#i need people defending him to ask him to shut the fuck up there shouldn't be any sympathy left
wejustvibing · 11 months
y'all saw the pics of massa chilling with freaking briatore? it's getting clearer and clearer his motives behind that so called crusade. trying to put all the guilt and blame on lewis, harassing him with constant nasty PR, contributing to the plans of those working overtime to invalidate all of his achievements, wanting HIM to validate your own lowlife non struggles. the absolute jealous, vile attention seeking shenanigans. and tbh i don't really give a single fuck which dick he rides and why but he's definitely going to lose whatever dignity that's left to his name. just the way he lost that title. he'd be deserving of it and i will drink to that. absolutely pitiful scum of the earth
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klausysworld · 2 months
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He Left First
He turned up late, again. It was obvious he forgot we even had a date planned let alone what it was for.
He was underdressed for the Restaurant reflecting his lack of effort, no flowers or anything. I know I shouldn't expect a gift but I thought he might've for our two years.
His eyes were so distant when he looked at me. He only looked annoyed as he looked over the menu, as if it was a waste of his time.
Hesitantly I grabbed the little gift back from my side and placed it on the table infront of him.
"I wasn't sure if we were doing gifts, I know it's only two years...I don't know I just got something small." I muttered, feeling stupid for even bothering. I glanced at his face and saw it dawn upon him why we were here. His mouth opened a couple times, the guilt started to form as he placed the menu down.
"Love-" He whispered and I forced a smile.
"It's nothing special, it's only little." I mumbled, waiting for him to open it. Slowly he opened the gift, it was just a painting. In the early stages of our relationship he had tried to teach me but I wasn't much good so I had been practicing the things he showed me to make him it. "I know it's not great-"
"No...It's perfect." He muttered as he stared at it.
I felt a little awkward as it went quiet before the waiter came over to ask what we'd like to have, I just ordered a grilled chicken salad and Klaus mumbled for a steak. He let out a small sigh once the waiter left and put the gift back in the bag.
"I haven't been here enough as of late and I'm sorry." He apologised, his eyes boring into mine. "I'm gonna buy you a hundred presents tomorrow to make up for this-"
"It's really fine, I just want to have a nice night." I told him and he nodded, getting up and moving his seat round to sit beside me and wrap his arm round my waist. It felt nice to feel the warmth of his touch. The touch of his lips on my head and he whispered he was sorry.
When the food came he stayed beside me and we ate with light conversation of past dates that had been particularly funny or eventful.
Honestly it was going so well, one of the nicest dates we'd had until his phone lit up on the table. A collection of messages lining up on his screen.
He picked it up and unlocked it, revealing Camille's name to pop up over and over. A frown overtook his features as he opened the messages. She said she needed him, his help. I heard him sigh and I looked down at my half eaten meal knowingly.
"Y/N..." He whispered and I let go of my fork.
"Can't we just have one night without her?" I ask, my voice cracking.
"Love, she's my friend. I can't just leave her when I know she needs me-" He defended but I couldn't understand it.
"I need you." I argued but my voice was weak. "I need you but you'll leave me?"
"I'm not leaving you. I'm just helping someone out-"
"Yeah? I bet you help her out a fucking lot." I snapped and his eyes narrowed.
"If you're insinuating that I've been unfaithful..."
"So what if I am? Am I wrong? You haven't been sleeping with me so you're getting it somewhere-"
"Shut your mouth." He warned. I glared at him and felt my face burn with heat as people around us came to a halt in their conversations.
"Or what, Klaus?" I asked and his jaw tightened.
"I'm not doing this with you." He muttered, getting up and taking his phone. I should have just let him go but in that moment I needed him to hurt like I hurt.
"What, you're just gonna run away? You always gonna be a fucking coward Klaus?" I yelled and he didn't answer. "You're the same bastard your father raised."
He faltered in his step at that, his hand curled into a fist at his side but ultimately he kept walking out of sight.
I glanced round at everyone staring and just sighed. I grabbed my purse and pulled out enough money to cover the meals, leaving it on the table and snatched the disregarded gift bag before walking out too.
I cried in the street, facing a wall as i tried not to make any sound. I pulled myself together as quickly as I could before walking home. Realistically I shouldn't have even considered going back to that stupid mansion but I did.
I ignored everyone as I went upstairs and got in one of the spare beds. I didn't bother cleaning my skin or changing my clothes, I just went to bed.
Even in the morning I just didn't get up, I just stayed there wondering what the fuck was going to happen. Part of me wanted to pack up and leave but...I loved him. I'd stayed with him for so long now, through far too much to just leave him right?
That being said when I heard the front door go and Rebekah asking where Klaus had been all night broke my heart because I knew he had been with Cami. I accused him of cheating so he decided to prove I was right.
I sniffed back my tears, refusing to cry anymore especially with him in earshot.
I forced myself up and got out of bed, stepping over the heels I had kicked off last night and opening the door. I stepped out and immediately saw him stood at the top of the stairs. Hair ruffled and eyes tired.
Neither of us spoke a word as I went into the bathroom next door to shower. When I came back out in my towel I found my comfy clothes laid out on my bed. With reluctance I accepted the gesture and got dressed. There was no point in drying my hair or having any makeup on so I just wondered downstairs.
Everyone was being awkward. Rebekah tried to come talk to me but I told her it was okay and it wasn't a big deal and I'd come talk to her when I felt a little better.
I went back to the guest bedroom and stared up at the ceiling. There weren't TV's in the rooms nobody used and I didn't have anything to do on my phone after the first couple hours so I just laid there.
When it got dark again a knock sounded at my door and Klaus came it. I didn't look over at him as he sat down beside me on the edge of the bed. His hand moved to touch me, stroking my palm and my fingers.
"Did you sleep with her?" I whispered, a little scared to ask.
"Not...technically" He muttered, his voice hesitant and guilty.
I didn't want to ask what that meant. Did he finger her? Eat her out? Did she suck him off and make out with him while convincing him to leave me for her? Was he here to break it off with me so he could just be with her?
"Do you want me to leave?" I asked, a feeling of indifference bleeding through me as a numbness protected my heart. It was quiet for a moment before he spoke.
"I don't ever want you to leave." He whispered. "I shouldn't have ever gone to her house especially when I was angry already. I ended up drinking so much..." He trailed as if remembering something. I sighed and stared into space.
"It's fine." I whispered and he squeezed my hand.
"What?" He asked and I shrugged.
"You haven't wanted to be with me for a while now...I just loved you too much to let you go but I don't have to let you go anymore, you left instead."
His fingers interlaced with mine but I didn't hold his hand back.
"I haven't stopped loving you." He admitted but I wasn't really sure I could trust whatever he said.
"You just love her too." I muttered.
"No, I don't love her. I truly don't. I don't know what's wrong with me but I know I'm wrong and I know I'm hurting you and out of all the people in my life, you are someone I never want to hurt so..." He paused for a second and I forced my eyes not to weep. "So I'm gonna do whatever you need me to do. I know we can't be together...I've broken your trust and I can't get it back until...well I don't know if I can."
"I'll just pack my things." I whispered.
"I can give you money to help-"
"I don't want your money, or your help. I just need you to leave me alone, I can't see you with her- I can't see you period." I told him.
I could physically feel my mental walls building up around me.
He left me alone a moment later and stayed out of sigh as I stuffed all my things into a case and called a cab.
It was a hotel I stayed in for a few days before I found a shitty motel that allowed long-stay for little money while I applied for jobs.
I was on my way to a work interview when I saw Klaus again. It had only been two weeks and I knew I looked shit. The shower at the motel was inconsistent of when it wanted to work, there was no hairdryer and I didn't have anything to straighten it or products to let it stay curly so it was just frizzy and I had no makeup or money to buy it so I looked as tired as I was due to the pathetic excuse of a mattress I was sleeping on. How I was going to get any job looking like I did would be a miracle or a massive pity party.
Klaus looked as perfect as ever, not a hair out of place when his eyes met mine across the street. He was there with Rebekah and I felt his gaze drift over me even after I kept walking away.
Part of me just wanting to feel his arms around me. But I knew that was wrong and I needed to get through this and he couldn't help with that. I wasn't sure anything could help, even if I had a new job and a beautiful house with a loving faithful family and two healthy children, I don't think I'd be able to look at Klaus and not wonder why I couldn't be enough for him.
If I wasn't enough for him, would I be enough for someone else?
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slasherhaven · 2 years
bo sinclair being touch adverse at first because he's not used to being touched unless it's to be punished? then him slowly melting to reader's touch because he eventually trusts them?
Bo Sinclair Accepting a Tender Touch:
Bo didn't like being touched. That was something you realised relatively quickly. Admittedly, you thought it was a little strange considering how he seemed to have no problem with touching other people, including you.
He never said anything about disliking being touches, of course, nor did he lash out. He didn't even flinch. But he would tense up, like he was preparing himself for something. How somebody might instinctively tense up when anticipating a strike.
You never mentioned it despite how often the subtle reactions played on your mind. You knew Bo wouldn't take it well, he'd snap to defend himself. You didn't need him to tell you the root of the reaction though, you knew just enough about the brothers' childhood to know it likely stemmed from that. You also knew that was a sensitive subject for Bo, even more of a reason to not ask him about it. Even if you wanted him to open up to you so you could provide help and comfort.
So, you become more tactical about your touches.
Firstly, you always make sure he can see the touch coming. You never place a hand on him from behind, only ever doing so when he is looking at you and can predict your movements. You also tried to avoid touching him quickly. You would move slowly enough that he would be able to see what you were going to do without being obvious that you were being careful around him, you knew he would hate 'being coddled'.
It happens over time but you see it happen and it compares to nothing else.
The way he stops tensing, a little less every time you touch him. Eventually you don't have to think about it so hard. You can lay a gentle hand on him casually without him going tense. He had grown used to the casual touches and that was a great achievement.
Tender touches where a different story, something he was nearly completely unfamiliar with experiencing. The first time you brush your finger tips over his cheek, he scowls, like he doesn't quite understand what you're doing or why you're doing it.
Even when he touches you, there's something about it that makes you feel like its purposeful. Like he just can't touch tenderly and instinctively.
It's another thing that changed over time. Something that you adored watching bloom.
It's the early hours of the morning when Bo comes down the stairs, dressed in a tee shirt and sweatpants, his hair still damp from his shower.
"Why are you still up?" you ask from your place on the couch.
"Could ask you the same thing," Bo mumbled, only glancing at you. You still caught the dark circles under his eyes.
"...I was worried about you," you confessed. Bo just scoffed, continuing through into the kitchen. You stood and followed him. "Seriously Bo, you've spent all day and night working on your truck. You must be exhausted, you should get some sleep."
"We need a truck. Last lot of bastards fucked it up," he shrugged, pulling the fridge door open to grab a beer. You frowned to yourself as he opened the can and shut the fridge door.
"You could have taken breaks though," you knew you shouldn't probe, you knew it only frustrated the man in front of you, but here you were and you cared, goddamn it.
"I'm a grown man, I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself. You want to baby someone, go find Lester or Vincent," Bo huffed, leaning back against the kitchen counter and bringing the beer can to his lips.
"Bo..." you sighed, crossing the kitchen in a few strides until you were standing right before him.
Gently you took the can from his hand. "What th-" Bo began to complain but you just shushed him and placed the can down on the counter behind him.
"I'm not asking you to spill your guts or anything but clearly something is wrong, even if it is just anger about what those lot did to your truck. You worked hard all day and you're tired. Just go to bed," your voice was just firm enough for him to listen, but soft enough for him to know you cared, even if he wanted to protest about it.
"Everything is fixed," you slowly brought your hand up to his face, making sure he saw it coming, before cupping his cheek. "Rest for a bit."
Maybe it was just because he was tired and his body ached from toiling with machinery under the hot sun, but when you thumb brushed over his cheekbone he let out a soft sigh. You saw the moment he realised he had turned into your touch, saw the conflict in his eyes as he tensed up just like he used too.
You knew it this was going to be a big moment, almost a deciding moment in your efforts. Either Bo would push you away, grab his beet and tell you to mind your own business, or he would accept the soft touch.
You remained still as he assessed you, gaze darting around your face, looking like he was trying to figure something out. He must have seen your sincerity, seen all the times you chose to stay, seen all the time you had been there, because you felt him slowly relaxing under your touch again.
Bo dropped his head forward and you met him halfway, letting him rest his forehead against yours. You felt his body deflate, shoulders dropped, hands unclenching.
"Fine," Bo mumbled, "I'm tired."
You smiled a little, both fond and infuriated by the man.
You ran your fingers through his damp hair, feeling him tense again when you reached the back of his head, a texture of his scalp changing under your fingertips. You quickly moved your touch higher up on his head, feeling him relax again. You wanted to apologise but didn't verbally, knowing better than to address it.
There was so much you wanted to do. You wanted to corral him to his bed to get him to sleep already, you wanted to reassure him about anything you could think of, maybe even give him a gentle kiss. But you did none of that, not daring to break the moment.
Here Bo was, allowing himself gentleness, melting into your touch and letting his eyes flutter shut. It was a small miracle in your world, and you wouldn't want to disturb it for anything.
Standing in the artificial light of the kitchen, foreheads pressed together and a hand in his hair being the only places you were connected, may not seem like much. But it meant so much for the future in Ambrose and the future of you and Bo.
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fandomxo00 · 1 month
House Of Gold - Part 3 - Talk talk
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characters: Logan Howlett!Human!AU x Audra Everly!OC
warnings: Fluff, teasing, some deep talk kinda, kissing/makeout
word count: 2.6k
All of the cool that you had before stepping in the car immediately vanished as you sat next to Logan. When you first sat down you had looked at the stirring wheel which led you to think about his hands as he firmly held on to the wheel. That made you think about where his hands have been, the grip he had on you while kissing you ferociously, the way he grasped at you while he fucked you. You felt a familiar blush run up your chest as you darted your eyes over to your lap.
"Uh, how are you?" Logan started, his voice inviting as he tried to start conversation.
"I've been good, just working really."
"What do you do?"
"Oh I work at a bookstore with my grandparents. I grew up there and never really left. Now my grandma is starting to struggle to get around even though she would never admit that-." You paused at your rambling, glancing over at Logan who balanced his eyes, bouncing back between you and the road. "At this point I could move out but they need someone to look after them."
"I'm sure they wouldn't want you to feel held back." Logan noted as you frowned over at him.
"They aren't holding me back." You argued. Logan sighed as he shook his head as he look forward before glancing over at you.
"That's not what I meant. You shouldn't make life decisions based on other people's needs, even the ones you love." Logan explained as you watched the carefully crafted words come out of his mouth, then you look out the window.
"I want to be there." You defended
"I'm sure you do." Logan replied.
"What do you want from me?" You snapped. "Oh your right, I'm miserable and if I could get out I would? Is that-."
"I'm not trying to do anything."
"You're right, I'm trying to get to know you and you're a brick wall."
"I am not." You grunted.
"You're overly defensive."
"You're nosey."
"Maybe I am." Logan hummed, an amused smile on his face. You rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms over your chest before looking back out the window and manifesting a brick wall between you and Logan, this man made you confused. "How did you meet Eva?"
"We were neighbors when we were little girls, our siblings were friends so naturally-actually." You paused, laughing as you shook your head. "We actually fought like wolves."
"What changed?"
"We grew up and wanted to be there for each other. It's almost like we're sister in a way." You replied, before a skip of slience. "Did you hire Justin?"
"I did." Logan hummed. "Did you go to school?"
"No." You sighed. "I pretty content with my job, always have been and I have the potential to run the Rose Mary's one day and I want to focus on that."
"Why do you like it so much?" 
"It's quiet." 
"I have a quiet place we could go to and keep talking for a bit?" He asked, glancing over at you as you frowned over at him. 
"Aren't you hosting a party?" You questioned.
"Wade's already there, he can handle the host position for a little while." Logan affirmed. 
"Who's Wade?"
"My friend."
"Well I'm going to let you know if you try and kidnap me I will punch you in the face, I take boxing classes." You warned, pointing your finger at him, teasingly, his eye crinkles wrinkling as he grinned. 
"It's not too far away." He promised. 
The two of you remained quiet, your silent agreement to stop whatever conversation you were having before. You didn't know if he felt that way, he seemed to love to talk but you were shutting down. As badly as you want the family life, the husband, or the hunky older man that wants to get to know you, you were intensely afraid of intimacy and for a long time you even struggled with just touching in general. 
Your first real boyfriend, after inebriated first times and stupid one-night stands, you were met with a guy who was impulsive but hilarious, he promised you so much and then he went off with one of your friends. He was the first time sex was ever actually good, though he was also very immature, and he didn't take you seriously. Then you upgraded to a man who was interested in you, asking the intrusive questions, and so much hotter than your previous boyfriend. It was a trivial thing really but looks were important to you and not for the clique reasons. Because from such a young age you pictured this dream man in your life, a best friend, someone who wanted to know you and appreciated you, flaws, and something about a tall, strong, handsome man was something you wanted. You found comfort and attraction in Logan, call it daddy issues or whatever but he made you feel like women. 
You flushed as you stared out the window as you entered a very tall car garage, and you turned your knees towards Logan. "Seriously are you going to kidnap me?" You blurted as Logan finished rolling down his window and confronted the parking attendant. 
"She's joking." 
"Blink twice-."
"He's right, it's just a little thing we do." You smiled, reaching out and putting your hand on his tan forearm, he was soft but his arm firm, his skin warm to the touch, your breath became heavier as your fingers lightly grasped at his skin. He started to lift himself up to the side to grab his wallet before the tendent began to talk. 
"Alright, it's free for thirty minutes, an hour is 5-." 
"We'll do the hour just in case." Logan replied as he opened his billfold and handed the kid a five-dollar bill. He was quick as he opened the gate and let us go through, you were feeling the blush that pinkened your face, creeping up to the tips of your ears and front of your chest. This man didn't even have to do much to get you sweating but you were incredibly embarrassed by the situation. You don't know whether it was fight or flight or acting that saved you in that moment, or maybe even the desire to touch him. His hand moved to yours that rested on his forearm, you couldn't believe you hadn't moved it, but Logan didn't seem to mind. His dark eyes find yours as he squeezes your fingers lightly in his palm as you softened your grip before sliding your hand away. "Good save back there."
"Sometimes I don't think before I speak." 
"Doesn't everyone? We all say stupid shit sometimes, but in this case-." He laughed; his voice was grumbly but airy. You hummed quietly as you held your other fist in your hand, looking away from him. 
You could believe the trust you were giving to this man as he drove you further up the ramp until you got to the top of the building. There were a few cars scattered around the large expanse of space, but it was pretty much empty. He parked in the middle of the parking lot before shutting off his car. "This is usually full during the week, lots of tall business buildings full of important and busy people." You nodded your head, remaining silent, before glancing over at him to see the confusion on his face before he looked away. "I wish you'd just talk to me."
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"Did you ever think I was communicating by not using words?" You retorted. 
"I'm not here to argue with you, Audra." Logan said, firmly. "Your sending mixed messages and I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
"Does your mind ever tell you to do something you don't want to do?" You murmured, meeting his eyes. "I know what I want, that's clear as day but it's like I can't breathe and the only way to take a breath is to shut down." You scanned his eyes as he looked over at you and breathed out. "It's not like I can control it either, its random. I can have hot sex with you but when you hold my hand I have a panic attack." 
"Well I can remind you that you don't have to." 
"Don't have to?" You trailed.
"You don't have to shut down, if you focus on what you want enough, you will get what you want, sometimes it's that easy and sometimes its messy and confusing." Your lips suddenly felt dry as you looked into his green eyes, his face serious but soft as he looked into your own eyes. 
"Okay." You mumbled, you looked at Logan with an almost trance like look on your face, this look was addicting to him. 
"We uh, should go sit on the hood, the slight breeze, the distance sounds of the city below." You turned your body to open the door and step out into the parking lot. You wondered over to the hood of the car as he did to the other side of the hood and sat down towards the end of the front. You pushed yourself up further on the car, hoping you wouldn't hear the hood pop down from your weight as you stared down at the hood. "Don't worry, it's pretty sturdy." 
"I see that." You pushed your hair away from your face, your sunglasses forgotten long ago in your bag, at some point you flung them off while you'd been arguing with him. You looked out, the parking garage small enough to where you could see out into the city. But you couldn't hear the hussle and bussle of the streets, all of it so distance it was only a soft white noise. "You're right, it is quiet." 
"This is where I come, when I'm overwhelmed, I bring out friends when they're struggling and my daughter when she is upset." Logan explained. 
"Eva mentioned that." You started, as Logan turned to look over at you, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "That you had a kid, how old is she?"
"She's twelve." Logan revealed, his eyebrow quirking up as his eyes followed you as you leant back. 
"What's she like?"
"Well uh, she's stubborn and defiant but she's also very smart. She likes to steal from Walmart with her friend, Ellie. Wade's daughter." 
"Same age?" You laughed.
"Yeah, they talk each other into it." He concluded, smiling over at you. You could barely notice it but he moved closer almost subconsciously. "So what's thing you want so badly?"
You smile for a second before squinting over at him, "What do you mean?"
"You're fighting yourself, what are you wanting that your fighting against?" The realization sunk on you, and you looked away a small blush dusting your cheeks. 
"I don't know if you want to hear about that." You objected.
"You don't know that, what's it about?"
"About finding true love and having a family and not the-the basic thing that everyone imagines but in the way that it fuels me through life knowing that one day I will get there. Or I hope I do." You spoke out into the air, neglecting to look over at Logan. 
"Really now?" You rolled your eyes as you reached out to slap at his bicep.
"Don't make fun of me, I warned you." 
"I'm not. I've just never really cared about that before." Logan replied. 
"Oh, that's reassuring." You laughed. 
"That doesn't mean I'm not interested in you, it's just not my idea of a dream. When I was younger, being good at my job, being successful, being a mentor, having all of the things to show that I was doing well for myself. I think I actually like yours more."
"Yeah, I'm just feeding into America's patriarchal system." 
"No." Logan shakes his head. "No, you just want to love others and that isn't a bad thing."
"Nice save." You smiled.
"I try." He murmured, as he looked down at your lips before moving in closer to you, his nose almost touching yours, you don't know how the two of you got closer, but it was like the conversation pulled the two of you together. "Audra." He murmured.
"Yeah." You breathed, your eyes focused on his plump bottom lip, his cupid bow above his thin upper lip, they were a pink mauve color and all you wanted was to feel them on yours. 
"I don't want this to be just a fling." Logan declared, his right hand coming up to swipe his thumb across your cheek and hold your face in his hand. 
"Me neither, don't let it be." You asked, as Logan smiled over at you as he looked into your eyes, his green eyes twinkling. God, he was dreamy. 
"I'll try my best." He grinned.
"Are you going to kiss me yet?" Logan didn't waste a second after the invitation, his lips sealing over yours in a soft kiss, his other hand coming to your waist. You lean into his touch, letting him consume you wholey with only one kiss. His lips moved with yours and he breathed you in before moving back, your eyes opening to see why he left to watch as he moved his head to the other side before reconnecting your lips.
This was different from the first night, there was no rush, no hunger, you just wanted to be close to Logan. Your hand shakily reaches out for his chest, before sliding up to his jaw and pulling him in closer to you. He was so close to you, he smelt like vanilla, pumpkin spice and tobacco, you wanted to soak in a bath of what he smelt like. You part once again to breath before Logan pulls you into closer, your leg moving forward to rest on his lap as he pulled you into his side as he continued to meet your lips in soft velvety light kisses. When your other leg was draped in his lap, his hand rested on your calf while his other hand stayed around your body to pull you into him. As he met your lips again, the kiss was messier, his tongue slips between your lips and you lightly moan into his lips as your hands knot in his hair. Logan inhaled deeply as he continued to kiss you, trying to suck in air through his nose so he didn't have to separate his lips from yours. But you had to pull back, gasping for air before going to kiss at his jaw softly, his stubble rubbing against your lips before you find a spot just below his ear that makes him groan aloud. Logan's arm unwraps around your middle to thread his fingers through your hair and passionately connect your lips, then he stopped.
"We-we should slow down." Logan breathed.
"Because you aren't a fling, and I don't want you to confuse the two." Logan retorted, his voice raspy as he looked into your eyes, his hazel green eyes boring into you, your breathing finally regulating as you were no longer attached by the mouth.  The hand in his hair loosens before running across his stubble again before lightly cupping his jaw and leaning in to softly press your lips against his, he pecked back at you, restraining himself as your hand slid from his jaw to his chest before falling beside you. 
"Let's not tell anyone who doesn't already know, not yet, I mean I don't want everyone to think we're serious right away because it puts pressure-." You started to ramble, as his hand started soothing up and down your leg as he watched you intently. 
"I get it, I'm not your dirty secret." 
"Well right now you kinda are." You joked, leaning into him as you smiled. 
"I guess so." He chuckled, jutting his chin out as he does before, he goes to kiss you. Logan's lips almost seemed coated in some addicting drug because you felt dizzy when he kissed you. "We should get heading back." He murmured as you groaned, he smiled at your protest. "It'll be fun, no one knows but us." 
"I'll show you fun." 
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
Gridoc 2 :D
Doc only likes people being afraid of him when they deserve it, and Grian doesn't deserve it. He doesn't want Grian to avoid him and he definitely doesn't want him to actively run away. He's seen it out of the corner of his eye, he'll be shopping and catch Grian come around the corner, spot him, and then do an about face and go back from where he came.
So, he invites the buttercups, and Ren, to a nice little picnic at spawn. Neutral ground, neutral people, no reason to be afraid. It works and Doc finally has the chance to talk to the guy, Scar and Mumbo too but they're more accomplices than instigators.
Calmly, and in English this time, Doc explains that pranks are fun, welcome, and expected, as long as both parties are in on the joke. He explains that he felt helpless and unable to defend his territory and why it was so upsetting. Grian understands, parrots also have nests after all and he knows what it's like to have one invaded, and he properly apologizes for taking it too far. Scar does too, Mumbo and Ren are too busy talking about their shared experience living in vans and busses to really care about the conversation at hand.
Things go back to normal, or closer to it, after that meeting. Grain leaves eggs, unhatched, around the hall of goat, like an Easter egg hunt. Doc puts a splash pot of levitation above Grain's door, and the little pranks continue on. They escalate a little bit as both parties grow bolder but it remains a game and not a war.
The only thing that's different is that both Grain and Doc are supporting a surprising, but not unwanted, growing affection for the other. It comes to a head when Doc is heading home one night and his eye fucking dies. Shouldn't have taken that last aerial view. He's under the Rock, Dwayne, currently, he meant to land on the bridge but missed, cause blindness and all that. He's busily squinting at his comm trying to make out the words to call someone and get him when Grian lands and asks if he's ok.
He is ok, as long as someone walks him home, wink wink. It's nice holding Grian's hand again, comforting and soft in his own. He doesn't have any anxieties about being led astray.
They reach the perimeter, lights from the hall of goat glow in the distance, brighter than the moon. "I can go from here, should be able to make it on my own if you want to go to bed."
"are you sure? I don't mind, I- I like...I like holding your hand."
"oh.. actually uh, I think I might need some guidance."
"I wish we would hold hands when you're not blind"
"me too" doc presses closer, Grian indulges him.
They make it all the way to docs room before he has any second thoughts, half of him wants to invite grian inside, show him his most personal space because he trusts and likes Grian. The other half of him is saying No Fucking Way, especially not when he's vulnerable, what if Grian betrays him? Well, shut up other half, he leads Grian through the door.
"I've never seen a creepers nest before.." he says in wonderment.
"they're very well hidden," doc pops out his eye and plugs it in, "usually reserved for special people."
Awkward silence stretches on, doc scratches 'absentmindedly' at the base of his horn. Grain shifts his weight from foot to foot.
"can I kiss you?"
first part!
Doc must really like Grian, because he wakes up the next morning with the bird hybrid tucked up against him. Doc rumbles, pleased, pulling Grian a little closer. Grian sighs, sounding like all is right in the world.
They start holding hands. They start kissing (only when nobody's looking, they know what the hermits are like.) Doc gets to find out what a parrot nest looks like.
And the pranks continue. Except now one is just as likely to lead into a candlelit dinner as it is a mess to clean up.
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ilovebokutokoutaro · 9 months
Minho x reader
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Warnings: well angst obviously, no happy ending, breakup, idk if i missed any but this one is light ig
Oh you hated it, the way he instantly pushed his head down, the way his mouth opened to get in a little sharp breath, the way his hands tightened to fists, the way he turned away and all the while you watched, there was only one question in your head. 'Why can he not look at her?'
Right. You wouldn't ever understand, they had something you had pretended you both had too for so long, she left him astray and you couldn't help but doubt if he loved you or were you just a rebound, just a bandaid over his bleeding wounds, barely containing him from going insane and merely there to keep him sane.
Was that all you meant to him in the end? You were too afraid to ask, because the answer wouldn't be the one you needed but the one he wanted. "Minho" you called and watched him shut his eyes watched him exhale past the tears building up in the eyes you sought comfort from. "Minho!" You called again and he flinched, answering without meeting your eyes.
"yes, love" he gritted his teeth at the name and you followed with a gulp.. "can we leave....please?" You asked and he nodded getting up without facing you once, he bid goodbyes to his friends and there were nothing but awkward glances towards you by them.
You wanted to hide, laughing at how the only man you had loved your whole life embarrassed you to death in front of people he deemed to be his best friends, everyone could see it. The way minho's breathes sharpened as she entered the big room and you had decided you've had enough when he left without even glancing at you.
"goodbye" you smiled knowing everyone is the room had an idea that you'd be meeting them for the last time today. The ride home was long and you hated staying in the same car as him. You could feel embarrassment bubbling up and tingling in your whole body and shuddered, catching your lover's, or was he? Attention for the first time in the night.
"what's wrong?" He asked and you chuckled satirically, "what's wrong?" You mocked him and he frowned barely paying attention to the road anymore, it was empty either way and with how embarrassed you felt you'd rather just jump outside on the empty road than stay with him.
"should've looked at yourself when she entered the room." Oh pathetic way to start, very pathetic. "What?" He snapped and you couldn't hold it in anymore. "You fucking teared up in front of the whole room, you were shivering minho. If that is how big of an effect she has on you..then why the fuck am i here?" You asked, looking at him after so long you barely recognised him.
"that is not true." He stated gulping, oh he knew it was. It was everything but a lie, you were right and he hated it. "It's not her, it's just the things that happened between us y/n you shouldn't assume." He defended. "Yeah after a year if all that still affects you i support you, no i really do if you were almost on the verge of weeping from the bad memories I'm here minho. But tell me is that all??? Really? Does she mean nothing to you?" You questioned and minho turned towards you in haste, pulling the car to a stop.
"yes, she means-" he stopped when his eyes met yours, you were looking at him so desperately barely containing the tears. "Please minho is that true she means nothing to you?" You asked again, a tear falling past your eyes, you made no effort wiping it when the look you dreaded crossed his face. "Y/n..." He started trying to grab your hand but you pulled away.
"if what you say is true, why? Why does everyone look at me like I'm the one who means nothing when she's there? why can't you answer my question? Why do you tear up at the sight of her? Does she really mean nothing...or am i the one who means nothing?" You interrogated, accusing him of things he knew were too true to be declined.
"no i swear-" he gulped. "I swear she means nothing to me" he stated, avoiding your eyes, big mistake. and you sobbed watching the lie seeping through his eyes. "no. Don't lie, look at yourself." You cried and he lowered his head. Eyes tearing up at the situation. "I'm sorry.." he started and you laughed. "sorry? After a fucking year? You tell me you're sorry after a year of being together? I gave you time minho. So much time. But this is it. You leave me at a hotel for today, I'll come to gather my stuff tomorrow." You sighed, wiping away your tears. Comforting yourself with the thought that you could cry alone after he's gone, everything hitting you off at once.
Oh you did not want to breathe anymore. You did not want to be here either. Minho's ex girlfriend had cheated on him and you were best friends with both of them, not only did you lose your best friend but you were somehow pulled to love minho knowing he was and never will be over her.
He didn't cheat, yeah. But nor was he ever over her. Not when he couldn't cut her off his life after more than a year of breakup, not when he would still shiver at the sight of her, as his best friend you understood but as his girlfriend you hated him. You hated him to the core.
And when you were alone in the hotel room sobbing so hard you couldn't breathe, maybe then it occurred to you that you were nothing but a rebound, a pathetic, useless rebound to minho. Maybe that's why you stayed up the whole night crying, and maybe that's why nothing in your life felt worth it anymore. But one thing you knew was, you'd be past this, maybe life was as mean to you as it could be but you knew you'd be over it and maybe this time the one holding your hand wouldn't hold it to gather his scattered pieces but because he would scatter without you.
Happyyy newww yeaarr tooo all of youuu thank you for reading🥰🥰💞💞
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jinmukangwrites · 1 year
For the prompts, 16 with Legend?
16: what a jerk
Hey don't cry, Ao3 is no longer down drabble prompts
It started innocent enough. Warriors had been around the others long enough to know their tells. Habits. The way they moved and talked. He didn't become a Captain, and a damn good one too, if he hadn't known how to figure out his comrades. When Legend started poking fun at Four, nobody batted an eye. Four had that look on his face that made it clear he was annoyed, but not offended. He didn't need defending, he was taking the verbal strikes with dignity and a spark of humor in his eye.
Legend, Warriors knew, everyone in their group knew, wasn't poking fun to be mean. That was was just how he talked. He said things bluntly, and exactly how it was on his mind, not often realizing how harsh or cruel his words and actions are until he got called out on it.
Four could defend himself. All it would take was a simple "Vet, back off," and Legend would immediately begin apologizing genuinely.
So no one was batting an eye. No one was rising to Four's defence. No one was calling Legend a bully, not anymore. Not after getting to know him and the kindness he held under layers of trauma; all of them hid things under layers of trauma after all. For Legend, it was softness. Asking Legend to be naturally soft would be like asking a fire to not naturally burn.
However, everyone heard it when a young hylian woman walking with her friends in the busy market street turned to her friends, a glare in her eyes, and said a bit too loudly, "what a jerk."
Legend immediately went stiff. His face going pale and his ears red.
He shut his mouth with a click, and rushed up ahead of the group before anyone could react.
Four glared at the woman. "Hey! Mind your business!"
Her face opened in shock, her friends rushing to defend her while Hyrule looked ready to tear throats out. Warriors trusted Time and Twilight to handle the group and make sure any... unheroic scuffles... didn't happen, so he picked up his own stride to catch up with Legend. Poor guy tried to pick up his pace but Warriors had the longer legs.
"Tell smithy I'm sorry. I don't want to talk about it," Legend said the moment it became apparent that he wasn't going to lose Warriors simply by walking fast.
"You don't have to talk about it," Warriors replied. "But you also don't have to be sorry."
Legend gave something between a scoff and a growl. "Don't have to be sorry..." he muttered like the words were dirt. "I was insulting him for no reason. Goddesses Warriors, why was I insulting him? I know he doesn't like being poked at for his height or treated like a child and yet I was doing just that and I-" he finished with a snarl, bringing his hands to the roots of his hair and pulling at it. "Why the fuck am I like this? I didn't even realize until that woman..."
"Vet," Warriors said, grabbing Legend by the shoulder and stopping them both mid step. Legend made a half-hearted attempt to pull himself out of the grasp, but ultimately surrendered with a glare. "If you were offending any of us, we would have told you. Smithy would have told you. You know this."
Ugly confliction screwed up Legend's expression until he looked down at his boots, refusing to look at Warriors. "I know. Doesn't change anything. Just because you all have gotten used to me doesn't change that I'm... a jerk. A stick in the mud. Debby downer. A bully... all those fun words." His voice was barely above a whisper. "You all are kind, but other people, normal people, don't see me the way you do."
"Um, excuse me, sir," a feminine voice cut in. Legend stiffened while Warriors turned with a raised eyebrow. The woman, the one who had spoken up, stood a good few steps away, looking properly reprimanded with Four standing smugly behind her. "I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed."
"It's fine," Legend said tensely.
She nodded, cleared her throat, then retreated back to her friends who were looking at Hyrule like he was about to jump out at them.
Warriors laughed and clapped Legend on the back. "The world doesn't have to see you the way we do all the time," he said, "we know you, and we'll stick up for you until it more parts of it does. We got your back, Vet."
Legend released a sigh, bringing the back of his hand up to the bottom of his eye and wiping. He sniffed, and kicked his boot in the dirt. "Stop getting sappy on me, Captain, it's gross... but thanks." He bit his lip.
Warriors bagan leading him back to the rest of the group. "Anytime, brother. Anytime."
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"Bruce, my man," Oliver said loudly as he entered the Watchtower's cafeteria, "today would be a good day to delete your social media apps for a little while. Take a break, come back in a few months or so."
Bruce sighed. "What is it now?"
"Nnnnnnothing. Don't worry about it."
"Really," Barry added, seeing that Bruce was unconvinced, "it's nothing important. Just some random person stirring up drama."
"Hang on, you don't have a guy who handles that stuff for you, do you?" Hal asked. "Like a secretary, or something?"
"Wayne Enterprises has a social media team. Personally, I have Tim, who makes it his business to intervene on my behalf more often than not."
"Well, tell him to delete his socials for a while, too."
"It's just drama, right? Nothing either of us haven't seen before, I'm sure."
"Uhhh," Barry said, exchanging a nervous glance with Oliver, "well, this one's going kinda viral. Any kind of statement on your part would probably make it worse rather than better."
"Barry, I promise, I've been 'viral' lots of times in my life. You're probably worrying too much."
"Look, I'll tell you if you want to know," Oliver said. "I'll do it. Are you really sure you want to know? Are you really, really-"
"Alright, fine. Have it your way. Earlier today, somebody posted, and I quote: 'billionaire playboy' is just a nice way of saying that Bruce Wayne is a SLUT."
Bruce snorted. "Is that all?"
"It's going viral," Barry repeated carefully.
"That's fine. It's no big deal."
"No big deal?!" Hal asked incredulously.
"Wayne Enterprises just put out a Transparency of Operations report last week, I was worried it would be something about that."
"Still, the comments.... the comments..."
"Highly entertaining, I'm sure," Bruce rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, they really are." Oliver grinned. "Some great memes in there."
"It's split about half and half between people slut-shaming you, and people saying we shouldn't be slut-shaming anyone."
"My favorite part is that there's a bunch of people defending you who claim to have actually slept with you during the height of your slut era. And they're all making a point to mention how nice you were about the whole thing!"
Oliver threw back his head and positively cackled. Hal laughed, too. Barry attempted valiantly to remain merely concerned, but even he had to bite his lip to stop from laughing. Bruce merely shrugged.
"Well, I like to think I kept it respectful with all my past partners from that era. Never saw any point in not being considerate."
"Yeah, you're a real gentleman."
"There's some men in there, as well, saying the same stuff," Hal said. "Does that count as a big deal?"
"Why would it? I've been publicly out as bisexual for almost three years now."
"You WHAT?!"
"Missed that one, did you? That also went viral for a little bit."
"You were in space when that happened, Hal," Barry said. "Remember that time you were gone for a while, and then as soon as you got back, Lobo was running around causing all that chaos? It was then."
"That's- you should have remembered to tell me about that, Barry! That's a pretty big deal!"
"No, it's really not."
"Shut up, Bruce. What the fuck does it mean to be 'publicly out', anyway? How did that even happen?!"
"Someone approached Wayne Enterprises about sponsoring the Gotham pride parade, and a couple of associated LGBTQ+ focused charities. So we gave them some money, and they invited me to give a speech as part of the event. I thought it would have been inappropriate to do so just as an ally."
By this point, Oliver was bent double, laughing so hard that there were tears in his eyes, and even Barry was snickering at the the look of mixed disbelief and confusion on Hal's face.
"That's... that's... I can't... you're not normal! I need you to recognize that you are not a normal person!"
"I'm sure it was actually inspiring for a lot of Gothamites," Barry said. "They looooooove their Bruce Wayne out there, after all."
"Sure. I'm not ignorant of the influence my standing affords me."
"Well, I still think you should stay out of this one. And Tim, too, definitely don't let him intervene on your behalf here. But it's good to know that it doesn't bother you."
"Yeah, I aspire to have skin as thick as yours. Any tips?"
"Maybe being a slut has something to do with it."
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aesopsbaby · 3 years
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: Yandere!Tim Wright
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: You were like a drug to him,the only thing keeping him sane. To you, he fucking scares you.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: First writing after a long break :) Hopefully this isn't too badly written but I felt that I got off tracked at the end so...this definitely wasn't what I had entirely intended. Hope you enjoy! Also,I'm going to be changing the header for him soon,just have to decide on which one.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Yandere themes,kidnapped!darling,delusional behaviour(?),Masky is mentioned but never appears,forced intimacy(?),sharing of one bed,stockholm syndrome(at the end),Darling gets pinned down(no sexual intent),Masky and Tim are different people, darling is touch starved, possessiveness/obsessiveness
𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: High
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You never meant for it to get to this point. You hadn't expected yourself to end up in this situation.
You were like a drug to him,the only thing keeping him sane. To you, he fucking scares you.
It started off fine,really,it did. He was just so kind and warm towards you,always offering to pay for your coffee and on some occasions when you had an extra cake or any sort of desserts,he would pay for them as well. He wouldn't even hesitate,always insisting on it,saying sweet stuff like-- "Oh no no,don't worry! I'll pay for it,it's the least I can do. I mean,you're spending time with me,that's more than I could ever need."--that always makes you melt.
Tim was what you would have called the "perfect guy". I mean,come on! He had all the redeeming qualities! He was; Caring,always checking up on you and listening to your problems on your 'off-days'. Protective, Tim always knew how to defend you.
And..this..probably was where you should've seen the warning signs. Everytime and I mean everytime you're in any form of danger,Tim somehow always appears out of nowhere. Standing up for you and pushing potentially harmful people out of your way,a small threat --Which you should've caught onto with the tone he was saying them in-- to scare them off.
Tim would've never strike you as the type of man to be so..scary. Dangerous. He was, no, is a dangerous man. Tim or rather,Masky is what terrifies you.
A small date night. Just a small harmless date night which could potentially bring you and Tim's relationship to the next level. It all happened so quickly,even till now you still can't fully fathom what truly happened on that..unfortunate day.
You just happened to have stopped to chat with one of your neighbours. He was asking you about how your family has been which was normal since he had known you and your family since forever. You hadn't thought much about it. 'It's alright if Tim waited a little while,right?'
You shouldn't have even thought about that. You should've just ignored your neighbour. You shouldn't have stayed. You shouldn't have answered him: "They're doing fine,definitely having the time of their lives without having their little rascle annoying them constantly,hah!" You shouldn't have laughed. Not with him.
You shouldn't have made Tim wait. You should've been there. With Tim. Laughing with Tim.
But it all happened too fast. It hurts your head to even think about that awful past. Pulling your blanket further up to cover your body,you snuggled into it for comfort,trying hard to erase those images of bloodied up corpses in that diner that you were supposed to meet Tim at.
You clenched your eyes shut tightly as the images come flooding back into your mind. Flashing images of the expression that Tim wore made your entire body tense immediately.
You can still recall how he looked. A blank stare. Or..rather,a blank white mask on his face,splattered slightly with bright crimson red liquid--blood,you corrected yourself,it was blood. You still can't believe it was blood that you were witnessing. His body was tense. Hand gripping a knife,probably the cutlery served together with the meal that he so thoughtfully bought for the both of you. He was gripping it with so much strength that you can see him trembling. From the rage? The adrenaline?
It was the rage,you came to that conclusion after you arrived here.
But that wasn't the worst part. It was how he looked at you. You swore your blood went fucking cold when he stared into your eyes. Looking at you with such a dull and sharp stare. You couldn't move,even when he was walking towards you with that dreaded weapon still in his grasp,you couldn't move.
Damn it. You shook your head side to side to forget about it. You pursed your lips into a thin line as you stared at the ceiling.
He was going to return home anytime soon.
.... Home. Pfft,as if. This isn't a "home",you don't feel safe here,at all! You were in a small cabin--that you at least had the knowledge of--who knows how fucking far away from civilization you were! All you know is that this cabin is probably located deep in the forest.
Fucking creep. He planned all this out long ago,huh? Fuck him. Fuck this stupid shitty life you have. And fuck your luck for ever meeting Tim. Or Masky. Whatever that bastard is.
A thud reached your ears,the doors has been pushed opened. Followed by the loud thumping of..heavy boots. Yeah. That's him alright. You stayed underneath the covers,eyes darting quickly to the outside of the room,heart rate picking up gradually once you caught sight of the shadow casted on the floor,slowly getting closer and closer until his figure shows up at the door frame.
"Sunshine...? Are you..Are you awake..still?" His voice sounded..like warmth. You just wanted to be in his arms as he runs his hand up and down your back,whispering sweet nothings into your ear like before. But you know you can't let your guard down around him. Well,not anymore.
Who knows when Masky is going to appear and what if Masky was in a bad mood? And he just..oh I don't know,kills you?
Upon getting no response back,Tim let out a soft sigh,walking into the room and sitting down next to you on the bed--Your shared bed. You turned over on your side to avoid facing him.
You kept your stoic expression,choosing to ignore the shifting on the bed as he moves to get below the covers.
He had this unique scent on him. One that you can always seem to identify as him. Cigarette smokes and a hint of copper. Sometimes the smell of rain lingers on him,it brings you a sense of comfort. Well, as much as it possible can if you were to ignore the fact that he was a cold blooded murderer.
You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist,efficiently bringing you closer into his warm body. Your entire body went rigid. Not safe. Danger,he's dangerous,you need to get away. Alarm bells rang in your head,you could feel your heart picking up its pace and you could feel the blood rushing in your veins. It's not safe here,not in his embrace---
It! ...its..its nice.. It was nice to be held like this.. It's warm,you feel as if you needed this for so long. How long has it truly been since the last time you felt human touch,you wondered.
It was as if this was really him. Is it really him? Is he back? Is Tim finally back?
"Y/n, It's me, it always has been. I've never left..what do you mean by "back" ?" His voice snapped you back into reality. Did you mumble that outloud? Are you really that out of it that you can't even seem to know if you were saying stuff outloud anymore?
"I...uh..I just..I.." You cursed yourself for even stammering and stuttering over your words. Shit shit shit, what if he overthinks this as some sort of act of defiance. "Sunshine...were you talking about..Masky?" He spoke up again,as if he could read your mind.
You shakily nodded your head. Goosebumps erupted on your skin as you felt his breath hit the nap of your neck,the smell of cigarettes hitting you almost immediately but for some reason,it caused all your muscles to relax. You hadn't even realised you were that tensed.
"It's not him. I'm Tim,I'll always be Tim. Masky won't return,honey." At this,you took a risk to turn around at his words. Immediately after doing so,you met his gaze, he was staring into your eyes with so much desperation and longing. You felt your heart strings getting tugged at the sight. "Please y/n,trust me. I'll never let him hurt you. I will never allow you to get hurt.."
You pursed your lips into a thin line,your confidence wavering as you looked back at him.
It seemed you took too long to respond as Tim's patience was wearing thin by the second.
You breathed out,breaking eye contact. "I'm.. I'm sorry Tim..this is..just really too much right now. I'm just so fucking scared of this.. of..of you. I'm so terrified of you." You felt a lump forming in your throat as you break away from his hold on your waist,which was surprisingly really easy as his hold on you seemed to have loosen during your 'conversation'. Standing up at the side of the bed,you continued; "Tim please just let me go. I won't tell anyone,I promise. Just..just let me back home and we can just forget all these ever happen and never cross paths again..al-alright?--"
Almost in an instant,his hand reached out to grab onto your wrist,a small yelp escaped your lips but before anything else could happen,you were dragged back down onto the bed harshly.
He was holding you down with brute force,causing a slight sting to make its way to your wrists. You can be sure that it's going to leave a marking. "You can't leave..I need you." You made the mistake of looking up at him,because almost immediately,you felt your heart clench at the heartbreaking sight. His eyes were fogged up with tears threatening to spill out. His voice was cracking as he tries to soften it. For you,he had said once. He would soften his voice for you as to not scare you too much.
"You mean too much to me sunshine! I'll die without you! Is that what you want, for me to be dead?" He furrowed his eyebrows to look at you with accusation.
"You..you won't leave me..right sweetheart?"
No..no you didn't want that.. He..he was still the same Tim..right? The same Tim that cares alot about you..the one who only had you in his head 24/7. Its..still in there right..?
"I won't Tim..sorry for acting out.."
It made you sick to your stomach to even admit to that.
Tim slowly lets go of your wrists,a small and soft smile grazing his lips as he looks at your with familiar gentleness. He hoists you up carefully to hug you tightly,letting out a content sigh. His hands went to rub up and down your back.
You felt your body gave out due to exhaustion..and also from nervousness from..before. It felt safe again. Its so confusing. It hurts your head..but for now,you'll let yourself indulge in your sick satisfactions,just for a little comfort.
He pulls away to gingerly hold your hand in his. His warm hand rubs over your thumb softly as he slowly moves upwards to trace over the red marks he had left. "Poor thing..this wouldn't have happened if you didn't have those stupid ideas." He brings your wrist up to his mouth to plant sweet and soft kisses over them,a slight laugh bubbles up from your throat from the ticklish sensation. Tim smiles at you,letting out a soft chuckle of his own at the sight and sound of your happiness.
You suppose it wouldn't be all that bad if you just listened to him.
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leetotters · 3 years
sassy quips
note: this was so much fun writing. credits to the funny tiktok audios and instagram videos i saw to write this short fic! the writing in italics is the 'youtube video'. i need a better title for this
warnings: tom and reader are together ofc, cursing, sassy/funny!reader? lmao
tom holland x reader, tom holland and co x reader(platonic lol)
summary: harrison stumbles upon a youtube video containing funny/sassy moments between y/n and the holland brothers(including harrison)
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Tom and Harrison's loud laughs could be heard from the living room, the boys were currently doing an Instagram live, claiming it was the perfect time to do one since they were bored and Tom hadn't interacted with his fans in the longest while.
You yawned walking into the room finding Tom's phone propped up on the blue fruit bowl, showing his screen the lasagna Sam made earlier. "Hey guys" You spoke, jumping over Harrison's giggly body on the carpeted floor to seat yourself on Tom's awaiting lap.
"Hey love, sleep well?" Tom asked, brushing the loose hair that rested on your forehead before pecking the space between your brows. "Yes" You sighed, turning your attention to Tom's live.
You skimmed through the comments, laughing at some funny ones and awing at the ones stating you were pretty and all boosting your confidence, "Someone asked why is Harrison laughing" You read aloud gaining the blonde's attention.
"I found a video on YouTube and it's hilarious" He grinned pushing his phone so it was in front of your face. You twitched your brows up when you saw the title.
'Y/N and the Holland Brothers funny/sassy moments'
"Oh my, no way" You grabbed his phone, clicking the video. "Wait" Harry took the phone, connecting the YouTube video to the television before handing it back to you. "Now everyone can see" He explained, plopping down on the sofa with a bowl of pretzels.
"Ready?" You inquired, pressing the play button on the phone when the boys replied with an amused 'yes'. Tom flipped the camera so the live could also see the video being displayed on the flat screen.
The music of the YouTube channels intro played, the classic aesthetic sound and the accounts name saying to subscribe before the title finally showed up. 'Y/N and the Holland brothers funny/sassy moments part.1'
"I am single" You wistfully spoke, your lips forming into a pout taking a sip of your orange juice before continuing. "And you're single" You pointed at Tom making him get a sense of hope that you're finally catching on that he likes you. "And well that can only mean one thing" You closed the cap of your juice, Tom smiled waiting excitedly for your answer.
"Nobody fucking wants us yo what the fuck" You dropped your head dramatically on the marble counter. Tom rolled his eyes, resuming the task he was doing before you barged in.
"Why you do him like that Y/N" Harrison voiced, his words stuttering from his loud laughs. "Tom was practically waiting for you to ask him out" Harry added bursting out into laughter as well. Tom and you just chuckled remembering that was days before he actually choked up the courage to ask you out.
At that moment you wanted to rip Tom's head off, who gave this foolish boy the idea of buying chickens? you questioned yourself while trying to stealthily grab the egg that rested under the hen. The boys were right behind you, outside of the coop cheering you on whilst you collected the eggs. "You can do it" Harrison clapped, swaying his head side to side. "You can do it" Sam danced along bumping his hip with Tom. "You can do it" Harry encouraged. "You can do this" Paddy sang, grinning when he heard you let out a loud huff. "You can do thi-"
"Shut the fuck up" You yelled glaring at Tom. "We're just encouraging you" They defended. "No! You almost made me drop the egg"  You whispered yelled hearing the hen starting to cluck.
Tears welled in all of your eyes, chortling at short clip, "You all are so annoying" You playfully rolled your eyes, earning a light pinch from Tom. "Oh please we were encouraging you!" They spoke simultaneously making everyone erupt in another fit of laughter.
Paddy ran up the staircase, trying his best to conceal his giggles as he ran into your and Tom's shared bedroom. "Y/N get out of the house, it's on fire" Paddy exclaimed, dropping down on the floor and rolling his way towards you to make his so called prank more believable. "Well tell the fire hold up, because I'm doing some important shit here" You replied not even caring that the younger boy was crazily rolling on the floor. You gave Paddy a weird look before clicking the resume button on your phone vibing to the song once more.
"Paddy really started rolling" Tom wheezed through laughs, genuinely finding it funny that his brother really thought he could prank you, he knew nothing came between you and your music vibing time.
"Hey did you call our neighbor Mrs. Johnson a bitch?" Harrison inquired, seeing the scene earlier where you flipped off the old lady for some odd reason. You looked up at Harrison from your spot between Tom's clingy arms, "Yeah! She changed her Wi-Fi password" You huffed, cuddling Tom again because you were pissed off. "Yo you can't be- that bitch changed the Wi-Fi password?!" Harrison gasped. "Guys Mrs. Johnson changed her Wi-Fi pass" Sam groaned walking into the room. "Y'know we have our own Wi-Fi right?" Tom chuckled honestly finding the situation rather stupid. "Her Wi-Fi is faster Tommy, no offense" You patted his chest.
"I'm so happy we got it back" You spoke up, the boys agreeing by nodding their heads. "Please you all are so dramatic" Tom uttered scrolling through the incoming comments and hearts on his live. "We shouldn't have given him the password" Harry grumbled softly only for you and Harrison to hear.
It was Saturday, and on this day it only meant one thing in the Holland household, dance night! The legendary sound of 'Watch Me' filled the neon colored living room, you skipped over to Sam knowing the song was one of his favorites. And well what happened next was uncalled for, when you were about to 'whip' you accidentally punched Paddy in the face.
"Okay so explain to me what happened" Tom asked holding the pack of peas against Paddy's swollen face. "Y/N punched me in the face" The teenager whined, his words muffled. "Bitch? No I didn't, I tried to whip and he was in my way" You held your hands up, stepping back, grinning when Sam voiced 'She's right, he was in her way Tom'
The screen blanked off, the channels end card appearing, the same aesthetic sound played but was drowned due to the laughter emanating from the room. "I told you'll it was hilarious" Harrison held his chest trying to calm down. "Wait there's a part two" Harry pointed to the video next up.
'Y/N and the Holland Brothers funny/sassy moments part 2'
"More?!" Tom and you shouted not wasting a minute later to click on the YouTube video. "The live is officially chaotic" You glanced at the phone screen, seeing the comments full with laughing emojis and other ones portraying the way you 'punched' Paddy. Boy it's going to be an eventful evening you thought, stealing a pretzel from Harry and leaning back on Tom's chest getting comfortable.
"Hey people, we're back" Sam and Paddy called out from the kitchen. Oh yes an eventful evening indeed.
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CW for queerbait discussion, suicide mention
I am gonna post a separate ramble about other things soon, but this one deserved its own post.
Do not fucking bully people who accuse GO of being queerbait or send Neil repetitive questions. Even though they're wrong! Don't do it! Just let Neil answer if he wants to and ignore them if they bother you. Or do what most people do, which is complain to your friends in private on Discord or in DMs or whatever. Private griping!
First of all, Neil chooses what to answer. I DO personally get the severe second-hand embarrassment when I see people send the same questions over and over and over again, and I want the fandom to be kind to him, too, because I think he has a rare and fascinating relationship with the fandom. But the bottom line is that Neil could close asks or stop engaging if he wanted to. He actually drew a pretty good line in the sand with that last post where he said this is the last time he's going to answer the "is it queerbaiting" question. Yes, we should do our part and try not to be rude to him online, but we need to extend that grace to our fellow fans, too.
Most of the people sending these questions don't realize he's already answered a bunch of times.
Most of these people are kids. Or if they're not kids, they're young adults who grew up in a very different world from the one that 30+ folks grew up in. We don't know their life stories. Some of them are accustomed to much more blatant representation and are discouraged to discover how unusual and recent that is. Some of them are mercilessly bullied for being LGBTQIA+ offline and representation literally gives them something to live for. Some of them have just seen a few scattered posts on social media and don't have any background info, and had no idea their questions were going to come across as repetitive or grating. We have all been there, and I can guarantee you we will all be there again at some point in the future.
Please don't set a cruel example for these kids. They shouldn't learn that if you misunderstand something, or if you get emotional and say something wrong, people have the right to mercilessly kick your ass. That's not a world any of us actually want to live in, and we can start making our current one better by being just a little gentle.
I'm not trying to shut down discussions or silence people from talking about these issues, which ARE important. Arguing back with a bad point is not the same as bullying. If you really think there's something to be gained by engaging with a "GO is queerbaiting" or "I'm going to ask Neil the same question he's answered 50 times" post, then give genuine, good-faith explanations for why the take is wrong. They're plentiful. Explain the meaningful representation you personally found. Explain the on-screen ways that the series already challenges cishet hegemony. Discuss the history of representation and why GO has an important place. Discuss the personal hurt that comes from having representation that is meaningful to you dismissed. Do it all without calling the other person "stupid." If the other person is being cruel to you, then yes, definitely defend yourself, and then shut down the conversation and move on. And for fuck's sake, don't EVER suicide bait over this no matter how obnoxious the other person becomes. If I find out that you're an adult who suicide baited a kid over a fictional story, we can't be friends.
This comes from someone with a serious temper. I've almost certainly made disparaging remarks about people in the past. But seeing how many people pile on the bandwagon and take it to an extreme - from acting mildly sarcastic to being really aggressive - woke me up. It's way too much and it's very disturbing.
I'm not big on telling people How To Engage With Fandom and this is the bossiest post I've ever made in my life, but I see a few people being sort of needlessly cruel and that is too much for me to keep quiet about. Aziraphale would be disappointed, and although he wouldn't admit it, Crowley would be, too.
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wh6res · 3 years
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psych student! kdy | tw. college au, violence, a knife, GASLIGHTING, hallucination, psychosis, swearing, just pure manipulation, minor charac death, there's a court scene, this is a repost! | wc. 10k she a beast
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life could’ve been simple;
you shouldn't have met kim doyoung.
what does a freshman in college hate the most other than the high-stress levels of moving into a new dorm? a shitty roomie and a smelly, moldy mattress. the girl you call roommate refuses to help move the mattress because it will ruin her new manicure. what a fucking classic. 
"sounds like a 'you' problem. figure it out yourself, plain jane." 
she said before heading out, annoyingly popping her bubblegum as she kicks a few of your scattered boxes by the front door. you roll your eyes; classes haven't even started yet, so why is she already making your life miserable? as much as you'd like to snap at her, you don't, merely glaring daggers at her back as she finally turns the corner of the hallway and disappears. 
"bitch," you mutter under your breath. 
you eye the abomination that is supposed to be your bed, cursing how you shouldn't have made a 15-minute pit stop to starbucks for a drink when you could've just bought one from the instant coffee vending machines in every corner of the hallway of this dorm building because if you didn't, maybe you could've beaten regina george wannabe from taking the better bed. sighing, you suck it up and start getting to work. life's full of shit, anyway; no point sulking.
moving a moldy mattress is easier than you thought, to say the least. you can't ask for help from the other freshmen you bumped into in the hallway because they, too, are under a huge amount of stress from the move and are busy getting their affairs in order. it was a good thing, though, that a committee was formed specifically for this day to help out the freshmen if they were to stumble upon problems or mishaps with moving in. they were all around the campus, and they prove to be way friendlier than your batch mates. since this morning, three people have already offered help in carrying your luggage — which you have politely declined.
"hey, uhm… is this the stall for the welcoming committee? oh, wait. i'm sorry, there's a sign right there —"ugh.
you mentally shut your eyes in humiliation. why do you have to be this bad, this awkward at communicating with strangers? why couldn't you be born like all those socialites who already (probably) got their contacts filled with new numbers on the first day of school or something?
"yeah, this is them — welcoming committee, i mean. how can i help you?" he smiles, sweet, radiating the epitome boy next door aura as he looks up at you from where he's sitting behind the stall. your eyes quickly land onto the name tag stuck on his varsity jacket before meeting his eyes again. 
"i have an issue with my mattress. it has mold, you see..." your voice slowly trails, becoming quieter as you feel small under the weight of his piercing stare. oh, come on. he's just a guy with a beautiful face, woman the fuck up.
"really? let me see..."
he needn't finish rounding the stall when his nose is hit by the pungent smell brought forth by your mattress. frankly, you weren't that picky. you could've covered it with bedsheets and call it a day, but the odor is too strong to ignore. you mentally hope the smell didn't latch onto your clothes, especially not when someone so cute is around — what a bad first impression.
"oh, god!" he exclaims the moment he lays eyes on it, taking a step back. “now, that has to go. and you lugged it from the fourth floor?" 
ah, yes. according to tradition in these dormitories, which you've only found out today, freshmen get the curse of climbing four flights of stairs up while the seniors strut into their rooms on the ground floor like the hallway is a goddamned runway. 
"doyoung! help me carry these!"
someone calls his name as you both turn your head to spot a chestnut-haired girl clad in the same varsity jacket he's wearing. you grimace at the sight of her. for someone so small, she just had to volunteer to carry all those heavy bags. however, he doesn't move in front of you and brushes her off as if she doesn't look like she's carrying rocks over her shoulders. "i'm already helping someone else! go find taeyong or something. i'm sure that shit's loitering around here somewhere!"
"oh, it's okay, you can go help her. i'll just look for someone else —"
"nah, it's fine!" you try hard to school your face into indifference when you notice his gummy smile. "plus… trust me when i say no other person from the committee will help you with this. this shit smells like my roommate's sweaty basketball socks!"
you can't help the smile forming on your face as you help him carry the mattress off to the side of the hallway, the stinky thing leaning vertically against the wall and behind a huge terracotta plant pot. "don't worry, let's report it to student affairs so they'll get you a new one. congrats! you'll have to share beds with your new roommate tonight, freshie. it'd be a great ice breaker."
the universe truly hates you.
your expression must've been a dead give away because he's suddenly patting your shoulder, regarding you with utmost sympathy. "been there, done that. i hated taeyong, too, when i met him last year. still, for some mind fuck of a miracle, we've grown to be friends and developed a talent of not wanting to kill each other every two seconds."
"highly doubt i'd be friends with a regina george-level bitch, but thanks, anyway," you mutter under your breath. suddenly, you whip your head towards him after internalizing what he just said. "you met your roommate last year? you're a sophomore?"
he scoffs, leaning down to your height to lowly mutter against your ear as he eyes the lobby's front desk. "why? do i look like some 4th year who radiates 'don't touch me' energy?" 
you feel the heat on your cheeks with how close he is, only releasing an exhale when he finally gets out of your personal space. "i'm kim doyoung. you've heard it from wendy earlier, but anyway — i'm a 2nd-year psych major."
"no way!" you exclaim, a little too excited. "i'm taking psych, too!"
"oh, you are? well, if you need anything or if you don't understand stuff…" he winks. "feel free to approach me anytime."
hmm… how sweet of him. 
it was only hours later that you found out who kim doyoung is in your department during the acquaintance party. and for god's sake, you found out from your best friend who is a major in english lit and has never even seen the guy. "seriously, you didn't know he's a genius? i hear the professors call him a prodigy, girl! a fucking prodigy. if i were you, i'd ask for his help in every subject."
"you know i prefer keeping to myself. how'd i know stuff like that when i have no one to talk to in the psych dorms?" you look down, making the ice cubes in your drink clink against each other. "i didn't think he was this big shot or whatever. he looks normal, and everyone treats him normally."
"well, what do you expect?" she hisses, hitting your arm. "the other students don't want to make him feel alienated or something just because he's tons smarter than them. but anyway… the real question is…"
you roll your eyes when she pauses for effect, tentatively leaning closer to whisper under her breath. 
"is he cute?"
you didn't want to answer her question, but he's been stuck in your head since he offered walking with you to the student affairs office. doyoung had smiled his cute gummy smile and had even ruffled your hair before leaving you for committee duties — saying he's cute would be an understatement. 
"you have no idea."
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for his first act;
he gains your trust.
fast forward to one year, many things have changed, but the only constant remaining is the handsome sophomore — who is now a 3rd-year, by the way — whom you've met on your first day. coursework has been pretty tough this year. instead of the content written in your textbook, your mind is plagued by the horrible twist of fate your best friend had encountered; she didn't have enemies. or so you thought.
she disappeared in the middle of christmas break last year. her beaten up body was found only a month later, in january, floating around the university's lake. happy fucking new year. 
the first time she chose to spend the holidays with you instead of her family back in her hometown, and that happens? some rotten luck you both have. it's why you didn't put it past her family to hate your guts with strong convictions. it's okay. the feeling's mutual. after all, it had been your best friends' own family, the same ones who had been so willing to take you in when you got kicked out, that were so eager to pin you as the murderer of their child. all under the argument that you have been the last person seen with her. 
oh, the things her mom said about you when she had stormed into the police station, red in the face, tears streaming down her cheeks..."i warned my baby not to hang out with that — that bitch. came straight out of a cursed family, that one. abusive dad, a nutjob mom. that bitch is a danger! probably got her dad's nasty temper and beat my baby to death! i want her on the electric chair!"
in those times, you once again realize this world is fucked up and cruel in every bit of its glory as you fought tooth and nail to defend yourself. but even then, they never believed you — the law will only favor the rich . the prosecution had been so sure it was you until a certain witness appeared and presented himself before the jury.
"do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" 
doyoung raises his right hand, fixing his stare straight at the judge. "i solemnly and sincerely declare that the evidence i shall give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
"how long have you known the defendant?" the prosecutor asks, arms crossed in front of her chest as she paces in front of the witness stand.
the boy briefly meets your gaze, and it's enough to make his heart sink. doyoung can't bear seeing you in those grey overalls when he knows it himself. you're being accused of a crime you didn't commit. "i've known her for one year."
"how'd you meet?"
and the questions went on and on; your defense attorney isn't all too keen on winning the case and had never once yelled "objection!" in her seat, but what could you expect? all the evidence kept stacking against you, and some of those you knew were even fabricated. you've never felt this hopeless in your whole twenty years of living. 
"what's the point in this, anyway?" doyoung snapped in the witness stand, fiercely glaring at the prosecutor. "how is my history — or lack thereof — with the defendant any relevant to the case? you're not even asking me about evidence nor what my statement is!"
"easy there," the prosecutor retaliates, jaw locked. "i have to first measure what exactly your relationship is with the defendant for us to think twice about your statement. who knows..." the prosecutor makes a grand gesture of turning her head in your direction, affixing you with a condescending stare. "she might've just hired you to say these things."
your attorney doesn't come to your aid.
"perjury isn't my thing." 
the prosecutor seems to have taken offense by the tone of doyoung's voice, but he doesn't let her speak further. "the victim isn't all sunshine and rainbows, you know. she'd been a part of a sorority and one with quite a nasty reputation in the college, too. i have to say she made very poor decisions, ones i'm sure her family didn't even know about. you see, they take their oaths and pledges very seriously. the victim wanted out. they didn't like that."
"and you have evidence to support this claim?"
without a moment to waste, he digs around the front pocket of his jeans before proudly presenting a black usb between his slender fingers. "knock yourself out."
the professor calls your name, snapping you out of your reverie. this isn't the first time your mind had transported you back to that particular day in the courtroom, where doyoung had swooped in and saved you from a lifetime in prison. the whole ordeal had been so scary, so frightening that you remember everything vividly as if it had only happened yesterday.
the classroom is empty. even your social psych professor has long packed up his stuff and is already standing by the classroom door. damn. were you that out of it?
"i'm so sorry." you mutter under your breath monotonously as you walk past him and out the door without another word. this is bad, very bad. no one would help, much less lend their notes to someone charged with murder — especially of their very own best friend. whether you were innocent or not doesn't matter to the student body. you've been ostracized, gossips of your problematic family spreading like wildfire, and the ridiculous part is only a fourth of the gossips are true.
the damage is done. 
at this point, you realize with a heavy heart that you have to face doyoung again sooner or later. you haven't talked to him at all since the start of the new school year, ignoring his lighthearted greetings in the hallways, rejecting his calls, ghosting his texts. you are afraid people would judge him harshly for hanging around you. frankly, you were embarrassed to ask any more favors from him with how much he's done for you already and the fact that he had seen you in such a state of vulnerability.
but you also didn't want to fail your subjects and lose the one thing holding your life together — your scholarship.
that is why you found yourself standing before him, in his favorite spot in the library tucked behind shelves upon shelves of books, next to the windows overlooking the empty football field. he's wearing black-rimmed glasses and is clad in the usual navy blue sweater as his head turns to and fro between a textbook and his notebook. the air had been so silent, you hear the aggressive scratches his pencil makes against the paper.
you feel a little hurt when he makes no move to acknowledge your presence, but you think back to what you have been doing and figured he has a right to act this way. 
"hey, doyoung." your voice is meek, hesitant.
"if you're not here to explain nor give me an acceptable reason why you've been ignoring me for the last few months, then please get out of my sight. i'm busy, as you can tell." he is brutally honest, knocking down the remaining hope you have left of ever reconciling with him.
something within you snaps, the steady streams of tears running down your cheeks as you pinned your stare on doyoung's open pencil case lying on the table. you have nobody left. your family — father, specifically speaking — has disowned you for taking a course your heart wanted, and the one friend you have lies motionless in a white coffin buried six feet under the ground. you didn't want to lose doyoung, too, no matter what role he plays in your life.
"i'm sorry," your voice cracks. "life's been… fucking shitty, and i'm sure you of all people know what i've been through. i've thanked you before for — for what you did, and i'm thanking you again right now but — i'm sorry, i'm really —"
your voice cracks when you feel him pulling you into an embrace. you feel the tension in your body breaking loose as you crumble in his arms. all those months grieving and wallowing in self-pity took such a heavy toll that you can't help but tightly clutch the sides of his hoodie, scared he'll slip through your fingers.
one of his hands comes up to push your face against the crook of his neck, muffling your cries in the silent library. doyoung felt like a jerk for snapping at you the way he did. how inconsiderate can he be? however, he felt elated because you sought him out yourself and wanted his help of all people.
his eyebrow raises in amusement. 
well, not that you have a choice, anyway.
it took you a few good minutes to calm down, cringing when you see the wet patch on doyoung's sweater because of your tears. 
"why don't you tell me everything, hmm? i'll help you as much as i can."
you sheepishly look down, fiddling with your fingers as you sit across him, the open textbook and notebook before him long forgotten. "well, i've been so out of it lately? my mind's just a whole bloody mess and i can't focus on any of my subjects at all and if i can't, then i'll lose the scholarship and it's the only thing i have in my life right now —"
"hey," doyoung cuts you off, placing a warm hand against your forearm to calm you down. "you won't lose that scholarship. trust me, okay? why don't we arrange tutoring sessions and i'll even lend you some of my notes from last year. what do you think?"
"okay... thank you, doyoung."
"for the record, you have me in your life, too. i'll always be here for you."
in the first session, you woke up from your deep slumber with only 15 minutes to spare from the scheduled time, but thankfully, your tutor only lives one floor down with the rest of the 3rd-years. bringing nothing with you but a pen and a pad of paper, your textbooks were destroyed as some students from your batch thought it'd be fun to throw them into the lake to "honor" your friend. 
you offer a small smile when taeyong opens the door, sporting an oversized shirt and track pants, eyes wide in shock when he sees you. "hi? can i help you?"
"hello! i'm here for doyoung. he's tutoring —"
"he doesn't live here anymore. his mom bought him a place outside the campus."
"i'm sorry for disturbing you, then. do you by any chance know where he lives?"
that's weird. doyoung never mentioned he's already moved out. you feel a wee bit irritated that he forgot to tell you; it would've saved you the embarrassment of interacting with the varsity player. you weren't stupid, you can see the hints of repulsion in taeyong's eyes the moment he opened that door and saw you standing before him, no doubt thinking about: oh, look, it's the crazy murderer with a fucked up family standing in front of me.
he had shut the door in your face. you stood awkwardly for a good minute in the hallway until the door reopens, taeyong handing you a small piece of paper with doyoung's new address scribbled hurriedly in black ink. he doesn't give you a chance to thank him for he's already closed the door again without another word. 
you opted walking to his place instead of catching a ride because the money you have on you is enough to buy yourself dinner. to say the least, the apartment building is mediocre, not too grand, nor is it too rundown. double-checking the floor level written on the paper before pushing the elevator's button, you then realize doyoung lives on the very top floor of the building.
the hallways are painted a boring brown. some acrylic number signs plastered on the doors are broken, hanging vertically with one screw left. it says on the paper he resides in room 720. taking the right hallway, you mentally count as you eye the mahogany doors. 718… 719… there it is!
when you raise a fist to start knocking on his door, there is a tinge of hesitation surging through you. perhaps being alone with a boy in his apartment is not the best setting for a girl like you should end up in, but this is doyoung we're talking about. if he had ill intentions for you, it would've manifested a long time ago. you shake your head, feeling bad for thinking of him that way as you slowly knock on his front door. not long after, it swings open, revealing the 3rd-year in a white shirt and boxers as he lazily dries his hair off with a small towel. 
"you're late," is the first thing he says to you before spinning on his heel to disappear further into his humble abode. 
"you didn't exactly inform me you've moved out of the dorms. so, whose fault is it?" you retaliate, inviting yourself in and closing the front door shut.
"whatever. let's get started!" he plops himself on the floor, coffee table filled with loose papers as he struggles to find a specific one amongst the mess. "i've already scanned, exported to pdf, and emailed you my notes. it should be in your inbox by now. anyway, answer this quiz i made so i know what i'll be working on."
"you didn't really have to send your notes, doyoung. i could've just read everything from the textbook," you sit down across from him because otherwise, you'll be too distracted to remember information. 
a thought crosses his mind. with what textbook?
"i just think it's missing some essence. that's why i love reading over other psych books in the library for fun. be grateful, those notes are like my babies and i don't simply give them to anyone," he looks at you pointedly. "they've all been summarized and explained in layman's terms so you wouldn't have to spend grueling hours of reading and trying to make sense of the big words as i did — i know that's not the definition of 'fun' normally, but it is for me, and that's why i do it."
"okay, doyoung. you sound so defensive when there's nothing to be defensive about," you tease, feeling pleased with the hint of red on his cheeks as he averts his gaze from yours, muttering incoherent words under his breath.
you spent the following tuesdays, thursdays, and sundays like that; hours upon hours with no one but your tutor, laptops with tangled chargers, a printed copy of his babies, and a mountain pile of loose papers filled with the specialized quizzes doyoung makes to measure your progress. the location varies from a cafe or his flat. but in what you've gathered from the time you spent with him, doyoung's a homebody. cafe tutor sessions are rare, and he always complained about how "noisy" the atmosphere was — "i can't stand it."
but the conversation hadn't always been about academics. 
sure, for the first few sessions, doyoung kept an image of professionalism and had heavily insisted on it — "it's for your learning experience!" — despite your lighthearted teasing. but as time passed and he eventually grew more comfortable in your presence, you find the strict 15-minute break he had initially imposed between 45 minutes of studying turned into hours of talking about whatever; how he likes his eggs in the morning, your favorite coffee brew, his favorite show, your strongest pet peeve. 
and you wholly welcomed the change, not minding that it's practically dark out whenever you go back to your miserable dorm. you feel butterflies in your stomach whenever doyoung offers to walk you home but never had you taken his offer, still cautious of other people seeing you both together despite his constant reassurances. you've already thoroughly ruined your image. you didn't want to ruin his, too. 
kdy the cute tutor, 2:14 pm —last day of midterms! & its all majors today  —good luck —remember what i taught u —lets get ice cream after u cant say no
you shake your head bemusedly. his texting style is the most doyoung thing he does and it's as if you can hear him say these things to you in real life. too caught up in your own world, you fail to detect another student sitting next to you and had nearly fallen off your chair in shock when they spoke.
"why are your notes like that?"
you fight the urge to glare at the person, especially when you turn your head and see lee jeno looking at you in genuine curiosity. he's the only batchmate that treats you a wee bit nicer among the rest. although he isn't technically your friend, at least he doesn't look at you like you're a piece of bubblegum stuck under his shoe like all the others.
"what do you mean?"
"they're… the definitions are all jumbled up. where did you even get that?" 
what? jumbled up? doyoung himself said these notes are a combination of most of the psychology books he had read last year concerning his subjects. how would it be jumbled up? then again, lee jeno was not tutored by the prodigy himself. maybe things are bound to seem "jumbled up" when information is too great to understand for a feeble mind. 
just as you were about to claim these notes aren't yours, the professor has already waltzed into the classroom with a thick wad of papers — the exams. after one last concerned glance directed your way, jeno averts his gaze with a confused tilt of the head. 
hours later, you walk out of the classroom with the biggest smile on your face. aced it, you thought. your hands feel numb with how much you wrote on the essay portion but it's worth it if it meant you get the full 25 points, which you no doubt will as it was a topic you surely tackled with doyoung. speaking of... he sure is a man of his word.
"what are you doing here?" you hiss, head ducked with hair framing your face as to not draw attention from the rest of the students filing out of the testing hall.
"i texted you that we're getting ice cream. remember?"
"i did. but i didn't remember agreeing."
he shoots you a comforting smile, planting his hands firmly on your shoulder. “i told you, y/n. i don't care if they all see us together, so what? we all know you didn't commit that crime and it wasn't your fault you were born into the family you had. i don't care about the trivial things, baby, so don't shy away from me, okay?"
how the fuck can you say 'no' when he's looking at you the way he is as he brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear? doyoung's just so bewitching that he has you wrapped around his slender fingers. he seems pleased when you stumbled over your words as you come up with a reply, caught off guard by his bold gestures.
"i just — you, uhh — fine..." you gave in, rolling your eyes out of pretense.
he just had to call you 'baby' and erupt the butterflies in your stomach.
it had been doing that for the last few months now and it had only truly manifested today when he took you out for ice cream to celebrate the end of hell week. and since you didn't want to go back to your dorm yet, you asked if you guys can watch some movies in his house but it had simply become background noise to your heart-to-heart talks. and what better accompaniment than the classic, chicken and beer?
you listen to him drone on and on about the little realizations he had on some of his past lectures even when you barely understood anything he's saying. doyoung's so lucky to be extremely good at something he's so passionate about, talks about the human mind and the complexity of a person's behavior will never fail to make his eyes light up in interest.
he calls out your name.
your eyes snap open.
"why don't we get you home? it's past 10 and it's alright, stupid, you don't need to pretend to be interested in my psychological findings." he chuckled light-heartedly, stealing the can of the now room-temperature beer from your hands before you can protest. 
"i wasn't dozing off, i swear."
"i caught you in the act. stop lying."
like all the other times he has you as his guest, doyoung once again offers to walk you home and you decline for the thousandth time. it really isn't that much of a long walk anyway. you don't see the need for him to go out of his way to secure your safety. plus, you were the one who insisted on hanging out in his house anyway. you weren't that thick-skinned to let him take you home, too.
"you're drunk!" he scolds.
“no, i’m not. i can perfectly handle myself."
"but —"
you feel a little guilty for shutting the door in his face. still, a minute longer of his persistence and you would've taken his offer. unfortunately for doyoung, you are one stubborn girl. only if you don't make brisk movements with your head, then you won't see doubles. you'll be fine, it's just a quick walk and it's not as if you're stupid enough to pass by deserted alleys. 
but you had underestimated the divine prowess of your fucked up fate.
everything happened in a matter of three seconds; one, the blinding headlights illuminate your path from behind; two, you hear the loud honk, and as you turn around — three, the vehicle sends you rolling against the asphalt.
you should have taken the alleyways.
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for his second act;
he alters your reality.
when you open your eyes, you thought you were dead and your spirit is wandering elsewhere — because you don't believe in trivial things like heaven and god — until an agitated doyoung comes into view. for a split second, you thought, is he dead, too?
"i'm not dead, you idiot." too dazed, you hardly register his anger. "i can perfectly handle myself, she said. i'm not drunk, she said. this wouldn't have happened if you had simply let me walk you home! you're damn fucking lucky you're alive and breathing right now!"
a person clears their throat.
"i don't think it wise to… nag at the patient the moment she wakes. don't you agree, sir?"
pink splotches on doyoung's cheek as he looks down, embarrassed at getting scolded as he stands closer to your bed. "i'm sorry, doc."
you didn't know when your vision cleared or when you started hearing normally again, but it was enough to find out what exactly had transpired on the very night of your tragic accident. a hit and run. fifty-fifty chance of surviving. doyoung getting a call from the hospital in the middle of the night —"they were trying to contact your dad, but he wasn't answering. i was the last person in your call history." 
six months in a coma. but today, you wake… only to find out your world has crashed and burned.
"what do you mean i lost my scholarship?"
"baby, listen to me —"
"why did they take it away? is it because of my accident? i'm behind by one term only and i swear i can catch up. they need to let me back in the program. there must've been some mistake —"
"your gpa didn't reach the cut-off grade."
that can't be possible.
"but you tutored me!" you claim with conviction, pointing an accusatory finger at him until you groan, bowing in pain as you clutch your head.
doyoung springs into action. the chair's legs screech against the tiles as he jumps to your aid, ushering you gently back against the hospital bed despite your refusal. "you're not well. lay back down, please."
you don't hear a single word he says, not when you had lost something so crucial. "i put in the effort and learned everything you taught me... i aced those fucking mid-terms! i know i did!" you were on the brink of tearing up as doyoung settled himself in front of you.
"i… i actually saw your papers," his lips set in a thin, hard-line. "everything was all wrong, sweetheart. what happened to you? i tried reasoning with the professors, mentioned your state — you know, with your best friend dying — but they didn't relent. i'm sorry y/n. i'm so —"
gone. everything is gone. the money. the dorm. what if they ask you to pay the fees from last year? what if they ask you to pay the tuition fee for this year? you have no money, no family, no relatives. no one to help. who's even going to pay for the hospital fees?
you weren't able to process anything after that. not with the sudden news of your now revoked scholarship. doyoung pulls you in a tight hug. "i was a bad tutor," he says, snapping you out of it. "maybe i shouldn't have pushed you that hard to learn them. why were your answers even mixed up y/n? i thought you knew those topics already…"
he pulls away, observing your confused state as your eyes dart everywhere in the room. "what — how are they mixed up? i know i got them right. there has to be some mistake. you taught me those topics, remember?"
"i did... "he averts his gaze. "but i don't remember teaching them to you mixed up, darling. i think you did that all on your own."
"but… why would i mix up my answers? that's —"
"see, what i mean?" he cuts you off, raising a hand to give your cheek the most delicate caress. "you're not well, baby. you need to be treated, especially with how much you hit your head during the accident. don't worry, i'm here. we'll try asking if you can stay in the dorms at least until you find another place —"
"am i a charity case to you?"
oh, the surprise on the junior's face when you push him away as you pin him with a hard stare. you just don't get it. why is kim doyoung so adamant about helping you? in becoming your hero, even when you never asked him to be? if you let him help you this time around, that'll be the 3rd time he came to save your ass. it's not as if you're ungrateful. simply, you've had enough of his help. you don't know how a person like you, who literally has nothing, can return the favor to someone like doyoung.
"what are you saying —"
"i'm saying…" you fix him a hard stare. "you helping me out doesn't even benefit you in the slightest. so why do you do it?"
he pauses, staring at you with hesitance in his eyes as this seems to be the very first time you've truly seen him speechless. when doyoung opens his mouth, he mumbles, and you hardly make sense of what he said. 
"do you really want to know why?" 
you urge him on with an arched eyebrow, his softened tone creeping into your heart. 
"you're someone special to me y/n. i don't know how or when i admitted it to myself, but you are, and it hurts me to see how shitty your luck is," he cracks a small grin, slowly settling back onto the hospital bed as he grabs your hand. "it's okay to seek help from others. it isn't a sign of vulnerability or weakness. i help you because i want to, and i'm more than willing to take care of you. will you let me?"
you're not blind. you've noticed the way he had slowly started coming closer as he continued to speak, hands held securely in his as he looked straight at your eyes then down at your lips. and so, you act in a way you know that will surely answer his question — with a kiss. 
the man before you immediately reciprocates, overpowering your own eagerness as he curls the tips of his fingers into the roots of your hair. he pulls you close, cradling you against his chest. you can taste his desperation in the way his tongue dances against yours, the kiss transporting you into an alternate reality where your world revolves around doyoung and doyoung alone. 
when he pulls away bleary-eyed, both of you ignore the thin strand of saliva connecting your lips. "how about you come live with me for the time being, my love?"
still high off his kiss and natural scent, you hardly mull over the question he asks you. "okay."
days later, after you've been discharged (he wanted to chip in for your hospital bills but you had given him a firm no), doyoung had been the one to show up at the dorm to collect all your things after leaving you in his apartment. the cutie had refused to simply drop you off and had deliberately accompanied you up the elevator, through the halls, and finally into his apartment. 
"i'll be out for just a minute, sugarcube."
"oh, can you get take out?"
doyoung had smiled, playfully booping the tip of your nose. "no, because i'll be cooking for us tonight as a little celebration for you getting discharged. you'll love it; i'm making your favorite!"
it was funny how the night had been nothing but utter bliss. the foreign feeling of being taken care of sprouting in your chest as you watch him cooking from behind the counter. it felt… nice. but funny enough, as if doing a 360, you both had immediately gotten into an argument the next day. 
"i don't see the need for skipping another day if i feel perfectly fine! i'll figure something out once we get there, doyoung, so can we just —"
"you' re not fine, babylove — hell, you got discharged yesterday! i'm not just about to let you back into the arena with those students. they've only grown more immature since your coma, love. i seriously don't want you near them."
"fine! then i won't talk to them. simple." you throw your hands up. "there. problem solved. now, can we please just go to uni? i need to talk to the dean and the head of student affairs, too —"
"i'm going to uni, not you."
maybe it had been the way he firmly stated his claim, the way his eyes pierced through your soul as if daring you to argue further with him that made you snap.
"i'm not a prisoner in this apartment, doyoung! don't treat me like i have the plague! i'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself — jesus christ, i've been doing it nearly half my fucking life!"
too caught up in your anger, you've failed to notice the tears pouring down his face as he sets his gaze on the floor. 
"you're right," his voice cracks. "i shouldn't be pushy like that. i'm sorry. you just mean so much to me and i'm so scared of losing you again. with your coma — i just — it's like i was fighting a losing battle each day that passed when i saw you in that hospital bed. i've never felt so scared in my whole life and i hated myself for not being able to protect you that night."
his tears run like waterfalls, and when you step forward with your arms wide open, doyoung sobs harder as he pulls you against him. you hardly comprehend what he says as he spoke, shaking against your frail body as you felt his tears stain your blouse. "i'm sorry, i never should've dictated what you felt — i'm so sorry."
"no, it's okay. i was feeling a little lightheaded, anyway. i'll stay here and i can come back to school next semester, right? doyoung? just… please stop crying."
he lifts his head, staring at you with bloodshot eyes before giving your forehead a kiss. you let a relieved sigh escape your lips, melting into his warmth as you prop your chin on his shoulder. if you had only been more attentive, you would've seen the reflection of his wicked grin on the tabletops. too easy.
living with him became a blur after that incident. everything fell into a routine for the next four days as you spent the day watching netflix, eating, reading, sleeping. nothing felt fun anymore. but your peaceful life had ceased during the fifth night — the whispers, they woke you up. you can hear them from behind your door at night, and when you rouse awake, you see doyoung walking around the hallway from the tiny gap at the bottom of the door. you had sighed, falling back into your plush bed as you pray to god, he keeps it down. 
but what he told you the next day rendered you speechless. "me, walking around the hallways? whispers?" he says, confused. "i was already asleep, love. knocked out cold the moment my body fell on the bed."
he doesn't spare you a glance as he takes his sweet time skimming through his notes on the dining table, coffee in one hand. "maybe it's just the meds kicking in."
"no, surely it was real! i literally woke up in the middle of the night," you repeat. "it's okay if it was you, doyoung. i'm not mad."
he sets his coffee mug down a little too loud. 
"well, you can't be mad at me, sugar, because like i said — it wasn't me," it doesn't take a genius to notice he's awfully cranky today. you observe him, dark half-moons under his eyes as he relentlessly reads his notes with instant coffee in one hand. 
"you're just imagining things, okay? stop acting crazy."
for some reason, the way he had uttered certain words like 'imagining' and 'crazy' made you curl into your seat in embarrassment. he was right that your doctor did prescribe a generous amount of pills per day, but his tone made it feel off, made you feel like there was something wrong with you even when there wasn't… 
you didn't say a word after that and had hesitantly pecked him on the cheek before he left for school. with the amount of time you're with him, two things stood out to you — his keen sense of observation and his knack for reading people. you highly doubt he didn't notice a shift in your behavior but a part of you thinks it's just the stress talking. he is about to take his finals and had recently started on his research paper. 
every psych student is required to present a paper in accordance with the department's annual theme. it could be anything from proposing a theory (if you dare) to constructing a well-developed psychology model. if you don't turn one in, you don't graduate — the paper's that important, and you've been bugging him for so long about sneaking a peek on what his study is about. but he always refused. 
the next week came rolling around, and both of you had been spending every day together due to the semestral break. the arguments have significantly lessened, but your episodes — eventually, you started calling it that way because that's how doyoung labels it — have only gotten worse. you end up moving out of the guest room and into his. privacy be damned. the whispers stopped momentarily but what came next became your imminent downfall.
the first time you heard it, you thought you were dreaming. but the doorknob kept rattling aggressively even as you sat up. just as you climb off the bed, your half-asleep boyfriend asks where you're going. 
"bathroom," you lied.
you were always the one to snort when it comes to the supernatural, claiming it's all bullshit. yet, as whatever outside continues to fight its way inside the room, the rattling progressing into loud bangs against the door, you're not so sure of your beliefs anymore. you're not crazy. nothing is wrong with you, and you're perfectly fine. this apartment is cursed, and you are going to prove that to doyoung.
grabbing your phone from the bedside table, you turn the flash on, pointing the camera at the door as you take a footage of the mad entity that has been playing games with you. a squeal escapes your lips when a particular bang! reverberates louder in the room than all the others. the phone slips your hand, falling onto the floorboards. you don't bother to retrieve it as you scramble to get yourself back under the blanket and into doyoung's comfortable warmth.
you snuggle yourself plush against his chest, shaking as you wrap your arms around his waist, inhaling his natural scent to anchor you back. 
bang! bang! bang!
you didn't get a wink of sleep last night.
"can't the video wait? there's a new episode of start-up, and i want to watch it already!" he whines, shoving his face further on the throw pillow situated on your lap.
you giggle, shaking your head as you scroll through your gallery to find the video. i'm not imagining things. i'm not hallucinating. i'm not crazy. "here! watch... i'm telling you this apartment is haunted, and the ghost probably likes you, which is why it doesn't bother you —"
your lighthearted rambling cuts off when you notice no sound emitting from your phone. weird. you could've sworn you started recording right when the loud banging has already started. your heart drops upon the wary stare doyoung shoots you before he continues to watch the video. 
no, no, no, no — please!
you quickly scoot over to his side, watching as the video unfolds before your very eyes. the shot was messy as the phone was handheld, not to mention you were panicking at the time. but the video is silent. not a single noise of a rattling doorknob or banging on the door can be heard through your phone's speakers. 
"maybe — maybe you didn't turn the volume up?"
you hardly contain the mortification in your face when you realize the volume's at 100 already. and as if on cue, your squeal is heard in the video and the noise of the phone hitting the floor.
doyoung's silence shakes your whole being. as you kneel before him teary-eyed, your voice breaks. "i swear, i'm not crazy."
but at this point, you don't believe yourself anymore.
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for his third and final act;
he triumphs.
his deprivation began in minuscule ripples. 
it didn't take much effort on doyoung's end to convince you to stop studying for a year or two, at least, only until your hallucinations aren't as severe anymore. everyday felt like hell on earth as the fine line between what's real and what isn't has blurred over one too many times. in sheer paranoia of accidentally hurting him in his sleep, you moved out of his bedroom and had started sleeping in the guest room again — much to doyoung's frustration. 
but he's a smart man, one that recognizes an opportunity amidst the hurdles thrown on his path.
"why does my door need a lock outside again?"
he approaches you, who’s sitting cross-legged on the bed, after screwing in the last of the screws that came with the new doorknob. doyoung is familiar with the look written on your face, has observed and studied you enough to navigate his way inside your pretty little head with ease.
he can't have you doubting him, can he?
"you know i'm all about protecting you, right?" he starts. you nodded. "i've been doing it for a year now, and i will continue to do so until you need me to. the world is a bad place, sweetheart, remember? your own best friend's mother tried framing you. your dad disowned you. you've been ostracized in the whole college... do you think i'm just like the rest of them, baby?"
doyoung has already mastered the perfect expression of a kicked-puppy, one that easily pulls at your heartstrings and has you cooing at him.
"no!" you say with conviction, reaching forward to thread your fingers through his. "i know you're different, not like any of them at all. i know you're only doing what's… best for me."
he ignores the underlying hesitance in your tone. that will be corrected, sooner or later.
doyoung tightens his hold as he kisses the back of your hand. such an innocent gesture — but such ill intentions.
"the outside lock helps me in protecting you, love. you don't need to worry about anything. just focus on getting better, alright? i'll keep the bad guys away from you."
it was during his first semester of senior year, a few months back, doyoung and a good few students of his batch had been granted the opportunity to intern for a mental hospital located near the edge of the city. he was supposed to decline the offer but you convinced him to take the spot. it had only been a two-week “job” yet it was enough for doyoung to conclude — he’d rather kill you than subject you to the horrors of what the patients have to go through in the loony bin. 
eventually, the small ripples shift into unforgiving waves, dragging you into the depths as everything comes crashing down before your very own eyes.
it should have been like any other day inside the apartment. doyoung's already gone in the morning to attend classes. though not before setting a tray of your brunch on the nightstand, making sure to lock your door on his way out. he knew your nightmares and anxiety kept you up at night, resulting in longer hours of sleep during the day. 
turns out, you moving out of his bedroom had been a blessing in disguise. coming home to an empty apartment has become his biggest fear yet, and you unconsciously found a solution for him. one that doesn’t have him fidgeting on his seat as he counts down the minutes ‘til he’s back by your side.
doyoung smiles unconsciously as he listens to his professor drone on and on in front of him — his mind at peace, knowing you're safe and sound in your little prison.
until he received a text that made his blood run cold.
ty, 11:34 am —im done.
meanwhile, you rouse awake once more to thunderous poundings against your bedroom door. oh no, you thought. it's happening again. this time, there'll be no doyoung barging into your room, half-asleep and hair messy, as he tries to calm you down. you throw the blankets over you as you sob, hugging your legs against your chest as you try to 'wake yourself up' from the hallucination.
the person outside calls for your name, the desperation in their tone alighting a new-found fear in your heart. you don't know what's real anymore. is this truly happening, or is it another hallucination your fucked up mind has conjured up?
"please! it's taeyong! y/n, can you hear me?"
slowly, your head peaks above the blanket, warily staring at the door. doyoung has warned you about these kinds of things, has practically ingrained in your mind that whoever comes looking for you will take you away from him. not to mention, doyoung slipped one time and said he isn’t friends with taeyong anymore.
the banging on the door progresses.
“are you in there? answer me! i can’t find the key!”
you don’t say anything, merely pushing the covers off your body as you keep your eyes fixed on the beating door. it looks like it’s about to pop out its hinges as taeyong relentlessly fights his way inside your room. what are you going to do? do you open the door? oh. right. you can’t do that on your own accord. the key is with doyoung and he isn’t in the apartment at the moment.
all your thoughts come to a halt when the boy outside sends the door flying open, finally breaking the lock with one powerful kick. you flinch back, his actions pushing you on your feet, wanting to place a maximum amount of distance from the intruder. 
taeyong looks frantic, disheveled as he immediately notices your alarmed state. he approaches you cautiously, hands up to show his empty palms. “hey, hey… it’s just me, y/n. i’m not going to hurt you. i’m not the enemy here.”
“doyoung doesn’t know you’re here, does he?”
the look of surprise on his face is an answer in itself. for someone doyoung had proudly claimed to have “broken” you’re still quite quick to catch up on things, taeyong observed. and he doesn’t know what to feel about it — pity? guilt?
“that’s not important!” he claims, boldly surging forward to grasp your shoulders with a firm grip. taeyong felt his heart dropping when you flinch under his grasp. 
“listen to me. we need to get you out of here. doyoung isn’t — he isn’t everything you thought he is!” he can’t help but raise his voice, panic surging through him because there’s not much time left and you aren’t exactly cooperating. you’ve been trying to shrug off his hold the whole time. 
“do you think he actually loves you?”
“he does! stop saying bullshit!”
“doyoung never loved anyone and you want to know why? because he’s too in love with his research to care for anything else!” taeyong felt bad to have been so direct, especially when he sees the tears now falling freely down your cheeks. “listen to me, y/n! i’m not the enemy! if there’s anyone you should be pushing away, it’s doyoung! he turned you into his lab rat! you are nothing but a variable in his study! don’t you get it?”
taeyong grabs a firm but gentle hold of your head, trying to make you look at him straight in the eye for the gravity of what he’s about to say to you.
“doyoung had his eye on you since sophomore year. i told him this was a bad idea and that he should change the topic of the research and he was. fucking hell, he was about to scrap the whole thing until your bestfriend died and did you know what that psycho told me? that it was a sign for him to continue the research! and i’ve been pestering him so much that he moved out because he claimed i was going to get in the way of his discovery.
tell you what, if you can tell me right here, right now, that he has mentioned anything — anything at all — about his study to you then everything i’m saying is a lie.”
you have asked doyoung for the longest time about that research but the answers have always been the same. “not yet, my love. it’s not time for it to be seen with your eyes. soon, okay?”
with a voice not louder than a whisper, you ask. “what… what’s his research about?”
you fail to see the sorry look on taeyong’s face. “in psychology, they say a person only develops psychosis mainly through genetics or drugs. although you’re technically already a worthy “lab rat” considering your mom and upbringing, he wanted to expand the external factors of what causes the disorder — grief, grades, toxic family relations…”
you hear a ringing in your ear and a sudden urge to throw up. only, you didn’t have anything to hurl because your brunch remains untouched on your bedside. 
“but he hadn’t been successful. and that’s… that’s where i came along. doyoung thought the medications he’s been giving you isn’t doing what he wanted it to and he knew he needed a little push. i was… i gave him that push. remember the whispers, the banging on the door at night? it was all me. he made me do it. you know what that means, right? you’re not crazy. you don’t need to stay here cooped up like some kind of pet, believing all his lies as if it’s written in a fucking bible —”
he stops. and if he hadn’t, you wouldn’t’ve heard the familiar beeps of the front door’s automated lock going off. doyoung’s home. 
in lightning speed, taeyong has you sheltered behind him, throwing his warm coat over you in the process, hoping to give the smallest comfort amidst the chaos that’s about to erupt. there’s no point in pretending or hiding — one look at that lock and his crazy friend would know something’s off. 
taeyong feels you flinching behind him with every heavy footstep against the floorboards as doyoung wastes no time in getting to your room. and when he finally appears, hands braced against the door frame, you’ve never been this scared your whole life. his eyes are drawn into slits, fixated on taeyong alone. “how fucking dare you?”
“it’s over, doyoung. give it up or you wouldn’t have to suffer a longer sentence than you’ll already get.” taeyong tried with his whole being to appear intimidating.
“what’re you saying, yong? i meant, how fucking dare you barge in here and disturb my girlfriend in her sleep? that’s not very nice of you…” doyoung sports a disarming gummy smile as he approaches, hand outstretched and beckoning towards you. “c’mere, baby. i don’t think you’ve eaten lunch yet?”
“drop the fucking act, you psycho!”
“what act?” doyoung tilts his head innocently, gaze shifting from taeyong’s and yours, who keeps peeking from over his ex-friend’s shoulder. luring you out is a piece of cake unless taeyong decides to make things a wee bit more complicated, doyoung thought. “i’m just concerned for my darl —”
“we’re leaving.” taeyong cuts him off, breaking eye contact as he places a firm grip around your wrist. he pulls you towards him, farther away from your supposed lover as he tries walking past doyoung. 
but the said man pushes taeyong back with a humorless smile on his face. “and who told you that you can do that?”
a pregnant silence befalls the room as the two men size each other up. they regard each other with such hostility, you can't help but unconsciously fist the back of taeyong's sweater in nervousness, prompting the man to turn his head over his shoulder for a swift second to check up on you.
but a second is all that doyoung needed to deliver the first kick towards taeyong's legs, throwing him off his balance. if it was one thing doyoung knew, is that he needed to eliminate taeyong's agility all together if he wants to win against him. 
but taeyong isn't one to back down. the moment doyoung straddles him on the floor, with a fist raised to throw a punch, taeyong grunts as he rolls them around. doyoung now receiving taeyong's rain of fists as he yells. "fuck you! you manipulative asshole!"
you sat on the corner, horrified of the scene happening before you. you've never seen doyoung this way. he has always been your sweet, caring bunny, but after everything taeyong said, you aren't so sure you even know the man you've been living with. 
"everything i did, i did it for her!" you flinch at the sound of bones breaking as doyoung kicked taeyong's ribs. "she had nothing to lose! i saved her!"
the door is open, you noticed. wide-open and inviting you to make a run for it. and you would have made a run for it...  but taeyong. you can't leave him behind, not when he lays there bloody and grunting in pain as doyoung lets his anger take over him. so, as stupid as may be, you did it. you had to.
"you didn't save me," you say, schooling your face into indifference as doyoung whips around, forgetting about taeyong in the bat of an eye. "you caged me in here, treated me like there's something wrong with me, gaslighted me into believing everything you said! and... what did you say? 'saved me'? you made me go through hell!"
the whole time, taeyong tries his hardest to stand upright, but his broken ribs don't allow him to. the pain too great that he had no choice but to crawl instead, arms pulling his weight as he drags himself across the floorboards, desperately trying to get doyoung's attention back on him even if it meant getting beaten to death.
meanwhile, he had his eyes trained on you the whole time you spoke, sobbing as you walk backward in fear as doyoung approached you with a dark glint in his eye. he doesn't like what you're saying; that much is very clear. he wanted to yell at you, to scream of your ungratefulness despite his constant care but instead, he says.
"i thought we were making progress, baby. i guess i have to drill everything in your brain again. you're not okay, but you will be after i treat you."
you try to fight the urge to look at taeyong as he finds his strength, silently rising up from the floor to ambush doyoung while he's so busy preaching about you. 
"what i said is true, baby. do you actually think this scum over here is doing this to save you? do you actually believe everything he said? i've been here since day-1, my love. literally. and have i ever let you down? no. everything i'm doing is for us. even this damned research!"
taeyong surges forward to put him in a chokehold, but everything happened so fast, and the next thing you knew —
"did you actually think i'd fall for that?"
you didn't know the sound of a knife cutting through flesh could sound that loud, but nothing could beat the strained gasp that tumbled through taeyong's lips as he shakily held the knife pierced through his heart. you would've been concerned about how doyoung got it so accurate in one go or where the knife even came from. but you were too busy screaming, collapsing against the wall as you let out a broken sob. 
"no," you mutter. "no, no, no..."
you can't bear to avert your eyes from taeyong as he lies dying before you. the look of fear in his eyes would forever be ingrained in your mind, and no amount of brainwashing or gaslighting would ever make you forget.
doyoung killed him. you lost.
the knife clatters loudly on the floor as he slowly turns around as if he himself has yet to register what he did. you didn't know what to expect from doyoung's reaction but certainly not the eerie smile that starts spreading on his face. 
"now... how about that lunch, baby?"
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✉ : a repost no one asked but i respectfully dont give a fuck <3
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damnzawa · 4 years
Summary : Five times the staff of U.A. and Class 1-A tried to get the two of you together but then realized you were together all along.
Warning(s): Immense fluff! Also tiny-weeny bit of smut.
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The First Time: The time 1-A started shipping the two of you together
"Today we will be joining by the pro-hero H/n to help you learn more about tactics and planning." Aizawa stated in his usual monotone voice as he motioned for you to go in. You walked to the podium with a smile as you saw the faces of the students of 1-A upon hearing and seeing that you were here. It amazed you that Aizawa didn't even expel someone this year, they must be one hell of a bunch if that's the case. "You can ask her any questions within reason. Be quick." Rolling your eyes at Aizawa, you placed a hand on your hip as you looked at him.
"At least act like you're glad to work with me, Eraserhead." You pouted. "Anyways, I'm the pro-hero H/n! My name is L/n Y/n and I look forward to working with you guys! Especially since you're like the only class he hadn't expelled anyone." You snickered at the end, eyeing Aizawa from the corner of your eye. His left eye twitched as he shot you a glare which was a signal that you should just fucking continue.
"Any questions?" As soon as the words left your mouth almost all of the hands of the students shot up. You gladly answered all the questions they have for you like: what's your quirk, does it have drawbacks, what's it like to work with all might and yadda yadda yadda. For the last question, you pointed to a girl with pink skin and horns coming out of her head.
"Are you single?" If you were new to the hero scene, you would have certainly be flustered as hell but fortunately, you had been asked this question tons of times especially since you are a female hero. You nodded your head as Aizawa scolded Ashido—that was her last name—telling her that it was your personal business and that she shouldn't be nosy on other people's lives. You waved dismissively at Aizawa and told the class that you were used to questions like that so it doesn't bother you anymore that much.
"Well, okay then!" You clapped. "Get into your hero costumes and we'll be waiting for you on the training grounds!" You smiled as you ushered Aizawa outside the room, 1-A curiously staring at the way the two of you interact.
Their teacher doesn't seem to react like he usually does around you, he was even going with the flow of your antics, he even flicked your forehead at one point with a smirk! And what the fuck—was that a small smile, they saw? They were clearly confused about how the fuck did you have that kind of effect on him. Even Present Mic wouldn't get that reaction from him so what made you any different?
"Ms. L/n and Mr. Aizawa looks cute together." And with those words that came from Uraraka's mouth, 1-A's surprised looks—not all of them were surprised nor spared a glance at their teachers interacting—were replaced with knowing ones as they looked at each other clearly knowing what to do.
"I oppose to this, as Mr. Aizawa said—" But even with Iida scolding them they just continued with their plan anyway. Surprisingly Yaoyaorozu even put opinions on the plan with Todoroki nodding every once in a while, agreeing with her.
"Hurry up, future heroes! We don't have all day!" You exclaimed as you noticed that they were still in the room making Aizawa sigh. The students fastened their pace as they went to the changing rooms, after quickly agreeing to the plan.
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"Hey Ms. L/n. Mr. Aizawa is super manly right?" Kirishima suddenly said to you once Aizawa took on the students as the 'villain' for the training they had for today. You looked over to Aizawa and immediately agreed with Kirishima. Not only manly with his looks, Aizawa was also manly when it comes to his personality. He was selfless, kind and passionate about what he was doing. He was so goddamn manly alright.
You hummed in agreement as your attention went from Aizawa to Kirishima who had a strange look on his face. "It's a shame though. Someone manly as Mr. Aizawa is single." You raised a brow at his statement. What was he implying?
"I'm sure Shouta will find love when we wants to. Though i'm sure the day he wants to find love is the day he wants to die." You giggled at your statement as Kirishima mentally face-palmed. Did you not get what he meant by that? For a hero, that went over your head quickly which surprised him.
"Maybe Mr. Aizawa needs someone to show him love if that's the case then." You smiled at the statement, clearly sensing the concern his student has for his teacher. Although he was pushing this topic, you didn't mind. He was true, Aizawa needs someone to show his hard ass some fucking love every once in a while.
"I'm sure he'll find that someone soon enough. Though i'm under the impression that he'll end up with Present Mic." Kirishima couldn't help but laugh at your statement. It was quite true though, at first the whole class 1-A thought that Aizawa was hella gay for Yamada. His laugh caught the eye of Aizawa who just shot you a look of disapproval, to which you just shrugged.
Kirishima excused himself from the heroine then walked towards his friends as he shook his head. The group frowned at the signal and just waited for their turn to take on Mr. Aizawa.
The Second Time: Yamada and Nemuri's great plan
"You should really take care of yourself Shouta." You nagged, Shouta just grunting and groaning at your nagging. "Don't grunt at me mister, you can't live on jelly packs forever!"
The duo watched as the of you bickered back and forth about you being a hypocrite as you were living on coffee all the fucking time and you defending yourself from him everytime. If a stranger came in through the door they would've guessed that the two of you are an old married couple fighting over each other's well being.
"Can you two fucking stop and just fuck already? The tension around you is very fucking high." Kayama intervened making the two of them abruptly stop. Aizawa shot Kayama a death glare while you blushed, quickly looking away so that they would not notice it but it was too late though, Hizashi saw and smirked.
Though Kayama used the wrong choice of words, there was indeed a tension around the two of you that they couldn't exactly pinpoint. They were tired of the said tension and just want their otp to be together forever and ever.
"Shut up, Nemuri. We're just friends! Friends that are looking out for each other!" You defended yourself earning an 'are-you-fucking-kidding-me' look from both Hizashi and Kayama. Are you that fucking dense? With you they never know.
"Yeah, yeah and i'm not loud all the fucking time. Sure Y/n." Hizashi stated earning a deadpanned look from Aizawa who decided not to say something because he knows this conversation will just get longer if he did and he wasn't exactly in the mood for that.
"Again, shut up the both of you." You groaned as you retreated back to your desk that was just beside Toshinori's who shot you a knowing look which you just dismissed. Of course Toshinori just had to look at you like that. He knows something they clearly don't and knows that someday you will have to tell them and you didn't want that someday to be today so you just plastered on a look that says 'No-Toshinori-Just-Shut-Up' which made him focus on his computer.
Kayama and Hizashi glanced at each other before walking towards you. You already know they had something planned when they approached you, their faces filled with mischief.
"... What do you want now?" You sighed through your nose. "Well, we were planning to go out for drinks later. Want to come? Shouta will come too, right Shouta?"
"No." Aizawa declined quickly upon hearing their preposition. Aizawa even though declining knew that Kayama and Hizashi wasn't gonna let him slide away that quickly. Just the thought of drunk Hizashi and Kayama made his head hurt.
"See? Shouta is coming! So what do you say?" Seeing as there was no way you were gonna avoid this, you just nodded and told them to go away quickly returning to your work. You really don't want to go but it was Hizashi and Kayama we're talking about.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! We're gonna have some fun later!"
"What happened to 'Hey! Hey! Hey! We're gonna have some fun later?'" You mocked Hizashi as you stood outside the restaurant with Aizawa waiting for the two that had just announced that they couldn't make it because of something with the school—which was obviously a fucking lie.
Aizawa—who was clearly not in a good mood—grunted and left without a word, leaving you there on the side walk alone. If he had been in a good mood he would've invited you inside to eat together and maybe even chuckle at your poor attempt at mocking Hizashi's voice but no that wasn't the case and instead he left you there with a fucking frown on your face. What a fucking gentleman, Aizawa is.
"He's so grumpy especially when he got no sleep." You pouted, taking your phone out and quickly plugging it into your headphones. "What an old man. He didn't even say goodbye nor walk me home." You mumbled as you started walking to the direction of your home after pressing on your go to playlist.
As 'The Ballad of Mona Lisa' by Panic! at the Disco came on, you smiled. This was a playlist that you made back for your 'emo phase' which Aizawa surprisingly liked. You weren't surprised though as he looked emo 24/7.
From behind the bushes on the other side of the road, the pair watched what happened and groaned. "'This will definitely work out' you said. Look genius, did it work out? No."
"It wasn't my fault they didn't take the bait! Don't blame me all for it Nemuri! Blame them too for being so fucking oblivious to their own fucking feelings!" And with that they continued to bicker like siblings, earning the attention of passersby. They didn't care though—when did they really care?
"Midnight? Present Mic? What are you doing over here?" Their bickering caught the attention of Iida, Midoriya and Uraraka as they walked to the station, clearly they weren't surprised that they were so fucking loud in the middle of the street because that's Present Mic and Midnight for you but they were confused as to why they were squabbling behind the bushes. Bushes, of all places.
"Nothing! We weren't spying or anything! Hehe..." Hizashi 'defended' making it look more obvious than it really is. The trio blinked at his statement, pros are like this these days? Geez.
"Fine! We were spying!" Hizashi gave in to the looks that were thrown at him by the dekusquad, them making a mental note to not say anything crucial to Hizashi fearing that he has loose lips. (He does have loose lips.)
"Who are you spying on? Was it Ms. L/n and Mr. Aizawa? We saw them on the way here but noticed that they went on their separate ways quickly." Uraraka stated. "Oh! Were they on a date?"
"Did our plan work?!" Midoriya exclaimed catching the attention of the two pro-heroes. Did 1-A ship the two of you too? They even planned something before the two of them! Damn, kids nowadays. They move fast.
"You guys had a plan too?" Hizashi asked and with that the two parties decided to do something for the two completely oblivious people in their lives.
The Third Time: In which 1-A, Hizashi and Kayama joined forces
"Goodbye Eraserhead!" Hizashi practically pushed Aizawa out the door as Midnight emerged from the other door minutes after. Most of 1-A were curious and confused as to why two pro-heroes were here for English but they just guessed that even Present Mic can have problems with English too.
"Alright, today we are gonna be joined by pro hero Midnight because we all have important matters to discuss." Hizashi stated slowly as a grin began to grow on his face. "We are gonna plan how Y/n and Shouta will confess to each other! Yeah!" Almost all of the students cheered because their teachers also shipped the two of them—and partially because no english yey—while some of them sighed asking themselves that this was important than english? They just went with the flow anyway, couldn't hurt to skip one lesson right?
"Now do you guys have suggestions?" Immediately upon asking that dozens of hands shot up, the faces of the students eager to share what they want to suggest. Yaoyorozu even raised her hand which was hella surprising.
"I suggest that they should just confess but in a manly way!" Kirishima's answer was broad yes but it gave Ashido an idea. "Oh! Maybe trap them in a room until they manly confess to each other!" Kirishima and Ashido high fived after, happy about their suggestion.
"Just fucking send them on a mission to kill each other—" Before Bakugo could even finish his suggestion, Aoyama cut in flashing his signature weird pose. "Bonjour! I suggest that we send them on a vacation, to France!"
"Bakugo's suggestion is too violent and Aoyama's is too expensive." Asui pointed out the obvious, her tongue sticking out from her mouth.
"Shut up Frogface! I wasn't asking your fucking opinion!" Bakugo responded to the future frog hero. They were surprised that Bakugo even threw in his suggestion in the first place—even though it was violent—let alone be annoyed at Asui's opinion.
"Make Mr. Aizawa or Ms. L/n jealous!" Cliché but there was a chance it could work. Sero hummed in agreement with Kaminari. It worked with some movies so it should work with them right?
Meanwhile Uraraka, Iida and Midoriya were brainstorming, not listening to what others were suggesting and asking Yaoyorozu and Todoroki for their opinions about what they have thought about. Once they've got the go signal for them to share their suggestion, Iida raised his hand and stood up. "I suggest that a certain student should use his quirk on them." Iida adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose as Kayama asked who the student was. "Shinsou Hitoshi."
"We could brainwash the other to confess to the other one! Nice!" Hizashi exclaimed giving Iida is signature finger guns. "Any other suggestions?" Tons of other ideas came around until they reached the decision by the end of the class.
"Well then, it's settled! We move after lunch!" And with that Hizashi and Kayama left, the students clearly excited about what's to come. Would they plan succeed? Only a few more hours to find out.
"Shinsou! Shinsou!" Midoriya called out to Shinsou who he luckily spotted walking towards Lunch Rush. The boy turned around and was shocked to even see not only Midoriya but almost all of Class 1-A running after him which made him tilt his head to the side. Why were they after him?
"Shinsou, we need you for something." Iida quickly explained what they needed him for catching him off guard as he smirked. Were they really that oblivious to the situation that they've gone such long heights just for the two of you? Well since Shinsou doesn't have anything to do anyways he decided to agree, at least this was gonna be fun.
"Sure. Where are they?" Shinsou asked, 1-A quickly and gladly giving him the information he needed.
They waved at Shinsou as they watched his back go further and further away. Kaminari wiped a non-existant tear on his face, "Damn. He's braver than the marines."
"He really is."
Shinsou took no time in finding you and Shouta since the two of you were together anyways. Shinsou understood why 1-A wanted the two of you together because damn you looked cute together. You and Aizawa could be that crime fighting couple that make the villains tremble with fear. The two of you would kick a lot of ass and take a lot of names together especially with your quirk.
"Good afternoon Ms. L/n and Mr. Aizawa." Shinsou greeted the both of you cutting yours and Aizawa's conversation short. "Can I excuse Ms. L/n for a while, sir?" Aizawa was confused as to why his student approached them and he grew even more confused when he asked him that. Aizawa nodded weakly as he watched Shinsou and you talk from afar. He noticed the way you interact with the kid and vice versa but failed to notice Shinsou using his quirk on Y/n.
"Goodbye, Ms. L/n." And with that Shinsou left, not wanting to see his mentor's reaction when he finds out that he used his quirk on Y/n. Shinsou knew his mentor would be furious but it's all gonna be worth it.
Class 1-A though wanted to see both of your reactions as they hid behind the two of them. This was finally it, they could feel it. Finally the day came where they were gonna see their otp come true. They waited in anticipation as you walked back to Aizawa.
"Hey Shouta, want to go out sometime?" And with that the effect of Shinsou's quirk vanished, leaving you confused. What the actual fuck happened?
"Wait—what? What happened?" You blinked as Aizawa sighed, clearly knowing what happened to you.
"Shinsou used his quirk on you." Aizawa sighed as he rubbed his temples. "Hurry up. We don't want to waste time." Aizawa said as he walked away, leaving you there. Clearly someone is grumpy today too.
"Wha—Hey Shouta! Wait for me, you old man!" You caught up to him quickly as you resumed your previous conversation.
1-A's hopeful looks were replaced with disappointed ones. Time for Plan B then.
The Fourth Time: Plan B a.k.a lock them in a room and hope that Shouta doesn't kill his students, Hizashi and Kayama
"Shouta! Shouta! We need you for something!" Hizashi screamed at Aizawa who just woke up from his nap. Rubbing his eyes, Aizawa let out an irritated sigh. What could they possibly want right now? It was too early for this bullshit. (Although it was past noon. But still, early for Shouta.)
"What is it, Yamada?" He asked, his usual monotone voice had a hint of irritation in it. "Well, Bakugo and Midoriya—" Aizawa paid no mind in letting Hizashi finish as the two names of those trouble makers were stated. He got up as Hizashi accompanied him to where the trouble was happening.
"Damn those problem children." Aizawa muttered under his breath. Just how many times do they have to fucking fight? Did they not learn after the last one? If that's the case then he got to drill it to their mind then.
"Where is it Hizashi?" He turned to face Hizashi who was now missing from his spot next to Aizawa. Aizawa looked around for any signs of Hizashi but found none, when did he disappear?
Aizawa sighed then decided to just walk back to the teacher's lounge. If this was a prank then he wasn't having any of it. He just wasted time and instead could've get grading done. Hizashi was gonna get it later.
Before he could even leave a force pushed him back to a dark room. He didn't expect that to happen. Was it a villain attack? He furrowed his eyebrows, no it's not a villain attack. If it was the alarms could've rang off. But what if they have a quirk that can silence the alarms? No, they have Present Mic he could've easily be the alarm.
So what was happening?
"Hey man, whoever the fuck you are. Can you like move? You're in my personal space." An oh so familiar voice told him making him sigh. Of course, it was another one of Hizashi's poor attempts on getting the two of them together. "Wait, I know that sigh." You stated before calling out to him. "Shouta? What are you doing here?"
"Since when were you trapped in here, Y/n?" Aizawa ignored your previous question as he searched for the light switch. You could've been there for like minutes before hin right?
"To be honest, I don't know how long i've been here for." This made Aizawa raise an eyebrow at her, if there had been a light you would've hit him in the shoulder already but thankfully there wasn't. He kept fucking searching for the light switch until he found one which was near the fucking door like all light switches were. When they finally had light they realized where they were.
A janitor's closet. Great, just so great. This was so clichè.
"Why didn't you use your quirk then?" You opened your mouth to defend yourself but closed it quickly. "Well... hehehe."
"You took a nap here didn't you." You scratched the back of your neck as you smiled sheepishly at Aizawa. It was true, you had infact taken a nap in the janitor's closet but in your defense you were so tired from the heroics class—you were used as the human punching bag—and was in desperate need of refulling your lost energy. So who could blame you for doing that?
"I was tired, ok. My eyes closed before I could even process it being closed!"
Aizawa let out a tch. You were an adult goddmanit. So why were you doing things like this?
"I'm kicking the door down." Aizawa stated before looking at you who already had your eyes closed. "Y/n."
"You go, do you." You stiffled a yawn with the back of your hand. "That nap still wasn't enough." You layed back down, exhaustion evident on your pretty face. Aizawa looked at you before deciding to lay down beside you and grunt at the lack of space.
"Wha—What are you doing?"
"Move. You're squishing me." You complied deciding not to protest. Good thing you both don't have classes to teach that afternoon or else you both would've been screwed.
Aizawa made himself comfortable beside you and instinctively wrapped a protective arm around you making you blush and scoot closer to him. He was radiating a nice warmth and had an aura of protectiveness around him which made you feel at home as you closed your eyes.
"I though you were going to kick down the door?" You lightly snickered at the end of your statement.
"I got tired." Of course, he was always tired anyways. After a few minutes of silence, you let the darkness envelop you in a welcoming hug and with that, the both of you fell asleep on each other's arms. Clearly not knowing about the crowd that was on the other side of the door, listening to everything they say.
"Do you hear anything Jirou?" She shooked her head as an answer. "Let's wait a few more minutes then." The few more minutes turned into a few hours as they all began to worry.
"Are they dead?" Kaminari asked from the back. 1-A's eyes widened as they realized Kaminari could be right. The both of you could've suffocated in there but wouldn't Aizawa get the both of you out minutes after being locked in there?
"Maybe they're having some fun!" Kayama exclaimed making their worried faces turn into disgust. If they were 'having some fun' they would've heard especially with a quirk like Jirou's.
"Let's just break them out and hope that Shouta would not kill us." And with that they opened the lock, only to reveal a sleeping you with Aizawa. Your legs were tangled together as you laid your head on his chest, both of you breathing evenly. They all let out a sigh of relief that the both of you didn't die—and because Aizawa wouldn't kill them instantly on the spot—and let the two of you be with frowns plastered on their faces after taking a few (hundred) pictures of course.
They were confused. How the fuck did that not work? It was perfect! Well, atleast for them. They failed once again but that doesnmt mean that they'll give up that easily! It's time to move to Plan C and they know the perfect person for the job.
The Fifth Time: Make Aizawa jealous
"Thank you for doing this Tensei." You thanked Iida as you wheeled him towards 1-A's heroic's class. "It really means so much to me, to us."
"Nah, it's no problem! I wanted to see Tenya in action and U.A. Feels nostalgic, you know?" You nodded clearly knowing what he meant by that. When you first started teaching at U.A.—by Midnight's recommendation—tons of memories quickly bombarded you as soon as you stepped inside the school grounds like how you met Aizawa and Hizashi, your first sports festival and etc. It was all nostalgic to you that you almost teared up just by how far you and your classmates have gone.
"I miss U.A." He pouted. "And I miss you too!"
"Aww, I miss you too Tensei."
"Plus, who would decline a proposal from a pretty girl from you?" Iida's voice suddenly began louder as he stated that when the two of you arrived in front of 1-A's room. You giggled at his statement and stretched your hand to open the door but before you could Aizawa already opened the door for the both of you.
"Thanks, Eraserhead!" You wheeled Iida in, clearly in a good mood to see another one of your best friends again. If you had the time you would certainly visit Iida but you were pretty busy nowadays and the only way you can communicate with him is through texts which was obviously not enough.
"Alright-y then. Shall we start?" You asked the pro-heroes beside you with a smile. As the pro-heroes explained, 1-A could sense how uncomfortable Iida was. Of course he would be uncomfortable. His brother was gonna flirt with his teacher for fucks sake. Who could blame him?
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"Time for Plan C! Make Aizawa jealous!!" Hizashi announced once homeroom was over and Aizawa was out of earshot. "Normally it was make L/n jealous but since Ms. Joke is not available, we changed it to 'make Aizawa jealous!'" Hizashi rambled on as Kayama appeared, seducingly emerging from the door.
"Yes Iida?" Hizashi called Iida as his hand shot up instantly after hearing the words slip out from the english teacher's mouth. "May I ask who is the person we are gonna ask to make Mr. Aizawa jealous?"
"Great question, Iida!" Hizashi and Kayama shared a look before laughing. "Iida. Can you call your brother?" Hizashi asked in between laughs. Iida froze at his teacher's request, his eyes widening.
"Eh?! Ingenium?!" The class roared out clearly surprised at who they chose. "May I ask why my brother?"
"Again, good question Iida!" This time it was Kayama who spoke up. "Tensei is and I quote Y/n's bestest friend besides us. I remember how close they were when we were in high school! Some even thought they were dating but in truth they weren't. They're just good friends, very good friends at that."
"I remember Y/n even babysitted you Iida!" Iida blushed in embarrassment, did she really? Well he was a baby at that time, he wouldn't remember it now.
"Let's start planning!" And with that 1-A—not all of them though Bakugo and Todoroki seemed interested—clustered around the podium where the planning began. A lot of ideas were given out and a lot were sadly rejected but that didn't bring their spirits down as more ideas came after.
"Well then! Give your brother a call Iida! Tell him about the plan and i'll tell Y/n about heroic's class tomorrow! Surely Iida will be the perfect candidate for that!" And with that Hizashi and Kayama dismissed them feeling proud of what they've done and accomplished.
"Are you sure this will work? Shouta seems to be like the type who doesn't get jealous." At first glance Aizawa isn't a man to be possesive over something so this plan may be a bust but Hizashi knows his best friend better than Kayama, he was sure as hell Aizawa will get jealous once Iida starts flirting with you.
"Oh, just trust me Nemuri! This will work out!" Kayama quirked a brow at him then decided to just trust Hizashi, he knows a lot more about you and Aizawa after all.
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"Now that all of that is done, please wear your hero costumes and go outside!" Before Aizawa could even speak to you, you wheeled Iida out already engaged in a conversation with him. You didn't even bother to spare a glance at Aizawa as you talked with Iida, immediately catching up to what's happening with him these past few days. He slipped in a few compliments—that he made sure Aizawa heard—and comments about you that made you giggle.
Toshinori felt the same tension again. He looked at Aizawa only to find him staring at Iida and you but mostly you. Toshinori almost let out a laugh seeing Aizawa's expression when Iida flirted with you and could only guess that this was a work done by Hizashi and Kayama because Iida would never like you in that way, he made it clear when you were in high school.
"Thank you again for inviting me, Y/n. Brings back good memories." You smiled widely at Iida and told him that it was no problem, after all he was a pro-hero like her and pro-heroes help each other out.
"I was wondering, would you like to go out sometime?" Aizawa's eye twitched once Iida asked the question. He was irritated that you didn't even told Iida off when he was clearly flirting with you and most of all he was annoyed by the fact that you agreed on his proposal, asking him what time and when. That was the last straw for Aizawa and Toshinori could sense something blunt and sharp coming.
"Are you both done flirting? We have a class to teach so I suggest you wrap things up and proceed to the gym." You were taken aback by Aizawa's outburst but then moments later you smirked. Was he jealous? Aizawa walked past the two—like he was in a hurry—leaving the three of them dumbfounded.
"What was that about?" Iida asked you feigning confusion but on the inside he was proud at the outcome of his work. He got Aizawa jealous and that was a rare occassion.
"I have a feeling somebody has their period today." You joked making the two of them—yes even Toshinori—laugh but on the inside you know you were screwed. Aizawa was gonna give you the cold shoulder from then on and you knew it.
When all of you arrived at the gym, 1-A and Iida (Tensei) waited for anything to happen but... nothing. Nothing happened except for the little outburst from Aizawa earlier. They even waited after school hours when they were at the faculty room but no, no, no. Still nothing.
"I'm sorry guys." Hizashi and Kayama practically slumped over upon hearing Iida's apology. Their last plan failed once again but they had hoped it gave them the push to say something, anything to each other.
Little did they know, they confessed to each other years back, when they were still in high school.
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When Hizashi and Kayama found out
Hizashi and Kayama still didn't give up after many failed attempts so when they had another plan they went to your office, excited about the upcoming events.
"I sure hope this fucking work or else i'm gonna smash their skulls together." Kayama grunted as she pushed the door of your office open and what they saw left their mouths hanging.
Moments before the two of them walked in on you and Aizawa making out, Aizawa had confronted you about what happened earlier with Iida (Tensei). Of course he was jealous and to make things worse you poke fun of him because of it.
He got angry but didn't even dared to raise his voice at you because he wanted to solve this in the rational and logical way possible and you knew that. After all those years of knowing him and vice versa, both of you learned to adapt to each other's needs. For example if Aizawa came home stressed, you'll know it before he even informs you and makes him everything he needs and more. Also, if you're feeling down he'll know to talk to you about it instead of leaving you to cool down because he'll know you'll bottle it up until you can no longer surpress it. There was even this one time where Aizawa tried to hide his worries from you but you knew him, the real him and you instantly knew that something was wrong. Turns out it was just his nerves from asking you something life changing.
"Shouta." You called him, placing your fingers under his chin making him look at you. "You know that I will never do that right? Tensei meant go out as friends. Besides I know what was behind his flirting all this time." Aizawa's piercing gaze softened upon seeing your face. You wrapped your arms around his midsection making him sigh and returning the gesture.
"I know. I'm sorry. I just got... possesive." You giggled at his statement. Although it resulted in an argument seeing him jealous gave off a sexy vibe from him which you incredibly loved—you'll never admit it openly but knowing Aizawa he probably knows by now.
"I'm sorry for being angry." His voice was soft as he uttered the words that made you smile. This was the side that you only get to see, warming your heart as you hugged him tighter. You were glad to see this side of Aizawa, you were glad to see that he trusts enough to put down his walls and let you through, you were glad—heck beyond glad even.
The next moments were a bit blur to you as it started with just a simple kiss filled with passion from you and Aizawa but when his kisses became a little heated that's when things really started. He bit your lip making you gasp earning him an entrance to your mouth as your tongues fought for dominance, Aizawa clearly being the winner.
Back to present time, Aizawa pinned you against the wall, his hands on your waist as he began attacking your neck with kisses making you ran a hand through his hair, your fingers threading through his raven locks.
Was this real? You didn't know. You were sure you were dreaming right now or perhaps in heaven. But nope, this was the reality. The reality you love. The reality that Aizawa Shouta, 1-A's homeroom teacher, underground hero, pro-hero Eraserhead was your husband.
Yup, this shaggy hobo looking man was your husband. No one really knew except for your families and Toshinori who happened to stumble upon the two of you just like this except that the two of you were in the hospital that time.
Aizawa bit the sensitive spot on your neck, the both of you still not noticing the presence of the duo that kept bugging you and Aizawa to just confess and get together. Too ingrossed in your activities, you didn't even hear their footsteps.
"Oh my god!" Hizashi screeched making the two of you break apart as you stared at Hizashi and Kayama with wide eyes. Holy shit, you were found out now and they found out while the two of you were making out. Fucking making out. Why now out of all the days you were making out with Shouta?
"What do you guys want? Can't you see i'm busy with my wife?" Aizawa nonchalantly stated as his face showed irritation. He wasn't irritated at the fact that Hizashi and Kayama finally knew, he was irritated at the fact that Hizashi and Kayama disturbed the two of them while they were in the middle of something good.
You on the other hand was shocked at what Aizawa just informed the two loud mouths and blushed upon seeing the two of them stared at you with those fucking knowing looks. Oh boy, there was no way of escape now.
After 5 years he decided to tell them like it was not a big deal at all but you knew Aizawa cared, he always did. He just want the two of them to shut up but that wasn't the case. Upon hearing what Aizawa said, the two of them squealed.
"Wife?! Did Shouta just say wife?!" Hizashi was practically crying now, telling the world how proud he was of his best friend. "When did the wedding happen?! Why were we not invited?!"
"It happed five years ago Hizashi, and Shouta and I just wanted a small wedding with close family only. I hope you understand." You sheepishly smiled at the two of them.
"I guess we'll leave you two now." Kayama said with a wink as she dragged Hizashi out of the office. "Use protection, kids!"
Just seconds after the door closed, Aizawa who was still pressing you on the wall asked with a smirk, "I don't think we even need protection. Now where were we?"
Oh boy, let's just say that neither of you did your work the whole night and just did each other instead.
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"Y/n! Are you ok? You should go to Recovery Girl! Your neck is full of bruises!" Hizashi 'innocently' screamed out in the teacher's lounge earning the attention of all the pro-hero teachers currently in said lounge.
Your face grew red as they stared at you. Of  course Hizashi had to notice the marks Aizawa left as a 'remembrance' of the night before and of course he just had to scream it out loud in a room filled with people. You were glad though that he hadn't proclaimed it infront of the students because that will be even more embarrassing—atleast for you.
You secretly flipped the bird to Aizawa who just chuckled then wrapped his capture weapon around his neck even more, hiding the endless amount of love bites placed there.
"Oh! Shouta! You have them too! Are you both ok?! Do you have allergies or something?!" Hizashi yelled out. With a smirk you looked over to Aizawa once again as he grunted and swatted Hizashi away but it was too late now. The whole faculty knows by now as their gazes were placed on you then to Aizawa and vice versa.
Needless to say, the next day was full of teasing and belated congratulations from the two and the staff—with the two of them word spreads quickly—which they had to endure.
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When 1-A found out
"As heroes, your goal is to not only fight off villains but to rescue and protect the civillians as well. You should remember that. Especially you Bakugo." The boy scoffed at his teacher's words as he looked away which Aizawa knew was a sign that Bakugo acknowledged his words. "Today we are—" a knock cut Aizawa's sentence making him sigh. Who could it possibly be?
Aizawa walked to the door slowly as his students anticipated who could the visitor be. Could it be a pro-hero? Yes, that could be it but their teacher didn't mention any training with another pro-hero today. So, who was it?
Aizawa opened the door slightly and was face to face with his lovely wife standing there with a huge smile on her face. Aizawa made a mental note that he should wear sunglasses everytime his wife beams at him with that big smile, it was too bright for him seeing as you were the literal sunshine but Aizawa didn't protest though, seeing that smile of yours instantly refreshed him and gave him energy. But why the hell were you here? Lunch isn't near and he was sure as hell that you took a sick leave due to you feeling ill for the past few days. So what brought you here exactly?
"Hi Shouta!!!" You greeted him loudly earning the attention of the students. You didn't mean to say that so loud but excitement was kicking in and you felt very happy at that time, incredibly happy even. You felt that you could solve the crisis involving world peace just with your happiness and that was an understatement.
"Miss L/n?!" The students panicked, you were here? They sweated nervously as they were reminded about the homework they had to do. In truth they hadn't done it yet because they were incredibly busy so seeing you outside their classroom made their hearts race. "But what are you doing here Ms. L/n? I thought you were sick!"
You sighed clearly knowing what the fuss was about. "Mina, I am sick but I need to excuse your teacher for some important matters and it's ok if you hadn't done your homework yet but make sure to submit it on or before friday next week." The students let relieved noises as soon as they heard the last statement but Aizawa was more focused on the 'I need to excuse your teacher for some important matters' part. Was there somethimg wrong?
"All right. Iida, control your classmates. I'll be going outside for a moment." And with that Aizawa closed the door behind him before dragging you as far as possible from the eavesdropping students. Your statement made him worried as millions of logical probabilities rushed through his head, one probabilty standing out than the most.
Were you gonna ask for a divorce? Aizawa hoped that, that wan't the case.
"You're not gonna ask for divorce, are you?" Aizawa hesitantly voiced his thoughts, earning a blank look from you. What made Aizawa think that?
"Shouta." You called while placing the palm of your hand on his cheek, him leaning into your touch almost instantly. "What made you think that I'm gonna ask you for divorce?"
Shouta opened his mouth to tell you all the logic behind his question but was immediately cut off by you, "Don't ever doubt yourself or us, Shouta. I love you as you love me so that will not be happening." Aizawa felt relieved but the bugging feeling didn't go away as the question in his mind remained unanswered. Why were you here then?
"I'm here because of good news not bad news." You stated, your smile returning to your face. Aizawa could tell that this smile was brighter and bigger than the last one so it gave him the fact that you were incredibly happy at the moment because of said news. "Well atleast it's good news for me."
"What is it?" You could feel your excitement coming out an in instant once he asked you the question you've been waiting for him to say. You happily dug through your mess of a bag to reveal a stick to him with a plus sign on the center.
A stick with a plus sign.
A plus sign.
Aizawa's eyes widened as he stared lovingly at the stick you were holding. You waited for his reaction and once you got it you were very much satisfied with the result.
Aizawa placed his large hands on your belly, the stick still on his left hand but he didn't care. Tears welled up in your eyes as you saw his smile mirrored yours—bright, big and clearly expressing how happy he felt at the moment.
"I'm going to be a father." He murmured on your shoulders as he wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. You nodded through your tears as Aizawa's grip on you tightened a little—not to the point he's trying to kill you though—clearly not wanting to let go of you. This news made his heart long and beat for you even more.
"I love you." He said with not his usual monotone but a softer voice filled with emotion that he clearly felt for you. "I love that you make me the happiest man on the universe, every fucking day." His confession made you cry even harder, wetting his black hero costume even more but you both didn't care at the moment. You were gonna be a family now. A family. A family that you both wanted. A family that you both will cherish and love until the day death do you apart. A family to care for, look out for. A family that will grow, stay and learn with the both of you.
Oh how excited the both of you are.
"I love you too, Aizawa Shouta." You replied before adding, "I love you so fucking much that my heart hurts with happiness everytime I see or think of you."
Class 1-A didn't mean to eavesdrop once again but they couldn't help but let curiousity kill the cat. They saw the heart fluttering and precious moment between their usually stoic, emotionless teacher and his wife that made them burst out in tears. They were sure their teacher knew they were there but they still kept their cries silent so that it wouldn't interrupt the moment.
That still didn't stop Mina from exclaiming this though.
"Aizawa-sensei and Ms. L/n are married?!" The exclamation earned the attention of the couple as they broke apart, seeing 1-A infront of them with tears on their eyes. "Then all our planning was useless?!" And with that Mina cried harder making you chuckle, not all their plans went to waste though if you could say so yourself.
"Go back to class." Aizawa ordered them with a glare making them shuffle and leave the scene immediately after shouting out a, "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Aizawa!!"
"They truly are an exceptional bunch huh?" You leaned into Aizawa as he placed an arm around your shoulders. "They are a pain in the ass but they are my pain in the ass."
"Aw! Seeing you act like that for your 20 other kids makes me even more excited that you're gonna have another one." You snickered. "If you're their dad then I'm the mom right?"
"Don't." Aizawa grunted making you laugh.
"What?! It's true though!" Seeing Aizawa's expression made you laugh even more. "Oh don't give me that look Dadzawa."
"Don't call me that."
"Dadzawa!" You stated his new nickname making him sigh.
"You're lucky I put up with you."
"Aren't you supposed to say, 'You're lucky I love you'?" Aizawa shook his head then left you there in the hallway after replying with a, "No. See you at home, Y/n."
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"Congratulations Dadzawa!" Hizashi and Nemuri exclaimed at the same time once again earning the attention of the whole faculty on them.
"Don't fucking call me that, Yamada."
"Oh please, keep calling him that from now on. I'm sure babyzawa will like that." You chuckled as you kissed Aizawa's cheek before leaving the faculty room. "Goodluck dealing with them Dadzawa!"
Aizawa's eye twitched as he felt the attack coming from Hizashi and Nemuri. Oh boy it's gonna be a long long day today.
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mull3ts · 4 years
Quarintine Boyz, Part One
Pairing | NCT's 00 line x Reader
⚠ Warnings! | Smut, Orgy (5some, but that comes in part 2), Swearing, is this qualified crack?, Just a bunch of flirting too, Fingering, Dirty Talk, *not proofread, Requested!
↳ Word Count: 3.1k
· Part 2
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Week 1:Day 1/14, 8:43 am
"You need to stop eating my coffee, Donghyuck"
He gasped
"Um? Eating? Really? You're a bit stupid, Jaemin." Donghyuck fought back
"Think again," Jaemin hissed "I'm not the one stupid enough to drink coffee that's not theirs!"
Jeno glared at them
"Will you guys just-"
"Butt out of it, sexy guy" They both yelled
"That one's new" Jeno mumbled
"Will you bitch asses shut up, there's a pandemic for crying out loud!" Renjun yelled from the couch
"I have litterally never heard that word once in my life" You said streching as you just woke up
"Y/N" Donghyuck and Jaemin said both storming towards you
"Tell him he shouldn't drink my coffee" Jaemin said
"Nu-uh tell this hoe to back off because if it's on the counter, it's free real estate" Donghyuck said
"That's really not my problem, what's a pandemic?" You asked
"Apparently it's when we can't go outside anymore and quarantine for 2 weeks." Renjun sighed
"How am I supposed to work out!" Jeno shrieked
"How am I supposed to get laid!" Jaemin said dropping his bag of coffee grounds
"How am I supposed to leave and see Mark!"
"How am I supposed to care about that, Hyuck" You mumbled
"How am I supposed to live with all of you!" Renjun screamed grabbing his hair
"First of all," You began, "Jeno, you can do home workouts"
"But my weights..." Jeno whispered
"Jaemin, just jackoff for god's sake!"
"It's not the same...Can I use you?" Jaemin said, being absolutely serious
"That sounds horrible, no. Donghyuck, just call Mark or something!"
"But I wanna kiss him!" Donghyuck cried
"Kiss your phone! Renjun...let's go jump off of a bridge" You sighed
"Let's go!" Renjun said grabbing his car keys "We'll miss you all...not really but still!"
Jeno blocked the door
"Nope. You two aren't going anywhere" He said crossing his arms
"Yeah, we wouldn't want you two catching Corona" Jaemin pouted
You both sighed "Fine"
"So, what's for breakfast?"
"So, what's your social security number?"
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Day 2/14, 6:23 am
"Oh, hi Jaemin"
You were taken aback, Jaemin was cooking, at 6:00 am
"What's cooking good looking?" He smirked
"Um, nothing, I'm not cooking?" You questioned
"Shit, um....y-you'reeeeeeee hot, mmhm, hot like hot, really hot." Jaemin said thinking about it as he spoke
Jaemin got a plate for the both of you and turned around making you actually look at him
You screamed while turning red
"It's hot?" He stated plainly "So I'm not wearing a shirt."
"I'm fucking cold Na Jaemin, what makes you think it's hot?"
He smirked again, you'd really like to wipe that smirk off of his pretty face
"You're in the room, makes it hotter"
"Y-you what?"
"Shit. I've been exposed"
"And what are you gonna do about it" Jaemin said slamming his fist on the table
"Nothing, except go back to bed. Oh and by the way...the AC is broken and that's why it's so cold" Renjun said yawning and walking back up the stairs
"Yeah, aren't you cold, Jaemin?" You questioned looking at the goosebumps on his biceps
"I'm fine" He said placing your food on the plate "So, you gonna put on a shirt-" He stopped you. "Nope. I'm staying shirtless with this apron".
"You know that's a Peppa Pig apron right?"
"It was cheap! Your point is...". You shook your head "It's nothing".
Day 2/14, 2:55 pm
"You don't mind if I workout while your here, right?" Jeno asked holding a workout mat
"No, this is your room anyways"
"Cool" That's when Jeno started to remove his shirt
"A-aren't you gonna keep that on"
"Keep it, babe. Wear it sometime" He smirked while beginning to stretch
Then an idea popped into his head
"Why don't we stretch something else, hmm?" Jeno said playfully
"Like what"
He motioned you to come to him with is finger
He started to remove your clothes until you were bare
"Shh, keep it down babe, the others will hear you"
Jeno released his cock from his shorts and rubbed your entrance making you whimper
"Already wet, babe?" He chuckled
"J-jeno, please" You begged
"What is it you want babe, tell me"
"I want-"
It was just his imagination, and he was already doing his push-ups. He looked at you to see what you were doing
"Sniffing my shirt? Do I smell that nice?"
"Hey Jeno you-" You paused examining his body
"-you have a really big...dick"
Jeno stopped doing his push-ups looking at you like you told him something dumb
"Well geeze, babe, you don't have to remind me" He said going back to his push-ups
You heard a laughter erupt from the door
"Pft, Y/N, you haven't even seen his dick out of his pants" Donghyuck laughed leaning on Jeno's door frame
"Well is it big?" You asked innocently making Jeno's dick harden
"Are these two really having a conversation about my dick?"
"Oh my sweet Y/N, it's big, until the day Jeno decides to bed you...I'll tell you it's big"
You seemed so fascinated
"Woah, cool"
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Day 3/14, 1:22 am
"Renjun?" You questioned
"Huh?" He looked at you
"Why are you painting at...1:22 am?"
"I don't know, why are you up at 1:22 am?" He questioned back
"I'm looking for Jaemin's Peppa Pig apron"
Renjun laughed
"Jaemin's sleeping in it" He responded
"Isn't that a choking hazard?" You asked, concerned
"Jaemin likes to choke people-"
Renjun's phone went off
"Hang on"
[Na Jaehoe, 1:23 am] Shut up you shorty Bob Ross don't fucking tell her that 😤😤😤
"Nevermind" Renjun chuckled "So I heard the Jeno's dick conversation"
"Gosh don't remind me, Renjun"
You looked at what he was painting
"Is that-" He cut you off "Peppa Pig, yeah. I'm gonna use it to haunt Jaemin if he gets married."
"So like as his wedding gift?"
"Exactly" Renjun looked at the clock "You should go to bed ya know"
"So should you, ya know"
"I'll go at 2:00, night Y/N"
"Night, Renjun"
Day 3/14, 12:44 pm
"Looks like sleeping beauty woke up" Donghyuck snickered from the dining table
"Oh, shut up" You said looking at all of your roommates who were eating lunch
"Here, it's uh...What's this again, Jaemin?" Jeno asked. "It's uh...Chipotlé? Wait- Yeah, Chipotlé" Jaemin said blandly
"Are you still wearing that Peppa-"
"AnD?" Jaemin clapped back, Jaemin sighed "I HAVENT BEEN LAIED IN MONTHS!"
Everyone groaned "JAEMIN! What did Y/N say?"
"She said to just jackoff...BUT ITS NOT THE SAME!"
"That's really not my problem..."
"Maybe we should sign you up for therapy-"
"No, no, I'll live like the Virgin Mary" Jaemin protested
Day 3, 12:55 am
You were all in tears (except for Jeno) and Donghyuck was already sobbing his eyes out by the time The Titanic started sinking
"Donghyuck, your eyes are so puffy!" Renjun pointed out laughing though the tears
"S-shut up you oompa loompa" Donghyuck sniffed. "You guys are babies, right babe?" Jeno said looking at you who was gripping on to him tightly. "SHUT UP LEE JENO YOU ARENT DATING" Jaemin hissed from his side of the couch bursting out in tears
"J-jaemin, is that my shirt?" You asked drying your eyes on Jeno's shirt
"It's the goddamn laundry Y/N..." He sniffed. "Hey, Y/N" Donghyuck called, still sounding stuffy "Can I draw you like one of my French Girls?"
"You can't even draw that well" You defended not wanting to be drawn nude. "Then Renjun, you do it, I'll pay you like 20 bucks" Donghyuck said nudging Renjun, "$150" Renjun responded
"Nevermind..." Donghyuck huffed
Day 4/14, 10:49 am
You didn't wanna knock, and it didn't really sound like anything was in there
But you forgot about anyone
"AH SHIT" You screamed, clearly not prepared to have seen a naked Jaemin
He scoffed, "Don't act like you don't fucking like seeing me like this, Y/N" He inched closer to you. "Don't act like I haven't noticed you checking me out when I wore that apron or when I was wearing that small ass t-shirt of yours-"
"Oh, so now you know how I feel when you're overthere at the other end of the room clearly biting your lip-" Jaemin cut you off by slamming his lips against yours
"Shut up, princess. How about I give us both what we want, how does that sound?". You noddes your head while Jaemin removed your shorts along with your underwear
"You drive me so fucking crazy walking around the house with these on. What makes you think you can just dress like a slut everyday around 4 boys hmm? Tell me" Jaemin taunted
"I like wearing them" You pouted. "Yeah? Well all of us like seeing you wear them, so why don't we put on a little show for the boys?" He reached down and entered a finger in your pussy.
He chuckled, "So wet huh?". You whimpered "Please Don't stop Jaemin"
"Na Jaemin, you're staring" You said snapping him out of his trance. You couldn't bare his gaze on you, looking at you like he was gonna eat you. "It's not my fault you're so cute." Jaemin smirked
"Well then it's my mother's?!?" You said. Jaemin was inching closer and closer to you as your back hit the wall
"Kiss me right now, Y/N"
"Oh, there you are Y/N!" Renjun chirped "What are you doing to the poor girl, you man whore" Renjun said sassily
"Why didn't I close the door"
"N-nothing...man virgin" Jaemin snickered
"I AM NOT" Renjun said tilting his head a bit, "C'mon Y/N, lets do the laundry for our resident man whore" Renjun said making you giggle "Man whore". Jaemin rolled his eyes at you
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Day 5/14, 6:57 pm
"Where the HELL is Donghyuck!" You yelled
"I dunno" they all said in unison, so you decided to call Mark
"What's up?" He answered, "Do you know where Hyuck is?". Mark sighed, "He's not my responsibly Y/N"
"Sure does seem like it" You said before hangging up. His room light was closed so you didn't think to check, but you'd rather be safe than sorry. "Donghyuck?" You knocked as you swung the door open.
You shrieked
"Hey, baby" He cooed before he went back to jerking off "Care to watch?" he asked making it sound more like a demand
"I think I'll..."
"Stay? Yep, that's what I thought"
So you watched Donghyuck, jerking off to you, for 15 minutes
"Y-y/n ah!" He said as cum leaked out of his dick. Donghyuck got cleaned up leaving you at a loss of words
"You're welcome, sweetheart" He said grabbing your chin making you look up at him
"yA! Y/N, Jaemin needs you in the kitchen cause he burnt one of the frying pans" Jeno said opening the door
"Tell him I'll be right there"
"Bye bye, sweetheart" Donghyuck cooed causing Jeno glare at him
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Day 6/14, 9:32 am
Jeno knocked on your door
"The only considerate one"
"Hey, I'm gonna go to take a shower" He held up one finger to stop you from saying anything. "I'm telling you this so you don't think you're home alone because..." Jeno was hesitant, making you realize what he knew
"Mmm, Jeno, Fuck! Jaemin! A-ah Renjun! S-shit, Donghyuck, M'gonna-" He moaned trying to recreate what you sounded like that one time you thought you were home alone
"JENO FORGET ABOUT THAT!" You screamed in embarrassment making him chuckle. "It's ok babe, nothing to be ashamed of all of us have done it with you in our head" He said walking off while giggling
"Shit, my face is red, hold up, where's my phone?"
You looked everywhere so you accidentally thought Jeno's phone was causing you to read the notifications displayed
[Nana Jaems]: So we're gonna ignore the fact we all jerk off to y/n?
[Injoon]: Well do you expect us to go up to her and say "You're fucking hot in thoes shorts and you're hot and nice so wanna fuck?"
[Nana Jaems]: Isn't that what we have to do tho?
[DngHyk]: Or ya know you could just hide in your room and wait for her to catch you jerking off? Thats what I did yesterday. Be jealous hoes
[Nana Jaems]: No way!
[Injoon]: Well shouldn't we wait for what Jeno has to tell us?
[DngHyk]: Calm your titties, I'm going
"Whatcha' doin'?" Jeno asked, clearly fresh from the shower. "Oh, I was looking for my phone and thought this was m-mine. whydontyouhaveashirton?"
"Why don't I have a shirt on? I just came out of the shower, babe. Gimme my phone" He said as you handed it to him
He read the messages and smirked. "How long did you have my phone for?". You shrugged "I picked it up when you came out of the bathroom" You said still flustered, Jeno nodded
"M'kay" He said looking at you with a dark glint in his eye before walking to his room
"damn, he looks good with glasses"
"Y/N, stop checking me out" He smirked
"I-i am not, you stop" You defended making hin shrug "Meh, I kinda like doing it though. It's a...good view" He said with a cocky smirk you wanted to wipe right off of his face
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Day 7/14, 2:42 am
You attempted walking down the stairs as quietly as possible
"Y/N?" Renjun said sitting at the dining table
"Renjun? Why are you up this early in the morning?" You questioned
He shrugged "I like going to bed at like 4"
"4 hours of sleep?" You said in disbelief
"Gives me my personality" He said winking making you laugh "I guess that makes sense"
"Renjun?" you asked, "Can you tell me a day you'll never forget?"
He thought for a second
"Maybe, when I first bought this place with the rest of the guys, or when you moved in. The day me and the guys bought this house we weren't told that there was 5 bedrooms instead of 4, but we didn't know. We just thought this place was expensive for no apparent reason." He laughed, "First Jaemin and Hyuck thought it could just be a guest bedroom or something, but Jeno was like, "
"Nooo, I want it as my workout room!" Jeno cried making the others scoff. Renjun quickly stepped in before this became a fight and only Jeno and Jaemin were left fighting eachother. "Here, why don't we get a roommate? They can pay 1/5 just like the rest of us?" Renjun suggested. They all nodded, "I know who can be our roommate! Lemme call Y/N!" Jaemin said happily as the whispers about how was a girl supposed to live with 4 boys went on between them as Jaemin was on the phone with you. "Looks like we got a roommate" Jaemin said happily. "Isn't Y/N a girl though?" Jeno questioned. "Yeah, but she's willing to also cook for us, and you." Jaemin said making Jeno shrug.
"What does happen when Jeno amd Jaemin are left fighting eachother?" You questioned. Renjun laughed, "It's not very pretty, and it goes on for a while".
"So is it like a physical fight?" You asked still confued, Renjun nodded. "Geeze"
"What about you Y/N, a day you'll never forget"
"Y/N HIIIIII! COME HERE!" Jaemin shouted from the door step, "I'll get your bag, go meet the rest of them!" Jaemin said already picking up a luggage. You looked in the direction of the house. There was a boy leaning against the doorframe, another one standing on the other side, and one who was in the back. Jaemin yelled at them making them walk over to you. First it was the one with his arms crossed leaning against the doorframe
"Hi, I'm Jeno"
"That one looks intimidating"
"Hi, I'm Renjun"
"He's kinda short compared to the rest of them"
"Did you really think that I was short?" Renjun questioned, interrupting your story. "Yes, and I still think you are"
"Hello, I'm a 10, I'm Donghyuck"
"Thank you for shoving that fact in my face, he seems full of himself"
"Go show Y/N her room" Jaemin said exitedly. While you were getting sitiuated in your room you overheard their conversation in the kitchen downstairs. "So..." Jeno started, "Can we fuck her?". Jaemin choked on his water only to find his roommates all staring at him seriously. "W-what, I mean- S-sure, ask her?"
"Did you really hear that?" Renjun asked, shoked. You nodded your head, "Every word" you smiled.
Jaemin was trying to tip-toe to the fridge while the both of you were staring at him
"Oh, hi"
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Day 8/14, 9:15 am
"Y/N, would you let any of us fuck you?" Jeno asked while the both of you were eating breakfast. You thought for a second.
"Sure" You shrugged, "Maybe you though". Jeno's eyes lit up, "Me?".
You nodded, "Why not? You seem like the only responsibe one along with Renjun"
"What about me?" Renjun questioned. "She'd let you fuck her"
"But I wanna fuck her!" Donghyuck and Jaemin said in unison. "There's only 1 of me and 4 you, and I'm trying to eat or god's sake" You said glaring at the two boys infront of you.
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Day 8/14, 9:22 pm
It was Monday movie night with Jeno and Jaemin as per usual, despite the fact of Jeno's hand in your shorts. "You make a sound, and I'll take this blanket off of you letting everyone see what a dirty girl you are. Understand me?" Jeno whispered. You nodded, "But I guess it wouldn't really matter since they already know you're such a dirty girl". Jeno chuckled, "Only for us though, right?". You nodded your head again, your breathing quickening as Jeno's fingers curled inside of you. "Good". His fingers worked their way in and out of you eventually leading you to start to clench on them. "You gonna cum? You're clearly clenching around them, am I that good, babe?" Jeno taunted. "Y-yeah, J-jeno, please let me cum" you plead. He nodded his head causing you to make a mess on his fingers. "Such a good girl for me" Jeno said licking his fingers clean.
Jaemin cleared his throat, "You two are quite the shamelss people" he said causing you and Jeno to look at him.
"Don't act like I didn't know what you two were doing. How dare you not let me have some fun too?" Jaemin said in utter disbelief.
"Here," Jeno said picking you up and placing you on his bed, "Let's have some fun with her then"
Jaemin let out a dark chuckle, "C'mon princess, let us play with you". They both started removing the very little clothing you had on along with theirs. "Open up, babe" Jeno said with his fingers held out infront of you. "Spread your legs, princess" Jaemin instruced behind you.
"Wider" He demanded
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harlowhockeystick · 2 years
Some nerve your boyfriend had. The nerve of him to tell you what you should and shouldn't be feeling! How dare he!? "Quit it. You're overreacting." His words cut like a razor, they were enough to get you riled up. "Seriously? So you're just going to allow those girls to get way too chummy with you?" You couldn't help feeling nothing but jealousy and rage whenever any girl would talk to him, fawning over him, acting differently for his attention. “Nobody is getting chummy with anybody!" His words fell on deaf ears. You knew damn well they wanted nothing more than to get in his pants.
"Are you kidding me..? You're defending them!?" You couldn't believe he was actually standing up for those disgusting homewreckers. "Yeah, so what if I am? They haven't done anything wrong!" His words made your blood boil. "They haven't done anything wrong, huh? Oh, apart from constantly trying to fucking break us up because they're so obsessed with you!" You couldn't stand the fact that so many people had their eyes on your boyfriend. Who do they think they are!?
"If anything you sound like you're the obsessed one! You sound like some clingy, possessive bitch!" Silence fell upon the two of you, it was so quiet you could hear your own racing heartbeat and your boiling blood race around your body. Did he seriously just say that? Is that what he thinks of you? Does he even realize what he just said? "Is that what you think of me...?" You asked him quietly, raising your eyebrow ever-so-slightly. "Wait, no-" he realized what he said, immediately regretting it.
"If that's what you think then they can fucking have you." You spat, turning your back to walk back to your house. "Baby, please, I didn't mean it." He tried getting through to you. You kept walking, not wanting to hear any more as you bit back the tears and walked in the opposite direction. He reached an arm out but pulled it back, realizing you both needed time to cool off. "Fuck!" You heard his angered shout, but kept walking. It wasn't until you rounded the corner when he turned around and kept walked in the other direction.
Why did he argue with you? Why didn't he try to reassure you? Why did he say that? Why didn't he make you wait so he could apologize? Why!? WHY!? He let out a loud groan of frustration into his pillow as he collapsed on his bed. It was even starting to get dark out, but he didn't bother to get up to pull the curtains or to turn a light on. It doesn't matter. Nothing else matters. He said something horrible to someone he loves deeply and he had to be held accountable.
The conflicted boy let go of his pillow, shoving it down on the mattress beside him, to stare up at the shadowed ceiling of his room. His mind was racing with ideas of what he could do to make it up to you, but nothing felt enough. You, on the other hand, had broken down as soon as you shut the front door behind you. Is that really what he thinks of you? Had you really been that clingy and possessive? Was he right? 
You were insulted by one of the few people you care tremendously for and you wanted answers. As much as you wanted answers and courage, you also wanted to cry and sleep. What was going to happen? Was he going to ignore you? Break up with you? Act like nothing happened? Surely not... right? These terrifying thoughts infect your mind, making your limbs tremble and your eyes grow heavy.
The next morning, he got up earlier than usual. He groaned quietly into his pillow before getting up and stretching. He slept all throughout the remainder of the evening and the night, explaining the early awakening. Disgusted, he headed for the bathroom. He wanted to, no, he needed to make a good impression. He needed to see you. He needed to make it up to you. 
You barely got any sleep last night: you kept drifting in and out of consciousness, your anxieties keeping you up until you got exhausted again. You were still in shock, denial even. You had hoped it was some horrible nightmare, and that you would wake up in his arms so he could comfort you and tell you he'd never say such a thing. But it wasn't. It wasn't a horrible nightmare and that made it all the more terrifying.
At around sunrise, which was early considering it was summer, you decided to just get up for the day. Maybe taking a long-awaited, steamy shower and making yourself some food would be the answer to your problems. Momentarily, at least.
When you hopped in the shower, the warm water was welcoming. It invites you to stay longer in the enveloping embrace, but you don't like the feeling of your fingertips when they've been in the water too long and they look more shriveled up than prunes. You had just finished drying your hair when you heard a knock at the door, making you nearly drop the hairdryer on your foot due to the sudden force. It sounded desperate. Was that possible?
"Coming!" You shouted, letting your mystery guest know that you weren't just ignoring them. Who could it be? It couldn't be him... could it? Starting to tremble, you walk down the stairs so you could greet your visitor... it was him.. 
The panicked man was also trembling, much more visibly than to his liking, and he could feel the sweat running down his back and forming in the palms of his hands. However, he was holding gifts in both hands so you couldn't see the sole reason for your boyfriend's annoyance. In one hand, he held a bag filled to the brim with your favorite snacks. The other hand held a bouquet of your favorite flowers, ready to be put in a vase. His eyes met yours for the first time since yesterday's altercation, you could see all the emotion waiting to burst from him and how he looked sadder than a kicked puppy.
"Hey, what-" you had begun speaking but he interrupted you so he could apologize before any tears spilled from his beautiful eyes. "Listen, I am so sorry about what I said yesterday." That was all you needed to hear, but he kept going, "I never meant a word of it, I swear! I don't know why but I was feeling pissed and it led to me snapping at you, and for that I'm sorry." He looked down, just the mention of what he did made him feel ashamed of himself. What kind of man treats the one he loves like that? "I understand if-". "Shut up. Please." You sniffled, shuffling closer to him and looking up at him with a watery smile. His eyes met yours again, taking note of the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. "Come here, you big idiot." You opened your arms and your boyfriend, who was also on the verge of crying, put the plastic bag of snacks as well as the flowers down at your feet and picked you up in a tight embrace. "I thought you hated me," you mumbled quietly. "No, I could never hate you" He hugged you tighter at your confession, feeling guilty for making you feel that way. He practically worshiped you, so to think he hates you? Wrong. Completely and absolutely wrong.
 You make me so happy, I really don't know how a guy like me was able to get someone like you. At the same time, I don't know where I'd be without you." He ranted, holding you close as humanly possible. He stopped when he felt his neck become increasingly wet with your tears, smiling softly and cherishing your tight embrace. Afraid that if he let go you would disappear.
I had this written for someone but I can't remember who...😂😂
✏️ anon. I can't remember what emoji it was im gonna assume pencil
i love it so much 🥺
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stacispratt · 3 years
big god
okay so i posted this a while ago and then immediately deleted it because i hated it so much and NOW it’s about 4x longer but still just as incoherent i think BUT ANYWAYS!! big thanks to @consumedkings for letting me play with our ocs like action figures in her delightful universe!! this is essentially just. a character study of wes in the ancient names universe
It's always when Ell's not around.
"You need someone who will love you as much as you love them," John says. "Someone like me."
Always then, that John tries to dig his fingers under the chinks in Wes's armor and pry him open. Like he's just desperate to get covered in the brilliant red of Wes's blood, smeared with gore— like all he wants is to reach inside and get a hold on Wes's heart. To get such a firm hold on it that Wes will never, never be able to forget him.
He's seen him the same, with Elliot. Wes has seen the spark in his eyes when he sees her get vulnerable, the twitch in his fingers. Desperate to pry her open, too. But he doesn't get to do that right now— Joseph is busy doing it, taking Elliot's confession. And John is jealous, something inside him roiling with it, so he's taking it out on Wes. Trying to prove to himself that at least one of them is all his.
When Ell said "Not to you. Joseph." Wes had seen it, watched the careful progression flit through John's body language— fear, jealousy, fury. Panic, when John returned to their little house and Wes had taunted him with a "Don't tell me you're jealous—" 
John had snapped his hand out to grip Wes's wrist, Wes had grabbed John's shirt, and. And.
Wes only stares up at John. His hands are planted into the mattress on either side of his head, caging him in. If Wes relinquishes even an inch, shows even the tiniest reaction, the smallest twitch in his expression, John will take it and run. He'll grab the thread and pull and pull and pull until Wes is nothing more than a pile of string, free for John to take and reform as he wishes. To make him into something new. Something that better suits John. Better suits Eden's Gate.
So Wes keeps his face blank. He doesn't grab for John and beg Oh, God, give me something warm and safe to stuff inside my chest. God, stuff me full of love until I can't take it anymore.
But John sees something, because he lurches forward, presses all of himself to Wes, and pushes their lips together. “You need me, Wes,” John breathes into his mouth. “You and Ell. You know why?" he asks, and doesn't wait for an answer. "Because you need someone who understands you." Their lips brush. "Someone who's never felt– never felt as loved in return for the love they've given."
It's the most honest John has ever been with him, Wes thinks. His stomach twists.
"I can give you that," John whispers. "Eden's Gate can give you that."
“Shut up,” Wes groans. “I don’t want your cult.”
“No, you’re right." John brings his hand up to cradle Wes's face in his palm, thumb just under his eye, pinky finger curled under his jaw. Wes always likes that, John holding his jaw. Firm or with feather-light touch. Either way, it makes Wes's eyelashes flutter. “You just want me.”
Wes squeezes his closed eyes shut even tighter and rolls on top of John. He pins him down, bites his lip, and repeats, "Shut up."
“He’s got his claws in me, Ell,” Wes whispers, the next morning, fearful even in the crook of her neck. No one else will hear them, alone in their cabin at Joseph's Compound (John's at one of those little Seed family meetings, where he and Ell are definitely the main topic of discussion), but it feels wrong to say at all, even when it's so hushed no one but she could hear it. “I’m afraid– I’m afraid even when we get out of here, I’ll never really leave. I’ll never be able to leave.”
She holds him, rubs his shoulderblades, and says resolutely, "We're going to get out. No matter what bullshit the Seeds feed us." She pauses, and insists, hard enough to convince both of them, "We're going to get out."
Oh, and that. John's and Joseph's insistence that they're not going to get out of this scot free— that the Feds will see everything they've done. See the violence coiled in Ell's muscles, the blood caked under Wes's fingernails. Whenever Wes tries to tell himself they're not right, tries to say It's self-defense, tries to say They'll understand, he feels anxiety crawling under his skin.
Paired with the sensation of John's hold on him, so powerful it's like physical touch, he's… he's got this terrible, sinking feeling that his mind—his identity— is never going to leave Hope County. That he'll be firmly rooted in his fear and terror and violence for the rest of his life.
Maybe he'll never even leave physically. Maybe he'll die here. Maybe he'll get stuffed full of flowers.
God, he hopes not. For Ell's sake.
They've already lost Joey.
He imagines it, written into his chest. They wouldn't even have to write the WRATH. John already did it for them.
Wes remembers to breathe and takes a shuddering inhale, his face still pressed under Ell's jaw. "Right," he says, fighting to keep his voice even. He shakes off the ghostly sensation of John's nails in his flesh, the imagined burn of a knife in his chest, and forces himself to really feel her arms around him. To appreciate how steady she is. "We're going to get out."
Ell turns her head and kisses his temple.
Faith takes Ell on a walk. He offers to come with, a little anxious at the idea of being apart from her, but Faith dismisses the idea with a giggle. "Deputy Honeysett can take care of us, I'm sure," she chirps. "We're even taking Boomer, too. We'll be perfectly safe, Wes."
He holds Ell's gaze for a moment, until she nods, just a little. He relents, "Okay," despite his prickling neck.
"Besides," Faith chimes, "I think Joseph wanted to have a word with you."
That gives Elliot pause, makes her open her mouth to protest. "Wes, you shouldn't—" she starts, because Elliot might have a soft spot for Faith, but Joseph is just about her least favorite. She confessed to him because she felt like she had to. She doesn't want Wes to have to do the same.
It's okay. He can deal with Joseph. He can choke out the confession he wants to hear.
"I know," Wes interrupts gently. "It can't hurt. It's okay."
Ell lingers, then steps forward and grabs the back of his neck, hauls him down for a chaste kiss. "Don't forget who you're dealing with," she murmurs against his mouth. He nods, takes a deep breath, and she pulls away.
He watches her, Faith, and Boomer walk for a few moments, then turns on his heel.
He finds Joseph at the alter. "Wesley," he says, without even turning to face him.
"Wes," Wes corrects, and seats himself in one of the pews in the first row. Joseph merely hums. "Faith said you wanted to, uh… talk."
Joseph stays silent for a second, just staring at the window of the church, casting light on the dust floating in the air around them. Wes blinks at the window, in the shape of the cross of Eden's Gate, and briefly recalls his first night here. 
Then cloud crosses the sky, the ray of sunlight disappears, and Joseph turns to face him.
"Yes," he says, as he looks Wes over. "I've been thinking. About the myriad of ways this situation could turn out."
Wes snorts and looks down at his hands, resting comfortably on his thighs. "How many different ways are there for the world to end in holy fire?" he asks, a smirk pulling the corner of his mouth up. "Or do you doubt your own visions?"
"No, I don't," Joseph says, almost immediately. It's not frazzled, though— he's just as unruffled as ever. Wes looks up. Joseph stands right in front of him, hands held casually behind his back. "John does." 
Wes closes his mouth.
Joseph smiles, just slightly, without his eyes, and sits beside Wes on the pew. "But," he says, "he did get me thinking. About… creating safety nets. In case God's plans are not exactly as I imagine."
Just as Wes starts to think what a safety net for Eden's Gate could possibly be—finally, actually eliminating him and Ell?—Joseph says, gentle as Wes has heard him be yet, "If the world does not end as soon as I imagine, you will have to be protected from the law," and Wes feels himself lock up.
"I'm not the one who needs to worry about the law," he says, voice tight, and resolutely does not look toward Joseph, even though he can feel Joseph's eyes on him. "I haven't done anything wrong."
"You must know that's not true."
Wes keeps staring, silent and frozen, gone stone-still with fright. Joseph's face stays placid. After a moment, Wes swallows and croaks, "It's self defense."
"Deputy Honeysett has already killed one man with nothing more than a blunt object, and the two of you went on a mass Cleansing of my followers before the Family even appeared. She's a hazard to herself." Wes opens his mouth to defend her, but Joseph barrels on, "And you're no better, Deputy Beltran. Operating as judge, jury, and executioner within Hope County. There is no excuse for the things you've done here."
"You're the one who started a fucking war in the—"
"Wes," Joseph interrupts. "My group of devoted followers have been targeted, attacked, and gutted by a foreign cult. We look… sympathetic." Wes's skin starts to itch, as he anticipates the punch coming on. "If you were to align yourself with us, we could protect you from suspicion. If the very group you slaughtered accepted you, it would look… better, for your case. You would not seem so dangerous. Not such a loose canon."
"I'm not a loose canon," Wes protests, and the effect is weakened by the uncertainty in his voice.
Joseph answers him calmly once more, like he's barely even listening to what Wes has to say. "You are. You and Ell operated by your own rules and executed your enemies as you saw fit." Joseph shifts, tips his head. "My people. The… redemption it would show, to align yourselves with us, would place you in the right. You and Ell. Both of you would seem sympathetic. Two people lost in the fray."
Wes's head feels fucking cloudy. "Align myself?"
Then he makes the mistake of actually looking at Joseph. The moment he does, he sees Joseph's warm eyes (somehow, despite it fucking all, despite the cruel calculation Wes knows he's capable of), sees the concern in the lines of his face. Sees Joseph reach for him, feels cool fingers on the back of his neck, as the Father draws him in, and gently, very gently, rests their foreheads together. "Yes," he murmurs, as his thumb runs up into Wes's hairline. "You understand what I'm saying, don't you? That this is the best way to protect yourself." He pauses, then elaborates, "To protect Elliot."
Wes's eyes close against his will, and his fingers twitch in his lap. 
Joseph's words creep into him and start to take root. Less of a loose canon if I'm sided with Eden's Gate. More of a victim, less of a killer, if the people on my side are the corpses stuffed with flowers. 
By extension, Ell would look less guilty, too.
"We can protect you," Joseph murmurs. "I can save you. If only you'd let me."
They're breathing the same air. Maybe if Wes could just catch a breath of the crisp air outside, something brisk and fresh, he'd be thinking clearer, but right now, he's thinking As a backup. Just in case things don't go to plan, and even louder, To protect Elliot, to protect Elliot, to protect Elliot, so he says, "How would I…"
Joseph inhales and curls his other hand around Wes's bicep. Anchors himself tighter into Wes. "Your last name," he says. Warming Wes up to the idea, giving him a moment to soak in each word. "If you were to change it."
Wes scrunches his eyebrows. "Change it?"
Very faintly, Joseph breathes, "If you were to become a Seed." He only gives Wes a second to absorb that, lest panic sets in, and he continues, "You would align yourselves clearly with us. Place yourself under our protection. Under John's protection, my protection." Joseph pauses, then reminds, "And in turn, you would help Deputy Honeysett."
Wes hesitates. Joseph lands the killing blow.
"Deputy Pratt, too, would be protected with this. As he is aligned with you." Wes flinches, opens his mouth to blurt out demands about where Staci is, and how Wes needs to get him, needs to keep him safe, and Joseph continues, "He is safe, in the Whitetails. You can keep him safe."
Wes doesn't give himself too much time to think about it, to talk himself out of it. He told himself he'd do whatever he needed to get out of Hope, with Ell and Joey and Staci, and he's already fucking lost one of them. He already lost Joey, he lost her, and if he lost Ell too, lost Staci— he wouldn't know what to do, and if– if they made it out of Hope, only for their actions here to be what does Ell and Staci in, he would never– never— 
"Okay," Wes blurts, and flutters his eyes open to look down at Joseph's bare chest, at the EDEN written over his ribs. "I– okay."
For a moment, Joseph squeezes his neck so tight it's painful.
Then he releases Wes entirely and leans back to look at him once more. "Good, Wes," he says. "Good."
Wes signs the document Joseph has. Under Your new name: he writes Wesley Abraham Seed with shaky, wobbly lettering, and feels his stomach turn uncomfortably. He tries to tell himself, for Ell and Staci, for Ell and Staci, for Ell and Staci, on repeat, again and again, until Joseph guides the paper from him and praises, "There. You've done well."
For Joey.
Wes flexes his hand around the pen in his hand. Seed, he thinks. 
Then he thinks, Fuck, and barely remembers to say anything to Joseph before he stumbles out of the church like a drunken man. He doesn't even know where he's going until he collapses onto his and Ell's bed in their cabin.
"I think I'm a fucking idiot," he says into the pillow, as his stomach turns and turns and turns.
It'll be a fucking miracle if he ever gets to go home.
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