects, preparing myself for art school where i was gearing up to become an illustration/animation student.
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i went into my art foundation course in 2014, still thinking i was going to be going into storybook illustration or with faint hopes of becoming like a concept artist for game/animation, although even then i'd started thinking about patterns...
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and then in 2015 i did go into my BA, going in for that illustration with animation degree that... usually when i talk about it in real life, i say didn't really feel like the best place for me. if i think back, the best things i got out of it were two of my best friends, one of whom is now my partner. looking back on my BA era, there's some bits of sketchbook stuff...
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and while i was at university my main fandoms were thunderbirds are go and x-men for a bit... these are from the end of 2015 into the beginning of 2016...
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then for a little while i was doing this still sort of pastel-ish lineless situation:
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and i alternated between that and this thin fineliner type work (pretty sure all of the linearted pieces were done on paper and scanned, and all the lineless were graphics-tablet-only) - it was in this style that i started to offer commissions for the first time too.
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and i also had fineliner-lined work in sketchbooks that i coloured with marker and posca pens, the colours of which were generally a bit more intense just based on not being able to slide the hue/saturation around on paper:
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also 2016 was when i discovered the spongebob musical just after it's trial run in chicago (which ended in july of 2016) and i started making fanart at that point... which would have the biggest effect on the way i drew (and i did end up handing in a piece of spongebob musical fanart as one of my art school homeworks lmao)
from summer 2016 until early 2017 things were still quite soft and pastelly in my digital art, colour-wise:
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and then suddenly everything got whacked up to 100% on saturation. also i was using the binary tool to give everything really thin pixel lineart for some reason.
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then i went on vacation in summer 2017 and didn't draw for maybe a month? just short of? and when i came back i decided to change everything up again... giving characters blobbier, more ugly-cute faces with large squinting eyes and big nostrils and i was worrying a lot less about making anything look smooth, lineart-wise. i turned off the pen stabiliser in SAI and let it wiggle.
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then... the spongebob musical opened on broadway in late 2017, i went to see it live in person for the first time... and my whole brain was ENTIRELY consumed by my love of it. i was putting that david zinn inspired pattern explosion into everything, even if it wasn't sbm fanart.
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as we go into 2018, i started colouring my lineart. my biggest interest was still broadway musicals (with spongebob at the top of the list)
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i think summer 2017 - early 2018 is probably my favourite art era, i was at my most bright and colourful and exciting... although i know in my actual real life i was struggling a lot with my home situation and i had been for some time. art was definitely my escapism back then, and i think a lot of the time i drew really bright, joyful stuff to try and inject that feeling into myself.
as for my university work, i was putting my focus into 3D paper-mache puppets:
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and i was also starting to do more repeat patterns, mostly inspired by things around me. i'd learned how to make patterns actually tile and repeat in 2017, so made a few during my time at uni just to accompany some of my projects, but never as the focus of them. one of my university tutors told me that maybe i should put more focus on doing surface pattern, and maybe applying it to textiles, but i said i wasn't interested.
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i graduated from my BA in the summer of 2018, and immediately began volunteering at the whitworth art gallery doing anything i could - stewarding, helping with arts and crafts, dancing with families...
in 2019 i was still very colourful... i was trying out more chunky colouring on characters skintones that i think was def inspired by tumblr artist jadenvargen:
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but the blobbyness and ugly-cute style of drawing faces was gone by here, and i think... the way i drew characters probably had better *anatomy*, proportions were maybe a bit more realistic...
in 2020 i started adding the black shading to under the chins and some other places on characters' bodies because i started watching the anime my hero academia with my brother, lmao (and i was starting to pastelise colours a bit again, these are the most pastel-ish examples) my lineart has really smoothed back out too, though i never turned my pen stabiliser back on in SAI. i think my hand just adjusted. probably seems a bit insane to miss that, but i do.
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by the end of 2020, the almost-year of lockdown over cobid had... made me a bit insane, i think, and i moved out of my mother's house and into a flat with a friend from university.
in 2021 i think things were much the same... i think from this point on is where things have sort of settled. i don't want to say stagnated, but i do think things have been very... like this for a while.
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2022 - got the most exciting examples out...
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also i was very into these little frames in 2022.
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and then on to 2023! in 2022, i did begin trying to shift gears a bit -- hoping to put more energy into sewing and making products (like my tutor has suggested back in uni, even though i'd really resisted the idea.) i sold at a few in-person markets during winter of 2022, but got disheartened by the amount of money i had to sink in up front to sign up for a spot...
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which has made me VERY grateful for the people who have supported me via online sales. it has really helped me stay afloat in 2023 - AND it has felt more wonderful than i can describe that there have been people interested in my work... especially when a lot of it has been my original designs, rather than the fanart that i expect a lot of people initially followed me for.
i've also... in the past 2 years... branched out a bit more when it comes to 'being an artist' - and have had the opportunity to deliver arts & crafts workshops with local refugee & asylum seeker support charity, afrocats. it's taken me to their home base in a church to hotels across the city where asylum seekers were temporarily placed while waiting on their new homes, and of course to my beloved whitworth art gallery, where we welcomed visitors from all backgrounds: from the typical white middle class visitors the gallery usually expects, to all the refugee visitors coming into the space for the first time.
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and through my volunteering at the whitworth, i showed up so often they decided they might as well pay me. so i've also become a facilitator of... creative play sessions, my favourites of which have been outdoors. monthly, year-round, we have 'outdoor art club', where i get to paint with mud and make potions from leaves with kids & families - here you can see me tell you a little bit about it in this video below with 'crempog' a puppet character that makes videos about activities for kids and families around manchester (my bit starts at 01:10 although i am in the intro and thumbnail haha)
and then of course the summer 'PLAYTIME' activities we've had the past two years: scrap studio in 2022, and play market in 2023. it's the best freelance gig ever -- just to hang out and encourage families to be creative and have fun.
in working more in these new avenues... outside of being - as i've called myself for a long time - "an internet artist"... i've found myself more interested in this sort of thing. in being a "real world artist" too. in doing surface pattern design, and being a workshop facilitator, i find myself wanting to put more energy into these sorts of projects.
in 2023 i've also dabbled a little bit more in youtube videos! i have had a channel for a while and have made videos in previous years, but 2023 has been the year i've done the most in. admittedly most of them haven't been about my art, and more just like... random things that interest me (the spongebob musical in particular) but i've really been enjoying video editing. that's kind of an art form too, so i'm including it here!
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moving forward, want to keep putting even more of my energy into other things. my shop, with a bigger range of products to offer. workshops in real life, where i can make a difference.
as for my art blog... i feel like i've done the least drawing in many years in 2023, and... well, things have been weird and complicated for a bit in my real life. i hope to draw for fun a bit more again very soon, and to return to doing things in more of a wild and crazy way, to be more creative and exciting with the way i draw things. still, here's some of my favourites from 2023:
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thank you so much to everyone who has borne witness to my art journey this past decade!!! i hope you will stick with me, who knows, maybe for another 10 years if tumblr holds out. especially a big thank you to everyone who has ever commissioned me, or bought anything from my store, you literally keep me able to make art at all and i cannot, cannot, cannot overstate how much it means to me.
i'm moving homes soon, possibly into very cramped temporary conditions for a little while before HOPEFULLY starting my real life with my partner. if i can take one more moment to plug my work, then [here is a link to my online shop] and [here is my ko-fi page too.]
cheers, cheers, cheers!
- LOREN 🌈🍍🎉
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renae-the-turtle · 4 months
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so i finally got a drawing pad and stylus for my laptop, and downloaded krita, and obviously since i only have a few months prior experience with any kind of digital art, and said experience was like 3 years ago, i was just messing around, trying to figure out the brushes and find the undo button and stuff...
and somehow while i was messing around i started drawing a Leo, because i've been drawing him a lot lately and he's just fun to draw, and then i turned it into Sprout from 2 Arms Left, by @intotheelliwoods!!!
and yes, i'm aware i forgot his plastron cracks. this is meant to be low effort anyway.
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malebodyexhibit · 2 years
Getting in the Action (a Next Door Boy tale)
'Never meet your heroes' is how that saying goes, but for me it should be, 'never become your hero.'
I first saw my hero on the big screen when I was in fourth grade. He was the coolest thing ever! There was a movie where he was a pilot and pulled off cool stunts in planes. My dad and I idolized him. He was the one who dragged me to the movie. It became his way to get me to do things, like "Tom always eats his vegetables" or "I doubt Tom failed his Math class." And, being the idiot I was, I obeyed.
The movie star’s influence steered my life to places I never thought I'd go. I got into weight lifting, because in all his movies, he always had that shirtless scene to hammer in the point that he was a man's man. That is what men should be. I bought a fitness magazine after I watched that movie where he has sex with his girlfriend and he strutted around his apartment naked. I wanted to be like that (confident in my own skin), so I studied the magazine and used my father's dumbbells. When I reached high school, I had washboard abs and biceps the size of grapefruits.
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And sure, I was built like a linebacker, but I didn't enjoy sports. Of course I valued athleticism, but I also wanted to be an actor. I tried out for roles in Drama class and mostly got them for my good looks and body, but I really put in effort. It wasn't until we started rehearsing for Shakespeare's "The Tempest" that I started to appreciate the sounds and art of classical theatre. So in English I found a new joy. My dreams shifted from action movie star to a classical theatre. I really wanted to impress my hero that I was making something of myself for him.
Then the Next Door Boy craze happened. I'm sure you already know what happened. The debauchery and scandals. Yet, when it calmed, the benevolent acts stood out. People who lost out on life got a second chance. And then Tom announced something truly amazing:
"Hello, everyone. So many of you are my fans and have been since I was on the big screens almost half a century ago. No doubt I've gotten old. Seeing my gray hair is always a shock. But many of you suggested that I continue my legacy and through the efforts of Next Door Boy, I can. I won't just accept anyone. I want to only accept the biggest fan of mine. I want to take you with me to the stars in show business. So, fill out the application, send in those photos, and let's make something together."
The news was shocking. I could be him. He could be in me. We could share a future together. So of course I applied. I had my dad shoot the photos of me. He was over the moon. Anything for our hero.
And I was chosen. I couldn't breathe when I heard the news. The rest blurred in a rush of euphoria. I was seated in a chair at Next Door Boy as the agent went over the details. I was to be Tom’s body and I would still exist, but I wouldn't have control over anything; I would ride backseat in my mind. Do you accept?
"Yes," I said. Those were my last words spoken by my mouth by me.
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"Tell me how much you like it when I do this," Tom whispered as he pulled my shirt over his nipple. He ran his hand over what used to be my stomach.
"Stop, please," I whimpered. I could only communicate in our shared mind. It had been a couple months since the procedure and since then, Tom has been using my body for his sexual gratification. I know he isn't even gay. He just likes tormenting me.
"I don't think so," he taunted. He stuck a finger in his mouth and gave a soft moan. As he pulled it out, a trail of spittle followed. He reached around our back and I felt the push against our tight hole. In a rush, he plunged it in. A sudden ache hit us and he moaned while I screamed, "stop!" He drove it in and out. He buckled over the restroom counter and continued to go knuckles deep. Finally, he pulled out the digit and wiped it on my six pack. "Well, that's enough for now. I don't want to make you too loose. I want this body to last a few years."
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He jumped in the shower then got dressed. Around my parents he was a model son. Even though they know he wasn't me, but some middle aged action star, they still treated him like me.
"There's my boy!" My dad said and he stood to hug my body. My body hugged him back and my father beamed at us. He took my face in his hands and said, "have fun out there."
"Don't worry, dad. I will!" Tom said from my mouth. He was beaming his innocent smile. "Hey, mom. I have to fly to a studio today. We're starting on the set of a new movie. Could you pack me lunch?"
"Of course, dear. That sounds fun!" My mother smiled and went to prepare something in the kitchen.
"So how is it being the action hero?" Dad asked. I couldn't tell who he was asking. It seemed my parents believed I was still in control or that it was a mix of both. But no. It was always Tom.
I remember waking up from the procedure and seeing myself, unable to move or speak. I watched as he ran my hands over my arms and chest. I watched him flex in my body.
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I felt how aroused he was getting from checking out my body. "God damn, boy," he said, "you're a snack." If it wasn't for health regulations, I'm sure he'd whip out our cock then and jerk off. But instead, he waited for the public restroom in the hallway. Since then, he tortures me by treating my body like a dildo or a fleshlight. It wasn't useful unless it was pounding or being pounded at both ends.
"It's pretty good. Let me tell you about the movie I'm shooting." Tom_ said, "It's about a college student, me, who has to fight off bank robbers and saves the day. It takes place in Vegas."
"That sounds cool," my dad said. "Remember, don't drink. You might be an action star, but you're still my son."
The man in my body smiled. "Of course."
We left the house and walked toward a limo waiting for us at the curb.
"It was a lie," he said now that we were alone.
"What?" I asked.
"There is a movie, but it's not one where the hero wins. He tries fighting the robbers and finds himself facedown in his own piss. He's then stripped and finds out how much loves a dicking and giving head."
"It's a porno?!" I screamed incredulously. "You can't make me do that! That's disgusting and I'm not gay!"
"It doesn't matter if you're gay. I already set up something with a studio. They're wanting a few hundred movies of us, well me in you. They like your body, and I do too, especially when it's a cheap slut for cock."  He smiled, flashing the driver a toothy grin. His signature boyish charm displayed on my face.
"You're supposed to make me famous," I cried. The promise of his echoing in my head.
"And I will make you famous. There will be no gay man alive who wouldn't have seen take a couple dicks. I will make you a household name in the porn industry. I will wear out your hole and it so you can't pretend you're a straight virgin."
"Please, stop," I begged, uselessly. I watched as he pulled a beer out from a cooler. He twisted off the cap and chugged the bottle. Since he was in my body, he drank incessantly and ate passionately. He rarely maintained my exercise and I feared my fit body would slip away.
"Why should I? What's the point of working out when I can just get another teen like you desperate for fame? I'll know it's time to leave your body when I can't see my toes and I can't get a good fuck. You can have your body back when that happens." He said as he opened a second bottle of beer. He was already unbuckling his belt to relieve himself of the strain. I cried in the unfeeling void of his mind.
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lyralit · 9 months
4.1.24 - the importance of learning new things
As much as I think academic & work focus is incredibly important going into the new year, one of my other goals is to practice doing more: to learn all of the things I want to do, in addition to work, in addition to writing. I want to know how to do thousands of little things, and I think the longer we wait, the less likely we are to do them.
Picking up a new hobby doesn't have to be buying a dozen textbooks and spending hundreds of dollars on lessons because you might have the slightest interest: it can be from whatever you have here, now, and you'll never learn if you don't get started.
Some of the things I've been getting into (as I've mentioned before) are baking & crocheting. it just feels so cozy and nice & I love the idea of comfort.
here is a list of things I want to / you should try that's new!
learning a new language. fifteen minutes a day, I kid you not. I'm learning latin on duolingo and I don't ever think about it, but when I do it (25 day streak 💪🏻), I'm starting to notice my improvements
consuming good media. and that's not scrolling for half an hour on tumblr. it's books—deep ones and silly ones and ones about romance and dragons and apocalypses. it's movies! I watched keira knightley's pride and prejudice twice in the last few months, and also three men and a baby which is something I never thought I would watch, but it was quite funny I think. and I learn from it: I cannot write humour or romance for the life of me, so it's basically studying to write (is the self-gaslighting too evident?)
learning to crochet. I made a silly little headband today, after scrolling through pinterest and desperately wanting one. I started crocheting in december to give as gifts (I completed none of my wips, much like when I write) and used the tools I had around me: an old rainbow loom hook and whatever string I could find. now I'm proud to say I can read somewhat fluently crochet acronyms.
baking. I keep saying this. I know. but when I tell you a two years ago I was exploding cupcakes in the oven and last month I made bakery-style cookies...I made bread! a loaf of bread! (in a bread machine, but it's so good and I instantly made another. there is one in the bread machine right now). honestly it just made me feel that much better about improvement, and trying new things, and that is the mindset I want for the new year.
learning to code. in all honesty, I never thought I was a compsci - engineer kind of person. then this year, out of sudden (masterminded) urges, I joined a bunch of tech and robotics initiatives, and maybe it's the sense of community (I can rejoice in finding another nerdy group) but now I am happily chauffeuring myself to these meetings 4h a week. I'm looking into pursuing more into the fields of eng and science. and I'm learning some code from one of the friends I've made!
starting a blog. ...I know most of the people who linger around my blog stay for the writing content (the last posts have turned this writerblr into a digital diary, and I'm only half sorry for that). but since I've joined tumblr (almost three years ago now!) I've got to meet so many wonderful people (including you!) and want to try so many things.
and I get it. it's overwhelming. so here are some starting goals that maybe I'll try also.
start doing art. -> make a card for someone as a gift.
learn a new sport & start exercising. (I'm trying out track & field in the spring, so stay tuned to figure out how that goes) -> see if someone will come play ball with you. do 1 or 2 youtube workout videos a week.
film videos of your daily life. it doesn't need to be for posting! -> edit together clips you've taken for a last year recape.
start a scrapbook. -> print out photos and dig up construction paper. decorate a page.
make a poetry journal. -> go on pinterest to read poetry! pin styles you like and set fifteen minutes to writing.
make a regular journal! -> write once a day. just try: goals for the day in the morning, or a recap at night.
try your hand at gardening. -> research plants that grow well in your region. see if any of the seeds you may have at home are useful. water your lawn. buy a plant and try to keep it alive (set reminders, leave it in front of your sink)
learn to make candles. -> watch a youtube tutorial. see if you can play around with candles you already have.
play chess. -> see if someone will play chess with you. no? chess.com is right there. go make an account. go find a stranger.
learn to play an instrument off youtube. -> maybe you have a piano sitting around, or a guitar you've never touched. you don't even need to master it. pick a song you like and google that. no instrument? maybe there's a way to play drums with home items.
go for a run. -> once a week. a set time. just shoes and the outdoors. too cold? go to a gym and use a treadmill. maybe that's not possible? skip rope.
start / join a book club. -> just you, or some close friends, or people online. a book a month. talk about it.
** on that note, would anyone like to join a tumblr book club? slide into my asks and maybe we can get a blog list!
thank you for reading again <3 until next time.
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centipedelightning · 1 year
Hobbies pt.2
pt. 1 came out months and months ago and I just haven't wanted to write up pt. 2. well here it is! once again everyone say thank you toni (@tyrannydarling) for the help coming up with these.
| Underswap & Swapfell || fluff |
Hobbies: pt. 1 | you are here | pt. 3 | pt. 4
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The biggest one is hiking.
Blue is super into anything that has to do with spending time outdoors. He will spend Hours looking up new trails to hike.
As an extension of that, he is also really into foraging. He has books upon books about safe foraging and what is available in the area.
It was a trial by fire though. He didn't realize things can have highly dangerous lookalikes. After he fed his brother a meal with a lookalike, the night of non-stop vomiting that followed served as a sizable warning for the future.
Stretch now requires proof of safety for everything Blue finds after The Incident.
He is also into birdwatching! He's more casual about it than his other interests, but he likes being able to recognize birds and bird-songs
Blue picked up scrapbooking on the surface once his brother started getting into photography. It's a bonding session for the two of them to collaborate and make a book to commemorate their hike(s).
For a less outdoorsy theme, Blue is also into jigsaw puzzles. He even got a fancy table made for doing puzzles as a Giftmas gift one year.
He's not the Best at them, so a basic 1000-piece will take him a few weeks off and on.
He got into photography on the surface.
Stretch was browsing a random small thrift when a vintage film camera caught his eye. Cameras didn't usually make it into the Underground Dump in good shape, so he decided to splurge.
He bought it, found what film he needed, and got to work.
Initially, he only really took practice pictures around the house or at the local parks, but once Blue succeeded in dragging him on a hike, he got more into it.
He does a lot of macro stuff on the hikes. One scrapbook he and Blue work on is just of bugs they find.
Blue is the one that came up with the scrapbooking idea, but Stretch is the one that started stepping up the creativity game and bought the fancy paper, stickers, and stamps.
He makes a lot of friendship bracelets.
His favorite design is the zig-zag but he's good at pretty much everything.
Stuffed animals!
He loves making plushes and has made them since Blue was a babybones. He referenced a few Surface biology books he found in the Dump to make a sea turtle for himself and a rabbit for Blue's 6th birthday.
Indi is closest to blue personality-wise, so it is only natural he has a similarly outdoorsy hobby and that's beachcombing!
Underground he used to spend a lot of his free time in Waterfall training with Alphys so he developed a taste for the water.
He isn't very good at swimming but loves to spend hours on the shoreline looking for anything interesting.
He has a Massive shell collection meticulously organized.
He is subscribed to magazine upon magazine about beaches and the latest in beachcombing news.
On the topic of collections, he is an uber-nerd about rocks and has an equally large collection of cool rocks and crystals.
He has taken a number of trips with his brother to rock shows (no matter how far away)
He likes making little crafts with the rejects from his collections.
If he finds a rock or shell in better condition than what he has in the main collection, he'll replace it and use the old item for things like jewelry and decor.
A notorious baker.
Notorious in what way? That's for everyone else to find out.
In all honesty, he's not too bad. The icings might be overwhipped and the cheesecakes a bit curdled but the flavors are actually quite nice.
Strangely enough, he is masterful at making the perfect puff pastry.
I'm kidding. kinda.
Making money is his life's mission, not his hobby.
His actual hobby is drawing.
He becomes a tattoo artist on the Surface, so having skills in traditional and digital art is important and he has it!
He does a lot of illustrative stuff that happened to translate well into tattooing.
He used to offer to draw Monster's portraits for a few G when he was younger.
Cash has an extraordinary amount of free time so every once in a while he offers commissions online.
On the Surface, he also picks up stained glass.
Initially, it was just a time waster. He picked up a little kit from a craft store and got hooked from there.
He really likes making super personalized window hangers as gifts. Indigo got a beach scene for one birthday that has hung in his room since receiving it.
He wasn't expecting to like it very much, but it only took a few months before he started getting himself some nicer equipment.
There is now a small setup in the garage with his fancy sanders and saw.
Indi installed a nice shelving system to organize all of Cash's glass panes as a gift.
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artistpicks · 2 years
Category is: The Art of GIF
Welcome to November’s Artist Picks series! This month, we’ve invited @catswilleatyou to share posts surrounding the theme, “The Art of GIF.”
Here is what they have to say about it below!
What does “The Art of GIF” mean to you?
The GIF is an art form that was born on the web. Videos existed in other places; paintings, photos existed in other places. GIFs just didn’t exist anywhere until the internet came along. Many artists were thrilled to be at the moment in art history when this medium was born. Even though the compression techniques are outdated and the functionality has been surpassed by other formats, the perfect infinite loop of the GIF has yet to be achieved by another file format. MP4s still have a hiccup when they start over. While GIFs are widely used for quick jokes and communication, many artists still believe there is more depth to this medium. I believe that as digital art continues to gain acceptance as a high art form, GIFs will eventually be realized as a cornerstone to it. To me, the art of GIF is about working within limitations and birthing something infinite.
Why did you pick these particular posts?
A few years ago I started creating GIFs that are Phenakistiscopes. I couldn’t find any resources on how to make Phenakistiscopes, but I found lots of tons of centuries old Phenakistiscopes that were making amazing GIFs. I sort of backwards engineered my own method of making them and I continue to explore this medium with GIFs. There’s a lot to be learned by limiting yourself to a small number of frames. I keep thinking I’m done making these but every time I work on one, I learn a new animation trick.
(Below are specific mentions of the artists @catswilleatyou chose posts from.)
@volvulent is a mysterious artist to me. I know nothing about their personal life. I’ve never been able to find them on other social media platforms. I feel so fortunate to have stumbled on their work many years ago. They are a complete master of organic form and hand drawn infinite loops. You can follow some of the shapes on these drawings for several seconds, and then when you go back and study the art closely, you discover that the whole looping sequence is only fraction of a second long.
@katecursed uses old and outdated technology in ways I’ll never understand. Tons of analog CRT TVs, oscilloscopes, old video games, and synths. I love it. She grew up around this stuff and is extremely knowledgeable. Her GIFs are timeless.
@alcrego is an absolute workhorse and in my opinion, a historically important GIF artist. He has an instantly recognizable voice using almost entirely black and white. I think he would even go so far as to say he only uses light. The minimalism is always deceptive—there is so much depth to his exploration of GIF as an artistic medium.
I’ve also chosen some very “classic” looking @kidmograph GIFs. I credit kidmograph with bringing the retro/video game style back into fashion about a decade ago. When he started posting this stuff, I hadn’t seen anything like it. Shortly after (and still to this day), there was a huge movement of artists that co-opted this approach. I wanted to include their work here because when you see this look, I want you to know where the echo started. I also want to say that this is just one of many tricks kidmograph has. They explore a wide range of styles and approaches, and they are continually evolving.
@mrdiv always had such a knack for color, compositing, and simplicity. When I was first learning 3D, they were a great artist for me to study because I saw how much emotion and reaction they can get with using very very little. I love the minimalism of their work.
I love how @maxcapacity incorporates vintage equipment in his process to create such wild psychedelic GIFs. They’re always pretty saturated with lovely colors. For me, there’s a heavy hitting moment with this work where I’m watching my childhood get spit back to me in perhaps a more truthful version than I even recall it. It’s hard to explain but the nostalgia lures me in, and then I’m cut with a darkness by them. There’s also some humor sprinkled in.
@zbags’s work is instantly recognizable with the way they use creepy lively eyeballs behind faces. Collin’s work is disturbing and fun. There’s always an added bonus in reading his wild descriptions and titles. When there was a file size limit to GIFs being posted on Tumblr, I was always impressed by their ability to get a very long and detailed animation into a small file. I think he’s doing lots of frame rate tricks I still don’t think I’ve ever figured it out.
Find out more about Artists Picks here!
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buckybarnesevents · 2 years
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This event is entirely about all of the ALTERNATE UNIVERSES you could dream of, and they are all centered around our favourite Murder Muffin!
This Connect 4 event is very similar to a Bingo Event, but instead of 25 squares/fills/prompts, you will receive a card with four squares/fills/prompts. They may be taken and interpreted in any way you wish or feel inspired by!
We start on the sign ups on the 24th of March – this is when you can fill out a sign-up form and we will start to ready your card. Cards will be sent out within 3 days of you signing up, and you may begin posting your fills as soon as you have your card! Be sure to tag us (@buckybarnesevents and use the tag #Connect4AU)!
Below the cut you will find the Rules, FAQs, and Badges that are specific to this event.
But without further ado, we are excited to begin this event, and we are excited to see what you all come up with! 💙
Be sure to check out the blanket event rules found HERE.
Due to the nature of all media and works within this event, it is only for those that are 18 and older – upon signing up you acknowledge that you are not a minor.
Any kind of hate (kink bashing/shaming, harassment, toxic behaviour, etc.) will not be tolerated at any point. There will be no warnings given and if proven to have exhibited any disagreeable behaviours, you will be removed from the event.
Tag your works accordingly. We expect explicit works, and that will contain squicks, triggers, etc.  We believe in Kinktomato here. YKINMKATOK (Your Kink Is Not My Kink (And That’s OK) but you are responsible for advising our readers what to expect. 
This event, as always, is open to any and all pairings that involve our favourite murder muffin! If you’re finding that inspiration isn’t coming to you with just Bucky, we will also allow up to two squares per card to feature a different Sebastian Stan persona (Sebastian himself, Steve Kemp, Max Burnett, etc.)
The AU’s are entirely up to your interpretation, so long as they are featured prominently in your creation.
Read our FAQs thoroughly for event conduct, swapping prompts, schedule and more!
What is a Connect Four event? 
Simple! It’s very similar to a Bingo Event, where you will receive a card with four categories.  
What happens if we finish our card? 
You can request additional cards! Please only request a new card once you have finished your current card. If you are not happy with the prompts on your card, please request a swap for that square/those squares. You can request one swap per card, up to four squares (yes, you can ask for a whole new card).
To request a swap, please email us ([email protected]) with your username, card number and the prompt(s) you are purging. 
Can we use a fill for another event as well (ie. another bingo, etc)?
Absolutely! So long as the other event allows it, we have no rules against cross-posting.
How do I post to the AO3 collection? 
Under collections (when posting), type in Connect 4: Into an Alternate June-iverse or Connect4AU
You can also add your work directly from the collection by going to https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Connect4AU and selecting “post to collection” on the top right. 
What fills are accepted?
Any creative media is accepted:
Fics — minimum 300 words Moodboards — minimum 6 images  Digital / traditional art (sketches, too)! Playlists — minimum 10 songs Etc. 
If there is a medium not listed that you want to create and you’re not sure about, shoot us an ask and we will add it to the list!
All work must be newly uploaded to count towards the fill (no entering a fic you published a few months ago, for example). They may count towards already existing AU’s that you write for (a new chapter for an ongoing fic), or they can be something brand new – it is entirely up to you.
What pairings are allowed?
Any and all. Whether that be /Reader, /Steve, /Reader/Steve, /Natasha, /Clint, rare pairs, ot3s or more – so long as Bucky is still the main character.
Is there a limit to submissions?
Absolutely not. You are free to create as many works / pieces of media that you feel inspired for – whether that be 5 fics for a Mafia AU square, or 10. It does not matter.
24th of March – Signups open WHENEVER you receive your card, you can begin posting 30th of June – Submissions close
You can sign up to this event from the 24th right through until the end – keep in mind that we are aiming for cards to be in your inbox within 3 days of you signing the form – though we are only human, there may be delays. If you have concerns or if it takes longer than 5 days, please email us or tag @rookthorne / @buckyismybicycle on the discord server, and we will check the progress. 
Having trouble deciding what to do within a generalised AU prompt? 
Click here to see the list of possibilities. 
Need a prompt for a plot or just a bit of inspiration? 
Click here to be taken to a list of prompts and generators. 
Toe beans? Toe beans. = including Alpine in at least one creation. 
Connect 2 = 2 squares used in the one creation.
Connect 3 = 3 squares used in the one creation.
Connect 4 = 4 squares used in the one creation.
Best shot there is = completed one whole card.
Bullseye! = completed three whole cards.
You’re the Captain! = completed five whole cards.
Fluffier than a cloud = created at least one fluffy creation.
Hotter than a sauna = created at least one smutty creation.
Hurts worse than a heartbreak = created at least one angsty creation.
Darker than midnight = created at least one dark creation.
Stabbed deeper than the soul = created at least one whumpy creation.
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sylensombrr · 7 months
A couple months ago I finally started watching dragon ball starting with the 1986 show much to my brothers pleas not to jokes on him I'm enjoying it very much but I would take long ass breaks in between episodes and it was taking forever to get through it
Solution: make an art challenge for myself. Not only would it motivate to continue but also I'll finally get off my lazy ass and draw digital art again
Every 10 episodes I'm gonna draw something relating to those 10 episodes tho I did think of this when I was already like 40 episodes in sooooo whatever i got some catching up to do
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50 / 153 <-how many episodes in i am at the time of posting
Episodes 1 - 10 <-episodes the drawing is for
First up: Puar!
I love her very much she so silly despite sounding like nails grinding on a chalkboard everything she speaks XDDD I love her and yamcha as bandits i wish they stayed as them longer but oh well I'm not complaining they're favorites either way
I was originally gonna post ep 1-40 drawing in bulk which is why I didn't post this like a few days ago when I finished it but I'm liking one of them too much to be put in the shadow of the others
Rest in Peace Akira Toriyama 🕊🕊 despite only being a fan of DB for about a year now it has helped through so much thank you for creating such a wonderful series and characters may you rest in peace
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auriidae · 9 days
just being able to move my stylus over the screen is a JOY i am being made aware that there is a slight delay on medibang that never consciously troubled me but ohhohohoh living without it is. i feel like i can breathe freely again or something YOU KNOW. and the sketch brush is so lovely and YOU CAN MAKE THE PENCIL BIGGER THAN 2.3 AND STILL HAVE IT LOOK CRUNCHY i am about to cry happy tears at that fact alone you guys have no idea <3333. at the mere mention of cels and fps for animation i nearly got up and started jumping around my room. and WAHHH i just tried out some of the other painting brushes just now and. guys. chat. chat <3
since i started trying to improve at digital art a few years ago i have lived under a code of Not Upgrading My Materials Until I Feel I Have Exhausted the Extent of What My Current Program Holds, because i feel like practical Skills/artistic knowledge and 'what one is able to create with the aid of materials' are two separate things and i've been trying to hone more the former than the latter. so i used chrome canvas (yeah the browser thing) for a while before downloading ibis. and i only switched from ibis to medibang when i felt like i knew it inside out. and for the past few years-ish i've been gathering more technical skills on medibang and finding out new stuff about it every few months, so it never really provided an issue. but recently i Have been feeling a little unsatisfied with the extent of what medibang provides for me. don't get me wrong it is such a fantastic program my beloved forever <3 and i still haven't found everything you can do with it BUT there are some things that i've thought of consciously like "you know, it would be cool to be able to make/do something like that" and tried various ways to carry it out through medibang before coming to some impasse or another. btw the only reason i got clip was bc it's on sale rn KJSDKF. but just looking through the tools and getting even an initial feel for the style of the program... i think it will be easier for me to focus on both the aspects of art that i feel i need work with and the ones that appeal to me with this :) and that is really really cool
anyways :)
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nerdgatehobbit · 5 months
13 Books
Right, I was tagged by @old-man-ghost a few days ago and I'm finally getting around to doing this!
1: The last book I read: Disney Princess: Beyond the Tiara, which was an interesting look at the involved films and their impact. It was self-congratulatory at places, but I think that's the trade-off for it being an official book.
2: A Book I recommend: Dinotopia by James Gurney, between the gorgeous art, the inventive world-building, and the great characters. The franchise as a whole is one of my favorites, but this is the book that started it all.
3: A book that I couldn't put down: I read the first nine a while back, but I really enjoyed the first volume of Spy x Family. I need to get around to reading the tenth & eleventh volumes.
5: A book on my TBR: In addition to the aforementioned duo and quite a few other books, I'm waiting until I'm further into The Librarians as a show before I read the 3 tie-in novels.
6: A book I've put down: This isn't probably what's meant, but it's the only recent example. Over a month ago, I checked out The Secret Life of the American Musical from the library specifically to just skim it to get a clearer grasp of the different types of songs in Broadway musicals. Though I did spot its section acknowledging the issues of relying on star power for musicals, which seems relevant to what went on with the Sweeney Todd revival.
7: A book on my wish list: This one is kinda silly, but I am curious about Ash's Atlas, it's just that I've been reluctant to seriously look into getting it because I know it's very likely not be a pseudo-guidebook, and more likely just acts to recap anime events. I'd like a Pokémon book that does more with discussing the geography, history, man-built places, & notable people.
8: A favorite book from childhood: I'm going to go for Midnight for Charlie Bone, the first in the Children of the Red King series. I didn't get to read them all as a kid, but the first few I definitely did. I still have a soft spot for this series, though the older I get the more I wish for a perspective flip novel(s) showing what the adults were getting up to, as it's very clear that they're getting up to stuff off-page in addition to what Charlie and his friends see. I'm definitely anxious about how the potential upcoming TV adaptation will turn out.
9: A book you would give to a friend: Hmm, it would depend on the friend's tastes. Maybe I'd be selfish and give them the Project Gutenberg link to Once on a Time just so I'd have someone to talk about it with. It's one of my favorite books (it definitely can be seen as a precursor to The Princess Bride and Galavant).
10: The most books you own by a single author: It's probably a toss-up between Tamora Pierce and Rick Riordan. Both of them are well into the double digits.
11: A nonfiction book you own: I have Team of Rivals, which is a really interesting look at how Abraham Lincoln got elected and then turned the other candidates into his cabinet during the Civil War.
12: What are you currently reading: I've only read the prologue to the Belle Mirrorverse manga, but I liked it. I'm pretty much just here for the BATB content (as seen by me currently having Funko Belle as my icon), as I didn't play the game for long. This says more about my minimal gaming skills than the game itself (no, seriously, I struggle with LEGO & Pokémon at times). I am curious how this altered story will play out.
13: What are you planning on reading next: I still need to reread Sense and Sensibility, especially as I keep meaning to locate the new movie (I like the gifs I've seen, I just need to find the time/energy to figure out how to temporarily get Hallmark access so I can watch it).
I'm on desktop at the moment and don't have a readily accessible current photo of any of my bookshelves. I'll try to remember to do something later and add it in a reblog when I'm on my phone.
This was fun, thanks for tagging me!
I'll tag @asokatanos @magic-owl @jadelotusflower @mylittleredgirl
@ladytharen @bex-pendragon @fantasysci5 and anyone else who'd like to do it!
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