#i normally don't make side blogs for rp blogs because i find it harder to promote but i let my laziness get the best of me
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
yknow, considering i JUST made my autobot sideblog, im actually now just thinking if i should of made it it's own separate blog or not now...
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findroleplay · 2 years ago
https://www.tumblr.com/findroleplay/717692107061624832 - i don’t want to start anything but i’m registered blind and this screenshot format personally doesn’t work on my screen reader. can it be a general accessibility rule that people just copy and paste their ads? i know it’s not harming everyone and i’m shouting into the void but it just seems like a two second job for people to do :/
(I'll be honest, I'm on mobile and I have no idea how to open this link at all. I tap and tap on it but nothing happens and I can't even copy and paste to use in a browser. Since I just posted a screenshot a few minutes ago I assume you're talking about that.)
I made this blog with the intention of keeping this as rule-free as possible. Not simply because I wanted to give people a place where they could look for content that may not be allowed elsewhere, though it's part of the reason it has nothing to do with this, but for other two reasons. The first is that I find Tumblr to be different from heavily-moderated spaces like Reddit (or God, Amino), the only problem is that the content is much harder to find. With this in mind, I wanted to make a blog that makes it easier to people to find RP ads, but I didn't want to run it giving it a direction and moderating it like a Reddit mod. I just wanted to give people a place where to post what they would normally post on their blog but where many roleplayers would gather and hopefully would gain more traction. I want them to be able to just hit send without having to doublecheck the rules, just like they would on the general tag. So, just like it wouldn't feel right to message individual blogs and ask them to use a certain format, I'm a bit hesitant to do on here too. The second reason I made this blog is that many others, at least at the time I made this blog, were run as if all the content posted, with no exceptions, had to be a reflection of what the mod - and with time, of the followers that interacted because it allowed/banned certain things - wanted to see and nothing more. They had so many rules it was rather suffocating. With the exception of things that I won't post because they would put the blog in danger of breaking Tumblr's guidelines (for example, if you send an ask with a NSFW picture as decoration), or rules I set to keep the blog itself running (like avoiding spamming and cluttering) I wasn't planning on setting any rules at all. If I don't 'blacklist' anything from the kind of content that can be posted it's easier to stand my ground when people demand I don't allow minors, or rpf, incest and then start to nitpick about what constitutes incest to begin with until they have me ban many subjects - that maybe they have a valid reason for not wanting to see, like trauma. I don't want to start a slippery slope of setting reasonable rules that end up being a chain of absurd ones. Clearly, all of this caters mostly to people who send the asks, not people on the other side. All these good talking points mean jack to you if you can't see the asks, they may as well not be there at all so it doesn't make any difference. And I realize that. That's why I'm thinking of something else that doesn't put rules on people who post but at the same time doesn't keep them inaccessible for people with screen readers. Maybe writing a TLDR in the description of the image when I tag would suffice? Although this would mean that the ask could sit in the inbox for a while until I have time to do the extra writing, and I'm not sure it can be done on mobile. For now I'm not gonna change the rules, but I'll take this into account and think of a way to have it both ways - on this note, I also accept suggestions if anyone has some.
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sinisterlyliv · 3 years ago
Pass the happy! When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications 😙✨
This ask blog thing we've got going for characters. I only use this for rp. And I used to rp before on another site but it...wasn't that great? People took it way too seriously. Like, they were more worried about a word count than the story and characters and having fun. And personally I find word counts to be the least important in rp (I do understand wanting to have long paragraphs in some rps but I would never get mad at someone for having 230 words instead of 250). So I stopped because that sucked. But if I can send an ask to you or another blog like yours, I get a little taste of rp in a way that doesn't suck. And I've had WAY more fun than I thought I would and it's become way more of a thing for me. It started out as just anon asks since I don't use my main blog, I only use a side blog. I went and made a whole new account for this because I was having fun.
Family. Had a family get together this week so I've been having fun with them. They're family I haven't seen in forever too (they live on the East Coast and I live in a Western state) so it's great. And I've been seeing family a lot more lately since I'm going to live out of the country temporarily and I have a few cousins doing similar things, so we've been seeing each other more often to make up for the time we won't see each other. But I just love my family. My relationships aren't perfect by any means. But I know they won't abandon me because of something big or small.
So, I'll be living in Brazil temporarily, and I know no Portuguese. So I've been using Duolingo to learn some basics. And I took five years of Spanish between middle and high school, but that was pre-covid and I've lost a lot of it since then. But it's almost like I'm relearning Spanish as I'm learning Portuguese. Because in some ways Portuguese feels like Spanish that is written completely differently and has a very different accent. So far with the most basic of the basics, I can understand Portuguese if spoken and I can kind of speak it (still trying to get the handle of Portuguese pronunciation instead of Spanish pronunciation), but reading and writing is so much harder because there's different characters and everything is spelled way different (yo vs. eu). But then there's words that look like they might be exactly the same (como and bebo) but so far Duolingo has only shown me the one conjugation so I don't know what's going on with anything else or what the infinitive is. But it's actually so much fun. I'm relearning one language while learning another. And I have a knack for languages in general and enjoying learning languages, so this is really fun for me.
Writing. Writing fanfiction is just so fun and therapeutic and makes my brain go insane with happiness. All of my fics are linked on my other account, and to be honest I don't know if they'd appeal to any of the people I've interacted with here (you wouldn't guess that I don't have any Doctor Strange fics, would you? Stephen is a big deal in one of my Loki fics though, and I'm planning out some fics for Stephen and variants, but from this blog you'd think Stephen is my favorite when he actually isn't! He is in my top 4 though! Loki, Bucky, Coulson, Stephen, order can vary. Now that I got that tangent out of the way...).
Food. I love food. And I love cooking. I don't normally talk religiously (yes, I am Christian, a minority in Christianity too, I was harassed on a side blog on my other account by someone saying that Christians can't be queer and they called me terrible things so I don't feel comfortable talking about it that often any more), but the fact that we have both the ability to taste and so many ingredients that can be cooked and combined in delicious ways, at least to me, is very strong evidence that God loves us. Currently in a big nutella thing. Also, since I'm going to Brazil, people having been giving me Guaraná Soda, this Brazilian pop that tastes amazing, and I may have been looking up where I can buy it in the States by my house. Sushi is also extremely delicious. And I could go on and on but I'll stop now to save you all time.
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