#i need a port of new leaf to come to the switch so i can obsess over rebuilding my empire
lionfanged · 21 days
thinkin abt my copy of animal crossing: new leaf i lost that had atticus and his mansion as a playfile :( made that bad boy when i was fifteen and i was soooo proud of how i set it all up
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fluffy-critter · 2 years
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sirenascales · 4 years
-> double black [part one] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPov!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
A night out drinking leads to a small misunderstanding with a handsome, yet dangerous man. [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader]
3,894 words
note: edited this so it could still be read as a reader fic! it's actually a lot of fun writing in first person! hope those who read this enjoy my first bsd fic!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || masterlist
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I've experienced a lot of amazing things since I've moved to Japan. A new job in a different country, new co-workers and friends, work parties, themed bars, cafes, and hookups with pretty strangers. There was a long list of great things I've had going on, and a long list of things I've never expected... and being fired from the job I had for a year was not one of them.
"A year of hard work... for nothing," I mumbled bitterly as I sat at the bar with my close friend, and now ex-coworker, Keiko. She was beautiful, with long black hair and brown eyes. She frowned, a sympathetic look on her pretty face as she sighed.
"I'm so sorry," she said softly, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "I'm sure you'll find something else soon! You have an awesome resume, and you're an amazing worker who can speak English, Japanese AND Spanish... there is totally a place for you out there!"
Keiko has always been supportive and enthusiastic, a really bright and friendly girl who made it her mission to befriend me as soon as I started working with her. She was relentless, and soon enough, I found myself spending many hours with the woman.
"Yeah..." I just mumbled again and she laughed softly.
"It's okay to mope... that's why I brought you here!"
"Yeah, about that," I started, sending Keiko a look as I swiveled the stool so my body faced her. "Why did you bring me here?" As soon as the work day was done, Keiko immediately dragged me to what was clearly a mafia bar. That didn't surprise me, since she was actually dating a mafioso.
A mafioso, who was part of the Port Mafia. It wasn't long after I moved to Yokohama that I started to hear stories about the organization, and was also warned not to cross them. Of course, with my luck, I became best friends with someone who dated someone who was in the Port Mafia. How a sweet girl like Keiko ended up with a man like him, I'll never know.
What I do know is that Taichi adored Keiko, gave her everything she could possibly want and need with the money he makes, and that was just being a normal grunt! Even so, it was dangerous, but Keiko didn't seem to mind.
"I come here with Taichi all the time," Keiko answered, sipping her drink. I turned to sip on my own. "You can't tell me it isn't luxurious." It was. My jaw had dropped to the floor when we first stepped into the very luxurious bar. "Don't worry about it, okay? Drink your sadness away! You're safe here. Since I am Taichi's woman, and you're with me, nothing will happen, okay?"
"Where is Taichi anyway?" I asked, glancing over her shoulder when I spotted a group of men walking in through the entrance. I missed the way the light left Keiko's eyes, chewing on her bottom lip anxiously. My eyes were on the men, which in the middle was a man with orange hair, a black hat adorning his head. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my eyes looking at the very handsome man up and down. I swallowed thickly.
"He had a job tonight and couldn't make it. He'll be home to- hey, what are you looking at?" Annoyed at me ignoring her, she turned in her seat, a shocked look on her face before she smiled tightly.
"Taichi! I thought you had an assignment!"
"Hey, babe! We finished early, which was quite surprising, honestly."
The couple embraced and I barely registered the mushy love between the two as I watched the ginger man lead the rest of the group further into the bar. He walked by me, and before I knew it, dark blue eyes were staring right at me, eyebrows furrowed.
"The hell are you looking at?" he sneered and my face turned red, heart dropping in my chest.
"No one! I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, quickly turning back around and facing the bar.
"Tch. Whatever," the man only responded before walking off.
"You look like a cherry," Taichi said, clearly amused. I sent him a half-hearted glare, Keiko slapping his chest lightly.
"Be nice to her. She got fired today."
"Ohh, that sucks. If you need help-"
"She won't take it," Keiko said with a huff. "Stubborn ass."
I rolled my eyes at her, biting my lip nervously as I fiddled with my glass. "So uh... who was that guy? With the hat?"
Taichi blinked. "Oh, that's Chuuya Nakahara."
"Is he part of the Port Mafia?"
Taichi barked out a laugh, Keiko giggling softly behind her hand.
"Baby... he's an executive. Chuuya works closely with the leader of the Port Mafia."
"And I work under Chuuya," Taichi finished, amused at how wide my eyes have gotten at the answer.
"You mean to tell me... I pissed off... an executive member..." I was dismayed, heart pounding in my chest.
"Hmm, probably. Don't go home alone tonight," Taichi grinned as I balked, clearly having fun torturing me.
"Taichi! Babe, don't listen to him."
I gulped nervously, downing the rest of my drink before signaling to the bartender to get me another one.. "R-right..." Despite my better judgment, I turned my head, looking towards the obvious VIP section of the bar. Chuuya sat with some other grunts, a glass of what seemed to be red wine in his hand. Of course, his eyes found mines yet again and I whipped my head back around. Fuck, I did it again! I quickly downed the newly made drink, unaware of Chuuya's eyes narrowing as he watched me.
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"Nooo, do you have to go?" a drunk Keiko whined as she latched onto my arm, a forever amused Taichi watching on. "Don't leave me with hiiiiiiim."
"I want to go home, dammit," I huffed, successfully peeling her off of me and handing her to her boyfriend. "I have to start job hunting tomorrow. Thank you for bringing me here, I do feel better and I love you but... I'm tired."
"Ugh, you are such an old lady!" Keiko whined again and I couldn't help but laugh, turning to start walking towards the exit.
"Goodnight, you too. Please get her home safe, Taichi."
"I wouldn't count on it~"
I rolled my eyes at his teasing, leaving the two behind as I left the bar. I stepped out into the cool night air, shivering a bit as I closed my cardigan tightly around me. I wore a simple but cute outfit; a black dress with burgundy tights underneath, black flats on my feet and my favorite tan cardigan over the entire outfit. It helped me fight off a bit of the cold, but as I started to walk down the block, I grabbed my phone to start searching through my usual rideshare app.
I didn't get far. My phone cluttered to the ground as it fell out my hands, a gasp leaving my mouth as I was slammed against the nearby brickwall of a narrow, dark alleyway.
"Who the fuck are you?" a familiar voice hissed and I'm shocked to find Chuuya Nakahara glaring daggers at me, his strong hands pinning my arms against the wall. He growled when I didn't answer. "Answer me! Who sent you here?!"
"N-No one!" I cried out, shaking like a leaf. Of course, of course I would be confronted by a fucking high level member of one of the most dangerous organizations in Japan. "I swear, I just came here with my friend."
Chuuya growled again and he flipped me around, pressing my front against the wall. "Stay still," he grunted, and my face started to heat up as I felt his gloved hands quickly feel along my body. He was frisking me, and I gulped when he shoved his hand under my dress, producing the knife I had strapped to my thigh.
"I carry that to protect myself," I immediately explained, Chuuya turning me around again to face him. His eyes were still narrowed, staring me down as if trying to figure out what the hell I was up to.
"And the bouncer didn't pat you down?" he questioned and I shook my head quickly.
"No, he didn't pat me or Keiko down."
"Tch, that's Taichi's woman," he said, though he still looked at me with narrow eyes, hesitating a bit before he turned my knife in his hand, handing it back to me hilt first. "You sure know how to make yourself look suspicious."
I cringed a bit as I strapped my knife to my thigh strap again. I missed how Chuuya's eyes lingered, him licking his lips. "That's my fault I... I know I was staring..." I could feel my face heat up again and I couldn't even look Chuuya in his face. "S-sorry if I creeped you out. I don't mean any harm. Keiko brought me here 'cause I got fired and she wanted to help me feel better..."
"Hm," was his only reply, crossing his arms over his chest. "What you do to fuck up?"
My mouth fell and I sputtered as I tried to come up with the words. "What do you mean?! I didn't fuck up!" I protested. "It literally came out of nowhere! I worked my ass off all year, only to get fired 'cause I wasn't what they needed anymore. Fucking bullshit."
Chuuya was amused by my little vent, snickering a bit as he gave me a quick look up and down. "I'm sure it wasn't your winning personality."
I scoffed. "Says the one that shoved a random woman against a wall?! That hurt, you bastard!"
Chuuya raised his eyebrows at me, and I immediately slapped my hands over my mouth.
Oh no. Fuck, I forgot who I was talking to.
Chuuya snickered again, his eyes flashing in amusement. He stepped closer to me, making me press back against the wall again. Chuuya leaned his face close to mine, a smug smirk on his face as he spoke.
"Be careful who you talk to like that," he hummed, and I shivered despite feeling some of his body heat. "Someone might just cut out your tongue for talking back like that. Me? Well, it'd be a waste, especially when I think of all the things I could make you do with it."
I squeaked, the heat never leaving my face as I stared at Chuuya with a puzzled expression on my face. The sudden switch up was giving me whiplash... and lowkey turning me on. "I..." I stuttered, looking away and finally noticing my phone still on the ground. "Crap, I hope it's not broken."
I rushed over to pick my phone up, ignoring Chuuya's hard stare on me. I looked over my phone, sighing in relief when I saw that it had sustained no damages.
Chuuya then stepped up to me, jerking his head back towards the bar before walking off. "Let me take you home. Take that as an apology for being so rough on you."
I blinked. "Um..."
"Hurry up!"
"Okay!" I squeaked and followed after the man quickly, chewing on my lip as I asked myself... what the fuck was I doing? Am I really about to get inside this man's car? He was a stranger! Who frisked me! Let alone, he is clearly a dangerous man.
I must be insane.
"Tell me," Chuuya started and I was dumbfounded as he approached a rather cool looking motorcycle. No way. "What the hell were you being so creepy for?" He turned to me and asked, an all-knowing smirk on his face. I blushed deeply. Of course, he already was able to figure it out once he realized that I wasn't a threat.
"No reason," I huffed out, earning a low laugh as Chuuya grabbed the only helmet I could see. I looked at him confused, gasping when he unceremoniously placed the helmet over my head. "What about you?"
"I don't need it," Chuuya simply answered before he finally mounted his bike. "Come on, you little liar. Hop on."
I couldn't help but stare, my mouth going dry as I took in the image of this handsome bastard with his bike. The engine roared as he turned it on, revving it a bit and making me make a mess in my panties.
"Hey, ya done eyefucking me, dollface?"
I sputtered. "I was NOT eyefucking you!" I stormed over to the bike, glaring at the grinning bastard as I climbed onto the bike behind him.
Chuuya snorted. "Yeah, like you weren't eyefucking me earlier in the bar," he retorted, easily reaching behind him to grab my wrists, pulling me against his back as he wrapped my arms around him. I was stunned silent, from his words, and his actions and the fact that his back felt so solid.... and he smelled so good...
"I was not..." I mumbled, pressing my cheek against his back. "Shut the fuck up."
He laughed darkly, and that sent a shiver down my spine.
"Where do you live?" Chuuya asked and I hesitantly told him my address. "I know where that is. Hold on."
"You do? It's on the other side of the city," I said and Chuuya just chuckled softly, looking over his shoulder and smirking at me.
"And who exactly runs this city?"
I clamped my mouth shut, his eyes staring into mine. I blushed and looked away from him. He turned his head back around with an amused laugh, the engine revving as he took off on his bike.
"Hold tight, dollface!"
He didn't have to tell me twice, my arms tightening around his torso as he sped down the street, weaving in and out of traffic. It was scary, but also so fucking exhilarating. My heart was thudding in my chest, my eyes watering because of the wind. Still, I kept them open, wanting to watch the world blur by us. Chuuya made a sharp, right turn, making me scream while he laughed loudly. 
"Man up!" he yelled at me.
"Stop driving like a crazy person!" I yelled back.
I didn't see the large, almost evil smirk that grew on Chuuya's face. Didn't see him licking his lips excitedly as he eyed a rather tall building coming up ahead.
"Tell me, dollface," he hollered back at me, revving the engine and I gulped as I held him tighter, his bike going faster. A bad feeling started to settle in my stomach, balking when he asked his next question. "Do you want to defy gravity?"
I didn't have time to answer, not when I finally realized that we were heading right towards the side of the building. I couldn't even scream, fear striking me as I suddenly started to see red, body jostling as Chuuya maneuvered the bike to jump in the air.... before landing perfectly on the side of the building and continuing vertically up towards the sky.
"Don't let go!" Chuuya sneered. Like that was ever going to happen.
I didn't dare turn my head to look down, my wide eyes staring up into the night sky as we made it closer to the top of the building. I couldn't even think straight, my body just running on nothing but adrenaline and fear.
"Ch-Chuuya!" I gasped out sharply, the bike finally making it to the roof of the building. Chuuya didn't slow down though, only barreling towards the edge and I started to panic. "Chuuya! What are you doing?!"
Chuuya only snickered, revving the engine once more before sending the bike flying off the edge of the building. I squeak and screw my eyes shut, pressing my face against the middle of his back. I didn't want to watch us plummet to our doom.
"Hey, idiot, open your eyes."
I whimpered and shook my head. "N-No..."
Chuuya sucked his teeth. "Just open your eyes! You'll regret it if you don't."
Biting my lip, I wanted a moment before I lifted my head up and opened my eyes, a small gasp leaving my mouth as I looked around me.
We were still floating in the air, biking moving through the sky. The City of Yokohama was lit up beautifully underneath us. I looked over, seeing the ocean at a distance, the ferris wheel lit up and spinning slowly. My mouth had fallen open, eyes wide in wonder. Chuuya was looking back at me, a triumphant grin on his face.
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We made it to my apartment and Chuuya stood over me, an amused smile on his face as he watched me melt on the ground after I got off his bike.
"That was intense..." I mumbled, still feeling the effects of flying through the fucking sky. "I shouldn't even be surprised that you're gifted, with the power that you have already in the Port Mafia."
"Yeah, it was pretty great, huh," Chuuya said smugly, gloved hands stuffed in his coat pockets. I laughed softly, slowly standing up with my shaky legs. He took one look at my frazzled state and he grew even more smug. "That's a cute look on you, though if I really had my way with you, you wouldn't even be able to stand."
My face turned hot, sputtering as I tried to respond, but I had nothing to even say. Because the thought of actually inviting Chuuya inside and--
"Fuck..." I breathed out softly, looking at the man standing before me. His eyes didn't leave mine, the heat in them making a shiver go down my spine. "Do you... want to come inside?"
Chuuya fixed his hat on top of his head. "Lead the way, dollface."
"So... your ability lets you control gravity?" I asked once we made it inside the elevator of my apartment building. We were going fifteen stories up, after Chuuya parked his bike safely, of course.
"To put it simply, yes," Chuuya answered, stepping closer to me. I gasped softly when he grabbed my chin, the leather of his glove pressing against my skin. "But we're not here to talk about that." He pressed himself against me fully, leaning his face in until his lips hovered just above mine. I shivered, looking at him with hooded eyes. "This will be a one time thing, dollface."
I nodded, appreciating his honesty. "Of course," I replied just as the elevator stopped on my floor, doors sliding open. I grinned at him. "So let's make it count."
He liked the sound of that, grabbing my wrist and leading me out the elevator. I rushed to my apartment, grabbing my keys and hurriedly unlocking the door before opening it.
The door slammed shut as Chuuya immediately pressed me against it, his lips on mine in a fervorous kiss. I knocked his hat off his head as I ran my fingers through Chuuya's hair, moaning when his hands started to roam all over my body.
"Fuck..." I moaned softly when Chuuya started to kiss down my neck, squealing when he squeezed on my ass.
"Damn... you won't be able to fucking sit right, either," he growled against my neck as he massaged my ass and thighs. "Let's go."
Groaning when he moved himself away from me, I rushed to lead Chuuya to my bedroom, our clothes coming off in the process and making a trail on the floor.
It didn't take us too long to start really going at it, our lust fueling us to incredible heights. Chuuya held my hips tightly with his leather clad hands, thrusting his hard cock in and out of my soaking pussy.
He was fucking me hard, my body just sprawled on the bed as I moaned and grunted from the pleasure this man was giving me. "Fuck, fuck, Chuuya!" I whined, making the man grin widely as he kept his pace. Sweat covered both of our bodies, moans and deep growls mixing with the sound of skin slapping against skin.
"That's right, dollface, ride me," Chuuya smirked up at me, now on his back as I bounced up and down on his cock. His hands were right on my hips, his eyes going back and forth between  watching my bouncing breasts and watching his cock disappear inside my heat. "Fuck, you're so fucking sexy," he growled, thrusting up particularly hard and making me toss my head back, screaming when I finally fucking cum.
"Oh my God!" I gasped sharply, still squeezing around him as I began to slow down. "Oh fuck... it's so good," I moaned, reaching out and hooking my finger into Chuuya's black choker. I pulled and he pushed himself up, lips meeting mine in a messy kiss.
I moaned against his mouth, still slowly riding him as his hands ran up and down my sides, the leather cool against my skin. Then, Chuuya placed his hands on my hips, and with a mischievous little smirk, he licked his lips. Immediately, my body started to feel a little bit lighter, and Chuuya started to effortlessly bounce me up and down on his cock, 100% controlling my body with his ability.
"Chuuya..." I moaned his name, head lolling back. He continued to maneuver my body, little grunts and moans leaving his own mouth as he worked to reach his own pleasure, and mine.
I came again, tears falling down my face from the intense pleasure, and that was enough for Chuuya to pull me off of him completely, putting me on my knees before him on the bed. His hand grabbed the back of my neck and he pushed my head down, stuffing his cock in my mouth.
"Take it," he growled, his hands in my hair and using it to push my head up and down as he fucked my mouth. I moaned around him, a new wave of pleasure washing over me as I let the mafioso use me as he wanted. Soon enough, he exploded into my mouth, and I made sure I swallowed all of him.
"Fuck, that's hot..." Chuuya breathed out when I opened my mouth to show him that I did so. "You're such a good girl, dollface."
That made me flustered and I looked away shyly, earning a chuckle from him. I looked over when I felt him get up from the bed, thinking that he would leave. Instead, he just gave me a look. "Where is your shower?"
We showered together,  which took longer than needed because Chuuya couldn't keep his hands to himself. I was surprised when he climbed into bed with me afterwards, allowing me to cuddle against him as we slowly fell asleep.
I wasn't surprised though, when I woke up the next morning, sore and alone. I didn't get too upset about it, though. Chuuya laid it out clear and I accepted it and moved on.
I sat on my dining room table, looking through the newspaper as I sipped on my morning coffee. I was looking for a new job and figured looking at the local ads wouldn't hurt.
"Hm... let's see..." I whispered, reaching over and grabbing my knife. I ran the tip of it down the paper, stopping when one particular ad stuck out. "Hm... the Armed Detective Agency, huh? Interesting..." I set my knife down, staring at the ad as I took another careful sip of coffee.
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phoenotopia · 4 years
2020 August Update
For once, development has moved on time (sorta). I am happy to announce that the "Reveal and Launch" trailer for Phoenotopia Awakening will drop this morning at 9AM. And the game itself is set to launch for Nintendo Switch on August 20th.
You may recognize that August 20th is in fact the 6th year anniversary of the Flash game. I wasn't particularly aiming for this date - I actually wanted August 14th. It's like a minefield - even just one week offset forward or backward could put you into a crowded release slot. And you don't know how everyone's moving because they're also probably considering the same things. At some point you're locked in and you can't change course. In the end, I added 1 week to the time I wanted initially as an error buffer in case some things came up - which they did! So August 20 ended up being about just right for us and a neat coincidence to boot.
First half of July
The first half of July, I threw myself well into the PC port. The controls still need to be figured out, but we did make a lot of progress. I found out about a 3rd party library called "Rewired" which is all about supporting a multitude of different controllers, disconnects, reconnects, and so forth. It doesn't take us all the way there, but it did remove a lot of the headache involved.
There's still a lot of design involved concerning controller rebinding. For instance, how much of the controls do you expose and allow to be remapped? Technically, you could allow so much freedom that you can break the controls. One solution for that is to lock a portion of the keyboard to be unmappable and so you're never without controls that can remap a menu.
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(my solution was to have a lock screen that confirms you have the necessary inputs to at least return to the rebind menu and fix the controls should they ever be set in so bad a state)
There are also some things that a joypad can do that a keyboard can't, and vice versa. For instance, the control stick allows 360 degrees of movement and detects sensitivity. How much you push the control stick will determine whether Gail walks or jogs. However, the buttons on the keyboard do not have sensitivity - they're either all ON or all OFF. Thus, there's no way to "walk" if using a keyboard. I could add a separate "hold to walk" button to the keyboard but that introduces an incongruence between the joypad and the keyboard.
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(Rewired's interface for mapping keyboard and joypads. If a "hold to walk" action existed, it would only make sense for the keyboard column, but not the joypad column. Finding that perfect balance between joystick and keyboard will be a challenge.)
Another snag we've hit are button names. If using a Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft controller, the Right Trigger is either going to be named ZR, R2, or RT. Rewired can be agnostic about joypads, which is great because it reduces the workload on my end, but the caveat is that buttons like this will simply be called "Right Trigger". (See that first image again). Not really elegant...
I can probably fix this after I've had more time to investigate. However, around this time I had to pause PC development, because the Switch version became unblocked and now required my full attention.
Second half of July
The 2nd half of July proved quite busy. As noted in my previous blog post, I thought the Switch version was on track and off my hands. Turns out there were a few more hurdles to clear, and the ball came back into my court, and it moved back and forth a few times. Luckily, the hurdles are really cleared now and we're set to release (August 20!). The specifics of this process are under NDA, so I won't go into details.
We also went around updating a bunch of the game's social media sites - facebook, twitter, youtube. The second half of July was also when we started acting in a PR capacity - we're combing websites and youtube channels and looking for people who look like they might want to cover Phoenotopia. This was fun! I used to read IGN daily over a decade ago (back when Matt and Fran ran the IGN Nintendo channel). Then college happened followed by early work life, and I wasn't able to follow videogames as much anymore. I didn't even have access to a TV for a few years. And I never found a new landing page after that, so combing for websites and youtube channels was a lot of fun. It was interesting to see how the landscape has changed, and the new depth and variety that exists.
We're set to send out a BUNCH of emails tomorrow. Will they catch? No idea... I think if I had 20 reviews on launch day on OpenCritic, I'd consider that a success. We'll see!
Fan Art 
This past month, we see a lot of fan artists cross Phoenotopia with other universes. Luckily, all universes I'm familiar with. I'm impressed by the creativity on display!
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First, what if Gail appeared as an enemy in Undertale? Glittering_Touch_904 depicts the scene. Gale, like Sans, has only one eye shining meaning she's about to dish out some serious pain. Nice! Definitely choose the Mercy option.
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R_Contagio answers the question of what would happen if Phoenotopia was depicted in the style of Limbo? And the answer is very pretty! I'm impressed by how everything is done with one color. Using a band of white to depict water, the creepy eyes on every creature, the patience in drawing each leaf... very impressive! I'd play this game!
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UnrealWorld_32 depicts a scene that asks what it would look like if Gale was still back in Panselo when the invasion happens :D I'm impressed by the use of colors - they look like they could come from the game itself! I think it wouldn't be a fair fight. For the invader.
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A rare scene, Didi depicts Gail, hammer at the ready, approaching a dreaded Phoenix Pod. We get lots of depictions of 66, but rarely of the pod itself! In the Flash game, we skirt around how the pod opens by having it opened off-screen, so it's nice to see the pod up close. The mystery remains... how does it open?
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Another crossover of Phoenotopia and the Shrek universe - this "Shrale" is drawn by Firanka. I'm impressed by the use of colors - dominant use of red garb contrasts well with her green skin. She kinda looks like a grumpy Namekian. Hah hah. What is she annoyed at? 
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Maybe this little running Gail underfoot (also drawn by Firanka)
Coming Up
We'll continue acting in a PR capacity leading up to the game's release. When the game finally does launch on Switch, I suspect I'll become swamped handling bug reports. When the flash game launched, I remember being swamped for 3 weeks straight! Day in, day out, fixing bugs. I suspect it'll be the same with Phoenotopia: Awakening, but to a heightened degree. 
Regardless, we'll post an update on the state of ourselves at the end of September. Even if it's only a small one. Until then!
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thatrosewoodwriter · 4 years
Explore A New Leaf Pt. 5
Pt. 1 || Pt. 2 || Pt. 3 || Pt. 4 || Pt. 5 
By now, everyone expected to see the group they dubbed as Banshee daily. Usually they’d come in with their matching laptop bags, expensive keyboards, mouse's and headsets. Binah figured they were on the same team for most - if not all - of the games they played competitively. It wasn’t until they came in with their Nintendo Switch consoles that she noticed that they weren’t professionals in League of Legends.
“Hey, do your computers have HDMI ports?” Sayuri asked. Binah smiled and nodded. “Awesome, that’s all.” The group headed to their usual section and set up their consoles, pulling their headsets over their heads and keeping their faces void of emotion. Jamie eyed them from behind the counter as he stacked the mugs, cups and glasses neatly and placed the fresh goods in the window. Taking out their membership cards, they inserted them into the slot beside the monitor.
“Are you guys good to go?” Wei asked, checking the game cartridge and nodding when he saw the game he wanted already inside. The rest hummed in agreement and did the same, Rio being the only one to switch over the game cartridge. Binah quickly logged on to the computer behind the desk and brought up their screens to view them. She almost laughed when she saw Splatoon 2 on their screens as they hurriedly rushed through the news report providing information on the maps at that time and the minigames available. They all headed to the lobby and selected private battle while they waited for the remaining 4 players to join. She noted that their usernames all began with JP, signalling the country they play for. Ellie peered over her shoulder before pulling up a chair. She was not going to miss this.
The usernames of the second team - when they finally joined - all began with JP. At this, Ellie rose an eyebrow.
“Same country?” she wondered, visibly confused. “Wouldn’t they want to play someone a different country to them?”
Binah laughed, “Japanese players are commonly the best players, so they go against ‘themselves’ in a way for training. I heard they’re rival teams.”
“Alright, waterfall,” Wei called into his headset.
“Great, I need to pee,” Raphael commented as he walked past, scooping up their used mugs and taking them to Jamie. Everyone watched from Binah’s screen as Banshee annihilated the opposing team, which they soon found out was called Leviathan. 
“Good game, guys. Leviathan, up for some snipe-offs?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Rio turned around and waved Ellie over. “Hey, can you get us a slice of the lemon cake each?” She smiled.
“I can.” Rio waited for her to turn around and get the food, but she didn’t. “But I’m not going to.��
“Ellie!” Lottie scolded, coming over with their order. “Sorry, it was a good game though!” The red-haired boy winked with a grin.
“I know, we’re awesome, huh?”
“Rio, shut up. 31,” Sayuri snapped.
Jamie wiped down his surface and adjusted the apron around his neck before moving from out behind the counter to take the empty dishes from Banshee’s area away for washing.
“Miko, no, that’s a bad move,” Wei chided, taking her controller from her.
“Sorry I’m not a Tetris 99 champion,” she snapped, watching the pieces fly across the screen at lightning speed.
“It’s simple stuff...”
“That’s because you play Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Club Penguin in between training sessions,” he stated, handing the controller back when the game ended. 
“You guys wanna play Fortnite with me?” Rio asked, leaning over to invade Miko’s personal space, earning a harsh smack to the forehead.
“No, I’m not 12.”
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baphomet-media · 5 years
Top 10 Games I Played in 2019
Another year has gone by just like that, and here we are with another year’s worth of games played! There were some good releases this year, and I’m excited to talk about them all. Before that, though, let’s touch briefly on the criteria for these lists:
Any game that I played for the first time in 2019 is eligible, regardless of initial release year. Games that I started late in the previous year but spent most of the time playing in the year in question also count.
Ports, remasters, remakes, etc. of games that I have played before do not count.
I have to spend a certain amount of time with a game or the game has to make some kind of significant impact on me to be considered.
Lastly, these are just my opinion out of a very limited pool of games that I was personally able to get to this year, so if a game you played this year doesn’t show up, chances are either I didn’t have a chance to play it, or it just wasn’t personally as impactful to me as some of the others on the list. Now, on to the list!
10. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch)
Developer: Intelligent Systems / Koei Tecmo
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Strategy RPG
Release Date: July 26th 2019
Before Three Houses, the only Fire Emblem game I played was Awakening on the 3DS. I mostly enjoyed it, but I couldn’t get into the marriage aspect of the game, and I felt that many of the battles a bit too lacking in any sort of story context other than “There are bad guys here, let’s take them out!”
However, Three Houses really succeeded for me where Awakening failed. The academy was a really great home base and actually gave some meaningful context to most of the battles in the game. I really enjoyed micromanaging the different lessons in the game and tweaking each of my students into exactly the build I wanted for them, however I felt the drawback of this was that there weren’t really a whole lot of different classes to really explore. Most of the game’s character classes are just stronger variations of lower-level classes, and it definitely felt like some skill categories became woefully underutilized as the game went on, so there was no point in training people for them. I also liked recruiting other students to my house, but I felt like the other houses students didn’t really offer anything that my current house already had, so some students ended up feeling mechanically similar to others.
The battles were exactly what you’d expect from Fire Emblem, and gave me a bit of a tabletop RPG vibe, which I enjoyed, particularly when there were large monsters to fight that took up more grid space than standard units.
That being said, the story was really interesting, and I really liked watching everything unfold. I picked the Black Eagles house (because Edelgard is great), but I felt like that story didn’t really do a great job of explaining everything, and expected you to just side with Edelgard on some of her more bold decisions with no explanation as to why what she was doing was right, which felt kind of unfair. The game really wanted you to go through and play each one of the houses stories, but with around 80 hours poured into a single house, I didn’t really feel like there was much point at the end.
Overall, I think Three Houses is a great fit for the Switch and I’m excited to see what the future of Fire Emblem on Switch will look like.
9. Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Switch)
Developer: Next Level Games
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Adventure
Release Date: October 31st 2019
When it comes to Luigi’s Mansion, I enjoyed Dark Moon on 3DS back in 2013 while waiting for Animal Crossing: New Leaf to drop, but I never really had much of a reason to come back to it. Still, I really enjoyed the exploration aspect of the game and the attention to detail really impressed me with how nearly everything could be interacted with.
Luigi’s Mansion 3 on Switch is more of what you’d expect from the Luigi’s Mansion series. The game centers around Luigi exploring a haunted hotel to stop King Boo and rescue Mario and his friends. While Dark Moon focused more on a few isolated mansions with different themes, LM3 brings things back to a single gigantic building. This time, each floor of the mansion has a different spooky theme, from ancient Egypt, to classical music, to a floor overgrown with plants. Luigi has to defeat the boss of each floor to reclaim the elevator button for the next floor as he gradually works his way to the top.
Like with previous games in the series, you can expect loads of environmental interaction, such as all the items you can suck up and mess with using the Poltergust, but LM3 brings some new mechanics to the series, including a launchable plunger than you can then pull on to yank certain objects around, as well as the remote-control Gooigi, who is as fun to use as his name is cursed. Gooigi is basically a slime doppelganger for Luigi who can be deployed at any point to assist Luigi with different tasks, or split up for local co-op play. He also has the ability to squeeze through grates and pipes, allowing all sorts of hidden areas that only Gooigi can explore.
LM3 is a game that oozes with charm (no pun intended), though the combat does get a tad repetitive. Also, I was a bit disappointed that there was not more interplay between different floors of the hotel. They’re almost exclusively completely isolated levels, which definitely takes away from the feeling of having a huge building to explore.
8. Blasphemous (PC)
Developer: The Game Kitchen
Publisher: Team17
Genre: Adventure Platformer
Release Date: September 10th 2019
Blasphemous is a game I remember seeing teasers for earlier in 2019, but saw little to no hype for otherwise. However, the concept and the stunning hi-bit pixel art immediately drew me in. The game is a 2D adventure platformer set in a gothic fantasy world reminiscent of Dark Souls. In fact, quite a lot of this game is reminiscent of Dark Souls, with a lore thicker than gravy that’s brimming with little tidbits of information in every NPC dialogue, every item flavor text, and in the bosses you encounter. The world takes inspiration from Christianity, though not actually being about Christianity itself, instead a fictional religion with many similar aspects (an approach I wish more developers would take).
In Blasphemous, you play as The Penitent One as you explore a rotting gothic world and learn more about a strange quasi-religious curse called The Miracle and other fascinating bits of the world. You explore such locations as rotting cathedrals, a frozen mountain, the interior of a colossal bell set upside down into the ground, and more. Along the way, your eyes will feast on some of the most gorgeous pixel art in games this year.
The Penitent One is able to battle with their sword and certain special abilities picked up along the way. While the combat is fairly simple at first, it gets much more deep and nuanced as you go along, dodging enemy attacks, parrying and countering, using spells to buff yourself or shoot projectiles, and much more. Personally, the game feels a lot like Dark Souls meets Castlevania, particularly Symphony of the Night. It’s definitely a lot of fun, though it may not be everyone’s cup of tea due to tone and difficulty.
7. Mario Maker 2 (Switch)
Developer: Nintendo Entertainment Planning & Development
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Action Platformer and Level Editor
Release Date: June 28th 2019
I was a big fan of the idea of the original Mario Maker on WiiU, so I was really excited when Mario Maker 2 was announced for Switch with a plethora of new parts, themes, mechanics, and features. I have a pretty big soft spot for classic Mario games, and level editors really get my gamedev side going, so this game pretty much checked all the boxes for me.
I was glad this time around to see an extensive singleplayer mode, where Mario has to play through Nintendo’s own pre-made levels to gain coins to rebuild Peach’s castle after the Undodog resets it all to nothing. It was a great introduction to the game, particularly showcasing what all you can do with the new parts. It was the perfect thing to get any creator’s brain tingling with ideas for their first level.
The editor itself is largely improved from the WiiU, though you’ll almost certainly need a capacitive stylus in order to really take advantage of the Switch’s touch screen, though it’s nice to finally have a Switch game with proper touch screen support, since it seemed like Nintendo had all but forgotten about this part of the device. There are tons of new improvements here, too, such as all modifiers for objects can be accessed by long-pressing on an object. One thing I wasn’t fond of though was the way the Select and Copy modes are accessed, needing to toggle through them and normal edit mode instead of just having a single button for each.
Unfortunately, the Amiibo costumes have not returned, which would have been a great use for Amiibo on Switch (anyone remember that the Switch is Amiibo compatible?), though with the recent release of the Link costume, it seems that Nintendo has plans in mind for these alternate forms.
Fortunately, if you’re not much of a creator, there’s still plenty to do in MM2, as there are tons of ways to play levels online, including an endless challenge mode with different difficulties, browsing top level lists, and a new speedrun mode where levels are available for a limited time and you can grind them to get your best time, playing against the ghosts of other players’ best times.
All in all, I’ve had fun with MM2, and I’m excited to see what Nintendo will bring to the game in future updates (please implement level playlists).
6. Baba Is You (PC)
Developer: Hempuli
Publisher: Hempuli
Genre: Puzzle
Release Date: March 13th 2019
Out of nowhere back in March came a little indie game known as Baba Is You. In this programming puzzle game, each level contains the rules of the level as physical objects that you can push around and recombine to manipulate how the game plays. Each rule statement can (usually) be broken down into three components: an object (such as Water), a verb (such as Is) and a property (such as Stop). Each one of these components can be pushed around at will, and if you line all three of them up you get the statement “Water Is Stop”, meaning that all water tiles in the level do not allow other objects to move over them. If you break this statement, the water loses this blocking property and you can walk over it. It doesn’t stop there, though, and there are tons of combinations and complicated scenarios that will leave your brain hurting after too long. While some of the puzzles are unfortunately rather obtuse in their intended solutions, and the game doesn’t always do a great job of teaching you the skills you’ll need to face harder puzzles, you at least have the option of completing multiple different levels, so it’s rare that you’ll be stuck on just one.
It also helps that the art for the game is a cute but simplistic hand-drawn style that makes it easy to distinguish all the various elements of each level. The only reason this game didn’t rank higher on my list is that I got stuck and I found most of the levels to be a bit too hard for me (shocking, I know).
5. Gato Roboto (PC)
Developer: doinksoft
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Genre: Adventure Platformer
Release Date: May 30th 2019
Gato Roboto is a cute Metroid-like adventure platformer that sees you taking the role of Kiki, a cat who has to explore an alien planet to rescue her master’s crashed ship. Fortunately, while Kiki is defenseless on her own, she is able to pilot a robotic mech suit to run, gun, and jump across different zones of the planet. While a Metroid-esque platformer is nothing new, it’s the charming 1bit graphics and the interesting interplay between power suit mechanics and suitless cat mechanics. Sometimes there are gaps that the suit can’t fit into or walls that you need cat claws to climb, so you’ll have to abandon your robot suit and proceed on foot for a bit. In true Metroid fashion, you’ll acquire many upgrades for your suit as you go along, including movement abilities and health upgrades.
The game is short, but very sweet, and the mechanics are super satisfying. You could maybe finish the game in a few hours, but the controls and speedrun potential will likely keep you coming back for more.
The only downside I have to the game is that there is at least one section where you have to explore extensively on foot, and since you die in a single hit while on foot, it makes for some frustrating moments when you just barely mistime a jump and graze an enemy. Also, at one point I managed to softlock the game by accidentally bypassing a barrier that the player isn’t meant to and getting stuck in a boss area when a required button doesn’t work after you defeat the boss. Fortunately, the developers managed to patch this, so I was able to continue playing after a while.
4. Hollow Knight (PC/Switch)
Developer: Team Cherry
Publisher: Team Cherry
Genre: Adventure Platformer
Release Date: February 24th 2017
I’ll admit, I was a bit late to the party on this one. Hollow Knight released back in 2017 on PC, and while I played it for a bit on there, I didn’t get far and just never had time to come back to it. However, when it was released on Switch in mid 2018, I ended up picking it up again some time later and gradually worked my way through it into 2019. Hollow Knight is a Metroid-esque adventure platformer with light Dark Souls elements set in a dark and dismal world of a fallen insect kingdom. You play as a lone knight who seeks to explore the Hallownest and learn its secrets. Armed only with your Nail, a rusted sword, you explore the caverns and abandoned civilization beneath the town of Dirtmouth.
The game has tons of exploration, and allows the player to explore Hallownest at their own pace with minimal signposting towards destinations. Additionally, the game has an interesting map mechanic where you start off completely without a map and have to rely on memory to navigate the tunnels, however very quickly you’ll be able to purchase a blank map where you can record rooms you’ve been to at each save point. However this map only works for the current area, so for each area you discover, you’ll have to start this process all over, finding a map so you can chart out the area. While this sounds like a pain at first (and definitely can take some adjusting), it’s actually really interesting as you feel like you’re really discovering a forgotten realm and charting out your own personal course through the world. There are also plenty of points for nonlinear progression, as many areas are often open to the player at once, so it’s up to them to choose where to go (or just stumble across new areas at random like me). Each area offers vastly different visuals, from a mushroom-filled series of tunnels, to an elegant garden, to dank sewers, to a city drenched with perpetual underground rain. In each area you’ll explore every nook and cranny to find upgrades and new abilities.
Along the way, you’ll find many badges that you can equip, a la Paper Mario, that give you various passive bonuses and abilities, however you are limited in the number you can have equipped at a time, so strategic planning of which badges to use is crucial.
One of the game’s main features is challenging boss battles. The further you get in the game, the more the balance shifts from exploration to combat, with the late game mostly revolving around hunting down multiple different bosses. Many bosses are optional, however, and some are even hidden, so many players might miss them entirely. Personally, while I found many bosses to be fun challenges, it got kind of tedious to constantly be fighting bosses at every turn, which led to me not completely finishing the game.
3. Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (Switch)
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix
Genre: RPG
Release Date: September 27th 2019
I’ll admit I slept on Dragon Quest XI when it released for PC and PS4 back in 2017. It was constantly on my “maybe someday” list, but it wasn’t until the Definitive Edition released on Switch back in September that I decided to give it a go, and boy am I glad I did.
DQXI tells the story of a young man who finds out one day that he is the reincarnation of a legendary hero called The Luminary, who is said to defeat an evil known as The Dark One and bring peace to the world. However, he soon finds himself hunted by a corrupt kingdom that has branded him as The Darkspawn, claiming he is responsible for bringing The Dark One to the world and causing disaster. Thus, our hero travels the world, meeting friends along the way, and finding out what it means to be The Luminary.
The game’s plot may seem a bit generic, but that’s the thing. The whole conceit of DQXI is that it’s a classic JRPG at heart, but with a lot of modern touches to make it feel accessible today. So while there are plenty of turn-based battles, MP gauges, and a story that’s simplistic at the surface, there are loads of surprises throughout and lots of mechanical tweaks that drastically improve the quality of life of the game. For instance, as characters level up, they gain skill points that they can spend on a grid of skills to improve their abilities in different disciplines. Usually, each character has a sector of the grid for each weapon type they can use, as well as one section full of character-specific buffs and special abilities. By the end of the game, you’ll be able to unlock nearly every ability, so it becomes more of a matter of deciding which abilities to prioritize based on how you want to customize each character.
Speaking of characters, there’s a pretty full cast of characters to enjoy, and I found myself loving all of them, such as the spunky Veronica, the flamboyant Sylvando, or the warrior princess Jade. Each character has their own battle style, too, including casting spells, using strong weapons, buffing the party, and more.
The game will easily get you over 100 hours of playtime, with myself clocking in at around 120 hours so far. I’m not quite done yet, but I’m almost there. See, there’s a ton to do in DQXI aside from the main story, including crafting and improving items in a quick minigame at your Fun-Size Forge, gambling in the casino, horse racing, side questing, and exploring various parts of the world.
As for quality of life features, there are such things as the Horse Hailer, which allows you to immediately summon a horse on the overworld for quick travel, early access to the Zoom spell, which lets you teleport back to any town, important location, or campsite you’ve visited throughout the world for free, campsites being free healing, a speed-up option in combat, multiple auto-battle options, the ability to quick-heal in the menu, and more. It’s hard to really list everything, but there are tons of instances where you’ll think “Oh, that’s really handy”.
The visuals of the game are fantastic, with lots of that Akira Toriyama style that’s become synonymous with the Dragon Quest series. The characters are all really well designed and memorable, though some of the NPCs have a bit of a case of same-face, which is especially jarring considering that the game’s world is inspired by many diverse real-world cultures, making it odd that people from a Japanese-inspired area look exactly the same as people from an area based on northeast Europe. Still, I think the game otherwise does an excellent job at respecting world cultures, and even incorporates real-world languages into different regions. For example, the in-game city of Gondolia is based heavily on Venice, Italy, and the people of that city sprinkle bits of Italian into their dialogue. It’s a charming touch.
The music for the game sounds really great if you enable the orchestral version. Unfortunately, the game originally released with only a synthesized version of the soundtrack, which sounds terrible by comparison. Unfortunately, I felt that although each of the compositions were very memorable and pleasing, there sometimes didn’t feel like enough of them. The overworld, city, battle, boss battle, and dungeon themes are exactly the same wherever you go in the world, and I felt like that was a missed opportunity to really spice up the soundtrack with more unique themes to each area.
Overall, If you like JRPG’s, you’ll definitely like DQXI. My only complaints are that it can be a tad on the easy side, and that there are a few points of no return in the story that cause certain quests to be locked out without warning.
2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch)
Developer: Bandai Namco Studios / Sora Ltd.
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Fighting
Release Date: December 7th 2018
Was this really a surprise? A new Smash Bros. game releases the day before my birthday? Of course I’m gonna love it! I had been hyped up for Smash Ultimate for months preceding its release, going as far as watching any gameplay videos on YouTube I could find from various demo events and tournaments around the world. Even after the game’s release, there have been tons of content updates, new fighter DLC, and just so many reasons to come back to the game. It doesn’t hurt that one of the most accessible fighting games of all time is available on a handheld system (literally the only reason I played Smash 3DS). Smash Ultimate stands out in more than just its portability factor, though. While it largely recycles content from previous games, it can be seen as the “Ultimate” Smash Bros game, bringing back every single fighter from the series history, nearly every playable stage, and tons of familiar modes. Not only that, but new content is also present in terms of fighters, stages, and more. Long awaited characters include the Inklings from Splatoon, Ridley from the Metroid series, King K. Rool from Donkey Kong, and surprise guests, including Simon and Richter Belmont from Castlevania. On top of that, a plethora of DLC fighters and stages have been added, with the 5th DLC fighter still upcoming and shrouded in mystery.
Most prominent of the new additions is the game’s approach to a story mode. Unfortunately not as robust as the Subspace Emissary from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, The World of Light is still a welcome addition. In this mode, a strange angelic being called Galeem has turned all of the Smash fighters into evil controlled puppets, except, of course, for Kirby, who sets out to free each of the game’s 70+ fighters from Galeem’s control across a large board of levels, each connected by pathways. Each level features a battle against a copy of one of the game’s fighters possessed by a Spirit, essentially the essence of a video game character, and you have to free the Spirit and claim it by defeating the possessed fighter in a themed battle. This was a really nice way of including references to characters across not only Nintendo’s history, but the whole history of gaming as well, including some characters who do not otherwise appear in Smash, such as Shantae and Rayman. These Spirits, once collected, can be equipped to your character to not only improve your power level, but also offer different buffs, such as resistance to certain attacks, powering up your Smash attacks, starting you off each battle with an item, etc. I definitely enjoyed the World of Light mode, though I felt like it was a tad on the shallow side, and battles could get fairly repetitive after a while.
Fortunately, Smash really shines on its core mechanics, and the most fun I’ve had from the game is exploring all the different characters and finding which ones I like best. My current main is Ganondorf, though I still love playing as Ness and Lucas. Really, this is Smash at its best, and a number of much-needed mechanical tweaks, such as dodge fatigue, directional midair dodging, holding smash move charges, and an overall faster pace make this my favorite Smash game yet.
1. Persona 5 (PS4)
Developer: P-Studio
Publisher: Atlus
Genre: RPG
Release Date: April 4th 2017
Okay, wow. What a game. I’ve never played a Persona or Shin Megami Tensei game before, but buzz for Persona 5 was everywhere, and with the inclusion of P5’s Joker in Smash, I had to check it out. Even though I got to the game nearly two years late, I’m so glad I did.
Persona 5 is an RPG where you take on the role of a high school boy (he doesn’t really have a default name, but the most common name for him is Ren, so that’s what we’ll use) who has gotten tangled up in some legal trouble after intervening in a drunken assault on a woman he witnessed on the street. Turns out, this guy was something of a bigshot, and Ren soon finds himself placed under a form of rehabilitation where he is forced to transfer to the illustrious Shujin Academy in Tokyo. While at Shujin, Ren must live under the guardianship of a man named Shojiro who runs a coffee shop. Ren must stay out of trouble at school and live honestly.
However, trouble almost immediately finds Ren again as he discovers a lecherous teacher is mistreating many of the school’s students, and while investigating, accidentally slips into a strange dimension called the Metaverse, where the twisted perceptions of corrupted people are manifested into reality, and a sprawling Palace exists for the evil teacher. There, Ren meets a strange talking cat named Morgana who offers to help Ren if he will help Morgana find the Treasure at the heart of the Palace. Turns out, the Treasure is the manifestation of what caused the person’s desires to become corrupted, and stealing it causes them to lose their distorted emotions and confess.
Thus, Ren becomes a Phantom Thief, infiltrating Palaces and stealing Treasures by night and masquerading as a humble high school student by day. The Palaces are effectively the game’s dungeons, and this is where combat and exploration take place. Along the way, he’ll discover the power of his Persona, effectively an avatar of the user’s personality that enable them to unleash their true power inside the Metaverse, as well as use special abilities. And of course, you’ll recruit many friends to the Phantom Thieves, all of whom have their own motives and Personae. However, Ren has a special power. Instead of just being limited to one Persona, he has the ability to capture many Persona from the Metaverse by recruiting the game’s enemies or fusing Personae he already has to make more powerful ones. Thus the game has a light monster-collecting aspect to it, as each Persona can be leveled up to unlock new abilities, fused with others, and much more. What’s cool is that each Persona must be persuaded to join you by knocking it down in battle and then speaking to it in whatever way you think it wants to hear.
Outside of Palaces, you’ll investigate your targets, infiltrate a mega-palace called Mementos, as well as managing your free time. You see, Persona 5 allows you a limited amount of time to do everything you want to do, and it’s crucial that you manage your student life as well. This means spending time studying for exams, reading books to improve stats, working part-time jobs for money, playing minigames, and most importantly, hanging out with different NPCs, your teammates and supporters, to boost their friendship levels. As you get higher in friendship with each NPC, you’ll unlock new abilities, some of which are truly game-changing. I really enjoyed this aspect, as it felt like a puzzle trying to figure out how best to use my time. Almost nothing felt wasted, but I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to do everything, so I was always thinking about how best to optimize my time. Unfortunately, you can’t do everything in a single playthrough, but fortunately you can carry a lot of your progress over into New Game+. Some features are actually restricted to NG+, so it makes it feel like that second playthrough is really necessary if you want to see everything.
While the dungeons and the battles are mechanically fairly straightforward JRPG faire, the battles are interesting in that each enemy species has its own strengths and weaknesses, and exploiting weaknesses can knock down the enemy and allow you to take an extra turn, which can lead into strong combos. Furthermore, once all enemies are knocked down, you can perform a powerful All-Out Attack for massive damage. It honestly doesn’t get too much more complicated than that, but there is enough depth to the system to keep you engaged until the end of the game.
Each of the game’s characters are extremely well-designed, and I loved pretty much all of my party members, though Yusuke didn’t click with me as well as some of the others, despite being voiced by the amazing Matt Mercer. My favorite, of course, was the imperious Makoto, who appears little more than a bossy student council president in reality, but explodes into flurries of righteous blows in the Metaverse, alongside her robot motorcycle Persona.
Of course it’s impossible to talk about Persona 5 without mentioning the absolute masterpiece that is this game’s presentation. If you know anything about the game, you’ve likely seen the striking art style used in all of this game’s art and UI. It’s honestly every bit as eye-catching and jaw-dropping as it seems. The music is an utter masterpiece as well, with all manner of swingy jazz tunes, somber piano pieces, heart-pounding rock tracks, all of which come together with the visual style to give you something unlike anything you’ve ever played before and to truly make you feel like a suave Phantom Thief.
I managed to not only get through the main game, but get all the way through a NG+ playthrough back-to-back to get that platinum trophy and not once did I feel bored doing so. I clocked in at around 200 hours in total and it was one of the best gaming experiences of my life. If you like RPGs, time management games, good anime-style stories, or just good games, do NOT pass this one up, especially the upcoming Royal version that’s releasing in March.
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Thoughts on Let’s Go
So as someone who has beat the main game of Let’s Go Eevee (like I’ve said before I’ve played through Kanto so many times now. I can do it pretty much blindfolded.) I have thoughts both good and bad on it. There will be SPOILERS here so I advise you to scroll past if you’re new to Kanto especially but also if you’ve played through the region before but not here yet because there are some new things/changed details. ANYWAY: 
I really love how expressive both your Partner Pokemon and following Pokemon are. Interacting with them is such a delight and makes me even more attached to my Pokemon.
Kanto is beautiful. Whilst I wish they’d kept more of the Savannah/grassland feel it had in past generations (because it made Kanto unique vs temperate Johto it shares its landmass with), the region feels so full, vibrant and alive.
I really love the gym re-designs, even if some are only subtle. I also love seeing the Gym Leaders and E4 with defined personalities. I was ESPECIALLY happy to be able to see Sabrina’s telekinesis in action thanks to the graphics we have now. 
Pokemon distribution across Kanto is so much better than in past games and makes forming a balanced, structured team so much less of a nightmare. Same goes for the altered movesets. 
Pokemon Tower. Oh God, the cutscene was so short, sweet and subtle but made me cry. It gave us the emotional attachment the older Kanto games missed out on. 
I really appreciated the changes to important locations game-lore wise that made them more fitting. Pokemon Mansion for example made me super uncomfortable thanks to the additions of the cloning/testing equipment in the basement and the confirmation from Jessie & James that sweet old Mr Fuji is the same Dr Fuji that created Mewtwo. 
It gets its own section because Cerulean Cave is BREATHTAKING design-wise and a lifesaver with the valuable respawning items hidden in the crystal dust on the floor. 
I love the rival. He is an absolute sweetheart and I just want to hold and protect him. 
Player! Character! Is! Expressive! No more thousand-yard stare in cutscenes. 
Can Ultra Balls be this cheap in the regular games please? 
Leaf/Green finally, canonically exists other than when chosen as the player in FRLG and my heart is filled with joy by this y’all don’t even know. 
NPC Pokemon with nicknames show up with that nickname when spoken to, not with their species name and idk it’s such a small thing but makes me happy. 
I really love how self-aware this game is in terms of how Pokemon plots go by talking about the E4 and people asking/speculating that they’ll come deal with the threat. Y’know given how in past games they’ve largely been suspiciously absent and left everything to a child.
The cutscenes in general are pleasant to look at/watch and don’t run in forever and are less frequent. They hit a good balance here I think. 
Speaking of which, the ones that play before taking on the Legendary Birds/Mewtwo are INTENSE.
Pokemon Box in your bag is super convenient, I just wish it wasn’t just one big, huge box so I could organise better. 
Getting to dress up my Partner Pokemon is precious. 
Riding on Pokemon is great and there are some rideable choices that were a nice surprise. 
The replacements for HMs are so silly and I love them. 
I’m a shiny hunter so I think the new shiny hunting method is super fun and relatively easy depending on the Pokemon you’re hunting. Streaks are easy enough to build and avoid breaking and seeing the Pokemon with its shiny colouration in the overworld adds the little bit more of excitement to me. 
Cinnabar finally has an obvious volcano on the map even if you can’t actually access it in game. (it’s not like you haven’t let us roam around active volcanoes before, Game Freak.)
I really like the torches in Victory Road? Lmao it’s such a minor thing but it makes it feel more... idk.. magnificent, I guess? Like it’s a manmade cavern. The final test. It feels more like it now with those and the changes to the puzzles. 
Thank you for the random NPCs that will heal your Pokemon when you’re far from a city/town. 
The spy NPC was great. I love her. 
Rare spawns are a neat little mechanic. Area unknown in the Pokedex? LOL GUESS AGAIN. 
The big one: Only Kanto Pokemon. It’s a huge sticking point for me because it’s quite limiting and just... a tad annoying. I get this game was an experiment and with its success will likely come more Let’s Go side games but... it was still disappointing. Even if they couldn’t add all Pokemon from later gens, they could’ve at least added the prevolutions/evolutions of Kanto Pokemon that came later to give the region an expanded Pokedex and just added more diversity to the game. Lance having a Seadra really brought that point home for me when it literally has a DRAGON TYPE evolution he could’ve used. 
Whilst the capture mechanic is fine I miss wild battles. If you need to grind especially it’s annoying because you have to burn through Pokeballs to get EXP. It would be nice to just be able to faint wild Pokemon. 
The rideable flying Pokemon. I’d hoped for something more like the Soaring mechanic from ORAS but nope. You also have to go into the party menu to return the Pokemon to its ball to be able to move between gate/map areas. It would have been so much better if you could just press one of the buttons to do that so you didn’t have to go about constantly opening/closing menus.
Super sad Trainer Customisation is so limited. I’m pleased they kept the option for skintone choice but I wish we could at least change the eye/hair colour of the player character. What outfits we get to mix/match are cute I just wish there was more. 
The lack of Abilities pains me. They added depth to the game both in and out of battle and I sorely missed them. (Hello yes, why is your Pokemon not getting paralysed after coming into contact with my Raichu? Oh right, Static isn’t a thing here.) 
Getting Meltan itself isn’t hard even if you just briefly download Pokemon Go to get it. Getting Melmetal however? Good luck if you just play casually or not at all really with how the crate feature works. 
I like that the Go Park exists but I’m sad it replaced the Safari Zone and that it doesn’t work in a similar fashion to Pal Park. Wasting Pokeballs on Pokemon I have already wasted them on to catch one already is kind of annoying. 
You can’t ride the Legendary Birds and that is just straight up NONSENSE to me. 
I wish we could play with/feed our other Pokemon, not just our partner. Pokemon Amie/Refresh is one of my favourite mechanics in the main games so I’m sad it’s limited to only our starter here. 
Not specific to Let’s Go but given a huge part of Pokemon has always been playing with friends, having to pay for an online subscription to access trading/battling really rubs me the wrong way and I still think it’s a bad move on Nintendo’s part as a whole. When Gen VIII comes along and if Pokemon Bank gets ported to the Switch (or a similar thing) am I going to have to pay for both? That kind of sucks for kids who play if their parents aren’t willing to pay for it or for people who can’t afford it in general. 
Big Mad that outside of completing all the research in Go (Again, not something everyone can do, I have severe anxiety/agoraphobia and therefore cannot leave my house much.) the only way to get Mew is to pay the ridiculous price for the Pokeball Plus. An event Pokemon that has always been given out for free shouldn’t be behind a massive paywall. 
Grinding to be able to take on all the Master Trainers is hellish to be honest. And not a good feature in lieu of an actual post-game. 
RIP Sevii Islands, it would've been nice to at least visit the first three (since they only have Kanto Pokemon living on them in FRLG). But no. 
So overall... I liked it more than I thought I would. There are things in the game I really, really loved and hope to see more of (PLEASE let following Pokemon return in the main series, I’m begging you Game Freak). But I still have my hang-ups and things that I think removing/keeping out took away from the Pokemon experience as a whole. 
As side games I’d like to see more of them with hopefully some improvements. But I definitely have a preference for main game, regular mechanics as a whole. The games definitely won’t be for everyone and YES, they are incredibly easy even for a Pokemon game - which was the point - so for some people that might be a problem/make them boring given the lack of challenge but I’d still recommend giving them a go if you’re a die-hard fan of the franchise. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.
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livewiregoth · 3 years
Realizing recently that I’m kind of burnt out on Animal Crossing.
For a long time when I played AC I’d try to play at least once a day, sometimes time traveling to make up days. I’ve worked on everything I can for the most part(still have some nook mile achievements to work on that’d take a long time but a lot of them are complete) so it’s kind of just been start game, do chores, talk to villagers, go on a Kapp’n tour, get coffee then check Harvey’s island & check around Happy Home Paradise for villagers I might want plus DIY in a bottle. I cut down on some of the rambling but this happens pretty much everyday.
It’s a little stupid but I’ve only started to accept skipping some days near the end of when I was trying to catch up after having not been able to play for a while due to things I had to work on back in October. I eventually did enough that I could just skip to certain days(Saturday due to the KK Mania achievement) but then I went back to checking everyday though recently I started accepting I can skip some days if I miss certain ones.
I’ve been thinking about playing New Leaf on the side again due to wanting something different/more stuff like the up town area & stuff. I usually stop playing the old game when the new one comes out, probably also not helped by the fact my first game was Wild World & while I love the character writing for it New Leaf had way more to offer playing wise. I’d think about restarting but I got items I want to keep, it takes a bit to find an island I like sometimes(I’m to scared to mod stuff on my Switch despite really wanting that mod that adds Wild World & New Leaf time ost to the game so I can’t just change the color of the air port & town hall’s placement) & it’s a big pain to redo achievements. I like getting them sometimes & want to finish them all but the ones in New Horizons are insane.(I had to ask friends for twigs/branches for the tool building/building achievements, the crop/cooking achievements brought by the update don’t help either)
Vinny from Vinesauce kinda helped me think about stuff as well. I was watching an archive of him play Kirby and the Forgotten Land(forgot which video & where the exact moment was) & he started talking about stuff which lead to mentioning Animal Crossing. Don’t exactly remember but he mentioned something about New Leaf & New Horizons. He then went on to mention(don’t quote me cause I don’t fully remember) it’s ok to get series burn out.
I’m trying to stop playing so much, I’m still playing sometimes but I’m trying to accept it doesn’t have to be everyday. It feels a little stupid typing all of this but I feel like I need to get this off my chest. It’s not much but I feel slightly better plus it’s not going to be that big of a deal not showing up everyday.
I might play New Leaf again later but first I need to work on my 3DS Pokemon games so I can get to a point were I have Pokemon from my games that I want to send to my Switch. It’s a lot of work but I’m doing what I can to deal with the burn out. I’ve felt burnt out before for other times/things but it still feels weird when it comes to Animal Crossing.
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itsworn · 6 years
Homebuilt Pro Street 1968 Camaro
There’s a first time for everything, like riding a bike or diving into the deep end. But just as you might skin a knee from a fall or cough up some pool water, it wasn’t all easy-peasy for Bren Manke working on his ’68 Camaro.
“This was the first car build I had ever done,” he admits. “I built the entire thing, including all the engine assembly, rollcage fabrication, suspension work, wiring, and just about everything else, in my two-car garage.”
Fortunately, Bren is mechanically inclined and had some previous experience working on snowmobiles with his dad, Bill. And he had one big motivation: to build this car with the sole intent of making it go really fast.
That’s a familiar line to Chevy High Performance readers. Making it happen is a whole ’nuther story, though. Fortunately, when he found the car on a Craigslist ad as a rolling chassis, it had very little rust. “But it was pretty much just a shell,” he admits.
While his idea initially was to build a Pro Touring car, his focus shifted after attending the NHRA Sonoma Nationals and watching some cool old drag cars tearing up the track. So he switched horses in midstream and went the Pro Street route instead.
“The only problem was that I had already mini-tubbed the car,” he notes. “So I got the absolute biggest tires I could fit into the wheelwells without doing fullsize tubs.” He also welded in some subframe connectors and bolted on Competition Engineering Slide-A-Link traction bars, secured to a 3.70 Ford 9-inch with Moser 33-spline forged axles. To further minimize axlewrap, Detroit Speed supplied 3-inch drop-leaf springs and shocks.
This setup was for putting some serious power to the pavement—about 750 horses at 15 psi from a 383 small-block topped with a Weiand 6-71 blower. All good in theory, but he encountered a few bumps in the road along the way. The first one happened while testing the engine right after he had gotten the Weiand blower installed.
“I went to my favorite testing spot and floored it,” he relates. “Well, the throttle linkage that hooked to the carburetor wasn’t adjusted right and got stuck against the side of the blower, keeping it at full throttle. I was getting really close to 140 mph when I shut the ignition off.” As a result, the engine backfired super hard, which in turn bent the crankshaft. He was able to limp it home and ended up pulling the engine and installing a new crank.
The next challenge was a more involved technical issue, as the engine ran too hot. After months of fighting overheating issues he determined the problem was caused by the blower being over-driven too much.
“I was achieving the boost levels I wanted, but the extra load during idle and cruising caused it to overheat.” And that was after trying all sorts of fixes, such as installing a huge radiator that barely fit between the framerails, adding water wetter, a high-flow 55-gpm electric water pump, and dual shrouded electric fans, plus adjusting the timing, changing the jetting—everything.
He eventually went with a Whipple W200R twin-screw supercharger instead, which has a bypass valve to bleed off boost at slow speeds. Even so, he replaced the plastic butterfly-style valve with a turbo blow-off unit. Why the switch? “Because of the aesthetics and the fact I can calibrate the amount of vacuum needed to open it by using different tension springs,” Bren explains.
Drawing on his snowmobile experience, he also designed a water-to-air intercooler to adapt it to his existing 6-71 intake. That involved drawing up several designs and fine-tuning through trial and error (just as he did on the rest of the project).
Assembled by Bren, with some help from his father, the innards of the engine provided by CNC Motorsports include Eagle forged rods and a crank with a 3.750-inch stroke in a 0.030-overbore of 4.030 inches, slinging JE forged pistons with an 8.8:1 compression ratio. AFR 220 heads run Scorpion 1.5:1 rockers. Filtering the air into a Pro Systems SV1 carb is a K&N element with a custom scoop.
Downstream from the block are Schoenfeld headers (1 7/8 to 1 3/4-inches), dumping into a 3-inch custom X-pipe and dual mufflers. Backing up the mill is a TCI Auto Turbo 350, actuated by a B&M shifter and fitted with a trans brake.
Another scary surprise came when Bren was trying out a new electric fuel pump. He had it operating for a while without having the car running. So how did things get a little weird?
“Well, unknown to me when I had installed the fittings on the pump, a small metal shaving made its way into the carburetor and kept the needle and seat open, flooding the motor extremely bad (like, hydraulic the motor bad),” he relates. Bren decided to pull the spark plugs and crank the motor to clear the gas out but forgot to unhook the coil.
“When I hit the key something sparked and ignited the gas that came out of the cylinders, and before I knew it I had three-foot flames shooting out of the engine bay,” he recalls with wince. Fortunately, he grabbed a fire extinguisher and put it out pretty fast—but not before it burned up the majority of the wiring around the engine.
“We also had a heck of a time getting the matte finish to come out right,” Bren admits. “We ended up spraying, sanding, and respraying the entire car because when the matte finish would begin to dry, random striping would appear, the worst of which were on the flat surfaces such as the roof and decklid.” That’s when he decided to go with the two-tone flat/matte finish.
Despite all the hurdles and hiccups, this build had a good ending, as he and his bride, Aggie, did a smoky burnout at their wedding reception. All told, after three years of overcoming various challenges, “This car was an absolute blast to build and one heck of a learning curve.”
And they lived happily ever after. CHP
Tech Check Owner: Bren Manke, Sparks, Nevada Vehicle: 1968 Camaro
Engine Type: Chevy small-block V-8 Displacement: 383 ci Compression Ratio: 8.8:1 Bore: 4.030 inches Stroke: 3.750 inches Cylinder Heads: Aluminum AFR 220, 65cc combustion chambers, 220cc intake ports, 80cc exhaust ports, 2.10/1.60-inch valves Rotating Assembly: Eagle forged rods and crank, JE forged pistons Valvetrain: Scorpion rocker arms 1.5:1, Isky EZ-Roll solid roller lifters, Comp Cams pushrods Camshaft: Comp Cams solid roller (0.609-inch lift; 256/264-deg. duration) Induction: Whipple W200R supercharger, Pro Systems SV1 carburetor, Weiand intake manifold with custom water-to-air intercooler Ignition: MSD BTM 6 Exhaust: Schoenfeld headers (1 7/8 to 1 3/4 inches), 3-inch custom X-pipe, Super 44 dual mufflers Ancillaries: Painless Performance wiring Output (est.): 750 hp Machine Work: CNC Motorsports (Brookings, SD) Built By: Bren and Bill Manke
Drivetrain Transmission: TCI Auto Turbo 350, B&M shifter, trans brake, custom aluminum driveshaft Rear Axle: Quick Performance Ford 9-inch, 3.70:1 gears, Truetrac differential, Moser 33-spline axles
Chassis Front Suspension: Detroit Speed 3-inch drop coil springs Rear Suspension: Competition Engineering subframe connectors and Slide-A-Link traction bars, Detroit Speed 3-inch drop-leaf springs and shocks Brakes: Classic Performance Products 13-inch rotors, two-piston calipers, front; 12-inch rotors, single-piston calipers, rear
Wheels & Tires Wheels: Racestar 17×4.5 front, Champion Wheels 15×12 rear Tires: MH Racemaster 4.5/26-17 front, Hoosier Quick Time Pro 29/13.50-15 rear
Interior Upholstery: Bren Manke Material: Vinyl Seats: Kirkey aluminum race buckets, Simpson seat belts Ancillaries: Custom eight-point rollcage installed and built by Bren Manke Steering: Custom with Grant wheel Shifter: B&M Dash: Custom aluminum center console Instrumentation: Dakota Digital VTX Audio: Pioneer HVAC: None
Exterior Bodywork: Bill and Bren Manke Paint By: Bill Manke Paint: Flat and matte black; graphics by Auto Color Studios Hood: Harwood fiberglass Grille: Polished aluminum custom Bumpers: Stock
The post Homebuilt Pro Street 1968 Camaro appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/homebuilt-pro-street-1968-camaro/ via IFTTT
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nextrend · 4 years
EV Electric Car Chargers
EV Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Electrician
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EV Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Electrician
EV Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Specialist – Sutherland Shire
If you have recently purchased a new Electric Vehicle and need a Level 2 charger installed in your Garage, we can help! Please call us for a FREE quote on 0423 562 257
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24hr & Same Day Service
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Fully Licensed & Insured
Our professional Sutherland Shire Electricians are fully Qualified, Licensed & Insured to work on both Residential & Commercial properties
Free Quotes & $0 Call Out Fee
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee during business hours. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
We Provide a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for piece of mind. We Guarantee our work & will fix any workmanship faults for FREE!
Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Electric Car Charger Installers – Sutherland Shire
True Local Electricians specialise in installation of all EVSE Fully Electric & PHEV car chargers to suit Tesla Model 3, Model S & Model X, Tesla Supercharge, Tesla Powerwall, Hyundai Kona & iOniq EV Charger Installation, Nissan Leaf EV Charger Installation. If required, we are able upgrade your home electricity provisions to a 3 phase power delivery system to accommodate your new Electric Car charge requirements.
True Local Electricians are your local Sutherland Shire Electricians specialising in Electric Car charger installations to all the Sutherland Shire including Alfords Point, Bangor, Barden Ridge, Bonnet Bay, Burraneer, Caringbah South, Caringbah, Como, Cronulla, Dolans Bay, Engadine, Grays Point, Green Hills Beach, Gymea, Gymea Bay, Illawong, Jannali, Kangaroo Point, Kareela, Kirrawee, Kurnell, Lilli Pilli, Loftus, Menai, Miranda, Oyster Bay, Port Hacking, Sutherland, Sylvania, Taren Point, Wooloware, Woranora, Woranora Heights, Yowie Bay.
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Types of Electric Vehicle Chargers
Many Electric Vehicle drivers make do with plugging in their vehicles into a standard power outlet for an overnight charge. However if you frequently find yourself needing to recharge your EV by midday on a given day, having a Level 2 charger installed by True Local Electricians Sutherland Shire is a smart investment.
EVSE chargers supply electrical energy to recharge electric vehicles. There are three levels of electric vehicle charging devices available:
Level 1 Charger – Type 1 AC J1772 & SAE J1772
This charger comes standard with most electric vehicles sold in Australia and is plugged into any standard three-prong Power Point outlet. Although Level 1 chargers can be the most practical, their power delivery is somewhat limited and can charge  EV batteries very slowly. Level 1 EVSE chargers are best used for overnight charging an Electric Vehicle, charging PHEVS (Petrol-hybrid electric vehicles) and those on a budget. Although a great entry level product, Level 1 chargers are not guaranteed or designed to meet the future needs of electric vehicles.
Level 2 Charger – Type 1 IEC 62196 & Mennekes
This style of charger is a more advanced EVSE charger that requires its own dedicated 240-volt circuit, and need to be professionally Installed by True Local Electricians. Level 2 chargers work much faster and are able to fully charge an EV in about 3hrs. Increasingly, EV manufacturers like Tesla, Hyundai & Nissan are now including a Level 2 charger standard with each new car purchase. Level 2 chargers are the most recommended type of charger for homes to get the most from their new Electric Car purchase. Level 2 Electric Vehicle chargers offer a wide range of charging speeds up to 22 kw’s which would give your EV 140kms of range per hour of charging.  Level 2 chargers provide significantly faster charge times and better safety due to the use of dedicated wiring circuit installed by True Local Electricians.
Level 3 Charger – Rapid DC Fast Charging
Level 3 chargers are the standalone device commonly available at public charging stations. These chargers are the fastest of all chargers and can add 160 kms of driving range to an EV’s batteries in about 30mins. These do not have much of a residential application at this stage as they can be quite expensive and require an industrial-level power draw. If you own or work at an industrial building, it is possible to have a Level 3 charger installed there. Level 3 chargers are commonly found in commercial applications such as petrol stations, carparks, motorways, and street side areas.
Guide to Installing an Electric Car Charger
True Local Electricians will provide an on-site FREE quote to determine your homes delivery capabilities in relation to what your new Electric Car requires.
Charger Requirements:
Level 2 Electric Car chargers must be connected via their own dedicated cable directly from your homes fuse box / switchboard 3 phase power source. No additional appliances should be connected to the cable allowing the maximum rate of power delivery to flow to the vehicle.
Use The Right Cable For EV Charging Load
If the cables you use for your charger are too thin, they become hot and present signs of melting and burning. If the charging current is of 16 A or above we recommend a cable with a minimum size of 2.5 mm or more, allowing the vehicle to be charged with a charging output of 11-22 kW. In application where a three-phase charger installed, we recommend a 5-conductor supply cable to be used. The inner diameter of the cable depends on factors such as cable length, potential drop, environmental temperature and type of installation. True Local Electricians will assess your home and determine the appropriate diameter cable you require. We recommend preparing cables where possible for a three-phase connection, in order to be future-proof you as the future of EV’s will have quicker charging speeds and larger battery capacities.
RCD / Residual Current Device Safety in EV’s.
We use residual current device’s (RCD) to protect you from and electric shocks. An RCD balances the electric current in the live and neutral wires to/from the vehicle charger in the electric car. If a residual current flows through the bodywork of the car or the driver to the floor, the RCD is trips and breaks the circuit to protect the individual. Which Types of
What Residual Current Devices Are There?
At the minimum, a residual current device of Type A is required for each charger. The Type A RCD is a standard RCD safety switch which is installed, however some electric cars may generate smooth DC fault currents during charging. If this is the case then the appropriate DC residual current protection device must be installed. True Local Electricians recommend the installation of a RCD Type B: A Type B RCD which is sensitive to all types of AC and DC residual currents and well suited for all Electric Vehicle charger installations.
Installing a circuit breaker for your EV charger
The circuit breaker protects the cable and ensures that the circuit is broken if too much electricity flows through the cable. This ensures that no damages occur to cables as a result of overloading. In conjunction with an RCD, a circuit breaker with tripping characteristic C is required for a charging station circuit.
Vehicles We Can Install Electric Car Chargers For
True Local Electricians can install Electric Car Chargers for all the popular makes & models to your Sydney home, including:
Audi e-tron 55
Audi e-tron 50
BMW i3
Chevrolet Bolt EV
Citroën  C-Zero
Citroën  Citroën ë-C4
Ford Ford Focus Electric
Ford Ford Mustang Mach-E
Honda Clarity Electric
Hyundai Ioniq Electric
Hyundai Kona Electric
Jaguar Land Rover Jaguar I-Pace
Kia Soul EV
Kia e-Niro
Mahindra e2o Plus
Mahindra e-Verito
Mercedes-Benz  B-Class Electric Drive
Mercedes-Benz  EQC
Mitsubishi i-MiEV
Nissan Leaf
Peugeot Peugeot iOn
Peugeot Peugeot e208
Peugeot Peugeot e2008
Renault Zoe
Renault Twizy
Renault Renault Kangoo Z.E.
Tesla Model S
Tesla Model X
Tesla Model 3
Tesla Model Y
Volkswagen e-up!
Volkswagen ID.4
Volkswagen ID.3
True Local Electricians Service Your Area!
We provide electrical services to all areas, suburbs and localities of the Sutherland Shire Council. All of our team are Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals and have fully equipped vans ready to provide you with professional and on time service.
Alfords Point, NSW 2234
Bangor, NSW 2234
Barden Ridge, NSW 2234
Bonnet Bay, NSW 2226
Burraneer, NSW 2230
Caringbah, NSW 2229
Caringbah South, NSW 2229
Como, NSW 2226
Cronulla, NSW 2230
Dolans Bay, NSW 2229
Engadine, NSW 2233
Grays Point, NSW 2232
Greenhills Beach, NSW 2230
Gymea, NSW 2227
Gymea Bay, NSW 2227
Illawong, NSW 2234
Jannali, NSW 2226
Kangaroo Point, NSW 2224
Kareela, NSW 2232
Kirrawee, NSW 2232
Kurnell, NSW 2231
Lilli Pilli, NSW 2229
Loftus, NSW 2232
Menai, NSW 2234
Miranda, NSW 2228
Oyster Bay, NSW 2225
Port Hacking, NSW 2229
Sutherland, NSW 2232
Sylvania, NSW 2224
Taren Point, NSW 2229
Woolooware, NSW 2230
Woronora, NSW 2233
Woronora Heights, NSW 2233
Yowie Bay, NSW 2228
Frequently Asked Emergency Electrical Questions
Why Does My Safety Switch Keep Tripping?
If you have a repeated tripped switch, the most common issue is a faulty appliance. However, other issues may be nuisance tripping and faulty wiring. Contact True Local Electricians for a same-day electrician to fix your problem.
When Do I Need A Switchboard Upgrade?
You should consider a switchboard upgrade when your switchboard is overcrowded, your appliances trip, flickering lights, outdated Fuse, smell burning, or you can see sparks and melted or blackened fuses. Contact True Local Electricians for a switchboard upgrade today!
Can You Perform A FREE Electrical Safety Inspection?
True Local Electricians will provide you with a FREE electrical safety inspection on all of our jobs. Save hundreds of dollars for what other companies charge. This is to ensure that all of our clients have safe and clean electrical systems running 24/7.
I Smell Electricity Burning, What Should I Do?
If you smell electricity burning you should contact True Local Electricians for an emergency electricity. The reasons for this burning smell may be due to loose circuit breaker wires, overloaded wiring or faulty circuit breakers.
When Does My Electrical Equipment Need An Upgrade?
Your circuit breaker will need an upgrade when it becomes faulty due to wear and tear or an electrical issue. You should always get frequent electrical checks to ensure optimal performance. We proudly offer a FREE electrical inspection on each job.
How Long Will It Take For An Electrician To Arrive In An Emergency?
As we have 24 hr emergency electricians working around the clock. Our average dispatch time is approximately less than 60 minutes. In the meantime, if it is a serious emergency issue you can have a look at the SES’s top electrical safety tips while you wait for assistance.
Why Isn’t My Hot Water System Working?
The most common electrical issues are when your circuit breaker is tripped and will not stay back on and there is a problem with your thermostat. Regardless of the issue, True Local Electricians can do it all including the plumbing works to save you money.
Why Are My Lights Flickering?
If your lights are continuously flickering this may be due to a loose bulb, loose connection, voltage increase or the type of light. This potentially could be either a minor or a major electrical fault if not dealt with properly.
What Do I Do With A Beeping Smoke Alarm?
If your smoke alarm is continuously beeping than this may be a sign of it needing a battery replacement. However, this may also be due to a ended life span of 8-10 years. If you need an electrician to install a new one, contact True Local Electricians today!
What Is The Difference Between A Fuse Box And Safety Box?
Although they both perform the same function which is safety protection. A fuse box protected appliances from electrical spikes. Whereas a safety box protects people from general electrical hazards. True Local Electrician’s specialises in fuse box upgrades!
Fully Qualified and Insured – Call Out Electrician
True Local Electricians provide rapid emergency electrician services to residential and commercial electrical services throughout The Sutherland Shire. We’ve been the reliable electrician for home and business owners in Sydney for more than 15 years. This has allowed us to foster a strong reputation for quality, affordability and fantastic customer service. Electrical problems seem to always occur at times where you least expect them to. They can immediately impact bottom line or a seemingly smooth flowing weekend. Rest assured that just in case trouble occurs, we are always a phone call away as we have fully stocked vans in The Sutherland Shire.
Our team are fully qualified electrician with extensive industry experience. We always provide a rapid response and we offer every single electrical service. This varies from re-wiring, switchboard upgrades, power point installation, fault diagnosis, routine maintenance, LED lighting and Level 2 electrician services. If you are business experiencing electrical problems, leave it completely to our Sutherland Shire emergency electricians. We guarantee to have you back up and running in no time whatsoever. For instance, faulty wiring and repeated electrical failures indicate a significant issue. Don’t risk your safety or your family’s safety – call a local emergency electrician now.
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The post EV Electric Car Chargers first appeared on True Local Electricians. from True Local Electricians https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/electrical-services/ev-electric-car-chargers/
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claudiabdrew · 4 years
EV Electric Car Chargers
EV Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Electrician
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EV Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Electrician
EV Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Specialist – Sutherland Shire
If you have recently purchased a new Electric Vehicle and need a Level 2 charger installed in your Garage, we can help! Please call us for a FREE quote on 0423 562 257
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Free Quotes & $0 Call Out Fee
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Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
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Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Electric Car Charger Installers – Sutherland Shire
True Local Electricians specialise in installation of all EVSE Fully Electric & PHEV car chargers to suit Tesla Model 3, Model S & Model X, Tesla Supercharge, Tesla Powerwall, Hyundai Kona & iOniq EV Charger Installation, Nissan Leaf EV Charger Installation. If required, we are able upgrade your home electricity provisions to a 3 phase power delivery system to accommodate your new Electric Car charge requirements.
True Local Electricians are your local Sutherland Shire Electricians specialising in Electric Car charger installations to all the Sutherland Shire including Alfords Point, Bangor, Barden Ridge, Bonnet Bay, Burraneer, Caringbah South, Caringbah, Como, Cronulla, Dolans Bay, Engadine, Grays Point, Green Hills Beach, Gymea, Gymea Bay, Illawong, Jannali, Kangaroo Point, Kareela, Kirrawee, Kurnell, Lilli Pilli, Loftus, Menai, Miranda, Oyster Bay, Port Hacking, Sutherland, Sylvania, Taren Point, Wooloware, Woranora, Woranora Heights, Yowie Bay.
FREE Quotes & $0 Call Out Fee
Types of Electric Vehicle Chargers
Many Electric Vehicle drivers make do with plugging in their vehicles into a standard power outlet for an overnight charge. However if you frequently find yourself needing to recharge your EV by midday on a given day, having a Level 2 charger installed by True Local Electricians Sutherland Shire is a smart investment.
EVSE chargers supply electrical energy to recharge electric vehicles. There are three levels of electric vehicle charging devices available:
Level 1 Charger – Type 1 AC J1772 & SAE J1772
This charger comes standard with most electric vehicles sold in Australia and is plugged into any standard three-prong Power Point outlet. Although Level 1 chargers can be the most practical, their power delivery is somewhat limited and can charge  EV batteries very slowly. Level 1 EVSE chargers are best used for overnight charging an Electric Vehicle, charging PHEVS (Petrol-hybrid electric vehicles) and those on a budget. Although a great entry level product, Level 1 chargers are not guaranteed or designed to meet the future needs of electric vehicles.
Level 2 Charger – Type 1 IEC 62196 & Mennekes
This style of charger is a more advanced EVSE charger that requires its own dedicated 240-volt circuit, and need to be professionally Installed by True Local Electricians. Level 2 chargers work much faster and are able to fully charge an EV in about 3hrs. Increasingly, EV manufacturers like Tesla, Hyundai & Nissan are now including a Level 2 charger standard with each new car purchase. Level 2 chargers are the most recommended type of charger for homes to get the most from their new Electric Car purchase. Level 2 Electric Vehicle chargers offer a wide range of charging speeds up to 22 kw’s which would give your EV 140kms of range per hour of charging.  Level 2 chargers provide significantly faster charge times and better safety due to the use of dedicated wiring circuit installed by True Local Electricians.
Level 3 Charger – Rapid DC Fast Charging
Level 3 chargers are the standalone device commonly available at public charging stations. These chargers are the fastest of all chargers and can add 160 kms of driving range to an EV’s batteries in about 30mins. These do not have much of a residential application at this stage as they can be quite expensive and require an industrial-level power draw. If you own or work at an industrial building, it is possible to have a Level 3 charger installed there. Level 3 chargers are commonly found in commercial applications such as petrol stations, carparks, motorways, and street side areas.
Guide to Installing an Electric Car Charger
True Local Electricians will provide an on-site FREE quote to determine your homes delivery capabilities in relation to what your new Electric Car requires.
Charger Requirements:
Level 2 Electric Car chargers must be connected via their own dedicated cable directly from your homes fuse box / switchboard 3 phase power source. No additional appliances should be connected to the cable allowing the maximum rate of power delivery to flow to the vehicle.
Use The Right Cable For EV Charging Load
If the cables you use for your charger are too thin, they become hot and present signs of melting and burning. If the charging current is of 16 A or above we recommend a cable with a minimum size of 2.5 mm or more, allowing the vehicle to be charged with a charging output of 11-22 kW. In application where a three-phase charger installed, we recommend a 5-conductor supply cable to be used. The inner diameter of the cable depends on factors such as cable length, potential drop, environmental temperature and type of installation. True Local Electricians will assess your home and determine the appropriate diameter cable you require. We recommend preparing cables where possible for a three-phase connection, in order to be future-proof you as the future of EV’s will have quicker charging speeds and larger battery capacities.
RCD / Residual Current Device Safety in EV’s.
We use residual current device’s (RCD) to protect you from and electric shocks. An RCD balances the electric current in the live and neutral wires to/from the vehicle charger in the electric car. If a residual current flows through the bodywork of the car or the driver to the floor, the RCD is trips and breaks the circuit to protect the individual. Which Types of
What Residual Current Devices Are There?
At the minimum, a residual current device of Type A is required for each charger. The Type A RCD is a standard RCD safety switch which is installed, however some electric cars may generate smooth DC fault currents during charging. If this is the case then the appropriate DC residual current protection device must be installed. True Local Electricians recommend the installation of a RCD Type B: A Type B RCD which is sensitive to all types of AC and DC residual currents and well suited for all Electric Vehicle charger installations.
Installing a circuit breaker for your EV charger
The circuit breaker protects the cable and ensures that the circuit is broken if too much electricity flows through the cable. This ensures that no damages occur to cables as a result of overloading. In conjunction with an RCD, a circuit breaker with tripping characteristic C is required for a charging station circuit.
Vehicles We Can Install Electric Car Chargers For
True Local Electricians can install Electric Car Chargers for all the popular makes & models to your Sydney home, including:
Audi e-tron 55
Audi e-tron 50
BMW i3
Chevrolet Bolt EV
Citroën  C-Zero
Citroën  Citroën ë-C4
Ford Ford Focus Electric
Ford Ford Mustang Mach-E
Honda Clarity Electric
Hyundai Ioniq Electric
Hyundai Kona Electric
Jaguar Land Rover Jaguar I-Pace
Kia Soul EV
Kia e-Niro
Mahindra e2o Plus
Mahindra e-Verito
Mercedes-Benz  B-Class Electric Drive
Mercedes-Benz  EQC
Mitsubishi i-MiEV
Nissan Leaf
Peugeot Peugeot iOn
Peugeot Peugeot e208
Peugeot Peugeot e2008
Renault Zoe
Renault Twizy
Renault Renault Kangoo Z.E.
Tesla Model S
Tesla Model X
Tesla Model 3
Tesla Model Y
Volkswagen e-up!
Volkswagen ID.4
Volkswagen ID.3
True Local Electricians Service Your Area!
We provide electrical services to all areas, suburbs and localities of the Sutherland Shire Council. All of our team are Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals and have fully equipped vans ready to provide you with professional and on time service.
Alfords Point, NSW 2234
Bangor, NSW 2234
Barden Ridge, NSW 2234
Bonnet Bay, NSW 2226
Burraneer, NSW 2230
Caringbah, NSW 2229
Caringbah South, NSW 2229
Como, NSW 2226
Cronulla, NSW 2230
Dolans Bay, NSW 2229
Engadine, NSW 2233
Grays Point, NSW 2232
Greenhills Beach, NSW 2230
Gymea, NSW 2227
Gymea Bay, NSW 2227
Illawong, NSW 2234
Jannali, NSW 2226
Kangaroo Point, NSW 2224
Kareela, NSW 2232
Kirrawee, NSW 2232
Kurnell, NSW 2231
Lilli Pilli, NSW 2229
Loftus, NSW 2232
Menai, NSW 2234
Miranda, NSW 2228
Oyster Bay, NSW 2225
Port Hacking, NSW 2229
Sutherland, NSW 2232
Sylvania, NSW 2224
Taren Point, NSW 2229
Woolooware, NSW 2230
Woronora, NSW 2233
Woronora Heights, NSW 2233
Yowie Bay, NSW 2228
Frequently Asked Emergency Electrical Questions
Why Does My Safety Switch Keep Tripping?
If you have a repeated tripped switch, the most common issue is a faulty appliance. However, other issues may be nuisance tripping and faulty wiring. Contact True Local Electricians for a same-day electrician to fix your problem.
When Do I Need A Switchboard Upgrade?
You should consider a switchboard upgrade when your switchboard is overcrowded, your appliances trip, flickering lights, outdated Fuse, smell burning, or you can see sparks and melted or blackened fuses. Contact True Local Electricians for a switchboard upgrade today!
Can You Perform A FREE Electrical Safety Inspection?
True Local Electricians will provide you with a FREE electrical safety inspection on all of our jobs. Save hundreds of dollars for what other companies charge. This is to ensure that all of our clients have safe and clean electrical systems running 24/7.
I Smell Electricity Burning, What Should I Do?
If you smell electricity burning you should contact True Local Electricians for an emergency electricity. The reasons for this burning smell may be due to loose circuit breaker wires, overloaded wiring or faulty circuit breakers.
When Does My Electrical Equipment Need An Upgrade?
Your circuit breaker will need an upgrade when it becomes faulty due to wear and tear or an electrical issue. You should always get frequent electrical checks to ensure optimal performance. We proudly offer a FREE electrical inspection on each job.
How Long Will It Take For An Electrician To Arrive In An Emergency?
As we have 24 hr emergency electricians working around the clock. Our average dispatch time is approximately less than 60 minutes. In the meantime, if it is a serious emergency issue you can have a look at the SES’s top electrical safety tips while you wait for assistance.
Why Isn’t My Hot Water System Working?
The most common electrical issues are when your circuit breaker is tripped and will not stay back on and there is a problem with your thermostat. Regardless of the issue, True Local Electricians can do it all including the plumbing works to save you money.
Why Are My Lights Flickering?
If your lights are continuously flickering this may be due to a loose bulb, loose connection, voltage increase or the type of light. This potentially could be either a minor or a major electrical fault if not dealt with properly.
What Do I Do With A Beeping Smoke Alarm?
If your smoke alarm is continuously beeping than this may be a sign of it needing a battery replacement. However, this may also be due to a ended life span of 8-10 years. If you need an electrician to install a new one, contact True Local Electricians today!
What Is The Difference Between A Fuse Box And Safety Box?
Although they both perform the same function which is safety protection. A fuse box protected appliances from electrical spikes. Whereas a safety box protects people from general electrical hazards. True Local Electrician’s specialises in fuse box upgrades!
Fully Qualified and Insured – Call Out Electrician
True Local Electricians provide rapid emergency electrician services to residential and commercial electrical services throughout The Sutherland Shire. We’ve been the reliable electrician for home and business owners in Sydney for more than 15 years. This has allowed us to foster a strong reputation for quality, affordability and fantastic customer service. Electrical problems seem to always occur at times where you least expect them to. They can immediately impact bottom line or a seemingly smooth flowing weekend. Rest assured that just in case trouble occurs, we are always a phone call away as we have fully stocked vans in The Sutherland Shire.
Our team are fully qualified electrician with extensive industry experience. We always provide a rapid response and we offer every single electrical service. This varies from re-wiring, switchboard upgrades, power point installation, fault diagnosis, routine maintenance, LED lighting and Level 2 electrician services. If you are business experiencing electrical problems, leave it completely to our Sutherland Shire emergency electricians. We guarantee to have you back up and running in no time whatsoever. For instance, faulty wiring and repeated electrical failures indicate a significant issue. Don’t risk your safety or your family’s safety – call a local emergency electrician now.
  1/14-16 Giddings Ave, Cronulla NSW 2230
  Phone 0423 562 257
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Level 2 Electrician
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The post EV Electric Car Chargers first appeared on True Local Electricians. from https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/electrical-services/ev-electric-car-chargers/
from   Commercial Hospitality Furniture - Blog http://nextrendau.weebly.com/blog/ev-electric-car-chargers
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houseplandrafting · 4 years
EV Electric Car Chargers
EV Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Electrician
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EV Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Electrician
EV Electric Vehicle Charger Installation Specialist – Sutherland Shire
If you have recently purchased a new Electric Vehicle and need a Level 2 charger installed in your Garage, we can help! Please call us for a FREE quote on 0423 562 257
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Fill-in your details below and we will get back to you within 30 minutes or less!
24hr & Same Day Service
Our Electricians near you are On Call 24 Hours & will attend to your electrical emergency no matter what time of day or night
Fully Licensed & Insured
Our professional Sutherland Shire Electricians are fully Qualified, Licensed & Insured to work on both Residential & Commercial properties
Free Quotes & $0 Call Out Fee
No Gimmicks – FREE in-home quote & NO Call Out Fee during business hours. We offer Fixed Price services before we begin work, so there’s no surprises
Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals
Aussie Owned & Operated by Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals – Based in Cronulla
Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship
We Provide a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for piece of mind. We Guarantee our work & will fix any workmanship faults for FREE!
Affordable Fixed Prices & Seniors Discount
We offer Affordable, Fixed Price services before we begin work so there’s no surprises. Even cheaper with our Seniors Discount
Electric Car Charger Installers – Sutherland Shire
True Local Electricians specialise in installation of all EVSE Fully Electric & PHEV car chargers to suit Tesla Model 3, Model S & Model X, Tesla Supercharge, Tesla Powerwall, Hyundai Kona & iOniq EV Charger Installation, Nissan Leaf EV Charger Installation. If required, we are able upgrade your home electricity provisions to a 3 phase power delivery system to accommodate your new Electric Car charge requirements.
True Local Electricians are your local Sutherland Shire Electricians specialising in Electric Car charger installations to all the Sutherland Shire including Alfords Point, Bangor, Barden Ridge, Bonnet Bay, Burraneer, Caringbah South, Caringbah, Como, Cronulla, Dolans Bay, Engadine, Grays Point, Green Hills Beach, Gymea, Gymea Bay, Illawong, Jannali, Kangaroo Point, Kareela, Kirrawee, Kurnell, Lilli Pilli, Loftus, Menai, Miranda, Oyster Bay, Port Hacking, Sutherland, Sylvania, Taren Point, Wooloware, Woranora, Woranora Heights, Yowie Bay.
FREE Quotes & $0 Call Out Fee
Types of Electric Vehicle Chargers
Many Electric Vehicle drivers make do with plugging in their vehicles into a standard power outlet for an overnight charge. However if you frequently find yourself needing to recharge your EV by midday on a given day, having a Level 2 charger installed by True Local Electricians Sutherland Shire is a smart investment.
EVSE chargers supply electrical energy to recharge electric vehicles. There are three levels of electric vehicle charging devices available:
Level 1 Charger – Type 1 AC J1772 & SAE J1772
This charger comes standard with most electric vehicles sold in Australia and is plugged into any standard three-prong Power Point outlet. Although Level 1 chargers can be the most practical, their power delivery is somewhat limited and can charge  EV batteries very slowly. Level 1 EVSE chargers are best used for overnight charging an Electric Vehicle, charging PHEVS (Petrol-hybrid electric vehicles) and those on a budget. Although a great entry level product, Level 1 chargers are not guaranteed or designed to meet the future needs of electric vehicles.
Level 2 Charger – Type 1 IEC 62196 & Mennekes
This style of charger is a more advanced EVSE charger that requires its own dedicated 240-volt circuit, and need to be professionally Installed by True Local Electricians. Level 2 chargers work much faster and are able to fully charge an EV in about 3hrs. Increasingly, EV manufacturers like Tesla, Hyundai & Nissan are now including a Level 2 charger standard with each new car purchase. Level 2 chargers are the most recommended type of charger for homes to get the most from their new Electric Car purchase. Level 2 Electric Vehicle chargers offer a wide range of charging speeds up to 22 kw’s which would give your EV 140kms of range per hour of charging.  Level 2 chargers provide significantly faster charge times and better safety due to the use of dedicated wiring circuit installed by True Local Electricians.
Level 3 Charger – Rapid DC Fast Charging
Level 3 chargers are the standalone device commonly available at public charging stations. These chargers are the fastest of all chargers and can add 160 kms of driving range to an EV’s batteries in about 30mins. These do not have much of a residential application at this stage as they can be quite expensive and require an industrial-level power draw. If you own or work at an industrial building, it is possible to have a Level 3 charger installed there. Level 3 chargers are commonly found in commercial applications such as petrol stations, carparks, motorways, and street side areas.
Guide to Installing an Electric Car Charger
True Local Electricians will provide an on-site FREE quote to determine your homes delivery capabilities in relation to what your new Electric Car requires.
Charger Requirements:
Level 2 Electric Car chargers must be connected via their own dedicated cable directly from your homes fuse box / switchboard 3 phase power source. No additional appliances should be connected to the cable allowing the maximum rate of power delivery to flow to the vehicle.
Use The Right Cable For EV Charging Load
If the cables you use for your charger are too thin, they become hot and present signs of melting and burning. If the charging current is of 16 A or above we recommend a cable with a minimum size of 2.5 mm or more, allowing the vehicle to be charged with a charging output of 11-22 kW. In application where a three-phase charger installed, we recommend a 5-conductor supply cable to be used. The inner diameter of the cable depends on factors such as cable length, potential drop, environmental temperature and type of installation. True Local Electricians will assess your home and determine the appropriate diameter cable you require. We recommend preparing cables where possible for a three-phase connection, in order to be future-proof you as the future of EV’s will have quicker charging speeds and larger battery capacities.
RCD / Residual Current Device Safety in EV’s.
We use residual current device’s (RCD) to protect you from and electric shocks. An RCD balances the electric current in the live and neutral wires to/from the vehicle charger in the electric car. If a residual current flows through the bodywork of the car or the driver to the floor, the RCD is trips and breaks the circuit to protect the individual. Which Types of
What Residual Current Devices Are There?
At the minimum, a residual current device of Type A is required for each charger. The Type A RCD is a standard RCD safety switch which is installed, however some electric cars may generate smooth DC fault currents during charging. If this is the case then the appropriate DC residual current protection device must be installed. True Local Electricians recommend the installation of a RCD Type B: A Type B RCD which is sensitive to all types of AC and DC residual currents and well suited for all Electric Vehicle charger installations.
Installing a circuit breaker for your EV charger
The circuit breaker protects the cable and ensures that the circuit is broken if too much electricity flows through the cable. This ensures that no damages occur to cables as a result of overloading. In conjunction with an RCD, a circuit breaker with tripping characteristic C is required for a charging station circuit.
Vehicles We Can Install Electric Car Chargers For
True Local Electricians can install Electric Car Chargers for all the popular makes & models to your Sydney home, including:
Audi e-tron 55
Audi e-tron 50
BMW i3
Chevrolet Bolt EV
Citroën  C-Zero
Citroën  Citroën ë-C4
Ford Ford Focus Electric
Ford Ford Mustang Mach-E
Honda Clarity Electric
Hyundai Ioniq Electric
Hyundai Kona Electric
Jaguar Land Rover Jaguar I-Pace
Kia Soul EV
Kia e-Niro
Mahindra e2o Plus
Mahindra e-Verito
Mercedes-Benz  B-Class Electric Drive
Mercedes-Benz  EQC
Mitsubishi i-MiEV
Nissan Leaf
Peugeot Peugeot iOn
Peugeot Peugeot e208
Peugeot Peugeot e2008
Renault Zoe
Renault Twizy
Renault Renault Kangoo Z.E.
Tesla Model S
Tesla Model X
Tesla Model 3
Tesla Model Y
Volkswagen e-up!
Volkswagen ID.4
Volkswagen ID.3
True Local Electricians Service Your Area!
We provide electrical services to all areas, suburbs and localities of the Sutherland Shire Council. All of our team are Aussie Sutherland Shire Locals and have fully equipped vans ready to provide you with professional and on time service.
Alfords Point, NSW 2234
Bangor, NSW 2234
Barden Ridge, NSW 2234
Bonnet Bay, NSW 2226
Burraneer, NSW 2230
Caringbah, NSW 2229
Caringbah South, NSW 2229
Como, NSW 2226
Cronulla, NSW 2230
Dolans Bay, NSW 2229
Engadine, NSW 2233
Grays Point, NSW 2232
Greenhills Beach, NSW 2230
Gymea, NSW 2227
Gymea Bay, NSW 2227
Illawong, NSW 2234
Jannali, NSW 2226
Kangaroo Point, NSW 2224
Kareela, NSW 2232
Kirrawee, NSW 2232
Kurnell, NSW 2231
Lilli Pilli, NSW 2229
Loftus, NSW 2232
Menai, NSW 2234
Miranda, NSW 2228
Oyster Bay, NSW 2225
Port Hacking, NSW 2229
Sutherland, NSW 2232
Sylvania, NSW 2224
Taren Point, NSW 2229
Woolooware, NSW 2230
Woronora, NSW 2233
Woronora Heights, NSW 2233
Yowie Bay, NSW 2228
Frequently Asked Emergency Electrical Questions
Why Does My Safety Switch Keep Tripping?
If you have a repeated tripped switch, the most common issue is a faulty appliance. However, other issues may be nuisance tripping and faulty wiring. Contact True Local Electricians for a same-day electrician to fix your problem.
When Do I Need A Switchboard Upgrade?
You should consider a switchboard upgrade when your switchboard is overcrowded, your appliances trip, flickering lights, outdated Fuse, smell burning, or you can see sparks and melted or blackened fuses. Contact True Local Electricians for a switchboard upgrade today!
Can You Perform A FREE Electrical Safety Inspection?
True Local Electricians will provide you with a FREE electrical safety inspection on all of our jobs. Save hundreds of dollars for what other companies charge. This is to ensure that all of our clients have safe and clean electrical systems running 24/7.
I Smell Electricity Burning, What Should I Do?
If you smell electricity burning you should contact True Local Electricians for an emergency electricity. The reasons for this burning smell may be due to loose circuit breaker wires, overloaded wiring or faulty circuit breakers.
When Does My Electrical Equipment Need An Upgrade?
Your circuit breaker will need an upgrade when it becomes faulty due to wear and tear or an electrical issue. You should always get frequent electrical checks to ensure optimal performance. We proudly offer a FREE electrical inspection on each job.
How Long Will It Take For An Electrician To Arrive In An Emergency?
As we have 24 hr emergency electricians working around the clock. Our average dispatch time is approximately less than 60 minutes. In the meantime, if it is a serious emergency issue you can have a look at the SES’s top electrical safety tips while you wait for assistance.
Why Isn’t My Hot Water System Working?
The most common electrical issues are when your circuit breaker is tripped and will not stay back on and there is a problem with your thermostat. Regardless of the issue, True Local Electricians can do it all including the plumbing works to save you money.
Why Are My Lights Flickering?
If your lights are continuously flickering this may be due to a loose bulb, loose connection, voltage increase or the type of light. This potentially could be either a minor or a major electrical fault if not dealt with properly.
What Do I Do With A Beeping Smoke Alarm?
If your smoke alarm is continuously beeping than this may be a sign of it needing a battery replacement. However, this may also be due to a ended life span of 8-10 years. If you need an electrician to install a new one, contact True Local Electricians today!
What Is The Difference Between A Fuse Box And Safety Box?
Although they both perform the same function which is safety protection. A fuse box protected appliances from electrical spikes. Whereas a safety box protects people from general electrical hazards. True Local Electrician’s specialises in fuse box upgrades!
Fully Qualified and Insured – Call Out Electrician
True Local Electricians provide rapid emergency electrician services to residential and commercial electrical services throughout The Sutherland Shire. We’ve been the reliable electrician for home and business owners in Sydney for more than 15 years. This has allowed us to foster a strong reputation for quality, affordability and fantastic customer service. Electrical problems seem to always occur at times where you least expect them to. They can immediately impact bottom line or a seemingly smooth flowing weekend. Rest assured that just in case trouble occurs, we are always a phone call away as we have fully stocked vans in The Sutherland Shire.
Our team are fully qualified electrician with extensive industry experience. We always provide a rapid response and we offer every single electrical service. This varies from re-wiring, switchboard upgrades, power point installation, fault diagnosis, routine maintenance, LED lighting and Level 2 electrician services. If you are business experiencing electrical problems, leave it completely to our Sutherland Shire emergency electricians. We guarantee to have you back up and running in no time whatsoever. For instance, faulty wiring and repeated electrical failures indicate a significant issue. Don’t risk your safety or your family’s safety – call a local emergency electrician now.
  1/14-16 Giddings Ave, Cronulla NSW 2230
  Phone 0423 562 257
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Level 2 Electrician
Emergency Electrician
Electrical Services
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Fill-in your details below and we will get back to you within 30 minutes or less!
Copyright © 2020 True Local Services – All Rights Reserved
License No. 346830C | ABN 54 637 930 931 | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Licensed Electrician| | HTML Sitemap
The post EV Electric Car Chargers first appeared on True Local Electricians. source https://www.truelocalelectricians.com.au/electrical-services/ev-electric-car-chargers/
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love-laika · 7 years
It’s game of the year season seemingly wherever I go now, so I thought it might be interesting to think about what my personal GOTYs would be for every year of my life that I’ve had them.
1996-2002: family did not own any video games, except maybe my dad had Tony Hawk 2 for his old computer at some point? It was a long time ago
2003: the year I got my Gameboy advance (silver). I had one game that I played all year and it was Super Mario World still love that game its probably my most played game of all time
2004: would you believe that Half-Life 2, Katamari Damacy, Burnout 3, and Metroid Prime 2 all came out this year? Anyways I didn't own any of those consoles. I had Pokemon fire red on a GBA SP and that backlight saved my childhood. Honorable mention: Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
2005: it's Pokemon back-2-back baby. I asked my grandma for Leaf Green and instead she bought a different green (Emerald) game. Which like, thanks grandma and probably guy at target for that one. Over the next 2 years or so, I had two different save files, each with about 250 hours
2006: the year of the DS and I am at the point in my life where I have more than one non-Pokemon game a year to play. I basically lived in animal crossing wild world for that part of my life. I have distinct memories of me and my friends all piled into a minivan with that one. Honorable mention: RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
2007: I was lucky enough to somehow get a Wii from my parents despite the fact that people were getting into fist fights over them. I could say Mario Galaxy or Zelda or Pokemon but nah, Need for Speed Carbon. My first racing game that for a short time made me obsessed with cars
2008: ok I'm going to cheat on this one because there are two games I can't not mention. Pre-PS3 acquiring GOTY is Guitar Hero 3 it's not even the best GH but it was the one I had and I played the shit out of it. Post-PS3 has to go to LittleBigPlanet because I was equally obsessed
2009: honestly tbh two of my favorite came out this year but I'm picking one. While Skate 2 is my second favorite skating game of all time (behind THPS2), Uncharted 2 wins this year. I'm now 13 and "plugged in" to the gaming scene and buy games as they come out!
2010: the year my parents got divorced!! I spent a lot of time avoiding things with video games. I now have my own PC that can kind of game. The first indie contender is Super Meat Boy! I also poured hours into Battlefield Bad Company 2 but the winner absolutely has to be a game from 2008. Fallout 3, while I acknowledge that New Vegas is superior in almost every way, is a game that sucked me in for over 200 hours that year. I was ready for the biggest disappointment in my whole life 5 years later (thanks Todd)
2011: I love LittleBigPlanet 2 and Minecraft to death but Portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 portal 2 po
2012: honestly, I don't remember fucking any of the major games released this year. I guess I played Borderlands 2? so fuck it, Team Fortress 2 is my GOTY for 2012
2013: it ain't Bioshock Infinite or GTA V that's for sure! My three faves from 2013 are, from bottom to top: Gone Home (everybody's favorite gay walking sim), Saints Row 4 (when SR5???), and The Last of Us (shocker right, who didn't pick that)
2014: as much as I loved Titanfall, I already feel a bit bad about shorting Brawl and Melee in the past. I put way more time into Smash for Wii U (and 3DS) than any fighting/party game. Still praying for that switch port because then it would be literally perfect
2015: my GOTY is Fuck Fallout 4 lmao. No but actually its Undertale because it’s fucking amazing, just sort of everywhere. Sorry Life is Strange, sorry Super Mario Maker, I'm still a Homestuck in my heart
2016: I've been so bad at playing games this year, I actually still have games from last year I want to finish (VA-11 Hall-A whoops). but god Titanfall 2 is so good, it’s a shame Respawn has had so much trouble finding financial success
2017: AND FINALLY, THIS YEAR will have to wait because im busy
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: An upright or indoor vacuum cleaner is a fantastic piece of equipment to have around the house
Want to remove dirt and dust from the floor? Your vacuum cleaner can do that. Tired of seeing your nice carpet littered with pet hair? Then whip out your vacuum cleaner. You can even clean your kitchen appliances, recover tiny items, get rid of allergens at home, and more when you have this home equipment.  But a conventional vacuum cleaner simply won’t do if you’re a woodworker or a contractor. The types of projects you take on require something as heavy-duty and as versatile as a shop vac. In this article, we’re going to learn what a shop vac is and how you can make your workshop or job site cleaner and safer with this piece of equipment. We’re also going to review some of the best shop vacs available online and in your favorite local hardware store. Feel free to use our buying guide below to help you choose the right shop vac for your workshop, business, or home. 1. Sale WORKSHOP Wet Dry Vac WS1600VA High Capacity Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner, 16-Gallon Shop Vacuum Cleaner, 6.5 Peak HP Wet And Dry Vacuum 2-1/2-inch x 7-foot dual-flex locking Hose offers 180 degree flexibility at both hose ends. Locking tab keeps hose connected to the wet dry vacuum cleaner during use Qwik Lock filter fastening system allows quick and easy wet dry vacuum filter changes and contains an auto shut-off float mechanism that helps prevent overflow during wet pickups. Accessory storage on the feet and top keeps vacuum attachments secure and within reach This shop vacuum cleaner has a tough copolymer drum to resist dents and cracks, It will not rust and has a large drain for easy liquid disposal. Not compatible with dust collection bags. Integrated blowing port provides added versatility to this powerful wet dry vacuum cleaner, allowing a user to blow unwanted debris out of garages, jobsites, and driveways. Check Price Below Buy on Amazon 2. CRAFTSMAN CMXEVBE17595 16 Gallon 6.5 Peak HP Wet/Dry Vac, Heavy-Duty Shop Vacuum with Attachments HEAVY-DUTY: Powerful 6.5 peak HP provides extra power for large projects in the garage, shop and on the jobsite BUILT-IN BLOWER PORT: Rear blowing port on this wet dry vac allows for quick cleaning of leaves and grass clippings in your garage and outdoors OVERSIZED DRAIN: Built-in oversized drain on the wet/dry vac allows for convenient emptying of liquids DUAL-FLEX TECHNOLOGY: 2-1/2 in. diameter shop vacuum hose features Dual-Flex technology for 180-degree mobility at each end to resist kinking ACCESSORIES INCLUDED: 2-1/2 in. x 7 ft. Pos-I-Lock Dual-Flex Hose, 2 Extension Wands, Utility Nozzle, Car Nozzle, Wet Nozzle, Qwik Lock Filter and Dust Collection Bag Check Price Below Buy on Amazon 3. Stanley 6 Gallon Wet Dry Vacuum , 4 Peak HP Poly 3 in 1 Shop Vac Blower with Powerful Suction, Multifunctional Shop Vacuum W/ 4 Horsepower Motor for Job Site,Garage,Basement,Van,Workshop,Vehicle We are the official seller of wet and dry vacuum cleaners, 100% of the products in our shop are genuine.Stanley is a well-known company that focuses on R & D, production and sales of vacuum cleaners. In addition, stanley is the recognized world leader in wet/dry vacuum cleaners. Since 1843, we have produced innovative, high quality vacuum cleaners, hose, filters, bags, & other accessories Advantages: 1. Large capacity. ---- 6 gallons of capacity can satisfy normal daily using for you, you can use it for a long time without frequent cleaning of the trash inside. 2.Easy to use.---You just need to close the cover, connect the hose, and plug in the power so that you can use it. 3.Powerful vacuuming ability.----The 4.0 horsepower makes it easy to suck all kinds of debris, garbage, dirty water into tank. 4.Weight 13.8 pounds, with wheels, lightweight, portable, movable Applications Target: Benefit from its powerful vacuuming function, it is very useful for household, upholster, garage, workshop, hotel, car wash, laundry, shop, jobsite, bedroom, kitchen etc Features: Reach far away --- Over 16 foot of cleaning reach (6 foot hose and 10 foot power cord) allows you to reach farther without unplugging the unit. Long life cycle.--- It can work over 300 hours continuously. Extra large drain port.--- Provides easy vacuuming & emptying. Large transfer switch.--- make it convenient for using. Big handle,easy to carry WHAT YOU GET --- Stanley SL18116P Wet / Dry Vac x 1, 1-1/4"x6’ super flexible hose x 1,extension wands x 3, gulper nozzle, floor nozzle x 1,crevice nozzle x 1,foam filter x 1, dust bag x 1, reusable dry filter x 1, 12-month warranty Check Price Below Buy on Amazon 4. Sale Porter-Cable 5 Gallon Wet Dry Vacuum, 4 Peak HP Stainless Steel 3 in 1 Shop Vac Blower with Powerful Suction, Multifunctional Shop Vacuum W/ 4 Horsepower Motor for Job Site,Garage,Basement,Workshop 【LARGER CAPACITY】Porter-Cable PCX18406-5B Wet / Dry Vacuum has a 19 L large capacity, makes small clean-up jobs a breeze for you as you don’t have to empty the bucket frequently any more 【VERSATILE & POWERFUL】Thanks to the 4 peak HP motor, this vac offers powerful enough suction needed to almost any cleanup jobs in vehicle, jobsite, workshop, garage, basement, van, house, etc 【3 in 1 FUNCTION】With this versatile vac you can vacuum both wet liquid spills and dry debris, dust, saw, dirt or blow leaves away(use blower port), just organize the hose and power cord on top handle and side wraps after using, conveniently 【FARTHER CLEANUP】With over 15 ft of cleaning reach(5 ft hose, 10 ft power cord and 3 pieces of extension wands) it’s easy to do a farther cleanup for you without unplugging the unit, while it has four swivel casters for convenient and easy manoeuvrability 【WHAT YOU GET】PORTER-CABLE PCX18406-5B Wet / Dry Vac x 1, 1-1/4"x5’ super flexible hose x 1,extension wands x 3;floor nozzle x 1,crevice nozzle x 1,gulper nozzle x 1,foam filter x 1;dust bag x 1,storage bag x 1;reusable dry filter x 1;inflator kit, 36-Month Warranty.Note:All accessories are inside of the tank Check Price Below Buy on Amazon 5. Sale Vacmaster VJC507P 5-Gallon 3 Peak HP Wet/Dry Shop Vacuum, Blue, 5 gal 5 Gallon Polypropylene Tank 3 Peak HP Motor 8 Ft. Cord with Cord Wrap On-Board Accessory Storage Locking Hose Check Price Below Buy on Amazon 6. Sale AUTLEAD Wet Dry Vacuum 5.5 HP 5.5 Gallon Pure Copper Motor Wet/Dry/Blow 3 in 1 Shop Vac, Stable Round Bucket Design with Pulley System and HEPA Filter [SUPER PERFORMANCE SUCTION AND PURE COPPER MOTOR] The product's suction capacity is up to 5.5HP, which is higher than similar products on the market. It produces with pure copper wire motor, and also inside with the buoy technology double assure the operation safety [HIGH CAPACITY FOR HOME/BUSINESS USE] 5.5 gallons of capacity makes it ideal for home and business. Its relatively small size makes it easy to store and move. It also has a good performance in collecting the dust on the carpet/floors/cars/garage or in shops. The easy open hook makes it more convenient to release the waste to the trash bin [COMPLETE ACCESSORIES] Floor brush, T-brush, sofa brush , disposable dust bag, HEPA filter and extension wands all include this model, one stop solution, full sets of vacuum cleaning attachments provided, which brings a better experience for your home cleaning work [3 IN 1 MULTI-FUNCTION & EASY USE] This vacuum can use in dry /wet vacuum also it can be used as the blower to clean the leaf/dust/chippings. You just need connect the wand and the brush, one start button can start your work [WHAT YOU GET FROM US] 1 Vacuum cleaner, 3 extension wands, 1 hose (1.26 inches in diameter and 4.9 feet long), 1 floor brush,1 T-brush, 1 sofa brush, 1 HEPA filter, 1 disposable dust bag, 1 user manual ,1X 24 months service card. Check Price Below Buy on Amazon 7. Armor All, AA255 , 2.5 Gallon 2 Peak HP Wet/Dry Utility Shop Vacuum 2.5 Gallon Polypropylene Tank 2 Peak HP Motor 10 Ft. Cord With Cord Wrap Blower Function – Easy Conversion On-board Accessory & Hose Storage Check Price Below Buy on Amazon 1. WORKSHOP WS1600VA Wet Dry Shop Vacuum Pros: It has a high-capacity and durable 16-gallon plastic tank. This is a portable shop vac. Moving it from one part of your workshop to another is super easy thanks to its four casters. It has a 7-ft. hose with a locking mechanism and a diameter of 2 1/2 inches. The built-in locking mechanism ensures that it won’t come off from the equipment while you’re working. It is versatile. It can be your regular shop vac that you can attach to your power tools or you can use the different attachments included in the package to clean your workshop or home. Cons: It is so loud. If you’re using it with a power tool, make sure that you’re using ear protection. Sebring Tip: The WORKSHOP WS1600VA Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner is the king of shop vacs thanks to its powerful 12 amp motor that offers reliable and impressive performance. The large and durable plastic drum completes this top rated shop vac. Plus, it has a 169 CFM rating, and 46 inches of water lift. Moving it around the workshop or the house is a breeze thanks to the four casters at the base. Plus, making sure that it keeps your work table clean while using your scroll saw or belt sander is easy thanks to its powerful motor. It comes with multiple attachments, including a utility nozzle, a car nozzle, and a wet nozzle. It also includes a couple of extension wands, a locking sleeve, and a filter. What’s great about its design is that you can store the attachments at the base with its onboard storage. 2. CRAFTSMAN CMXEVBE17595 Wet Dry Shop Vacuum Pros: It has a stout and sturdy 16-gallon plastic tank. This Craftsman Shop Vacuum has an impressive 12-amp motor. Two extension wands, a car nozzle, a wet nozzle, and a utility nozzle are included in the package. It is not as loud as other shop vacs we’ve reviewed. It has a longer 7-ft hose (diameter: 2 1/2 in) and a 20-ft power cord. Cons: It’s a minor task, but unlike other vacs, you need to assemble the onboard storage/base and install caster wheels. Sebring Tip: This CRAFTSMAN CMXEVBE17595 Shop Vacuum is one of the pricier units on the list, but it’s a good deal as its performance is impressive and the craftsmanship is excellent. The drum has a low profile, so it’s less prone to tipping over when moved. It is, however, large enough to accommodate as much as 16 gallons of liquid. It is also a reliable partner for woodworking projects thanks to its powerful 12-amp motor. 3. Stanley SL18116P Wet/Dry Vacuum Pros: It has a 75 CFM rating that delivers powerful suction whether you’re extracting dry or wet waste. It has a mid-sized and durable 6-gallon plastic drum. It comes with a 6-ft hose and a 10-ft power cord. The tank has swiveling casters that let you wheel it over near your work table so you can hook it to your power tool or bring it outdoors with you to blow some leaves away from your property. It is one of the most affordable shop vacs in the list. Cons: The caster fastening needs to be improved as the wheels won’t stay on if you lift the drum. Sebring Tip: If you want a starter shop vac that costs less than a hundred bucks, then the Stanley SL18116P Wet/Dry Vacuum might be your ideal candidate. This wet/dry vacuum has a good motor with an adequate 75 CFM rating. The 6-gallon drum is good enough for those who are working in a dry work environment. But it might not be large enough if you’re siphoning water from a flooded basement or a clogged bathtub and you don’t want to spend the whole day operating the vac.  The package includes a couple of extension wands, a crevice nozzle, a floor nozzle, and a gulper nozzle. It also includes a clamp ring, disposable filter bag, foam filter (if you want to use it in wet environments), and a reusable filter (for dry work environments). 4. Porter-Cable PCX18406-5B Wet/Dry Vacuum Pros: The 5-gallon drum is made of stainless steel and can accommodate as much as 5 gallons of liquid. There’s a wide array of attachments included in the package. It has a 36-month warranty (subject to conditions, of course). This Porter-Cable shop vac can also be used as an air pump. Cons: It is very loud. Wear ear protection if you’re going to use it for several hours. Sebring Tip: The Porter-Cable PCX18406-5B Wet/Dry Vacuum is a versatile piece of equipment ideal for the home or for your workshop. Say goodbye to dust that seems to get into the nooks and cranny of your workshop with this Porter-Cable powerful shop vac. It includes a 5 ft hose which is an inch or so shorter than other hoses of other shop vacs in the list. But rest assured that all the necessary attachments are here, including the floor nozzles, crevice nozzle, and gulper nozzle. It also includes an inflator kit for whenever you want to inflate a mattress or a toy. 5. Vacmaster VJC507P Wet/Dry Shop Vacuum Pros: It has a compact yet durable 5-gallon plastic tank. It has a large easy to access on-off switch at the top. This Vacmaster shop vacuum has a large handle which makes it easy to move from one part of the workshop to another. Four caster wheels are attached to the base for added portability.  The hose comes with a lock mechanism so it doesn’t come loose during operation. It is one of the most affordable yet highly rated shop vacs on the list. Cons: The 7 amp motor leaves a lot to be desired. The hose is long enough, but it is not wide enough (diameter is only 1 1/4 inches). Sebring Tip: The Vacmaster VJC507P Wet/Dry Shop Vacuum is one of the most affordable products on the list. It is a good starter vac if you want a heavy-duty piece of equipment that is handy around the house or you’re using it for your occasional woodworking projects. The drum is designed to hold in as much as 5 gallons of liquid, but it’s more than enough if you want to extract sawdust, dirt, and debris in your garage or workshop. A noise diffuser, multiple extension wands, and a cloth filter are already included in the package. You’ll also get a foam sleeve, a 2-in-1 utility nozzle, and a floor brush. 6. AUTLEAD Wet Dry Vacuum Pros: This is one of the most compact shop vacs with its 5.5-gallon drum. Autlead has a responsive customer service team.  The multiple attachments are always within easy reach thanks to the onboard storage. A HEPA filter is included in the package. Cons: It’s hard to find replacement parts for this particular brand. Sebring Tip: The AUTLEAD WDS02A Wet Dry Vacuum might not seem like the most popular product we have on this list, but surprisingly, its performance is at par with some of the more popular units in the review. Its powerful motor takes away all the dirt from the floor and furniture, and it extracts a large amount of sawdust when attached to a power tool.  Connecting it with your power tool is easy if you have the right adapter. It includes several attachments, including a T-brush, a sofa brush, and three extension wands. It also has a HEPA filter, a disposable dust bag, and a dust bag filter. Looking for replacement parts can be a pain, so it’s best to call Autlead’s customer service if you need one. 7. Armor All AA255 Wet/Dry Utility Shop Vacuum Pros: It has a 10-ft cord. This is ideal for large workshops or for working outdoors. It has a 6-ft vacuum hose.  This shop vac comes with multiple attachments. It has a large and durable 2.5-gallon tank. This shop vac has an automatic shut-off that prevents the tank from overflowing. Cons: It doesn’t have caster wheels, so you need to tie a strap around the handle to make it more portable. The hose diameter is only 1 1/4 inches. Sebring Tip: The Armor All AA255 Wet/Dry Utility Shop Vacuum is a nice vacuum cleaner to have around your house or workshop. This is a great piece of equipment to have whether you’re a woodworker who wants a reliable shop vac for whenever you have a project or you just want something that you can use to get rid of pet hair and debris. It’s not the most powerful shop vac on the list, but it can extract sawdust adequately and keeps the work area generally clean. All you have to do is attach it to your random orbital sander or scroll saw using a compatible connector, and you’re ready to work. It is versatile. It comes with multiple attachments including a utility nozzle with brush, a car nozzle, a blower nozzle, and a crevice tool. The reusable cloth filter and foam sleeve filter are also included. Overall, this is a good compact shop vac for hobbyists and occasional users because of its versatility. What Is A Shop Vac? A shop vac is an equipment that is similar to a traditional or upright vacuum cleaner. But, of course, there are differences between these two pieces of equipment. While upright vacuum cleaners are used indoors, shop vacs can be used indoors and outdoors.  Shop vacs are suitable for different applications, jobsites, and working conditions. They are powered by a heavy-duty motor and come with a large stainless steel or plastic drum or tank. Several upright vacuum cleaners can be used to extract liquids, but these are the exception rather than the norm. Shop vacs, on the other hand, can be used for both dry and wet applications. You can use them to remove dirt and debris from the ground today, then use them to extract water in case of floods or spills tomorrow.  Shop vacs have a large drum or tank where all the extracted dirt, debris, dust, or water are stored until they are disposed of. Upright or indoor vacuum cleaners, on the other hand, have a smaller dust bag. They are an indispensable tool, especially for contractors and woodworkers. Shop vacs are used to remove solid and liquid waste off the floor or any surface in the work area. But apart from that, woodworkers, furniture-makers, joiners, and more also plug the shop vac’s hose into some of the power tools they use to get rid of sawdust produced during the operation. Wet/Dry Shop Vac Buying Guide Airflow Airflow measures the amount of air sucked into the shop vac within one minute. This is measured in cubic feet per minute or CFM. When it comes to choosing the best wet/dry shop vac, choose one with a higher CFM rating to get the most out of your machine.  The bad news is a lot of manufacturers do not readily supply their units’ CFM, so you have to dig deeper when reading product descriptions and specifications. You can try the manufacturer’s website to look for this important detail. They are usually listed in the ‘Specifications’ portion of the product information page. Water Lift  Also called sealed suction or sealed pressure. Water lift is measured by testing the amount of water (in inches) that a vacuum can suck. Just like airflow, the higher the quantity of water it extracts, the better. Remodeling your house soon or looking for some gift ideas? Then check out our blog for tons of the latest home remodeling ideas and tool reviews. Watts It refers to the power consumption of the shop vac’s motor. When it comes to choosing a good shop vac, look for ones with higher watts as these have more powerful motors. Hose Size and Length Shop vac hose diameter ranges between 1 1/4 inches to as much as 2 1/2 inches. If you want to remove bigger debris or you want a faster liquid cleanup, then a wider hose is ideal for you. A wider hose also doesn’t clog as easily as a narrow hose tend to. For some users, a longer shop vac hose is better than a shorter one. You can reach more debris with a longer hose, but you might be sacrificing overall vacuum power just to get a couple of inches or so. Remember that the motor will need to work harder if you have a longer hose, so it might not be to your advantage.  Make sure that the hose has a lock to ensure that it won’t come loose off the canister or drum when you’re pulling it or moving it around. Tank Material and Size If you’re a professional woodworker or you clean flooded properties for a living, then choose a large tank that can store up to 14 gallons or more. There are two types of tank materials: stainless steel and plastic. Plastic tanks or drums are lighter compared to stainless steel ones. They also do not dent when you accidentally bang them on hard objects. Stainless steel tanks are heavier and more expensive than plastic ones. The pros are that they are sturdier and are easier to clean. Filter Most shop vac models have pleated cartridge filters. Look for filters like these as they are not as prone to dust leaks compared to paper-and-foam filters. Plus, it’s easier to change them when the time comes. Always ask your retailer if the unit’s filter can be easily replaced. Steer clear of units with odd-sized filters as they can be harder to replace. A Word On Peak Horsepower You might be wondering why peak horsepower is relegated to the last portion of this section. That’s because peak horsepower is not crucial at all when it comes to choosing a shop vac. Let me explain why. Peak horsepower is the measurement of the peak in-rush current to the motor the moment you turn it on. It is not, however, the measurement of the nominal operating current of the motor. This is just another marketing ploy that does not mean anything at all when it comes to the suction power of the shop vac. If you want to check the shop vac’s suction power, then it’s best to check the airflow (CFM) and water lift instead. Conclusion: We’ve come to the end of the review, and the best shop vac for me is the WORKSHOP WS1600VA Wet Dry Shop Vacuum. What are the things that make this shop vac stand out? First is its motor’s performance. It has a 169 CFM rating, and a water lift of 46 inches. Plus, it has an impressive 20-ft cord length, plus a high-capacity 16-gallon drum/tank. The hose runs up to 7 feet, but don’t worry about the reduction of suction power as it has a powerful 12 amp motor. It has a Dual-Flex® Locking hose with a wider diameter. The hose is also made of durable material that didn’t easily bend or break apart when it was stepped on or twisted. It comes with a pleated filter and all the necessary attachments. The attachments are pretty basic, but they will do if you’re going to use them for general cleaning or you want to attach the shop vac to your power tool. The WORKSHOP WS1600VA Wet Dry Shop Vacuum performed very well during the test and even exceeded expectations. Overall, this is one of the best shop vacs in the market right now. Other Great Articles to Read: 7 BEST FRAMING NAILERS 7 BEST SCROLL SAWS 7 BEST BELT SANDERS To view our Amazon Associates Disclaimer, please click here. The post 7 Best Shop Vacs [2020 Review] appeared first on Home Remodeling Contractors | Sebring Design Build. #Craftsman #ShopVac #ToolReview #BestShopVacs #WorkshopWetDryVac
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A Life of Riley Part 1 - The Problem With Grinckles ch 5
Chapter 4
"No," Wilson said, knotting the metal hooks at the end of the bungee cord together and twisting so that they would bind, "this is how you do it.  I will show you all how to do this right, and we will get the rest of the cameras up faster."  He pulled the sides of the cord loop, stretching it, then doubled it up to keep it from stretching too far, and turned it once in his hands to put a single twist in the double loop.  He kicked off his shoes and pulled away at his socks with his toes, then set the bungee cord around his feet as a makeshift harness, and grabbed for the tree.  
Sajitha snorted, like she would have rolled her eyes and gone "boys" if she had anyone who resembled an ally here to listen, but with just Remy doting on her even weirder than Wilson was, and me who she'd seen pulling these kinds of Tom Sawyer stunts for other chicks and other dudes, she wasn't in a position to really do anything but shrug and hand him the camera.  "Be careful," she said, a hard stressed edge to her voice, "and remember to wrap the duct tape around crosswise – the boss will kill me if any gets on the lens or the antenna."  Wilson was already halfway up to the branch that we'd picked out, seemingly having a harder time with the inconsistent bark and the need to move around side branches than if he'd been going up a palm back home, so it was anyone's guess if he was listening, but Remy nodded vigorously over Sajitha's shoulder, holding the camera in his hands up to his eyes like this was something he had to pay special attention to.  I had to do something, or these woke 21st-century university honor students would be bashing each other over the head with logs and lying about how many mammoths they'd killed in a second or two.
I pulled out my phone and knelt down by the monitoring console, still in Sajitha's bucket – that at least was a positive to having this stupid wannabe love triangle on the team, Wilson and Remy were so gung-ho about one-upping each other that I didn't have to carry any of the buckets any more – and gave it a poke.  "So we've got about half the cameras up now; it's gonna be a bit of a walk to get the last two in, and we're not going to have them up till after dark. And jeez, looking at the whole map now, everything's spread way the hell out.  Where are we going to have to post up with the console? Doesn't that have to be in the center?"  I looked up for a second to tip Sajitha that she should start giving some orders here, and then looked back down quick as the phone buzzed: there was a camera on line on top of us, a new pin in the map, and now Wilson was climbing gingerly back down the tree.
Sajitha waited till he got back over, slapping the tension out of his hands, to reply.  "No, the console's independent.  I want to leave that in the Facilities office at the sand depot, and then we can stay up in one of the lounges in the Maissel library up on campus and watch out for pictures.  Leo, budge over so I can work on it."  I stood up and took a step back as she squatted down, turning on the portable console: Remy did not step in over her shoulder, realizing it would be creepy, and Wilson rolled up for a better look, but stayed sat down, pulling his shoes and socks back on.
"The cameras are motion cameras, so they won't go off unless the sensor picks up something in the field of vision – you guys did set them up to cover as much of your potential crossings as possible, right?" She didn't wait for an answer, not quite trusting either of them to really make that determination.  "Whatever, I just switched them on, and it looks like the four streams we have so far are good enough, so keep it up.  Anyway, they're defaulted to one-meter resolution; if there's three feet of something moving relative to the last frame from a second ago, it'll write it out to the console – and this is new equipment, so it'll just put the frame into a stream buffer on port whatever; we can sit on that port with our phones and get a notification if there's something new.  A meter should be plenty for a Bobcat dragging a trailer full of fish, but if they're doing something weird and like moving them by hand, it'll catch it too.  
"The only problem is that we're going to tend to get a lot of false positives till about midnight, when there's not so many people just going around campus, even on access roads like this.  But if you want to be sure, you need to check all of it, and I'd rather do that at the library where it's lighted and heated, and I can do some homework when we don't have camera stuff to process."  Sajitha pulled down an access panel and typed out a couple commands on the half-keyboard inside, probably configuring the streaming slots for the cameras we hadn't connected up yet.
"Sounds like a plan," I said.  "And if we're in the library, we can grab other people a lot easier if we need more eyes on this than if we were cooped up in some cabin in the woods.  Let's go – only two more cameras to put up, and then we can get your console locked up where it needs to be and catch the bus back to the eng campus."  Sajitha nodded and stood up, half-dragging the lid over the bucket; Remy and Wilson each grabbed a handle, on opposite sides, and looked at each other like this was going to go to pistols at dawn.
Instead, we went back to the science library just as planned.  We got the cameras up with a minimum of further neanderthalism, got the console set up on a top shelf in the back room of the Facilities shop at the sand depot with some assistance from Jarlan and Paulina, who picked out the place with the least signal interference, where it was least likely to get unplugged or knocked over or something by someone on a different shift, and then gave us a ride back to center campus in the truck, partly like they said because Sajitha was their favorite student worker and partly, I guessed, because they had to pick up one of the temporary leaf-clearing crews and take them over somewhere that connected to the city bus system.  It was a good time, and after the air-drying in the back of the pickup I was pretty sure that enough of the pond stink was off me that I wouldn't stand out in the library.  Well, in the science library as panicked freshmen in over their heads started grinding for their first midterms.
It was still early when we got in, but instead of just sprawling over the first empty table we came across, Sajitha led us around and down into the basement study area – where Carolína carefully turned down a paper reservation marker or something as she saw us coming.  "Hey, welcome," she said, hugging Sajitha and waving at the rest of us.  "Did everything go okay? I got the message and marked the table like you said, so we should be set down here for a while; some freshman bros tried to take it, because they didn't know what it meant, but I told them to message their RAs or whoever about Riley, and that got them out pretty quick.  Did you eat dinner? We can't get pizza here like we get in the lab or the CS labs, but drinks are okay – so I have a big thermos of blended-up ajiaco from my cousin's place and some cups."  Carolína had hustled Sajitha around to the far side of the table, and lifted up a big red thermos barrel with an uff, the rich scent of Colombian potato stew drifting out as she opened the tap on it.  Two chairs on their side, three on this, that stuff about Riley to get rid of randos – this was definitely a setup to make sure that the rest of the night went the way Sajitha meant it to.
Wilson picked up the paper tag that was still on the table, reading over what Carolína had sharpied onto it: "'Caution – Applied Physics Lab practical investigation in process – Keep Well Back.'"  He looked over at me, sideways at the girls, and then back at me.  "The Applied Physics lab – are they in this after all?  Did you give it over? You're close enough to them – he is friends with them too – and now they are both in the lab, and now there is this.  What is the meaning of this?"
Carolína stood up, hands out.  "I'm sorry; I know we have kind of a bad reputation, but that was the point of the sign – to save the table and make other people go away by thinking that I was going to set it on fire or put it in another dimension or something.  It's just a bluff; I'm not doing anything crazy here, just my homework."
"She's right," Sajitha said, not looking up from the notebook and textbook and class notes and propped-up phone with more references on it spread out in front of her.  "I told her to make something up about the lab to scare off the randos, since we can't actually go up there and do this, because a) you're scared of Riley and b) there's legit not room for three extra people in the lab at once these days. The only AP lab business that's happening at this table is me and Carolína doing our solid-state homework; sit down and watch out for your fish thieves."
"Anyway, I don' think we've met, like, live, for real," Carolína said, extending a hand to Wilson.  "I'm Carolína Canaveris, from the Applied Physics lab, but I promise I don' bite."
Wilson extended his hand bashfully.  "Wilson.  Wilson Msekela. Biology, pre-med, some population genetics.  I'm sorry for being angry."  Peace restored, I sat down and got my phone out, connecting over to the camera streams; Wilson dropped beside me and busied himself likewise, remote-logging to his cluster to check on the profiling he'd started, and Remy jammed his hands in the pockets of his warmup pants and went to go look for a soda machine or something.
And that's how it stayed, at least for the next couple hours.  Carolína and Sajitha dug in behind a rising couch fort of texts and journal boxes, scribbling out equations for silicon permeability, Remy texted with his buddies on the taekwondo team and intermittently stood up and walked around like he was thinking he might move his chair around closer to Sajitha if there was anything he could say about wafer doping that would turn out remotely intelligent, Wilson poked his cluster and chained through the references in this one article in the Lancet like he was writing a survey off it, and randos came by and side-eyed us when they smelled the stew in our cups, then blanched and skittered away when Wilson turned the Applied Physics warning sign back up.  And I kept watching the cameras, kept watching the false positives of cars, students on bikes, the wind pushing branches down into the frame, hoping that we'd gotten it right and that this setup, tonight, would give us a clue somewhere about who was doping all the ponds around campus with grinckles, and how they were doing it.
It had to be getting in around midnight when Remy noticed me pulling up another Facilities truck driving through the frame, then flipping it off, back to the split-screen view.  "Yo, Leo, this has been kind of bothering me for a while," he said, his voice low, like he didn't want to disturb everyone else studying around the table, "but are we even like looking at the right places, the right way for these things?  What you said about like with a Bobcat or something and a trailer – I mean it makes sense, but it also don't.  Like, when you drive a Bobcat through the woods, it rips up the ground – there ought to be a trail if they were doing that, and there wasn't.  I mean, I didn't look real good at both sides of the road around where I saw them fish splattered around in the middle, but I was riding my bike along all the way on one side, and I'm pretty sure I didn't see nothing like that.  I mean, I dunno, but I think I'd'a noticed if there was Bobcat tracks going into the woods."
I thought for a second; it did make sense, and even though there were a lot of leaves on the ground so that maybe there wouldn't be wheel scars everywhere, Remy was right – we should have seen something, somewhere.  "Let's check the pics over again," I said. "You got all this stuff photoed right when you saw it, so maybe there's something in the picture that you didn't notice the first time.  And even if they're not using motor vehicles, they've got to be moving the grinckles somehow, maybe a bucket brigade, or maybe –" The phone buzzed in my hand, and popped out a notification from the number three camera.  I slid it open and dropped my phone onto the table with a clatter.
Everyone looked up, everyone looked over.  It – I couldn't explain this shit, not in words.  "The – the cameras.  Number three.  You should've just got it.  Look.  Just look."  I somehow got the words out, somehow turned my phone back level again as the picture changed: one meter resolution, one meter's worth of delta one frame to the next – a line one meter longer out of the woods onto the road.
"How," Wilson said, "how is it happening.  How are they in the road – what is the file history – where are the men who set them up?" He was flipping backwards in the camera stream, already minutes back of no change, vainly looking for how this was going to turn out to be an elaborate prank.
"Sajitha," I said, "what is the resolution on these cameras?"  At some level I didn't want to zoom in – I didn't want to know what the shadows under the fish were, the blurry infrared shadows below the fins as a line of grinckles marched out across the number three camera's field of vision – but if it was possible we had to do it, to establish just how godawful weird this was going to become.
"Seven-twenty," Sajitha said, shaking her head loosely like she did when she ran up against something truly shocking.  "It's a frame a second max, so they can go up to half HD.  I – I'm already zoomed in, and you don't want to see this."  Three fingers poked on our side of the table, three mouths hung open.  Crutches.  Fish on crutches.  Why the hell fish on crutches.
"I'm not a biologist," Riley said from somewhere above and behind me, leaning over in a shower of bagel crumbs to take a look at the phone, "but I don't see why you mooks are so bent out of shape about fish being on crutches.  The last time I checked, fish are kind of bad at legs, so if they had to, like, walk on land for a migration or something, they'd probably need some extra help."  That answered nothing – that helped the problem where someone was making crutches for fish, or where grinckles were a kind of fish that made themselves crutches to go around walking between ponds, not at GODDAMN ALL, but of course that didn't make any difference to Riley, who wasn't supposed to be in the library now rather than the lab, and certainly wasn't supposed to walk around the library munching on a bagel, but of course "the rules apply to Riley lololololol" was still the standing punchline anywhere touching the Applied Physics lab.
"And look," Riley mumbled, mouth full, pointing at the latest frame, a shadow rushing out of the dark at the edge of the camera's detectable range, "there you go, rest of the problem solved." A new frame loaded, with a Facilities truck barreling through the line of grinckles in a splatter of fish and fish parts, and then a second frame with the survivors continuing through the carnage across the road.  "Grinckles are migratory fish, nobody's seeding them and needs to get beat up, perfectly natural circumstances, let nature take its course, problem solved."  There was no way of telling whether Riley was serious or trolling.
"No!" Wilson shouted, standing up, backed away from the table, away from Riley towards the stacks.  "No – problem not solved – and this is not nature taking its course.  You have done this – this is your fault – any problem you touch, any problem your people touch, it becomes stranger and it becomes worse.  This is your fault; you are a walking quantum distortion" – this was pointed at Riley, and then he shifted, finger pointing at me – "and this is your fault, for getting me into this problem, for getting all these Applied Physics people into the same problem.  You have made it worse – by observe the problem you affect it, you make sure it is the worst and strangest of possible worlds."
I was pretty sure that I didn't know quite enough quantum mechanics to convince Wilson that he was wrong about that part, and that these fish had been weird and awful and probably walking on crutches long before any of my AP friends got involved, but I was also pretty sure that I was the only one that he'd listen to at all.  "Wilson, listen, I'm sorry.  I'm sorry I roped you into this – I'm sorry that it turned out so weird.  I'm as shocked as you are – I don't know what the hell Riley's doing down here either, this totally wasn't something I expected.  I get that you don't want to be involved – it's ok.  You've done enough – if you want out, you can ditch the map, drop the group chat, and I promise I'll never bug you about this ever again."
"You are wrong, Leo," Wilson said, spitting fury as he gathered up his phone and his backpack.  "You were right before – this is a problem that you need to be involved.  I was wrong to get involved with you – with your poison friends – but I was not wrong to get involved with the grinckles.  There is a problem still – there will be a problem as long as there is a single grinckle on campus – and I should have gotten involved earlier with that.  And I will stay involved – I will solve this problem – I will solve this problem my way, and you all will stay out of that way if you know what is good for you."  He stomped off for the stairs, and I slumped forward, breathing out hard.  This was shit – this was the worst-case outcome.  I had maybe probably lost one of my oldest friends at school, and I was stuck in with a bunch of people from the AP lab and fish that walked around on crutches.
"Too bad about Wilson," Riley said, hands on hips, looking off after him.  "That dude's a good dude; he's got some moxie.  He should quit that pop-gen and epidemiology crap and switch to nuc-med; he'd take over that stupid department in a minute and a half and then he could hang out at the lab.  If he says he's going to singlehandedly wipe out all the grinckles on campus I'd almost half believe him. Anyway," Riley continued after half a beat, turning back to the four of us left around the table, "the grinckles ain't wiped out yet, so that's actually what I came down here to find you guys for. Yuping shared out that map for you guys, and like the whole Chinese-speaking internet around this place has been blowing up about it nonstop for the last couple days; everyone's sharing all their fishing spots and snapping the crap out of places that haven't been visited yet, so like everyone's numbers are going up and nobody's bitching or fighting with each other over trying to hit the same spots.  Didn't you see all that detail flooding in all over the place?"  Riley looked around, face to face, and apparently everyone else was looking as blank as I felt; I hadn't looked at the map at all since we got the cameras up.
"So yeah, everyone on campus who writes their name in hanzi is somehow in this big Whatsapp group called I guess the Spike Red Fish Mutual Benefit Cooperation Society or that's how Yuping translated it, and some of the big wheels in the chat came up and gave him a stack of fillets for getting the ball rolling, and I went down and stole all the crumbs out of the toasters at the Gluino Research Society bagel stand; it's going to make a sick panko breading and we're going to fry up them fillets before they stink.  Are you guys in?"  Riley looked around, face to face to face, still nothing.  Nobody, least of all me, was jumping at the chance to go eat on this fish that we'd just seen walking around in the road on crutches.  But Riley was Riley, and there wasn't going to be any way out of this; silently, I wished I'd stomped off with Wilson when I'd had the chance.
Chapter 6
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zachscarroll · 7 years
Nintendo E3 Predictions Reality + Dreams
Nintendo is like super duper dear to my heart, and I hope that the tiny itty bitty 30 minute segment is good tomorrow. Here’s what I think’ll be there:
Reality and probably disappointment:
1. DLC for a Switch game, probably coverage of Zelda or maybe some new  Arms modes?
2. A remaster/port of either a wii u game or an gamecube game, probably something like Mario Sunshine or Mario 64 to go with the Mario Odyssey spotlight theme.
3. A new Kirby game. Just because it was announced that there was a new Kirby game coming up later this year in a previous direct when they showed off the downloadable Kirby games. 
4. Probably a new phone game unfortunately. Maybe a tie in with the new Prof. Layton game coming to phones in July to phones even though I’ll get it for 3DS.
5. Maybe some light indie game coverage since the Switch really needs games right now. I hope they show Runner 3! I’m very excited for that game!
6. Then just a lot of Super Mario Odyssey 
7. News about the online service, and an expanded library of SNES and NES games. Maybe some N64????? (it won’t happen)
My Dreams for tomorrow even though I know they’d never happen:
1. New Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC
Reasoning: This Mario Kart has done incredibly well for Nintendo especially for the Switch. I feel like if they added like two more cups it’d be perfect, I’ve been playing it a lot but I was one of the four people who owned a Wii U so I’ve been playing these same courses for a long time. The battle mode is great! Maybe some more of those courses? Just something.
2. Luigi’s Mansion 3, a remaster of 1, or a port of the 3DS Dark Moon
Reasoning: I don’t have a good reason. I just like these game a whole lot.
3. New Animal Crossing for switch and not a phone game or even just a port of New Leaf to the Switch.
Reasoning: It’s been a while since they did anything new with Animal Crossing, they did the amiibo update a while back, but I feel like it would be really well deserved, I mean even if it was a new animal crossing? I don’t know, it just seems like a very good and easy idea.
4. A new IP just something completely new that doesn’t even come out till next year.
Reasoning: They’ve surprised me with Arms and Splatoon! I just think Nintendo needs some new characters to really balance out the old ones so they don’t have the same 5 brands to pull characters from. I just want to be surprised honestly, and when they showed off Arms and Splatoon 1/2 it just got better and better each time they showed it.
5. Kid Icarus Uprising port to the 3DS. Pleaaaaaseeee this game was so much fun on the 3DS albeit uncomfortable to play.
Reasoning: I think Kid Icarus Uprising is a good game, and I feel like Nintendo is really into revitalizing old IPs. If they did a new one or rereleased it on Switch it’d be so so good, and give them more characters to build off!
6. Less coverage on games we already know about, so no Arms, splatoon 2, the four or five 3DS games like Ever Oasis, etc. I’m very excited for those games, don’t get me wrong! But they all come out like within the next two-four weeks. (yes I know Arms comes out on Friday)
Reasoning: They only have 30 minutes I don’t want them to waste any time treading old ground. I want to see new stuff, and lots of it.
7. Just something to do with Paper Mario. I really really really liked Color Splash. If they did a port of that game I’d buy it again in a heart beat. I’d like to see a new one. Just no Sticker Star....please....
Reasoning: I’m the only person alive who plays paper mario 1 and 2 at least once a year. I just want something to do with it. The series is so good, and I especially think that with Color Splash it’d be easy to port over.
8. A new Mario and Luigi RPG game. That’s it. I know the past two have been kinda bland, but I think those are some of the funniest, and charming games in the Mario spinoffs.
Reasoning: I don’t know what Nintendo’s plans are with the 3DS but I feel like they are kinda starved for games. They have ever oasis, hey pikmin, miitopia and the remakes of sun and moon, but I feel like they’re kinda leaving us in the dust. Not that I can really disagree with them I use the switch more like a portable than my 3DS. I just wanna see maybe one or two more good games before they kill off the system.
A new Warioware for the switch. I feel like 1-2 Switch is already in that same vein as Warioware, just make a new one like that but with Wario stuff and like a zillion minigames.
Reasoning: Warioware and rhythm heaven are fantastic games, and I love both of them. Warioware is more likely since we got rhythm heaven last year! I just feel like those games are easier to make? I don’t know, but I hope they’re considering it!
Just give me smash 4...please.....just give it to me....c’mon. just put it on switch.
Reasoning: I don’t know if they’d make a new smash game with all the amiibos out, and then be like well we’re making a brand new one! How may people played the wii u version? I think it’s just an easy thing to bring over. Plus I feel like they’d either announce it here or maybe next year, but I have a feeling we’ll be getting a new smash in some way shape or form for the switch at least by next year.
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