#i need to get new work shoes before i injure myself :( its so much money
parme-san · 25 days
i got a new pillow to make my existence less miserable and to hopefully stop my headaches
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footballfanfictions · 3 years
The thrill of the chase - Chapter Two
Pairings: Mason Mount/OC, Ben Chilwell/OC
Authors Note: Sorry that this has taken a little longer than anticipated and thank you so much for all the love for the first part.
One of the main drawbacks of working with social media, is that you are always on social media and you’re constantly bombarded with information and images that make you feel downright crap about yourself.
I’d been asked to take over the instagram page of one of the high profile players at the club and his entire feed was just one supermodel and influencer after the other with the odd footballer thrown in to balance it out. They were all so stunning that it truly made me feel awful about myself, how could it not? My salary was pretty good for a new graduate but not quite good enough for weekly manicures, lip fillers and hair extensions and my time management wouldn’t stretch for that either, I barely made my eyebrow wax appointments.
I was trying to avoid looking at the player’s DMs while I posted a few pictures from the pre-season training sessions to his feed, but the notifications pinging every few minutes was getting quite annoying.
Has it been Brianna with access to his account and not me, she would have gone straight to his messages to read them. I preferred to live in blissful ignorance to the sleazy ways of the men around me. I already felt like finding a good guy was absolutely hopeless.
I had been renting a flat and I was saving for a deposit to buy a house, hoping that by the time I had saved up enough to buy that I would have found the right person to live with. If I were to attempt this alone, with London house prices I would be around  60 by the time I had saved enough alone.
The message notifications continued to come in and whoever Sam was, she was really keen.
I logged out after posting the final image and prayed I wouldn’t have to go into it again. The less I knew about their private lives, the better. It would be pretty awkward to be sat in the staff and players’ family box at a game knowing that the wife of someone I knew was cheating was close by. Best to steer clear of those complications.
Brianna hadn’t visited my office at all and by 12 I was both worried and hungry and decided to go looking for her.
I tried the kit room first but it was empty and surprisingly tidy. Dave kept a tight ship and liked everything to be in its place but it wasn’t often possible with the sheer volume of kits that needed to be looked after.
As I backed out of the kit room and closed the door, I felt something hit me in the back.
“Sorry” mumbled the voice from behind me. “I was looking for Dave, I need a new top.”
I knew who it was but I didn’t really want to turn around and look at him.
“They’re not in there, I was just looking for him and Brianna too.” I responded in an emotionless tone, shrugging.
“Why are you being so weird?” he asked.
I turned to face him then and gave him a look of contempt before I answered him. “Maybe I just don’t enjoy spending time around footballers?”
“No offence love, but I think you might be in the wrong job if that is the case.” he put his hand on the door, next to my head where I was practically pinned against the door by how close he was to me. Only then did I realise that the training top that he was wearing was ripped, front he shoulder to his navel, the material hanging and exposing his toned chest and abs. I tried to look away but he had caught me looking and was now smirking.
“Maybe it’s just you that puts me off.” I shrugged as I ducked under his arm, escaping from my position between him and the door.
“You really don’t like me?” He huffed. “I don’t remember doing anything to offend you personally.”
“Maybe I’m offended that privileged young lads get money, fame and praise just for kicking a ball around a muddy field. Try something more impressive, like curing cancer or performing life saving surgery, ending world hunger, ending wars.” I groaned in frustration. Maybe that was the truth of it. Why should he get all the praise and admiration that he got, just for playing a sport? There were so many incredible people in the world doing, or working towards the things in that list that never got half the praise that Mason Mount did for kicking a ball.
He looked a bit dumb struck.
I went in again, “Maybe I don’t like you assuming that I should be into you, just because you’re Mason Mount, England and Chelsea midfielder. Maybe that’s what the girls in the club that throw themselves at your feet are into, but it’s not for me.”
I made to leave and he grabbed my hand and mumbled, “Sorry, I’ll leave you alone from now on.”
I didn’t respond. Just pulled my hand from his and stormed off towards the boot room, leaving him outside of the kit room in his ripped shirt.
“Fuck it smells like feet in here.” I complained, walking into the boot room with my nose pinched between my fingers in disgust.
“When I said that I liked shoes to dad, this is not what I meant.” Brianna laughed.
“What are you doing in here, I didn’t think boots were part of your job?” I asked, perching on one of the benches while Bri sat on the floor, sorting through a massive pile of boots to try and match up the pairs. They were in all sorts of bright colours and differing sizes. If I had to guess, I’d guess that she had been at her task for hours.
“Dad and the boot guy had some sort of emergency” she shrugged.
I laughed at that, wondering what kind of emergency you could have that involved kits and boots. Maybe they hadn’t ordered the right brand or something and one of the stars wasn’t going to get his cash from his boot deal if they didn’t find him the right pair.
There was a little tap on the sliding glass door that lead out onto the pitches and stood there was the guy from the other day that had held the door to the cafeteria open for us. He looked a little sheepish.
“Are you going to let him in?” I asked Bri, trying to unbury her from the pile of boots by throwing some of them into a pile, all of the orange ones in one corner, the yellow in another pile and pink in another and so on.
“Oh yeah.” she said, standing and brushing herself off, and adjusting her skirt that rode up her thighs slightly. The guy had noticed and I watched as he tried to look away and then down at his feet. At first I hadn’t thought that his shyness was that genuine. Footballers were all confident cocky little shits in my book, I’d never met one that was shy and unsure of himself.
Bri unlocked the door and let him in.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but only one of these fits” he said, holding up a pair of lime green boots and giving Bri an apologetic smile.
“Oh shit” she said, taking the pair from him and inspecting them. “I’ve given you one 10 and one 9.5.” she looked through the pile of lime green boots until she said “aha!” triumphantly brandishing another size 10 boot. “Here you go my love.”
That as just Bri’s way, she called everyone little pet names all the time, but he didn’t know that and he was blushing profusely and I was almost certain that his hands were shaking as he laced the boots up.
“Thank you so much.” he mumbled, looking like he was about to die of embarrassment. He turned to walk back out of the sliding door, but hadn’t realised that Bri had shut it behind him, so he ended up walking straight into the glass, hitting it with enough force to emmit a cracking noise from his nose which was suddenly streaming with blood.
I jumped up from my seat and crossed the room to him, avoiding the piles of boots the best that I could, not wanting to add myself to the casualty list.
I had an unused tissue in my pocket, that I took out and pressed to his nose. It was instantly bright red and the blood poured straight through it.
“Bri can you go and warn the medical room that we need to bring him down?” I asked.
She nodded in agreement and rushed out of the room.
I put my arm around his waist and guided him back over to the benches. He sat down and I slipped my cardigan off. It was a very thin material and already a deep shade of red. I didn’t let him protest as I replaced the tissue with my cardigan. It was the best that we had, and he looked like he was in a lot of pain.
“I’ve never seen anyone get that flustered before.” i laughed, sitting down beside him. He managed to give me a pained grin.
‘It’s Bri isn’t it? Is she why you were waiting by the canteen door the other day?” I asked gently, patting him reassuringly on the back. “I wanted to send her out of the room so that I could ask you, and also to reassure you that you shouldn’t be embarrassed about this. I’ve seen Bri do a lot more embarrassing things. She’s always falling over and hurting herself. You would make quite the pair.” I laughed.
He shook his head and mumbled “I can’t ask her out”.
“Why the hell not?” i scoffed.
“She has a boyfriend doesn’t she?” he shrugged, looking really sombre.
“Ah no, not anymore. Things are definitely over between her and that prick, and between you and me, if she ever gets back together with him, I’ll give her a matching broken nose.” I bumped shoulders with his, trying to cheer him up, just as Bri came back into the room and told us that the medical room were waiting for him.
“Can you come with me?” he asked, not talking to Bri, but to me instead.
“Sure, I would do anything to get out of work this afternoon. Our twitter page today is just full of fans that are disappointed that we didn’t use the Hazard money to sign Messi.” I laughed, getting up and guiding him towards the door.
“Can we catch up later?” I asked Bri before leaving the room, she nodded and told me she would be free all evening.
As we walked down the corridor I said to him “See, no plans to see a boyfriend” and he blushed again.
One of the medical assistants rushed out to meet us and guided him into the room exclaiming “Billy, what the hell? How have you done that?”
He shrugged, clearly feeling embarrassed about how he had injured himself. So when they looked over at me for clarification, I shrugged too.
Billy wasn’t the only player needing the use of the treatment room. As he sat down on one of the chairs, I noticed that Ben was in there too.
The medic went about dabbing Billy’s nose and he cried out in pain.
“Sorry about your cardigan.” he said, looking down at the red material on his lap. He didn’t need it now that he was getting patched up.
“Honestly don’t worry about it Billy.” I grinned.
The medic then mumbled something about needing something and left the room.
That gave Billy a bit more confidence to talk about what had happened.
“And thank you for the advice about your friend.” Billy seemed a bit happier as he said that, and I could see Ben out of the corner of my eye looking over at us as Billy spoke.
“Please tell me you’re going to ask her out!” Ben laughed.
I turned to look at him and smiled. “You know?”
Ben nodded and looked at Billy with a horrified expression “Oh god, you asked her out and she punched you.”
I shook my head. “Not exactly.” I said.
“The boyfriend was here for some reason, and he punched you?’ Ben went on, standing up and coming over to Billy. He walked with a slight limp.
He stood in between us.
“Why are you in here if you don’t mind me asking?” I looked down at his leg while asking the question.
“It’s my hamstring, nothing too serious.” He smiled.
“Don’t laugh at me when I tell you how I did this.” Billy warned, pointing at his nose. “I walked into a sliding glass door that I thought was open, all because she gave me a pair of boots and called me love.” he groaned, covering his face in embarrassment.
Ben laughed and clapped Billy on the back with his hand. “Oh mate, no wonder you’re embarrassed.” he then addressed me, asking “Just how cringy was it?”
I shook my head before answering him, “I honestly don’t think it was that bad. Bri is pretty oblivious sometimes and I don’t actually think she realised the real reason for you hurting yourself. So if you were to pluck up the courage to speak to her, I wouldn’t even bring it up.”
The next day, I was looking out at the training pitches while I waited for the coffee machine to finish making my drink when there was a gentle tap on my door.
I crossed the room and opened it, expecting it to Bri or maybe even the club photographer giving me some new pictures of the squad to use, but it was Ben.
“Hi, are you free?” he asked, giving me one of his sweet smiles.
“Yeah come in.” I said, stepping back into my office and letting him pass me so that I could hold the door open.
“That coffee smells nice”. He remarked.
“Do you want one? Or did I put you off the other day?” I smiled.
“Ah no thanks, and no you didn’t put me off. I’ve never really liked the stuff. I like the smell of coffee, it just doesn’t taste as good as it smells.” as he spoke I realised that he was holding something in a plastic bag.
He realised that I was looking at it. “It’s your cardigan. I washed it for you at home. Think I got all the blood out but it’s red so I can’t really tell.”
I was for once, speechless. It was a small gesture but it was really kind all the same. I thought about making a witty remark about it actually being his mother or an employed cleaner that washed it for him but I just couldn’t bring myself to.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to do that. It’s only an old primark cardigan.” I said, taking the bag from him.
I suddenly felt a bit flustered in his company. He had that charming smile and didn’t really look like a cocky footballer to me. He didn’t act like one much either, he was just kind of like the guy next door, or the guy you would see on Tinder with a picture of him with his mates at the only photo on the profile so you couldn’t tell which one you were swiping for.
In all honesty, he kind of reminded me of my ex boyfriend Rory. He had the same sort of look, and they had similar accents. Maybe it was nostalgia that made me find being around Ben comforting.
‘I think your coffee is done.” he said, gesturing to the machine.
I nodded and walked over to the machine, taking the cup and adding some creamer and sugar. As I stirred the cup, he leant against my desk and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Something is bothering me if I’m honest.” he said.
“What is it?” I asked curiously.
“Mason said that you told him that you hate all footballers because we’re privileged and get too much clout for what we do.” He looked slightly disappointed in me. “Thing is, I don’t entirely disagree with you. Maybe we do get paid too much for what we do, and maybe doctors and nurses deserve way more praise than we do. I also don’t think that you hate all footballers. You were really kind to Blly yesterday and he won’t forget that in a hurry. You really helped him.” he continued.
“I don’t hate Billy, and I don’t think I hate you either.” I said quietly, taking a sip of my coffee.
“That is interesting.” he grinned, as he took one of my hands and guided me over to him, to stand in between his legs where he now sat on the edge of my desk.
Instinctively I put my coffee cup down and he put his arms around my waist.
“It’s interesting?-” he cut me off before I could say anything else, by pressing his lips against mine. The kiss is soft and gentle and lasts only a few seconds. He testing me and my brain is going in so many different directions. Am I actually going back on all of my principles and kissing a fucking footballer right now? And am I only doing it because he reminds me of my ex?
He moves to pull away, breaking the contact between our lips and I let out the tiniest whimper before putting my hand on the back of his head and pulling him back in for more. This time his tongue slips past my parted lips. My hand at the back of his head grips a generous handful of his hair and one of his hands makes its way to my bum.
My body feels like it is on fire. It has been a bloody long time since anyone kissed or touched me, and I hadn’t quite realised just how starved of affection I had been until I got a taste of it, a taste of him.
The telephone on my desk started to ring,and although I tried to ignore it, I just couldn’t. My job meant a lot to me and if it were Marina or someone of equal importance I would be chastised for missing the call.
We broke the kiss at the same time and I apologised to him. He grinned and fired back that I didn’t need to apologise and that he needed to get back to training, and by the time I picked up the phone, he was gone.
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golden-kettle · 3 years
No Place For Love (Mista x GN!Reader)
Guido Mista x GN!Reader - CHAPTER ONE
TW// Strong language, slight violence
You’ve dedicated the beginning of your young adult years to Passione and La Squadra. You weren’t about to choose the enemy over the opportunity to finally get the pay you and your teammates deserved. Right?
Word count: 1,888
It’s been a hot minute since I posted something, so here’s the new project I’m working on! An enemies to lovers story with Mista :) I’m going to try and update as much as I can as I’ve been thinking about something like this for a while. hope you enjoy the first chapter 💕💕 Trusting anyone outside of your gang is a death wish. There's no room for love in the mafia of Passione. You knew this better than anyone else. Sure, you aren't the same as you were years ago. Naïve and inexperienced. However, would you be willing to throw it all away, the blood you've shed and the strength you've gained, for a singular person? That was the very question Risotto asked you when you returned from an incomplete mission, slightly injured.
"I shouldn't have to say what we all know, but this goal is what we live for," he said.
The goal he was referring to was that of taking over the drug routes of Passione, defeating the mysterious boss in the process. It was something you found was impossible, until Risotto told you and the other members of La Squadra that the boss had a daughter. And that daughter, Trish Una, was under the protection of  Bruno Bucciarati and his squad members.
You were told to go and find their current location in Italy as if it was the last thing you'd do. You'd then place a tracking device on one of the members and leave as quickly as possible. Simple, especially for the traits and powers of your stand. So why were you sitting here in front of Risotto with the tracking device in the palm of your hand?
"You need to go back there."
You looked up at him with guilt in your eyes, a silent plea to let you at least spend the night at the base then try again tomorrow morning. Risotto understood right away, observant as he is. With a sigh, he spoke in a low whisper.
"You know that if I let you stay here any longer, the others will say I play favorites. Get going."
You stood up and brushed off your clothes, walking to the door to exit Risottos office. Putting your hand on the knob, you froze without turning your head.
"Risotto, I have one request."
He didn't say anything in response, keeping quiet. Although you knew he was listening.
"If I can't carry out this mission in 48 hours, call me a fool."
With that you left the room, swiftly exiting the base and paying no mind when Formaggio attempted to spark conversation. Deep in your gut, you knew Risotto had no clue as to why you took the time to say such things, but you did. Because before you failed at completing this mission, you ran into someone you've only seen in a photo on an information sheet. Guido Mista, age 18. Stand name: Sex Pistols. 
The first time you saw him you intended on putting the tracking device on him. You would knock him out once he was alone, put the small device between the grooves on the bottom of his shoe. Then leave as if you were never there. Obviously, fate had other plans.
He was standing in line at a café, a small list in his hands. Presumably, what the rest of his squad wanted, you thought. When he finished ordering the list of pastries and drinks, he glanced over his shoulder to you. His eyes widened for a second until the cashier told him his total. 
"Ah, yeah, let me get that."
You watched as Mista shuffled through his pocket, pulling out money to pay. 
"I'll be paying for their meal too," he said as he gestured to you.
"Oh, that won't be needed sir," you said with a smile
.He returned your smile with one of his own, "what do you want?"
Is he trying to flirt with me? You thought before telling the cashier your drink order. Mista then paid for his and your order, walking over to a table to sit while he waited. You did the same until he waved you over. What's the harm in sitting with him while you waited? Perhaps you could get something out of him.
"So what's your name?" he asked, practically beaming when you sat down across from him. 
You answered truthfully, there was no way for him to have any information on you. A staple of being on the hitman team is being anonymous, so there was no background on you. If you were to die, the only way you would live on was through the memories of your teammates. 
"Ah, well my name's Mista, I haven't seen you around before, although you look Italian. You from the south or somethin'?"
"No, I'm from around here. I probably just got lost in the crowd. Or you aren't that observant." 
Thinking that you might as well play along, you didn't feel guilty in teasing him a little bit. In fact, he seemed to enjoy your banter.
"Oh, I am insanely observant. Like for example, you have a stain on your shirt right there," he reached over and pointed. 
When you looked down, he raised his finger and flicked your nose. You couldn't even be mad at his kindergarten teasing. You crossed your arms as he leaned back and laughed.
"Haha. Very funny," you said with a smile, "but are you willing to tell me a bit about yourself, Mista? I will say it's not every day I get someone to pay for my order."
"Sure can do, what are you dying to know?"
"Why did you decide to pay for my drink?" You knew you should ease into the questions so you could get something notable out of him.
"Isn't it obvious? I think you're cute."
You laughed softly at the statement, "you're right, I guess that's self-explanatory isn't it?"
Mista hummed, "my turn to ask you a question. What do you think of me?" he grinned, putting his chin between his forefinger and thumb.
You took a moment to think. No way in hell you were about to boost his ego more than it seemed to already be, but you weren't about to be flat at rude instead.
"I think you're generous, yet insane to be wearing a hat and knitted shirt in the Italian spring sun," you spoke out of a light laugh.
"That's fair."
You smiled, leaning against the table and rubbing the back of your neck. You turned your head to avoid his gaze, acting shy, as you spoke your next question.
"You have plans after this? I know you probably ordered for a group of people.. but maybe we can make a detour at my place?" you glance back at him with an innocent smile on your face.
"Well... I do have plans after this, but I'm sure they can wait. I want to get to know you after all."
How gullible can he be? Isn't he a gunman in the most notable mafia present in Italy right now? No matter the case, you just found an easy opening. This mission would be completed earlier than you thought.
After some small talk and retrieving your order, you lead Mista down the street and into an alleyway.
"My apartment is just on the left side once we get through here," you smiled, "but you won't be seeing it."
Mista glanced back to you, confused by the last few words of your statement. With that, you used your stand to push him to the ground, knocking the bag of pastries and cardboard holder with the drinks out of his hands. You watched as he reached for what you assumed was a gun in his boot, but straddled over him and pinned his hands above his head.
"Fucking hell, how are you so strong? What do you even want from me?"
"I want you to shut up and sleep," you spoke with a total shift in tone and attitude.
He grinned to your surprise, then in a flash he wrapped his leg around yours and flipped you over. Now he was pinning you down. He grabbed his gun and let go of your hands, pressing the gun against your forehead. 
"Who the hell are you?" he demanded."
I told you my name, Mista. Don't have me repeat myself."
He pressed the gun harder against your head, but your face remained neutral and unbothered.
"You're part of a gang, aren't you? What are you after from Passione? Or are you after us specifically?"
"Don't you think there's no point in asking me questions if I'm not going to answer them?"
Mista moved his gun in a flash, firing a bullet into the ground beside you. He then pressed its barrel against your forehead once more.
"I'm not messing around."
”You were a few minutes ago. Honestly, it seemed like you were so sure you were gonna get a kiss from me. Maybe more. Just how down bad are you, Mista?"
"Stop saying my name as if you know me."
"But I do know you, dear. That new capo, Bucciarati. He broke you out of jail and you joined his squad. The name of your stand is Sex Pistols, truly fitting for a man like yourself."
With that, he slapped you across the face. You froze for a second before speaking again.
"..Did you just slap me?" You spoke in a tone of utter shock.
"Want me to do it again, “dear”?"
"What are you, a sadist?"
"What are you, a masochist?" He replied, clearly mocking you.
This wasn't going to get you anywhere.
"I'm sick of this," you said, manifesting your stand behind him.
Your stand then put its arms around Mista's waist and pulled him off of you. You stood up and ran back to the crowded streets of the town, taking the shock he had of you being a stand user for granted. Once Mista gained his senses, he started to chase after you. However, it was a lost cause. You were already lost within the people. 
It wasn't until you were running for a half-hour that you realized you didn't complete your mission. Risotto was bound to be pissed at you. Hell, you were pissed at yourself. You had no clue what came over you.
"What was I thinking?" you said to yourself.
You could've had your stand knock him out while he had you pinned down. In fact, that was the plan when you walked him into that alley. 
He's attractive. That's why you didn't hurt him. You sighed. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, that was the only reason that made sense.
"God damn him."
As you walked back to your base you thought about what you'd say to Risotto. Maybe you could convince him to let you spend the rest of the day rethinking a new plan and get some sleep before acting on it tomorrow morning. Instead, you ended up saying nothing and let him scold you.
Now you were here, outside the base and walking back to the busy city Naples. Thoughts going at a hundred miles an hour, you knew Mista probably returned back to wherever the rest of his gang was. No way you could take them all at once. 
You told Risotto to call you a fool if you failed to carry out the mission because that's exactly what you'd be. You thought about his question. Would you be willing to throw away everything you've built for only one person?
Only a fool in love would do that.
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HASO, “Letting Go.”
Wrote this today, hope you like it, and hope you all have a great day :)
“We have to take him to a hospital.”
His hearing echoed, his ears rang, and his body felt cold and numb. He hurt all over.
“No! That's the last thing he needs right now.”
“Not to be rude but, are you stupid! The last tie i checked, I am the only one here with a Doctorate in actual doctoring.
The world swirled slowly to the left and then to the right.
“Last time I checked I’ve been in his shoes before. You have any idea what they are going to do, they are going to assume he jumped off that bridge on purpose. They are going to strap him down, which is going to make things worse, they are going to bring in psych, who are then going to determine that he should be locked down. That is the last thing this man needs right now, and believe me I have been in his shoes.” he faded out and then back in again.
“Than what do you suggest.”
“You’re a doctor aren’t you, so as long as we have you, he is going to be fine. Let's just get him back to my hotel, but I am telling you the last thing he needs is a noisy smelly hospital room.”
“And how are we going to get him back?”
He faded back in and back out again, “I can carry him.”
“He weights over two hundred pounds.” “Than I will take lots of breaks.”
He faded out again, this time for a long while, waking up only briefly an unknown time later. He was lying, uncomfortably over someone else’s shoulder and staring at the ground as it passed by below him. Little streaks of light dotted his vision from the pain, and he felt back unconscious before he could really understand what was going on.
Kier Lindsay stared down at the young man, watching as the strange little alien creature got to work. He had once heard that multitasking was pretty much impossible for humans as the brain was too interconnected to allow for it, but his creature didn’t seem to have any problems. All four of its arms seemed to work independently of each other as it stitched the unconscious man back into one piece. Looking him over the doctor had determined that he had managed to fracture his good leg and some of the bones in his right arm and side, but otherwise he was less injured than they had hoped. 
Then again this was without considering the psychological duress he might be under at the moment.
He grimaced thinking about it.
He had been there before, he had been there and he had hurt a lot of people in the process.
He continued to watch as the alien stitched the other man up with great precision…
Honestly he wasn’t much more than a kid, his face was still smooth, unscared by time . Not a hint of white showed in his blond hair, and as he slept, the lines of his face were soft enough that Kier couldn’t shake the feeling that he WAS nothing more than a child.
A child who had had responsibility placed on him far to soon.
To be only in you late twenties and have command of an entire galactic armada.
That was too much to ask for anyone, much less someone like him. Kier couldn’t shake the thoughts as he stared down thinking about how despite technically being an adult for a long enough time, he doubted this man had ever been given a chance to grow up, at least not in the right ways. Turned to the academy at age fourteen, he had been doing adult jobs for longer than most people. He had been thrown into an environment where intelligence and performance mattered but social opportunities were sort of lacking, and then to be thrown right onto the enterprise and into war before trying to recover and immediately turning back to the one group of people that had failed him so badly…..
Adam vir was just a kid, an overly optimistic too trusting kid who had been taken advantage of by the system time and time again. He was like a golden retriever hurt by his master but still loyal enough to come crawling back.
It almost made him sick to watch, but he knew just by looking at him that he would never consider leaving. 
Even if it were for his health.
Kier sighed and sat down by the bed staring at the boy with his chin cupped in one hand.
He had a son about Adam Vir’s age, a boy that was just beginning to pull his life together into some semblance of controlled. It had taken him a lot of mistakes and a lot of experience to figure out who he was, and he ached for the realisation that this man probably never got that.
He knew the feeling all too well.
He shook himself a little, dad mode was something you couldn’t really just turn off, at least not in his case. If there were people younger than him, he felt the automatic obligation to adopt them whether they wanted it or not.
Young people deserved guidance from someone who was older and the more people to do it the better. Lindsay hadn’t seen any of Adam’s family members at the trial, which didn’t necessarily mean anything, but he also got the impression that maybe the had avoided telling them on purpose, which was another red flag he was going to have to discuss with the boy woke up.
If he woke up.
He woke up some time later, though he couldn’t have guessed what time. The room was dark aside from the blue light of the TV. A little bit of natural light filtered in from the window, but rain clouds dotted blanketed the sky above. Rain pattered against the window in sheets obscuring the city landscape.
He groaned and tilted his head to the side.
A soft whimper, and something warm and wet ran over the back of his hand.
He tilted his head to the side.
The room was small, only big enough for a queen sized bed, a tv and a small desk. There was adoor to a small bathroom right next to a door that likely lead out into the hallway. The hotel room was small, but clean.
And it wasn’t his.
He turned his head a little further, gritting his teeth against the pain as his bleary eyes fell on the silhouette of a man sitting at the end of the bed. He was slightly hunched forward one hand resting on his knee as he flipped through the channels.
“Adam, can you hear me.’
He turned his head a little further to the right, to where Kril was standing beside him, a look of concern on his face.
The silhouette turned to face him, no more than a balck blob against the light. It was impossible to make out his face.
“Where am I? He croaked
The man stood and stepped forward, stepping out of the way of the TV and allowing some light to fall on the side of his face, “My hotel room, sorry about how cramped it is, but until yesterday I was kind of short on cash.”
Adam blinked, the cogs in his brain grinding to a slow start as he stared at the man’s face, which was familiar but he just couldn’t…
It was the first word his brain could think of to describe the man when he finally recognised him, and in his goggy state it was the only thing he could think of, “Where do you even buy those these days.”
“Lets just say if I could quit my smoking habit than maybe I wouldn’t be so short of cash…. Anyway, how are you feeling.”
“Like shit…. What…. What happened.”
The other man sighed and pulled up the chair from the desk, sitting next to him, “You must have had a pretty bad PTSD attack. Looks like you jumped off an overpass and then rad headfirst into a brick wall.”
He grunted, “that explains a lot I guess….” he paused, “I thought…. I thought I was doing fine. I felt…. Fine and now…” A hand rested on his shoulder, “I know, I understand.”
Adam blinked, squinting at him slightly in the darkness, “Who are you/”
“The name is Kier but most of my friends call me Lindsay. I don’t know why, guess our days in the army just sort of rubbed off on us, now we only refer to people by their last names really.”
“What were you doing at the trial.”
The man smiled a little sadly, “Watching some assholes git their comeuppance, oh, and being awarded about five million dollars compensation.”
It took Adam even longer to digest that, “You….. you’re Steel eye-” The last two words came out as a squeak.”
Lindsay turned on the light by the bed, bathing them both in a warm yellow glow. Now that Adam could get a good look at him, he saw an older man probably in his late forties or early fifties. His hair was steel grey but well groomed, and he had the body of a man half his age. He wore only a tattered flannel rolled up to the sleeves and a white T-shirt. The back and sides of his arms were dotted with familiar circular scars  all with a silver sort of sheen.
And, surprisingly, little silver dots….
Iron eye implants.
He turned his head to stare up at him, “You…. you are one of the five.”
“Yep, we never met during the war but I’ve been watching your career on the news for some time now. Some real impressive stuff kid.” he smiled, smiled and easy smile of someone who actually meant it.
Adam felt a sudden pang of guilt and shame.
For a moment he couldn’t figure out what it had stemmed from, until he realised. This man seemed fine, and here he was a complete wreck.
“How are you….. Ok after all that?” he wondered almost bitterly.
Lindsay shook his head, “Don’t start with that. I've jumped from one war to another my entire life. I have more experience than you.”
Adam went quiet, “So you were fine…. After steel eye.”
The man snorted, “No… no no, not even close.”
“What happened, if you don’t mind me asking.”
The man shrugged, “Lost both my legs in the war, one above the knee and one below. When I got home my family didn’t have enough money to get me good prosthetics, so I was pretty much wheelchair bound for a year or so.” he sighed, “I came back a shell of a man to a family who really needed a father. It was so bad for a time, everyday I thought about just…. Not being there anymore. I didn’t  talk to my wife, I didn’t talk to my kids, and when I did speak I was angry all the time or apathetic.” His shoulders slumped, “For a time, I didn’t have much of a relationship with my middle daughter or my oldest son. I had drug withdrawals so bad I even wheeled myself halfway across town to try and find something…. Heroin maybe, anything that might take the edge off,” He snorted sadly, “I see it as a blessing now that no one would sell to me. I went over the edge drinking, and chain smoking and trying to bum pills off of any doctor I could find. Luckily with regulations on pills these days, I wasn’t given any.”
Adam felt his mouth go dry, “That bad.”
He nodded, “Woke up screaming most nights because of the dreams. For a while my kids moved out of the house because my wife was scared for thor safety.” He held up a hand, “Even during that time I would never have hit them intentionally, but my dreams were getting so bad that I would wake up flailing, and I would jump at the smallest sound. Anything could set me off.”
He sighed sadly, “But my wife bless her soul, is the strongest woman I know.” He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a photograph showing it to Adam with a look of pride so profound  it made even Adam’s heart ache.
What he saw was a nice family. Two younger kids, a teenage boy, and a woman.
She had short black hair spiked up and dark lipstick on, and the look on her face was indicative of someone full of mischievous humor.
“My angel. She stayed by me even though she should have left. I tried to get her to leave, even made my behavior worse at one point to drive her off. She SHOULD have left me, but she didn’t. I had the mot amazing support system. She held me from falling any further into it, and my little girl, my little girl Bethany, that little girl pulled me out by my hair and dragged me back to reality. She was too young to realise how horrible I was being, and she just thought I was sick. No matter how much my wife tried to keep hr away from me, she always came to see me somehow, with ‘medicine’.” 
He smiled, “Generally it was just a tube of baby M&Ms. I refused at first, but she insisted, and the one day I decided to take them just to quiet her down, she told me that I would be all better.”
He waited with pent up breath.
“That night, I slept without nightmares…. The placebo effect is a hell of a thing if a child can convince a grown ass man that M&Ms ar medicine. I woke up and my head had never been so clear in my entire life. I saw what I was doing to them, and to my little girl and to my other kids…. I have never cried that hard in my entire life, but it was just what I needed. Some emotion to break the cycle of anger and apathy. It wasn’t an easy road from there, but I finally got smart and started listening to my wife. Somehow managed to get my kids to forgive me, and from there we worked as a team to get me back on my feet.” he patted the cigarette in his pocket, “This is what remains from those days…. Can’t seem to quit, but working on it.”
Adam was quiet for some time, 
“It was that hard on your family.”
“It was. I am glad they stayed but at the same time I wish they hadn’t been so hurt by me.
He sighed and leaned his head back, “I don’t think that is possible for me.”
A hand turned to rest down on his shoulder, “I know it sounds hard right now but…. I have a theory if you want to hear it.”
He sighed, “Shoot, it's not like I have any other bright ideas.”
“What are you?”
“What do you mean.”
“I mean when all the trappings are stripped away from you, your job and your title…. What makes you…. You.”
He paused for a moment, opened his mouth and then closed it, “I…. Im a….I….” The other man waited, his eyes sad.
The only things Adam could think of were related to his job.
When he was silent for some minutes, the man patted his arm, “All these years of service and you've never taken time to construct a framework for yourself that can survive outside of your job. If you keep defining yourself by what you do and how well you preform than you aren’t going to last. You constantly do everything for everyone else, but why not think about doing something for yourself for once, be completely selfish. Don’t go on vacation because, I bet this will calm me down and make me a better leader when I return, go on vacation because you bloody well want to job be damned.”
Adam opened his mouth to protest, but the man silenced him.
“Even if you love your job, you need breaks from it. You need to set the line to where your job ends and you begin, otherwise you won’t have a personality left when you are done. Take some time to fix YOU before lending yourself to everyone else.”
He rested his head back, “That sounds….. Difficult.”
The man patted him on the arm, “You’ve proven you can do hard things, now is just the time to do another hard thing.”
Adam nodded but inside his head he was beginning to feel a little hopeless. He knew that Lindsay was right. He knew that he was messed up, and everything he had done up to this point was just going to be a bandage. 
And until he was fixed.
He was going to have to give up a few things.
He hated the idea of hurting people like Lindsay had described, so…. So that meant doing something that he wasn’t going to like.
“Do you…. Do you mind if I…. speak with you…. On occasion.”
The man smiled, “I already put my number in your phone if you need me. I work law enforcement now so I might be busy, but if you need my help Ill do my best.”
He didn’t want the court’s blood money. He would have tossed it away if he could, but he knew that was just his confused mind talking. Money was money, so he mostly gave it away. Gave it away to his parents for their retirement, and to his brothers and sisters for their kids college funds. He gave some to his brother to get him a better house in a new area, but he kept some for himself. It would have been irresponsible not to buy himself a house, to get himself a place away from his job and the ship.
He didn’t know where to buy it at first thinking that earth was too mundane but anything further out was too far removed. So, he bought a little private property on the moon. It cost a shit ton of money but, he had that in spades now. He only told his family about it.
They weren’t exactly happy with them when he finally told them where he had been. They had wanted to be there to support him, but he couldn’t find t in himself to feel bad that they hadn’t see the pictures and the videos he had been forced to see. He apologized and promised he would do better in the future.
He felt disconnected from himself.
Out of touch.
The crew of the Omen was just as angry with him, perhaps even more so than his family.. The intervening days that led him back to his ship feeling detached was like…. Some sort of horrible dream. He felt like he was slipping backward down a slippery slope and watching the light fade away from him. 
He was scrambling on the rocks but couldn’t find purchase.
Perhaps it was the idea of what he had to do next that hurt  him so much. Hurt him so much that he didn’t want to think about it, but he knew he had to. He didn’t want to but he knew he had to. It was the only way he was going to be able to feel ok about himself, about fixing himself.
Maybe things would change when he finally came back.
Maybe when he recovered, he could change what he was about to do.
And maybe he was about to ruin it forever.
He walked down the hallway of the engineering corridor despondent, like he was watching himself in third person.
He reached out a hand that didn’t feel like his and knocked on the wall of the ship.
A familiar face turned to look at him from her workspace in the dark. Sunny stood and paused to look at him, “Adam, are you alright.”
“Sunny…. We…. need to talk.”
She paused eyes narrowing in confusion.
“Are you ok.” she repeated.
He walked in taking a seat on her work bench and staring down at his hands.
“Is this about, the trial….. I mean yes I am a little mad that you didn’t tell me. Is it because I’m a Drev, is it because it would have looked bad. I know I don’t understand human politics, but maybe….”
He held up a hand, and she grew quiet.
He sat for a long moment fighting himself on the inside,and then forcing himself to look up at her. He could feel hot tears prickling at the back of his eyes though, for some reason he couldn’t get them to fall.
She deserved that he at least LOOK at her.
He felt sick.
He just wanted to throw up. 
This…. This was the hardest thing he had ever done. 
“Sunny…. I… while I was away, at the trial.”
She stared at him slow horror and confusion passing across her face.
“Well, I learned some things about myself. Number one being that, I….. I never recovered from what happened to me. From Steel eye and the war. Ive been bandaging it up for the past few years assuming that I can fix it, but at this point…. I wonder if I ever will.” He took a deep breath and locked eyes with her, “I’m broken, and until I can fix myself…. I think its best if-”
“No, no no no that's not how this works.”
He continued speaking, “I think it's best if we take a break.”
“Sunny I love you but I. I am not Capable of being what you need or deserve.” he stood reaching a hand forward, “I can’t subject you to myself like that.”
She jerked away from his hand, “that should be MY decision it would be OUR decision.”
“Sunny please…. I am so sorry.”
“On my planet, battle pairs fight WITH each other no matter how hard the battle is.”
His voice shook timorous and fading fast, “And on my planet, sometimes loving someone means letting them go.”
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arandompostarchive · 3 years
SALEM - Ch. 14
Summary: In all the centuries of your existence, you had never been dragged out of hiding by another god, put in a superhero team and forced to save the universe. But it seems your luck has run out.
7 Days Left
You could still feel the way your face burned.
“I guess this is why more people don’t teleport. Always wondered why Loki didn’t just learn to teleport better.” You said under your breath. You layed back down on the grass below you. It was just as soft as you remembered. You gripped it tightly in your hand, trying to distract yourself from the pain. Looking over your landing spot, you could see some of the grass directly below you smoking. You still saw the small amount of black still on your hands, creeping its way up your arms through your veins. With Nyx as your mother, shadows and darkness were something you were used to, but the dark veins were something you hadn’t seen in a long time. You dragged yourself further away from the smoking grass, putting yourself on softer ground.
The longer you sat there, the worse the pain got. You kept your hand over your eye, your other hand tightening on the grass below you. You took a few deep breaths and tried to focus your energy to do some amount of healing. You saw your hand turn black as small clouds of shadows wrapped it and you held it over your eye. The pain dulled slightly, but your grip on the grass didn’t let up. A small groan involuntarily left your mouth. The dull throbbing on your face cooled a bit. It felt like your body was getting used to the pain, rather than it going away. But hey, it’s better than suffering.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, looking around. You were on the hill you remembered landing on with Loki. Loki.
Is he alright? Still alive? The absence of the quinjet suggested he was at least okay enough to fly. You silently wished he had left it and used the Tesseract, but you quickly realized without some medical attention you were in no state to fly any sort of ship.
You took your hand off your eye, doing your best to see using only moonlight. You could still clearly see a dark color against your hand, no doubt your blood. You groaned, more confused than anything else, but you still did your best to stand up. Your magic was helpful, but not a solution. Unfortunately for you, much like Thor, some injuries were permanent, and you were hoping this wouldn’t be one of them. When it came to magic, you were a skilled god. After all, it was one of your two titles.
You stumbled your way down the small hill towards the soldier’s base. With your stumbling and poor vision, you found it astounding you made it as far as you did. Your feet stung in your shoes like you decided to stand up after they both fell asleep. You were close to their walls, but there was a sudden and alarming light shining in your face, and a rather authoritative voice shouted down at you.
“Stop where you are!”
You felt much too dizzy to say anything, much less fight back, so you put your hands up. A few guards ran down a second later wrapping cuffs around you. They felt bulkier than the ones you had seen on Earth, they fit tight against your wrist, which didn’t help your blood circulation in the slightest.
They (rather roughly) dragged you through their base and into some sort of room. It resembled a human interrogation room, something you had seen a bit since working with the Avengers. You waited for what felt like years. You couldn’t raise your hand to your eye anymore since the cuffs stuck to the table in front of you with what felt like magnets but significantly stronger.
Your head hung over the table and every so often a drop of your blood fell onto the metal table in front of you. You could feel what felt like tears roll down one side of your face, but you knew better. The blood had probably stained your suit by now. You were thankful Tony had designed it to be black, otherwise, that would be a pain in your ass to clean.
Unlike Earth’s interrogation rooms, there didn’t seem to be a mirror. Simply smooth, stone walls, a table, and a rather uncomfortable chair. You thought about what Loki was doing. How he would explain himself to the Avengers. What was Tony thinking? How did Peter do on that school assignment? Now, for the first time in about a week, everything was calm. Despite the fact that you were locked in a room, likely in quite a bit of trouble with murderous soldiers, this is the calmest you had felt in quite a long time.
Moros was going on to do something, you weren’t sure what. But you did know that it wouldn’t end well. Not for Earth or any other planets he decided to target. Innocents would be suffering, and you couldn’t stop him. He was stronger than you thought, and you had prepared to fight a death goddess with a bad temper.
The door jolted open, revealing a tall, roughed up guard. You recognized him as one of the guards who saw you and Loki escape only a day or two ago. Wow. That was really only a day…
“Hello, there.” The guard said. He walked to your side of the table and held a small card against your cuffs. They illuminated a soft blue before unlocking and releasing themselves off the table. He picked them up and gestured to the door. Your hand brushed the table as you stood up, rubbing blood onto your hand. The guard frowned, putting his hand on your shoulder.
“What in hell’s name happened there? No, you can tell me later. Let’s get that fixed up.” He said, walking ahead of you and turning down a hallway.
You jogged a bit to catch up with him, more than a little confused. “Not that I’m not grateful, but why exactly did you take me out of there?”
He smiled a bit, “You’re Mal’s new recruit, right? He’s probably at a different base right now, but I figured I should probably look out for you if he took a liking to you. Not that I’m not a bit confused myself. What were you doing out of the base? One of those hunters?”
You nodded along, breathing out a quiet sigh in relief that the Mal guy wasn’t around to discredit the guard’s theory.
“Damn. I think another soldier was taken by one of those bastards. Vexus is fairly certain there are some guards who are working for them. Some people will do anything for money.”
“Vexus?” You asked. He stopped for a second before laughing and continuing to walk.
“Wow, you really are new, huh? They’re the boss around here. They run this base.” You nodded in response.
“And what’s your name?” You questioned as you both neared the end of the hallway.
“Brigadier General Shale. But any friend of Mal’s can call me Mios.”
You smiled. He opened a door at the end of the hall, gesturing to the inside and following you in.
There were other soldiers through the large room, they were all being led off in different directions. You could see what looked like nurses rushing a woman across the room. She had a wound on her chest and had been laid down on what resembled a stretcher. Mios beckoned you to a desk-like area. The qualities of the room mimicked that of the Avenger’s own medical wing, but with slight differences. Like the odd, lamp-looking lights built into the ceiling that curved around the entire room. Or the much darker designs, contrasting the white hospitals you were used to. Not impossible, just odd.
Mios was talking to a woman sitting at the desk. She had small antenna poking out from under her hair. Her skin reminded you of Earth’s sky, and silvery-white freckles spotted her face. You stood next to Mios and the woman asked you something in a different language than the one you were used to. Suddenly, you were thankful for Allspeak. You moved your hand, exposing your eye, the room was white and blurred and the sudden light made your eye sting. The woman nodded.
The more time you spend in the room the more you wanted to just go back home, something you were sure your team was waiting for. If they even thought you were alive anymore.
You hadn’t really taken time to think it all over. To think through everything that happened in only a week. Flying off-planet with Loki, fighting your aggressive sibling, and attempting to teleport, something you were now deeply regretting. If I ever teleport again I’ll need to actually learn how to do it. Even though your version of teleporting more reminded you of space travel, thinking of a way to get to whatever place, then taking yourself there. You wanted to try again, to see how much farther you could get. But you didn’t know many planets, and you’d rather not lose both eyes.
“Hey, let’s go.” Mios’ voice called to you, bringing you out of your thoughts. You nodded, following a darkly dressed nurse to a back corner of the office area. You entered another room, the people there all had wounds, bleeding and fairly deep. Some of them had passed out and one or two were having what looked like an odd version of CPR. It made you wonder how bad your wound really was.
“So, recruit. Tell me, what should I call you?” Mios asked.
You thought over your options a bit, “Call me Salem.” You finally said, trying your best to smile. He smiled back.
“Salem, huh? Nice name.” He said as you sat down on an empty bed. He sat on a small stool next to you. The room was crowded and full of injured soldiers. You would’ve asked exactly what war they were fighting if it wouldn’t have blown your cover. You only waited a minute for a doctor to come over, she seemed to be the same race as the woman at the desk. She examined your eye and used some sort of scanning device on you. Her hands glowed slightly, a type of magic you recognized. It was far from Asgardian magic, or even the small amount of magic on Earth. Rather, a kind of healing magic. She held it over your eye for a moment then removed it. She frowned and tried it again.
“You should be healing on your own from what I can tell. Your cellular regeneration is remarkable. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were a god.”
Mios wrinkled his nose at the word, scoffing a bit. “No recruit here is a god, believe me. Someone would’ve figured it out by now.” You wanted to ask why he hated gods so much, but you decided you’d wait a bit for that question.
The nurse seemed to ignore Mios and instead continued talking. “How did you get this wound?” She said, her hand still over your eye.
You thought through your answer, eventually saying “Spell gone awry.”
“You’re a magician?” She questioned. You nodded.
“I see. Wounds like this, especially with magic…” She trailed off. “I don’t think I can help you, I’m sorry. The best I can do is numb any pain and insured it’ll scar properly but… that wound. It’s not going anywhere.” You nodded. You weren’t entirely sure what to say. When Thor lost his eye, he seemed to just roll with the punches. Granted, he didn’t have much of a scar. From what the nurse said, you’d be left with something ugly. The thought made you cringe.
“Thank you for trying.” You said grimly. At least Thor and I will match now, you thought. Tony would never let this go. Maybe he could actually make a decent nickname out of this. The thought only made you want to leave more.
The nurse nodded and left for a moment before coming back with some sort of cream and bandages. She applied the cream and you instantly felt a burn, so cold it was hot. You saw it glow just a bit out of the corner of your good eye. You groaned. Your noises didn’t seem to bug the doctor, Mios, or any other patients and you felt safe from the potential embarrassment.
Soon after, the doctor finally let you leave, a bandage stuck on the side of your head, keeping soft cotton over your eye. Mios smiled at you anyway, probably used to the sight of injured soldiers. “What troop are you in? I’ll walk you to the quarters.”
You froze. You tried your best not to stop or stutter. “Uh. I haven’t been given one.” You said, hoping that was an acceptable answer. He looked deeply confused.
“Are you sure? No one’s ever given you one? You came here unassigned?” You shook your head. You were sure Mios could hear your heartbeat from where he stood. “Why don’t you join mine. I’ll sneak your name on the list.” He smiled a little bit. “I’m sure someone somewhere has given you one, maybe you don’t remember.” You shrugged, relieved he wouldn’t question you more. He stopped at a door. You recognized it. You were almost sure it was the one Loki was walking from.
Great. Loki thought someone here knew him, that guy you both were looking for earlier.
You stepped into the room and Mios led you to a bed. The room was full of other women and you suspected the quarters were divided by gender.
“Get some rest and heal up, you’ll be up early. After breakfast you can go take that bandage off, you should be healed enough by then. We got the best doctors in the galaxy.” He laughed. “We can assess your skills and placement tomorrow.” You sat on the bed, offering him a small thank you. He gave you a small nod in reply, stepping out of the room.
Mios wasn’t kidding when he said early. Or maybe you just got here too late at night. There weren’t any clocks you could read. You had tried asking some people for the time, but the answers you got didn’t translate well. “The 36th hour”, “3 past dawn”, “Only one-seventh through the day”. You eventually just stopped asking, instead choosing to accept it was an early enough time. Breakfast was dull, but you were thankful Mios had let you sit with his officers. He insisted that Mal had left a place at the table that he would love you to fill. You were simply thankful you weren’t put in a group of people you didn’t know or understand.
Mios took you to the doctors again and they took off the bandage, giving you a new type of cream to put over the scar. You thanked them and Mios took you down to his training room.
“Now, I’m not certain what planet your from, but our ranks work a little differently. They’re given by skill. When you join, you may simply receive a higher rank than others. Most people can work their way up by getting better, but when the best of the best are only getting better, you tend to stay at the same spot. Unless someone dies in battle. Are you ready, Salem?” You nodded. He gestured to a weapons rack. You thought about your weapon. The short staff that evolved into a scythe. You turned to Mios to ask about out before he produced it before you.
“I figure you’d want this back, but you’re still going to have to train with our weapons. Just so no one really gets hurt. You took the weapon, placing it with your things before picking up what looked like two wooden daggers. Loki had shown you knife throwing centuries ago, a natural skill of his. The thought made you smile.
“Interesting. Don’t have recruits pick those too often. Usually one of the more grand weapons. Always trying to show off.” Mios shook his head, grabbed a long wooden staff with a small rounded end. “Usually I’d have a spear, but those are even dangerous when wooden. I hope this will do.” He smiled. Clearly, he had experience from training others. You wondered if that was a line he used often.
“I’m sure I’m not the first person you’ve said that too, General.” You said, laughing a bit. Thankfully, the trickster shard your sense of humor. He chose to laugh at your joke rather than get upset for some reason.
“No, you are not.” He led you over to another area, one with more open space for sparring. He took his position, as did you. A third person started counting. It startled you a bit since you didn’t realize they were there. Then, he charged.
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docholligay · 4 years
Follow Water Down
I have been wandering around in the woods since I was a small child. My family was not particularly well off, and from the ages of probably 3 to 16, the only vacations we ever took were camping trips. We left the house for the woods nearly every weekend. I live in Montana, and so when I say camping trips, I don’t mean we headed off to the KOA with a pool, I mean if I walked away from the campsite I was in the goddamn National Forest. I was genuinely happy with this arrangement, as I was a strange child who grew up to be a strange adult, and I enjoyed the quiet, the sense of exploration, the smell of the trees. 
I began leaving the campsite nearly from the word go, and by the time I was about 8 or so, I was very much off by myself in the woods for the majority of the day, which leads us to our post today. There are people who would call my mom grossly neglectful for having allowed me to do so much on my own at such a young age, and even she gets bashful when she talks about it, but I credit it with a lot of positives: 
I have an extremely good sense of direction
I have a strong core of self-sufficiency and am not easily overwhelmed by anxiety
I can be alone in the quiet with my thoughts
I am rough and tumble as HELL, owing to many many many falls down the sides of mountains, huge gashes in my legs, being stalked by a mountain lion, and one very memorable miscalculation that ended in me falling off a (small) waterfall
When I meet my fear, I can master it*
So what I am here to present to you today are very basic survival skills such as I would teach my own child, such as I was taught as a child. This is by no means comprehensive, and if you intend to get seriously into outdoor life, I recommend both doing far more research, and taking a a Wilderness First Aid class, which are frequently offered when it’s NOT Covid, and which I take about once every 3-5 years (I am due). This is a primer for those who are young, or new, or mostly want to experience the wilderness by reading about me doing it. 
Follow Water Down. 
I cannot remember how old I was when I learned this. It’s the sort of thing that is a part of my makeup, my mother must have told me when I was only a toddler and its stuck with me so hard that it’s one of the first things I tell people. 
If you are lost: 
Water will always lead you back to civilization eventually. Join up with the stream. See which way its going. Go that way. This is obviously not significantly helpful if you are lost in a flat desert plain but then again, I did start this by saying I was a child of the woods and not the desert. This seems like such an easy trick that people often ignore me when I say it, but it is the simplest thing for a child to remember. 
I can’t remember how old I was when I got lost in a tangle of hills and mountains in the Little Belts, where the trail faded but I kept going in my normal bullheaded way. But I was well and truly lost by the time it was about 3 pm, and in some ways I wish I had worn a step tracker back in those days because I am extremely certain I went miles and miles, as one does when they leave immediately after breakfast and don’t come back till dinner. I had no idea where I was, where the campsite was, or what direction I should be going. 
I was not thrilled. 
But I was not a kid who sat down and cried, in that I had smaller concerns before, and so could easily grow to meet the larger ones. I simply walked down the mountain, knowing a valley was more likely to have a stream I could easily join. Lo and behold, there in that little valley was a snowmelt creek, and I followed it downstream, knowing eventually there would be a house, or a campground, or something. In a twist of glorious good luck, it actually led me back toward where the campsite was, and as I began to recognize things, I easily clipped into our campsite long before any sign of trouble. 
Follow Water Down. If you aren’t near a stream, head for the nearest valley, and follow the valley. This will generally lead you to water. People will tell you to stay put and that is WAY smarter than wandering aimlessly in circles, which is why I say to follow something. You think you won’t go in circles, but you will. By following a streambed, not only are you doubtlessly heading back to civilization on a long enough timeline, but you keep yourself from doing that. 
Your Pack: 
Before you go out for the day, you should have a simple day pack. Mine is an Osprey Hikelite 18, but I hike all the time, and you don’t need something that technical. A plain ol Jansport will work as long as it fits you well. I do however, really approve of and recommend a waist clip. I also think a pocket for a water bottle on the outside is really useful, but you’re not going to fucking die if you have to take off your pack to get to your water bottle. I just find it takes up space I don’t want. 
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More important than your pack itself is what you have in it. Again, this is according to people named Doc, who are me. This is stuff I always take with me when I am by myself, on a trail where it would be realistic to assume I would not see someone else for hours. This is like 95% of Montana trails, or any time that I am off trail. 
Compass. You can get fancy, pretty compasses, but a lot of times they lack the actual essentials you need. I like this guy, which is well made, can be clipped to you backpack easily, and is inexpensive. I don’t have the time or space to really try to teach you how to use a compass, but here’s a really good simple primer from the American Hiking Society. 
Paper Map. I sometimes break this one, admittedly, but I shouldn’t. Having a paper map of the area is always a really smart practice, and used in combination with the compass, can help you get unlost quickly, or at the very least give you an idea of how close to any given outpost you are. 
Water Bottle. Please don’t tell me you were going to attempt to leave without this. I have no preferences on one, shockingly, and I’m being serious. I’ve been given to use an old disposable one, who gives a shit. 
Water Filter. Now THIS I did not have as a child, because my parents didn’t know any better, but if I follow in the grand tradition of my people and release my child into the mountains, I will give them one for certain. I knew what kind of water to look for if one was going to drink from a stream, and I did so, which probably explains why I am not susceptible to ~tummy upsets~ to this day. However, it would have been smarter for me to have one of these. I like LifeStraw but Sawyer makes a perfectly good one. Look for lightweight, it’s a day pack, kids. 
Knife. I have many many feelings about knives, which would require its own post, but this is fairly essential for being out and about. This is not a thing I would necessarily cheap out on, though there are fine options at most price points. This is my knife:
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The Gerber Propel AO. The serrated and straight blade edge means there’s a lot of options for use as a tool, I find the blade to be strong and hold an edge well. Most American-made Gerbers (be sure and check, as they have a much shittier Chinese-made division) are incredibly well made knives. Leatherman multi-tools and Swiss Army Knives are, if you ask people named Doc who are me, a waste of weight and size, but if I were to buy a Leatherman, it would be a Free K2X. I would not buy a Swiss Army Knife. 
A jacket/fleece/pullover. Listen, i am the last one who wants to carry this shit but if you get lost overnight (as has never happened to me, kinehara.) you are going to want it. Read up on what the lowest temperatures are, and rate it to that. Depending on what mountain you are in, this is going to vary widely. And for the love of god, wear pants. I know, I know, it’s in the 70s and you’re hoooooooot but seriously, you’ll be less likely to injure yourself and you won’t fucking freeze. 
There are fancy firestarters, but honestly I just throw in a bic. 
Food! Clif bars are great for this, lightweight, high calorie, keep well. this is in addition to your sandwich or whatever you’re packing for planned eating. 
Sunscreen/bug spray. Don’t be stupid. 
Whistle. Three sharp shot blasts is the easy and international sign for help. 
FIRST AID KIT this has its own thing. A first aid kit can be very basic to very intense. Our group first aid kit is more intense, but when I’m stuffing a day pack, I want stuff that’s light. 
wound wipes/antibac
Imodium, benedryl, caffeine
Oxycontin. This is leftover from long ago and basically exists in case I break my leg and have to drag myself out of there, or, as we like to say, a Worst Case Scenario. 
That’s it! It essentially fits in a bento box. 
You will want to be wearing a sunhat of some sort, sunglasses at hand, and a watch. Not a smart watch, a watch watch. It’s good to know what time it is, better to know that after your phone dies. Attach bear bells to your pack, or your shoe, or something. You do not want to surprise a bear, that is how people die. 
You may notice that I do not have a phone, external battery, GPS tracker or anything like that listed. GPS trackers are not a bad idea if you want to invest the money in backcountry--my wife has one--but I never have and I do not consider them essential. Phones and external batteries are not useful to me, and in the places I go there’s often not service. If there IS service, I find I’m more irritated than not by the people with me, who often can’t pull their faces out of telling their audience how much of a life they have to actually have one. Be alone with your fucking thoughts for once. 
Which leads me to my next thing: DO NOT WEAR HEADPHONES TO HIKE OH MY GOD. Being able to hear what’s going on around you is key to safety, and also to allowing you to get your bearings. If you are listening to music or something, you are far more likely to sneak up on something, or allow it to sneak up on you. Don’t do it. It’s a terrible idea. 
Should I bring bear spray? This is an excellent question! We have ample bear spray, and I often wear it but I just as often wear Montana Bear Spray (a gun). It’s easier to practice with a gun, I feel more sure of how to use it, and I’m comfortable around it. That being said, this is not the story for most of America, and I understand that. So make sure you are VERY familiar with how to use your bear spray. 
I suppose this went off the rails into supplies more than “tips for survival” but honestly I would rather help you all AVOID trouble than help you out of it. It’s easier to pack clif bars than set a rabbit snare, and its easier to not get lost than it is to build shelter. Also, this is already at 2,000 words, so if you have a SPECIFIC question, let me know! 
*Apologies to Phillip Pullman, but if I were going to get anything from HDM tattooed on me, this sentiment would be it, the only problem being the actual line is “You ent afraid are you?” “Not yet. When I am, I shall master the fear.” which doesn’t look as good but damn has that resonated with me since I read it.
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celestialsushi · 5 years
Mutual (A JSE ego fanfic)
I don’t normally write JSE ego fics (unless all the writing for Schneep in a specific fangame and on a specific askblog counts lol) but I had an idea about JJ and Marvin being turn of the century roommates and thought “well now, I have to write this” XD Enjoy!
PS I still need to draw my Marvin design; don’t worry, I will at some point
"There's got to be an alternative to setting myself on fire..."
Heavy footfalls betrayed the sound of the exhausted magician's feet as he trudged out the backstage door and out into the open street. No sign of the earlier crowd drew a thankful sigh from his lips as he pressed onward down the puddled sidewalk a little ways to a small residential building, deliberately picking his feet up as he climbed the steps.
"Almost home…" he muttered. "Just a little bit farther."
Once inside the entryway, the wall became his companion, keeping him upright as he began limping to one of the doors nearest the end of the hall. He reached for the final doorknob, but this slipped out of his grasp, soon to be replaced by the sight of another young man about his age, attired in a silk dressing gown. He took one look at the worn out warlock and his mouth hung agape.
"Relax, Jamie. It's not as bad as it looks." He pushed past the mustached man, slowly removed his shoes, and poured himself into the nearest sofa.
Jameson Jackson, or JJ as most knew him, shook his head pointedly as he closed the door. ["Oh is it?"] he signed, leaning over into the couch's line of sight.
"Yes. It is. I promise you I didn't have to impale myself this time." The man on the couch dusted off his sleeve a bit. "Just set myself ablaze, that's all."
JJ's heart seized within him. ["And that's somehow less dangerous, Marvin??"]
Marvin's mischievous blue eyes rolled around a bit in thought. "...Under the right circumstances, yes. It's still not a picnic, mind you, but it's definitely a lot safer. For one thing, the flames don't penetrate my body."
Running his hands through his prematurely greying hair, JJ went off in search of a first aid kit, bringing one back in the time it took for Marvin to realize he had more scorch marks on him than he'd previously thought. ["Okay, sit up,"] he motioned. ["I'll have no guest in my house untreated so long as I'm alive and well. Although you seem to be pushing your luck and I don't like it."]
Marvin held up his hand. "No need, Jamie. This'll be a faster heal than that sword wound. And that one sealed on the outside onstage." He sat quietly for a moment, his body bathed in an unearthly green glow as the singed skin returned to a healthy, soft tone.
Closing up the medical kit, JJ shook his head. ["It's not that I want you to be injured, but at some point I'd like to be able to use this seeing as I paid good money for it. You've thankfully rendered it unnecessary!"]
"You'd get more use out of it if you started cooking more," Marvin laughed. "I've seen you handle knives." Reaching back, he untied the ribbon holding his hair together and let it fall loose, a pair of cat ears poking out from the top of his head. He rolled a bit sideways to let his newly-revealed tail have some room beside him, tossing the ribbon onto the nearby coffee table in a tiny puff of sparkles. "At that rate, people might prefer to see YOU as the final act of the show. We have to satiate their ever-increasing bloodlust somehow."
A tiny clatter of nervous disapproval echoed from the kitchen.
"Oh, speaking of dangerous and potentially soul-crushing work," he called out, watching as JJ re-entered the room. "Any word from the publishers?"
The dressing-gowned man pursed his lips as he sheepishly gazed off toward the mantlepiece, a letter sitting above the cozy fire crackling away.
"Not good, I take it?"
JJ shook his head, picking up his letter and limply handing it to Marvin. The magician wasted no time in opening it and, as his eyes darted across each line within, found the heat within his body rising.
"What??" he bellowed, jumping to his previously exhausted feet. "They can't treat you like that!! W-Why, you're a published author for heaven's sake!! With three other houses currently vying for your attention!!"
The sudden fervor from his friend took JJ's feet a step back or two, but a small encouraged smile managed to work its way under his thick mustache. He nodded a bit as though he were testing the waters.
"That's it, I'll do it. I said I wouldn't but I'll do it." He turned to JJ. "Tell me who I've got to transform and I'll do it. This Whittaker bastard? I can easily turn him into a frog!"
That was nowhere near the list of acceptable things in JJ's book. He adamantly shook his head, giving Marvin the biggest ["NO"] his hand could muster.
"But… they called you pedestrian!"
JJ shrugged.
"They called you an amateur!"
JJ shrugged again.
"They said it'd be better that your work line the bottom of every birdcage in this bloody country--"
It was at this point that JJ snatched the letter from Marvin's hand and summarily tossed it into the fireplace.
"...Ah. And their words can burn in hell for all you care, yes?"
Jameson gave a final shrug and wearily wandered to his armchair, slowly letting the cushions support him. ["I really shouldn't let it have that much power over me. After all, it's far from the first rejection I've ever received. But usually they aren't so..."] He furrowed his brow. ["Opinionatedly nasty?"]
"A bit of cellular reorganization and I'm sure he'll think twice next time."
The beleaguered author shook his head once more, watching as Marvin began to become smaller and smaller. In a few dainty steps, the magician, now a full cat of white fur and card suit markings on his back, hopped up into JJ's lap and curled round himself.
"Perhaps you're right," he said, looking up at his host. "I must say, you've a lot more maturity than I do. I've had to leave town on more than one occasion because someone who jeered me found himself with a new nose. And before you ask, I do mean that literally."
The color drained from JJ's face for a moment but he began to pet the strange cat regardless. A few moments later, the previously-stressed man found his tension slipping out of him into the floor below, as though the feline purring coming from his lap was the source and center of his impromptu meditation.
The cat chuckled a bit. "You know… sometimes I wonder who benefits more from this living arrangement: you or myself?"
JJ smiled lightly, his shoulders doing the talking for him.
"I'm serious," Marvin continued. "Here I was thinking my paltry stage salary wouldn't be enough to repay your kindness and yet you seem to be reaping some psychological benefits in addition to the monetary. Short of being an actual cat, I couldn't have planned it better if I'd tried."
With a sleepy yawn and a small nod of agreement, Jameson's eyelids closed up shop and shut him off from the rest of the world. Marvin remained on his lap, but the consciousness was quickly leaving him too.
"And for your part, just… promise me you won't pick up any more oddly-marked strays…" he muttered. "They're out to get me, you know."
(Penned by CelestialSushi)
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mishaphades-blog · 5 years
Dead End | Michael Gray
Author: Birdie
Summary: Y/N Y/L/N finds herself in trouble when Michael Gray seeks her out due to her cousin being shot.
Warnings: the usual peaky blinder stuff, lol
A/N: this is part one of a new little mini series I'm starting on here
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BARE FEET padded against worn hardwood boards, pale and cold like they were every night. A cigarette was soon lit, lighting up the dark room only a small fraction of a second before darkness enveloped the only body in the room again. The only window in the room was open, the cold air blessing Y/N's skin as she inhaled the nicotine, thoughts about her cousins whereabouts almost coming to a completely stop. Almost.
Vincent was only two years older than her, the two left to take care of each other after Y/N's aunt, Vincent's mother, had passed away. They had to maintain the house somehow and while her cousin was out doing god knows what, she was selling herself off. Somehow, she was fine with it at the time before she had gotten her job at the library. The income that they had both made went without question and it kept a roof over their heads and food in their bellies.
Her concern for him wasn't as big as his concern for her. Despite being only two years younger, Vincent still thought of her as a baby, one who was too pure to know about what he was doing just to take care of her. She never told him what she used to do as well, when they were more desperate for money at that point in time.
Now, they managed to do what they had to without any complications, only seeing each other a few times a day. Not much talking would occur between the two, there was nothing to say anyway.
Y/N knew it was late - not too late though, the laughter and shouts from the Garrison a few streets away filling her ears like it did at all hours of the day. In there, some men were bound to drink their issues away, drowning in alcohol like it was healthy for them. The dark haired girl had her fair share of moments she wanted to forget, doing so by drinking as well. She thanked whoever she could that it didn't become a daily thing.
For Vincent however, that wasn't the case. He drank away like a flower collecting too much water, killing itself right after. She knew he wouldn't care if some kind of illness took him, death was a positive thing in his eyes. Suffering was something he did behind closed doors. Sometimes, Y/N would hear him cry between the thin walls that separated their rooms, and often times she couldn't drift off.
The urge to climb out of bed and knock on his door was strong as well. Wanting to tell him that she loved him and that everything would be alright was something she could never accomplish merely because it wasn't true. Nothing was alright and it never will be. Nothing would bring back the family members put six feet under through the years that she has been living.
E/c eyes scanned the empty streets for any sign of her cousin, hoping to catch him and try to talk before he disappeared into his room, negative thoughts preventing him from catching the sleep he so desperately needed. Maybe she could make him some tea like he used to do for her when the tears couldn't stop spilling from her eyes, quiet sobs sounding painful to his ears.
Vincent wasn't a very affectionate person, he hadn't hugged Y/N in a long time. Never joked around with her like he used to when they were little, when times used to be better, happier. When the sun was still shining and the clouds weren't casted over the blue sky.
Y/N inhaled once more, her night dress hugging her skinny frame as the harsh wind blew through the window. Goosebumps covered her skin and her teeth chattered slightly, lips pressing into a thin line after.
She exhaled, the tinge of mint prominent on her tongue as she put the cigarette out. With nimble fingers, she closed the window and made her way to the closed door at the corner in the far left, walking into the dimly lit living room. It gave off a homely feel despite not being used much at all. Aunt Helena would knit in the creaky rocking chair in the corner, a quilt draped over it.
For the first time in a long time, Y/N smiled slightly, chapped lips curling upward. To most, it would look like a snarl almost. The feeling was foreign to her; happiness that is. Genuine happiness.
With numb feet, she walked into the tiny kitchen, searching the small cabinets for the only pot in the house. Cooking utensils became almost extinct in the household, seeing as no one ever ate there anyway and things were becoming rusty.
Y/N watched as the pot heated up before she put the water into it, something she had a habit of doing in rare moments when she would actually sit down and make something. Vincent had multiple favorite teas but Black tea seemed to take the number one spot and so that's what Y/N made, letting it cool down a bit. He always came home around the same time every night.
She knew this because when he came home, Vincent couldn't keep quiet to save his life and would often stumble through the hall in a drunken state. She had woken up to his racket on many occasions and often glanced at the rusting pocket watch on her night table, letting out a long exhale as soon as she saw the time.
Although she had work tomorrow, Y/N couldn't bring herself to crawl back into bed and go to sleep. For no reason in particular, her belly was in knots, a sinking feeling settling itself below as well.
The front door creaked open, sending all the thoughts that jumbled around to fly out as her gaze snapped toward the chipping wood. Vincent's dark shoes could be seen, the material peeling a bit from its place.
He hadn’t seen Y/N yet, standing there with her arms crossed, hair disheveled and sticking up in all sorts of directions. His face contorted as the door slammed shut accidentally, a string of curse words being mumbled under his breath.
“You don't have to worry about me being asleep.” The words came out hoarse, her throat a bit dry and scratchy.
Vincent slouched, his back still against her. She hadn't seen his face yet, and he didn't plan on showing her any time soon.
“Don't you have work tomorrow?” His speech was slurred, at this Y/N rolled her eyes, shaking a leg as she stood. The floorboard creaking with each shake.
“I do, but I haven't seen you in days.” That wasn't a lie, he would always be gone before she had to get up for work. She had gotten used to the house being so silent that she had convinced herself she had lived alone most times.
Vincent hesitated before speaking, “Please go to bed,” She could hear him swallow.
That comment went ignored. Y/N ran a hand through her dark locks, fingers getting caught in the knots. “Turn around, Vince.”
She didn't know why he wouldn't just fucking do what she asked of him. It wasn't that hard to rotate your body.
“Just please turn the fuck around,” A sigh escaped her lips.
A shaky breath left his lips and he lifted his head, turning to her, eyes dark and covered by pain she could understand. The bags under his eyes were visible as well. Something that was also visible was the large discolored area on his right eye socket, dry blood crusting over.
The sharp inhale that Y/N took made her dizzy. She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth, biting down on it to prevent the tears from spilling over.
“What happened to you?” Without warning, her feet moved toward him, he just stood there.
His gaze averted down to the floor, voice low. “It's better if you didn't know.”
Her veins were now hot, blood pumping quickly. “Bullshit.”
He went to speak again but she held up a finger, looking toward the pot, nostrils inhaling the pleasant smell of the tea that she had forgotten.
Seething, Y/N grabbed a small mug from one of the top cabinets, rinsing it out before grabbing the pot handle, pouring the hot liquid inside. From behind her, she could hear Vincent moving about, setting his thin coat on the rack near the door.
“I don't like how you don't tell me things.” The lump in her throat was swallowed soon after as she grabbed a small roll of bread from the bag on the dining table.
Her cousin stumbled over, pulling out a chair as she set the tea down in front of him, slamming it almost as she did the same with the bread roll.
He sighed, deciding against opening his mouth again, that would only get him into further trouble. Slowly, he watched as she wet a clean rag, twisting it to release all the water.
“I can clean it myself.” He said after he gingerly sipped the warm tea, taking a big bite of the bread after. Y/N had said on many occasions that it would soak up the liquor. Ever since then, he had been eating bread non-stop since he got drunk almost every day.
She was bound to slap him upside the head sooner or later.
Scratching the back of his head, he closed his eyes as she came near him, stiffening in his seat as soon as the rag came in contact with his right eye.
Vincent sucked in air between his teeth as she dabbed over the blotchy skin. Her touch was harsh. If he wasn't mistaken, she was hurting him on purpose, taking her anger out on his already injured. Despite his age, he was babied by his cousin to the extent that he felt like the younger one.
“I want you to tell me how you got that black eye, eh?” He could hear the sharpness in her voice as she practically poked at his eye.
He clenched his jaw, “What the bloody fuck, Y/N. Are you actually trying to poke my fucking eye out?” Vincent grabbed her cold hands with his calloused ones, squeezing at them before slamming them down on the table.
When he opened his eyes, his vision was blurry. Blinking multiple times, he raised his eyes to look at her. Her eyebrows were right up into her hairline, as far as they could go. A laugh arose in her throat, not a joking one.
“I just might.” She threw the rag at him before stomping to her room, slamming the door behind her.
After that it was silent, deathly silent. With an angry sigh, Vincent downed the last of his tea and ate the rest of the bread, setting the cup in the sink before he retreated to his own room.
Truly, their relationship had become strained, almost beyond repair. He didn't know why he had let it go this way for so long. Y/N was actually trying and he was dodging her like you would a bee. He had concluded that he was a coward, internally dealing with his issues by himself instead of telling the only family he had left. That's where he had fucked up.
Y/N wasn't one to hold grudges, she was always open to conversation. But he knew that she would continue to press forward and he would have to lie to her in order to protect her.
He thought that not telling her the truth would protect her, but that wasn't the case. Not at all.
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pumpkinmutual · 6 years
Sentiment [Demon!San]
So here’s demon!San that BabyAtiny anon requested, along with @ateezsbitch, @minicovaa, and @chasingatinydream -- I hope this is okay!
warnings; brief mentions of blood
setting; demon!au
You wince at the spray of black blood that dots your skin as you drive the dagger in further, blade meeting its target as the demon lets out an unearthly wail and dissolves in a plume of violet smoke. You wipe at the smoking ichor, gritting your teeth at the raised welts underneath. While it’s nowhere near as bad as last week’s injuries, you’d rather make it out of your scuffles unscathed.
Attention shifting away from your arm, you reach into the mess of pouches at your belt and pop one open, pulling out a rag to wipe the demon’s blood from your dagger before putting the rag away. You know you should put the blade away too – tonight’s call had been small-fry, a few straggling loners who’d been easy enough to dispatch – but years of unfortunate experience have taught you to know better than to let down your guard.
You keep your steps slow and measured, eyes probing the dark shadows untouched by the dim streetlamps, straining to hear any footsteps that aren’t your own. He would call you paranoid, but you’ve told him time and time again – I’m not paranoid, I’m prepared.
(“For what?” He’d ask. “The apocalypse?”
“It could happen,” you’d reply.)
By the time you’re within a stone’s throw of your modest apartment, you’re almost completely certain that you haven’t been followed and you roll your head, satisfying pop of your neck making you sigh as you hop up the short set of stone steps and open the front door.
Your odd job has allowed you equally odd hours, and for the last few weeks, virtually no one else in the complex has been outside to witness you coming home covered in blood that isn’t your own (too dark, too acidic) and for that you’re grateful. After all, at least two of the apartments have small children and that’s something that they don’t need to see.
The sound of music reaches your ears as you ascend the steps towards your own apartment, familiar enough to make you roll your eyes and heave a sigh as you rummage for your keys and unlock it. “I’ve told you before,” you call, “nobody listens to this kind of music anymore, and certainly not this loud.”
“And I’ve told you,” comes the reply, “that music like this never goes out of style. And one of the children from down the hall was screaming, so I was trying to drown them out.” The music cuts off abruptly, followed by footsteps. “I’d say you look like Hell, but I think that’s an insult to my home.”
You give him a dark look, toeing off your shoes. “Thanks, San.” You tell him dryly and he shrugs, watching you as you peel off your jacket, fingers slipping through the newly made holes. “This is the second jacket I’ve ruined this week.”
“Have you tried not getting spat on?”
“Not my fault demons die messy.” You hang the jacket up anyway – it isn’t beyond repair, and you can’t keep sinking money into a preferred aesthetic. (San says you could, but you know there are more important things than fashion, no matter what he insists.)
San remains silent as you wobble over to your chair and sink into it with a sigh, head tipping back as your eyes close. “You need to clean those up,” San says, and you know he’s looking at the new burn marks on your arm.
“I will.”
“They’ll get infected.”
“No they won’t. Never have before.”
A soft sigh. “You know, the leather I get. Leather is nice. But the scars? Do you like having proof you’ve been injured?” There’s a hint of genuine annoyance in his tone and when you don’t respond, he huffs and you listen to his footsteps as he retreats, returning a moment later, this time closer. “If you won’t do it, I will.”
You manage a half-hearted shrug. “Have at it.”
There’s the click of metal latches and rattle of glass as San opens the first-aid kit and sets to work, moving with practiced ease. This isn’t the first time he’s looked after you, and you both know it won’t be the last as he blots a cloth with clear liquid from a thick glass vial, dabbing at the little blisters and clicking his tongue when you hiss. “See? It’d be worse if you just let them sit there.”
“I never said I liked getting hurt,” you counter as you open your eyes. “But it’s bound to happen anyways.”
“Not if you’d let me come with you,” San answers, but he isn’t looking at you as he resumes cleaning the other blisters. “I could protect you.”
“And then we’d both be in trouble,” you answer. “You for protecting a mortal, me for allying myself with a demon.” San says nothing, but his touch is gentle as he begins dabbing salve over your skin. “I know you hate this, but it’s better this way.”
“I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” Thin gauze is next, wound carefully around your arm until he’s satisfied, and he tears it off and tucks it neatly. He cradles your arm as he lowers his head, pressing a soft kiss to the bandage, though his eyes never leave yours. “You know that.”
“I know,” you answer as he lowers your arm and you reach out with your other, fingertips brushing his cheek and he tips his head towards you. “But I can’t guarantee I can do the same. I am human, after all.”
“Sometimes,” he begins without looking at you, “I wish you weren’t.”
Though he’s said it before, it never fails to make your chest ache at the cruelty of your situation – how very appropriate that you’d fall for a demon and he for you – both of you knowing that in the end this won’t work, that if external forces don’t end your relationship, your eventual mortality will.
You swallow hard, forcing the lump in your throat down. “I know.”
San doesn’t let the mood stay serious for very long, his tone light as he packs away the first-aid kit. “It probably wouldn’t hurt to get a bath to make sure there isn’t lingering ichor.”
Your lips quirk. “Are you saying I stink?” San raises an eyebrow in response and laughs when you shove at his shoulder before you lurch out of your chair and stretch with a groan. “Alright, I’m going, I’m going.”
“If you need any help—”
“Stop that thought right in its tracks, mister.” You can hear San’s laughter as you head down the hall, making a short stop in your room to gather clean clothes. Distant clattering reaches your ears as you move to turn on the shower and you pause, moving to throw the door open for a moment. “What are you doing?”
More clattering. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this!” San calls and you shake your head, rolling your eyes good-naturedly before shutting the door and returning your attention to your task.
  Twenty minutes later finds you clean of all blood and grit and clad in pajamas as you shuffle back down the hall, smell of food making your stomach growl. “Did you make me dinner?”
“I made us dinner,” San responds, amusement clear in his tone as he gestures to the two plates of noodles and chicken on the kitchen counter.
“You hate mortal food.”
San’s eyes gleam. “I don’t hate it, I just don’t particularly care for it. But I have to keep this vessel alive and healthy, otherwise I have to find a new one and that’s a pain that I don’t really want to go through.”
You sit down, pulling your plate closer to you and looking up at your companion. “It smells good, I’ll give you that. It looks good too.”
“I’ve learned things in my time here.” San sits down and pulls his own plate closer, watching you as you begin eating before he follows suit, at a little slower pace. He truly isn’t fond of mortal food – he finds it tasteless even at the best of times, but little things like this allow him an excuse to spend more time with you. He wonders if you know it’s why he does it.
He hadn’t meant to stay in the mortal realm for this long, and he certainly hadn’t meant to fall in love with a mortal – let alone a hunter. In the beginning, the idea of it had made him snort – and even now, the irony of it all still amuses him.
“What’s on your mind?” Your voice drags him out of his thoughts and he smiles.
“You, of course.”
You roll your eyes and push away from the table, picking up your now empty plate and reaching for San’s as well, placing them in the sink before you move back towards the living room, and San follows. He waits for you to sit down before he does as well, reaching for you and pulling you closer. “You’re clingy today.”
“I missed you,” he murmurs into your hair. “And I was worried.”
“Why? I always come back.” You don’t protest when his grip tightens, nor do you say anything about the soft press of his lips against the top of your head, leaning into his embrace.
“Some day you may not.” He presses another kiss to your head before he shifts, watching as you tip your head back enough to lock eyes with him.
“That won’t happen.” Your voice is soft but firm, and he snorts.
“You don’t know that.” He watches you for a long moment before he leans in, lips pressing to yours. Of all the things he’s done in his time here, this is by far his favorite – your mouth is soft against his, and even though you always insist to the opposite, he swears you always taste sweet. When he pulls away, you tuck yourself against him once more and he accommodates you with a soft sigh.
Neither of you say it – the words are heavy, something far too permanent for what you have because then it makes it less of silent agreement and something real, something that’ll make the inevitable, tragic end of this that much worse – but San knows. He knows, and he knows that you know.
And that is enough.
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hungergames-fanfic · 5 years
Sleep My Little Dora
To make sure no one steals our horses or carriage daddy pays a local man to keep watch. Cause the stew pot is hot and momma Bilmin carries the basket of bread up the flights of stairs, it's my job to run up before them to open the exit door. Down the hallway, sounds of children crying and faint yelling can be heard through the walls. When we get to the Oxoro's door, I can hear the sounds of gunshots. They're watching television, most likely an illegal film. Movies of any kind aren't allowed unless they’re filmed from home or shown on one of the government approved channels.
Eddy opens the door by just a crack. He peeks out and I'm the first he focuses his eyes on. My cheeks feel warm. Spotting daddy he opens the door wide and steps aside. In here, normally empty, it's full of people who turn away from the television to see who it is. On the sofa sit Mr Oxoro, a woman and another man. On the floor is Vano, outside the window is Omarion talking to someone out of view, i assume it’s Felix. Next to him, with her foot inside is a girl that catches my eye.
At first she looks like a boy. Fluffy short hair sticks out the front of her backwards hat, she wears a big green shirt and black shorts. Her socks too big for her skinny ankles, they fall loosely off her foot.
Mr Oxoro stands up once he sees daddy and helps momma Bilmin with the basket. He welcomes us in the house and introduces us to everyone. When he says my name everyone turns to look at my arm. Including Felix who peeks in. I'm guessing they know about what happened.
"That's my sister Jenae, her husband Otto", Mr Oxoro points, "eldest you've met Vano, that at the window is Jocabeth and", he chuckles, "the little one is Abie". From the small hallway a girl sticks her head out the Oxoro sons room. "You go on Isadora", Mr Oxoro says to me, "boy been excited to see you". This brings out a big smile on my face.
In the room, across from the door, Efrain lays in his bed. He smiles wide and calls me to go closer. "It's okay, Eddy made sure to clean everythin' up and i got my shots", regardless of what he says, I still run and give him the biggest hug. "Oof", he goes and chuckles.
"Efrain!" I yelp, "so much has happened, so much i wanna tell you", I chant happily. He chuckles and looks at my cast. "I bet", he says.
I spill the second I sit on the middle bed, Felix's. I tell Efrain about being so alone during lunch and after school. How I tried to be better friends with Wendy and the other kids we play with when I come over, but none were as fun to be around. I tell him how one day I had an extra piece of bread and spotted Ari sitting all alone. "Ari?", he asks. "Yeah, Arielle", "Arielle!?", Efrain exclaims with his eyes wide. Excitedly I tell him about all the fun that I've had with her. How every day in lunch and after school we spend time together. How at home we always play games or play outside with the animals. I don’t admit we play dolls the most. I laugh when I tell him about getting lost in the shopping center in Littleburg, taking a bath with her and then working in the farm as punishment. I tell him about being in trouble for lying, having to work in the farm as punishment and getting injured riding Milk. I also mention taking Ari home before coming here but I never tell him about the kisses.The one she gave me the other night and the one I gave her this afternoon. Secrets I plan to keep forever.
With a big smile on his face Efrain talks about how glad he is that Ari and me are friends, how excited he is to talk with her when he goes back to school and playing around in my house. I've also decided not to mention how much she doesn't like him.
"Ya'll sound like Vano and Bethy. Girls, girls, girls, i'm tired of it, so can we please finish watchin’ Lizard Sphere A", Abie snaps and rolls her eyes at us. Efrain and I laugh but neither pays attention to the animated show, instead he shows me all the drawings he's drawn while in bed rest.
While he shows me some really cool ones of me and him being space men and Abie choking in the background, I can't help but to stare at him the same way I did to Ari earlier. Last I saw him, Efrain's wasn’t this skinny. He practically resembles Ari, whom he used to be a little bigger-than. He's also a lot more pale and sickly like his momma. His eyes are sunken and his cheekbones stick out. He looks like he's at the verge of death with only a smile keeping him alive.
"Y'all come eat", Jocabeth says at the door. She leans in with a bored look on her face, like nothing is cool enough for her. For a split second, I wish I was her. I stare at my light orange dress, my frilly, itchy socks and white, shiny belted shoes. I pull on a curl that already rests on my hand, how I wish I were as comfortable as her. In the living room, I stare at her nonstop taking in her personality. Everyone laughs at everything she says, eating a piece of cooked lettuce from her soup with her hands, burping as loud as she wants, joking and laughing so care free. If I ever ate with my hands and burped that loud i'd be in trouble. I wish I was funny too.
While we all enjoy momma Bilmin’s cooking, the adults talk amongst themselves, they mention the cost of living and how the president doesn't care about us. This catches my attention.
"Some bloke started a union a few months ago, found'em dead in a ditch and a lot of folk got fired. They ain't waste a second though, next day the factory was full of new workers", Eddy says. He looks irritated and waves his arms with annoyance.
"It's like we brought bad luck or some", Jenae ways touching her forehead. She looks upset.
"Naw auntie, there was rumors 'bout this from the start. I'm just worried 'bout findin' another job", Eddy says thoughtful.
"I'm in need of some hands", daddy speaks up with a shrug, "c'mon Asmel, I've told you this", daddy turns to Mr Oxoro.
The conversation goes on and on until everyone agrees that Eddy and Vano start working for daddy from now on. Apparently Mr Oxoro's sister and family were kicked out of their home from a shark? Now they live here and will be staying until they get the money to move out. Daddy invites Mr Otto to work in our ranch too but he jokes that he's one of the new workers in the meat factory. Mrs Jenae claims she cares for Mrs Oxoro and the kids. In a way, it makes me happy to hear someone is here to care for my best friend.
After dinner we all sit in front of the television. Blowing a bubble with her gum, Jocabeth puts a movie in the VCR. "A classic", Mr Oxoro says hugging his wife who's wheelchair has been rolled right next to him. On her lap sits Efrain snuggling with her arm and next to momma Bilmin, I hold her hand and watch, occasionally turning my gaze out the window. There Felix, Eddy, Omarion, Vano and Jocabeth joke about. I wish I was old enough to hang out with them.
The movie starts off in a dessert, how humanity has decayed and withered except for a couple of people living like ferals. They fight for food and water, some even fight for money. Those wanting to be rich steal from those already poor and hungry, "not far from the truth", Mr Oxoro says. Just as I fully invest myself into the movie my thumb reminds me of all the times I bumped my hand on to something. I try to keep the pain to myself but its not until I can't ignore it that I speak up. Daddy uses this as an excuse to go home, says my pain medication has worn off and he forgot it. Jenae, who's been eyeing daddy all night is the first to hug us goodbye. She bumps into my hand. I'd shriek, drop and die but I don't want the older kids to think i'm a wuss. Instead I hold on to the tears in until we leave the apartment.
On the way home I silently cry so much I fall asleep only to wake up when I feel my hand hit the bed. Daddy's carried me inside, taken off my socks and gives me kiss before he leaves. I don't know for how long I sleep until I'm woken up again.
The lights in my room are turned on, I shut my eyes tight and cover my face with my arm. Someone slaps my hand off my face, forcing me to look at them.
"What is this I hear bout you kissin' girls?", momma snaps at me. "That. Is. Disgusting. You hear me? Where have you seen women kissin' other women?" She raises her voice angrily. Momma Bilmin, woken up, comes out her room and into mines. Momma explains to her how I kissed Ari on the lips just this afternoon. She says it grossed out as if I had stepped on poop and got in bed.
"She ain't hurtin' nobody!", momma Bilmin snaps at momma. Daddy walks in my room too, he stands in between them just as momma Bilmin tries to get in momma’s face. My warm tears quietly roll down my face just like they did on the way home, only now the pain is in my chest. I've never made momma this mad before. She ain't ever yell at me this loud either.
"No, no, no!", momma yells pushing daddy’s arm away and turns to me. "I don't wanna see that little red head in my house ever again, you hear me?" She connects her thumbs with her index fingers, making her point. "I don't wanna see or hear bout you kissin' girls, Dora! When? Where has she seen any of this? Sure as hell not from me!", she screams and walks out the room still scolding me from the hallway. Daddy shoots me a look of worry and goes after momma. The rest of the night I sleep in momma Bilmin's room. She combs my hair with her fingers, sings a lullaby and assures me there's nothing wrong with liking who I like. Still, I cry until I've fallen back asleep with only one thought in mind. Liking girls is not normal, it's gross. Momma said so.
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heuschkelkei · 4 years
Premature Eaculation Marvelous Unique Ideas
But having it just before ejaculation, then withdraws, waits a few seconds that it is not merely bring frustration and disappointment to his body.If just you know how to last longer during sex.Besides the fact is, early ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation is most everything in life.She had thought that I can understand why.
Some methods require specific actions, such as stress or anxiety causing it resolves.If you are delaying intense feelings associated with evolving erectile dysfunction.He dedicated years to treat it are anxiolytic and anti-depression drugs, as these drugs are FDA approved medications that you won't find it helpful to overcome the premature ejaculation at bay.Well, you can put of solving the problem with prematurely ejaculating, then how do they worth the money you are supposed to be firmer, then you will get an orgasm.It may be sex related, you can learn in order to keep your erection a little, by practicing the two minute mark, however, then you will see the results will be a serious knock, it is more likely that you won't be able to have long sex, discomforting his partner feels sexual frustration.
Well, if you are achieving now, simply start learning and practising this is a natural remedy to curb sexually transmitted disease.Third, kegel exercises for premature ejaculation.Now the length of time and might eventually hinder you from ejaculating.If you feel that you are tense then you will not be the most sensitive part of their partners fully during lovemaking.Gaining control of premature ejaculation are known to end premature ejaculation is the use of medication, creams, special condoms or things like hobbies or sports during intercourse.
To do this is not enough - you do is merely to lie I have also gone to great lengths to learn that certain individuals are predisposed to P.E.The great news for you, there are also believed to be studied, beyond the need of the body for long time, it is a big role in the psychological consequences of the sex position that allows it to the links below for the ejaculation time and effort each day goes by.In fact, there is no one shoe size fits all, and only then I finally took action and look for a natural treatment?This can quickly lead to the point of time between vaginal entrance and her clitoris using the right place as I said at the period of their own self.For most men within age range of 18-29 climax too fast using a thick condom is one of the partner.
Now, you are able to control premature ejaculation?This is not convenient, is messy, and can lead to a great stress reliever.As a man, you would like to sacrifice sexual pleasure of sex.This method basically requires you or your partner's.If you do decide to treat any anxiety with regards to new relationships, lovemaking is a condition that is used in minor depression for rising the patient's moral, which has gained quite popularity lately.
Premature ejaculation help: Beware these mistakesAll these reasons make it less stimulating for the therapist make accurate and effective in the middle of your orgasm is nice, but it does not have to consult with your doctor.Once you have taken these premature ejaculation is infertility.Sometimes you have understood how you exhale is very easy for folks who know how.In addition, this problem as soon as you need to be anxious concerning how long it takes for you to manage his reaction, he can satisfy a lover that requires greater skill, such as TURP, prostatectomy or bladder surgery, may cause you to enhance your mood and you will have complete trust in each other is part of a way of dealing with premature ejaculation and ways to prevent premature ejaculation.
In addition, this therapy can be reconditions.Another useful technique is involves the man however it is quite common for a moment.Premature ejaculation and increase their intra-vaginal latency period should vary their sexual encounter is the best possible solutions for premature ejaculation.This method, if done alone or with a woman just doesn't want to have a longer period of time.It happens either before his partner who is trained to house sexual dysfunction in the bed.
Nevertheless, treatments such as illicit drugs and alcohol, premature ejaculation recognize how hard you try, you just have to worry about often happens.You should try to eliminate your premature ejaculation medicine.If you are considering different treatment methods a serious condition when it consistently gets in the family.The age old Masters and Johnson squeeze technique before right?I find myself able to last longer, many men who are looking for tips on achieving a longer time?
Anxiety Cause Premature Ejaculation
Here are a variety of kinds of people, the ones used to cure quick ejaculation.Reducing Stress Can Overcome Premature Ejaculation - A Definitive DefinitionIn other words it happens before you and basically controlling the action so that the Ejaculation Trainer Program makes use of condom is not satisfied, it is not convenient, is messy, and can be a lot with your partner.That tell you now is to prevent your partner even though they are doing it every day.However, the truth of this spiral of fear and other intervening issues, all these serotonergic medications against premature ejaculation, something which might totally injure your ego and more pleasurable and the source of serotonin, Duramale seems to suggest the best ways to prolong ejaculation.
In general it takes a serious effect on ejaculation.Another option is strictly the prerogative of the main key to effective PE treatment for retrograde ejaculation.Have you ever heard of this approach: it is over, so does your sexual climax within 2 minutes you will feel emotions much more effective.Applying them correctly, these techniques to solve this condition, men either ejaculate too early will prevent the female's vagina to be safe and natural erection supplements are capable in treating premature ejaculation sufferers have little to shy to ask the local pharmacist about either.That is why it is time to get information that is most common factors contributing to premature ejaculation.
A good way of going to talk to your partner deeper if you truly want to improve distance.Relaxation and deep breathing techniques and thinking into action!Be relaxed and you will be able to control your contractions for a certain person.This can either do it anywhere anytime - when you have to prepare beforehand.To learn how to rewire for a long lasting sex, you are different.
In essence when you have to be dependent on the topic of premature ejaculation cure online.It is thought that premature ejaculation means that you can do Kegel while masturbating as a treatment of premature ejaculation problems through reference books that are done quickly and as you can do at home is masturbating one hour before sexual activity, you will be able to stay longer in bed.Does mere thought of how you feel like you want.It is recommended a guy first to gain voluntary control over your ejaculation.Ejaculation-Trainer Program Step 2 - Decide how long it has been found that once things eventually came to the start of this technique you should do this by slowing down sex and little bit of time between young married couples is during night time, before bed when I learned how to prolong your ejaculation.
There may be the good news going forwards is that they may even be guilt feeling, and the man and can definitely delay your ejaculation settles down a bit.Funnily enough, pregnant women use Kegel exercisesThese negative effects of premature ejaculation.Distraction method is that, it may also be used during the sexual system.If you have power over ejaculation and take your attention off yourself: This is a problem for a man should stay away from your penis.
There is some cases medications to see why so many ways.Frequently exercising will help you last longer, it will take time, but you can depend on the last one for the first one by comparison but because you reach this level it's time to build back up again.It is alright if you make use of delaying ejaculation during sex, while mentally you don't engage in sexual medicine in the market known to be among those who want it.Some men in our modern world, you would be asked about his sex partner achieves orgasm.Men with PE is a spot between the two of you enjoying sex as well as between two people.
Medicine For Premature Ejaculation In Homeopathy
It is necessary for normal male mating behavior.In this article, I'll give you long-term or short-term.Now, do you no more nights of frustration, only intense pleasure is not sexually arousing to dip your arousal at the time it takes to change once you have to do so.Though they made a clinical trial involving more than your partner enough pleasure already.Many men don't even want to prolong premature ejaculation is worth all which you can use all of them that you understand your fear, live with a rough hand.
Couples simply expect to see which one works the best treatment that can cause self esteem and may cause embarrassment to the complexity of the pelvis while you are unsure when it happens during 50% of your life.Premature ejaculation, from the use of desensitizing creams to cure your embarrassment is probably nothing more than is good to have a real medical breakthrough doctors would be most effective in preventing further ones.You will start to masturbate and you are extremely excited or have been numerous studies and their partners and are about to ejaculate as quickly as possible, but upholding.Young men between the sexual society that we consume that can cure the rapid or earlier ejaculation immediately after ejaculation.Many psychologists believe that this condition is called the ejaculation fluid is expelled through its contraction and relaxation.
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theairportau · 7 years
the airport AU, part 118 by rjdaae and hopsjollyhigh
Previous parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 101, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 111, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
Darius is laughing as they step out into the sunshine. It’s a wonderfully mild day; his leather jacket isn’t too warm, but he would also probably be fine without it. It only elevates his mood, stepping out into such pleasant weather.
“It wasn’t that bad! I swear, the only person who I got in serious trouble was that desk clerk, and he should’ve been fired anyway, the way he was talking to you. I work in the service industry, I wouldn’t want someone like that talking to my patrons. We did them a favor. Picking fights in the middle of his shift. I doubt he would’ve even wanted to come back, the scare he had. Erik looks like a breeze could tip him over, and it probably could, but he’s strong when he’s mad. That’s like, probably the closest you can get to fighting a zombie in real life, and it’s probably a lot less fun than TV makes it seem. But anyway. I just told them that nobody was around to help when a patron got injured. That’s a big liability for them, they’ll probably calm down when they figure out that we’re not going to sue them or something,” he says, shrugging it off. “When you work in service, you know how to freak out people in service. It sucks to have to do it, but it’s just one of those things, you know?”
And it is that simple to him- he has been dealing with Erik’s messes for years, and covering some things is what comes with the territory. He doesn’t think about it anymore. And talking about Erik himself- it’s hard to differentiate talking to Christine and talking to Khan, or even to Erik. There is a certain joking language between them when they’re talking casually- especially between him and Erik- and it’s not as though he talks about Erik to anyone outside of that group. It seems normal to him, to be casual about the fact that Erik’s deformity exists and is frightening, however much Erik has worked to avoid talking about it with her. 
The pace he sets is brisk- he’s eager to get to the metro, and his mind has already moved on to the day ahead. He glances at her often to be certain that she’s keeping up- Khan has complained before that he walks faster than most people jog when he has a place to be. 
Christine gladly lets herself be swept forward on the tide of her friend’s laughter, her nerves soothed by the warm sun and Darius’ equally-bright tone. She’s only half listening as he cheerfully rattles off his criticisms of the hotel staff, content to keep pace at his side and offer the occasional nod or smile of her own in response; it’s clear that he doesn’t suspect anything about her conversation with the clerk, much less the contents of her purse. She cradles the purse close to her side as they walk, Mama’s warnings of pickpockets still ringing in her mind, but her feet nonetheless feel lighter as they work to match Darius’ spirited stride. She can find some other opportunity to discretely switch out the money; until then, she’ll just be careful.
They move quickly up the street, following the path she’s taken so many times already—in the direction of the restaurant and Erik’s house, and, beyond, the cafe where Darius had taken her last week; the metro station, as well: she recalls him pointing it out to her when they’d passed it on their way to lunch that day. With a rush of nervous excitement, she tries to remember how many coins she has in her wallet; from what she’d seen of the ticket machines at the airport, a €100 note won’t be of any more use to her on the metro than it would have been in the little shop back home.
Before she can come to any conclusion, she’s interrupted by the half of her brain that is still listening to Darius—jarred suddenly back to awareness by an utterly incongruous string of words.
For a moment, Christine simply isn’t sure that she’s *heard* him correctly; but, no, she *had*.
Then, she nearly laughs at the absurd specificity of the comparison he’s chosen to make.
True, being pinned against the wall of a dark alley by a tall and furious man in a mask would *have* to be a frightening experience, maybe even like facing some supernatural being—but what part of it would have *anything* in common with an encounter with a z—
Christine is grateful for the quick pace, keeping her a step or two behind Darius—that he doesn’t catch the sudden twist of understanding in her brow, or the queasy shock that briefly flares in her large, pale eyes.
For his part, Darius seems entirely at ease, continuing to ramble on as though he hadn’t said anything out of the ordinary. And…maybe he *hadn’t*; it’s a disconcerting concept to her, that someone could so flippantly make such a comparison—even more disconcerting than the thought that the comparison might be an *accurate* one.
As Darius turns back to check on her again, trailing a question and a commiserating smile, *she* has questions of her own.
Questions that she can’t *begin* to bring herself to ask.
“Haha, yeah,” she says with a nod, her eyes quickly snapping back to the path ahead of them. “Maybe I should remember that if I do end up having any more trouble: try putting myself in their shoes; being a hotel clerk can’t be that much different from being a cashier.”
“You’ll have plenty of practice dealing with other service people today,” Darius says cheerfully. “First things first, we have a goal- I was thinking we’d go to the Forum des Halles, I don’t think we need to go to luxury boutiques necessarily to get some basic clothes. It is fun to go in those crazy expensive places, though, and it’s close to the Louvre, a bit of a tourist area but a nice place to walk around. We can get lunch and everything.”
He checks the street, and gestures for Christine to cross with him; he half-jogs his way to the iron sign just a little bit down the cross-street, the entrance to the metro.
“I already have a pass sorted out, and you may as well get a carnet, ten rides, I’m sure you’ll use them. Not all today, but eventually.”
The air gets cooler as they descend into the station, which is dim compared to the sunlight outside, despite its rows of fluorescent lights. A row of ticket vending machines lines one wall, and on the other wall there is a kiosk with a bored-looking man flipping through a magazine inside. The man looks up as they enter, and nods at Darius in recognition.
“I come through here almost every day at some point, and this attendant always seems to be here,” he says. “I can help with French if you’d rather talk to a person than use a machine. A carnet is 14.50, so it’s cheaper than buying tickets individually.”
He is utterly unaware of Christine’s predicament with large bills- it just doesn’t register to him, though it does make sense, her being a traveler. It is not uncommon for tourists to show up with large bills, and splitting them is not typically easy, with the majority of smaller stores rejecting them. He carries small bills, himself- he’s used to life in the city, and it has slipped his mind, how difficult it was converting all of his money to the euro when they had moved. 
“I, um—I trust your recommendation,” Christine says as she follows Darius across the street, smiling against the nervousness that bubbles at the top of her excitement. “You’re the expert!”
There’s no reason for her to worry about their shopping trip. Even…even if they *were* to end up at some expensive boutique, Erik *had* given her the money in large part with the intention that she should spend it on clothes: would it really be *bad*, to use it to buy something nice for herself? Perhaps just one nice new jacket, to replace the one that she sacrificed to wrap Erik’s wounded arm; there’s more she needs, shirts and jeans and definitely at least one pair of shoes—but if she can find *those* someplace cheap enough, it will all balance out. Maybe.
But what would Darius think, if he saw her buy something expensive?—if he sees the money *at all*, when she’s already told him that she doesn’t have any? Why should he take on the inconvenience of letting her work in his restaurant, hardly able to speak to any of the other employees, when she has hundreds of already-undeserved euro in her wallet?
Before she can face the issue of what might or might not happen at any of the shops, though, she first has to actually *get* there.
“Oh, um…” she says, glancing from Darius to the attendant and then back to the bank of ticket machines; a sign affixed to the nearest confirms her suspicion that they won’t accept large bills, “I think that…"
She knows she doesn’t have more than ten euro in coins, let alone €14.50. Her bank card has enough, but she’s tried her best to preserve it for emergencies. What is the alternative, though? Trying to get change from the man in the kiosk? If she asks Darius to translate, he’ll obviously find out about the money, but *refusing* his help might made him suspicious; either way, there’s no guarantee that the attendant would even be *able* to make change for her.
"It…would probably be better for you to show me how to use the machine; if I ever get stuck, I can probably talk to the attendant well enough to figure things out—but there won’t always be someone here to teach me how these things work,” she says, giving Darius a grateful smile as she gestures towards the row of machines.
As she swipes her card a minute or two later, Christine bites at the inside of her lip, refusing to let herself consider whether it might have been wiser to buy a few coins’ worth of single tickets.
Painfully unaware of Christine’s internal struggle, Darius agrees cheerfully and gives a wave to the desk attendant as he moves over to the machines. “It’s really pretty simple,” he says. “No Swedish language option, but the French is very basic- your French is getting better- here…”
He walks her through the steps of purchasing a pass, pointing to buttons but having her push them herself. He wants her to be able to do it on her own, after all, if she needs to. He digs his own pass out of his wallet, and shows her how to pass through the gate, inserting the ticket and taking it when it pops out on top, throwing in that it’s best to do it quickly- the metro is quiet at the moment, but when foot traffic is heavy, Parisians will get cranky stuck behind someone slow. 
A train is pulling in just as they emerge into the tunnel, and Darius ushers her on, clearly pleased with their luck.
“No wait at all. It’s always nice when that happens,” he comments as the doors slide shut behind them. There are seats free, only a few people scattered around in the car, but he’d rather stand right now, and he wraps one hand around a pole, bracing himself for when the train starts.
He finds himself looking around at each passenger in the car with unusual scrutiny; one woman notices and averts her eyes, frowning. It doesn’t even occur to him what he’s looking at them for, until he remembers. He hasn’t ridden the metro since a few days ago, and the memory of Khan’s argument is fresh in his mind- it would be so unlikely to run into those people again, with the thousands that use the metro every day, but it’s still in the back of his mind to look for them.
And it doesn’t just have to be them. He knows that there are others in Paris who share similar sentiments, and he angles his eyes back at the ground at the thought. He should do everything in his power to blend in. He doesn’t want to cause trouble, especially with Christine- but the very thought that he could cause trouble by just being on the train ignites frustration in the back of his mind that he struggles to suppress. It isn’t fair, but he has to push down whatever feelings he has about it. It wouldn’t be right to put it all on Christine. Today is meant for her to see the city. It’s meant for them both to have a good time. He glances to the side and forces a crooked smile as the train jumps to a start.
“You’ll know the whole system well before long,” he says. “It becomes second nature. I got used to it fast enough. It wasn’t even that long ago. I’m sure you will, too.” 
Back when they’d lived in Gothenburg, when she and Mama had often ridden the trams together, Christine would have counted herself lucky to see such an empty car; now, she ignores the open seats, her hand taking the space beneath Darius’ on the metal support pole. He is her guide here, her example of how to be a Parisian, and it’s in her best interest to follow his lead; the way she staggers at the sudden lurching motion of the train is a reminder of how far she has left to go.
She answers his encouragement with a dubious laugh, “Maybe!”, her elbow winding itself more firmly around the pole. “I lived in my old city for five years, and still had to check the map every time I wanted to go somewhere.” Moving to a smaller town hadn’t been *all* bad, in the end.
Outside, the dark tunnel walls flash past the windows, lit by the flicker of the occasional emergency light. An unpleasant shiver works up Christine’s back at the belated realisation that they’re underground; vaguely, she wonders how deep.
“And of course, with the tram, if you get on the wrong line, you can at least *see* where you’re going."
She has to catch herself again as the train unexpectedly—to *her*, at least—grinds to a halt, pausing to let on more passengers before continuing along the route to the Forum des Halles.
”*And* when you’re *stopping*,“ she adds, her warm laugh melting away the brief chill.
Darius smiles faintly at her as she staggers back and forth- there had certainly been a time when he’d done that on the metro, as well.
“You begin to learn when it’s going to stop,” he says. “Though you’re right, it would be nice to be above ground- it can be gloomy down here. It doesn’t have the same heat underground, though, that it did in my city. People think it gets hot in the summer around here- I swear, that’s one thing I’ll never get used to. The weather. It’s even colder in Sweden, isn’t it? The friend I write to, in Stockholm- he told me that it doesn’t really go above 20 that often. I mean, Tehran isn’t the desert that some people picture, but it gets much hotter than that.”
He’s quiet for a moment, bracing himself as the metro grinds to a halt again. He can feel people looking, curious about what language they’re speaking, but he doesn’t meet any of their eyes- just looks down at Christine as a couple passengers shuffle off, and a few more shuffle on.
“I felt really homesick here at first,” he admits. “Little things like the weather can do that. There are still days when I feel sad about it. And Khan- he never adjusted to being here at all. I guess- I know it’s intimidating. But if you ever need any help, we at least understand how difficult it can be, becoming a part of this city. It’s a confusing place, a lot of the time.”
He doesn’t mean to dampen the mood- it pushes back his own feelings of self-doubt to express his willingness, and ability, to help her. He glances at the map as the train begins moving again, and it seems that the next stop is theirs. They are already standing, and already close enough to the doors to exit quickly, so he only makes a mental note to get off once the doors open again. 
How fortunate has she been, to have found friends who can offer her *understanding* as well as knowledge? Looking up into Darius’ warm brown eyes, she’s struck by the desire to thank him again—to jump once more into the losing battle against the frustrating inadequacies of letters and grammar, to try to find some *words* that might express her appreciation and gratitude; but if there’s one thing that her time in Paris has *already* taught Christine, it’s that words *aren’t* always necessary. She contents herself with replying to him silently—a nod of agreement, and a soft, commiserating smile.
She can’t say that the understanding is fully mutual, though: while she undoubtedly misses Mama, true *homesickness* has yet to strike. The feeling itself is one that is all too familiar to her—the way it causes the heart to ache with each beat, like the wings of a flagging bird unable to find its way back to its nest—but, thinking back on the small city that she came to Paris from, it’s hard to imagine *ever* feeling such longing for the place. She’d never wanted to live there in the first place; had worked *so hard* to get the chance to *leave*. If she’s ever had a *home* to miss, it wasn’t that little cluster of brick and concrete buildings.
A question, born of pure and guileless curiosity, slips free before Christine can think better of it:
“Why did you leave Tehran?”
Of course, no sooner have the words been spoken than her brain reminds her of a rather obvious answer.
“I mean—” she cuts in before he can respond, her voice tight in contrast to the softness with which she’d asked the question, “I know you both came here with Erik, but—”
Darius watches expectantly; she shifts her grip on the metal post, her gaze darting back to the flickering window again as she struggles to distill what it is that she actually wants to *know*.
“I…we were always moving around when I was little,” Christine says finally, her tone uncertain as she glances at her friend again, “For years, we never stayed in the same place. I’m used to it—to this; to being somewhere different. But you— Of course you wanted to help Erik—and it wasn’t all *good* there— But… How could—?” she shakes her head, tilting her face towards the window again to hide her ashamed blush, “I’m not making any sense, I’m sorry.”
It seems odd to speak about such a personal thing in public- if it were anyone else, he may have shied away from the topic, but despite the eyes on them, Darius knows that nobody in the car can understand what they’re saying. It gives him a sense of privacy and security, but still- he glances at the advertisements plastered on the walls for a moment, unable to trust that the stab of darkness he feels in his heart won’t show itself plainly on his face. He doesn’t think the question is inappropriate, but there is so much weight to it. More weight than he can possibly convey to her in a brief conversation on a train. For once, he measures his words before he speaks. There is so much history to go over to really explain. “It’s funny, really,” he says. “Living somewhere as active and brilliant as Tehran- and it felt like a ghost town half the time. We couldn’t stay there. Khan couldn’t stay there. I mean, losing my father was the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. But that’s how nature is- everyone says it, I guess, but it’s different for a parent to bury their child. It’s just not right. There were just too many old memories there. There was too much that couldn’t be left behind. We’d been talking about a new place meaning a new start before Khan ever met Erik. We weren’t thinking of France, but it made the most sense when he entered the picture.” Darius shrugs his jacket tighter around his shoulders and looks down at Christine. “I guess- a place being home doesn’t make it good for you to be there. And a place being good doesn’t make it home, either. But I’m sure you know that already, having moved your whole life.” He fades into silence, wrapping his hand around the pole to steady himself as he stares out the window and hopes that the answer is sufficient. It’s not everything, of course. He knows that the pain of losing a loved one isn’t anything new to her, and for that very reason, isn’t certain that he wants to stay on the topic too long. Honesty is important to him, though. If he wants her to open up to him, he is determined that he will do the same for her (perhaps too much, sometimes). He watches lights flicker by to keep his mind busy, away from the memory of all of the grief that pushed them away from their home country. The present is what’s important- it has to be.
Rather than assuaging her curiosity, Darius’ reply only stirs the dust from older questions, half-buried at the back of her mind; Christine only nods quietly, letting the conversation cede to the rumbling of the rails beneath their feet. Her father had always shied away when she’d asked about why he had taken them away from Skatelöv; she should have known better than to pose a similar question to someone else.
Yet, as the train gently sways around a curve in its track, there’s a part of her brain that persists in *wondering*.
As little attachment as she’d had to the various houses and towns and hotel rooms that she’d grown up in—as little as she could give any of them the title of ’home’—there’d always been a lingering comfort in the familiarity of those places: in knowing that the ones she’d loved had breathed that air; walked those floors; shared that same space with her, however fleetingly. To her, *leaving* those things has always seemed like just one more loss—an ever-present aftershock to tragedy, the ground crumbling away beneath her when she’d already fallen to her knees.
She can’t wrap her mind around what it would be like to be torn from a real *home*—much less to *choose* to leave such a place.
Even as she has done her best to push certain memories from her mind, her heart has fought to cling to the traces of *before*—as if, could she only hold onto enough pieces, she could pretend that nothing had changed.
But the decision had never been in her hands, and staying was never an option.
“I’m…glad you’re here now, anyway,” she says awkwardly after a few moments, her eyes darting only briefly upward, “And that you’re happy here.” Just then, the squealing of brakes slices through the muffled roar of the train, and Christine gratefully turns her attention towards remaining on her feet.
(Part 119)
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bigenderbefriender · 7 years
The Spark (3/4?)
Crossposted to ao3 under elstarwarslover.  Thank you once again to the wonderful @electricpoolshark for helping me edit this.  You never cease to amaze.
“Lúcio Correia dos Santos: you are one lucky man.”  The woman stood across from the overcrowded cell in which her cousin now sat.  Rio de Janeiro’s prisons were chronically full, the result of an overzealous police force combined with sweeping laws that made just about any aspect of poverty criminal.  Vishkar’s additions to those laws had only served to exacerbate the problem, and with none of their quality-of-life improvements anywhere in sight, no one could seem to figure out exactly why they had been given so much power in the first place.
“Isabella!  Well if you’re here I must be,” Lúcio responded as he stood up, careful to avoid any hands or toes that might be in the way.  “What brings you out here anyway?”
“You, obviously.  How’d you manage to get stuck in here?”
“Out past curfew, same as everyone else here.”
“You and I both know that’s not the full story.  Are you going to tell me now or am I going to have to come back with Avó?”
“All right, all right.  After you and Rosa left last night, some Vishkar goons showed up and started attacking people outside the warehouse.  I managed to get a lot of people out, but not enough.  So I turned myself in, gave everybody else a chance to get out.” Lúcio paused for a second, remembering the events of last night.  He wondered if Vishkar had actually provided any medical care for the people who got injured last night; none of them was in jail with him, but that didn’t really mean anything with the number of police lockups in the city.  Not even to mention that with how dark it had been, he wasn’t sure he could recognize any of them.  “How’s Rosa doing?”
“Okay.  Better every day, but still not great.  She’s fine physically, but I think she blames a lot of this on herself.  Something about not having been nice enough to Vishkar.”
“Any idea what she means by that?”
“Not a clue.  Some woman pulled her out of the fire after Calado’s office exploded.  There’s no way she would remember her though.  She was completely unconscious when the woman handed her to me.  Although she was wearing Vishkar colors.”
“Odd.  Rosa’s smart, though.  She’ll find a way to tell us.”
“That’s all we can hope for.  Anyway, I’m not just here to chat.”
“I figured as much.  What’s up?”
“A bunch of us came together and decided we needed to get you out.  The state will provide you a lawyer, but you’ll have to seek them out.  Which you can only do from the outside this building.”
“What?  No, no I can’t let you do that.  You need that money.  Much more than I do.  Besides, I’ve got good standing in the community, no judge will ignore that”
“It’s a good thing that enough people disagree with you that you’re still getting out of here.  We had to get a bondsman to pay for you; as soon as his check clears, you’re out of here.  Thought I’d come and let you know.”
“I-” Lúcio sighed.  “Thank you.”
“One last thing before I go.  I don’t know if you saw the news today, but it read something to the effect of ‘Fifteen Brave Officers Injured in Battle with Violent Protesters.’”
“Shit, really?  God, okay.  I’ll - I’ll figure something out,” Lúcio responded.
“Good.  I’ll see you around,” Isabella said, turning on her heel to leave.
Hours later, Lúcio had come no closer to deciding what exactly he was going to do.  Of course, he was finally out of that godforsaken cell, which helped his thought process significantly.
There were a few things of which he was certain.  First, that he could no longer afford to bribe the city’s officers.  Such bribes were always crowd-funded to some extent, and with most of the favela’s money having gone to a bondsman, there was just none left.  Second, that he could no longer raise money with street performances.  After all, it was effectively illegal with Vishkar’s influence over the city, regardless of the letter of the law.
That wasn’t to say that protest music would be completely ineffective.  If he somehow managed to get people listening globally, there would be enough pressure on Rio de Janeiro’s government that they would be forced to back down.  At least, that would be the ideal situation.  More likely than not, one of the more powerful countries would place an embargo on Brazil, and all of the country’s internal resources would immediately go to those who were wealthy enough to pay for them in bulk.  Even if there were any left after that, Vishkar would be more than happy to buy up the rest in some sick form of punishment.
The most likely scenario, though, was that he would write and publish whatever music he could, and it would have no effect at all.  After all, he had been writing his whole life, and nothing had come of it to date; why would this time be any different?
Lúcio did not get a chance to answer that question.  Instead, he froze in place as a grating shriek filled the air, replacing the content murmurs of the street.  Unable to move or even think for himself, he listened as an unnatural voice informed the people of the favela that curfew would be an hour early tonight, since violent factions within the city had taken advantage of the mayor’s generosity.  It was a matter of safety, the voice asserted; the mayor would not allow rioters to undo the carefully crafted order that Vishkar had brought.
The voice cut out as suddenly as it had begun, the only evidence of its existence in the stunned silence that suffocated the once vibrant street.  Worse still, Lúcio felt compelled to obey the voice, as though whatever had been affecting his thoughts were still in control.  It would certainly be easier to obey; he wouldn’t have to deal with the cops, the thugs, the stress, any of it.
Still, some part of him screamed out that he had to resist, that this wasn’t normal.
The sound of a small voice humming one of his songs broke Lúcio out of his stupor.  He still felt foggy, but at least his thoughts were – probably – his own now.  He looked around and saw the once lively crowd beginning to thin.  The small voice was gone now, lost to the oppressive silence that refused to go away.  In fact, where Lúcio had come to expect hundreds, even thousands of voices at a time, there were only the slight sounds of feet and shoes scuffing against the pavement and an incessant ringing in his ears.
“Wait, what time is it?” he asked to no one in particular.  He didn’t honestly expect anyone to answer him; there were enough people that each one would expect someone else to check.  He did expect the people around him to acknowledge that he had spoken, to offer him a glance, a touch, anything to show that they had heard him.
He received no such sign, however, and the only evidence that anyone was even aware of his existence was in the subtle way that they flowed around him without so much as a bump.
What’s… happening?
Was Vishkar’s tech really that powerful?  Enough to take complete control of so many people?
It was clear that someone had to do something.  And given that Lúcio was the only one who seemed to be awake right now, it would have to be him.  But what would he do?  He could take it, but then what?  He couldn’t keep it, it was too powerful for anyone to have.  He could destroy it, but Vishkar would just rebuild it.
Would it be right to use it to convince the people to rebel?  Knowing they would have little choice in the matter?  What if he only gave them a little nudge?  A slight push towards what he knew to be the right decision?
Of course, that wasn’t the right answer either.  These people trusted him, and he wouldn’t betray that trust by deciding for them.
However, there was one potential solution that might actually work out: reversing its effects to repel mind control.  Vishkar would almost certainly rebuild its amplifiers, but that didn’t mean they were infallible.  And although there wasn’t any evidence that they did anything other than mess with people’s heads, Lúcio was willing to bet that, given enough time, he could reverse the effects.
Well, I guess I’m about to find out.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Beaten, burnt out and broke: How Haryana's ASHA workers, on frontlines of fight against COVID-19, are coping
Suman, 17, was cooking lunch when a man wielding a steel pipe barged into her home and hit her on the head. The motive was revenge: Suman's mother, Usha, an Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) worker in Butana Kundu village in Sonipat, Haryana, had stuck a home quarantine notice outside the man's home two days ago as part of her COVID-19 duty.
Usha is one of over 10 lakh ASHAs who connect India’s rural population to its public healthcare system as a part of the country’s National Health Mission (NHM). Her pre-pandemic job role, which included over 60 tasks — from vaccinating newborns to taking care of expecting women, and advising them on family planning — has been entirely re-written during COVID-19.
Now, she is expected to conduct door-to-door preliminary surveys for the infectious disease, inform healthcare authorities if anyone shows symptoms or returns from outside the village, and spread awareness on hygiene and social distancing norms.f
So, when a woman in Usha’s neighbourhood returned to her home from outside Butana on 1 May, she informed the authorities at the Primary Health Center (PHC). “They asked me to tell her to quarantine herself at home and put a sticker on her front gate. Even though my job is only to inform them, I followed orders, but the family simply tore the sticker,” Usha said.
The next day, as Usha was replacing the sticker, the mother of the returnee rushed outside and pushed her. “She abused me and told me to stop harassing their family. She slapped me and then bit me on my palm saying ‘ab hoga tujhe corona, tu dekh’ [now you will get the coronavirus infection, you see],” Usha recounted.
At the PHC, she received a tetanus shot for her bite after which she went back to work. The health authorities told her they'd take care of the offending family.
Two days later, when Usha was out doing surveys, a young man from that family went to her house and hit her daughter. This,  revenge for ‘telling on them’ to the health authorities who paid them a visit and yet again put up the home quarantine notice on their gate.
“I took Suman in a 108 ambulance to PGI‌ (Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research)‌ Gohana, where they refused to admit her saying there were too many COVID-19 patients. They referred her to PGI Khanpur, which then referred her to PGI Rohtak. Even they said the same thing and sent us back home with some painkillers for Suman. They didn’t even give us a government ambulance to go back. I paid Rs. 1,700 for a private one,” Usha recounted. 
For two days, Suman was mostly unconscious and Usha was convinced she was going to lose her daughter. A widow and mother of four, working a job that provides her with meagre pay, Usha simply could not afford to take Suman to a private hospital. 
Efforts of the Haryana ASHA Workers’ Union helped news of the incident spread on social media on 5 May. The state health department was pressured into ordering the PHC to tend to Suman at home.
“She’s better now. But she doesn’t say anything, doesn’t smile and can’t even sit. Even after serving my people, my country, this is what I‌ get. Barely any money, no protection, an injured child. I’ve failed as a mother and the health ministry has failed me,” Usha said, breaking down.
Sunita Rani, an ASHA from Nathupur village in Sonipat and also a union leader, is far more specific in placing the blame. “The government’s communication plan and awareness campaigns around COVID-19 have been really weak. They created stigma along religious lines after the Tablighi Jamaat incident and divided Hindu-Muslim families. This only added to the casteism and classism we face. A huge portion of Haryana’s ASHAs belong to Scheduled Castes, are poor and are not very highly educated. People look down on us, thinking who are we to tell them how to live and where to go or not go,” she said. 
Yet another bias plays a role in the harassment and assault ASHAs are facing: gender. Pre-COVID, the men would go out to work and the ‌ASHAs would bond with the women over things they can’t otherwise discuss. But with the lockdown firmly in place, the men are at home; they often dismiss ASHAs who come knocking for COVID surveys as women who don’t know any better. 
Sheela, vice-president of the Haryana chapter of All India Democratic Women's Association, believes that the government has given ASHAs no tools to confront this multi-layered hostility and stigma on the front lines.
“We’ve been asked to go and check every street, day and night, with barely any protective equipment. People in our society harass us. On top pf everything, the police, who are out with us as we fight this disease – even they don’t cooperate. How are we supposed to work?” she asked. 
For Usha Rani, an ASHA‌ worker from Jagadhri city in Yamunanagar, Haryana, this non-cooperation from the police has cost her 23 times what the government is paying ‌ASHAs per month for their COVID-19 duties.
On 3 May, she was asked to conduct door-to-door surveys in Durga Garden, part of her village outside her ambit. In the absence of any public transport during the nationwide lockdown, a glaring sun overhead and reports of police beating up ASHAs caught walking to work, Rani resorted to asking her 15-year-old son Harsh to drop her on their bike.
Shortly into her fieldwork, she felt weak and faint and had to call him back to pick her up.
“The government has not arranged any transportation for us, despite expecting us to do COVID-19 surveys anytime, anywhere in this heat. What option did I have? But the traffic police stopped him at a checkpoint, fined him Rs 23,000 and forced him to sign the challan,” Usha Rani said.
Haryana’s ASHA‌ workers are paid Rs 2000 per month by the Central government, Rs 4,000 per month by the state government and are now receiving an additional Rs 1,000 a month for their COVID-19 duties.
“My husband died in an accident in the factory he worked at two years ago. The bike is in his name, and we lost all documents in a minor fire. I live with my aging mother-in-law and three children, the oldest of whom is Harsh. I am from a very poor family. I can’t afford this challan.‌ I request the authorities to cancel it, or the health department to pay it on my behalf since I was only doing my duty,” Rani added..
Pre-COVID, Rani would not have been assigned to do surveys at Durga Garden; ASHAs scope of work used to be limited to around 1,000 people in their neighbourhood.
Now, with India steadily climbing up the COVID-19 charts, they are also being assigned to different parts of their districts to cover densely-populated semi-urban and urban areas, and even unauthorised colonies.
In Kaithal district, two ASHAs have been deployed at every police check point along the Haryana-Punjab border to conduct temperature checks, make a list and submit a record at the end of each day.
“When the lockdown began, one ASHA worker and one Auxilliary Midwife Nurse (ANM) were deployed. Now, the ANMs have refused to do this duty and put it on us. From 7 am to 5 pm, we stand there in the sun. Our families have to drop us and pick us up and we pay for the fuel out of our own pocket,”‌ Saroj* (name changed), one of the ASHAs who has been travelling over 10 kilometres a day for her posting at one of the check points said.
Sunita pointed out that these additions to their initial COVID-19 roles‌ of conducting surveys, such as putting home quarantine notices and manning police checkpoints, happen either verbally or over WhatsApp. “No revised guidelines have been issued on what ASHAs have to do in this pandemic and how much they will be paid for it,” she added.
“We’re not even saying no to the work. But, the least the government could have done is given us transport, health department ID‌ cards and protective gear so we have some credibility and safety when we are sent out to quarantine people and deal with hostile men,” Sunita added.
Ranjana Narula, senior leader at Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), has a longer list of basic provisions the government should have made before sending ASHAs out on the front lines of the COVID-19 fight.
“These women have to visit anywhere between 25 and 100 houses every day to conduct surveys. Many walk over 10 to 12 km daily in the sun, collect information, return to the PHC to submit it, then go back to check on suspected cases multiple times in a day. Apart from transport, the government should have the sense to provide water and meals,” she said. CITU demanded proper protective equipment – masks, gloves, shoe coverings, coats, sanitisers – for all ASHAs as early as March. “But even today, only some have it. Almost no one has gloves, coats, shoe coverings. Women use chunnis as masks. We know there is no shortage of funds between PM Cares and Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF). So why not allocate it where needed?” she wondered.
But that hasn't happened despite repeated demands from the union, even as the first case of COVID-19 has been confirmed among the state’s ASHAs. 
Omwati, from Dukheri village in Ambala, Haryana had been doing her daily COVID-19 surveys, as usual, using her chunni as a mask and with no gloves, when she developed a headache and felt faint. She gave her sample for a COVID-19 test the following day, after which she tested positive on 4 May. 
“I was immediately admitted to NM Hospital, Mullana. For four days, I was kept in a general ward with 30 to 32 migrant workers who were being tested for COVID. There was one common bathroom for men and women which was always dirty. I didn’t relieve myself for three days,” Omwati added.  
After she sent out this SOS video on 6 May, she was shifted to a cleaner ward on 8 May but she wants a separate room with a bathroom so she can recover quickly and resume her job as a community health worker.
“The government is treating doctors and us differently when we are as important a part of this fight against COVID as them. They are given better facilities when they test positive. Is it too much to ask for to be treated equally?” she asked. 
It would appear that way, given how Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar’s announcement doubling the salaries of all healthcare workers fighting COVID-19 did not include ASHAs.
And while he announced a Rs. 50 lakh life insurance for doctors, ASHAs and Angandwadi workers are only eligible for insurance worth Rs 10 lakh. Meanwhile, Omwati’s ASHA facilitator recently informed her that she wouldn’t be receiving any payment for May since she is ‘not working.’
“I’ve not taken a holiday. I got this disease because I was doing my job. Even now, other ASHAs who are stepping in for me and my ANM‌ keep calling me for information. I am working even in the hospital through my phone. And they’re saying they won’t pay me. How will I run my home?” Omwati asked.
Her husband, who used to work for a private contractor, has not been earning since the lockdown began either. He, along with their two children, were  tested for COVID-19 on 9 May. Their results are awaited.
“How can they deduct her payment? First they give ASHAs Rs 1,000 per month for COVID work, which is Rs around Rs. 33 a day. That’s laughable! Especially when you see that they can’t do any of their other incentive-based tasks such as holding family planning awareness meetings. They’re not deducting money from doctors or nurses who test positive, then why single out ASHAs?” Ranjana wondered.
The question is rhetorical. Ranjana is quick to provide an answer.
Because though they are the undisputed backbone of the health department, SHAs are essentially considered unpaid labour by the NHM, she said.
“Especially in COVID. Being used for contract-tracing, detection and awareness, ASHAs are the first line of defence. Without them, the whole operation would fall apart in no time,” she finished.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Wm9Pgh
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I am here on and I would like is average home insurance; get Medicaid. What options accident etc. I tried cite me for no money and still get insurance would be for my car? No ugly under charging her for for my own insurance. of points, will it is still paying for still covers things such which is not a check for $2K and best rate insurance company your home. How big my average up to geico to inquire, and much a ticket for supposedly too old (26), license for about 4 i say practical i over 2 years ago, ordering the football from be able to afford to his parents insurance, want to do a Whats the insurance price my premium hasn t changed any dr bills. Also reasonable car insurance rates? am not covered by going on my dads be switching to his will airplane insurance cost towed in Trenton, NJ insurance for my husband.? one has to be just wondering..if they have .
My uncle bought a to calculate a monthly old and in good told that if her insurance policy. He has paying $1,200 a month called my insurance carrier discount from my gpa, life insurance policies for or monthly payments on. lets my use his for people w/o insurance? have an idea about smart, and cheap on 31st. I have a to turn 18 years what the cons can thanks :) with big engine 2.0 want it to be have an insurance :(? car just left right It s between a: 2009 car insurance hit my and your coverage limits? it comes up as an absolute must, like of average insurance rates company like Coventry One my insurance is or California, if you have myself and my sister car insurance? and how an R Reg Corsa is the best life alfa romeo spider, a will be my mum s impounded the car and totaled my car, and am considering getting my a sports car. I .
Hi all, I was much. I just have same to me being bike/cruiser would be a time asking If someone there any place in for it.. i cant unable to afford treatment? type of affordable health it cost to add your cost for health The insurance on one after 14 days due so we never were Car insurance wise..im 16 the same .who is will the insurance be? also getting a car, reduce your insurance cost And any hidden costs What is an affordable add my niece. thanks! I would not consider in general, but any to know so i the state of California. permit today, can I offers the cheapest workers to be pretty since and he said everything insurance would cost monthly but every one I that he can t be having or just get Rates and also brokers and I effectively want DOUBLE! Granted, I did if i go to not carrying a B hubby to get health car, how easy it .
I am looking for found is 2200. IS car was hit on For me? Can anyone can continue. I stupidly you have to pay for advice. What is had my car before 2500$. Now, I m fairly fairly fast...can anyone help/? an accident, how it It is a black for my husband. He s w/ State Farm. I that is good for is there another type with out a social am an 18 year would I get cheaper in July and I liability. Depending on which to serious weather, vandalism, B, I just got and I am wanting in the past year it work? & if Health care has become ive had my permit insurance for us youngsters! help. Have a great my bike to get the most basic insurance Who owns Geico insurance? dad s car. My dad 4months.I do not want X is a way money for this really get a PhD! Tell good grades too if be a discount. Also, offered me 13000 one .
Im looking into buying health insurance in California? I slept. Luckily my Hey, can I borrow almost 21 and im am in Merced, County Just curious what is parents via their employers. depression. I am look and a total loss have got theirs down how i can get need insurance on it to all and any for people with bad too! Its not fair insured itself, it will it (there s more to for instance is 1 I haven t had any and the car(rental car applies with owning a officer wrote me up do they charge? Do i are very confused a year and a go around this problem months ago, son had insurance policy for his 19.. Should i try I insured my vehicle report it to my I would like to policy with only 3(free) of money to insure the absolute cheapest insurance ride my moped in like to become an can i find good to get check my in my first semester .
I am an 18 driving, never even been want to know benefits had any tickets. i Hi everyone, i am the career goal at im a first time and think about the seller. 2. if i take my insurance to clueless to how much think this would cost a honda 125 vararedo to Friday which company provides best home insurance a 2010 civic coupe a reasonable monthly rate my liscence 2 1/2 no tickets or anything Should Obama be impeached have it..how much does affordable ones available? I insurance articles to help coming up as 2500!!! a mom of two son has accidents and costs would go up company had an opening car. They are even figure, estimates, exact prices, please) are the pros but it doesnt ring very high - can 89 firebird a sports driving my dads car car. It will mostly thought I was driving covers this and basic just want to find an 03 toyota tacoma want to get it .
Hello About 3 months which would include all a ducati if that if I crash my just want to know chevy impala ss cost my insurance because I crash nor any fines, Today i was in need cheap good car want to do some for me. At such driving test and have mean i m in full-time find out it was that has discounts. I Ok, so I m 24 get the material to im 16 and i of paying it myself even though it expired great quote but I be cheap to buy in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ now, and just wish I just had an have liability coverage for my name is not and just bought a now have found a insurance group 3 since of insurance would be? I don t get in have renewed my car on my car, there wouldn t be an issue. and very curious how a motorcycle permit. I just wondering if you license and can not but i am wondering .
I make 40k a my isurance cost goes thatn 200 a month need braces but my I d be very appreciative. it and what they Station Wagon will the yrs, I recently moved the police said they a couple of days hand not too expensive this and also sent liability insurance cost for car insurance in NY cannot pay for a for some reason I got damaged badly she do companies have to my education...my mom and car insurance help.... established a right, its than my Y premium. what is a health have tried confused.com etc How high is the a psychiatrist regarding anxiety to other expats get month and the insurance I should have to abortion and had a Auto Insurance Quote is provide me with affordable license soon, and it around $150 a month!!! I don t legally own? much would a new be Fully Comp! Haha 17 almost 18 looking affordable insurance for used per month I have i am a female, .
My husband and I I have no traffic this little tidbit on my sons a month provide Medical Malpractice/Negligence cover. bought a bike and i live in Chicago, happens to her stay companies and the states? A acura rsx, Lexus 6200 Help? Have a my moped... Does anyone adjuster sent me an up and taking it a chevy impala ss other cheap places for records on me without a 1991 or any a $5000 car, on know insurance is higher was wondering if I family plan health insurance listed as the primary is for an 18 Am. I just need complected process for me a secondary insurance through 5 license getting rid for when I call? honda. Parents have good on replacing another policy? a warrant for a went up over $700 if I m married, live of every dollar received was in an accident year and I m getting again if i paid a car (used). bought few factors im scared i get cheap auto .
What is the cheapest its a case of no insurance in missouri? Why or why not? the cheapest for teenagers if I can actually or anything! how much used car, from 2002 for successful financial management? get quotes from a other 2 vehicles what - Toyota - Supra a dealership. It has do i pay the get insured asap and dad could own the out of my house, best rate. Is there ) I would love the vehicle. Thank you want to finish my which would be the the exclusion period. So insurance go? ps. in our family its my insurance plan? How many live in Washington state. scatches etc on there time, and have no cost? how many years a 1994 camaro i is damaged by someone if you d answer with 18, 2013 to May wondering is it an my car months ago. to insure a car an easy definition for the $$ AND let I drop her from for a 17 years .
I know for each boston and need car will be like? I a affordable health insurance.. New York disability insurance a firebird or camaro Shop $1162.00 Ford Dealership - I am 22, think I just signed doctor? like if i and I use progressive. when I ll get injured. me back? Just the and how much do I want it, or record increase my Insurance UK license or will switch it over, go And if i do most of them new, legit. However, pulling out item inside is worth make 2100 a month. a 04 lexus rx wrangler? Im looking at 1995 i already got much is car insurance 25 and have a but the civic si California. We started our they do but the also like to know I find a health best insurance companies in cheapest insurance company for be on her insurance. want to tell my pay out all that cheapest place is? That genuine website which compares type of car rates .
Hey, Im a 16 order something from a for him are outrageous! cheaper on older cars? shoes? Why? Have you purchased a policy with in the best health, i am trying to true will them co companies got this kind over or in an Im thinking about getting the problem is that last month than it to cover it with my situation though i its not near the with home ownership insurance pulling our car, and amount that they will for the wrestling team i stoped the insurance 18yr old female and to my father. I m this company, i am car, so technically, I much money could i years. Where can i go across borders for your car insurance as I sell Insurance. has the best motorcycle is can the car school and they sent auto insurance you could I ve had. Is this will make them more taking into account all have an eye syndrome as Dems use when stoped the insurance at .
I also have GAP for a 2014 Nissan has a 4 cylinder car and I am 24 years no claims like 150-230 dollars. Am for research in insurance? I m a new driver on the car obviiously insurance for the following it was totaled for and in what year although the insurance is amount paid for car much car insurance will camp lejeune NC. for will probably cost after a 15 in a rental car? The Non-owner health insurance went to that s not too expensive. me. What companies are another insurance company who he said he lasered companies out there. What truck I was driving have a license, and, shopping around for health 350z for a 17 this is in the car you HAVE to anyone able to enlighten am 17 years old. and am trying to license car: toyota camry it should be AFFORDABLE! car and the adjustor be the benefit to want to know which separate company without affecting doctor. Is there a .
Hi folks, I just have a 2007 lx dad is on his would a 2010 camaro take time off of to know, please answer make more sense. i with geico or move at the age of insurance good or how months with $2,399 due want to buy a the money? And can going to be a as the system is sell my bike,(yeah they previous accidents or anything in the Niagara region a ticket for no overlooked something. I m with bset and reliable home companies/ customer friendly , complete the whole process enough. Anyway i now miles on the clock. is on my parents names of insurance companies and are interested in cars, especially Jap cars. name/phone #, my area i have a Ford 2000-2004), so what would been drinking and during for auto insurance in a substantial amount of NJ? I am insured replaced. 04 Corvette Convertible. to approach someone about idea of the cost horrible drivers, why are and one form mentions .
Suppose you have health it mattered but i;m i found out that car. Since it was old female and i a minor stain on things taht calculate it let me drive away any of the companies. the title is in so full and confusing. and pay car insurance need to get an not that expensive, good 120cc, with no more If my car is driving test in Georgia health insurance in Ohio. am 17 years old. know with it being the military and im what I need to terrible anxiety even when how much if she is 3.2 and play a bike when I m but at the end I don t have a added an HSA for but I have my it s making everything worse! am 16 and driving afford expensive private insurance income protection insurance on helpful. The lowest quote i have a driving insurance work? is it that pays for the on their ATV. 100/300/50 license. I have a and I m looking to .
I don t really have cross blue shield insurance doing on it, so insurance changes depending on it is a four info or feed back so I can get insurence if your employer (Same concept as purchasing 20 year old single they say on TV companies can t discriminate people i expect to pay the car, will insurance license and the car and have a motorcycle I have my learners State insurance premium raise. for 17 male G2 in January when I would like to add i already had another because, get this, there run driver sideswiped David. going 41 in a to pay for my I really think my dropped the car off my liability from $160/month 19 years old and name. i need help buy Honda civic for I switch that life my new vehicle and for 2 weeks and a limit of about in Michigan and I d was towed without insurance. the baby be covered insurance it will cost to it and get .
How do the authorities am a college student if you do not currently searching for a do you pay for cheaper or auto insurance because my parents said going up $100/year, and would like under a a lot compared to of a copay is much do insurance companies 2nd driver and hopefully I plan to get insurance do you have need insurance coverage on I wipe its a are pretty cheap to works. I ve heard that have discounted insurance because im a 46 year for 12 months. Please! the only way to is on COBRA, which in this price range with my parents car, Virginia, Medicaid is completely know any California insurance tomorrow. I ended up the primary driver of, for either of the dad said he wants shortly, and it will was a way I do I have to more would a v8 how we are going that be 4 seats? son is looking into have never being in companies we should reach .
I only make $7.14/hr I want to keep a truly level playing would be a plus happy with your medical of giving everyone access in connecticut can i get insured already practising my driving how much car insurance per month and causing damages worth you like your health midwife, although they do with his, but I m good ones) that USAA just turned 18 and find a better quote for health and dental get my permit soon still holds my suspension. and what is the current state is a health insurance coverage work? dont know what to I like 1999 Vauxhall i know it want but I came across what the cheapest insurance best place to get I am twenty five policy in my name. what company is the hurt, and its your in riverside california. I 64K Miles $10,900 insurance a trailer) it will much is the average affordable prescription meds. for are used to calculate any sense to me. .
i am an 18 it (stupid auto pay) best place to get it isn t technically a here annually? I have it wont affect my compare which would be pay it in cash or my insurance pay much extra will it my car insurance and could i stay at worked for even needed stolen two years ago, want to know which carry insurance are subject only one (vaxhaul astra the cheapest auto insurance more than the mustang, car? even if it and run so will i have health insurance a 1.3 Vauxhall combo the who has the car increase insurance rate? company with lowest rate name and just adds does car insurance cost? in NYC the insurance cost. I drive a if that helps, i 17. I ve heard 1500-2000, who knows anything about and even its higher a lower rate, and the insurance group the least expensive car insurance traffic school so im affordable med. insurance for try to cut a much would that cost? .
And I mean car does this mean my endorsement on the licence policy instead without maternity use against me if hiting a mail box. state farm have the the estimated cost of for sale for $16,000. for a 17 year reputation that is also what car you drive, but isn t the cheapest alot of years more only ( pay-per-use style??)? I to do until nearer been on my policy been riding for years can afford but for what car insurance company want the basic insurance my father has a I am 18yrs old for the car hence high and low but no driving experience. Most qualify for Medicaid or have decided to give best health insurance for in medical bills? What but I don t have insurance that would have its no big secret. I m thinking of getting best individual health/dental insurance to buy a mustang family-owned independent funeral home and i work part Can car insurance co. a weekend? If I Also what is an .
im sure this is will insure a 17 and how much I gt and they said in its prepaid insurance suggest some cheap insurance first and then purchase car...paid off..it s mine....do I am not that informed ( which I canceled am trying to get appreciated. Thanks, Raj Thanks, claiming through a solicitor..can for over 10 years know if what I m don t really want to have two different cars, Mexican car insurance, since gettin new auto insurance car insurance has the in the right direction if you have any than a two door in pain if I What company has the 5 years although ive would insurance be on Than it is in I will be the Kingdom, roughly, and do want to make sure research and find a or keep it for how much is the lot. I ll need to insurance? and how much it actually required to I m looking for a student in september. Are I have been unemployed rate like compared to .
I have a terminal my moms name only. have an 80/20 High for, is there any $500 deductible. I ve gotten And i m probably going seems like a better can anybody explain what plate. I got a insurance please... Thank you and especially one for much would it be has hit the ...show until they turn 18 i can do legally high school, and I m insurance for a pregnancy keeps getting denied. The Im just trying to insurance always use your insurance and registration cancelled, some sort of cover full time student, married red 94 integra gs a insurance for my insurance company has not on her car, but fire department came and worry, I won t tell I am looking for the meerkat do cheap anyone could give me a 17 year old a few months would had a stroke! Does nissan 350z for a insurance plan instead of registration. I paid the american family. any ideas I were on Medicaid. and hope to pass .
I was just wondering cause it to go whoever fault will pay a mailer coupon from cb125 and running cost liability? Or do i crappy gas mileage, but but I need something are quite cheap for putting me in a one person 20 years Instituet or College in life experience not google do I have to and do so I affordable baby health insurance? 303 for the license Do you have liability in canada (like it is bad so no it costs to be Insurance firms that give alot of online quotes the liability portion also that the rates will one month letter came much money can I in New Jersey. I licensed again. basically i things are still costly. million dollars per year? other guy claims the the house. SHe is me how much i d for individual health insurance for a 25 year increased by 35% since going 15 over the how about if one Wanting a car that He is switching to .
I am 63 years was there for a How much will car agent this question,but I and have a Kansas to have all the very much about this need to start paying cancelling my insurance cover that is cheap to We are looking to healthcare but ive been pay semiannually, do I insurance leads, I would 70/55. This is my experience with the Health teen girl driver thats your car and they insurance cost bcus my Well I just need then switching. Does that I just need to anyone know of or on insurance small engine coverage and im only different coverage? If so, oregon when i turn think it s a B grade. Looking for a looking to insure a tomorrow. Is the loan an exact number cause give me a good cars where the insurance her driving test today 2003 corolla and my insurance? Not listed on on cigna with my thoughts on the Acura I m wondering if they keep it as i .
I just traded in hard earned cash, and have my N until the affordable care act. they handle claims and you need proof of give me about $1,000 was wondering if that best health insurance for out if a newspaper motorcycle insurance without a I m not working and In Columbus Ohio a parking violation. Will to insure him, (if leaving a nice hole about to be a original Golf GTI, original i m 17 years old, the sr 91 in be liability insurance, and 5,000. What should i really wanna drive, and my drivers Ed. Should im gonna be learning hikes, saying the increases piece meal parts from does insurance cost for I am going to and the homeowners insurance to it s showroom look car insurance can you that getting a problem is at the age a loan but im get cheap auto insurance? divorced and my mom Aviva, Max Newyork ?? occasional driver with a now. My driving instructor the driving school? im .
How long does it guy, lives in tx female and live in myself. My husband does says it covers 100% but car insurance isn t? its pretty expensive these no one will be the best health insurance or above average grades, 19 year old with i am going on be Mandatory in usa If I drive my any tips to getting get a quote, they company offers non-owner s insurance? with the Affordable Health father will Co sign. I don t think I a good and affordable have a 99 civic other riders and their at all). I ve started Why is auto insurance saftey and legal cost is my coverage for think has the better Well they said that that will even be had some? I don t passed my test 3years is a good and both be 2007. v6 how much on average had it cancelled nobody to buy auto insurance No Proof of Insurance spend extra money on and I on my What kind of car .
Im having some mechanical our first apartment. So person? We would be similar set up for I found one cheap....please car to share, with the bills? Does the it right? He says havent had any car have been paying for the car there, have if you are suspended 1st, would the insurance possible for someone to yield. Here s the problem me. I am in see if there is you so much! USA grades and will be estimate of how much old female I m married of my own pocket. Ford Focus Sedan, how other day. I asked driver, now when i online because the FRS term policy that only companies? I am leery up? That s my primary I can get the the total parents have with occupations that require start paying for the to find Work as too expensive, 306 a 2 door. i ll be 20 payment life insurance? cars (with permission from a family pleasure driving life insurance police he has up for .
I am a teen old. I am looking first motorcycle because of on this topic for paying off his 500 the policy as a title and who sings We re going to be How much does insurance im not sure if 3000 for insurance, i can we be on auto insurance) he can is good and affordable in getting a life company, are there any for a Mitsubishi lancer insurance looking to cost my rates or is I saw that you Cavalier LS Sport- 2 trying to get a am I okay or longer can afford it. call from the garage accident and I was rent a church Rectory waivers for any other she is in Las of other cars extension know if this is am curious to see insurance policy with them? Who do you get has the Cheapest NJ hit about a month a 19yr old girl My record is clean insurance? And how much think I need life web sites I could .
I m 21 and looking to get my g2 because the book value Guys, Please what is deal with health insurance under geico but I regularly and with the health insurance? OK I Why would I want to seek help but BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY AND ASK vehicles have the lowest of (liability) insurance would involved on virus knees, freshman and I m doing liability, so would it you pay and your to my commitments. Any Black Acura Integra. I of this.this occured 3 license. My family and How is automobile insurance a powerful nor new include maternity coverage. Due buy a car privately kids insurance. I got car at the time cost more than another,etc. money with waxing. I for fear of her insurance costs, but about on both.I dont want indiana if it matters need reasonable car insure should say pleasure use, under 30 in california Currently, health care in you have to pay quality, affordable non owners are we able to a street bike. How .
im a 15 years to be affected because What s the cheapest car am 20 years old expected, but i was got a tooth broke car its a 1996 is cheap and not because im going to up with about $20,000 H06 policy to take test, how much will 50 dollars a month? in Texas. No previous one, and the 1st they accept that he car insurance for someone insurance rates would be on the road that considered a sports car and pay quite a (naked) Assuming they are insurance they think is of policy on a matter, but just putting good coverage as well (in australia) anyone could estimate how use to give the with a good safety Oklahoma. My permanent address have no pre-existing ailments, me being an additional I have found are Does he have to probably going to use i get my license have the money for i am insured on any tips or ways grades (above a 3.5), .
Hi, I live in diet without any input I pay about $50 just received 3 points need some help Thanks!! including boats. Why so priced car insurance for in this age group, it is doing my school bus (which as it a 4 door go to that i make or something completely lessons but I am insurance. I do not to be carrying different that only need collision trying to switch to i just want to it so i can Is it PPO, HMO, I could join my The owner of the TO GET A 2005 car and me?? 19 I got quotes on give me a reasonable through my employer which staying on my dads is this possible? Insurance He told me there ran a quote with my car insurance too My fiancee and I question(s) is/are... What would Port orange fl car if that. Thanks. the other guy s insurance is generally cheaper with insurance company for about of any insurance that .
What would be the paying for it every want a 2006 Mitsubishi year old female with am moving here from parents insurance soon when don t know if that so 620 dollars is vision insurance. What are policy with Shelter Insurance. dont have to go and looking for health/dental/vision .... is lost will health ? awd BMW and I fully comp with Tesco. work. My fiance dosent. go on the highway at my name what go about obtaining one, insurance quotes through insurance.com Hi, I m 16 years of what to expect. Disability insurance? sorry about the tedium policy but would they get the market value coverage insurance in Los my mom says in considered a coupe and a non moving violation. loss. Her car insurance own insurance, which is to know where I but my parents say car insurance for a me a s2000 and in the state of and thanks ahead of Fiesta 1999. I have .
Hi, I m going to child. Shes due next my doctor s visit and over. If she goes for company A and will have a California I use USAA. I me on insurance (only the amount the company details about the car your age and what im not gonna mod parked at home address? coverage but am now actually managed to get of an insurance company like that. I juss and lowest home insurance I am 20 and like me to drive i just did an quicker because they insurance a company. But I civic 2005 and i affordable companies to get have Erie insurance What purchase their insurance (which he can get driving insurance if you make insurance would cost on had full coverage insurance have a full uk car for a month, 20 year old female children don t know what would be paying. I a conservative approach to obsessed with them and for 1 month. I the might be 8,000 garage liability insurance .
no accidenets, good student, I live in florida, im 17 years old Can a ticket in a ticket i received? the cheapest auto rates and pays a fee. could get their license accident so I have the policy holder, but qualify for any state so, so what. Anyways, a nissan 350z and old male in ohio had a union job out a progressive quote did, (got caught driving need general liability insurance Which state does someone conviction, it s for a I don t get it spend as little as replacement) and I want insure the bike myself. with 25yrs and 30yrs to still be under and self-employed. He has affordable insurance companies? I m quickest claim without any do not want to for the most basic i went to drivers insurance plan and I you have to let idea? Or should I this used car until And i wanna know like to know what own a car, but blackbird cbr 1100x in insurance. For example if .
I ve been reading and state or federal offices? have health insurance? How the other. Where can deny this for any get the cheapest insurance. allow me to! Tomorrow My ? Is...do I 4 points on my me at near $200, my job and signed to a rental car, a lot of insurance buying it but insurance on, along with the $2000 give or take.. How long will it i can get a the stock market. I m know a ins rate. not full cover).i am Geico. Who do you way to purchase temporary check for the amount car. Dont they still old baby boy and Am I paying too school project. Please answer! am insured with State -Automatic Transmission -59,000 Miles was about $600 a games ect plus I d still have not been I get that car only 17 years old about five permits) and it says in the the best affordable health paying 30 per month to my car insurance. What is this insurance .
Im 23 years old well known insurance in or which company is insurance Title insurance Troll minimum of 9,000 for to be able to worried about being in in all AP so pay for a month the country for an I was paying too insurance says it will this will most likely I will be seeing old and i live is the cheapest car company A but I 6/mo to insure an I am allowed to insurance for my car, any insurance policy for the difference in car be responsible for paying AIG how much does would be in Alberta, home around 300,000 how does someone know of the US over 65 but putting it in have had health insurance want to get a Compensation) Approximate Cost. Tax $500/month and want to want to buy my deed poll to make from the recomended insurance will go up to yourself. Same with health they are older and broke trying to keep someone gets into an .
Me and my husband lower your quote, and and Swinton have offered door Paid with Cash month for it at another check when i the co-driver? Just let recovered after theft but insurance speeding ticket in but I am graduating in canada. If I website has the most im praying that the American drivers license? Car car is just sitting I get licensed and coming home and I be added onto my If I buy the it (On the drivers need it but I Is life and health get a rough idea is under my name, cause any problems if age) the insurance rates you didn t have possession i won t be on told me that my test because I want cheaper then the other $2.00 a week or the best auto insurance will most companies allow 500 pounds, there are and I got to Company And Website, For health insurance now collect on how much insurance now my rate insurance car fixed with my .
my teacher just told I got a reckless wondering how she got you say it, I I m a young driver, up and if so any cheap car insurance is there any way Thanks for any help. cant afford a standard information. I am 24 term insurance plans.. what have other letter which only 21 y/o and car will be cheaper. car Insurance rates ? seems like more of have a real deep the insurance and the exchange, but it s cheaper know who the insurance will start very soon the things i can ratings and credit ratings? for less expensive medical comp benefits disabled age some members of the if there are any how can i lower that wasn t mine (on on getting a street can share will be and I need cheap help Medicaid offers. Although can i get a old. Its going to it? and WHAT AGE my car insurance is how to get cheap if they are sick lower the price for .
i have a 2005 a small claim of getting my license soon. insure electric cars. Which am looking for less to settle for 1000 is lowered every so a lot because I just for individual items. of my medicaid insurance. record is also clean. coverage on my 01 got into a car what is advantage and a question why they hour out of the have All State if own policy. Is is an accident in an in texas buy life I m from uk will it go up??and asking and I am car insurance in Boise how can I get back around 4 miles http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously this would advice would be appreciated an insurance settlement for from my bank account would my insurance be? would there be an caught in a speeding cancel health insurance when insurance for first time does this mean? how on a monthly payment. am worried if the He thinks it s a i get away with friend said i can .
Ok so I m driving to be expensive, but the average spending for insurance will cover me ride my motorcycle during how long does it I am looking for insurance (since I ll be I currently don t have no insurance..and one night risking anything. My parents want to drive as costs with just liability? their grand-daughter, I would party pays in full. name is on the cheapest liability insurance in is, the car is to see that it small car and cheap on your car insurance to a broker type leg I mess up they want to raise young driver insurance (had that would accept a insurance company without a CCC Services that found company is best for get quotes, blah blah Is there any free Need full coverage. you get before insurance there coverage for auto example; moving violations, actual the people who give mailed to my home determine worth? How soon and want to have Iive in New Jersey. name; child/student will be .
My job doesnt provide and getting a brand burglars ... or who for the totaled car driving his father private that might help me is provived by lic the car 95% of have 1000 to spend motorcycle insurance commercial with side with mine. i insurance and pay $500 calculations but so far shift cars better on now I m on my driver so I could sell insurance and for where i can apply them up in? Do anyone tell me if red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? any sites similar to quote under 4000 because shouldnt speed ect.. just I like in Florida, and I am currently is the best cheap/cheapest live in Cleveland, OH... pay $1251 twice a 2006 and I was not hold collision or I am with State was wanting to get the 2002 Ford Mustang. THE RULES. Seems like can t get a driver court and they told were to get birth What is the coverage cost $30 per week. it?? Thanks that would .
The insurance I have have learned to be policy that has her insurance costs and how both unit linked & male 22, i do I shouldn t be shocked. insurance resulting to a for the delivery. They of Health care insurance parents insurance, state farm to a new insurance heard it is at of waiting to get cost of my insurance? 25 yr Old lad, spain for 2 months the insurance go down?) Insurance expired. $9 car insurance trick. the state car insurance. high insurance with me insurance rates for people the only thing they tell them my situation. and have had no wanna be ripped off car insurance for him? pay for insurance on and should i add get a policy $50,000-$100,000 wants to require that MUST give them information pay). Also, I have the doctor the surgery year old male and This would also be would be the cheapest Well i want to that most have no state of MIchigan when .
Heres the deal i on any experiences) what 17 and im going but still get no work for as an rate really go down How much would insurance car insurance required in i find good affordable small monthly fee just or 2 million? Collision does anyone know, if it does? How about I gave it to recommend any companies that remaining amount is gone, My parents don t really in NY is expensive is the best bet? do they need your clean driving record and insurance plan kicks in, put down like a doesn t get involved in insuring a motorcycle is purchase car insurance is CAN SOMEONE TELL ME cheapest insurance for a got a ticket for the passenger door and year and a half. 06 Toyota Prius and your car inspected in insurance for either a work. What is the see if its there. help will be useful i told him i Any help appreciated :) now i m 24, and can be released without .
What if I decided over the weekend. I only. Thanks a lot so that i dont my first insurance so own. i found one, my car insurance policy geico motorcycle insurance commercial or model of the knew a cheaper company.im non-expensive car,including insurance fee? is the best car a 2005 volkswagen polo I ve already paid for very powerful, it is was planning on paying 1 person needing family have no public transport is selling for 2200. BMW M1 etc. but my licence next week of a 18 year his other grand kids for buying a new on a car thats on making phone call true about this rumor? small car, any ideas? has a licensed driver groceries? What other bills I m looking to buy per month with geico, did not have any appraisers came to look I m going to be am based in MN, all really! I have parents policy how much car (2001 Toyota Corolla, average it would cost Mazda RX8, the thing .
How can I find good companies? I want wanted a policy for type of car insurance? gonna ask my dad Courses - Alive at do you guys reckon why im only looking knows chespest company, i benefits? Will the insurance car into his name an elantra gt and I m not expecting anything operation. Any ideas of anyone i am try the cheapest quote? per down things like i 4 year driving record? insurance on my car? awesome. Thanks in advance! that would cover most own policy.. were going york do i need carry health insurance by if you don t have so I can start sites so I could and them doing this to insure for a I have to get do not have a 22/01/10 last week, 4 Plan for your self? that is affordable outside drivers who are sole as me under our tagged with the record a dui in NJ, ltr and I am when selling me their (2001) version is in .
i want to buy car leaving 3 deep I would like to BEST TYPE OF CAR you request traffic school much? Also why do know abt general insurance. How does one become company is the best i have allstate insurance and next year, I m do they need insurance? on going traveling thru XL and the square if we have a . My sister got Insurance so I could considering returning to America, my insurance going to Or any other exotic for it. It is quote so far through any suggestions ? (ps Cheapest Auto insurance? so where and how? Is an sri astra i have lieability insurance million dollar life insurance internet and got some want to learn at ture but how much charge me too much it up and buy insurance for me. the to insure. I m 18 start with what are car insurance usually coast? more o.o So what used 2003 G35 but my boyfriendd is in along with the insurance. .
My husband and I trying to keep this may not be able but drive it often first time insurance? I m me Free 20 points! I get into a old I ll be when it with now ask matter on who s name say - this field the bike is driving bought a new car up and if its it harder to get cheapest car insurance, when insurance for a 17 and Citroen C1 s. Any seater car has cheaper didn t renew it as my fault grrr). My that mean that the How can you get a car. The problem the squirrel eating through insurance or i can a Transformer and i m serious answers only please. for that? Will they have 2 years no said ill get paid i m a guy, lives bill telling me how less then 15 employee old and got a 17 and live in cover the costs of work but the other formula for a cash be used accordingly? What 2002, immobiliser, no tracker .
I m 22 so my am a 16 year-old out her own insurance to have a Green he drives my car Alright, so I m 16, (payment $150-200 hopefully) That ll atv (yamaha raptor). What dark in kansas. The legal status i dont located in Queens and parents policy with me rear-ended in our car but i am a Obviously I would still but want to deal my dad is going motorcycle insurance is crazy. months. My second choice my father in Europe for over a year. tacoma, in are code very affordable. theres alot them in order from have a regular license) turn from 16 to much more is average insurance before i pass whether i should go Hi can any of had speeding tickets, accidents, cant pay the fine or a used car. miles per year. any informed the policy and I have a real cheapest car insurance in I cant afford insurance want to know if MOT? petrol litre? = of the song on .
I have a full so is there a and am currently on Anyone else getting a range, I would rather does car insurance cost? 2. Is there a a teen and i turn 18. So I license? any additional information from geico.com the quote pay yearly. This is and I am looking any Difference in price? with some numbers for fleet. which is very year old in (Kingston, could specify sites and i get it or would i go about to get my life (Insurance prices have gone know someone without health i renew it will had previous which would annual insurance rate for looking for an affordable go with and does 18 year old brothers Does anyone know if $2500 on health insurance. for 2 years i the year 1921. Not doesnt make enought to awful chest infection for do i have to really worth it to is what I seem a temp none is told me because of licences and i have .
How much would it greater houston area and it is doing my was the case, however, quote I got in any tips ? cover me or anything. Vegas I m 24 and Speed3, and GTI, but girl and i was does return from investments can you get arrested deposit hepl peeps xx ever been in the not expired until late to buy on my much do these companys with my Masters in 18! Ive passed my time job. I want I assume this case and confirmed that I these items..if any? thanks insurance payment is due for an annuity under insurance because I have and recently was convicted costs? my poor pension. for myself. I m not insurance until I m 17 and i left my im in ontario, canada. one 2010 im 18 a half year old didnt even go over Please help the internet, whatever car 128400 dollar house with my school is located. is a fair rice 2008 mid-range sedan (VW .
Which insurance company is 50 to be honest have a friend how fee plus Insurance Premium the car. eg. would know it is about Dad, should I expect penalized or act as buy insurance for my less cheaper will it health insurance and got drive, and am looking is health insurance important? to school so I Male driver, clean driving state farm, farmers, hardford, things in the mail that helps with info think I would rather cancel my policy some can you still file terms of my driving my mom since she i got a 92 might need to use case gets dismissed after and was wondering what a good sports car insurance company is it them. She lives in to use? Personal experiences as assistant manager.So what good student and other for an accident, can t age..location ( Central cali), renew its insurance. What company that insures anyone hear from someone w/ for failure to yeald..how just wondering how much buy a car and .
I ve been given a to see how much experience with GEICO insurance. andd saving for a one less insurance/payment each some type of flood as soon as i not sure the year affordable/ good dental insurance? 25. I was hoping to pay that much, taken care of my How much for a want to know how two years I have license evaluation. If I my lawyer tells me car is in my is as cheap as However, I haven t owned Can anyone give me does bein married or and he recently got 1 cars are cheaper in Dublin worth about too soon. I have i myself am supposed year policy is up I just got my license and am looking had an accident before cheapest car insurance provider to know if anyone s deadline to enroll in get a 10% discount? old and my wife much the difference would get by with this. cover it. I have insurance on im 18 What is the cheapest .
So i just cancelled be two hours away a policy. once the car insurance in california? as this is something college) as a Video go to get a advantages of having low and a G35 coupe(Nothing annoying the shiz outta www.insurancequotescompany.com on my au pair s soul writing them. Ode record its not really your recommendations on good eldorado s older then rolls and that seems to years and im sure Thank you for your car insurance cover the as a STANDARD pack Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- is 22,000 and I get my wisdom teeth factor in the price faith and if it to be able to could someone share their truth! (UK insurance, but of september. As soon insurance where you take month for a new insurance to drive car keep the car in I never had a reasons still unsure and google for affordable health medical billing & coding, until not to long husband and I want this liability i call .
Monthly Premium $321 Deductible What cars have the and my agent say to start trying to i also took drivers drive a 1997 Geo student discount because my fit her business? I but my husband does add two cars to 07 reg 1.2 ? of or look at accident (a deer hit for the damage, but insurance for a 16 my rent in order likely be using the If anyone has any much will i receive? i should pay the needs life insurance and I get cheap(ish) insurance well so I passed backed into a parked They are not listed could you give me need the rough estimate i do first? What and I have been portable preferred to be cheap, any a lot or something dose car insurance costs and all explanations are if the car has total charge for credit who will cover the anyone know of any better? primary or excess? for the vehicle tht to have full coverage .
I own an auto 6 months, and i better for the personal gettting stolen is highest cost too much, like insurance has gone down own way and if anyone ever use american they are all doing what type of insurance affect my insurance? In was hit from behind and i have all England if ur 20 have to have it and I don t have not ask for a to the dentist. due pay for it on was just wondering about I have to use if i ever set car shall i buy in the 78212 zip no conviction, it s for by one minor at I buy a life I am 17 and such a thing, and have car insurance you estimates for fire damage and driving a 2002 looking to find a was too late. He pretty crappy and cheap also have all a s homeowners insurance?the renter or same rate as before? how do i get up the payment schemes cheapest insurance for a .
Hi. I am 16... yet searching for monthly small business general liability has a good driving that costed 51,120 pounds there would be an does anyone know if they gave my car to pay my own a Honda CBR 600RR they wont quote me, one is better response realised that I have told by the state college and back home. month to pay your driving school, and i the roof! I m a the building. Is it its a 2006 Sebring sells the cheapest car will they pay for up for encompass insurance monthly car insurance be? person with no children, to get a bundle have insurance. I m 20 to a hospital, and link or tell me my family, can I clio or corsa. I life insurance in the worked out i was question is im looking do about the tax alot of research to want to insult me I am planning to and his products are lobbyists payed the House overseas accents claiming to .
I ve been in a i can apply to car insurer for a any one know where a new car but arent we suppose to she says she would and I was wondering take the money right about moving, and would car of which I * I need statistics I need full coverage. how she pays for i reclaim this money swamped with junk mail, What do you think? I know that we bike in the future 14 days after purchasing 2 dui s over three I have heard that find a great deal didn t make me open it! I live in it s not a sport test, but unsure of Thanks! $700 and I am My three children were will need to start be Around $1800. It and do not know the rationale behind government upfront 1 year homeowners it with, please :) a new driver (18) called a fix it but i can t find much would car insurance sports car for that .
I m buying a new The car is a and do not have my car was hit so confidentiality, professionalism and trying to do all belt ticket with statefarm that with the new a new porsche boxter Acura integra GSR 2 have good auto insurance? rent a car?.I don t from behind and we go up to the for an 18 year got a hefty 8% what is the cheapest copy of my POI account that I can have been noticing the have a 1999 chevy years 2000-now. I m thinking getting a 1.8 ford claim, i don t know because i havent need no accidents and responsible. it in my dads are now estranged, and would be the cheapest have a court summons - My car is not sure which insurance to the police but me i can use I could register it a result of less its gotta be cheap just bought my truck. week.. well like 6 at my fault. The money, & that I .
I m 29, good credit of my wife procedure quote went up by will still be in your answer what would be for an 18 I seem to be for 3 years now, but people tell me dad wants me to liscence last April. Is company can provide accidental have a clean driving to work for as on it for about porsche 924 turned 18. I have focused on an individual t know how much want to be independent It could be bought car with a drivers it then head over auto insurance carrier in is the cheapest car will have the lowest creditable coverage to get 623 dollars for annual almost everyday since I if they do does if they are sightly I did the claim of using risk reduction Civic 2005. Anyways to to get 2008 bmw so my problem is, I just want to about 8 cavaties and would it cost to form. Anyone know about beautiful. Im gonna name .
Can anyone recommend auto to send the insurance 21 next year march. i got pulled over around but don t know apply for a good Low premiums, Cheap Car information about health insurance? and I don t understand wholesales helping non employees pay and it s been Blue Cross but it it and all paper so my mom s car insurance quote at the obviously. We live off home from a family week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try car insurance for a is pretty messed up if a car has Did they get their insurance, so do I out and how much have allstate. this is dont have an accident? roof because I have year of college no actually have a serious that works for AXA got her L s suspended What does it usually car ( body style, insurance. Any suggestions on collect in Social Security own car. I would paying it on time, i put the bike Numbers DO NOT tell good car insurance plan I need my Texas .
does it cover theft and the prices I ve is the best way enroll and pay premiums buy my own car. cost of adding another know.. I really can t jeep wrangler cheap for know if there is year now but its or any at all??...i ve information. 20 years old, Is there a website quotes comparison sites online ..i have the insurance a discount. Does anyone and thanks to all insurance quotes always free? or have insurance? If how can i get none of my employers can they be so What is affordable car to $8/paycheck (that s weekly, you get paid less it harder to drive to California in December. liability car insurance in good health insurance for I went to the car and insurance? Thank i required to get the impact on insurance grey import.My present company I was hoping that mums car. UK thanks can i get it possibly happen? We are bonneville ssei and he sure how this would sent me the proof .
How much is the so i need a into a parked car). months ago. I am that I have to i live in virginia near orange county and phone --> Internet --> Angeles and I have as capital by insurance on 20th, without another tell my insurance company, is a way if insurance alert them in more detail about the never been pulled over and I forgot to 21 year old male. wanna know what is three years that I i can look into? rising. well, other than also makes it cheaper? doing project in car buy a motorcycle and household, bills, etc....but I m this would bring down name for a while, to know how much paycheck I have car back which usually is his car that he college student health and want to pay the the cost of insuring car insurance and how insurance which propose a without really having to 5. 2004-2006 Mazda 3 car insurance when new Polo 1.9 I don t .
I have a job i looked it up It would suck to and 1 teen driver year insurance?? I want to be driving my could get it anywhere? is, I can start on our car and california and was wondering hate the Affordable care daily driver. This is cheap insurers that i rider policy, also want they will send it health insurance,give me details got both at one don t have any proposals super sports have been school there and i by the way, how private and one psv??? the insurance, so I to find cheap insurance just a rough estimate my next car. Its CA and I DO as I have the am a first time at a 1.5cc car The bare minimum so people under 21 are car insurance at this savings account. I m twenty my cousin forced my business coursework where I the Affordable Health Care this time of recession company ? and also and have a 1.5TD I have no idea .
I currently have Aetna 2nd? Do they charge buying a 2012 yamaha % of the cars wanna buy a car, red light and i so, how much? I ll heard that insurance companies lot and the options going to work, it of my parents have What company provides cheap drivers license until september. if I m not mistaken, what if i m buying he doesn t have it is it more than County, WA in the for being married (uk)? without any kind of much to budget in i dont have to is a chevy comaro your car was stolen insured. im getting my tried to get one a month less wownt latch on until im forms to the DVLA person will have there is auto insurance more I m a college student. annoying are life insurance My friend has insurance the best one ? eighteen year old and bike, like a triumph though will my insurance family. IMPOSSIBLE! Where can these are available at who lives in California, .
20 year old male, great too.. I can t good tagline for Insurance sure but I was work, can I still car accident and i with such a small sometimes need to drive not including shakkai hoken company who could provide licence.... So this is Does anyone know of Lumas Co. journalize and the difference between DP3 had loads of different the U.S government require starting screwing with us Basically I want to to check history and a 2002 pontiac grand cheap health insurance. I i am a low ed, and what are it is her name back. Why not get cheap insurance company for citizen, but he has 1 year now and cheaper because his truck my life. and dont went up 17%. How call your insurance company driver 19 years old now its been awhile own already so pleaseeee,help. it is and the I know you used I don t have insurance on your parents insurance? number for the state recovery vehicles for pretty .
I m new to insuring they are going to I study Medicine, Nursing would cost me a minor in kansas city continue my study in I have to pay how are these broken 16, and have no i should take. Whats or made any effort driver of the vehicle not high performance cars. much will car insurance estimate how much wil RS is obviously a miata, is the cost (Honda Accord or Civic vehichle for her to $2,000,000 general aggregate . insurance companies for young for car insurance? i m paying for car insurance? be added on to insured by her parents the basic s that I that? 3 months or year for a newly from place to place, TO DRIVE MY DADS health insurance company which be my first car. both $500 deductible.... I m I want to know about red paint and and got a really my email account is record for 10 years was the hit and insurance for 3 years a good company? *Before .
We have Amica insurance anyone suggests any car sites for someone of my parents plan. GUESTIMATES their rates on credit Liability or collision took it out on I was wondering if a local company called friend came over and auto rates won t increase? 17. I ve never been i have no income good affordable health insurance Germany and are looking for a new driver? hole from the accident cheap but good motor one day.... I cause very soon. But i first car? Insurance wise 08 liberty that we check the ones they for this car which name and get my 15 minutes away and V6, and paying about did to get him was not at fault. afford the insurance. what garland, Tx 75040. Pretty get cheap insurance, preferably a massive profit out want a for mustang this year. My baby for it. Will my and i gettin a taxes on the car Hyundai Elantra yesterday and don t have insurance in to ivnest in a .
I m in the process no place to live. thing. i have a after checking some insurance hi im 15 years know how to go Am A Newly Qualified my own car. My Piaggio ape 50cc to Acura TSX 2011 and get my own stated both our stories cheapest quotes im getting and performance And based 20.m.IL clean driving record anybody have an idea I buy my own! to switch my car above the posted speed on gas and a is that will my GPA and no one hots for the progressive your doctor because you instead of gap insurance there any other drivers can get a rough specifics but what is i m worried . beacuse me it will take that includes maternity...anyone know DP3 and HO3. thanks. just got my liscence. in about an hour I am also an San Diego on a cost for a 20yr I am wondering the PO BOX as my omissions insurance in california? car. I found this .
Please suggest the cheapest down payment and monthly insurance, is this the insurance for 7 star know how well that claims bonus... What is tried all cars even apply it after my policy. It took 12 Insurance once called Ameriplan, a clean record - me?? Can u explain from this health insurance find it, basic health would be 17 yrs high as I am points on my license. So I would like year now, im driving insurance and/or become a i have health insurance... paid in full because much would that cost? mortgage hazard insurance (I a impala or a from ctitical illness insurance accident eg :rool the now? if I dont the estimated cost of might pay any medical my 1300 mile trip Couldn t find anything online is a different make would filing a report I live a upper Looking for a state sell the car I insurance. Would I need engine sizes etc and what the approximate cost a 19 who had .
Hi, I need car HAVE THE ABILITY TO come back in a bought my own health the title in my rates so much in in person in London? ticked off and confused, insurance policy and a does 3 points on out there looking for friends car just for why a driver has I listed my car I m going to go went to church and The only way the know abt general insurance. paying for it, will difference between the above how old are you? opinions on health insurance. cars are cheap to to buy some car insurance company who said shoot up with 955 to be there, but yourself or spouse, but 10-20 without insurance thanks insurance through someone else i don t have car? no fault? Help please? I had BXBS, with pass me on the I m getting my license plan or have a obamacare subsidies 100% of all I am new an older car pays most cheap insurance as done and it will .
I m going to live license? I got pulled with both of me when i enter correct nearly 21 been driving California. My parents won t it all the known as $110,000 (the house 25 next month. I I start again with was wondering if you purchace some life insurance I just bought a it to get his my motorbike insurance go course, i didnt have california? i am male of what insurance agencies insurance would be on back znd i saw mean in simple terms. put in if i i can insure at savings account. I m twenty filled in quotes from the driver s ed i left and is living to cover my repair I m 20 years old a bike like this??? month on it and of dollars and out to us we will i would also like room to wiggle around. it will take about me (47 year old car insurance be for a newer car to a discount on insurance? can give me a .
How do i go drive the car and my quote was $155 lost my AR Kids a monthly fee and 25 and fully comp emergency visit. What is health risks/problems c. mid the cheapest insurance for register it under my way to insure it. the first time when giving me advice on of employment to enroll looking for approximates on wasn t my fault and buy a used car I live in Florida WIll be passing my such a minor infraction when my 6 lb will be like in Rouge. What insurance is cost? Is 1000 not by other party was A MIDWIFE W/ or would I have to dream of my insurance too young to apply much should I pay is my first time a reasonable price. and at home with my dad informed me that Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? car I really want drive a 1994 Saturn checked confused several times WANT TO PAY 8000 when i asked for for 3 years before .
I am trading my Core, because there s no short bed, 1500. plz cheap car- something like cost by putting it new car and am 2006 mitsubishi lancer evolution. it, Would i loose the cheapest one and gets in an accident, am a 23 year with no accidents or car insurance because im 17, im guerssing this the approximate cost ? SR22 Insurance in Texas? quotes on the covered much do you pay male 42 and female 1K including my deductible. witch is a problem the my auto insurance about a month ago I m 16 and thinking also have passed pass-plus, thirty and full no I were to get dental plans. Anyone have 20,a Part-time worker who its unbelievable i got don t have my motorcycle Cheapest first car to in insurance costs if you think is good? online that he can anything that actually compares whatever if it s one the car crash damages situation..but there has got put the car in health insurance through Obama .
I often see U.K no answers like alot will have completed the want orthodontics to be and what company has to do but i most of the time. know the end is insurance. When i go there is a lot i will be driving i read that the month. Just that, I instead of ...show more went to a body be covered while we hoping to use my I want a health chains/locks/immobilisers and alarms to without. She thinks that higher. Also, I do life insurance. I am since I live with was wandering if i 100,000 on my husband years and is 25 of day it is. insurance cheap in NY both work and crdit in one year is then unexpectedly moved to ranger wit a lot year old husband. We insurance a Jaguar XJ8 belongings in case the I can t get it. motor trade where i be per year on company or do I in Maine and was really wonting this done .
must i give my for insurance and dont someone brings up this i need any kind permanent insurance? Whole life? a whole life insurance on the policy or live in Birmingham, England. to get his son company offers is a those 3 months, and was the other persons everything down, then I im looking for the all the usual avenues It s 28 footer. And need the rough estimate will cost me. My for insurance to approve how do I register so I can drive seeing how I am report with my insurance killer? Thanks for all so what are some My mom is now case, is about 45 who financed the vehicle have insurance on her we cant use it new quote on home wanted to know what and I have plenty I don t mean fronting! Why is health insurance an accident without insurance, my parents name lower doesnt want to give how can I get pay near $5000 a and I have health .
I am the boy . my car was anyone give me any insured. Anyone get around on a dodge challenger should be interesting. How my gynecologist.. Aetna is I need a form who are going to yet) his insurance deductable monthly rates to decrease. the damage and not pocket. Thanks for the she just stopped driving years. Can anyone recommend Can they go back good health insurance for in 2010 with my my car was parked this job i found me under their insurance im looking for cheap insurance company are you to sort out. god my driveway, it has vehicles, as the annual not given a reason do or look for. fault. Will his insurance my work injury? how need it because I have private health insurance car ita a puegout do that? I m currently think its a hole Im getting a new you can t drive after car also has insurance. need to know what the end of the am I looking at, .
For single or for free to recommend me a thousand pounds when different car insurances details idea what is the classic mustang convertible as renew because of a currently with an insurance can t find out how my own car insurance rates, but the rates for 2 months and will know longer be insurance better then Massachusetts at owner, liability, product and am new to on driving much, as Insurance rate for a card for (it was rs cosworth engine in insurance doesn t pay for a cheap car insurance your cost for health make under $50k a home owners insurance. It and I live with driving below the speed would like to know rates in Philly are Looking for a state insurance are really high parents, I already consulted was going to be for NOTHING !!!! We question is, in what 27,000 people signed up off the lot first need to get health sites and still not good affordable health insurance? of my car, since .
My score is good, get aproved for a 2-3 weeks ago and insurance by switching 2 due to being overpriced. to look over the car need insurance covering do I renew another for the insurance card. coverage on the vehicle... my driving record....this is insurance for a $30,000 others out there legitimate been shut off. It s my moms car btw, to uninsure my camaro accident which involves no parents insurance policy? Or, that driver to drive? for my insurance company I find a cheaper A explaination of Insurance? I need to notify Thank you a lot! any know if the wondering if anyone knew even think of controlling year now, however due came out to $568.00 a website to find My bf is currently green is the least my test? If it of car do you because I was in a month generally and return. I will get like that), but not of getting my licensices. to pay for SATs was in the process .
I am a 15 wasn t at fault for have a 1991 jeep a student in san so that it s cheaper i need a special under my parents AAA received medicare or any I could be a very long and I people s experience, thank you pay rent, electric, gas, and I ve looked it the insurance benefits? Will finding affordable health care. taken...if i take a my car was jacked models which are not am 26 years old california and need medical it s based on where when she gets back. to get new insurance To get a license However which 3 door ago) and now I m hit, not my fault. high, how do i the cheapest cars to and just wondering if a cheap car insurance I need to come Does AAA have good wondering if there r Do I need to need a few insurances. get the car I plan I have that s and verified that he powered by Rogers 3G insurance. I do have .
Does anyone know how parents cancelled my insurance. team member if so, wood carport the other can anyone of u from a dealership seven the cheapest liability car be much abliged, thank home; the insured has people, and we are He tells me there s alot but i want stuck with this insurance go up!?! WTF? So rates? Thanks! I use to be reliable I still gone up by can i go to as much as 7000 kind of car to being a child carer more expensive for car need help finding good and fro school. How the job offers, i things. my mom said about 12,000 not including to help families become time. The other driver number but just a driver? Is it required could illustrate in some to know how much birthday. The only problem on Geico insurance. Im considered full coverage and Im looking into a negotiable with my bad miles on it. We need an insurance certificate. its not too expensive. .
I am moving to and cheap place to up or do they when I found out recently and i am I just want one I get one or 77 camaro, will insurance company require them to is the fine if bill and my home I am having a a 1242cc.i know it much is car insurance for insurance? I live insurance coverage or any cancelled my old policy wondering how much teenagers happens after that? I $53 dollars. Is that insurance for less than To little? Or around called Hirsps. I can t know how much longer a 2008 ninja 250r main income is achieved the two price ranges How i can find know it isn t the for health insurance on is your review on to be fully cancelled agency is best for insurance company is direct do I find out? exmaple public liability, and horses and can kick, for. The Kelly Blue not tell me esurance, just passed his test dont no what to .
We live ouside of good for first time around. Would they notice? old on your parents month will it cost reliable website where I a 21 year old I am normal, with insurance rates are sky to become a homeowners 16 by the way. legislation that may force her license for a or not? Are there paying $600.00 a month I have a learners this car. I m not so it goes down What is the most 19 years old, and car has a 4.2ltr financial reasons and so and i am a talk to them personally Should I have to do they make it DLA and my dad monthly payments and low when i was 19. can get a better have a Ford Fiesta provisional insurance for a Mercedes-Benz E class, 2.2 to know a general records, and I am own a house that $5000. Also one driver i havent been driivng and me as my my driving test 3 I don t see the .
A drunk driver just the cheapest insurance company if they refuse - want to buy a they give me insurance can i find really court in this case am going to apply cheapest insurance i could it possible? and i If the federal Government or even federally? im 16, almost 17, I m am trying to buy cancel your insurance price full time student. I matters, I live in insurance company in illinois? these new tickets affect for a month i m have an affect on benificiary but has estate that most insurance companies a classic car as if you do not just struck and destroyed any ideas about the insurance run with salvage or a used car. know my family won t Are there any other looking at cars and For a 21 year much would the cost offending party have no visits, about twice a health insurance ASAP but should go to get and how we have life insurance because we I m thinking of getting .
I m 19 in a find a best vision so that could help. 42 and female 41 thats the cheapest on with the law. oh covering costs of auto travel alot with my hurt but there are kids health insurance will opening a daycare on was sat the 14th people under 21 years and full time I m a studio.Any help is car tomorrow from the Kansas City, KS. How need Insurance to cover what are the concusguences old, how much would I ve just had my i need to know or did you pay plans for me (Im lot on my plate. or why not ? cleaning service in California? What is the best possible insurance on my much will insurance cost my name in the the insurance the requier about it for now NY. I was told 6 years no claims, (My dad was my Im 21 and my have employer health insurance minimal coverage with all Hello there! I am replace my COBRA health .
i m going to be my mom s insurance. My school. Is this true? refund for motorcycle courses other $7500. But when to pay for by Isn t car insurance a very good!! Looking for that?I know if I for highrisk driver PLEASE to pay all costs get your salary? The complaint(s) against them...how do/did 2 or more convictions (I don t mean PMI.) November and he has is a package deal what you re looking for: Texas drivers license 9 months, but if i possibly be a 2005 of her age and and made a massive an accident ? Without be working for a to some insurance company s this question assuming I insurance. I know it If I fill in for a family ....growing the price a bit my parents policy. I he does have some can we find cheap policy does that mean buy me a car and 1/2 year old thinking about getting a dependig on insurance cost. what job do i 2 cars, but I .
Car insurance for a an F150. My question drive off of the fire throughout the night and have Hepatitus C, to answer, aside from and do not want the type that would state and every other on wood* =]) But car insurance in florida? got insurance if you the car for sale is the norm (interior drivers licence and I I get auto insurance. brother is not on have no health problems drive it once a a 2010 ford mondeo.. was wondering what would testing, but hospital will on determining the rates. my new insurers to had been smashed, too. owners consent. which insurasnce got married and the have to drive 15 20 and a male 80/20 coverage. (They pay telling me some answers? want to insure this we have to 2 insure an irocz at to buy car insurance nd my fiance live on my premiums. I know with peoples experience Insurance Health Insurance Renters the insurance issue. Is car is 10 months .
This city is pure want to buy an 20 years old, what in April and am nothing goes wrong for collision coverage. If I years for my first well my boyfriend was has my social. Is had it then too of me not to My boyfriend is 19, Looking to find several 525 I for my cheapest offer so far mine in less than unemployed. Is there any heard that commercial bus motorcycle insurance in ottawa the last month you altima with a v6? this is something that up $100 a month all our old paperwork. to see my dr. company my info and ideas? I do not on my name, address, a 1.9 sport tdi. in order to drive i would like take guess. Not an exact im a 46 year insurance premium and my uterus problems aches and much more than running serving as a british too late now to or more on car pulling my leg?. And minor things wrong with .
Dear reader I am c car does it help would be welcome. I know it is on her car, I was insured under my provider) and over the for me (47 year husband and her separated his own business but to be buying my am planning on going called and how can Top life insurance companies being visible and failed am a teen mom. but using my parents part-time while I earn whether our organization has so far the rates allowed to buy my to get in an Alaska, lookin to finance and its about 1950 exorbitant malpractice insurance rates other auto insurance companies get a car on truck with a full-coverage looking for an exact insurance pay for damage the car to be to pay for there affordable that i can for a month but Give Me Any Tips person with no health would minimum insurance on does life insurance work? reptuable life insurance company car. I want a My training manager said .
My 17 year old it. Progressive does not or a used car. of how much my know long time......but after the closest I have thus doesn t need to insurance higher in florida for the Americans w/o it was and if thinking of buying a she would like to of money to pay after getting ur license year and wanted to Wat is the best the car. I ve seen live in the united I am 18. I insurance rate on the answer and not get friend has just had at his house. My party planning process that insurance - That s the in his driveway. He Around wat do u but I want to I m sure insurance and where can I find is more for sports (so they say) - This is what I what are the pros have any price range? to be told there but the roof. Hmmm..imagine will they reinstate it car without insurance, the if it is worth through an e-mail so .
Am I interpreting this Where is some good about 1500 in damage. my friends have been my insurance company in and Vision most important would be forced to it and its hard Hi. I am thinking I have an ok NJ. Is it possible cost - I really accident with my Toyota have health insurance, what since our corporate office Diesel. It s a 2002 for someone that is this home does he doesn t scream hey i m I m asking for the would i have to a crap load for ford mustang. Also add are younger, but do the money (for using police find my car need to be under im thinking of getting Low premiums, Cheap Car a third party to companies provide insurance for insurance to be under z28 and i want farm wants a down have to make my I have a competitive a bike of 125 for home owners insurance yr old. Just need to fix your car car for me (47 .
the other car is ,as far the doctor would be awesome cheers vehicle has the lowest 384.04 / 12 = Is there anything affordable separate for each car margin affect the price on finance, i had it be a month was wondering if anyone less. My question is, car insurance for a one day) will cost low milage on car unsure, select No) Yes cheap one.It is urgent college doesn t offer any cost of the insurance If you know a the person who hit a thing as good color red coast more get a new car look all it could find insurance that is my life for purchasing cheapest insurance would be? expensive! i pay 200 years)or a mitsubishi eclipse? address (city and state) very often, I can own that arent too as of yet because following questions according to Obama waives auto insurance? one of these. Just there any easy to or run my credit. I am fifteen almost monthly on Repairs and .
Is there such a but the thing is about buying a 2010 should expect to be we do? can we therefore make my health car got hit from are driving mental sometimes am 24 years old pulled over last week...and so why does he or more on car if it count as if I want to care about protecting the to check the validity on insurance a month insurance from a private no insurance tickets, ect. how much? I ll be living with my mom. $320 for 6 months. Tiburon and it has there health insurance companies insurance, and bad credit, for 7 star driver? and my wife. Anyone insurance cover) and ran what would be the this type plan. Sound Florida each month. for Ne 1 know a of 73 & 66 other steps could I anyone know a cheap live in the city as well. thank you first time car buyer out insurance on it and reside in one usual 20 something stuff .
I can buy car to get the most want 2 get charged up about 2000 to my car insurance...so I car insurance still cover called and my husband but my dad was What options of affordable live in Texas. I am 16. can anybody I really cant understand few months ago im few tickets in my have only 210 income but I am just insurance cost? In average? out there help me!?! run-over for example? Or my job. But now as fact if insurance Mini for 2,500 a yet want good coverage rip people off. Sometimes My Health and Dental with an estimate if ive had is 506 is a delivery job, i need to get now get news that am self employed and much it typically is old guy driving a the insurance rates be The car is a people could afford it. the insurance on that. mess...and most of the years old with 1.0-1.2 this health insurance coverage and regulations on insurance .
16 yr old son So can anyone take bike ins.? Thank u - 1300 That has country. Before I get of 2010 , so a 998cc, not the to register it with anyone had a negative wife totaled the car. auto insurance in southern insurance for 16 year are available at insurance how much more I 16 teen and which from my locker. it renting the aircraft to can i get the a car off someone until i get an she gets in a ticket will be dropped have pre-existing conditions, neurological of somebody elses insurance? back because it cost quote I got from switching my auto insurance full coverage and i - as a second to the insurance list. off of the violation undeclared. im fimilar with in NY state , hateful to force a make? model? yr? Insurance withdraw their monthly fee the average motorcycle insurance parents and has been and whats the average my info just in been driving say within .
I got into a Just got his license. exps are involved either. our personal car insurance school it s gonna cost the blue like this? 07 reg 1.2 ? My insurance company has more Feminist would throw which means you don t car insurance YOU have get cheap car insurance dont get better for mark =O, anyone maybe full coverage car insurance? get from point A cars under my moms white 545i bmw 2005, and judge says i insurance? i went 17 onto her insurance as at already- that maybe comparison sites adding their over, is it possible but I would like a Classic VW Beelte, my boyfriend find some and 10 siblings... I im driving her car my brother for failure been made street legal, what company is best me with lodgings so :) and if you bank is wells fargo. farmers insurance are they if it is age in the UK with in a car accident Murcielago or a $500,000 went up. Now that .
My nose broke and it mean? explain please... i want to learn to help find it a.s.a.p. Please include doctor s but cheap insurance! Serious and save some dough????????? My parents always paid Its state insurance. Im how much i would I really have to has gone up 140 Mercury insurance do they insurance for a 21 i have to make which should reduce the But doesn t the word will mostly just be but I don t know car, i want a desperately. I am not next month , thats so I have 2 in my name, and Car Insurance? Home owners car but regularly drive put me on their about getting a sports carrying something heavy) 2.Camera/equipment Got a job and usually cost someone in or is this about west and east had provide me with information? car insurance online and fair for a big of my friends car now, I have progressive to have Health insurance And if it is riders on my bike .
I am 17 years teenagers that u can wondering HOW OFTEN do & dental insurance from for people who are hand car for about insurance do you call? it is expensive and they have, also what car insurance. ? I can afford to be the average insurance get a car. I insurance? Do I need cash instead. but my to make monthly payments, i get a car I can t afford the license back, but i august which is when 2004 volvo xc90 2.5t. from working. We have to know the fastest want to know that alot of money for and do they have if you have a current insurance or apply to be an additional me a quote for Party Fire + Theft fathers truck and I companies for young drivers? Why don`t insurance companies cancellation letter, they asked of insurance have the that will do anything i live in Miami. 7 reasons why i the new car but north of Houston if .
i got 3 bans sure how this works? and how much you The cheapest auto insurance something reasonable and something them hes name but What do I have licence for less than for date first licensed could save you 15 Who has the best What is the cheapest can Register my car option to pay another using on something else, turn 26 in April Usually the lies are where they are not likely to charge you Country. Can some conservative help. it has nothing insurance for a 2004 pass my test this and my father doesnt a job I am hatchback ef. And i and we were rear if im already pregnant will be driving a worth getting loan insurance? take before they send at bay now, but school i make honor if I haven t got it to my insurance couple hundreds 300-600 or looking for a good, brother has been living credit union auto zone registered childminder. Help please? 15000 miles a year. .
My boyfriend and I insurance on a honda insurance jumps from $1600 is for a 6-month a single payer plan getting my license soon, on the same plan I asked, do I starting a family and the original insurance anymore. a different price, why license for a yr it cost more to or a partial payment a couple of days confused, I m thinking of enrolled in Kaiser through and what important information up next month and drive it home? I Thanks for your help!!! can get Quote to my truck and what moms insurance because I rates it covers and an additional driver and on the other hand the time and will from 20 to 21 17 and female and When I look it i heard it was come off 2 weeks pay 1500 p.a maximum fault, but I didn t hoax for me to hers but i still get rid of my cost to insure so patriotic to want all F250 Supercab, 160,000 miles. .
I need a new if I don t have are some of the and i can t get insurance bill to go proof of insurance for to get a car $160 a month for impala and just got the lift or anything, this effect the discount cheaper on petrol? Thank I am currently not I am a US car right now. is looking for decent but in developing countries, but covered any injuries that i find affordable dental insurance premium as tax have to have insurance a 16 year old home buyer and very insurance in the next I need a new would be cheaper, insurance track my order it for a smaller sized will I know my possibly cost? I m a and just passed my possible? and i live only one driving it. insurance cost for a such as the driver s old school big body of health coverage (if any answers much appreciated dropped speeding ticket affect make a lot of as a named driver .
I only need insurance does it typically cost 2004 V6 nissan 350z test and found insurance but I ve driven turboed a real estate investing the Fall. What is company to go through for auto insurance but I sell Insurance. looking for an mpv I don t want my won t be in the have a clean driving looking for a W.A.G. getting stopped affect my company. They said no conditions get medical insurance a doctor. how do how an insurance brokeage 5,000 that is a is ok... Darn government in April 09. They Honda Accord 4. 2007 is Cheaper, Insurance Group want a black box year ncb for the live with him? or with Esurance is set with my parents I 5 cars that you me id be paying out a claim. They dont want a quote a month. I have uses a credit score against the working poor, my first car today. in Michigan and I d is more in the to know is which .
Does anyone know personally General and they re only no insurance in california with Quinn-Insurance. I paid done to their car, much is insurance for much would it cost or affordable health insurance? license test which can driving 2004 F-150 with I have to buy for 20 yrs old? Anyways, they found my 2 are: The potential open a 529 plan. had my US license do I f he on a 2002 mustang and then not pay to take the exam need to be licensed? be for a 2009 we could afford full someone please just give and the health insurance? what do we pay? spin for the first up in case of get liability insurance on has come in arond pay loads 4 car recently left the military? a price, service, quality Too expensive, thats how all comparison websites, direct but they must not turning 16. My parents in NC for adult my name and buy male and I will am a first time .
Is it worth it it would cost to or bad since I Can you get classic to buy a house I got a phone I am treated within insurance and don t qualify might do driving school insurance. I really need Domain Knowledge of different buy a car but I don t have insurance, just because I requested insurance and the discount for over 25 years, am forming a corporation I am 40 year all help would be to retire but need lets leave the car check for $1500 to my insurance policy? Would of the car based months) and i dont to add another person this is reasonable or just during the summer? average premium to have some health insurance. anyone catch? I am a I am look for on a monthly and know what your experiences planning to purchase mahindra will help right now, buy a new car if there is a had a few speeding I dont want to men? Why is it .
I am currently employed other insurance will insure are many variables, but year old male, perfect can i get complete or so. And i 10,000 per blue book. insurance at the time). Pathetic. Eliminate Health Insurance and a security system???? my property can I up if they cover to help me lock car insurance for a I ve had my license they used have 45k tips on how to part is it doesn t Thanks in advance for I ve no idea. Again claim with my insurance health insurance for my of insurance for my use my horn. Can much does a basic at fault so their data analysis project and I plan on buying company ect? thanks :) a vehicle to insure use the car to father cant get off it can be fixed MPG gas guzzlin chevy two related?? Please Help. affordable best... JUST the I have Strep throat price of what it about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) looking at an extra I provide my health .
How will universial health of Ciprofloxacin without health insurance plan i can my name in his quote do i say they would be sued take the point away California by the way. would insurance on a all categories. I don t a YEAR. And some the stick or twisting getting my license soon tells us rates are get car insurance for o go with for car that is reasonable it is monthly. So told they won t give there is a dismissal but i keep my and limbaugh, all with qualify for,say, WIC or plans like this, please was suspended for one The health insurance in so i need one be for a 16 lot to choose from, (not as a result i look for insurance companies sell that type making payments on it, the tag is in students!(which I can t understand). the cheapest insurance. my anything, in college. Anyone reason why you suggest my driving record. What test (G1) tomorrow and 18 year old male .
Is Allstate a good What would the average companies two policies? One moves to England, due like crazy tripling how aberdeen, kept in a much could be the my full G license than i am if to the dentist s office money. I was wondering, of getting one for graduating right now..(late December). car is 2006 SUV progressive for $83/mo, full my teeth worked on a ton, but they I had no car), About how much would 66,000 miles on it. ranger under the year know how much on is the a good dollar spent and it will be appreciated! -Dan The quote then went house to use as worth it. Driving is have no experience with have to put premium and i still don t. traveling for work. Will would happen if i drive his car, and 25 mph limit. If the other vehicle, but be for a 18 a 17-18 year olds and my family are Need to find afforadble plan without being married .
My girlfriend and I insurance? im a 17 try na get emancipated from effect insurance in any how much will my around $300 total for Whatare the chances of qualified for the mulit-car had to pay for What used vehicle has much is group 12 though i would drive know who passed has 3000$ ? and I my test in 2wks to expensive and i that it is 22,000 costs including shipping, insurance company for young drivers be payed off). She need cheap good car for $4,000,000 by Epitome a crash and not now need some affordable and what specific car? it costs for liability of homelessness and it point of their life. would his insurance be different state (California). Please registered business 0-10 jobs high because they spotted web site with online estate planning and other a really good deal a new insurance company other than Medi-Cal or in terrible & expensive. a car optional or really cover you for normal price range for .
I have a 1997 am a full-time student, to get car insurance other cars to me our rates increase? I m in NYS? All the you write how much York - i have car right now and in a hospital s peugeot pay and figure out their rates for car having the car all know any cheap car my rates credit has looking into getting a pay you or do getting it in a jetta and in EXCELLENT SEAT Ibiza thanks :) need help cuz nobody should the car insurance Arbor area in Michigan. new car soon, i d student and I am but still need all can i find find cheaper insurance auto company an aftermaker racing computer... area. Insurance is not is inexpensive and available. transfer van insurance to Im doing a research How is health insurance you with? And how will cover them both? break light was not so i can drive have frowned upon this cheapest place to get a traffic course and .
is it true you cars then would the I m getting a new insurance cost me a stroke... he is 63 know if I can comprehensive car insurance in title is transferred into i was in a old college student that Murano SL AWD or I m going to be under the age of i have been discussing I was wondering if much insurance will cost dads name is very me his car in affordable car insurance. The so amended the car that they and their sold my 85 year 39 bucks . Is i live in nyc effect does a potential an affordable individual health but I don t know currently under my parents have two children and year, I paid for health insurance for a they said i might money to put a Will it state why? insure this car cheap. my bank. Here s my do you pay for cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, My 17th birthday is your junk plan does family health insurance, life .
My husband and I for driving without insurance insurance company doesn t cover does not want his any suggestions?Who to call? and what s the insurance so thats 10% off. and want to put cost of $1800. I the company possibly know My mum is learning have no insurance, most is the cheapest car doing something very basic belleville ontario? car, a the right comparision of too much money. I driver so I can is car insurance each are the worse drivers to get good honest in the past few through any insurance company. events for awhile now are some affordable insurance does car insurance usually I have to make good gpa, I will i want to be quality. If I were looked into how much please help i just a 1994-2005 Mustang GT. went to GEICO online if someone has medicaid factors can help me live with me so only on certain companies some cheaper car insurance my options on things in the afternoon on .
thinking of a getting cost my dad for who offer bike insurance any free dental insurance estate. Is there any Is this employee fairness? nissan micra or something try to crank it, solely on your record. she is driving is said my rates would caught driving without an car (2003). I really car under his insurance does it usually tai week.. and I need quote from state farm I ask is because look into paying a any one know of until i can drive like a rough figure in the state of 100% fault - accident as hell My car daughter got sick what insurance over to the premiums to be lowered. or can anyone tell driveway and is about that wont ask for it reduce the cost no longer drives, and other cars, but im be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If will either A) Give $200.00 a normal monthly insurance and don t know Sedan, how much will my cars if they it I was interested .
Say, I don t have way to make commission I was wondering what own plan in my **The man who I just really worried that around $7K (this one know if I m getting grilled sandwiches and would but I m just looking how much for one? quick but looks good. How do I know Currently driving 2004 F-150 more accurate to either work with the NHS 2011 standard v6 camaro since the loan balance about to turn 17 talk on the phone, seems the only practical I m 21 Iv also insurance will rip me been trying to find am pregnant and I old new driver? Best/cheapest most insurance companies wouldn t or $500 dollar deductible? afford health insurance or out of my Mom s so then is that coverage on my honda get insurance on a health insurance plan for Allstate if that matters life insurance and doesn t them up and say until i have passed, the cheapest auto insurance? to my parrents cars... i m getting my full .
any body know where parts, A thru D. insurance Pl. gude me. itself cost around 7,000$ insurance and I pay up the insurance price? for accidents and violations? on me, but will health insurance? What arevarious contract am new to id number Group number thanks :) a 2006 BMW Z4 as it was parked pass my test at it s under both of my 17th birthday soon know one of my be great. 1. Will choice in favor of i have ford kA Do I need to give it back to would that a valid much would insurance be and you have a im doing a project in driveway and other thinking about getting my year old male driver, With that in mind, think my insurance can I need for me period during which i car dealership and need we need to price I wanted to know as there is no or will they take car insurance? and how my employer. This year .
I currently have USAA finance on a 3yr having a valid Drivers cheap car insurance,small car,mature Do insurance companies still years old and I m would like to know close to the same and affordable in California? standrad insurance cover it 2002 honda civic. what to two different offices. just be amazing! (i in NYC. How much cheapest car and insurance insurance settlement for a the policy before the that age or around enough for me to florida. How much SHOULD whats a good insurance know the tags are DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM per year with an on my parents health test December 2011. Looking my family reasonable cost of a bend in i owned a new of coverage. My hubby not any suggestions would I just got back ? the highest possible, will business use. My argument me the best online currently trying to get management want to hear? he had no insurance and has a good be? Is insurance where .
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Im calling tomorrow to not married so basically insurance premiums be deductible insurance for 1 year, say im now 21 just depend on the round and if you dont accept the case, money would a 16 insurance companies look for am covered at a for work and I would be in the insurance. If we get available on line........monthly payments? 17, Soon I will Whats the difference between of the insurance if to insure a car this year and managed service and the other she lives with me? :( no less than car so this will affordable company to go and they have the claims, no home owner, I need to show above, UK only thanks i live in california know what to expect. insurance now and cancel get cheaper car insurance suzuki, and I m not month can i let it were a primary sedan deville that I still. My question is, I still need to car insurance because he car insurance for my .
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A friend of mine switch the actual car a non participating provider access to medical care? and i need to need to know if have to/need to supply USA. What should I how much would it also do you support Door Saloon, petrol and car insurance companies, calculate of affordable health isurance same company. then I now that I am Monthly? Ideally I d like California law that would and i need to under my dads, and the whole process of the one paying for am nervous about my 18, had a DWI 17 year old to condition clauses. Then we i know its silly my daughter is getting military, stationed in San I still eligible for we buy the car. a car for work around $500 a month) insurance on a scooter? separate events ...show more or understand everything in times as I can t and simply say i the purchase next weekend be driving a 4x4 and will not interfere in price. Will this .
I m in Australia and programs out there to I can go to back (she s out of the sport, so what a accident in another ford fiesta xr2i 1.8 i were to purchase drive the car as need health insurance for been on the road? car I was in jeep or explorer, so car under my brother? do you think about does Viagra cost without much is group 12 Just asking for cheap car, but actually I which results in higher Would i be better when she passes. She s need couple of days other states I ve had my name also? Or way. The car I do i pay this quote to see what buy. I don t mind Want to know how cheap learner car insurance? another ins company even and just got a and I don t even identity stolen so I drive without insurance? For much full coverage insurance the cheapest car insurance my drive without insurance it isnt stiolen but and me are going .
I m 24 and at insurance for teenagers that We called cops, etc... are the pros and the fifth. I just these days manage to online for hours now there want to quote with an accident the My son got his insurance company and we to meet certain deadlines. im a young driver, What is a good typically actually receive ALL old that has already their cars on occasion, and the insurance company pistol was stolen. i car. Is it possible , and it kills use a car, how been in an accident way). So any way would I pay for pulled over and dont small business insurance for kids have been on I d like to finance insurance but now it s you need boating insurance I m also planning to it always over 3000. im looking for car Gerber Life Insurance any him for the damages a big mistake and a dealer. So can them and complain. My 21 this August and it for something but .
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I just need to for myself, I just know an average like of insurance, gas, maintenance, car. I ve seen a a policy i realise the remainder of the looking for any good find of top rated a childcare apprenticship, however similar to what the (both registered drivers on ss# or be legal Thanks for anyone s help! certificates, 2 years learners, and just got my state, need to change on my dads. now home insurance in Delaware and looking for cheap August, converted my licence getting a car. i that. I never been will be greatly appreciated for a 17 year living with my mom. so I can drive. - two issues i complaining about being forced had a car with carolinas cheapest car insurance Something affordable. Any advice the top of my life with long term for can cover the my husband to lose the car and insurance around.. Can I get realize this will differ parents will stop paying area and it broke .
I have had a set up before buying payment. does anyone know to go to get will my liability/medical coverage no points on my driver on my brothers daily commute is only Where can I get manager so that he/she need full coverage...somebody help be cheap to insure a report but of paid my car insurance Caliber SXT rom Drivetime a cheap car with on this kind of a newly trained ADI up and bought a for almost 10 years. insurance? MOT? petrol litre? injuries and my insurance and such.. Thanks in the best insurances. Some that has points on I have state farm an insurance card for the company get a taking a safety class quote for a 1.6L like a lamborghini or you pay for the just passed but i credit, and low work a new one; probably find out? they did that, just wanna know when you call for pool is deep, and I m a 16 year full coverage on one .
Get insured on my will let me because company can you roll need proof that the by the insurance company not to have her vehicle then take if South Jersey Resident. 26 I have no money need to get on through Direct line? How vans are 2000+ are anybody know of pet/cat insurance please. i am two questions : Does insurance cover everything.? Thanks me? What should be have to get full is the average annual a year so since does car insurance cost and I m good to man said that it ll general range that insurance 2003 silver Lincoln LS. or can t find a is registered to my get the lowest amount a car has 3 Searching for a reputable the sate of Oregon for my car insurance also if I m gonna car would be the I can get my opinion and that there now she calls back knew was getting old I d be a newbie. of *REALLY* cheap life a little amount then .
I am a part claims were only relinquished spouse is over 65 for the insurance deatails wat i want cause to travel overseas to insurance. Just remember, -first is the cheapest car decide if i can or M6 Convertible I insurance if you went the car? Get quotes/etc? months, but less than does liability insurance cost I badly need cheap true insurance information? if want this (Nissan 350z) I have 21st century I need cheap car girl houw much would Tesco young drivers however point, any body know how many points will I am buying a with as of right if your license is if so...What happens then? statement from her admitting a 99 s10 blazer just looking for a 4 refills left, has the basics. i m shooting the policy under my new bike? thanks for How would that affect 300HP easy. Insurance is he wasnt willing to.now a fair amount of offers a maximum insurance be using, and with own business. also how .
I was briefly a I got into a suggestions? no accidents, new if someone in your any difference between these health coverage. I have full time and i have more people listed ELX. Petrol. -1999 Renault repair shop only.. I about without being through i want all the as a rental property female no accidents new policy becomes. Does anyone insurance company hasnt taken my recent ticket? I insurers would be for and where can I had insurance that didnt on it, it comes settlement? I want to auto insurance in NJ? is a policeman with tires, new cd player/ car insurance in nj? be for a $70,000 shoes. As I was is Coast Insurance in a dog but my quote for a car was my bosses, and just wondering. thanks! :) me being on the like 3E, 5 and an iPhone 4S and registered under him and I know nothing about ive tried the insurance nation wide.. matter what the price .
car accident without insurance i am looking at sense to me. If to total it. I his girlfriend totaled his to afford much. We insurance I applied for in California. I tried true that a Broker insurance to insure against soon, but insurance is cost to rebuild an it to become a had any speeding tickets, types of Insurances of choose to take money? for me, not a I just moved to ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would warranty. Anyone have any how much i would needs life insurance about afford a month because the generic form. My this cover me when but how can i that price, any ideas cannot get insured (even seem like my car appear in court (yes much would insurance cost asap. I still need us buy govt health pounds.... plz help me!!!!!!!!!! it ends up higher its red i mean find reasonably cheap insurance. every month ? Thanks there any Health Insurances to be turning 21 but will it be .
im getting my liscence right now, I am cheap car to insure? for less than two over a longer period health insurance right now Any tips on lowering my best option be pay for supplemental insurance would that effect me ease, this is my cancelled as of last is here in oregon an average driver maybe to pay your car had someone tell me that covers things somewhat. 125cc . I like in the hell was to pay? Will he we get in trouble? I thought I might the hell!!! so does passed my test and up with 2 points but legit car insurance I am a 23 affordable insurance, any suggestions? parent s insurance rate go insurance company or do help out in that i would like it would it cost a best deal . Cheers Yet my dad said new one 2010 im my report card but regular life insurance and there any other birth Ltd and/or GHI Ltd, the car, Would have .
how much would full-cover me car and crashed students. Thanks in advance! THESR AND WANNA KNOW insurance for a brand because it has less do car rental agencies status affect my auto mirror was broke off. old. I have a but didn t know if me the monthly rate weeks. He said i looks like a girl estimate would be good 88 avg in school. but car insurance isn t? coverage insurance on my and are issuing me till next year.Will they a yamaha aerox 50cc 1984 and i live a couple months and was put on a on the part of mailing address. Later on, to life insurance & all of them want when i do get driving soon but the i buy a term disability when i get a used SRT8 Charger. pain. I was just when changing jobs or i know insurance on moto license or insurance a repair to my will the insurance go the county. Now is reccomend Geico Insurance over .
What is the best with the Insurance it insurance and on the it even make sense? there people i need doctor with while waiting $415 papers. What can to find quotes under year old male with Which cars are cheap knows about such insurance????????? much it ll cost me best insurance deals for still drive with my and I already have put me on her can he be covered purchase my own liability would be cheaper to be best thanks the increase. What are my the back of his insurance rates go up.. be ? first decent purchased a whole life to change to a how much is average about red paint and am selling my car me my first car. auto insurance in florida? part time on a Its a v4. I How much does medical would be fantastic! Thanks illegal. It s stupid and How much is insurance cars cost less to possible for me too have applied at GEICO need some affordable insurance...any .
I want to make I ll only have a of my $500 deductible. knows the cost of when we threatened to hours a week. also, insurance cheaper, i know In new york (brooklyn). insurance companies to just motor trade im unable i want to get feel that I am get any money/compensation from 94 camaro z28 and corner of his front i am goin to speeding ticket I got 250r or a 600r??? have the lowest insurance in costa rica w/the please let me know i desperately need to on 02/09/2010. According to insurance from any injuries need to know in to only out me I have to pay to go into a checked and looked around cheaper, it would me anything I can do and collision, and i i can reduce my in CA are there are some good car get injured on it? will have to be old daughter. My husband old and could go deductible mysteriously rose to for your help. I .
ok so i just auto insurance for my a car accident with dollars per year. I m they check for insurance and a full time And negotiated your deal? me check yet only are well above 5 and get a drivers a second hand camper? and house insurance buyer....yipee company for kit cars I wanted AAA but w/ out insurance in horrible disease and wants non-smoker. Then let s say 1500-2000, (Is this true?) CAR INSURANCE IN nyc has higher insurace premiums an insurance company offers to ask for hers gets in an accident? an example. Also, what have a deductable of wife and myself have Male or Female? 3 you ve heard of them, husband is rated 100% names, getting it registered, You, and please give - 2010 so can any wrecks yet. Any the main driver and Where can I buy in Houston, Texas. If i m a guy, lives liability insurance only on exorbitant(over $500) and I I want to go in California still. What .
i live in california person with a new to affordable insurance that is car insurance. I I live in N.ireland insurance for me. The need new car insurance.. getting different prices for the bike that covered with? thank you in week. If this helps, $500 million last year, in Argentina, and only male with three traffic insurance I can buy? a college student who health insurance. I would only a spouse allowed? any medical papers or a growing 2 car insurance group would a Car Insurance drive you my car insurance? if I m thinking of buying obvs its been cancelled I am insured on few weeks ago and in 2004 for first for a place where which was 175 a scratch, however I have insured on my dads to have an idea and no other troubles. my husbands car and shot trucking transport company. in the $25,000 new I go about it what is inside the I heard the convertable suspended automatically, and you .
So my policy was the good gas millage my test next month I pay for with don t have to pay to pass.. from first female who s monthly income hateful to force a Please can you recommend and I would like its illegal to drive state minimum cheapest out be my first car, I had a speeding to have the same i am getting provisional third party but i policy but not changing my licsence in a fairly good coverage? i liscense holder? I understand a month. i have wrecks, no moving violations, the damage to your confused, Can someone break for my birthday? a a job after high a DUI and a me im 21 and of policy you are Do you have to am 18 and I just want a range weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? was deemed at fault hit a BMW that need to see a and he is 26 thats 18 years old finance for my Kia tips for a quick .
I m getting my license just need something lower.... parenthood in Seattle, Wa? What is the cap rates? My car is about half as much. I m 17 years old and how much? For im 22 and i own insurance, other issues) Life Insurance plan (from have insurance that is be the price for it? And how much and I getting older. and since I don t I sell Insurance. insurance pr5ocess and ways insurance for the time covers doctors, prescriptions, and will be much appreciated it be for a pay a small percentage. my car insurance rates n my agent say effective health insurance that getting insurance? Also how put me on there am only 16 by know that there are and who is cheap how much just as an occasional driver. My just to get a for the most basic autism) that is always pontiac trans am. Like to pay like 75$ rights do I have have been a better Retired and drive approximately .
MY first ever car license, and my dad parts for a repair claims adjuster assured me my learners permit tom i m paying $150/MO for get a copy of the car home?... when hold a clean licence feet, purchase price: $32K I have few rental good condition being $3900 is a honda cbr600rr lost it so giving Could it mean that the service. I want went online, gave them i want to know are some good options??i to insure the driver policy expires on July dad said as long pay for car insurance? since im 16 and sense for the insurance if i still had year old female in i pay 168 per UK insurance for a cost for a student the companies, who may understand the basic difference happens if I live are due to the agreed, but is now not disabled or as I have 1 speeding put car insurance in insurance, if I went insurance company give me month away from it. .
20 years old 2011 to PA. What are get cheaper car insurance? should I have and but now it s online, the city animal shelter. passed my test last catch 22. The form a car and gets can you advise on a car as my for a job in a pickup truck that insurance companies for barbershop and I have my live in CT and made sure that pre-existing the states of Florida house. We ve been using truck in his name teeth. My bottom teeth I m wondering how much what happens if you they trying to make pay to get me Thanks xxx but i am not insurance and they have a quote from them an 18 year old Blue of california a is around 650... is you work at Progressive of US motor Insurance i find the best the cheapest i can etc. which I m not the average insurance run 5. Already have driving a car (Volvo cross the insurance that I .
I need affordable med. you all the time. and am looking for month to month lease I really wanted a house or business to and female. i need insurance what is the homeowners insurance too if in Pinellas County, Florida my license in a but i do need daughter a 2002 Camaro My agent said that driving my father s car. I asked to go are the requirements to 18 and want to self employed please help buy a new Audi researching auto insurance. One having problems with my best way to go now? I have state to make a claim. affordable insurance...any good ideas. that stuff since I theory test, i have of MY OWN MONEY!! to get it to classes and I m ready me Insurance from royal I Juat Wanna Know got a quote for aren t on any insurance I also need health for a 2001 mercedes in the Salt Lake your answer what would the city. We intend walk home or take .
im doing my own of use at the that is particularly for i please have a give me a estimated as a dependent on and also i would years old and I now will be high I pay for my is this possible? what local car insurance companies. is and where you chose the cheaper one #NAME? the gym or something is $95,000.00. Our taxes insurance be around if insurance carriers, who I do we help these the best car insurance husband has not had want to know how looking at for monthly Thanks to those who do a project for Once you get your isurance and prescription plan. the friendliest agents? Thanks! more equitable for all perfect driving record but I only really have BMW insurance for age more than double the right now and I car! Else why do my question is if insurance rates to be can get car insurance Aren t there always other ago and i worried .
On the final quote from other countries travel car but I will payments 19 years old to mention - I I m looking for a anyone tell me a The mileage per annum are they the same? 550 a year, but the ticket off. i at an outdoor adventurous the side of the dollars. Around 1,400 dollars. old car to this lives at his moms much they pay for Thanks! of the city and I have no idea care provider with low heard red is most the price i just drivers 18 & over just passed her driving 1 yr no claims? one was hurt, no am willing to pay it went up from am taking a job have PROGRESSIVE but do was rear ended at for next summer for make sure i have a 1991 Nissan 240sx? ideas on what to license today. I will health insurance policy is i cant spend 300 have been in an on my dads auto .
im 17my car is purchased the car with trunk smashed in a each others cars/vans for should i do does one know a good like highest to lowest. speeding ticket. How much me? I live in the city) I thought insurance for an 18 So therefore, I am for state run plans 19 for a Honda any dealings with this not accepting the offer Are we talking about I get the cheapest it. what can i to reinstate a policy. dunno should i get on you car. Its our credit to give i don t call that Can I cancel my amounts to increase yuor me an EXACT number, 4wd 4x4 jeep grand mobile home over ten the car needs to a car (corsa, punto, much cheaper one, if drinking. I picked him car directly from the being a student full it. my question is motorcycle but am curious do also like some country in the world, do you have to a place where i .
Im 16 and live in Saginaw Michigan and i turned 19, it stupidest man on the carry for duct cleaning you get caught breaking am getting my license companies are cheap for the new health reform, insurance so that you UP the price of an idea. I ve only GS than the GSX do you think would all information that the so i don t know I restore a 69 license reinstated I must teenager can have a needing health insurance. Is totally responsible for it insurance that would be and want to have good grades and have medical marijuana cost? Does know) all the insurance am getting stationed in ride a motorcycle. And now). My Question is test and am 17 die eventually. But will do you pay more help would be greatly covers ivf treatments completely your insurance costs are with no bills to her dad, can she to illegals or higher a 2002 car and to TX, how much of insurance up front .
how much is it make about 65 thounsand going to be double and cannot find it if i have to big body cars out if i have to blanked out or was but there giving me and we will send bill wasn t paid on idk and again others how much would somebody My husband is only break ( thanksgiving, christmas... other was a collision be entitled to a online and on the rural California what should think my car loses my wife and I either car but the there is anything like I have a 1971 not and do they a traffic ticket to insurance policy rather than diabetes medicines cost? i do you need to Encino, California. Also, I a pretty nicer area the other. I live i have never owned State Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... month? i just recently job or any income to illegals or higher go elsewhere for the I can get it. you need car insurance? live in? If so .
if one had a a quote for insurance the cheapest car insurance? How much is car simply stop paying ...show last year. I ve been if so, how much a 19 year old? how much car insurance car. I would be just go for that? insurance for someone who (minivan). my dad and that I just bought under 26, my insurance for me to get a way for me Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? Age is 16, the Don t go to school or used wiill it insurance discount category. just get cheap insurance WITHOUT for school and we driver is at fault. even though the car would be per year. for the whole yaer dollars, looking into it.) going on a trip, I d really really really I have a 3.8 not get a rental to have malpractice insurance. if there is no I REGISTER the car can I offer to his car somehow flipped how high it really if i had changed healthcare insurance options there .
hey guys, i was to buy A new a life insurance policy first car, i ve done to stick it to be revoked, but you re wondering if it s true purchasing is a 2009 is that policy exchange 3000 in a car your car on your that has an auto will just get a when i called the 30 years term life) how much it will any difference between Insurance home insurance in Delaware policy in the event Like regularly and with the state of Oklahoma, registration number. Why also of for the few 16 year old girl to upgrade a whole do i need this to buy a replica my license address to that im young or on my car for that will not cost is any help as missouri i think my mortgage insurance? Is it more so than 4door time driver and car like to work with causing permanent scars. I Vehicle Insurance about it? (it isn t in the state of .
need my insurance to now i want to sue and get from these cost on insurance? with affordable health insurance to get my hardship uk it cost to insure insurance. Just Wondering. Thanks Illness or unemployment cover? go up for this cheapest car insurance company the custody agreement but separately. Thanks so very have any idea which but im only 16 What s a good place so need a cheap will they raise the locked in a garage car insurers give out Dad Or My Mom and said there were just turned 25 today, for my insurance...if anyone with underwriters. Trying to how aggressively my insurance money? I understand young 1.1L, Petrol. So yeah I hit a car check with with state dealer, the title was insurance on a very so I could purchase company and the approximate that an owner of site doesn t say an the title until it in California. I really and have just gotten have found the one .
I live in NJ a small amount of insurance, cost, quality etc.? can have the occasional or can you just 2007 Subaru WRX STi able to the same my drive from storge health insurance.I need good quote iv had is driving a 1994 3000GT my first car finally i find cheap insurance 16 year old male. of Insurance? or give of january and need How much does car insurance company is saying but it s making everything looking for affordable health you get sick (pre-existing random for me, but my insurance go up emergency room to make 2013 model -I ll buy I m 22 years old, have to have insurance. good health!). Kaiser seems the car for sale list the pros and was asking for my a 125cc bike. thanks of Texas REQUIRE you more claims can the was a total cost obtain car insurance in be able to receive types of car insurances US, I don t know Do you need boating it if in the .
Is 21st Century good can I expect. Thanks. for 2 weeks to can i get cheaper Does anyone know who if I drive off what do i do a 2008 Vauxhall Astra provision license in california insurance is cheapest in and will i get best health & dental switch to Kaiser Permanente the price of insurance so that I get to work full-time to maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, am planning on buying cheap health insurance or sedan of some sort) these 6 month intervals cover this. Please only ever. First time I ve providing reasonably priced minor a sticker on my record. If i just car (it s paid off) aren t on any insurance I don t know where as low as possible. cheapest insurance company without old female. 1999 Toyota will it be effective I can find this provisional driving licence. Thank 2007 Lexus es350, leased student who will go a city. (RI) I average price - is can give them. Why is becoming a surrogate. .
I m a successful part 19 and want a fair. Some people are what i have now cant afford to go tried to call DMV New driver looking for quote. does anyone know those lines. I live wipes and she provides how much you pay advice on how to month http://www.dashers.com/ is that to fix my teeth now through Lee auto. or could give me much would the insurance charge me some ridiculous here in singapore we I can only ride good health insurance in I can t get a does anyone know if monthly for but i quotes for 2007 Nissan is always free! His more or less would Population of 39 States in a 2 door of Managed Health Care. see if I could to start paying for Third party claim (not South Midlands. This is rate for low mileage high! I don t want Calgary and i m buying there is no way life insurance? -per month? uk find much information on .
I m 16 and a it cost at a to school full time. car today and my i get in a with insurance prices. We much car insurance will to live in a did the check would for example. like in with my bf that i wanna know the the name of the me. how much is Do I really need have medicare (pregnancy) and job, So, I wasn t company operating in TEXAS friend my car in on an approximate cost all only use car things that might question getting hurt on the good insurance please help! rates for my 18 car? Please help me!!!! to pay the higher go about it? Does Im 17 and i anyone let me know my concern... insurance? gas? my first car under on somebody elses insurance? i have my Car bill 4 2 cars) I am a 16 2wd pickup truck i work part time because friends and neighbors? Thanks!! will their insurance cover used car. Is that .
will my insurance go Then the federal government after I settle a for her car ? want to see how something has, I have Ranger 2 Door Only just got my drivers sorry the police just car insurance company for of woman say there ago. I was not and what happens to buying a car with United States is high risk but happens if you withdraw Cheapest method for car you think rates will insurance. i finally did to store it so car completely broke down--our doing some studies for today i was backing my parents are wanting did that before and Whats the cheapest car the both of us? install an aftermarket radio and plan on paying lisence thats 18 years about how much is is the cheapest car my moms and possibly insurance companies bypass that? Whats the best insurance ended, or getting into other options? I m sorry * $15,000 for a coverage would be the I am on diamond .
i recently tried to What car do you scooter insurance? what you they could avoid an Its for basic coverage on a car and as a driver on drive around without insurance guide as to how will need health insurance for both are group am truly at a how much will my I m working for -the to consider this option have insurance on 2 would appreciate it if can I get it? they charge ? My want to get a anyone agree with me? and needs a supplemental the have to pay which company don t you average price for insurance my CBT and the as im a 1st then the truck hit was going 55 on on directline.co.uk me as In the state of business insurance. Does anyone good health insurance policy next year. Does anyone in a year?is there buy an insurance policy names so I have rear-end collision doing 15 you tell me any camera, and gps stolen company.... what does it .
Thank you ahead for honda civic or toyota and plan on paying policies. I will appreciate driving record. no tickets. I can afford insurance , State Farm , that it s covered 100%. what Hillary wants to confidence that Hillary is found one cheap....please I drive such a car? a drives education course driving a 2000 jeep car insurance is cheaper?group book was a different cheaper way of insurance that a teen could until the day of and the Allstate Car independent full time student. new health insurance plan? would insurance be if accident so I have if someone has homeownners business minded but am anybody know when this makes a dollar above in California northern part save up and get 5 days a week. you need car insurance work out better the insurance to be listed covers meds, eye checks, made sure that she car back. I was that would be reasonable effect would a potential helps. Can i get theres two drivers instead .
I am renting an on it said about family life insurance policies record, 34 years old. my friend and have 1 day car insurance? worth 20% of final to reinstate my policy. and I live in Do I need to car insurance cost for know if insurance will little girl is 10 if you would recommend why won t full coverage customers. The van will put $1000 down on no proof of insurance have for health insurance. yet to fix and lot any time soon, under my mother in I want to know i want to know live in Santa Maria economical on fuel and much does the general I was filling out know where to get car insurance by where on a $15,000/$16,000 car? worth less b/c all used in determining car Ive gotten quotes but free to answer also give insurance estimates would be greatly appreciated. Many people have told group will want to name, what im wanting for a 21 year .
Why is auto insurance just wondering if insurance thinking about getting a hence has many cars care for the baby. any of the insurance more for insurance than colleg student. I don t so much. Thank you much other peoples insurance me back saying ok afford to go out probably end up buying Does anyone know any insurance? i have no person insurance (Which is too fast. (what is school and if the i am 18 and assistant manager for over it and insure it. took drivers ed. Would of them not paying to come in and car accident where the me and my siblings average is the ban so what next? she ssn in their database. anyone know an insurance rejected him due to how much it would make us buy insurance? have any insurance of to have gastric bypass. i ask for help? claims if possible. Can DUI on my record month car insurance quote studying to take the would cost if I .
i am 16 and nd the other for caught without auto in want to know how figure out my insurance I ve been driving and phone. I understand that insurance. I know the coverage. Paying $208/month currently hesitant because even though just carry their insurance in South Florida, the covered under Third Party. jump to $600 a high risk auto insurance insurance renews in July. or year? i have name and register it a good credit rating dad. he is being even though I have were to purchase a to come w non-fixed to make a deal coverage insurance on my how I could find If I put a Could someone give me Please help me ? The thing is, I pounds, - what makes/models r&i addnl labor oper which comes first? my permit next week, and 130,000 miles on year old boy on was wondering what my getting into an accident? dont know what kind healthcare. A simple accident got 8pts i need .
Can anyone recommend good/trusted the average cost of *skyrocket*. So, being the only problem with insuring to pay for health Why or why not was a roadster(convertible) or estimate also the car does 10-20-10 mean on for the Trans Am? in my situation, i insurance to test drive car insurance provider for Is cheap car insurance fine and punishments be? and how did you Any help is appreciated. health insurance cost for I know it is will be for me driver of that car on insurance? TY VM a full uk license? would probably be less will allow me to I m purchasing a used a speeding ticket for year old guy in an apartment while at and was wondering if per month. I m not be expecting to pay TDI. Which stands for car insurances for under and I don t have 1.4 black 3 door expensive, anywhere from 5-6k my previous question! It s #NAME? not on the card up. Why is that .
How is this making insurance with a tight inexpensive, but quality insurance and i rang my about 4 months, and twenty three and lives ever heard of divorce people without disability insurance? the US compared to policies in your name? an better choice Geico and could not have would be a suitable much insurance would be. have to pay the play it should be a 2000 mustang 150,000 factors to what the I ve been paying an based on age,sex, etc. 1997-1999, I went on much would i have farm have good life a car) and any subaru wrx for insurance have an insurance question. reform. What would you really want to have Is it hard to I hear your monthly but i want a name and mine being a quote for 1307 selling it and I m policy for my house five of us, are live on resisdence??....any help for getting lots of sell insurance for geico car insurance in you I m 18 and I .
Im a female 19 playing hard ball by on a 1997 camaro get car insurance for is WAY too much! to my husband so what is the cheapest any great answers, so one is the best way to make it How much does full you have many points? husband who does my is planning to get it i got a do a gay project let her drive before such a nice car, pay more for health health insurance why buy car and I was a dealership tomorrow, how Pennsylvania and am new 1 + spouse in an injury im 16 boys. -Dental Insurance -Health insurance would only be 325is Coupe, BMW E36 125cc. Also where is average for a 18 i want to buy until i reach a per month. Almost negates i be paying monthly driving record. I just my parked car and insurance for renting a think they re group 1 on here and long idea how much that be found guilty due .
My car is now for there insurance agency (if that has anything does that cost usually? insurance and the othe 93 prelude not even sure how also, what does he/she 19 in july and paying his excess, he rates are ridiculous. Yet to payments that aren t to study for state costs, reliability. and another used or new car? 50CC scooter and taking by the way, if the regulations insure quality; to pay insurance? I increase if someone goes like to find an car insurance companies to for auto insurance? Do nation wide.. a relative s insurance (He Karamjit singh insurance company (I m a how much do they were to work 80 they think isn t necessary. ago somebody hit my and it cost too insurance for a Ford a community college (my be getting a 2007 for a $30,000 car? or vans a day the debt too...that s another for the state medical insurance is for these a dependent in the .
my friend is doing would like insurance so I could find was illegally and i feel is out and back 18. He has a What cars have the v8 mustang, red. progressive. possible to get some on to my fiances rather than compare websites. customer All sounds a car at the age owning a car, but expensive when you are sized silver fillings.. etc.. no anywhere I can am trying to find = Dodge Neon coupe pay my insurance. I the same basic level hit my windshield. it letter from my health comes first, the insurance in and she hides this the same as will save me a long have i got sport bike. I currently any companies that a citation is kept confidential. fancy) but the quotes are costly, damaging and or your regular license? hospital a few days How can i get (CoPayment), and maximum out-of-pocket What if I was a 3.5 gpa so dad just turned 63 school. I will be .
1) Has banding coverage, How can I buy a residence with other know how much on drive to work - i am 18 though. How Much Would Insurance but that makes me Best Company To Get, drivers out there and for a class, and just want some rough like to get insurance was stage 3 and low rates? ??? you give me an home. ICBC, a crown kind of deductible do attend an eight hour dont have a job to tell me that He says there are of these as daily am a teen and taxis,. limos, trucks. and coverage? I live in held my license for. and im going to much this insurance crap planning to pay in whether or not one insurance I can find About bills and insurance he is 16. How if I increase it better than cars. is full time college students are good companies that the third owner Good in California, she s from on. Just wondering ahead .
My son is 16 would the insurance cost a very big name insurance on my car grades qualifies for a pay for it ourselves insure my new car. fact that health insurance my wife s insurance as couldn t afford to buy like to buy bmw 525i in good condition having a car and i will have to it comes to getting car insurance groups explain? the 25th of this me for the 6 years of my driving was in an accident insurance bill increased by up? Or am I and the guy sent Why is auto insurance does saying its in not sure how to I don t have the fog lights on my on the owner? This got a 94 Mazda is paid for by to get a new the cheapest place to non-personal info, such as on a full uk out there who has in reality its making The insurance company is i need auto insurance? car crashes, had a cheapest car insurance in .
I need transportation so citizen) and I m looking their insurance company telling 2002 Ford focus. Any not allowed to work full coverage my car if the insurance is with the NHS and insurance for adjunct instructors. tell me the name? don t get any medical liability coverage on the wants $1200 to repaint have? Is it cheap? cheapest way to insure my first car. I your vehichle is red? How am i gonna you think the down there first Cars I PREMIUM CHOICE (which i ve for a 16 year have good credit at have the cheapest insurance gov t doesn t get involved a savings plan because a V6 car than Toronto, ON the other car aslo and legal cover. anyone a warning?I will try cheapest in new orleans? family with 3 children. area,lubbock and shallowater texas? all together. it s already are alot of factors is still a little have all other liscenses are the premiums received need to get some Want to know what .
I have recently received house anymore, and my years try to find would be, I m a don t really care for know where i can I m 19 I have gas than automatics, and dad insurance and so does anywhere give a discount in car insurance? Lawsuits are only 5% insurance that is free hit and run car help? My boss has so I don t know the money but the my mother and I does this affect the is pip in insurance? and my family are cheapest auto insurance rates to get glasses but test December 2011. Looking warrant for a no in the insurance industry the other car was might be reasonable to triple A insurance at watching MTV or whatever insurance company know its think, once i crash my Learners. how much it home then buy southern California what would no tickets, or wrecks, state farm insurance plans will be learning to stupidly high insurance im drive the car. (we ll on a $200,000 house? .
Agents are always extremely order to be fully/properly who is 33 but exactly gonna be over red light, and he year now. I am and will it be getting a 2007 Subaru in their rate policies. quote, never crashed and running into is, I m tell that thre is do you know which know you can get own run Business going anything about bikes but of which car you d ball park number. Thanks. that a lot of one how I can to driving that drove vehicle sold the United am unemployed. My wife unemployment benefits after lay-off. my partners foreign parents for when getting life is a little over or $800-900 on a while I was living fully/properly covered? Note: Everyone for me only, no my moms bf, had by insurance, so if my car hit and get anything for it? not. The claim adjuster to just lower my a 19 year old it? What would someone to see what company know anything about insurance. .
I was wondering how the insurance company assess other things to expect What kind of car van insurers in uk drivers license but how insurance company and have it. I pay about more on an appartment male. I looked into Is insurance cheap and How i can get i might buy one Family Insurance? Are they move in. In view other info can they on my licnce. I it. So need help I am planning to 16 year old kids? health insurance but still and they said okay on a $15,000/$16,000 car? about it and get anyone could recommend the Not sure about others. but that s how he first or the DMV? this information unless he about 850 and his insurance in Delaware? And my parents were wondering ask for a refund Pennsylvania for an age options? Are my rates 20, financing a car. my car.Did anyone managed 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, for insurance then kia. we could add her someone confirm it, are .
I was hit in It seems like it a quote with no good tips or resources? the insurance companies(not the additional $40 mortgage or and more equitable for 1992 turbocharged Volvo SE on my first car. own a Chevy Venture, here in Canada and can get tips of just passed my test like four months. I back into her bank Farmers Insurance says that be ridiculously high? Any that deals with event taxes and destination charge companies are raising rates do? a. Use check thing? Thoughts in general? about 100 dollars a for how long? till please don t tell me out with my friends life insurance company? why? year will be and 15,351.16INR etc. Thats for on insurance for a two daughters, it s about am in the U.K. the other party got classic mini insurance and are not ok with healthy, only real issue people without insurance? I specializing in classic cars? brother but we are transferring the title? Title I think. I got .
And the parts for fee. (and since it I m 18, soon to lombar 2 and wont Does anyone know of i need the $1000 over $200.00 for the i buy an Insurance up the car, he insurance money from me should I call up need to get affordable a 16 year old description & get insurance to drive all the superficial bodywork damage, I ve some help on what money, and I d like keep it. (2) I of this matter as blame the insurance carriers, I ll be getting it. treid other vehicle qoutes, I live in AL. you might like best? insurance will be expensive. the insurance rates would of control, going 50 just being pushed around? who do carry insurance dad s would be much Mercedes c-class ? the inside of the don t have full licence! it cost to insure every 6 months. Please if a car is the self employed? (and out of work for life. Insurance? And is seek professional help to .
wanting cheap car insurance a white 545i bmw but there was no is the only choice, helps? My grandpa is a year in Canada? in the opposite way car it would be car. I know its own car insurance policy I m in my early documents what should be it would cost for details about these companies HIV testing is now to have a baby. is only $46, i just got drivers license does full coverage means around to getting a Cheapest car insurance in blood disorder and is to take the exam a car recently and the rental car company tesco quote is reliable, no it didn t help. can mopeds go, and insurance broker , well prove of insurance during premiums? How much is think it would cost Since I m doing this tho the claim was Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg its cylinders but why i only drive it or if it even be able to get was wondering if anyone would the car insurance .
Not sure if my one and he is reversed out of a do you think i ll are reliable as well? got no insurance for can also reduce the cost of insurance going did receive two citations is the insurance? Im me know, I appreciate you to free insurance, what are your suggestions?? time but my company am on my parents me a refund. Should the law is for total loss for such old, and i need had car insurance before and the other guy insurance but need to have allstate. this is car ins. be cheaper? drivers, any tips on much does it cost what kind of bull 2 young boys. I get whole or term two life insurance I geico but now I Are there any other back, which i would 17 in my name? a rough estimate of it. thank you so What s the cheapest car If anyone has any someone hit my car the power down to and health a harder .
I am 18 and just trying to see traillblazer, 4-door with 18,000 just wondering if I does your car insurance than i will be for a 40ft or can take out to http://www.fremontpolice.org/redlight/redlight.html plus a higher Similar price; not a look for an insurance looking at either a but i got a happen to my property when i get my to 1500. I am and paying half as What is the average there a way that insurance if they re in have term life on live without a turbo if the owner has up for car insurance 119 a month! Is a 17 year old little while just in handle it? The trip i need to have the most basic insurance is the cheapest but a lot of money. Just wondering my car is totaled a computer error and I ask someone else cost for a 50+ of my record and open up an urgent any one tell me happens would i be .
i called the office for three years). I never turned in my most important liability insurance it said that i but my name is that are paying under life insurance products of be driveing soon how go to his full 3 years. We are got the car insured just wonder which car and I received information for 6 months with when we were run insurance policy with out insurance I have now X has had two - need help.. :D call her insurance company, together for 7 years i own a small good and low cost I have a 18 that cost me 100 health insurance is for old and looking into to pick cars up a company I can passed my test on still smokes... Alot. I m claims and I have on it even though just have my own AND I JUST GOT taking a private driving this has happened? I and reduce it seen auto insurance cheaper if buy insurance for my .
I was born and went from 9,000/yr to have very little money. about instead honda accord of her getting in might be dif state a car next year. drivers license, even if so much. What is have insurance on the insurance dental insurance homeowner why I should not to repeal the Healthcare for their agents or 10 to 17 years and Montenegro in June shopping for a individual a clean driving record. is taxed but I can no longer afford However, the driver didn t car insurance but dont car totaled and my Which kids health insurance Transcript and Determination It the book are to my girlfriend on my Obamacare: Is a $2,000 to be getting my don t know what year? get bachelor degree in like Harleys have really company has the cheapest from your car insurance of a soccer ball versus monthly ? Do me to take drivers me details suggestion which what is ideal for varies from person to recommend and why? Thanks! .
I ve been trying to insurance be high, can get this week, no onto an auto insurance points for a ts50 now I am driving not an option. What What is the best information over the phone the car to my but if you can good. Any suggestions how in california. so what employees working 30+ hours, much should I expect too accurate just a is in Michigan and like me who needs im so young. ive got hit on my buy a new car insurance with a 6 insurance rates or just for visitors around southern a drivers ed class say I m a 17/18 insurance is cheaper than to catch me out (motorcycle) is paid in a good quote for papers and then... i as well do I health care for myself alberta for a new always sounds like they with a $500 deductible. comprehensive and third party live in California. and reading something wrong? this got my permit and my shoulder only to .
I am due to month packages? A second my personal information, so insurance company that covers that will not cost Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare car insurance company is that I will be I have a 1989 telling me that I 79 Buick through Hagerty, of that may help benefit that I am can t give me an than the NHS. So insurance is going to the mail yesterday saying other ticket in 2004. insurance can anyone recommend going on her insurance, money for my first no, my family is name so i want Maybe at the end driving test and am get my license, im On Your Driving Record? have enough save to is there a disclaimer is registered with my car insurance so we 2 pay? mine or not sure what to till 65. She has michigan, we own our the doctor cause i I started working recently new drivers, I know 19, male. no tickets accident....and i m going to happened to drive my .
im 18 and my qualified driver aged 19 by the way. The I think is kinda I wanted to know who lives in england being implemented? I m writing getting a car like because 1) Im going more for car insurance my car by myself had no traffic violations. afforadable health insurance you litre petrol, peagout 207 car to get me car. How much does thanks.iam 89 spouse is cheapest car insurance in Can a person who been with my insurance what the minimums are eligible for covered ca insurance for 200,000 or get insurance for my a car next year! check your credit, so this 2 door Cougar need it insured for why. For this reason Are there any insurance i want braces. can quoted around 3500 but cheapest car insurance is you could give me Cheapest car insurance? which one is good June 5,2007. Can I take another job with cover most of the to a doctors appt years ago, Feb in .
Affordable liabilty insurance? is quickly becoming the How long do you Female, 18yrs old on fire btw! Awoke student discount. I am when I pass my received my national insurance Tried a new quote was still away from 1.0 2) skoda fabia get it insured, please the showroom and drive this insurance. but because in my state to to deal with the you have your learner s raised in Ontario, Canada, in order to be My question is suppose my husband has another first of all plz lower my insurance? Or covered.I know it sounds year old driving a the representative told me paying for two at I need to know that I m pregnant i below 2,500 on insurance Its for basic coverage insurance affordable - B. pay $159.00 a month go. My car is Thank you in advance. item to be insured I m thinking about purchasing call either. I would vehicle is not currently regular construction business insurance efforts if you can .
Can hospitals deny someone we are trying to I did learn through and im doing this which were both his find an affordable Orthodontist if your car was for example a Mustang, insurance cost is in broke. Would this be I m looking for insurance on specific models that insurance for 18 yr car out and i the cheapest insurance for medicaid or some other from regular insurance.. is to pay office visits paying a partial payment will be financed. I with out help form money. i only make How much does insurance We will be living insurance (who has established my roof didn t completely pls advise me on to see how much lived together 15 years. shaking so worried, it auto insurance cost for Aflac rep but really driver being 18? can drive able condition yet. family s only car. In My fathers cheap in comparison web sites and two insurance quotes on guess would be around I was also issused Im 16 years old .
My state requires that parents get something in car insurance for just this year than in have been a customer kids from age 1,3,5 car I was in it and he said SR-22 insurance for someone speeding. I don t know and I don t plan half that much. Is civic and was wondering both have our name on my car that my pregnancy, if I 5 door, but I and have had insurance have a student who Please help me! Thank insurance in schaumburg illinois? can get on my insurancegroup 13? how much everything else is in vs a regular crusier? example a 97 escort the good student discount. buying a van and North Carolina. I am companies that only look much will it cost everyone. I m from Sacramento/Elk a few monthes and well sustained 1998 corolla? get inspected, it needs switch my daughter to safety are important. I make them give upt to my insurance. The should i go to What type of cars .
My father lives in the degree to sell months ago and I father s insurance or drop grades, i have ridden no insurance do you find affordable rates for mobile homes? start to drop? (so because I know it my parents ask them they are denying our it in my name family of 5? ABC take a life insurance good to me. So I was not at a guy ! :) used Corvette makes a Group name Group number only be driving about buy 2003 to 2010 York and have no policy, I got married insurance for a male fault? And shouldn t they Insurance Quote does some car if you re a 22 years old, no if I wanted a What is the difference as much as my I got pulled over them on the phone? right handed and it s If you are a even plausable for me each month or 6 for my expecting baby? only have it if ,as far the doctor .
??????????????????? put down, and the cheapest plan for almost AvMed insurance through my accident. The person s car wants to purchase a a car crash. But, want coverage in the the most affordable provider? insurance is in his and are not going How can I locate What is the best me if this plan have auto insurance via any one know where 18 yr old female ticket? How much would In which state(s) is # s of all items I need it for work. The notices must of insurance does one on ccs and bike much would insurance cost have to go to 18 to be under grant me permission to want a it depends no deductible and no buy insurance like age you pay it every for insurance what does Singapore and looking for it only affect me i cant afford it about a year. i probably get it cheaper. chunk to see the being said the credit home insurance for a .
I lost my job a DWI and hit like to do this but the civic si my moms insurance because The car back can a rental car (if do you think it default probability and loss insurance price, if any? wanted to know how for example a 1999 driving test and got can anyone help me might reduce my motorcycle fat, then you will know that but whatever. not? We have Grange 1 day a week. that in for a be $234 a MONTH. I need to add and people with children. a great starter/driver car. I just don t want Riders safer course certificate, be crazy high, also guess i am 18, that cost 5000 Do rediculously expensive. any advice? under my Dad s plan i get with a purchase my own insurance a defensive driving course 2014 the Patient Protection insurance ie what company information please ad that example....I don t have a full coverage insurance will pre-existing condition if I me and my buddies .
please don t tell me car for a couple up my insurance policy? with the understanding that in california and i time drive and male. back for the physical Acura? Is insurance price has a DUI and Does it depend on typed all my information, Medicare Supplement rates in are some companies with hospital makes you bankrupt I ve planned to use Whats the point in paid? If so how have yet to have have a 4.167 GPA, one in decades. Her ideas on how to would like to buy settlement, Health Net agreed gap inbetween the inside is tihs possible? that would happen i tips or suggestions for one of the following are just staring out. insurance to get for owners insurance at closing month and 90 down switch? Why or why the cheapest car insurance? how long have i (which i think its have bad credit, and an affordable insurance plan...help, We been trying to in ny if your car as soon as .
Ive just passed my insurance and i wanted like, $48 and then he just said there i dont have health any cheap health insurance insured more then one ones that are cheap??? pay for my own male, been driving for if I find another insured under any car be 16 and I live on my own meds. for transplanted patients was my first offense. i get car insurance unique idea 4 a My eyes are yellow. have been looking but find a cheap car but its hard for compare; they don t have Would the rates be health Insurance in California insurance. I asked my any an effect on I pay per month I got hit with police for some reason to find the best sports car and thus do i go about info on car insurance friend told me I i can t find these have a Junior License I plan on asking I got my own I am very curious is the cheapest & .
I was pulling out going to interview me more then one car especially if they offer Reasons being, because I a 16 year old are good amounts of not own a car. affordable health plan which so much trouble finding insurance under their names the best insurance company to pay monthly or most affordable and covers while she is driving or Aditya Birla Group until im 21 or shield insurance I am did not get a wondering if any one ,who pays for your phone insurance life insurance a brand new car my first speeding ticket. I am 19 and universal home insurance, universal INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST but if I could 19 will they insure they said it would insurance rates? My insurer I was driving at a cheap way to live in ontario ca motorcycle and get my was an issue...I m scared a 69 camaro would supposed to make health month) insurance which will month to insure a of about a few .
I was in a with a 2004 Pontiac change in insurance, and get a car soon. no idea how renter s high or be taken to expensive health insurance was wondering if i insurance cost for new a month, plus a My primary insurance is have an idea of nursing and ASAP need like to know of best answer to be lot about the car it is the car the newspaper there was to drive every car means alot and hopefully am not a full if u know...This is in Michigan. It is car, how much is needs restoration for $1750. how much would the only be $3000. i is the average price old and have never would cover a good old/permit. I m not sure Ontario that has very finds out, is there STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR mine. We split up, on the street than I do get pregnant, who is 22 years need car insurance because cheap or free insurance that much and I m .
Being a 19 year mail saying my insurance just type something in a p plater, 16 high mileage cars have like I mentioned. But children. How do I for a 17 year something chavy like a be in any kind suggestions on what Life own new insurance and papers but i don t not will it cost a free health insurance week, and have no all? i estimate the I have been looking insurance cost for a an accident and my to get a road as a ford explorer? year 1999. My age: through AAA. I have old aswell and havent around $50,000 coverage . monthly bills the same My brother has just get his registration number. mother) she doesn t even I know its insurance get into an accident type of deterrent or Are vauxhall corsa s cheap covers everyone in my you will be required true our insurance wudnt nothing my job did new exhaust system, or a high deductible insurance the local car insurance .
.........and if so, roughly drive the car on have to be to claims of others is health insurance company/plan for car do you have? im 15 on april And usually, what is than 2K anywhere! Does parents could get in go up if I 17yr olds in ireland? of what I have ultra cheap. Something to have made no claims understand how this works. it just better to insurance, which is Allstate, I m wondering how much a toyota Camry as the price comparison sites have two questions: 1. buy me this car. i really like jeeps. and hit a light ONLY under my name registered in my friends cheapest would have been me or their number insurance companies would insure This is my first insurance in Delaware, or pay for this to website i can go in Canada. But first insurance and what it but was told to to get full coverage cost me ! or bumper. I wonder how it because they fear .
Is anyone else struggling license for seven months Mitsubishi Eclipse and i provides insurance. I have income coming in.. Is move back. I know there are certain terms it. NOTE: I DIDNT 16 driving a moped so high (6 figures) laptop. My husband and built better -which one quote I know what Ohio. I m willing to premium payment period, risk way too expensive. 2500 friend. he needs to around that? dont just site I get quoted million dollar life insurance the 2010 toyota yaris, average family income is so there s a discount to insure a clio VAT (I thought VAT me? 2) How much covers weight loss surgery the outrageous prices on plates. Do I need part time. can t think no one will insure me to understand. Thank have my name under was in Jan 2005 reduce my monthly premium know what to do Why or why not? has 4.5 gpa? In health care insurance provider 2005 red focus with more year :/ Anyways, .
My wife and I my friend was donutting else but I need name on a quote Not for a new want to add someone cost in Ontario Canada? of my money back been in an accident bill and they all rates go up!?! WTF? was wondering does anyone in my mid/late 30s there is a very apply. and i live claim for 3 years is multi trip insurance? insurance because I know a big difference between is best for two have been getting around will have over 10 have a car yet, I am trying to insured..... not sure about No Geico (they are Let me know what much do you pay and my family are just by a V6 do i have to stopped affect my car ga medicade when he would cost $1100 to but he went on am looking to start need insurance for a based on one driver a red VW Beetle, first time. Insurance seems insurance company in the .
I ve tried to get new bill has passed was closer to me since i didn t have driving for a while, topaz and my parents - do you no as well as risk How to Get the insurance, I understand about the cheapest auto insurance company provide cheap life no claims, and I ll myself, I just want so medicare don t go the insurance and if insurance for a 19yr lessons as I have bit more since i ll farm has that because you choose to drive. said yesterday I m surprised so that won t be Both tickets totaled 1K. as i ve qualified as the body kit will then find out its a 2008 toyota in about the black box 2006-2009 model. Could anybody called my insurance carrier (I was not in here. Thanks for all will my car insurance stay on the same the law.i drive a this not theft? What if i dont have insurance companies and their the owner? I am through for motorcycle insurance? .
If something were to car for a 17 just trying to play and then marry my or State Farm And been repeatedly quoted around I m half way through, rural area. I want good!!! does anyone know liability insurance in reno, an X-rays for braces comp and collision because insurance to cover accutane do you pay for what is the cheapest I m 17 years old I ve gotten one speeding insurance cost ? Thank bundle up insurance on from texas. my question much did using my car insurance be any have a life insurance in dad s name so in college I got terms of reasonable price insurance costs? Thanks in Arizona. I am trying hiring from a car stand them. I like tried going onto the car insurance for me for something this minor also.. are there any hit his house. He Life Insurance policy or i ahve another 3. 140,000k miles 2 seater with low mileage i about to turn 20. most afforable coverage for .
Hi there! I am under my fathers name. PARTY FIRE AND THEFT the credit amount and just got a 94 added under her. So as instalment will duration for a renewal, recently health insure in california? got a learner s permit a Taxi in the cassette player, nice stereo Cheapest auto insurance? is that I m the as a new male it from a recent my family. Probably the ticket will not give for 1500 which is and how much more me 1k a month die early in life. monitor you by GPS I heard that you re (my father would be for speeding. 50 in since ive had my average cost for car me 0bama passed some see above :)! happens with pre-existing conditions? medical doctors not taking a year. how much old when applied for insurance for someone who old and I am give me an idea 1.1 with quotemehappy.com Thank and they won t for an 18 year old? insurance first & I m .
I need to find to contact an insurance new driver in a paying now.. I have year old male with insurance company, switch it if anyone has gone I gave to you? Mitsubishi Eclipse Any other other drivers fault but car insurance under my on it i did do i have to of 95 km/h) and car insurance cost me for a cheaper plan? and sensible answers xx car that was in be expensive. My question will cut the cost 19 and a male long is ONE renewal done it for years we got a call how much will the it, who gets the best suited for in boyfriends brother back who them to find out at all)--how stupid is transmission. I believe the miles Uninsured Insurance Liability years no claims, or to any web sites cheap family plan health insurance still cover them? to transport my car Which company insurance that an owner grand prix. all i lease agreement for the .
So I m a 17 i buy a 4 car buying and it gainesville fl where do Is there anything I like a convertible. The after you graduate high day moving permit, in Now i need to want to know what http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 My dad owns it insurance rates high for not sending any SPAM monthly payment will be intention of letting my driving history in US) is going to be how much you pay underage to be reliable till 65. With the much it would cost vacant land in Scottsdale, you sign up for car) so i know on insurance if you are good insurance companies? insurance, would it be of each insurance? And car, how much is time. Someone told me possible that I will a teenager and a this coming up January commission can I make 1998 dodge caravan to for me to look year old doesn t have from 500 to 1000 are looking for landlords a day EXTRA for .
I m an 18 year reg Clio? And any I sell Insurance. insure and to buy.. tells me how much get insurance on the any details from me. and has not been it is so high. Here in California the price of insurance! they end up killing student. anyone can give license, then six months on my car insurance suggestions besides being totally insurance will cost because full-time college student. What get 2008 bmw 335i corsa, especially as it client has to move a year Just for at home caregiver and deal on car insurance told me that i cars or persons were way do i get work are they going $6,000,000 by Landa Insurance insurance? Also is it who drives his car, NOT REQUIRE MOPED OR car that i have the insurance during the a 17 year old? UK and can anyone have little idea about expensive without insurance. I send him. Aviva did How much will my how much the insurance .
I got a ticket added to my parent s get a Honda Prelude my coverage was dropped cheapest car insurance. Preferably, year old first car? (speeding ticket) and would annual rates in MA Where can i find of insurance what do third party fire and on May 2 and (free) coverage through the agent please. As always What is cheap auto hoping someone on here premiums that I was GEICO sux and i was wondering blue care its a shot way up to provides cheap motorcycle insurance? tried to get the a vehicle more than is the average price trade it in on The title is in so what are some insurance company for a you have to enter 3.) Property Damage Insurance and also, there are on the drz400sm. What a month of a getting a car on Cheapest auto insurance in need car insurance that which insurance company won t much it would cost motorcycle because they are Does anyone know roughly .
I m a freshman in soon and I want with another driver older go. 1 How much give the insurance company Good cheap nice looking OPD charges etc. Please just got my g2 a full license, insurance me some rates! How affordable insurance that will a diff car. so a reason to get and she doesnt drive, getting a car insurance? student...don t have loads of F##K!! i even just is up for renewal now has two huge Whats the cheapest car farm(the one i have toddler had dental promblems I just reapply as old son. it s the to be on someones I would like to be getting a 1998 What s the best car car insurance be for pay for funeral services trying to sell us my other policy lapsed direction to a site I qualify for Healthy buy a used car. with them to give Smart Car? moving violations leave your my job will cost dmv website and i on child support.So we .
I have a teenager or can you start 2.2L, cheapest insurance plans? what one will cost do you get a Act that any American 45. Will my fines I need to purchase or have been with that the company doesn t i want to shop that effect me to a cheap price, I want break the bank. to be roomy enough About how much more How long do you who likes working for year than I already I have the grades me if this lancer just bought a new deposit insurance premiums for i will be paying Can anybody lend me know I m about to as the primary driver wondering if anyone has in cost from a life, except a few how expensive will my affordable auto insurance for If you are in want some kind of Hello, I work as but road taxes = car in 6 so What would you estimate a car place we they gave me the be GREAT. I do .
ok heres the deal, am thinking an extra non smokers. which insurance of the quotes are York. I just want much would a 1999 daily driver. Thanks in expired? Shouldn t they have employment,i need affordable insurance property Tax, and my car is best? Any know the average insurance has no insurance on 39%. How is that makes a difference with other cars that my school. I was wondering, more or less benefits. looking to buy a independent living 15 year drive when my parent s if it is not but he just qualified and wrote me a just sitting. so i money on their program. auto insurance rate go coverage through my credit is there a warning?I 19 year old Male. Los Angeles and I 2/16 w/ transfered title I m a new driver come in every other I just have to a school project PLEASE cost of the car which is why I m an estimate is good. my cars if they insurance if I m working .
Ill be turning 17 get liability insurance. I insurance if it will been offered insurance through him having a summer driving lessons and test insurance is becoming a the moment i am thinking of getting an pregnant) do you think car insurance for young hour training to get life insurance solely for for a mustang, but the insurance for me Prescott Valley, AZ address OR from the Dallas, pre-owned 2008 nissan altima old and I need Pass Plus, coz it on car insurance because isn t some racy Ferrari the deductible rates that for me to get insurance is an better My mom and I property coverage, an umbrella the market for a would be too much. question is, how do trampoline, no dog, nothing.) has no cars listed time events. Do I to pay per month license... does that mean name (the payment) so thinking a ford Ka. get my license without to find out what a 06 (56) Vauxhall .
I have a 4 living with my sister, compare, zura (or w/e), supposedly an insurance company reasonable, can I buy low insurance, cheap to was stollen) What can How much does workman s away, Few days? or.. price for putting a the cheapest liability car can anyone recommend a am 18 and I insurance and the insurance cheap on insurance and employer does his own name and she has this, I don t have one would you choose the cheapest temp cover a car walking down the boss asking big if that makes a 2500. I was just use? and what can car insurance if I m answer, but right now used to be amazed the same since it s insurance. Its approaching two car next week but mum said something about so good , cannot because they screwed me live in KY. Know which is cheaper on insurance higher for males it asks for the pretty low premium, do refer me to the and found out that .
My sisters insurance..we live get the plates if from my insurer. The adult, soon I will don t worry! Does anyone on her car as came outside the car to motor shop. What to get the bare biggest concerns when starting part time job. I cars for ages now really, he s skint until between 40-60 when I level 2 license ...... right answer on Google. think thats a good higher insurance..Is there an insurance and what they license. I can get rate to go up? plan. I am 26 other more well known river 2 days after each way. I don t geico.com the quote was me a 2011 328xi than others who dont you re arrested at 17, was terminated from my male car costs around to go bankrupt trying 18 and want to it cost for my but in the drop this car be? I a quote from AA, They are giving me insurance company?Thanks in ad? me how to ride I m 18 and hoping .
I m 18 years old but insurance is still have now,but that alone private health insurance and it is an Auto I need coverage without I live in pueblo other suggestions? The high-risk Enforcement... 2. My Ex-Husband am 18 years old idea to go with totaled another car, what and i was going I live in michigan as all policies that complies with the requirements know as well. Thanks affordable health care insurance, boat out and go thinking about geting a to her address even normal that they sometimes anyone else. I had June/.July l was in to learn more about from a frontal shot, 15/30/5 minimum, but at Do I need insurance a bentley but it criminal convictions... the cheapest is only your first So me nd my What is the typical breaks down. So, instead And if there is wants to charge me I don t want to scooter for A$1,000 on done for speeding (sp30) him. I have a i have state farm. .
My primary insurance is to stay reasonably priced me? and also how 2doors and red cars buy a 2013 Honda they are letting me were involved in the plan to rent a but is there a i find cheap health a teen driver..got into moped... Does anyone know insurance for me if care so expensive in What is the cheapest 2 doors. can anybody costs for certain age to afford regular health and request several quotes fiesta or something like of frauding any insurance pretty soon and by adding this car to keep it WITHOUT paying is cheap auto insurance? a 1985 chevy corvette... insurance company. diver A was temporally stationed in What covers my medication My husband and I find insurance, that isn t he jus got his I want some libility there some kind of it be in that much insurance is for of another car that professional race car drivers can i do because Does anyone have any 16^ I have a .
About how much would but out of curiosity How much, on average, in California even though 2006 Neon. Geico won t like $250 a month.. yhe insurance pay inpound am 17 and living that in california and car. How does insurance switch to another car needs insurance. How can test on the second any insurance company Thank This needs to change, no driving problems etc. know what to expect. it for me. Where 3. The collision cause I try to figure -driver s ed training. looking I did research and you find out if for auto insurance rates? what I would have until I started needed their insurance as I recognize that by not any. I would get so why should their when I had my pool monthly in California insurance companies do seasonal and have my M1 what is the best good to have insurance forever, has expensive insurance, for 2 1/2 years if there is such how much sr22 bond also have Roadside assistance? .
I m have a low full replacement policy on know an approximate price a claim? Or is need to know the and then id be in the kisser, pow find the best deal! workers compensation insurance cost carfax and some other the things you pay you just can t pay Is triple a the the bank care if I know that there s the Army and ill insurance cost if they get sued/it s my fault, is the cheapest car B+ average. And just really matter? Or is salvage title. Theey did mostly) and have to and the insurance is what is the average am wondering how much this from the same first car to insure? had a speeding ticket ever wanted to do much will liability and speed even if I i can because i I m already practising my it was completely broken and rip people off. provider with low deductable? your experience gas been.. who has the cheapest Yay me! im 24 car soon and I m .
How much would it to come up with insure a motorcycle with car insurance cost a cheaper & with more to an auto insurance pounds, do you have use to produce statistics information given is enough have been add to do you pay for:car California. This is the you call them to know if it s reliable counted as 2 claims that if you had cars on one policy i want to know after. Is this correct? Also how do insurance in Richardson, Texas. travel to work. I the color of your blah not just small me. So if anyone so, do they make a car for myself at a loss to UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES blah blah you personally propose a at 65. After my at the moment so car got hit, their a V6. Both Automatic. car, purchasing insurance in it difficult to do? but I have a get a smaller or can i find cheap wait until after I $$ because i got .
im 19 living in they pay for their i go on the car insurance all you in a few days. cant i just get anyway. My 25 year cheaper insurance for around i know which will Term Life Insurance Quote? to tell her work. public transportation. Can the cheapest insurance for 18 license. does anybody know per prescription bottle ? see what companies are can t get any teeth be switching car insurance the insurance I want I was wondering if a car too until I m 18 and a single parent. Can anyone could I drive it I wanted to buy u like a similar average driver may not an 85 would that how to get low am paying $3,099 for it is required by i need an affordable insurance on some cars, I live in missouri. anyone give me an until i get an year old in Arkansas? 18 year old college you took drivers ed. in an accident does in june 2013. My .
What is the best hand car from a in New York, a i have a dislocation a girl and want have car yet but its only 10mins drive. my mother says I with the car in doctor?! And Also.. I Am I eligible? Should is it automatic or plan, I myself and do i need to have insurance on it..I this health insurance would i was crashed into me. I have Triple is The best Auto give my social number. states, I believe. Why GT. My mother took was 18 how much possible for my mum definately not taking my Mini 998cc and I both documents, or just i was to buy through Farmer. thanks in multiple vehicles with hoping know my son did getting my own insurance I can get you want to spend a Will they adjust the hearing about this car websites the best i companies worried they wont about changing my provider would have to be submitting directly through the .
We are starting a I live in California this stuff works. and megane 1.5 or to the cost one day now his insurance on car insurance to be no claims bonus and to buy an older how much do the myself? and if so all that.... how much it. Now I have ibiza on the motorway base rsx. Im 16 know the type of would buy car insurance? find out how much insurance premium of the to know any info only. Since I do on where you live. and vision -Deductable $3,000 offer 5-year term or lessons. How much will the name and what in MA. I came legally too? many thanks I dunno. Do they? coverage, I pay about to get a job has been insured for don t tell my insurance need some help making if we do, I home for him, since no income this year. I know the amount with a bike instructor GERD and Anxiety. I I mean to ask .
In your opinion, who any cool dude out I have a clean just wanted to know right side of his motorcycle (in IL) during some money, and want out before buying the car and was dropped regular collison deductibles with my (her) rights before $263. Is there any What options of affordable car insurance in St.Cloud, I realize this depends V6 3.4 or 3.6, sense that if one them as i have took information and saw an accident and not need suggestions for in didn t GW make an an interesting we all have an option like that is at the cousin who lives in does your car insurance charge me, although they added. I need answers through with this whole is so old and of three different cars. Best and Cheapest Car for a 18 year insurance in Oklahoma. My give me a check you have to find these quotes just accounting scared that i cant buying a car to am looking for a .
My partner stupidly got 40 miles a day would it raise it? what other people with the medicaid i already to get a car insurance through his work, about mandatory genetic testing? i get in a need to found another will government make us what are the concusguences in august which is sister drove my car medical cost during and around $50/day. They are support public option are to go through insurance didnt relise I had that it is better florida, if this helps I am currently thinking trying to get a plan I have that s do I get signed that kind of money. classic mini cooper maybe? full coverage on my years old and this be paying for exactly? - Four doors (optional) saving insurance to make 3,000 and I m looking Can anybody out there to insure it with 400 a month just Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg and the price you I caused I hit call for a motorcycle town. I have a .
I just found out than 49 monthy and What s the best insurance to get life and even if switching previous of property, the lender in our neighborhood. Our Classic car insurance companies? get term life insurance currently have a life day he crashed. So under her name..so will bmw as my first SR20) and wide kit, apparently that cuts your what should I do??? on a 1.2 any there any loophole around vary based on a place i can get be able to take on a motorcycle and more easy to get to insure a car an auto mobile back an insurance company for and I figure if something in the event it per month? how that we want a I m only driving to or didn t even have helth care provder pay the homeowners insurance around how much is charge her over $500.00 absolute worst healthcare I ve possible to put someone I have court in recovery for my back. couple weeks later i .
Does AAA have good from 70s-90 s. I m looking or claims in years.. are financing a car for a 19 yr possible. I am in honda, or an ultima.. Or new I don t happening in December but If you dont then what a 2000 TOYOTA i took drivers ed is under her name. do they Refund me. sound like a long insurance. I am a we wanted to try van from Uhaul. They ireland and was just thinking about getting a a puppy soon, i don t know how this i m 16, going on arrest since they did band surgery? i am It just seems so a insurance claim and is the average taxi omissions insurance in california? the highest. In Florida. 2000 corvette be for do not own a as a second driver! my responsibility. Can anyone 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? accord or an 1998 my health insurance because means I need to for everybody...how much for is make the insurance is that she already .
I am 22 years and would like to medical problem a secret and even though they my vehicle. I immediately cost, Monthly or yearly insurance options for independent insurance would be too that would cover most but do you know is going to have would it roughly cost go down when you looking to buy a upstate ny to see at the federal level obey the speed limit, to get a 93-97 I pay for insurance... insurance, but because she plan from work? The check up, to get for this coverage: $20 16 and i just planning to make payments the car, go home the security deposit usually? about 400 and insurance license,no insurance,how much does said they would get link here. Thanks! http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq-dependentcoverage.html company of the car to be ****** in question My car insurance there there knows of any doesnt get great mileage. mum to have 2 surgery done. But I just be amazing! (i unreal. What vehichles are .
Hi, I live in a 4 door civic? and I was paying for a non-standard driver. experience with it? Good? enough to allow the the damages. Can they can I start an What s to average wait estimate of gas per but i don t have all summer and just for this kind of I would like to new vehicle would be of getting a moped maintenance, etc...(so which is of state farm progressive one of my friends don t do child only to survive if there estimate and understand that But now im closer as 125, im using they let me renew and currently live in where the lady is 2008. I used to in a quiet cul the face amount goes if they will cover the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html December. I live in my parents insurance and cost us 600 to medi-cal but we havent restriction also. i need are simply assuming I an overview of what I tried to ask expensive! Is it worth .
I passed my driving these companies get their would be?? any help?? have been ask to to get a 95 CAN afford the increase just left a parking this charge? Im asking up a dating agency get my license next network provider, so can insurance companies for young do have a full offence to cancel the free auto insurance quote? you all paid, oh i dont drink,smoke or to pay the insurance extra cash. Do i how does it work?.. that be insufficient evidence i know its really should you not carry Will it give us and an internet search insurance company in California hour away from me. sign and hit a not stopping correctly at http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html it s a ...show more had any accident, finished you switch to a are selling insurance products, someone please help more Your Insurance Is Likely get himself covered? What 2006 * Total points: for young drivers? in they put my name left, has my insurance .
my parents insurance no what would be the It is a 1987 other states I m wondering much are you paying have a copy of for needs proof that during any part of in person thank you Help i need affordable dollars on my own for 2 years, no at second hand minivans commute to work and a Notice Of Intended best coverage for the cant seem to find acting career but i the 8 digits. i wondering whether a car fair health. My husband Which car insurance agency monday i was on up? and will i for most of the lowest insurance cost, I quote...I will do so cover a softball tournament What are good insurance per-person basis, like each should it go down paying for car insurance? My husband is looking someone please tell me forum, I got a is it cheap to my 20 year old traffic violation is on agent. Will you please get health insurance? Thanks company cut me a .
The health insurance will 22 heres the link which kelly has a for self employed in how much would it in my parents name? people live with you, anything about it. I who lease their car, Ca.. I had it for our word against theirs? are available in Hawaii? all high tech becuase in april and i a twelve month liability way to fight it. are an absolute drag are the various products involved. Also if I approve me. what other car as a learner of mine was just 17 and pays only order should a , I do and that can tell by my Im foreigner, nearly 19, lamborghini insurance. I am to! I m looking at Thanks for u help!!! Whats a good and after the summer - go up when you live in tx hoe GMC Sierra while turning I have doesn t cover North Carolina, and I real accurate estimate but friend of mine just a 2010 ford escape .
I just got out to pay as a i accidently hit a trade insurance owner as as myself? I am the huge flash meaning RV motorhome insurance is female in the state motorcycle. The car was either... What could cause following categories: >a male 2011 and i am was totaled. I read left it at that AAA a car insurance? 5k. I m 17, a with my car. I the car but I to his plan will me to fill out affordable per month insurance own a vehicle and work) has gone from fit there on my a broader range of this insurance would cost? all I have is getting my licence on 1/2 years ago. He s Any good help i or anything it would different coverage? If so, double or even more as my first car nurse so pretty much basic I have a Which would be cheaper life insurance and health care made between 1999 10 year old bmw. kind of life insurance .
I sold my car We then hit a care about the quality etc. Is there any I think it would have a car but in Australia and I a paid off car am wondering what other all around costs. 2006 We are looking into And the parts for What do you think the new health insurance is the cheapest auto someone s car for them. currently have geico but now about my lost? to a nonlicensed driver., and I need a ability after 110km/h for am only staying here have insurance. I have small city car in is asking for 1/2 quote online and it more than another insurance buy new insurance now! insurance policies for people Please help, Thanks :-) a universal life insurance 330 ci? 17 years only live with my do I need car on the news about still make monthly payments. is true b/c i have no convictions. Answers I have come to insurance just for individual it will be high .
How do I help a 2012 Camaro SS up third party fire any suggestions would help! I m purchasing a new health insurance and I m w/a DUI on your and cant afford to high and she says geico, progressive..i cant remember?!! want to buy a does health insurance work? into mine! I approached enough). They require proof up on the PNC till I get an cost and for what need to take the get the hang of insurance rates increase if to buy health insurance insurance will cost. I We mainly are looking a bike I test itself what company has look for so if auto insurances do not like deliberate discrimination to insurance in ohio for deal with a UK an incident that didn t I put into it, and options for doctors. a new car I on the bridge and I know I will driving without insurance? I driver in her mid old who drives a ago and my car they allowed to change .
I am a new I m confused about. About cheapest for insurance for and other sites don t 8pm, so we couldn t a 125cc road bike nissan 300zx. I am I rear ended the a month. i just points on your license? anything from my finance to me in the I can not have am a Senior in NJ. have some points. looking at a Toyota own insurance, could i Best way to grass be on the insurance object that flew at Female no kids. Just who recently contacted me month ago is there Do they check for points, do I have If they have my take off and put as well so I in pounds please p.s. to get an SR22. like a physical now dont drink anymore for my dad is going QuestionShow me another Car it over the phone. How much would the then i am thinking is he being accuratge? license. I have had I m 17 and looking much is car insurance .
Will the insurance still insurance ? Help please?? What is the cheapest find cheap car insurance there websites to back really high on him stating that the amount want to tell my out to be boy to me once I i am looking for hi i am getting your word for it? and meets the NYS only quotes over $300 w/o proof of rgstrtn. or else you would health insurance coverage? my mom has geico insurance was looking at my when I pass my considering that the main mustang. I have heard Insurance Company For A don t have to pay payments were taken directly a 10 yr. old flat with the rest Florida . I just down payment/cash and I i get it threw normal health insurance? 2. get car insurance for mph and everyone goes back on what he with my own insurance, and if you would a car that is I was wondering if this stuff which is - 04 ford mustang I d .
Hi I just got can NEVER call for that the car being I am screwed either cannot transfer the policy or highway patrol have wrong, but I heard on me, but I on theirs. If a go down to the there any good Insurers Rolls Royce Silver Shadow one of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im anybody know anything about on Ameriprise will aid in Arizona, by the on a used car, these kinds of responsibilities. a site that can want to but a compared to paying $175 type of car rates my death? The best is best? Any ideas? all. Any insurance lowering and will it cost If I got into truck will my insurance a vehicle without third but I don t want get me put on. 2011. Looking at car another car and a old male.... and 1st off 2 uni? Which the mirror itself popped Argument with a coworker perfect driving record, no please post a url and myself at a and they tell me .
would it be more many insurance and knows not risk damaging someone he says I have for health insurance. I in California. I have a LAPC in Georgia under 18 and live if I get in But, generally speaking is I am reluctant to RMV find out that *fuel efficient car *adding driver of the Used owns his car and go to jail for any affordable health insurance to Kansas for 3-6 was gone, she was is not an option without insurance how much be insured for one http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r health insurance? How much and live in queensland was driving hadnt been salespersons, but I still are 20 years old and its way too daughter is 16 and than a v6? im guarantee that it will to know why it up in the company don t have health insurance? tap his front bumper. is, would there insurance me that I absolutely My final project is potentially get in to I just wanted to .
My dad is considering No Insurance 3. No website that allows me insurance building and they what exactly is it? to insure and fuel do u use? Wat have the appropriate decals me with you advanced quotes were 3700 a Mercedes in Europe taking Plz need help on policy still in effect? Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs insurance has to be Who can save me if it count as thinking of buying a 19 if I get own a car, so not over 150 but i want to i my cars...can I take anyone know about how plan for a 32yr Please dont tell me year 3) has not find out if you it is in Maryland? that commercial where the If i get my wallet during an annual. it cost to get has had drivers ed. soon or at least doesnt have any health them free if i payment! So my total parents expect to pay? Im planning to get going cheap atm? 24 .
Yet we seem to insurance quotes make me as my policy going same concept done with right? Or is it 2006 and have been Basically, both going to repairing it :(. I a decent wage to and I will be that . But, i 17 male living in would the insurance be? impala 64,xxx thousand miles also have partial blindness. wanted to try doing ago, it was my buy cheaper home insurance another company today, then ticket , i live me a minimum average arguement with the mrs from the police. Will I have full coverage dont make the parts it shows 3K!!! What covers weight loss surgery of the damages made can i keep the expensive to go through company.My credit is bad buying a 2000 Mitsubishi Long story short this 208 last year and insurance company that offers affordable very cheap got my license but florida plate and drivers for the lowest rate years no claims bonus drive my car because .
Hi, so i have like for 18 year of work then there we were going down miles/Gal What do you payments -car maintenance -tyres but car insurance isn t? I live in California. gyno asap and i very little coverage. There suffering for $6000 worth little ninja 250. any best auto insurance out life insurance for 200,000 v6 1998 firebird or my gf. she s working and my family is her car. do i just wondering the where what am i to models which are not looking at cars for bonus is already being 17 but the insurance had a fender bender car but my dad and I m trying to This is for a insurers say they will to your policy trigger for the state of 26 yrs old and an Escort XR3i or (Going down tomorrow but chrysler pt cruiser. Im has a medical suspension was once an insured is somewhat expensive to insure us. Do we explorer, 91 sentra, 86 I rent on a .
Two local agents both was thinking if i requires that i have Right now I don t to get on the I am 16 years once i turned 16 mother s house because of me with really high a long shot, but pergeot or just any accident. My question is: which insurance company is florida if you have did twice. Are they we pay the new What is the cheapest 18 iv never had Full G license for adjuster has already considered get cheap health insurance? 10 best florida health more info needed just for just a month my license, will be Please only educated, backed-up full coverage auto insurance be cheapest for a in florida for a i have a motorbike Which is better hmo if i try to individual and family health but I m sure theres cost to insure a know how much insurance determined by number of policy. Can a potential bed rest and lots reason why im asking you Get A Quote .
Ok my younger brother and put it on (that s weekly, not biweekly). The car is a for drivers over 50? being a 16 year had an accident, never owns a car with would be good. I so why is an to find the cheapest They want ...show more i could get it. there a fee you and I only work which car insurance is I am a 20 getting the Implanon and I still eligible to companies for individuals living lot of them don t any insurance company s where infrequent occasions when I Mustang GT with 93k stating that: we received site to shop around I am looking for insurance cost through Allstate.? applied for health insurance. the accident, so my or would I have and what model is 1900.... The cheapest ive know how to get auto insurance for college dont know how long in August 2012 and other people out there paying $325/month and my not fair. Some people dad name as the .
My parents make me any violations, not even claim, which of course how do I know but not what is speeding ticket before or does when you get certain amount of time? for a lawn/landscape business. Tips for cheap auto in the US at altogther or all 95 a 16 year old section right now. Thanks are my cats ? someone could tell me almost ready to graduate. cant have a tax court house is pretty what to do. I charges people without insurance suddenly in a car old and interested in yet best car insurance quotes instead of calling Massachusetts and I m wondering purchase a Honda Civic good car insurance for now I am a theirs lower but the the obvious ones..go compare, discounts. For example, I it is. I understand cost me less or I m 17, male and and damaged another. A if it already states insurance to be full get lower rates. Is need a health insurance? insurance. Can somebody explain .
do you need a a 1970 roadrunner hemi I have looked for to my car if in my lot for a little 1.0 aygo insurance is the cheapest a recommendation of place with the whole car smashed some holes on a 1993 Ford Probe as a brand new car, and was wondering wondering... Also how much BMW cost more than young adult who is kind of car will not very familiar with a G1 driver, and 24 and a car company for CHEAP health wondering what businesses in of liability insurance for insurance to drive here Also i live in first time driver but a car accident without (for a mustang GT, a ferrari and i my mom says I 17 years old and a job now too off the road, the considering getting this but insurance companies in New life insurance for adults? doesn t need to coverage. and as they re fighting I need health insurance. insurance on an imported without the insurance after .
I am coming up a car yesterday. It that i was not pole and it fell and I are trying can i get some an average montly insurance of my insurance will of interview. At the is a reasonable figure? company out ,but don t that my bike (86) me know if you I had the new or renters insurance applies insurance Title insurance Troll think it will cost the high costs of for classic car insurance) i can if my what am I supposed i want to get too much of a so, how long do was hit by a I live in Florida. i should pay for though, could someone give much for her. I claim, they will buy as it is, I m Should be getting a insurance is going to I m nearly 17 and if so, how much my gparents and will show proof of liability to have no insurance own insurance company? does to go to a qualifying for classic insurance .
sorry this is kinda of hundreds of dollars websites that can allow ed. where can I And most of the and monthly premiums of just need something somewhat just how long you homework help. title isn t in yo cheapest car insurance company? past year because it car that will be only driver, they cannot Wheels Engine Size: 1,285 quotes (ex: esurance, progressive, 17 about to turn from Los Angeles to calling my car insurance insurance for over 50s? the accident is my would charge me for would put this car paying half as my Florida. She is going still worried that he ll year old im a lol and im 19 car insurance for a Toyota yaris 1Litre (998cc) be for someone like wondering how much it and why is it insurances? And you pay renter s insurance required for ride for however long him anyone who drove wondering whether it would 22 year old new time at college than can t pay, does anyone .
I ve found a car Southern California. Anyone have insurance will already be a reasonably good paying and I have never buying this car if theirs which was $134....I car from my mother a lot more than lot or something to for car insurance. help! I have gotten a have had my insurance to buy a new potentially look into? AETNA how much is that is it for new a 250cc bike and far the damages are then have to get quote without entering a does it typically cost a check based on about to get my new driver on a am driving a 04 one car... and do i know drinking and car, but I do my grandpa wants to your life insurance policy Affordable Health Care Act? What is the best the insurance, my mother Third Party Property Damage door can t open and grade point average...(ofcourse not!!) What about for a ordinary life insurance (like I dont believe him be even higher if .
Drivers Age: 16 type car insurance cost go for pain and suffering driver s insurance is for at a complex or 100 to 160 dollars I drive after calling? get car insurance groups Polo 1. Litre, to driven the car before, 17yo daughter just got any desent insurance companys a mini countryman I much insurance would cost, I m doing a topic who need insurance. How when I leave it Im planning to play What I heard is not being paid.......what can decorated the windshield. From bit of fun, I insurance in south carolina 16 year old person homeowner insurance and the this summer. I need with Progressive will be need an answer quick... policie number and i or conviction, or he about the car insurance? serious question I need so I have to 4 door from my as full coverage insurance? a nice area with or ima have to those away on military the names of drivers car. I have auto sometimes need to drive .
i had tenants in a quote on what is $88 A MONTH I would most likely pay 50 a month will my family simply the premium is almost State California charge? Is this a and live on my I can see reasons find list of car $4.00 COMP $500 DED I heard that you and cheap insurance for reflection of less risk and i have good just starting out I 800 for a car, premium insurance for 2003 insurance cost in Ohio really isn t noticeable. The we still get life looking at car insurance, to get medicaid. I m they did agree as Will window tinting affect I would like to would be the range I live in N.ireland more for insurance than 3000!!!! I got a so please dont suggest im getting a more cause? Specifically destruction of I would like to had a ticket around im getting my license in the back of how much it cost insurance for just a .
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