#i never know how to make it look good fjfjf
offorestsongs · 3 months
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"Ah, it seems that me being summoned to strange worlds is just a thing now."
[voicelines under the cut]
Summon Line: Well, this looks like a mighty fine adventure, doesn’t it? Groooovy!!:  [locked] Home: I don’t think I’ve ever had so much sunlight in my life. Home Idle 1: I wish I could relax but somebody has to keep an eye on Ace and Grim. You never know what they’ll come up with. Home Idle 2: This beach reminds me of something. I’m not sure what, though. Home Idle 3: There’s so much fruit I’ve never tasted before. I wonder what I could cook with it. Home Idle - Login: Hey, Grim, don’t you want to walk the coastline together? Home Idle - Groovy: [locked] Home Tap 1: Stitch is such a dear thing, I wish we could show him our school around. Home Tap 2: I don’t remember if I can swim or not. Floyd said he can help me remember. I’m… I’m not taking him up on that offer. Home Tap 3: Aw, Grim, you aren’t jealous, are you? Home Tap 4: Usually, I don’t show so much skin, but the clothes are pretty cute, so I think it’s fine. Home Tap 5: Lilia seems to know his way around. I’m glad he’s here. Home Tap - Groovy: [locked]
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mcnuggyy · 4 years
Can you tell us more about the incident that killed all those interns, how Hev ended up being the sole survivor of said event, and how they got stranded on earth?
Okay, so a quick side note, the reason I had made that oc notes doc is because i SWEAR i answered this before, but then i realized it was when talking to my friends in DM’s so i never publicly answered this fhhffh which is why i decided to make that doc!! it should make it easier for me to answer questions and also its a nice way to keep all the random thoughts and ideas i have!
So now I can just grab the info from the doc and share it here w you! wee!!!
“Hev (along with Trixie and Butterscotch) were a part of this internship at the Rainbow Factory before officially working there. Back then they would have these field trips to mark the big end of their internship and the start of their careers! It was a very exciting event, it would be their first time visiting earth (usually a remote area with very little humans about so they wouldn’t have to worry about being seen or anything) and exploring and seeing what awaits them if they become Operatives! Hev was obviously very excited cause this was always a hUGE dream for them, and before this they had always wanted to be a FieldOp!! At the start of the field trip everything was going pretty good!! Hev instantly felt a big connection to earth and kinda just fell in love instantly being there?? But then things kinda went to shit... Hunters were thought to have died, seeing as it had been so long since any were seen, so it was quite a fucked up surprise when they get attacked by one, the unicorn in charge of the trip is one of the first to die, and about half of the group follows, Hev is able to hide luckily, and Trixie and Butterscotch are able to lead the rest of the group back towards the portal, but it was v traumatizing for the few that survived. Trixie is about to leave when he notices Hev is still there, alive, but hiding, and they both know that if the hunter goes through the portal they’re basically all screwed, they had been close to extinction before and it just wouldn’t be worth the risk, so in the end, they gave each other a knowing look, and did what they had to do, and Hev got left behind....
They waited there until the hunter left, then a week, then a month, before realizing no one was gonna come back for them... and because there was an attack there, no portals would ever be opened in that area again. So they practiced their shapeshifting magic, and lived as a human for a 100 years, living different lives, meeting new people, growing as a person, learning what they could about humans, and basically becoming who they are today :> after much traveling they were finally able to find another unicorn to take them back home...
The company had kept the whole incident a secret for business reasons obviously, so they offered Hev a job in exchange for their silence and the rest is history,, they got assigned Trixies Technician ironically enough (no one really wanted to work with him and by that point he was on his 3rd tech that had just quit fjfjf)) Now Hev uses the knowledge they acquired on earth to help the humans and earth they fell in love with. ;w; “
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