#i need to find energy to edit things here because lol i'm not a girl
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s-ephiroth · 2 years ago
going from maining twitter to here is so wild because I run into familiar names and I'm like "did I block you on twitter... do I need to block you here too so you don't access me?"
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lily-alphonse · 5 months ago
for the rarepairs:
hear me out, Haley x sandy, they just have so much potential omg.
also another ship that has been on my mind is robin x Haley, I don't even know why.
After getting this ask I edited my masterlist post to specify only one ship at once bc these posts would be way too long otherwise, so Im glad someone else asked for Haley x Sandy so I could answer both of these! Check that one out here for the first part of your question.
Haley x Robin
Making Haley a homewrecker smh lol
I'm wracking my brain rn trying to think of when they would literally ever even cross paths, Haley doesn't even go to the saloon. They have no reason to speak to each other. Haley doesn't hang out with Seb or Maru. She wouldn't need Robin to build anything.
Ok mind is taking me to Robin's friends. The aerobics class. And they gossip outside all the time in the square. Ok ok ok getting somewhere, I think.
Haley has another fight with Emily about not pulling her weight and how she has to grow up and do something with her life. In an effort to prove that she can be mature she joins Caroline, Robin, and Jodi outside to chat thinking its gonna be boring as hell but it's NOT.
It starts out that way. Boring and awkward because the women aren't sure how to be around her at first. Jodi asks Haley if she's doing anything for work and that goes about as well as expected. But Robin asks about her photography and Haley lights up, talking about how she got a new lens that can take macro photos of flowers and insects and she's having a great time with it.
Things are less tense then, and the ladies end up gossiping, and it's actually kind of fun. Robin is the coolest of the bunch, Jodi talks the most but she's so judgemental (which can be fun in small doses but gets old) and Caroline is the quietest and most high-strung. They invite her to aerobics class and she gives a noncommital answer.
But she keeps joining them outside to chat, and it's nice. She doesn't always have much to say but Robin at least always engages her, and she finds herself gravitating towards her. When Caroline brings out teas for all of them, she feels really included and adult.
She joins them for aerobics and its the first time Haley starts to consider she might have a thing for Sebastian's mom. Not only is she fit as hell (those carpentry arms go crazy) but she's silly and fun and gets Haley dancing around without doing any particular moves and just vibing. Haley's got heart eyes for her by the end of it. Watching her leave, she decides to jog up next to her, asking if they can walk together since she could go for a walk in the fresh air to wrap up the workout. Robin obviously accepts and they finally have a moment to talk alone.
When Haley asks her where she learned to dance like that, Robin laughs. She got around in her day. It turns out, a young Robin was quite similar to Haley. And it's easy to believe. She's still gorgeous, and has this sort of effortless cool girl energy that has only gotten mellower with age.
Conversation flows as they talk about their exploits, and the walk ends too quickly. The lake near Robin's house is beautiful, and Haley suggests she might have to come take some pictures up here sometime. It's only a little stretch of the truth...
Haley continues to meet with the women of the town, actually beginning to feel more mature. She's inspired to start looking into college courses. The aerobics class is the highlight of her week, because she gets to let loose. Afterward she makes a habit of walking Robin home, sometimes even challenging her to a race, and Robin even feels a little younger for it.
Sometimes she comes across her when she is up on the mountain taking pictures, and Robin invites her in for lemonade.
On one occasion taking pictures of a nesting falcon by the lake, Robin storms outside, slamming the front door behind her and stomping into the woods. She doesn't see Haley at first, and crouches behind a tree with her head in her hands.
“Robin?” Haley approaches hesitantly, stowing her camera.
Robin starts with a sniffle, quickly wiping her face. “Oh! Haley! Hi, you surprised me.” She clears her throat.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh,” Robin shakes her head and waves her away, “Nothing, I’m being silly.” She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. “I don’t suppose I can convince you to just forget you saw this?”
“No, what’s wrong? You know you can talk to me.” Haley sits next to her in the grass, giving her an encouraging smile when she looks at her again.
“No, it’s… adult stuff. Nothing I should be telling you.”
Haley is a bit hurt at that. Robin has always treated her like an adult, encouraged her even, when she felt like she wasn’t mature enough to handle what life through at her. “Are you saying I’m not an adult now?”
But from Robin’s perspective, how are you supposed to explain you can’t vent about marriage trouble to a girl your son’s age. It wouldn’t be right. She sighs. “No, Haley, that’s not what I’m saying, I’m sorry. You’re right, and we talk about adult stuff all the time, this is just… this is personal.”
“We talk about personal stuff all the time, too,” Haley encourages.
Robin looks down at the grass for a beat, thinking. “Just… marital stuff. Marriage… shit. Arguing.” She growls and put her head down on her bent knees.
Haley scoffs. “Boys.”
It makes Robin laugh and lift her head again. “Except not, since, you know, adults.”
“Boys never mature,” Haley shot back snidely, to Robin’s amusement.
“I’ll give you that!” And then she’s quiet again, chin resting on her knees now to look out at the lake in reflection. “Don’t get married, Haley,” she murmurs. “And don’t get stuck here. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you.”
“And you don’t?” Haley asks right away, catching Robin off guard.
She lifts her head to look at Haley again. “Well… no, I don’t think so. I’m stuck.”
“Um, excuse me, who are you and what have you done with the badass woman I know? From where I’m standing I feel like you could do anything you wanted.”
“That’s really kind of you to say, Haley,” she responds with a sad smile.
“I’m not kind. I don’t say things to be kind, I say them because I mean them.”
Robin’s smile widens. She’s always liked Haley’s spunk. “I know. Thank you, anyway.”
“Why did you get married?”
She sighed again, her smile dropping. “Being a single mom is so hard. Don’t do that either, by the way. I actually… I would’ve been happier, I think, if Demetrius was alright being my boyfriend instead. I didn’t want to get married again, but image is so important in small towns, you know? And especially with young kids it just makes life easier.”
“You don’t have young kids anymore. And you don’t actually strike me as someone who gives a fuck about her image, no offense.”
Robin is quiet again for a while, mulling over her words. “You’re right.” She stands and Haley follows suit. “Sorry again you had to see this.”
“Don’t apologize.”
“Okay,” Robin huffs a chuckle. “Thank you?”
“You’re welcome.” Haley smiles, and Robin suddenly reaches out and hugs her tightly. She smells like sweat and pine and wood shavings and Haley wants to burn the feeling of her flannel into her skin.
Haley wraps her arms around her waist, her face in the crook of her neck, and squeezes her close, and suddenly the air has changed. It doesn’t feel like a platonic hug anymore. But neither of them are letting go and it’s gone on a second too long.
Haley clutches at the back of her flannel. Lifts her head to be level with Robin, cheek to cheek. She can hear Robin’s shallow breathing.
“Haley…” Robin says hesitantly. Almost a warning, if it wasn’t dripping with a breathless lust.
Haley pulls back, just enough to kiss her.
Nyaha chew on that lmao pls note I do not hate Demetrius/Robin in any way I think theyre good together but you see how the asks force my hand! I only do what the little anon faces ask so nicely for me to do
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years ago
hello! a few hours from now, the epilogue of go on, claim my heart, the my fair lady sequel, is gonna be posting, so i wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who has stopped by my lil corner of the internet to read what has become my largest writing project to date. i had no idea what i was getting myself into when i first started writing mfl, especially not half a year of feverish, near-obsessive plotting and writing and rewriting this story that would not leave me alone. a lot of things fell to the wayside as i wrote mfl and gocmh, and i don't regret any of it, because i can safely say that this is the writing that i am the most proud of.
i want to thank @romeoandjulietyouwish in particular for her graciously allowing me to play in her sandbox. no one's mind works like lis's, and as i have said before, she comes up with so many fucking stellar ideas that she leaves crumbs for the rest of us, so i'm super grateful that she's so kind about letting us take those crumbs and make them our own. mfl wouldn't exist without you, lis, so thank you, thank you, thank you.
i also could not wrap this series without calling out the two best readers a girl could ask for, @ravendruid and @crispysnake. y'all are fucking unhinged, but it is the exact energy that every writer needs to keep going. i can't tell you the number of times a drabble or chapter posted that i wasn't particularly fond of that you two completely changed my opinion about. you two are the kindest, most enthusiastic, most generous readers, and i'm so lucky that you're also my friends. please continue to be absolutely batshit in my tags; it's the only thing that keeps me going.
(also @otterlycaleb made fucking ART about this shit, what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK—)
a hopefully but probably not quick note about the future of mfl: today, like literally right now, i am in the middle of my first day of work at a brand new job, one that will require me to move my entire life halfway across the country, back to my hometown. it is big and scary and exhilarating and everything i've been hoping for, and i feel so, so lucky. this does mean that for the next little bit, while i learn a new job and pick up my shit and drive cross-country, i will probably be less able to write long or short fics, so i hope y'all don't mind me shutting up for the first time in forever. that being said, while i have absolutely no plans to write a third installment in the mfl 'verse, that doesn't mean there isn't more to say (as y'all will find out in like three and a half hours lol). i fully plan on still writing tmwiw drabbles set before, during, and after mfl/gocmh, and i will still be accepting prompts and requests for drabbles set in this 'verse until i say otherwise. mfl will always occupy an inordinate amount of my brain space, and i refuse to not share that with y'all.
additionally! starting very soon (like, maybe tomorrow? we'll see how busy i am, lol), i will be posting to ao3 the entirety of the mfl 'verse in chronological order. every chapter, one-shot, and drabble, in the order that they happened. another massive shout-out to @ravendruid for being my own personal lore-keeper on this; she read every single mfl chapter, tmwiw drabble, and one-shot to help me get this shit in order. the ao3 work will be titled i've come a long, long way (also from "my fair lady" by kaleo, are we seeing a pattern here?), and the plan is to post five chapters a day until the whole thing is up (although, again, with the moving this might get a lil wibbly wobbly). there will be some additional proofreading edits to these chapters (sometimes i can't spell!!) but nothing about the substance of these chapters will change, so this is just for people who like their stories to be told chronologically (fucking weirdos). this work will only be available on ao3, although it will be linked on my mfl masterpost.
ok, i think i am done for now. i have taken up enough of your time, in so many more ways than one. thank you again, if you read every single installment of the mfl saga or if you just read a paragraph. all of it means the world to me, and i know i never would have continued past the first chapter if i weren't part of such a wonderful, loving, generous, brilliant community. i've only been watching critical role for just over a year now, part of the fandom for even less than that, and i can't believe i haven't always had y'all in my life. please continue to love and support each other, and thank you for loving and supporting me.
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maddiem4 · 2 years ago
My ex and I: you know what, we're terrible partners but not terrible friends, we should be friends still.
My ex: I have very little else going in my life than spamming your phone and treating you like you're still my only lifeline.
Like.... god I don't want to be a bitch to anyone in crisis, and it's complicated for someone that hurt you a lot but you're also finally on better terms with... but Jesus Christ god damn befriend some other bitches. You have so much psychic weight, I'm not mocking that or belittling it, but YOU NEED TO FIND OTHER VENUES TO SPREAD THAT LOAD OUT. How are you still vamping my energy? Like I'm pretty sure I fiiiiinally have a horny girl in my DMs post-separation, I've been looking forward to popping my laptop open about it since I finished my laundry, and just.... duuuuuuude. Sorry about your panic attacks but can you PLEASE go somewhere else about it. I have a life over here.
At least now I can tell him shit like that. I'm still gonna try to be nice. But... argh. These things are specifically not my problem anymore. Yeah we're friends but... this pushes the boundaries of the kind of friends we are, and I gotta assert that "I see us as X kind, not Y kind." Because I will not go through this again.
EDIT: Not gonna post screenshots, but the convo is over with him saying: "Then why did you ask me to elaborate? You know what, don't answer that. Goodnight." And I'm thinking thank god, but when did I ask him to elaborate? And I realize it's when he said something weirdly and I asked for the most basic clarification (that he was talking about during our relationship, not after). My head hurts. I wanted to take nudes and now I just want Advil. Fucking hell, I wish I didn't know why you were like this, so I could have the satisfaction of shaking my fist at the sky and asking it rhetorically.
FINAL EDIT: I got drunk and sent a ton of nudes anyways. The girl who asked wasn't online anymore, but I really really hope she'll wake up and be like "ooooh I do like these, nice". Also how sexually starved must I be that a girl sends one small polite message asking, and I send like 20 pictures? With text in between? Probably a lot lol.
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 3 years ago
how you get the boy; edited with follow up
Hi! I wanted to ask you about some advice if you are okay with it.. So I'm really shy and introverted right? But not in my brain if that makes sense.
I wasn't like that when I was younger I was even quiet extroverted but when i was in high school I started to get bullied maybe not as much as some people but it still effected me and I started to keep myself apart from most people. I had already started doing that when i was in middle school but after the bullying it got worse and it wasn't just being shy anymore i just lost my confidence. So now here i am in college with almost no friends from my classes, never had a boyfriend in her life and just alone. Don't get me wrong i love my alone time and I'm pretty good at keeping myself company with my hobbies so this wasn't a big deal to me but I started to like this boy and now I don't know what to do? I'm this confident, witty person in my head ,for god's sake even way before i became an army my friend would tell me i'm the girl version of Jk in every way(btw he's my bias now so she hit jackpot but that's not the point)but I can't seem to show that side of me outside and it's not because of him i just got so used to being the shy girl idk how to change that in any occasion now.
Let's say I built up the courage and talked to him and everything went great idk what to do after that either?? My friends don't get it because they've done the deed way before and it's no big deal to them but to me it kinda is because i've never done anything so i'm both scared and insecure about it. I know I shouldn't care about being late and it's no big deal but I can't get my mind out of it.
Yeah that was my little rant, sorry about that but your answers to others to this day had always made me safe I didn't know who to ask about this... if you'll decide to answer it thank you in advance <3
Man, I hate that you were forced to change to protect yourself. Fuck bullies. Is this why JK is learning boxing? Violence is never the answer but also revenge isn't a question, right? XD
(I am 100% joking, pls don't beat anybody up... or at least don't tell me)
The way you are describing it seems like your introversion is a learned behavior that you adapted to protect yourself from things outside of your control. Just as you have learned to act this way, you can learn to act how you are "in your brain".
You could consistently expose yourself to situations where you actively choose between "initial reaction" (how you would usually react) and "desired reaction" (how you want to react). This is called cognitive behavioral therapy, which is just a fancy way of saying you are basically reintroducing and rebuilding associations little by little. Saying hello and have a nice day to a cashier. Complimenting a stranger. Having a conversation when you normally wouldn't. Then, as you do so, you need to be aware of your own thoughts. Your initial reaction might immediately be, don't say anything, they don't care, but these are negative thought patterns and you can put a stop to it. No, I am putting out positive energy to the world and some people will appreciate it. Instead of thinking about things you might want to do, do them. In order to break the cycle, you must rebuild a new one. It will take time. It will be jarring for you since you have to actively think about how you are acting and thinking, however if this is your natural personality, it may be easier than you think.
Also if you like him and haven't talked to him, but you're already thinking about doing the deed... lol, slow down. What if you talk to him and don't like him? Being in a relationship and being friends are two completely different things. Even if you're just casually bonking, values have to line up, trust needs to be built. People who move fast either make horrible mistakes or know exactly what they're doing. So take it easy and get to know him first. Find similar interests, get involved in his, see if he's interested in yours (if he's not, that's sus).
Everyone's first time is different and most women's first times are, ahem, trash. XD Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself. You have to see if he's even worth it first. You should feel comfortable in your first time and when the time comes, do what feels good. Sure, it might be awkward and weird, so what? You'll improve time after time. This isn't the end of the line. This is a beginning. Cherish it as a fun experience, but don't put it on a pedestal.
You're not late. There's no timetable for when people should start having sex. That would be odd. Besides, after you start having consistent sex, you'll start to realize
"Wow, my first time sucked compared to how I am now!"
oh right and how you get the boy
Just be yourself. If he wants to be part of the journey, awesome! If he doesn't, yeet him. He doesn't deserve you at your best if he can't handle your worst, right? (but honestly I think you're fine, this is you trying to regain who you are as a person and has very little to do with him XD)
Aggh i love your answer you have no idea!!! I've been thinking the same think myself too for some time and that's a big part of why I wrote to you because I'm not dumb right? lol if I can be that person when I'm alone or how I was that person when I was younger that means I had that in me. I guess I wanted to make sure so thank you!!
Oh and for the boy it's not like I've never talked to him, I do. Because it's a small class we've had conversations but not TALK talked just us you know? That's what I was trying to say but ig i put it out wrong. I was never the one to just like someone because of how they look or things like that so my crush to him already comes from his thoughts mostly, that's why I was also asking about the deed hahah but I get what you mean.
Thank you again for focusing on the important question and forgetting about the boy till the last minute ahahha!!
Oh, haha, I was missing that detail and super confused, I was thinking, why is she talking about doing the deed so fast LOL but that makes more sense. Yes, I think, in time, once you take pause and assess how you're acting / thinking (if that's learned from the previous bullying or how you truly feel), you will be able to bring out your extroversion again and hopefully you will feel a lot more like yourself. It will take practice and time, but you can do it. :)
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hellswolfie · 4 years ago
I saw there were going to be 3 new remakes (crossed fingers it really happens). So, in honnor of that, I decided to make my list of the remake characters (I find it fascinating how each characters is derived from the same character but still manage to be different somehow). Begining with Eva's. Feel free to discuss in the comments (respectfully of course, and if anyone actually reads this lol)
(also, since I never watched Skam Italia, I obviously won't include it)
Ok let's go!
Edit :
Here is the Jonas ranking
Here is the Noora ranking
Here is the William ranking
Here is the Isak ranking
Here is the Even ranking
Here is the Sana ranking
1- Isa (skam nl)
I have a mixed feelings about her season but damn I LOVE HER SO MUCH. She's a real ray of sunshine! I loved witnessing her chaotic energy, how she was allowed to be weird and a real disaster while still being written as a human being with real flaws and serious issues (something that does not happen often with female characters). And like yeah, there are so many girls like that and we should see it more in media, not to mention it made her friendships with the girl squad more realistic because they were just having fun being weirdos together and that is friendship goal ^^ She's also probably the most relatable Eva of the remakes, which is one of this character's main purpose imo, without making her too much "hEy LoOK aT mE, i'M sO qUirKy aNd RelAtABle lOLiLoL". Her evolution was very well handled, although she really deserved to gave the Eva speech to Kes :( All in all, she's defintely the one I enjoyed the most following, she was just so endearing and fun!!
2- Megan (skam austin)
It's apparently a controversial opinion, but I REALLY like her. I could really relate to her feelings of being pressured by the school system, and how she wasn't really expressive because of her isolation (and probably depression). Like she wasn't over-the-top, she felt real. She could be so nice but also snarky when she needed to be, way more than Eva ever was, and I liked seeing that. Plus, I really appreciated how they actually talked about her issues regarding alcohol in season 2. It was nice they still continued to work with her character after her season, to still show her as this flawed human being who still had things to deal with and not just the main's BFF. I really loved her plot with Shay, I found it so different and interesting because the betrayal felt...So much worst. And then we could see the consequences of it in season 2 (also she totally should have end up with her like wtf is she doing with Marlon at the end of season 2 we needed a season 3 if only to fix this fuckery!!!). Also like...i'm weak for girls with colored hair dont judge me ^^
3- Emma (skam france)
I have to admit, she was kind of boring at times, and she could annoy me a lot too. But also she's so sweet and cute, and it's definitely the kind of girl that I met in real life. I love that they showed her being an amazing friend to Manon in season 3. And then...season 4 happened. And not only did she treat Alex like shit but she treated IMANE like shit, and that was....extremely hard to watch. At least Manon and Alexia had some semblance of a reason to be mad at Imane (even though it still doesn't excuse anything!!) but she didn't even have any, and when Imane tried to call out Ingrid for her racism, she made it all about her!!! But anyway season 5 kind of reconciled me with her, showing her once again as the girl who is a really lost in her life and doesn't really know what she wants (something really relatable, not everyone has their life figured out at that age, I should know lol), but still being there to listen to her friends and very emotionally intelligent (because grades don't define whether you're smart or stupid, and I'm glad they showed us that). Plus, the fact that she chose to remain single simply because she realized she actually liked it was a great thing to do with her character! But like why was she always shown being there to listen to her friends and noticing when they were feeling bad except with Imane??? (well we know why but still)
4- Eva (skam espana)
I have my issues with Skam espana, but I have to admit that their Eva season was probably the best one of the remakes. The way they handled her character was amazing! She was allowed to have flaws and fucks up numerous times even though we can still understand where she's coming from, and most importantly she actually owns up to it! Her transformation to being all alone and having low self-esteem to being this confident woman with great friends was SO great to see. But then, with the other seasons, she really annoyed me. I really appreciate that her relationship with Ingrid and Lucas were not forgotten, and, like with Emma, I like how her character showed that one can be happy and getting their life together without having to be in a romantic relationship. but other than that it felt like she was only there to say the woke things or be the quirky, super confident friend, and so she just ended up being a caricature of herself. That was a shame because her character defintely had potential...
5- Hanna (Druck)
I...honestly don't have much to say about her. I liked her season fine, and I really felt for her sometimes. But I honestly don't have any attachment to her. I don't really know why, she's just really "meh" for me. Maybe it's because I feel like her relationship with other characters were not given enough depth, altho I liked seeing her friendship with Matteo in season 3, but it's more for the idea of it than anything else. And I know it's not her fault, but the fact she was given a whole episode in season 4, taking it from Amira even though she already had her own season...It really made me resent her, ngl...But I honestly just don't care about her. Sorry.
6-Jana (WTFock)
I'm not gonna make friends with this one lmao, but I'm at a point where I just can't stand her. I really liked her season, her issues were portrayed in a very realistic and understanble way, and the scene where she breaks up with Jonas is my favorite Joneva break up scene of the skam remakes. But then, in season 2, she did the whole "I'm gonna flirt with Robbe and if he rejects me, his best friend's ex, that totally means he's gay !!!", which is so stupid and unapropriate (to put it mildly) in so many ways, but no she just found it so funny haha even after what she did made him very obvioulsy uncomfortable. I mean yes, if I remember well, Eva mentionned doing that to Isak, but she wasn't serious!! And she only ended flirting with him because she was miserable and completely drunk!!! At this point I already hated her, but, anyway, at least she appologized in season 3. Well, she didn't really seem to understand that it still would have been hella wrong to do that had Robbe been straight (lol), but still, she was at least aknwoledging that it was wrong and I was ready to forgive her. But then, she blindly believed Britt about Sander's mental illness, thought that because the girl had dated him for like 6 months that made her an expert, talked to Robbe about it as if she knew better than him without thinking twice about how SANDER might think or feel, and had this whole speech about how Britt is oh so strong to allow someone with a bipolar disorder to date her (like seriously fuck you), and when Sander went to the mental hospital she apparently spoke about it to everyone around her. And after that, she was still made out to be this great person and friend and it was so irritating!!! So yeah, not a fan. WTFock season 3 didn't spare many characters honestly lol. I have to say, thought, their season 4 made me appreciate her more (yeah it was that bad).
I really want to add that those are MY opinions, no one has to agree with me. My dislike for some characters are only directed to the characters, and definitely not for those who do like them.
Like I said, feel free to discuss in the comments ^^
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punkscowardschampions · 5 years ago
Janis & Jimmy
Janis: you're such a twat Janis: 👊🖕😡 Jimmy: bit rude Janis: what's rude is I'm stuck in biology Jimmy: tell 'em there's nowt they can teach you Jimmy: I've already done it, like Janis: gross Janis: but detention would probably beat this Janis: none of the skeleton army would be in there, at least, even if it's one of the less annoying ones Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: not like getting sent out is any sort of challenge Jimmy: or owt you need me for Jimmy: but I'm here without my muse 💔🎻💔 Janis: school trips are forced fun Janis: but I ain't feeling sorry for you Jimmy: come on Jimmy: gimme a bit Janis: get me something from the gift shop and I'll consider it Janis: #peakromance that Jimmy: duh Jimmy: saved my tips for days Janis: 😍😍😍 Janis: buzzin', love keyrings, me Jimmy: funny that 'cause I've never seen you use a key to get in anywhere Janis: exactly, like serial killer trophies for all the houses I've violated Janis: 😈 Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: Seriously though Janis: how wank is it Jimmy: what's the scale? Janis: Hmm, good question, boy Janis: assuming we're talking about quality, let's say best case is that weird thing you did that one time that felt so good you're scared to do it again and become a fulltimedeviantTM and worst case is like finishing in a sock you'd already ruined earlier and forgot about Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: real poet you are Jimmy: gonna steal them words for my tripadvisor review in a bit tah Jimmy: it don't matter I still want you to show your face down here for me Jimmy: 🏃 girl 🏃 Janis: always the way Janis: should be making my own art but full time occupation 'inspiring' you Janis: that said, I don't think your teach is so concerned about your art suffering she'll forget I ain't in her class, like Jimmy: you are art baby Jimmy: can't call it a gallery if you ain't hanging around Jimmy: lots of other knobheads are though, get lost in a crowd and find me, barely a challenge Janis: 🙄 you are ridiculous Janis: but I get it, gotta have me on the wall asap Janis: I am really fucking bored Jimmy: direct quote me when you tweet later 💕 Jimmy: the 1 correction being against the wall Janis: performance art Janis: how bold of you 😏 Jimmy: can't let you stay bored Jimmy: ain't #goals Janis: true Janis: move fast in this place Janis: go away for one day and your 👑 is taken like that Jimmy: good thing you're such an athlete then, babe Janis: say I'm thinking about it Janis: I reckon you'd owe me Janis: more than a keyring, like Jimmy: alright Janis: you must really miss me Jimmy: shut up, I said alright Jimmy: are you thinking about what you want or just how you're getting here? Janis: maybe I wanted you to say you miss me sooooooo much and you've really shit the bed there, mate Jimmy: do you? Janis: you're alright Janis: I'm just getting chucked out Jimmy: 🏆💪 Janis: just saying, if I SOS you now, you've got no out 'cos I'm saving you, yeah Jimmy: weren't gonna say fuck off to an SOS anyway, IOU or nah, was I? Jimmy: not very romantic that Janis: 💕 Janis: always nice to use a bit of coercion and control though, however necessary Janis: keeps it fresh, babe Jimmy: 💌 got it in writing there Jimmy: you're saving me, I'll save you right back Janis: so quotable today, you Janis: you're meant to be all visual Janis: 📷=1000 you know Jimmy: keeping it fresh like you said Jimmy: besides Jimmy: [sends her a pic of a half done done drawing of her he's working on instead of what he's meant to be doing] Jimmy: 🎨 = 1000 euros easy, mate Janis: damn Janis: I'm on my way Janis: you didn't have to be actually talented and cute about it Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: don't run too fast I've gotta finish and stick it up on a bit of blank wall first Janis: I won't Janis: even if I'll admit I have missed seeing your face about here, like Jimmy: it's the accent really Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: paddy lingo gets a bit samey when it's not !!!!!!!!!!!! Janis: yeah, your dulcet tones really do it for me Janis: what can I say? nice not having to pretend I can understand what you're chatting Jimmy: I know but tah for putting it on record Janis: you ain't allowed to put that in any sort of review, soz Jimmy: I won't, you can do better Janis: I'd say thanks for the faith but we all know you're just being cocky Jimmy: don't sound like me that Janis: no? Janis: sorry, who am I speaking to again Jimmy: 👻 lad Jimmy: cause of 💀 that brutal bit of #bants Janis: oh right, casper well can you get someone in here who is a bit cocky Janis: no offense but you're too nice for me, like Jimmy: 💔💔 Janis: see what I mean Jimmy: so demanding you Janis: yeah and what Jimmy: not part of the deal, were it? Janis: what wasn't? Jimmy: owt #ungoals Janis: do YOU know who you're talking to rn Jimmy: hang on, I'll get it Jimmy: starts with a J? Janis: 🖕 Janis: dickhead 😏 Jimmy: I do miss you Jimmy: no need to get a big head or make it weird but just Janis: I know Jimmy: do you know now's when you say it back Janis: I said it earlier! Janis: weren't you listening Jimmy: and what you're live tweeting? that character limit'll fuck you every time, gutted Janis: just saying Janis: we're even Janis: but I'll say it again if you want me to win, like Jimmy: how's that work? if you say it again I win Jimmy: it's me that wants to hear it Janis: rude that you want me to lose then Janis: but it don't feel like losing to me so Janis: I missed you Janis: more than I should, I reckon Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Jimmy: nowt personal Jimmy: and I reckon you miss me the decent amount considering, like Janis: it's cool, I get to be #1 best gf ever and you can read about the shit job you're doing in my subtweets, like Janis: and what was that about not getting a big head? 🤔 Jimmy: do as I say not as I do, girl Jimmy: the northern approach to dating there for yous Janis: how's that worked for you so far Janis: #toosoon? Jimmy: 💔💀💀💔 Jimmy: #savage Janis: just sayin' Janis: don't reckon you should be going to your da for that advice Jimmy: too soon for me to be lining up the next girls who might fall for the looking at 'em instead of the paintings bollocks? Janis: 'course not Janis: got your pick of the art hoes, they'll lap it up Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: I'll crack on then Janis: I'll go home then Jimmy: I'll meet you there in a bit then Janis: 😑 Jimmy: it's alright save your enthusiasm for the IRL Janis: you're so annoying Jimmy: 💕 Janis: do you want me there or what 'cos I'm out Jimmy: do you wanna be here or what? Janis: obviously Janis: sounds like a blast Jimmy: so come on Janis: don't be a twat Jimmy: join the fun Janis: awh, you think I'm not always a twat Janis: how sweet Jimmy: you might have a couple of decent mins per day Janis: 💕 Jimmy: [snap] Janis: was about to say can't say the same for you but at least you're funny Janis: 😂 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: soz to break up your suck sesh but already on the bus so Jimmy: she'll be done soon Jimmy: no energy Janis: draining yours boy Jimmy: if she ends up swallowing my soul have a word with your god for me Jimmy: weren't my fault Jimmy: 🤞 she'll spit Janis: that's exactly the kinda sentiment that's keeping you out of heaven Janis: I ain't ruining my chances, soz Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: have to keep badgering you for that 💀 death pact, eh, Juliet Jimmy: doing yourself in still a sin, yeah? Janis: last I checked Janis: he's not doing edits still, like Janis: 'less you wanna join one of those weird ones Jimmy: 👌👍 Jimmy: #datenight is still on 🔥💕 Janis: 😂 Janis: got a whole list to get through Jimmy: [sends her a pic of that drawing of her finished and stuck to the wall cos he's a nerd] Jimmy: just wiped my to do one til you get here Janis: Impressed Janis: but only a few minutes away so don't pat yourself on the back too hard yet Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: why would I when I've got you to do it for me Janis: not what I had in mind but alright Jimmy: gotta keep that one track mind of yours on a heavenly track, babe Jimmy: not gonna be your ruin unless you ask for it Janis: but I don't wanna talk Janis: or pray Jimmy: if you look like you're praying that might get the job done Jimmy: try it Janis: boy Jimmy: What? Janis: I'm trying to focus here Jimmy: if you ain't up for the challenge Janis: shut up Janis: 'course I am Jimmy: don't sound like it Janis: you want me to do it now Janis: I was waiting 'til I got there but alright Jimmy: alright, shut up Janis: not really feeling the randoms on this bus but you know Jimmy: hang on, I'll get the orchestra Janis: got a few stops for someone hot to get on Janis: don't cry for me yet Jimmy: but I'm so close to tears Janis: I'll get you there baby Janis: ����💔 Jimmy: #ultimategoals Janis: you know it Janis: so 🍀 you Jimmy: [tweets something extra about how lucky he is lol] Jimmy: now they know it an' all Jimmy: so welcome you Janis: 😏 Janis: so whipped too but can keep that between us Jimmy: 👍 Janis: right, coming in, where are you lot so I can avoid Jimmy: I'll do a slow mo run to the entrance Jimmy: 1 sec Janis: if anyone asks, I don't know you Jimmy: kissing strangers is fun, don't blame you Janis: try not to let on that you're that bored already Jimmy: 🤐 Jimmy: can stay between me and you Janis: can't let the fans down, like Jimmy: [appears and kisses her really dramatically only for the fans tho obvs] Janis: [sure guys lmao] Jimmy: [take your excuse to be really extra boy cos the fans are gonna love this can't deny it] Janis: ['hey, stranger'] Jimmy: [😏 and more kisses because always] Janis: ['come on then' like lead the way so we aren't just in the entrance like hello] Jimmy: [casual hand holding moment obvs he leads her to pose with the drawing cos we can pretend that's for the fans but really he wants it off the wall cos don't think its that good, oh boy I feel you] Janis: [such a proud little nerd face] Jimmy: [lowkey can't look at it or the bae so good thing he's 📷] Janis: [looks at the pics and does a 👍 too] Jimmy: [take the pic down and run to another part of this gallery] Janis: [when you're doing your best serious art appreciation impression looking at all the paintings like 🤔] Jimmy: [just loling at her cos you're already having more fun in these few mins than you have the whole time you've been there so far] Janis: [shushing him dramatically, probably making more noise than his lol 'this is a museum, show some respect'] Jimmy: [giving her a look like make me and saying 'or what?' as standard] Janis: [you know those doublesided benches they always have in the middle, casually pushing him down on that for a lap makeout moment] Jimmy: [such a mood, not soz other visitors] Janis: just getting tuts from the random old people who loiter everywhere in the day lmao] Jimmy: [doing the most to annoy them even more when he hears the disapproval cos 100% that bitch] Janis: Same honestly Janis: like don't test 'em lmao Janis: [] Jimmy: [so well suited you two] Janis: ['can I keep it?' the pic, obvs] Jimmy: [takes it out of his pocket and puts it into hers] Janis: ['big head, like' but really you just like it 'cos he did it] Jimmy: [kisses her on the head 'you can pull it off'] Janis: ['nerd' but kisses him back and it's way more soft than before when she was going in] Jimmy: [we love a soft moment] Janis: ['it's so boring when you're not there...and shit' Jimmy: ['should've taken art' gestures around with an unimpressed face 'never boring that'] Janis: ['I can see' 😏 'well if I knew there was gonna be a hot new boy, OBVIOUSLY I'd have picked different'] Jimmy: ['I get it, even a know it all like you weren't gonna see me coming, that #special, like' but kissing her neck as he says it all cos we both know he thinks she's sooo special bye] Janis: ['Obviously, new boy' #intoit and moving his hands to around her waist] Jimmy: [pulling her closer to him 5ever as he carries on] Janis: ['Okay, okay, I really missed you'] Jimmy: [makes a happy sound because can't not] Janis: [kissing his ear so she can whisper not 'cos she gives a fuck about anyone else here, clearly, but 'cos vulnerable so gotta say it quiet if you're gonna, 'it was like before when I didn't know you, or when you weren't here and I hated it'] Jimmy: [probably can't pull her any closer but tries to and holds her really tightly because not going anywhere and just the softest kisses ever] Janis: [shaking her head like pull yourself together bitch and changing the pace] Jimmy: [going with it cos he gets it being vulnerable is shit and hard]] Jimmy: [I can just imagine some art hoe putting them on her stories like she don't even take art!] Janis: [she doesn't even go here, regardless being like 'come on' 'cos take me somewhere we can actually do this] Jimmy: [should we let them actually leave? cos better option than bathrooms and the point of her showing up has been made] Janis: [why not, live ur dreams kids] Jimmy: [getting in trouble together is their thing] Janis: [hell yeah it is, and being talk of the town #standard] Jimmy: [1000% several art hoes saw them going into the bathroom and we know it] Janis: [gossipy hoes, even if none of the actual squad take it, some of their lesser friends blates do for the fashun vibe] Jimmy: [get in the gift shop after and piss about and shade their art hoe aesthetic] Janis: [all the socials lmao] Jimmy: [he steals her a keyring cos not gonna spend money but she's gotta have one] Janis: [💕 tbh] Jimmy: [now go have some actual fun and alone time kids]
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