#i need to SLEEEEEEEP omg
here2bbtstrash · 2 years
me: my drabble is posted, my fic is done, i just caught up on reviews entirely, time to sleep
my babygirl: u thot
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consistentsquash · 1 year
staying up all night reading fic. omg i feel young again. but also need sleep. sleeeeeeep
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
for the prompt list i hope it's ok to do a combo bc 70 & 85? 👀 (idk why the text is weird i think it's bc i had to copy paste the emoji since i'm on desktop skjfkdjs) anyways it's for whatever pairing you think works best :) -megs <3
omg yes a combo! aka challenge mode. my favourite :) ALSO! i took advantage of this open-ended prompt to write ! my very first ! cashton prompt fic ! this is so exciting i love it here. finally completing the set thank you for allowing me this moment
read on ao3
Calum treks into Ashton’s room around midnight. The light from the hallway spills into the room until Calum pulls the door shut behind him, probably worried about waking Ashton. Considerate of him, but unnecessary.
“I’m not asleep,” Ashton says.
Calum exhales. “You’re telling me you went to bed an hour ago and you’re still awake?”
“I was reading for a bit,” Ashton says. “I’ve only just moved to the falling-asleep stage. And obviously I have not yet been successful.”
Calum hums an acknowledgment. “Do you, um…can I…”
“Yeah, always,” Ashton says, shifting onto his back to watch Calum. “You don’t have to ask, Cal. I’ve already told you it doesn’t bother me.”
“But you don’t like sharing with Luke or Michael,” Calum says quietly. “I don’t know, I’m just making sure.”
Ashton is grateful for the dark room to hide his blush. “Yeah, but I don’t mind if it’s you.”
They both know it’s different, but neither one will be the first to admit it. This is how they communicate for now, in shared sheets and heavy implications, never saying what they mean, trusting the other person will get it anyway.  
“Okay,” Calum says. “If you’re sure.”
“Next time you ask me I’m just going to ignore you,” Ashton says as Calum pads his way over to the bed. 
“You’re a monster,” Calum says. “You put me in an awkward position here. If you ever wanted to come sleep in my bed you’d probably feel awkward too.”
Ashton purses his lips. “Well, that’s what you get for always going to sleep after me.”
“Mhm,” Calum hums, too knowingly for Ashton’s liking.
“But to be fair, I’ve never asked you if I could sleep with you. Whereas you’ve asked me many times, and I’ve said yes every single time.”
“Still,” Calum says, crawling under the covers and propping himself up on his elbow. It’s hard to see him through the darkness, but Ashton can feel Calum’s eyes carefully trained on his face, maybe seeking his eyes. 
“You want to sleep in your bed?” Ashton asks, raising his eyebrows.
“I mean both of us.” Ashton’s face flushes. “I’m just asking, like, would you prefer that. If you didn’t have to feel awkward asking me.”
“No,” Calum says. “Honestly, no. I don’t mind asking. Anyway, I like that you keep saying yes.”
He’s smiling. So is Ashton. 
“Alright,” says Ashton, shaking his head a bit. “Come on. It’s late.”
“It’s really not that late,” Calum says. “Mike’s still up.”
“That’s the worst argument for it not being late. Michael is up until three in the morning.”
“Luke might still be up.”
“He most certainly is not.”
“You never know. Luke’s unpredictable. A wild card.”
Ashton laughs. As if Luke could ever be a wild card. As if he could ever be anything other than unwaveringly, consistently Luke, the biggest creature of habit Ashton’s ever met. Second only, maybe, to Ashton himself.
Calum pulls the covers up and snuggles up to Ashton, reservations gone. “Mm, you’re warm,” he mumbles.
“You are not,” Ashton says, tensing up. “Motherfucker, Calum Hood. Wear a jumper.”
“I’m not cold!” Calum presses his face into Ashton’s neck. 
“Not to you you’re not. Stop it!”
“Sorry,” Calum says, though he doesn’t sound sorry.
“I see how it is,” Ashton huffs, shifting to press closer to Calum, because whatever he says, a cold Calum is better than no Calum at all. “You just use me for my warmth. I’m the guy who keeps the bed warm.”
“Not true,” Calum says, pouting. “I like cuddling.”
“You never cuddle with Luke or Michael. Now I know why. They don’t go to bed early enough to be warm enough for you. I’m just your personal space heater.”
“First of all, Michael hogs the blankets, and he knows that’s why I don’t cuddle with him anymore.” Ashton laughs. “But anyway that’s not it at all. Stop fishing for compliments. You’re not a last resort. I never check their rooms.”
Maybe he’d been fishing a little bit, but the payoff is worth it. “Good,” Ashton says. Being pleased about that might say too much, but Calum has put himself on the line just saying it, so they can call it even.
“I thought we were sleeping now,” Calum says, slinging an arm over Ashton’s stomach. “Be quiet.”
“Don’t shush me in my own bed.”
“Be quieeeet,” Calum sings in a hushed voice. “It’s time to sleeeeeeep.”
“I’ll kick you out.”
“No you won’t.” Calum hums, a quiet, contented noise, and Ashton can feel his smile against his collarbone before Calum turns his head. Ashton stretches out his arm, forcing Calum to lift up his head for a moment before returning it to rest on Ashton’s bicep, cheek pressed against Ashton’s shoulder. Ashton feels warmer than before. He wonders if Calum can feel that on him. If Calum feels that too.
“What were you reading?”
“I thought you wanted to sleep,” Ashton says wryly. 
“I changed my mind. I want to talk.”
“You just want me to talk.”
“Okay, same thing. I fall asleep faster when you talk.” Calum shrugs a shoulder, moving his hand to rest against Ashton’s chest. Through Ashton’s thin t-shirt he can feel the heat of Calum’s palm, the way his thumb moves just so to smooth out the fabric before settling.
At some point they’re going to have to address this. Ashton has a sneaking suspicion that if he doesn’t say something, nothing will ever happen. Calum feels awkward asking to sleep with Ashton despite the blanket permission Ashton has granted him repeatedly. There’s no way he’ll bring up something like this.
Dance around it? Sure. Like motherfucking Fred Astaire. But never face it head-on.
It’s on the tip of Ashton’s tongue to say something, say anything. Ask a point-blank question, maybe, like why do you only ever want to sleep in my bed?, or just say the truth. Confess how he feels and hope Calum is brave enough to do the same. Hope Calum feels the same. 
It’s late enough, and Ashton is tired enough, that he can’t see it backfiring. Maybe it would go well. Or at least maybe it wouldn’t go badly. Maybe Calum would smile and say me too, you idiot, I’ve been waiting for you to say something; maybe he’d pick up his head and give Ashton that cheeky smile Ashton’s come to expect from him, and maybe he’d kiss Ashton, taking the warmth off Ashton’s lips to keep for himself. 
Maybe he’d just sigh that happy sigh of his and say let’s talk about this in the morning, cuddling closer to let Ashton know that this isn’t a soft rejection, just a rain check for when they’re both more awake. Ashton could take that.
But as much as Ashton is sure there’s something here, he can’t bring himself to say it. It’s easy to be confident right up until he needs to be confident. 
(And it could always go wrong. It could. It could.)
“You calling me boring?” Ashton teases softly, but Calum just huffs an exhale.
“You know I’m not,” he whispers. “Please?”
Ashton brings his hand up to tangle into Calum’s hair, and Calum gives his happy sigh and cuddles closer, just as Ashton had hoped. “Okay,” Ashton murmurs. “Sure. Goodnight, Cal.”
“‘Night, Ash.”
Ashton smiles. They can talk about it another day. Tomorrow, maybe. “You wouldn’t like this book,” he starts. “It’s by an old white guy, and I know you hate those.” Calum breathes a quiet laugh. “Well, he’s not that old…”
Calum drifts off as Ashton describes the premise of his book, going slack in Ashton’s arms, breathing slow, and Ashton presses a kiss into his hair. 
One day he’ll do it when Calum is awake, but not today. There’s always tomorrow. 
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ffszefron · 7 years
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ibelongtowrath · 4 years
Good job, you and 🍪 are keeping me awake with the late night thirst. 10/10 💙
Omg I’m glad you enjoyed the show but please get some sleeeeeeep, I need to get to bed too so the show has to pause for now 😂💙💙
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sunflowrhaz · 4 years
😂😂 amazing I’m glad someone apart from me is appreciating my extremely well curated and tagged blog 😄 and you calling me honey I 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺lozzyyyyy💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 and maybe yes perhaps I’m accidentally staying up late again 🙈
Oh honey 🍯 iiiIIIIIIIIiiiiiIiiii would walk trough fire for youuuu 🎶 rest those pretty eyes elena you need to sleeeeeeep 😂 it must be so late there omg asdjdhsksha
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flameontheotherside · 5 years
Not Wanting To Live
...But not wanting to die.
I have a friend who lost his wife here for support. His wife died in his arms in a bike accident though. Honestly I can't imagine how it must feel for him. I have had conversed with his late wife a little bit. She asked me to hug him for her. I guess I got a little bit of help from it too.
What's cool is a few nights ago while crying and talking to Erik about how I feel, he told me to go downstairs. Lo and behold Jeff was on his way to the snack machine. He wasn't necessarily wanting to get a snack but something told him to go anyway. So I was like, "Yoh! Dude, what the fuck!?", and he was also like, seriously?
Needless to say I have support.
However, I don't necessarily like crying publicly. My "manlyhood" is taken from me! Lmao! Haaaa..... Omg. But seriously Erik is trying to convince me to keep going to the 12 step meetings every Friday, keep talking to Jeff, hang out with Jason and...Go to the hospital.
See, the process of getting baker-acted is irritating. It can be at least 3 hours before you get in. So many poking and prodding. Literally. Blood work, blood pressure tests, questions; the intake is a tedious process when all you want to do is sleeeeeeep. Then you have to go to the classes and socialize, eat shitty food, and pump a ton of medications in you until you can't feel a thing.
He wants me to go, I'm like...
...Uh, no, bitch. No thank you! Seriously, I don't see the point. Sure it "looks good" for my disability claim but it's not how I want to be approved! Erik got pissed and I could really give a flying fuck. Like he died ten years ago. He's not coming back and this whole rigg-a-ma-role is fucking retarded. I hate that I can see and talk to him now! At first, I couldn't wait to develop my skills and now, I'm having full blown conversations sitting in our "house" like no big deal, right?
As I was falling asleep, it was literally like talking on the phone.
Now, I've had my amount of long distance relationships. Somehow I knew this would be my life, but not like this. I don't mind long distance relationships. But he's dead and it makes a big difference. I'm bundled in bed. Not headphones. This is telepathic. But it felt just as though I may as well have had a long distance call.
It messed with me once when watching stand-up. I needed to go to the kitchen and asked him to pause on his end. This time I was on my headphones with 110hz on even when watching YouTube from my computer. Hearing him only just started. I realized and remembered he's dead and I broke down.
This is fucked up.
Erik is right its better this way but it's fucked up irregardless. I don't want to be here and I don't want to be here! Yeah duuuhh he wants me to be happy and I get that but fuck my life. If I have to he honest, in my whole 31 years with depression, the last 4 years were hell in a hand basket. Erik doesn't want me to wait for another meltdown to turn myself in to the nice young men and their clean white coats at the funny farm. Dr Dimento. My mom used to chant that song all the time growing up. So much so that. It's ingrained in my head. Kind of annoying.
😘💕❤ Good night y'all!
Check out my store where I offer detailed and credible readings. Please note that pricing is subject to change.
Please visit: Twin Flame Medium
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Don’t forget to take a look at Erik’s blog ran by his amazing mom Dr Elisa Medhus. Lots of stuff about his afterlife and 💩 at channelingerik.com.
(◕‿◕)♡ Social: Twitter Tumblr Instagram YouTube Facebook
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sleepychai · 6 years
It is now one a.m. where I'm at. I am absolutely exhausted. I'm afraid my thoughts are a bit too scrambled to keep talking for the night. 😅 I'm sorry dear but I think I need to check out for the night. I hope your able to rest after your shift and it goes by quickly for you. 💜
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atspacestation · 7 years
My confusions with the Mystic Messenger / Questions that I still wonder
This will be a long post so you can either suffer with my mumbles or just ignore this post also. If I said something stupid pls forgive me cause I still try my best to replay each routes again to understand much better but I is soooo busy T_T and I really hate it if V and Rika had a convo, like, can’t they talk normal like the way we talk? T_T
1)What happened in V route after Ray bombed the builing? Did he died in their or Unknown took his body and esaped?
2)In the prologue, Ray introduced the game, sending the old start image with all RFA members with it, does it mean he was aware of the game? Then suddenly if we continued playing the game, suddenly V will appear and everything will be real and MC will be like “Oh so you aren’t an AI. You’re REAL?!” (i think i have to play the route again but the photo Ray sent really bothers me T_T)
3)Ray was able to describe each RFA member like he knows about them and he knows their character settings. I forgot which chat room was it. I have the feeling Ray is also aware of the game….BUT THEN AGAIN, as we continue with the game, MC will be like “OMG YOU ARE A REAL THING” -_-
4)If we ask Ray about the bad ending, he will response with “the game will be over and it will be boring and don’t worry we can repeat again.” REPEAT AGAIN. So he is also aware of the RESET. And talking of the repeat, if all the RFA members are real, it means they should not be controlled yet if we reset all their memories will also reset and it will go back with MC intruding their chats again. SO repeat huh? So we play again and RFA will never knew about it.
5)Before you purchase V route, it states “the story is 2 YEARS PRIOR TO THE ORIGINAL STORY” and the title is ANOTHER STORY, I’m so confused with 2 years prior, so the RFA has already met MC 2 years before, or if we play V route, it will be 2 years from the game so it will be a different timeline and different  world?
6)Seven was always aware of the game. But in V route, he acts as a normal game character. I haven’t seen him break the fourth wall. In casual and deep route, he immediately hacked MC’s location but in V route he had hard time. If we get to Yoosung’s route, he will warn us that Yoosung is a yandere and DON’T TALK ABOUT MC’S ABOUT WHEN IN YOOSUNG’S ROUTE, okay what past? huh? We will get a lot of Seven’s breaking the 4th wall in deep route and casual route. But in V route? NAAAAH. And that wonders me.
7)If we put in order the routes of the game. Another Story and Deep/Casual, we can clearly see the difference between Ray and Unknown. But for me, it was not only Saeran has changed, but Seven also. Seven is so flirty at V route and I REALLY LIKED THE V ROUTE BCOS WE GET SEVEN FLIRTING A LOT THEIR (lol), yet the first time he met MC he is soft, not the “Don’t bother me! Just watch over V, I am dangerous! SO.STAY.AWAY!” =_=. OH! Jumin also feels different in V route, like seriosly? A vampire? Udon? Jumin? As far as I can remember if we joke about the party or not taking it seriously, Jumin will be like “you think this is a joke biatcch?! how lowly human are you that you can’t even remember what’s your purpose here?” and yeah, Jumin.. is he serious?
8)Wtf not only vampire and udon but Pluto? And a dragon? Why Jumin and Seven? How can they join the party?
9)Casual route bad ending is Yoosung saying that “talking to robots is boring right?” and even mentions that Rika has warned him that V and Seven controls them and will dispose if they try to break the fourth wall. So they are also aware? cause Jaehee will be like “Next time, you should choose.. (something, forgotten)” so! what? WHAT?
10)I don’t know if DLC’s are included but in April Fools, the good ending is the RFA celebrating Zen’s bday and Seven will chat thanking MC for helping Zen not going crazy in his dream. SOOOOO.. he knew that Zen is dreaming weird stuffs. My point is.. we control MC  so we get to chat Zen in his weird dream. And obviously, Zen is the one dreaming so Zen can only know what his dream is about. But in the end Seven will say “707 loves you! thank you for helping Zen: oh so Zen was under maintainance i think? Bcos if we compare the GE to the NE, there is no chatroom (i think) of Seven talking about Zen’s dream. Then Zen will realize that he is within the game, that he loves the person beyond the screen.. and that is US~~~, so i think that in the GE, Seven fails to stop Zen realizing his surrounding. I dnt know it confuses me at all.
11)In Jumin’s AE, everyone is happy. But what intrigues me the most was how V and Seven settled? Like, we knew how Seven is sensitive when it comes to Saeran that he is SUPERLLLLLY DEPRESSED when he found out about his brother and then pooof! they settled already. What? Did the scene goes like this? Seven:V! I need you to tell the truth about my brother! Why was he like that?!! V:Calm down Saeyoung, Saeran was just in phase. Seven:oright phew, okay we chill nao.
12)In the valentine dlc of Seven,he mentions that their will be more interesting game to come (uhhh.. lynn’s project??) … and in the white choco he says “We will meet again int another universe” AND OH! before we get the ending, he will invite you to watch the ending together with him … SO HE WAS WATCHING ALSO? =-= so is the real life Saeyoung playing as Seven in MM  also and we play as MC ?
13)The opening song also intrigues me!
Everyday morning i wake up to the same sweet sound picking up my cellphone that’s been ringing (oh wait that is me O3O waking up hearing the MM’s notif lol)
Wondering what's new? What have I missed? I was offline. (oh I always wonder what is the new chat room and what have i missed bcos i was sleeeeeeeping and i sometimes miss the 3AM chats, cause seriously =-=)
14)ONE BUT THE MOST SUSPICIOUS OF ALL IS ..... VANDERWOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, he is LAY LO but HE IS ALWAYS THERE HE IS EVERYWHERE LIKE IN EVERY MAIN EVENTS OF THE STORY OR SOMETHING CLIMAX HAPPENING HE IS ALWAYS THERE!!! == Echo girl or Sarah are also side characters but they only appear in routes but Vanderwoood .... HE IS THEEEERE. EVERYYYYY ROUTE. HE DOES NOT DISAPPEAR. Why would Cheritz even bother putting him in every messy situation, right? So Vanderwood really is the thing here. (also looks like Tei_) (also I’m a broke ass student that can’t afford to play the 2 other games so pls forgive me if this post does not make sense)
15)lastly, the Cheritz teaser slash sneak peek of the DLC hinting an organization the same as RFA..... AND WHAT IS THEIR PURPOSE HUH? ARE WE GONNA GET NEW CHARACTERS? BCOS RFA ARE RFA AND ITS AN ANOTHER ORG. SO WHO ARE THE CHARACTERS?lastly, the Cheritz teaser slash sneak peek of the DLC hinting an organization the same as RFA..... AND WHAT IS THEIR PURPOSE HUH? ARE WE GONNA GET NEW CHARACTERS? BCOS RFA ARE RFA AND ITS AN ANOTHER ORG. SO WHO ARE THE CHARACTERS?
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brionyjae · 7 years
soooo i was tagged by the lovely @eucatastrophe--x​ and since i’ve actually done a decent amount of writing tonight, i figured i deserved to procrastinate a little! ;)
rules; answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
(i’m gonna put this under a read more just so i don’t block everyone’s dashboard lol)
1. drink: hot chocolate! 2. phone call: my mum lol 3. text message: from my brother telling me i needed to hurry up and watch supernatural already xD i mean, he’s not wrong, but i’ve got a ‘to-watch’ list a mile long... 4. song you listened to: ‘androgynous‘ by joan jett & the blackhearts (thank you, ipod shuffle gods) 5. time you cried: last week, while reading ‘radio silence’ by @chronicintrovert​... all the aled and frances feels tho! 6. dated someone twice: what? 7. kissed someone and regretted it: liiiiiike YES but also no? regret bc it was awful, but don’t regret bc otherwise i wouldn’t know it was awful? 8. been cheated on: noooooo 9. lost someone special: one of my cats got hit by a car :( 10. been depressed: ...........not technically? 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: NEVER :D
12. yellow 13. purple 14. orange
15. made new friends: not really haha 16. fallen out of love: noooooo 17. laughed until you cried: maybe once 18. found out someone was talking about you: nope 19. met someone who changed you: i literally don’t meet people lmao 20. found out who your friends are: no? 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no GENERAL
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them! some are online friends tho 23. do you have any pets: YES three cats :) *snuggles* 24. do you want to change your name: sometime in the future, probably, i don’t like my surname. my pen name is the only thing that matter tho ;) 25. what did you do for your last birthday: OMG i can’t remember?? D: probably had pizza with my family and watched moana... oh and the day after i went to see two shakespeare plays at the pop-up globe theatre in auckland so that was awesome!
26. what time did you wake up: well one of my cats woke me up at 6:45am, which was good for once since i wanted to watch @chronicintrovert​ and @laurenjames​’s livestream at 7am, but then my laptop had a meltdown and i missed it all anyways D: 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: still trying to get to sleep (i was reading for too long lol) 28. name something you can’t wait for: going to armageddon in auckland in october and meeting JOHN BARROWMAN and TOM FELTON i’m gonna dieeeeee 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: the weekend before last :) i actually live at home but we’re in the process of moving house, so she came back to help me organise the open home! 31. what are you listening to right now: silence... :P
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: indeed i have 33. something that is getting on your nerves: having to keep the house looking immaculate in case our real estate agent decides to randomly bring people to view it... JUST LET ME LEAVE MY CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR DAMMIT 34. most visited website: tumblr :’) 35. hair colour: dark blonde
36. long or short hair: shortish? 37. do you have a crush on someone: nope
38. what do you like about yourself:  wow how dare you rofl. um, my glasses? and my eyes? 39. piercings: just one in one ear, i want to get a couple more in the same ear tho. i’ll get around to it eventually. 40. blood type: O+ 41. nickname: bri, BB, BY, BBJ, bumble bee 42. relationship status: FOREVER SINGLE BABY
43. zodiac: pisces 44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: JUST ONE?? can’t do it. the flash, supergirl, RWBY, the musketeers, torchwood, sherlock, HIMYM, thunderbirds are go. 46. tattoos: not yet! i plan on getting quite a few tho! 47. right or left handed: right handed 48. surgery: i had two wisdom teeth removed last month, and had a cyst removed from my forehead when i was 13 50. sport: don’t play any, but love watching cricket and rugby 51. vacation: haven’t been on many, but i had such a good time exploring melbourne :) 52. pair of trainers: nike
53. eating: right now i wish i had some caramilk cadbury chocolate... BUT THE SHOPS HAVE ALL RUN OUT BC IT WAS LIMITED RELEASE AND I AM SO MAD RN 54. drinking: tea tea TEA 55. I’m about to: go to bed and read ‘not your sidekick’ by c. b. lee! and then sleeeeeeep 56. waiting for: myself to get my arse into gear and finish my novel? 57. want: idek what this means? 58. get married: can’t see it ever happening, don’t really think about it tbh 59. career: WRITER I HOPE D:
60. hugs or kisses: hugs 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: shorter hehee 63. older or younger: idk?? 64. nice arms or nice stomach: uhmmmm arms 65. hookup or relationship: weeeell tbh neither personally lol but relationship
67. kissed a stranger: unfortunately yes, it was after drinking these cute baby bottles of vodka straight that my friend somehow got?? 68. drank hard liquor: see previous question lol 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i’ve only lost my glasses case before, thankfully the glasses were on my face at the time :D 70. turned someone down: yes 71. sex on the first date: LOLOLOLOLOL 73. had your heart broken: i guess so 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: yep :( 76. fallen for a friend: see 73 ha
77. yourself: i’d like to, but i know that i procrastinate way too much :/ 78. miracles: *shrug* 79. love at first sight: nope 80. santa claus: seriously? 81. kiss on the first date: for people in general? sure 82. angels: i don’t think so
84. eye colour: blue/gray 85. favourite movie: AGAIN, JUST ONE? D: i love these films equally: star trek 2009, inception, the man from UNCLE, power rangers 2017, the outsiders, carol, moana, zootopia.
i really can’t be bothered tagging anyone, so if you want to do it, go ahead :P
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
Anonymous said: well i have soft thot about it 😌
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sunflowrhaz · 4 years
hello it’s me awake at an ungodly hour (aka 3:30 am akfjsks) I need to go to bed soon to save my sleep schedule but idk if I can sleep. I’m tired and sleepy but not quite ready to sleep, ya know? Could use a cuddle not gonna lie :( did you do anything for New Years my sunshine? I had a video call with my friends for hours and it was so nice I love them so much 🥺 you ever just get the fuzziest warm feeling that you’re safe and in good company and they understand you? That’s my friends 🥺🥺🥺 I can’t wait to see them in person and hug them again. I wish I could hug you lozzy 💛 you look like you give great hugs and I could just stay there forever. Maybe I’m a little over sappy and sleepy right now 😄 OH MY GOD MY FRIEND LITERSLLT JUST TEXTED ME THAT THIS IS US IS ON CANDIAN NETFLIX !!!!!! TIME FOR A 1D BREAKDOWN ON THE FIRST DAY OF A NEW YEAR (after I go to sleep and wake up that is, don’t want to be too crazy 😄) did you ever watch A Very Potter Musical? I’ve recently fallen back in love with it, I’ve had goin back to hogwarts on repeat for 2 days now akdjsk this was such a long ramble my goodness 😄 happy new year lozzy 💛⭐️✨
hello sunshine! asdfdsasds omg elena you need to sleeeeeeep! i do not know, i am an old woman who needs 8-9 hours of sleep and then i’m up at 5am 😂i’d give you the biggest cuddle 🤗💛i didn’t do anything this year i just stayed at home and played playstation 😂 typical night for moi asdfdsas! that’s so great that you had a nice long call with your friends that must have been so lovely 💕 how lucky you are to wonderful friends that make you feel so loved ♡  aww yes how rude we can’t share a big hug 🤗i’m definitely not a hugger but for you i would give you the best elena  😊 i haven’t seen this is us in soooo long asdfdsa i NEED to do that soon! god it just warms my heart i miss them so much 😭 my babies :( i did watch AVPM but sooo long ago! although every now and then i watch this and laugh my ass off 😂umbridge was definitely the best character asdfds he cracks me up every time!!! THE LAUGH!!! ah dur dur dur dur dur 😂 feel free to send me all the longest rambles i loveee it 💖happy new year 💛✨
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