#i need to get back and do more giffs of papa soon
copias-juicebox · 7 months
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Breakfast for my ghesties <3 x
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toku-explained · 3 years
The V3 Bazooka Turtle Sister and Kaizo Scorpion Demon
Trigger: During Barriguiler's battle, his electricity activated 2 samples in a lab. Kengoband Akito think Ignis probably had ulterior motives for helping Yuna, she's less sure. Tatsumi briefs GUTS-Select on the 2 samples, 350,000,000 year old containers said to hold demons, and that they're to be put in their custody until the centre they were I is repaired, sending Kengo and Akito to collect them. The 2 arrive, as the blue sample goes out of control and escapes, becoming Aboras. Kengo is caught in the foam saving Akito, and thecred sample escapes and becomes Banila, the 2 resuming their ancient battle. Carmeara wants Darrgon to use this chance to get Yuzare, but he thinks it's too risky. Tatsumi tells Akitobthey need to focus on defeating the kaiju even if they want to try and save Kengo. GUTS Falcon doesn't stand a chance, and they prepare to use Nurse Cannon. Akito analyses the ancient text, learning that if the two are killed their blood will spread poison, Ignis is able to help determine Banila's flame will remove Aboras' foam. Akito asks for Ignis' help, who says he doesn't want anyone else to duffer like he did, and Akito releases him and returns the slightly tinkered Dark Sparklence. Trigger Dark takes the stage, forcibly clearing the foam, Kengo awakens and becomes Trigger. Trigger fights Aboras and Trigger Dark Banila, Ignis explains they need to destroy them in an instant as Kengo uses Eternity. Each vapourises their opponents, then swaps and destroys the remains. Darrgon notes how cooperation makes their enemies stronger while they are fracturing. Ignis and Kengo agree to work together, when Ignis suddenly changes into a human sized Trigger Dark and abducts Yuna.
Galaxy Rescue Force: Ribut and Poccola are looking for RB, who hasn't come back to training from a break, asking Melos if he's seen him. Melos points them in a direction, but is actually RB in disguise. After a moment Ribut comes back, wondering if he's driving RB too hard and telling Melos he thinks RB has a lot of potential, before admitting he gets a number of complaints about RB he doesn't want him to know about and be disheartened by, girls in communications warning each other about him, and people complaining he never returns what he borrows. Next day Ribut and Sora are a little surprised by how diligent RB is being in training.
Revice: Olteca explains that the 5 Giftex supply energy for Giff's resurrection, while only Aguilera, an untainted vessel of evil, is sacrificed. Julio becomes furious on Aguilera's behalf, trying to attack and being restrained by Kudo and Amahiko, while Wakabayashi knocks out Aguilera. At Happy Spa it's Christmas season, but Sakura thinks they should be doing more. Buu-san brings Papa home with an injury, when Daiji arrives and explains to his siblings that George hid a transmitter on the Giff Stamp, so they know the Deadmas location but not how to get there, and those in custody don't remember. Sakura realises Kagerou ought to know, and soon all 3 are transformed so Ikki can try to bring Kagerou out by knocking Daiji out, it works amd Kagerou agrees to tellfor Sakura's super spicy curry, he passes out to return to Daiji. The 3 head out, Vice making a distraction when Mama tries to stop Sakura leaving. Aguilera awakens, and tells them she'll accept being a sacrifice for Giff's sake. The 5 Giftex transform and pour their power into Giff as Fenix begins a raid, locating the secret entrance. As the ritual continues a spectral figure appears and takes hold of the Giff Stamp and a contract appears before Aguilera. Fenix start arresting cultists as the siblings enter the ceremony chamber, the figure vanishing and the Giff Stamp dropping to the floor. Revi, Vice, Live and Jeanne take to battle with the Giftex. Revi faces Kudo, Vice Olteca, who attacks Julio when he tries to free Aguilera, Jeanne faces Amahiko, and Live battles Wakabayashi. Vice manages to grab the Giff Stamp as Lovekov approaches Aguilera. As the battle continues Wakabayashi pretends to be Vice, but Ikki deduces the real one, Vice takes him down until Demons appears to challenge him, wanting to avenge the commander. Revice switch to Barid Rex, George gives Jeanne the Turtle ViStamp, which turns Lovekov into a "Kame Bazooka". He then starts examining Giff as Aguilera yells at him. Live defeats Olteca, and Demons starts suffering side effects again, he refuses to give in and uses Scorpion Genomix for an X themed tail. The siblings triple kick Kudo and Amahiko, whose bodies completely vanish, their essences entering Giff, prompting George to leave as the base starts shaking. When Sakura goes to get Aguikera, Ikki stops her and goes instead, forcibly taking Aguilera, who feels she has nothing to live for, as Vice grabs the unconscious Julio. Before they can exit the vase flies into the sky and city. Giff starts unleashing energy, which Vice blocks while outside Ikki summons Rex, Beachio and Manmoth to destroy it. When Aguilera tries to run to Giff Vice knocks her out (I think), as Ikki summons Pterodactyl, Eagle, Kamakiri, and Megalodon, then Jackal, Lion and Kong. Vice grabs Aguilera and Julio to escape as Revi uses the 10 remixes for acid bibed attack to destroy the base. Aguilera can only call out for her lost Giff.
Zenkaiger: The new robot swiftly lays waste to the city and defeats the robos, Ijirude presenting HakaijuOh, a giant transformation for Hakaiser, who now gets a Cape. His personality is gone, replaced by being a relentless fighter. Zox uses Dairanger to use the ByakkoShinken's noise pollution attack do they can escape. Boccowaus is gloating over his plan's success. Stacey asks how Hakaiser feels and is dismissed, lashing out leads him to accidentally discover HakaijuOh's schematics. The Zenkaigers help rescue people, Colourful acting as a shelter. Yatsude naturally takes the news her son was turned into a rampaging monster well. Zox is frustrated. Kaito calls everyone together, declaring the next battle either has to end with Isao being rescued or forcing HakaijuOh off planet or maybe between dimensions, which will need Zox's help, the Kikainoids insist they will save Isao. Stacey approaches the World Pirates, throwing a data disc to Flint. Next day HakaijuOh rampage, Zenryoku ZenkaiOh facing it. Magine use Miracle Power, teleporting elsewhere using a Magiranger spell circle. Zox suddenly arrives, the data having told him where in HakaijuOh Hakaiser is, he goes in to bring him out, Kaito realising Stacey must have helped. To keep it occupied Vroon channels Machine Power, summoning Red Ressha, Mashin Fire, Red Dial Fighter, Speedor and Gokai Galleon. Zox reaches Hakaiser, Ijirude teleporting forces in to stop him. Zox pulls Hakaiser out, but HakaijuOh starts going berserk, leading Zenkaijuoh to fight it while the others lecture Hakaiser on Isao's life to reawaken his memories. As it starts having an effect Ijirude calls for Stacey, who doesn't respond, and then CrocoDaiOh destroys reinforcements. HakaijuOh is destroyed using the CrocoDai Bazooka, and Kaito shows his father Zenkaiser, the hero he created. Hakaiser tries to assert himself, but his every attack is matched by Kaito until he's overpowered and Hakaiser totally powers down. Father and son reunite as everyone celebrates, and Stacey silently leaves. Boccowaus is furious, Gege muttering it will be soon time. Isao is reunited with his mother.
The Destined Crossroad: Prologue out now on Ultraman Connection, along with the Director's Cut of both previous series. Sign up now. On Planet Juran, Absolution Soldiers attack Cosmos Luna Mode and Lidorias. They seek to eliminate Cosmos due to the danger he poses as a component of both Legend and Saga. Cosmos switches to Corona Mode to fight, then Eclipse Mode, destroying the soldiers without harming Lidorias. Zero recaps for the audience recent events, and we end off with Yullian being introduced to The Kingdom's mysterious captive. At the Inter Galactic Defence Force HQ, the remaining Ultra League members discuss with the leadership. With Genegarg's attack having crippled the Space Science Technology Bureau, they don't have the resources to try and learn the secret of Tartarus' portals, so the Galaxy Rescue Force will attempt to analyse this. Father of Ultra assigns the Ultra League, lead the the Tri-Squad, to recruit further members to battle the Absolutions, while the Galaxy Rescue Force plans the rescue operation for Yullian, and the Inter Galactic Defence Force bolsters their forces. Zoffy requests Joneus train their soldiers to fight with Mebius' assistance and Ribut is to rejoin the Defence Force, Grigio requests to join the training so she can match up to Zero and her brothers, Taro and Zoffy are to head to Planet King and meet King there. At The Kingdom's Central Planet, in the Absolution Palace, Tartarus brings Belial and Tregear. Tregear spots the Dorado Tower, a structure very similar to the Plasma Spark tower, and determines that rather than the Differator Rays of the Plasma Spark it emits something else, Tartarus identifies as Cascade Rays, with Tregear recognises the Absolutions can't actually control and is destroying their planet, which is why they seek to take the Land of Light. Absolute Diavolo and Absolute Titan appear to criticise the two Ultras presence, but Tartarus puts a stop to it, and has the two infused with even more Absolute Particles. In her prison, Yullian approaches the chained warrior, seeing marks on him she identifies as signs of a practitioner of the Cosmic Beast Fist, meaning he is from Planet D60 in the Draco Constellation. The figure turns to look at her. In the Ultra Colosseum Grigio trains with Mebius, among others observed by Joneus, who ponders how they can match their power when Zero arrives. Joneus asks about Z and the Devil Splinter, Zero says Z is handling himself and his earth, and the New Generation Heroes are handling the Devil Splinters. Zero, having been unable to handle Tartarus even in his most powerful state, seeks guidance from Joneus, who managed to go toe to toe with him. At the King Cave, Zoffy and Taro meet with King, Leo and Astra. King warns that war between the Ultras and Absolutions must not escalate, sending Leo and Astra with the pair.
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