#i need to eat drywall idk how do you cope
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lale-txt · 23 days ago
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raw with eye contact, next question
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obey-me-headquarters · 3 years ago
Aaah, I'm back! I had more ideas I'm sorry!
Lucifer is in need of pampering because of his pride from his shows as we discussed and I had some thoughts on the others! Idk what animals they would be but I did get what I imagine they'd act like! I'm so sorry if this is long, I was very excited.
Mammon used to have an owner who was very kind, but one day they just locked Mammon out of the house with no real reason other than they just didn't want him. He became a stray who would steal and lie to keep himself fed and he was always acting so macho "Well, duh. I'm THE Great Mammon!" But when you take him in he is desperate to have anything and everything because in his old home he lost everything overnight for no reason! Now he's desperate to keep you and everything else he loves close to him! His bad habits are: Separation anxiety, random crying fits, being territorial, acting "arrogant" but only because he is insecure. The solution is constant positive reinforcement and patience
I already talked about lil fish Leviathan but just in case I'll say it again. He was left in a tank with nothing much to do other than watch anime on his old master's TV. Because of his neglect he wasn't pretty enough so all they did was degrade him. You adopt him and he's just a sweet lil boi. His bad habits: Randomly soaking you in water, hiding your keys so you can't leave, one time he got carried away and pulled you into his tank and almost drowned you, he carries a lot of random guilt so he'll talk bad about himself and of you don't stop it he'll hurt himself. Usually by refusing to rehydrate. He gets jealous easy, especially over any colorful decorations you have around the house. On one occasion he saw you eating gold fish crackers and got deeply upset. Like Mammon he needs to be supported emotionally
Satan was also a show pet like Lucifer, but his owners saw how successful Lucifer was and trained him to be just like him. Satan hated every second of it, especially when he would have to compete against him and lose. His owners flipped out and beat him for losing and he ran away. His new owners didn't want him because he was so angry all the time! Bad habits: Talking back (with everything. I.E: "Hey can you pass me that thing to your left?" Only for him to say "Fuck you, get it yourself". He is a lot more prideful than Lucifer but he's more pampered and expecting of top treatment. If not given to him he gets angry because that means he isn't valued anymore. Bad habits include: Tearing furniture apart, yelling, punching holes in the drywall, refusing to eat. Solution: Try and talk it out with him. If it fails just explain that you are going to step out of the room until he calms down. When he is ready to talk he can come find you. He really wants to learn how to read and over time he'll mellow out. He is still trying to cope with the fact that he isn't Lucifer so he doesn't need to impress you or anyone else. (Not that they ever had to, it was just what they were told.)
Asmodeus was used for breeding new pets. After a while they got rid of him because they didn't want inbreeding to happen. When you find him he is very horny and clingy but it's only because that's what he is used to. He isn't used to the actual affection part of it all, and he'll grow upset if you don't do the deed with him. Not just because he needs it physically but also because you rejecting him than that means he is undesirable. He's devastated because he spent most of his life being told how perfect he is and how bad everybody wants him. He actually found someone he finds to be attractive and they dont want him?! Unacceptable! If you actually let him see and keep his kids I am pretty sure he would die for happiness because everytime he would think he found a mate they'd be taken from him as soon as they got pregnant or had his spawn. Actually getting a mate that is permanent?! He's overjoyed. Bad habits: Uncontrollably horny, cries a lot, needy, needs more praise and affirmation than Mammon and Leviathan. Solutions: Toys, let him go most places with you until it clicks that you're keeping him, take a lot of pictures of him and let him know it's because he's pretty and always will be, lots of kisses. His old mates didn't kiss him or hold him like you do :(
Beelzebub and Belphie could be lumped together so I think I will because this is long and I'm embarrassed. Beel was malnourished so now that he's in a household where he has food he doesn't want to stop eating because he's scared he will be starved again. Belphie just sleeps all the time because that's all he had to do. He was locked in a cage (attic) and all he had to do was sleep and hope when he wakes up he will be free. One day he wakes up in a nice bed with you gently asking him if he is okay. He's just..apathetic to it all. He's in denial that you're not trapping him and ignoring him, so much so that he continues to sleep because that way when you leave him he won't cry as you walk out on him and will have the chance to keep what little pride he has intact. The boys bad habits: Beel raiding the fridge, Beel gaining too much weight so you need to exercise with him and keep him healthy (it's great because you're both staying in shape!), Beel eating or biting the furniture, Beel pouting (this may not be a problem for some but my heart would MELT), Beel randomly getting very angry and insistent that you can't leave because it's not safe or him feeling like you're both in danger. Belphie's is just him being lazy or purposefully breaking things and acting out in hopes that you'll yell at him and punish him just because he wants to be proven right. Solutions: Keep Beelzebub fed and make it clear that there will always be food and comfort, snuggle piles with the two of them. (Lets Belphie sleep and know that you won't leave and Beel will be glad that he can protect you while comfortable.) You could also let them leave the house with you in case they get separation anxiety and I feel like any of the brothers would be thrilled to be seen with you. You also have to teach these two proper hygiene because like..who's she? They pick up on it quick but at first they were very dirty
What if all the different owners (or the same one) had them meet each other because they originally were taken in by the same owner? Lillith was a sweet lady who adopted them all but she got old and couldn't take care of them anymore so they were given away to people she thought would care for them. :(
Ohhh fuck this is so good!! Don't apologize!!! I eat your asks up they're SO good!! <3
I definitely think that apart of Mammon thinks that you are lying when you first tell him that you care about him, and that's he's the "Great Mammon". Because a small part of him believes that his last owners were lying to him. I mean, why else would tell him that they love him him only to throw him out?
Oof. Mammon probably hanged out his old home for an extremely long time. Not believing that they his owners really wanted him gone. They're just, they're cleaning the house and they want him outside for the time being. Or, they want some alone time is all. They still love and care about him! They just need some space. Even when they yell at him for being on their backyard, or chase him away with brooms he still comes back. Mammon is very good at lying to himself. It isn't until he spontaneously decides to run away, that he doesn't need his owners, does he leave their property.
Of course, after a while days he regrets his decision and tries to go back. But he can't remember the way back, and it's hard to keep searching when you're hungry. So that's how he ended up a stray for awhile.
It takes awhile, but eventually he finds his way back. In his time away he created this image in his mind that his owners really, really miss him. That once he comes back home all will be forgiven and he will be let back inside and will be cuddled and given things again! Only to arrive back and peak through the window to see that his owners replaced him with a new pet.
Another that Mammon leaves, for good this time. It's very hard for him to process what he did wrong, what happened. So again he kinda creates this narrative that he was a beloved house pet, who one day got outside and accidentally got lost. He blocks out his last memory of his owners replacing him, and still believes that one day he'll return to a loving home.
So when you find him, it actually takes a bit for him to warm up to you. Saying that he has a family, really! He just got lost and is looking for them. Oh, there's no need to put an ad up for him! He'll find his old home again, he's sure of it. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that his lying about his home, or that he made the whole thing up.
Once he does get attached to you I can definitely seeing him having pretty bad separation anxiety like you said! Boy probably never leaves the house when you adopt him, worried that he'll "get lost" again.
I really like this Mammon pet headcanon!! I always had my own little headcanon for him that I'll briefly share here:
I always pictured Mammon as being apart of a circus. He just gives off major performer vibes. Plus I think that's were he got his arrogance from, since he was always known as "The Great Mammon". And it also explains him being touch starved. Noone really looked after him in the circus, so he's not used to someone petting his hair or cuddling up to him. After the circus went under, maybe the boss was in some shady shit, Mammon either gets put into a shelter, or directly given given you, or maybe even just thrown onto the streets.
Again I really like your Levi headcanons, which I gushed about in my last post lol.
Satan is definitely interesting too!! Most people put him down as a fighting ring demon, so seeing him as a show demon like Lucifer is very interesting! I definitely think he's one of the more complicated demons to rehome. As he has this sense of pride and privilege about him. Most demons don't really expect the best, and so lap up any pride or treats. While Satan expects good treatment and gets destructive when he doesn't get it.
Asmo's headcanon is so sad 🥺 I like the way you change up the formula with each of the demons. A lot of them has been type casted as a spefic demon type, so seeing all these new headcanons is very interesting! I definitely like the idea of Asmo being used as a breeder, and kinda expects you to do the do with him immediately.
Uhhhh Asmo's whole section just makes me want to hold and kiss him. Asmo definitely thinks that you're going to abandon him if you don't sleep with him soon so he just gets more and more desperate until he finally breaks down and you have to explain to him, once again, that you care about him you just don't want to use him like that. Also, you being the only person Asmo wants to look pretty for?? Ahhhh my heart.
Asmo definitely went through a lot of mates that last either one night or a few weeks until they got knocked up. So having someone who loves him and wants to stick around? Literally unheard of for Asmo.
Also adopting his kids too! That's so cute!! I'm not really into tbe whole "raising children" stuff so while it's cute in theory, i don't think I would write much about it lol sorry.
Moving onto Beel and Belphie. Beel being malnourished is such a good concept! He definitely gets very food conscious. Maybe in his last home the owner had a lot of demons and not a lot of money, so they didn't have a lot of food to go around. Every time it was feeding time Beel would have to fight the other demons for food for him and Belphie, which is why he got so strong.
Even though Beel is in a safe environment with lots of food, he still has trouble getting his instincts to calm down and stop telling him that needs to eat everything right away or ease it'll disappear.
I can definitely see him gaining his worry that him, and everyone he cares about, is constantly in danger because of his old home. As the demons there were frequently angry and hungry, so they lashed out. Beel hasn't shaken the fear that some demon is going to attack him or you if he's not careful.
Him and Belphie also don't know proper hygiene because of their old home, since the owner didn't have a lot of money they couldn't afford to give any of their demons baths or showers, and so they would only really get wash if they went do to the river or if they went out in the rain.
Now about Belphie.... omg my poor little moo moo :( he doesn't want to be abandoned again so he's just closing himself off from you and the world. He's just waiting for the drop, for the "I told you so" when you get angry and punish him and kick him out. Tries not to care when you treat him gently or spoil him. Although I definitely think he favors things you personally gift him. Such as his cow pillow. Though he would never admit it. He also really enjoys cuddle piles.
!!! I love the idea of all the owners meeting!! I definitely always considered that option when thinking of the pet au. Because if all of the bros aren't owned by the same owner, wouldn't it be fun if the bros could still meet? But I always had a hard time writing stuff out for it because all the good owners are supposed to be "You" lol. I absolutely adore the Lillith idea, as I'm never quite sure what to do with her in pet aus lol. Maybe she died when the bros were all young and together??? But I was never sure.
Lilith owning all of then when they were young is so cute! It also explains why all the bros look up to her so much, as she was the first human who loved and took care of them <3. It would be sweet if Lilith was still alive when the bros meet back up, very old, but still alive, and able to see how each of her pups ended up with good owners after all <3
Anyways, that was an amazing read!! Thanks so much for sharing it! If you ever want to talk more about the pet au or other aus, just send me a ask or reblog! I love your ideas and I absolutely adore talking about the pet au!!
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