#i nearly disowned them right then and there
sukibenders · 1 year
One of the worst insults I've ever heard from one of my friends was when one them, after seeing my music list, said "You listen to Paramore? That's white people's music". I was hurt, deeply.
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acid-ixx · 3 months
"hostage situation"
series masterlist
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nightwing, to his siblings: okay, so we have to be real careful because the joker and harley quinn are holding our baby sibling hostage and we can't put them in anymore danger.
nightwing, looks at red robin: i'm sure they have some traps laid around the lair so you'll be disarming it.
red robin, nods:
robin: then me and todd will be handling any spare targets, no?
nightwing: of course. cass, steph and duke will be guarding the entrance. babs?
oracle, speaking in the intercoms: this is the closest point of entry where (name) is being kept hostage.
red robin: security cams suggest there's more than just harley and the joker in the lair. a bunch of their goons are heavily guarding both the entrance and the exit. we should thread carefully.
oracle: there's no camera's where (name) is exactly at, but there's a specific room where it's shown that the two are often visiting.
batman, who had been lurking behind them: this is a priority mission. we can't afford to make mistakes.
robin, eyebrows raised: though, is it necessary to bring the entire family? me and my father could handle this entirely by ourselves.
jason, sighs: don't pretend like you weren't the first to suggest the entire justice league to come searching for them, kid.
batman: enough arguing, (name) needs all the support they could get after this. so on my count, we are to bust open the door.
dick: alright, everybody, prepare.
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*meanwhile, inside the lair, in a makeshift "house"*
(name), sitting on a comfy chair whilst holding a cup of hot chocolate and a book in the other, sneezes: oh— did anyone mention my name?
harley quinn, already on her way to wipe their nose: oh my baby! is our baby sick?!
(name): no, i just suddenly sneezed?
the joker, in another room: i spy with my little eye, a child way past their bedtime~ c'mon babyboo, let's get you to bed!
(name): awe, but it's like, 10pm. i wanna read some more.
harley, about to pick (name) up: then let momma read the book for you in bed, cutesy pie—
*the door to the kitchen slams open*
dick, with his escrima sticks on-hand: surrender (name) to us now or—!
dick, absolutely befuddled: wait, what?!
damian, with bruce in tow: what's the hold up, nightwing?!
damian, about to jump right in front of dick before he was stopped by bruce's hand on his shoulder: what is... this?
bruce: ... explain the meaning of this, harley.
harley, holds (name) closer to her chest as she's equally confused: what do ya mean, bats? ain't it obvious i'm taking care of my child?
(name): uhm...
damian, visibly offended: what do you mean, your child? (name) over there is ours.
the joker, walks over to the room in a hurry: what's with all the commotion over here?! (name) is supposed to be in bed, harle— batman?!
bruce, with squinted eyes: don't act stupid, what is this all about?
nightwing, surveying the room: wait, why is (name) in pajamas?
(name), trying their best to shrug in harley's tight hug: i'm... supposed to go to bed...?
the joker, about to walk over to (name) before he's stopped by a batarang almost hitting the side of his head: hey! what's that for? i'm clearly not trying to attack my own child!
bruce: (name) is my child, not yours.
the joker, glaring at batman: well, it's not my fault they choose me over you!
(name) wayne, interrupting the two: uhm... i did technically disown myself from the family so—
damian: disown yourself?
(name): i have every reason to—
dick: look, baby bird, you don't know what's right for you, these guys are dangerous—
(name): i literally got nearly killed by some nobody criminals if not for harley saving me but okay, nightwing.
bruce, whose attention is now on (name): you almost got what now?
(name), rolling their eyes: i almost died, batman. now if you excuse me, i think i deserve a good night sleep tonight.
(name), looks at harley who still hasn't released them from the protective hug: can we?
harley quinn, facepalming in her mind as she stares back at (name): oh, i should've bought you to pam and selina instead.
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ellecdc · 8 months
Come Back, Be Here (part 7)
p1 // p2 // p3 // p4 // p5 // p6 // p7 // p8
Sirius Black x fem!reader - First Wizarding War Order of the Phoenix - 4.5K
CW: mentions of past abuse/torture, amnesia, healing/blood and injury, Bellatrix's cursed knife, angst, hurt/comfort, use of Y/N, character death
Synopsis: After sacrificing yourself to save your friend and Order partner James months before, you're found on the brink of death. It's now October 31st, and the Order has a plan.
Narcissa Black Malfoy was many things. She was a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a wife, a new mother, a Malfoy, and a Black. She was a proud pureblood, a cunning Slytherin, a noble woman, a powerful witch, and exceedingly loyal.
It was this last trait that seemed to be causing her the most problems, however.
It was her loyalty that caused her to bite her tongue and smile when her husband announced that he had joined the ranks of the Dark Lord, who promised to bring the purebloods glory and to protect them from the likes of muggles and mudblood’s who were threatening their way of life. It was because of her loyalty that when her sister asked her to hide something of grave importance to the Dark Lord, even though the object exuded Darkness and Evil, she hid it in the rafters of their attic. 
And it was because of her loyalty that when her baby cousin showed up at Malfoy Manor covered in blood, ash, and rubble with a lifeless body hanging limp in his arms begging for her help that she responded with, ‘bring her to the cellar’. 
Narcissa needn’t wonder how she got here; she knew all too well. She was loyal, and she protected her own.
When exactly her disowned blood-traitor Gryffindor cousin’s muggle-born partner became one of her own, Narcissa wasn’t sure. 
(The day you ‘died’)
“What have you done!?” Narcissa gritted through her teeth as she pulled the clothing off of the nearly-dead-witch’s body.
“’Cissa, please, I couldn’t leave her there-”
“Why not!?”
“She’s – she’s Sirius’, she’s...” Regulus took a steadying breath. “She’s Sirius’, Narcissa.” 
“For crying out loud.” Narcissa growled. She wanted to argue, she wanted to scream and curse and tell him to dump this witch back where he’d found her. But she knew...
She knew she would have likely done the same. 
When her son Draco was born, Narcissa had never felt so alone; her mother was long passed, her father was distant and cold, Bellatrix was insane, and she had long ago lost her favourite sister.
She thought at that moment of Andromeda and her husband and daughter.
If this had been Ted Tonks lying nearly dead on a hastily conjured drafting table, or their daughter Nymphadora...
Narcissa knew; her dog-like loyalty and her dragon-like possessiveness knew no bounds. 
So, she pulled on all the blasted magic she could think of – light, dark, and ancient. Types of Oriental, coastal, Scandinavian and Aboriginal magic; anything and everything she could possibly think of to bring this witch back from the brink of death.
 Spending her life as a dedicated pureblood meant spending a lot of time hiding away in libraries – no one could scold you for it, and you could hide away from whatever nonsense they were currently shoving down your throat. She thanked the deities for all of that time spent researching now. 
Thoroughly exhausted and covered in another person’s blood, Narcissa stepped back as the witch finally took a breath on her own.
“Thank you, Narcissa.”
“Do not go thanking me yet, cousin.” Narcissa huffed. “What exactly is it you plan to do with her?”
Regulus stared dumbly at her. “Uhm...well, return her?”
Narcissa rolled her eyes. “Right, and then the Dark Lord suspects a traitor amongst his followers and kills us all for the act of disloyalty. Really cousin, did you hit your head in this battle or something?”
“Well, what do you suggest I do then, Narcissa, since you are clearly so much smarter than I?” He questioned hotly.
“This is not my mess, Regulus. You should have left her there to die.”
“What do you mean, why?” Narcissa asked incredulously.
“Why should she have to die? Hm? Because she was born into the wrong family? Does that make her evil? Fate does not make us evil, Narcissa; choices do. I did not choose to live as a pureblood, I was only born into this life. But I chose to follow the Dark Lord, and I chose to join this war. I choose to aim my wand at people who raise their wands in defense whilst I wield mine in hope for power and glory. So why her? Why should she die while I go home to eat from my silver spoon that was promised to me at birth?”
Narcissa balked at her cousin. “Regulus, what - what are you saying?”
But Regulus did not have a chance to respond before Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape and Barty Crouch Junior followed a small house-elf down the stairs into the cellar.
“My, my, don’t tell me you’ve plundered some booty for us, dear Reggie!” Barty exclaimed excitedly. 
“What, pray tell, is the meaning of this?” Snape asked as he eyed Regulus and Narcissa skeptically. 
“We were wondering where everyone got to – oh.” Mulciber added as he stepped down into the cellar with Goyle trailing behind him. 
“I found her at the set-up.” Regulus said plainly after throwing up a hasty occlusion behind his eyes.
“I see. And why exactly is she here.” Snape asked again. 
“Did you...heal her?” Lucius guffawed.
“Why waste your energy on a pathetic mudblood?” Mulciber asked.
Narcissa stayed quiet and allowed Regulus to swim his way out of this on his own. She would not risk her own life protecting his mistake.
But what made it a mistake?
Narcissa had never once questioned the pureblood rhetoric that her parents entrenched in her. Not when she first stepped foot into Hogwarts. Not when she watched her classmates get bullied and harassed for their muddy blood. Not when it was announced she would be wed to her own cousin upon graduating from Hogwarts when she was only twelve years old, and not even when she was again announced to be wed to Lucius Malfoy instead at thirteen, after said cousin was sorted into the wrong house – bringing disgrace to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black; and not even when her older sister defected from the family by falling in love with a filthy mudblood. 
She looked at Regulus then. As the baby of the family, Regulus had seen all of this. He had witnessed the announcement of his big brother’s betrothal to his first cousin when Sirius was only ten years old. He saw the fallout and witnessed Sirius be ignored, embarrassed, and humiliated that first summer home after being sorted into the wrong house. He watched Sirius get tortured, brutalized, and starved every summer after that until he left home for good. He watched Andromeda be chastised and forced to choose between her family and her heart for falling in love with the wrong person. He watched Bellatrix descend into madness as she became more and more involved with Dark Magic.  
Regulus, the baby of the family, had witnessed all of this.
Narcissa thought of her own baby then, upstairs being looked after by a house-elf whilst she was downstairs with her husband and his house guests while they argued over who had more of a right to this unconscious witch’s body than the others. 
Did Regulus make a mistake?
Did she?
“Hmph, well, we’ll see how long this lasts.” Mulciber spat at Regulus before the five newcomers moved back upstairs leaving Narcissa alone with Regulus and the witch. 
Narcissa watched as Regulus used Legillimency to peer inside the witch’s mind before he spoke. “You’re awake.”
The only response Regulus got was the tightening of the witch’s eyes.
“Squeezing your eyes shut will not change the fact that I know you are awake.” He commented with an eyeroll.
Narcissa watched as Regulus continued to monitor the witch.
“Yes, I am talking to you.” Regulus responded verbally.
A beat of silence.
“Very elegant.” He muttered.
“Indeed, you are.” He quipped again.
Narcissa watched as you peeled your eyes open and blinked against the light above you; she heard your neck crack loudly as you turned your head towards Regulus before your face fell.
“You can’t be serious?” You rasped disbelievingly. 
“Close, but no.” Regulus smirked as he stood and moved toward the table you were lying on. “The name is Regulus. Regulus Arcturus Black.”
Narcissa watched as a look of panic crossed your features as you took in Regulus.
“I don’t suppose you happen to know occlumency, do you?”
You shook your head in response.
“Shame. Well, for your sake, I hope you are a quick learner.” Regulus said before he stupefied you. 
“This just got an awful lot more complicated, Regulus.” Narcissa commented quietly.
“I know.” Regulus sighed before he turned to his cousin. “Narcissa, please, will you help me?”
Narcissa looked between her cousin – the only relative she really had left – and the unconscious witch beside him. Suddenly, the witch wasn’t just a nearly dead burden – she was a chance. An opportunity for more. An opportunity to do better. An opportunity to have better.
“I do not want this life for my son.” Narcissa admitted quietly.
“I do not want Draco growing up worried about who he will be betrothed to before we even send him off to Hogwarts. I do not want him watching children be jinxed or hexed for being born to the wrong family – or worse – be the child jinxing or hexing them. I do not want to watch him slowly lose every single person that ever meant anything to him because they could not adhere to the same drivel. I do not want this life for him.” She took a deep breath.
“I want more for him, Regulus. I want better.”
Regulus searched Narcissa’s face for a few moments before nodding.
“Let’s do better, then.”
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October 31st
“Okay, explain the plan to me one more time.” You muttered as you continued to pace a hole through Narcissa’s vintage Persian rug. Regulus fought the urge to groan and repeated the plan that Dumbledore had discussed with him for a third time.
“Remus Lupin has been made secret keeper of the currently vacant cottage in Godric’s Hollow. He, as Peter Pettigrew, will meet the Dark Lord in the town square of Godric’s Hollow at eight o’clock tonight. He will then escort the Dark Lord to Potter’s cottage where I will be in the form of James Potter and Narcissa in the form of Lily Potter. Apparently, to no one’s surprise, Sirius has demanded he be there – so Sirius will be there in his animagus form as will Professor McGonagall, and Dumbledore will be hidden under Potter’s invisibility cloak. Dumbledore has the sword of Gryffindor, and Narcissa was able to purchase Basilisk venom from Borgin & Burkes on Knockturn Alley, which means the Order will be able to slay Nagini without resorting to unforgiveables. I, however, will have no qualms firing an avada at the Dark Lord, so we will see how the rest plays out. Either way, he will die.” Regulus spouted in monotone.
You seemed to consider this as you continued pacing. “And I...”
“And you are staying here.” He said with finality.
“Why?” You asked petulantly. Regulus did not find it at all endearing.
“Because you have to look after Draco.” Narcissa offered.
You softened at the mention of the boy but seemed unconvinced. “You have a manor full of house-elves; I’m sure Dobby wouldn’t mind-”
“It has to be you, Y/N.” Narcissa said. “It needs to be someone who will not be swayed, regardless of who shows up and starts barking orders.”
Your head fell back in resignation as you looked at the ceiling. 
“Okay?” Regulus asked quietly.
“Okay.” You admitted in defeat, bringing your gaze back to him.
Regulus offered you as kind a smile as the youngest Black and a chronic Slytherin could manage. “Your nose is bleeding again.”
“God damnit.” You muttered as you conjured a tissue into your hand and held it to your nose. More and more of your memories were flooding back in, and - just as the Healer had suggested - it was extremely painful. Not only were you now privy to migraines, nose bleeds, and the occasional seizure; you had an overwhelming sense of anxiety laying its damned wet blanket over you. You were somewhat annoyed that your memories appeared to be attacking you now when you would have benefitted from not remembering all of the reasons why this plan had to go just right.  
“Why did it have to be Halloween?” You muttered miserably.
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“Why did it have to be Halloween?” James whined. “I love Halloween.”
Lily patted her husband’s shoulder in sympathy, though neither her face nor her tone held any warmth. “You can love Halloween next year.” 
James and Lily stood in the doorway of 12 Grimmauld place with Harry strapped to James’ chest. Sirius triple checked their bags before shrinking them down and putting them into a backpack and placing it onto Lily’s shoulders. 
“Okay, explain the plan to me one more time.” He ordered the Potter’s. 
Lily and James shared a quick glance before the former rolled her eyes. 
“We’re heading to an undisclosed location. We are to set up protection wards the second we get there, and we are not to leave until Sirius’ patronus reaches us. If, in the event that we do not receive a patronus from Sirius or Moony in the next two days, we are to assume that the plan has failed. In that case, we are to begin heading west via muggle transportation and make our way to Ireland before boarding a flight to Canada where we are to remain for the rest of our lives.” She relayed to him in monotone. 
Sirius beamed at her and kissed her cheek. “Right-o, Red! But, not to worry, you’ll be hearing from my patronus in no time.”
Remus watched with a small smile from the staircase. He knew Sirius was trying to stay positive mostly for himself; he’s been in such a state since you were taken, and he was running on fumes waiting with bated breath for this to be over so you could return home - return to him. He had so many questions about so many things; questions for you, questions for Regulus, questions for Dumbledore. Remus watched his friend become manic, almost as if Sirius was the one expecting the full moon at the beginning of next week. The friends tried to stay patient with him, but they were all looking forward to this being over.
“It’s me and my family they’re after, I should be here to end this.” James muttered. 
“And you’re our family, Prongs. So, we’re here to end this.” Sirius responded.
“He didn’t just threaten you and Lily and Haz, he threatened all of us.” Remus added.
“I owe her my life, guys. I owe it to Vix to see this through.” He responded, shifting his gaze between his two friends.
Sirius’ eyes welled at the thought before he quickly shoved his feelings back down into his stomach – he’d deal with those later; for now, he had a megalomaniac to kill. 
“You’ll have the rest of your life to make it up to her, Prongs.” He offered with as much a smile as he could muster. 
James gave his friend a sad smile of his own before enveloping him in a bone crushing hug.
“I’ll see you soon, Pads.”
“Once the mischief is managed.” Sirius answered.
As Lily, James and Harry left Grimmauld place and apparated to location unknown, Remus and Sirius exchanged a look.
“Ready to finish this?” Sirius asked Remus.
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”
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The clock tower in Godric’s Hollow’s town square rang signifying eight o’clock. Remus tried rubbing his clammy hands against his cloak, not wanting his hands to be slick when it came time to brandish his wand. Thankfully, with the full moon this close, and it (by the grace of every god) seeming to be a ‘manic moon’, Remus was at his strongest, and he would not be letting that go to waste. 
The rancid smell of dark magic permeated Remus’ senses signifying the arrival of Voldemort and his last horcrux.
“My dear boy,” Voldemort sang out, “are you ready to face victory in the name of your Lord.”
“Absolutely, my Lord, it is my honour to help you see this through.” He responded verbatim to what Dumbledore coached him on. 
“Lead the way.”
So, Remus did. 
In what felt like a death march, Remus (as Peter Pettigrew), a twelve-foot snake and melted-wax figure looking Tom Riddle made their way to the Potter’s cottage in Godric’s Hollow. Remus listened to the sound of his heartbeat and Nagini’s skin sliding along the gravel lane as he unlatched the hook of the fence and made his way up to the door.
He looked behind him to see Voldemort smiling victoriously at the house as it materialized in front of him. Remus turned back to the red painted door and knocked three times, paused, knocked once, paused, knocked twice more.
“Come in!” The sound of Lily’s voice filtered through the wood of the door and Remus heaved a breath before opening it in front of him. 
“Hey Pete!” James greeted as Remus stepped inside. “We just put the kid to bed, glad you could come by.” 
Remus watched as James turned his back to the door and continued toward the kitchen whilst Voldemort and Nagini let themselves in. With a quick flick of Remus’ wand, the door shut and locked behind them. No way out now, fucker.
“Come on in, Peter! I’m just making something to drink, would you like one?” Lily called from somewhere in the house as the trio continued in, watching as a cat wandered its way towards the kitchen seemingly unawares of the company behind it.
As they passed a hallway leading to a half-bath, Padfoot began to bark.
“Oh, come now Pads, it’s just Peter! You know him.” James said as he came back out into the hallway where he saw his good friend Peter in the company of Nagini and Voldemort.
Voldemort whispered something in parseltongue and in response, Nagini poised to lunge. 
When the snakes body elongated and her neck stretched as she launched to sink her fangs into James, Sirius had turned back into his regular form, and with the sword of Gryffindor swung at the snake, severing its head from the rest of its body; the snake’s body and its head fell to the ground with a sickening wet thud.
“No!” Voldemort cried before Dumbledore ripped the invisibility cloak from his form and Lily exited the kitchen. Suddenly, the forms of Lily, James and Peter and the actual Dumbledore, McGonagall and Sirius stood with their wands aimed at Voldemort. 
“What have you done?” Voldemort seethed at Remus. Remus smirked in response.
“I won.” He said simply.
Voldemort growled as he pulled his wand from his cloak, blocking an expelliarmus from Dumbledore and a bombarda from Sirius. 
“Incarcerous!” McGonagall shouted and Voldemort was bound by invisible restraints.
Dumbledore stupefied the flailing Tom Riddle and the six exchanged glances. 
“Did...did we do it? Did we just...stop Voldemort?” Sirius whispered.
“It feels sort of anti-climactic, does it not?” Lily asked before she cast a quick finite over herself, revealing Narcissa Black. Remus opted to follow suit and shed the skin of his rat of a friend.
“Narcissa?!” Sirius balked, earning him a smirk.
“Hello, cousin.”
“But, why? How?” he asked.
James followed suit and cast a finite, melting away the enchantment and leaving behind the form of Regulus Black, causing Sirius to choke back tears.
“Reggie...” he whispered reverently.
“Sirius.” Regulus responded with a curt nod, seemingly unable to meet his brothers’ eyes.
A sob tore its way through Sirius as he lunged himself at Regulus and embraced his little brother. “I can’t believe you’re alive.”
“Disappointed?” Regulus asked, seemingly unable to figure out what to do with his own arms which were pinned under Sirius’ grasp. 
“No, not in the slightest.” Sirius answered honestly as he pulled himself back from his brother only to bring his hands up to clasp either side of his brother’s face and scrutinize him. “You’re really okay?”
Regulus’ brows scrunched together at his brother’s words. “Could be worse.” Regulus responded in a whisper. 
“Why don’t we catch up later, once we have everyone together again?” Narcissa offered with a soft smile. This seemed to snap Sirius into action.
“Yes! Okay, yes. Let’s go get Y/N and then we can send the Potter’s a patronus!” He exclaimed as if were a child being told they were heading to the mall to meet Santa. 
Remus chuckled and even Regulus seemed to smirk at his brother. 
“You go, Minerva and I will escort Mr. Riddle here to the Ministry.” Dumbledore said with a wink at his four former students. “Thank you all, for your bravery and cunningness today.” 
The four offered Dumbledore varying levels of smiles: Remus a wide one, Narcissa a polite one, Regulus’ looked more like a grimace and Sirius’ mouth stayed downturned as they watched the headmaster and deputy headmistress leave with Voldemort in tow. 
“Let’s get the band back together.” Remus announced, and Narcissa held out a portkey for Remus and Sirius to use to travel to Malfoy Manor.
“See you there.” Narcissa said as she and Regulus spun and apparated to return to you. 
Regulus and Narcissa were just heading toward the vine covered gate when Remus and Sirius fell unceremoniously from the sky. 
“Fuck, I hate portkey’s” Sirius commented as he stood with a grimace and wiped grass stains off his jacket. 
“Don’t be so dramatic.” Narcissa commented from her place as the two men joined her.
“That’s like asking a fish not to swim, dear Cissy.” Sirius responded with a smirk.
Narcissa gave him a fond eyeroll before leading the way to the hidden library.
“PUT THE BOY DOWN!” The shrill voice of Bellatrix could be heard. The sound caused each of their throats to tighten as they all took off in a run towards the library.
“Get away from us!” Sirius heard you shout back. 
As the four of them rounded the corner, Sirius saw you standing with a crying Draco Malfoy in your one arm as you bounced him consolingly while your wand was in the other aimed at Bellatrix in front of you. Behind Bellatrix stood Barty Crouch Junior and Mulciber. 
“Bella!” Narcissa called causing the witch to turn her onyx gaze on her for a second, though her wand never faltered in its aim at you.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, NARCISSA?!” She screeched. 
“Bellatrix, get away from my son this instant.” Narcissa barked. Remus took this opportunity to try to move closer to you and Draco, which earned a purple spell being shot at him from Junior’s wand.
Suddenly emersed in some kind of gothic-style Western standoff, every witch and wizard in the library had their wands pointed at someone and someone’s wand pointed at them. One errant sneeze and someone would avada or be avada’d. 
“Bella, you’re frightening Draco.” Narcissa tried quietly.
“He’s frightened, Cissa, because you’ve left him alone with the likes of a FILTHY MUDBLOOD.” 
“It’s over, Bellatrix.” Sirius shouted. “Voldemort has been captured, he’s on his way to Azkaban as we speak.”
Bellatrix’s already rage filled face contorted in pure outrage. As the Death Eaters were distracted by the news of their leaders down fall, Regulus and Remus began duelling with Mulciber and Junior. Narcissa and Sirius both shot curses and hexes at Bellatrix at the same time, but she quickly defected.
“You, you-you FILTHY BLOOD TRAITOR. You’ve betrayed your kind and defied OUR LORD, YOU INSOLENT-” As Bellatrix continued to rage, you began to slowly side-step your way over to Narcissa and Sirius while cooing at Draco. Sirius kept his gaze locked on you as you kept yours on Bellatrix, and both of your wands stayed on their mark. Remus had Mulciber in a muggle choke hold looking far too pleased with himself as Regulus cast an expeliarmus at Junior.
“YOU SHOULD BE DEAD! I KNEW BETTER THAN TO LET THOSE STUPID, STUPID MEN USE YOU AS THEIR PLAYTHING.” Bellatrix seethed at you, now standing directly beside Sirius, keeping the arm holding Draco just behind him. “YOU WEREN’T EVEN GOOD ENOUGH FOR A WHORE!”
At this, Sirius shot a curse at her which she deflected and began rallying more off. Bellatrix brought her other hand up to her hair and then swung her hand forward. Flying towards Sirius, you and Draco was Bellatrix’s cursed blade.
Narcissa took but half a step to her right, placing herself directly in front of you as she cast an avada kadavra at her sister. Bellatrix’s eyes rolled back as she fell to the ground with a thud and the room became deathly quiet save Draco’s sniffles. 
“Oh my gods.” Sirius breathed.
Remus and Regulus were readying their captives for the Auror department as Sirius turned to face his cousin, only to find her holding her chest as blood seeped through her robes and fingers.
Narcissa slowly began sinking to the ground as you gasped and held Draco’s head to your shoulder to shield his view.
“Cissa, no!” Sirius cried as he helped lower his cousin onto the rug. Narcissa took some gasping breaths as she looked at Sirius and you, and then at her son. 
“Y/N.” Narcissa called weakly.
“I’m here, Narcissa.” You offered through a sob. 
“Take care of my son. Take care of Draco, please.” She begged you.
She turned her gaze to Sirius. “I want better for him. I don’t-I don’t want...” She trailed off as she choked, blood appearing in the corners of her mouth. “I don’t want him to be raised with so much hate. I want – I want him to only know love.”
She looked back to you as you bounced her son back and forth. “Make sure he knows love for me?”
You nodded emphatically as tears trailed down your face. “I promise to do good by you; both of you. He will always be safe with us, Narcissa.”
“And loved.” Sirius added. 
Narcissa smiled at the two of you. “Thank you.” She said as she closed her eyes and let out a shuddering breath. 
Narcissa Black Malfoy was many things. She was a daughter, a sister, and a cousin. She was a wife, and new mother. She was a Slytherin, a noble woman, and a powerful witch.
Narcissa Black Malfoy was extremely loyal. And it was this last trait that cost Narcissa her life. 
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Continue to the finale here.
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
Neglected sully (3)
avatar navi x reader
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The forest had been your whole life it was where you had been born and took your first steps, it had made you happy and also broke your heart. It had become the place where it held all the people that you love so dearly, and who saw you for you. Sorrow had come from the place when you had been blamed for actions way out of you control, and later on banished from the place you call home. Still holding close the memories and some keepsakes from your old home and life. When there comes sorrow there also comes new beginning and you had stated your new beginning.
y/n" my eywa my great mother my guidance in the dark" Right now you are sitting in the home that you have made with kawwney. It had been nearly three half years since she was exiled and disowned. She had been able to make a new life here among the reef navi, yes it did take her time to adapt but she soon become one of the people.
y/n " thank you great mother for the blessing you gave me in life" you are singing your song chord. Life had changed so much for you since you had left home and become metkayian.
????? " ma y/n" you soon stooped singing and soon looked up to see your husband kawwney standing there.
y/n " hello my husband how was the talk with your father and mother"
Kawwney " it had went well my love I had been even asked by my father to join him, on scouting missions and I agree if that well with you"
y/n " that perfect with me ma kawwney it good you and your father, are helping and sharing the clan responsibilities"
kawwney " thank you yawntu" kawwney soon brought you into an warm embrace and kissed your forehead, making you smile and kiss him back as well.
kawwney " now tell me where are our wonderful children"
y/n " they are fast asleep my love"
kawwney " here I was hoping to have some time with them before I had to leave"
???? " baba"
y/n " well it seems like you get that wish answered my love" kawwney smile brightly and laughed, as she soon walked off into another room of the home.
y/n " do you need help in there"
kawwney " I'm good" kawwney soon came into the room carrying three navi children in his arms, all of them smiles brightly and happy.
y/n " they are growing up so fast ma kawwney"
kawwney " well they are ours in no time they will be walking around here and talking in compete sentences with us"
y/n " our perfect sons and beautiful daughter"
kawwney " yes our perfect children just like their mama and they will do amazing in the future" You had started a family with kawwney not that long ago and had triplets two boys and one girl, and triplets are rare among navi sending the clan into celebration due to the boys birth. They are named Kewia, Roili, and Aeyla names that you and kawwney had picked out for them.
warrior " kawwney and y/n hello I'm sorry for interrupting"
y/n " it okay has something happened"
warrior " yes tonowari has called us we will be leaving now for scouting and some other matters"
kawwney " tell my father I will be there shortly I need to put my children down"
warrior " yes I will make sure to tell him" the warrior soon left leaving the family of five in the home.
y/n " here let me take Ayela for you so you can put kewia and Roili down"
kawwney " thank you" ayela had soon went into your arms and smile, as you held her for a bit until you put her down on a mat, soon being joined by her brothers.
kawweny " I will be home in time for dinner so don't worry"
y/n " I always worry"
kawwney " I will be safe you had helped me learn more about these humans and their ways, take care of yourself and the children as well ... I know you will not be alone today as my mom and siblings will be here with the rest of the clan"
y/n " that what I love now go dont keep your father and other waiting any longer"
kawwney " yes my love" kawwney had grabbed his spear and soon kissed you and the kids goodbye before he took off and left. You had soon watch him leave until you could no longer see him, and you soon sat down with the children.
y/n " my children you will always be love by me and I will make sure the three of you are treated fairly and no ever feels alone, I will not become like them"
kids " mama" the children smile towards you making you smile at them, as you soon started looking at them as they play with their wooden toys and crawling around trying their best to walk.
tsireya " hello"
y/n " tisreya come in" tsireya soon smiled as she walked into the home, you and her become very close after the days of your arrival here. She had been happy to finally meet the girl her brother had been crushing on and telling her about as well.
tsireya " I came to check up on you and my nephews and niece how are they doing"
y/n " I'm guessing your brothers are not that far as well"
rotxo " good morning"
aonung " good morning y/n and little ones" the children started speaking in gibberish and laughing after seeing their uncles and aunt arrive in the home.
y/n " it good to have you kids here today but sadly you missed your brother as he went off with your father"
tsireya " oh we saw him when he was with our father and as we going to come see you anyways"
y/n " that sounds like your brother"
aonung " come here kawie lets do more with your walking I know you will be a mighty warrior like my brother" aonung soon reached out his hand and started helping his nephew walk a bit.
rotxo " come on roili we can't let them have all the fun" while the boys were doing some walking practice on the other side of the room, leaving you with ayela and tsireya.
y/n " these boys are so much like kawwney"
tsireya " do you mean the older boys are the babies"
y/n "both" you and Tsireya had laughed as the both of you are helping ayela with her walking.
later that afternoon
ronal " hello everyone"
aonung " mother"
ronal " hello I came to speak with y/n and see my grandchildren"
rotxo " yes mom but I thought you will be busy all day"
tsireya " yes with clan responsibilities"
ronal " well I got some time off and now I came to have some words with y/n"
tsireya " yes mother"
y/n " you all can come see the children later it almost time for their nap"
aonung " okay will we are off to deal with our task mom"
ronal " that good my children" the kids had left as you had put the triplets down for a nap, once they are asleep you are now sitting with ronal.
ronal " I came here to have some words of importance with you"
y/n " sure"
ronal " as you know my son will start taking a more serious role as the future leader of the clan, and sharing responsibilities with his dad"
y/n " yes he told me that this morning he very happy about it and I'm happy for him"
ronal " I'm happy for him as well but I wish for you to take over some roles of tshaik as you being his mate, you will share the title with tsireya"
y/n " I wish not to take away her birthright"
ronal " no need to worry y/n reya has benen told and agree with it, as you had helped her learn as well you healing ways have helped the clan in many ways and your connection with the great mother is mighty and beautiful ... tshaik was your brith right was it not"
y/n " yes but everyone wishes for my sister and my brother future mate over them as I was seen bad child or demon blood"
ronal " there no demon blood in you I was shocked when my son said he was in love, and I was hoping to meet the girl who stole his hair but we did meet ... in a way I was not hoping for"
y/n " I don't think anyone hope we will meet like that' you and ronal laugh a bit.
ronal " you are perfect learning the ways wonderful and soon making. name for yourself, and soon becoming one of the people and starting a family here as well"
y/n " thank you and I will like to take the responsibility and tile of tshaik"
ronal " good" well it was agree as now you will be taking over the some of the responsibilities of tshaik, an announcement had been shared with the people and soon enough word had spread around the village. As life in the village had become peaceful and clam at the moment that all changed when you heard horn blow.
y/n " has someone come or have the Scouts return" you had went to check on the children to see they were still asleep, as you soon went to see what was going and it seem like the rest of the clan is doing the same thing as well.
navi " new arrivals have come to the village"
navi 2 " yes it seems like they all have traveled a long way to get here"
navi 3 " they look similar to y/n they are from the forest as well ... oh y/n hello"
y/n " hello it seems like we have guests from the forest I'm going to see them" you had soon made you way through the crowd it was not the hard as they had made room for you, soon enough you had seen the newcomers bit by bit until you were close enough. Until you stopped walking as you reach the front, looking at the male navi who was at the front.
Jake "hello we come in peace we mean you all no harm" it was your family and old clan, even due it had been many years you could still remember them very well but it seems like they did see yet. Soon enough tonowari and kawwney had retune shocking the new arrivals, as they landed their creatures in the water and soon walked onto the beach.
Jake " I see you tonowari and I see you kawwney"
tonowari "Jake sully" soon enough ronal had made herself know as the crowd made room for her as well, she was now standing with her son and mate.
ronal " ......."
tonowari "why have you all come here"
Jake " we came here seeking refuge for my family and clan ... we seek uturu"
ronal " uturu"
Jake " yes for my family and clan please that all I ask for" ronal was walking around your family she soon noticed three of the kids, are just like you and her granddaughter. She knew of the history of your parents and was staring draggers at them.
ronal " there arms and tails are weak they will have a hard time adapting here"
Jake " we can adapt right everyone"
everyone " yes"
ronal " these three kids have the blood of sky people in them"
Jake " yes they are just like me two of them my kids and other one the adopted son of my right hand man Tsu'tey, but I was once sky people and become one of the people"
Tonowari " we all know tale of toruk makto but you are not the only one who has come here from the forest"
mo'at " what do you mean"
ronal " many years ago someone from the forest had made their own journey here
Jake " who we never knee someone from the forest had come here"
????? " hello it has been a long time hasn't it Jake sully" you soon showed yourself looking at your family and old clan, they all looked shocked to see you standing there.
neytiri " y/n"
y/n " hello may the years have gone by but I can still remember you all"
sully kids and spider " y/n"
tonowari " y/n as you had once been form the forest and one of omatacayia clan, do you think we should let them stay"
y/n " yes we should let them stay it the will of the great mother, it will be horrible to send them away after all the way they came here"
Jake " y/n you are ...." Jake had tried to take a step near you but had been hissed at by kawwney who was glaring at the war hero.
tonowari " you and your family along with your clan will be allowed to stay here, we have some home and extra space for you all to use ... hut during your time you will be learning the ways of our people"
Jake " yes what do we say everyone"
everyone " thank you"
tonowari " my childern from my sons and daughter will be helping with your children and the boy with training, and y/n as well if she wishes to"
kawwney " y/n"
y/n " I will help them as I still hold my clan and old home close to my heart, even after all these years"
aonung " we will help for the sake and honor of y/n"
rotxo " yes we will do our best to help to our guests learn the ways"
Tsireya " yes we will"
tonowari " my people the sully family and their clan members will staying here with us as we see them learning the ways, but we will need to help them as they are babies taking thier first breathe" the clan was not that happy that much of helping the adults as they knew of your past, and hated how much pain you had been put through.
y/n " come with me I will show you around the village and where you all will be staying"
tsireya " I will help as well"
rotxo and aonung " us to"
y/n " then grab what we can and help them move come along so, you all will have enough time to settle in" there had been no time for words to be spoken, as the group had soon followed you as you showed them around village. Your family was now standing near their new home.
y/n " this is where you will be staying for your time being there enough room for you all. Tsu'tey you and your son will be staying over there"
Jake " thank you"
y/n " your welcome" your sibling and spider had put their stuff down and soon ran towards you, they soon hugged you.
neteyam " you been here the whole time"
y/n " yes I have after the incident that had unfolded many years ago"
lo'ak " we have missed you but now that you are here with us"
y/n " yes I have missed you all"
kiri " you have changed so much sister"
y/n " we have all changed my sister"
tuk " y/n I'm happy to have my big sister back"
y/n " I'm happy to have my baby sister back as well"
spider " we have missed having you around"
y/n " well we are back together"
mo'at " granddaughter"
y/n " grandmother" the children had let you go as mo'at soon walked closer to you, and soon hugged you and you hugged her back.
mo'at " I'm happy to see you are well and the young adult you have become, all of you have grown up well in front of my eyes and when we were apart"
y/n " yes we all have and that makes me happy"
tsireya " we hope you all have a good stay here"
lo'ak " thank you for the help"
tsireya " your welcome"
neteyam " thanks for the help back there with the stuff"
aonung " well you are all our guest here we will be helping as much as we can"
spider " this place amazing"
kiri " I cant wait to see what is offers"
rotxo ' " well you are going to have an amazing time here" the group had helped the guests unpack their stuff and settle in bit.
tsireya " y/n we are going to head home for dinner and it getting late as well"
y/n " yes that good" the three teens soon left leaving you with your loved ones.
y/n " there is the food here or I see you brought some food as well, getting settled in"
neteyam " wait why don't stay with us"
y/n " I will love to brother but I have my own place here and I'm need elsewhere, don't be sad I will see you all tomorrow and we will have enough time to caught up"
tuk " okay"
y/n " goodbye for now rest well everyone" your sibling and spider hugged you on last time they soon walked into the their homes. As you were now with Jake, Neytiri, and Tsu'tey the tiro looked at you.
y/n " I hope the clan can help you while you are here"
Jake " it been so long your have grown over the time"
neytiri " yes it good to see you again life hasn't been the same"
y/n " take care all of you and tomorrow change is coming for us all" you had bowed your head saying nothing else as you soon walked off, leaving them alone to get use to their new lives here. There was something new about you that no on could understand only mo'at could see and understand, they soon saw you speaking with kawwney and soon talking with him and walking off together. There was this feeling in the air that your family and clan were feeling after see you after so long.
That night
y/n " ......" you are sitting on the bed you share with kawwney, he soon came into the room with the children.
y/n " what going on"
kawwney " it will be best for them to stay in here with us tonight, as you are going to need all our support to deal with them" kawwey soon place the kids in hanging crib.
kawwney " they are asleep after having a good dinner and play time"
y/n " yes"
kawwney " what the matter my love"
y/n " I hope I have enough strength to deal with them"
kawwney " you have enough strength my love you have shown me that strength over and over again, but you are not alone I'm here I will help you"
y/n " thank you"
kawwney "I love you"
y/n " I love you as well" kawwney soon brought you into a hug and kissed your forehead, the both of you stayed awake before laying in bed and fall alseep after moving the kids to the bed. You had looked at your mate and kids, with a smile on your face yes you did have the strength for anything that will come for you. A smile grown on your face as you kissed your husband and kids on their heads, before falling asleep as well. As the last words had escaped your mouth before you had fallen asleep thank you great mother.
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halfagone · 8 months
Before The Wayne Came A Kane
Martha Wayne née Kane came from a very prestigious family even before she married her husband, the illustrious M.D. Thomas Wayne. Sadly, her family never supported her union with Thomas, so she largely cut them out of her life once she married and that certainly had not changed when she had a son.
Her strained relationship with the rest of her family is particularly apparent when it's revealed, at the release of her and Thomas' respective wills after their unexpected, tragic deaths, that she would not give her brothers or sisters-in-law custody of Bruce. They may be the last of his living relatives, but even in death she would never allow them to touch her baby boy. Hence, his care is left to the head butler, one Alfred Pennyworth.
She did have two sister, though. Two baby sisters, one who had been disowned and disavowed from the family long before her, named Alicia. And one who was far too young to take in her son, even if Martha had allowed it. Her name is Madeline Kane. As the only other acknowledged daughter left from Roderick and Elizabeth Kane, she is left to carry the burden of her older sister's legacy. And what a burden it was, to be constantly compared to a dead woman her family seemed to adore and loathe in strides.
It's really no wonder that the moment she gets the chance, she leaves her family in Gotham to attend a university in Wisconsin. There, she meets Jack Fenton. He can be a little clumsy sometimes, but he has an eye for engineering and doesn't like her for her family's name or wealth. He calls her "Maddie" when she says so, and he doesn't ask about the change.
She falls in love and the two are wedded in the blink of an eye, Maddie pregnant with their first child only a few years after graduation. In her family's eyes, it just further proves that any Kane daughter is cursed and doomed to failure. (Beth understands this. Bette learns this. Kate knows this.)
And all too similarly to her elder sister, when her son is just fourteen years old, she is killed: yet another unexpected, tragic death. Her husband and her daughter perish along with her. Just like her older sister, the only one left is her baby boy.
Only, Maddie wasn't nearly as forthcoming with her will, and there is no guardian marked for custody in his papers. The Kanes, who proclaim they are his rightful family, are more than happy to take advantage of this.
Bruce isn't close to his family, beyond perhaps Kate. But if there is one thing that he knows it's that his parents didn't give his estranged relatives custody of him for a reason. Alfred is stingy with the details, but he can confirm that much.
Bruce is left to fight an uphill battle, helping a mourning boy heal from his loss and fighting his extended family's attempts for custody at every turn.
More ramblings under the cut:
See this guy right here?
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This is Jacob Kane, Kate's father, Martha's brother, and Bruce's uncle. He's got the distinct red hair and do you know who else has red hair? Maddie. Jacob is a respected military officer and Maddie, in general, has always given me strong former U.S. agent vibes. But regardless, it makes sense that Maddie would know things or learned how to fight at an early age if her older brother left for military service.
Also, I just love showing Bruce's extended family and how twisted, complicated his family was long before he adopted so many children. And this also helps explain why Maddie is so cagey with her background. She only has Alicia left really, all the rest she keeps out and away for good reason.
But she can't protect Danny from them forever.
Plus, there's this really cool possibility for Danny to stay with the Kanes for a while and explore that avenue before he's ultimately brought into the Wayne fold. Danny gets to see what the upper crust Gotham elites look like with his own two eyes, beyond Sam's stories.
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littlest-w01f · 6 months
Rhysand x Reader
For @starfallweek [hosted by: @azsazz and @writingsbychlo]
Starfall Week 2024 Masterlist
Day 2: Character A is a little frazzled as they prepare for Starfall. Character B does what they can to help
Summary: Rhysand needs Reader's first Starfall with him to be perfect
Cw: Rhys' usual innuendos, 90 yo Rhys, 19 yo Reader
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Rhysand was panicking, the faelights weren't perfect, and the sheer curtains wouldn't sit right. He had run the dress he wanted for you to wear clean twice, it still didn't seem clean,
Weeks, it had been weeks since he had ordered the best for you, streamers in your favourite colours, every decoration fitting what you liked, anything you had even pointed at he had gotten as a gift for you.
You, his precious mate, Devlon's disowned daughter, someone he had saved when he had become the new High Lord, you had run away from your home the day you bled, despite your best attempts with different plants, making medication and drugs, hoping to save your wings, wings that Devlon had left tattered, and Rhysand had found you, taken you to Madja to heal your wings, nearly attacking her when you cried out in pain from her healing, only held back by Azriel and Cassian.
And now he stood between his brothers, yelling at them and the Mother herself as things just didn't fit right, it would be your first Starfall with them after you'd been saved. And he needed it to be perfect for you, perfect for his mate.
With all the commotion going on early in the morning, you walked downstairs from your room, confused at the large piles of boxes around, tucking your wings, smiling slightly at your mate and his brothers, "Well, good morning..."
Rhysand smiled looking at you, chuckling lightly as you rubbed sleep away from your eyes, "Good morning, my star." Everyone else all forgotten as you stood in front of him.
"How long have you been up?" You asked, yawning slightly from just waking up, "The bed was cold."
Rhysand walked you to the dining room, leaving his brothers confused, "I'm sorry, my sweet." He sat you down on the chair facing the counter, and after a little whipping, he turned around with your favourite pancakes, "I was just making sure things were set up for Starfall perfectly."
You hum, digging into the pancakes as Rhysand puts down your coffee next to you, he picks you up and sits before pulling you on top of him as you look up at him, "Do you do this every year?" You asked curiously. "Sounds so amazing."
Rhysand's chest puffed in pride as you complimented him, "Well, not every year, just for you, my mate."
You awwed at him, "That's so cute Rhysie..." You lean into him, eating your breakfast as he cuddled you, warming you up perfectly. "Did I hear you yelling at Az and Cassian?" You eye him, and he rolls his eyes, looking quite guilty.
You turn to straddle him, offering him a bite of your food, as he answers, "Well, these damned decorations aren't behaving and I had to yell at someone."
"You don't have to be rude to your family," You tutt, shaking your head lightly as you ate, "Besides, I could feel your tension through our bond."
Rhysand chuckled lightly, "I do love being the reason you wake up," He smirked, pulling you closer on his lap, giving your cheeks each a gentle kiss.
"I wanted for your first proper Starfall with me to be perfect, Little mate." He buried his face in your neck, breathing you in.
You stroked his hair, "I don't need any of this for my Starfall to be perfect, you know." You chuckle softly as he playfully bit your neck.
Rhysand smiled slightly, kissing over your collarbone, "What do you need?" He asked pulling back.
"You." You smiled, burying your head in his chest. "Just you, I want you."
He smiled, sighing a little, "Well, that's good, because you have me." He cupped your cheeks gently with his hands, bringing you closer to kiss, "I want you too."
You smile in the soft kiss, "Well, that's good. Besides, all these boxes of just decorations are making me nervous."
"Oh, these are not just decorations," Rhysand smiled, creating a few of his tendrils of darkness to grab a big box, he had it set down between them, "Most of them are gifts."
"What!" You exclaimed opening the box, smiling standing up to hold the dress in it up to yourself, "This is gorgeous, Oh Mother, it's wonderful."
Rhysand smiled, watching you coo at yourself and the dress, maybe Starfall with you near him would be perfect no matter what.
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{General taglist: @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria}
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Pt. 2 of modern Wolf Hybrid! Katsuki Bakugou X Bunny Hybrid! Reader
This is part 2 of my last Wolf!Katsuki fic, and while not required to understand this one, I highly recommend giving it a read! This is about you, a bunny person, telling your family that you're dating a Wolf man, Katsuki...except they're extremely against dating between wolf and bunny hybrids. Womp womp.
words: 1.5k
Warnings: cursing, mentions of Kat and reader doing the horizontal monster mash, angst? I think? I'm not an angst writer, Pretty sure this is hurt comfort
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"Ok, I have my water in case my throat gets dry, my tissues in case I cry too much, cookies in case I stress eat...My phone, where's my phone?! I can't call them without my phone!"
"In you're hand, bun."
"You gotta chill out," Katsuki huffed, standing behind you and gently rubbing your temples with his strong, calloused hands. His tail swayed gently behind him, idly moving as he bent down and planted a kiss on your scalp. Why was he being so lovey, might you ask? Because you were about to make the biggest announcement of your life to your family: You, a bunny-person, were dating Katsuki, a Wolf-person.
Was it that big of a deal? Not to you, a young person living in a liberal area, but to your incredibly old fashioned family, it was like announcing you personally orchestrated the plague.
"But what if they disown me or something," you whine, leaning your head back to look up at him with a nervous pout. He frowned down at you, thumbing at the tips of your plush bunny ears as they pressed against your head. "You'll still have me, 's not like you'll be alone."
Katsuki wasn't the best at all of this, seeing as he was a wolf guy that had moved out at sixteen and hardly spoke to his parents yearly, but he loved you, and therefore was trying his best.
You appreciated that, obviously, but his words did little to comfort you...you were just so nervous!
After a moment of looking into your eyes, seeing the anxiety just behind them, he leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours. "They're lucky to have you, if they know what's good they'll stick around."
Did he hate your family and wish they'd all fuck off and stay out of it? Yeah. Would that get in the way of how much he loved you? Hell no. So why would they feel any different, why would they shut you out just because you loved a wolf man?
With a heavy sigh, you sat up straight, positioning your phone on the coffee table in front of you so you had a nice, clear angle. "Ok. I'm gonna do it. I'm calling them...get out of the shot, please," you asked of him, to which he begrudgingly obliged with a pout. He plopped down next to you, nearly putting his arm around you out of instinct, before remembering the whole point was to not be seen.
You hesitantly leaned forward, pressing the call button and watching the Video Call register, the music filling your stomach with anxiety. "Relax," he mumbled, taking your hand off camera and holding it.
After a couple rings, your parents picked up, big smiles on their faces. "Hey carrot cake!" Your dad said, using a nickname you've had since you were six, when you ate so much carrot cake you spent the night throwing up.
"How's my favorite firstborn doing in the big, loud, far away, dangerous, city," your mom asked, a twinge of worry in her wide smile. She always liked to bring up how dangerous St. Lupus was, a city densely populated by wolves. "Great! Everything's great," you responded, squeezing Katsuki's hand a little tighter.
"You know, I was talking to Barbra the other day, and I think you and her son would just adore each other," your mom gushed, your phone pinging with a picture sent from her. "Isn't he handsome? Take a look," she prodded.
Katsuki growled a little, a low rumbling coming from him as he scowled, ears flat against his head. You reached over a little and put your hand on his chest, calming him and reminding him why you were here. "A-actually, speaking of that, I've found someone else," you started, pressing your lips together and watching for a reaction.
"Oh! That's wonderful dear! What's his name? Is he from Hoppsfoot? Bunny burrow? Oh, don't tell me he's from Cottonridge."
"Uh, he's definitely not from Cottonridge," you assured, your mother sighing with relief. "Well, tell us about him," your father pressured, smiling gently at you.
"H-he's from St. Lupus..." you stuttered out, squeezing Katsuki's hand a little tighter. You thought they'd connect the dots from there, but...
"I've never heard of a bunny being raised in St. Lupus, not without being turned into Sunday dinner," your dad joked, nudging your mom with a laugh.
Who does this guy think he is, assuming wolves still ate bunnies? What a close minded asshole. Katsuki looked to you, wanting to exchange glances of exasperation, but saw just how scared you were.
You looked like you were on the brink of bursting into tears. His heart ached for you, he just wanted you to feel ok. He leaned forward, just enough to be closer without being in frame, and brought your hand to his scalp. Scratching his ears always made you feel better.
You glanced over for a second, a sweet but rather fake smile on your face, and began to idly scratch around the base of his ears. He quietly groaned into your touch, allowing himself to be a little more open about how good you made him feel so you knew he loved you.
"The thing is, well, uh..." You looked into your parents eyes through the screen, their kind, caring eyes, and then to Katsuki's passionate, loving ones. Fuck.
"I can't," you whispered, frozen in fear, eyes pleading with Katsuki to have sympathy. You wanted to, you just...couldn't break their hearts.
"What's that," your mother asked, getting closer to the camera. Katsuki knew what he had to do, he wanted to help. He grabbed your phone, turning it to himself, your hand still on his head, and stated, "I'm (y/n)'s boyfriend," firmly.
Your parents gasped in unison, jaws dropped. "This can't be!" "Tell me he's lying!"
"It's true," you said, your voice wavering but your tone firm.
Katsuki handed you the phone back, and you held it closer to your face.
"We raised you better than this," your mother shouted.
"He loves me," you mumbled back, tears dripping over your cheeks.
"He wants to use you," she scoffed, venom in her tone.
"Wolves don't eat bunnies anymore," you argued.
"So? That doesn't mean he won't use you for other things," she sniffed.
"Mom!" Tears were pouring down your face, you were definitely worked up. Katsuki brought his arm around your shoulder, holding you a little closer to comfort you. For once, Katsuki kept his mouth shut. You had this. You didn't need his help.
"I can't bear to watch him touch you, I can't imagine what you let him do when we aren't watching!"
"What we do is none of your business," you yelled, your voice shrill from the emotions raging.
"Don't come home until you've rid yourself of that...that...heathen!"
"Fine," you shouted back, not even thinking.
"Fine," she responded, equally as loud. You could hear your dad say "honey," to your mom just before she hung up.
You sat there in silence for a moment, Katsuki's arm around you, staring at your now black phone screen.
"You...Okay," Katsuki asked hesitantly, his voice riddled with worry.
You broke.
You started bawling, Tears gushing from your eyes as you leaned into Katsuki's chest, wailing and lamenting the possible loss of your relationship with, at the very least, your mother. Katsuki leaned back against the armrest of the couch, pulling you with him as you both lay down. He rubbed your back in broad strokes, up and down, his other hand behind his head for support.
"I can't go back," you whimpered between broken sobs, arms brought to be around his sides.
You don't need to. Why go back when I'm right here? Who would want to go back to assholes like them, anyway? All of these thoughts were racing through his head, yet none of them could be voiced, one were what he wanted to think. You didn't need that.
"I know, bun."
That was all he said, planting soft kisses along your hairline and smoothing your ears against your head over and over again, petting you to calm you down.
Your howling died down into sobbing, the sobbing into crying, and the crying into whimpering. After just 10 minutes, you were silent, and after careful examination, Katsuki realized you were dead asleep.
Gently so as not to wake you, he lifted you up as he stood, carrying you to his bedroom and laying you down. He got in with you, pulling up the covers and leaving little kisses on your wet cheek as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist.
He could hear your phone buzzing with text after text after text, phone calls with different ringtones (ergo different people), the dinging of notifications on social media.
He'd have to get up earlier than you so he could delete all the hateful texts and voicemails, but that'd be tomorrow him's problem. Right now, all that mattered was you.
His beautiful bunny.
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Me? write A metaphor for the homophobia/racism/general bigotry that still exists today? noooooo, couldn't be. I hope you liked this comfy, angsty(?) little fanfic, please leave a comment with your thoughts!
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scoobydoodean · 26 days
minor vent feel free to ignore but someone said bobby barely gives a shit about sam like he didnt tell dean to suck it up when dean tried to cut ties with sam during lucifer rising like come on guys.
Bobby certainly has a soft spot for Dean, but this is also because Dean is much more proactive in his relationship with Bobby as far as supporting Bobby and seeking support (3.10, 5.07, 5.10, 5.15). Sam has a tendency toward emotionally distance—especially when he's afraid to lose someone he cares about (post here and here and here). Dean has been at Bobby's side as an emotional support during some really tough moments—even when Bobby was very difficult to be around and lashing out (even with physical threats as in 5.15), and Bobby's done the same for him. Sam tends to focus on the mission to help Bobby instead of sitting with him and having emotional conversations. He leaves that role to Dean.
Dean also starts referring to Bobby as his father from 3.10 onward. Sam doesn't call Bobby his father as far as I recall (?) but he does see Bobby as a father. We just learn that indirectly (and hilariously), when soulless Sam tries to kill Bobby for a spell requiring patricide in 6.11. There's also Gabriel trying to use Bobby to tug on Sam's heartstrings, and Sam's emotional denial in 7.13 when he can't face the idea of Bobby potentially haunting them. When a demon possessing Bobby makes Sam believe that Bobby is disowning him in 5.01, Sam leaves the motel nearly in tears already.
Bobby definitely cares for Sam and sees him as a son! When Samuel gets snippy with him, Bobby acknowledges both of the brothers as his boys. Both of the brothers (bickering lightly with one another over a movie and snacks) is the memory Bobby chooses to be his last as death takes him in "Death's Door". And when Bobby screams at the memory of his father, it's with pride about both of his children.
As fate would have it, I adopted two boys, and they grew up great. They grew up heroes. So you can go to hell!
You are also right for sure to point out Bobby very emotionally advocating for Sam in 4.22 (and 4.21 for that matter). He also makes sure to quickly correct the words a demon put in his mouth in the beginning of 5.01 (even while in the hospital newly paralyzed!! It's still on his mind to make sure to let Sam know he still loves him!)
BOBBY Sam? I was awake. I know what I said back there. I just want you to know that...that was the demon talking. I ain't cutting you out, boy. Not ever.
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arealphrooblem · 10 months
A Good Roommate Is Hard To Find Part 4
Synopsis: Civilian has harbored a secret crush on his roommate for a long time, only to find out that said roommate is the newest villain on the scene during a robbery at his job.
CW: mentions of homophobic parents
Part 1 Here
Ben’s parents always accused him of being as stubborn as a goddamn mule, especially when it came to his sexuality, which they viewed as some sort of rebellion that he childishly refused to grow out of. Even Adam joked about it when Ben would play a video game until he completed every task, gained every achievement, and found every collectible.
Even his crush was stubborn, digging its fingers in when any sane person would have moved cities, new roommates be damned.
In the face of Adam’s injuries, his resolve crumbled like a Nature Valley granola bar. The new fear that unlocked seeing Adam limping and covered in blood over-rode whatever lingering anger and resentment he had about Adam’s . . .new career.
 In its place rose a fierce protective instinct and the need to dote like an old grandmother. He made Adam tea, changed his bandages, cooked and did the dishes and brought Adam his meals so he wouldn’t have to hobble to the kitchen table.
No matter what happened between them, no matter what Adam did in Ben’s absence, the realization that he nearly lost Adam haunted him.
Ben arrived at this city friendless with a useless degree and freshly disowned by his parents. Meeting Adam at his first job felt like nothing short of a miracle. They clicked instantly and for the first time in years Ben felt seen. Adam lit up when they found shared days on each weekly schedule and complained bitterly about the days their shifts didn’t cross. The first time Ben called in sick, Adam sent him a flurry of concerned texts and Ben nearly cried. A quiet, awkward kid turned anxious loner, Ben never had his absence noticed or mattered to someone this much.
He thought for sure their friendship would go to shit when they got an apartment together but living together felt as easy as breathing. What few fights they did have were resolved quickly, as Adam refused to let Ben hide his issues and suck it up. They always found a compromise, something Ben’s parents never granted him.
No wonder he fell so quickly and so hard. And even in the face of a knife at his throat, those feelings refused to let go. He was stuck with them and the night Adam came back Ben resigned himself to his fate.
“Fucking Christ, Ben, sit down,” Adam said from the couch. “I can get my own drink, I don't need a fifties housewife.”
“It's fine, I was already getting up anyway,” Ben protested but Adam glared.
“Sit down.”
“But —“
“Sit. Down.”
Something dark flashed in Adam’s eyes, sending a thread of hot, shivery desire through Ben’s spine.
He sat down.
Adam limped over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. Even after two days, his leg still pained him, though he wouldn’t tell Ben what the injury was or how he got it.
“Maybe you should go to a doctor,” Ben suggested as Adam wandered back in.
“Absolutely not.”
Adam didn’t even spare him a glance as he reached for the remote.
“What if you broke it or something?”
“I didn’t break anything. Quit fussing, Benji, and scoot over.”
Ben obliged, sitting at the far edge of the couch. Adam stretched out on the rest of the couch, setting his head in Ben’s lap and draping his injured leg gingerly over the other end.
Suddenly every nerve was on high alert. Adam had done this before, usually when drunk, and always with a pillow. This time his face lay bare against Ben’s jean clad thigh. Whiffs of his cologne teased Ben’s nose, his body heat sinking into Ben’s leg.  
It took every inch of willpower not to spring  a boner right then and there. If Adam turned his head the other way, he would be breathing right against Ben’s dick.
“Doesn’t it hurt,” he asked, trying to turn his thoughts anywhere else.
Adam glanced up and gave Ben a small, wistful smile. “I’ve had so much worse. You worry too much.”
“That does not in fact make me feel any better.”
Adam wriggled, adjusting into a more comfortable position and Ben bit back a whine when the back of his head brushed against a growing erection.
“You want a pillow or something?” he asked, voice coming out somewhat strangled.
“Nope. I’m fine. Flip to ESPN. The Lakers are playing tonight.”
Sports. Dozens of men in their physical prime sweating and running and showing off lean, muscular arms while another man lays in his lap. Just great.
Of course the day the worst cold front of the season hits, the power to half the city gets shut off, including their apartment building. Ben had just shuffled home from work, kicked off his shoes, and pre-heated the oven before the whole place plunged into darkness.
And of course Adam was nowhere to be found and he didn’t answer any texts or calls.
Things like this happened more and more often. Maybe it was because he didn’t have to lie to Ben anymore about his activities — Adam had taken a lot of “late shifts” and overtime before the truth came out — or maybe things were ramping up in the criminal underworld. But more and more often came long swathes of time where Adam disappeared and could not be contacted.
Usually Ben spent that time staying up as long as he could for Adam, always scared of another bloody return.
This time he yanked off his comforter from the bed and sat on the couch, pissed. It was freezing, his phone battery almost dead, too dark to read and no internet. The fuck was he supposed to do?
By the time Adam stumbled back through the door, Ben had dozed off and on the couch in pitiful snatches of sleep, too cold to get any rest.
“You have shit timing,” he said, teeth clacking. “Turning off the power couldn’t be a summer activity?”
“Then you’d be pissed at how hot it was,” Adam retorted.
“At least I could open a window.”
Adam threw him a devious smirk that looked almost ghoulish in the glow of his phone. “Or take your clothes off.”
Ben’s cheeks heated, the only warmth he could feel.
“Seriously though, what the fuck?”
“It wasn’t my idea, trust me,” Adam grumbled, toeing off his shoes. “My boss is an impulsive fuckface.”
“So how long until the power comes back?”
Adam shrugged. “A while. The point is that it will take a long time and a lot of resources spread across the city to get it back. So layer up, Benji.”
Ben groaned. “Fantastic. Are there any perks that come with this gig of yours?”
“Not yet. But there will be.”
 Ben had his doubts about that. Part of him wanted to really interrogate Adam, to know everything — what got him started, what his goals were, what the point of all of it was. But Adam was right — the more Ben knew, the more of a liability he was. Better to stay ignorant, even if his anxiety filled the gaps with ideas probably worse than reality.
“Come on,” Adam said, motioning to his bedroom door. “Bring your blanket, we’re bunking up tonight.”
All thoughts ground to a sudden halt.
“What?” Ben asked stupidly.
“It’s freezing in here or have you not noticed?” Adam said, already heading towards the bedroom.
“Yeah, but  —“
“Quit being a wuss and come on. It’s the only way we’re gonna get warm.”
Heart pounding, Ben followed, blanket clenched around him like a shawl. Adam didn’t know about Ben’s feelings but he did know about Ben’s sexuality and he never had an issue with it. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t get freaked out if he woke up to Ben’s erection against his back. Or to Ben moaning from a dream or sleep-cuddling or hundred other humiliating tells that could happen in the obliviousness of sleep.
Still, his idiot self followed Adam into the bedroom. Adam gestured for Ben to crawl in the bed first. The twin mattress was set against the wall and did not leave much room for two grown men. Ben started to despair as he scooted as far over as he could and still Adam’s thighs brushed against his as both men jockeyed for room. Eventually they ended up on their sides, facing each other, close enough to feel their breath on their lips.
That and the smell of Adam and his warm radiating against Ben under the covers was enough to send him a little light-headed. Only two inches and his own willpower separated them from kissing.  
“You good?” Adam whispered.
Ben nodded. “Yeah,” he said hoarsely.
Adam shuddered and scooted closer, pressing his head against Ben’s shoulder. “I’ve been freezing all night,” he muttered.
“Same,” said Ben, hardly daring to breathe. The smell of Adam’s shampoo tainted every lungful of air.
“I’m too wired for sleep, though. What about you?”
He should feel exhausted but having Adam pressed up against him ignited every nerve in his body.
“I’m not tired,” he said.
“You wanna play Never Have I Ever?”
 “We don’t have drinks.” And thank God for that because who knows what insane statement Ben might ask under the cover of darkness. Like Never Have I Ever killed someone.  Or Never Have I Ever thought about kissing another man. Things that haunt Ben that he also doesn’t want the answers to.
“What about Truth or Dare?”
“There’s no way in hell I’m getting out of this bed for a dare and I don’t trust you not to ask me something totally humiliating.”
Or for Ben to trust himself not to dare Adam for a kiss. The temptation, with Adam pressed close enough that Ben could feel the reverb of Adam’s voice against his own ribs, was too great. Something about the darkness made Ben feel reckless and only the life-long ball and chain of his anxiety kept him from going rogue and ruining everything.
“Goddamn do you get cranky when you’re cold,” Adam grumbled. “How about this — we take turns telling us something the other person doesn’t know about us. But we get to pick what we reveal.”
Always hungry for knowledge, especially about Adam, the King of Evasive Answers, Ben could not resist.
“Okay. But you go first.”
Adam thought for a moment before answering. “One of my greatest fears is that I’ll get that tick bite that makes you allergic to meat.”
Ben smiled. “Good thing we live in a densely populated city.”
“There are ticks in the city. We’re not safe here.” Adam sounded so serious that Ben had to laugh. He pulled away from Ben’s chest and he could feel Adam’s glare even in the darkness. “Alright chucklefuck, what about you?”
“Um . . .I hate cake. I’ve never had a birthday cake I enjoyed.”
“You hate cake?”
“It’s dry and gums up my mouth and the frosting is always too sweet.”
“You’ve just never had good cake.”
“I’ve had all kinds of cake. They all suck.”
“I could find you a cake you’d love.”
“Careful, Adam. That sounds like a bet.”
“Oh yeah? And what would you give me if you won?”
“Anything.”  The word slipped out of Ben’s mouth before he could stop it.
He felt a sharp intake of breath against his collarbone.
“Anything?” Adam whispered. A strange tension strung his voice taut. Ben wished he could see the expression that matched it. “That’s a dangerous thing to promise.”
“I um — ” Ben swallowed thickly. “I really hate cake.”
“We’ll see about that.” It sounded almost as if Adam was talking about something else and though Ben usually squashed any wishful thinking down, he let  this one take root.
“Your turn,” he said.
“I’ve never been drunk.”
“Bullshit,” Ben said. “I’ve seen you drunk. Multiple times.”
“You’ve seen me pretend to be drunk. I’m very good at it.”
“Seriously?” Ben thought back to last New Years, at a party thrown by one of their old coworkers. Adam had been giggly and ridiculous and adorable, his guard down in a way he never allowed sober.
Or so Ben thought.
“Being drunk makes you too vulnerable,” said Adam. “People do and say stupid shit they never would sober. It’s not worth the risk.”
“Why lie?” asked Ben. “You could just say you don’t drink.”
“That draws a lot of attention. People take it as a challenge to get you to drink or they interrogate you about it or they get pissed because they think I don’t drink out of some moral high ground. It’s easier to pretend.”
Adam always seemed confident and untouchable, even before Ben found out about his criminal activities. To hear him admit to so much fear tonight . . .the trust felt addictive. And suddenly the weight of his own secret, his own fear, felt unbearable.
“I’m in love with you.”
 The intimacy of the darkness, of their bodies cradling each other, the vulnerability of secrets, cocooned around him like a protective shell. He felt bulletproof. He felt tired. The secret weighed so much, even if he could ignore most of the time.
Silence intensified between them at the confession. Ben’s heart roared in his ears.
“Oh Benji,” Adam sighed. “You’re supposed to tell me something I don’t know. That’s how the game works.”
“I — you knew? How? How long?”
“Not long after we moved in. You’re not very subtle, especially when I know you so well.”
Ben anticipated all kinds of reactions, but not this one.
“Oh. I’m — I’m sorry. I didn’t mean — ”
“Don’t be sorry,” Adam said, his tone heartbreakingly kind. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I don’t — I don’t want to weird you out.”
“It doesn’t bother me.” Adam’s fingers curled around Ben’s shoulder and squeezed. “It doesn’t bother me at all.”
A dangerous spark of hope ignited in him. Adam knew. Adam knew and it didn’t freak him out. Adam knew and he still put his head in Ben’s lap and cuddled with Ben in bed and —
“Do — ” Ben swallowed, his heart in his throat. “Do you — ”
“My father is a supervillain.”
Once again all the thoughts zig-zagging in his head screeched to a halt. “What?”
Adam took in a shaky breath. “He’s dead now but he was very infamous when he was alive. Other villains cowed to him. I inherited his powers.”
“You have powers?”
There had been a handful of infamous supervillains in the past few decades and all of them had terrifyingly powers. No matter who Adam ended up connected to, every option was lethal. A lick of fear tingled up his spine.
I don’t need a knife to hurt you.
But right now, pressed so close together in the freeing darkness, Adam didn’t feel dangerous. And it wouldn’t matter if he did because reckless want surged through Ben, burning out the dogged fear that always followed him. Adam might be murderous, he would never love Ben back the same way, but it didn’t matter. He didn’t want it to matter.
Adam pulled away, his fingers digging into Ben’s  shoulder, the intensity of his gaze almost a physical weight.
“No one knows about this, Ben. No one. My crew, my boss — they think I’m a grunt, a weapon to point with. And I need them to think that. Do you understand?”
Of course Adam had a plan laid out. And the fact that he’s telling Ben the one piece that could bring it all to ruin left an ache in Ben’s chest.
“I won’t tell anyone,” Ben said. “I swear. I worry about you all the time. I want you to be safe.”
“I trust that.” Adam’s grip loosened and he smoothed his hand over the wrinkles he caused. “I shouldn’t. I don’t trust anyone. But you . . .you feel different than anyone else I’ve met. I can’t really explain it.”
“You do too,” Ben whispered.
Adam’s hand traced up the column of Ben’s throat, cupping his jaw with just the barest finger tips. The urge to kiss him swelled up in Ben, overwhelming, a wave of reckless desire finally cresting. Just a small kiss. Just this once.
He ducked his head down a fraction of an inch, terrified and determined all at once, when Adam pulled back.
“Go to sleep, Ben,” he said quietly, hand sliding away. “I have a long day tomorrow if you want the power back on.”
Disappointment crashed into him, a wave against a cliff. “Yeah,” he said, a tremor in his voice. “That would be nice.”
He slept facing the wall, feeling Adam’s breath against his neck. The next morning the bed was warm but empty.
Taglist: @itsmyworld23 @canary-warrior @cyborg0109 @littlesadzap
Let me know in the comments if you want to be tagged!
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Steve used to be extremely outgoing; in high school, everyone wanted to be around him, or with him, or just be him, and he thrived off of that kind of attention. Anything to keep his mind off of his earlier childhood traumas, anything to keep him from thinking about how he's always alone, always unwanted.
When he was newly seventeen, though, he started to hate attention. Nancy Wheeler was his girlfriend- but they were fighting and she wouldn't answer his texts. He finally found her at Jonathan Byers's house, and she held him at gunpoint. He'd been more upset that she wouldn't explain anything to him than he was that she was holding a loaded weapon to his face. Then a hellbeast with no eyes and an enormous, five-petaled mouth had popped out of the walls, and he was beating it back with a baseball bat that Jonathan had given him.
Somehow, they'd lived, and had almost a full year of recuperation. But then Halloween happened, and Nancy ruined his favorite holiday by telling him all of the ways he was bullshit (for following the government orders, for being his father's son, for being alive when her best friend was not). Steve felt like he was dying, that next day, but then Dustin had begged for help and he was protecting this group of shitheads who were too nosy for their own good.
By the time he graduated, he'd been kicked out of his family home, disowned, and was living in a shitty little shoebox of an apartment in Hawkins while he worked two jobs (one at Scoops Ahoy, and one at a cafe downtown). He's constantly exhausted, constantly nervous over the Upside-Down resurfacing, terrified for his kids. And he was right; the loss of Starcourt proved it.
Then there was Vecna. He'd been having nightmares for weeks, and then Max had talked about seeing some girl being killed (Della Devons, the head cheerleader at Hawkins High, according to Dustin), and how everyone was scared and how she might be next- Vecna had nearly destroyed them.
When Max woke up from her coma, Steve finally decided that enough was enough and told all of his kids that he was headed into the city. He was encouraged to go, when he told them all. Dustin had cried, but smiled and made Steve promise to let him visit as soon as he was settled.
An online ad asking for a roommate led him to Redemption Avenue- the actual name of the street, Steve thought was fitting for his goal. It was a rundown little place in the seedier part of the city, but this Eddie guy seemed okay, so Steve contacted him and fortunately, he was accepted.
Eddie was odd; he was delighted to have Steve, obviously, and helped Steve get a nice job at a local bakery after hearing that Steve loved to cook. Eddie kept weird hours, but always made sure to keep the noise down so Steve could rest.
Then, when Steve had his first night terror after moving into the apartment (so much nicer than the one he had in Hawkins), Eddie burst into his room with a knife instead of kicking him out. He hadn't even been angry; Eddie had just talked him down. He hadn't pressed Steve to explain why he had begged his demons to stop, please, I work for Scoops, just offered to stay and watch over Steve while he slept.
And then he stayed. And snuggled up to Steve when they woke up, clinging to him until Steve gave him caffeine and a breakfast omelet.
Eddie then started doting on Steve. Snacks whenever Steve came home from work, movie nights and dinners, late-night comfort cuddles after a particularly rough nightmare. Steve loved every second of it; he knew he adored Eddie more and more with each act of kindness, but he was terrified that it would backfire if he reached out.
Dustin had complained about Steve not pushing towards his goals, after one night when Steve was twenty-one and admitted that he wanted to be a nurse. Dustin helped him apply for college and he started classes that fall, but still, Eddie was a saint. Packed him lunches every night (usually it's leftovers of whatever Steve made, but sometimes it's a cute little box full of Steve's favorite treats), encouraged him to take breaks (sometimes he just picked Steve up and carried him to the couch, dropped Steve's latest knitting project on his lap, and glared until Steve allowed himself to hunker down and relax), and even reminded him that he had some assignments coming up (refused to ask about what courses he was taking, wouldn't even ask what the assignments were about, just labeled dates on the calendar for when they're due).
When Steve passed his final exams, Eddie was the first person he told. Eddie was ecstatic, and bullied Steve into visiting his hometown to celebrate with his family. Steve hadn't wanted to go, but Eddie convinced him that his kids would be proud and deserved to be able to celebrate with him.
Eddie also hosted a little party at home, with all of their neighbor friends: Taylor, Maria, Derek and Przemysław, Mason and Bill, Bruce and Donnar, Sam, and even Mrs. Ryans (who adored Steve but despised Eddie). Steve was made to feel like he was special, worthy of this celebration, and Eddie just kept piling on to it.
On Steve's first day of his new job (a pediatric nurse at the nearby hospital), Eddie packed lunch for him. It was one of Steve's favorites, lasagna, with as many of Steve's favorite snacks as would fit in his lunchbox. There was even a note; a cute little comic of Nurse Steve saving a little boy. It's when he sees that little note that Steve is struck by the realization that he's completely infatuated with Eddie. He's in love with his dorky roommate. Steve is delighted at first, he almost calls Eddie to tell him, but he's struck with the sudden thought that it could end up like his relationship with Nancy. On top of that, how could he tell Eddie about all of the Upside-Down bullshit? He couldn't keep that secret from someone he loved- so he decided to squash it all down, refuse to acknowledge it, and pray that it wouldn't ruin what he had with Eddie already.
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tartanbowtie · 1 year
Good Omens Heaven Is a Cult
In Good Omens, Heaven is a cult. A religious cult.
And Aziraphale and Crowley are not on the same page about this.
Crowley was cast out of the cult for (presumably) openly questioning it, and sees it for what it is. He is still deeply traumatised by the experience (we see it with his houseplants, his reactions to rejection, to forgiveness, etc), but he has shed his identity as a cult member entirely. He isn't that angel anymore, nor does he want to be. 
He has been forced to depend on another cult—Hell (which has some elements of a commercial cult, multi-level marketing style)—but very clearly resents having to do so. He isn't a demon by choice, and when Beelzebub offers a deal to welcome the former demon back, he tells them just where they can stick it. 
Aziraphale, on the other hand, is uncomfortable with Heaven, aware that it isn't nearly as good as it's supposed to be. He has distanced himself from it, but he hasn't left it, and he still can't admit to himself that it is a cult. He rationalises and makes excuses and uses mental compartmentalisation to deal with the massive cognitive dissonance. While he enjoys the relative freedom he's had after Heaven partly disowns him after Armageddidn't, he is still, deep down, in its clutches. He believes that underneath all the atrocities, Heaven is still "the good guys", and craves being welcomed back, because he still identifies as a cult member an angel.  And he carries his own religious trauma.
This is why he fundamentally can't understand that it is unthinkable for Crowley to return to the cult Heaven, to give up his independence, his identity, and become an obedient cult member angel again. He still thinks that Crowley, deep down, craves to be accepted by the cult again. And he really doesn't understand how hurtful his continued insistence on this is to Crowley. 
Crowley understands all that. He sees it, and he knows that you can't argue with a cult member to make them see that the cult is a cult, that it's toxic. It's something they have to discover for themselves. He knows that trying to force Aziraphale to see is most likely just going alienate him and drive him back into the arms of the cult (although he's so desperate in the final fifteen that he does just that).
He's been trying for 6,000 years to nudge Aziraphale into a position where he can make that discovery and admission, patiently offering the tools Aziraphale needs to get there.
And it seemed he was getting somewhere. Especially after Armageddidn't.
But then the Metatron showed up, expertly using cultish mind-control techniques to reel Aziraphale back into the cult.
Others have described the Metatron's manipulation tactics in great detail (here's a great YT analysis), so I'll just give a few examples here:
"I am your new best friend"; love bombing; threats, over-the-top promises
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denigration of the past self; emotional unfreezing; heightened emotion
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And finally, information compartmentalization; not letting you see the big picture until you are "ready" to accept it, or it's too late for you to back out (this is where I think the Metatron makes his fatal mistake, but more on that later)
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The Metatron skillfully plays on Aziraphale's millennia-long cultish conditioning to sacrifice his own wants and needs for the cult's Greater Good, his inferiority complex, and his genuine desire to protect and make right (he is a guardian angel, after all).
Paradoxically, Aziraphale’s love for Crowley makes him more susceptible to the Metatron's manipulation: He wants to keep Crowley safe, from Heaven (the Metatron's implicit threat), and from Hell's retribution (a danger that was always there, but which has become more tangible after Shax' threats). And as Supreme Archangel, he really believes he would be able to protect Crowley—if they're together in Heaven.
The Metatron's (insincere) offer to restore Crowley as an angel preys on Aziraphale's own guilt at (he believes) having caused Crowley to Fall. He sees a chance to make amends and right a wrong, to restore to Crowley what should never have been taken from him: his rightful place in the cult Heaven. Because as I said, he doesn't understand.
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But Crowley doesn't know that this is what's going through Aziraphale's mind. Or, his capacity to understand is effectively short-circuited when Crowley’s own religious trauma makes him think Aziraphale is saying he isn't good enough for Aziraphale the way he is.
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Nothing to see here, just an ex-cult member a fallen angel reenacting his religious trauma
Unpacking all the miscommunication going on in the ineffable divorce scene needs its own post or ten, or a hundred. But for the record, I don't believe in the coffee theory, the time-manipulation theory, or the body-swap theory. Or any of the other theories that make this anything other than the heartbreak of two people deeply in love, hurting each other because of a complete breakdown of communication caused by unresolved trauma.
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So Crowley drives away, gutted by the experience of laying his heart bare for Aziraphale only to be rejected, and of seeing his life companion choosing the cult over him, of going to the one place he cannot follow. I'm worried for Crowley. Yes, he is, at heart, an optimist. But how will our hero cope?
And Aziraphale is devastated, too, at having his outstretched hand slapped away, at having his own oblique declaration of love denied, at Crowley running away from them, from responsibility, again.
But still, this is where I am hopeful. Because Crowley's patient nudging hasn't been in vain. Aziraphale has already stopped the end of the world once, and he was the one who convinced Crowley to continue fighting long after Crowley would have given up (guardian angel, right?). 
I know, I know. Aziraphale didn't listen when Crowley told him "When Heaven ends life here on Earth, it'll be just as dead as if Hell ended it." But that's because he didn't know, then, what Crowley knew: that this was what Heaven was already planning at that very moment, and that the reason Heaven went after Gabriel was that he tried to stop it (Aziraphale probably still thinks it was for loving a demon, which further colours his thinking). Crowley never had the time to tell him. The Metatron saw to that. It's always too late. 
Or is it?
The Metatron has just told Aziraphale about the Second Coming, sure in his belief that he is "ready" to accept it. But Aziraphale isn't ready. He is appalled, shaken to his core. I think this is the moment the scales fall from his eyes, and he finally allows himself to see that Heaven is a cult. A destructive religious cult. And now, everything clicks into place for him. At last, Crowley's words and actions make sense. And our determined guardian angel starts making his plans.
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I don't know what Aziraphale is planning, if he's going to tear down the cult from within. But I think the Metatron is about to find out that evil always contains the seeds of its own destruction.
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Your Astarion works have got me in a choke hold, I swear- and I'm feeling angsty right now 😅
So there's that dialogue in game, where Astarion tells you that he was locked in a coffin for a year and just- imagine ascended astarion punishing Tav in a similar fashion, and it's only after he frees her/them that he realizes what he did.
Tav meanwhile, is understandably an inconsolable mess and starving and has no idea what to do.
Okay so anon this request literally had a mind of its own and decided it would be great to just do the ascension scene but for tav cuz Astarion fucked up lol
rated M
Warnings, spoiler about Szarr family line, cult cult this is not good, trauma
1k words of PAIN
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"Astarion! No, please! Please, don't do this! I'm sorry!"
Astarion has not stopped staring at the portrait of you hanging in the grand hall, The Hero of Baldur’s Gate. That painter you saved gifted you this as payment for saving him twice.
His eyes fall to your sweet closed smile, your beautiful handsome face captured in this frame.
"You promised!"
He promised he was nothing like Cazador… He isn't anything like Cazador, Astarion loves you. Oh, he loves you more than you can comprehend. However, he has to be fair even with his beloved.
His hand makes a fist as he tries to make excuse upon excuse for punishing you the same way that twisted bastard punished him. This… This is the lowest form of punishment he could give you. You had to be punished!
He releases his hand when feels blood, opening his palm to see the blood seeping out from the cuts.
Astarion eyes closed, you must be starving by now. In ten days he will release you. Just a few more hours. Then he will have you in his arms.
A thrall runs up to him, bowing, "My lord!" Panicking and out of breath.
"What is it?" He can't brood in peace.
"The– The coffin," Astarion raised an eyebrow, "It's missing, my lord."
"..." He turns calmly towards the thrall, "Gone?" He grabbed the fragile human by the neck, "I gave you one job to watch over a single coffin and it suddenly is gone!?" Astarion's fangs bared and eyes glowing with murderous intensity, "I should skin you alive!"
"My deepest apologies, my lord! I was caught off guard by–" Words choked out as Astarion's grip nearly asphyxiated the life out of them, "A vampire came from nowhere! She–"
"She?" Astarion dropped the thrall, "Explain quickly."
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You were there locked away in the attic all alone with nothing but the creaking of old wood and the scurry of rats to fill the silent void. The darkness, Gods, you tried to picture anything in the darkness or sleep it away with dreams but all you had were nightmares. You cried, pleaded, but with no answer not even a ‘no’ in response. There was nothing, isolation, emptiness, a small space that felt like it was closing in, to the point of swallowing you whole.
Astarion told you for ten days you will be sealed away. This is the lowest form of punishment he could give you after what you did.
He lied to you and broke his promise, you should've known better but you are a naive fool.
Then the coffin opened, your arms covering your face as you had not seen the light in a while.
"Come on!" A little girl's voice.
You burst out of the coffin like a scared creature on all fours, your claws red with your own blood from scratching, but the warding seal had locked you away. Breathing hard, you barely can see before her young voice centers you.
“Easy there,” She reaches out to touch you but stops unsure if you want to be touched, “You’re not trapped anymore.”
Incognita the reason for your punishment: you stepped between Astarion and his murderous judgment to kill every last Szarr. Including one who disowned her family.
She is innocent! You showed proof and defended her.
"What—How are you here!? No, better yet you shouldn't be here!" Panicking as the girl waves it off.
"I wasn't going to let that asshole hurt you!" She helps you out of the coffin, "Here, drink this. Then follow me." Handing you a healing potion bottle but the liquid is clearly not a potion but blood. "I'll explain everything along the way."
The niece of Cazador Szarr found you as she has been watching within the walls of the Crimson Palace the new owner and thralls with spawns alike walking about.
Her uncle is dead and a new master has claimed his home.
She hates Astarion, though doesn't fault him completely for how he is. Cazador knew well how to make monsters.
"Thank you." You say as Incognita guides you through the deeper sections of the crypt. Your mind on the monster you love-- loved… Should no longer love.
Astarion, what has happened to him?! He swore never to hurt you the way Cazador has hurt him, broken him, yet the proof is the coffin with his magic to seal it.
A broken seal… He is going to know someone let you out.
Once outside the Crimson Palace, she takes you to the sewers. There is a hideout she found abandoned and has been using for some time. She explains that found a way to get out of the city and that she wants you to join her.
"He doesn't deserve you!" Defending her case once inside the hideout, "You aren't like the others, are you?" She has seen it. Astarion is cruel to you yet loving to you, it is confusing and all types of wrong in her eyes.
"To love is to be changed as they say." You are not sure you could explain to her why you stay, though it is not by choice these days.
"... Isn't that supposed to be in a good way?"
You laugh dryly, "Yeah. It is supposed to be." When you look at her you can't see why Astarion wanted her dead, sure you know why but she is nothing like her family members. Her diaries told as much. She tried to rename herself, tried to be better than them. The girl fights with her nature. A child vampire is not looked upon kindly and most vampires see them as wild creatures who need to be fed too much.
You protected her because it was the right thing to do.
"We can run away." She offers.
You smile, "You can run. He will track us both down if I run with you." You grab a piece of paper from the many on the wall, "Find the Devil's Fee, tell them I sent you. Tell them you will only speak to Hope. She can help you."
"What about you? You can't go back there." Confused as you remove a simple necklace off of your neck and put it on her, "(Name), what are you—"
"This is an amber with the blood of Lathander inside. May his blessing find its way to you."
The girl touches the warm amber and then looks up at you, "Is this a goodbye." You nod at her statement, "Find a cure. Live a proper life."
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Astarion would and could rip the city apart to find you. If the search had not ended with a messenger bird delivering a letter with your handwriting and a location, Astarion might have started doing so. Instead, he moves swiftly to meet you.
Meet you in the ruins of the temple of Bhaal, there are bodies everywhere of what seems to be cultists who were trying to restore the temple. Runes everywhere, blood magic, glow whispering the abyssal language.
All of them speak in half nonsensical rhymes, but all with a theme about a prodigal child.
The temple smells fresh with death and blood, the symbol of the skull long gone and now a statue of a bat with ruby eyes is crafted into the stone.
"Never again will they control me." Your voice echoes, there you stand in the pool of blood.
The blood smells sweet, sickly, and wrong.
"Astarion," Your back facing him, "Thank you." You gaze up at the statue, "There is only one way to stop evil in this world." A conversation when he suggested controlling the cult of the Absolute rather than destroying it, "To control everything. To rip freedom from them." The room glows, the power raw, and has him dropping to his knees, "You showed me the powerful do not protect the weak. They enslave them! Forcing us to crawl, beg, and suffer!"
You summon forth your gift, the beast consuming your body and morphing you into a bat-like creature.
"I will never live in fear of anything, especially of you!"
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aledethanlast · 1 year
If I'm already on the topic of the foxes and grown ups, let's talk about Kevin.
I think Kevin mellows out a lot by the time he goes pro. In part because there's not nearly so large an axe over his neck anymore, but largely because around his fourth year, when pro teams start seriously trying to recruit him, he realizes that his caustic and dismissive attitude towards his teammates can't really fly anymore. It's a Raven behavior, a label he's both disavowed and been disowned by, and most coaches are not his dad who will let him do whatever and kowtow to his expertise. He was an assistant coach for one semester, and never a captain. His behavior has a deadline and if he misses it, it might end his career. He's gonna need to make an actual effort.
And he wants to make the effort! He always admired the Trojans for their good nature, and while he is definitely a fox, he thinks he'd very much like being part of a more friendly team.
So when he signs on to his first pro team (the culmination of six weeks of studying various teams for play style, lineups, press reputation, and point stats), he feels ready to turn over a new leaf. If nothing else, he thinks he'd like to make more friends now that he doesn't have Andrew and Neil around all the time. And the team seems like a nice bunch! They're talented, driven, he can see how he can mesh with them.
This sentiment lasts him about a week.
"Put Neil on the goddamn phone," he says as he slams the door of his car.
"Kevin," his father says on the other end of the line. "We are at practice right now."
"I know, that's why I called you."
His father sighs in the way he does when he needs a few seconds to debate who he should blame for this latest headache. Then he hears a fist on glass on the other end, and a minute later the little fucker says "Kevin. How are you."
"I don't know how you did this or why, but I am going to fucking end you."
"Please be more specific." Smug little motherfucker. Kevin slams his foot on the gas and pretends it's Neil's neck. Though he eases up a bit when he almost tailspins out of the parking lot. He hasn't driven a car in six years, fucking sue him.
"Practice ended three hours ago, Neil. I am now leaving the stadium. Can you guess what I was doing in that meantime?"
"Rediscovering the lost city of Atlantis," Neil says, deadpan, and when Kevin goes to trial for homicide he is going to play this recording back for the court and they're going to call it justified.
"No, see, by the time Gotlieb started talking about Atlantis, I knew he was fucking with me. That doesn't salvage the two goddamn hours I spent trying to convince my teammates that the pyramids weren't, I shit you not, built by Napoleon." He pauses as he reconsiders what just came out of his mouth. "This was Andrew's idea, wasn't it?"
"Kevin, if you only talk to people about exy, they're going to think they can only talk to you about exy. Now your team knows you're an actual fucking person. Have fun with that."
Plague upon his fucking house. "Are you expecting a thank you?"
"You promised yourself you'll make more friends. I'm just holding you to it. So...yes."
Kevin doesn't say it, and he tells himself its because Neil doesn't need the ego. Somehow Neil hears him anyway. "Drive home safe, Kevin."
"Go get your rookies in line, Captain," Kevin says, and hangs up. He dials Andrew next; he needs to know just how much of Kevin's thesis Andrew turned into conspiracy fodder.
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uncpanda · 1 year
Found in the Fort
Requested by: ANON 
Prompt: “Your eyes are the prettiest things I’ve ever seen”
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader 
Warnings: Pretty heavy toxic family. Nothing graphic, but still. 
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“I’ve never met the parents before.” 
“I’ve never introduced a boy to my parents before.” 
“That’s not really all that comforting.” 
“It wasn’t meant to be.” 
Dick shoots you a look, and your lips quirk up. To be honest, you’re dreading this meeting more than he is. On the other side of the restaurant doors await your parents and two older sisters. Your parents, while rich, had been unhappily married for nearly twenty years now. 
Then there were your sisters. Jill was a high profile business executive who chose not to have a relationship. The other, Jan, was a partier who was intent on being a reality TV star. And then there was you. You were messed up in your own particular way, but you’d sought help. Your therapist had worked wonders in getting you over your troubles with relationships and teaching you how to deal with your parents. 
You feel Dick place a hand on the small of your back, “Are you okay?” 
You don’t look at him, “I’m just going to apologize now.” 
“Nothing that happens tonight is your fault.” 
You pull away and walk to the bench a few steps away; he follows. You take a few deep breaths and look at him, “I know nothing they do or say is my fault, but man I don’t want to do this.”
He takes your hand in his, “We can always go.” 
You shake your head, “No. I need to do this. Let’s go.” 
He squeezes your hand once, and the two of you go inside. You spot your father immediately. He smiles at you, Jill looks up from her phone long enough to wave, your mother continues drinking, and Jan continues taking selfies. 
The night goes about how you would expect. Your father drills Dick on his plans for the future and his career. You can tell he’s not a fan of the detective thing. Your oldest sister barely says hi, your mother asks questions that border on too personal, and your other sister keeps trying to take pictures of him.
Halfway through dinner you’re mentally drained, and you excuse yourself to the bathroom. You’re in the middle of washing your hands when Jan comes in. She pauses at the sink. You begin the countdown in your head, you only reach five before she asks, “How the hell did you land Bruce Wayne’s adoptive son?” 
You turn the water off, “He has a name.” 
“Who cares. I can’t believe you haven’t locked him down yet. I mean, I know he’s a cop, but still, when his old man dies that money has to go somewhere.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek as anger wells inside you, “I’m not with him for his money.” 
“Believe it or not Jan, money isn’t the most important thing to some of us.” 
She looks at you, “What family did you grow up in? Mom and dad hate each other, but they won’t get divorced because of the money. Jill works her ass off so she has the same money. Me? I find rich guys who can do the work for me. And your rich guy? He has the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.” 
That’s the last straw, “Go to hell Jan. If you want to be like mom and dad and Jill, you go right ahead. Not me.” 
You head out of the bathroom. You stop long enough at the table to grab Dick, “We’re leaving.” 
He doesn’t even try to disguise his relief, “Thank God.” 
You ignore the calls of your family as the two of you head out. Once you’re out in the fresh air, you suck in a deep breath. 
Dick waits for you to say something, “Man . . . my family sucks.” 
“Yeah. They do. Do you feel better?”  
You smile and look at your husband, “About not having them in Eleanor’s life? Yeah. About not having them in our lives? Yes again.”
He wraps an arm around your shoulder and starts guiding you down the street, “I still have no idea why they reached out after all this time.” 
Dick nods, “I might. Your dad was hinting at money troubles while you were in the bathroom.” 
You feel a headache coming on, “Makes sense. They disowned me when I stopped playing their games. We’ve been together five years, married three. They didn’t come to the wedding or even call when I had the baby, but hey, when they’re running out of money . . .” 
Dick brings you in close to him. He wraps himself around you in a protective bubble, and he kisses your forehead. “Let’s go home.” 
It’s much earlier than expected when you walk into your apartment. There’s a large blanket fort in your living room, and you can smell fresh cookies in the kitchen. You hear giggling in the fort. You silently slip off your shoes and crawl in, with Dick right behind you. You find Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Damian in the fort they’re all reading. Eleanor is in there too, fast asleep on Bruce’s chest. You smile at the sight. 
They don’t ask any questions and you’re grateful for that. Instead, Bruce seamlessly passes your sleeping daughter to you. You and Dick cuddle her close and you thank the Lord for this family you found. 
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inamindfarfaraway · 3 months
Elena of avalor goes crazy
Esteban’s song something I would never do Is essentially a whole soliloquy in a preschool show
Elena of Avalor goes SO HARD. Sometimes it’s pretty standard Disney Junior fare, but then every now and then, to keep you sharp, it punches you in the jaw with darkness or moral complexity or really profound, emotional storytelling. Esteban’s whole antivillain-antihero ping pong arc is rightfully iconic. But I want to call out Elena herself too. The protagonist of this Disney Junior princess TV show, the one little girls even younger than Disney’s average demographic are meant to look up to and connect with, clearly has PTSD, repeatedly demonstrating symptoms like flashbacks, panic attacks and hypervigilance. Her character growth is so well-done. She has serious flaws and makes meaningful mistakes, and then matures and takes accountability for them. Not all her issues are resolved within a few episodes or even whole seasons. In Season Three she gets a lot worse in some ways due to trauma. But she chooses to do the right thing enough, and receives enough help and support from her loved ones, to remain a good person and become a better one. She’s a genuinely great role model for kids and has so much older people can relate to and appreciate.
Like, Frozen has got a lot of praise for its portrayal of mental illness. And I am so glad that it did what it did, giving symptoms of anxiety and depression sympathetic representation in a mainstream, theatrically released, incredibly popular Disney movie. But Elena does everything Elsa does on Disney freaking JUNIOR and more over more time. Superpowers? Check. Beautiful, evolving relationship with her younger sister? Check. Rules a kingdom? Check. Is mentally ill, uses unhealthy coping mechanisms like emotional repression and learns healthier ones? Check. Sings amazing musical numbers? Check. Never falls in love? Check. None of the main cast have a romantic subplot! The importance is all on family and friendship! It makes this asexual very happy. Nearly kills people? Multiple times! Actually kills someone? Check. Wait, what? Elsa didn’t do that!
Yeah, let’s talk about the murder, shall we? I particularly love how this series handles revenge. Elena really, really wants to kill Shuriki, both to protect her country and to avenge her parents and herself. Her family have a debate about this. Do they argue that killing or acting in hatred and anger is always wrong? That not even the pure evil Shuriki deserves it? That it would be an irrevocable moral stain on her soul to take any life? Nope! They argue that she matters too much as the ruler to run off and attack an extremely powerful, deadly threat and it would be more effective in the bigger picture to let her royal guards do their job. Their disagreement is entirely practical. Nobody suggests that Shuriki should be forgiven or offered a second chance. When Elena later defeats Shuriki in an epic final duel, she does indeed kill her! She incinerates her with a fire spell! The narrative never shames or punishes her for this, only rewards her, and she doesn’t feel any remorse or forget to value life as a result. A Disney Junior princess commits first-degree murder in cold blood and it’s depicted completely positively. She did what she had to do and is happier and safer for it. BUT then in the next season, she really, really wants to kill Esteban because he was directly responsible for Shuriki getting to do everything she did to Avalor and its royal family, even though he initially has no malice toward anyone and just doesn’t want to be imprisoned. Her pursuing him with unnecessary aggression and coldly disowning him when he tries to make amends gradually drives him to seek power and be an actual villain to compensate for his ruined life. She’s disproportionately fixated on catching and hurting him over the greater good and her own wellbeing. This time her thirst for vengeance is negative because it harms herself and others who don’t deserve it. She’s sympathetic and understandable throughout, but not making wise or kind decisions for herself or her loved ones, like not letting Isabel to talk about her feelings on Esteban with her. In the end, she does need to forgive Esteban to save everyone and have peace. But only after he tangibly proves his change of heart by sacrificing himself for her. The NUANCE.
Also, going back to Frozen comparison, I would like to point out that if you’re sick of them, Elena of Avalor has no twist villains. But it does have an array of interesting villains who are fun to watch and can be surprisingly layered and dynamic. Victor and Carla have a natural redemption arc building off their established true love for each other. Ash loses her love for her family to become even more immoral. She essentially kills (petrifies) her husband before their daughter’s eyes. They didn’t need to go that hard, but they did. Shuriki is a sorcerer queen with classic Disney villain confidence and flair, and has the added menace that a) she literally murders Elena’s parents in front of her in her first scene and b) she’s a colonising dictator who we actually see oppressing her conquered people through realistic methods of cultural suppression and police intimidation. They didn’t need to go that hard, but they did!
Thanks for the ask!
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addsalwayssick · 5 months
Marauders Night At the Museum Au part 1
Remus pressed his lips into a line a quirked his eyebrow. James, on the other hand, smiled. “Thank you, sir.” James said, patting his back.
“You start tonight. There are rules in the cabinet.” Albus said, waving them out of his office door for the night.
Albus soon packed up, leaving both Remus and James behind in the sunset.
Remus pulled out a book, starting to read. “You’re so boring. We should be exploring.” James sighed, spinning around in a spinny chair.
Remus rolled his eyes. The sunset drew to a close, as a curtain of darkness fell upon them. James, now sleeping in a chair, only awoke when Remus screamed. Now, James was expecting a robber, or a burglar or something. What he was not expecting was a skeleton dog trying to get behind the circular desk that James and Remus were sat at. James was wide awake now. “Holy crap! What do we do?” James yelps.
“Get the rules!” Remus says, his voice rushed.
James tries to open the cabinet Albus said it would be in, failing to. “It’s locked!” James said.
“Try again!” Remus shouted.
“I can’t!”
They heard a piercing whistle throughout the museum, and everything stopped. A man wearing tight pants, and a complicated top came out. The skeleton dog rushed to him, sitting by his side. “What are we doing chasing the new night guards?” He asked the dog. The man was gorgeous. With his long dark hair, eyes silver yet warm, and a smile radiating through the cold air of the museum.
Remus thought he was beautiful. Remus had never thought of anyone like that. “Who are you?” Remus said, coming to his senses.
“I am Prince Sirius Orion Black the lll of France. Well, previously I suppose. It is…2024, non? Well I was disowned in 1775, so I suppose that’s that. I was killed in 1780, though, so it didn’t matter.” He said, his black hair swishing elegantly, despite his sad story.
“Are you alone?” Remus asked carefully, his mind swimming with questions. “Are you real?”
Sirius laughed. “No, i’m not alone. I have my brother Regulus. He got disowned and guillotined in the same day. He technically died before me. Only by a month, though. And no, i’m not real. I’m made of wax.”
“Where is Regulus?” James found himself clearing his throat and asking.
“Well he got sent out for enjoying men’s company and guillotined for having no desire to be a woman, so most likely changing. They’re awful here, they put him in a corset every day. He changes, every night though.” Sirius told them.
Remus and James’s mouths dropped. At the stunned silence, Sirius groans. “Please don’t tell me you don’t like the fact we prefer men over ladies. Ladies are lovely, I just don’t like them. The last night guards were like that and-“
“You like men too?” Remus chokes out.
Sirius nods carefully. Remus gets up out of his seat, patting Sirius in the back. “I’m sorry that happened to you. I promise James and I don’t care. I’m bisexual and James is Pan”
Sirius furrows his eyebrows. “You speak two languages? As do I. What does that have to do with anything. And James is a pan? He doesn’t look like one.”
Remus laughs. “I like men and woman. James likes everyone.”
Sirius frowns. “Oh. That’s nice. So what am I called?”
“You just like men, right?” Remus asks, taking him to the seats. The dog follows. Sirius nods. “Then you’re gay, probably.”
“Gay? As in happy? Well, I suppose I am happy with men.” Sirius thinks aloud.
Remus laughs, brushing his hair out of his face.
James, on the other hand, is nearly banging his head against the desk. He truly didn’t think life could get any crazier after his boyfriend of 2 years broke up with him, kicking him out, with no job. But of course, wax statues, skeleton dogs, animals, and is that a talking statue of George Washington? are coming alive. James was not having the best time. He was happy his best friend, Remus, finally met someone (even if it was a wax statue) and thought that was awesome, except for the fact they were talking wax statues that are now alive. Wasn’t Remus supposed to be the logical one?
But then again, all his logic apparently flew away when a man walked down the stairs with James’s clothes on. James coughed. “Those are my clothes.”
The man turned to him and frowned. “Hm. Sorry. Yours must have been the locker I nestled into. I have to steal these clothes you see, because apparently committing so called treason and getting executed isn’t enough for me to be put in men’s clothes.”
“Oh, no! It’s totally okay, just a bit of a shock. Considering it had my name on the back and things.” James choked.
James had walked in wearing a spider-man t-shirt, black jeans, and a letterman jacket from high school that said ‘Potter 03’ on it. He had to change into his uniform, so the clothes went into the locker.
It seemed wrong that someone as elegant as this man before him was wearing something so casual. He looked as if he belonged in a painting.
He smiled. “Thank you then.”
“Are you Regulus?” James asks, fascinated by this new man.
Regulus nods. “I suppose Sirius had told you our entire life story?” James nods. “Thought so.” When James looked confused, Regulus sighs. “He tells everyone.”
i haven’t posted any writing in literally forever so have this unfinished scrap xx
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