#i need to watch the last 3 episodes still...! i'll be able to re binge the series today and tomorrow
mosasaura · 8 months
scavengers reign spoilers is too long for my lazy ass to type so im gonna tag em sr spoilers instead, should you wish to blacklist
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delta-orionis · 3 months
Tuesday Again No Problem 3/26/24
No I didn't wait until after midnight to write my Tuesdaypost, what are you talking about
I've had Tangerine Dream's 1983 album Hyperborea on loop for the better part of a week.
It's not too distracting, and it flows very well. Lately I've been putting it on when I need to think. This album plus my noise-cancelling headphones do a pretty good job of blocking out the sound of the world for a little while.
I've been binging old episodes of Well There's Your Problem again. I guess this technically counts as listening because I put it on while I crochet, but it's a podcast with slides so I'll put it in the watching section.
Episode 61 is a favorite of mine, it's funny and I'm pretty sure no one dies in this one.
I'm still slowly getting through Ancillary Justice; I'm almost done with chapter 4. I don't have much to say other than holy shit I'm glad I wrote down a list of characters as they appear, because there was no way I would be able to remember who any of these people were otherwise.
I played a bit more Rain World with my brother the other day. We're playing the Survivor campaign and made it to Shaded Citadel. Miraculously, neither of our slugpups have died yet. They are making our lives significantly harder, though, because they're two additional mouths to feed. However neither my brother or I have the heart to abandon them, lol.
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I think I'm finally satisfied with my Five Pebbles plush.
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I made some wires and an umbilical cable for him, and attached them to his head and back. I was trying to imitate the way he looks in-game.
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If I was really ambitious I could also make the mechanical arm he hangs from, but I don't think I have enough yarn for that. I'm satisfied with him and I'm ready to move on for now, maybe the arm could be something silly to make in the future.
I also started working on Looks to the Moon!
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She's just a head right now, though. Moon is going to be similar to Pebbles, but I want to try and make her cloak look tattered. I'm going to look into ways I can deliberately crochet holes into it.
Kind of related to making... I've spent the better part of the last few days spiraling into madness while trying to figure out exactly how big Rain World's iterator superstructures are. It's turning out to be a more complicated question to answer than I thought.
My initial math was a HUGE overestimate, I think. I re-thought my strategy and spent most of my evening counting pixels on in-game sprites to try and get an idea of how big iterators are in relation to real-life buildings. I think my second estimate was more believable.
I'll make a more detailed post about it later, but here's a diagram I made for fun:
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These back-of-the-envelope calculations are based largely on wild assumptions, and I could be completely wrong, who knows. But iterators being about 2km tall seems right to me. I don't really have good evidence for that other than vibes... I'll probably try to come up with something more concrete when I write the actual post.
That's all for now, I'll check back in next week. Thanks for reading!
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