#i need a new job but its so slow going. im trying. i have interview
stamplerfag · 7 days
the adderall has stopped shutting my brain up at work
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be-good-to-bugs · 11 months
i need to draw more or my brain will explode. i was going to draw a bunch yesterday but instead i played power wash simulator for 8 1/2 hours
#the bin#i bought it yesterday morning and it was a mistake bc now all i wanna do is play the game#my body hurts from not moving and doing the same repetitive motion with my arm for 8 hours#8 1/2 hours is how long im scheduled for work. its an hour more than i actually spend doing work bc of breaks.#im gonna try to draw today tho. i still felt sick so i didnt go into work again. i hope theyre not mad but i also dont care. not like they#can fire me bc they dont have anyone to replace me woth and they need me. my prev managers wpuldnt have cared much but#one of the new ones sucks. i want put of this job. it shoukd not be these employees responsibilities to figure out what product#needs pit out and what doesnt (menaing like. we need more of this product bc people are buying it) thats supposed to be the managers job but#hes not doing his job. hes micromanaging. its supposed to be like assembly line type work but they move people around for no reason#and get upset when theyre slow bc they just had to chnage jobs. even im having to go faster even though im fully doing enough#theyre pushing the pricers to go faster and put mor eout which means theres more for me to put out on each cart so it takes me 10-12 insteda#of 5-10 and like. its physically impossible for a person to complete one of these carts with such a variety of objects in 5 minutes#its just not possible. its expactations for how itd work if everything went in the same aslienbut its all split aross a ton of them#i didnt get the job i interviewed for i tjink bc of the time available i gave them bc the person was clearly interested in hiring me#i said i could do any timw but she asked what id prefer. i saw on her paper that she wrote it not as id do any so the fact i can do anytime#prob got forgotten. well#im gonna apply some places today. id like something different very soon. everyone is stressed and working there has quickly become much#worse than before. i think a lot of people are gonna leave bc of this new managers. its a stressful job by nature and he makes it muchw orse
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1eos · 1 month
mx kendra, do you have any advice for job hunting? I'm about to start looking(again), but its always so intimidating - have a lovely day!
how it feels to start job hunting in the 2020s:
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but yes i have advice for you anon! last time i went job hunting i got serious enough where i was reading 'askamanager' blogs and shit like that to really make sure i wasn't wasting my effort
so kendra's advice to job hunting in the most effort effective way:
first and most importantly is to understand that job hunting rn is simply a numbers game. it's not you it's just that the society we're living in is full of shit. for every 10 job postings, 4 are fake, 1 has an internal candidate in mind already, 3 are just posting jobs to look good and the rest are legit but slow af
bc job hunting is a numbers game its easy to be discouraged if you're not receiving responses consistently as proof that you're not just throwing shit into the void so its superrr imperative to try your best to apply to legit jobs. ive found my best success using indeed as a method of jobs being brought to me and then going on the company website myself and applying. this also doubles as a way to make sure a job posting/company is real
keep a spreadsheet of applied jobs. i just googled 'job application spreadsheet template' and picked one of the first ones i saw, made a copy, and then modified it to suit my needs. keeping a spreadsheet was one of the best things i did bc it can help keep track of jobs you've found and haven't applied to/ones you have applied to/and if you're like me and had a goal of getting a state job i could pre-empt when the interview requests were gonna come in lol 😭
resumes/cover letters. whew. probably the most important part of job hunting. ai scanning or not its a good rule of thumb to have skills mentioned in the job description to match the job posting. what i did was dedicate a folder in my google drive to job stuff and made a folder for each kind of jobs i was interested in. from there i would find a job i wanted to apply to and tailor an old resume to have a bunch of the shit mentioned in the posting on the new resume. i'd save it in the appropriate folder with the date i edited it. if you haven't been in the habit of tailoring your resume you may be doing this a lot but eventually you'll have so many variations you won't have to do much editing if at all. and i do the same with cover letters. i have a general template for my cover letter and then tweak them for each kinds of jobs im looking for. this + ditching linkedin helped me A LOT
create an interview cheatsheet. you probably already know the job hunting sphere has a language and culture all its own. personally as someone with a touch of the 'tism it do not make sense to me so i have unknowingly not navigated interviews as well as i could have. what's helped? ask a manager. seriously. miss allison has helped me blend in as a normie soooo much 😭😭😭😭 if you have any specific questions/have any specific weaknesses just search the site but what really helped me was the list of good interview questions. oh and for the longest i could never come up with a good question to ask my interviewer but one day google recced me this article and now every time i ask 'so what would separate a good candidate from an excellent candidate in this role' and when i tell you my interviewers gag every time lollllll. i also went through 'boost your interview iq' [pdf download link here <3] and jotted down notes on how i can answer common interview questions to quickly be able to go over the night before
study the job posting before the interview btw and try to drum up at least one correlating anecdote for some of the major points of the job bc they WILL ask you that lollllllll
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oxpogues4lifexo · 14 days
Keeping up with the Camerons
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Keeping up with the Camerons
Episode 1 - Kildare Royalty - Part 2
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Episode transcript (/ means cut scene, bold italics means narrator, bold means host)
Word Count: 2.5K
Part 1 Here
"Ward, tell the audience a little about yourself."
"Okay. Um, I'm Ward Cameron, I'm fifty-six, and I own a business called Cameron Developments; but I mostly stay at home and just file the paper work, make sure everyone's doing their jobs properly! I have three beautiful children, and two amazing adopted children. I have a perfect wife who has taken in my children as her own since she's joined our family. Annnnd.. I think that's it haha."
"I'm Rafe Cameron, I'm nineteen. I play golf, and ride a motorcycle, any of you pretty girls want a ride, hit me up.." He winks at the camera, obviously not meaning what Ryan or any of the camermen understood. Ryan looked at him as if expecting more so Rafe huffed and pulled something up on the spot, "I have four close friends, two sisters, a dad and a step mum. Don't think there's much else to be said." Rafe's expectations for the show were slowing drifting away as he began to grow irritated at the lack of interesting questions.
"Umm, I'm Wheezie Cameron! I'm thirteen, I have an older sister and an older brother. I like to write, and make bracelets with Sarah. And I also like to have girls nights with her, Rose and Rafe's friend, Bella. We bake and watch movies and stuff, it's really fun!"
"Imm, Sarah, l'm sixteen, I have a boyfriend called Topper. I like to go to the beach and go out with my friends. I think that's it." The lack of preparation made it hard for her to think of anything other than the bare minimum, making her answer seem almost fake. She puts on a false smile to try and cover the awkwardness.
"Well, I'm Rose Cameron. Im a stay at home mum. I help Ward with his business and I also run a real estate agency!" She pulls a smile, the interview finally being about something she loves, her. Somehow another glass of wine has made its way into her hand as the breeze from the now open doors blows her hair around in a rather attractive manner; complimenting her now, extroverted composure.
"Ward. What would you say is your favourite part about this family?"
"God, only one? Uhh.. Well. I think I'd have to say, how different we all are. The kids aren't the closest but it means we always have something to talk about. Rafe always telling us about his friends' drama, Sarah always coming up with crazy stories and Wheezie talking about her new hobbies. Aswell as the additional arguments between Callum and Bella; it always makes for a very interesting dinner. The family talks are definitely my favourite I'd say!"
"And.. who would you say you're the closest to?"
"Definitely my angel, Sarah. Bella comes a close second. I just spent the most time with Sarah growing up so we have the most in common. And Bella's just a sweetheart to be around. Always making me smile."
"So Bella is a big part of your life then?"
"Yeah l'd say so. I raised her, taught her everything she needs to know, and now she walks around as one of my own. She's here almost everyday, and she's always up for anything. I love her."
"Rafe, Ward mentioned that Bella and Callum are your closest friends. Could you go into that? How did you meet?"
Rate's smile reappears at the mention of them.
Him now suddenly re-interested in the conversation; sitting back more comfortably as he finally wants to get deep into something, a gentle grin replaces his previous glare. "Well, yeah he's right. Bella's probably closer to me but I grew up with them both. Them, aswell as Topper and Kelce, are my only real friends. We're always together. There's really not a moment when we're ever doing anything alone. I met them all when I was a kid; Topper and Kelce I met through our parents. And Bella and Callum moved in with us like ten years ago?" He takes a moment to look over at Ward who was sat just out the shot. He gives him a quick nod to confirm his words before Rafe turns back to the camera. A proud grin now spread across his cheeks. "Yeah. Ten years ago! They all met each other through me and vice versa. Then ever since we've just kinda been inseparable. All of us."
"You spoke about Bella and Callum moving in correct?"
"Yes, well, they moved back out a few years ago. I would tell you they got kicked out but Wards watching so.." Rafe lowers his voice as he leans forward onto his legs again, causing suspicion amongst Ward's face. "But yeah they moved back home but basically still live here anyways with how much they're always over." He chuckles trying to push the previous sentence away, with full intention to speak on it later when Ward isn't around to hear.
Ward stayed in the room to 'supervise’. Survey Rafe's interview to make sure he doesn't say anything too private or out of line on the first episode.
"You have to be careful with Rafe." Ward explains, now moved outside. The sun almost completely covered by the sea edge and the wind had picked up since the last shot of him, made evident in the way he let his hair follow the winds lead. "He doesn't think before he speaks. But he also doesn't care for others feelings that much, he likes to speak his mind. So yeah I had to stick around for his interview to make sure he doesn't talk about anything unnecessary or out of pocket. He tends to do it quite a lot with all of us and it does cause some tension. It's one of the reasons why we like having Bella and Cal' around, because they seem to occupy his mind and also take over the cause of disagreement."
"A boyfriend? May I ask, is this the same Topper, Rafe is friends with?"
"Yes it is! Well I mean, me and Topper met first, in Middle School, and so Rafe became close with him because of me. So if anything, he has me to thank." She smiles smugly at the camera, tilting her head slightly to rub it in Rafe's face.
"How is it going between you two, may l ask? Still going strong?"
Those words manage to pull out a genuine smile, her face lighting up at the mention of her boyfriend, causing less tension between her and the camera. She readjusts herself on the couch, patting down her dress as it began to rise. "He's so sweet. I don't see how there could be any issues between us. Were more than perfect if that's even possible," She lets out a small breathy laugh at her own words, the smitten look written all over her face; her cheeks blushed and eyes glistening. "I see him almost everyday because he's friends with Rafe anyways so it's like a win-win for all of us really! And Ward loves him so that's a bonus."
"That's sweet, it's nice to hear you're all very close!"
"Yeah well I mean, I'm close with them all. But Sarah and Bella fell out a few years back and Rose doesn't particularly like her very much so it can be awkward sometimes. But they all do it for me so they just remember that and then it's all okay!"
"I knew Bella was a friend of Rafe's. Is she a good friend of yours too then?"
"Mmmmhm.. Best friend actually! Hm.." Wheezie giggles to herself as she pulls herself closer to the camera, "I actually think they like each other.. She denies it but even Topper and Kelce agreed theres something going on.." she sits back. "I guess we'll all find out together after this comes out wont we." She giggles again as her shoulders rise with her smile.
"I'll be sure to keep an eye out for that." Ryan gives Wheezie a wink as he lowers his voice, causing a small laugh to fall from her
He sits back crossing his legs, "Wheezie what do you do on a girls night then?"
"Um, well normally it's the full day. If so then we'd go out shopping or go on the boat or something. Then we'd come home and even bake or make pizzas and then eat it whilst watching a movie. We sometimes paint our nails and stuff too. Oh! And also Sarah and Bella share all the boy gossip. We try to get Rose to but she thinks it's weird seeing as Wards our dad but I don't get why?"
"Rose, earlier, Wheezie mentioned that you don't particularly like Bella that much? Could you tell us why?"
She shows us a tight smile, her eyes falling at the mention of Bella's name. Rose sighs heavily as she leans back against the couch crossing her arms like a toddler. "Because why should I? She stole Rafe from us, she takes up all Wards time, her and her brother are always here invading our space. Theres no reason to like her! It's a stupid question." The change in tone made Ryan almost uncomfortable as he begins to break into a sweat. A man angry is scary, but a mother angry is worse. And Rose herself is one scary woman.
“Right um.. Do you not think that maybe she's just trying to be nice? She makes Rafe and Wheezie very happy do you see that?"
"What is this? An interview about me or her?"
"Well Ward unless there's anything else you'd like to talk about I think that's it!"
"Oh great! I think I'm all good, did you want to start on the tour?"
"Rafe, Ward also brought up how Bella is a special part of his life. Does that apply to you too?"
Rate lets out a small breathy laugh at the question, not understanding why he was getting so personal all of a sudden. "I mean yeah obviously but-"
His attention is taken as his focus moves to behind Ryan, the glass doors open and a small figure pops a head through. "Umm sorry.. is it a bad time?"
Ryan opens his mouth to answer but before he could, Rafe had already made his way over, a camera following to capture the moment. "Of course not! Whats wrong?"
"Oh um.. I was just going to ask for the key to the refrigerator on the boat? We can't get in." A quiet giggle leaves the girls lips as Rafes curl into a helpless smile.
"Don't be stupid Bells. Just gotta ask! Don't gotta be so nervous. The cameras are just cameras.." His hand grazes her own as he reassures her; he turns around to go over to the kitchen.
Bella's gaze follows the camera, a smile tugging at her soft lips. She lifts her hand and gives the camera a wave. "Hi!"
"Bella correct?"
"Umm.." She was caught off guard by the sudden statement. She steps closer to get a better view of him. "Correct! But how do you-"
"Rafe and Ward have both mentioned you once or twice. It's nice to meet you!"
She smiles once again, this time her cheeks blushing along. "It's nice to meet you too! What've they said may I ask?" She laughs nervously as she takes a seat on the couch opposite the large-framed man, tugging at her crop top slightly so she wasn't flashing anyone by accident.
"Oh you came to join hm?" Rafe places himself next to her, his arm effortlessly falling around her neck.
She giggles as her eyes take his, "Nope! Just wondering what you've said about me that's all." Her smile doesn't fade as he raises an eyebrow, his head turns to Ryan as he squints his eyes slightly, trying to pick up on if he's told her or not.
"I haven't said anything?"
"Mmmhm sure." The amusement not leaving her face as he looks back at her. A grin creeping onto his lips, "Excuse me? You gonna be quiet or you gonna leave? Your choice."
Her jaw drops jokingly as if he just offended her; she turns to face Ryan, the same intentional stare Rafe wore an hour previous.
"Is he behaving? He's not being rude to you is he?"
"Right! What's that supposed to mean then?"
She giggles but doesn't take her eyes off of Ryan, "Yes I'd say so." He chuckles at her enthusiasm and pure genuineness to her question, "He was just about to tell me if you-”
"Lalalalalala." Rafe quickly interrupts shoving his hands over Bella's ears as he guides her to the door. "He doesn't know what he's saying. I'm done with the interview!"
She rips his hands from her ears, her mouth agape as her eyes frown, "What were you about to tell him?" She tilts her head slightly.
"I don't know what you're on about! I think you should go before Callum beats my ass for taking up your time."
"Rafe we aren't done!"
"Yes we are!"
"Rafe?? Go finish the interview, you were looking forward to it!" She pushes him lightly in the chest, gesturing for him to go sit back down.
He rolls his eyes but obliges nonetheless. She giggles once more, poking her head round to Ryan and smiling again, "Behave!" She points a finger to Rafe before a realisation hits her face, "Oh! And thank you for the key!" She shakes the keychain towards him as if he didn't know what a key was before waving goodbye to the cameras and Ward, and leaving, skipping down to the boat.
"Well she's a sweetheart, wouldn't you say Rafe?"
Rafe's brow furrows, knowing what he's implying.
Ryan doesn't let up as he gets straight to the point, "Do you like her?"
"Yeah l'd say she has a special place in my heart like Ward! Now can I go? Thank you!" He changed the subject before unhesitatingly jumping off the couch and headed straight outside; avoiding the whole question.
Ryan and Ward both let out a heavy laugh as Ward walks into frame, "I'm telling you right now, he doesn't get nervous like that. I'll leave it at that." He grins before heading off to do his own thing, leaving Ryan with the open-ended answers of does he or doesn't he? He smiles to himself before finding Wheezie.
Next Part Here
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Short episodes are in Blue
Full episodes are in Pink
Short Masterlist
Full Masterlist
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jemamore · 3 months
blerghhhhhh I just cant even put into words to even type anything or write anything to like just catharsis. this time last year i applied for a bunch of new jobs in another city because i wanted to move on with my life i wanted to work towards a masters or work towards degree apprenticships, that job ended up being a fucking nightmare members of staff were aggressive and the manager didnt have a fucking clue so i left i couldnt even fathom staying any longer in an unsupported workplace any confidence in myself or my mental health just poof gone just absolutely fucked to shreds in 5 weeks, then i worked my fucking arse off applying for every job under the sun and i think i had about 6 job interviews total, 4 of them in 2 weeks, and got the job im currently in and started 4 and a half months ago. had to deal with being on bad different adhd meds that destroyed what i had left of my wellbeing, i started off so badly at work i really pissed everyone off and i shouldnt have been working in like march and april, and im not allowed to move on from that, its june and im still facing the repercussions of joking that i needed a new job stating that i couldnt cope with the boredom of slow days, i fucked up by being nihilistic and honest. i get told that i don’t show initiative i get told that i don’t show motivation to complete training documents, i tell people im sorry i have adhd i have dyslexia im sorry and no one gives a shit, the big team manager thinks shes the lord of all knowledge about neurodiversity and its honestly the worst thing that could have happened because she says my mental health and my conditions arent good enough to fit the role, so im just staring down the barrel of being unemployed AGAIN aged 28 with no future prospects, no hope to ever move out, no money, i rely on public transport which makes my employment choices very limited, i don’t feel stable enough to try driving again, i feel so fucking miserable and so fucking hopeless because I’ve only got 3 and a half working days before im told if im losing my job or not, I’ve given up, im terrified, im jujst so so so so overloaded with anxiety, the worst part is i cant even die because I’ve worked with people whove taken attempts on their life and all you get is broken bones and brain injuries, and i know its not really the right thing someone who works in rehab to say but if i have little to no quality of life being an able bodied person i will have no quality of life at all if i end up with life changing injuries, i cant fathom facing a hospital stay in the fucking hospital i work in,,,,,, if it was a major trauma id be literally a patient on the ward i work in, if it was enough i didnt have to be air lifted to the big city id be in the local hospital on the wards i literally left a year ago. i cant even kill myself i know too much so im trapped, im fucked my entire life is fucked up I’ve just ruined anything i had positive i have nothing and i logically know what to do but i just feel so fucking hopeless im so terrified about going through mental health services again and then what next having to get back into employment and i have to hand over 5 separate references to cover 3 years of working, and my last 2 references being absolutely shit, and if i end up with a break in employment im going to have to explain that my previous employer let me go because i wasnt good enough, i don’t know what im going to do i don’t know what to do im so restless i cant do anything but then im so utterly utterly bored my life is boring and tedious and its only going to get more boring and more tedious i have nothing to show for my life of boredom, im fucked 100000000000000% fucked and theres nothing i can do about it, its too late im so fucked
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wizkiddx · 4 years
unusable faces
i have exams hence why i needed to write something exceptionally cringe :)
PSA: this is completely inspired from one of my fave writers own blurb @blissfulparker​ --> completely recommend u go read hers its much better than anything i could ever write!!!! (and just her whole account) = link
Summary: pure exhaustion and mutual pining, Tom Holland x actress!reader
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^(just thought this was cute, doesn't really fit aha but full credit to op!!)
A scheduling nightmare would be putting it lightly. Perhaps almost unavoidable but that didn’t make it any less of a hellish form a torture. Harry had very helpfully said it actually was a form of torture, that is sleep deprivation. Y/n loved her job - it was all she’d ever really wanted - yet that thought was quickly becoming not enough to get her through the day. Not when it felt like an interrogation tactic used by the CIA. 
To give a quick timeline of the past few days may give a little context:
Thursday - filming the fight scene all day plus an evening-turned-half-the-night-shoot due to some technically difficulties delaying the process.
Friday - flying to New York while doing read throughs of scenes for the next few days; followed immediately by getting glammed and filming the tonight show with Fallon; then a dash across town to the late late show with James Corden; then straight back on a flight to Atlanta that landed at stupid o’clock in the morning
Saturday - a full day of shooting in a mock grand central station set
The press trip to NY had been unplanned… to say the least. But the star of their studios other new release had taken ill - meaning they had slots booked on some of the biggest talk shows in America that would just be abandoned (angering the shows bookers too). It was a waste of perfectly good promo time and since the studio had their two other stars together doing a block of reshoots - it wasn’t a conversation. Much more a call demanding the two of them to be on the plane.
Normally this wouldn’t be such an unmanageable ask either, except the reshoot block was really rather time pressured. You see, the promo tour wasn’t far from beginning meaning they really needed the final film in the can. So really it was a bit of a mess. Just to free up that single day the two were in New York the whole schedule had had to be rejigged - in doing so they’d lost a rare day off too. It was just typical.  
The joys of success hey?
Well, that’s at least what Y/n was making herself think whilst her incredibly talented SFX artist was in the process of crafting a deep wound onto her upper arm. The reason why she would be ‘dripping with blood’ whilst at a train station was beyond Y/n to be honest - she hadn’t been allowed to read a lot of the script so even now as filming was drawing to a close, the story arc of the movie she was headlining was still a little ‘fuzzy’.
“So I watched your ‘spill your guts’ thing on YouTube” Ellie giggled whilst reaching over for more prosthetic putty- a technical term apparently
“I’m glad one of us enjoyed the experience” Y/n replied with a sigh, rolling her eyes at the mischievous smirk on her face - no doubt Ellie took great joy out of seeing her suffer through eating a thousand year old egg. Which Y/n swore the taste of was still in her mouth… and it seemed as though it’d never leave. 
“Oh don’t worry darling I did too” Nelli called over from the next chair along, where she was doing Tom’s makeup for the day of shoots. “Between that and the animals on Fallon, you made a hell of a lot of people laugh last night” Tom’s artist was referencing the fact one of Jimmys other guests was a zookeeper, so at the end of the interview he had you and Tom join in trying not to scream at the snakes and spiders.
“You mean laugh at us?” 
“Well of course darling!” Nelli exclaimed back in an overdramatic bronx accent making all three of the women burst out laughing, Ellie’s unceremonious snorts echoing through the trailer only egged them all on more.
Tom in response, who had otherwise been absent from conversation for the majority of the morning, exclaimed a curse and jumped up in his chair. While you and Ellie collected yourself, Nelli apologised to him.
“Oh sorry love, I’m interrupting your snooze with my uncontrollable comedic gift” She spoke sweetly, even if still taking the moment to flaunt to the other women, as she squeezed his shoulder compassionately.
“No no” Tom waved off her apology, attempting to rub his eye before Nelli swatted his arm away - a stern look for the risk of ruining all her hard work she’d put into making his face look half presentable. 
“I’m impressed you can sleep while they poke you with all these er instruments” Y/n added in, having only just realised Tom had been in a light sleep for god knows how long they’d been in that chair. It did seem a bit unlikely, being able to fall asleep as you were dabbed, prodded and brushed. 
“Maybe you should try though Y/n… your purple eye bags are proving a struggle even for me” Ellie quipped back, now it was Y/n’s turn to give the stern look. Tom took the explain though, shutting her off from whatever kindly meant insult she was about to throw back at her friend. 
“No normally never, I just….” He was cut off by an ear splitting yawn, appearing almost powerful enough to crack his jaw - which would be a disaster, for no one should ruin such a beautiful and sharp jaw line. “…uh-sorry. I just think I ended up taking my NyQuil and DayQuil the wrong way round in the madness of yesterday.” Only Tom, the poor kid often seemed to lacking in any form of common sense - even if those closest to him knew just how intellectual and passionate he could be about the right topic. Affectionately, Nelli scalded his idiocy by jokingly swatting his head with a little tut.
“I can’t believe your still standing then! I’m barely alive and I don’t have any sedatives in my system.” It was true, Y/n was at that stage where every part of her body felt ridiculously heavy… eyes included … eyes especially. 
“But I did sleep on the jet back while your stupid self was studying the script!” Tom replied with a pretty inarguable point - at the time he knew her actions were stupid;  when their flight took off at 11 PM he was certain that the most valuable asset to his ability to act in the reshoots today would be sleep - rather than character development. And he’d tried to convince Y/n that briefly, but gave up. She was bloody stubborn when she wanted to be. 
“Stop competing about who has it worse cos I think it’s me and Nell”Ellie announced - making Nelli agree empathically with her coworker, nodding her head as she looked first to Y/n in her chair then back at Tom.
“Yeh because we have to deal with your unusable faces!!”
After much sarcasm thrown back and fourth, the trailer slowly ebbed it’s way back into serenity and peace as both artists focused on their work. Once Nelli was done she excused herself, Tom staying in the chair in favour of studying (more like staring blankly) at the dialogue for this mornings scenes. His pretence didn’t last long though and while Ellie was busy adding the final touches of fake blood to the now almost completely believable gash that she’d crafted on Y/n’s arm - Y/n had her attention focused the opposite way.
At poor little Tom. He looked so childlike, his slightly puffy eyes looked as if they had weights tied to them - they way he was having fight against gravity to flutter his eyes open, before loosing the next second only for the process to repeat as they dragged downwards. The broad muscles of his neck occasionally seemed to occasionally let up a little, letting his head tilt slowly at first until it gathered enough momentum to throw him off balance. The then sudden movement of his head unconsciously pulling itself back in line caused his eyes to bolt open prior to the whole cycle repeating again. All Y/n wanted to do was let him lay down someone, her heart feeling a tug in her chest just seeing him like that. 
Ellie proclaimed her completion of the wound, leaning back to admire her work before looking to get an affirming nod from Y/n. Yet instead, she was too preoccupied gazing at the boy slouched across from them. “Someone seems a little distracted.” Ellie smirked, finally garnering Y/n’s attention, only feeling more and more smug watching a light tint appear on the actors cheeks. 
“I-well-no… we need to go.” Y/n ignored her words as though nothing had happened, instead rushing off the chair to get Tom out the chair and onto the awaiting set. They had places to be.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (bcos im lazy)
Honestly when the director, Ed, called for lunch break, it was pretty apparent to be purely as a compassionate gesture to Y/n and Tom. Both of them had tried so hard this morning to fully commit, even so they’d both been almost completely useless. Y/n kept missing cues whilst all Tom’s actions and lines where slow, dragged out and at times completely prompted from someone behind the cameras. 
So when the lunch break was called there was only one thing on Y/n’s mind and what sandwich was available in the mess tent was not it. Still standing on the set next to her fake holdall bag she looked toward Tom, who was pulling himself up to standing from the train station bench - the pace of his movement making him look more like an old man. 
“You good?” His answer was predictable. 
“I’m so fucking shattered”
Tom swore he’d never heard anything sweeter come out of Y/n’s pink lips than her next statement.
“C’mon I know somewhere we can lie down.”
Without any sort of thought Tom blindly agreed, nodding as he took her outstretched hand in his. The gesture in itself brought a fresh wave of comfort to his aching limbs and as his feet stumbled to catchup with her slight head start he leant the majority of his weight into their connected hands. 
Neither would admit it but they were ‘a thing’… whatever the hell that meant. It was clear as day to everyone and anyone that worked closely to the two but neither of them had ever broached the topic with each other. They’d worked on a few films together over the years; each time they got closer and closer to the point any job without the other simply wasn’t as good. It was scary though, especially for two actors in the prime of their careers. If they weren’t working the same film they’d likely be the opposite side of the world to each other most of the time - quality time together would be few and far between, Really their jobs didn’t suit dating at all, yet it would be perhaps easier if one half of it worked a ‘normal’ job. Something with consistency, a regular structure. A level of dependability that neither Y/n nor Tom could offer to the other. 
So it was terrifying, acknowledging the growth in their magnetic attraction to each other. Both were acutely aware that doing that, confronting their feelings, would most likely signal the beginning of the end. 
Although none of this stoped Y/n from returning the gesture, tilting her shoulder into Tom’s left side as they took slow steps through and then out the set building. She steered the two past the hair and makeup trailer and round into a store and extra equipment trailer. Tom tilted his head as she climbed the stairs whilst beckoning for him to follow - it didn’t seem like the most obvious choice. Rolling her eyes, Y/n explained.
“It’s where all the blankets and coats and kept for the raining scenes plusssss no one will disturb us in here.” Again Tom was not in a position to disagree, eyes drooping as his shoulders sagged to the floor. Right now he’d take anything. 
So he climbed up the stairs and shut the door behind him, just as Y/n flipped the light on. She was right, it was well equipped and with an almost mountainous supply of red blankets that normally the crew and extra would all be wrapped up in after the freezing rain scenes with all the ‘waterfall machines’ as Y/n called them. However it was also um…. It was cosy. “Oh I don’t think I realised how small it was” She chuckled lightly, since now the door was closed her back was pressed up against the far wall of cabinets and still her front was mere millimetres from Tom.
“I…I don’t mind… if-if you don’t?”
“I’m too tired to care” She giggled in response, and Tom , now with her seal of approval, immediately started ransacking the piled shelves for all their worth creating a floor carpeted in the pale red of the blankets, in an attempt to make it more cosy. Joining in, it was almost remarkable how quickly their bodies suddenly agreed to move, with the new promise of rest mere moments away. 
Once the trailer was fully drowned, Tom kicked off his costume shoes and threw his jacket off - it haphazardly landing by the doorway. Y/n copied him, leaving her stood up whilst he had the advantaged of already settling down on the floor, her standing and looking down at him.
The space between the two opposing shelving units was not close spacious enough for two people to lie down whilst keeping a respectable level of personal space. Suddenly feeling a wave of awkwardness, Y/n stayed standing, wringing her hands slightly - whilst fairly certain Tom could hear her heart running at 100 mph. 
“You er… gonna stay there or?” Tom, contrary to popular belief, wasn’t a complete idiot - he could see she was suddenly self conscious. He got it too - they’d never crossed this boundary of choosing to cuddle into each other. It had happened once of twice accidentally over there 2 years of knowing each other. Both of those times it was completely accidental, falling asleep watching a movie with a safe distance of space b between the two, only to find hours later their bodies almost completely intwined. Tom would be lying if he said that his heart didnt skip a beat when he had awoken to Y/n’s soft and gently breath fanning into his neck. He’d loved it, but understood that was unconsciously breaking down part of the wall they’d both been the constructors of.
For fear of getting hurt. 
So now, as Y/n awkwardly bent down and lay on her side, he thought it was imperative to make her feel comfortable. Naturally then, his arm slid round her shoulders and pulled her down toward his chest, releasing a little breath as he felt her relax, her legs slowly wrapping round one of his. 
“This okay?” He murmured, now into the crown of her head as she lay half on her side half on his chest. In reply she nodded into him and Tom couldn’t help but grin- unbeknownst to him but Y/n was doing the exact same thing. 
The peace lasted all of 3 seconds until she groaned again.
“What?” Tom enquired as she wriggled out his hold and stood up. Instead of replying though she just leant over and flicked the one harsh light bulb off making Tom chuckle as she fumbled her way back onto the padded floor in the darkness, earning a few grunts from both as she accidentally kicked Tom’s thighs or banged her head on one of the now empty shelves. Fumbling her way back into a comfortable position, occasionally cursing when she stubbed her toe- or Tom did when she accidentally elbowed him in the ribs. 
“Comfy?” Tom asked a little sarkily as he squeezed her a little more into his side.
“Mhmmmm… I’m gonna sleep for 100 years”
“Yeh me… me too”
And with that they both almost instantly and in complete unison sagged into each other and the blankets - the pent up stress and tension of the past few days ebbing away.
What the pair had neglected to remember was that sleeping for 100 years wasn’t really an option. The whole crew of 50 people, who wanted to restart filming after 45 minutes, had not been told about Y/n’s little hiding place. The pair were so completely safe in their own little cocoon of comfort they were completely oblivious to their teams calling there names more and more frantically. Completely oblivious to the game of hide and seek the situation had descended into, completely oblivious to Harrys natural annoyance as the director asked him for the whereabouts of the two stars - as though Harry was childminder to the pair of them.
It was Nelli who found them first. She’d and Ellie and Tom’s manager had all been recruited by Harry as part of the man hunt. Both girls, having seen first hand the state of the two this morning, were fairly certain they’d both crashed out somewhere. So Nelli, already with a sneaking suspicion, opened the door gently, her figure blocking the majority of the light from seeping through to the dimly lit inside. The sight she was met with had her actually pouting at the cuteness - and yes its a cringey word but also the only one appropriate.
Between bedding down and barely an hour later the two had managed to become impossibly tighter pressed to each other. Y/n’s face was pressed into the crook of Tom’s neck and his arms seemed to have pulled her on-top of him almost completely. Her left leg was hooked under his right, which was then sandwiched by his left too. They both looked so pure and innocent and god did Nelli know they both needed any extra time they could get.
Nelli cared a lot about Tom, she’d been working with him from the beginning, from the child star days to now. She cared about him like her very annoying surrogate son and she wanted to see him looked after. She also so completely wanted the two stars to stop pining after each other. Because frankly it was getting a little frustrating for everyone else. 
So she chose to tactically forget about her discovery, sneaking a photo on the sly before silently pulling the door closed and leaving them to their sleep. 
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Fatgum As a Dad
This was inspired by a conversation I had on a discord server, we all have daddy issues and want Fatgum to adopt us so here’s all the shit we collected.
There are some serious themes in here, mostly regarding the biological parents of the kid, but it’s vague as possible. If anyone wants me to add a trigger warning please let me know.
It all started when he was a kid, when he learned what an orphanage was. One of the kids in his class mentioned being from one, so when he got home he asked his parents about it. 
“Mom, what’s an orphanage?”
“Well, Taishiro, it’s where children that don’t have parents go. Then people can come and adopt the children. Why do you ask.”
“A kid at school said he’s from one, when d’you think he’s gonna get adopted?”
“He might, not all children get adopted. Some of them stay in the orphanage until they’re adults.”
“Well, honey, life’s not fair. And not everyone gets a happy life. It’s how most villains are made, actually. They were hurt more than everyone else and couldn’t handle it anymore. Not all villains are like that but many are. I think you should stay away from that kid, Taishiro. He might turn out a villain.”
But he didn’t stay away. And he made it his mission to become a pro hero so he could make a ton of money and help as many people as he could. He’d help even villains, keep them from doing something dangerous and inspire hope in them.
Then, he’d adopt any kid who needed a father. All the orphanages and foster programs would be empty. Homeless children off the street and in his house, being fed and clothed. He’d care for each and every one of them, not wanting a single person to feel like they didn’t belong. 
He finds most of his kids at pride parades. He walks around with a shirt that says ‘FREE DAD HUGS’ and a box full of candy. He remembered one of the kids walking up to him slowly.
“Um.. are you Fatgum?” 
“Yes I am!”
“Can I have a hug?”
“Yes you can, Kiddo!” he got down, and the kid put his arms on his stomach (Fatgum’s too big for anyone to fully hug, the dude’s taller than Allmight!) he wrapped his arms around the kid before he heard sniffles. He looked down and saw that the kid was crying.
“M-my parents never hug me like this!” they exclaimed. “They haven’t since I came out. They want to kick me out when I turn thirteen!” 
“Can I have their number? I’m going to... talk to them.”
He ended up taking the kid’s family to court, and since the parents were going to just kick the kid out anyways, they let Fatgum adopt them, but they kept nagging him about how he was ‘going to be raising a little demon.’
“Then call me Lucifer.” he spat right back. Now, that kid’s grown up, has pride flags all around their walls, and doesn’t ever doubt that they’re loved.
Fatgum probably bakes with his kids. Helping them up onto the counter to mix ingredients and play with the dough. If they mess something up or break a glass, it’s fine. He doesn’t yell at them or sigh and shake his head, he just kissed the kid on the forehead and helps them clean up the mess. 
The food always turns out amazing, and Fatgum always tells the kids that. All of his kids are now Gordon Ramsay level chefs and have probably met Gordon Ramsay. 
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No matter what their body type is, Fatgum tells his kids their handsome/beautiful and are model worthy. If anyone comments of one of his kid’s body, whether it be negative or... ‘positive’ in a creepy way, you can expect that they’re getting slammed into the ground. No questions asked.
One of Fatgum’s kids is really good at make-up. Like, really good. So Fatgum did the only thing a rational father would do. 
Ask for a make-up job.
It didn’t end all that well...
“Hold still.. I gotta get the eyeliner on.”
“Gosh, Kiddo it’s making my eyes water.” 
“I know, just hold still... aaaand...... done! Now don’t touch it or it’ll smear!”
“Wow, that looks great! You’re really good at this!”
“Thanks, dad- you smeared it already didn’t you?”
Fatgum: I'm not gonna do it, it just seemed like a good option. 
Fatgum not even two seconds later after seeing a trans kid crying: now carrying said child on his shoulders while his spouse is chuckling in a corner after signing adoption papers I did it.
This man would get his kids almost anything they wanted. Especially kids with ADD/ADHD/Autism/Tourettes/Anxiety who need stim toys.
Kid: chewing on their nails.
Fatgum: here take this stim toy, and this one, you chew this one so that might help-
Kid ends up with more stim toys than they can count.
Fatgum: just doing his job 
The Daddy Issues Gang: Hi dad- oh shit wait- Hi- I- fuck- trauma ensues. crying
Fatgum: grabs the daddy issues gang we're going to the nearest courtroom say hello to your new father its me im the father ok lets go.
Kid: um, dad can I talk to you? 
 Fatgum, turning around quickly: yes? 
 Me: ‘he moved so quick, he's mad at me, I'm gonna get yelled at’ Sorry, sorry! 
Fatgum: uh, no. I'm getting you ice cream and a new stuffed animal no questions asked
He'd just know when something's wrong, and he’d be great at comforting.
His usual style of comfort is to let the kid sit on his stomach and tell him what’s wrong. His body is one giant pillow for his kids to lay on, he can fit at least eight of them if they cuddle in closely.
Once filmed a commercial dressed as the Cool-Aid man, and all of his kids were in the commercial.
Fatgum: Busts down wall  “OH YEAH!”
Director: “And CUT! Okay, try a little more aggressive-”
Fatgum, in tears: “I don’t wanna scare my kids.”
As stated before, if anyone makes his kids feel bad he’s punching them to the ground, but sometimes he’s not in a position where he can do that. Like if a Karen mom ever comes over.
"Linda stop bringing lemon squares if you're going to talk about my son that way because they're just as sour as your attitude."
Fatgum but he slaps the toxic members of your family and tells them to do better or he's taking you.
Then takes you anyway because you prefer him.
Fatgum with a sweater that says ‘mr dad guy on it’
Fatgum definitely watches ATLA, and quotes Uncle Iroh daily. When his kids are minding their own business they suddenly hear
“Leaves from the vine... falling so slow...” 
Fatgum agency cosplayed ATLA characters on Halloween.
Fatgum was Iroh.
Kirishima was Sokka.
Tamaki was either Momo or Appa.
Maybe get a couple others in on it too, Mirio could be Aang and if Kirishima convinces Todoroki to join for a while he’d totally be Zuko.
Fatgum lets his kids squish his face.
Fatgum used to work with a hero who was hard of hearing, so he learned sign language to help them, and he’s got the skill saved in case one of his kids might be deaf.
So one day, Kirishima invites Bakugou on patrol with him, and we all love that headcanon of Bakugou going deaf, so when he gets pissed at something, he starts insulting everyone around him in SL.
Fatgum notices and starts signing back to him.
Hey, now, let’s calm down and not call everyone motherfuckers.
Everyone thinks that they’re doing magic, because they’re making all these shapes with their hands and keep looking offended at each other.
Now, Fatgum tries his gosh darn hardest to keep up with the memes, so when his kids come home with good grades, he says “That’s so pog, Kiddo!”
All of his kids are embarrassed.
In the middle of a battle, he throws Kirishima at a villain and they both scream “YEET!” the villain afterwords forever lives in fear of the word ‘yeet’ because he thinks it’ll result in a human rock being thrown at his face.
Fatgum can’t text very well, because his fingers are just too damn big-
Translation: so his texts look like this
you learn to understand his texts
Someone better get him a large tablet instead of a phone
If he gets married after he adopts the kids, there’s going to be a huge competition over who does the rings and who does the flowers etc.
If any of his kid’s ever bring home a romantic partner, you can bet your ass he’ll be all over them.
“What’s your average grade?”
“E-eighty percent sir!”
“And do you take sports?”
“No sir, I wish to be a biologist.”
“I see, I see...”
“SORRY, KIDDO! I’LL LET THEM GO NOW! I’ve got my fucking eyes on you. Don’t screw this up.”
Hope y’all enjoy this, if y’all want I can write some headcanons for if Fatgum’s kid becomes a villain-
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bangchanshehe · 3 years
Bodyguard Lee Pt. 2
You met a kind stranger wandering the streets of Athens who was willing to go out of his way to help you. But across the globe weeks later you cross paths with him again. Could having this many unexpected meetings be a happy coincidence or an ill-fated destiny?
word count:2k
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Three days later you were back in Seoul and unpacking your luggage. It had been the most exhausting and chaotic week of your life and you were happy that you were finally able to at least get back to your normal routines. And while things weren’t going to slow down for you any time soon you at least had more of a sense of normalcy.
You smiled to yourself as you unpacked all of your trinkets and threw your used clothes into the laundry. But most of all you were excited to see your mom and share with her the necklace that you had found for her while you were out looking for souvenirs. You thought back on that night and smiled to yourself.
The man that had helped you in Greece gave you such a good impression of the city that was so miserable for you so far. As the two of you drove past historical buildings and prominent locations he explained their significance. And any place that you wanted to go to he took you there with a smile on his face. by the end of the night you felt like the two of you had been friends who had met each other for the first time in a while as opposed to the strangers that you were. The two of you talked amongst yourselves and you found out that he was a Korean national who was working in Greece. Most importantly there was no pressure to act a certain way in front of him because of who you were, everything was completely natural instead. If it wasn’t for his assistance you would have gone back to your hotel empty handed and upset that you weren’t able to find anything to bring back. And In the end you weren’t able to get his last name to give him a proper thank you or even find him on social media but you would always remember his first name. Taemin.
“shit” you screeched out as the sound of your ringtone startled you out of your fond memories.
You pulled out your phone and took a deep breath before you answered the call from your manager. You couldn’t go a single hour without someone from your company trying to contact you about something. you had just gotten dropped off outside of your apartment less than 30 minutes ago, and you were happy that you were able to be in your own space once more. But now you were back to being the busy entertainer once more.
“hello?” you asked bitterly, not even bothering to conceal the disappointment and frustration in your voice.
“y/n, tomorrow morning the company wants to recruit some new security team members to travel with us while you go on tour. I’ve sent you their resumes so take a look and let me know who your top three are. They want to hire the new members as soon as possible so they can start their training.” Your manager quickly barked out before she hung up on you.
You pulled the phone away from your face and double checked that she really hung up on you, and the moment you confirmed you scoffed. What the hell… you thought to yourself. I guess she needs the time off as much as I do too.
You quickly opened up your email and looked at the recently received message and scowled. You had never hired someone before and you didn’t know what to look for in a resume to make an educated decision on who to hire. And you honestly didn’t care who would end up being on your security team as long as they would protect you and were professional.
You clicked on the message and opened the attachments to see ten resumes in total. You let out a sigh and meticulously went through each persons accomplishments and previous employment. Each one of them had a lot of strong accomplishments and experience that would make them valuable members. And you were completely at a loss as to who to choose until you looked at the last resume. He was last employed by the Korean ambassador who was stationed in Greece, he had lost of merits and rewards and he seemed to be very professional.
You grinned to yourself and mentally congratulated the man for being in the running. You scrolled up to see his name and information and your eyes almost jumped out of your head when you saw his application headshot.
“Taemin?” you asked out loud in complete disbelief.
The chances of this happening was slim to none. No, it was less than that. It was almost impossible.
But if his resume didn’t already speak for itself his helpfulness and courtesy of helping you in Greece did. You didn’t really care who the other two members would be, but you knew for a fact that you wanted Taemin as one of your members. It was the last thing that you could do for him since you weren’t ever able to properly thank him.
You immediately emailed your manager back that you didn’t care who the other two were but you absolutely wanted Taemin on your team, and then shut down your laptop. You were excited to see Taemin once more and congratulate him on getting the job. You imagined how shocked he would be to see you once more but this time as a prominent entertainer.
The next morning you got up with a smile. It felt good to sleep a normal amount of time and in your own bed again. You took your time enjoying your morning coffee and you relaxed as you got ready. You had opted to wear something more casual and comfortable for the day since you had worn such heavy and extreme clothes during your shoot.
when your manager had finally arrived at your apartment she gave you a call and you quickly grabbed your belongings and met her in your van.
“good morning” she said chipperly
“morning” you replied back
“today your schedule is a little tight” your manager said with a sorry tone “this morning we have a photoshoot for promotions, then you have a vocal and choreography training session. After a short lunch break you have an interview and then in the evening you have a meeting with the producers and event coordinators.”
You leaned forward towards your managers seat “will we have time to see the candidates for the security team?” you asked her hopeful that you would be able to greet Taemin on the team personally
Your manager hummed and looked at the clock “im not too sure what time their final interview is but with your schedule today its pretty unlikely.” She said
You sat back in your seat and let out a small sigh. It was too bad that you wouldn’t be able to see Taemin, but this was your life. Constantly missing out on the things that you want to do.
The time was currently 7pm and you were staring at the sunset as your day finally came to an end. You were waiting for your manager to pull your car around in the garage when you had made eye contact with someone who you didn’t expect to see.
“y/n-ssi” one of the directors called out to you.
You had immediately turned to him with a professional smile and bowed in greeting but inside you were dying. You had hoped that he was going to simply pass by you but instead he had stopped right next to you.
“I wanted to introduce you to the newest members of your security team.” He said holding a hand out towards the three men that were behind him.
Your eyes immediately widened and your attention was heightened. You didn’t think that seeing taemin would be possible today but you were gladly proven wrong.
“this is Seonghwa, Minho, and Kai” the director stated their names
As soon as you saw the faces of each of the new members your smile immediately turned into a frown. You had looked at each of the men and then up to the company director. Sure you had seen each of the men’s resumes and they were highly qualified, but if you had met any of them on the side of the road and asked for help you were sure that none of them could give you the same treatment as Taemin gave you in Greece.
“director, may I speak to you for a minute?” you asked him and he gave you a gesture to walk a distance away to speak. Once the two of you were a few yards away from the gentlemen you whispered your questions. “what happened to Taemin-ssi?” you asked “I really liked his resume and thought that he would be really good for the job.”
The director gave you a smile before he answered “we did too. His resume and previous employment was quite impressive. However, he wasn’t interested in a job that required leaving the country. He is interested in more of a regular full-time job in Korea.” He answered
You lowered your head and let out a small sigh. Although you were hopeful to run into him again it was understandable that he would want to stay in Korea since he had been in Greece for a while. And you couldn’t blame him for that. He probably also had a family in Korea that he missed dearly.
“I understand” you said to the director
The two of you shared a mutual look of agreement before you approached the new men once more.
“congratulations on joining the team.” You said to the men giving them a smile “ill be off now. have a good night”
The men politely bowed and responded with goodnight and get home safely. You had bowed back politely and then retreated to the parking garage where your manager would pick you up.
You hadn’t received a message from your manager yet that she had arrived but you wanted to get out of the building as quickly as possible. Your hopes of having taemin joining your team was a bummer, but you were more upset that you wouldn’t see him again more than anything.
It had felt like for the first time in a long time you were able to make a friend who wasn’t under any sort of impression or had expectations based on what your career was. And maybe you were reading too much into that night in Greece, but you really did feel like Taemin had become a friend. Or maybe it was just your brain creating a scenario out of nothing since you needed companionship so badly.
You had felt a tap on your shoulder and you had turned around without looking at the person. You were looking down at your feet when you had asked “can we stop at the convenience store before you drop me off at home?”
“sure. What do you need?” you heard a man’s voice asking back
You had immediately snapped your head up when you heard the voice that was so unfamiliar to you. You looked up at the mans face and was unable to recognize him past his black hat and mask that hid his facial features.
“im sorry, you must have the wrong person.” You said quietly and hid your face hoping that you could simply back away from the situation and wait inside for your manager.
“no, ive got the right person” he man said and his eyes crinkled in a smile
You looked him up and down and red flags went off and alarm bells rang in your head. The man pulled out a box cutter just far enough out of his jacket pocket for you to see as he pushed the blade out all the way.
“quietly, I want you to get into the car.” The man said in a scattered and panicked voice
You put your hands up and you began to take small shaky steps towards his car door. As you got closer the man circled around so he was no approaching you instead of you stepping towards him. When you opened the car door and sat down inside he began barking commands at you.
“put the ankle cuffs and handcuffs on.”
You nodded your head and you began to place the cuffs around your feet. But as tears sprung to your eyes and your hands began to shake you weren’t able to put on the cuffs as quickly as the man wanted you to.
“faster!” the man yelled and you began to sob
You tried to calm yourself down as you blinked away your tears and tried to focus. But the fear that swept through your body only made things worse.
How had no one seen you on the security cameras and come to help. What was taking your manager so long that she wasn’t here already. And why was this happening to you?
You had finally snapped the handcuffs on when you had heard a loud crunch and a body had hit the pavement next to you outside of the car. You looked down at the man who was now lying still and let out a loud sob when you saw the mans mask. When you realized that the danger was finally gone you looked up to who had saved you, and you completely lost control of your emotions.
Of all people who you had hoped would help you never did you imagine that it would be Taemin to your rescue.
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artemisbarnowl · 3 years
I don't remember if I told y'all about how this woman in my course and I applied for the same job (Job C) and 1000% did not want to work with her but I didn't hear anything back so it was fine
and then another job in a different team but same organisation came up (Job Q) and we both applied for those too (job q has 3 openings, 2 team members same level as job c and a team leader, which is a more senior position), and i was super stressed that I was going to turn down financial security because working with her was so awful but she got interviewed and offered job C when I was being interviewed for job Q (both team member and leader at once) and she'd been talking like she preferred C so while the idea of having lunch with her every day doesn't appeal to me i can grit my teeth and do it as it's WAY better than being her close colleague so I can take job Q and have health insurance and a career and stuff. (My references were contacted on Friday for job Q so things are looking good at least for a team member role).
BUT I just got called for an interview for job C too??? Apparently there's multiple spots. But given they've already started onboarding at least one applicant (she's sent in all her paperwork and everything) I assume I'm either not the first choice and someone who did get interviewed backed out, or the recruitment agency or staff member handling my application is a little slow and they haven't found enough applicants to interview.
I'm REALLY hoping I hear about job Q this week before holiday shut down so I know what do do with my time, but interview for C is tomorrow and I guess it's good practise even if I dont get (or take) the job. And I can get feedback on my application and all that.
Anyway I got a lot of garbage on my brain this week so y'all just have to deal with that.
Also when I asked my friend if she definitely accepted the job C coz I got an interview she was like "I'm gonna call them" like chill sis I'm not stealing your job 🙄
ALSO in the couple of days before she was offered job C she also interviewed for job Q and was talking about how
- said "my referee says I'm too much of leader but didn't know how to make that sound like an area of improvement/weakness on my referees report so she just said something else"
- said I was definitely in a better position for the team leader spot since I'd actually managed people before (finally retail xp coming in handy)
-she'd DEFINITELY pick job C over even the Q team leader role since its more new skills
Like ALL of that sound like trying not to project your insecurities about wanting and thinking you're good enough for that higher paid position but also knowing no one else sees it like that so you're going to spin something safe as more desirable and sought after anyway.
Absolutely wild that out of us two I feel like the normal one. And I'm venting on Tumblr. I'm just actually honest with myself about what I want and what I'm insecure about. Whereas she has this acute need to appear in control at all times and also is a big fan of downplaying difficult things as easy once they're going her way and it really bugs me because im concerned I'm perceived the same way? And you can't just ask people that because it looks like fishing for validation when really I actually want to make sure I'm communicating well and am a pleasure to have in class you know?
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daydream-believin · 4 years
The Never-Ending Roadtrip (St. Louis)
summary: (pt 1) Reader joins Douxie in the quest for Nari’s safety. He’ll need company won’t he? - part 4) Doux and Reader get out of Missouri finally but not before one last stop      (part 5)
warnings: swearing
word count: 6205
a/n: im getting a smidge impatient on my planned mutual pining slow burn as you can see. mmm i want a piece of st louis butter cake. @blixeon​ gets credit for putting the douxie trying to keep y/n away from moppet!douxie idea in my head. its not a big plot point here but idk felt i should still mention it
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Douxie stared up at the ceiling with dry, unblinking eyes. There were many interesting cracks in the ceiling, barely illuminated by the light streaming in from the bathroom door. He was wide awake, despite not being able to convince himself to move. He was never a morning person, but once he remembered where he was, it was like someone had poured a bucket of ice water on him. Y/n was no longer clinging to him when he woke up, albeit, she was not even in the bed at all when he woke up. That had gave him a fright before he realized he could hear the shower running. Somehow, this was worse than if she’d still been there when he woke up. This meant she woke, untangled herself from him, and was probably going to pretend like it didn’t happen, since she couldn’t possibly know he stayed awake long enough to know about it. Which, while waking up in her arms would have been a little awkward, at least he would have gotten a conversation out of it. An acknowledgement. Something.
Speaking of the shower, somehow that was doing a number on him too. It was so strange. They’ve lived together for years now; they’ve shared a bathroom for years now. He’s heard her shower so many fucking times. No sweat. These feelings were making him silly. Perhaps it was this fucking room. The domesticity of it all, which was a weird thing to say when you literally lived with said person. Yet, he couldn’t stop imagining that he was waking up in His Home, listening to His Wife get ready for work in the en suite of Their Bedroom. She didn’t want to wake him, how sweet. She was always worried about him getting more sleep. He’d go help her with her hair, braid it for her. His hands would run through her soft hair as he styled it. She’d kiss him on the nose before she left to go make him a cup of coffee while he got ready. She knew just how he liked it. They’d brush their teeth together, every morning, just like they did last night.
Bleeding balroths, last night. What was he going to do about last night. His dumb heart wouldn’t just be able to leave well enough alone, apparently. Does he,,, say something? Perhaps he should wait to see if she says something. That would be,, the safer route. He knew one thing for sure though. He wasn’t going to act like he didn’t love every second of it. He’d made up his mind. His life has been way too long and lonely for him to keep this ‘it’s not like I like you’ act up. And for Merlin’s sake, he had died not even three days ago. He had almost been gone, and would have never known the love of his beloved. And family wasn’t just who you have, it was also who you’re with. And he was with Y/n. She was already his family, so why not be his family? Like he dreamed of? Yes, he was going to come clean. If she said something. Yes.
Suddenly, he was aware of a noise. Someone had just knocked on the front door of the room. Or less of a knocking and more of a rapping. Archie’s ear’s flicked, but he didn’t stir. Douxie held his breath. The rapping stopped, but now whoever it was trying to open the door. Thank Merlin he warded that thing up. It couldn’t open from the outside, he made sure of it. The door handle stopped moving. Doux still made no noise. Hopefully whoever or whatever that was had decided to move on to easier prey.
Y/n combed her fingers through her wet hair. It was the best she could do at the moment. She’d try and braid it back while it was still wet, so it wouldn’t get even worse. Y/n pulled on the same clothes she’d been wearing for a week. Well, actually she had been wearing a medieval dress for most of it, but still. She looked in the mirror. Not bad for someone on the run. But they did need to make a shopping trip. As much as Y/n did not want to waste an entire other day to a store (thanks Kmart), and didn’t want to spend more of their small savings they were living off of, they did need some things. Backpacks to keep their few belongings close, one more set of clothes each so they could have something to be wearing while they wash the other set, maybe some pajama pants would be nice, although nonessential, a couple of toothbrushes that weren’t the motel provided ones, plus a tube of toothpaste, soap, a hairbrush, phone chargers, some emergency food that wouldn’t spoil, some reusable water bottles, a fucking first aid kit even, lots of stuff. It’s not like they were able to pack for this trip. Hell, they should probably get Nari an outfit that would cover up her, eh, forest spirit-ness. Her running around in leaves isn’t exactly helping their conspicuousness. Despite Y/n not wanting to add to that list, she sure was getting cold in her short-sleeved top. She needed a jacket. She’d been borrowing Douxie’s a bit for the last few days, but if she just stole it then he would be cold. She needed one of her own, she supposed.
Y/n walked out of the bathroom. Archie and Nari were still snoozing, but Doux looked like he was awake. He sat up as soon as he realized Y/n had come out. He looked, troubled. And he had every right to be, she thought. He had just suffered the loss of his mentor and died himself. He had been blankly staring at the ceiling when she’d first came into the room. He probably had so much on his mind. Thankfully he had Archie and herself. They’d be there for him, she’d make sure of it. It’d be best to give him some more time to think, though. She didn’t want to push too hard. He’d tell her if he was struggling, she was sure of it. He’d been so open lately. And they’d had plenty of talks in the past about not expressing frustrations in their lives. He hadn’t been too open with her when they first started living together and it had made being roommates stressful at first. It wasn’t a problem anymore though. They’d worked through it, and it had even brought them closer.
She told him it was his turn for the bathroom now. He looked like he wanted to say something, but then quietly nodded as he got out of bed and headed for the shower. Strangely, this inn stay has been the most normal things had been all week. It was almost like they were home. She was back in her routine of waking, getting ready, telling Douxie it was his turn to get ready. He was so sweet, he always let her have the bathroom first. So chivalrous, although, she had a sneaking suspicion it was more of his excuse to sleep in a little longer.
It was nice, living with Douxie. It was the first time she’d been on her own. Or, well, not on her own per se, since Douxie was there, but at least away from her aunt. Her aunt had practically raised her, but that didn’t mean she was too grateful for it. She felt guilty about that last part, but not too guilty. Her aunt was pretty cold. It was clear that Y/n was just a charity case to her, a beggar who wouldn’t be looked at twice if not for blood relation. She hadn’t even bothered telling Y/n about their family’s magic until Y/n had stumbled face first into it herself. And even then, she only taught Y/n a minimal number of spells, just enough to control it, so she could successfully hide it. Didn’t need some troublesome untrained wizard ruining the family name and scaring the party guests. Y/n didn’t even know that wizards were pretty much immortal at a certain point until she noticed it herself. The people she had grown up with were all out there getting their pretty adult faces, and she was stuck with a baby face. Her aunt only told her once she questioned it. She was well past being nineteen now, but was going to be stuck like this forever apparently. What a great way to live.
Of course, she was absolutely thrilled when she found out her new roommate was in the same boat as her in that department. It was serendipity. The whole thing with Douxie was perfect, really. She had heard through her friend who worked at Hextech that someone had put up a roommate ad flyer on the company’s bulletin board and she called right away. She hadn’t been having any luck apartment hunting. She couldn’t afford rent on her own with her bookstore job, and Arcadia Oaks wasn’t exactly a college town teeming with people looking for roommates. A wizard roommate would be perfect, and the price was right. So imagine her surprise when said new roommate also turned out to be her boss. Y/n hadn’t even known he was looking for a roommate, let alone that he was a fellow wizard. His old roommate, Jack, had gotten married and moved out last month, he told her. Y/n was surprised at how very easy it was getting into this agreement too, Doux already knew her so he didn’t even interview her. And she didn’t have to worry about new person awkwardness. It really was serendipity. Of course, it hadn’t been all rosy, as mentioned before, but they were really groovin’ together now.
Y/n stretched out on the bed. She could hear the water running through the wall. It had been so awesome living right above her job. She got to sleep in, and she’d get ready, eat some breakfast, and be able to instantly step into the bookstore. She’d never be late ever again. Or she never was late again. That was a depressing thought. But hey, bright side, now they could have all the fun of starting up a new bookstore. Perhaps she could convince Douxie to add on a tea shop this time too. One that had cute little round tables with pretty gingham table cloths and flower vases, filled with flowers that they grew themselves in the pots on their balcony. They’d make sure the new bookstore had a nice window that was meant for a display but they’d leave as a place for Archie to sleep in and make snarky comments as he watched the people go by. Douxie could paint the letters on the signs and window, he was great at that. It’d be a task, but truly, they had to remake their bookstore. Even if not in Arcadia. A new bookstore they could fill up with love, that’d be an idea Y/n could hold on to.
Stars, she loved their bookstore. She loved the smell. She loved the peaceful homey vibe. She loved the man who owned it. Whoops, forget about that last part. She even loved the quirky characters it drew in. One time, she encountered this really crazy lady, and she wasn’t even sure if this lady was real or if she dreamt her, since she was the only witness. But Mordrax’s miracles, was this lady something. It started normally enough, Y/n picking up the store’s landline.
“GDT Arcane Bookstore! Please state your grievances.” She knew in the back of her mind that she was the only person who found her dumb jokes funny, but she still made them to brighten up her own day. Also to piss off Hisirdoux with her unprofessionalism. He made the same passive-aggressive ‘I’m disappointed in you’ face every time. It was fun.
“Yes, Hello. I would like to know if you carry any children’s books.”
“Yes ma’am, we sure do. A whole section.”
“Great. And are you child friendly?”
“Are we-, child friendly? I-, Yes I suppose we are ma’am.”
“Perfect. And you’re open until eight?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Thank you, young lady.”
The whole phone call was odd. Y/n wasn’t too jazzed about being called ‘young lady’ either. She had mocked the lady as soon as the phone call ended, but she shrugged it off, and had forgotten that the whole thing had even happened as she went about her day. Then, at about seven, this lady rolls up. She was dressed to the nines but like, in an old rich person way. Long fur coat, black dress underneath with pearls around her neck. On one arm, she had a fancy purse covered in the logo of a fashion brand Y/n wasn’t going to admit she recognized. In the other, she carried a large porcelain doll, the size of a five-year-old, which was dressed in a frilly pink dress that remined her of the dresses her aunt used to make her wear. When Y/n greeted her, she recognized the voice as the strange caller from earlier. Y/n got the feeling that some sort of shit was about to go down, and couldn’t wait. If only Archie was here.
Fur coat lady sat her doll down on the old loveseat in the sitting area and asked Y/n to keep an eye on the doll while she went to go pick out some books. Emily could be so mischievous sometimes, she told Y/n. She assured fur coat lady that she’d watch Emily like a hawk. The doll’s painted eyes stared into Y/n’s soul. Fur coat lady came back far longer than Y/n was comfortable with. She asked Y/n if Emily had been a good-mannered girl. Y/n just nodded, not sure if she should be encouraging this, on second thought. Fur coat lady then preceded to read the doll nine children’s books in a row, pausing in between only to ask the doll if she had liked it. Y/n was too baffled to even tell this lady to scram, we aren’t a library, you know. It crept closer to eight, and Y/n was actually dreading what was going to happen when she’d have to kick this lady out, but thank the stars, fur coat lady starts telling her doll about how it was close to its bedtime so they couldn’t read any more stories, aww darn, and they had to go now. She thanked Y/n as she walked out of the door. Y/n flipped that closed sign behind her and quickly retreated upstairs for the night. She’d go make a cup of tea to relax her nerves after that encounter. Y/n had plenty of other wild stories of people who’ve stopped by their bookstore. It was great for conversation at parties.
Y/n loved parties. With Douxie came all his friends, and she didn’t mind that one bit. They were always over whenever Doux had time off. It was so nice; it kept their place lively. Y/n cooked and baked a lot, it was one of those skills her aunt insist she have, and having so many mouths to enjoy her food felt good. And whether it was band practice or game night, she was happy to play hostess. Douxie’s friends were fun to talk to. She suddenly had the freedom to invite her own friends over too. Having so many people around all the time had helped her loneliness big time when she first moved in. Her aunt’s house may have been big, but it was empty. Her aunt threw a fancy party a month, but none of the people there were people worth talking to. It was so cold. Their apartment was warm.
Honestly, as insane as it was to think about, Y/n couldn’t see herself ever leaving Douxie to live on her own anymore. At first, this arrangement was supposed to be a temporary thing until she could find a better job and go off on her own. But somehow along the way, ‘the apartment we share’ became Their Apartment, and the bookstore that she happened to operate with him became Their Bookstore. It was nuts, and also the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to Y/n. It was the home she’d never had. Douxie and Archie were her family. Way more so than her aunt ever was. It was beautiful, magical, marvelous. She no longer worked, she just lived. Hell, she couldn’t even remember the last time Doux had formally assigned her a shift. She was just kind of always there. Which she was glad to do. She loved it. And when it was time to stop working, she’d just head upstairs and get to spend even more time with her favourite person. That is, if he wasn’t on one of his bistro shifts. She felt so safe and cared for. She no longer felt alone.
If Douxie wanted to make that, how you say, a little more official, Y/n wouldn’t be opposed to that. She had a hunch that he had some sort of feelings for her, if his recent actions were anything to go by. Although, just like she didn’t want to push him about the angst feelings, she didn’t want to push him in these feelings either. He’d tell her when he was good and ready. Slow and steady wins the race after all. Besides, if she was wrong and he didn’t have feelings for her, she’d definitely be tossing this good thing they had going out the window directly into the dumpster. She had to admit though, waking up this morning cuddled into him was the loveliest way she’d ever woken up in her life. She could get used to that.
She wondered if Douxie would be a wedding person or an elopement person. Not that she expected him to marry her. But it would be nice. She rolled over and found her phone on the nightstand. There wasn’t any harm in looking at some wedding dresses, right? Just in case. Y/n listened to Nari yawn and shuffle over to the bed. She opened an arm for the forest child who snuggled in, curious at what Y/n was looking at. Y/n tilted the phone for her to see. Nari really liked the poufy dresses. She’d point excitedly to the one’s she thought were pretty while Y/n scrolled. While Y/n wasn’t a fan of big frilly stuff herself, she had to admit, those poufy dresses would make her feel like Cinderella, which was never something she’d have thought appealing, but somehow it was. There were some really gorgeous not poufy ones also, and even a cool black one. Some that Douxie might like too. Y/n leaned more towards those, but wasn’t gonna tell Nari that. The veggie lady sure was having as much fun as her right now, surprisingly. Hopefully she wouldn’t blab any of this to Hisirdoux though.
Speak of the devil, he came out of the bathroom and sat on the end of the bed. Y/n quickly closed the app she was scrolling through. She sat up, taking Nari with her. Archie yawned and stretched, after sensing movement in the room. He moved from the chair into Douxie’s lap. After giving Arch a good scratch behind the ears, Douxie turned to Y/n.
“So, what’s today’s itinerary?”
“I-, wait, why do I have to be the one who decides what we do?”
“Because you’re the one who likes to have a plan when it comes to these things.”
“Fair enough.” Y/n pulled up google maps. If she had known she would have to do this she would have done it while he got dressed instead of fantasizing about their wedding. “Okay, so as much as I hate to say this, but we gotta go back to the store today.”
Douxie groaned as he laid back. His still wet hair was gonna dry funky like this, but he didn’t care. “Fine. We’ll do that in Illinois. We gotta get out of this town before anything else.”
“I agree,” she paused, seeing something that caught her eye. It would be frivolous, but she couldn’t help herself from asking “Ooh! Can we stop in St. Louis?”
“St. Louis?”
“Yeah! It’ll be fun, Douxie. We can go sit in those cafés that people go to in the black and white movies, we can go take a cheesy tourist picture of us by the arch thing, and I’m really craving some St. Louis butter cake now.”
Doux laughed. “Okay, but only for a few hours, Love.” The least he could do was let her have a little down time to relax and have fun after this hell week. Highly populated cities were good for throwing off their scent too.
“Thank you,” she went back to her map, snickering, “And we’ll stop in Effingham to shop.” She snorted.
“Effingham?” Douxie said it correctly, in his proper accent, which was not as amusing.
“Effing. Ham. Baby.” He rolled his eyes.
They booked it out of that motel and out of that town. Douxie all but tossed the room key into the creepy innkeeper’s hands as they rushed out. Back on the boat, safe at last. He ran a mental headcount once they boarded. Y/n always held Nari’s hand when they went places, so they wouldn’t have to worry about her wandering off, but it still made Douxie feel better to go over his tiny mental list and make sure they were both still safe and with him. Archie, he didn’t have to worry about as much. Even if the cat-dragon wandered he’d always come back. He could track Douxie by scent for a hundred miles too. Y/n had a habit of getting lost, though. He had to keep an eye on her. He didn’t need her and Nari off in fairyland where the Order could find and abduct them at any given time.
Douxie’s hair had still been damp when they set off, but the wind took care of that for him. Sure, wind-tousled bangs were in, but not bangs tousled by real wind. He was sure he was rocking it though. He could pass it off as something he did on purpose. People already thought his relatively tame style was outlandish, they’d just think the messy hair was part of the look. His only qualm was Y/n. He didn’t want to embarrass himself to her any further. His Camelot self already inflicted so much damage in that department this week. That moppet with a man bun had messed up spells, quoted sappy poetry to her, bragged about being Merlin’s apprentice, and even tried serenading her with his lute in attempts to impress her. It was mortifying. He had spent the first part of their Camelot adventure distracted by having to keep Y/n away from his younger self. It was not good for the whole ‘save time’ mission. Thankfully, he had Claire there with him, who had agreed to help him once she had buggered the information out of him. Thank Merlin for nosy teen girls. Claire was a godsend.
He had to admit, he was a smidge disappointed that she didn’t bring up the cuddling. Y/n hadn’t even made a joking reference to it in passing. He would have to bring it up then. But when, how? It wasn’t exactly something that would come up in natural conversation.
He watched her, hanging over the ship’s railing again. They passed a field with some cows and she made sure to point at them and say cows. He smiled at that; Y/n always managed to make him smile. He could recall how bad he had felt when Jack left and he thought he was going to have to fire her, his only employee, to keep up with rent. He had asked Zoe if he could put up a flyer in Hextech in a desperate attempt to find someone before that had to happen. And low and behold, among the three answers he got to the ad was miss L/n herself. It was an easy decision really, and it took away the uncertainty since he knew she was someone that he already liked. As a bonus, Y/n didn’t have a familiar of her own that might fight with Archie, because let’s be real, as much as Douxie loved Archie, the dragon-cat wasn’t afraid of stepping on toes. Although, it did feel kind of strange to give Y/n her paycheck and then for her to hand a little more than half of it back to him on rent day. But it just worked.
He remembered the first time he walked by the fridge to see that not only had Y/n added some fridge magnets to the kitchen, but she had taken the time to write a message to him. It, um, was sort of a rude note, meant to tease, an inside joke. Which he thought was funny, he just wished Zoe hadn’t seen it. It was hard to explain, and Zoe never let him hear the end of it. Archie got a kick out of it too. Y/n would switch the message almost daily, and it never failed to make him smile. He still had to deal with his friends seeing them and teasing him about it, but he’d never change her magnet jokes for anything. They would stay there until she replaced them with equally embarrassing messages meant just for him. It felt sweet to know someone was thinking about him enough to come up words meant to make him laugh on a daily basis.
They had just passed by a town called Eureka, which meant they were coming up on St. Louis. Good. Douxie couldn’t wait for lunch. He had the appetite of a winning fat bear these past few days. Probably the stress. That butter cake Y/n had mentioned was sounding so tasty. He could almost smell it. What Douxie hadn’t considered when he agreed to this was that the magic flying ship couldn’t go through metropolitan areas. Well, it could, but it’d be seen. So despite his growling stomach, he wound up taking the ship around the entire concrete jungle of Missouri, staying in the forested areas. He figured he could park the boat over in Illinois, just outside of St. Louis. This added a whole other hour to the trip than he was expecting, but now at least he knew to take large cities into consideration when choosing routes.
After hiding the boat in a heavily wooded area, the four took the bus into downtown. So when Y/n said she wanted to go to an old café from a movie, she had meant a very specific old café from a specific movie. She had told him it wasn’t a big deal and there were plenty of other cafes, but Douxie was gonna get her there by golly. And he did. The happiness written on her face was worth the extra bus miles. And wow, this café had some delicious food. They had salmon, which Archie enjoyed a little more than usual. Said something about paying himself back. As if he paid for anything, being a cat. That St. Louis butter cake did not disappoint. Archie was pretty fond of the cake too. It was too sweet for Nari, though. Y/n savored every bite. Doux watched her, while he ate his own, and it was so cute how smiley this was making her. He’d learn the recipe for this cake so he could make it for her once they got… home.
Douxie was still trying to shake off that depressing thought when Y/n finished up and was already trying to get the move on. Not without getting a picture first, of course. Not satisfied with just the scenery of the café itself, she begged Douxie to pose for her in various spots around it. He obliged, despite his scruffy appearance. She didn’t think he was that scruffy, and what was better than pictures of her favourite person in a cool place she’d always wanted to go. She also snapped one of Archie to post to her cat insta she secretly kept of him. Douxie knew about it, and contributed pictures to it himself, but neither of them were about to tell Archie he was internet famous as archie_the_emo_kitty. These pictures were going to hold good memories in them. All pictures do.
There was one more photo Y/n wanted to get. Silly cliché tourist picture with the gateway arch in the background. She wanted at least one of just her and Douxie, after the group photo. She’d have to somehow get one of Archie too, since she wasn’t about to pass up the chance to make a pun in the caption about Archie being in front of the arch. As she pulled Douxie close to get the picture, she got an idea. She asked him if they could get just one more. He was holding the phone since his arms were longer so he was able to get better angles with them both in it. He agreed, happy to do anything to keep that grin on her face longer. This time, when he leaned down to make their faces closer together, Y/n gave him a kiss on the cheek. The shutter snapped. Look, she wasn’t going to push, but she could nudge. Y/n pulled away and grabbed the phone to look at how it turned out, so cute, and Douxie just stayed there, leaning over, still as a statue, with wide eyes.
“Did you just- k-kiss me?” He didn’t so ecstatic. Maybe she was reading him wrong after all. Okay, time to deny.
“Yeah, it was just a cheek kiss, Doux. It was a cute pose for our picture, see,” She showed him the picture. A perfectly captured moment where they looked so happy. Where her lips would forever be on his still burning face. “Friends do it all the time.”
“Oh. Ah, okay.” That sounded disappointed, and his face wasn’t the picture of joy before, but now he just looked crestfallen. Okay so she wasn’t reading him wrong before. Good to know. She’d,, have to fix this now. She casually grabbed his hand and laced their fingers. That got him looking back up from the ground.
“C’mon, we’ve got about ten minutes to catch the next bus.”
~ ~ ~
Effingham was a quaint place. Y/n had only chosen it for it’s funny name, but it was surprisingly pretty okay. It was home to the world’s largest cross. Which would be cool, for it’s target audience, Y/n supposed. And they had a train depot. Fun. And exactly one singular popular restaurant. Which wasn’t that much more than Arcadia had, Y/n had to give it to them. They were in this tiny little mall, to see about finding some spare clothes. Y/n stopped dead in her tracks to gawk at a store that’s sign identified itself as Rural King. She tugged Douxie’s hand.
“Oh we gotta go in there.”
Douxie took one look at it and shook his head, “Are you really going to drag us into a hunting store just because it has a silly name?”
“No, I guess not,” Y/n took one last look at the place, “Can I at least get a pic of you posing in front of it?”
“Fine.” Douxie suppressed a grin as he complied with her silly request.
Once they got into a real store though, Douxie leaned over to Y/n to tell her something without the clerk hearing. “Oh, I’ve been meaning to tell you, I’ve got an appearance modifier spell I’ve perfected over the years. We’re not actually here to buy anything, just get some inspiration.”
Y/n nodded, fascinated. Well, that’ll take care of the extra spending problems. Now came the fun part, finding a new look for Nari. Speaking of whom, she was over at a rack, trying on those fake fashion glasses without real lenses in them. She looked really cute in every pair she tried on, and they helped obscure her face. Good. She really took a liking to this square tortoiseshell pair. Y/n took a mental note. It was going to be getting cold soon, and plants tend to freeze in the cold, so they took the veggie lady over to go check out the winter coats. Nari picked out a puffer that looked pretty comfy, but she didn’t like that it was red. It reminded her of Bellroc. Douxie assured her that the one he’d make could be any color she liked. Not surprisingly, she wanted it to be green.
Y/n just decided on a simple outfit for herself, consisting of a black and white striped long-sleeved tee, a black short sleeve tee to layer over that, and a classic pair of jeans. It was easy, comfortable, and didn’t draw much attention. A band kid staple too. Nari wanted to be similar to Y/n and also decided on a striped tee and jeans to go under her coat. Now they just needed to find her something to contain that gorgeous head of grass. Y/n glanced over to see Douxie trying on a cap in the hat section. Perfect. They’d make her a hat. It’d be a big hat, but nothing too much.
Douxie actually did buy a couple of backpacks from the shop. Y/n was a bit confused but he told her how for some reason he couldn’t enchant something that was technically an illusion itself so he had to buy physical bags since he wanted to enchant them to be infinite vessels or something. Y/n nodded. This was interesting. She was pretty good at the magic she did know but it was mostly by instinct. No one had really taught her the technical side of it like this. She never really knew how stuff worked, just that it worked. They headed to the dollar store after finishing up with the clothing, which surprisingly, this little mall had in it for some reason. They quickly found all those necessity items they needed and got out of there fast. They were burning daylight after all.
Once back at the boat, greeted by Archie who was glad they came back within a decent time this go around, Douxie got to work. First, he enchanted those backpacks. Y/n watched his every move, fascinated, and taking mental notes. He stuffed the supplies into the bags, making sure each had emergency food and medicine just in case they’d ever get separated. The first aid kits were a great idea, considering he didn’t know much healing magic himself and Y/n could only do a temporary pain relief spell. Having stuff to bandage up wounds in their bags made Douxie feel slightly better.
Y/n filled Douxie in on the specifics of Nari chosen disguise, and he set to work on that. It came out pretty cute. Nari liked her new duds, taking her time to look over herself. Y/n handed the veggie lady her phone with the front facing camera on so Nari could use it as a mirror. She really liked that. Y/n snickered at Nari trying out different angles.
He moved onto Y/n. He didn’t magically fairy godmother her like he did the forest child, he just made her a spare set of clothes to go in that backpack. He made them according to her request, but paused at the tee shirt. “Do you want me to put a logo or something on this?”
Y/n twirled her hair around her finger. “Hmm. I’m thinking, Ash Dispersal Pattern. They’re my favourite band, ever heard of them?”
Douxie laughed as conjured up the tee. He picked one of his favourite designs from past merch. It could be considered vintage now, but it wasn’t that long ago to Doux. He fancied the idea of getting to see her in his merch a lot more now. She did have one of their tee shirts back in the bookstore, but she didn’t wear it often as it was in rotation with other band’s tees. He didn’t have competition anymore, it seems. He grinned as finished up.
“Anything else?”
“Yes, actually. Now that I know you can just magic up clothes for yourself, I would like your hoodie.”
“I can make you a hoodie like thi-“
“No, no, I want the one you’re wearing, thank you. It’s warm and familiar and it smells like you.” She said half-joking, half-serious. “It would make me feel safer.”
Douxie couldn’t believe what he was hearing. In fact some part of him thought he may have just daydreamed that. He wordlessly forked over the hoodie. She took it merrily and put it on, giving it a sniff for good measure. Now he really was daydreaming.
“Thank you, Dewdrop!” Oh, he had a pet name now. He’d hadn’t heard that one yet. Frisky people had called him all sorts of strange and embarrassing things over the centuries. But this one was a first. He guessed it was a play on his name. Dewdrop, ay? That was so soft and sweet. A shiny little dewdrop, the first thing you see in the morning. Ah. It seems that miss L/n was plotting to kill him. She was succeeding.
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i-may-be-stupit · 3 years
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Shigaraki x Silly!Reader
As usual, this is rather gender-neutral and the horny got me because I fukn love Shiggy 🥵😍 but yeah, enjoy!
You typed up a report of the latest incident between Endeavor and the league of Villains. Well, actually, you were just editing your boss's writing. She was a journalist and you were her assistant. You rolled your eyes, reading through it and fixing any grammar mistakes or typos you came across. Why the hell is she making Endeavor seem so god damn perfect? I mean, when you first met him, you told the guy a joke and he hasn't stopped glaring at you ever since. You rolled your eyes at just the thought of that fuck-faced jackass.
Not only were you the editor, but you were also the secretary in the news office building which is a whole different job as it is. You blew a bubble from your gum and turned your music in your earbuds up a bit more, since the day was going slow. Yeah, there'd be a scoop here and there but not a lot.
You looked up to see a guy with red eyes and a black hoodie grinning evily while saying stuff to you. You just stared at him until he finished talking. He looked at you and you looked at him. You spat your gum in a tissue then took out your earbuds. You smiled softly at the man. "I'm sorry, you said you wanted a visitors' pass?"
The man looked at you with a blank stare at first. "You didn't hear anything I just said?" You shook your head. He frowned and tilted his head in annoyance, "I was talking for like 3 minutes straight." You just blinked. "I just explained my whole reasoning for kidnapping you for information on Endeavor."
You smiled at him, "Im sorry sir, I'm just the secretary, but the information desk is on floor three, just take that elevator to the right and-"
"What the fuck, bitch?!" He opened his arms wide in anger, "Do you not recognize me from the news?!"
You put a finger on your chin and tapped it in thought for a moment, before clicking your tongue and snapping your finger, "Ah, you must be a pro hero or something!" His jaw dropped. "Wow, no wonder youre so handsome!" You took the bottle of lotion out of your desk's drawer and offered him some. "If you're going on an interview you could use some of this though!" He glared at you before snapping his fingers, and thats when you found out who he is.
The entire League of villains showed up and your eyes widened in fear. The man known as Shigaraki Tomura laughed harshly with a gleam in his eyes, "Recognize me yet, (Y/N) (L/N)?!"
You stared at him again in fear. You then snorted, "Hank the handy man?" And thats when he lunged at you, only for Shigaraki to fall into one of Kurogiri's portals. You laughed with tears in your eyes as the burnt up goth boy snickered. Kurogiri elbowed Dabi and Dabi wiped away a bloody tear in his own eye as he held your arms behind your back.
Dabi chuckled quietly in your ear a small, "You gotta teach me some insults if you live." And you snorted as you consentualy walked into a portal, not even mad at being kidnapped.
You were in what seemed to be a lounge area, seated on a chair with your arms handcuffed to the back of you. You looked around, innocently smiling, "Wowie, nice place you guys got here!" Spinner looked at Dabi confused as you started humming. "So, uh, whatcha need me for?"
Mange spoke up, "Wait, how are you so calm about this?"
You chuckled, "Hey, this chair is comfy, I'm off from work now, and I got to see a cute guy up-close and personal!"
Dabi looked at you with a straight face. "No thank you."
You rose an eyebrow at him, "Dont flatter yourself, Rat, I'm talking about the one that tried to kill me." Shigaraki walked into the room, slightly pissed off as Kurogiri rubbed his back. "There he is! The handsome one!"
Shigaraki glared at you. "Don't patronize me." You were about to speak, but he cut you off before even getting the chance, "You're working with Yuki Ino, the Journalist who's been interviewing pro heros, including Endeavor." You nodded, not understanding if that was supposed to be taken as a question or not. "Tell me everything about what's happened to All Might, why he retired, and how to end Endeavor, including the Pro-heros' plans to take down my organization."
You stared at him for a good minute before sneezing, "Sorry, what did you say? I disasociated."
Shigaraki twitched before scratching his neck violently. "What do you know about the number 1 pro hero?!"
"What?!" You looked at him in utter confusion. "I cant even remember what I had for breakfast, how the fuck do you expect me to remember anything about Enslaver?"
The red eyed male scratched his neck faster. "Endeavor."
You looked in even more confusion, "What the fuck is that?"
Shigaraki pulled you by your shirt closer to him in pure anger, "His hero name! Its Endeavor, not Enslaver!"
You blushed and fluttered your lashes, "Wow, the way your crimson gems glisten even in such dim lighting is so mesmerizing..." You puckered your lips and moved forward, but Shigaraki just let go of your shirt in utter disgust.
"I dont speak Wattpad."
You smiled at him happily, "I mean, I know that I should be scared because you're hella intimidating, but geez louis, your eyes are pretty! If you don't end up killing me can I be your boo thang?" You grinned and thats when he lunged at wwnnaqqa again, only for Kurogiri to put himself in front of you, again, so Shigaraki just fell into his portal, again.
Kurogiri just quietly mumbled out a small, "Lets take a break." Before going to the bar and throwing back a shot of some alcohol.
Shigaraki crossed his arms in front of the League with you in another room. "She was trying to seduce me like a slut to get out of death! Playing with my emotions?! Like I'm an ,idiot?! How dare she?!"
Dabi sat back, watching as Toga practiced her knife throwing on Twice. The burt man shrugged nonchalauntly, "She seemed legit to me."
Toga and Twice both nodded with a little, "Mhm," as Toga threw a knife at an apple on Twice's head.
Shigaraki just frowned. "Have you people seen me?" They all stopped what they were doing, looked at their boss and then put their hands up to their faces while cringing.
Kurogiri walked in, dragging you in a chair behind him. He placed you right in front of Shigaraki and you smiled awkwardly at him, "Sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable, Mister Shigaraki, I just can't help myself when I see a cute guy like you, though!" You giggled and shrugged as Twice awed at the nonexistent budding romance.
Shigaraki looked at you with disgust and concern. "You seriously think that I'm cute?"
You tilted your head cutely with a small smile"That's why I asked you out, what the hell?" You chuckled softly and Shigaraki blushed with a frown as he stared at you.
He scratched at his neck, took a shot of alcohol and sighed. "Just tell me everything you know about Endavor, okay?"
You frowned deeply with a small groan, "Ugh! He's kinda a asshole! I told him "Good morning, Teletubby Sun" and he just glarred really hard at me!" You frowned and pouted before mumbling out a small, "I mean, it was just a joke..."
Shigaraki pinched the bridge of his nose in utter frustration while Dabi fucking died of laughter in the background, "Anything actually important?"
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Hey! That's totally important!"
A weak, hourse, "it is!" came from Dabi and you grinned.
"See, he gets it!"
He glared daggers into you and got closer to your face. "Do you not understand the danger you're in?" He snarled. "I can kill you right now if you dont submit."
You poked your lips out jokingly before giggling out, "I get it, but who's to say I don't wanna die?" You winked at him.
Shigaraki stared at you calmly, not leaving your goofy grin. "Everyone out of the room. Now." And everyone did as they were told and left, all praying for you.
Shigaraki silently cut your restraints and you started rubbing your wrists while smiling, "Thank you! You know, that was starting to hurt-"
He grabbed you by your hair and flung you onto the floor. The wind was knocked out of you and to make matters worse, he placed a foot on your chest, glarring down at you. "This isn't a game, you stupid fucking cunt." Shigaraki laughed darkly, seeing your jokester smile twist into a horrified grit as you struggled to breath. "I mean, are you dumb or something?! Your worthless life is on the line and you really couldn't care less?! "His hands covered his mouth, holding back another laugh, though you could hear it in his voice, "You're so fucking pathetic, I don't even feel like wasting my time killing you~!" He pushed his foot down harder.
You gasped for air, clawing at his foot to pry it off. "S-Shigaraki, sir-" A crack was echoed as he pushed his foot down harder on your now broken sternum. You scream out as tears fell from your face from the pain, "Please, p-please remove your f-foot..."
Shigaraki only laughed harder, cupping a hand over his cheek, ring finger raised, "Oh all of a sudden you care about your life, huh?" He straddled you, pinning you down with your wrists in one hand, and your neck in his other. "You think you can just flirt with me like the little slut you are and get off Scott free, huh?" You choked and Shigaraki drew closer to your ear, "Where's that attitude gone now, huh? Oh, can you not speak anymore? Tell me, please, how many dicks have you taken already. How the hell did you get a job," his face scrunched up in fury, "at a god damn Hero News agency without knowing shit about any heros, huh?! You probably slept with everyone there. Didnt you? Flirting with them to get what you want just like with me?"
Your face was hot and you were crying and choking at his words and actions, "N-No! That's not-" you gasped hard, unable to breath properly, "not me at all!"
Shigaraki loosened his grip on your neck. He glarred deep into your soul. "Then why the hell were you flirting with me back there? I'm not dumb, (Y/N), I'm a very fucking capable man!"
You smiled awkwardly, thankful that you could breath a little better. "I just think you're HANDsome!" Shigaraki's cheeks tinted pink as he glared at you. He let his grip go completely as you choked and coughed before looking up with a smile, "And this position... w-with you on top of me is really lewd, so can you maybe..." You trailed off as he just stared harder at you.
Shigaraki blinked, expressionless. "I'm pinning you down on the verge of killing you and the only think you can think of is getting fucked by me?" You looked away, struggling a bit with the feeling of awkwardness and arousal. He smirked, feeling your neck get hotter. "You really are a little fucking whore aren't you?" And with that, he softly kissed your lips.
Your face went hot as you looked up at him. "What was that for?" He kissed you again, this time longer. "S-shigaraki..." You pouted and looked away. "Theres something I should tell you..."
"Hm?" He tilted his head with a smirk, waiting for you to tell him that you're still a virgin.
"You shouldve taken my lotion earlier." You laughed out and he started choking you again. "Joking- J- Joking!" Shigaraki glarred down at you before tongue kissing you much more rough. You moaned as it thrashed against your tongue, saliva dripping out the side of your mouth. Shigaraki bit your lip softly before dragging his tongue down your chin and onto your neck. He licked and sucked on it as you bit your bottom lip. Tomura came back up and tongue kissed you for only a second before grabbing your shirt with all five fingers. You gasped and covered up your bra. "H-Hey! Gentlemen ask for permission first!" You frowned and he just grabbed you by your jaw.
He mocked you with a fake pouty voice, "Oh, that's my bad for not being a fucking gentleman. Can I pwease fuck you??" Tomura rolled his eyes, "Now shut the fuck up and let me suck on your nipples." Shigaraki's mouth immediately locked with your left nipple as his fingers played with your right. He laughed, hearing you softly mumble his name. His mouth left your chest with a small pop and he looked down at you with a smirk, "Dont be shy saying my name, (Y/N); I'm gonna need you to get used to screaming it anyways." And with that, he licked his lips then placed his tongue on your torso, dragging it all the way down to your work pants.
He decenigrated your pants and underwear happily. Shigaraki brought his face to your slit and took a hard lick, a finger shoving itself inside of your tight hole. You moaned loudly, confused. "Tomura, a warning next time!?" He just pumped his finger inside of you slowly as his tongue played with your privates. You moaned while holding his head down on you, your fingers twisted in his hair, as he sucked you off like a cherry. You panted heavily and he stuck another finger in you. Shigaraki then lifted his head off you.
"I'd warn you that time, but you're kind of suffocating me, so maybe, don't fucking push down so hard!" You frowned and just pushed his head back in between your thighs. He kissed and licked more, groaning whenever you'd thrust into his mouth deeper. Shigaraki chuckled at how you'd only get quiet when hes making you moan.
You shivered and groaned, coming closer and closer to your climax. Shigaraki noticed and immediately pulled off of you. He wipped his mouth with the back of his hand and grabbed you by the hair. "Alright, slut, you've had your fun." He pulled you towards him and you fell on the floor, right in front of his groin. Tomura sat, grinned down at you with one leg up, "You gonna just stare or are you sucking me off?"
You rolled your eyes before pulling his pants and boxers down. Oh wow, you were not expecting this... You put a hand over your mouth and blushed hard. He was only semi hard and already a good 8 inches, what the hell?? It was thin, but long, kind of like the rest of him.
Shigaraki frowned down at you, blushing hard, "What? Is something wrong with it?? I-I've never done this before, asshole, so stop making me feel bad!"
You felt a smile rise onto your lips. Is he... getting flustered? You chuckled and looked up at him, pumping slowly, "It's just intimidating." You licked the tip and gulped, feeling a bit nervous, "But, I'll try to take it all in, okay?"
You placed your lips on his tip and suck it as your hands jerked him off. He groaned, grabbing your head with 4 fingers. You gradually took more and more into your mouth, using your hands for whatever didn't fit. You bobbed your head up and down on him, speeding up. Shigaraki groaned your name.
"F-Fuck, Y/N, you really know what you're doing!" He pressed his hand on the back of your head harder, forcing more of him into you. You gagged and choked as Tomura just laughed, "God, you're taking it all in like a good little sex slave, aren't you?" You moaned at the name and shigaraki shuttered, "Mm, your moans feel so fucking good on my cock!" He breathed harder, "Fuck, Y/N, I need you to touch yourself while sucking me." You brought your hand to your slit and rubbed at it, moaning. Shigaraki groaned, "Fuck, Just like that!"
You gagged and moaned on his dick, feeling it twitch in your mouth. A lewd little 'pop' echoed in the room as you let off. Shigaraki frowned and you gave him a cheeky grin, "No sticky icky for you!" He groaned in annoyance.
"God, why are you like this?!?" He grabbed your arm and threw you roughly on the bed. Before you knew it, Shigaraki was already inside of you. Your face went hot as he fucked you doggy style.
You screamed, "A warning!!! We've been over this!!!" He responded with a slap on your ass.
Tomura rode your ass, grinding into you and groaning while doing it. "Fuck off, Y/N, you're a horny mess just like me, dumbass!" You screamed his name as his thrusts became faster and deeper. Shigaraki pulled both of your wrists back and down, making you kneel, your back pressed against his chest as he fucked into you. "Fuck, you're so fucking tight..." Shigaraki sloppily kissed your neck. You breathed harder as his dick hit the spot over and over. Shigaraki flipped you over onto your back. You laid underneath him as he paused. Tomura blushed harder and looked away, "I-I wanna really savor this..." he smirked, glaring in your eyes, "Plus I wanna know what you look like, full of my cum!"
You were flustered and giggling, "Its the ✨mood switch✨ for me-"
Tomura placed a hand over your mouth, "No. You just lost your speaking privileges."
Shigaraki grinded into you slowly. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and drool seeped from your lips. Shigaraki held your waist, pulling you whenever he's press himself deep inside of you. You were speechless from the pleasure. You moaned and whined as his body slowly moved with yours.
You pressed the back of your hand to your face, feeling a bit embarrassed at the change of atmosphere. It was so easy to just enjoy him fucking you silly and laughing and everything, but you couldn't bring yourself to feel any other emotion rather than pleasure muxed in with something new.
Shigaraki placed his forehead against yours and breathed harder, "I-I'm getting there, Y/N..." He let out a breathy moan and your legs shaked. Tomura kissed you softly as well. "A-Ah, you're almost there t-too, right?"
You nodded, feeling a knot in your stomach. You moaned and Shigaraki pulled out, cumming all over you. You moaned, climaxing too.
You were covered in cum and panting. You couldn't even find words to say. It just felt so good. Shigaraki cuddled up to you. He smiled and kissed your cheek. "I'm giving you your speaking privileges back now." You stayed silent, your face hot. It was hard for you to be serious, but God damn. Tomura looked at you a bit concerned, "You okay-"
"That was amazing."
He looked surprised before laughing hard. "Did I really leave you speechless?" You nodded, silently. Shigaraki kissed your lips, "That sucks because, even though you're annoying, I kinda like you."
Your eyes widened. He liked your jokes and stupid comments?! Your mouth became ajar. "I-I..." You just closed your mouth, staring at him.
Shigaraki placed his arm over you. He smiled, "Lets hang out tomorrow."
You smiled back.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Sex Tips 101: Domming Your Man
Kinktober Day Three ~ kink: dom!fem
pairing: bakugou katsuki x dom fem!reader
warning: smut, cussing
word count: 3,635
a/n: ITS LATE IM SORRY BUT ALSO SUB BAKUGOU???? sorry if you hate the format I liked it LMAO
Everyone always expected Bakugou Katsuki to be a dom in bed. In their defense, they weren’t wrong for assuming so. Bakugou Katsuki was a leader, he loved to be in charge, hated being overrun. But that was outside of the bedroom. You knew him better.
Whenever your friends would ask how it was to sleep with bakugou, you would just smile, your eyebrow quirked. Everyone always assumed it was because Bakugou constantly had you against the wall. 
Drilling into you until you couldn’t think.
Making you scream his name until your voice went raw.
“Come on, y/n-chan!” Mina cried as you once again avoided talking about your sex life with bakugou. “We told you about our stories! why won’t you tell us yours!”
As always, you laugh and place down your drink. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to share, it was that Bakugou was embarrassed to admit that the one time he wasn’t in complete control was in the bedroom.
You looked at the curious faces of your beloved classmates and laughed again, thinking back to last night.
Bakugou walked into the house, he was utterly and completely ready for you tonight.
Having a day off from work, you had spent your free time sending Bakugou… provocative pictures. The entire time he ignored you, only leaving you with a growing smirk. You knew that every time you sent something, within two minutes Bakugou was opening it. It didn’t matter where he was, hell, you were positive he took his phone out during an interview today! He may not be responding, but you could feel his annoyance and growing want through the screen.
So now he was home. throwing his bag on the ground, he walked through the halls quietly, hoping to catch you off guard.
His vermillion eyes locked on you sitting by your vanity mirror. Your hair was curled delicately, red lipstick stained your plump lips as you stared into the mirror. With your fingers running through your hair, you micro adjusted things before smiling softly.
Bakugou watched as you stood up, his black t-shirt swamped over your torso, ending right beneath the swell of your ass. His mouth felt dry as he continued staring at you. Your shimmery eyeshadow catching in the light of the room as your eyes slowly locked on him. 
A kind smile fills your face. Warm, inviting, welcoming. It was everything Bakugou wanted from you, but after a long day of teasing, it just wasn’t what he needed. “Hi, baby.” You drawl out, your steps are agonizingly small as you walk to him, your painted lips kissing his. 
Bakugou growls lowly, the sound vibrating in his chest as he pulled you close. His fingers dug into your hips as your arms wrapped around his neck. “You’re such a fucking tease,” Bakugou snaps, his lips trailing your neck as you exhale softly. Soft giggles hit his ears as his hand's stroke down to grab your ass. The soft flesh filling his hands. “You have no idea how annoying it is to see you in those clothes, not able to do anything about it.”
“Do something about it then,” You smile as your fingers tangle into his thick ash-blond hair. Your eyes closing as he grinds his crotch into you. 
“I will.”
Your eyes trained on the girls, a smile on your face as you took another sip of your tea. You shrug your shoulders as you place the cup down, moving your hair to the side as you displayed the arrangement of purple and yellow bruises on your neck. 
“OH MY GOD!” Mina shrieks as she presses her face near your neck, her eyes wide as the other girls try to slip in. Everyone was curious to see the hickies on your flesh. 
“That doesn’t surprise me!” Jirou laughs as she covers her face, embarrassed. 
“My darling prudes,” Hagakure’s voice interrupts everyone, and the table stares at the invisible girl who places her hand to your face. “The real question is: where they place before, during, or after sex?”
Bakugou’s mouth sucked harshly on your neck in multiple areas. His teeth nipping your skin as your fingers roamed his chest. You let him have his way with you, his built-up frustration from the day seeping out as he walked you towards the bed. Pants escaping your lips as you can feel the nth hickie on your neck. 
The back of your legs hit the mattress, and you go down, Bakugou fluidly following you to the surface. You hum contently against his determined lips, and you get Bakugou to submit to a much slower pace as you unhook a single arm around his neck. You crawl backward on the mattress, Bakugou shifting to keep up with your fleeting form. As soon as you feel the headboard of the bed frame, you grin against his lips. Tucking a single leg around him, you rolled the two of you around, straddling his waist. His vermillion eyes opening as he pants. Lust and need heavy in his eyes, and you giggle. 
You smile, taking her hand off your face as you shake your head, “It was before and during.”
“Okay, you know that I would never, ever actually date Bakugou, but I have to admit… I would not mind sleeping with him. If you know… you never dated him, to begin with.” Mina admits, her cheeks puffing slightly. “I really just want to be controlled and dominated! Is that so much to ask for?”
“I think sometimes you just need to take over,” You say, trying not to reveal the secret in your sex life. “Dominate the dicks for a change!”
“Like you’ve dommed??? With a guy like Bakugou, I wouldn’t be surprised if you never commanded him before!”
There’s agreeing laughter, and you laugh the same, a knowing smile on your face as you grab your teacup. You take a slow drink.
You pull off Bakugou’s top, your hair falling messily back onto your shoulders as you toss it to the side. Bakugou’s breathing hitches as he takes in your form. You’re clad in a rose gold lace flutter bodysuit. The sheerness of the fabric leaves nothing to be imagined, and the intricate lacing over your breasts makes Bakugou moan in anticipation. 
“You were not wearing this one earlier,” Bakugou snaps as his hands grasp your waist, and you laugh. “Where the fuck is the set you wore when you were teasing the hell out of me?”
“I figured you wanted to see this new piece!” You interject, a smile on your face. You didn’t really care for the other set, while this one was nowhere near as sexy as the black piece you owned, you didn’t want Bakugou getting too riled up for what you had planned for him. You lean against him, your breasts pressed against his clothed chest, and your lips ghosting the shell of his ear. “Besides, you forgot to greet me… I don’t think I loved that.”
A soft whimper escapes his mouth as you pull away with a sadistic grin, “Well, maybe if you didn’t fucking tease me all day I wouldn’t have been--mmph!!”
You effectively shut him up with a kiss, your hands immediately snaking under his shirt to run against his toned muscles. You roll your hips up and down his crotch, smirking when you feel his arousal through his pants. Oh yeah, he was not going to enjoy tonight.
“Now, I’m gonna tie your hands to the bed.” You say as you quickly roll off Bakugou, leaving him breathless and dizzy headed as he attempts to sit up. Before Bakugou can even adjust to the lack of your body on his, you’re back on, your hips grinding into his as you pull off his shirt. Your mouth trailing down his torso as he groans. “Hands up.”
“Well, I don’t think I really want to know about Bakugou-san in this way…” Momo admits to the group, and their attention is momentarily diverted away from you. 
“Yaomomo,” Uraraka begins to speak, a teasing tone in her voice. “Our very good friend needs help for domming a dominant boy! It is our job as her friends to help her out!”
“Yes!” Mina and Hagakure shriek as everyone whips their heads around to you, stars gleaming in their eyes. 
“I will give you your first tip!” Mina announces, a cunning smirk on her face. “Tip number one: tell him you want to try something new.”
“I’m going to try something new tonight.” You sigh as you fasten the silk fabric around the bed frame. Your hands tugging on the ropes as you stare at the flustered Bakugou underneath you, his breathing is eerily calm, but his pupils are blown up in anticipation. “All you’re going to be able to do is go along with it.”
“You know, I can easily break out of these bonds, right?” Bakugou informs you, his arms testing the bonds and he nods. He can break out of them for sure.
“Then do it.” You breeze, flipping your hair over your shoulder as you stare at him, challenging him. Bakugou could win if he wanted to, but you know him thoroughly, he wouldn't dare.
“Next tip,” Hagakure interrupts the conversation where you were playing dumb. You just weren’t sure how to bring up something new to him! “Start with a simple command.”
Bakugou throws his head back hissing loudly as your mouth sucked a bruise onto his collarbone. Your eyes locked on his turned head as his hips buck into yours. It throws you off slightly, the pleasurable tingles running through your core at the pressure. Your lips continue trailing down, your teeth grazing his nipple. Your hand moving to pinch his free nipple as you focused on one. 
A smirk on your face as he calls out your name, his red eyes snapping back on your pouty lips as you left lipstick stains around his stimulated nipple. You suck on it gently, rolling the skin with your tongue and Bakugou barks words at you. Words you don’t understand as you finally bite down on his sensitive skin. Your tongue is quick to lash out and soothe his inflamed skin with your tongue, his moans telling you that you had done it just right. 
You shift over to give his other nipple the same treatment, only this time Bakugou manages to have his eyes locked on your the entire time.
You pull away with a satisfying pop. You look down, smiling at the sight of the shiny and slick skin of his pecks, and you lean down. You blow soft cold wind over the few areas of wet skin and relish in the way your name is groaned from his lips. As if this was some rehearsed dance, your hands slam into the mattress by his head.
“You’re not allowed to come until I let you come, okay?” You ask, your face leaning in close. 
“I’ll come whenever I damn well please it!” Bakugou snaps at you, and your eyebrow raises. You lick your lips, relishing at the feeling of his body now trembling underneath yours. Oh yeah, this was going to make Bakugou a pile of mush by the end of the night. 
“Tip number twenty,” Uraraka speaks up, surprising everyone there. “Make him beg.”
The sharp intake of breath from Bakugou caused you to giggle as your hand stroked his hardened dick through his underwear.
You maintained eye contact with him as you took off his underwear, your hands now gripping the hot skin of his cock. Running your tongue along the underside of his dick, you made your way back down to the base, your teeth teasing the sensitive skin. The stuttering groans from Bakugou’s mouth enticing you to continue. Your tongue licked the tip of his head, the salty taste of pre-cum hitting your senses. Your tongue lay flat on the underside of his cock, and you slowly sank your mouth around his cock. Bakugou let out a rough breath through his nostrils as his legs tremble intensely. Your free hand moved to Bakugou’s balls, squeezing them between your fingers, his legs twitching in surprise.
You pushed yourself further down his cock, your tongue swirling around his length as you took him in deeper. You felt his tip hit the back of your throat you pulled up, gagging on his dick, but you drown it with a hum. Bakugou’s eyes clamped at your actions, cursing you as he tried to conceal his lewd noises.
Bakugou stared back at you and gave you a darker glare. It was challenging, once again, but you knew better. His hands slam against the restraints, and you have to remind yourself not to laugh as the lewd noises of your throat being stretched out by his dick resonate in the room. 
This time Bakugou groaned deeply, his hips bucking up towards your touch as he almost cries in frustration. You smirked up at him as you continue your movements, uncaring of his pleas for you to go faster. Your speed is agonizingly slow. 
Bakugou grunts as you pick up your pace. The hums now intermingling with gagging as his dick continued to hit the back of your throat. The sounds only exciting Bakugou further.
His cock twitches in an all too familiar way, and you pull away. Saliva trailing on his dick and your lips as you gently pat your wet lips. 
Bakugou’s eyes are wide in anger, frustration, and lack of release.
“You fucking--”
“Ah ah ah! You can’t come yet.” You remind him, and you shift over his aroused cock and straddle his chest as you lean down whispering against his lips. “Maybe if you beg for it, I’ll let you off with a lighter sentence.”
His vermillion eyes burst with a million emotions, but you grin at the most prominent ones. Refusal, love, and lust.
Bakugou Katsuki was, after all, the biggest sub on the planet with the attitude of a dom.
“I think, I get it now!” You exclaim happily, your eyes shining with faux realization as they finished telling you their tips and tricks for dominating men who were unwilling to give control to anyone but themselves. “It seems to me that within the fifty-three tips you guys gave me, the most important is that it’s okay to be rough? I felt that it was a common theme for about forty of them!”
“You have to be rough sometimes,” Tsuyu agrees her finger to her mouth as she pondered. “If you aren’t they’ll try taking over.”
“Yeah, especially someone like Bakugou!”
Bakugou was sweating profusely. His chest heaving with frustration and from constant denial. 
You dropped the vibrating ring to the bedside with a laugh as you painted yet another bruise onto his tanned skin. “You’re such a good sub.” You moan as you rub your slicked wet core onto his dick. Bakugou groaning in lust as his hips bucked, desperate for both your pussy to be wrapped around him, and for the release he had been denied.
Five times now.
You had made out with him so intensely at one point, he almost came in his shorts, you then face fucked him twice, rode him once, and now he could not remember his own name anymore as you stopped the torture with the vibrating ring.
“Do you wanna cum?”
“Fucking shit, y/n!” Bakugou yelled, but there was no malice in his voice, only the gravely tone of his arousal in his voice. “Please, god fucking hell, I wanna fucking come inside of you!”
You easily laugh, and Bakugou sighs as your swollen lips are pressed against his own. The first time in a while, and he moans softly as the kiss is slow. It’s slow, and sweet with your hands threading through his hair in a way that makes his mind spin. 
“Let’s get you to come.” You promise against his mouth, as you lean towards the headboard. You quickly untie the silk ropes, and Bakugou’s hands fling to your waist. His grasp is tight, bruising even.
You moan slightly at his touch, rather impressed that he did not try to assert his faux dominance over you.
“Please baby,” Bakugou begs against your lips, and a shiver runs down your spine. He’s putty in your hands and is relying on you to get him over the edge. 
You break away from the kiss and position yourself over the tip of his dick once again. “Ready?” You ask as his fingers grip even tighter around your hips. Bakugou nods his head, and you sink yourself onto his dick. Hisses escape both your lips at the since forgotten feeling, your hops moving to help better the initial pain.
But the single movement is too much for Bakugou to spare, and he comes hard in you. Your eyes shine brightly as his grunts are soundless, his fingers digging harder into your definitely bruised skin. “Did you just--?” 
“Please, shut up…” Bakugou pants, his eyes sealed shut. You stilled for a bit, trying to see if he was wanting to continue on despite his… early release. 
Deciding to test the waters, you swivel your hips into a small circle, and Bakugou’s jaw falls open. You can feel him hardening within you in seconds as you shift again. “Oh shit, why are so--FUCK--why are you so damn tight?!”
His head is thrown back as you begin to ride his cock, your own arousal building up entirely too quickly at the sight of your blond, sweating, and quivering lover underneath you. You lean against his chest, your naked chest pressed tightly against his, you ass bouncing as his grip intensifies. Your lips seek his out, and he kisses you with ferocity.
The kiss is sloppy, teeth clashing, and wet noises emitting from your mouth as you grind down tightly against him. “Baby, you’re so fucking big!” You shrill softly into his ear as his hips begin to slam into you.
It seems that he was still near his high as he comes again into you.
The ecstatic laugh that is heard from you makes Bakugou growl in anger. He may be a sub, but he definitely did not enjoy this humiliation. In your current state of amusement and pleasure, he begins to thrust deeply into you. His movements overpowering yours as the power of who was in charge was quickly turning. 
Gasps leave your mouth as you arch off him, your hands on your breasts as you play with your nipples. You get the timing right and are soon bouncing in rhythm to his powerful thrusts, but he’s testing waters, trying to get you to come too.
You realize this as you scream out his name, your pussy throbbing and dripping from your arousal, his name the most repeated word on your lips. Bakugou sits up so that you’re riding him in a seated position, and you pant into his neck as you pull his hair harshly. The stuttering grunt from his voice causes you to sigh in satisfaction, and in his own moment of pleasure, you grind your hips in the opposite direction of what you had initially begun at. YOur bounces are higher, the penetration is deeper, and Bakugou is pleading for you to come around him.
You’re panting, your hips desperate as they turn, as you almost crumble as with a snap of his hips Bakugou hits your g-spot.
It’s over and over, your g-spot is slammed into and muffled shrieks escape your lips as you attempt to drown them with Bakugou’s mouth.
The two of you pant hot breaths of air into each other's mouths.
The liquid heat in you pooling out until you begin to see white.
The coil is tightening with no mercy as Bakugou’s mouth latches onto your breast, his hands gripping your bouncing ass.
“I’m going to--ahhh oh my god, yes ‘Suki like that!!--I need to come!” You moan, your head tossed backward as your speed and roughness increases.
Bakugou keeps up, his face buried into your neck now as he nods his head, unable to speak.
“Please... come…” His voice is small, begging, pleading for you to come, and that’s all it takes.
You scream as you come around his throbbing cock. Your walls clenching tightly around him as you ride out your orgasm. Bakugou hisses as his hips falter under yours, and with an echoing moan, he releases too.
Panting, he falls back. Without bothering to remove yourself, the two of you groan as you lay against his chest, your fingers tracing shapes into his chest. “How was that?” You ask unaware if the orgasm denial was something he was going to like.
“Humiliating…” Bakugou gruffs into your ear, but his tone indicates that he enjoyed it.
“I’m glad.” You say as you place a kiss against his jawline.
“I love you…” Bakugou whispers utterly exhausted.
“I love you too,” You agree, a smile painting your bruised and lipstick-stained lips. “Do you need anything?” You ask him as you snuggle into his chest.
“A fucking nap…”
“That sounds fantastic.”
“I’ll have to try it out one night, who knows maybe it’ll work!” You laugh as the girls look at you not quite believing you would try it out.
“You promise?”
“With all my heart, but I have to go! Bakugou’s expecting me!” You say as you stand up, gathering your things as you throw a few yen on the table to pay for your tab. “You know girls if you want, I think I’ll actually try your tips!”
You walk away laughing as a text comes in from Bakugou.
katsuki: what’s the harness for?
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violetnotez · 5 years
Rookie- Dabi x Fem!Reader
By popular demand, here is my 1st Dabi fic! I kind of wish I put more dialogue for him, so if you guys want a part 2 to this, Ill  definitely give him some more attention! 
Dabi x reader
Genre: Fluff + Dabi being a man-wh*re
Word Count: 1500+
Warnings: Cursing + LOV being the LOV
Summary: Dabi is having the most boring day of his life, with nothing to do and no missions to be on- until you show up.
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Dabi was sprawled along the couch in the bar, his long slender legs bent out lazily. He stared at his hand as he played with a spark of blue flames that sprouted out from his scarred fingers, Shigaraki  pouring over a new plan at the bar, while Black Mist made him a drink.
Most of the time, Dabi preferred to be by himself. He saw social interaction as draining, a nuisance really- hell, he could practically count all his “friends” he had in life on one hand. But on days like this, when plans were at a stall and no interesting work was needed, Dabi would begin to wish that it would be nice to have something to do, even (in times of extreme boredom) somebody to do it with. 
Right then, as Dabi was struggling to get over this fit of boredom, Toga skipped into the bar, that love-sick-school-girl smile plastered on her lips. She giggled, shying over to Shigaraki, his slumped form not enjoying the excitement radiating  off the chaotic girl.
“Me and Twice found a new friend!” she yelled enthusiastically, catching everyone’s attention. Toga’s perception of people was a little-strange- and her idea of a “friend”, most of the time, meant “enemy” in their minds.
Black Mist stopped drying the glass he was attending to behind the counter, and Shigaraki immediately swiveled his head around abruptly to look at the door. Dabi stayed on the couch, only having the energy to extinguish his blue flames and turn his head slightly to see the new entertainment.
Twice ushered in his capture, their arms tied in front of them as he shoved them into the room. Their body was completely clad in black, the clothes baggy against their frame. A hood draped down upon their face, obscuring their eyes, as a black mask adorned with silver accents covered their face from nose down. Their frame was small in stature, most likely a teen. 
“Found this little tyke trying to break in when I was on patrol with Little Miss Crazy Knives,” Twice introduced, his hand squeezing their shoulder dangerously. “Said they had intel for you Shigaraki.”
Shigaraki crouched off his chair, his body swaying.
“You idiot!” he snarled at Twice, “You dont even know who this is- they could be working with the heroes for all we know...And you lead them right into our place of work!”
“I assure you Tomura Shigaraki, I am no hero.”
Everyone turned to look at the intruder. The masked figure’s voice startled the group- its voice was anything but smooth: it was snarled, deep, and artificial- sounding- there was definitely a voice changer inside the mask.
“See Shigaraki, they’re not with the heroes!” Can we keep them? Please?” she pleaded giddily, her body bouncing up and down.
“They could still be our enemies, even if they say their not connected to any hero group,” Blackmist reasoned, the whole League ataring at your unstruggling form.
Dabi tilted his head up, examining them-they weren’t trying to escape, or even trying to pull away from Twice’s harsh hold. You definitely were crazy, whoever the hell you were, showing up here. Shigaraki was not afraid to kill- hell, none of them  were.
“Awww, what a bummer that would be-” Toga whined, “Can I kill them if they are?”
“No one will be killing anyone,” Tomura replied dangerously, “until I say so.”
He strided over to the intruder, his body lagging and stumbling as he went. 
“What is your motive for being here-no one just stumbles on the League of Villians for nothing.”
The masked figure looked down, obscuring their eyes.
“I only wish to give you something- if I get something else in return.”
“In return?” Shigaraki repeated back in a taunt, “what exactly do you want, and what do you have for me that’s so damn valuable that I’ll owe you something?”
The figure looked up, their eyes barely visible from under the hood.
“No, Tomura Shigaraki,” they replied slowly, their voice deep and artificial, “I want nothing materialistic- I need to a job. An occupation. With your League of Villians. I need this promise- and then I’ll give you what I have.”
Shigarki sighed exasperated, shaking his shaggy hair. “Why the hell- do I owe you a promise? And how do you even know my name?”
The figure shrugged its shoulders. “I just know it- when you need a job, the interview goes alot smoother when you know something about the place.”
“This is no interview, you little wierdo,” Sigaraki spat back, “Im just about to let Toga have some fun with you if you dont stop annoying me and wasting my time.”
Toga squealed happily, her fangs glinting devilishly in the eery lights of the bar.
“I want to know your name and who you are-now,” he commanded, watching this intruder’s every movements with careful attention.
Dabi grinned slightly, amused at the situation. 
The figure looked up, their eyes now visible, a twinge of fear in those fierce e/c orbs
“I really don’t use much of a name,” they stated coldly, making Shigaraki visibly furious.
“Then what the hell am I supposed to call you? A pain In my ass?” He spat at you, his hand twitching slightly.
Dabi saw this, and decided to get up, his hands stuffed into his pant pockets. He leaned back casually as he walked, your eyes watching him carefully.
“Cool it Shigaraki, if they dont want to use their name- they dont need to,” he reasoned, already finding himself liking you- you weren’t taking crap from him and standing your ground. Even if you turned out to be an enemy, he could at least admire that.
“You have a another name you go by? Anything people call you?” he asked, peering down at you with an amused smirk
“Demon,” the mask gargled out, “I go by Demon.”
“It has a nice ring to it,” Black Mist commented as Toga cooed about how “adorable” it sounded.
Dabi ignored the others, continuing to stare down at the trespasser . 
“Why dont you take off the mask, Demon?” he reasoned with you slowly. “Itd make it alot easier for us to trust ya if you lost that crap around your mouth.”
The person squirmed slightly, just enough for it to be noticebale.
“No, I cant,” they replied, “my quirk-”
“Take the damn thing off them.”
Shigaraki commanded coldly to Twice, who did exactly as told, yet couldnt: the person instantly attacked, the rope around their wrists miraculously breaking apart as they twisted Twice’s wrist. He arm tugged back in such a painful way that he couldn't even breathe out a protest. His body followed the momentum of his arm, slamming him on the ground.
The whole of the League reacted instantly- Toga pulled out her knives, both Dabi and Black Mist prepared their quirks, while only Shigaraki looked unfazed, his demeanor now dangerously amused.
“Now, look what we have hear-” Shigarki snarled, his head flopping down to his shoulder and exposing the blood red eye behind the decaying hand,  another punny little child wanting to be a villain.”
The intruder had yanked off the mask and hood themselves when the League had taken on their battle stances, their-her- hand held out in a stopping motion- most likely as a warning that they’d use their quirk.
He stared at your wrist, noticing something strange- your wrist turned red. It was bright like a cherry, and he was intrigued by the sudden change. But just as fast as it came, it slowly disappeared, leaving no trace that it was ever there.
Dabi felt his body slacken slightly- this intruder was....attractive. He could even say hot if the circumstances were slightly different. Their hair framed around their face so prettily, their eyes were dangerous and cold yet so inviting, and lips that looked so soft he had the unnerving want to know what they felt like, tasted like...You were utterly perfect, looking so dangerously inviting under the hazy lights of the bar. 
“Dont try it-I dont want to hurt you. Any of you.” you stated, your now clear voice sounding so sweet and melodic, even though it’s tone was cold.
Toga squealed unpredictability, making everyone look at her.
“What?” she asked, as if she couldnt understand why everyone was so serious. “They’re a girl! There’s no girls on the team but me! We’re going to be such good friends bestie!!!”
Shigaraki groaned. 
“Toga, calm down- your voice is pissing me off.”
Shigaraki strided over to you, his walk slow and limped as Toga threw Shigaraki a dirty look from behind.
“So what is your deal Demon- what intel do you have for me.”
You picked up your chin, Dabi watching each movement of yours with hungry eyes. 
You were a sight for sore eyes. There were no scars on you, nothing about you that screamed “villian” except for that damn mask that hid your beauty. He saw you as so utterly pure to this world, even if you actually might have had some runs with the law. You were something so intoxicating to him, he couldnt stand it. Your expression was closed off...but he could see you were alittle worried around them.
“So innocent,” he thought hungrily as he stared at those burning eyes of yours, his tongue running along his teeth.
 He wanted to corrupt you so badly, it hurt. 
He unapologetically  imagined you had worn something a little tighter than those baggy ass clothes- a skin tight suit maybe, he thought lustfully, so he could see those lush curves-
“I have intel on Izuku Midoriya.”
The whole party perked up, even Twice, who was clutching his wrist gently, his eyes giving you a look of annoyance.
“The boy you so desperately despise?” you continued,  “I know where he’ll be in the next few days- hell, I know where he is right now if you were that desperate.”
“How?” Shigaraki was now interested- he had been working on getting the little brat for days, even weeks, now- how did you, some random kid who showed up out of nowhere- know about Izuku? About his need to get the twerp and destroy him??
You shrugged, as if your answer would be obvious.
“Im a student at UA High.”
If you guys want a part 2, pls comment or request! I’d love to do another part, or write for Dabi again soon! (pls send me ideas im bored :)
Requests open!
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shytiff · 4 years
Jan 2021 Wins
ive “journaled” for 6 months now. it started as small ___ wins because when you feel rly empty, even doing the bare minimum feels like a win. written down some of the wins. i think until now i’d like to keep the “win” part. a win against my shadow sometimes. a win in life. some things to be grateful for. a win for remembering it later in the future. i know some days im just basically doing nothing.  there are a lot of wars not won by me. but im still tryna ✨manifest✨
1 - woke up. watched bts’ 2021 seasons greetings. read trap city. afternoon nap. pupuy’s mbah passed away. i got DOMS in my body even though i did the barest of exercise yesterday (frail, i know). shower, matcha latte.
2 - the x banner atikah and i sent for racil post thesis defense has arrived lmaoo. mom made delicious (and sweet) fried banana. did some studying (more than usual, bcs the bar is on the floor)
3 - ate muesli, 3 risols. Kopsus coklat at flavola. Stayed there from 12-ish to 17:30 lmaooo. weekly bahas soal w/ fi. Rapat nemo
4 - first day of collab module. Barely cicil ukmppd. My mood is normal-ish but i hardly have the will to study. Dinner is fried fish with mentai sauce, potato wedges, and saladdd by mom
5 - collab module, qa presentation for rsui reps. finished reviewing tryout 2 solid. did padi pretest (got 66,5). ate chicken porridge, a bit of muesli and vsoy, tan ek tjoan bread, matcha latte, fish and chicken and potato wedges and salad, fried banana. i ate well today lol.
6 - slept during collab webinar, went to clara’s place to study osce and attended padi together. i ate well at clara’s placeee lol. ate nastar, kusuka, white kwetiaw with soup (?), and lele goreng. went back home @ 9 pm. i feel refreshed. even though we’ve half studied half mukbang all day. human interaction rly does heal me. i need human interaction more than i think. at night i dreamed about going to bali, to waterparks, seeing sea creatures, watching a movie displayed on a concert-like stage and screen at the front row. 
7 - woke up at 07:55, finished my part for collab group work. felt a bit tired today. the rest of fam went to DM, and when they were on the way back i HURRIED my way out, not even taking a shower lmaoo. got pistachio matcha latte at starbucks dm. now im more skilled in searching the best spot in a cafe to distance myself from people lmao. the matcha latte is served with some sort of pistachio cream and sprinkled with nuts on top. its like when sbux had taro matcha latte and it had purple cream on top. the pistachio taste is quite strong. reviewed TO 1 padi, sent proposals for nemo sponsorship.
8 - did syndrome try out and padi 2 web try out. studied for osce and padi @ clara’s place. wanted to order pizza since clara bought me food before, but she insisted in ordering lmaoo. so dinner is pizza hut
9 - woke up at 11.00 lmao. havent had breakfast. lunch is muesli with the brand new delishhh chocolate granola and cimory banana milk. did one shot try out, got 71. had a google meet with Prof Agus (that ethics book ghostwriting job from a year ago is not finished until now huaaa) that went from 20.00ish and finished at 22.30,,,,, reviewed syndrome try out along the way. havent made my collab self reflection hhhh. i also need to study for osce. also havent edited article for bukang solid. and there goes my saturday nooo
10 - i swear i keep waking up late lmao. Flavola w atikah, racheel later came with wawa. Kopsus coklat and ukmppd class w dr yudo. After class i just talked at flavola (and ended not studying osce at all for sunday). Went to racheel's to pray and talk some more. Hurriedly went back for booty call with fi, watched konser dies natalis first. Tryout and sum study with fi and clar that went from 20:30 to 00:10. Powered by left over kopsus and 2 snackit pia. Rip my sleeping schedule
11 - woke up at 10:30 ish, the lack of meal and horrible sleep pattern (for my standard) produced stuffy nose during the day and a bit of headache that went away for a bit after i ate. Late bfast is muesli, drank protein, ate tan ek tjoan, plus 2 brownies in the evening. Tht coaching w dr niken. Did self reflection for collab. Had dinner without rice, as usual. Ukmppd class w dr ayu. Finished reflection at 21:30 lmao (deadline is 23:55). Tryna sleep and my nose is still itchy and i sneeze a more often. i hope it goes away 2mrw
12 - DV coaching, scele tryout, took a nap before padi cause my head kind of hurts. Les padi while drinking matcha with vsoy less sugar and no added sugar. I can withstand the horrible sugarless cy matcha taste bcs theres a taste of soy. Didnt do anything else. Havent studied osce on my own until now. Astagfirullah
13 - my head still kind of aches. Its goes away when im eating. im eating so well during the weekdays that i gained 2kgs lmao. lazed around the first half of the day. padi. finally tried saint matcha and damnn its an amazing upgrade from Cy matcha. the green color is super different yall. Cy’s green looks sick and tired compared to saint matcha. the taste? immaculate (although coco deli is more fragrant). caffeine? hits. awake and feel normal? yes. messaged an ao3 author and got replied and turns out she’s making a sequel for my fav fic of hers. yay
14 - osce practice w ara ren ness. bedah and anak osce coaching. had 3 of mom’s cinnamon rolls and matcha latte for the afternoon. cicil osce DV. edited some pld articles. did nothing else basically
15 - wasted my day, didnt have the courage to study osce (i feel like i procrastinate on it bcs it feels overwhelming to me), TO FKUI 2, hurriedly reviewed to 1 before, les padi. i feel like this is the least focused im being in a les. maybe its the too few matcha powder.
16 - woke up at 9 am. breakfast is muesli. reviewed to 2 fkui w apa salahku (finished at 12 pm, there goes half of my saturday). tried fried chicken master. its good and tender but i still prefer moon chicken. 
17 - breakfast is muesli, banana and 2 martabak tahu. snack is keripik pisang aduuu wenak (and picking bits of meat cooked by mom). went to devi’s place w/ racheel silvi. brought RJ to be wrapped. we watched okay madam and its super fun, hilarious and full of twists anddd a bit of cutesy romance. just the right balance to enjoy and let the stress out. late lunch is moon chicken yay!! went home after maghrib, did to padi 6 w/ fi and matcha latte. talked about a senior’s wedding and eating healthier til 22:30
18 - To fkui 3, wasted my afternoon playing my phone, finally mustered some will to study after ashar. My progress is rly slow today. Watched hilarious jessi interview with eric, heechul. Im telling u, i thought tiktok is the funniest internet content but i was wronggg. Seeing heechul flustered is hilarious. Tried to study again at night but only learned 1 disease hiks
19 - had no idea what i did before dzuhur lmao. went to racheel’s to surprise atikah. actually napped at her place lmaoo why do i feel so sleepy. gifted rj to atikah. we ate fried chicken master and pempek on a small green table and talked. its like korean movie lmao. we talked while im simultaneously listening to padi lol.
20 - woke up at 8, chicken porridge + muesli and low sugar vsoy for breakfast. arrived at clara’s @10am. to fkui 4. reviewed it. reviewed general physical exam. finished up to padi 7. tried bombo donut. studied osce. i felt sooo dumb in osce (and clara is already super smart). superrr motivated to learn after going back home (arrived at 7) but i ended up opening youtube and drinking protein lmaooo and its suddenly 9 pm
21 - matcha latte at starbucks dm. Studied osce. Obgyn coaching w the super kind dr ilham. Les padi. Read angel buddy and played with my phone til 12 pm
22 - to fkui. padi as usual. had low motivation, so i did the tryout that day close to the actual course.
23 - left home at 06:30 to study together in capitol. had breakfast in mcd first. thank god i ate rice + chicken and breakfast wrap cuzzzz. studied osce together w ara, ical, kelvyn, dio and kak ilonka til about 2 pm. WALKED to bk bcs my parents are there. apparently simply driving to capitol is too much for them. immediately ate muesli at 4 pm cause i didnt eat anything in capitol. did nothing else after that. did not pray maghrib together lmao somehow mom had mercy on me and let me sleep som more. mom bought sate padang but i didnt eat it. i cried in bed because as yoongi said, “this is the real you and this is the real me”. did not shower/wash my face at night bcs i felt like shit lmao rip my face (its a week before bukang photoshoot)
24 - i feel tired, lazy, and just wanted some sleep. like all that’s in me is drained. ate muesli with strawberry milk. tried fitmee beef. its better than i thought. because the noodle is chewy you spend more time to chew. also ate fried chicken and daun singkong. usually i cant wait to go to flavola but even at 12 pm i just feel like laying down. finally mustered the will to shower and go out. its raining a bit on the way. colddd. 
25 - to fkui 6, osce briefing, covid lecture (that was actually for ppds), padi
26 - spaghetti for brekkie, coaching neuro and ophthalmology, cicil osce
27 - cicil osce, the second to the last padi omg. the fastest padi ever
28 - obgyn osce practice at kak ilonka’s place (that nice kosan at forkabi) with ara, ren ness, kelvyn, dio with mannequins from og dept, tried meokja salemba that serves bulgogi rice. quite good. after arriving at home, studied neuro together with menno til about 20:45 an and i just dont have the energy lmaooo so i gave up and slept
29 - today is bukang photoshoot at bintaro. put base make up on the way. even put glue on my eyebrow. got eyebrow, eyeshadow and blush done by renata. took lots of photos. nebeng om coro afterwards to bxc to meet mom. we ate at genki sushi (renata ara kris mendel oca regan geordie eka). i missss road trips hua. did tryout fkui on the way back home. after shower and prayer proceeded to review TO with apa salahku. Last padi (havent done the questions beforehand so i sprinted it out while on the actual course). Muhasabah osce with kak widia afterwards lmao. Studied osce with clara
30 - studied osce with ara ren ness @ merra. I ate eatlah, moms muffin, kemplang, tango. I ate so welll. Its a productive sesh, neuro and infectious disease. At home i studied osce w clara til abt 22:15 ish. I feel like i miss my me time lmao its been 3 days. I can still go on w clara but i dont wanna get myself sick
31 - simul osce in the morning. Osce study with clara almira. Cicil osce alone. Played my phone at 10 pm even though i still have mental clarity post matcha latte -___-
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars and Freedom: Style (3/?)
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Pairing: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature, Ns*w content.
Summary: Ellie has a chance meeting with Logan in the club. Will she tell him her secret?
AN: I am having so much fun writing this, Hope you all enjoy the bits of fluff in this one... nothing last forever, and unfortunately the drama is coming! As always if you would like added to the tag list, drop me a line. Catch up HERE
Chapter title inspiration:
He leaned in wrapping her up in a hug. “It's so good to see you Ellie.�� she hugged him back, breathing in his scent. “Its ah. good to um, see you too Logan.” she stumbled on her words. “What are you doing in L.A? Are you living here?”
“What?” she shouted.
“what are you doing in L.A?” he shouted back.
“I can't. I can't hear you over the music.” she shouted again. He leaned in closer to her ear “I'm in the VIP section, it's a little quieter there lets catch up.” Ellie looked at Logan and back at the Bar, but Riya was gone. “I'm here with Riya, I can't find her.” she stood on her tiptoes. He nodded “I'll help you find her, she can join us.”
They looked all over for Riya when they finally ran into her coming from the bathroom.  “Oh El, I've been looking all over for you. Dare text Marcus is running a fever, I have to go.” her eyes finally looking at the man standing next to her. “Logan?” she looked between Ellie and him, Ellie gave her a pleading look. “Yeah, what are the odds?”
“Hey Riya.” Logan hugged her.
“So Logan it was nice to see you again but Riyas got to go so.”
“You can stay Ellie. I'm sure you and Logan have a lot to catch up on.” Riya smirked. “I can take her home, I would love to catch up.” Ellie nodded, suddenly feeling extremely nervous.  Riya leaned in giving her a hug. “Time to take the training wheels off kiddo. Call me in the morning, I want to know everything.”
Logan led her to the roped off area, sitting down at a private booth. It was just the two of them, she could feel her heart pounding in her ears. “How about a drink?” He broke the silence. “long island iced tea please.” Logan motioned for a waitress giving her their order. “Damn, that was fast.” She giggled as she sipped her drink the waitress just sat down. “One of the perks of VIP, no waiting.” He scooted closer “So Ellie. How have you been?”
She filled him in on graduating top of her class at Langston, which came with challenges. How she majored in accounting, minored in criminal justice. Her job closed down and she took a job back home to be closer to her dad. Logan told her how he went back to school and got his diploma, moving in with vaughn and taking a job with a racing company as a mechanic and pit crew. They put him in a car to do test laps and the bosses were impressed so they promoted him to Driver.
“Logan I am so proud of you, really. I knew you could make something of yourself. And you get paid to drive fast.. Legally.” She squeezed his hand and giggled. “Well, I owe it all to you. If you hadn't of pushed and had confidence in me, I would have never tried. I thought about you every step of the way.” He took her hand in his. She felt her heart skip a beat, after all this time he still had that effect on her.
“So what accounting firm are you with now?” He leaned back, the gears turning in his head. “Trinity. I was able to take my clients with me from my old job, But this place I'm going to need to step my game up. These guys deal with some A list celebrities.”
“You know I'm actually looking for an accountant. My agent was looking into Trinity anyway. It only makes sense now to choose you.” Ellie spit her drink out. “Logan, what? No. I couldn't possibly.”
“You can, I trust you Ellie, and I know you'll have my back.”
“Logan, It's complicated.  I um, need to tell you-” she was cut off by a man in a nice suit approaching Logan. “I apologize Ellie, give me one second.”
She sat at the table, nervously picking her fingers. She looked around noticing a few women giving her dirty looks and clearly talking about her. She couldn't be his accountant, it would be complicated especially once she told him he may have fathered her child. “I'm so sorry Ellie, but I have to cut this short.  My agent scheduled an early morning interview. But hey, give me your number.”
She rattled off her number. Logan sending a text with his own. “Come on I'll give you a ride home.”
They climbed into Logan's car and speed off into the night. “Feels like old times huh?” He grinned. “You have no idea.” she stared out the window, watching the city fly by in a blurr. “You still drive?” he asked.
“yeah, but not nearly as wreckless.” she giggled. Her mind took her back to the night they lifted the cars from the hauler.
She felt so alive, so free, so rebellious. The feeling was Dangerous and sexy, she felt a fire igniting within her as she whipped the supercar through the winding mountain side. After they took the cars to the storage spot, the ride back to the garage was buzzing with adrenaline from all.  Ellie hopped out of the suv and ran up the stairs to the room she was sharing with Logan. She couldn't stand still, it was like she was going to crawl out of her skin if she didnt do something.
Logan walked up the stairs to the room pulling off his white t shirt, doing pull ups. He watched as Ellie paced the floor. “I know that feeling, you're pumped full of adrenaline. It helps to find something to do to take the edge off, like pull ups.” He smirked as he jumped down. Ellie bit her lip as she watched his muscles flex.
“Oh, I know something to take the edge off.” she purred as she quickly closed the distance between them making short work of each others clothes. Logan lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around him, he kicked the door closed, it shutting with an audible bang.
Ximena looked at Mona and grinned. “Looks like somebody's gonna get lucky.” Colt standing right there. He grabbed his helmet and speed off on his bike.
Logan laid her on the bed, he kissed her softly his eyes met hers. “Are you sure?”
Her lips met his “I'm sure Logan.”
He smiled into the kiss as he slowly lowered himself into her. Her fingers digging into his back. He set a slow pace, relishing in the feeling of her beneath him His lips never leaving hers.  The soft moans coming from her driving him wild as he picked up the pace, careful not to be to rough. He knew it was her first time, and he wanted to make it special for her. Her breathing becoming increasingly rapid, he held her close to him as he felt her walls beginning to flutter around him. Her moans grew louder as he gently nipped the sensitive spots on her neck. Her body began to tremble under him as she whimpered. “Its ok Ellie, I got you.” he breathed into her ear. Her fingers dug deep into his shoulders, her eyes snapping shut a burst of white light filing her senses as she came undone.  
A pair of bright headlights in front of them pulled her from her thoughts. “Penny for your thoughts.” He asked, noticing her mind was a million miles away. She shook her head and blushed “Just remembering something, that's all.”
“Hopefully something good.”
“It was.” She smiled at him softly.
Logan was the first person she had slept with. He was so tender, and kind about it. Before meeting Logan, and falling into that lifestyle,  she figured she would save herself until marriage. But things changed, she changed.
Logan pulled up to her father's house. “Well, we're here.” She could hear the sadness in his voice. “yeah, we are. Thanks for the ride home.” she unbuckled her seatbelt, leaning over kissing his cheek.
He breathed in her scent, dulling his senses. He reached over softly cupping her face.  He leaned in, his lips softly capturing hers. She hesitated momentarily before relaxing into the kiss,  She pulled away. “Umm I should go.”
“Ellie, i'm sorry I just. I don't know. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.”
“No, Logan you didn't. But my life is complicated and I don't want to lead you on.” she sighed.
“I understand.  So I'll see you soon?” She noticed the hopeful look in his eyes. “Yeah, that would be nice. Good night Logan.” she climbed out of the car. “Good night, Ellie.” he smiled as he drove off.
Ellie walked into the Dark house. Her dad and Luca already asleep. She washed her face and changed into some pjs. She laid in her bed replaying the night over and over again. What were the odds that she would run into Logan? And the kiss, it was as if it were they never stopped. She needed to tell Logan the truth, and soon.
Over the weekend Ellie enjoyed some quiet time with her dad and Luca. Her nerves starting to get the better of her.  Riya had stopped by with Marcus and Ellie filled her in on their night. Finally it was Monday morning, Ellie walked into her new office immediately sitting in on a meeting where her they introduced her. She was shown to her office, she was used to a cubical, this had a door. She walked in sitting at the desk, sinking into the chair. “Hello Ellie, I just wanted to introduce myself. Im Elias Manning, your supervisor.” she stood extending her hand. “Pleasure to meet you Mr Manning.”
“Ellie please. Mr Manning is my father. Call me Elias, or Eli.” he chuckled.
“These were delivered for you.” he handed her an arraignment of a dozen red roses.
“oh, ah thank you.” she sat them down on her desk, noticing a card. “Oh and also, congratulations on picking up Logan Rider, we have been trying to get him for months.” Elias grinned. Ellie's attention on the roses in front of her. “Oh, thank you. Wait. what?”
“I don't know how you did it, but Logan called the firm himself specifically asking for you to be the accountant handling his affairs. Good work Ellie.” He turned and walked away. She slumped down in her chair grabbing the envelope and tearing it open.
Good luck on your first day, You're gonna be great.
Love, Logan.
She picked up her phone pressing his name, he picked up on the first ring “You got my flowers, do you like them?” “They are beautiful Logan. You requested me as your Accountant!”
“I told you. I Trust you and only you to handle it.” He chuckled on the other end.
“Logan. I told you I can't do it. It's way to complicated.” she sighed.  
“You keep saying that.  Ellie it will be fine, don't worry so much. Have dinner with me tomorrow night, we can talk about everything then.” she couldn't see him, but she could feel the grin on his face just by speaking to him.
“Fine.” she let out an exaggerated sigh.” But Logan, we have A LOT to talk about.”
“I look forward to it. I'll pick you up at 6.” his voice so chipper she couldn't help but grin.
She hung up the phone, letting out a loud groan. The day flew by she had about half an hour left before she was done for the day when she got a text from her dad.
DAD: Got a call, the cars ready. Can you pick it up after work?
Ellie: Sure dad, send me the address
She grabbed a cab rattling off the address to the driver. She stared out the window, Logan heavy on her mind. Everything happened so fast, she knew she would have to try to at least track them down, but she figured it would take some time. Instead it was as if the Universe delivered Logan to her,  maybe it was a sign, maybe he was Lucas dad and she wouldn't even have to look for Colt.
His name send an ache through her, she would be lying if she said part of her didn't miss him too. She missed them both, she at one time Loved them both, each for different reasons. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't realize the cab came to a stop.
“Miss.  Miss. Were here.”
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hoodiedidnotdie · 5 years
A/n: hello, this is my first post in a *while* and also my first fanfic post on Tumblr (pls go easy on me). This is actually a story i originally shared via my Wattpad acc (freakykpopotaku (hell, need to change tht username)) so if u have nothing else to do, go check it out (im not tht active either on there /w\`)! But yeah, hope u guys like it.
Pairing : Namjoon x reader x Yoongi (not really romantic-ish)
Genre : Mafia au
Warning: minor bloodshed, tiny bit of cursing
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Namjoon and Yoongi remembered clearly the first time they met you.
A Saturday afternoon, four months ago, was when they went to visit your father's coffee shop.
A last minute plan they had after the numerous meetings they had all over the place. The check ups they had to do on several of their branches throughout the districts were time consuming too.
Business was booming since one of the biggest war lords of Seoul got taken down by the police. The man made a terrible mistake of trusting and leaving matters to his newest right-hand man who happened to be a police spy. Gangs such as the Bangtan were jumping at the opportunity to claim more territory and clients.
The two men have been so busy coordinating new units to new districts all the while maintaining their innocent businessmen facade that they haven't had time in months to come visit your father who loved them like they were his own sons.
Your father was the one who took them in when they were merely street rats, giving them shelter and food when Namjoon wasn't agile nor strong enough and when Yoongi couldn't hold a gun right yet. He knew the boys never liked being restricted to one place and so the back door of his tiny coffee shop was always unlocked for them to sneak in when it was too tough and the world was too mean.
When luck turned to their side and power was in their hands, the two however did not forget the kind smile and strong comforting arms of your father. They chose to often come to visit and offer him a better place to stay even if they knew he would refuse everytime.
They never knew why your father refused to move, despite being just a street away from the unruly part of the city where crimes were commited as often as Yoongi cursed in a day. However, the two never pushed it because deep down, they were also attached to this shop where everything started.
The two Bangtan bosses always made sure of keeping the shop off of any of their enemies' radar. They never worried about the police since they kept it clean and never did any of the dirty jobs there. All they wanted was the wellbeing of the generous old owner.
However, they have wondered how on Earth your father's coffee shop has never had anything close to an attempted robbery despite being so close to the worst of the city. Namjoon and Yoongi have tried to uncover the mystery when they were younger, wandering all day in the dangerous streets behind the cafe. All they had at best was rumors about your father being an ex-war lord. They've tried all the bosses back then for answers and none of them seemed willing to give the whole truth.
On that Saturday afternoon, when they stepped into the cafe with the chiming of the little blue bell over their head announcing their presence, both men stopped midway in their motions to stare at the unfamiliar barista at the cashier,
Their confusion was clear in their gaze as they watched you soundlessly freeze midway in your task, your arm stopping the sweeping motion over the counter as you stared back with eyes as big as saucers. Your father never hired anyone for as long as they remembered and has always done everything on his own no matter how difficult it was. It made them question silently about you : how special were you to get hired?
As if knowing the tension reigning the first floor of his home, your father came down the stairs in rush and snatched both businessmen's attention to him with a joyful "hello". It the three of you twist your heads almost painfully fast to face him.
Namjoon seemed to drop instantly the cold shell that he displayed to the world, nearly tripping over his own feet in excitement like he used to in his younger years to reach for his father figure. Yoongi's signature gummy smile slipped right through his control before he could even stop it. The two hastily helped the elderly man down the rest of the stairs and towards a table all the while chatting animatedly like they never did in the interviews you watched on the news.
You on the contrary had eyes growing even bigger if possible witnessing the effect that your elderly father had on two of the most important and impressive up coming businessmen of the city. It made you contemplate whether to retire back to the kitchen or not. But before you could take a step back, your old man introduced you with a bright and proud signature smile.
"Boys, here's my lovely daughter, Y/N! She'll be with me from now on and will most likely taking over the coffee shop after I retire. So better start getting along right now since you will be seeing her everytime you come visit!"
The two men simply nodded in understanding as they glanced at you in mild curiosity.
From that day on, Namjoon and Yoongi slowly got used to seeing you arranging the tables, sweeping the floor or simply standing behind the counter when they stepped into shop. The three of you would exchange briefly a few greeting words like "good evening" or "it's been quite sunny these days" before the two of them drift towards your father, eager each time to conversate with him.
They remember you would often offer a small shy smile and indicate where the old man is before returning to your task after your short greetings. Sometimes they would visibly see you get flustered from having their attention on you and fumble clumsily with whatever's in your hand at that time.
Namjoon would let out an amused chuckle and Yoongi a silent 'thank you' with the ghost of a smile on his face before they head towards wherever your father was.
To them, the best animal to describe you was the lamb.
A sweet, soft little lamb.
It was not even a minute after Yoongi suggested to his partner to set the papers and contracts down for the night when someone burst through their office door. Hoseok, the man that they trusted to watch over the cafe and one who they considered as family, hurtled in out of breath looking like he'd just ran 40 kilometers in 10 minutes.
The poor man rapidly informed the two that an enemy of them had found out about the cafe and was sending men to capture your father and you. Hoseok had sent Jungkook and Jimin and a few of their people to try and stop the enemy before anything happens.
However, before he could finish, Namjoon and Yoongi were jumping out of them seats and heading towards the stairs. With a simple call of their secretary, Jin was at their side telling Taehyung through the phone to prepare 'items' and handling the two mens' expensive blazers as the three of them (+ a mildly surprised Hoseok) rushed down the steps with urgency.
A suffocating tension reigned in the car as it rushed down the streets towards its destination. Namjoon's impatient foot tapping and Yoongi murderously glaring out the window was heavily affecting everyone's mood. Even Hoseok did not dare to attempt lightening the mood and simply shared worried glances with who Jin chewed nervously on his puffy lip.
The only closest time where the two other males saw their leaders this livid was when a priceless shipment got almost taken away by another gang. Nobody had to question if that gang still exists after that.
When they finally arrived at the cafe after 10 painfully slow minutes, Namjoon climbed out of the car wearing his trusty black leather gloves with the same killing aura he had during the years where they still had to fight for their lives and Yoongi's eyes had turned eerily blank as he fiddled mechanically with the gun in his hands.
Inside the once clean and inviting cafe laid bloodied bodies piled  against the walls and a horrible stench of iron filled the room. Tables and chairs were flipped and destroyed across the floor and most of the mugs and decorations displayed along the walls were in bits and pieces. Jungkook and Jimin sat at the staircase leading up to the second floor with the younger of the two holding bunched up tissues against his face. Their men stood around them with a concern written in bold letter on their forehead.
The police wasn't anywhere to be seen thanks to Taehyung who was back at their base and the people around the block knew better than to call them. Jin rushed to the maknae with a first aid kit in hand while Namjoon and Yoongi looked at Jimin for explanation.
"When we arrived one of them was just about to call in reinforcement but thankfully we intercepted. Most of them were crowding on the first floor (since the stairs are quite narrow) with a few heading up at a time. We made our way up only to see that a lot of them were dropping dead like flies. It seems like mr.(Y/F/N) is injured inside the study room but a girl is guarding the door ferociously."
"Yeah, and then she didn't believe us when we said we were sent here to help and sliced me across the fvckin face." Jungkook grunts from beside Jimin.
'A girl?' Namjoon remembers turning towards Yoongi for an answer only to see the other with an unconvinced quirked eyebrow.
Jimin scooted towards the railing to give space for the two men to pass after muttering 'be careful' under his breath.
The shock Namjoon and Yoongi received at that instance will most likely be engraved in their mind for eternity they'd thought as they looked towards the said door.
There you, their little soft lamb, stood wearing a bulletproof jacket, arms soaked in blood up to the elbow, hand grabbing tightly a knife with a gun in the other and body in a seemingly confident and rigid stance. Your eyes were stone cold.
Time seemed to have stopped until they light up with recognition when you seem to realize who climbed up the stairs.
The weapons clank loudly to the ground as you drop them to open the door behind you to your father for them in a hurry. Your old man was slumped in a loveseat with a bloodied hand pressed against a wound on his side and a playful grin on his face.
A gun held almost perfectly and ready to shoot was in his other one.
At that moment they realized that the rumors about the ex-warlord your father was are true
And you aren't a lamb they'd thought you'd be.
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