#i need the divorce to exploit the comedic potential
koifishanonymous · 1 year
the metatron erases crowley from the book of life and he just goes back to being an angel. like he doesnt even forget anything or physically revert back he’s just an angel again. and his name is technically whatever it was before but like he just does Not Acknowledge it and he sends aziraphale passive aggressive memos because he’s one of heavens reps to earth now because no one has the guts to go down there and collect him
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transcending-chaos · 8 years
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And he’s done! Biographical information under the cut due to length.
Name: Blayne Collins 
-His un-Americanized name is actually Blaine O'Cuilleains, but as a majority of people cannot read and pronounce it correctly in Gaelic, he uses the Anglican form
-His username is TwinRavens, and his usual Tribe of choice is OverWorld as those were the cards given to him by his friends since they used a mix of the other three Tribes
Age: 16-19 
-In keeping with the show’s style, he is ambiguously a teenager. His birthday is July 28, and he is a Leo.
Sex, Gender, Orientation: Male, male, asexual-panoromantic 
-Blayne is fickle when it comes to romance: while he is easy-going and has no problem in revealing his own interest in someone else, he is quick to pick up on any advances made on him and immediately raises his guard. People have tried to take advantage of him before, so he is skeptical and often mistrusting of individuals trying to seduce, flirt, or be coy with him. He is not prone to feeling any real attraction to people at all, often just slowly falling in love with someone’s personality over a long span of time regardless of their gender or sex; he has no visual bias, so he is an even judge of character in this aspect, though voice will influence his opinion somewhat. Blayne does not lower his walls easily in this aspect, if one wishes to woo him, they must actually care about his personhood as he will sniff out any false pretense rather quickly. He’s blind, not stupid.
Biography (abbreviated version)
-Blayne is rather sanguine and friendly, an ENFJ personality type, and someone who loves to reach out and connect with other people. This forwardness often breaks the ice for him, as many people assume him to be quiet and passive due to his disability. It’s also led to one of his favorite greetings and gimmicks:
”Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you were blind!”
”Actually, my name is Blayne, but yeah, I’m also blind.”
His friendly nature had been a bit of a saving grace outwardly; he can laugh things off easily, he especially loves shitty puns, he’ll poke fun at his problems, and he tends to let things slide off of his shoulders well -at least that’s his norm. Blayne can only let things go on for so long, and while he is often proactive and civil in dealing with his problems, any provoked conflict will be dealt with severely. He does not like being angry as he’s been made aware that he can be terrifying, but so help him if it doesn’t put issues to rest when it needs to. 
Another thing that is not readily recognizable is his patience when dealing with other’s repeated problems. Blayne understands hardships, he’s aware that everyone’s issues and struggles are relative yet relevant-
 ”It’s cancer and kidney stones; both are real, both are painful but both are really different in terms of what’s at stake and who could potentially suffer more. Even so, someone’s cancer doesn’t override the fact that you might have kidney stones -your pain is still real. And that said, your kidney stones aren’t going to be the same as their cancer. Everything is relative, everyone has shit to deal with, and everyone just needs to have someone listen every once in a while.” 
-but he can only take so much of other people’s issues before he starts getting annoyed. This is a hard position for him to be in, as he naturally attracts people and has a calming, authoritative presence, so many trust and open up to him. It’s difficult for him to carry their emotional weight along with all of his own, as well as still functioning at the normative level of ability that society demands. Basically, he needs to set the rules and affirm that he is not Atlas, but this is complicated by the fact that many do not know that they are even being a problem in the first place. He can be easily overwhelmed by their problems and ignore his own, which can lead to a destructive spiral.
The final key piece of his personality is his stubborn attitude when people repeatedly point something out to him, specifically his weight or appearance. Blayne is underweight, and is actually recovering from an eating disorder spawned from his desire to not feel like a burden. He hates how people will take care of simple things for him, or take away his autonomy without realizing it. This in turn has created a deep sense of guilt and fear regarding asking for help or aid, and this will manifest in things like him not asking for food even when hungry. He will pursue food on his own, but as soon as someone mentions this, points out his appearance, or makes a comment, he looses all appetite and just tolerates hunger instead. It’s taken him a while to try and move past this, and although he’s gotten a little bit better, he still has a long way to go.
-Blayne is the single child born to his mother and father, who promptly split up when he was about three years old. He has always lived with his mom and predominantly knows her side of the family, which is across the Atlantic Ocean in Kilkenny, Ireland, where they raise sheep. His mother is a nurse in a nearby hospital and is usually busy, however, Blayne has strong familial ties and a loving home. Any antagonism comes from his father’s side of the family, who dislikes that his mother got sole custody, and disagrees with many of his mother’s family’s values in general. They’re not too friendly due to past circumstances concerning his parent’s divorce, but that hasn’t stopped some of that side of his family from reaching out in a friendly way; his cousin Connor moved in when Blayne was about 12, and the two were like brother before he graduated from his university and moved out on his own. 
He follows a mix of Wiccan and Neo-Druidic beliefs, and loves folklore and fantasy; he often listens to audiobooks to pass the time when bored, connecting with the characters based on their empathetic qualities and mindset rather than a majority of description.
Schooling has never been too much of a challenge for Blayne, and while he was a little lonely throughout his elementary and middle school years, his high school experience has been quite pleasant. He attends an arts school where he is active in the music program. He can play the piano, the harp (a family tradition), and can sing very well (click here for voice claim). He has a tight group of friends (Macy, Ash, Ethen, and Sam) who all specialize in different studies of art as well. He often collaborates or aids in their pursuits, which has led to him being the guinea pig for many of Macy’s makeup exploits- he really doesn’t mind though. 
His friends Ash and Ethan are the ones who got him interested in Chaotic, as they’d often just play the cards casually when the three boys would just hang out and Blayne would bullshit a commentary on their matches. Eventually they were determined teach him how to play and make the game accessible to him; this was ultimately reached by using small, different nail art stickers and tiny gems on the backs of his card protector sleeves. By making and memorizing a system, and also spelling out names in Braille, he can tell what card is in his hand. It took him a while, but Blayne eventually mastered it. His friends never expected him to play competitively, only giving him the ‘scraps’ of their card hauls, but Blayne is mostly a tactician and once familiar with the abilities and powers at his disposal, he can create a plethora of plans.
He is not well-versed in the physical Chaotic.
Blayne lost his first match, and many wondered if he’d just stop coming, yet his stubborn side kicked in and he stuck around. He does not take the typical kind of Scan Quests, instead, he often goes to villages and just sits down to take it all in. He is not hostile to any natives, and because he does not make problems, they are friendly in turn. Instead of Scanning Creatures with better stats, Blayne chooses to Scan those with a strong familiarity with their environments. As he cannot see even in Chaotic (if the offer was given to him, he’d still reject it as he would have to re-learn how to function, and it wouldn’t be fair to his other self that’d permanently be blind) neither do the Creatures he turns into during a match. He relies heavily on their senses of direction and elemental connection to the Locations, and as such, he is not a brawler or usual kind of fighter.
He loves traps. He likes using the playing field to his advantage, catching his opponents off guard, and ending the battle as quickly as possible. Usually the longer a match goes on, the less the chance of him winning. If his traps don’t immediately take someone out, his second favorite method is Coding by hanging, in which he manages to get them tangled and hung by either vines or other means. 
This has earned him the unofficial nickname of “Blind Gallows”.
-Blayne was originally made as a pun on the fact that Tom’s name means twin. I wanted to make a joke character that’d occasionally get mixed up with him, but this lil’ guy took on a life of his own and is now a fully fledged OC instead
-He has a swear jar at home, but manages his tongue better around peers. When angered, his slight brogue becomes more pronounced
-Blayne refuses to use Tribal leaders in his decks as he thinks their stats are ‘bat-shit broken’ 
-As he was born blind, he doesn’t understand color at all, so when people ask ‘do you see all light, or is everything dark’ he doesn’t understand what they’re getting at completely
-His go to Creature is Owis, and the two have met in person and became fast friends
-Some Creatures think he’s a witch, something he occasionally exploits for comedic effect
-He is a good story teller
-He has many sheepskin blankets at home as he has a tendency to get cold easily
-He loves soft fabrics and texture in general. He can sometimes be a little hands-y with close friends because he likes to try and figure out what they’re wearing. If you wear things like cable sweaters regularly, he will try and trace he cable patterns
-He is strangely adept at braiding hair except for his own
And that’s all I’ve got off the top of my head. If you have any questions, feel free to share because I will happily answer them. I will add more to this as needed, but I hope this give you an idea of who he is. 
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