#i need to write something in the vein of his ‘I will not fail Aegon will have storm’s end and I will have this girl’
dulcewrites · 1 year
what do you think about the four storms (baratheon daughters)? which one do you think aemond chose?
Well first and foremost, the four storms as a nickname goes crazy. Love that for them. Honestly that whole dynamic of sisters makes me want to write about sisters in something. I just love that dynamic in literature anyway.
Out of all of them, I am most interested in Cassandra simply bc her characterization is one that can be taken different ways. Could be seen as just another victim of the series of bad circumstances that happened during the dance OR super conniving bitch lmao.
Maris seems fun. Even though I enjoy the changes they made to the storm’s end scene, I do think having her stir shit up would’ve been fun to watch. The rumor of Aemond fishing the eye out to leave her bed lives rent free in my head. I hate the rumor of her getting her tongue cut (mushroom be serious).
Ellyn sort of gets lost in the shuffle. Not much to say lmao. Third sister tings
And Floris :(. Idk her story makes me sad. Doesn’t get to marry Aemond, and her consolation prize is some old man (who got rejected by Baela). She ends up dying in childbirth
In f&b it is hinted at that Aemond chose Floris bc he was told she was the prettiest. If things went different and he never became prince regent/protector of the realm, and he got married, I am curious about what type of marriage he would want. On one hand I could see him wanting someone he sees as a match intellectually or wit wise. But at the same time, he’s still a man so I could see him also just wanting whoever doesn’t get in his way and plays their role as dutiful wife/mother
This is for purely indulgent reasons, bc it would not fit how they characterize show Aemond and I think it was a rumor by mushroom anyway, but I would’ve been OBSESSED if they kept in the part apart him kissing each sister
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