#i now have a link for the next time somebody asks me wtf a full moon is
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ragethewriter · 8 years ago
WBJ Day 6 - Gender and Sexuality
So anyone who’s met my characters, knows that the dystopian world of Hybrid has some interesting issues regarding this topic.  And what better opportunity to create a masterpost about what those issues are, and more importantly: how and why they developed.
This entry is going to get long, because it requires going back to the origin and genetic design of the Hominus Anima (A.K.A. the animal people).  So buckle up! ** fair warning: this post will deal with topics of mating and reproduction (nothing explicit, but I know clinical biology isn’t everyone’s cup of tea!) ** Full post is under the cut!
So for starters, the Anima have a very different understanding of what gender and sexuality are, due to influences from their animal ancestry, and the way the Alphas designed them (cough-cough, as an efficient slave race). This difference boils down to an emphasis on breeding behaviors.   Which is a direct result of two things in their world: A) the fact that, comparatively, these new humans have a stupidly low sex drive. B) for other reasons (some of them spoilers), they also have a stupidly low conception rate.
Because of this, their world faces a significant underpopulation problem, which the Alphas have had to combat over the centuries by various means.  Breeding behaviors have been designed and reinforced as a top priority (a trait shared by much of the animal kingdom) in order to keep the new human race afloat.  And yet, the fact that the average Anima spends very little time on these things has lead to quite a few interesting behaviors, ideas, and cultural trends in their world.
- - -
On gender:
In brief summary: Anima don’t consider gender a prevalent form of identity. 
Most individuals, if asked, would identify primarily as their breed, and then secondarily by traits such as age, social heirarchy/job, and any other roles they fill.  Gender roles in Anima society are therefore comparatively very rare, as they are usually only applicable to the process of conceiving and birthing a child.  This has led to a cultural phenomenon wherein the concept of “gender” is treated more often as a device of the conversational audience, rather than a facet of one’s personal identity.
As a result (and an odd social caveat): most Anima find it very odd, sometimes even socially taboo, to discuss or fixate on gender in an unrelated conversation.  This is because bringing up gender among Anima implies that the conversation should be about sexual compatibility and reproduction... which can be just as inappropriate as unwanted sexual advances are in our culture.  Furthermore, particularly among scenting breeds, it’s considered incredibly rude to correct instances of misgendering - as doing so both implies that the speaker is currently preoccupied with the concept of sex, and that the person who did the misgendering has dull senses or poor instinct (both of which are insults).  Since misgendering is especially common between breeds with unfamiliar or inverted sexual dimorphism, the socially amicable response is usually to assume the gender for the remainder of the conversion, rather than correct it.  [As can be referenced by the fact that even The War Mother, a Hyena-blood Beta, often goes by “sir” or “domine” when addressed directly!]
The fact that Anima still use male/female pronouns and titles in their language at all, is a result of the prevalence of horomones/pheromones and body language among their species.  Recognizing and assigning gender is still second nature to Anima regardless of their sexual intent, and is instinctually tied to behaviors that help them navigate their social environments, in everything from facilitating pack-bonding to avoiding incest.
There is one big exception to the Anima’s social discussion of gender... and that’s on the topic of sexual dimorphism.
There are plenty of Anima breeds that exhibit sexual dimorphism, to the point that gender can permeate other, non-sexual aspects of the local culture.  In a Clan where avian males are the only ones dragging around extravagant plumage, it’s much more socially acceptable to use gender as a casual identifier, and you’d be more likely to find things like gendered speech, male-targeted hairdressers, or female-exclusive sports.  
However, these “gender roles” caused by dimorphism are usually only gendered in translation - wherein it is rare but possible to find individuals that subvert them.  Like any other breed, gender itself is still only important in the context of breeding children - and any other social identity may be considered correlated, but separate.  A male Lion-blood may go his entire life behaving like a lioness; dressing, acting, and performing feminine roles in his clan... and yet never once think to consider himself female unless he was literally birthing a cub.
Everything else aside, the good news of the Anima gender perspective is that gender dysphoria and negative body image among their species is at an all-time low!  When gendered attractiveness is compartmentalized to mating (and as the Anima would say: “mating isn’t everything”), there’s plenty of body-positive confidence on the subject of gender to go around. 
Breed dysphoria is another, far more prevalent story... but that’s a topic for different day.
- - -
On Sexuality:
Similar to gender, sexuality as a concept is also not prevalent in Anima society - as it is also exclusively related to breeding.  
The infamously low Anima sex drive is the main culprit of their culture’s lack of casual sex.  Breeding may require plenty of it; but for an Anima, if you aren’t already neck-deep in pheromones and courting instincts to get the engines running, there’s simply no reason to care.  This has led to a peculiar social perspective of the entire breeding process, in that it is both a chore, but also a kinda-sorta-fun-and-respected life experience for those who do it.  And with all the strings attached (courting compulsions, tending one’s den, caring for offspring), very little of the breeding process is actually “sexual” when it’s all said and done.
As a side-effect of this lack of sexuality, Anima also lack a concept of sexual orientation.
To clarify: when asking an Anima what their sexual orientation is, the only possible translation of the concept is “who are you sexually attracted to”, to which 90% of the time would merit an answer of “I'm not sexually attracted right now”, and the other 10% some variant of “I'm sexually attracted to [my current mate]”, both with a side of “why the hell are you asking.”  Occasionally, you might find an Anima that extrapolates the concept to “I like redheads” or “I want an older mate”, or maybe even someone who has planned the traits they want in their children.  (All of these, of course, kindof missing the point)
By our definition, Anima spend most of their time as functionally asexual - but this is not the label they would assign themselves as an orientation, as their sex drive is (usually) very much present, just dependent on other criteria.  
That being said, there are some Anima that are born (or in some cases, altered) to be truely asexual, by their terms - and cannot achieve attraction or arousal in any scenario.  This can sometimes accompany an individual’s lack of response to the horomone cycles that instigate courting behaviors... but outside of that specific social context, is nearly impossible to ever recognize (even by the person affected).
Because of their lack of orientation, Anima are more easily quantifiable on a scale of hypo- to hyper-sexuality.  Hypersexual Anima are generally those more susceptible to pheromones, courting/breeding compulsions, and even in some cases, unprompted sexual desire. what a crazy concept amirite...  And while slow-leaning trends will show that natural selection has gradually increased the prevalence of sexuality in the general Anima population, there are some breeds that have been selectively bred, or even engineered to be hypersexual: namely the Rabbit-blood cloners, and many Domestic breeds with a short generational turnover.  On the rare, high end of the hypersexual scale, it is also possible to find Anima that display bisexual behavior (though usually overshadowed by a marked preoccupation with breeding instincts). 
Libido and susceptibility aside, the main proponent of most sexual encounters among Anima is still the drive to conceive children - no matter how difficult and lengthy the preluding courtship process is.  However, there are still some instances of mating that happen without this motivation: namely when humans mate outside of their Breed, since it is universally known that such a pairing can produce no offspring.  These cases can arise due to factors such as acts of diplomacy between Clans (kindof like an arranged marraige, but temporary), securing a Beta’s patronage (kindof like a greencard marraige), cultural trends, pure curiosity, or even sometimes... romantic love (which is a foreign and unexplored concept to most Anima**).  These unique cases of “barren courtships”, while not condemned by society, are usually regarded as peculiar.
Further complicating matters is the fact that, to the Anima, the very concept of anything "sexual” is exclusively limited to the act of breeding.  This means that many breeds don’t cover the “bases” (some mates don’t even kiss), and anything physical that is done outside of an intentional copulation to pursue conception is... not actually sexual, by Anima standards.  By extention, even “barren courtships” between different breeds, or nonfertile individuals are pushing the Anima definition of “mating” - hence why they’re considered odd.
This is due to the fact that, as discussed, sexual desires among most Anima are fleeting, and can normally only surface after being triggered in courtship (and in some pairings, never at all).  In most cases where Anima have experienced unprompted sexual desire, they usually don’t recognize said feelings for what they are, and lack the motivation to pursue them.
** A note on the fact that Anima society lacks the concept of romantic relationships: Most Anima subsist on platonic love within “packs” of family or friends, and it is fairly uncommon for mates to stay together for longer than a few seasons.  Courtship itself is usually considered a social event by those partaking in it; and while the experience can sometimes facilitate friendships and platonic bonding, the intense, instinct-driven attraction and possessiveness of a chosen mate rarely develops into a lasting attachment once the horomones have faded.  Pairings that do manage produce a child sometimes subvert this, as both parents usually remain equally involved with their offspring, and are much more likely to join packs or develop a companionship due to proximity.
- - -
SO. As stated, allll of these weird ideas on gender and sexuality arose from the circumstances of the Anima’s design.  There’s a reason why these things have gotten to this point.  And that reason is 100% because of the Alphas mucking around in the human genome. those assholes.
So here’s how it all started:
- - -
- The Alphas, in designing their first generation of spliced-up humans, started tinkering with neurology, in an effort to make their eventual labor force less mentally erratic, and more obedient cooperative.
- As a result, they also inadvertently crippled their humans’ libido.
- To make matters worse, the Alphas had also redesigned their humans to function off a variant of an estrous cycle, rather than a menstrual cycle (again, to make their labor force more manageable.  Also can you imagine the chaos of a monthly blood cycle with SCENTING BREEDS?  Ugh no thanks).
- Meaning that not only was the first generation's pheromone game and sexual drive weaksauce, but they also had a drastically lowered conception rate.  Their version of induced-ovulation-esterous meant that they had to be consistently getting laid, before ovulation can even occur.  And who was doing the laying?? Not these guys.
- And in raising this first generation of Anima, the Alphas quickly realized that the new birth rate was so low that their precious slave population was nigh unsustainable.
-  So they went back to the drawing board... added a few tweaks and triggers to the courtship process... and cooked up a hormonal mechanism to kick-start the whole thing, which became known as the Full-Moon.
- - - And this is where it gets interesting.
Because the Alphas, in designing their next batch of “Hominus Anima 2.0″, had observed the key features of the few, first-gen Anima that had actually been producing kiddos.  What they found was that:
A)  humans had the propensity to adopt courting tactics to assist their sexual motivation, given that a social aspect and a healthy dose of pheromones were involved. B) those humans that went through this extensive process of social attachment (the precursor to imprinting) were more likely to get together, and stay together long enough to conceive. C)  the parenting instincts of Anima were thankfully still strong and functioning - even enough to revive their sex drive, given that the circumstances were right. ... So the Alphas arrived at the solution that, with a little tinkering in the hormone/pheromone cycle and the sway of instinct, the Anima could be coerced into a courting season that would lead to more babies.  And that’s exactly what they did.
A Full-Moon is an occurrence in Anima society that helps begin a courting season.  It is a different experience for every breed.
The point of a full-moon (as the Alphas designed it), is to facilitate the process of matchmaking and imprinting on a potential mate.  When this event does its job right, the most compatible pairings become acquainted, and trigger each others’ courtship behaviors - eventually leading them to become mates (and hopefully parents).  It’s not a perfect system - nor a voluntary one - but it has since become a staple in their society.  And in most cases, it does work.
The full-moon itself is a hormone cycle that is synchronized among the females (sound familiar?) of a particular breed.  They produce pheromones that trigger the males to engage in a variety of behaviors over the course of a few days.  These behaviors vary greatly between Breeds - with the endgame being to help each affected male recognize the most compatible partner, appeal to her, and win her affection... or at least her attention.
Symptoms of a full-moon can therefore range anywhere from collecting shiny objects, to singing, fighting, dizziness, shedding, posturing, fever, gorging, fatigue, hyperactivity, and a whole host of other examples - each unique to their breed (and usually rooted in some instinct or another).  And the more drastic the reaction to a particular female, the higher the compatibility - like a homing device for the best potential mate.  Overdosing on said pheromones by proximity is usually the only way to quiet the symptoms to a manageable level.
In many cases, full-moons produce nothing more than uninterested bachelor/ettes that undergo the process as a social ritual, and part ways as amicable acquaintances.  But for those couples that weather more severe affects, the instinct to begin courtship is strong enough to prevail.  The courting season that follows a full-moon (featuring said couples), is treated by most clans as a cultural experience rather than an intimate one, given the performance-driven nature of the behaviors and traditions. (this is for the COURTSHIP.  Actual mating is by no means a public spectacle, dear god.)
... And bada-bing, bada-boom, the Alphas have their next generation of slave labor!  Who would have thought that breeding humans in captivity would be so much work. ~ ~ ~
That’s about it for this masterpost.  
Yes, there are many specifics I haven’t mentioned here, and yes, I can and will answer any questions about them.  (Can you tell I love biology? because I do.)  From the author’s perspective, this weirdly fucked-up world was a lot of fun to build even on this topic (and hey, it’s a dystopia, it’ll be more fun to tear down) - with plenty of details inspired by and taken from real animal behavior!
This will probably be my longest post of WBJ - since, hello, it’s a ROMANCE, these details are intrinsic to the plot, and this explanation was a long time coming.
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cami-chats · 5 years ago
Here In Your Arms
Created for IronHusbands Bingo
Name: Here In Your Arms
Square: O3-WTF
Warning(s): Past character death (past because time travel)
Pairing: Tony Stark/James Rhodes
Summary: Jim goes to the past specifically to save Tony, but he finds himself stealing a kiss or two while he's at it. 
Link: AO3
James Rhodes appeared, suit around his body, braces along his legs, and an Infinity Stone evaporating from his hand. It wasn't gone, not really, but it was... hibernating. Waiting until it wanted to be used again. Why it had let Jim come back at all was a mystery, but it had and he was going to take full advantage. 
He swallowed, looking around the Tower as the suit melted away, waiting under his skin to be called up at any time. Nothing looked too different, but when the Tower wasn't half destroyed, it had always looked basically the same. During wintertime Tony would sometimes put out a chanukiah, and in February he'd paint everything pink just to mess with Rhodey, but that was it. But if the Stone had followed the desire of when he'd wanted to go, this should work. "Jarvis?" 
"Yes Colonel?" 
His eyes closed in relief, and a smile crossed his face without trying. "Is- Tony around?" God let Tony be around. None of this was worth it if Tony wasn't here. 
"Sir is in the workshop. If I may ask, Colonel?" 
"I do not know how to explain your appearance here or how the suit disappeared." 
"Don't worry about it, J, I'll explain later." 
"Of course, Colonel. Should I tell Sir to expect your arrival?" 
"Nah, I'd like to surprise him." It wasn't really about the surprise though, more like he didn't want Tony to hear that Rhodey was here and expect this time's current one. It wasn't something Jarvis could easily explain, and it would just confuse him when Jim tried to explain it himself. When he stepped in the elevator, Jarvis automatically brought him down. God, Tony. He was about to see him again. That had been the point of all of this, but now that it was about to happen he didn't know how he was going to deal with it. 
There had been a plan. Jim had plotted all of this out, from what information he'd share to when he'd appear, to what he'd do about the Shield/Hydra mess. If he wanted Earth to survive Thanos's attack, they'd need Shield protecting people and the team actually together. It would've been so easy to just go back to the day Tony died and saving him, but the problems came long before that. Tony sacrificed himself to save the fucking universe, so all Jim had to do was make sure the universe was still fine when Tony lived. Yeah, easy. 
The doors opened to the workshop and he was very aware of how loudly his heart was beating. Tony looked up from his project and broke out into a grin. "Honey bear!" He pushed himself away from the table and tugged the goggles down so they were hanging around his neck. "What are you doing here, I thought you were on assignment in Iraq?" 
"Kinda complicated, I'll explain in a minute." Right now, all Jim wanted to do was study the way Tony moved, the way he was brimming with life. The last time he'd seen him, there had been ashy scars crawling across his face and every breath had sounded more painful than the last. Rhodey pulled him into a hug, and Tony hugged him back automatically. 
Tony made to pull away, but Jim held onto him harder. Tony chuckled, leaning into it again. "See I knew you missed me." 
"Always do." God, Tony was here and he was alive. He turned his head just so, Tony's hair tickling his face as he breathed him in. He was supposed to let go and explain now. He wouldn't mention the part where Tony died, he'd just say that Thanos's army succeeded and he came back to make sure that didn't happen, and Tony would help him figure it out. He'd have to explain the part about the Civil War and his injury and the Winter Soldier, but he'd probably be able to avoid Ultron and all that bullshit. 
He was supposed to start explaining. 
Instead, he muttered, "Please don't punch me for this," and pulled back enough to cup the side of Tony's face in one hand and lean back in to kiss him. He'd never kissed Tony before. He'd thought about it a thousand times, but he'd told Tony that he loved him once, and they never talked about it again so he hadn't risked it. But Tony had died and Jim wasn't going to have the same regret twice. 
Tony blinked, looking bewildered. He didn't know, did he? Jim had told him literal decades ago that he loved him, but Tony must have thought that those feelings dissipated after a couple years. He didn't know that James had been so fucking in love with him the entire time. "What... what happened to your legs?" he asked, and that was actually better. They'd do what they always did in these situations: not talk about it. Ignore the event until it went away. "Was there an accident, is that why you're back? You should've called me. Who the hell made those? How long ago did-" 
Jim did what he always did when Tony started to talk himself into a spiral: covered his mouth with his hand. "It's not your fault. And you made these." 
Tony's brow furrowed, clearly thinking that he couldn't have made them because he'd remember something like that. The design might look simple, but it had been coded specifically to Rhodey, and it had taken weeks worth of testing before he could take a single step in them, even assisted by another person and a bar to lean most of his weight against. 
This was the time where he had to explain. He'd gotten to hold Tony and remind himself that he was alive right now, that he could stop half the shit from happening before it destroyed someone. He'd stolen a kiss, and that was better than he'd allowed himself to think it would be. Now it was time to do what he'd actually come here to do. He took a deep breath and said, "I'm from the future, and I'm making sure we don't fuck up like we did the first time around." 
Tony'd had a hundred questions, and Jim answered some but deflected most. It didn't matter what had happened for most of the inbetween time, and Jim was going to get rid of the Mandarin before he had a chance to get in spitting distance of Tony. He knew that Tony could take care of himself, but he didn't need that grief. The questions had finally slowed, and now Tony was processing it all. He'd taken the news of the team's break up pretty well, which hadn't been what Jim expected. Tony had been pretty damn broken up about it as it was happening, but maybe it was easier to handle when he wasn't in the thick of it. Instead of being concerned about his own role in everything, he was more focused on everyone else. Where Clint was, how Natasha handled it, if Steve finally found an apartment instead of going cross country. 
"So we're together in the future?" he asked as if from nowhere, and Jim sighed. 
"No?" Tony said, sounding surprised. "But- you kissed me." 
Okay, apparently they weren't going to ignore it until the end of time. "Yeah, but we weren't together." 
"Was I with somebody else?" he asked, frowning. 
"Then why...?" 
Jim rubbed a hand over his face before resting his chin on top of his fist. "You've never felt that way about me Tony, I don't know why you think that would've changed in the next ten years." 
"You've never felt that way about me either." 
He raised an eyebrow. What did Tony think this was going to accomplish? If they were talking about the kiss, it didn't make sense to ignore The Confession from college. "Uh, yeah I do Tony. Kinda always have, you've known the whole time." Or at least most of the time. But in the grand scheme of their friendship, Tony not knowing for a year and a half wasn't worth mentioning. 
Tony just looked at him, not comprehending. 
"Your twentieth birthday?" 
He shook his head, not getting it. 
Jim sighed again, heavier and more world-weary this time. 
"I don't know what you want me to say, James. The only thing I remember about my twentieth birthday is waking up that morning. Then I grabbed a bottle of- fuck, rum, I think?" 
"So you don't remember anything from that day." 
"No. I woke up and started drinking, and the next thing I remember is waking up in your apartment and you were making me breakfast. Did something happen?" He paused. "Fuck don't tell me we slept together and I don't remember it." 
Jim snorted. "No, we didn't sleep together." 
"Well?" Tony said expectantly. 
"Well what?" 
"Tell me what happened." 
"It's ancient history." 
"It is not, you liar. Besides, if it was ancient history, wouldn't it be okay to tell me?" 
Tony had that little tilt of his head that meant he wasn't going to let this go, so Jim shrugged. "I told you I loved you but we didn't have to do anything about it if you didn't want to. If you wanted to go on a date we could talk about it in the morning, and if not we could just forget about it." 
"...And I never said anything." 
"Never mentioned it." 
"Fuck," Tony muttered, looking like he wanted to drown himself in his coffee cup. "Can we just forget about that?" 
Even though it's what Jim had been expecting, a small kernel of hope shriveled inside him. "Yeah, of course." 
Only then Tony was leaning towards him and kissing him, so maybe he didn't understand what Tony had meant by that. "You're staying, right? You're not going to disappear now that I know or anything?" 
Dumbly, he shook his head. 
"Good." Tony kissed him again, longer this time and leaning into it like this was all he wanted to do for the rest of the day. He didn't; Tony could never stay still for long, and there was too much to prepare for. 
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literatipressokblog-blog · 8 years ago
On Selling Used Books
Selling used books always seemed dangerous to me. Dangerous and unhelpful to the greater mission of the shop, which is to do our part to strengthen the reading culture of Oklahoma.
I imagined an endless parade of brown paper bags stuffed with well-worn romance novels. Their irritated owners would brush away rogue hair curlers, tap their cigarette ash into our Free Poem basket, then ask me to explain again why we wouldn’t buy their magnificent collections of salacious fiction.
Or, even worse, old codgers smelling of chewing mint chewing tobacco and engine oil would talk to me about Flat Earth and 9-11 conspiracies while also hawking their well-worn and yellow-highlighted copies of O’Reily history-ish books.
Buying only new meant we had full control of what titles we placed on our shelves.
Buying only new meant publishers and authors got paid.
Buying only new meant we could match up whoever might wander into our door with the perfect book for them because we knew these books like old lovers.
But we are sorta turning a corner. A little bit.
We’ve long had our Pay What You Can Shelf where donated books are sold for whatever the buyer thinks they are worth. Proceeds go straight to the staff and even those titles are heavily vetted and often culled from our own private collections. If you buy a book from the Pay What You Can Shelf and return it, you can swap it straight out for another book. Our own little library system.
But we’ve now made our first official used purchase to place on our main shelves. It was not an easy decision. There was much fretting. Here’s how we finally learned to  stop worrying and love used books:
ACT ONE: Where I blame my offspring.
My son, also our resident expert on comedy books, insisted that we pick up Jerusalem Syndrome by Marc Maron. For the uninitiated, Maron is a comedian’s comedian. His neurotic and cantankerous stand-ups border on stream of consciousness, often stringing together a random collection of memories that he never plans out ahead of time. There are great heights of mania reaching emotional breakthrough. There are uncomfortable lows as Maron wrangles with himself on which track to turn the crazy train down next. It’s kinda amazing. Jerusalem Syndrome is an examination into the roots of his unique cocktail of neuroses. I flew through it last year after borrowing my son’s copy.
ACT TWO: Where I blame The Industry.
The book is out of print and, as far as I could tell, new copies existed nowhere.
ACT THREE: Where I blame The Author.
As a Hail Mary, I emailed the WTF Podcast, which Maron has built into one of the most important and engaging examinations of the comedy profession. My son is obsessed with WTF and may very well have gone through Maron’s complete backlog since he first found the podcast a year and a half ago. Rather than getting a reply from an intern, Maron responded himself saying that he had a few copies he was hanging onto and didn’t want to sell. He then suggested finding used copies on Amazon. I did my signature hair flip and dismissive “Pssh” upon reading the email since I was certainly too good to lower myself to finding used copies on Amazon. We’re idealists here! We’re trying to change how an entire city views literature. I WILL NOT, good sir, buy your book on Amazon.
ACT FOUR: Where I blame The Publisher.
So, I tried his publisher. There was a listing for Jerusalem Syndrome, but next to the listing was a link to Amazon. The publisher and Maron were giving me the exact same sheepish shrug, their voices high-pitched and apologetic as they replied, “Maybe somebody’s got a copy on Amazon..?”
ACT FIVE: Where I blame my high-mindedness.
Trying to give money to people is sometimes way harder than it needs to be, so I checked Amazon. We grabbed an overstock copy which is now sitting on our shelves with my son’s handwritten bookmark inside where he heralds the book as a fascinating journey into Maron’s unique, damaged, and hilarious messiah complex. Since overcoming my pride, we’ve added four more titles which aren’t available through distribution or direct from the publisher.
I now see this as an important facet of my job because these titles need to be read. They need to be available in our store because we believe in them.  We will strive to bring in new copies as much as we can, but when new is not available, we will bring in used because our goal is to be advocates for literature, wherever we must find it.
-by Charles Martin, Creative Directive, Literati Press
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honeycvntcake · 4 years ago
What You Should Become aware of Texting along with Dating
Within the past few years obviously almost every partnership dilemma I actually hear from my coaching buyers and former mate girlfriends has linked with texting. Texting and online dating services definitely it does not just for 2 decade olds any further. These girls are all connection after 40… some inside their 60s plus 70s.
“Sue” connected with the male on Tinder, they had some emails, after which he started sending text messages. He given her photographs of the soccer game these people attended. They told her about his crappy day at function. She commanded him about her automobile trouble and responded ‘ why did not you ask us to come support? ‘
Chances are they had a new coffee moment. It was well. The particular texting proceeded. They “talked” on and off for hours on end. He complimented her to generate her possess a good laugh. He distributed to her how filled he was and also she inquired about flattered which he was looking to keep in touch.
The following week often the texts tapered, and then this individual stopped response. She requirements me “I thought having been so into me. Exactly what should I accomplish??? ”
“Lila’s” guy informed her all these remarkable things and also poured the actual heart out via texts for two days. But they never applied through having an actual in person date. The lady wants to really know what that means.
“Melissa” stayed until eventually 3 EARLY IN THE DAY texting completely ready dude. That were there one date three weeks prior, and as it’s only been texting. But it is very romantic! She has falling to find him. In excess of wants to know how to stop disquieting over your pet being The primary.
There are noticeable signs if he IS directly into you… CLICK THIS KIND OF and find out exactly how!
Texting boasts certainly difficult dating in addition to relationships. No later than this give you a number of straight information about what text messages really indicates and will never mean. In addition to, most importantly, tips about how to take control of your circumstances – like a grownup!
The only thing you should suppose when you’re looking for a bunch of created word is that the young lady is having exciting flirting along. He’s feeling entertained and also he’s increasing your responsiveness.
1 . Texting is NOT online dating. Never assume that obtaining a bunch of published word from a guy means you will be having a relationship. You’re not quite possibly dating. When a person is selecting to only textual content or primarily text, he has not showing signs of wishing to get to know you really in a important way.
The sole thing you should expect when you’re getting a bunch of messaging text is that ukraine woman the young lady is having entertaining flirting along. He’s encountering entertained as well as he’s enjoying your responsiveness.
Sure, they wouldn’t end up being spending when ever if they wasn’t serious about you, when he’s just texting, they will doesn’t think about you for the potential wife or husband. Expecting the dog to move on something far more serious isn’t normal. In fact , this specific usually means only the opposite. These guys cool.
Why that they can disappear just isn’t going to matter. Whether it is because they located someone else, were just participating in or since they got scared — that is 100% minimal. You know what you must understand: he isn’t a good, older man really worth your time.
There are lots of ways to acknowledge if a man is a serious guy who is thinking about getting to know somebody. He methods up by just calling and also settings in place dates. He or she tries to positive aspects you and your life. He / she makes an attempt to spend time with you. Many people does almost no things to try to make you information.
If you are for example Sue, Violeta or Melissa, here is what you should know: Continuous text messages, when with no in-person visit, creates a false sense associated with connection. A person sense like you get to know another, but that’s not what’s happening.
Just about any text ‘ relationship’ is in fact like being a player within a game. From the type of false connection which often sets up extremely unrealistic presumptions and targets. I’ve discovered countless young ladies create detailed fantasies and obtain drawn in — often before they probably meet adult males.
And the enemy happens also. With no tonality in communications, texting to and fro creates great opportunities to misread and believe wrongly intent. I am unable to tell you the amount of emails We’ve received by way of coaching purchasers with a written text conversation pasted in together with question: Issues you think they will means (aka WTF)????
(Honestly, half time frame I need ideas what a guy means dependant on twelve keywords on a show. And even easily think I know, I’m loathe to think. I suggest in excess of asks your furry friend to call her.
Be aware, keep your thoughts in check and as well stay in fact. You don’t understand him. To have reading in this post to learn techniques for finding the websida to move to the phone and also an real-time date.
(Want to learn more about how you can know whenever a man is absolutely interested? You can view my available webcast How one can Know If He’s In to You. )
2 . A few men make full use of texting to aid string anyone along… time period. If you are acquiring texts combined with calls as well as dates, subsequently excellent! She has interested in observing you in addition to sure looking for a collaboration.
But if there is absolutely no actual real-time contact — beware!
Probably you are aware the guy who texts once in a while like a kind of sign-up. He notifys you how much this individual likes you really and even works super contemplating your life. She / he flirts. They says the way busy one is and how he / she previously really love to determine you rapidly. And it finishes there.
This guy are what I call up a “pinger. ”
Pingers want a good ego enhance. They prepared text you in conjunction with, when you respond positively, have high of while using knowledge that you’re keep a geared up option when (and if) he desires to actually day you.
As well as just a few minutes along with a few properly chosen keystrokes, a good pinger can keep a person interested for ages, even years… without a great deal as one distinct date. (This happens with phone calls too. )
If you are linked to a pinger, girlfriend, you have to end which will so-called romantic relationship right now. You can more about pingers and learn what you can do with them by means of reading this publish: Why Does She or he Keep Evaporating and Reappearing?
3. Sending text messages as a way connected with dating is mostly for males, not adult men. If you have no met your canine friend yet as well as he’s sending texts to see if it is possible to obtain together upon short diagnose, don’t be flattered. He’s both equally impulsive in addition to, more likely, trying you being back-up woman when his or her other packages fell by means of.
If you like often the pup and are able to give the dog a chance, in this case respond getting a positive ‘ thank you nevertheless no thanks a lot. ” It is advisable to say this kind of thing:
“It is going to be great to enjoy you, Greg, but We have plans this evening. Love to gathering with a extra notice while. Enjoy your special evening. ”
Put it out there and see how are you affected. A grownup dude who absolutely wants to recognize you will get often the message and acquire you at a distance ahead of time. A new farmer or purchaser guy will text any individual again in a few weeks attempting to see you in the evening. Take it so it is – he’s most likely not serious about online dating and your puppy is going down their list, in hopes you chew. Don’t reply.
4. Text messaging does have an optimistic place in internet dating. Texting can be a superb complement for you to real dating. For instance, may great way so as to clarify plans or develop last minute improvements to the program.
A man do people want a healthy, more mature connection can easily make every power to show you will he’s curious and to quite simply see you instantly. Why? Mainly because that’s the best way men determine whether they as you. It’s all about how she or he FEELS while he’s to your account, and he is aware of it. Whenever he’s looking for something more than one fun nighttime, a good guy will do exactly what he can to impress you by way of asking you offered, and then use your event.
Texting is usually good for a simple “had a great time” or maybe “sleep well” note after having a nice moment. Or a “looking forward to slurping spaghetti in addition to you Friday. ” Let him know if you are thinking of him / her and valuation him. Make it14972 simple, as well as leave it generally there. If you don’t grab back, proceed.
Here’s what to perform next to ensure you don’t get ensnared on the inappropriate guy again… You can find clear impulses when he IS CERTAINLY into any person… CLICK THIS and see how!
several. If she has a grownup fantastic guy, you are able to kindly purchase him along texting. I will see why perhaps good, reliable, single people love texting. If they sees your overall picture along with profile together with wants to meet up with you, the particular hunter along with him would want to get up on the result: discussion you. This is especially valid of some women I understand. They think chatting 1st just interrupts the routine and will need to skip the unit and/or email.
But No later than this say that again, executing a bunch of texting first can make an naive sense relating to connection. Like a little more, being a phone call at first, it’s your final choice to get over texting treadmill and ask for what you want. So when he is focused on9491 meeting a female for a authentic relationship, he will probably step up.
How would you do that? Just simply say this type of thing if this individual seems to be swept up on sending texts:
“It may be great to listen the modulation of voice connected to all these great written word and email. I’d love a telephone call when you’ve got period. Hope that works for you! 555-1212. ”
“Thanks to get in touch. Allow me to get to know anyone but I find sending text messages isn’t an ideal way. But receiving up with you actually over coffee beans might be; ). ”
So… the bottom line in texting in addition to dating are these claims: use txt messaging sparingly, effectively and, above all, don’t study too much by it. Remember, true and genuine love come about in person, grin to laugh, touch to the touch. Not around the phone or if your computer.
I may LOVE to pick up your sending text messages stories in addition to answer this question about how to really make it work for you though dating or maybe in your marriage. Leave us your responses below.
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awesomecvworldblog · 4 years ago
What You Should Become aware of Texting along with Dating
What You Should Become aware of Texting along with Dating
Within the past few years obviously almost every partnership dilemma I actually hear from my coaching buyers and former mate girlfriends has linked with texting. Texting and online dating services definitely it does not just for 2 decade olds any further. These girls are all connection after 40… some inside their 60s plus 70s.
“Sue” connected with the male on Tinder, they had some emails, after which he started sending text messages. He given her photographs of the soccer game these people attended. They told her about his crappy day at function. She commanded him about her automobile trouble and responded ‘ why did not you ask us to come support? ‘
Chances are they had a new coffee moment. It was well. The particular texting proceeded. They “talked” on and off for hours on end. He complimented her to generate her possess a good laugh. He distributed to her how filled he was and also she inquired about flattered which he was looking to keep in touch.
The following week often the texts tapered, and then this individual stopped response. She requirements me “I thought having been so into me. Exactly what should I accomplish??? ”
“Lila’s” guy informed her all these remarkable things and also poured the actual heart out via texts for two days. But they never applied through having an actual in person date. The lady wants to really know what that means.
“Melissa” stayed until eventually 3 EARLY IN THE DAY texting completely ready dude. That were there one date three weeks prior, and as it’s only been texting. But it is very romantic! She has falling to find him. In excess of wants to know how to stop disquieting over your pet being The primary.
There are noticeable signs if he IS directly into you… CLICK THIS KIND OF and find out exactly how!
Texting boasts certainly difficult dating in addition to relationships. No later than this give you a number of straight information about what text messages really indicates and will never mean. In addition to, most importantly, tips about how to take control of your circumstances – like a grownup!
The only thing you should suppose when you’re looking for a bunch of created word is that the young lady is having exciting flirting along. He’s feeling entertained and also he’s increasing your responsiveness.
1 . Texting is NOT online dating. Never assume that obtaining a bunch of published word from a guy means you will be having a relationship. You’re not quite possibly dating. When a person is selecting to only textual content or primarily text, he has not showing signs of wishing to get to know you really in a important way.
The sole thing you should expect when you’re getting a bunch of messaging text is that ukraine woman the young lady is having entertaining flirting along. He’s encountering entertained as well as he’s enjoying your responsiveness.
Sure, they wouldn’t end up being spending when ever if they wasn’t serious about you, when he’s just texting, they will doesn’t think about you for the potential wife or husband. Expecting the dog to move on something far more serious isn’t normal. In fact , this specific usually means only the opposite. These guys cool.
Why that they can disappear just isn’t going to matter. Whether it is because they located someone else, were just participating in or since they got scared — that is 100% minimal. You know what you must understand: he isn’t a good, older man really worth your time.
There are lots of ways to acknowledge if a man is a serious guy who is thinking about getting to know somebody. He methods up by just calling and also settings in place dates. He or she tries to positive aspects you and your life. He / she makes an attempt to spend time with you. Many people does almost no things to try to make you information.
If you are for example Sue, Violeta or Melissa, here is what you should know: Continuous text messages, when with no in-person visit, creates a false sense associated with connection. A person sense like you get to know another, but that’s not what’s happening.
Just about any text ‘ relationship’ is in fact like being a player within a game. From the type of false connection which often sets up extremely unrealistic presumptions and targets. I’ve discovered countless young ladies create detailed fantasies and obtain drawn in — often before they probably meet adult males.
And the enemy happens also. With no tonality in communications, texting to and fro creates great opportunities to misread and believe wrongly intent. I am unable to tell you the amount of emails We’ve received by way of coaching purchasers with a written text conversation pasted in together with question: Issues you think they will means (aka WTF)????
(Honestly, half time frame I need ideas what a guy means dependant on twelve keywords on a show. And even easily think I know, I’m loathe to think. I suggest in excess of asks your furry friend to call her.
Be aware, keep your thoughts in check and as well stay in fact. You don’t understand him. To have reading in this post to learn techniques for finding the websida to move to the phone and also an real-time date.
(Want to learn more about how you can know whenever a man is absolutely interested? You can view my available webcast How one can Know If He’s In to You. )
2 . A few men make full use of texting to aid string anyone along… time period. If you are acquiring texts combined with calls as well as dates, subsequently excellent! She has interested in observing you in addition to sure looking for a collaboration.
But if there is absolutely no actual real-time contact — beware!
Probably you are aware the guy who texts once in a while like a kind of sign-up. He notifys you how much this individual likes you really and even works super contemplating your life. She / he flirts. They says the way busy one is and how he / she previously really love to determine you rapidly. And it finishes there.
This guy are what I call up a “pinger. ”
Pingers want a good ego enhance. They prepared text you in conjunction with, when you respond positively, have high of while using knowledge that you’re keep a geared up option when (and if) he desires to actually day you.
As well as just a few minutes along with a few properly chosen keystrokes, a good pinger can keep a person interested for ages, even years… without a great deal as one distinct date. (This happens with phone calls too. )
If you are linked to a pinger, girlfriend, you have to end which will so-called romantic relationship right now. You can more about pingers and learn what you can do with them by means of reading this publish: Why Does She or he Keep Evaporating and Reappearing?
3. Sending text messages as a way connected with dating is mostly for males, not adult men. If you have no met your canine friend yet as well as he’s sending texts to see if it is possible to obtain together upon short diagnose, don’t be flattered. He’s both equally impulsive in addition to, more likely, trying you being back-up woman when his or her other packages fell by means of.
If you like often the pup and are able to give the dog a chance, in this case respond getting a positive ‘ thank you nevertheless no thanks a lot. ” It is advisable to say this kind of thing:
“It is going to be great to enjoy you, Greg, but We have plans this evening. Love to gathering with a extra notice while. Enjoy your special evening. ”
Put it out there and see how are you affected. A grownup dude who absolutely wants to recognize you will get often the message and acquire you at a distance ahead of time. A new farmer or purchaser guy will text any individual again in a few weeks attempting to see you in the evening. Take it so it is – he’s most likely not serious about online dating and your puppy is going down their list, in hopes you chew. Don’t reply.
4. Text messaging does have an optimistic place in internet dating. Texting can be a superb complement for you to real dating. For instance, may great way so as to clarify plans or develop last minute improvements to the program.
A man do people want a healthy, more mature connection can easily make every power to show you will he’s curious and to quite simply see you instantly. Why? Mainly because that’s the best way men determine whether they as you. It’s all about how she or he FEELS while he’s to your account, and he is aware of it. Whenever he’s looking for something more than one fun nighttime, a good guy will do exactly what he can to impress you by way of asking you offered, and then use your event.
Texting is usually good for a simple “had a great time” or maybe “sleep well” note after having a nice moment. Or a “looking forward to slurping spaghetti in addition to you Friday. ” Let him know if you are thinking of him / her and valuation him. Make it14972 simple, as well as leave it generally there. If you don’t grab back, proceed.
Here’s what to perform next to ensure you don’t get ensnared on the inappropriate guy again… You can find clear impulses when he IS CERTAINLY into any person… CLICK THIS and see how!
several. If she has a grownup fantastic guy, you are able to kindly purchase him along texting. I will see why perhaps good, reliable, single people love texting. If they sees your overall picture along with profile together with wants to meet up with you, the particular hunter along with him would want to get up on the result: discussion you. This is especially valid of some women I understand. They think chatting 1st just interrupts the routine and will need to skip the unit and/or email.
But No later than this say that again, executing a bunch of texting first can make an naive sense relating to connection. Like a little more, being a phone call at first, it’s your final choice to get over texting treadmill and ask for what you want. So when he is focused on9491 meeting a female for a authentic relationship, he will probably step up.
How would you do that? Just simply say this type of thing if this individual seems to be swept up on sending texts:
“It may be great to listen the modulation of voice connected to all these great written word and email. I’d love a telephone call when you’ve got period. Hope that works for you! 555-1212. ”
“Thanks to get in touch. Allow me to get to know anyone but I find sending text messages isn’t an ideal way. But receiving up with you actually over coffee beans might be; ). ”
So… the bottom line in texting in addition to dating are these claims: use txt messaging sparingly, effectively and, above all, don’t study too much by it. Remember, true and genuine love come about in person, grin to laugh, touch to the touch. Not around the phone or if your computer.
I may LOVE to pick up your sending text messages stories in addition to answer this question about how to really make it work for you though dating or maybe in your marriage. Leave us your responses below.
from WordPress https://cvworld.io/blog/what-you-should-become-aware-of-texting-along-with-12/
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