#i need to learn so i can talk Sport w my big butch boys
hcnnibal · 5 months
Hello, I've been intrigued by your ocs and now that you mentioned a football au, I'm curious - are they both football players or is it a "rom com" type of thing. Please elaborate I love when ocs have aus!
(also your art is gorgeous, love you)
(thank uuu)
i think… both football players…like a1 being a quarterback or a running back and being like wow american football is so Fun and Easy and u pan to a2 as like a left guard or something just fucking up anyone that even gets remotely close to a1
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jana-reads · 5 years
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
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370 pages (of waisted time)
2,5 stars Also added to my reading regrets list.
May contain spoilers The main character Anna is the same type as Bella from "Twilight", Ever from "Evermore" or Zoey from "House of Night", she grows on you and in the end of the book leaves you wondering wtf did I  read. Can she really be that dumb and naive?
Anna is the example of how dumb a person can be. She doesn't know that oui is in fact spelled o-u-i not w-e-e, sorry girl but I'm judging you. And she goes to School of America in Paris, or some other pretentious name like that, and struggles with ordering food at the school cafeteria. Really girl? Everyone around you speaks English! Why should't the cafeteria staff? Ooooh, what's this? Paris has a lot of movie theaters? Did this girl really want to be a movie critic?And one of the few respected female ones. She doesn't even know her domain!
And oh Anna, she's the perfect girl, cuter than everyone, better than any girl around. Amanda's too bitchy; Mer is too butch, too into sports; Ellie is too much of a slut; Rashmi, well, we don't even get much of her, Anna doesn't even bother to talk to her most of the time. Except of course when she needs an ear for her oh so big problems. And Bridget, she is just a bitch for dating a dude, oh, the irony, who didn't even have an actual relationship with Anna. Yes something was blooming before Anna left, but there wasn't even a sure establishment of a relationship, or that they'll be loyal to each other. So we're left with oooooh sooo perfect Anna. She's just the right amount of cute, just enough awkward, right amount of girly, a bit clumsy, but perfect *rolls eyes* And just soooo, the perfect Étienne St. Clare falls in love with her. And she doesn't even really notice it, despite being opsessed with him.
The perfect Étienne St. Clare, even that name is pretentious, so much of this book is. Perfectly beautiful dark haired YA romantic interest, the perfect boyfriend (about that later). Oh St. Clare, St. Clare, every girl in school is obsessed with him. He's so beautiful, so smart, speaks perfect French, and he has that irresistible British accent. And he's so nice to Anna. He shows her Paris and buys her gifts, always on her side. But there's the thing, the ideal love interest already has a girlfriend, Ellie. At the same time he keeps flirting with Anna. What a shame.
Then his mother gets cancer and we learn about his asshole of a father. Controlling but at the same time oh so charming in person. Étienne sure got his genes for the look and charms.
St. Clare falls into depression, of course Anna is the one who manages to drag him out of it. After that they share a bed, totally platonic, nothing happens. Fast forward, they kiss, he still has a girlfriend. Later he breaks up with said girlfriend and admits something along the lines of falling for Anna after the first sight.
I'm sorry but that story was overly sweet and also a the same time so dumb. I'm not even sure how, or more importantly why, did I make it to the end of the book. I need to learn how to put down a shit*y book and actually be done with it. Also we need more YA books where the main girl in the story has some functional brain cells. Even in a love story the character should be a bit more established than likes moves and has one brain cell that's focused on this specific boy. 
(link to goodreads) 
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