#i need to take a shower rn but i dont want to eat an orange because im not hungry...
humanmorph · 2 years
you know that shower oranges thing. theres like a subreddit for it. and i was always like haha thats funny but now that ive been eating oranges this past week for lunch at work and theyre like, really good? im like wow. what if. what of i ate an cold orange just biting into it while taking a hot shower. what if that could actually rock
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gustingirl · 3 years
i was tagged by @gayforpinks and @recurring-despondency ily both thank youuu
💌 - what day is ur bday??
april 3rd!!
💌 - what’s ur fav colour??
blue always, and lately it's green too
💌 - whats ur lucky number??
8 and 3. idk why 8 tbh but 3 is for my bday
💌 - do u have any pets??
a sweet poodle and an cranky chihuahua hehe
💌 - how tall r u??
i don’t understand how feet works tbh but, in cm, i'm around 165cm
💌 - how many pairs of shoes do u own??
many....many but i always use the same three lol
💌 - favourite song??
it changes literally every day, right now it's gato malo by karol g ft nathy peluso
💌 - favourite movie??
i’m a huge fan of el secreto de sus ojos (2009) and parasite (2019)
💌 - what would be ur ideal partner??
let me tell u smth, i’m really open, like seriously i can’t think of specific treats my partner has to have. all i care and need is loyalty, honesty and communication. i do all my relationships based on those three
💌 - do u want children??
yes and many. i’m not a huge fan of marriage i must admit but i do want children, minimum two
💌 - have u gotten in trouble w the law??
the law has trouble with me (i have never stepped a foot inside a police station)
💌 - favourite swear word??
ANY argentinian swear word, any literally. english swear words are weak as fuck next to argentinian swear words (mi favorito es la reputisima madre que te re mil parió hijo de puta)
💌 - bath or shower??
i prefer baths but i don’t have a bathtub :(
💌 - what colour socks r u wearing rn??
they're brown and beige and have like fur inside (it's not fur the word i’m looking for but i don’t know what material it is)
💌 - fav type of music??
i have a preference on rock, but i live by the cliche of "i listen to a bit of everything" i swear i don’t listen based on anything but the feeling i have inside my brain when i listen to a song
💌 - how many pillows do u sleep with??
two, one for the head and one to hug (plus chimmy)
💌 - what position do u sleep in??
on my sides and i must sleep in fetal position cuz my neck hurts like a bitch every morning
💌 - what u dont like when ur asleep??
lights, i hate having lights on. i used to suffer at sleepovers w one of my bff bc she needs to sleep with lights on and i hate it
💌 - what do u have for breakfast??
lately it's just coffee with milk, i can’t eat in the morning (not at the time i when i wake up at least and i have lunch early)
💌 - have u ever tried archery??
i know i did it once when i was like 7 but i don’t remember shit
💌 - fav fruit??
i’m team peaches and oranges
💌 - do u have any scars??
on my knee from one time i like fell on my knees on granite floor (idk if i have any other)
💌 - r u a good liar??
yes HAHAHAH like i know i am but like....chamuyo bastante, es eso mas que nada xdd
💌 - whats ur fav type of girl??
@gayforpinks (idk i keep the previous answer ;) )
💌 - innie or outtie??
you deserve jail for this question, mf
💌 - left or right handed??
right handed, my left hand is dumb af
💌 - fav food??
empanadas, of meat if i may choose
💌 - r u a messy or a clean person??
somewhere in the middle?
💌 - most used phrase??
"bien ahi" idek why i say that
💌 - how long does it take for u to get ready??
depending, if i have to go i can get ready in 10 minutes but if i can do it in any speed i can take until an hour
💌 - do u talk to urself??
obviously, i’m my own best friend at this rate
💌 - do u sing to urself??
more than i should
💌 - r u a good singer??
not even one bit, idek if i’m tone deaf
💌 - biggest fear??
if we make it deep and sad, failure. if we talk about any fear, then the ocean
💌 - r u a gossip??
yes. a lot. like waaay too much.
💌 - do u like long hair or short hair??
short hair to death, i wish i could cut mine shorter but i feel it wont suit my face shape
💌 - fav school subject??
i used to love history and psychology
💌 - introvert or extrovert??
introvert, it's so obvious
💌 - what makes u nervous??
public speaking (tho i lowkey enjoy doing it), handing in projects or exams and meeting new ppl
💌 - who was ur first crush??
a boy i crushed for like 7 years and the other day i suddenly dreamt with him ew
💌 - how many piercings do u have??
none but i wanna get my ears pierced again (the hole closed)
💌 - how fast can u run??
not fast enough, for sure
💌 - what colour is ur hair??
natural blonde (yes, bully me idc)
💌 - what colour r ur eyes??
💌 - what makes u angry??
injusticies, discrimination and normalized micro agressions, ppl who mind other ppl's business, shippers of real life people, ppl who like assuming stuff about celebrities and ppl who degrade others to feel better with themselves (and the list goes on tbh)
💌 - do u like ur own name??
i used to hate it but now i love it, especially when ppl make unique nicknames out of it
💌 - do u want a boy or a girl as a child??
both tho obviously as a girl i would love to have my own princess
💌 - what r ur strengths??
i’m a good listener and very very loyal, i’m also really straightforward and honest. also not to brag but my brain is probably my biggest strength
💌 - what r ur weaknesses??
insecurity, anxiety, overthinking. mostly all those and combined
💌 - whats the colour of ur bedspread??
i have two sets of the same sheets but different color: blue and baby pink
💌 - colour of ur room??
one wall is red the others are beige(?) idk if that's the color tbh
now this was more of an interrogation lmao
tagging @trashlord-007 @agustdream @foxpuppylove @ohnoimlost @sheakastilllovesjungjihoon and @lovetrivia
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Is your hair long enough to pull over your face like a moustache? :3 yes i believe so. a lot was cut off recently but it’s still got a little length
Do you ever find yourself making up survey questions throughout the day? ummm sometimes yes
Who is your favourite online friend? would we consider K to be that?
What was the last thing you tried for the first time? some chorizo stuff.
The last thing you said outloud: How loud were you speaking? I was singing softly to my music
What is your favourite nail polish colour to wear or see on others? I don’t have a go-to anymore but I loooove the pale pink look on others and myself.
What was the last thing you learned? i think i learned a lot last night from K about our situation.
How warm do you like your showers / baths to be? not warm. either cold or lukewarm lol.
The song you're listening to right now: What lyrics did they just sing? next year all our troubles will be miles away. (gooooosh that’d be nice)
Are there any advertisments / commercials you actually like? Which? if they make me laugh lol
Which holidays do you decorate your house for, if any? Christmas, fall, fourth of july, and birthdays
How often do you visit your relatives? I see my oldest brother every week at a minimum. I see my sister multiple times per year and then almost daily on camera. I hardly see my other brother cus thats his choice. I see my gram every like 20 mins lol. I see my mom daily. I might see my dad once a year if I happen to be in town for a birthday for my nephew/niece. I see one of my uncles every saturday and then the other maybe 3-4 times per year. I basically never ever see my dads side of the family.
In your opinion, what is the scariest natural disaster? sink holes. NOPE.
What design is on your bed sheets? polkadots.
If your house was a hotel, what would it's star rating be? 3.
What is your favourite brand of fizzy juice / soda? diet coke pls or sierra mist.
As a kid, did you use toothpaste that wasn't minty? (Like orange, etc) I could never do the bubble gum one, it instantly made me want to gag. I could do the cinnamon once in a while but usually i preferred mint.
What is your favourite vegetable? almost all of them. rn i am hardcore craving some cauliflower
Do you any other countries' timezones saved to your computer / mobilephone? lol no
What was the last musical you watched? hamilton
Which meal of the day is your favourite to eat out for? dinner
Is your username the same for every website? eh no.
Do you enjoy taking photographs? What do you usually take them of? I love to yes. my pets, outdoors, nephews/niece, or myself lol
What do you have in your bookmarks? (Online) gosh a lot. i need to clean that out sometime.
Do you have a lucky number? Why is it so lucky? no.
Do you set your browser to remember passwords? sometimes if its something fairly unimportant. 
Describe the perfect burger: a kick booty gf bun (have yet to come across one of these) with a really good butter burger. onion, lettuce, mayo, tickle of salt n pepper. if it’s homemade then tomato. maybe some bacon if im in the mood
What was the last thing you made yourself to eat? i had a snack of a reese pumpkin
What is something most people find ugly that you find cute? oh gosh, i have no idea. i don’t really pay attention to fashions that others like or dislike.
Have you ever stood on a sea creature while at the beach? D: UGH vomit yes. one time I was camping on the beach with my sister n brother when I was going florida for college visits back like 12 years ago lol. and i guess there was a really bad storm the night before we got in and somehow it caused this wash-up issue with the fish. the beach was COVERED in dead fish and it was SO gross. it was literally a nightmare.
What's worse: Speaking in all caps or all lowercase? lol i enjoy both
What's your favourite place to go to for fast food? buona. mannn that sounds so dang good.
How many fillings do you have? i dont recall. I have a couple 
Do you prefer having cold or warm hands? warm. when my hands are cold they like hardly function.
Have you ever had a mud fight? as a kid
When you see people in love is your first reaction, "Ew" or "Cute"? xP lolol 99.9% of the time I am happy for them. but sometimes there’s a slight “ugh.” feeling lol
Have you ever woken up from a dream and thought it had actually happened? yes. all the time.
Are you obsessed with a certain countries culture? (Not your own) obsessed? no.
Do you know anyone who closely resembles someone else? (With no relations) not that comes to mind right now. I’m sure I have seen that but nothing pops out.
When your sunburn peels, do you leave it or pull at it? you can’t even tell me that ish isn’t the most satisfying thing to do. of course I peel. but i have luckily not been burned like that in years.
What type of food do you find yourself craving most? (Sweet, meat, etc) lately savory/salty. i really love sweets but we haven’t had groceries in so long and so some down-home good cookin sounds bomb.
Why did you last go to the doctors? I had a virtual visit when I had covid.
Are you good at Name That Tune? oh ya
Name something that frightened you as a kid that you like now: tornadoes
Do you prefer pictures or videos? either lol
The people who pop in your "Who you might know" list:Do you ever know them? Its a solid 50/50 Do you ever highlight excerpts of books that you particularly enjoy? not usually no
How easy is it for you to recognise what quote / lyric something is from? lyrics are my jam man
On a scale of one to ten, how tired are you currently? i am so DANG wiped from hardcore cleaning almost 9 hours straight. doesnt help i havent really eaten. but tomorrow will be a recovery day 
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thestaffofgrayson · 6 years
1-100 for the unusual asks, you meme lord
Mmmmkay so I cant help being sassy but also wanna give a real answer so we gonna do this -> Anything in parenthesis is a real answer everything else is sass central station
1) Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  Im a dank soundcloud rapper check out my soundcloud at nobodycares540.soundcloud.fuck (I dont really use any of em tbh)
2) is your room messy or clean? *glances over* clean (m e s s y)
3) what color are your eyes? All 16 of em are different colors actually (blue)
4) do you like your name? why? No because its not Jojo (Yes!!! Love the name Perrin gonna be honest)
5) what is your relationship status? *sets status to its complicated* you could say im a bit of a player (deathly single)
6) describe your personality in 3 words or less? Im sorry who? (Described meme lord)
7) what color hair do you have? Minecraft Steve Brown (Ver Ver Pink)
8) what kind of car do you drive? color? No I run like sonic next question (nope fuck driving fuck boulder)
9) where do you shop? Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh (For what Next question)
10) how would you describe your style? Goku Black cosplay (Goku Black cosplay)
11) favorite social media account? The one with the Z U C C (Tumblr fuck snapchat)
12) what size bed do you have?  Uuuummmmmmm my size OBVIOUSLY next questions (Dont know tbh queen maybe?)
13) any siblings? Little shit brother (thats not even a joke)
14) if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?  Why this world fuck you what about mars (uuuuhhhhhh no idea gonna be honest)
15) favorite snapchat filter? Oh man! Love this one altho its not well known what ya gotta do is hit the delete button and when it asks if youre sure say yes :D (they change so often I dont pay attention)
16) favorite makeup brand(s)? Whatever it is Genji uses as eyeliner (dooont wear makeup)
17) how many times a week do you shower? I get clean by rolling around in the snow so maybe like 3 times a year (depends usually once a day with exceptions)
18) favorite tv show? I dont watch tv I AM the tv (The Office or if its Anime then Jojos Bizarre Adventure)
19) shoe size? M Y   S I Z E (size 10)
20) how tall are you?  hOWs ThE wEaTHEr dOwnTHeRe (5′9 - 5′11 somewhere in there)
21) sandals or sneakers? Gadget Shoes (legit those are cool but sneakers)
22) do you go to the gym? I think theeessseeee muscles speak for themselves (nope but I do martial arts)
23) describe your dream date  Killing all mortals and achieving a state beyond that of a god (iiiii dont know I dont really see myself going on a date)
24) how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Why do YOU wanna know (no really why tho)
25) what color socks are you wearing? Well I’m at home on the sofa playing sonic the hedgehog and typing up responses to an ask on tumblr that about 5 people are gonna see. That being said, Dragon Ball orange. (not wearing em but I have a fuzzy pair of polar bear socks my friend Ana sent me that I love!)
26) how many pillows do you sleep with? Wait what do you mean not everyone sleeps with 25 pillows are they mad? (One for my head, one on each side, smol pillow, pillow pet)
27) do you have a job? what do you do? I am assistant regional manager at a paper supply company named Dunder Mifflin. (Not currently but I’m gonna apply to Gamestop and Costco here soon)
28) how many friends do you have? Toooooooooooooo many I hate mortals (honestly I’m too lazy to try and count rn)
29) whats the worst thing you have ever done? Well I haven’t seen Mulan don’t call the cops (Iiiiiiii’m not sure I guess cheated on my Chinese final freshman year but hey I needed to pass that)
30) whats your favorite candle scent? V o i d  (I dont use candles that much and I shooouuulld)
31) 3 favorite boy names Jo[seph] Jo[estar], Jo[taro Ku]jo, Jo[nathan] Jo[estar]  (uuuuhhhh I like my name so it would be Perrin, Joji, Donovan)
32) 3 favorite girl names Jolyne Kujo there is no 2 and 3 (Jolyne yes I know but I actually really like the name, Perrin is also a girls name so, Milly)
33) favorite actor? Shrek from Shrek the musical (Robert Downey Jr and Chris pratt)
34) favorite actress? Taylor after she sasses me and acts like nothing happened (Millie Bobby Brown)
35) who is your celebrity crush? McCree (Matt Mercer)
36) favorite movie? UM IS THIS A QUESTION LIKE??? OBVIOUSLY THE SHREK AND BEE MOVIE CROSS OVER SHREK B: HONEY AND SWAMPS (I LOVED Black Panther and Thor Ragnarok but Secret Life of Walter Mitty’s stuck with me for a loooong time)
37) do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I don’t read cuz I’m not a NERD (I mean actual books I don’t ask me about it another time but comics I sure do I love the Marvel Civil War storyline)
38) money or brains? They say Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy me more games! Eat that SUCKERS (Honestly brains because then you can be smart which can make you a lot of money. So many more benefits)
39) do you have a nickname? what is it? Perriushium, destroyer of life and bringer of the new age (Pey given to me by my brother when he was still a baby and couldn’t say my name)
40) how many times have you been to the hospital? Enough to be immune to every disease known to man NOW IM UNSTOPABLE MWAHAHA (none for any of my own conditions or injuries but for family stuff about twice)
41) top 10 favorite songs All Star, All Star, All Star, Chum Drum Bedrum, All Star, All Star, All Star, Never gonna give you up, All Star, All Star (Bloody Stream, Sono Chi no Sadame, Flying Battery Zone, Stardust Speedway, Stand Proud, Goku Black theme, Halo theme, The Apparition, Shovel Knight main theme, Hooked on a Feeling)
42) do you take any medications daily? I take a shot of cold hard whiskey when I get up (nope I dont have anything)
43) what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) The largest organ of my body I’ll tell ya that much (I honestly dont know?? Smooth and soft I guess?)
44) what is your biggest fear? The Communists lol jk Communism is the only way (I’m not so sure on this one gonna be honest I do fear something I just cant think of it at the moment)
45) how many kids do you want? I mean I’m a 16 year old teenager in high school with no job and no relationship that being said 5 (NONE EVER NOPE 0 KIDS)
46) whats your go to hair style? Super Saiyan 3 (Idk I just kinda comb it to the left)
47) what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) All Star. Wait fuck wrong quest- (Two floor medium sized house) 
48) who is your role model?  Uuuuuuuuhhhhhh (uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh)
49) what was the last compliment you received? A like on my post we did it guys we hit one like so I’m here making this 1 like special (I was told that everytime my friend see’s my dyed hair it absolutely makes his day :D) 
50) what was the last text you sent? Yeah that’ll be $5000 for the kill nice doing business with you (Maaaannny pictures of Genji Shimada)
51) how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? WHAT SANTA ISNT REAL????!!!!!?!?!?! (It kinda faded over the years my last strands of belief were gone by 12)
52) what is your dream car? Odie’s car from Garfield Kart (The Mach 5 from speed racer there’s a street legal car look it up)
53) opinion on smoking? Jotaro does it so I do it too (PSA: Smoking doesn’t make you cool or look cool you’re just killng your lungs. I won’t try and make you stop as long as you’re aware I don’t want you smoking around me and you understand the consequences)
54) do you go to college? After that SAT I meeeaaaaannnn McDonalds might be hiring (I’m still in High School but I want to)
55) what is your dream job? To stand in a corner for 8 hours with a lamp shade over my head and make a clicking sound every so often (I would like to be able to draw, animate, design and/or play games for a living. Achievement Hunter would be a fantastic job but I doubt that’s happening)
56) would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? I wanna live in a cloud In the sky and abduct people to harvest their DNA and make clones which I can fight to the death with (eh somewhere quiet and disconnected from people tbh)
57) do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? They fetch pretty high prices on eBay you’d be surprised (Nope I dont use them at all I bring my own and take my own)
58) do you have freckles? My face is a giant freckle little known fact (not really thank god I would look real bad with em)
59) do you smile for pictures? *leans in* I’m gonna let ya in on a secret kid. I wait until the photographer is just about to take the picture and then I hold a middle finger over my face to block the proper shot. Do it enough times then they’ll be payin YOU to get the picture done (I do but I only open my mouth slightly)
60) how many pictures do you have on your phone? They’re all of people I’ve killed because they showed me a stale meme dont worry about it (960 exactly and they’re all either memes, fan-art, or my cute friends)
61) have you ever peed in the woods? Ew no I don’t go outdoors thanks (Yep once on a school field trip in which we hiked to the top of a mountain it was fun)
62) do you still watch cartoons? Well I mean SOME ONE spoiled my belief in Santa earlier so I’m a bit too old for that now. I have a boring desk job thanks LAZLO (I do spongebob is really funny to me still and I LOVE the original Teen Titans)
63) do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? McWendy’s next question (I dont eat either so)
64) Favorite dipping sauce? Drip dip dip I’m boutta rip please i want to die (I dont use dipping sauce either call me a heathen all you want)
65) what do you wear to bed? Well I take off the clothes I wore for the day, take off my earring, ring, necklace, eyes, hair, 3 layers of skin, and call it a night (Pajamas mostly and sometimes sweatpants)
66) have you ever won a spelling bee? *Obligatory Bee Movie Joke* (I’ve never even heard of a spelling bee in any of the schools I’ve been to)
67) what are your hobbies? Well I like to kill all mortals #ZamasuWasRight  (I enjoy martial arts, drawing, video games, game design, and walking around my house with nothing to do)
69) do you play an instrument? Electric Triangle (Actually, I play the Violin but not super well)
70) what was the last concert you saw? SORRY WHAT I CANT HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF THE CONCERT (I’ve never been to one that seems like the opposite of fun for me personally I hate hyper loud music, people, and crowds)
71) tea or coffee? Coftea next question (tea. I don’t drink caffeine if i can help it)
72) Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? I need my sugar sonic rings (Again, Don’t drink caffeine)
73) do you want to get married? I’m already getting married. MARRIED TO THE LIFE OF CRIME THAT IS UP TOP (I mean I would like to one day)
74) what is your crush’s first and last initial? My  Self (I don’t have anyone I’m crushing on)
75) are you going to change your last name when you get married? What’s crimes last name? Smigglesworth? (If my partners last name is something with an S cuz then I can be PJS)
76) what color looks best on you? You know the color mario turns when he uses the super star? T-that (Pink and Black)
77) do you miss anyone right now? PPFFFFFT NOOOOO WHATS A FEEL *CRIES* THOSE ARENT TEARS ITS JUST SWEAT IVE ANSWERED A LOT OF QUESTIONS OKAY (I miss all my internet friends :(  *cries*)
78) do you sleep with your door open or closed? It is neither open nor closed it is in a hyper dimensional state between open and closed in which no mortal can enter or exit but also cannot be blocked from passage (clooossed because otherwise the cats are gonna kill my fish)
79) do you believe in ghosts? I mean how else would I make a long and successful career as a ghost buster (I do!)
80) what is your biggest pet peeve? My pet, Peeve! Biggest one I know! (depends on for what tbh the other day a guest speaker was talking to the class and this kid was playing music in his headphones really really loud and it pissed me off)
81) last person you called? Called what? Called them a nerd? A good bean? A meme? MAKE MORE SENSE YOU ******* **** *** ******** (Well according to my phone, the name listed is “Mom”)
82) favorite ice cream flavor? I’ll ice your cream if you’re not careful (Vanilla with chocolate syrup mixed together is hella everyone GO TRY IT)
83) regular oreos or golden oreos? The fuck is a golden oreo?? (No seriously, what the actual is a golden oreo)
84) chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? *mario invincible star song plays as I flash color and dash down rainbow road* I’ll have to think about it (rainboooowww!)
85) what shirt are you wearing? Well I…. You see… The thing is…. excuse me for one second (yeah I can’t think of sass to this one but my favorite shirt! Sonic mania that my friend Tasha bought for me and I love it!!!)
86) what is your phone background?  RYUJIN NO KEN WO KURAE!! “What do you think of this color? Is it not beautiful?” If you dont know those HOW DARE YOU LEARN THEM AND WE ARE WATCHING DRAGON BALL (Genji lock screen and Goku Black home screen)
87) are you outgoing or shy? Does THIS answer your question >:D (Outgoing when I want to be, but I’m antisocial so it’s like I CAN be outgoing and personable but it’s highly on my terms ya feel?)
88) do you like it when people play with your hair? My hair is a pride to my race the Saiyans hair is a sacred thing I will advise you not to touch it (YYYEEESSSS I LOVE IT WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT BUT THAT HARDLY EVER HAPPENS)
89) do you like your neighbors?  …..the what? Never heard of it before is that a type of appliance? (I mean they’re chill we don’t interact a lot which I’m cool with)
90) do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Nothin can cure this ugly face fest of spring 2018 (I use face wash when I shower which is typically right after school not sure why it matters but there ya go :V)
91) have you ever been high? “I’m high on LIFE maaaannn” -Incorrect Shaggy quotes (N o p e  never have don’t plan on it)
92) have you ever been drunk? shots ShotS SHOTS SHOTSSHOTSHOTS (nope but I will one day maybe in College years)
93) last thing you ate? The shattering realization that my friends will keep saying OWO to me every chance they get (Pancakes! asked for french toast but I loooove the breakfast food so no complaints)
94) favorite lyrics right now someBODY Once Told Me The World Is Gonna Roll Me… (The lyrics to Bloody Stream dude it’s a  g r e a t  op)
95) summer or winter? Sorry I’m on Mars weather its ZXAR right now (eeehhhh winter cuz then I have an excuse to be inside and it’s also the ski season)
96) day or night? I am the darkness. I am the night. I am BATMAN (Night honestly I’m a fan of the darkness)
97) dark, milk, or white chocolate? Plllleeeeaaase its like asking if you’re heart is pure of evil or not. Dark Chocolate is a sin (Milk chocolate is the best chocolate fight me on that)
98) favorite month? See, some may argue for their birthday months, christmas, new beginnings to the year, but I say there’s only ONE spooky time :3 (Altho I’m one of the fools that’s gonna have to go with March because it usually has my favorite kind of weather for where I live)
99) what is your zodiac sign  I refuse to go by Zodiac signs until Ted Cruz is proven to be the Zodiac Kill————–”OLD MEME ALERT THIS IS THE MEME POLICE”   “I AINT GOIN BACK TO JAIL”  (Cancer! I wear a necklace of my sign all the time fun fact for ya)
100) who was the last person you cried in front of?  Me after writing all these (Don’t know actually I try not to cry in front of people ever)
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loveaghostking · 7 years
1-101 (:
thank you cutie loo💚 1. If you could be any mythical creature, what would you choose? a centaur would be dope
2. It’s summer time and you’re thirsty, sweet tea or lemonade? sweet tea
3. Who is your #1 all time crush? ash duh
4. What book would you like to see made into a movie? v for vendetta is already a movie but make it again and better 
5. Create a new ice cream flavor. uhhhh banana pancake
6. Top five favorite songs at the moment? i couldnt even tell you, i dont listen to music like i used to:/
7. You get to choose a superpower but it can’t be the ability to fly, what do you go with? turn into animals
8. Who’s your favorite Muppet? idk any muppets 
9. You get to have a lifetime supply of one kind of food, what is it? spaghetti 
10. What type of lunch meat do you typically choose when making a sandwich or sub? turkey all day every day
11. Water slides or roller coasters? roller coasters
12. What two musicians/bands would you like to see collaborate? brand new and tbs
13. Favorite Disney princess? mulan of rapunzel
14. Is there anyone on tumblr you wish you could meet in person? all my tumblr people are people i know irl 
15. You can only watch one tv show for the rest of your life, what one do you pick? avatar the last airbender 
16. Top five celebrity crushes? nina dobrev, kiara knightly, kendall jenner, rihanna, kristen stewart 
17. Any rules you try to live by? a clean house is a happy house
18. Have you had an serious medical injuries? my dad dropped me down the stairs when i was 3mo. thats bout it
19. Fruity pebbles or cocoa pebbles? fruity pebbles
20. Do you have any new years resolutions? no
21. What’s your birthstone and would you change it if you could? its garnet and no i think its pretty! 
22. What’s your element of choice? (earth, light, water, fire, etc.) id have to pick water 
23. Have you ever had to have stitches? If yes, what for? nope
24. What is a fictional creature you hope actually exists? mermaids dude 
25. Do you have a favorite Crime series? law and order svu and criminal minds
26. If you could go see a Broadway play/musical right now, which would you pick? hamilton 
27. What’s at the top of your holiday wish list this year? i wanna read game of thrones so i guess that
28. What are some things you would do if you were invisible? eavesdrop, go into places for free, travel for free, kill trump and pence
29. Describe your very first kiss. it was in a movie theater, very quick, very wet. 
30. Do you have any guilty pleasures? bitch i fucking love sour patch kids
31. Have you ever performed on a stage? middle school choir
32. If you could meet any one of the Muppets which would it be? idk!
33. Do you have a favorite mixed drink? cream vodka and orange soda 
34. Anything you miss about being a child? no money worries
35. Who is the hottest person that you know of on tumblr? embraceyourrissues is the hottest boy ive ever seen ugh so dreamy
36. Any good book recommendations? v for vendetta, lotr, hp, to kill a mockingbird, pride and prejudicd 
37. What’s your favorite pokemon type? the water ones are so cute
38. What’s the most hurtful thing anyone’s ever said to you? usually when someone tells me to stop talking or something along the lines of that. and the times when ive been called ugly lmao 
39. Is there a song that always makes you want to dance when you hear it? i dont wanna be in love by good charlotte and i wanna get better by bleachers 
40. What’s the best selfie you’ve ever taken and can we see it? i will post it after this! stay tuned 
41. If you could pick just one extinct animal to bring back to life what would it be? the tasmanian tiger 
42. What’s your least favorite name(s)? kimber 
43. If you could change your name to anything, what would you pick? i dont think id change if
44. What are three things on your holiday wish list this year? books, movies, mix cds 
45. If you could get away with any crime what would it be? stealing lots of money 
46. How do you usually break the ice with strangers? im vey shy so idk! 
47. Are you crushing on anyone at the moment? What are they like? yeah omg hes so sweet and handsome and super good at cooking and is very dedicated and he loves animals and has the best sense of style and he is always so sleepy and he loves tacos just as much as i do so i think we might get married or something 
48. Anyone you’re dying to see in concert? YELLOWCARD PLS COME BACCCCKKK
49. Are there any bands/musicians you really dislike? igloo iguana can go back to whatever hell hole she came from 
50. What are you made up of? sugar, tacos, spaghetti, paint residue, suave lotion 
51. Biggest fictional crush? i can not think of any rn but i know i have at least a couple
52. Do you have a favorite bird? nah 
53. If you could completely erase one person or memory from your mind would you do it? i dont think so 
54. What are some thing’s you are always happy to receive as gifts? mix cds, turtles 
55. What do you like to do on rainy days? sleep
56. Chinese take out or pizza? chinese 
57. What do you usually wear to bed? just my undies
58. As a child, what are some of the things you wanted to grow up to be? marine biologist, author 
59. How many pillows do you prefer to sleep with? two
60. What’s your favorite type of weather? summed time weather 
61. What’s your Hogwart’s house? (even if you’re not a Harry Potter fan, 62. you’ve still thought about which house you’d been in, don’t lie.) im in gryffindor! 
62. Favorite month of the year and why? may is usually a good time but september is fire too
63. What is your board game of choice? i love clue and monopoly
64. Are there any commonly held beliefs that you don’t buy into? any beliefs of trump supporters can kiss my ass
65. Describe the best kiss of your life thus far. oh shit theres been so many!! i do have a favorite type of kiss from ash tho, sometimes he puts his forehead against mine and our faces are ridiculously close and it somehow makes the kiss better 
66. What is something you wish didn’t exist? hate
67. What’s the most painful thing you’ve endured? tattoo on my chest
68. Do you collect anything? turtles!!!
69. Is there anything in particular that you’re looking forward to this summer? warped tour, lots of beach trips, seeing my sister
70. If you had a pair of wings, what would they look like? oh they'd be white with a light blue tint and rose gold streaks, very big 
71. Dinner and a movie is so old, what are some other things you’d enjoy doing on a date? i love love love going to the river walk and getting ice cream after
72. What’s your favorite breed of dog? pit bull
73. How do you like your chicken wings? If you don’t like chicken wings, then wtf is wrong with you? honey bbq is always good and boneless 
74. Anyone been on your mind lately? i left eevee out of my room so shes crying and its been on my mind i guess 
75. Are there any things about yourself that you dislike that others seem to love? my face 
76. What’s your favorite part of the playground? swing set
77. Do you like to write? i used to 
78. What’s the best birthday gift you’ve ever received? i got a tattoo! 
79. What is something you never leave home without? my ring 
80. If you drink, what kind of drunk person are you? idk i dont drink often enough to know! 
81. Do you listen to music while you shower? i used to 
82. Are there any classics films you wish would be remade? none cone to mind
83. What’s your go to party song? whatever tony plays at the house
84. Have you got a favorite outfit? Can we see it? currently its my new skirt and top that ash bought me the other day! 
85. What’s the longest you’ve ever talked on the phone for? oh man idk jasmyne and i used to talk for hours on the phone 
86. What’s your favorite emoji? 🌈👻
87. Have you ever had raw fish? on sushi 
88. What accent do you find most attractive? french 
89. What’s one bad thing an ex might have to say about you? i honestly dont think my one ex could say anything bad about me, maybe that i always wanted sushi when we went out to eat 
90. Would you choose to be immortal if you could? no
91. What’s the most expensive thing you ever bought? an apartment lol
92. Have you ever had a black eye? nope
93. What are some questions you’d ask on a first date? music taste, political stance, do you like cats
94. What do you think happens when we die? i dont wanna know
95. Any pets you’d enjoy having? more cats, a pit bull 
96. What are some reasons you might end a relationship? cheating 
97. Is there anything in your room you wouldn’t want your parents stumbling upon? my weed haha wait actually i dont have anymore so i guess nothing. WAIT, theres some nakey polaroids of ash and i that they dont need to see 
98. Are you still friends with anyone from grade school? jasmyne!❤️
99. What is one song you will never, ever get sick of? i wanna get better by bleachers 
100. Waffles or pancake? And what do you put on top of them? pancake, bananas or blueberries 
101. One word you’d use to describe yourself? loving
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tsekooh · 8 years
bet yall want yet ANOTHER post with 150 things about yours truly!!! buckle up!!!!!!!
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
shy!!! but i can be really outgoing i think? if i have One thing i want to work towards i will do it (college doesnt count shhshhshs)
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
4. Are you easy to get along with?
i.. hope so!! i dont hate anyone 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
she’d do her best for being in australia
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
do i.......have a type?
all my friends are gay 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
i only have like 2 o/g friends so i thought abt jace right away
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
only if serious/about real ppl or me
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
meg LOL
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“SARCASM IS KEY i would know im the sarcasm queen”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
-shelter / porter robinson
-honey / magic man
-find a way  / safetysuit
-collect call / metric
-wildfire / marianas trench
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
i saw rina!!!! i love them ;; 
and i met meg after that!!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
LMAO NO i thought i was straight 
but if we’re talking abt an actual crush then ... rarely?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
dont know them
21. What are you bad habits?
nail biting
22. Where would you like to travel?
japan w meg ccoUGH
23. Do you have trust issues?
EHHHHHHHH only w ppl i have a reason not to trust?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
saying good morning to meg
playing games!! drawing!! talking 2 people
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
26. What do you do when you wake up?
-turn alarm off and brightness down bc its 11pm and fucking blinds me
-skim notifications to make a mental note of who i need 2 reply 2
-unlock phone and say good morning to meg
-shower / eat
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
my skin tone is so awkward....its hard 2 say cause anything doesnt match my hair
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
i dont have like...........any real exes LOL
30. Do you ever want to get married?
LMAO I CANT IMAGINE IT only bc if i introduced my wife 2 someone i would literally say “this is my girlfriend- i mean wife”
idc abt marriage like id be down but its not like........Essential 2 a rs
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
33. Spell your name with your chin.
im too lazy to move my head
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
im exercise my stress level in splatoon
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
shes cute and plays video games with me and she loves me and never lets me forget that also her name is meg
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
i love. target. 
40. What do you want to do after high school?
LMAO so ive been out of school for a year so... i did want to go to college bt my mom wont let me so im just gonna move countries
Bye Bich
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
yes..........at least if the harm was done to me.....
unless ur my mom/step dad/dad
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
im dissociating/have nothing 2 say
43. Do you smile at strangers?
i try not to look at ppl 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
barely secondhand
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
i have no secrets
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
sometimes but then i think i might be straight and im happy w who i am
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
my disgusting social skills
53. Favourite makeup brand?
eyeliner idc abt brand
54. Favourite store?
amiami .. or target
55. Favourite blog?
softsuke is like my fave mutual theyre p chill 
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
SPAGHETTI or chicken
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
i never win
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
nope tho im surprised
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
yeah... (looks @ meg) (coughs)
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
idr i think it was spin the bottle and i kissed 2 people and i was like 16?
anyway that was my first and last HGJKSGHDUIFJAL
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
all my friends r my real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
meg / jace / laura / ren / toby / rina 
71. Craving something? What?
2 be w meg gggghhj
72. What colour are your towels?
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2/3 maybe 4
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
dont say anything
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
green jacket
80. What colour pants?
pink plaid pj pants (so rn i look like a fucking disaster)
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
mmmm... the road to eldorado!
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
never watched 21js
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
i lov the goth girl and the gay guy i forget names
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
idk LOL
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
UHH.. digimon movie i think?
96. Favourite actress?
emma watson is sooooooooooooooooooooo pretty
97. Favourite actor?
idk (spins a wheel) chris pratt
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
my gma has a bunch of cats
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
most of the time
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
i burned a wacom tablet once
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
i hope not
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
uhhh... nothing that i know of
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
grandma/sister one of the two
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
116. Are you listening to music right now?
im listening to shiny rn.......from moana......(quiet cough)
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
my name is riley, im 19, and i dont know how to fucking read
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
not if i know where i am
121. Are you mean?
i hope not
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
lil bit
127. What makes you happy?
meg and all my friends i love u all
and games
128. Would you change your name?
legally, yes,
im working on that
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
not rly but sometimes i crave it for some stupid reason
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
my brain cannot process this question right now
134. Can you count to one million?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
fk if i know
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
the only meat i eat is poultry
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
so far!! yea
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
dont look back youre not going that way
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
lil bit
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
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