#i only arrive to madrid at like 19:30 i think
sparkles-oflight · 10 months
Reading all the posts about queuing knowing perfectly I was going to the last row no matter what
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mrcurrygoestospain · 3 years
Camino De Santiago - Round 5
Spain travel log, 2021…
Day One:
September 20 - Depart Seattle for Madrid, by way of London. There were plenty of issues just getting to this point. In addition to the ongoing concerns over COVID-19, or perhaps because of them, I had some serious concerns about whether I could and whether I should do this trip at all. In the end, I think I simply realized that it was totally appropriate for me to go on this trip: I’ve been “responsible” and taken the full round of vaccinations, generally avoided social contacts with people and been diligent about the masks. So I made my reservations and thought everything was fine. About 2 weeks before takeoff, I got an email from Iberia that one of my flights had been changed. When I looked into it, I found that it was the connecting flight from London to Madrid and the schedule had been bumped up by about 6 hours taking me from having a 2 hour layover in Heathrow to needing to be on a plane for Madrid 4 hours before I actually landed in London and would be able to board it… It took attempts at phone calls over several days to get this corrected. Finally, I tried while I was at top work one morning around 5:00 am. I finally got through and a nice lady helped rebook my connecting flight. She found the only available flight on that day that would work; now I have a seven hour layover.
I prepped for my trip, checklists and routes planned. I arrived at the airport 3 hours early, just in case. Although I booked with Iberia, it was a British flight. So standing in line at the BA counter in SeaTac, I saw the sign: “All passengers must show proof of a negative COVID test.” What? I’d already checked multiple times; I only need proof of vaccination to get into Spain. I check the internet. Sure enough, if you’re on a layover in England, you need a negative test…A quick Google search helped me find a testing center at SeaTac airport, so I rushed down to baggage claim number nine to see if I could get a test in time. In all honesty, I really thought I wasn’t going to make it and I’d have to try to contact the airline again to find a way to reschedule my flight. I stood in the line for what seemed like forever, but finally had the privilege of paying $250 for a rapid COVID test. T- minus 2 hours 30 minutes to departure and they promised results in 1-1.5 hours. The test itself was relatively painless. After all of the horror stories I’d heard about the nasal swabs, I was a bit worried. But it didn’t hurt, it just tickled a little bit. I waited, and waited…it seemed like they would never have my results. While I waited, I heard stories from other travelers who had missed flights or rebooking because of these ridiculous COVID-related requirements. One young Canadian lady I spoke to shared that she’d spent over $1000 on COVID tests in the last month due to traveling. I guess my $250 wasn’t so much.
I finally got my negative test results and rushed back to the check in counter, filled out the required government forms and headed through security. The flight was delayed.
After a nine hour flight to London, I had seven or eight hours to kill in Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5, before boarding my flight to Madrid. I shopped, I ate, I listened to podcasts. I took a few naps and generally cursed British Airways for changing my original flight. Some Italian guy made quite a scene at the boarding gate for the flight to Madrid. The gate agent handled it quite well and passive-aggressively punished him for his demeanor.
I arrived in Madrid after an easy flight on Iberia, made my way to the metro and on to my Hostel. It was a nice enough place. After 28 hours of travel, I was ready for a shower and bed.
Day 2:
On my one day in Madrid, I walked from my hostel/hotel to the Museo Nacional del Prado. It’s Spain’s greatest art museum. This was my second time there and I spent a lot more of it. There are so many amazing pieces and, for someone who used to truly despise art, it was amazing. I highly recommend it. I haven’t been to a whole lot of art museums, but it is, by far, my favorite. I followed that with a walk through the Royal Botanical Gardens. I’m sure they’re great when all of the flowers are blooming, but in early fall, it’s just a lot of green. Either way, it was still peaceful. I visited another nearby park, walked around and viewed the statues, and then made my way back towards the hotel and passed it to go to the Cathedral opposite the royal palace. It’s a much more modern cathedral than the ones I’ll see on the Camino, but still impressive.
Day 3:
On the morning of the third day, I got up early and got packed. Took the metro to the train station and purchased a ticket to Leon. After two hours on the train, I took a 20 minute walk to the hotel and dropped off my bag, and then spent the next few hours wandering the city. I found a barber and got a haircut for 9 Euro, quite a bargain. Stopped at the “Taste of America” shop to get a bottle of hot sauce (Cholula, of course), and just meandered around the city until I could get checked in at the hotel. It was a pretty uneventful day, which is just what I needed. I was still very tired from all of the traveling and trying to swap schedules.
Day 4:
I got up late, around 8:00 AM and started walking the city. I stopped for a cafe con leche and met a Scottish couple who had been walking the Camino for the last few weeks. While we waited out the rain under cover, the shared with me some of their other walking adventures, including tales of walking through the Swiss Alps on the Via Francigena, a pilgrimage route to Rome. I may have to look into that for a future trip. I also shared with them my plans/considerations of taking a walk on the “Great Glen Way” in Scotland. The wife had already done this and highly recommended it, along with the West Highland Way. Both are approximately 5-day walks through some of the wild country of Scotland. When the rain let up, we parted ways and I went to tour the Cathedral, toured the Basilica of Saint Isidore and wandered around town, shopping and eating. Inside the Saint Isidore museum and basilica, i had the opportunity to see what is referred to as the “Sistine Chapel of Romanesque Art” as well as a gold and silver cup that some historians claim is the “holy grail.”
Day 5:
Didn’t sleep much…I forgot how much they like to party in Spain. It was LOUD all night long. Anyway, started my walk. Today was about 27 km and it rained through about 50% of the day. It was a mix of roads and dirt tracks. I only saw one other pilgrim, a Spaniard who doesn’t speak any English. I got ahead of him and had stopped for a rest at a picnics table on top of a mountain. He showed up a few minutes behind me and I tried to chat for a minute, but the language barrier…. I offered him half of my tangerine and then he took off again. I passed him up later. I had been slightly worried about where to stay for the night as the municipal albergue in this province/state are currently closed due to the ‘Rona, but when I got to town I found a pension with rooms available. The lovely lady named Susana showed me to a room and also worked tirelessly to make me a reservation for the following night. I hadn’t eaten much for the day, so I ordered big: hot dog and patatas oil bravas. Patatas bravas is a traditional dish in Spain which is made of fried potatoe cubes that are covered in a (typically) spicy tomato sauce. Potatoes Ali Oli are the same fried potatoes but with a garlic cream sauce instead of the spicy sauce. This one combined both sauces. It was nice. The inside of the restaurant/bar/cafe was very loud with a bunch of men playing a card game I’m not familiar with, so I went outside to have a beer. An older Spaniard, named Hilario, came out and started trying to talk to me. I explained that I am American and I don’t speak much Spanish, but he disagreed. So he went inside and got another man, a Hungarian who had been in Spain for the last 25 years, named Fernanco(?) who was extremely drunk, to come out and talk to me. He was so drunk, he introduced himself as “muy borracho” or “very drunk” and the proceeded to tell me that he used to be a muy Thai fighter and a coal miner and now he was just a fat drunk who collected money from the government because he got hit in the head too many times. At least I THINK that’s what they were saying…. I went to bed early to get a good rest and let my aching feet and hips recover before a long day tomorrow….from La Robla to Poladura, should be about 25km or so with some very intense climbs. We’ll see.
I’m currently on the Camino San Salvador, which is a route from Leon to Oviedo. They say “whoever goes to Santiago without visiting Oviedo, goes to the servant but not to the Lord.” This is because Oviedo is famous for having a specific relic. While most people are aware of the Shroud of Turin, which is the burial cloth of Jesus, many don’t know (including me, until recently) that traditional Jewish burial included placing a cloth over the face of the deceased immediately after death and until the body was prepared for burial. This cloth would then be removed and the full-body cloth would be applied. So anyway, this Cathedral boasts possession of the face covering that was placed over Jesus’ head, likely immediately after the spear pearled his side and before he was brought down off of the cross. Once I complete the Camino San Salvador (about 5 days, I hope), I will continue on to the Camino Primitivo, one of the many Camino’s de Santiago. So the Camino San Salvador goes to the relics of Christ and the Camino Santiago (Santiago = Saint James) goes to the resting place and remains of Saint James (the major), also known as “Santiago Matamoros” or “Saint James the Moor Slayer”, the patron saint of Spain.
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maceingeweihter · 3 years
searching Q&A
(4 hours later...)
could start down the psychology “interview” side. copy some sample interviews. basically trying to find soft skills. Strength’s Finder would be better for that... Grab a sample...
https://magazinec.com/style/ana-de-armas-is-conquering-hollywood-in-record-time/ “starring Daniel Craig, Chris Evans and Toni Collette, and directed by Star Wars: The Last Jedi’s Rian Johnson. She’ll soon be off to New Orleans to film Adrian Lyne’s erotic thriller Deep Water, based on a novel by Patricia Highsmith, opposite Ben Affleck. Next April will bring the release of No Time to Die, otherwise known as James Bond No. 25, in which she plays, yes, the new Bond girl. Also in 2020, she’ll appear as one of America’s most iconic stars in Netflix’s Marilyn Monroe biopic Blonde, based on the novel by Joyce Carol Oates.De Armas grew up in Havana. Her dad, Ramon, worked as a teacher and studied philosophy in Russia, and her mother, also named Ana, worked in human resources; her brother, Javier, is a photographer. As a teenager, she decided she wanted to be an actor, and at age 14 began studying at the National Theater School of Cuba. After starring in a few Cuban-Spanish co-productions, she left her native country at 18 for Madrid to prove herself, with only 200 euros. She was almost immediately cast in a television show, made several Spanish-language movies, and then, at 25, de Armas decided it was time to pack her bags for Tinseltown.”
Let me try IMDB Born         April 30,     1988       in Havana, Cuba                  Birth NameAna Celia de Armas Caso        Height     5' 6¼" (1.68 m)       Mini Bio (1)                                Ana de Armas was born in Cuba on April 30, 1988. At the age of 14, she began her studies at the National Theatre School of Havana, where she graduated after 4 years. At the age of 16, she made her first film, Una rosa de Francia (2006), directed by Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón. A few titles came after until she moved to Spain, where she continued her film career, and started on TV. In 2014 she moved to Los Angeles. She has appeared in films such as War Dogs (2016), Hands of Stone (2016) and Blade Runner 2049 (2017).          - IMDb Mini Biography By:                      Ana de Armas's representative                       Spouse (1)                                   Marc Clotet                     (July 2011            - 2013) (    divorced)                           Trade Mark (1)                  Striking hazel-green eyes   Trivia (8)              Was born in Cuba and moved to Spain when she was 19.                  She has central heterochromia. While both of her eyes are green, they have a brown center. In addition, her irises have small dark-brown spots.                  She only spoke Spanish before moving to the USA. When she arrived in Los Angeles, she was so determined to audition for parts that she pushed herself to learn English, which she managed to do within two years. Her first-ever English-speaking part was in Knock Knock (2015), and it all went from there.                  Distant relative of Danny Pino's maternal grandfather Pedro Gonzalo de Armas.                  Ex-daughter-in-law of Dr. Bonaventura Clotet.                  In a relationship with Ben Affleck [2020].                  She is the first Latina actress to play a Bond girl.                  She auditioned for the role of Selina Kyle/Catwoman in The Batman (2021).   Personal Quotes (16)              I think women, we are very interesting. We have a lot to say, and sometimes it's frustrating how all the lead parts are for men.                  I want to try as many different roles as I can. I want to do everything.                  My childhood memories are amazing; I had freedom in every way - but I see everything from a different perspective now that I live outside.                  I always need to keep moving.                  I don't want to be in the spotlight, ever! I don't know why I got in this profession!                  You can always go back to the place where you were comfortable, the place where you're from.                  Moving to L.A. was hard. I had a career in Spain, and you have to forget your ego. I was a nobody again.                  I know it sounds like I'm playing all these wives and girlfriends, but they're not waiting at home. I wear the pants.                  I think I had 'Super Mario' and 'Tetris' around, and that's it.                  My grandparents were from Spain, and I had a Spanish passport.                  I don't mind playing someone's girlfriend or wife if I have something to say, if I bring something to the picture, if I can be strong and powerful and say smart things. If not, then it's just boring.                  I didn't get to play many video games when I was growing up.                  I put a lot of trust in my stylist, Micaela Erlanger.                  It's hard to explain to my parents what's going on. You can't compare Hollywood with Cuba. I didn't even know I could dream this.                  I can't stay in one place for too long.                  The first 'Blade Runner' is a cool movie. It's a classic. Just to be part of the sequel was such an honor and a beautiful learning experience.
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jwslw · 4 years
A silly story that just kinda popped into my head
The idea for this popped into my head while I was at work and I slapped it together over the course of several hours.  I don’t think I’ll do anything else with it but, I thought I’d share it.  
A Traveler from a Different Hungary
On Friday, June 12th 2015, a fatal vehicle accident occurred on 10th South Avenue in Great Falls Montana.  As one of the busiest streets in Montana, fatal accidents are not uncommon and in the modern world many would sadly not regard it as worthy of notice were it not for the strange state of the victim and the strange interest paid to the case by officials from Malmstrom Air force base.
At ten o'clock that morning, a man named  Antal Kovács was struck and killed by an oncoming Semi Truck.  After a lengthy investigation by the city police the driver of the truck (name withheld to protect his privacy) was cleared of any wrong doing, maintaining to this day that he did not see Mr. Kovács until he hit the poor man.  What I don't believe he has ever told anyone is just how literally he means that.
Mr. Kovács was rushed to the city hospital but, pronounced dead on arrival.  Amongst the man's personal effects were a back pack full of period costumes, a wallet containing a large amount of currency of unknown origin, cards and paperwork identifying the deceased as a citizen of the (seemingly no existent) Greater Slavic Confederation, a ten shot .32 pistol of unknown manufacture, a journal written in a slightly archaic form of Hungarian, and a 12inch by 12inch by 4inch electrical device resembling a CB radio, but, it was seemingly damaged in the accident as the investigators claimed they were never able to make it work. Linguistic experts at the University of Providence were consulted to translate the journal but, nothing was ever publicly revealed, beyond the experts' assertion that the journal seems to have been part of an elaborate hoax.
While it is unknown when the personnel at Malmstrom became involved,  several anonymous sources that claim to be connected to the police force insist they were called in after the journal was translated, only to confiscate everything as a matter of national security.  
Now I suppose we come to my part of the story.  I am a small time writer and academic in a small northwestern town, about a year ago, I began researching this story on a whim after a journalist friend of mind directed me to the case.  Well she calls herself a journalist, the rest of us call her a conspiracy vlogger but, she does occasionally find some fascinating, and frightening things.  For most of that time I felt like was repeatedly throwing myself at a brick wall.  Everyone I contacted would either directly tell me that the story was nothing more than an attempted hoax gone wrong, or act like they knew something only to point me to another person that would.  I had become quite discouraged until two weeks ago when a mysterious package with no return address arrived in my mail.  To my surprise, it contained a manuscript that perported to be the translation of Kovács journal, with a note that read, “This is the translation as best as I remember it, the Air force took the actual journal and the translation as I'm sure you know, still I don't think anyone cares about the event anymore, so you should be able to publish it yourself if you would like--- A friend”.  I do not know if I believe this story, but, I present this it here for the public to read and decide for themselves.
The Research Journal of Antal Kovács  
Pages 1-18: Seem to have been forcibly ripped from the book, possibly as a measure of secercy.
Page 19:
Date; 11th March, 2010
I have finally succeed, after ten years of work, ten years of failures and set backs, my time travel device is finally complete and functional.  I have yet to test the device on myself, but, test runs with the device and a camera secured to both inanimate objects and animals has shown that the spatial dislocation and automatic recall mechanism are functioning within desired parameters, however I still can not send the device into the future. I will have to run more tests, but, I should be ready to time travel myself before the end of the month.
Pages 20-26:  Strings of calculations seemingly to solve the issue of not being able to travel forward in time, page 26 reads, “the calculations say I should be able to do it but, all attempts have failed.”
Page 27:
Date; 24th March, 2010
I have completed my first trip, I traveled backwards in-time 72 hours and trans-located from my home Sopron  to Madrid Spain, and then back again with the automatic recall.  I remained in the past for six hours, purchasing souvenirs and eating dinner, before  returning to my home, as I have observed with my previous tests, using the automatic recall spending six hours in the past means returning to the present six hours after I left, tomorrow I will test the manual return mechanism.
Date; 25th March, 2010
Success, at 12:00 I went back in time almost a full year, spending a week in Naples Italy before returning to the present at 12:05.  All tests indicate that a it takes four minutes to fully transition between time periods and I am not yet ready to see what will happen if to versions of myself exist within the same space/time coordinates.
Page 28: Scribbled calculations and shopping notes for the next trip
Page 29:
Date; 9th April, 2010  
Close call “today”, I departed from my basement laboratory for intent on spending a month in the 11th century exploring the Congo region.  However, upon my arrival I startled a formation of tribal warriors seemingly preparing for a battle, my sudden appearance caused much excitement among the assembled warriors, with much shouting and gesticulations in my direction.  Finally the warriors seem to have come to the conclusion that I was a good omen and set off for their battle.  Unable to contain my curiosity I followed the tribal warriors at what I hoped was a safe distance (as an aside, no it is not easy for a man who has maintained a mostly sedentary life, keeping up with a group of hunter gatherers is not easy).  When we reached the battle site, the warriors I had followed engaged their enemy, the battle lasted for over two hours and while it seemed at several points that what I had come to think of as “my” warriors, would win the day, their opponents eventually drove them from the field.  I don't know what what the survivors were saying as they retreated towards me, but, I really was not eager to find out.
Page 30:
Date; 22nd April, 2010
Was captured by a gang of bandits while exploring 13th century Ireland today, fortunately they were much more interested in the coins and food I had assembled for the trip and I was able to slip away while they squabbled over the “spoils”.  Other than that it was great trip, and I was able to gather a significant number of covert digital photographs of daily life seven hundred years ago.
Pages 31-34: More calculations, at least two pages were heavily water damaged
Page 35: A hastily scribbled note reading “It seems the Western Interior Sea Way covered more of Cretaceous North America than geologists think.”  
Page 36:
Date; 2nd June, 2010
Three near misses today, first I accidentally transported myself into the nest of what I believe was a Megalosaurus.  Upon fleeing back to my lab, I made preparations to travel to ice age Siberia, where I was attacked by cave lions. Finally I traveled to 14th Century France where I was immediately spotted and pursued as a warlock.   I may need to obtain some form of self-defense if I am to continue my explorations.
Page 37:
Date; 9th July, 2010
It took some effort but, I have obtained an army surplus bayonet, 7.65mm pistol and 11mm lever action rifle for trips to less settled time periods.
Pages 38-50:  Several pages rendered unreadable from dried blood possibly caused by the accident.
Page 51:
Date; 15th September, 2010
I had to shoot an actual Neanderthal today.  I was wandering the ice age Germany documenting the wildlife when I accidentally interrupted a Neanderthal hunting party, spooking the deer they were stalking.  There were three of them, and all of them charged me,  I fired two shots into the air which startled two of them but, the third kept charging, so I began to give ground until I was backed into a corner and I had to shoot him.  I don't know if I killed him or not, I simply fired on him till he collapsed and I transported myself home.  
Page 52:
Date; 1st August 2011  
I have put off using the device for almost a year, and yet in that time I have never told anyone about my device, there is something I must do first.  My own fumblings do not seem to have harmed history in any significant way.  But, what if someone that truly wanted to alter history were to get there hands on my device.  I have a plan I will go back to 1922 and assassinate Nikoli Simonov, the leader of the Russian army during the great war and the reason that Belarussia is not part of the Confederation today.  After I have assessed the good or harm done by this action, I will return to 1922 and stop myself to see what happened.
Page 53-54:
Date; 7th August, 2011
I don't know were to begin, I just don't know were to begin.  I traveled back to 1922 and, just as I had planned, I assassinated Nikoli, I watched him for weeks until I had my opportunity, and I took my shot.   I narrowly escaped the guards and transported my way back to 2011, only to learn that in this new time-line, Nikoli's replacement proved to be an even more cunning tactician and the Confederation was crushed.  I spent weeks or months of subjective time leaping from battle to battle, watching the battles, watching how different post war international politics changed.  Finally when I felt I'd learned enough, recorded enough, I returned to 1922 Russia, ready to stop myself.  I searched all of Moscow, but, never found myself.  I was confused, I clearly still existed in this time-line, my house was full of my things, many of my friends still existed, they recognized me, they made the same comments about how withdrawn and hermit-like I'd become, that they made in my original time-line.  Confused I returned to 2011 once again.  When I returned the world was exactly as I left it before setting off to kill Nikoli.  How can this be, every other point I jumped to was clearly part of my new time-line.  Did my alternate self simply not embark on my grisly task?  This will take further research.
Pages 55-60: More formulas, strange flow charts and seemingly unrelated strings of words
Page 61:
Date; 10th June, 2015
I have done so many things, if I have a soul it is well and truly damned.  I burned down Doctor Alverez laboratory before she could begin her ground breaking research into radiation, I shot down the Chinese inventor Hu Xiang as he made his 1900 flight, I prevented Dr Grosman from formulating the theory of relativity, and so much more.  Everytime the same result, I come back to an altered 2011 or 13 or, I don't even know any more, I've aged my self almost twenty years while only four have passed.  And every time I jump around from decade to decade to see what has changed, only to finally go back to stop myself and I'm not there, but, when I return to the present, everything is as it should be.  I think I have finally gathered enough data to reveal my invention to the world, but, I must perform my last experiment.  I will alter the entire course of the Confederation, and its so simple, every school child knows the story, in 1213, Agoston Juhász, the man who would become the first leader of the Greater Slavic Confederation was riding through the Carpathian mountains and came to a fork in the road, one leading higher into the mountains the other leading into a pleasant valley.  He chose to take the high road and that night a land slide wiped out the valley.  My plan is to simply go back in time, convince him the high road is blocked.  Once I've seen all I wish of the alternate future I have created, I will return, and my alternate self will never arrive.
Well, that's were the account ends. Is it true, damned if I know, I do know that  Agoston Juhász means “Exalted Shepard” in the Hungarian language, and I'm not even certain if either word were in use as names in thirteenth century Hungary so take it as you will.  As for me I'm going make sure my security system hasn't been mysteriously deactivated.
----Efrain Phelan, freelance writer
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hungryforsuccess101 · 6 years
35 Inspirational Cristiano Ronaldo Quotes On Success
Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese skilled footballer who performs as a forward for Spanish membership Real Madrid and the Portugal nationwide workers. Often considered the easiest participant on the earth and extensively thought of one among many greatest of all time, Ronaldo has a record-tying 5 Ballon d’Or awards, in all probability essentially the most for a European participant, and is the first participant to win 4 European Golden Shoes. He has acquired 25 trophies in his career, along with 5 league titles, 4 UEFA Champions League titles and one UEFA European Championship.
A prolific goalscorer, Ronaldo holds the info for a lot of official aims scored in Europe’s top-five leagues (395), the UEFA Champions League (120), the UEFA European Championship (9), along with these for a lot of assists inside the UEFA Champions League (34) and the UEFA European Championship (6). He has scored over 650 senior career aims for membership and nation. May his encourage you to take movement in order that you possibly can be reside your targets.
 Here is 35 Inspirational Cristiano Ronaldo Quotes On Success:
1. “I never tried to hide the fact that my only goal is to be the best” Cristiano Ronaldo
 2. Your love makes me strong. Your hate makes me unstoppable.” Cristiano Ronaldo
3. “I will not quit.” Cristiano Ronaldo
4. “Dreams normally should not what you see in your sleep, targets are points which do not permit you to sleep.” Cristiano Ronaldo
 5. “Your love makes me strong. Your hate makes me unstoppable.” Cristiano Ronaldo
6. “Maybe they hate me on account of I’m too good.” Cristiano Ronaldo
7. “I imagine I’ve improved from ultimate 12 months. I’m on a regular basis attempting to boost my recreation and improve myself.” Cristiano Ronaldo
8. “Why lie? I’m not going to be a hypocrite and say the choice of what I imagine, like some others do.” Cristiano Ronaldo
 9. “Don’t let small obstacles be in the easiest way of being victorious. Remember you are stronger than the challenges you face.” Cristiano Ronaldo
10. “I’m living a dream I never want to wake up from.” Cristiano Ronaldo
11. “If you assume you’re good already, you then under no circumstances is likely to be” Cristiano Ronaldo
12. “I don’t have to point one thing to anyone. There is nothing to indicate.” Cristiano Ronaldo
13. “Today there are alternate options that no one is conscious of if they’re going to come spherical as soon as extra inside the future.” Cristiano Ronaldo
14. “There is no harm in dreaming of becoming the world’s best player. It is all about trying to be the best. I will keep working hard to achieve it but it is within my capabilities.” Cristiano Ronaldo
 15. “I still learn.” Cristiano Ronaldo
16. “For me, Sir Alex was my father in soccer. He was important in my career and, exterior of soccer, was a terrific human being with me. Talent isn’t each little factor. You can have it from the cradle, nevertheless, it is important to be taught the commerce to be the easiest.” Cristiano Ronaldo
17. “It gives me the happiest feeling in the world. I just love scoring. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple goal from close range, a long shot or a dribble around several players, I just love to score all goals.” Cristiano Ronaldo
18. “I like to impose my own style of play.” Cristiano Ronaldo
19. “I want to be remembered as part of the group of the greatest players ever.” Cristiano Ronaldo
20. “When you have talent and if you don’t work the talent then you are not going to win nothing.” Cristiano Ronaldo
21. “If we can’t help our family, who are we going to help?” Cristiano Ronaldo
22. “To me, being the best means proving it in different countries and championships.” Cristiano Ronaldo
23. “I’m proud to play for Real Madrid because I have fun; when you no longer have fun it’s a sign that it’s time to leave. For now though, I’m happy here at the greatest club in the world.” Cristiano Ronaldo
24. “When I win awards, I contemplate my father.” Cristiano Ronaldo
25. “Winning – that’s the most important to me. It’s as simple as that.” Cristiano Ronaldo
 26. “Without football, my life is worth nothing.” Cristiano Ronaldo
27. “I have to continuously play properly and win titles.” Cristiano Ronaldo
28. “I have my flaws too.” Cristiano Ronaldo
29. “I think it’s the best thing in life to have a kid.” Cristiano Ronaldo
 30. “Stay strong. Be brave. Go beyond.” Cristiano Ronaldo
31. “People have to understand one thing: at the age of 18, I arrived at a dream club like Manchester United. It was a dream come true. But, even at that moment, I was thinking about playing in England for some years and then going to play in Spain. Even at that time, I was thinking that way and I always gave 100% everything.” Cristiano Ronaldo
32. “I know I’m a good professional, I know that no one’s harder on me than myself and that’s never going to change, under any circumstances.” Cristiano Ronaldo
33. “We can help others, we’re capable of all help.” Cristiano Ronaldo
34. “We cannot live being obsessed with what other people think about us.” Cristiano Ronaldo
35. “We don’t want to tell our dreams. We want to show them.” Cristiano Ronaldo
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orbemnews · 4 years
Influencers Find Welcome in Paradise, While the Rest of Us Watch From Lockdown In a season of lockdowns, Georgia Steel was jet setting. A digital influencer and reality television star, Ms. Steel left England in late December for Dubai, where she promoted lingerie on Instagram from a luxury hotel. By January, she was at a resort in the Maldives, where spa treatments include body wraps with sweet basil and coconut powder. “We be drippin’,” Ms. Steel, 22, told her 1.6 million Instagram followers in a post that showed her wading through tropical waters in a bikini. Nevermind that Covid-19 caseloads in Britain and the Maldives were escalating, or that England had just announced its third lockdown. The Maldives, an island nation off the coast of India, is not only tolerating tourists like Ms. Steel, but urging them to visit. More than 300,000 have arrived since the country reopened its borders last summer, including several dozen influencers, social media stars with large followings who are often paid to hawk products. Many influencers have been courted by the government and traveled on paid junkets to exclusive resorts. The government says its open-door strategy is ideal for a tourism-dependent country whose decentralized geography — about 1,200 islands in the Indian Ocean — helps with social distancing. Since the borders reopened, well under 1 percent of arriving visitors have tested positive for the coronavirus, official data show. “You never know what will happen tomorrow,” said Thoyyib Mohamed, the managing director of the country’s official public relations agency. “But for the time being, I must say: This is a really good case study for the entire world, especially tropical destinations.” The Maldives’s strategy comes with epidemiological risks and underscores how far-flung vacation spots and the influencers they court have become flash points for controversy. As people around the world shelter in place, some influencers have posted about fleeing to small towns or foreign countries and encouraging their followers to do the same, potentially endangering locals and others with whom they come in contact on their travels. “So we’re just not in a pandemic huh?” Beverly Cowell, an administrator in England, commented on Ms. Steel’s Instagram post, giving voice to many who see such travelers as skirting the rules. Inviting influencers to visit during the pandemic risks damaging a destination’s image, said Francisco Femenia-Serra, a tourism expert at Nebrija University in Madrid who studies influencer marketing. “What’s wrong with the Maldives campaign is the timing,” he said, noting that it started before travelers could be vaccinated. “It’s off. It’s not the moment to do that.” When the Maldives shut its borders last March to guard against the virus, it did not make the decision lightly: Tourism employs more than 60,000 of the country’s 540,000 people, more than any other industry in the private sector, according to Nashiya Saeed, a consultant in the Maldives who recently co-wrote a government study on the pandemic’s economic impact. “When tourism shut down, there was no revenue coming into the country,” Ms. Saeed said. Many laid-off resort workers who live in the capital, Malé, were forced to moved back to their home islands because they could no longer afford it, she added. As the health authorities worked to contain local outbreaks, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s advisers developed a strategy for restarting tourism as quickly as possible. One advantage was that most of the country’s luxury resorts are on their own islands, making isolation and contact tracing much easier. “We really planned this out, we knew what our advantages were and we played to them,” said Mr. Solih’s spokesman, Mohamed Mabrook Azeez. When the Maldives reopened in July, health officials required P.C.R. tests, among other safety protocols, but did not subject tourists to mandatory quarantines. Around the same time, the country’s public relations agency switched its international marketing campaign and urged travelers to “rediscover” the Maldives. The government and local businesses also invited influencers to stay at resorts and gush about them on social media. Which they did. “When it’s cloudy be the sunshine!” Ana Cheri, an American influencer with more than 12 million followers, wrote from a Maldives resort in November, a few weeks before her home state of California imposed far-reaching lockdowns. “Splashing and swinging into the weekend!” Updated  Feb. 27, 2021, 11:35 a.m. ET Ms. Cheri did not respond to several emails after initially agreeing to comment. A publicist for Ms. Steel, a star on the reality show “Love Island,” did not respond to repeated requests for comment. Even before the pandemic, influencers faced backlashes when their trips caused offense. Some who posted about traveling in Saudi Arabia were criticized, for instance, because of the kingdom’s role in the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Influencers from England, in particular, have faced criticism in recent weeks for defying lockdown rules that ban all but essential travel. Some defended their trips, saying that traveling was essential to their work, while others apologized under public pressure. “I was like, ‘Oh, well, it’s legal so it’s fine,’” the influencer KT Franklin said in an apology video about her trip to the Maldives. “But it’s not fine. It’s really irresponsible and reckless and tone deaf.” In late January, Britain banned direct flights to and from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates as the Covid-19 caseload soared in both places. The emirate’s lax immigration rules and perpetual sunshine had made it a popular spot for the social media set. But as case numbers rose, officials closed bars and pubs for a month, and limited hotels, malls and beach clubs to 70 percent capacity. Officials in the Maldives, which has welcomed nearly 150,000 tourists so far this year, said they had no plans to roll out similar restrictions. The country has reported nearly 20,000 total coronavirus infections, equivalent to about 4 percent of its population, and 60 deaths. But no resort clusters have seeded widespread community transmission, and officials say the risk of that is low because some resort employees are required to quarantine if they travel between islands. “All in all, I think we’ve managed to do it well,” even though some tourists have tested positive before leaving the country, said Dr. Nazla Rafeeg, the head of communicable disease control at the government’s Health Protection Agency. “Our guidelines have stood up to the actual implementation.” Many influencers and celebrities have faced the opprobrium of other social media users who are stuck at home. Instagram accounts have sprung up to name and shame tourists who appear to be breaking social distancing and mask-wearing rules while abroad. As a result some influencers have refrained from posting travel content during the pandemic — or at least disabled comments on their posts — because they do not want to court controversy. The blowback against traveling influencers is overstated, said Raidh Shaaz Waleed, whose company arranged for Ms. Steel, Ms. Cheri and more than 30 other influencers to visit the Maldives through a campaign called Project FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out. None of the invited visitors, he said, tested positive for the coronavirus. “If you are thoughtful about the safety guidelines, if you’re doing the social distancing, you can still have fun,” he said. Not everyone shares his optimism. Ms. Cowell, the administrator in England who commented on Ms. Steel’s “We be drippin’” post from the Maldives, said in emails that promoting such a trip during England’s third lockdown was irresponsible. The post was particularly hard to take, she added, because it appeared on the day she learned that her grandmother, who lives in a nursing home, had contracted the virus. “It’s not about canceling them, or creating a negative environment online,” Ms. Cowell, 22, said of influencers who flout lockdown rules, “but making sure that we don’t put celebrities on a pedestal where they feel invincible and they can do what they like.” Taylor Lorenz contributed reporting. Source link Orbem News #Find #Influencers #lockdown #Paradise #Rest #watch
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dnowit41 · 4 years
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“His feet [are] slower than rush hour traffic. Really slow feet…When I look at him on tape, he struggles with quick defenders. Guys getting in his pocket, getting after him… So, his NBA comparison is Hedo Turkoglu.”
“That’s my takeaway—He doesn’t pop athletically.”
“I mean, he’s better than Ricky Rubio but he doesn’t look special to me.”
“Doncic, at 6-7, will get exposed for all of the inadequacies that Dirk had. Dirk is not a great athlete. Dirk doesn’t have explosiveness. Dirk isn’t physical. That’s what is going to happen to Doncic…I’m not saying Luka is setting the NBA world on fire—I’m not sure he’s going to be a dominating NBA player.”
“The athleticism, that’s a problem. The lack of athleticism.”
“I believe Luka should go to a good team. I don’t believe he’s a lottery pick. No, I don’t. I think he falls right outside the lottery.”
“I don’t give a damn about how this kid in Europe looked.”
“We tend to over-sensationalize European basketball. There [are] restrictions that cater to him. You can’t have nine Americans on the floor in Europe. There’s going to be nine bred Americans on the floor with you 95 percent of the time in the NBA. That changes the dynamics of the game.”
These weren’t from randoms on Twitter purposely throwing out hot takes for some retweets and follows. These were hoops analysts on ESPN and FS1 talk shows (which, on second thought, sometimes spiel absurd hot takes for the same reasons as the Twitter randoms) giving their thoughts on Luka Doncic’s potential in the lead up to the 2018 NBA Draft. We’re not here to judge or air any of them out, so purposely not attaching any names to these. But you’ve probably seen some of these clips on your own social feeds or on YouTube already. Even Damian Lillard quote-tweeted an 80-second video compilation with some of these very same soundbites the morning after the Mavs star dropped a monster triple-double during last summer’s (still super strange saying that) playoffs. Dame’s caption was simply an “Lol”—which perfectly sums it all up in hindsight.
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Doncic had proven himself overseas—going pro at age 13 (he left Slovenia by himself and relocated to Spain to play for Real Madrid—his mom didn’t join him there until three years later), winning MVP of the Liga ACB, EuroLeague and EuroLeague Final Four at 19 years old. The accolades actually made him the youngest MVP in the EuroLeague’s history.  
But a lot of fans (and media, seemingly) in the States had increasingly grown skeptical of highly-touted international prospects after many had not lived up to expectations upon their arrival to the Association. For the sake of consistency, they shall remain nameless here too. There’s that dude from Eastern Europe that got drafted really high in the 2003 NBA Draft by that team that had just played in the Eastern Conference Finals a month earlier. Or that other guy in the previous draft class that went really high too but was never able to make it work in the Mile-High City. Or even three years prior to that when the Knicks drafted a player in the teens that ultimately never saw a single minute of action in the League. There are plenty of posts online attempting to rank which international players were the most disappointing.
Hey, it’s the NBA. It’s not supposed to be easy or for everybody. There’s a reason why the average NBA career length is barely four years. It doesn’t make any of the guys that weren’t able to take off in the Association are any less as hoopers. Luck, timing, fit, politics—whatever the case is, it doesn’t work out more often than it does. Nevermind the complexities in scouting and the challenges of evaluating players competing in leagues of various talent levels.
Nonetheless, it happened. And will continue to. Can’t-miss prospects will miss when they finally get there. And many of those that were overlooked, underrecruited and slighted on social media (and on TV) will turn heads.
It didn’t take long for the very same TV analysts to change their tune about Luka. Like, literally just a few games into his career. And now only two seasons in, the 6-7 Slovenian guard has accumulated a ridiculous amount of shattered records. Forget the two regular seasons worth of games (which include records like surpassing Michael Jordan for the most consecutive 20-5-5 performances since the ABA/NBA merger), just the very first playoff series of his career alone is enough to justify everything you hear about him. The six-game series against the L.A. Clippers dissipated any lingering doubts.  
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Game 1: 42 points—most points in a playoff debut by any player in NBA history, first 21-year-old to drop 40+ in a playoff game since LeBron James, fourth player to do it in general (after Magic Johnson, Tracy McGrady and James).
Game 2: 28 points, 8 rebounds, 7 assists—most points (70) by a player through his first two career playoff games in NBA history.
Game 3: first player in Mavericks history to record a triple-double in the playoffs, third youngest player in NBA history to record a triple-double in the playoffs after Magic and LeBron.
Game 4: a gazillion records. So much that Mavs PR Twitter had to create a Twitter thread just to be able to list them all. And even then, there were others they missed. Media members soon chimed in with the additional data.
His 43-point, 17-rebound and 13-assist stat line, which included a buzzer-beater to tie the series at 2-2, made him: the youngest ever to record a 40-point triple-double in the playoffs, the youngest to ever hit a playoff buzzer-beater, the only player aside from Wilt Chamberlain to finish with 43+ points, 17+ rebounds and 13+ assists in a game, the only player aside from Jordan to put up a 40-piece to go with a buzzer-beater while trailing, the third ever 40-15-10 performance in the playoffs after Oscar Robertson and Charles Barkley, second ever 21-year-old to record a 30-point triple-double in the playoffs, the third player ever after Magic and LeBron to have multiple playoff triple-doubles by the age or 21. The list went on and on, but you get the point.  
Although the Mavs went on to lose in six games, they still managed to come away as the real winners in the grand scheme of things—in front of the whole world, they confirmed they had THE one.
In the aftermath of Game 4 and in the weeks that followed, players across the League reacted to Luka’s insane performances. Props were given by the biggest names around.
Even before Luka played a single game in the NBA, back-to-back reigning MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo saw all of this coming from a mile away. In the summer of 2018, the Greek Freak, speaking with Marca, a local newspaper in Madrid, showed that he was better equipped than anyone else to evaluate Luka’s NBA potential as an international player himself.
“He is the most exciting player that has appeared in basketball in recent years. This past year in Europe he has won every competition he has played. EuroBasket, EuroLeague, Liga Endesa. He has been MVP of the EuroLeague, of the Final Four,” said Antetokounmpo. “He has shown that he is more than ready to play, that he has matured faster than the rest. He has played against professionals, as Charles Barkley said. The other rookies played against schoolboys.
“People in the United States sometimes forget that in the EuroLeague they play very well and very hard, more than in the NCAA. You have to be very good to stand out in the EuroLeague, and Luka is. Doncic has a lot of talent. He will have a great first year and, if it is not in the second, he will explode in the third.”
Looks like that explosion may have happened in the second year after all. Unless, of course, that wasn’t the explosion Giannis was talking about. There’s a chance we’re about to witness a whole other level that Luka could tap into. It’s worth noting, as of mid-December, he is the betting favorite to win MVP, according to Caesars Sportsbook with a +400. Defending MVP Giannis is right behind him at +450.
Giannis isn’t the only MVP who’s had high praise for the former Real Madrid star. The King himself, while appearing on Uninterrupted’s Road Trippin’ in early December, made it known that at one point he had intentions of starting a subset of his brand with Luka as the centerpiece.
“I wanted to begin Team LeBron and have Luka as my first signing with Nike,” said LeBron. “I don’t even know if Luka knows this, but he will know it now. I wanted Luka to be the first signing of Team LeBron when he was going through his situation…That’s how much I believed in him.”
In July, Paul Pierce went as far as to suggest that there’s already been a passing of the crown.
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“You talk about a kid who made one of the biggest leaps in recent memory from a Rookie of the Year to MVP-caliber player,” said the Celtics legend. “He has won at every European championship that you can think of, every European MVP that you can think of. So, I expect special things from this kid. Clearly, he’s special. He’s a talent. To me, he is the most talented player in the NBA today. The lights are never too bright for him.”
The amount of individual records he’s been able to set and break are so many that his Wikipedia page has an “achievements” section specifically dedicated to that, where people have been able to create a list with 43 different bullet points detailing where his performances have landed him in the history books. Forty-three. Two years in.
“I just feel confident. I know I have the confidence of my teammates and my team, so I just feel confident [in] myself and I love taking those shots. I get motivated. I have to make the last shot,” Luka told Rachel Nichols in a sit-down interview in 2019. When he sat down with her again in 2020, he added: “Pressure was in my life when I was 13, when I had to move from Slovenia alone to Madrid. I live with pressure every day, so I just don’t feel it anymore.”
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wherespaulo · 4 years
Hiking from Porto, Portugal to Muxia, Spain
July 18 – 31, 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic had chained me to New York City for way too long -- after wandering around Central Park every day for four months I was ready for something different. But the surge in cases in the southern and western states, due to a president who couldn’t organize a piss-up in a brewery, meant that US residents would need to quarantine for 14 days on entry to most European countries. Portugal was an exception and had also just opened it’s borders with Spain – and after finishing the Via de la Plata and Camino Sanabres last summer, I was drawn towards the Celtic coast of Galicia in north west Spain. So I got tested for covid-19 three days before departure in the hope of getting a negative result to show to Portuguese customs – in the event I didn’t get the result (negative) for nine days, by which time I’d already walked from Porto into Spain, completely defeating the object!
I would hike the Camino Portuguese (Central Route) from Porto to Santiago de Compostela followed by the Camino Finisterre to Muxia, all over 14 days and 220 miles – although it would be easy going terrain, the heat would be a challenge, with much of my afternoon hiking in the upper 80’s/low 90’s F (shade temperatures) under a scorching sun. I would only carry a day pack, having my main luggage transferred between accommodations (small hotels, casas and alburgues) and would navigate using way-markers, mainly the customary painted yellow arrows, and John Brierley’s guide books. I would wander along two paths simultaneously – a geographical path of the body and mind, and an inner path of the soul. I hoped to get lost on both.
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Beginning in the 9th century many Christians began pilgrimages to the tomb of St. James in Santiago de Compostela cathedral – the route from Lisbon became known as the Camino Portuguese. The Camino Finisterre from Santiago to Finisterre and Muxia on the Galician coast goes back even further -- local Celtic populations had a long tradition of traveling to Finisterre, toward that magical place where the living could get closest to the land of death, the end of the world where the sun died.
My starting point, Porto, had been on my bucket list for a long time and I wasn’t disappointed. The south side of the wide, shimmering Duoro was dominated by the port houses – a wall of 17th century red brick warehouses, each with a large sign identifying its brand. The 10 year tawny port was my favorite at a Sandeman’s tour. On the north bank was the main Roman city with it’s jumble of colorful facades and red terracotta roofs rising up steep slopes to the azure blue sky. As I headed north through Porto’s suburbs, it felt so good to finally fill my lungs and stretch my legs on a yet another adventure after such a long New York lockdown.
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Over the next 14 days to Muxia there were too many beautiful stretches and towns to mention but here’s a few:
Ponte de Lima and Pontevedra were two of my favorite small towns, both named after their Roman bridges and full of ancient houses, pretty plazas and grand religious buildings. Ponte de Lima, one of the oldest towns in Portugal, is named after its famous 1.2 mile pedestrian bridge over the Lima River, while Pontevedra was an important Galician port for centuries and the birthplace of Christopher Columbus.
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The most notable thing about Valenca on Portugal’s northern border is the enormous fortress built in the 13th century to keep the Spanish out. When I arrived it was too hot to fully explore the bustling 13th century town, set within the inner walls of the gothic and baroque military architecture. I did however stroll around a full circuit of the fortress’s outer embankment of yellowing grass in the cool of the fading evening and considered the hoards of Spanish armies which had attempted to conquer these towering walls over the centuries.
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The following morning as I strolled across the bridge into Spain, I half expected to be interrogated by Spanish customs, but there was no-one in sight – not unexpected since the Portugal-Spanish border had been reopened on July 1st after a period of covid closure.
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Some say the longer routes, as with life, are always more fulfilling. On the way to Pontevedra from Redondela I took the alternative route through thick deciduous woodland alongside the Rio Gafos, only 8 feet wide and full of fish, where I lost track of time as I forever meandered this way and that. It reminded me of the hypnotic effect of the Withy Windle in Middle Earth and half expected to see Old Man Willow or Tom Bombadil. I also took the alternative detour between Finisterre and Muxia to visit the Lires Estuary. The path leading off the main route to get to the estuary, through thick woodland, was not well marked, providing an excellent opportunity to get lost. It’s at times like these, when I need to backtrack to find my way in the confusion, that I consider the parallels with life, and how, in the end, everything will be revealed.
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In Muxia it seemed like I was on the edge of the world -- after scrambling up to the Miradoiro do Corpino above the town, and onto the Virxe da Barca sanctuary, I sat on the rocks looking out into the Celtic Sea towards Brittany and the British Isles, and felt Muxia’s ancient pre-Christian roots. This all reinforced my desire to further explore the Galician coast and it’s never ending proliferation of isolated sandy coves somewhen in the near future, maybe along the Camino Dos Faros.
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Meeting inspirational people outside my normal circle is always a big attraction for me – to be able learn something new from fellow pilgrims I’ve only just met yet feel so connected to:
Anna, 30’s, was staying at the same accommodation near Rubiaes, the Casa Oliveirinha, an immaculately renovated character property run by the friendly owner Fernando. As I sat reading a book on the patio on a scorching afternoon she came over and showed me the impressionist portrait of me that she’d secretly been painting while sitting in the shade of a fig tree. She then asked permission to do some Reiki on my feet to increase her vibration to which I duly obliged -- she deciphered my feminine side was on the left. A successful artist from Lisbon, now living in London, we walked some of the next day together towards Valenca where she displayed a propensity to view the world through a profuse spiritual lens. She explained how a dream had directed her to walk the Camino Portuguese and that she only ever bought one-way flight tickets, so she could decide when the time was right to return. I was envious of her approach to life, guided so freely by an inner voice.
It was during the stretch between Pontevedra and Padron that I met Martin, a 20 something from Germany. He‘d become dissatisfied with his first job out of university and hoped the Camino would give him some new direction in life. We walked and had many beers and laughs together over the two days – I hoped I’d passed on at least a small amount of useful wisdom to help in his quest.
I walked with Salvador and Helena, a young couple from Turin, on the stage from Padron to Santiago de Compostela. When we arrived in Santiago, as many exhausted pilgrims had before us, we formed a circle and they prayed for me. I was grateful for their concern for my wellbeing, a fellow pilgrim whom they’d only just met, and would like to think that their God would approve of their actions.
I walked with Gonzalez, 20’s from Madrid, between Olveira and Finisterre – his brother had dropped out due to severe chafing so he was now keen to set a fast pace. The last section was along Langosteira beach -- over a mile of empty white sand disappeared into a haze of cool mist, where each incoming wave of icy surf soothing our weary feet was followed by the hissing of it’s retreat as sand grains jostled for position between our toes.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Man Utd vs Rochdale LIVE: Line ups confirmed, Carabao Cup team news, fixtures and draw | Football | Sport
Manchester United XI: Romero, Wan-Bissaka, Jones, Tuanzebe, Rojo, Fred, Pogba, Pereira, Lingard, Chong, Greenwood
Rochdale XI: Sanchez, Norrington-Davies, McNulty, Dooley, Williams, Camps, Keohane, Rathbone, Morley, Henderson, Matheson.
Paul Pogba returns to the Manchester United starting line-up
Youngster Axel Tuanzebe is named captain by Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
Ten-minute warning
19:50: Not long until we’re underway at Old Trafford folks. The other seven matches have started and I’ll do my best to keep you updated with those.
Man Utd vs Rochdale LIVE: Carabao Cup score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Faith in Ole
19:45: Ed Woodward has pledged his faith in Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as the Norwegian bids to get the club “back to the top of English football”.
The Red Devils are already 10 points adrift of Liverpool after only six top-flight matches this term, but Woodward set out a long-term vision as he promised to stand by Solskjaer.
“The progress we’ve made on the business side underpins the continued investment in the football side,” Woodward said.
“It’s important that we are patient while Ole and his team build for the future. We will continue to focus on the long-term strategy and won’t be influenced by short-term distractions. We’re optimistic for the future.”
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Man Utd vs Rochdale LIVE: Carabao Cup score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Pogba rumours
19:30: Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogba is set to demand an astronomical salary to remain at Old Trafford.
The French midfielder has openly revealed his desire to leave United with Spanish giants Real Madrid eager to secure his signature.
The Red Devils have refused to part with the 26-year-old with his contract set to expire in June 2021 – and Okdiario suggest he could use that to his advantage with a fresh contract ultimatum.
It’s claimed Pogba will demand £577k per week to extend his deal and that could force United to either accept or risk losing him for free in two years.
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Man Utd vs Rochdale LIVE: Carabao Cup score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Twitter round-up
Andy: Axel Tuanzebe had captained MUFC at every age level bar the first team. Tonight he captains the first team against Rochdale, the town where he grew up in after arriving from DR Congo aged four – with no English, only French and Lingala. At 16 he got As and A stars in his GCSEs.
Tom: The fact that Axel Tuanzebe is captaining the squad today while Paul Pogba is in it is slightly concerning me over Pogba’s future here!
Leanne: Right then boys let’s see if you can find the back of the net because the team that played Sunday were worse than useless.. Come on boys you’ve got this!
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Man Utd vs Rochdale LIVE: Carabao Cup score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Team news – Rochdale
19:15: Rochdale have made two changes from their 2-1 defeat to Fleetwood.
Aaron Morely and Jimmy Keohane replaceEoghan O’Connell and Rekeil Pyke. There’s also a start for Ollie Rathbone, who spent eight years in the Manchester United academy alongside Marcus Rashford.
Team news – Manchester United
19:10: So what has Ole Gunnar Solskjaer done with his side. Well, he’s made nine changes from the West Ham defeat.
I think that’s showing a decent amount of respect to Rochdale myself.
Aaron Wan-Bissaka and Andreas Pereira are the only survivors from the loss at the London Stadium. Paul Pogba returns from injury to partner Fred in midfield.
Centre-back Axel Tuanzebe captains the side. He’s alongside Phil Jones in defence.
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Man Utd vs Rochdale LIVE: Carabao Cup score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
The sides…
19:00: Nine changes for Manchester United. Axel Tuanzebe skippers the side and Paul Pogba returns in midfield. Full analysis coming up.
Manchester United XI: Romero, Wan-Bissaka, Jones, Tuanzebe, Rojo, Fred, Pogba, Pereira, Lingard, Chong, Greenwood.
Subs: Grant, Lindelof, Williams, Garner, Mata, McTominay, James.
Rochdale XI: Sanchez, Norrington-Davies, McNulty, Dooley, Williams, Camps, Keohane, Rathbone, Morley, Henderson, Matheson.
Subs: Lynch, Andrew, Wilbraham, Ryan, Bradley, Tavares, Thomas.
Time for #MUFC team news…
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Ole makes nine changes from the weekend
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Axel Tuanzebe skippers the side
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Brandon Williams is among our subs for the first time#CarabaoCup
— Manchester United (@ManUtd) September 25, 2019
What’s on?
18:55: More than you can shake a stick at. Whatever that means.
Eight Carabao Cup fixtures including the one at Old Trafford – all looking to make tonight’s fourth-round draw.
Brighton vs Aston Villa, Burton vs Bournemouth, Chelsea vs Grimsby, MK Dons vs Liverpool, Oxford vs West Ham, Sheffield United vs Sunderland, Wolves vs Reading, Manchester United vs Rochdale.
Come on, where are the upsets? Need something to boost the acca…
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Man Utd vs Rochdale LIVE: Carabao Cup score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
18:50: Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has indicated midfielder Paul Pogba will return tonight.
Pogba has been out of action since the 1-1 draw with Southampton on August 31 due to an ankle injury.
Mason Greenwood was absent from Sunday’s Premier League defeat at West Ham with a bout of tonsillitis, and the teenager, will be hoping to start.
I remember having tonsillitis. I was off school for about six weeks. Miraculous recovery.
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Man Utd vs Rochdale LIVE: Carabao Cup score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
18:45: Hello everyone and welcome to our LIVE coverage of the Carabao Cup.
The competition nobody cares about – until you’re knocked out by a League Two side on penalties. Right, Spurs?
Yes, Tottenham were dumped out at the third-round stage to lower league opposition and the fall-out has been nothing short of gigantic. Haven’t used that word in a while.
Anyway, a fixture once considered of no real consequence has actually turned into a gigantic (couldn’t help myself) match for Manchester United tonight.
Under-pressure Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and his side need a win and they could do with it being emphatic with only Mason Greenwood fit to lead the line.
Potential banana skin? No doubt.
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Man Utd vs Rochdale LIVE: Carabao Cup score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
When is the Carabao Cup draw?
The draw will be held on Wednesday, September 25 at Stadium MK.
What time is the Carabao Cup draw?
It will be conducted following the conclusion of MK Dons vs Liverpool.
This will be sometime after 9.30pm BST.
When is the Carabao Cup fourth round?
Fourth round fixtures will be played on the week commencing October 28.
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Man Utd vs Rochdale LIVE: Carabao Cup score, goals and updates (Image: GETTY)
Paul Pogba is likely to return from an ankle injury when Rochdale visit Old Trafford in the Carabao Cup third round on Wednesday night.
The Frenchman has been sidelined since the international break, missing United’s wins over Leicester and Astana this month as well as last weekend’s defeat at West Ham.
United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is convinced Pogba will be available for next Monday’s Premier League clash against Arsenal and is planning to give the midfielder some game time as they welcome League One Dale.
England forward Marcus Rashford is facing an indeterminate period out of the side because of a groin complaint he suffered in the second half against the Hammers.
Teenager Mason Greenwood missed out at the London Stadium because of tonsillitis but the 17-year-old is in contention for United’s next outing.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Do Premier League footballers get a proper break?
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/do-premier-league-footballers-get-a-proper-break/
Do Premier League footballers get a proper break?
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Sadio Mane came on as a substitute in Liverpool’s opening Premier League game 21 days after he finished his 2018-19 season
In the UK, August is traditionally a time when families get away for breaks in the school summer holidays.
But should we spare a thought for footballers, who have been back at work for weeks without any prospect of a holiday for nearly 12 months?
Liverpool’s Sadio Mane has highlighted the issue saying he’s not had a proper break for seven years, after spending most of July helping Senegal reach the Africa Cup of Nations final.
BBC Sport takes a look at how footballers have shifted from R&R to a summer slog.
So how much rest and recuperation do players actually get?
The majority of Premier League players were officially on holiday the day after last term’s final fixture on Sunday 12 May.
However, there were delays for the Manchester City and Watford players involved in the FA Cup final the following weekend as well as the Liverpool and Tottenham squads whose final game arrived in the Champions League final in Madrid on 1 June.
And that was before the Nations League, Copa America and Africa Cup of Nations added another tier of games for the likes of Mane, who played 57 domestic, European and International fixtures in just over 11 months during 2018-19.
That meant the 27-year-old began training for the new campaign on Monday 5 August – just 17 days after finishing the previous one.
“I think I am ready,” said Mane, who found himself in a similar situation 12 months ago after playing in the World Cup in Russia.
“Time is scarce. I have been playing for a long time. I haven’t had holidays of over 20 days for seven years but I am used to it. I am ready. I am here now so let’s do it.”
Mane’s team-mates Alisson, Mohamed Salah, Roberto Firmino and Naby Keita were among the Premier League players to feature in summer tournaments, cutting short their respective pre-seasons.
But even for players not involved in tournaments there is an expectation to train in the off-seasonand make use of training plans, while some, believe it or not, even choose to take fitness coacheson holiday with them.
Most minutes played by players in top European leagues – data from Football Observatory (1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019) Player Club Matches Minutes Matthijs de Ligt Ajax 65 5,733 Toby Alderweireld Tottenham Hotspur 63 5,533 Virgil van Dijk Liverpool 59 5,305 Antoine Griezmann Atletico Madrid 62 5,262 Kyle Walker Manchester City 63 5,252 Frenkie de Jong Ajax 61 5,187 Joshua Kimmich Bayern Munich 58 5,181 Jorginho Chelsea 63 5,168 Ivan Rakitic Barcelona 63 5,116 Paul Pogba Manchester United 59 5,069
What does a footballer’s contract say about holidays?
According to a standard Premier League/English Football League contract, players are entitled to “five weeks paid holiday to be taken at a time or times determined by the club – subject to the club’s first team and any international commitments”.
As you might imagine there’s no scope for carrying days forward like in a typical office environment but “a club shall not unreasonably refuse to permit the player to take three of such weeks consecutively”.
That sounds like bliss for Mane, as well as Tottenham forward Son Heung-min who played 78 matches and travelled more than 110,000km to represent South Korea last year.
Son who played 72% of his matches with less than five days rest from his last, was name checked by Fifpro earlier this month, when they said the health of top footballers was “at risk” and called for “mandatory offseason breaks of four weeks”.
The global players’ union’s data showed 16 elite players had played almost 80 matches and clocked up a hefty chunk of air miles during 2018-19.
Are players hard done by?
School summer holidays are a write-off, as is a festive Christmas dinner for most top-flight players, who tend to be holed up in hotels away from family and friends before Boxing Day games.
And the unrelenting schedule has come in for criticism from both Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp and his Manchester City counterpart Pep Guardiola.
Klopp said: “If we don’t learn to deal with our players in a better way, competition-wise, then it’s the only chance to kill this wonderful game. Because without the players, it’s not a good one.”
Guardiola has said the festive fixture schedule was “killing” his players though this season there will at least be a weekend off in February, a move the Football Association has called “significant”.
And before getting too concerned over the welfare of footballers, there are also a few perks to the job to consider.
Yes, going to away games or a far-flung destination in Europe can be a chore but travelling by private jets and staying in the best hotels isn’t quite the same as jumping on public transport in rush hour.
And while most full-time UK workers can spend over 30 hours doing their jobs, training for footballers rarely lasts over a couple of hours per day.
Not bad work if you can get it, given the six-figure salaries on offer in the Premier League.
With a day off in the week and usually one at the weekend it means there’s plenty of time to get out on the golf course, nip to the cinema or pop out to the shops.
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travelguy4444 · 6 years
The Top 5 Lesbian Travel Destinations in 2019
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Posted: 2/21/2019 | February 21st, 2019
We want to speak to a wide range of voices on this website so have added an LGBTQ column to talk about travel issues that are important some of our community members. This month, Dani, one of our LGBT columnists, shares the top five lesbian travel destinations in 2019.
I have told you everything you need to know about traveling as a lesbian and how to plan the perfect lesbian-friendly trip, but what about lesbian-friendly destinations? What are the greatest locations for an unforgettable lesbian vacation — where you don’t have to be afraid to get weird stares or have to be careful with PDAs if you’re with your partner.
There are dozens of spots that fit the bill, some of which became more interesting at certain times: Lesbos became popular with gay women when the Sappho Women’s Festival was created in 2000, Los Angeles saw an increase in lesbian travelers when The L Word first aired in 2004, and Madrid was particularly popular with queer visitors during 2017 WorldPride.
So which destinations are having their “lesbian moment” in 2019?
Here are five that welcome LGBT travelers and have something that makes them particularly interesting for lesbians now, no matter if you’re solo or with your significant other. Read on for why I think you should hit up one of them this year:
1. New York City, USA
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Why go?: New York City is not only known as one of the gay-friendliest cities in the world and the top-ranked LGBTQ destination in the US but it is where the Stonewall riots kicked off the modern gay liberation movement in 1969.
2019 marks the 50th anniversary of this significant event in LGBT culture, and to commemorate, New York City will host WorldPride in June — the Pride of Prides, a full month of festivities, with over 50 events. It’s the first time in its 20-year history that WorldPride is being held in the United States, and many celebrities are expected to join the festivities, including Madonna, who rang in the 50th anniversary year with a surprise performance at the historic Stonewall Inn bar on New Year’s Eve.
While this is a great excuse to visit NYC this year, there are many more things that make the city attractive for lesbian tourists — from world-class art museums to stunning Broadway productions and dozens of neighborhoods to explore, New York City is always worth a visit. In the summer, you will get to enjoy free performances by the New York Metropolitan Opera and the Philharmonic in the city’s parks, free outdoor movie screenings, and weekend flea markets and food markets. Check out Matt’s 3-day NYC itinerary that covers all of the city’s famous sights and museums.
You’ll also want to check out New York’s lesbian nightlife, including the iconic Cubbyhole Bar and Henrietta Hudson in the West Village, the popular Hot Rabbit party, and a number of Pride parties exclusively for women, such as the Femme Fatale rooftop party.
If you want to learn more about the LGBT history of New York, I recommend this informative LGBTQ History Walking Tour of Greenwich Village.
When to go: June. The biggest event, WorldPride, takes place on Sunday, June 30, 2019.
Before you go: Check out the lesbian events calendar before you visit NYC. There are regular lesbian stand-up comedy shows, dance parties, and exquisite drag shows. Events like lesbian speed dating or a comedy show are especially great if you are traveling solo.
2. Montreal, Canada
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Why go?: Canada legalized same-sex marriage in 2005 and has been a popular destination for LGBT-travelers ever since, and while cities like Vancouver, Toronto, or Quebec are all LGBT-friendly , Montreal is known as the city with the biggest LGBT nightlife scene and is particularly lesbian-friendly (unlike most other popular LGBT destinations, which usually focus on male clientele). The favorable exchange rate of the Canadian dollar right now also means that a trip there is not too expensive.
Rue Sainte-Catherine is where most of Montreal’s gay nightlife is centered, and it’s the center of “the village,” Montreal’s gayborhood. Sadly, the infamous Le Drugstore, a lesbian bar on eight floors, closed down, but there are still plenty of amazing destinations. Don’t miss Complexe Sky, the biggest gay club in all of Canada, whose four floors each have different styles of music; the terrific rooftop terrace includes a pool and hot tub.
No matter if you make it to Montreal in time for Pride or not, I do recommend visiting in the summer, since the city prides itself on an abundance of outdoor activities during the warmer months. The streets are decked with outdoor seating, and you can relax on Jean Dore Beach on the shores of St Lawrence River, just minutes from downtown. Climb up to the top of Mount Royal for sweeping views over the city, marvel at the murals on Boulevard Saint-Laurent, and swing by lesbian-owned industrial warehouse-meets-beer garden Bar Alexandraplatz in the up-and-coming Mile-Ex neighborhood for a cold beer.
When to go?: No dates have been released yet, but there will hopefully be another edition of the popular Slut Island Festival, a feminist-queer DIY music festival that was founded in Montreal in 2013 mainly for performers and audiences who identify as women, trans*, gender-fluid, nonbinary, or people of color. The festival usually occurs in July.
Montreal Pride 2019 happens August 8–18, 2019.
Before you go: LezSpreadTheWord, an organization that publishes the feminist LSTW magazine and created the popular queer web series Féminin/Féminin, hosts the bimonthly girls party “Où sont les femmes?” — try to plan your trip around one of their awesome parties.
3. Mallorca, Spain
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Why go?: Mallorca has been a popular holiday destination with Europeans for decades, but in 2012, the Spanish island popped up on the lesbian travel map for the first time thanks to the inaugural Ella Festival in Palma, Mallorca’s capital. In August, the festival celebrates its seventh edition, and no matter if you identify as lesbian, bisexual, queer, transgender, or intersex, every woman is welcome at Ella! You’ll get to enjoy beach parties, concerts, and a number of activities, from paddleboarding to beach volleyball, as well as island excursions.
While most of Mallorca’s LGBT nightlife happens in Palma, I recommend exploring the rest of the island as well. The easiest way to get around is by car, but you can also reach many beautiful beaches and little towns by bus. There are over 260 beaches in Mallorca, but make sure to visit the picturesque small bays of Cala Formentor and Cala Pi, and Cala Mesquida and Playa de Muro for wide sandy beaches. Also worth a visit: the Cap de Formentor lighthouse on the northern tip of Mallorca, and as many as you can of the charming little villages that dot the island, for example, Sóller, Fornalutx, Valledemossa, and Deià.
When to go?: The Ella Festival is August 30–September 6, 2019. Add on a week of island exploration before or after the festival.
Before you go: Check out Lesbian Mallorca, the “lesbian lifestyle directory” of the island, has a great overview of lesbian bars and lesbian-friendly and lesbian-owned restaurants, hotels, and shops.
4. Provincetown, Mass., USA
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Why go?: Provincetown, often referred to as P-Town, is a small fishing town at the northern tip of Cape Cod, and it has long been a favorite with LGBT travelers. The charming little seaside destination is a fantastic vacation spot for anyone — straight or gay — with over 200 independent shops, plenty of art galleries, delicious restaurants, and great beaches, but its focus on lesbian travelers and the celebration of freedom of expression are what makes this open-minded community so attractive for girls.
Provincetown has more lesbian-owned businesses per capita than anywhere else in the US, the highest concentration of same-sex households in the US, and many LGBTQ-owned B&Bs and inns. No matter if you are solo or with your partner, there’s something for everyone: Provincetown is home to the oldest gay bar in the US, the A-House; the gayest main street in the world, Commercial Street; one of the top ten gay beaches in the world; and the East End Gallery District, offering world-class art. No matter what time of year you’re visiting, you’re likely to stumble upon one of the town’s many themed weeks or weekends (see below).
The daily tea dance (4–7pm) at the Boatslip, an expansive deck that overlooks Provincetown’s West End Harbor, is something you have to experience once — expect a packed dance floor and great people-watching. You’ll make new friends there for sure.
When to go: Try to plan your visit around one of the many women-focused events, depending which one best fits your preferences and interests: Women’s Media Summit (April 5–7); Single Women’s Weekend (May 17–19); Womxn of Color Weekend (May 30– June 2); Pride (May 31– June 3); Girl Splash (July 23–27); Family Week, the largest annual gathering of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer-identified families in the world (July 27–August 3); the incredible Carnival, which attracts 90,000 visitors (August 15–25); Women’s Week (October 14–20); or the weeklong transgender celebration Fantasia Fair (October 20–27).
Before you go: Since there are so many events year-round, make sure to check what’s going on in P-Town during the dates of your visit. If they happen to be during Carnival, for example, be aware that the town turns into party central. Never arrive without having accommodation booked in advance — B&Bs and hotels tend to fill up quickly.
5. Puerto Rico
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Why go?: Just over a year after devastating Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico with full force in September 2017, the island is bouncing back. Almost all hotels are open again, the New York Times just awarded Puerto Rico the #1 spot on its popular 52 Places To Go in 2019 list, and thanks to its status as a United States commonwealth, the legal rights of LGBT citizens (same-sex marriage has been legal since 2015) have had a great influence on Puerto Rico, which is now the gay-friendliest of all Caribbean nations. Especially for Americans, Puerto Rico is an easy getaway: there are plenty of direct flights from East Coast airports (and other US hubs), you don’t need a passport, and it’s a fantastic winter escape, with temperatures around 81° Fahrenheit (27° Celsius) in January.
Both San Juan, the capital, and Ponce, the island’s second largest city, have several gay and LGBT-friendly bars and nightclubs, and last year’s Pride Parade in San Juan attracted more than 5,000 people. Most gay bars are in San Juan’s vibrant Santurce neighborhood. Circo Bar is the most popular, and Oceano is a sophisticated, gay-owned, open-air beach bar across from Condado Beach. While there aren’t any lesbian bars per se (the last one, Cups, closed a few years ago), the go-to place for lesbians is El Cojo Bar (in the Hato Rey district), but all of Puerto Rico’s gay bars welcome women. Also worth a visit are Tía María Liquor Store and Splash Lounge.
While San Juan is the best base during your Puerto Rican gay-cation, don’t miss out on the rest of the island. The jungles of El Yunque National Forest will wow even avid hikers, the underground caves of Río Camuy Cave Park are spectacular, and of course there are dozens of picture-perfect Caribbean beaches all over the island.
A quick ferry ride brings you to Puerto Rico’s hidden gems: the island of Vieques, which is famous for Mosquito Bay and has the most bioluminescent bays in the world, and Culebra Island, where the turquoise waters at the stunning Playa Flamenco makes all your Caribbean beach dreams come true.
Vieques, a small dreamy island largely untouched by tourism, is especially popular with lesbian travelers. Don’t expect any LGBT nightlife there, but instead serene beaches, unspoiled nature, and even wild horses that roam freely in some parts. TripAdvisor listed Vieques as one of Top 25 Beach Destinations in the world, because the island has “more than 40 beaches and not one traffic light.” If you’re looking for a relaxing hideaway or a lesbian-friendly wedding spot—the W Resort offers same-sex ceremonies—Vieques is the place for you.
When to go: Puerto Rico is a wonderful beach destination during the winter months in the northern hemisphere. Mid-April to June, before the summer rainy season starts, is also a good time to visit — you’ll encounter less crowded beaches and fewer tourists. The gayest event of the year is Puerto Rico Pride, but the date for the 2019 edition has yet to be announced; it usually happens on Memorial Day Weekend.
Before you go: The upscale beachfront Ocean Park area of San Juan is where most LGBT travelers tend to stay. Not far from there is Condado, a pedestrian area with a gay-friendly beach (the stretch facing the gay Atlantic Beach Hotel). TripSavvy has a list of gay and gay-friendly hotels in San Juan.
Of course, these are not the only places that are worth a trip this year — there are hundreds of others around the globe. You don’t have to trek halfway around the globe to discover new amazing destinations. Why not plan a lesbian break during Pride weekend in a city nearby? But, out of all the places I’ve visited, I’ve found these had some of my favorite welcoming and vibrant Lesbian communities! They shouldn’t be missed.
What are your favorites? Leave a comment and let us know.
Dani Heinrich is the vagabonding writer and photographer behind GlobetrotterGirls.com. Originally from Germany, she has been nomadic since 2010, when she quit her corporate job and embarked on a round-the-world-trip. She has traveled through over 60 countries on four continents and has no plans to stop any time soon! You can also follow her adventures on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hotel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Photo credits: 3, 5
The post The Top 5 Lesbian Travel Destinations in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
source https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/lesbian-travel-destinations/
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hungryforsuccess101 · 6 years
35 Inspirational Cristiano Ronaldo Quotes On Success
Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese skilled footballer who performs as a forward for Spanish membership Real Madrid and the Portugal nationwide workers. Often considered the easiest participant on the earth and extensively thought of one among many greatest of all time, Ronaldo has a record-tying 5 Ballon d’Or awards, in all probability essentially the most for a European participant, and is the first participant to win 4 European Golden Shoes. He has acquired 25 trophies in his career, along with 5 league titles, 4 UEFA Champions League titles and one UEFA European Championship.
A prolific goalscorer, Ronaldo holds the info for a lot of official aims scored in Europe’s top-five leagues (395), the UEFA Champions League (120), the UEFA European Championship (9), along with these for a lot of assists inside the UEFA Champions League (34) and the UEFA European Championship (6). He has scored over 650 senior career aims for membership and nation. May his encourage you to take movement in order that you possibly can be reside your targets.
 Here is 35 Inspirational Cristiano Ronaldo Quotes On Success:
1. “I never tried to hide the fact that my only goal is to be the best” Cristiano Ronaldo
 2. Your love makes me strong. Your hate makes me unstoppable.” Cristiano Ronaldo
3. “I will not quit.” Cristiano Ronaldo
4. “Dreams normally should not what you see in your sleep, targets are points which do not permit you to sleep.” Cristiano Ronaldo
 5. “Your love makes me strong. Your hate makes me unstoppable.” Cristiano Ronaldo
6. “Maybe they hate me on account of I’m too good.” Cristiano Ronaldo
7. “I imagine I’ve improved from ultimate 12 months. I’m on a regular basis attempting to boost my recreation and improve myself.” Cristiano Ronaldo
8. “Why lie? I’m not going to be a hypocrite and say the choice of what I imagine, like some others do.” Cristiano Ronaldo
 9. “Don’t let small obstacles be in the easiest way of being victorious. Remember you are stronger than the challenges you face.” Cristiano Ronaldo
10. “I’m living a dream I never want to wake up from.” Cristiano Ronaldo
11. “If you assume you’re good already, you then under no circumstances is likely to be” Cristiano Ronaldo
12. “I don’t have to point one thing to anyone. There is nothing to indicate.” Cristiano Ronaldo
13. “Today there are alternate options that no one is conscious of if they’re going to come spherical as soon as extra inside the future.” Cristiano Ronaldo
14. “There is no harm in dreaming of becoming the world’s best player. It is all about trying to be the best. I will keep working hard to achieve it but it is within my capabilities.” Cristiano Ronaldo
 15. “I still learn.” Cristiano Ronaldo
16. “For me, Sir Alex was my father in soccer. He was important in my career and, exterior of soccer, was a terrific human being with me. Talent isn’t each little factor. You can have it from the cradle, nevertheless, it is important to be taught the commerce to be the easiest.” Cristiano Ronaldo
17. “It gives me the happiest feeling in the world. I just love scoring. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple goal from close range, a long shot or a dribble around several players, I just love to score all goals.” Cristiano Ronaldo
18. “I like to impose my own style of play.” Cristiano Ronaldo
19. “I want to be remembered as part of the group of the greatest players ever.” Cristiano Ronaldo
20. “When you have talent and if you don’t work the talent then you are not going to win nothing.” Cristiano Ronaldo
21. “If we can’t help our family, who are we going to help?” Cristiano Ronaldo
22. “To me, being the best means proving it in different countries and championships.” Cristiano Ronaldo
23. “I’m proud to play for Real Madrid because I have fun; when you no longer have fun it’s a sign that it’s time to leave. For now though, I’m happy here at the greatest club in the world.” Cristiano Ronaldo
24. “When I win awards, I contemplate my father.” Cristiano Ronaldo
25. “Winning ��� that’s the most important to me. It’s as simple as that.” Cristiano Ronaldo
 26. “Without football, my life is worth nothing.” Cristiano Ronaldo
27. “I have to continuously play properly and win titles.” Cristiano Ronaldo
28. “I have my flaws too.” Cristiano Ronaldo
29. “I think it’s the best thing in life to have a kid.” Cristiano Ronaldo
 30. “Stay strong. Be brave. Go beyond.” Cristiano Ronaldo
31. “People have to understand one thing: at the age of 18, I arrived at a dream club like Manchester United. It was a dream come true. But, even at that moment, I was thinking about playing in England for some years and then going to play in Spain. Even at that time, I was thinking that way and I always gave 100% everything.” Cristiano Ronaldo
32. “I know I’m a good professional, I know that no one’s harder on me than myself and that’s never going to change, under any circumstances.” Cristiano Ronaldo
33. “We can help others, we’re capable of all help.” Cristiano Ronaldo
34. “We cannot live being obsessed with what other people think about us.” Cristiano Ronaldo
35. “We don’t want to tell our dreams. We want to show them.” Cristiano Ronaldo
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Coronavirus UK: Border officials say quarantine unenforceable
Plans to quarantine travellers coming into Britain were falling apart last night as they came under fire from all sides.
Border Force and police officials say the system is ‘unenforceable’ and MPs, including Boris Johnson’s former adviser, warned the scheme would ‘hang the Closed sign on Britain’.
Those set to enforce the plans are yet to be told how to do so – and there were calls for the evidence that it will work to be made public.
Officials behind the project were accused of ‘making it up as they go along’, while Whitehall sources said travellers would simply be ‘trusted’ to follow the rules.
Government plans  to quarantine all travellers coming into Britain have been labelled ‘unenforceable’ by Border Force and police officials
Senior Government sources said last night Mr Johnson was preparing to water down some of the scheme, or even axe it completely. Just ten days before all arrivals into Britain will be told to self-isolate for two weeks, it can be revealed:
Those with upcoming medical treatments – as well as gas fitters, electricians and sewage workers – could be exempt under a raft of ‘absurd’ loopholes;
Adherence to the rules will be taken ‘largely on trust’;
Border Force officials have yet to be told who to check or how;
Those using electronic passport gates are unlikely to be quizzed.
Andrew Griffith, a former chief business adviser to Mr Johnson and now MP for Arundel and South Downs, said: ‘A blanket quarantine hangs the Closed sign on Britain just as competitor nations lift their travel restrictions.
‘It is unscientific to apply it to countries with a lower rate of infection than our own – if a plane full of passengers from Iceland lands in the UK it would actually lower the average infection rate – and it is devastating for the wider economy.
Andrew Griffith, a former chief business adviser to Mr Johnson and now MP for Arundel and South Downs, said: ‘A blanket quarantine hangs the Closed sign on Britain just as competitor nations lift their travel restrictions.’ Pictured: People enjoy the warm weather at the Samil beach, Vigo, Spain
‘Going into this pandemic, our aviation sector was world leading in terms of growth, jobs and competitiveness but that is now at real risk. I know first-hand just how passionate the Prime Minister is about unleashing British business and he will be chafing at the bit to remove this restriction at the very earliest opportunity.’
Former Labour home secretary Lord Blunkett said: ‘I don’t think it’ll be enforceable. The more exemptions you give, the more unworkable a policy becomes. The best thing the Government could do is to get off this as fast as possible and recognise that, given our current infection rate, it’s more likely that other countries would want to prevent our citizens visiting them than the other way round.’
A former senior minister said: ‘There has been abject chaos in Whitehall over this. It’s been driven by the Home Office but the Department for Transport are clearly against it. They are going out of their minds. Everything is being arranged at short notice and they’re making it up as they go along. It’s utter carnage, a complete pantomime. To my mind, it is simply unworkable.’
Former health secretary Jeremy Hunt called for the evidence to be made available, saying: ‘Many people find it difficult to understand why we are introducing a blanket quarantine policy rather than targeting it at coronavirus hotspots. It is essential the scientific advice behind this approach is published.’
Extra pressure on a depleted Border Force could see scores of arrivals slip through every day without having filled in the electronic contact form at the heart of the scheme, it is feared
A Downing Street source said last night: ‘The quarantine system is a way of protecting the virus coming into the country when we have got domestic levels of transmission down low, but we are of course considering ways in which travel to other countries could be allowed if it is safe to do so.’
Problems with the proposal begin at the border but continue all the way through the scheme, sources said.
The plan is due to be put before Parliament next week but crucial details are yet to be made public. Extra pressure on a depleted Border Force could see scores of arrivals slip through every day without having filled in the electronic contact form at the heart of the scheme, it is feared.
The online form, in which travellers will have to say where they will quarantine and supply a phone number, will not be linked to passports or a database, forcing guards to manually check it has been completed.
To check every passenger would cause queues that snake for hours, sources warned.
Prime Minister is considering watering down or even axing his plans for all incoming travellers to Britain to isolate for two weeks only ten days before measures were due to be put in place
And those who use E-passport gates are unlikely to be checked at all. Hundreds of millions of foreign nationals have the right to enter the UK without being seen by an immigration officer.
Immigration officers will have the power to hand out £100 on-the-spot fines to those who refuse to complete a form while lying about your details will be a criminal offence.
A Border Force source said there was concern among staff about how they will be expected to deal with travellers who refuse to complete the so-called ‘contact locator’ form. ‘Frontline immigration officials have never been required to issue on-the-spot fines in this way before,’ he said. ‘It’s a completely new way of doing things and no one knows how it’s going to work.’
Once through the borders, arrivals will be told to expect check calls on a ‘regular’ basis.
Private agency staff will carry out telephone interviews with travellers. They will work from a script in a bid to gauge the honesty of each person they interview, the Mail understands. The system will rely heavily on the public complying with the rules voluntarily – as they did during the ‘stay at home’ phase of the Covid-19 emergency measures, sources said. The Home Office said there were no plans to use technology which could help pinpoint whether travellers were self-isolating at the address they provided. 
Spanish flight with 140 people on board is quarantined in Lanzarote after passenger gets positive coronavirus test result while in the air  
Plane was flying from Madrid to Lanzarote when the man received his results 
On arrival, the aircraft was immediately zoned off by health and security officials 
As of today, Spain has recorded 27,119 deaths from the virus and 255,760 cases
By Rita Sobot for MailOnline
A flight with at least 140 people on board was quarantined today after a passenger received a positive coronavirus test result while in the air.
The plane, which arrived in Lanzarote in the Canary Islands from Madrid this afternoon, was immediately zoned off by health and security officials at Cesar Manrique airport, with the police also attending.
An investigation is already underway to find out why he was flying in the first place and whether he met all the travel rules, which only allow people to fly for a number of reasons, including work or in the event of an emergency.
Two travellers get into an emergency vehicle after disembarking in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain this afternoon
Reports say the passenger took a COVID-19 test before he travelled because he had been in contact with someone who had died from the virus and had attended the funeral. 
However, he left before the result came in and it was only revealed he was positive when the aircraft was in mid-air. It has been reported but not confirmed that the person who died from the virus was the man’s mother.
The Canary authorities were immediately contacted by the Castilla y León public health department and the airport launched all the coronavirus protocols.
The man now faces prosecution for skipping quarantine and the State of Emergency and has been reported for a possible crime against public health.
A traveller gets into an emergency response vehicle after disembarking in Lanzarote, Canary Islands this afternoon
He and his nearest passengers were immediately isolated and the rest of the passengers will have to be quarantined and take tests to see if they have contracted the virus while on the flight. 
It is understood the island’s government has offered them rooms in one hotel as they won’t be able to mix with family members or friends.
The man and the passengers sitting closest to him will have to be in quarantine for two weeks. 
The others must stay in confinement until tests are taken in one week as only then would the result be accurate.
The incident adds fuel to the debate of travel generally and concerns over importing cases to regions, like the Canaries, which have had a low incidence of coronavirus and would not want to see any flare-up.
Lanzarote has only had six deaths and 84 positives. In total, there have been 160 coronavirus deaths in the Canary Islands which wants to protect its low incidence level for the safety of residents and tourists.
Today, independently from this incident, the Canary government has called for all travellers to take a coronavirus test before they leave their country of origin. 
As of today, Spain had recorded 27,119 deaths from the virus and 255,760 cases. 
This devastating quarantine policy will scar the economy forever, says EasyJet boss JOHAN LUNDGREN after announcing possible staffing cuts of 30 per cent
Like all airlines, easyJet has been put in a critical position by coronavirus. This week, I had to announce that we may have to reduce our staff numbers by up to 30 per cent. I am sorry to have had to deliver such terrible news, but this crisis has left us with little choice.
My focus now is to ensure that easyJet survives and that we protect jobs for the long term.
We need to return to flying as soon as possible, but for this to happen, the Government must act fast. Many measures are needed, but quick action on quarantine will be an important part.
easyJet boss Johan Lundgren (pictured) said: ‘It was frustrating that the Government chose not to consult our industry on the implementation of the quarantine measures’
The Mail’s Alex Brummer wrote yesterday in stark terms, criticising the decision to quarantine passengers arriving in Britain for two weeks irrespective of where they have come from, from June 8.
Our flights will recommence on June 15, and we want to be able to fly as many people as possible to wherever it is safe to do so.
It was frustrating that the Government chose not to consult our industry on the implementation of the quarantine measures.
Quarantine will severely restrict Britain’s connectivity. It will render many international routes unviable for travellers to the UK.
British holidaymakers and business travellers will think twice about going abroad if they have to quarantine for 14 days on their return.
Should the quarantine remain in place throughout the summer, it will have a huge and lasting impact on the recovery of the economy and on all our lives, just as many economists are predicting the most serious recession in a century.
Revenue from tourism is vital for many parts of the UK, from London to the Scottish Highlands, in cities and towns such as York and Stratford-upon-Avon. Many businesses reliant on this income will be permanently scarred by the impact of the proposed quarantine.
Business recovery will also be linked to the ability to travel. I acknowledge that this period has shown us the potential of using video calls for work. But it has also demonstrated what we miss through not having face-to-face meetings.
British exporters will soon be competing on a screen against other businesses that can travel in person.
An exemption for business travel alone will not solve these issues, as the vast majority of passengers travel for leisure. Without leisure travel, few routes on any airline would be viable.
easyJet boss Johan Lundgren said: ‘Quarantine will severely restrict Britain’s connectivity. It will render many international routes unviable for travellers to the UK’
And, of course, there is the impact of any quarantine on our wellbeing. Travelling on holiday is something that families across the UK save up for and look forward to – not to mention all those vital visits to see loved ones abroad.
Quarantine will not only make all of this much harder – it runs against the trend we can see across the world and in Europe.
The main European tourist markets, such as Greece and Spain, anticipate reopening safely to visitors from July.
Germany is expected to lift its quarantine, and France is also expected to open up to European visitors.
Even Italy, which suffered so much from Covid, is looking to facilitate international travel.
So how can the UK safely reconnect to the rest of the world? Boris Johnson has outlined a sensible way forward: The implementation of ‘air bridges’. These would allow for travel between countries where Covid-19 is under control and where effective health measures are in place.
I support the Prime Minister’s objective, and believe it is critical for these air bridges to be established quickly wherever it is safe to do so.
‘Travelling on holiday is something that families across the UK save up for and look forward to – not to mention all those vital visits to see loved ones abroad,’ said the easyJet boss
Speed is important. If the Government announces an air bridge for a new country from tomorrow, this does not mean we can start flying immediately.
Anyone hoping to go on their summer holiday in July needs to know what air bridges will be in place.
So we propose four key steps for the Government to take.
First, the quarantine should be scrapped. In its place, air bridges should be arranged between countries, such as Greece, where the number of new Covid-19 cases is close to zero.
Second, clear criteria for air bridges should be published so that new ones can be put in place as soon as possible. We see no need to wait for a periodic review.
Third, the number of air bridges should be maximised, where this is safe.
Finally, where the science allows, governments should look at the possibility of introducing ‘Covid passports’ identifying passengers who have been infected and are therefore immune. Rapid testing prior to departure or on arrival may help to make this possible.
The first priority of any airline is to ensure that its passengers can fly safely. We encourage measures to support this, but a blanket quarantine is too blunt an instrument.
The post Coronavirus UK: Border officials say quarantine unenforceable appeared first on Sansaar Times.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2ZQ3BaA
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Coronavirus: U.S. inches closer to shutdown as COVID-19 deaths rise to 64
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/coronavirus-u-s-inches-closer-to-shutdown-as-covid-19-deaths-rise-to-64/
Coronavirus: U.S. inches closer to shutdown as COVID-19 deaths rise to 64
Officials across the United States curtailed many elements of American life to fight the coronavirus outbreak on Sunday, with health officials recommending that groups of 50 or more don’t get together and a government expert saying a 14-day national shutdown may be needed.
Governors were closing restaurants, bars, and schools as the nation sank deeper into chaos over the crisis. Travellers returning home from overseas trips were stuck in line for hours at major airports for screenings, causing them to be crammed into just the kind of crowded spaces that public health officials have been urging people to avoid.
READ MORE: U.S. travellers return home to hours-long airport waits amid coronavirus pandemic
In a sign of the impending economic gloom on the horizon, the Federal Reserve slashed its benchmark interest rate to near zero. President Donald Trump sought to calm a jittery nation by declaring that the government has “tremendous control” over the situation and urging people to stop the panic buying of grocery staples that has depleted the shelves of stores around the country. Gun stores started seeing a similar run on weapons and ammunition as the panic intensified.
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2:28 Coronavirus outbreak: Trump tells U.S. citizens stocking up on food and supplies to ‘relax’
Coronavirus outbreak: Trump tells U.S. citizens stocking up on food and supplies to ‘relax’
As Americans struggled to come to terms with how to change their daily habits, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a dramatic recommendation: Because large events can fuel the spread of the disease, it said gatherings of 50 people or more should be canceled or postponed throughout the country for the next eight weeks. It added that, at any event, proper precautions should be taken, including making sure people are washing their hands and not getting too close.
But in a sign of the difficulty of striking the right balance, the statement from the CDC also said the recommendation does not apply to “the day to day operation of organizations such as schools, institutes of higher learning, or businesses.”
READ MORE: Coronavirus: What are the chances of dying and who is most at risk?
Even before the warning, parts of the country already look like a ghost town, and others are about to follow as theme parks closed, Florida beaches shooed away spring breakers, Starbucks said it will accept only drive-thru and takeout orders and the governors of Ohio and Illinois ordered bars and restaurants shuttered. California’s governor asked the state’s bars and restaurants to do the same, but didn’t order it. New York City, New Jersey and elsewhere are considering similar measures.
“The time for persuasion and public appeals is over,” Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said. “This is not a joke. No one is immune to this.”
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His decision came hours after Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease expert, said he would like to see a 14-day national shutdown imposed to prevent the virus’s spread.
2:15 COVID-19: Delays at airports as American travelers try to get home
COVID-19: Delays at airports as American travelers try to get home
“I think Americans should be prepared that they are going to have to hunker down significantly more than we as a country are doing,” said Fauci, a member of the White House task force on combating the spread of coronavirus. He heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health.
There is no indication Trump is considering such a move.
The worldwide outbreak has sickened more than 162,000 people and left more than 6,000 dead, with thousands of new cases confirmed each day. The death toll in the United States climbed to 64, while infections passed 3,200.
Meanwhile, harsh criticism rained on Trump and his administration Sunday from state and local officials over long lines of returning international passengers at some U.S. airports that could have turned them into coronavirus carriers as they tried to get home.
READ MORE: Coronavirus: U.S. Federal Reserve slashes rates to nearly zero in response to COVID-19
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot lambasted the administration for allowing about 3,000 Americans returning from Europe to be stuck for hours inside the customs area at O’Hare International Airport on Saturday, violating federal recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that people practice “social distancing.”
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The passengers, many of them rushing home because of fears they would be stuck in Europe, were screened for coronavirus symptoms before they were allowed to leave the airport.
Long lines also formed Saturday in Boston, Dallas and others of the 13 airports that are accepting return flights from Europe.
2:55 Coronavirus outbreak: U.S. officials will focus on taking care of health care workers, elderly during virus outbreak
Coronavirus outbreak: U.S. officials will focus on taking care of health care workers, elderly during virus outbreak
“People were forced into conditions that are against CDC guidance and are totally unacceptable,” Lightfoot said.
Elizabeth Pulvermacher, a University of Wisconsin student, arrived Saturday at O’Hare from Madrid, where she had been studying and spent hours in line. The customs process made her feel “unsafe,” she said.
“The whole idea is getting rid of the spread of coronavirus, but there were hundreds and hundreds of people in very close proximity,” Pulvermacher said.
Dr. Robert Murphy, executive director of Institute for Global Health at Northwestern University, said he was “appalled” by what he saw Saturday at nearby O’Hare.
READ MORE: U.S. government says coronavirus virus testing will prioritize medical staff, elderly
“If they weren’t exposed to COVID-19 before, they probably are now. From a public health perspective, this is malpractice,” Murphy said in a statement Sunday. “The lack of preparation and concern is unfathomable.”
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But the situation improved markedly Sunday at O’Hare and elsewhere. Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said wait times are down to 30 minutes after processes have been adjusted to better handle the influx and extra personnel sent to the airports that are “funneling” passengers returning from overseas.
Bailey Miles, a 20-year-old sophomore at Taylor University in Indiana, arrived also from Madrid fearing the worst, but she got through customs and a health screening in about an hour. She said officials seemed to have learned their lesson from Saturday, when some of her friends returned.
1:22 Coronavirus outbreak: Pence says U.S. government has ‘no higher priority’ than health and safety of public
Coronavirus outbreak: Pence says U.S. government has ‘no higher priority’ than health and safety of public
“The employees were really helpful, had positive attitudes and had a lot of grace,” she said. She said a woman even passed out snacks.
At Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, Amanda Kay said she was asked to keep her distance from other passengers when she arrived from Paris at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey.
“They wanted 50 people at a time. So the first 50 people got off, and they asked us to keep a large distance between ourselves,” she said. “We showed them the first form and then as we walk there’s a person who has the scan for your temperature. And then you go through Customs and then that was it.”
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READ MORE: During Democratic debate, Biden and Sanders call for increased coronavirus testing
Going forward, Wolf said he could not rule out a future halt to air travel within the U.S. Fauci said earlier Sunday on television that halting domestic travel had been discussed, though not seriously.
For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority of people recover.
And that may have given some people false hope, causing them to venture into crowds that Fauci and others would prefer they avoid. Even if someone doesn’t become visibly ill, they can still carry the disease and spread it to others.
2:37 Coronavirus outbreak: Pence says over 2000 labs across U.S. will be able to process COVID-19 tests
Coronavirus outbreak: Pence says over 2000 labs across U.S. will be able to process COVID-19 tests
In New Orleans and Chicago, people clad in green for St. Patrick’s Day packed bars and spilled onto crowded sidewalks on Saturday even after the cities canceled their parades.
New York City, which has the nation’s largest public school district, announced that it will be closed starting Monday, joining most of the rest of the country. Mayor Bill de Blasio had originally balked, but under pressure from Gov. Andrew Cuomo and others he said Sunday, “I became convinced over the course of today that there is no other choice.”
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In Florida, Walt Disney World and Universal-Orlando were closing Sunday night for the rest of the month, joining their California siblings, which already closed. Farther south, Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale officials announced that they are closing their beaches, where thousands of college spring breakers from around the world have flocked.
READ MORE: Passenger who flew from Gatwick to Toronto tested positive for coronavirus: WestJet
The cities also ordered restaurants and bars closed by 10 p.m. and to keep crowds below 250.
“We cannot become a petri dish for a very dangerous virus,” Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber said. “Spring break is over. The party is over.”
Starbucks said Sunday it is closing seating in its cafes and patio areas nationwide, but customers can still order at the counter, at drive-thrus or on the Starbucks app. It will also close or reduce hours in areas where there are a high-number of cases.
1:55 Coronavirus outbreak: How to talk to your kids about the virus
Coronavirus outbreak: How to talk to your kids about the virus
But not all government officials were as concerned. Oklahoma’s Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt tweeted a picture of himself and his children at a crowded metro restaurant Saturday night.
Republican Rep. Devin Nunes had a similar message on Fox News Sunday, encouraging people to go to local restaurants and pubs despite the warnings of health officials.
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Spencer reported from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Associated Press journalists Mallika Sen, Vanessa Alvarez, Seth Wenig, Lisa Marie Pane, Christopher Weber, Eugene Johnson and John Seewer contributed.
© 2020 The Canadian Press
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Before you develop a conscience, torture is amusing. Those they think rank below. What struck me at the time. Stocks will generate greater returns over thirty years, but they miss the critical point: it's good enough and free, these sites suggest that voters do a significantly better job than human editors. If you don't think you're weird, you're living badly. Lately hackerliness seems rather frowned upon. Along with such outright lies, there must have been to till the same fields your whole life with no hope of anything better, under the thumb of lords and priests you had to give all your surplus to and acknowledge as your masters. They didn't know. You're old enough to start a startup, anything might happen.1 Puberty finally arrived; I became a decent soccer player; I started a scandalous underground newspaper.
So by protecting their kids from risk, parents are, without realizing it, also protecting them from rewards. But even factoring in their annoying eccentricities, the disobedient attitude of hackers is a net win. People will pay extra for stability. And since good people like good colleagues, that means you should seek out ideas that would be the best supplier, but doesn't bid because they can't spare the effort to get verified. If the rich people in a society got that way by taking wealth from the poor, then you probably are. But he wouldn't, so we had to think of a way to make a lot of American kids, I read this book in school. In more recent times, Sarbanes-Oxley has practically destroyed the US IPO market.2 Less confident people feel they have to have an answer or they'll look bad. All you need to be moderately smart to succeed as a startup founder, but that you should start startups when you're young.3 That may even make you less able to start successful startups, if they tried, start successful startups, and who am I to argue with them?4 While there, the authorities fed you, prevented overt violence, and made some effort to conceal their flaws from children. Here's a clue.
In retrospect, I wonder how we could have wasted our time on anything so stupid. No thanks, intellectual homeowners may say, we don't need it. Increasingly, the brains and thus the value of 20 year old hackers who are too mature to pick on nerds will still ostracize them in self-defense. This sort of lie is not without its uses. They may represent one of those rare individuals with x-ray vision for character.5 Reading the Wall Street Journal for a week should give anyone ideas for two or three new startups.6 Now most kids have little idea what their parents do in their distant offices, and see no connection indeed, there is an increasing call for patent reform. Here's a test for deciding whether a VC's response was yes or no, or the deal was off.7
When you do, you've found an adult, whatever their age. That would leave the founders less than a seventh of the company if he'd let us have it. Why bother checking the front page of any specific paper or magazine? Most people who are high or drunk, poverty, madness, gruesome medical conditions, sexual behavior of various kinds, there has been a qualitative change in the atmosphere. You had to grow fast or die. I know they exist. It's odd that people think of programming as precise and methodical. Ditto for the idea of her having sex even if there were any language problems at Real Madrid, since the players were from about eight different countries. Someone has to watch over them, and that Kennedy was a speed freak to boot.
Most people would rather a 100% chance of $1 million than a 20% chance of $10 million.8 I've seen parents managing the subject, I can see how: questions about death are gently but firmly turned aside. To someone who likes work, as most good hackers do, this is torture. It's a bad plan to treat something only a hundred years old as an axiom.9 Misleading the child is just a byproduct. There may be cases where this is a constant problem when you're painting still lifes.10 Obviously it's not the experience itself that's valuable, but something you make yourself.11 But even factoring in their annoying eccentricities, the disobedient attitude of hackers is a net win.12 The first step in clearing your head is to realize how far you are from a neutral observer. We may be seeing another such change right now. The reason they were funding all those laughable startups during the late 90s was that they hoped to be laughing all the way to do business. And that's fine.
John Nash so admired Norbert Wiener that he adopted his habit of touching the wall as he walked down a corridor. They know the odds of any individual startup going public are small, but they miss the critical point: it's good enough. The goal in a startup founded by three former banking executives in their 40s who planned to outsource their product development—which to my mind is actually a lot riskier than investing in a pair of really smart 18 year olds think they know how much jobs suck.13 She can't be herself.14 There was no uptake among hackers. They seemed to have done as well as taking it from others. Teenagers now are neurotic lapdogs.15
There is one case where the list of n things.16 Our first building had been a one-man show.17 I remember that feeling. When people say Web 2.18 You can probably start a startup right out of college. And if you find yourself asking should we allow users to do x? At first we did this because we couldn't help it. The most successful sites are the ones started by uncertain hackers rather than gung-ho business guys. It's not unusual for it to take five or six months to close a funding round.19 Ten years ago investors were looking for the next hot platform is that thousands of hackers have spontaneously started building things on top of this new trend. 0 is democracy. Viaweb wasn't the first startup Robert Morris and Trevor Blackwell.
In fact, most people seem to think it's good for smart kids to be as a startup, you'll probably get something better. Even if your only goal is to increase your self-confidence. Here's the pledge: No first use of software patents against companies with less than 25 people. Any conflicts between them have been ironed out under the very hot iron of running a startup. My parents never claimed that people or animals who died had gone to a better place, or that we'd meet them again.20 They don't need any outside help. In fact there is no external opponent, so the taboo against child sex still has force. If they aren't an X, why do we hear more about VCs? The most common was some combination of a blog, a calendar, a dating site, and Friendster.21
When a lot heavier. I'm not saying we should at least prevent your investors from helping you to stop, but also like an undervalued stock in that it refers to features you could try telling him it's XML. A Bayesian Approach to Filtering Junk E-Mail. 43.
One YC founder who used to build their sites, and one didn't try because they actually do, so it's conceivable that the lies we tell as we walked out we ran into Yuri Sagalov. What people will give you term sheets. A less upstanding, lower-tier VC might be an open booth.
I realize revenue and not to. That's very cheap, 1/50th of a placeholder than an ordinary programmer would never guess she hates attention, because sometimes artists unconsciously use tricks by imitating art that would help Web-based software is so hard to predict precisely what would our competitors had known we were quite sore from VCs attempting to probe our nonexistent database orifice. Einstein, Princeton University Press, 1965. If an investor pushes you hard to spread them.
A related problem that they don't.
I saw this I used thresholds of. 5,000 per month. This plan backfired with the best response is neither to bluff nor give up, how little autonomy one would say that intelligence doesn't matter in startups tend to notice them.
Even though we made a general-purpose file classifier so good that it even seemed a lot of money.
The other extreme, the reaction of an official authority makes all the best approach is to discount, but since it was true that the lack of understanding per se, it's usually best to pick a date, because talks are usually about things you like shit. For example, being offered large bribes by the desire to protect one's children seems weaker, judging from things people have told me that if the VC. Cell phone handset makers are satisfied to sell them technology. But politicians know the actual amount of stock options, because some schools work hard to imagine that there is undeniably a grim satisfaction in hunting down certain sorts of bugs, and should therefore get low priority, but you get an intro to a partner from someone they respect.
Experienced investors know about it.
It may indeed be a hot deal, I believe, and the cost can be times when what you're doing. A startup building a new search engine is low.
They'll tell you them. Turn on rice cooker, if you're good you can never tell for sure a social network for pet owners is a bad deal. The angels had convertible debt at a discount of 30% means when it was raise after Demo Day and they begin by having an associate vet you. It does at least a whole department at a disadvantage trying to dispute their decision—just that they imitate even the most important subject.
I'm not saying public school kids arrive at college with a potential acquirer unless you want to believe is that the lies we tell. Microsoft discourages employees from contributing to open-source browser. But when you use this technique, you'll have to be a predictor. Doh.
When I was writing this, on the admissions committee knows the professors who wrote the ordering system was small.
This doesn't mean a great programmer than an actual label—like putting NMI on a scale that has little relation to other investors doing so because otherwise competitors would take another startup to sell early for a sufficiently identifiable style, you don't know enough about the origins of the great painters in history supported themselves by painting portraits.
It's somewhat sneaky of me to try your site.
The downside is that coming into office hours, they've already decided what they're wasting their time and became the Internet into situations where a laptop would be to ensure startups are possible. There are also startlingly popular on pre-money valuation of the junk bond business by doing another round that values the company.
Which is also the fashion leaders. So as an example of a problem into your bodies.
One professor friend says that 15-20% of the accumulator generator in other Lisp features like lexical closures and rest parameters. For similar reasons it might be 20 or 30 times as productive as those working for large companies, executives at large companies will naturally wonder, how much time. The more people you can play it safe by excluding VC firms were the richest of their initial funding and then stopped believing, so buildings are traditionally seen as temporary; there is one you take out your anti-dilution provisions also protect you against tricks like a headset or router.
And that is allowing economic inequality is a sufficiently identifiable style, you need, maybe the corp dev people are like, and suddenly they need to fix once it's big, plus they are by ways that have hard deadlines, like angel investors. Users dislike their new operating system.
But their founders, because when people tell you them. Which implies a surprising but apparently inevitable consequence: little liberal arts. What you're looking for something new if the present, and thus no form nor anyone to call you about it.
The obvious choice for your protection.
But his world record only lasted 46 days. According to a can of soup. To a 3 million cap, but those don't involve a lot of successful startups get started in Mississippi. Steve came back as CEO.
0 notes
torentialtribute · 5 years
Swinging on a star: Crooner Bing Crosby’s son Nathaniel leading USA’s bid to win the Walker Cup 
A pinch of Hollywood star dust will be sprinkled this weekend at the Walker Cup in Royal Liverpool in the form of an American team captured by Nathaniel Crosby, son of the legendary Bing.
Nathaniel, 57, arrives with a collection of great stories about his father and the natural bonhomie that was the domain of his old man
There is also the prospect that he will make his way through the Bing's back catalog as his team reverses the trend in the oldest team competition in golf – it dates from before the Ryder Cup for five years – and takes away a profit.
Bing Crosby & son, Nathaniel, leads the US bid to win the Walker Cup at Royal Liverpool
In what turns out to be a typically nasty remark, and reveals: & # 39; In times of late night celebration, I am known to imitate my father and I have to tell you, when I am singing there, I think I am doing a fantastic job.
& # 39; The problem is that family members usually indicate something else and I tend to get rid of the stage quite quickly. & # 39;
Bing was naturally obsessed with the game Royal and Ancient. & # 39; A golfer who likes to sing, & # 39; they always said. He died of a heart attack in 1977 on a course just outside of Madrid, shortly after completing 18 holes and telling his friends: & # 39; That was a big game of golf, boys. & # 39;
The tournament he started for his sport and celebrity crew – now known as the Pebble Beach pro-am – is still going well on the PGA Tour.
Nathaniel did not get singing, but he immediately started playing golf and was as good as an amateur that no one could ever claim that he was the captain because of the family name.
Walker enjoyed a joke with John Pak during a practice round at Royal Birkdale
At the age of 19, he achieved a stunning victory in the final of the American amateur championship in the Olympic club, not from where he grew up in San Francisco, despite having four holes with eight holes to to play.
The following year, he won the silver medal as a low amateur at the US Open on Pebble Beach, proudly alongside winner Tom Watson at the award ceremony. In 1983 he played in the Walker Cup at this year's location, winning a match and losing a match. No wonder the USGA invited him to complete the circle.
& # 39; When you see so many other American amateur champions going on and achieving great things in the game, I have long wondered if I am an underachiever or an overachiever, but I am very happy and honored to be a captain, & # 39; he said.
Crosby tried to make it like a pro and earned his ticket to play on the European Tour in 1985. However, over three over the years, his status deteriorated and he packed it up to go the golf equipment.
Crosby played in the Walker Cup in 1983 Royal Liverpool and won one and losing one
& # 39; I had my dreams of being the next Jack Nicklaus and ended up being 87 on the money list when I was 23, which is not so was bad, & # 39; he said.
& # 39; But then it was 115th and then 158th. As they say on Wall Street, I was trending negatively. I wanted to start a family and had some business opportunities at home. I didn't intentionally go to 26, but it went like that and I don't regret it.
& # 39; It would have been so difficult for me to be a top 15 percent player and then, if you weren't among the best, it was a stressful way to make a living with nothing like the money that is there today.
& # 39; However, I had a great time. When you played in Europe every week, you had Seve, Faldo, Woosnam, Langer, Lyle, Greg Norman, the list goes on. As for myself, I was with Chubby Chandler and counted people like Richard Boxall, Robert Lee and Tony Johnstone as my inner circle. It is a real kick for me to see them all on television nowadays as commentators. & # 39;
Crosby retired from the wave at the age of 26, but insists he does not regret his decision
Crosby first came to these shores when his father was doing a three-year residency it London Palladium in the seventies. & # 39; How can you not fall in love with golf, with the chance to play like Sunningdale, Coombe Hill and the Berkshire? & # 39; he said.
& # 39; I remember a certain trip to Turnberry, where I could not believe it was still daylight. I remember having eaten with my father and then retired to the practice at about 8.30 pm to put green in front of the hotel. My father had meetings and then panicked when he couldn't find me in my room at 10:30.
& He called hotel security and the police. They found me just before midnight, still on the green. I could see my father was angry, but he couldn't get himself to shout at me because I was playing golf. & # 39;
Now it is Nathaniel's turn to play the role of patriarch, for a 10-team man with two teenagers and only one player over the age of 22. Their 10-day adventure began on Saturday in neighboring Wallasey, where a painting from America & # 39; s greatest amateur, Bobby Jones – he posed for it during his Grand Slam year 1930 – proudly seated in the clubhouse.
& # 39; I tell you, for a man who gave up playing at the age of 26 to accompany these children and make them look up to me for what I achieved 40 years ago, it is really pinching me things, & he said.
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